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WWE Monday Night RAW 11/1/10


DeGeneration X vs. Randy Orton and WWE Champion CM Punk.


Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry vs. Paul Burchill, Sheamus, and Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

The Hurricane and Chris Masters vs. the Specialists©

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WWE Monday night RAW 11/01/10


The fans boo as CM Punk makes his way down to the ring, with Frankie Kazarian, Kaval, The Specialists, and Nick Dinsmore. The WWE Champion stands in the ring, a smug expression on his face, he talks about how the plan came together better than anyone expected. He talks about how Triple H is shut out of the title picture forever. Punk states that they will control everything behind the scenes and there are people higher up that pushed this way. It comes time for a change and Punk dubs their alliance the Illuminati. Punk vows to hold the WWE Championship but also adds that there is more gold coming to the Illuminati, as the Specialists are the Unified Tag Team Champions and tomorrow night on ECW, Frankie Kazarian steps into the ring with Bryan Danielson. Punk talks about how tonight, he's going to team up with Randy Orton against DeGeneration X tonight. He talks about how he and Orton might not see eye to eye, but they will tonight, as Punk has something that Orton wants, the only thing that he wants and it would be in his best interest to cooperate. The Illuminati leave the ring, except for the Specialists, who have a Unified Tag Team Title Match coming up.


The Specialists retained the Unified Tag Team Titles over the Hurricane and Chris Masters when Michael Courtier pinned Chris Masters with a springboard dropkick/roll up combination move in 7:33 This match consisted of the Hurricane being double teamed in the corner but the Hurricane fought out into the center of the ring and makes the hot tag to the Masterpiece, but Davis connected with a springboard dropkick, allowing Courtier to roll him up and score the pin. (B-)


CM Punk stands backstage with Randy Orton, who says that he doesn't like Punk and in fact Punk disgusts him. Punk says that he isn't a fan of Orton either but they are going to team up tonight against DX and if Orton works with him, then only good things could happen. Punk says he can get that title shot ban lifted and Orton looks with interest, and Punk then says he'll give Orton a championship match, once DX has been taken care of. Orton says that he approves, but if Punk stabs him in the back, he'll get his skull kicked in and left for dead.


Rene Dupree, Sheamus, and Paul Burchill defeated Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, and Mark Henry when Dupree pinned R-Truth after outside interference from Ezekiel Jackson in 13:11 A wild six man tag team match, with six competitors on RAW, trying to make a name for themselves. Ezekiel Jackson, Dupree's bodyguard, proved to be be the difference maker in this match, taking out R-Truth and allowing Dupree to score a dubious pin, as Henry was tied up with Sheamus and Burchill beat on Kofi Kingston. (B-)


Nick Dinsmore makes his way down to the ring, entering the ring and talking about how he was for a long time considered the hottest prospect that WWE had to offer, but he was forced to play the mentally challenged Eugene, or he would be fired. Dinsmore says that he is back and he says he bet people thinks that he can't cut it, that he can hide behind the rest of the Illuminati. He calls out the Big Show and demands Show bring out the United States Title, because Dinsmore is going to bring more gold to the Illuminati. Show comes out and says that he is a fighting champion but suddenly, The Hart Dynasty exit from the crowd and attack the Big Show. Show fights them off but Dinsmore enters the ring and clips the Big Show from behind, starting the match.


Nick Dinsmore defeated the Big Show to win the WWE United States Title after ramming him into the exposed metal buckle in 8:55 Show manages to fight back and tosses Dinsmore around the ring, beating on him but Dinsmore works over the leg of the Big Show, punishing him. Show fights back, on one leg and knocks Dinsmore around the ring, beating on him. Dinsmore hangs onto the buckle, yanking off the corner padand Show beats on him, before taking him down, but the knockout punch is ducked and Show punches the corner. Dinsmore shoves Show into the corner and schoolboys him for the pin, to capture the United States Title. (C+)


Natalya makes her way to the ring as does Beth Phoenix for the Undisputed Women's Title Match but CM Punk adds a stipulation, for one of the Illuminati's new associates, Natalya, a Submission Only Match! Beth Phoenix is jumped as she turns to talk to Punk and beaten down, as the match starts.


