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Hell in a Cell Match(WWE Championship Match for Triple H versus World Heavyweight Championship Match for Batista):

Triple H vs. Batista


World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:

CM Punk vs. Edge©


Undisputed Women's Title Hell in a Cell(First Ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match. If Mia Mancini wins, then Beth Phoenix will never receive another title shot. If Phoenix wins, then in addition to the title, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse):

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)


R-Truth vs. Randy Orton.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Sheamus and Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©


If Morrison wins, then Ted DiBiase will have to pay him one hundred thousand dollars cash. If DiBiase wins, that Morrison is banished from Smackdown:

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase.


Winners Receive a Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists.

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WWE Hell in a Cell 2010


Hell in a Cell Match(WWE Championship Match for Triple H versus World Heavyweight Championship Match for Batista):

Triple H vs. Batista


World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:

CM Punk vs. Edge©


Undisputed Women's Title Hell in a Cell(First Ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match. If Mia Mancini wins, then Beth Phoenix will never receive another title shot. If Phoenix wins, then in addition to the title, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse):

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)


R-Truth vs. Randy Orton.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Sheamus and Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©


If Morrison wins, then Ted DiBiase will have to pay him one hundred thousand dollars cash. If DiBiase wins, that Morrison is banished from Smackdown:

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase.


Winners Receive a Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists.

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Hell in a Cell Match(WWE Championship Match for Triple H versus World Heavyweight Championship Match for Batista):

Triple H vs. Batista


World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©


WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:

CM Punk vs. Edge©


Undisputed Women's Title Hell in a Cell(First Ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match. If Mia Mancini wins, then Beth Phoenix will never receive another title shot. If Phoenix wins, then in addition to the title, she gets five minutes alone inside Hell in a Cell with Maryse):

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)


R-Truth vs. Randy Orton.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Sheamus and Paul Burchill vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©


If Morrison wins, then Ted DiBiase will have to pay him one hundred thousand dollars cash. If DiBiase wins, that Morrison is banished from Smackdown:

John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase.


Winners Receive a Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists.

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<p><strong>WWE Hell in a Cell 2010-10/3/10</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A look at Hell in a Cell and the history, leading up to four huge matches inside that demonic structure, to add to the history of the Cell. </p><p> </p><p>

The cell is down and we're not going to waste any time, kicking things off with the WWE Championship on the line. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

CM Punk vs. Edge©</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Punk hammers Edge with a series of chops and Edge fires back with chops of his own, before throwing Punk into the air and launching him down with a high back body drop. Edge hits a series of elbows to the side of the head, before he throws Punk into the corner. Punk flips halfway into the corner, before he staggers into the ring and Edge hoists up Punk. Inverted atomic drop by Edge and Edge hits a running dropkick taking Punk down. Edge beats on Punk with a series of elbows, before throwing him into the corner. Ten count punches in the corner but Punk drops down and Edge drops chest first on the top rope. Punk begins to drill Edge with a series of kicks to the side and he leaps up, hitting a knee to the chest. Punk grabs Edge and hits a running bulldog. Punk rolls Edge over and gets a two count. Punk picks up Edge and kneelift right to the chest. Another kneelift and Punk grabs Edge, before ramming him into the corner, and throwing him to the outside. Punk backs up and baseball slides Edge, causing him to go into the cage. </p><p> </p><p>

Punk beats on Edge and chops his chest. Edge is staggering and Punk beats on him, before he rams Edge right into the cage twice. Punk hits a series of elbows right to the side of the head, before rolling Edge into the ring. Punk pulls himself up and hits a springboard legdrop to the chest of Edge. Edge spasms underneath the impact. He covers Edge hooking the leg. Two count on Edge and now Punk hits a running kick to the head. Punk picks up Edge, before throwing him into the ropes. Stun Gun brings Edge down across the top rope and Punk puts a sleeperhold, before he stands on the top rope, putting weight down onto Edge. He can use the ropes for leverage, but Edge drills him with a series of elbows, before hitting Punk with a shoulder throw. Punk bounces back and Edge goes for a clothesline but a leaping roundhouse kick, before grabbing Edge and gutwrench suplex brings him down to the canvas. Punk makes an “X” before he climbs to the outside. He's going to the top rope but Edge fights him with a series of punches and goes to the top rope. Edge has Punk and superplex brings him down. Standing ten count but Edge throws an arm over Punk for a two and a half count! </p><p> </p><p>

Edge beats on Punk, drawing cheers and into the ropes. Back elbow smash sends Punk to the outside. Edge steps back and slingshot cross body block wipes Punk out! Punk rolls over and Edge beats on Punk, before hitting a series of elbows, before he trips up Punk and catapults him into the cage. Punk staggers back and Edge gives him a high back body drop, before throwing him back into the ring. Edge continues to beat on Punk and Elevated DDT brings Punk down to the canvas! Edge rolls Punk over and cover hooking the leg. Punk kicks out at two and a half! The fans are going insane with boos, they thought it was over. So did Edge and Edge is prepping Punk. Spear but Punk avoids it and dropkick to the back of the leg of Edge. Punk begins to beat on the leg of Edge, drawing boos, as Punk drags Edge, before he bangs the ankle around the post. He steps back and running kick right to the ankle. Punk picks up Edge, before beating on the leg of Edge, a leaping elbow drop to the ankle, before rolling him over and beating on it some more, before he continues to beat on the ankle of Edge and applies an ankle lock! Punk is cranking on the ankle of Edge but Edge is fighting and manages to turn, kicking Punk off. Punk hits a falling European Uppercut and covers Edge, hooking the leg for a two and nine tenths count! </p><p> </p><p>

Punk continues to stomp away at the ankle, before he picks up Edge and kicks right to the side of the leg and a legsweep brings Edge down. Punk twists at the ankle of Edge, before pulling him up and then snapping him down with a dragon screw legwhip. Punk hangs onto the leg, and picks up Edge, before setting up him and hoisting him up, folding his good leg back, before he drops Edge down viciously, right on his bad ankle! Edge is in pain and Punk steps to the outside. Edge pulls himself to his feet and missile dropkick right to the ankle! Edge is down and Punk covers Edge for a nearfall. Another ankle lock is applied and Edge thrashes around but manages to grab Punk's hair as he turns and pulls him into a small package for a two count! Punk is back up and he beats on Edge. GTS attempt but Edge counters with the Edge-O-Matic! The back of Punk's head collides with the canvas. Edge is struggling to his feet, on one leg, as he tries to back off. Punk is up and Edge steps back, before he spears Punk! Punk manages to use his last bit of energy to roll to the outside and Edge collapses, his ankle rolling from underneath him. He is in pain and Punk is on the outside, the wind completely knocked out of him! </p><p> </p><p>

