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With the Royal Rumble just a few weeks away, RAW is set to crown a new WWE Womens Champion after Beth Phoenix was injured during a house show. Mickie James, Melina, Alicia Fox, Eve, Rosa Mendes, Katie Lea, Michelle McCool and Natayla all have a golden opportunity to win the title in an 8 diva battle royal. The WWE Champion, CM Punk is also in action when he faces off against the man who reurned to the WWE last week, Mr Kennedy.


Confirmed Matches:


Mickie James v Melina v Alicia Fox v Eve v Rosa Mendes v Katie Lea v Michelle McCool v Natayla

MVP vs Jack Swagger

Miz and Morrison vs Cryme Tyme

CM Punk vs Mr Kennedy


RAW will be up Thursday latest, i seemed to have been to busy recently but i hope to have it done by tomorrow night

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DX Challenge Batista and Cena to a match at Royal Rumble; they accept (PHOTOS | WATCH)


DX kicked off RAW with a very serious side to themselves. They wasted little time in challenge John Cena and Batista to a match at Royal Rumble. Cena and Batista come out and said they have nothing to prove, they beat DX at TLC. But they also said they haven't finished with DX so they accept the challenge. DX look ready to fight but Cena and Batista say they must wait and that they are leaving the arena as the fans don't deserve to see them perform.


Natayla wins the Diva Battle Royal to become to WWE Women's Champion (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With the Women's title vacanted after an injury to Beth Phoenix, 8 divas battled it out in an over the top rope battle royal. Melina was the first to get elimianted by Michelle McCool who then quicly eliminated Mickie James. Natayla then went onto eliminate Alicia Fox. Rosa Mendes also got an elimination, throwing Katie Lea over the top before being eliminated by Eve. Michelle McCool then went to eliminate Eve but Eve managed to throw Michelle out. This left just Eve and Natayla. Both battled bravely but Natayla managed to pick up the victory, winning the WWE Women's Champion.


After the match, David Hart Smith and tyson Kidd come down to the ring and celebrate with Natayla.


CM Punk attacks Edge backstage (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Edge is walking backstage wen suddenly CM Punk runs up behind him. He smashes the WWE Title to the back of the head, knocking him down. Punk continues the assualt until he is held back by secuirity.


Miz and Morrison defeated Cryme Tyme (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With Legacy on commentary, Miz and Morrison faced off against Cryme Tyme. Both teams looked impressive and came close to victory. Cryme Tyme dominated the early goings in the match but Miz and Morrison managed to fight back into the match. Morrison finished the match after hitting starship pain. After the match, Miz and Morrison stare off with Legacy, taunting them, saying the tag titles will soon be theirs.


Mr Kennedy promises victory tonight and in the Royal Rumble match (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Mr Kennedy is getting interviewed by Todd Grisham. Kennedy quickly interupts Todd and says that he came back to WWE to do what he failed o do last time and win the WWE Title. He says that after beating CM Punk tonight he will be in line for a title shot and afteer he win the Royal Rumble match he will go onto WrestleMania XXVI to become the WWE Champion.


MVP defeated Jack Swagger (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With his Royal Rumble opponent at ringside, MVP faced off with Jack Swagger. MVP had control of the match throughout, but kept on getting distracted by Sheamus. MVP finally forgot about Sheamus long enough to hit the playmakeer for the win.


After the match, Sheamus ran into the ring and tried to attack MVP but he reversed it and sent Sheamus into retreat. MVP held up his title as Sheamus was walking backstage.


MR Kennedy defeated CM Punk in a non-title match (PHOTOS | WATCH)


A victory for Kennedy would launch him into the title picture but it looked unlikely ealry on. Kennedy managed to gain control of the match but Punk hit the GTS out of nowhere. Kennedy managed to get a shoulder up. Punk sent Kennedy over the top rope and while the ref was looking at him, Edge ran into the ring, hit a spear on Punk and quickly rolled out. Kennedy managed get back into the ring and with both men on their feet, hit the Mic Check for the win. Kennedy rolled out the ring, looked pleased with his win. Edge got back into the ring as he and Punk stared off.

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We are just over 2 weeks away from the Royal Rumble and Tiffany is sett to make a blockbuster announcement that will shock the fans and the locker room alike. World Heavyweight Champion, Christian is set to team with Matt Hardy to take on Legacy in our main event of the evening. "Y2J" Chris Jericho will be in action against Evan Bourne and we also have divas in action.


Confirmed Matches:


Maryse vs Maria (#1 Contenders match)

Evan Bourne vs Chris Jericho

Santino vs Drew McIntyre

Christian and Matt Hardy vs Legacy

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Drew McIntyre defeated Santino Marella by DQ (PHOTOS | WATCH)


To kick off Smackdown, Santino and Drew McIntyre went one-on-one. McIntrye had full control of the match but then Santino began to mount soome offence. This was stopped by a low blow which the ref did not see. McIntyre quickly hit the Scot Drop but before he could go for the pin, Shelton Benjamin came out and attacked McIntyre, causing a disqualification. Shelton hit the paydirt and held the United States Title in the air while standing over Drew McIntyre.



Jericho and Maria argue backstage (PHOTOS | WATCH)


The last few weeks, Jericho and Maria have become quite a couple but this week it looked like it hit a bump in the road. Jericho says that since they started this relantionship, he has lost a handful of matches. He says that Maria is distracting him from becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Maria asks if this means it's over to which Jericho replies, "We'll see!"



Tiffany asks Chavo and Rey when they want their title shot; Title match made for the Royal Rumble (PHOTOS | WATCH)


The camera shows Tiffany in her office talking to Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero. Tiffany says that since they beat Rhodes and DiBiase last week, they had earned a title shot. She then asks when they want the title shot, next week or the Royal Rumble. Rey and Chavo talk to each other before saying that Legacy better be ready, because at Roayl Rumble, they are taking the Tag Titles!



Maryse defeated Maria (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Maria looked to pick up a huge victory against Maryse with the Diva's Champion, Kelly Kelly, at ringside, the winner would recieve a title shot at Royal Rumble. Maria went for the roll up and used the tights but Maryse kicked out. Maryse looked annoyed and hit the French Kiss for the win. Kelly Kelly got into the ring and stared off with MAryse but was then attacked from behind by Lauren Williams and Jamie Szantyr. They beat her up and grab a mic. They say that at Royal Rumble, Maryse will bring the title home to The Beautiful People.



Randy Orton promises to become World Heavyweight Champion (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With Rhodes and DiBiase next to him, Randy Orton cuts a promo backstage where he promises that he will win the World Heavyweight Championship and when he does, every member of Legacy will have gold around their waist!



