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BYOB: NO one goes home sober

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BYOB:Back Yard Outdoor Bloodshed





Holy ****! My crazy neighbor just died and guess what we found while cleaning out his basement? A damn boxing ring, my dad said we should throw it up on Ebay. But I asked him who would believe a guy by the name of Shooter Craps wasn’t trying to scam them. It took a while but I convinced him to let me keep it out in our back yard. Now I hope my dad doesn’t find out about the pickle Jar full of hundreds I found in the basement, I know he won't let me keep that. (what it’s only Canadian money)




Next step, I set up and internet site:


Jack Craps Presenents: BYOB

All interested parties please contact Jack for tickets or a spot on the card at JackCrapsAlot@BYOB.net


I got lots of hits, turns out lots of rednecks in Quebec think it would be a great way to spend a Friday night getting drunk and watching other red necks beat the crap out of each other. Now I just have to find two men crazy enough to fight it out in our main event, “See the light” first man to shatter 10 light tubes over his opponents broken body becomes out hard core champion.




Quick picks:

Title tournament :

R1: Keith Vegas vs Ben Williams

R2: Weird Waldo vs Dusty Bins

R3: K-Squared vs Jack Craps

R4: Ace Youngblood vs Tj Bailey


Semi 1: R1 vs R2

Semi 2: R3 vs R4


Main Event "See the Light" : Semi 1 vs Semi 2

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First off nice picks for workers. Second Youngblood is one word not two. Third here are my picks.


Quick picks:

Title tournament :

R1: Keith Vegas vs Ben Williams

R2: Weird Waldo vs Dusty Bins

R3: K-Squared vs Jack Craps

R4: Ace Youngblood vs Tj Bailey


Semi 1: Ben Williams vs Dusty Bins

Semi 2: K-Squared vs Ace Youngblood


Main Event "See the Light" : Dusty Bins vs Ace Youngblood


Ace is by far the most over guy on your roster. At E+ across the board he beats out everyone else who are all F-. Williams will push as a Main Event and Dusty as a Midcard but I think if you push him you can get him over the bumpmachine pretty quickly.

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BYOB: Good to the Last Drop

January 2007, Friday week 3




Jack is in a dirty white T shirt, Olivia is wearing gold Spandex and a Sports Bra.


Jack: Holy ****! Welcome to my back yard

Olivia: Stop crapping your pants, this is a back yard fed

Jack: Hell yes it is and tonight we will see Bloodiest Belt Ever awarded to the man who can defeat three others and survive our “See the Light” Match

Olivia: How man light tubes are in that match again

Jack: First guy to crush 10 over his opponent wins




Keith Vegas comes out and spins a large wheel for his opponent in tonight’s tournament.

Vegas: “I must be the Luckiest man alive, no way I can loose to Ben Williams!” (F+)



Round 1

Keith Vegas over Ben Williams

in a tables match. (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/KeithVegas.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/BenWilliams.jpg

Ben and Keith both open the match by setting up a half dozen tables each. Keith then leads off with a huge back body drop, but Ben does not break the table.


Ben then tries to gore Keith through a table but Keith side steps, sending Keith through the table. The ref waves it off, as it was unintentional.


Keith Sets Vegas up, and delivers a High Roller Suite, through a table on the out side.



Jack: What a match up, I thought they would never break one of those tables

Olivia: Calm down that’s just the first match

Jack: Well how about dinner after where done here, I hear we have a few tables left.

Oliva: I don’t date losers Jack, Especially ones to poor to wear a clean shirt to work.




Round 2

Dusty Bins over Weird Waldo

in a hard core brawl.


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/DustyBin.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg


Waldo comes out with a Singapore cane in hand, and unloads on Dusty Bins.


Bins rolls from the ring, and grabs a garbage can from the crowd. He nails Waldo with it, and then stuffs it over his head. Bins climbs to the top rope and delivers a huge missile drop kick, sending a still canned Waldo flying across the ring.