Beth Phoenix retained the Undisputed Women's Championship over Natalya by making her submit to a double underhook Canadian Backbreaker in 8:22 Natalya proved that she had a few submission moves tucked away but she was not able to win the title tonight. She applied the Sharpshooter but Beth Phoenix fought out and hit a double power bomb, before double underhooking the arms and forcing Natalya to submit. (C-)


DX are ready for the next match. Triple H talks about how he wants to get his hands on Punk and he has had his share of problems with the past with Randy Orton, so him and HBK are going to sit down and take care of business. The time for the games, the catchphrases, and the merchandise is done, it is time for war.


CM Punk and Randy Orton defeated DeGeneration X via disqualification when HBK remained in the ring pat the referee's five count A wild tag team match as we continue to move forward on RAW. Punk and Orton had their share of communication breakdowns, but they managed to isolate Shawn Michaels in the corner and double team him. Michaels fought out and made the hot tag to Triple H, who runs wild, beating them both but Punk bails, leaving DX in the ring with Orton. Superkick into the Pedigree and the referee calls for the bell, informing that Triple H and Shawn Michaels have been disqualified when Shawn Michaels did not leave the ring within the five count. (B+)


Triple H is absolutely not too happy with this dubious call and he beats up the referee. In comes the rest of the Illuminati, with DX bailing, the odds not looking too good. Triple H gets on the microphone and calls Punk a coward, demanding an interference free, one on one championship match against Punk. Punk just laughs it off, saying that Triple H used up all of his chances and now he's got to go back to the bottom of the totem pole. He says that Triple H should be used to being on the level of Santino or Zack Ryder, because that's his place right now. Triple H yells that Punk is hiding behind all of those goons, one on one, in a fair fight, Punk can't beat Triple H. Punk states that he beat Triple H inside a steel cage, how much more fair does he want. Triple H yells that whatever Punk wants, he gets, but Triple H just wants one more chance to earn the number one contendership. Punk just responds with a smug expression on his face. He says since the Survivor Series is coming up, Triple H can find four guys, if he can find four guys left in the locker room that he can stand him and Punk will pick four guys, for a match. If HHH's team wins, then he gets a title shot. If Punk's team wins, then Triple H can never wrestle again.


There is a pause by Triple H, but eventually he accepts, stating that he has nothing else left to lose and the fact that he can get his hands on Punk. Also Punk adds that this match won't be a classic Survivor Series Match but rather it will be the one match that Vince McMahon was afraid of, because it is better than all of his creations. It will be in two rings, a double sided steel cage, and the only way you can win is by surrendering or submitting. Its a War Games Match! On that note, Raw goes off the air.





Kijar: 3/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4




Low-Drew: 6/4

BHK1978: 4/4

ChrisKid: 4/4

Kijar: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

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ECW On Sy Fy 11/2/10


United States Champion Nick Dinsmore and Kaval defeated Justin Gabriel and Goldust via disqualification in 8:55 when Finlay interfered We kick off with an announcement that Jamie Noble as a result of an Illuminati attack that happened after ECW last week will be out for the next two months. They attempt to do the same to Gabriel and Goldust, with Gabriel being double teamed in the ring. Out comes Finlay to even the odds and also get Goldust and Gabriel disqualified. William Regal runs out and lays out Finlay with a brass knuckles shot. Regal pounds Finlay, and The Specialists come out, to beat down the babyfaces in the ring. Finlay, Gabriel, and Goldust are laid out by this five on three beating. (C-)


We are backstage, with Drew McIntyre is standing by, where the Illuminati, now joined by Punk, Kazarian, and the Hart Dynasty, are standing backstage. McIntyre talks about how he's impressed by what they are doing and he wants to be on board. Punk just looks at Kazarian, who talks about how McIntyre is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with wrestling, he was also hand picked by Vince McMahon, when there were thousands out there, that had more talent in one finger nail than McIntyre had in his body. McIntyre starts to talk back, but realizes that this might not be the best idea. Of course, it doesn't really matter, as McIntyre gets beaten down, ten on one, stomped and punched and quickly battered. Punk talks about how the revolution is at hand and McIntyre is one but many who will be struck down. McIntyre is laid out as the Illuminati walks off. There is certainly strength in numbers.