Punk recovers and somehow makes it back into the ring. Edge looks to be about ready to go for another Spear, but Punk steps to the side and grabs the leg of Edge, before rolling through, right into an ankle lock for the third time! Punk reaches for the ropes, grabbing it for leverage with one hand, while he scissors the damaged ankle! The referee tells Punk to let go of the ropes but since it is no disqualification, Punk can use the ropes to his heart's content. Edge is struggling and the referee checks on Edge but suddenly, Edge is not moving. Edge appears to have blacked out from the severe pain and the referee turns, to call for the bell, stopping the match. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and New WWE Champion: CM Punk(19:57, B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Punk lets go of the hold, which had been on for a bit over two minutes. Edge is still not moving. He suffered so much pain that it caused him to completely black out. Punk steps back, holding up the WWE Championship, the only belt that he is yet to win until tonight We see Edge in the ring, as the cell is raised so Edge can be helped to the back to get some much needed medical attention. The danger of Hell in a Cell is obvious, as Edge has been injured right off the bat and we only have three more matches to go. Edge fought until his body just gave out. </p><p> </p><p>

We go to a graphic for the next match, the first ever time two women will step inside Hell in a Cell, when Mia Mancini defends her Undisputed Women's Title against Beth Phoenix. If Mancini keeps her title this time, than Beth Phoenix will never get another shot as long as Mancini is the champion. If Beth Phoenix wins, then she gets five minutes alone with Maryse, who has caused so many problems for Beth Phoenix over the past several months. And it will be inside the Cell, so there will be no way for Maryse to run. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Undisputed Women's Title Match:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

Beth Phoenix vs. Mia Mancini©(w/Maryse)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Maryse is checked at ringside and a hair pin was taken from her, obviously something that she intended to use to pick the lock of the Cell to interfere. Two security guards watch her as Mia Mancini attacks the Glamazon with a double axe handle to the back of the head. Mancini beats on Beth Phoenix some more but Beth Phoenix powers out of a headlock and then hoists up Mancini. Gorilla Press Slam brings her down and now Beth Phoenix with a pair of clotheslines. Beth Phoenix picks Mancini up and throws her to the outside, where Maryse is seen watching intently. She yells instructions to Mancini but Beth Phoenix is laying in the punches, before she hoists up Mancini and rams her back first into the side of the cage. Beth Phoenix rolls Mancini back into the ring and the Glamazon is back into the ring but a kneelift catches her, followed by a jawbreaker. The Glamazon is stunned and now Mancini beats on Beth Phoenix, before unraveling a bit of tape from around her wrist and she begins choking down the Glamazon. Beth Phoenix is struggling, but Mancini beats on Phoenix with a series of punches to the side of the head. To the second rope and Mancini comes off with a somersault neckbreaker, shades of Marcus Alexander Bagwell says Matt Striker on commentary. Cover from Mancini hooking the leg but only a very close nearfall. </p><p> </p><p>

Mancini now applies a sleeperhold, in an attempt to make the Glamazon pass out but Beth Phoenix begins to twist the arms, powering out, before she headbutts Mancini twice and takes her down with a double underhook suplex. Clothesline sends Mancini to the floor and now Beth Phoenix steps over, before beating on her. Mancini tries to climb the cage in an attempt to escape, but she can't get far, with a top on it but Beth Phoenix follows her. Both of these women are halfway up this thirty foot high steel cage, nearly fifteen feet in the air and <strong>Beth Phoenix slams Mia Mancini off of the side of the cage, all of the way into the ring!</strong> Her back has to be busted but Beth Phoenix now adjusts herself and leaps. <strong>Flying elbowdrop from the side of the cage, to the ring!</strong> The fans explode into cheers big time for that one! Mancini has been crushed and now Beth Phoenix picks her up, before giving her the Glam Slam! Another one for good measure! Beth Phoenix slits a thumb across her throat at the direction of Maryse, who is shouting and Beth Phoenix applies a Kati-Hajime to Mia Mancini! Mancini is trying to fight the move but she has nowhere to go, so she deflates and taps out! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and New WWE Undisputed Women's Champion: Beth Phoenix(9:22, C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Maryse shrieks and quickly punches the referee right in the stomach, before she grabs the key. Maryse runs around the ring, and up the ramp, but a wall of divas appear, divas that were injured by Maryse and Mia Mancini to prevent them from teaming up with the Glamazon weeks back. Out comes Santino Marella and Maryse drops the key in panic, to avoid the lips of Santino, as she scales the cage, but the door is unlocked, but Maryse is shrieking for the cell to be raised, with her on top and the cell is being raised, as Beth Phoenix is out of the cell. The cell is off the ground but Beth Phoenix grabs the bottom and begins scaling the cell, as it continues to rise. The cell is now about fifteen feet off the ground and rising, as Beth Phoenix continues to climb, as Maryse rushes over, and kicks Beth Phoenix. It is dangerous up there, as Maryse's punch is blocked and Beth Phoenix twists her into a hammerlock, as the cell is lowering to the ground once again. Beth Phoenix has Maryse in a firewoman's carry and begins to climb down, before she drops down and we see Mancini dragged from the ring and Beth Phoenix rolls Maryse inside the ring, with both women inside the Cell.</p><p> </p><p>

Maryse begs off but Beth Phoenix kicks her right in the face to begin the five minute period. Beth Phoenix violently stomps the back of the head and throws Maryse into the corner hard. Violent clothesline and Beth Phoenix grabs Maryse's hair, dragging her around, before hammering a series of punches right to the side of the head, in an attempt to swell her eye shut and disfigure Maryse! The fans are going ballastic and Phoenix grabs Maryse, draping her over her shoulder, before giving her a powerslam! Beth Phoenix now hoists up Maryse and gives her a Gorilla Press over the top rope, all the way to the arena floor. More stomps as Beth Phoenix grabs Maryse, before her face is bounced off of the ring steps! The fans cheer and Maryse screams, before throwing herself at the cell, in an attempt to escape, but Beth Phoenix, grabs her and begins to rake her face up and down the mesh of the cell! Maryse drops to her knees, and gets kicked in the face, before the ring mats are pulled back and Beth Phoenix is grinding Maryse's face into the concrete. The camera zooms out, so we can't see Maryse's face, but we see droplets of blood on the floor, which we quickly cut to a different camera angle. Maryse is thrown into the ring and given a huge power bomb, with two minutes left. Another power bomb and Beth Phoenix picks up Maryse, before giving her another vicious power bomb! The fans are going nuts. A fourth power bomb and Maryse is a battered mess, as Beth Phoenix begins hammering Maryse with stomps to the face. Maryse is screaming, as her nose could have been broken. Beth Phoenix drops a knee right on her face and picks up Maryse, before hoisting her up and giving her a violent backbreaker! Beth Phoenix now gives Maryse the Glam Slam, before picking her up and giving her a belly to back suplex and applies a vicious camel clutch! Maryse has been humbled tonight at Hell in a Cell! The five minutes are up and Beth Phoenix drops Maryse, who is down in the ring, once again, paramedics are brought out to attend to another injury, as the dangers of Hell in a Cell are talked about. </p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Kazarian makes his way down to the ringside area, to join Josh Mathews and Bryon Saxton for commentary for the number one contenders match for the Unified Tag Team Titles with the Specialists against the World's Greatest Tag Team. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. the Specialists</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Shelton Benjamin starts out with Michael Courtier, with Benjamin hitting a series of punches, before he leapfrogs over Courtier and hits a hiptoss. A pair of arm drags right by Benjamin and tag made to Lawerence Davis and Benjamin hits a pair of arm drags. Benjamin beats on Davis with a series of jabs right to the chest, before throwing him into the ropes. Duck down and Benjamin goes for a kick, but it is blocked and Benjamin spins around, before hitting a leg lariat. Tag made to Haas and the World's Greatest Tag Team set up Davis, before hitting a double suplex. Haas begins to pound away on the back of the head of Davis and Haas throws him into the corner. Back elbow smash catches Haas right in the mouth and Davis grabs Haas, before taking him down with a reverse neckbreaker. Tag to Courtier and Davis hoists up Haas for a suplex, before Courtier takes him down with a springboard clothesline. Cover by Courtier hooking the leg for a two count. Courtier beats on Haas with a series of stomps, before picking him up and taking him down with a double leg pick up, before grabbing the legs and turning over Haas with a Boston Crab. </p><p> </p><p>