Waldo Struggles out of the can, only to find Bins has laid broken glass all over the mat. Bins hits an awkward spear into the glass. Then climbs the ropes and delivers a Waste Basket Stomp, from the second rope.



Keith Vegas is in the ring with K-Squared

Vegas: “Hey man let me spin for you, you know I am the Luckiest man alive.”

K-Squared: “What ever, its not like it matters who comes up.”

Vegas: “Holy Craps, you get to face the evil genius himself. Jack Craps.”

K-Squared just cracks his knuckles and turns to the announce desk. (E-)



Round 3

K-squared over Jack Craps


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/K-Squared.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/JackCraps.jpg


Craps climbs into the ring timidly, K charges at him. Craps pulls frying pan from the back of his pants and slams it into K’s head.


Craps then tries to lock in a figure four leg lock, but K squared comes to, and reverses it. Craps chooses the better part of being a yellow bellied coward and quickly taps out.



Weird Waldo stops Ace Young Blood out where every one can see and hear the two

Waldo: “Hey man I love you can I get an autograph or something?”

Ace blows him off and keeps walking toward the ring.(E-)


Round 4

Ace Young Blood over Tj Bailey

in an American barb wire match. (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/TJBailey.jpg


The ropes have been wrapped in barb wire and both men try their best to stay away from the ropes, but soon they are both a bloody mess.


Tj uses the ropes as a spring board, to hit a flying inverted DDT.


Youngblood, then whips TJ back to the ropes and hits the Ace in the whole as he rebounds back. Ace then runs Tj’s head along the ring ropes drawing major heat from the crowd.


Ace delivers a second Ace in the whole, and covers for an easy three



Olivia Diamond climbs into the ring,

Olivia: “ya’ll ready for the semi’s? let me hear how ready you are!”

The crowd cheers, Oliva struts

Olivia: “I can’t hear ya’ll”

The fans cheer louder worked into a lather by the half clothed beauty. (E)


Semi 1

Keith Vegas over Dusty Bins (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/KeithVegas.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/DustyBin.jpg

Dusty Tries a similar tactic to the last match, going outside the ring for a trash can. But Keith cuts him off with a baseball slide to the head.


The two men then brawl around outside the ring, as the referee demands they get back into the ring. They eventually comply.


Keith begins to fall behind and Dusty Bins has the fans counting along as he delivers a series of blows to the head of Keith, who is trapped in one corner. Keith chooses the easy way out, landing a huge blow to Dusty’s Bin.


Keith Quickly rolls Dusty up, and the luckiest man alive, holds the ropes to secure the pin fall.



Olivia flirts with Keith Vegas from ring side

Olivia: “You keep talking about getting lucky, but until you’ve dated me you don’t know what lucky is.”

Vegas: “I like my chances, I am after all the luckiest man alive.”

She winks and he walks off. (F+)



Semi 2

K-Squared over Ace Young Blood


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/K-Squared.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg

K locks up with Ace, who is still oozing blood from the stitches on his face, neck and back. K slips and Ace drags K around in a head lock, finally mounting the middle turn buckle and delivering a huge bull dog into a chair that had been left in the ring, from and earlier match.


K-squared is busted open, and AYB delivers a double under hook face buster into the chair and K becomes a veritable fountain. Ace drags K over the corner, and it looks like ace is going to try for the ace in the hole from the middle turn buckle.


Weird Waldo slides into the ring, and grabs the chair from the Canvass, and delivers two solid blows to the back of Aces Head. The Ref Shrugs helplessly, as K keep enough presence to roll Ace over and pick up the win.



Waldo then sets up a ladder outside the ring, and commences to climb it. Waldo point at Ace still laying prone inside the ring and delivers a huge senton bomb to Ace.

Jack: “Holy ****, Holy ****. Lvy, lvy did you see that, did he really just do that?"

Olivia: “Calm down Jack it’s Justs Waldo’s way of saying **** you to Ace, for stiffing him earlier.”(F)




Fern Hathaway runs out and pulls Olivia top off

Hathaway: “I deserve to be seen I am twice a hot as you and easily twice as easy!”

