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ECW On Sy Fy 10/26/10


We see Frankie Kazarian make his way down to the ring, with the Specialists, Nick Dinsmore, and Kaval make their way to the ring. Kazarian talks about how it has been a good last couple of days for these men, although not quite as good for Vince McMahon or Triple H. Kazarian talks about how Vince McMahon may never regain the feelings in his arms and legs that time. However, there is one loose end and that is Bryan Danielson. Kazarian orders Bryan Danielson to the ring and to bring the ECW Championship. Danielson enters the ring with the belt and Kazarian says that they extended Danielson the olive branch, to join them, to take back the company for those who were the backbone, the wrestlers but Danielson slapped him in the face. Kazarian talks about how their alliance with CM Punk has extended their power and as a result, Kazarian will receive an ECW Championship Match with Bryan Danielson next week. However, he's going to give Danielson one last chance. The fans are buzzing, as Kazarian talks about how Danielson just give him the belt and get off lightly with a small beating or defend the title and get a huge beating, along with being beaten decisively by Kazarian.


Bryan Danielson comes up the ramp and talks about how Kazarian does give him an interesting bargain. He steps back and says that he's worked hard to get to this point and Kazarian is going to pry the belt out of his cold dead hands. Kazarian calmly states that can be arranged and he says that Danielson has until the end of the night to change his mind. He can still bring the belt to the ring and take his beating or he can get the title match next week. The fans are buzzing.


Goldust and Jamie Noble defeated the Dudebusters when Goldust pinned Croft with the Powerslam in 7:08 Noble is beaten two on one in the center of the ring and he makes the hot tag, with Goldust entering the ring, before taking both men down in the ring. Goldust hits the Powerslam sends Croft down to the canvas for the pin. (C-)


Vladimir Koslov pinned David Otunga with an elbow strike to the head in 5:33 This is Otunga's first singles match and he beats down Koslov but Koslov fights back. Koslov hammers away at him, before throws him into the corner. Spine buster brings Otunga down onto the canvas. Koslov picks up Otunga and hammers him with an elbow to the head, before he makes the cover hooking the leg for the pin. (D+)


We are back as Finlay makes his way down to the ring. It has been many months since we saw Finlay and Finlay cuts a promo, talking about how he suffered some injuries as of late, but he is back and he is ready to fight. Nick Dinsmore makes his way out, to talk some smack against Finlay. Dinsmore talks about how Finlay used to be one of the most feared men in the land, but now he is a washed up old men, who is best known for his goofy lepracaun son. Dinsmore talks about how he might have been Eugene but he did it to get noticed and it pains him every day. He slaps Finlay and Finlay responds by beating Dinsmore. Dinsmore and Finlay exchange punches, with the bell ringing to kick off this match.


Finlay defeated Nick Dinsmore via disqualification in 8:02 Dinsmore and Finlay exchange a series of punches, before Finlay drills him with a series of forearms right to the face. Finlay beats down Dinsmore but Kaval runs into the ring and kicks Finlay in the back of the head for a disqualification. Kaval hammers Finlay but Finlay fights back, until Dinsmore grabs the shillagh and waffles him right in the back of the head. Finlay lands on the canvas and Dinsmore rams him right in the back with the weapon again and again, as Finlay has been laid out. Dinsmore and Kaval leave the ring to draw boos. (B-)


A look at the Specialists and their rise to the top, leading up to them finally getting their Unified Tag Team Title Shot against Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne.


The Specialists defeated Unified Tag Team Champions Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne to caputre the titles when Lawrence Davis pinned Mysterio with the Spiked Brain Buster in 13:39 Throughout this entire match, Rey was isolated in the ring two against one with double teaming. Rey is trying to for the tag, but Matt Hardy rushes out, to go after Evan Bourne but Bourne brawls with him on the ramp, and Rey is taken down into the center of the ring and hit with the Spiked Brain Buster to give the Specialists the Unified Tag Team Titles. (B-)


Matt Hardy is attacked on the ramp by Kazarian, Kaval, and Nick Dinsmore is hammering him on the ramp. Hardy is beaten down five on one when the Specialists join the beating and Matt Hardy is laid out in the ring.


We are back and Kazarian calls out Bryan Danielson but Danielson makes his way to the ring and suddenly DeGeneration X come from the crowd with chairs and run into the ring. Danielson fights off Kazarian, as Justin Gabriel, Goldust, and Jamie Noble also run out and join the brawl. It is a wild and chaotic brawl as the show goes off the air.





MattitudeV2: 3/3

BHK1978: 2/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3

ChrisKid: 2/3

Kijar: 2/3



Overall October

Lo-Drew: 68/90

BHK1978: 66/90

Kijar: 54/90

ChrisKid: 52/90

MattitudeV2: 48/90

SeanMcFly: 8/90

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WWE Superstars 10/28/10


Hype for tonight's main event on WGN America with Chris Masters and the Hurricane taking on the Hart Dynasty.


