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Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Paul Burchill.


Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus.


R-Truth, Yoshi Tatsu, and the WWE United States Champion the Big Show vs. Randy Orton and the Hart Dynasty.


Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk.


Mark Henry vs. Batista.

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Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Paul Burchill.


Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus.


R-Truth, Yoshi Tatsu, and the WWE United States Champion the Big Show vs. Randy Orton and the Hart Dynasty.


Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk.


Mark Henry vs. Batista.

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Unified Tag Team Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Paul Burchill.


Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus.


R-Truth, Yoshi Tatsu, and the WWE United States Champion the Big Show vs. Randy Orton and the Hart Dynasty.


Kofi Kingston vs. CM Punk.

Mark Henry vs. Batista.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 9/27/10


At the opening of the show, Triple H makes his way out, talking about how in six days, he's going to right all of the wrongs and take on Batista in Hell in a Cell. He talks about how Batista wouldn't be anything if Triple H had not brought him in as part of Evolution and now Triple H is going to put Batista down for good. Triple H shifts gears to Edge, talking about how he should have known he could not depended on Edge and talks about how Edge might have won the WWE Championship a lot of times, but when you add up all of his reigns, you'll be lucky if you get a year. Out comes Edge, who has the WWE Championship draped over his shoulder and talks about how Triple H had everything handed to him and how Edge had to bust his butt to get title shots and get on top. He talks about how Triple H hasn't held the championship in over a year and Triple H agrees that perhaps he should change that tonight. He challenges Edge to a WWE Championship Match tonight and Edge, despite having to defend the belt in six days against CM Punk, accepts the challenge. One of the biggest championship matches in 900 plus episodes of RAW tonight, with Edge putting the WWE Championship on the line against Triple H. The entire complexion of Hell in a cell could change.


Batista pinned Mark Henry with the Batista Bomb in 5:55 We see footage from 2006 before this match, where Mark Henry attacked Batista on Smackdown, the results putting him on the shelf for months and Batista returning the favor on Saturday Night's Main Event, injuring Henry, so there is a lot of bad blood. Batista was a one man wrecking crew tonight, destroying Mark Henry, ending things with a thunderous Batista Bomb, showing his power, as he took over four hundred pounds in the air. This Sunday, Batista will be locked inside Hell in a Cell against Triple H, the first time ever two men who have competed inside Hell in a Cell before have been locked inside that demonic structure a second time. (C+)


Mia Mancini and Maryse stand by backstage, hyping up the first ever women's Hell in a Hell Match for the Undisputed Women's Title, with Mia Mancini putting her belt on the line against Beth Phoenix. Maryse says that once Beth Phoenix loses, she'll be shut out of the title picture together. But remember, if Beth Phoenix wins the belt, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse and after all of the taunting Maryse has given the Glamazon recently, reveng might be sweet.


Sheamus pinned Evan Bourne with a Bicycle Kick as Bourne tried to springboard into the ring in 7:12 A preview for the Unified Tag Team Titles, with Bourne and Mysterio defending against Sheamus and Burchill this Sunday. Bourne used all kinds of high impact offense but Sheamus cut off Bourne, before finishing him off for the victory, nailing him with a Bicycle Kick. (B-)


Kofi Kingston pinned CM Punk with a backslide in 10:11 Punk seemed distracted in this match and was looking towards his WWE Championship shot against Edge this Sunday. Kofi caught him off guard many times and Punk, turning to taunt the crowd, gets backslided and pinned. Kofi Kingstson, as he has many times before, scores a huge win and walks to the back, slapping hands with the fans. (B)


We see prerecorded promos from both R-Truth and Randy Orton. Orton looks angered, talking about R-Truth could have taken the RKO and been down and done, before back to living a comfortable existence of facing the likes of Zack Ryder and Rene Dupree, but instead, he had to make a name for himself. R-Truth talks about how Orton thinks he's the top dog on RAW, but R-Truth will neuter him at Hell in a Cell. R-Truth says he pinned Orton once and he'll do it again.


