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WWE Smackdown 1/15/2010


Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)

He is better...pretty simple


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)

If Dolph wins I won't dig dat.


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk



R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.

Beard of Death FTW


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

Kung Fu Naki......

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Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)

Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk

R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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WWE Smackdown 1/15/10


Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)(Non Title Match)


Pretty much a work out for the Hart Dynasty, as they beat down Funaki for most of the match. Funaki fights out of the corner and makes the tag to Jimmy Wang Yang, who is a house of fire, scoring a nearfall on Tyson Kidd but David Hart Smith is back into the ring. Double team on Yang and Kung Fu Naki attempts to make the save but is cut off. Springboard Hart Attack puts away Yang for the pin and the Hart Dynasty get another impressive win on Smackdown, as the Unified Tag Team Champions continue to roll.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(5:02, B-)


Both members of the Hart Dynasty are in the Royal Rumble and it could come down to Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. What will happen if the title shot at Wrestlemania 26 comes down to these two men?


Chris Jericho is standing backstage, as Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart walks out to him. Jericho crows about his accomplishment, in taking the Undertaker out. Jericho says he’s ready for the Undertaker tonight but the Hitman says that the Undertaker is not here. Jericho says it’s a shame, because he could beat the Undertaker. However, Bret Hart says that since Jericho is ready for a fight, he can have one, with Kane! Jericho looks a bit disturbed but as he exits that area, he turns around, as if he saw something behind him but there is nothing there. Jericho looks disturbed, as he continues to walk backstage, a match with Kane tonight!


**************************Commercial Break************************************


R-Truth vs. Mike Knox


Knox and R-Truth have a brawl to start, with R-Truth managing to get a brief advantage but not for long, as Knox takes him out. Knox dominates Truth with a series of power moves, working over him but Knox’s attention is diverted by Cryme Tyme on the ramp. Knox beats on R-Truth and turns to jaw jack with Shad on the ramp before he goes for the Bicycle Kick but Truth avoids it and hits the Lie Detector to score the pin!


Winner: R-Truth (8:31, C+)


R-Truth celebrates the win in the ring, as Knox fumes in the ring. Cryme Tyme have cost him a big win. Meanwhile, R-Truth will be one of the thirty men involved in the Royal Rumble and he walks away tonight with the win.


Chris Jericho is backstage, when suddenly the lights begin to flicker. Jericho starts to yell, that he’s not afraid of the Undertaker’s parlor tricks and he doesn’t scare Jericho, all while his eyes avert from side to side, as he nervously looks around, back to the wall, championship belt in hand. Jericho continues to walk, back remaining to a wall, belt up high, as the lights flicker one more time and causes Jericho to jump up and begin to pummel a figure dressed in black, but it turns out to be one of our stagehands.


Coming up next, CM Punk and Charlie Haas join forces to take on Finlay and Matt Hardy. More Smackdown right after we come back.


************************Commercial Break**********************


CM Punk cuts a promo before this match, restating his vow to become the first ever straight edge Royal Rumble winner. Punk says that both Finlay and Matt Hardy are going to find out tonight why Straight Edge means he’s better than them.


Matt Hardy and Finlay vs. Charlie Haas and CM Punk


Haas and Finlay start out, with Finlay working over Haas with a series of stiff forearm smashes and a huge clothesline. Finlay stomps away at Haas and beats him in the corner, before hitting a pair of shoulder thrusts in the corner. Tag made to Matt Hardy, who beats on Haas, before taking him down with a spine buster and a leaping elbow drop for a nearfall. Haas cuts off Matt Hardy and tag made to CM Punk, who works over Hardy with a series of kicks to the chest. Roundhouse kick into the corner, followed by a running bulldog. Punk hits a slingshot kneedrop for a two count and works over Hardy, before making the tag to Charlie Haas. Haas is in, helping Punk double team Matt Hardy. Double suplex on the top rope and Haas beats on Hardy, applying a neck crank submission hold. A series of knees rammed into the bridge of the nose and capture suplex but Hardy gets out. More quick tags in and out, with Haas hitting a running kneelift in the corner. German Suplex on Hardy but Hardy kicks out. Haas goes for another one but Hardy elbows out. Haas steps back and Hardy takes him out with the Side Effect!