Chris Jericho defeated Evan Bourne (PHOTOS | WATCH)


After an argument with Maria earlier, Jericho looked to take his mind off things and beat Evan Bourne. Jericho got the better start to the match and kept Bourne grounded. Bourne managed to gain a bit of momentum and went to the top rope. Jericho caught him in mid-air with the codebreaker. Jericho quickly crawled to the covered. The ref began to count but Bourne somehow got a foot on the rope to break up the count. Jericho began to punish Bourne but Bourne managed to somehow get back into the match. Bourne began to use his spped to keep control of the match and when Jericho was down, Bourne went to the top rope. Maria ran down to the ring and when the ref was looking at Jericho she pushed Bourne off the top rope. Jericho then got up and locked in the Walls of Jericho. Bourne tried to reach the rope but couldn't and tapped out. Maria got into the ring and hugged Jericho.



Undertaker defeated Mike Knox (PHOTOS | WATCH)


After defeating Vladimir Kozlov last week, Undertaker was looking to keep his momentum heading into the Royal Rumble with a victory over Mike Knox. Undertaker dominated the match and hit the Tombstone for the victory.



Tiffany announces the return of Rob Van Dam (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Tiffany came to the ring for the blockbuster announcement promised. She said that during the last few weeks she has been spending a lot of time trying to make some improvements to Smackdown. Some of these are additions to the roster. She says that she has already signed The Beautiful People but she has made another, and this one is huge. She says that he will make his return just 48 hours before Royal Rumble, Rob Van Dam will return to friday night Smackdown.



Legacy defeated Christian and Matt Hardy (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With Randy Orton at ringside, his Royal Rumble opponent, Christian teamed up with Matt Hardy to face his partners Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Christian and Hardy tooked control of the match and looked to finish it early when Hardy hit a twist of fate but DiBiase broke up the count. Christian then got tagged in and so did Dibiase. Christian took control of the match but Rhodes then knocked out the ref. Orton took advantage and knocked Hardy of the top rope, he then an in and hit a RKO on Christian. The ref slowly got up as DiBiase went for the pin. The ref counted the 3 to end the match and conclude Smackdown.

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If you did watched Smackdown then you will know that RVD is to return 48 hours before Royal Rumble. It is likely that he will be a face to start with but may change.


Also on Smackdown, Maria turned heel by costing Evan Bourne a match. WWE are looking to investigate her skills so you may see her turn back face if it does not go well. It also seems that Jericho and Maria are an on-screen couple. WWE want Jericho to be a perfect heel and an on-screen girlfriend will fulfil this role.


At this early stage, WWE are currently thinking of ideas for WrestleMania 26. So far no matches are set in the stone but the Money In The Bank match is likely to feature Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and possibly Mr Kennedy.

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Just two weeks from the Royal Rumble, Edge and CM Punk will team up to face D-Generation X! Also after a huge victory last week, what will Mr Kennedy do this week when he faces John Cena in a one-on-one match. Natayla will also defend her newly won title against Melina. Shane McMahon has made a huge stipulation to all matches as he is sick of people interfering in matches and if there are any, the person will be suspended indefinitely.


Confirmed Matches:


Natayla vs Melina

John Cena vs Mr Kennedy

Edge and CM Punk vs DX

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Natayla defeated Melina (PHOTOS | WATCH)


In her first defence, Natayla went one-on-one with Melina. Melina took control of the match in the early goings and looked to finish it when she hit the Calfornia Dream. Natayla managed to kick out. Melina went back on the offense but Natayla suddely locked in the Sharpshooter leading to Melina tapping out.


Shane McMahon announces MVP vs CM Punk next week in a champion vs champion match (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Shane come to the ring and announced that MVP would face off with CM Punk next week, but also that MVP is to put his title on the line; against Kofi Kingston! Shane follwed by saying that later tonight, he is to make a huge announcement!


MVP defeated Kofi Kingston; Sheamus attacks MVP after the match (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With next week in mind for MVP, he first had to defend his title against Kofi Kingston. Kofi looked bright in the early parts of the match but MVP maaged to gain control. Out of nowhere, Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise but as Kofi went to pin MVP, MVP rolled Kofi up for the win.


After the match, MVP's Royal Rumble opponent Sheamus ran down to the ring and attacked MVP. Sheamus smashed the Intercontinental title off the face off MVP then held it up in the air.


Batista and John Cena attack DX backstage (PHOTOS | WATCH)


DX were walking backstage while talkingg to each other when Batista and John Cena attack them, leaving them out cold. Cena then makes his way to the ring for his match.


Mr Kennedy defeated John Cena (PHOTOS | WATCH)


After a huge victory last week; Mr Kennedy was looking to keep up the momentum but faced a difficult task against John Cena. Cena took full control of the match after punishing Kennedy long enough went for the Attitude Adjustment. Kennedy managed to get out of the hold and hit the Mic Check for the win.


After the match Kennedy grabs a mic. He says that at the Royal Rumble, he is going to win the over the top rope battle royal and become the new WWE Champion, MMMIIISSSTTTEERR KENNEDY...KENNEDY!


Legacy defeated Cryme Tyme (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Legacy and Cryme Tyme faced off in a non-title. Legacy made quick tags and managed to gain full control of the match. When JTG began to get back in the match, DiBiase hit a low blow and continued the assualt. Rhodes ened the match with Cross Rhodes for the win. Legacy then grabs two mics and said that they refuse to compete on RAW and that they will never be seen on this show again!"


CM Punk and Edge defeated DX by forfiet (PHOTOS | WATCH)


In the main event, Edge and CM Punk were going to face DX, but because of the brutal attack earlier, DX were unable to compete. The ref held up Edge and Punk hand but Edge then suddenly speared Punk and held the WWE Title in the air.


Shane McMahon resigns as RAW GM (PHOTOS | WATCH)


As promised, Shane had a HUGE announcement planned and it proved to be the case. Shane got in the ring and said thathe enjoyed his time as RAW GM but all good things must come to an end; and he said that he is going to move on and take a role backstage in the company and that is why he is resigning. He sayss that next week, Vince will control RAW until he can find a new GM.

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On RAW, Shane McMahon stepped down as RAW General Manager. We are not sure who will be named RAW GM but a few names such as The Rock, Steve Austin and Bret Hart have been thrown around backstage.


Both Big Show and Kane missed RAW for the second week in a row. This is because Kane suffered a minor injury and so they want to rest him without moving the storyline with Big Show on. Expect both men to be back this week.

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Just over one week to the Royal Rumble and Smackdown are set to have a huge main event when The Deadman, The Undertaker faces off with the World Heavyweight Champion, Christian. With Maria at ringside, can Chris Jericho defeat the US Champion Shelton Benjamin?


Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio and Chavo vs Legacy and Dolph Ziggler

Angel Williams and Jamie Szantyr vs Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly

Chris Jericho vs Shelton Benjamin

Undertaker vs Christian

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Smackdown is due to be up soon but I'm starting the Royal Rumble soon. Unfortunately, i have 2 pieces of coursework that must be in for Friday. Hopefully i'll finish these in the next few days (by Wednesday at the latest) but it means that i have less time for the royal which means i need to do something. I was concerned about the Rumble match anyway so what i'll do is use last year real rumble match review from a website but change it for what i want
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Legacy and Dolph Ziggler defeated Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio and Chavo (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With the Royal Rumble fast approaching, both Legacy and Rey and Chavo were looking to gain momentum heading into the event where Rey and Chavo will challeneg Legavy for the tag titles. Rey and Chavo looked very impressive but DiBiase hit the Million dollar Dream Street on Rey to pick up the victory


Rob Van Dam to return next week! (PHOTOS | WATCH)


A short video package is shown. It shows a small replay of Tiffany announcing the return of RVD before 'One of a Kind' blasts showing some highlights in Van dam's history including his memorable win against John Cena to capture his only WWE Championship!


Maria flirts with Chris Jericho (PHOTOS | WATCH)


After helping him in his match last week, Maria went up to Jericho, she began to flirt with him and asks if he wants to go out after his match tonight to which Jericho says as long as he wins tonight!


Angel Williams and Jamie Szantyr defeated Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With Maryse at ringside, The Beautiful People, Williams and Szantyr looked to weaken their partners Royal Rumble opponent, Kelly Kelly. Kelly and Gail Kim teamed well and looked like winning the match when kelly hit the K2, but The Beautiful People's experience teaming together paid off when Szantyr hit the Beauty Mark for the win. After the match, Maryse got into the ring and went to attack Kelly, but Kelly hit her with the Diva's title, sending Maryse into retreat.


Drew McIntyre attacks Shelton Benjamin (PHOTOS | WATCH)


As Shelton was making his way to the ring for his match when Drew McIntyre runs up behind him and attacks him. McIntyre hits the scot drop on the ramp and yells at Shelton to never attack him again.


Chris Jericho defeated Shelton Benjamin (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With Shelton still feeling the attack from moments before, Jericho made short work of benjamin when he threw him in the ring and waited for Shelton to get to his feet. When he did, Jericho hit the codebreaker and then locks in the Walls of Jericho, causing Shelton to tap out. Maria gets in the ring and holds his arm in the air as a chorus of booes echoes around the arena.


Orton says that it is his destiny to defeat Christian (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Randy Orton comes to the ring he says that he will complete his destiny by winning his first world title on the Smackdown brand and becomes World Heavyweight Champion!


Undertaker defeats Christian (PHOTOS | WATCH)


In a non-title match, Undertaker and Christian went one-on-one with Randy Orton at ringside, Christian kept on getting distracted whenever he got the upperhand. Christian looked to forgot about Christian for a moment when he hit the Killswitch but Christian managed to roll a shoulder up. Undertaker managed to get slowly back into the match but Orton tripped Christian up as he was near the rope. Undertaker hit the Tombstone on Christian for the win. Orton then got in the ring and began to attack Christian. Orton then turned into a chokeslam from The Undertaker.

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We are just 6 days away from the Royal Rumble and we are set for a huge main event when CM Punk goes one-on-one with Kane. Also, Mr Kennedy is set to face off with Kofi Kingston and Divas will be in action


Confirmed Matches:


Sheamus vs Tommy Dreamer

Kofi Kingston vs Mr Kennedy

Natayla vs Mickie James

CM Punk vs Kane

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Vince McMahon reveals a shortlist for the new RAW GM (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Vince McMahon came to the ring and said that since Shane quit as RAW GM last week, we need another one. He revealed that he is considering many candidates for the job including Tiffany, Vickie Guerrero and a secret person. He says that he will keep the viewers updated over the coming weeks until a GM is announced


Sheamus defeated Tommy Dreamer (PHOTOS | WATCH)


With MVP at ringside, Sheamus looked to send a message to his Royal Rumble, which he did, destorying Tommy Dreamer in under a minute, hitting a Powerbomb for the victory.


After the match, MVP got into the ring. He gets into the centre of the ring a squares off with Sheamus. MVP holds his title in the air.


DX taunt Batista and Cena in the ring; Batista and Cena beat up DX (PHOTOS | WATCH)


DX come to the ring. They say that at Royal Rumble, they will destroy Batista and John Cena. Michaels then says that he will go onto win the Royal rumble. HHH says that he will. They both stare at each other until they attacked by batista and Cena. they then grab a mic and say that they will beat DX and then both of them will go onto becoming the final two in the Royal Rumble, then they will both step over the top rope so both of them will go to WrestleMania and win both of the World Titles to make them the most dominate tag team in history.


Mr Kennedy defeated Kofi Kingston (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Before the match, Kennedy grabbed a mic and said that he will be the one that gooes onto WrestleMania to become WWE Champion!


Kofi Kingston was Kennedy's opponent this week. Both men put up a great fight and it looked like Kofi was going to win when he went for the Trouble in Paradise but Kennedy ducked then hit the Mic Check for the win.




Mickie James defeated Natayla (PHOTOS | WATCH)


In a non-title match, Mickie James had a huge opportuninty to gain a title shot when she faced Natayla. Mickie got the better start but Natayla managed to gain control. Natayla went for the Sharpshooter, Mickie rolled her up and got the 3 count.


CM Punk promises that he will he will walk out Royal Rumble as Champion (PHOTOS | WATCH)


Just before he match with Kane, Punk took time out to promise the fans that he will walk out Royal Rumble, STILL WWE CHAMPION.


CM Punk defeated Kane (PHOTOS | WATCH)


In the main event, CM Punk faced off with The Big Red Monster Kane! Punk started the match off the better of the two but Kane suddenly turned the tables with a big boot. Kane had full control of the match until he went for a Chokeslam, which he hit, but Punk kicked the reef while he was in mid-air. With the ref down, Big show ran down and hit a knock-out punch to Kane. Punk eventaully got up and hit the GTS and got the 3 count.


Edge then ran down to the ring and speared Punk. Edge then held the title in the air to conclude RAW going into the Royal Rumble.

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Just 48 hours before the Royal Rumble, Rob Van Dam will make his long awaited return to Smackdown. Chris Jericho is set to face Matt Hardy while Shelton Benjamin defends his title against Drew McIntyre.