Rey Mysterio defeated the Dudebusters in a Handicap Match in 6:22 when Rey pinned Croft with the Springboard Splash This was scheduled to be Bourne and Mysterio against the Dudebusters, but Bourne is a no show, lending more speculation that he has sold out to the Illuminati. The Dudebusters double team Rey, who valiantly fights a two on one handicap match but a mishap allows Rey to hit the 6-1-9 to both men, before finishing Croft off with the Springboard Splash. (B-)


We cut backstage to Bryan Danielson, who talks about the dedication it took him to win the ECW Championship. He talks about how the belt is his and how he is going to defend it against all comers. He talks about Kazarian and the rest of the Illuminati have the advantage of numbers, but one on one, there is not a single person in the group that Danielson cannot beat. Danielson talks about how next week when puts the belt on the line against Kazarian, he plans to walk out as the ECW Champion.


A look at the last couple of weeks with Matt Hardy and the masked man of the Illuminati, leading to tonight's mask versus hair match.


Matt Hardy defeated the Masked Man via countout in a Mask Versus Hair Match in 12:22 The fans are cheering, as these two men have an impressive back and forth match, with the Masked Man taking advantage with a vicious clothesline and he beats down Hardy, before hitting a swinging bulldog. Shooting Star Press misses but Hardy goes for a power bomb and the masked man counters into a facebuster, before he goes up top but Hardy fights him off and knocks him off to the floor, where the masked man escapes and gets counted out of the ring. (B-)


Hardy is in the ring, calling for the masked man but Nick Dinsmore enters the ring and hits Hardy right in the back of the head with the United States Title Belt and beats him down. The fans are booing, as the Specialists run into the ring and help the beating, as the other members of the Illuminati line up on the ramp. The masked man just stands back, as the Specialists hold Hardy down, so the masked man can enter the ring, with a pair of scissors and he begins to cut Hardy's hair, drawing loud boos. He lost, and the fans are losing their minds at this blatant disrespect for the agreed stipulations!


Now they have the clippers. Hardy is struggling, as he is now getting a short buzzcut. We cut to teenage girls crying in the audience, as the masked man parades around with Hardy's cut hair. Hardy is laid out, favoring the back of his head. Saxton talks about what scumbags the Illuminati are by going back on their word and shaving Hardy's head, even though this masked man lost but Matthews states that Hardy should not have made this match. Kazarian cuts a mocking promo, talking about how the Illuminati has took everything and next week, Kazarian is going to take the ECW Championship. He says that Danielson better be ready to be better than his best. We fade out with the shaved Matt Hardy still down in the ring and members of the Illuminati standing around him.




MattitudeV2: 2/2

ChrisKid: 2/2

Lo-Drew: 2/2

BHK1978: 2/2




Low-Drew: 8/6

BHK1978: 6/6

ChrisKid: 6/6

MattitudeV2: 5/6

Kijar: 3/6

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WWE Superstars 11/4/10


Tonight's main event on WGN America from Smackdown features Dolph Ziggler squaring off against Rey Mysterio.


Cody Rhodes pinned Yoshi Tatsu with the Cross Rhodes in 8:11 The return of Cody Rhodes, after a few months being on the shelf. Rhodes beats on Yoshi but Yoshi fights back, hitting a series of punches but misses a dive off the top rope, leading to the Cross Rhodes for the pin. (D+)


Katie Lea Burchill and Mia Mancini defeated Melina and Gail Kim when Katie pinned Melina with a fisherman suplex in 7:52 Gail Kim was beaten right in the center of the ring, two against one, until she manages to make the hot tag to Melina. Melina runs wild in the ring, managing to take Mancini out, but Katie grabs Melina in a cradle and snaps her over with a fisherman suplex for the pin. (C-)


David Otunga pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with a spinebuster in 5:11 The younger Otunga beat up Jimmy Wang Yang, hammering him in the ring. Yang fights back but misses a moonsault, allowing Otunga to hit the spinebuster for the pin. (D-)


A look at the Illuminati from ECW and RAW. Also some hype this week with Bryan Danielson against Frankie Kazarian for the ECW Championship.