Hardy is crawling into the corner. Tag made to Punk and tag made to Finlay. Punk backs off, begging off and Finlay hammers away at Punk. Vicious clothesline takes Punk down. Finlay takes out Haas as well and begins stomping away at Punk, before drilling a series of vicious forearm smashes right into the chest. Finlay throws Punk into the corner and kneelift, before he hoists up Punk and hits a forward rolling slam. Finlay climbs to the second rope and drops a forearm down across the chest of Punk. Two count and Finlay waffles Punk with an uppercut! Haas is back in but Hardy fights him off and both men go to the arena floor. The referee is distracted and Punk goes for the Shillelagh but Finlay kicks him right in the ribs, causing Punk to drop the weapon. Finlay hoists up Punk for the Celtic Cross but Punk drops down and dropkicks Finlay into the corner! Punk picks up the Shillelagh and waffles Finlay right across the head with it! The referee turns around in time for Punk to score the pin on Finlay, as Haas holds Hardy back.


Winners: CM Punk and Charlie Haas(15:01, B-)


Haas and Punk leave the ring, as Finlay is trying to recover by beating hit with his own Shillelagh in the head. Punk scores another big, if slightly dubious, victory, as he goes towards the Royal Rumble.



*******************Commercial Break*********************


The WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler makes his way out to a series of boos. Ziggler talks about how everyone doubted him in 2009 but he ended the year, achieving his goal of championship glory. He holds up the belt, taunting the fans and says that while his goal in 2009 was this title, he’s going to take one more step. The World Heavyweight Championship will be his. Out comes Booker T to interrupt, the man who will be Ziggler’s opponent. Ziggler says that tonight, Booker T will get a preview of what’s to come but Booker interrupts him, saying that Ziggler’s about ready to get punked out and Booker T will be going to the Royal Rumble to win and get one more championship opportunity in the main event of Wrestlemania 26. The bell rings, kicking off this non title match.


Booker T vs. Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Booker T beats down Ziggler at the bell and takes him down with a huge inverted atomic drop, before waffling him with a forearm smash. Booker continues to beat down on Ziggler in the ring of the ring and running kneelift right in the corner. Booker continues the beating in the corner and hoists up Ziggler, before taking him down with a huge flapjack! The wind has been knocked out of Ziggler and Booker continues the beating but he ducks the head as he comes off the ropes. This allows Ziggler to pull out a swinging neckbreaker to stun Booker T. Two count off of the move and Ziggler begins to shift his offense up a gear. He beats down Booker in the center of the ring, propping him in the corner. Forearms in the corner and Ziggler takes out Booker with a short arm clothesline, before he climbs to the top rope. Ziggler leaps off with a flying axe handle for a nearfall. He beats on Booker some more and into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Booker T comes off with a flying forearm smash of his own!


Standing ten count with both men down, but Booker T gets up at the count of nine. He grabs Ziggler’s hair and begins punching away at him. Ziggler is rammed into the turnbuckle ten times in succession and now Booker T grabs Ziggler and brings him down with a belly to back suplex! Booker stares at his hand and the crowd anticipates what’s coming. Booker T kneels down and spinaroonie time from Booker T! Booker is up and jumping side kick is avoided and Ziggler rolls up Booker T for a two count. Ziggler beats on Booker T some more and hits a vicious DDT, bringing him down. To the outside and springboard splash. Booker kicks out and Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag but Booker avoids it. Kneelift to the midsection and Axe Kick is ducked, before Ziggler brings down Booker T with a knee strike to the back of the head. Ziggler climbs to the top rope and leaps off but Booker catches him. Book End plants Ziggler down and scores the pin!


Winner: Booker T(14:05, B)


Booker T gets the win tonight but both of these men will be a part of the Royal Rumble Match. The winner of the Rumble gets a free pass at the championship of their choosing in the main event of Wrestlemania 26. That man could be either, Dolph Ziggler and Booker T but Booker gets some momentum pinning the WWE Intercontinental Champion in this non title match.