The Beautiful People vs Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly

Chris Jericho vs Matt Hardy

Shelton Benjamin vs Drew McIntyre

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  • 3 weeks later...
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<p>I have decided to bring this diary back. I finally have enough time to write full shows so instead of starting a new diary, i might aswell continue with this one. I going to start at WrestleMania XXVI which will be up by next Sunday. First though, im going to post a recap up until 'Mania. </p><p> </p><p> First on the Smackdown before the Royal Rumble, Rob Van Dam made his return to WWE, only to be attacked by Randy Orton who said he destroyed Van Dam once before, and will do it again until Van Dam leaves.</p><p> </p><p> Now for the Royal Rumble. I did have the show written but i lost it so i'll just post the results.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.wwe.com/content/media/touts/feature/29062/12893588</span><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25292" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>MVP defeated Sheamus to retain the Intercontinental Title<p> </p><p> CM Punk defeated Edge to retain the WWE Title</p><p> </p><p> Christian defeated Randy Orton to retain the World Heavyweight Title; Rob Van Dam attacked Orton during the match.</p><p> </p><p> Batista and John Cena defeated DX</p><p> </p><p> Kelly Kelly defeated Maryse to retain the WWE Divas Title</p><p> </p><p> Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero defeated Legacy to become NEW WWE UNIFIED TAG TEAM Champions after Rhodes walked out on his partner.</p><p> </p><p> Edge won the Royal Rumble Match.</p><p> </p><p> After losing a title match earlier in the night; Edge was clearly annoyed by his lose. As Kennedy was making his way to the ring as the 30th entrant, Edge assaulted him and announced that he is the 30th participant in this match. Edge went onto win the match and a title shot at WrestleMania XXVI</p></div></blockquote>.</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> On the RAW after Royal Rumble, Edge came out and said that since returning and listening to what the fans think, he has lost two title matches, and so he realized that he had to go back to save his career and so he again no longer cared about the fans again is the Ultimate Opportunist. This led Kennedy out and challenged Edge to a match at No Way Out for the title shot that he deserved which was accepted.</p><p> </p><p> The Intercontinental Title also changed hands during February when Jack Swagger defeated MVP.</p><p> </p><p> Also, a elimination chamber match was announced for No Way Out with Kofi Kingston, Triple H, Batista, CM Punk, John Cena and The Big Show all battling it out.</p><p> </p><p> The RAW GM had not been announced but Mr McMahon made a open challenge for anybody who feels capable to fufill the role to make an appearance at No Way Out.</p><p> </p><p> On Smackdown, the tension between Legacy increased in the following weeks building up to No Way Out, and the leader, Orton, tried to break up the tension by booking Legacy in a match at No Way Out against Rey and Chavo for the WWE Unified Tag Team Championship.</p><p> </p><p> Another Chamber match was made for No Way Out with Christian, Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam, The Undertaker, Evan Bourne and William Regal facing off.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff124/TripleAMr_Em/no_way_out09_poster.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25292" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p>CM Punk won the WWE Title Elimination Chamber to retaiin the WWE Title</p><p> </p><p> Edge defeated Mr Kennedy</p><p> </p><p> Shawn Michaels announces he is retiring. He was then challenged to a match at WrestleMania XXVI by Chris Jericho which is accepted. </p><p> </p><p> Rey and Chavo defeated Legacy when DiBiase walked out on his partner.</p><p> </p><p> Bret Hart answers Vince McMahon challenge; Vince rejects Hart</p><p> </p><p> Jack Swagger defeated MVP to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship</p><p> </p><p> Christian wins the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber to retain the title; John Cena attacks Thee Undertaker during the match</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The road to WrestleMania began at Royal Rumble and it started to reach its end. On the RAW after No Way Out, Edge made a shock announcement when he told the WWE Universe that he was going to move to Smackdown to challenge Christian for the World Heavyweight Title. This lead to a 4 man tournament consisting of HHH, Batista, Mr Kennedy and John Cena. Cena defeated HHH when Batista interfered. HHH returned the favour, costing Batista his match against Kennedy. HHH vs Batista was made for WrestleMania. In the final, Undertaker took revenge on Cena, distracting him and costing him his match against Kennedy. This led to Mr Kennedy vs CM Punk for the WWE Title at WrestleMania and also John Cena vs Undertaker.</p><p> </p><p> Jericho and Michaels traded insults with each other building up to their match 'Mania.</p><p> </p><p> The 3 RAW superstars for Money In The Bank match were announced when MVP, The Miz and John Morrison all qualified.</p><p> </p><p> On the RAW after No Way Out, Bret Hart come out and asked Vince why he cannot be RAW GM. Vince says he doesn't need to give any reason and he would never let Bret have control of RAW. Bret in later weeks challenged Vince to a match at WrestleMania and if Bret wins, he becomes RAW GM. Vince accepted to challenge, but if Vince wins, Bret must kiss his ass.</p><p> </p><p> On Smackdown, a heated rivalry began between Edge and Christian. Edge won the right to have the WrestleMania match, but Christian said he doesn't deserve it and that he's a joke. Edge attacked Christian and continued to building up to 'Mania. Meanwhile, Jericho verbally attacked Shawn Michaels week after week. </p><p> </p><p> The meltdown of Legacy come to its conclusion building up to WrestleMania when Rhodes cost DiBiase a match against Shelton Benjamin in a money in the bank qualifying match. A match between the two was then madde for WrestleMania.</p><p> </p><p> RVD and Randy Orton continued to feud up to WrestleMania. A match was made to end it all at WrestleMania.</p><p> </p><p> The final 3 Money in the Bank participants were announced with Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy and Drew McIntrye qualifying. Also, Kelly Kelly continued to feud with The Beautiful People and a match was made at WrestleMania against Jamie Szantyr with the Divas Title on the line</p>
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A promotional video plays as we begin WrestleMania 26! We hear a voice talking


"12 years in the making..."


We see Bret Hart getting screwed at Survivor Series 1997


"...and now, Bret Hart returns to the WWE..."


We see Bret returning at No Way Out just a month ago


"...and he is after Mr McMahon..."


We see Bret trying to lock in the Sharpshooter on McMahon a few weeks ago


"...win and he's the new RAW GM, but lose, and he must..."


We hear Vince McMahon say, "KISS...MY...ASS!"


We then move onto see clips of Shawn Michaels career.


"...A 22 year long career ends tonight..."


We see Shawn Michaels announcing his retirement.


"...Shawn Michaels has his final match tonight..."


We see Chris Jericho challenge Shawn Michaels to a match'




We move onto the last part of the video where we see Edge win the Royal Rumble


"...Former tag team champions..."


We see Edge and Christian winning thhe Tag Titles




"...tonight they face off..."


We see Edge spearing Christian and Christian hitting the Killswitch on Edge


"...for the World Heavyweight Championship..."


The video goes black before we see the WrestleMania XXVI appear and Kevin Rudolf's 'I made it' plays.


"And now, World Wrestling Entertainment presents, WrestleMania!"