Olivia does not even bother to try and cover up

Olivia: “I’m not going to argue about your body temperature, but those fans are cheering for me right now not you.” (F)


ME: See the Light

K-Squared over Keith Vegas

for the Bloodiest Belt Ever

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/K-Squared.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/KeithVegas.jpg


K and Keith both enter the ring with Light tubes in hand. They swing and connect with each other’s head, and glass goes flying every where.


The blood begins to poor as K delivers a huge stall suplexs through a table with two light tubes on it.

Jack: “it’s 3-1 K squared already”


Vegas rolls out of the wreckage and pulls two more tubes from a box under the ring, K comes at him, and Vegs puts a boot into his gut and the shatters both tubes over squared’s back. Keith grabs two more and heads to the top turnbuckle.


As K-Squared stands, Vegas comes off the top rope delivering a double over head chop, breaking two tubes right over K’s head.


Olivia: “The Blood is flying everywhere. And it’s only 5 – 3 Vegas in the lead”


Vegas comes over to pull K from the canvas, but K pulls two tubes from behind him and pancakes them around Vegas’ head. Vegas stunned lashes out with a big boot to K’s head stopping his momentum. Vegas then sets Squared up and delivers the High roller Suit right into a light box with 5 tubes in it.


Jack: “That’s it, Keith Vegas has done it, he’s broken 10 tubes over K-squared to become our Bloodiest Belt Ever Champ.”

Olivia: “Hold on a second, the referee is checking. Yes, Yes, it looks like Vegas only broke 4 out of the 5 tubes in the light box."

Jack:No Keith is the luckiest man alive it can’t be”


K struggles to his feet, Vegas has already grabbed the belt and is touring the ring posts. Squared waits for Vegas to turn around, he has a box of lights in his hands.


Vegas turns. K squares up and blasts him with one after the next in quick succession, one to the head, one to the shoulders, one to the body one. Keith doubles over and covers up. One to the back and a final one like a huge paddle to the butt.


K Straightens up as the ref grabs the title from a crying Vegas and hands it to the bloody mess that is K-Squared.



Both men leave the ring a bloody mess, but K-squared seems particularly unsteady as he stumbles to the back belt in hand to the cheers of the fans.


Jack: “Well there you have it, the looser K squared is our first ever Bloodiest Belt Ever Champ. I hope to see you all back in my Yard next month for ‘BYOB: Aim for the Heart’”




51 people showed up

$151 brought in, all Canadian :(

F+ was the average grade given

Our new Bloodiest Belt Ever Champ suffered a major concussion and won’t be wrestling again until next year

A number of fans complained after the match while they disliked Ace Young Blood, they could not stand Keith Vegas, and seeing him three times in one night was almost too much!

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The internet is a buzz with Youtube footage of our first event.


no time like the present to put up the card for our second event:

BYOB: Aim for the heart

a surprize entrant has come to fill the void left by K-Squareds narly injury. As well Jeremy Jazz will debut. And we will find out what Ace Youngblood will do to get even with Weird Waldo, his #1 fan.


Quick Picks

Olivia Diamond vs Fern Hathaway

Keith Vegas vs ???

TJ Bailey vs Weird Waldo

Jeremy Jazz vs ???

Weird Waldo vs Ace Youngblood (Ladder match)

??? vs Dusty Bins

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  • 2 weeks later...

BYOB: Aim for the Heart

February 2007, Friday week 3



The show opens jack is in a puss yellow shirt, Olivia is in a white rhinestone halter, and daisy dukes with hearts on the ass checks.


Jack: “Well it looks like the rain will hold off until after the show again today.”

Olivia: “To bad I wore white just incase it did rain.”

Jack: “Personally I was hoping to call the show a rain out and get back to drinking.”