Courtier is leaning back on the back of Haas, trying to put the pressure on the back. Courtier turns himself and makes the tag to Davis, who delivers a springboard kneedrop when Haas is caught in a Boston Crab. Davis pounds away at the back of the head of Haas, before taking him down, with a double underhook suplex, before applying a front facelock and hoisting up Haas, before taking him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Davis picks up Haas and dropkick to the back of the head, before he applies a figure four sleeperhold! Davis is cranking on the hold and reaches up, before he takes Courtier, who drills Haas with a double foot stomp to the chest, as Davis holds him down. Courtier beats on Haas and waistlock, right into a German Suplex. Courtier floats over for the cover. Two count and Courtier beats on Haas and into the ropes. The head is ducked and Haas kicks Courtier in the face. Courtier attempts to come back with an elbow smash but Haas ducks and overhead belly to belly suplex! </p><p> </p><p>

The fans are cheering, as Haas makes it to the corner and tags in Shelton Benjamin, as Courtier makes the tag with Davis. Benjamin springboards into the ring and hits a clothesline taking Davis out. He backs up and spinning leg lariat to Courtier. Haas is back into the ring and leaping double knee to the back of the head of Davis. Haas launches Benjamin, causing him to drop all of his weight down across the back of Davis. Haas pounds away at Courtier and setting him up, before hitting a German Suplex taking him out. Haas is forced back into the corner, as Benjamin hits a Stinger Splash and an Explorer Suplex on Davis but Kaval is on the apron. Benjamin knocks Kaval off and Kazarian sneaks into the ring, after dropping the head set and hits Benjamin in the back of the head with a springboard knee. Benjamin is down as Davis is up and he takes Haas off the apron with a cheapshot. The Specialists hit the Spiked Brain Buster to Benjamin and Courtier leaves the ring, as the referee counts the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: The Specialists(9:55, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Specialists get the win and will get a Unified Tag Team Title shot down the road. They leave the ring with the victory. </p><p> </p><p>

Hype for the next match, with John Morrison taking on Ted DiBiase. After losing to Morrison two weeks ago on Smackdown, DiBiase has put up one hundred million dollars cash against Morrison. If Morrison wins, he's going to be richer. But if Morrison loses, then he'll lose his spot on Smackdown. Also the Fortunate Sons have been banned from ringside. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>John Morrison vs. Ted DiBiase</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

DiBiase attacks Morrison at the bell but a belly to back suplex is blocked and Morrison rolls up DiBiase for a very close nearfall! So close that the bell rang but the referee shakes his head, saying that it is only a two and a half count. Morrison jabs away at DiBiase and throwing him into the ropes. Leaping forearm smash in the corner and Morrison hits a running somersault neckbreaker bringing him down. Morrison stomps away at DiBiase and hits a pair of snap elbow drops. Morrison backs up but DiBiase forearms him right in the face. More forearms from DiBiase and DiBiase hits him with a vertical suplex. To the second rope, and a kneedrop right to the chest of Morrison. Cover and a two count. DiBiase quickly beats on Morrison and sends him to the outside of the ring. Morrison hangs on and comes back with a Pele Kick. He rattles DiBiase and Morrison covers DiBiase hooking the leg for a two count. Morrison picks up DiBiase beating him in the corner and into the ropes. The head is ducked and DiBiase rolls him up with a small package for a two count. </p><p> </p><p>

DiBiase pounds away at Morrison with a double axe handle and hammers him with an elbow smash to the side of the head. DiBiase hits a backbreaker bringing Morrison down and now DiBiase is on the top rope but Morrison catches him with a dropkick as he comes off the top rope. Morrison picks up DiBiase and goes for a suplex but DiBiase blocks it and Dream Street attempt but Morrison lands on his feet and another Pele Kick rattles DiBiase! The fans explode into cheers as Morrison leaps to the top rope. Starship Pain no DiBiase rolls out of the way, wait Morrison lands on his feet and sunset flips DiBiase. Two and nine tenths count! Morrison chops away at DiBiase and into the ropes. Morrison throws DiBiase into the ropes and back elbow smash. High cross body block is rolled through and DiBiase makes the cover, feet on the ropes and two and a half count, before the referee catches DiBiase. DiBiase argues with the referee and Morrison backslides him for a two and nine tenths count! </p><p> </p><p>

Both men are up, trading chops, with Morrison going for a Tornado DDT but DiBiase hangs onto the ropes. Morrison lands on his face and Morrison kicks him in the ribs. Dropkick is caught and Morrison is catapulted into the corner but Morrison hangs on and backspring cross body block is ducked. Morrison lands on his feet and DiBiase grabs him, before hooking him. Dream Street brings Morrison down and DiBiase makes the cover to score the pin! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Ted DiBiase(10:08, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

DiBiase gets the win and banishes Morrison from Smackdown. Morrison gaves DiBiase quite the fight during that match, wanting to stay on Smackdown but now John Morrison is a man without a brand. </p><p> </p><p>

Batista is sitting backstage, talking about how seven years ago, he was handpicked along with Randy Orton to be in Evolution by Triple H. Five years ago, Batista left and destroyed Triple H in a trifecta of Pay Per View matches. Batista says that no matter what, all of the times that Triple H has been in the ring with Batista, he has never pinned Batista in a one on one match and that's not about to change. Batista will win and receive a World Heavyweight Title Shot. Batista says that Triple H might have brought him into this company but he's going to be the one to take Triple H out. It won't be time to play the Game anymore. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Unified Tag Team Title Match:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