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In the first match of the evening, 6 men battled it out for the life changing Money In The Bank briefcase. The bell rangs and a brawl began. Miz and Morrison teamed up to take out the other competitors while Shelton Benjamin rolls out the ring nd grabs a ladder. He gets in the ring and smashes the ladder into the gut of John Morrison and then to The Miz. With all men down, Benjamin starts climbing up the ladder quickly, but he is quickly follwed by Matt Hardy who delivers a hard right hand that knocks Benjamin off, hitting the mat hard. With Hardy reaching for the briefcase, MVP climbs the ladder and starts to battle with Hardy. Drew McIntyre pushes the ladder over and dumps both to the outside. When McIntyre turns around The Miz is waiting for him, and Miz delivers Skull Crushing Finale before Drew rolls out of the ring! John Morrison then runs behind Miz and they are both sent flying over the top rope. In the ring, Benjamin has climbed up a ladder but instead of going for the briefcase, he decides to leap off the ladder all 5 of the other competitors that are battling on the outside! Shelton gets back into the ring and starts climbing up the ladder looking to grab the briefcase and win the match, but John Morrison gets back to his feet and sets up a ladder right next to him and starts to climb the ladder alongside Benjamin. Benjamin grabs hold of Morrison and delivers a Paydirt off the ladder! Benjamin hits the mat hard though and rolls out the ring. McIntrye looks to seize the opportunity and runs into the ring and grabs hold of the briefcase but both MVP and Matt Hardy get back into the ring and pulls McIntyre off the ladder. MVP and Haardy team up to take out McIntyre and MVP gras a ladder a lays in on the mat. He signals for Hardy to hit the twist of fate onto it, which Hardy does, smashing McIntyre's face into the steel ladder. With McIntyre on the ladder, MVP then goes for Ballin but as he is aabout to hit it, Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy then turns around and Miz hits goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but Hardy reverses it into a twist of fate. Matt sees the briefcase hanging above him and begins his climb for glory. Matt makes it up to the briefcase. As he is trying to unhook it, Shelton Benjamin flys onto the ladder from nowhere and attacks Matt on the top of the ladder before he delivered a Sunset-Flip Powerbomb that sends Hardy crashing to the mat. Morrison then gets into the ring and both Shelton and Morrison begin to climb the ladder. Both Morrison and Shelton are near the top when The Miz rolls back into the ring.Miz then pushes the ladder down and both Shelton and Morrison fly over the top rope and Miz climbs the ladder. MVP mmanages to get back into the ring and climbs the ladder. Miz reaches the briefcase and is about to unhook it when MVP hits him in the gut. MVP and Miz then battle out at the top of the ladder and Miz manages to push MVP off the ladder. Miz again reaches for the briefcase but Hardy then gets in the ring with a ladder and smashes it in the face of Miz, knocking him out in the process. Hardy then climbs the ladder and with nobody in sight he goes to unhook the briefcase. The crowd are on their feet as Hardy grabs the briefcase and wins the match.



"Hardy has done it! Hardy has done it! Matt Hardy is Mr Money In The Bank!" JR screams


"Matt Hardy has dreamed of this day for years, he now has a guarenteed shot at a World Title of his choice!"


"And king, everyone who has cashed in that briefcase has gone onto win the World title, could we be looking at our future World Champion?"





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With Williams and Maryse out at ringside, the match is about to begin when Tiffany comes out. She announces that this match is now a Lumberill match. Several divas make their way out including Mickie James, Melina, Layla and Maria. With all the Divas ready, the match begins. After months of torment, Kelly explodes at the beggining of the match, taking out her frustrations on Szantyr, sending her flying over the tope rope. The heel divas fail to do their job by letting Szantyr have a breather outside the ring until Kelly gets out the rin to get Szantyr back in the ring where they push her straight back into the ring. Kelly then dives to the outsiide of the ring taking out many of the divas. Szantyr then kicks Kelly in the gut before getting back into the ring. While she distracts the ref, Maryse and Williams attack Kelly. The face divas go to help Kelly but Kelly is put back into the ring before they could help her. Szantyr then starts to beat down Kelly. Szantyr puts Kelly in a headlock which Kelly reverses. Kelly begins to ount some momentum but Szantyr rolls out the ring. However, she went out on the wrong side for her and was sent straight back into the ring. Kelly picked up Szaantyr and looked to end the match, but Williams got on the apron which distracted both the referee and Kelly. Mickie knocks Williams off the apron and a brawl starts on the outside. Kelly turns back to Szantyr but she gets hit with the Beauty Mark. The ref counts the 3 and Szantyr picks up the win and becomes NEW WWE Divas Champion. Maryse and Lauren Williams get in the ring and hold Szantyr arms in the air as Kelly rolls out the ring, having lost her title.




The camera cuts backstage where Todd Grisham is standing, "Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, he is Mr Money In The Bank, Matt Hardy!" Matt comes in view of the camera. "Matt, moments ago you won the right to have a title shot against any champion, at anytime you want, can you sum up your emotions at this moment of time?" Matt, who still looks very tired after the match, looks at the briefcase before speaking, "Todd, i have been in WWE for over 10 years, i have been waiting all that time to become World Champion and this briefcase gives me the chance to do just that and Todd..." Matt stops and looks at something off screen, we hear someone clapping, the person is revealed as Edge, "Congratulations Matt, you have the chance to win your first World title! You and I have been in WWE for the same length of time and you have the chance to become to win your first title, whereas I am going to become a 10 time World Champion tonight! And Matt, I'm going to give you some advice and dont cash it in against me, because then youre dream, we be over." Matt laughs before saying, "Edge, you may be a 9 time World Champion but have you ever won any of those matches fairly? And I doubt that tonight, you'll win you're tenth, but Edge, if you do win the title tonight, then ust remember, I could cash in this bad boy tonight!" The crowd give a huge roars Matt leaves. Edge is left looking shocked before walking off.


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Randy_Orton28.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rob_Van_Dam22.jpg


Both men are in the ring as the match begins. Both men locked up, then Orton kicked Van Dam in gut. Orton then whips Van Dam into the corner. Orton chases after Van Dam but is kicked in the head by Van Dam. Van Dam then leaps off the top rope but Orton ducks. Van Dam manages to land on his feet and turns to face Orton but turns into a RKO. Orton goes for the pin. 1...2...And Van Dam manages to roll a shoulder up. Orton, clearly frustrated that he couldn't end it quickly, smashes his arms in the back of Van Dam before walking towards the corner. Orton waits for Van Dam to get to his knees before running towards him, looking for the punt. This time Van Dam manages to move and then rolls Orton up. Orton managed to kick out before the three count. Both men get to their feet and stare at each other. Orton goes for the RKO again but Van Dam pushes him away before hitting a huge kick to the back of the head. Van Dam then hits the rolling thunder before going for the pin which Orton managed to kick out. Van Dam then goes to the top rope but Orton quickly gets up ad knocks him off. Orton then gets up and stomps on several body parts of RVD. Orton then picks Van Dam up and places him over the top rope, when he pulls him through the middle rope and after a short delay, hits the DDT. Orton crawls towards the cover and the ref begins the count. Van Dam manages to get his foot on the bottom rope before the 3 count Orton is getting more and more frustrated that RVD just won't lie down. Orton again picks up Van Dam, but drops him again. Orton taunts to the crowd before measuring his man, looking for the RKO. Van Dam managed to get to his feet, he turned around and Orton went for the RKO but Van Dam pushed him into the corner and he hits his head. Orton the turns into kicks to the knees by Van Dam before a final kick to the back of the head, knocking Orton out. Van Dam does his singature taunt before leaping onto the top rope before hitting the 5-star frog splash. RVD goes for the pin and gets the 3 count for the win! 'One of a Kind' blasts through the speakers as Van Dam ascends each turnbuckle, celebrating his victory.