Olivia: “I guess well just both have to settle for a blood bath instead of a spring shower.” (D)



Olivia Diamond over Fern Hathaway

in a Jello match (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/OliviaDiamond.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/FernHathaway.jpg


Keith Vegas joins Jack at the announce table.


The ladies slip and slide around the baby pool full of Jello. Fern again manages to pull off Olivia’s top.


Keith: “Are you looking at my girl jack?”

Jack: “What? Me? No I was just taking note of how even her Tan is.”

Keith: “that's mine jack, and now you can see why Keith Vegas really is the Luckiest man alive.”


Olivia manages the only real move of the match, Suplexing Fern with a move call Diamonds are forever, and making the cover.



Still topless Olivia hops out of the pool, slides out of the ring, and lays a huge hug on a grinning Keith.

Olivia: “Kieth I am so glad I found a real winner”

There is a some what evil glint in ms. Diamonds eye as she says it




Hell bouncer over Keith Vegas (E-)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/KeithVegas.jpg


Keith is suddenly pulled away from Lvy, over the top rope and into the ring. Hell bouncer delivers an inverted DDT as Keith's feet come clear of the top rope.


Hell Bouncer then sends Keith off toward the rope and delivers a clothes line from hell as Kieth rebounds.


On the out side Olivia cheers.

Olivia: “I like bad boys Keith, men who know that they are that damn good, they don’t need to rely on luck.”


Hell Bouncer stops to lay a huge kiss on Lvy, then turns and drives Kieth into the mat with the Damnation Drop.



Keith pulls himself to ring side and borrows the ring announcers mic, still draped across the bottom ring rope he speaks

Keith: “This is just a set back. It’s one loss, I am the Luckiest Man alive and I will win . . .”

Waldo comes out on Kieth’s Blind side. Lines the man up and delivers a huge chair shot that stops Keith dead in his whining tracks.




Jack: “Holy ****, Waldo just made a huge statement”

Olivia: “Nah, he just did what the rest of us wish we could and shut the miserable losers mouth up.”

Jack: “Well here comes TJ to face Waldo, I hope he knows what he is in for.”


Waldo over Tj Bailey (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/TJBailey.jpg


Tj had fresh scars all across his face from his barb wire match last month. The two men do more brawling that wrestling. Waldo finally goes high risk, landing a huge axe handle chop from the top rope on to the top of Bailey’s head.


Bailey goes down, and Waldo pulls out a straight razor and carves at the top of Tj’s head.


Jack: “What the **** is that crazy man doing.”

Olivia: “I told you tonight was going to be blood bath”

Jack: “Some one has got to stop this.”


TJ, fearing for his life and looks, taps out, though he is not in an actual hold. the referee calls for the bell and pulls Waldo off of Tj before any permanent damage can be done.



Fern Hathaway comes down to the ring with a tray of Dixie cups.

Fern: “Olivia, I know you’re a slut, but I doubt you can hold your liquer. I challenge you to a jello shots match right now.”

Olivia grabs two cups and pounds them

Olivia: “your on!”

Fern not to be out done pounds four shots.

Lvy pounds six more

Fern clears the rest of the cups on the plate.

Olivia: “Fern your not looking so …”

Fern vomits all over Olivia, whips her mouth looking quite pleased with herself, the crowd erupts in laughter

Jack: “Damn you ladies are Hardcore.”



Hell Bouncer Destroys Jeremy Jazz (F+)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/JeremyJazz.jpg


A young Jeremy Jazz is dancing from foot to foot as Hell Bouncer enters the ring. Jeremy runs at him and tries to spear Hell bouncer. Bouncer turns Jeremy's momentum into a huge power bomb.


Jazz’s embarrassment continues for several more minutes, until Hell Bouncer knocks Jeremy out. But Bouncer rather than making the cover sets up a table on the outside, climbs up on the apron, and delivers a Damnation Drop through from the apron through the table set up on the out side.


Hell bouncer crosses his arms and waits as the referee counts to 10 awarding bouncer the win, when Jeremy is unable to return to the ring.