Rey Mysterio pinned Dolph Ziggler with the Springboard Splash in 15:11 Rey and Ziggler have their usual back and forth match. During the match, Chavo Guerrero made his way out, to cause some trouble and trip Rey, allowing Ziggler to take control. Ziggler is beating him down in the center of the ring, pounding away at him, but Ziggler gets crotched in the corner and Rey makes a comeback. Chavo tries to interfere, but Evan Bourne runs out to cut him off, allowing Rey to hit the 6-1-9 and then Springboard Splash for the pin. (B-)


After the match, Rey questions Bourne where he was on ECW on Tuesday and accuses him of being underneath the mask as the mysterious Illuminati member. Bourne disagrees, talking about how his flight was delayed and he couldn't get to the show in time. Bourne says that at Survivor Series, he got him and Rey their return match for the Unified Tag Team Titles against the Specialists and he swears that Rey can count on him. Rey and Bourne have some tensions, before walking off, as the announcers speculate if they can co exist and whether or not Bourne is underneath the mask.





BHK1978: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

ChrisKid: 3/4



BHK1978: 9/10

ChrisKid: 9/10

Lo-Drew: 8/10

MattitudeV2: 8/10

Kijar: 3/10

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 11/5/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs the Miz(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Kane and the Undertaker vs. Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase. </p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs. Chris Jericho</p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. the Specialists©</p>

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<p><strong>World Heavyweight Champion John Cena</strong> vs the Miz(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane and the Undertaker</strong> vs. Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase. </p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. <strong>the Specialists©</strong></p>

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<p><strong>World Heavyweight Champion John Cena</strong> vs the Miz(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane and the Undertaker</strong> vs. Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase. </p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. <strong>the Specialists©</strong></p>

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<p>WWE Smackdown 11/5/10</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>World Heavyweight Champion John Cena </strong>vs the Miz(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane and the Undertaker</strong> vs. Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase. </p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. <strong>the Specialists©</strong></p>

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<p><strong>World Heavyweight Champion John Cena </strong>vs the Miz(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane and the Undertaker </strong>vs. Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase. </p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Finlay and Matt Hardy</strong> vs. the Specialists©</p>

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<p><strong>World Heavyweight Champion John Cena</strong> vs the Miz(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kane and the Undertaker</strong> vs. Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase. </p><p> </p><p>

Christian vs. <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Title Match:</p><p>

Finlay and Matt Hardy vs. <strong>the Specialists©</strong></p><p><strong>


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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 11/5/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Batista makes his way down to the ring and talks about the Survivor Series coming up in two weeks and its two weeks away from getting the belt back. He talks about how John Cena seems to be finally cracking under the pressure and this will allow Batista to get the belt. Out comes Cena, and Batista points out that for as many fans that are cheering Cena, there are still a number that are booing. Batista says that there still a decent chuck of the audience that hates Cena's guts. Cena calmly states that its the fan's opinions, and Batista states that Cena isn't even the number one most popular wrestler on Smackdown, he's number three. Batista talks about a recent poll conducted by WWE, where the WWE Universe was asked their favorite Smackdown superstar and the Undertaker won handily, with Rey Mysterio following by in a close margin, and John Cena being a distant third. Batista talks about how popularity doesn't matter to him, because he's beaten the top three most popular wrestlers but its obviously eating a hole through Cena. Batista begins poking Cena in the chest and Cena fires back with a series of punch. A brawl is taking place between champion and challenger, with Cena applying the STF to Batista in the ring. The hold is being cranked but Batista escapes to the ropes and manages to get to the floor, forcing the break. Cena stands in the ring, inviting Batista to come get him some. </p><p> </p><p>