The camera cuts backstage where we see The Undertaker standing in a dark room. "17 victims have fell at WrestleMania...and tonight it becomes 18 when I defeat John Cena. Tonight, I defeat John Cena for the first time at WrestleMania and after tonight, John Cena, you will...REST...IN...PEACE!"


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Ted_DiBiase_Jr9.jpg vs http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad179/OfficialPrincessSheila/Cody_Rhodes14.jpg


The match begins between the former tag team champions. DiBiase pushes Rhodes into the corner and breaks the hold cleanly, Rhodes however, slaps DiBiase across the face. This makes DiBiase go ballistic and he isolates Rhodes in the corner, hitting the left and rights straight to the head of Rhodes. The ref pulls DiBiase away but when DiBiase goes ack to continue his assualt, Rhodes hits a drop kick to the knees of DiBiase, knocking him off his feet. Rhodes then stomps on the leg of DiBiase. Rhodes picks up Dibiase but DiBiase whips Rhodes into the ropes and drops him with a dropkick when he comes running back. DiBiase heads over to the corner and climbs up to the top rope. DiBiase flies off the top rope with a huge Axe-Handle Smash that connects right across the skull of Rhodes. Rhodes rolls to the outside to catch a breather but DiBiase quickly jumps out of the ring towards Rhodes. Rhodes moves and sends DiBiase flying into the barracade. As Ted starts getting to his feet Randy Rhodes delivers a running kick into his gut! Rhodes throws DiBiase back into the ring. Rhodes taunts to the crowd before getting on the apron. Rhodes again taunts the crowd and this one proves costly as DiBiase knocks him off the apron, smashing he head of the steel steps. DiBiase rolls out the ring and smashs Rhodes head off the steel steps for a second time. DiBiase goes to smash Rhodes' head of the steps again but Rhodes blocks and returns the favour before throwing DiBiase back into the ring. This time, Rhodes waits until he gets inside the ring before tauting the crowd before kicking DiBiase in the gut. Rhodes then applies a sleeper hold to DiBiase. Dibiase looked to be fading but managed to reach the rope, breaking the hold in the process. Cody brings Ted to his feet and hits the Cross Rhodes. Rhodes goes for the cover but DiBiase managed to kick out. Rhodes is clearly frustrated and lifts DiBiase up and sends him into the ropes. When Ted bounces back Rhodes goes for a drop-kick, but DiBiase hooks onto the ropes causing Rhoes to fall face-first to the mat. DiBiase quickly goes for the cover but Rhodes managed to kick out quickly kicks out before quickly gets back to his feet and attempted a closeline but DiBiase ducks and hits Rhodes with his finishing move, Dream Street! DiBiase hooks his opponent's leg. Rhodes somehow kicked out and the very last second and DiBiase looks shocked and argues with the ref, saying that it was a 3 count. While DiBiase is argueing, Rhodes rolls DiBiase up and gets the 3 count. Rhodes quickly gets out the ring as DiBiase stares at Rhodes as he makes his way to the back.




The camera cuts backstage where Maria and Chris Jericho are standing. Chris begins talking, "Tonight, is Shawn Michaels last ever match in WWE! A 22 year long career is ending tonight. Shawn Michaels have won multiple titles here in WWE and is a future Hall of Famer, but it is a shame that the only match that will be remembered is his loss in his very last match against Chris Jericho. Because tonight, I'm not only going to defeat Shawn Michaels, but I'm going to make sure that he never walks again, becuase as soon as I lock in the Walls of Jericho; I'm NEVER letting go!"


http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll4/apeevolution/KyKy/Triple_H.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Batista12.jpg


The match began very quickly when Triple H hit the spinebuster on Batista then Triple H quickly covers his opponent, but Batista gets a shoulder up before the count of three. The Game then hooks his opponent's leg and attempts to lock him in the Figure Four leg lock. Triple H locks it in but Batistaa managed to roll over, locking in the submission hold. Triple H is screaming in pain. Batista tightens his hold wanting Triple H to submit. Triple H somehow managed to grab the bottom rope but atista kept the hold locked in. Triple H uses the rope to roll over, again meaning that he had the figure 4 leg lock in. Batista managed to break out the hold, pulling Triple H's leg away. The Game brings himself to his feet in the corner when Batista charges at him and hits a devestating spear. Batista went for the cover but Triple H managed to kick out before the three count. Batista lifts Triple H to his feet, looking for the Batista Bomb, but Triple H kicked Batista in the gut before hitting the pedigree. Triple H went for the pin but Batista somehow managed to kick out. Triple H brings his opponent to his feet and delivers a huge back-breaker before continuously stomps away on Batista's skull. After dropping a knee onto Batisa's head Triple H calls for the Pedigree. He lifts his opponent up and hooks his arms. However, Batista hits the low blow on Triplle H before rolling out the ring and grabbing a Sledgehammer. Batista gets back into the ring with the Sledgehammer and swings it towards Triple H but he ducks out of the way and then kicked Batista in the gut, causing him to drop the Sledgehammer. Triple H then picks up the sledgehammer and smashes it into Batista's face. Triple H then put Batista into the corner before he goes to smash the hammer into Batista's gut. Batista managed to move out the way, so the sledgehammer smashes off the turnbuckle, hurting Triple H's hand in the process. He drops the sledgehammer before turning into a Batista Bomb, landing on the Sledgehammer. Batista hooks the leg of Triple H and picks up the victory.




The camera cuts backstage where Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes are standing. Orton looks pissed off, "Mixed Night tonight Cody, you managed to beat that traitor DiBiase but Van Dam got a cheap victory of me! But that's just tonight, now we need to look towards the future Cody thats why I spoke to Tiffany, and on Friday, we have the chance to bring the tag titles back home to Legacy when we face Rey and Chavo!"


"Randy, I promise you, the tag titles will be back home on Friday."


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Up next John Cena looks to end the streak and become the first to defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Undertaker wants revenge for No Way Out when John Cena cost him the World Heavyweight Title inside the Elimination Chamber. Within minutes Undertaker connects with a Chokeslam onto Cena but it's not enough to send Cena down. Undertaker picks Cena up and knocks him straight back down with a huge right hand to the face of Cena. After dropping Undertaker with a back suplex, Cena goes for the 5-Knuckle Shuffle which he hits. Cena then puts Taker up for the FU which he hits. Undertaker somehow managed to roll a shoulder up, after mosst the arena thought the streak was coming to an end. Cena gains full control of the match and assualts Undertaker back and spine. Undertaker manages to fight back but then Cena again hits the FU and somehow Undertaker managed to roll a shoulder up again. Cena then locked in the STFU in the centre of the ring and cranked up the pressure on the hold, wanting Undertaker to tap out and end the streak but Undertaker managed to grab hold of the bottom rope. Cena again looked for the FU and put Undertaker up for it but Taker managed to get out of the hold before grabbing hold of Cena then hitting the Last Ride. Undertaker went for the cover but Cena manged to kick out. Taker looked on in disbelief before getting back to his feet. Taker measured his man then hit the Tombstone Piledriver to pick up the victory. The Streak continues but Undertaker knows that it could have been over in that match.