Olivia: “Jack, that is what a winner does”

Jack: “He can’t treat people like that. Wrestling is one thing, that was a blatant assault. The man was defeated, he should have made the cover.”

Olivia: “aw is poor little jack afraid of some hard core competition in his little fed.”




Ace Young Blood climbs into the ring

Ace: “Weird Waldo, who the hell do you thing you are. You interfere in my match, then you attack me from the top of a ladder? Well this afternoon, I’ve hung a chair high above the center of the ring. I guarantee I am going to climb up there and retrieve it, and when I do I am going to beat the life from your weird body with it.”




Ace Young Blood over Waldo

in a ladder match (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg


It turns out Ace brought a pair of brace knucks with him to the ring, and he quickly dazes and bloodies Waldo. But Waldo seems to become excited by sight of his own blood, he wipes it from his fore head, tastes it and grins back at Ace.


Keith: “That is one weird dude.”

Olivia: “you can say that again.”

Keith: “That is one . . .”

Olivia: “Please are you five?”


Ace manages to set up the ladder and get half way up in, when Waldo jumps off the center rope and drop kicks the ladder spilling Ace out of the ring. Waldo goes over and shakes his blood all over Youngblood. Ace nails Waldo in the family jewels, struggles to his feet and DDT’s Waldo into the hard packed dirt.


Ace then Sets up another ladder climbs up and retrieves the chair, but Waldo has climbed back into the ring and manages to topple the second ladder. Ace throws the chair wide as he jumps clear and manages to land on his feet. The referee raises Ace’s Hand as the winner.



Waldo ignores the referee and retrieves the fallen chair, returning his attention to Ace, who is fleeing toward the exit. Waldo cuts him off with a huge chair shot. Ace climbs on top of a picnic table and delivers a huge swanton bomb to the prone AYB.


Keith: “Not again, not again. That’s two weeks in a row Waldo has left Ace out cold at the hands of his Ariel attack.”

Olivia: “That was awesome, I don’t think Waldo has any regaurds for his own well being.”

Keith: “I bet Ace is wishing he had just signed that autograph at this point.”



Hell: “Hey Jack I brought you a present.”

Hell bouncer throws Dusty Bins into the ring

Jack: “Hell I told you can’t mistreat the other wrestlers.”

Hell: “I know that’s why I had the referee make this one a brass tacks match”



Hell over Dusty

in Brass tacks match (E-)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/DustyBin.jpg


The tacks were not the only brass implement in the match. Hell bouncer cleaned bins clock pretty good with a pair of brass knucks. Hell then lined dusty up for a huge clothes line, but Bins ducked, and on the second rebound caught the bouncer with a high knee.


Dusty put a boot to Bouncer’s gut, and delivered some clubbing blows to his back as he doubled over. Dusty hooked both arms, and drove Hell into the mat with a huge double under hook face buster. Bins wearing a huge smile grabbed a bag of tacks and spread them out.


Bins pulled bouncer from the mat, but Hell had been playing possum, and rose taking Dusting over his head and threw him to the outside. Bouncer slid from the ring, and delivered a damnation drop onto the dirt. Hell then swung Dusty into the steps to emphasize his point.


Jack: “Can anyone stop this monster?”

Olivia: “I sure hope not I like winners” she purrs


Hell rolls Dusty back into the ring. Dusty Struggles but there is little hope, Bouncer takes Dusty up and delivers the Damnation drop right into the pile of tacks.


Dusty immediately becomes fountain of blood, Hell reaches down picks dusty up and delivers a second Damnation Drop.


Hell now covered in Dusty’s blood, picks him up and delivers a third.


Jack: “Enough is enough already”

Hell: “Jack, one thing you need to learn. For a winner like me there is never enough!”

Jack: “ladies and Gentleman I apologize but we are out of time. I hope to see you all back in my back yard next month for BYOB: Fall from Grace. Hell you just can’t do . . .”