********************Commercial Break************************


Kane vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Jericho’s preoccupation with the Undertaker, allows Kane to take the advantage early on. Kane beats on Jericho in the corner and launches him high into the air with a high back body drop. A huge clothesline knocks Jericho for a loop and Kane bends down, beating on Jericho in the ring, shoving him into the corner. A series of elbow smashes into the corner and Kane hoists up Jericho, before hitting a Snake Eyes into the corner. Jericho bounces out into a big boot and Kane goes for the Choke Slam but Jericho hangs onto the rope and kicks Kane in the ribs. Another pair of kicks to the ribs and Jericho beats on Kane, before throwing him into the ropes. Leaping clothesline brings Kane down. Jericho beats on Kane and works over him. Kane is back up and Jericho hits a springboard dropkick, before he sets up a lionsault for a two count. Kane is back to his feet and Jericho beats on him. Kneelift and Jericho chokes Kane in the corner. He backs off but Kane boots him down!


Kane fires back with a series of forearm smashes to the chest. Jericho is hoisted up and thrown down onto his back with a Gorilla Press Slam! Jericho clutches back, he’s favoring it heavily and now Kane backs off, to rocket Jericho down with a huge clothesline. Make it a pair and Jericho is now on dream street. Kane backs off, measuring Jericho. Right to the throat of Jericho and Jericho fights Kane, hammering away at him with punches. Kane is pushed back and leaping leg lariat by Jericho and a senton for a two count. Jericho beats on Kane and goes for the Code Breaker but Kane counters with a Hot Shot. Tilt a Whirl into a powerslam by Kane and Jericho kicks out. Once again, Kane goes for the Choke Slam but Jericho hangs onto the ropes to fight it off. Kane steps back and goes for a big boot but Jericho ducks and Kane gets hung up on the ropes. Jericho chop blocks the leg of Kane and works over him, pounding his legs and back, before taking him down and applying the Walls of Jericho! Jericho leans back on the hold and the monster is in the center of the ring. He has no place to go and after a moment’s struggle, Kane taps out!


Winner: Chris Jericho(13:39, B+)


Chris Jericho has proven that the Walls of Jericho can make a larger man tap out, beating Kane tonight! Jericho takes the championship belt and holds it up but the lights go out and the loud “BONG” of the Undertaker echoes throughout the arena. Jericho is in the darkness but he stands in the ring, as he looks on from the corner. The Undertaker’s laughter echoes throughout the arena, before he claims that he’s coming for Chris Jericho and to regain the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble. Jericho looks tense but at the same time, he yells that the Undertaker doesn’t scare him!

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Smackdown Results:

Huntman: 4/5

MattitudeV2: 3/5

TracyBrooksFan: 3/5

MartinC: 3/5

EdgeHeadD: 5/5

Rayelek: 5/5

BHK1978: 4/5



Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 26/39

Rayelek: 24/39

MartinC: 22/39

BHK1978: 15/39

EdgeHeaD: 10/39

MattitudeV2: 9/39

Huntman: 4/39

Lo-Drew: 3/39

TheOmniWarrior: 3/39


WWE Monday Night RAW 1/18/2010


Evan Bourne vs. Ted DiBiase


Kofi Kingston vs. Tyson Kidd


Carlito vs. Chavo Guerrero(w/Hornswoggle)


Kelly Kelly and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Natalya.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/18/2010


A graphic celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. is shown as we start off the show tonight.


Tonight’s RAW Guest Host, the Winner of the 1988 WWE Royal Rumble, Jim Duggan comes out to much fanfare and whips the crowd into a frenzy. Duggan says tonight, they are thirteen days away from the Royal Rumble and by his count, there are four former Royal Rumble winners on RAW. Randy Orton won in 2009, Triple H won in 2002, John Cena won in 2008, and Shawn Michaels is a two time winner in 1996 and 1997. Therefore, Hacksaw says tonight, he is going to have a mini-tournament tonight, to show the fans just the quality of competition they can expect for the Royal Rumble. First, the WWE Champion Shawn Michaels meets John Cena in a non title match and Randy Orton faces off against Triple H. And that match, starts now.


WWE Champion Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena(Non Title, Royal Rumble Tournament Match)


Both men have the usual high impact match, with Michaels cutting Cena off right away and working him over. The crowd is mixed as usual, most of them are cheering Cena but a rogue portion of the ground is booing him. Cena fights back and hits a pair of shoulder blocks. Five knuckle shuffle and he pounds on Michaels but Michaels catches him with a powerslam and a flying elbowdrop! Michaels cues the band but Cena catches the foot and turned right into the STF! Michaels struggles and makes it to the ropes and the two men battle for several more minutes, before Paul Burchill runs out from the back and jumps Cena as he gets to his feet for the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification: John Cena(8:07, A)


Burchill continues to destroy Cena and throws him through the ropes. Burchill hammers Cena and rams him right into the ringpost. Michaels goes to the outside, but Ted DiBiase rushes into the ring. DiBiase is beating on Michaels. The man who will challenge for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble, is hammering on Michaels. Michaels fights off DiBiase for a second but gets taken down with the Dream Street.