R-Truth, Yoshi Tatsu, and the WWE United States Champion the Big Show defeated the Hart Dynasty and Randy Orton when Truth pinned Orton with a roll up in 9:55 The Big Show runs wild early, but Tatsu gets cut down, beaten down in the corner, until the hot tag is made to R-Truth. Truth runs in, knocking down the Hart Dynasty, but Orton jumps him from behind and beats on Truth. Orton is going to go for the punt but R-Truth rolls out of the way and hits a flash roll up on Orton to hold his shoulders down for the three! For the second week in a row, R-Truth has pinned Randy Orton in the center of the ring. (B)


Rey Mysterio defeated Paul Burchill via disqualification in 9:22 Burchill and Rey had an impressive encounter, with Burchill beating down Rey. Burchill threw the referee down in his attempt to further assault Rey throughout this match and this was a disqualification victory for Rey. Afterwards, Evan Bourne tried to make the save but Sheamus cut him off and the Unified Tag Team Champions were laid out by their challengers this Sunday. (B+)


WWE Champion Edge battled Triple H to a no contest after the referee threw the match out due to interference of CM Punk and Batista in 14:22 Both of these men had an impressive match, with Triple H working on the ankle of Edge, but Edge fighting back. Triple H hits the Pedigree on Edge but Punk comes out, to save his title shot and Batista jumps in, leading to a brawl in the ring. Batista and Triple H brawl, as Punk goes for the GTS on Edge but Edge counters with a swinging DDT! Punk is dumped on his head and Edge goes for the Spear, but Punk bails. This Sunday, both Punk and Edge, along with Batista and Triple H, will be in the unforgiving confines of Hell in a cell. (B)





MattitudeV2: 2/5

BHK1978: 3/5

Lo-Drew: 1/5

Kijar: 1/5


Overall September

BHK1978: 46/66

Lo-Drew: 43/66

MattitudeV2: 41/66

Kijar: 26/66

ChrisKid: 13/66

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ECW On Sy Fy 9/28/10


The show goes on the air and Frankie Kazarian is in the ring, talking about how he purchased time to speak his mind out of his own pocket. Kazarian talks about how last week, the beginning of a revolution that was nearly twenty six years in the making began. He talks about how Vincent Kennedy McMahon through underhanded tactics and theft of talent destroyed every single wrestling promotion in his path, until the WWE Juggernaut was the only one left standing. The words “professional wrestling” was replaced by “Sports Entertainment” and wrestlers were merely “superstars.” The fans became the WWE Universe and belts became titles. Men who would be laughed out of a circus sideshow and would not step foot in the wrestling world without being stretched, became World Champions, while men faded into obscurity or were forced to toil in a theme park in Orlando in front of some money mark who was too stupid to realize that she was being conned by a balding hasbeen who's act was stale fifteen years ago, a never was who had the same act for twenty years, a glorified magazine writer, Verne Gagne's coffee boy, and a drug addicted cripple who would have never gotten a second look if he didn't have a shiny gold medal around his neck. “Oh, it's true, it's true” quips Kazarian.


Kazarian states that five years ago, he went into WWE, with stars in his eyes and hopes to become one of the superstars. Yet, from the moment he stepped into the company, management tried to change who he was and what he was and that's a great professional wrestler. He was put in the ring a handful of times but despite the best efforts to mold him, Kazarian would not break and he would not have his shoulders pinned to the mat, not even once. Kazarian talks about how he didn't get fired, rather he quit and returned, where he was disrespected by the old folk's home in the theme park down south and forced to dress up as a character from a video game that only twelve people ever bought. They wouldn't know a talented competitor if it slapped them right in the face and Kazarian says he's not just whistling Dixie. Kazarian knew that if he wanted to make an impact, he would have to return to WWE but this time, he was not going to go at it alone. He was going to force the revolution and he would bring everything back to the way it was, the way it should be. Kazarian talks about how Sports Entertainment will be destroyed and the glory of Professional Wrestling will be brought back. The future is what was should have been all this time and those who can't hack it in the ring, will be put out to pasture.


Kazarian calls out a few men who share his claims and are ready to purify WWE back to its rightful palce. Out comes the Specialists, Lawerence Davis and Michael Courtier, along with Kaval. Kazarian talks about how the original ECW as built on revolution and its going to happen again but this time, we're going to not stop until every single sports entertainer in this company is laid to waste. Kazarian passes the microphone to Courtier, who talks about how the World's Greatest Tag Team is talked about as some great tag team but they've been tainted by the stench of Sports Entertainment. Not too long ago, Charlie Haas was imitating various WWE superstars to entertain the people. And need we mention Shelton Benjamin and his Mama. Corutier says the party is over this Sunday and if the Specialists win, then they will be next in line for a Unified Tag Team Title Shot.