47 people showed up

$235 brought in, all Canadian

F+ was the average grade given

The Fans continued to complain about Keith & Ace, but also complained about Tj and Jazz this month. They also loved the T&A segment, but let us know that they appreciated the Jello match, but prefer to see men wrestle to women. We thought about telling them based on their comments we don’t think they really like wrestling at all.

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I thought the last show was a huge success. the Predictometer had got only one hit on the message board. A guy (or girl) going by the name Fool Inc. had predicted 4 out of 6 of the matches. Guess I need to send him free tickets to the next show.


(I only latter learned that his screen name was a jab at my company. Ah well, it's the internet every one's a critic.)


a couple other fans had wandered through and left comments on the first show. evidently no one outside my culdasac had bothered to watch the footage of the second Show on youtube, it's main event had a measly 14 views.


Ah well there is always next month, I set down and posted up the card.


Quick Picks

Wierd Waldo vs. Ace Young Blood vs Tj. Bailey vs Ben Williiams

in a multi stage ladder elimination match. predict order of elimination.

Tj Biley vs. Hell Bouncer

in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match

Hell Bouncer vs the winner of the elimination match

in a raise the roof Match for the Bloodiest Belt Ever




the winner will get a bloody crutch from a hard core matches. My grandmother will have to find a new one. let see if that gets any more predictions now.

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I will gladly take an old lady's crutch as a prize!! :D


Wierd Waldo vs. Ace Young Blood vs Tj. Bailey vs Ben Williiams

in a multi stage ladder elimination match. predict order of elimination.

Youngblood is the most skilled so. . .

Tj Biley vs. Hell Bouncer

HB's been nothing short of dominant.

in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match


Hell Bouncer vs the winner of the elimination match

in a raise the roof Match for the Bloodiest Belt Ever

The winner of the elimination match will be too weak to take on HB.

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Wierd Waldo vs. Ace Young Blood vs Tj. Bailey vs Ben Williiams

in a multi stage ladder elimination match. predict order of elimination.

Wierd Waldo, Ben Williams, then TJ and Ace is the winner.


Tj Bailey vs. Hell Bouncer

in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match


Hell Bouncer vs Ace Young Blood

in a raise the roof Match for the Bloodiest Belt Ever

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  • 2 weeks later...

BYOB: Fall from Grace

March 2007, Friday week 3



Jack is in a white undershirt, the kind with no arms, and ribbed to be more absorbent. Olivia is wearing a cut off t-shirt that says Hell bouncer and denim daisy dukes with more than a few holes revealing her g string.


Jack: Holy ****! Welcome back to my back yard!

Olivia:Jack calm down we haven’t even got our night of ladder matches under way.

Jack: And to top it all off we will crown a new Bloodiest Belt Ever Champion, but the man to claim it is going to have to fight his way through more than one opponent tonight.

Olivia: Jack you should really save on the insurance pay outs and give the belt to the only Real Man in this company, Hell Bouncer.




Elimination ladder match,

Ace Youngblood vs Weird Waldo vs Ben Williams vs TJ Bailey

Elimination 1: Ben Williams (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/BenWilliams.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/TJBailey.jpg


All four men make their way to the ring one at a time, as the ref pats them down, Jack fill everyone in on the rules of this match.


Jack: This match, is kind of like musical chairs. All you have to do is retrieve a hoop from the hook hanging over the ring. Get yours and your done until the next round. Unfortunately there is one less hoop then there are competitors. If you don’t capture a ring, you don’t move on.


Jack has not even finished as Ace and Waldo Slide to the outside and throw ladders into the ring. Ben and Tj try to double team Ace as he comes back into the ring, but Waldo appears to take offense to any one else abusing AYB besides him, and he clothes lines both men out of the ring with a ladder.


Ace take the opening to set up his ladder, climb it and retrieve the first hoop. Waldo climbs up after Ace, but when he sees Tj and Ben regaining their feet on the outside, he dives from half way up the ladder, over the ropes and wipes both men out.