Meanwhile on the outside, Burchill throws Cena into the ring steps and smashes a chair over his back. Burchill hits a neckbreaker on the floor outside on Cena, before he pulls back the mats and drags Cena onto the ring apron. Burchill obliterates Cena with the Curb Stomp off of the ring apron, sending him crashing to the concrete below. Looking down at Cena with disdain, Burchill leaves. Cena has been destroyed by Burchill once again.


***********************Commercial Break**********************


John Cena is being checked over backstage, barely responsive, as Jim Duggan storms in. The RAW Guest Host is angry and says that he’ll make Burchill pay for what he did, even if he has to step into the ring and teach Burchill some respect. Duggan says now it looks like the winner of Randy Orton and Triple H will be the winner by default but Cena raises an arm up and says that there is no way he’s going to let Burchill defeat him. He slumps down, barely able to breath, as the paramedics crowd around. Surely John Cena is not going to try and wrestle tonight after the savage beating Burchill gave him just moments ago? Not to mention the fact that Cena is not likely healed from the one Burchill gave him last week.


Out comes Randy Orton, cutting a promo, declaring that he’s going to beat Kofi Kingston at the Royal Rumble, before once again running down the Rock but Triple H comes out to interrupt Orton. Triple H says he has had his history with the Rock but one thing was for certain, that for all his talk, the Rock fought his battles straight up. Triple H says that the Rock never hid behind a goon squad like Orton did with Legacy. The Game concludes that Orton will never be the Rock, just like he would never be Triple H. Orton remarks that he actually agrees with that. He never is going to run off to Hollywood, even though he could be more successful than anyone there, and he never slept his way to the top of the company. Triple H gets angered and promises to teach Orton a lesson. Orton says that Triple H taught him plenty of lessons when they were in Evolution and tonight, the student is going to beat the teacher.


Triple H vs. Randy Orton(Royal Rumble Winner Tournament Semi-Final)


Triple H gains the early advantage to start this match, beating on Orton, using a high knee and a spine buster but Orton cheap shots Triple H with a low blow and starts a slow beating, working over the King of Kings. Triple H fights up and beats on Orton. Orton is battered from pillar to post and Triple H scores several close near falls. Triple H is pulled off of Orton and Orton undoes the turnbuckle padding, exposing the steel bolt. Triple H kicks Orton and goes for the Pedigree but Orton counters with a catapult into the steel bolt! Triple H is out on his feet and Orton poses, before he grabs Triple H. Instead of going for the RKO, Orton drills Triple H with a Rock Bottom! Total disrespect by Randy Orton! Orton scores the pin on Triple H.


Winner: Randy Orton(6:59, B+)


Orton cuts on a promo, asking Triple H where the goon squad was this time. Orton steps back and punts Triple H right in the side of the head! The punt has just drilled Triple H and Orton does a mock raise of the eyebrow. The Game’s participation in the Royal Rumble may be in jeopardy. The punt put many men on the shelf for months at a time and now Triple H just suffered a sickening shot right to the side of the head. Orton is scheduled to face John Cena, who is also in questionable condition.


Jim Duggan says that he’s going to get some extra security around the ring, to get some law and order on this show, before someone gets seriously hurt. In comes, Carlito, who demands a match with Hornswoggle. Santino shows up, wearing a fake afro wig and asks Carlito how it feels to lose to the guy who lost to Hornswoggle in Chavo Guerrero. Carlito says that if that little punk had not interfered. Carlito says that he can beat Chavo and Duggan somehow interprets this into Carlito wanting a match with Chavo. Carlito protests, saying that he wants the little guy but Hacksaw has spoken.


*********************Commercial Break****************


Kelly Kelly and the WWE Diva’s Champion Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Natalya


Kelly is worked over for most of this match, until Melina is tagged in, running wild. Katie Lea is taken down but Natalya interferes, snapping the neck of Melina on the top rope. Kelly dives at Natalya but gets the worst of it. In the meantime, Katie hits a reverse DDT on Melina, before holding on and applying a dragon sleeper. She cranks on the neck and forces Melina to submit! Katie Lea Burchill has just made the WWE Diva’s Champion submit!