Paul Burchill and Sheamus vs. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne©</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Sheamus and Burchill attack Mysterio and Bourne at the bell, beating down the Unified Tag Team Champions. The ring is cleared and Bourne is caught in the ring with Sheamus, who pounds away at Bourne and throws him across the ring, before hitting a running knee right to the face. Sheamus hoists up Bourne and gives him a huge suplex, before dropping an elbow across the chest. He scoops up Bourne and gives him a fallway slam, before making the tag to Burchill, who enters the ring, to hit a flying kneedrop right to the chest of Bourne. Cover by Burchill hooking the leg but he only gets a two count. Burchill viciously stomps the chest of Bourne and Burchill throws Bourne into the corner. Bourne bounces off of the ropes and Burchill drills him with a running elbow to the side of the head. Burchill takes Bourne down with a huge spine buster and beats on him, before making the tag to Sheamus. Double team by the challengers, battering Bourne and Sheamus backs up, before he takes out Bourne with a big boot. Cover by Sheamus but only a two and a half count. </p><p> </p><p>

Sheamus beats on Bourne and goes for the Crucifix Power Bomb but Bourne counters with a spinning headscissors. Bourne is rolling towards the corner and makes the hot tag to Rey, as Burchill is tagged in. Burchill goes for a clothesline but Rey ducks and hits him with a spinning leg lariat. Sheamus is dropkicked in the knee as he enters the ring and Bourne takes him out with a springboard clothesline. Rey is on the top rope but Burchill catches him with a knee to the stomach and a vicious lariat takes down Rey for a two count. Burchill works him over and tilt a whirl backbreaker. Burchill beats on Rey and goes for a power bomb but Rey punches out, as Bourne is back into the ring with a springboard dropkick to the back of Burchill, allowing Rey to hit a Huracarana on Burchill for a nearfall. Burchill is staggered, as Sheamus is in the ring but Rey and Bourne double dropkick him to the floor! <strong>Bourne hits a Shooting Star Plancha wiping out Sheamus!</strong> He might have wiped himself out. Rey hits the 6-1-9 on Burchill before hitting a springboard splash for the pin to retain the belts. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners and Still Unified Tag Team Champions: Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne(9:09, B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The fans are booing, as Frankie Kazarian leads out the Specialists and Kaval, who attack Rey from behind. Rey is beaten down as Kaval gives Rey a vicious kick to the back of his right leg, before the Specialists take turns beating down the leg of Rey! Rey is struggling to get to his feet and Lawerence Davis grabs the leg, before delivering three violent leg scissors stomps in succession, until Evan Bourne manages to get back into the ring and curiously, Kazarian calls the wolves off. The announcers wonder why Kazarian and his gang of thugs attacked Rey but didn't lay one finger on Evan Bourne. We're going to have to keep an eye on this situation as it develops in the coming weeks, as Bourne checks on his injured partner in the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

A brief look at the R-Truth against Randy Orton match, where R-Truth scored pins on Randy Orton over the past two weeks on RAW. Can lightning strike twice on Pay Per View? Or will the Viper cut R-Truth off in his tracks. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>R-Truth vs. Randy Orton</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

R-Truth is on fire at the bell and he throws Orton into the ropes. Leapfrog over Orton and a leaping dropkick. R-Truth pounds away at Orton and into the ropes. R-Truth ducks the head and Orton hits an elbow to the head. Another series of elbows to the head and Orton snap mares R-Truth down, before appyling an extended chinlock. Orton is lazily applying the pressure but R-Truth quickly fights back, so Orton twists into a modified backbreaker and a kneedrop for a two count. Orton stomps the face of R-Truth and throws him right into the corner chest first, before bringing him down with a belly to back suplex. Orton beats on Truth some more in the ring and sets him up, before giving him a front suplex on the top rope and a European uppercut before he attempts to suplex Truth into the ring but Truth lands on his feet and Orton turns around right into a spinning leg lariat. The same move that pinned him two weeks ago but Orton kicks out. R-Truth beats on Orton and into the corner. Leapfrog over Orton and Orton turns around into the Lie Detector. Cover by Truth but Orton drapes a foot over the bottom rope! </p><p> </p><p>

R-Truth hammers away at Orton some more but Orton is on the floor. R-Truth dives on Orton with a plancha, before throwing him into the ring. Shoulder to the midsection and slingshot sunset flip brings Orton down for a two count. R-Truth beats on Orton but Orton goes low with a kick. Orton with a huge clothesline and now the Viper is poised to strike. Orton goes for the RKO, but Truth counters it with a backslide for a nearfall! The fans are going nuts and Orton goes for a clothesline but Truth ducks it and crucifixes Orton down to the canvas for another nearfall! Orton is up and Truth kicks him, before setting him up. Front face suplex and now Truth rolls Orton over for another nearfall. Truth beats on Orton and ten count punches in the corner but Orton drops R-Truth down with an inverted atomic drop. Truth is on his hands and knees and Orton goes for the punt but Truth moves and rolls up Orton, no wait Orton blocks it with an elbow to the head and then picks up Truth, before giving the RKO for the academic pin! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Randy Orton(8:47, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Orton gets the pin, before he gets on the microphone, congratulating R-Truth for giving him a fight and also for making the worst mistake in his career. <strong>Orton punts R-Truth drawing explosive boos!</strong> The fans are really going absolutely nuts, that punt has put so many people on the shelf for an extended period of time, and Orton just hit R-Truth with it, not because he had to, but just because he could. </p><p> </p><p>

A look at the Hell in a Cell Match between John Cena and the Undertaker for the World Heavyweight title. John Cena has fought the odds time and time again, but he could be stepping in there with the one man who can make the odds of escaping the Cell with the World Heavyweight Title rather short. We are back to the arena and we see the cage lowering. Tonight, The Undertaker steps inside Hell in a Cell for the eleventh time in his career, taking on John Cena for the World Heavyweight Title. The lights flicker off and the druids stand on the ramp, to cement the arrive of the Undertaker. This will be one to watch. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>World Heavyweight Title Hell in a Cell Match:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>

The Undertaker vs. John Cena©</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Cena attacks the Undertaker right at the bell with a series of jabs, before he backs off and runs right into a big boot! The Undertaker just took John Cena down with that move rapidly and now the Undertaker begins to pummel Cena with a series of forearms right to the face. A series of punches and the Undertaker throws Cena into the corner. Cena staggers out with a clothesline. The Undertaker has Cena and another clothesline, as the fans are cheering the Undertaker. Normally Cena gets his share of cheers, but this is pro Undertaker for the most part, as the Creatures of the Night are out in full force. The Undertaker begins beating Cena in the corner and Cena fires back, to a lot of boos from the crowd. A few cheers can be heard, but the Undertaker fans are rabid and drown out any support that Cena might have. Cena goes to the eyes of the Undertaker. All is fair in the confines of Hell in a Cell and Cena steps back, before giving the Undertake a leaping shoulderblock, sending him through the ropes to the floor in that gap between the ring and the Hell in a Cell. <strong>Cena launches himself through the air like a ballistic missile with a tope suicida, sending the Undertaker crashing into the cage back first. </strong> An impressive move by Cena, but the fans aren't all that receptive, with loud chants of “UNDERTAKER” echoing throughout the arena. </p><p> </p><p>