Kazarian also has a few more words for the ECW Champion Bryan Danielson. He talks about how it was not out of malice for Danielson that he put him on the shelf last week, but to warn him of what is to come if he tried to stand in their way. Kazarian says Danielson is not one of them, he's one of us and they should join forces. Kazarian says that Danielson has some time to think about where his loyalities lie. He talks about how Danielson is considered to be the best in the world and he can wrestle circles around these entertainers on any day. However, if Danielson chooses to go against him, then they will not hesitate finishing the job that Kazarian started last week.


Kazarian joins Bryon Saxton and Josh Mathews for commentary, with Saxton talking about how Kazarian will be in trouble for saying those things on television. Kazarian talks about how if he disappears, that just justifies everything that he says. Josh Mathews tactfully states that Kazarian does make a lot of points that are valid, even if his action are suspect, but Kazarian states that there must be things done for the greater good of professional wrestling.


The Specialists and Kaval defeated Slam Master J, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Jamie Noble when Kaval pinned Yang with a reverse brain buster in 4:55 Kazarian is on commentary, ripping into the team of Slam Master J, Yang, and Noble for selling out to sports entertainment. He talks about how Noble is an accomplished submission wrestler, trained by Dean Malenko but now he's a redneck goof. He talks about how Yang is one of the best high flying competitors in the ring but he's playing a stereotypical goof, two stereotypes in fact. And he says that Slam Master J is Ray Gordy, the son of the legendary Terry Gordy, who Kazarian suspects might be rolling over in his grave if he saw what his son became, which causes Saxton to quickly cut Kazarian off to call the match, which is a brutalizing. A violent reverse brain buster destroys Yang for a pin and Kazarian states that no doubt some of the entertainers are sweating, at seeing a move like that, that they do not have the ability to pull it off. (C+)


Noble gets beaten down in the ring, by Kaval and the Specialists, but Goldust runs down to the ring with a crowbar in hand, to chase them off. Kazarian talks about how Goldust should throw down the crowbar and face them man to man but Goldust obviously is not going to take on a four on one advantage, not at least without some insurance. Noble is up and he stands beside Goldust, as the two men are staring down Kazarian and his team mates from the ring.


We are backstage with a new comer to ECW, David Otunga, who talks about how he is looking forward to getting an opportunity in ECW and to entertain the people and right on cue, Kazarian, the Specialists, and Kaval attack Otunga and beat him down. Kazarian yells, “I WARNED YOU” over and over again, as he beats Otunga, before giving him a vicious reverse Russian Legsweep on the concrete, but Goldust, along with Slam Master J, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Jamie Noble chase them off, as Otunga is down. Kazarian won't stop until ECW and the rest of the WWE has been cleansed of what he feels is a cancer in Sports Entertainment.


Eugene pinned Tyler Reks with a small package in 5:22 The fans welcomed the return of Eugene, who is looking to make a fresh start on ECW but Reks attacks him at the bell. Out comes Kazarian, who once again gets on commentary, talking about how people like Eugene are taking this company down a sewer that is an insult to the business and when Saxton tries to tell Eugene is here to have fun, Kazarian says that its not about having fun, its not about putting smiles on people's face, its about wrestling. Eugene rolls up Reks with a Small package to score the pin. (D)


Afterwards, Kazarian points to Eugene in the ring and says one word, “kill” which prompts the Specialists and Kaval to enter the ring and put a beating on Eugene but out comes Goldust, Jamie Noble, David Otunga, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Slam Master J to run off the dastardly wrestlers before they cause damage. There is some back and forth between Goldust and Kazarian, which leads to an eight man tag next week, with the Specialists, Kaval, and Frankie Kazarian taking on Goldust, Eugene, Jamie Noble, and making his in ring debut next week David Otunga.