The camera cuts backstage where Shawn Michaels is warming up for his match when Triple H enters. "Shawn, good luck tonight, it's not going to be the same without you buddy."


"Thanks Hunter."


"Shawn, I just wish that it had been us two facing off tonight, but..."


"...Dont worry Hunter i get it."




http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/4247/cmpunkr.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Ken_Kennedy32.jpg


The match begins and both of the two competitors stare at each other in the centre of the ring before they tie up, and Punk quickly pushes Kennedy towards the corner but Kennedy manages push Punk into the corner before rolling him up. In a close call, Punk just gets a shoulder up to save the match and his title. Kennedy starts smashing Punk in the face with a bunch of hard punches before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a huge clothesline to Punk. After dropping Punk with the closeline, Kennedy picks him up and attempts to hit the Mic Check but Punk hit several elbows to the head of Punk to get out of his reach. Punk rolls out the ring to catch a breather but Kennedy rolls out the ring, giving him no time to recover but Punk hit to right hand to the face of Kennedy before putting him on his shoulders and hitting the GTS. Punk rolls back into the ring and urges the ref to begin the count to which the ref obliges. The ref gets to the count of 7 before Kennedy gets to his feet and just manages to get back in the ring in time. When Kennedy gets back in the ring, Punk is waiting for him and delivers a kick to the chest of Kennedy. Punk goes to whip Kennedy into the ropes, but as Kennedy bounced back he hit a neckbreaker to Punk. Kennedy went for the pin but Punk managed to roll a shoulder up. Kennedy then climbs up to the top rope and delivers a Kenton Bomb to Punk. He hooks his opponent's leg, but the champion gets a shoulder up again. Kennedy picked Punk up and went for the Mic Check but Punk reversed it and got Kennedy on his shoulders for the GTS but Kennedy also reverses it and hits the Mic Check. Kennedy crawled towards the cover. The crowd were on their feet but Punk managed again to kick out. Kennedy went back to the top rope and leaped towards a standing PUnk but Punk catches him on his shoulders. Kennedy again gets out of it and hits the Mic Check again. This time Punk couldn't kick out and Mr Kennedy is the NEW WWE Champion. Kennedy grabs the title on goes to the turnbuckle, holding his newly won title in the air as the confetti falls and the pyro explodes.





The Hitman vs The Chairman


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Bret_Hart42.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/V%20Images/Vince_McMahon16.jpg


With a lot on the line in this match, it began. The match immediately spilled the outside where we see The Hitman send McMahon's skull crashing into the steel post. Back in the ring, he drops McMahon with a Spinebuster and looks to lock in the sharpshooter just a few minutes into the contest but McMahon managed to escaped Bret's grasp. McMahon then delivered a Spear to Bret before stomping on several of Bret's body parts. Bret managed to roll out the way of McMahon's attack before grabbing McMahon and placed him for a piledriver. McMahon managed to hit an low blow to Bret which the ref failed to see before grabbing both of Bret's legs, dropping him to the mat then locking in the Sharpshooter on Bret! Bret is screaming in pain as the chairman has him locked in his own finisher, and the same move that he got screwed with 12 years ago and its locked in right in the center of the ring. It seems like Bret is going to tap out, but theHitman uses every ounce of strength in his body to drag both himself to the side of the ring and reached the rope, breaking up the hold leaving McMahon in shock, but he lifts Bret up for a piledriver, another one of Brets finishers but Bret breaks free hitting a low blow, which McMahon had did when Bret attempted the same move earlier in the match. Bret then hits the Piledriver and crawls towards the cover and just as it seems like its over, Vince gets a shoulder up. Bret looks frustated and slaps the mat in anger. Bret goes to lock in the Sharpshooter but Vince kicks him away. Vince then runs towards Bret but is hit with a spinebuster, Bret then quickly locks in the Sharshooter in the center of the ring, the crowd were going mad as Bret closed in on the win, Vince tried to get to the rope but Bret just dragged him back to the center and Vince had no other choice but to tap out! Bret defeated Vince McMahon. The crowd goes wild as Bret climbs on each turnbuckle in turn, and now has full control of RAW!






http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Edge10.jpg vs http://i50.tinypic.com/2r2ai3a.jpg


The match begins as Edge and Christian meet in the center of the ring, staring face to face before Edge slaps Christian in the face. Christian retailates with a slap of his own before Edge kicks him in the gut. He then slams Christian to the ground before stomping on his face, over and over again. Edge goes for a DDT but Christian managed to hold onto the rope, staying on his feet while Edge slammedd his own back off the mat. Christian goes for a pin but Edge manages to kick out. Christian picks up Edge and whipes him into the corner, Christian runs towards Edge but Edge moves and Christian head hits the turnbuckle, With Christian now in the corner, Edge charges towards him, but Christian hits the pendulum kick before getting back in the ring an grabbing Edge. Christian goes to hit the Killswitch but Edge pushes Christian away. Christian turns around and gets hit with a huge spear! Edge goes for the pin...1...2...3NO! Christian somehow managed to roll a shoulder up. Edge lifts the champion up to his feet and calls for the Edgecution, but Christian shoves him off and accidentally into the referee. Christian then hits a Killswitch before going for the pin, but the ref is knocked out. Christian had Edge down and the match was won. Christian then rolls out the ring before grabbing two chairs, he pushes one of the chairs into the ring, holding the other. Edge grabs the chair and gets to his feet and turns away from Christian. Christian goes back into the ring, and Edge suddenly turns, swinging the chair towards Christian, but Christian ducks; Christian then goes the hit Edge in the back of the head with the chair but Edge quickly turns and smashes Christian in the skull with the chair. Edge throws both chairs out the ring as the ref makes his way to the ring. Edge goes for the cover and the ref slowly crawls before starting the count. Edge puts one arm in the air as the ref's hand is about to hit the mat for the three but Christian somehow manages to kick out. Edge looks shocking before rolling towards the corner. Edge goes to take the protective cover from the turnbuckle but the ref stops him, as the ref puts it back on, Edge gets a set of brass knucks out his tights and puts them onto his hand, before punches Christian in the head. Edge throws them out the ring. He goes for the cover and the ref begins the count. Edge can sense victory but Christian again manages to roll a shoulder up. Edge looks really annoyed and walks towards the corner, looking for the Spear. Christian manages to get to his feet and Edge charges towards him, but Christian gets a knee up before grabbing Edge and hitting the Killswitch. The crowd are on their feet as Christian crawls towards the cover, he manages to hook a leg and the ref counts the three, Christian retains his title. Christian goes to the top turnbuckle, where he holds his title in the air as the confetti drops and the pyro explodes.