Cena begins to chop away at the Undertaker and slams him right into the steps. Rolling underneath the ropes and Cena enters the ring, with a kneelift to the chest of the Undertaker. Another kneelift into the chest of the Undertaker and Cena throws the Undertaker into the ropes. Leaping forearm smash right to the chest of the Undertaker. The Undertaker drops to his knee and Cena hits a running dropkick to the Undertaker. Cena steps back and beats on the Undertaker, before picking him up, before he goes for a suplex but the Undertaker blocks it and gives Cena a suplex of his own. Cena rolls over, clutching his back and the Undertaker drills him with a double axe handle right to the top of the head. Another double axe handle right to the top of the head and the Undertaker scoops Cena over his shoulder and gives him with a Snake Eyes into the corner. Cena bounces into a big boot and the Undertaker covers hooking the leg. Two count and the Undertaker picks up Cena, throwing him into the corner. Cena hits the corner hard and the Undertaker rushes into the corner, but Cena drills him with a boot, before Cena gets to the second rope. Another boot and Cena hits a springboard legdrop right to the back of the head. Cover on the Undertaker but only a one count. Cena steps back, “you can't see me” which gets heat from the crowd and Cena turns to the crowd, a bit rattled, but the Undertaker grabs Cena by the throat and rocks him with a thunderous choke slam. The Undertaker covers Cena hooking the leg for a two count! </p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker pounds on Cena, stomping away at him and throwing him into the ropes. Clothesline in the corner and now the Undertaker has Cena set up. Vintage Undertaker coming up and the Undertaker walks the ropes, before he comes down with a forearm right across the back of Cena. The Undertaker beats on Cena some more and the Undertaker continues to beat him up, before throwing him into the corner. He hoists up Cena and hits a side slam, bringing Cena down. The Undertaker picks up Cena, beating him with a series of stomps and the Undertaker picks up Cena some more and throws him over the top rope! Cena is struggling and the Undertaker steps back, hitting a clothesline, which causes Cena to flip off the top rope and land right on the floor hard. The fans explode into cheers as the Undertaker leaves the ring, before he picks up Cena and beats on him, before he rolls Cena into the ring. The Undertaker scoops up Cena and goes for the Tombstone, but Cena lands right on his feet and reverses the positioning, and <strong>connects with the Attitude Adjustmnent!</strong> The fans boo as Cena makes a cover and the fans cheer when the Undertaker kicks out at one! </p><p> </p><p>

Cena looks a bit frustrated, as his Attitude Adjustment, the move that has won so many matches and the fans are booing, as Cena beats on the Undertaker, with a series of punches to the side of the head. Cena grabs the Undertaker and rams him into the corner, before hitting a leg lariat to the chest. A series of forearms right to the face, before Cena throws the Undertaker into the ropes. Spinebuster brings the Undertaker and Cena steps to the outside. High risk move on the way and the Undertaker is up, with Cena taking the Undertaker out with a springboard clothesline. A series of stomps and Cena picks up the Undertaker, before hitting a couple of uppercuts and Cena grabs the Undertaker before bringing him down with a DDT. Cena steps back and five knuckle shuffle and the fans are really booing and begins to chant “CENA SUCKS!” Cena looks at the fans with a look of pure frustration as he plays them but only gets more boos and the Undertaker sits up from behind him. The Undertaker gives Cena a big boot as he turns around and the Undertaker picks up Cena, before giving him another choke slam! The fans are cheering as the Undertaker slits his thumb across the throat and scoops up Cena. The Undertaker has Cena set up and Tombstone brings Cena down! The arms are across the chest but <strong>Cena rolls the shoulder up at two and three fourths!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The fans are going absolutely insane and the Undertaker beats on Cena, before he gives the signal. We could be going for the Hell's Gate, but Cena pounds away at the legs of the Undertaker, to block the hold! The Undertaker backs off and jumping clothesline, bringing down Cena. The Undertaker beats on Cena and hammers away at him, before he throws Cena into the corner. A series of kicks in the corner and the Undertaker grabs Cena, before he goes to the outside, before he walks the ropes, before going Old School, but <strong>Cena counters with the Attitude Adjustment in mid move!</strong> Cover hooking the leg and Cena wins!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: John Cena(19:21, B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

John Cena leaves the ring, with the World Heavyweight Championship, as there are a lot of boos. Cena has kept the championship tonight inside Hell in a Cell. </p><p> </p><p>

A look at Batista against Triple H in Hell in a Cell. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Hell in a Cell Match:</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>

Triple H vs. Batista</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Batista brings a duffel bag into the Cell before this match and sets it down onto the ring steps. Both men exchange punches at the bell, with Triple H getting the better of the exchange. Triple H throws Batista into the ropes and he hits a high knee sending Batista throw the ropes. Batista drags Triple H to the floor but Triple H blocks and kicks Batista into the cell. Batista hits the cage hard and Triple H leaps off with a forearm right to the back of the head. Another forearm right to the back of the head and Triple H rams Batista into the cage hard. Batista is beaten with a series of punches and Triple H drills him right into the ringpost hard, before throwing Batista into the ring. A series of punches right to the chest and Batista is thrown into the corner. Triple H hits a running clothesline, before he applies a sleeperhold to Batista. He puts the hold on Batista, with Batista struggling against the grip of Triple H but Batista elbows out and backs Triple H into the corner. Batista hits a series of elbows right into the corner and steps back, hitting a lariat right to the chest of Triple H! Batista chokes Triple H in the corner. </p><p> </p><p>

Batista breaks the choke and drills Triple H with a series of forearms to the chest, before he hits a gutwrench suplex, before he steps back and hits a vicious kneedrop right to the top of the head of Triple H. Batista rolls over Triple H and begins to hammer him with a series of elbows to the back of the head, before he picks up Triple H and mows him down with a huge clothesline. Batista continues to beat on Triple H in the center of the ring and pulls Triple H by the hair before he gives him a huge suplex. Batista picks up Triple H and throws him to the floor, before Batista climbs down and begins the assault of Triple H down on the arena floor and rams him right into the ring steps back first. Batista drills Triple H into the steps hard and Triple H is draped over the steps, before Batista walks over, pulling back to the ring apron and he pulls out a steel chair! <strong>Batista smashes the chair right over the back of Triple H as he is draped over the ring steps!</strong> A series of punches right to the back of the head and now Batista bearhugs Triple H, before he rams him back first into the cage three times and then gives him an overhead belly to back suplex on the floor. Batista beats on Triple H and grabs the ring steps, before throwing them into the ring! Batista picks up Triple H and hammers away at Triple H, before he beats on him, and gives him a lariat, before he walks down and grabs the duffel bag that he had set up and unzips it. <strong>Batista just pulls out a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Batista enters the ring and places the weapon down, before he gives Triple H some punches to the face and then a boot right to the face. Batista picks up Triple H and throws him right into the corner hard. Batista has the baseball bat and he swings it. <strong>He nails Triple H right in the stomach with a vicious shot, doubling him over!</strong> The fans are booing, as Batista has the baseball bat above his head and he brings it down across the back of Triple H. The fans continue their boos as Batista mocks them, before he gives Triple H a thunderous lariat. Batista now backs up, having the baseball bat set up in the center of the ring and now Batista takes a step back, before he charges Triple H with a spear. <strong>Triple H hits a drop toe hold, sending Batista crashing head first into the edge of the steps!</strong> Batista rolls over and his forehead has been sliced wide open, blood dripping down the face, splattering on the canvas. Triple H beats on Batista and takes him down, cross-face submission hold applied. The bloodied face of Batista gives a grimace, as Triple H is putting the pressure on but Batista manages to power out of the hold. Triple H rolls over, the blood of Batista on his hands, as he is just gushing blood. Triple H kicks Batista in the midsection and double underhook. <strong>Pedigree brings Batista down!</strong> Triple H rolls Batista over and makes the cover but Batista kicks out powerfully at the count of two! </p><p> </p><p>