We are backstage with the World's Greatest Tag Team, who talk about the wild tonight. In a matter of moments, Shelton Benjamin steps back into the ring with Frankie Kazarian. Benjamin talks about how Kazarian has been talking a lot of trash about people all night but tonight, he has to back it up in the ring. In comes the ECW General Manager Tiffany, who says she has to boot Haas from the building, because Kazarian refused to compete tonight unless he was guarenteed a one on one match. Haas asks what about the Specialists and Kaval and Tiffany says that Kazarian give her his word that they wouldn't interfere and she thinks he'll come out on it. When we try and get a quick word about Tiffany about why Kazarian has been allowed to run wild without any consequences, she declines comment.


Frankie Kazarian pinned Shelton Benjamin with a super fireman's carry Gutbuster after the Specialists interfered in 12:22 Kazarian hit a lot of moves that your average competitor in WWE does not use but Benjamin managed to show that he had some skills that he has not pulled out. The Specialists came out, to distract Benjamin and allowed Kazarian to finish off Benjamin by putting him on the top rope and hitting a fireman's carry gutbuster all of the way from the top rope to score the pin. (B)


Kazarian gets on the microphone, talking about how this was only night one of many in his eradication of the blight of sports entertainment. He restates his warning to Bryan Danielson, saying that if you choose to go against us, we'll be struck down by us and he makes a cryptic message that there are more of us, more of us willing to take back this business. The quartet of Kazarian, Kaval, and the Specialists are rather dangerous but to think that there are more of them waiting in the wings, to strike, no doubt everyone here on ECW and in fact, all brands in WWE, will be looking over their shoulders. Who can you trust? Can you trust anyone?




MattitudeV2: 2/2

Lo-Drew: 2/2

BHK1978: 2/2

Kijar: 1/2


Overall September

BHK1978: 48/68

Lo-Drew: 45/68

MattitudeV2: 43/68

Kijar: 27/68

ChrisKid: 13/68

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Hey you forget about me in predictions ^


Yeah, fixed now, sorry about that. Although in my defense, I had been up for thirty six straight hours trying to finish a major project for school so...yeah. I pretty much crashed all day after that but that's getting off topic.


Anyway, on with Superstars.


WWE Superstars 9/30/10


Justin Gabriel vs. Drew McIntyre.


Matt Hardy vs. the Miz.


Eve Torres and Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox and Jillian Hall.


Chris Masters vs. Ezekiel Jackson.

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WWE Superstars 9/30/10


Hype for tonight's main event from ECW, with Justin Gabriel squaring off one on one against Drew McIntyre.


Ezekiel Jackson pinned Chris Masters with the Uranage in 6:22 A battle of the powerhouses kicked things off on Superstars. Jackson and Masters had a test of strength, with Masters winning. Jackson fought back and powered Masters to the mat. Masters made a comeback but is nailed coming off the second rope and put away with the Uranage for the pin. (C+)


Hype for a huge pair of matches tomorrow night on Smackdown. Forty eight hours before he steps inside Hell in a Cell with the Undertaker, John Cena defends the World Heavyweight Championship against “The All American-American” Jack Swagger. Swagger could win the belt and go into Hell in a Cell to defend against the Undertaker. Also the Undertaker takes on the WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho in a blockbuster main event.


Gail Kim and Eve Torres defeated Jillian Hall and Alicia Fox when Kim pinned Fox with the Eat Defeat in 7:42 Eve was beaten down for most of this match but hot tag and Gail Kim entered the ring, cleaning house, before putting away Fox with the Eat Defeat for the pin. (C-)


The Miz pinned Matt Hardy with the Skull Crushing Finale in 9:07 The arrogant Miz and Matt Hardy had a swift back and forth match. The Miz seemed to have an overinflated ability of his own skills and Hardy got a couple of two counts. But Twist of Fate is blcoked and the SCF scores the pin. (C+)


Recap of the Edge-Triple H match from RAW, leading into Hell in a Cell, with Edge putting the WWE Championship on the line against CM Punk and Batista squaring off with the Undertaker.