Shawn Michaels' Final Match


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Chris_Jericho48.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Shawn_Michaels47.jpg


In the final match of the night, and of his career, Shawn Michaels faced of with Chris Jericho. With both men in the ring we see fans bowing to the Heart Break Kid and "HBK HBK HBK" chants echo throughout the arena as tens of thousands are on their feet chanting for the Showstopper. The bell rings kicking this match off. It wasn't long before Shawn clotheslined Jericho out of the ring. Maria checked on Jericho on the outside but HBK then climbed up to the top rope and leaped backwards at Jericho with a Moonsault. Michales lands on both Maria and Jericho, taking them both out. Michaels rolls Jericho back into the ring and goes for the cover but Jericho managed to roll a shoulder up. Michales begins to dominate the match, and Maria is still out cold on the outside. With Jericho down, Michaels climbs to the top rope and lands a shoulder to the heart of Jericho. The crowd go wild as Michaels begins to tune up the band. Jericho gets to his feet and Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music. It looks as if Michaels was about to win but as the ref was about to make the three count, Maria pulls him out the ring. The ref has no hestitations and sends Maria backstage, Maria then slaps the ref before leaving. Michaels was distracted for a moment by what was going on at ringside and Jericho rolled him up. The ref quickly rolls into the ring but Michaels quickly kicks out. Both men quickly get to their feet and Jericho hits the Codebreaker as Michaels turns around. Jericho goes for the cover but Michales managed to kick out. Jericho gets back to his feet quickly and argues with the ref, convinced that it should have been a 3 count to end the match. Jericho then turns to focus on Michaels. Jericho picks up Michaels and hits a spinebuster, keeping hold of his legs before turning Michaels around into a Walls of Jericho, Jericho cranks up the pressure and Michaels tries to reach for the rope but can', it looks as if Michaels is about to tap out but he refuses to and begins to crawl to the bottom rope. Michales eventually reaches the rope, breaking up the hold. Jericho rolls Michaels onto his bacck before going for a Lionsault. Michaels manages to move before getting to his feet, Jericho turns around into Sweet Chin Music. Michaels drops on top of Jericho and the ref counts the 3. The crowd go wild as Michaels gets to his feet. The sold-out crowd clap as Michaels stands in the center of the ring the confetti begins to fall and the crowd begin to bow. Michaels does the same to the crowd as he makes his way up the ramp.




We see highlights of Michaels carreer and then of the show before the show ends!

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WrestleMania finished moments ago and the show lived up to the hype. First, the money in the bank, a great match as usual. Most people believed John Morrison or The Miz would win so it comes as a shock to see Hardy win, followed by a great promo with Edge.


Another shock victory was for Mr Kennedy, who won the WWE Title. A few small shocks happened with Szantyr (winning the Divas title), Cody Rhodes, Batista and Christian all winning even though the signs pointed towards them losing. RVD, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker and Bret Hart all won as expected.


The best match of the night was a draw between Edge vs Christian and Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho, and the best moment being Shawn Michaels in the ring after his match for the final time.

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According to reports, both Undertaker and John Cena are now taking time off. Its no surprise that Undertaker is doing the usual, post WrestleMania time off but John Cena has landed a role in a major Hollywood movie and will be out for some months. WWE officials are said to be hugely annoyed that they didn't get any warning so they could write him out, which they no longer can due to him needing to leave for Hollywood now.

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After the theme, "Burning it to the Ground", we go to the ring when Mr. Kennedy's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, with his newly on WWE Title around his waist. He gets into the ring and the lights go low, the spot light focuses on him and a mic falls from the roof, "Last Night at WrestleMania, it was a historic night, Bret Hart beat Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels had his last match in WWE, and I became you had a new WWE Champion...MMMIIIISSSSTTTTEEERRRR....KENNEDDDYYY.......KENNEDDYY!"


The camera cuts backstage where Bret Hart is standing in his office. "Hello and welcome to Monday Night RAW, last night, we had a historic night in WrestleMania 26, but now we are on the road to Backlash and tonight, we will find out who will challenge Mr Kennedy at Backlash when MVP and CM Punk face off.


Match 1: Non Title Match: Jack Swagger vs Kofi Kingston


With a victory, Kofi Kingston could catapult himself into the Intercontinental Title picture. Kofi looked to have the match won when he hit to Trouble in Paradise but Swagger kicked out. Swagger got back into the match and went for the Gutwrench Powerbomb, when Kofi landed on his feet, Swagger hit the low blow, causing a DQ.


The camera goes black before showing this video (credit to whoever made it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXUEed8ywa0&feature=related


The camera goes backstage where CM Punk is standing, "Last night, I lost my WWE Title, I can deal with that. But now I have to win a match to get a rematch, a rematch that I am contractually obliged to get! Bret, do you know the first thing about business? Do you know anything for thaat matter? But it doesn't matter, I can defeat MVP tonight easily, before going onto win my WWE Championship at Backlash, and how am I so certain you ask? Well, not only am I in the best shape and the most talented person on the whole roster, but there is something else. Last night after WrestleMania, I hit the town, I saw people getting drunk everywhere, and i felt pity for them, but one I didn't, one drunk came up to me and said he can't take it anymore, he doesn't want cigerettes, alchol and other drugs taking over his life anymore, so I told him not to worry, and make a straight edge pledge, and he did! So everyone, puts you hands together, because this man has done the right thing by becoming Straight-Edge...BRYAN DANIELS!" Bryan Daniels comes into view on the camera before Punk continues, "And we are going to make WWE, drug free!"


Match 2: Bryan Daniels vs Local Comepitor


In his debut match, Bryan Daniels faced off with a Local Competitor. Daniels destoyed his opponent before hitting the GTS to end the match quickly.


The camera cuts backstage where Triple H is talking to crew member when Batista runs up behind him and attacks him, sending him into the wall before hitting him with a steel chair. Batista then hits the Batista Bomb before saying "WrestleMania wasn't enough!"


Match 3: John Morrison vs Kane


With Miz at ringside, the match begun. Kane got the upper hand early in the match and Morrison couldn't seem to get into the match, with all his attacks doing nothing to Kane, who just stands their. Kane hits the Chokeslam on Morrison after delivering more punishment. Kane goes for the pin but Miz pulls the ref out. Miz then punches the ref in the face, knocking him out. Kane gets out the ring and chases after Miz, who runs up the ramp, before Big Show appears out of nowhere and hits the kknockout punch to Kane. Show then hits the Chokeslam on the ramp before sending Kane back in the ring. Morrison went to the top rope and hit the Starship Pain and got the pin forr the win.


Match 4: Melina vs Michelle McCool


With a future shot at the Women’s title up for grabs, Melina and Michelle McCool faced off with Natayla at ringside. McCool looked good at the start of the match and came close to winning it win a roll-up, but Melina managed to recover and hit the Extreme Makeover for the win.


Main Event: CM Punk vs MVP


The match is about to begin and the bell goes, as the two superstars lock up, Sheamus runs down and attacks them both.Both Punk and MVP try to get some attack on Sheamus but they cant Sheamus hits the Powerbomb on them both before Kennedy ran down and hit the Mic Check on Sheamus. Kennedy held up his WWE Title as RAW goes off the air.

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