You can count on one hand and still have fingers left over of the men who have kicked out of the Pedigree! Triple H has put so many big time superstars out with that and he begins to batter Batista with a series of elbows to the side of the head. Triple H takes a step back, but Batista pops up and gives Triple H a spinebuster right on the steel steps! The back of Triple H just crashed against the stairs and Batista walks over, before rolling to the outside. The steel chair is back into the ring and Batista swings for the fences, before he nails Triple H right in the face. Triple H just was barely able to get the hands on and now Batista steps back, before he gives Triple H a huge lariat! Batista picks up Triple H and just throttles him, Batista's blood splashing onto the face of Triple H. Batista has Triple H set up. It could be time for the Batista Bomb but Triple H is scissoring the ropes, hanging on for dearlife, so Batista just kicks him right through the ropes and Triple H is on the apron. <strong>Batista spears Triple H off the ring apron, right into the cell!</strong> Triple H has been crushed up against the Hell in a Cell structure and now Batista rolls his body into the ring, before he climbs to the top rope. Batista hits a flying elbow drop! A rare high risk move from Batista and he makes a cover. Somehow, Triple H rolls the shoulder up off the canvas! </p><p> </p><p>

Batista begins to beat on Triple H some more, as he gives Triple H a vicious headbutt. Triple H's legs just crumple out from underneath him and he drops down to the canvas. Batista staggers back as well, head rattled from the headbutt, as his own blood flows down his face, chest, and arms. Batista beats on Triple H some more and scoops him up. Running Powerslam brings Triple H down. Batista covers Triple H but he kicks out. As a result, the Animal throttles Triple H. Triple H is trying to fight the choke but Batista is slowly smothering the life out of Triple H. Triple H begins firing punches, none of them working, before he is picked up. Batista has Triple H set up and thunderous Jackhammer type move brings Triple H down. Batista has Triple H covered. Another close nearfall when Triple H just barely gets the shoulder up! Batista walks over and beats on Triple H some more! Batista has the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! He steps back and Triple H struggles to his feet. <strong>Batista swings the bat and cracks Triple H right in the side of his head with it, breaking the bat from the impact!</strong> A concussive force by Batista, a swing that would put most major league baseball players to shame and the side of Triple H's head has been busted open. Now the blood is flowing from both men and Batista covers Triple H. <strong>Somehow Triple H survives, barely rolling the shoulder up!</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

Batista angrily stomps the face of Triple H. Another stomp right to the face and Batista beats on Triple H, before throwing him into the corner. Spear to Triple H in the corner and Batista hoists Triple H to the top rope! Batista is up with Triple H and attempted superplex but Triple H blocks it. Batista hits another couple of punches and hits a superplex to Triple H. Batista is down as well but after about thirty seconds, he drags himself over to Triple H and covers him, for a two and nine tenths count! The fans are going ballistic as Triple H manages to kick out once again. Batista steps back and goes for a spear but Triple H blocks it and hooks the arms of Batista. <strong>Pedigree brings him down once again!</strong> The fans are going insane and now Triple H, blood splattering from the side of his head, rolls over and makes the cover. <strong>Batista kicks out at two and a half!</strong> The fans thought that was over and so did Triple H, who begins to beat on Batista, but Batista fights back with a low blow! The fans are going nuts and into the ropes, no reversed. Batista ducks the head and gets set up once again. <strong>Yet another Pedigree!</strong> Triple H covers Batista. <strong>Batista kicks out yet again from the Pedigree!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The fans are booing and Triple H sits up, blood soaked in his hair and on the upper half of his body, as he rolls to the outside. Three Pedigrees and Batista is still in the game, but maybe not for long, as Triple H pulls out the sledgehammer from underneath the ring! The fans are really getting into this. The Pedigree might not have worked, but the sledgehammer has really put down so many people that it has to work. Triple H steps into the ring but collapses to a knee from the blood loss, allowing Batista to get to his feet and give Triple H another spear! The fans are going insane and Batista gives Triple H two chair shots right down across the back. Batista slides the sledgehammer over and has the ring steps. He drags Triple H to the steps. Not the Batista Bomb right on the steps. This will spell doom for Triple H! Both men are covered in blood and the ring canvas is soaked in places! Batista has Triple H set up but <strong>Triple H manages to launch Batista off of the steps with a high back body drop!</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

Both men are down in the ring, as Triple H just collapsed off the steps. The back of Batista's had just bounced off the chair but Batista rolls over, seeing the sledgehammer in the ring. Triple H sees the sledgehammer and both men crawl, racing to the sledgehammer! The fans are going nuts but they quickly boo, when Batista gets to it first, but <strong>Triple H kicks Batista low!</strong> Triple H grabs the sledgehammer and nails Batista with the weapon! Both men are down on the canvas <strong>no Batista is up to his feet, somehow, drenched in blood and Triple H is back up as well</strong> Batista collapses from the severe blood loss and Triple H manages to hold Batista, before hitting the Pedigree! With his last ounce of strength, Triple H rolls over Batista and collapses on him for the pin!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Triple H(28:45, A)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The fans are cheering, as Triple H has won this one tonight but he has blacked out at the last second from the blood he lost! The entire ring canvas is soaked in the blood of both of these men but as a result of this win, Triple H will receive a WWE Championship match down the line! He has finally beaten Batista, but it took everything he had and a whole lot of blood spilled from both men! Both men went through hell but in the end, after four Pedigrees and a sledgehammer shot, Triple H scored the victory. But at what price? </p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

Hell in a Cell:</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 14/16</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 10/16</p><p>

BHK1978: 14/16</p><p>

ChrisKid: 10/16</p><p>

Kijar: 8/16</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 17/20</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 14/20</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 13/20</p><p>

ChrisKid: 13/20</p><p>

Kijar: 11/20</p>

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WWE Monday Night RAW 10/4/10


Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


United States Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. The Big Show.


Number One Contenders Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill.


Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne vs. Rene Dupree.


Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters vs the Hart Dynasty.