We are backstage, where Matt Hardy arrives, with a new hair cut. Finlay steps in his way, talking about how they are teaming up tonight, with a chance to win the Unified Tag Team Titles from the Specialists but he warns Hardy that he better be the best and not flake out. Hardy talks about how Finlay better keep up and Finlay grabs Hardy by the throat, talking about how he was beating men up back when Hardy was soiling his diapers. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Unified Tag Team Champions the Specialists defeated Matt Hardy and Finlay when Lawrence Davis pinned Finlay after William Regal waffled Finlay with his own shilelagh in 12:11</strong></span> A battle between two of these teams, fighting, with Hardy being trapped in the corner and beaten two on one. The masked man appears on the ramp, taunting Hardy with his hair and Hardy fights back and tags in Finlay, before rushing to the back and attacking the masked man, brawling with him on the ramp and trying to remove the mask but Hardy is hit with a low blow and rammed into the side of the barricade. Finlay hits the Celtic Cross on Davis but Courtier has the referee, allowing Regal to enter the ring and waffle Finlay with the shilelagh from behind, before rolling Davis on top for the pin. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jack Swagger is backstage, when Ted DiBiase walks about him. Tonight both men are going to take down the Brothers of Destruction. DiBiase talks about how he wants Swagger on his team at Survivor Series, when he faces a team captained by the Undertaker. Right now it will be the Undertaker, Kane, and three men to be determined against Ted DiBiase, Joe Hennig, Brett DiBiase, Jack Swagger, and a fifth man to be determined in a classic Survivor Series Match. </p><p> </p><p>

The mysterious Hispanic that attacked Booker T last week makes his way down to the ring and introduces himself as Alberto Banderas, the greatest Latino superstar in WWE history. The fans are booing and Banderas calls himself better than Mil Mascaras, Santo, and Eddy Guerrero put together. Banderas talks about how he took out Booker T but eventually he is going to win WWE Intercontinental Title. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Alberto Banderas defeated Eddie Craven with an armbar submission in 2:44</strong></span> He defeats this young man handily in a few minutes, hitting a single arm DDT, before applying an armbar submission, cranking on the hold and forcing the tap out. <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Booker T after the match, his right arm taped up, as he attacks Banderas. Both men are brawling in the ring, and out comes security. Booker holds up the Intercontinental Title and calls Banderas to come back to the ring, to get himself a piece of it. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Christian pinned Chris Jericho with a roll up in 15:11</strong></span> Both of these men have their usual back and forth match. During this match, we see DX in the crowd, obviously scouting this match for potential recruits for their War Games team and Jericho throws a fit, saying that DX is throwing him off. He hits a lionsault on Christian but Christian is in the ropes and Jericho beats on Christian but Christian comes back with a Tornado DDT. Killswitch is countered and Code Breaker gets a nearfall, when Christian is in the ropes. Jericho goes over and Triple H heckles him. Jericho goes over to yell at Triple H, and Christian rolls him up for the pin. <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jericho leaves the ring and shoves Triple H back into the crowd and Triple H fires back with a series of shots, and Shawn Michaels joins the fight, bopping Jericho across the back of the head with the DX Foam Finger that he was holding. DX are beaten in the center of the ring and thrown him. Superkick, into the Pedigree and Jericho is out, with Triple H lays a DX Shirt on top of Jericho, drawing loud cheers from the crowds and security is out, but DX returns to the back. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Undertaker and Kane defeated Jack Swagger and Ted DiBiase via disqualification in 12:44 when The Fortunate Sons interfered</strong></span> Kane is isolated in the ring and beaten down two on one but he fights out and tag made to the Undertaker, who runs over Swagger and DiBiase. A huge choke slam rocks Swagger but when the Undertaker goes for DiBiase, the Fortunate Sons run out and beat down the Undertaker for the disqualification. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Undertaker is beaten up three on one by the Fortunate Sons and Swagger chairs Kane from behind, preventing him from making the save but the lights go out and when they come back on, that tall druid that we have seen many times over the past couple of weeks enters the ring and lays Joe Hennig out with the Bicycle Kick. The Undertaker is up as the druid pulls his hood down, revealing the gaunt, pale face of...MIKE KNOX? Knox has not been seen since he was Buried Alive by the Undertaker and now he is aligned with the Undertaker and Kane? The Undertaker gets on the microphone and cuts a promo, introducing Knox as the third member of their Survivor Series team, the man who he can reveal as the long lost son of Kane. Wait a minute, Knox is related to Kane and the Undertaker? Apparently, so and hopefully we find more about this in the coming weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