Winners: Natalya and Katie Lea Burchill(4:05, C)


We cut backstage, where Ted DiBiase meets up with Cody Rhodes, crowing about taking out Shawn Michaels tonight and Orton arrives, saying taking out a man is different than beating a man. Orton did both tonight. DiBiase says that Orton better step off because there might be a new WWE Champion and Orton’s time in Legacy might be gone. “Perhaps you should spend a bit more time worrying about running this stable and a little less time calling out a Hollywood actor, Randy.” DiBiase leaves, saying that he has to get ready for his match and he’s going to show the world why he is the next WWE Champion.


************Commercial Break*******************


Kofi Kingston vs. Tyson Kidd


Hacksaw Jim Duggan forces Natalya and David Hart Smith to make their way to the back, so this match could be one on one. Kofi is a house of fire, but Tyson Kidd manages to cut him off and go to work on him . The announcers wonder if Kofi is looking towards Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble, if he may be looking a bit past Tyson Kidd. Kidd hits a tornado DDT for a nearfall and beats on Kofi but misses a springboard splash. Kofi beats on Kidd and dropkicks him down, before hitting the Boom Drop for a nearfall. Kofi hammers away at Kidd in the corner but Kidd goes right to the eyes and throws Kofi into the ropes. Pick up but Kofi drops down and pulls out the Trouble in Paradise to score the pin!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(9:55, B-)


Kofi pumps his fist into the air and grabs the microphone, running down Randy Orton. At the Royal Rumble, Orton is going to see exactly what Kofi Kingston is all about. Kofi says that Orton made the mistake of not finishing him off with that punt and all its going to take is one Trouble in Paradise. Kofi says that Orton will be his stepping stone to the topic. He rallies the fans behind him, as they are cheering this fan favorite who really stepped up his game in recent months, scoring a number of huge victories. He has his toughest test in thirteen days, against Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble.


**********************Commercial Break**********************


Chavo Guerrero(w/Hornswoggle) vs. Carlito


Carlito is preoccupied with Hornswoggle at ringside, allowing Chavo to attack him from behind. Hornswoggle looks on from ringside, as the announcers remind us that Chavo is Hornswoggle’s servant for the next thirty days. Chavo hits the corner hard and Carlito goes to work on the back of Chavo, dropkicking him in the back, before hitting a Back Stabber but Hornswoggle puts Chavo’s foot on the bottom rope at two. Carlito drags Hornswoggle into the ring and prepares to beat the little guy senseless, but Santino runs to the back. The referee holds Santino back and Hornswoggle spits green mist in the eyes of Carlito! Carlito is blinded and he falls through the ropes to the arena floor, staggering around, punching at the air and he punches the ring post as well! The referee makes the count and reaches ten, as Carlito trips over a camera cable at ringside.


Winner By Countout: Chavo Guerrero(5:21, C-)


Since joining the management of Hornswoggle, one Chavo Guerrero has become 2-0. Chavo pulls himself up, favoring his back, as Hornswoggle is favoring a leg injury and demands that Chavo carry him to the back. Chavo complains but he has to honor his stipulation and he scoops up Hornswoggle. The little guy is a strain on his back, as Santino laughs at Carlito, who is still stumbling around, blinded from the mist that Hornswoggle spit in his eyes.


***************Commercial Break****************


Evan Bourne vs. Ted DiBiase


Once again, Cody Rhodes is sent to the back, to prevent an unfair situation. The Number one contender to the WWE Championship nearly was humiliated tonight, with Bourne getting a couple of quick nearfalls. DiBiase catches Bourne and hammers him. A vertical suplex and a kneedrop off of the second rope, before DiBiase pounds on Bourne some more, but Bourne counters a tilt a whirl with a spinning headscissors. Bourne hammers away at DiBiase and headscissors into a cradle for a nearfall. Springboard forearm arm strike gets two, as does a step over spin kick. To the outside, but Air Bourne misses! DiBiase is crafty and he grabs Bourne before bringing him down with the Dream Street for the pin.