Justin Gabriel pinned Drew McIntyre with a sunset flip out of the corner in 10:55 Two rivals on ECW square off with Gabriel using his high flying tactics to keep a good pace but McIntyre cuts off Gabriel and begins to beat him down. Gabriel is wiped out with a huge spinebuster and McIntyre destroys him with a series of elbows but Gabriel fights out. Ten count punches but McIntyre hotshots Gabriel and steps back, but Gabriel pulls out a sunset flip counter for the pin. Gabriel leaves the ring, leaving McIntyre seething in the ring as Superstars draws to a close. ©





Lo-Drew: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4


Final September

BHK1978: 50/72

Lo-Drew: 48/72

MattitudeV2: 43/72

Kijar: 27/72

ChrisKid: 13/72


BHK1978 is your winner for September. Hopefully I'll be able to PM you with details of your prize after Hell in a Cell is up, at least by Monday or Tuesday.

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The Undertaker vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


I think with this being a non-title match UT should have it in the bag.


World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Swagger vs. John Cena©


Christian vs. Ted DiBiase.


John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler.

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The Undertaker vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


World Heavyweight Championship:

Jack Swagger vs. John Cena©


Christian vs. Ted DiBiase.


John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler.


Same for all of us again?

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WWE Smackdown 10/1/10


The World Heavyweight Champion John Cena walks down to the ring, talking about Hell in a Cell and talking about how he's a fighting champion. Most champions would take the night off, forty eight hours before stepping into the most dangerous structure in wrestling with the Undertaker but last week, Jack Swagger called him out and Cena went straight to Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart and had the match made, giving Swagger a title shot. Out comes Swagger, who says that Cena's about to part ways with his title and then inside Hell in a Cell, Swagger will put down the Undertaker.


World Heavyweight Champion John Cena made Jack Swagger tap out the STF in 12:58 Swagger used his technical skills to keep Cena off bounds. Swagger hammers away at Cena and gutwrench suplex and pump splash. Swagger goes for the Gutwrench Power Bomb but Cena drops down and Cena hits a belly to back suplex. Cena beats on Swagger and Attitude Adjustment is blocked and Swagger delivers a chop block. Swagger goes to work on the leg and goes for the figure four leglock, but Cena counters with the STF for the tap out. (B+)


A recap of Morrison pinning Ted DiBiase last week and DiBiase comes out, talking about how John Morrison might have gotten one win but that's one win out of a million. DiBiase says if he loses to John Morrison again, he'll give John Morrison one hundred million dollars. Out comes John Morrison, accepting the challenge for two days from now in Hell in a Cell. DiBiase backs off, saying that Morrison should put something on the line. Morrison says that if he can't beat DiBiase again, he'll leave Smackdown but only if the Fortunate Sons are banned from ringside. DiBiase seems insulted that he needs any help to beat Morrison. The match is on, with Morrison putting his career on Smackdown on the line against one hundred million dollars. DiBiase leaves, as Morrison continues to the ring, for his match.


John Morrison pinned Dolph Ziggler with the Starship Pain in 9:44 Both men trade moves, with Chavo Guerrero being kicked out of the ringside area when he tries to interfere. Ziggler goes for a sleeperhold but Morrison flips over the back and hits the Pele Kick, before finishing off Ziggler with the Starship Pain for the pin. ©


Out comes Laycool to the ring. Michelle McCool cuts a promo, mocking Alexandra Madison and talking about how she should learn her place. Last week, her victory over Layla was a fluke and Layla looks ready to prove that tonight. Out comes Alexandra Madison, who accepts the challenge, quite cheerfully, bouncing up and down, as she sprints to the ring, slapping hands with the fans.


Alexandra Madison pinned Layla in 5:39 with a sunset flip after the referee kicked the hands of McCool and Layla apart Layla roughly beat on Madison throughout this match but Madison came back, trying a sunset flip from the apron but Michelle grabbed the hands of Layla. The referee sees it and kicks the hands apart, allowing Madison to complete the move, rolling through for the pin. (D)


A look at the Undertaker's dominance inside Hell in a Cell, leading up to his latest match this Sunday, with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line as he faces against John Cena.