The Miz is backstage, cutting a promo about his main event tonight against John Cena. He talks about how they have counted them out but Cena has a heavy schedule and he's beginning to crack underneath the pressure. In comes Jericho after the Miz leaves and Jericho begins to cut a promo about how he got mocked by DX for the last time. He talks about for ten years, Triple H has been making snide comments and undercut him at every turn, because Triple H knows that he couldn't match up with Jericho on Jericho's worst day or Triple H's best. Jericho says that he wants to be there when Triple H's career is ended at Survivor Series and he offers his services to CM Punk to be on his team at War Games. </p><p> </p><p>

We are backstage, with DX going on their recruiting mission and Matt Hardy offers his services. Shawn Michaels says that they were looking for someone a bit more....struggling to find the words to let off Matt diplomatically, but Triple H cuts him, calling Matt washed up and how he can't cut it any more. Hardy says that he might not jump as high, run as fast, but its war and beating the Illuminati can really cut them down. Triple H says that fine, Hardy can be on their team but he has to earn the spot and he has to beat Triple H this Monday in the center of the ring. Hardy agrees, saying that he's going to accomplish the impossible and gets in the Game's face, saying that he's going to find out that Matt Hardy won't die. Hardy walks off, as Triple H comments that he has guts, a lot of guts, hanging over his belt in fact. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>John Cena made the Miz tap out to the STF in a non title match in 12:44</strong></span> The Miz enters the ring, confident and ready to go and Batista watched this match, but Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart had security step in, to block Batista from moving any further from the top of the ramp. Cena turns to talk to Batista and gets jumped from behind, by the Miz and beaten down in the center of the ring. Skull Crushing Finale is blocked and Cena makes the comeback. Five Knuckle Shuffle and Attitude Adjustment but The Miz fights out and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Cena for a very close nearfall. He goes to the top rope but a dropkick gets caught and turned into the STF where the Miz taps out. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cena gets the win tonight and moves towards Survivor Series where he puts his belt on the line against Batista. Batista watches from the ramp, almost disinterested, as we fade to black. </p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


MattitudeV2: 3/4</p><p>

BHK1978: 3/4</p><p>

ChrisKid: 3/4</p><p>

Kijar: 3/4</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 12/14</p><p>

ChrisKid: 12/14</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 11/14</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/14</p><p>

Kijar: 6/14</p>

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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE RAW 11/8/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy vs. Triple H. </p><p> </p><p>

Gail Kim, Melina and Unified Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini. </p><p> </p><p>

Kofi Kingston and a partner of his choosing vs. Paul Burchill and a partner of his choosing.</p>

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<p>Matt Hardy vs. <strong>Triple H. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gail Kim, Melina and Unified Women's Champion Beth Phoenix</strong> vs. Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston and a partner of his choosing</strong> vs. Paul Burchill and a partner of his choosing.</p>

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<p>Matt Hardy vs. <strong>Triple H.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gail Kim, Melina and Unified Women's Champion Beth Phoenix</strong> vs. Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston and a partner of his choosing</strong> vs. Paul Burchill and a partner of his choosing.</p>

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<p>Matt Hardy vs. <strong>Triple H. </strong></p><p>

<strong>Gail Kim, Melina and Unified Women's Champion Beth Phoenix</strong> vs. Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, and Mia Mancini. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston and a partner of his choosing </strong>vs. Paul Burchill and a partner of his choosing.</p>