William Regal pinned Primo Colon with the Knee Trembler in 8:22 Regal ties Colon in knots and beats on him on the canvas, throwing him into the corner and hitting a huge belly to back suplex, before driving his knee into the face and continues the beating. Primo makes a comeback and hits a springboard cross body block for a nearfall and Regal drills him with forearms, before hitting the Knee Trembler for the pin. (C-)


After the match, we see Nick Dinsmore make his way out and say something to William Regal. Both of these men know each other, former World Tag Team Champions and Regal looks intrigued, as he walks to the back with Dinsmore. I guess its recruiting time.


Shelton Benjamin pinned Drew McIntyre with the T-Bone Suplex in 12:05 A battle between two former ECW champions tonight on Superstars and chops are beating away at him, but McIntyre beats on him, before throwing him down to the canvas. Double Arm DDT is blocked and Benjamin pulls off the T-Bone Suplex for the pin. (B)


Recap from last Monday with CM Punk and Frankie Kazarian joining forces. Also the destruction of Vince McMahon. This Monday, we're going to have a blockbuster announcement about Survivor Series and it may be one of the biggest things in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment.


Chris Masters and the Hurricane defeated the Hart Dynasty when Masters rolled up David Hart Smith in 15:02 An impressive tag team match, with both teams trading moves, until the Hurricane is trapped in Hart Dynasty land and double teamed until the Hurricane makes the hot tag, with the Masterpiece entering the ring, bouncing them around, until Tyson Kidd came off with a missile dropkick and belly to back suplex by Smith. Smith covers but the referee is out of position. This allows Masters to roll up Smith for the pin. (B-)


The Hart Dynasty are protesting the loss but in comes Nick Dinsmore once again. Once again, Dinsmore talks to all three members of the Hart Dynasty and they appear to be a bit receptive with what he is saying.




MattitudeV2: 2/3

BHK1978: 2/3

EddieFnG: 0/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3

Kijar: 0/3

ChrisKid: 1/3


Overall October

Lo-Drew: 70/93

BHK1978: 68/93

Kijar: 54/93

ChrisKid: 53/93

MattitudeV2: 40/93

SeanMcFly: 8/93

EddieFnG: 1/93

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WWE Smackdown 10/29/10


Batista comes out, talking about how he has no great interest in the fact that Smackdown won Bragging Rights, all he cares about is the World Heavyweight Championship and he says that he wants the title shot against John Cena at Survivor Series. He's won one match and Cena's won one, but this is the rubber match and Batista will walk out with the championship. Batista also talks about how he is going to settle an old score with Rey Mysterio tonight. One year ago, Batista turned on Rey but he hasn't beaten him yet. Tonight that is going to change.


Alexandra Madison pinned Layla with a crucifix in 5:22 The usual diva's fair, with Michelle McCool on commentary, running down the Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix and also Madison. Layla has Madison on her shoulders but Madison crucifixes her for the pin. After the match, Team Laycool beat down Alexandra Madison and gives her a double suplex in the ring, before leaving the ring. (D+)


Matt Hardy made Luke Haux submit to a guillotine choke in 6:55 Matt Hardy beats down Haux in the ring but Haux fights back briefly, but Hardy hits the Side Effect and the Twist of Fate, before applying a guillotine choke, cranking on the hold for the submission. (C-)


Matt Hardy gets on the microphone, talking about how Evan Bourne is the masked man and he's going to prove it. He challenges the masked man to a mask versus hair match next week on ECW and he is going to pull the mask off of Bourne. Matt Hardy states that he will never die and he leaves the ring, to a bit of a mixed reaction.


Dolph Ziggler and Chavo Guerrero defeated Cryme Tyme when Ziggler pinned Shad when Chavo hit the Frog Splash in 8:55 The usual battle between these two teams, with JTG being cut off. He fights back and tag to Shad. Ziggler gets double teamed but the referee forces JTG into the corner, allowing Chavo to Frog Splash Shad and reverse the pin. Ziggler and Chavo get the win, as the announcers talk about how this much put them in line for a future title shot against the Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists. ©


We are back and Ted DiBiase is out in the ring. DiBiase steps through the ropes and gets on the microphone, talking about how the Survivor Series is coming up and it has been twenty years ago since the Undertaker made his debut. DiBiase talks about how about how his father was the one that brought the Undertaker into the company and how the Undertaker's legacy is totally thanks to the name DiBiase. DiBiase talks about how the Undertaker has never thanked his father for what he's done and now DiBiase promises to beat the respect out of the Undertaker. Big words as DiBiase calls out the Undertaker but the lights go out and Kane comes out for his scheduled match.