Winner: Ted DiBiase(6:30, C+)


If he connects with that move against Shawn Michaels at the Royal Rumble, we could have a brand new WWE Champion.


We go backstage, where Jim Duggan is sitting backstage and Carlito staggers backstage, still blinded, wanting answers about how Hornswoggle wasn’t banned from ringside but everyone else was tonight. Carlito is yelling at a lamp, thinking that it’s Duggan and he says he’s going to spit in Duggan’s face. Hornswoggle sneaks in and switches Carlito’s apple, with a Jalapeno pepper. Carlito takes a bite out of the pepper, unaware and sells like he is being burned in the mouth. Of course it would not be a RAW without someone getting punked out by the Guest Host and Duggan clotheslines Carlito, before sticking thumbs up and yelling “HO, TOUGH GUY!” and chanting USA.


We check backstage, as John Cena is being taped up backstage. Suddenly, Paul Burchill rushes into the backstage area and begins beating Cena down some more. Cena can barely fight back and Burchill rams Cena right into the wall and hammers him, before slamming the first aid tray right into the ribs of Cena. Burchill says they won’t be able to put Cena back together when he’s done with them and Burchill continues to beat on Cena, until security pulls him off and begins to drag him out of the arena. Cena is on the floor, favoring his ribs and he can barely move but he uses a paramedic to pull himself up and demands that they get him out to the ring, because he has a match with Randy Orton tonight in the main event.


****************Commercial Break****************


John Cena vs. Randy Orton(Finals of the Royal Rumble Winner Alumni Tournament)


These two men have had many great battles and while their final battle was to be at Bragging Rights 2009, this is an epilogue of their great feud. Cena takes nearly ten minutes to get down to the ring, as Orton waits in the ring, looking smug. Cena gets kicked and Orton assaults Cena, beating him down. Cena can barely stand and Orton just beats Cena down. Cena swings a couple of punches but Orton keeps a distance and knees Cena in the face, before hitting him with a DDT! Orton hoists up Cena in a front chancery and has him on his hands and knees. The referee calls for the bell immediately, stopping the match, before Orton can punt Cena.


Winner: Randy Orton(2:59, C+)


Security runs out to protect Cena, as Orton stands in the ring, saying that he could take Cena out right now just like he does but he’s proven his point. Tonight, Orton beat both Triple H and John Cena and he asks Kofi, what hope does he hope to have? Orton taunts Kofi Kingston about his chances of victory but a man dressed in a suit makes his way down to the ring. The man in the suit says that he represents Dwayne Johnson, better known to the fans of the WWE Universe as the Rock. The man announces that the Rock will be the Special Guest Host next week on RAW and he has requested to see Randy Orton. Orton steps back, but he says he doesn’t fear anyone and he kicks the agent in the ribs, before planting him with a huge RKO! Orton stands over the agent of the Rock in the ring. Next week, the Rock is our special guest host and it looks like there is a chance that Orton might pay for all those snide remarks he’s made about the Rock over the past few weeks.

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RAW Results:

Lo-Drew: 3/4

BHK1978: 4/4

MartinC: 2/4

Huntman: 3/4

EdgeHeaD: 4/4

Rayelek: 4/4


Overall January:

Rayelek: 29/43

TracyBrooksFan: 26/43

MartinC: 24/43

BHK1978: 19/43

EdgeHeaD: 14/43

MattitudeV2: 9/43

Huntman: 7/43

Lo-Drew: 6/43

TheOmniWarrior: 3/43


ECW on Sy Fy 1/19/2010


Shelton Benjamin vs. ECW Champion William Regal(Non Title Match)


Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


The Hurricane and Goldust vs. Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov.

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ECW on Sy Fy 1/19/2010


The Hurricane and Goldust vs. Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov


The Hurricane is beaten in the center of the ring for most of the match, as the Roundtable takes turns double teaming him, until Goldust is tagged in. Goldust runs wild, beating down Jackson and Koslov in the center of the ring. Koslov is on the arena floor and the Hurricane hits a somersault dive to the floor, as Goldust takes Jackson down with a huge powerslam to score the pin.