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<p>Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. <strong>Paul Burchill and Sheamus</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

Randy Orton vs. <strong>The Big Show</strong>.</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:</p><p>

Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. <strong>Katie Lea Burchill</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne</strong> vs. Rene Dupree. </p><p> </p><p>

Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters vs <strong>the Hart Dynasty.</strong></p>

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<p>WWE Monday Night RAW 10/4/10</p><p> </p><p>

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. <strong>Paul Burchill and Sheamus. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

Randy Orton vs. <strong>The Big Show.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:</p><p>

Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. <strong>Katie Lea Burchill. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Champion <strong>Evan Bourne</strong> vs. Rene Dupree. </p><p> </p><p>

Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters vs <strong>the Hart Dynasty.</strong></p>

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<p>Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. <strong>Paul Burchill and Sheamus. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

Randy Orton vs. <strong>The Big Show.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:</p><p>

Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. <strong>Katie Lea Burchill. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne</strong> vs. Rene Dupree. </p><p> </p><p>

Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters vs <strong>the Hart Dynasty.</strong></p>

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Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


United States Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. The Big Show.


Number One Contenders Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:

Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill.


Unified Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne vs. Rene Dupree.

Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters vs the Hart Dynasty.

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<p>Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. <strong>Paul Burchill and Sheamus. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

United States Title Match:</p><p>

Randy Orton vs. <strong>The Big Show.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the Undisputed Women's Title:</p><p>

Gail Kim vs. Melina vs. <strong>Katie Lea Burchill. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Champion <strong>Evan Bourne </strong>vs. Rene Dupree. </p><p> </p><p>

Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters vs <strong>the Hart Dynasty.</strong></p>

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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Monday Night RAW 10/4/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes the former WWE Champion Edge, battered and on crutches from Hell in a Cell last night. Edge talks about how last night, CM Punk took advantage of a weakness. Edge admits that there was always a chance that his leg would be weakened and could be reinjured after his Achilles Tendon injury. Last night, Punk exploited that and is now the WWE Champion. Edge says that he'll be taking a return match once he rests up his leg for a couple of months. Suddenly, the fans stir, giving some boos, as Frankie Kazarian from ECW makes his way down to the ring. Kazarian talks about how Edge is a disgrace to the sport of professional wrestling. He prides himself on sleeze and controversy, but in the ring, he is subpar at best. Edge fires back, staying that he can beat Kazarian with one leg but Kazarian justs looks amused, saying that the only thing Edge is going to beat is the record for having a lot of world title reigns adding up to a short amount of time. Kazarian continues to talk trash against Edge, as the Specialists and Kaval come out as well. Edge is four on one with an injury and Kazarian kicks the crutches from from underneath Edge, as Edge is now beaten down! Edge is helpless, as Courtier and Davis grab the crutches and begin to take turns bashing them over the back and the legs of Edge, as Kazarian stomps Edge and slaps him. Security is out, but Kazarian shows them a piece of paper, which causes security to back off. We wonder what this is all about as Kazarian and his allies leave Edge down, even more battered than before. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Eve Torres, the Hurricane, and Chris Masters defeated the Hart Dynasty when Masters made Kidd submit to the Masterlock in 7:22</strong></span> Masters, the Hurricane, and Eve Torres get the win tonight. The Hurricane was caught in the corner, but the hot tag was made to the Masterpiece, who clears the ring. Smith is taken down by the Hurricane and Eve took out Natalya, allowing Masters to put Tyson Kidd in the Masterlock for the submission win. <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Evan Bourne pinned Rene Dupree with the Air Bourne in 6:22</strong></span> Bourne batters Dupree during this match, but Dupree made a comeback. Ezekiel Jackson attempted to interfere, but Kaval came from the back and kicked Jackson right in the back of the head. Dupree's attempt at a Michinoku Driver is reversed into an inverted DDT and Bourne hits the Air Bourne for the pin. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kazarian comes out, congratulating Bourne on his victory tonight and puts him over as one of the top athletes. Bourne talks about how Kazarian, the Specialists, and Kaval took out Rey Mysterio last night but Kazarian states that he was doing Bourne a favor. Rey Mysterio was at once time a great wrestler, but he has sold out the marketing machine that is sports entertainment. Cheap replicas of his mask are taken. Kazarian talks about how there is a Unified Tag Team Title Match coming up against the Specialists, but he thinks that Bourne should just step back and allow the Specialists win the Unified Tag Team Titles. Bourne looks conflicted but Kazarian says that as great as Bourne is right now, he could be better with the right people watching his back. Kazarian says he'll give him time for that and as a gesture of good faith, Kazarian will face him one on one next week on the special three hour RAW, with no tricks, no outside interference, just a good old fashioned wrestling match. Bourne just nods in acceptance, apparently wanting to get his hands on the man who attacked his tag team partner. The match is on for next week. </p><p> </p><p>

After the break, the new WWE Champion CM Punk makes his way down to the ring. Punk talks about how he stepped inside Hell in a Cell and dominated against Edge. And now, he knows who his first challenger is, that being Triple H. Punk talks about how Triple H is in the hospital, after suffering severe blood loss and other injuries at the hands of Batista but that won't be anything near what Punk is going to him. Punk also talks about the fact that the new General Manager will arrive next week on the three hour RAW. He warns the General Manager that he should not go against Punk but rather embrace him as his straight edge savior and WWE Champion. Punk shifts gears to Bragging Rights, the Best of Seven Series against Smackdown, where he's going to lead RAW to victory. As of this moment, he's going to face off against John Cena for the first time ever, champion versus champion and Punk is going to walk out with the victory. He just hopes that whoever is in the other matches won't lose four prior to him leading them to the promise land. Punk leaves, smug expression on his face. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Gail Kim defeated Melina and Katie Lea Burchill when Kim pinned Burchill with the Eat Defeat in 8:11</strong></span> Gail Kim wins this Triple Threat Women's match, and as a result, earns a shot against Beth Phoenix and the Undisputed Women's Championship in seven days. Burchill takes out Melina, which allows Gail Kim to hit the finishing move to wrap this match up. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Randy Orton cuts a promo, talking about his triumph over R-Truth last night and tonight, how he is going to walk out with the United States Title against the Big Show. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE United States Champion the Big Show pinned Randy Orton with the Choke Slam in 10:22</strong></span> An extended match, with Show beating on Orton in the corner but Orton fights back in the corner. Orton works over the Big Show and he goes for the RKO but Show is too big. Show hits some rabid punches and attempted Choke Slam but Orton kicks Show low and gives him a DDT. Attempted punt but Show is up and he grabs Orton by the throat, before drilling him with the Choke Slam for the pin to keep the United States Title. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We cut to a prerecorded promo where Triple H is laid up in a hospital bed, wrapped in bandages, looking like a survivor of some great battle. He talks about all the blood he lost, but he'll lose even more to capture the WWE Championship. Triple H talks about how he's not going to wait long, seven days he's coming after Punk on the three hour RAW on October 11th. Triple H will win his fourteenth world title. Triple H looks a bit battered, but ready for a fight against Punk. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Paul Burchill and Sheamus defeated Kofi Kingston and R-Truth when Burchill pinned Kofi with the Bicycle Kick from Sheamus in 12:22</strong></span> Main event time on RAW, featuring the team who failed to win the Unified Tag Team Titles in action against a pair of up and coming superstars. Sheamus and Burchill beat Truth in the corner until the hot tag was made. Kofi, a house of fire, takes everyone out, but meets the Bicycle Kick from Sheamus, allowing Burchill to score the pin. Afterwards, Sheamus and Burchill cut a promo, talking about how they are the biggest and baddest tag team in the history of the WWE, even more dominant then a team like Kane and the Undertaker. Burchill talks some trash as we fade out on that note. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