Tj recovers first, pulls himself into the ring and up the ladder, retrieving a hoop before Waldo can get to him. Waldo how ever pulls him from the ladder and tosses him over top rope and onto a just recovering Ben Williams on the outside.


Waldo Climbs up and retrieves the last of the hoops, ending round one, and eliminating Ben Williams.



Hell Bouncer storms out to the ring side area and gets right in Jack Craps face

Hell: I want my shot, I deserve a shot, that’s my damn title

Jack: Hell you want a shot? You think you deserve a shot, well your going to have to do what the man before you did Hell. Your going to have to go through three people tonight, including the winner of that Ladder Elimination match.

Hell: not – a – problem

Olivia beams on with obvious pride through out the exchange, hanging all over Hell as he bristled at each word from Jack.




Hell Bouncer over Ben Williams

in a TLC match (E-)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/BenWilliams.jpg


Hell Bouncer sees Benn Williams still recovering from the final collision of his last match.


Hell: Just not your lucky day nut sack


Hell then picks Williams up and drives him right through the announce table, with a damn nation drop. Ben tries to stumble to his feet, but Hell has set up a chair, and catches Ben with a belly to belly right through it.


Bouncer then rolls Ben in and goes for the three, but Williams kicks out at two and half, clearly not understanding the consequences. Bouncer climbs up to the third rung of the ladder, that is still set up in the ring, and pulls Ben up with him. Hell Bouncer wrestles Ben to his shoulders and climbs to the fourth rung.


Jack: He wouldn’t

Olivia: He’s going to

Jack: No, He can’t, he’ll kill him

Olivia: Winners don’t worry about the cost


Hell bouncer flies through the air delivering a Damnation Drop from four feet in the air. Ben twitches once or twice then lays still. Hell Bouncer reclines on him for the pin. Grinning right at Jack.




Olivia climbs into the ring and lays a huge kiss on Bouncer. She then pulls back and slaps him.

Olivia: I don’t date losers, you here me. You don’t go home with gold, you don’t go home with Diamond either!




Elimination ladder match

Ace Youngblood vs Weird Waldo vs TJ Bailey

Elimination 2: Tj Bailey (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/TJBailey.jpg


Ace, Waldo & Bailey all hit the ring at once. Huge blows make their way in a circle, Ace nails Bailey who nails Waldo who nails Ace. Round and round until Waldo gets smart and ducks Tj’s swing and hits him with a standing Spear.


Ace once again goes for the quick hoop retrieval. But Waldo catches up to him, and dumps him on his head from the second rung with a huge Belly To Back suplex. Waldo then climbs to the top of the ladder, but rather than grabbing a hoop he delivers a huge Senton Bomb to Tj.


Ace recovers and again makes his way up the ladder, this time retrieving a hoop, jumping down and heading for the back before the maniac Weird Waldo can catch him.


Waldo stumbles to his feet, Tj clearly out of it, looks around and sees Ace, and gives chase. The crowd groans as they are left with nothing to watch, until Tj comes to. Tj then begins to pull himself up the ladder, amazed to see one hoop left. He climbs rung by rung, the fans groaning over the pace he is climbing.


Tj reaches out his hand to grasp the hoop, but he is six inches shy, he begins to pull himself up one last rung, when Weird Waldo comes running down to the ring, he hops onto the top rope, springs off and drop kicks the ladder. The ladder tips over and spills Tj over the top rope and out to the dirt pack.


Waldo sets the ladder back up, climbs up and retrieves the last hoop.



Tj recovers from his nasty fall, shakes his head and grabs a microphone.

Tj: I had that ring, It was in my grasp. You all saw it, I was robbed! I demand another shot at the title.

Hell bouncer walks out to the ring.

Hell: Well **** for brains it’s your lucky day!




Hell bouncer over Tj Bailey

in a ladder match (E-)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/TJBailey.jpg


A Golden hoop his hung back above the center of the ring.