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<p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>WWE Monday Night RAW 11/8/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes CM Punk with the WWE Championship Belt in hand. Punk talks about how its only thirteen days and counting before Triple H is banished from World Wrestling Entertainment forever. He can't compete on RAW, Smackdown, ECW, or any sanctioned WWE event. Punk says when Triple H loses, he offers to put in the good word down in Orlando, where they have signed other people that Punk has personally ran out of the company, such as a certain rainbow haired drug addict. Punk talks about how the Illuminati will put down the DX Army at Survivor Series and never again will Triple H darken this company ever again. War Games is the most dangerous match in wrestling and Punk suggests that parents with small children put them to bed early, because they will be traumatized for life with what Punk does to their heroes in DX. Punk announces his team members, one by one. First of all, the man who helped start the movement over ECW, to wipe out the company, Frankie Kazarian will be on the team at War Games. Next CM Punk saw what happened to Chris Jericho and feels that Jericho was disrespected by DX and their Sports Entertainment garbage. Therefore, Jericho will be on the team at War Games. Punk also announces that their masked associate will be on the team as well. The fans boo, as the masked man has been one that should have his face revealed by now but he blatantly disregarded the agreed upon stipulations. Finally, the final man on their team, a man who hates Triple H more than anyone else, that being, “The Viper” Randy Orton.</p><p> </p><p>

Suddenly, a moment later, Orton's music kicks up and he slides into the ring. Orton says that Punk never asked him if he wanted to be on the team at War Games and Orton says that after what happened last week, he should beat Punk within an inch of his life, leaving him to DX. Punk replays the footage from August 16th, 2004, where Orton was turfed from Evolution and says that he would have thought that Orton would want to be right there when Triple H's career finally ends at Survivor Series. Orton admits that he's had his share of ruin ins with Triple H but that's behind him and he is after the WWE Championship shot and he'll get it from Punk, either one on one or when the belt is put up in a tournament, when he cripples Punk. Out comes the Illuminati and Punk suggests that Orton restate his claims. He says that Orton has no Evolution or Legacy or even Edge as part of Rated RKO to back him up. He's alienated everyone he's ever been with but Punk says if Orton is on his team, if he helps them get the victory, Orton will be the one to get the one on one interference free title shot that was to go to Triple H on the condition of his team's victory. Orton says that Punk talks a good game and they are on the same side, for now. After Survivor Series, all bets are off and Orton extends his hand to Punk, who shakes it and Orton pulls him in, like he is going to give him the RKO but stops, saying that it would be that easy to wipe out Punk if he screws him over. Punk walks off, talking about tonight's main event, with three members of Triple H's War Games Team against three members of Punk's team, before he states that he doesn't think HHH can find three guys. </p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Paul Burchill, with his partner, Rene Dupree, as it will be Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, R-Truth, Yoshi Tatsu, and a fifth man against Burchill, Dupree, Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, and Ezekiel Jackson at Survivor Series. Kofi Kingston comes out to announce his partner as John Morrison, who will also be the fifth man on their Survivor Series squad. Morrison has been out since being banished from Smackdown. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Kofi Kingston and John Morrison defeated Rene Dupree and Paul Burchill when Morrison pinned Dupree with the Starship Pain in 7:11</strong></span> Kofi played face in peril but Morrison made the hot tag and ran wild. Kofi took Burchill out and Morrison hit a Pele Kick, before hitting Dupree with the Starship Pain for the pin. <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Out comes Ezekiel Jackson, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes but Mark Henry, R-Truth, and Yoshi Tatsu quickly get in the ring, leading to a brawl, setting up this five on five Classic Survivor Series Match, with Morrison, Kofi, Henry, Tatsu, and R-Truth against Paul Burchill, Sheamus, Rene Durpee, Ezekiel Jackson, and Cody Rhodes! </p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Michaels and Triple H are backstage, when the ECW Champion Bryan Danielson walks up, offering his services to DX. They accept, as Shawn Michaels puts Danielson over as perhaps the next HBK, and says that he's proud to have trained the man. HBK asks if he can count on Danielson to be ready tonight for the six man main event and Danielson says that he's always ready which Shawn Michaels nods approvingly. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix, Melina, and Gail Kim defeated Natalya, Mia Mancini, and Katie Lea Burchill via DQ in 8:22 when Laycool interfered.</strong></span> A recap of the tag team match with Katie Lea and Macnini beating Gail Kim and Melina on Superstars, and now Beth Phoenix and Natalya join to make things a six woman tag. The women really tore into each other, Beth Phoenix trying to assert her dominance and any of the other five women trying to make their mark but Laycool joined the party, attacking Beth Phoenix for a disqualification. Eve Torres ran out, as did Alexandra Madison, leading to a ten woman brawl, setting up Survivor Series. <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We are back and Shawn Michaels runs into the Big Show. Show says that if they need someone on their team at War Games, he's the right man for the job and he says that after last week, he's chomping at the bit to get his hands on the Illuminati. Show pretty much offers his services for both War Games and the six man tag team match tonight. HBK shakes hands and says that there should no problem with Show being part of their team. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Matt Hardy and Triple H battled to a no contest when members of the Illuminati interfered in 10:21</strong></span> Matt Hardy shows up more serious than ever before, with a short buzz cut and a long legged singlet with simple white stripes, with his initials on the front. Triple H seems to take this match relaxed but Hardy attacks him with a lot of violent strikes and submission moves. The more dangerous Matt Hardy tears into the Game, trying to prove that he's War Games material but a stun gun puts Matt Hardy off balance but Triple H might have suffered a busted rib or two and he is slowed down, looking grudgingly impressed as he beats on Hardy. Pedigree is courted and low blow sets up a Side Effect for a nearfall. Hardy slaps on a Guillotine Choke to Triple H but Triple H fights out and the referee gets taken down in Hardy's next flurry, which allows Nick Dinsmore to drag Triple H to the floor and clock the Game with the United States Championship Belt. The Hart Dynasty and Kaval enter the ring and attack Matt Hardy as well. When the referee gets up, the match is thrown out. <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We see Matt Hardy manage to fight off Kaval and grab a chair, as Dinsmore and the Specialists are beating on Triple H in the center of the ring. Hardy swings the chair, backing them off, as Triple H gets up, as the Illuminati runs up the ramp. Triple H says that Matt Hardy more than proved himself, he's the fifth man on the team and CM Punk comes out, to openly mock Triple H for slumming with Matt Hardy, suggesting their as a janitor in Titan's Towers who might have been a better fit. Hardy cuts a promo, demanding that Punk come out and face him in the ring and Punk disagrees, saying that Hardy isn't worth his time and Hardy runs up the ramp, attacking the Illuminati, before giving Punk the Twist of Fate on the ramp! The fans explode into cheers, but the Illuminati is beating down Matt Hardy, until Triple H saves, along with the Big Show, Bryan Danielson, and Shawn Michaels. The DX Army have struck Punk down. </p><p> </p><p>