Lo-Drew: 3/5</p><p>

ChrisKid: 3/5</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 3/5</p><p>

Kijar: 4/5</p><p>

BHK1978: 3/5</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 20/25</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 17/25</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 16/25</p><p>

ChrisKid: 16/25</p><p>

Kijar: 14/25</p>

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<p><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>ECW On Sy Fy 10/5/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

David Otunga, Eugene, Jamie Noble, and Goldust vs. The Specialists, Kaval, and Frankie Kazarian. </p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the ECW Championship:</p><p>

Justin Gabriel vs. Drew McIntyre.</p>

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<p>David Otunga, Eugene, Jamie Noble, and Goldust vs. <strong>The Specialists, Kaval, and Frankie Kazarian</strong>. </p><p> </p><p>

Wow the Otunga team is one of the worst teams I ever saw.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the ECW Championship:</p><p>

Justin Gabriel vs. <strong>Drew McIntyre</strong>.</p>

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<p>David Otunga, Eugene, Jamie Noble, and Goldust vs. <strong>The Specialists, Kaval, and Frankie Kazarian. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the ECW Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Justin Gabriel</strong> vs. Drew McIntyre.</p>

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<p>David Otunga, Eugene, Jamie Noble, and Goldust vs. <strong>The Specialists, Kaval, and Frankie Kazarian.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match for the ECW Championship:</p><p>

Justin Gabriel vs. Drew McIntyre.</p><p>

<strong>No contest</strong></p>

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ECW On Sy Fy 10/5/10


We open up the show with the announcement that we're going to see Drew McIntyre against Justin Gabriel in a number one contenders match for the ECW Championship starting right now. A video package is shown prior to the match, underlining the history between both of these me.


Justin Gabriel pinned Drew McIntyre to become the number one contender for the ECW Championship in 15:22 with the 450 Splash Gabriel and McIntyre had an impressive match, back and forth, but McIntyre gets the advantage after a while. McIntyre hangs up Gabriel on the top rope and prepares to beat him up some more, before hammering him in the ring, and taking him down, but Double Underhook DDT is countered with a high back body drop and the Pele Kick, before Gabriel hits the 450 Splash for the pin. ©


Afterwards, Kazarian, the Specialists, and Kaval swarm the ring and begin to beat up Gabriel. Gabriel is trying to fight back but is overwhelmed and taken out with a roundhouse kick from Kaval, a Spiked Brain Buster by the Specialists, and a jumping reverse Russian Legsweep from Kazarian. McIntyre is up, smirking at the quartet but he gets promptly beaten up as well. McIntyre and Gabriel are in the ring destroyed from their beating, as Kazarian talks about how Gabriel will take on Bryan Danielson for the ECW Championship shortly and we'll see if Danielson's loyalties lie where they should. Kazarian talks about how coming up later in the eight man, among the Sports Entertainers, there could be a wrestler within their midst.


We see Goldust backstage, rallying the troops and talking about how Kazarian is talking a lot for a wrestler, but he's going to back it up in the ring. Eugene jumps up and down clapping, while Jamie Noble cuts a fired up promo about how they are going to put a whooping on someone. Goldust puts over how he discovered David Otunga and he brought him into ECW to give him a chance to stand on his own and now he has a chance to save the ideals that the WWE Universe was built up.


The Specialists, Kaval, and Frankie Kazarian defeated Goldust, Eugene, Jamie Noble, and David Otunga when Kazarian pinned Goldust after Eugene turned on his team mates in 22:44 This match was a beating on Noble for most of this match, with Noble fighting back, but he was dissected by double teams and submission moves, until he countered a move by Lawerence Davis and makes the hot tag to Goldust, who runs wild, with cheers from the crowd. Goldust is alone with Kazarian and beats him down but Eugene enters the ring. Goldust offers Eugene a chance and Eugene kicks Goldust in the groin, before hitting a Wristclutch Exploder Suplex! The fans boo as Eugene leaves the ring, before Kazarian makes the cover on Goldust for the pin. (C-)


Eugene gets on the microphone, cutting a coherant promo about how he was forced to play a joke for the fan's amusement. He spent ten years in the minor leagues and had to dumb himself down to get on the roster. Then when WWE felt he was not useful anymore, when his shelf life was over, he was fired. He talks about how his name is not Eugene, it's Nick Dinsmore and he's a wrestler, not a sports entertainer. Otunga, Noble, and Goldust are laid out in the ring, as Kazarian's crew has a fifth member, the former Eugene, now Nick Dinsmore.





BHK1978: 1/2

ChrisKid: 2/2

MattitudeV2: 2/2

Lo-Drew: 1/2



BHK1978: 21/27

Lo-Drew: 18/27

MattitudeV2: 18/27

ChrisKid: 18/27

Kijar: 14/27

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WWE Superstars 10/7/10


Tonight's main event on WGNAmerica is Ted DiBiase squaring off against Booker T. Two former World Heavyweight Champions square off on Superstars.


Mark Henry pinned Ezekiel Jackson with the World's Strongest Slam in 5:55 A match between two big men kicks on Superstars. Jackson uses a low blow to punish Henry but Henry fights back, before hitting the World's Strongest Slam for the pin. (D+)


The Dudebusters defeated Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J when Caylen Croft pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with a STO/Clothesline combination move in 9:52 The Dudebusters score some impressive moves in this match on ECW. Slam Master J was beaten in the ring for a short time but he makes the hot tag. Yang runs wild, getting a couple of nearfalls, but Yang is taken down and a combination clothesline/STO takes him down. (C-)


Hype for the big three hour RAW on Monday, with the new General Manager and WWE Championship match with CM Punk defending against the number one contender Triple H.


Ted DiBiase cuts a promo prior to the next match, talking about how he will become the World Heavyweight Champion again. He taunts the crowd, as Booker T comes out.


Ted DiBiase pinned Booker T with the Dream Street in 15:55 DiBiase and Booker T brawl throughout this match. Booker T is taken down and beaten on but Booker makes a comeback. Jumping Side Kick nearly knocks DiBiase for a loop but he's in the ropes. DiBiase catches Booker with a low blow, hitting the Dream Street for the pin. (B+)





ChrisKid: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 1/3

Kijar: 2/3

BHK1978: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3



BHK1978: 24/30

Lo-Drew: 20/30

ChrisKid: 20/30

MattitudeV2: 19/30

Kijar: 16/30

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