Ted DiBiase pinned Kane with the Dream Street in 10:22 DiBiase is beaten in the corner but he fires back, going low on Kane and beating on him with chops. DiBiase hits a kneelift in the corner and elbows away at Kane but Kane shoves him off the ropes and boots DiBiase down for a two count. Kane this a powerslam and he climbs to the outside, but DiBiase crotches him. DiBiase beats on Kane some more but Kane fights back with a choke. Choke Slam attempted but DiBiase kicks Kane and hooks him, before hitting the Dream Street and scoring the pin. (B)


DiBiase calls the other Fortunate Sons in the ring to beat up Kane but the lights go out and when they come back on, The Undertaker has Brett DiBiase and Joe Hennig by the throat, with double choke slams. Ted DiBiase bails, yelling that the Undertaker would be nothing without the senior DiBiase. The Undertaker just stares down at the younger DiBiase. This is far from over.


A video clip with Booker T and Chris Jericho last week, where Booker T pins the WWE Intercontinental Champion in a non title match. This week Booker T is facing Chris Jericho in singles action tonight with the belt on the line.


Booker T pinned WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho to win the belt with the Book End in 12:22 Booker and Jericho have a nice back and forth match, but Jericho takes the leg out from Booker and works over him. Booker T fights out and hits a spinebuster and goes up top but Jericho catches him and superplex, before he gets a nearfall. Lionsault gets another nearfall and Code Breaker is blocked and Booker T shoves Jericho off. Harlem Side Kick is ducked and another Code Breaker is countered into the Book End for the pin! (B)


Booker T holds the WWE Intercontinental Title Belt over his head in a token of victory but a Hispanic man wearing a suit enters the ring and attacks Booker T from behind. Booker T is is beaten down in the ring by this mystery man and his arm is taken out with a single arm DDT and then a shoulderbreaker, before a cross armbreaker is set up. The mystery Hispanic continues to crank on the arm and pulls himself up, adjusting his tie, before he leaves Booker down, clutching his arm. The announcers wonder who this person is and what his beef is with Booker T.


John Cena makes his way down to the ring, to a mixed reaction. He talks about Bragging Rights and talks about how he beat Punk. While there was a section of fans that were not happy, that is what happened. Cena steps back and says that he accepts the challenge with Batista at Survivor Series and will put the belt on the line. He joins Todd Grisham and Matt Striker for some commentary.


Batista pinned Rey Mysterio with the Batista Bomb in 14:11 Batista beats on Rey in the corner but Rey fights back, using his speed, until a springboard is countered with a spear. Batista slowly dissects Rey in the ring, but Rey fights out and 6-1-9 and Springboard Splash but Batista delivers a strong kick out. Attempted Rana but Batista counters with a stun gun. Spinebuster to Rey and Batista Bomb plants Rey down for the pin! (B)


Batista scores the win, leading up to Survivor Series and his World Heavyweight Title shot against John Cena. Batista shoves Cena back and Cena fights back in the ropes, before Cena and Batista continue to brawl. Cena is pulled off and Batista grabs the belt, before he waffles Cena with it! The fans are booing loudly as Batista stands over Cena, holding up the World Heavyweight Championship over his head. Perhaps this will be happen at Survivor Series!





MattitudeV2: 3/5

BHK1978: 2/5

ChrisKid: 3/5

Lo-DreW: 2/5

Kijar: 1/5



Final October

Lo-Drew: 72/98

BHK1978: 70/98

ChrisKid: 56/98

Kijar: 55/98

MattitudeV2: 43/98

SeanMcFly: 8/98

EddieFnG: 1/98


October has concluded. The prize this month is points towards the prediction contest for next month for the top three predictors. Three points for Lo-Drew, two points for BHK1978, and one point for ChrisKid to kick off November. For the November prediction contest, the points double for whomever gets the top three, leading into the December prediction contest, where the winner gets to pick who enters number one and number two in the 2011 Royal Rumble!

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WWE Monday Night RAW 11/1/10


DeGeneration X vs. Randy Orton and WWE Champion CM Punk.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Hurricane and Chris Masters vs. the Specialists©

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One pick of Booker T over Chris Jericho away from tying for third this month...


DeGeneration X vs. Randy Orton and WWE Champion CM Punk.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Hurricane and Chris Masters vs. the Specialists©

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DeGeneration X vs. Randy Orton and WWE Champion CM Punk.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Hurricane and Chris Masters vs. the Specialists©

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DeGeneration X vs. Randy Orton and WWE Champion CM Punk.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Hurricane and Chris Masters vs. the Specialists©

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DeGeneration X vs. Randy Orton and WWE Champion CM Punk.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Hurricane and Chris Masters vs. the Specialists©

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