We see Punk being helped to the back, where the Illuminati vows to beat Matt Hardy worse they did Vince McMahon and put him in traction for the rest of his life. It was supposed to be as we find out, Orton, Kazarian, and Punk on the Illuminati team but now we see Dinsmore offer himself up as a replacement for Punk. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Nick Dinsmore, Frankie Kazarian, and Randy Orton defeated Shawn Michaels, the Big Show, and ECW Champion Bryan Danielson when Orton pinned Danielson with the RKO in 15:11, that was set up by a belt shot from Kazarian</strong></span> Hype for tomorrow night where Frankie Kazarian will challenge Bryan Danielson for the ECW Championship. We see a wild six man tag team match, just a preview of what we're going to see at War Games. The end came when Kaval, the Specialists, the masked man, the Hart Dynasty, and William Regal all came out. The Big Show went after the, and this allowed Kazarian to deck Danielson with the belt from behind and Orton to hit the RKO for the pin. <strong>(B+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We stand back, as Triple H runs out with the sledgehammer and Matt Hardy has a pipe and its breaking down here at the arena, as RAW General Manager Kevin Nash makes his way out, to announce five huge matches on next week's three hour RAW leading into Survivor Series. It will be the Big Show taking on the Illuminati's Masked Man. It will be Shawn Michaels taking on Kazarian. It will be Bryan Danielson taking on Randy Orton, It will be the WWE Champion CM Punk taking on Matt Hardy in a Non Title Street Fight, and it will be Chris Jericho taking on Triple H in a best of five series, where the team who wins three will get the advantage in War Games. Nash announces that next Monday will be big. </p><p> </p><p>

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BHK1978: 2/3</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 2/3</p><p>

ChrisKid: 2/3</p><p> </p><p>


BHK1978: 14/17</p><p>

ChrisKid: 14/17</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 13/17</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 8/17</p><p>

Kijar: 6/17</p>

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