Winners: Goldust and The Hurricane(5:59, C)


Goldust and the Hurricane get the win, as William Regal walks down to the ring, a scowl on his face, as he looks around the ring. Regal steps down to the ring, talking about his ECW Championship match against Goldust at the Royal Rumble and he promises to take Goldust around. Goldust cuts Regal off and says that he beat both members of Regal’s Roundtable and pinned Regal twice in recent weeks. At the Royal Rumble, Goldust will be the ECW Champion and he’ll never forget the name of (breathes), Goldust. Regal scowls, sticking his nose in the air as he walks off, as the announcers hype the ECW Championship match at the Royal Rumble and also Regal’s non title match in the main event against Shelton Benjamin.


***********************Commercial Break*******************


Johnny Curtis vs. Bryan Danielson


Danielson wrestles circles around this young man, putting him away with a running elbow strike to the head and a high angle belly to back suplex for the pin.


Winner: Bryan Danielson(3:03, D+)


After the match, Lance Cade rushes to the ring and attacks Danielson, beating him down in the ring. Danielson starts to fight out from underneath but Cade kicks Danielson right in the face, before hitting him with a huge lariat. Cade picks up Danielson, before hitting him with a high angle Sidewalk Slam. Cade looks at Danielson, before telling him that Cade’s not done with him. If Danielson has the guts, Cade wants him in a match next week. The announcers hype up that potential huge match next week.


*******************Commercial Break***********************


Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


Pretty much an exhibition by the Hart Dynasty to get their faces out on ECW. They get the heat on Tyler Reks for several minutes but Reks fights out and tag made to Tatsu. Yoshi enters the ring and fights off the Hart Dynasty, beating them down in the ring. Eventually Zack Ryder comes out, to taunt Tatsu from the ramp, allowing the Hart Dynasty to take control and take him down with the Springboard Hart Attack for the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(6:50, C+)


The Hart Dynasty get a huge win tonight as the Unified Tag Team Champions, as Zack Ryder leaves the ring.


We cut backstage, where Shelton Benjamin is getting ready for the biggest match of his life. A non title match against the ECW Champion William Regal. Shelton has a huge task at hand to say the least. Can he take advantage? The main event is next.


*****************Commercial Break*******************


Shelton Benjamin vs. ECW Champion William Regal(Non Title Match)


Shelton used his lighting quick agility, catching Regal off guard with a series of moves, including a fisherman suplex to score an early nearfall. Regal catches him with an European Uppercut and begins beating Shelton down in the center of the ring, working him over. Double underhook suplex sets up a series of stomps and Regal cross faces Benjamin with more forearms. High angle belly to back suplex and Regal picks up Shelton, before hoisting him up but Shelton fights out and hits a spin kick, before delivering a dropkick and ten count punches. Regal is down and springboard cross body block by Shelton gets a two count. Benjamin is on his feet and kick to Regal. Blocked and Shelton snaps up, hitting a leg lariat for a nearfall. He beats on Regal and T-Bone Suplex is blocked. Regal grabs Shelton and half nelson suplex brings him down for a kneefall! Going for the Knee Trembler but Shelton ducks that and German Suplex for a nearfall. To the outside and 450 Splash misses. Regal goes for the Regal Stretch but Goldust is out. Goldust taunts Regal from the ramp and Regal turns to jaw with Goldust, allowing Shelton to roll up Regal from behind for a nearfall! Regal beats on Benjamin and puts him on the top rope. Regal climbs up but Benjamin fights Regal off and both men take a nasty spill to the ground. Benjamin gets the least of the brunt and grabs Regal, before planting him with the Pay Dirt to score the pin! The ECW Champion has been pinned in this non title match.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(10:55, B-)


Shelton Benjamin has just scored a huge win over Regal, as the announcers wonder if this is an omen for the Royal Rumble. Can William Regal defeat the odd and flamboyant Goldust to keep his ECW Championship?

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ECW Results:

Huntman: 1/3

TracyBrooksFan: 2/3

MartinC: 3/3

EdgeHeaD: 2/3


Overall January:

Rayelek: 29/46

TracyBrooksFan: 28/46

MartinC: 27/46

BHK1978: 19/46

EdgeHeaD: 16/46

MattitudeV2: 9/46

Huntman: 8/46

Lo-Drew: 6/46

TheOmniWarrior: 3/46


WWE Superstars


Winner Receives a WWE United States Title Shot on RAW:

M.V.P. vs. Mark Henry vs. Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger


Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Tyson Kidd


Tyler Reks vs. Lance Cade


Santino Marella vs. Cody Rhodes.

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