The Fortunate Sons defeated Cryme Tyme when Hennig pinned JTG with the Perfect Plex in 9:09 Cryme Tyme and the Fortunate Sons battled in the ring, trading moves and holds. Shad is caught in the corner and beaten down but in fights out. JTG runs in, house of fire, and gets a nearfall on Hennig, but is tripped up and Perfect Plex connects for the pin. The Fortunate Sons get the win. (C-)


Christian pinned Ted DiBiase with a backslide in 11:11 when DiBiase was too busy jawing with John Morrison at ringside DiBiase seems to have lost some focus since losing the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions and John Morrison came out to scout their match for this Sunday. A nice back and forth match and DiBiase looked about ready to win but he turned to jaw with Morrison, which allowed Christian to pull out a backslide for the pin. (B-)


The WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho comes out, talking about how it's absurd that he got left off of Hell in a Cell. He reminds us that no one has held more titles than he has and no one has beaten more top level superstars. Jericho reminds us that back at the Royal Rumble he made the Undertaker tap out for the first time ever and he's going to do it again tonight but he's going to injure the Undertaker so badly that he won't be able to compete this Sunday and they will have no choice but to give a title shot to the logical number one contender, that being Chris Jericho.


The Undertaker made Chris Jericho tap out to the Hell's Gate in 16:59 Two of the biggest stars on Smackdown had an impressive back and forth match, with Jericho using some high impact offense and also the ring steps in an attempt to injure the Undertaker. Jericho tries to pry off the metal face guard to protect the injuries that the Undertaker suffered at the hands of Mike Knox but the Undertaker fights out. The Undertaker goes for the Choke Slam but Jericho counters with the Code Breaker for a nearfall. Lionsault is countered when the Undertaker sat up and caught Jericho. Tombstone but Jericho counters with a Victory Roll for a nearfall. Springboard dropkick and Jericho goes to the top rope but the Undertaker catches him by the throat and choke slam! Another nearfall. The Undertaker goes for the Tombstone but Jericho had that move well scouted and countered by dropping down. The Undertaker turns around, into the Walls of Jericho, but Jericho can't quite get the Undertaker turned and when Jericho attempts to grab the Undertaker, he gets countered into the Hell's Gate! The Undertaker has Jericho in the move tight and Jericho has no choice but to tap out. (B+)


Undertaker stands in the ring, that Hell's Gate is but one weapon he can employ to destroy John Cena and capture the World Heavyweight Title. No doubt Cena will have to be ready to fight for his very existence inside Hell in a Cell.





BHK1978: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4

Kijar: 3/4



BHK1978: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4

Kijar: 3/4

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WWE Hell in a Cell 2010


Hell in a Cell Match(WWE Championship Match for Triple H versus World Heavyweight Championship Match for Batista):

Triple H vs. Batista


World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:

CM Punk vs. Edge©


Undisputed Women's Title Hell in a Cell(First Ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match. If Mia Mancini wins, then Beth Phoenix will never receive another title shot. If Phoenix wins, then in addition to the title, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse):

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)


R-Truth vs. Randy Orton.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Sheamus and Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©


If Morrison wins, then Ted DiBiase will have to pay him one hundred thousand dollars cash. If DiBiase wins, that Morrison is banished from Smackdown:

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase.


Winners Receive a Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists.

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Hell in a Cell Match(WWE Championship Match for Triple H versus World Heavyweight Championship Match for Batista):

Triple H vs. Batista


World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:

CM Punkvs. Edge©


Undisputed Women's Title Hell in a Cell(First Ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match. If Mia Mancini wins, then Beth Phoenix will never receive another title shot. If Phoenix wins, then in addition to the title, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse):

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)


R-Truth vs. Randy Orton.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Sheamus and Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©


If Morrison wins, then Ted DiBiase will have to pay him one hundred thousand dollars cash. If DiBiase wins, that Morrison is banished from Smackdown:

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase.


Winners Receive a Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists.

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Hell in a Cell Match(WWE Championship Match for Triple H versus World Heavyweight Championship Match for Batista):

Triple H vs. Batista


World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:

CM Punk vs. Edge©


Undisputed Women's Title Hell in a Cell(First Ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match. If Mia Mancini wins, then Beth Phoenix will never receive another title shot. If Phoenix wins, then in addition to the title, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse):

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)


R-Truth vs. Randy Orton.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Sheamus and Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©


If Morrison wins, then Ted DiBiase will have to pay him one hundred thousand dollars cash. If DiBiase wins, that Morrison is banished from Smackdown:

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase.


Winners Receive a Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists.

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