Tj is closer, and tries to slide into the ring and run up the ladder, before Hell can catch him. Bad move. Bouncer Climbs up the ring post and vaults over to the ladder. Wraps Tj up and bull dogs him into the canvas from the Gods honest top of the ladder.


Tj actually manages to make it to his feet, only to have Hell drive a smaller ladder into his rib cage. Hell then sets the ladder up in the corner, lines Tj up and Spears him into the Ladder.


Tj is totally out of it, but Hell Bouncer is not done yet, he pulls Tj up the ladder just like he did with Ben Williams. The announcers again decry Hell’s actions, but he takes no head and delivers a huge Damnation Drop, eliminating TJ.


Hell then lazily pulls himself up the ladder and collects the golden ring for the win.




Olivia Diamond Pulls herself into the ring, and hangs all over Hell Bouncer

Olivia: This is my man, this is what a real winner looks like.

Hell Smiles proudly out at the fans

Olivia: And after Ace & Waldo Settle up in the next match, one of those two will be destroyed for standing between my man, and The Bloodiest Belt Ever!.




Elimination ladder match

Ace Youngblood vs Weird Waldo

Elimination 3: Weird Waldo

Winner: Ace Youngblood (F)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg


Waldo comes down to the ring first, sets up a 4 foot ladder, climbs it, and sits atop it waiting for Ace.


Ace Storms down to the ring, Step stool in hand, slides into the ring and gets ready for Waldo to fly at him. But Waldo just sets atop the ladder and Watches.


Jack: What the **** is that Weirdo doing?

Olivia: He’s playing a game of Cat and Waldo

She cracks a smile at this


Ace keeping one eye on Waldo, Sets up the 12 foot ladder, and begins to climb. Waldo continues to sit atop his ladder. Ace makes it to the top, reaches for the Golden hoop. Waldo sits atop his ladder.


Ace drops down clearly confused, Waldo pulls a barb wire wrapped bat from behind his back, stands tall on his ladder, and jumps down atop Ace, swinging with all his might.


Ace drops to a bloody heap on the canvass.



Waldo leaves the bat atop Ace’s chest and remounts his ladder. Looks out at the crowd and delivers the third senton bomb in as many weeks to the prone Ace Youngblood.


Olivia: Oh my god, can Ace have survived that

Jack: More importantly just how twisted is Waldo? Is there anything he won’t do to get his revenge?



Hell bouncer over Ace Youngblood

in a Raise the roof match (light tube on a pole) (E-)

http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/HellsBouncer_alt.jpg VS. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj232/mistaken4now/BYOB/AceYoungblood.jpg


Jack: Olivia this is going to be a brutal match

Olivia: Hell is going to destroy Ace and win the title

Jack: But first he has to retrieve the Light Tube, and crash it over Ace already broken body

Ace despite already being stitch up, goes toe to toe with Hell for the early part of the match. It is the first time all night any real wrestling has been seen. Ace even manages to take Bouncer off his feet, and lock in a figure four leg lock.


Ace leans back to crank on the hold, when Weird Waldo appears, mounts a turn buckle and delivers a leg drop across Ace’s throat, forcing him to break the hold. Ace and Waldo spill out of the ring, brawling wildly.


Hell Bouncer wastes no time retrieving the light tube from the top of the pole. Ace rolls back into the ring, only to be blasted across the face with the light tube.


Jack: Holy ****, Ace is blind, Ace is blind.


And indeed, Hell senses the same thing, adding insult to injury, taking Ace up and driving him into the canvas with the Damnation drop.



The Referee comes over to hand Hell his belt, but Olivia insinuates her self between them, and takes the belt. Draping it around her own waste and kissing Hell Bouncer Deeply. He picks her up and walks back stage with her tongue still down his throat.




Jack: Folks Ace is either blind or dead. We have a new Champion, who looks unstoppable. And we are out of time, come to my back yard next month for BYOB: Bloody Showers!



49 people showed up

$245 brought in, all Canadian L

E- was the average grade given

The Fans continued to complain about everyone in the ring except Hell Bouncer.

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