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4C the rise of a bastard son

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*As seeing that due to personal reason, I'm going to be spending a lot of time at home. And I'm going to choose to spend my time by playing an old favorite game of mine while trying something new in writing a Diary/Dynasty for this game. It's not going to be as refined as others, but I'll try my best. So please enjoy if you can.*



The rise of a Bastard son



My names Jason Winner. Plain and simple, I'm a bastard. When my father found out my mother was pregnant, the man left her and headed north. No one really knew where he went. And my family never knew who the guy was till just last week. My mother would refuse to tell anyone his name.


It was my 21st birthday, and I'm in the hospital as my Mother lays on her death bed. Despite being told all my life that my father was useless, an *******, small, and I have no reason to want to contact him; I finally got my fathers name out of my mom. The mans name was Troy Winner. The one and only midget wrestling Promoter that owns 4C. As far as she knew, he is just another nobody who amounted to nothing. Its why she never let me contact him.


That was a few weeks. Then there was tonight, I contacted my father over the phone and he agreed to meet me with for dinner tonight; New years eve. I don’t know how, but after tonight's dinner, he told me it was time for me to help take up the family business. When I asked him he was refering to the wrestling company, he smiled and said, "I don't think you're ready to handle the rat trapping business." and he laughed and walked; well wobbled away from the table and out the front door leaving me the check for dinner.

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1st Day on the Job

Well the day started off well. I was told to meet my father; Troy Winner; at the offices of 4C at 9 in the morning. Or basically in the basement of his house. I arrived at his house right before nine, and waited two hours for the man to finally come answer his door to let me in. Then basically, he told me that theres no way I am going to be able to meet the whole roster before the next event. Which we have three weeks to prepare for as Cage Rage is held on the last Monday of the month. But he did give me the spreadsheet of the roster with who's holding what place on the roster, disposition, and contract details. I've attached the spreadsheet below for easy reference.




After going over the roster, and being told to be careful on how I handle Joey Poison as I'm taking over his spot as the main booker, I was told he had other duties to handle and I needed to go home and research the roster.


So this whole evening I've done nothing but read, and watch video's of just about everyone on the roster. Being that I've been a huge fan of wrestling since I was twelve, I already know most of the top talent. But I was a little impressed with some of no namer's I've seen. Darryl Devine, D.W. Newton, T.J. Bailey, and Too hot mainly.


Ugh, come to find out its 2AM in the morning. I'm tired as hell, and the rest of the **** can wait. I'll look up the champions, schedule, and any running storylines in the morning.




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Day 2


God damnit, my father decided to call me at 730 this morning. Leaving me with only 5 hours of sleep or so. Said he wanted to go over a few things with me regarding the Promotion. Wanted me to know that he has a few goals for me to accomplish and a few rules I need to abide by. So lets go over what he decided to lay on me today.


- Do not drop into debt at any point. Apparantly his credit is shot, and if we end up running out the 4C stock pile, he wont be able to come up with a loan to save the company. Yea no pressure there huh.

- Wrestler requirement, he wants no out of shape wussies in the ring. If they don’t have at least average Stamina, they can look elsewhere for a promotion to work in, and I can look for other talent.

- Last one, Pro Wrestling is a dangerous sport, game or whatever you caterogize it as. There's no room for goof balls who are going to get in the ring and not try and take care of themselves and the people they are working with.


As long as I follow these simple things; he says; I pretty much have free reign to do as I wish. And he hangs up with his final words being, "don’t screw this up."


Later on today, I went on a fact finding mission. First thing I found out, Joey Poison went and tied up all the story lines at the end of last months show. So everyone is open to go along any roads I like. Assuming I can come up with for the first show.


The next thing I found out today, are the champions. They are decent and I'm sure they did well under Joey, but in my eyes, they seemed to have gotten stale already. So I'm going to see what I can my hands on to spice these things up.


Based on my research yesterday, and the info I've gathered today, I've put together a list below of the titles, the champs, and who I want to be the Contenders.




On one final note for today, I've heard through the grapevine that one Darryl Devine was contacted and given a contract offer by Supreme Wrestling Federation. I'm glad that he isn't holding any of the belts at the moment because it would really blow for me to have to stip some one of a title belt before the first show I ever book.


Well time to head out with Kalley. More on my new career tomorrow.

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Day 3,

Dear Diary,

Today was surpisingly a simple day on the 4C front. No wacky phone call to wake me up.


However I was added to the email account for the company. So now any emails regarding the promotion going to my father now comes to me. The only thing to come out on that front today, is that a local rival CGC offered Jacob Jett a contract. However I don't know any information regarding the contract. I don’t know if he is going to be able to work Cage rage when it comes up. Oh well time will tell. But it makes me a tad bit nervous to loose one of our top stars.




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Day 4 Dear Diary,

Well today was somewhat eventful in the world of Canadian Charisma Combat Championship. At least for me anyway. I was woken up bright and early by my lovely father at 630 this morning. To me it sounded like he hadn't even gotten to bed yet as there was a party going on in the background. Eh who knows.


Anyway, he called to give me more goals, or objectives. Whatever you wish to call them. Basically he wants us to be more popular by the end of a 2 year period. It is imperative to us making money he says. The more fans we have the more tickets we sell. The more tickets we sell, the more concessions and merch we sell. Basically sounds like Mr. Winner wants to be Mr. Money. And on a side, note, he gave me a phone number and told me I should contact them about for advice on what I am doing.


I also spoke with our announcing crew on the shows. To me they seem kinda bland. But that’s because I'm use to TCW and SWF announcers on t.v. But I have to realize that this isn't a top notch organization. Yet. And we aren't going to have the best of talent all the time. Speaking with Ted Ross; our color guy; he's happy with 4C and his position. He likes it and doesn't want to change.


Terry Smith on the other hand, although he likes being our announcer, he wants to be a personality for the company. After discussing what type of personality he wanted to be, we both decided that he would stay on as announcer for a few months, maybe till his contract is up, and he can help me out as I join him and Ted Ross in the booth.


One last thing to note. I decided to speak with some of the roster today. I went and spoke with the guys that are going to be the main focus of the shows at this point in time. Or the Main Event people as they say. Of course they feel like they should be apart of the 4C Title picture. Barry Kingman believes he needs some momentum before he can possibly hold the title. And well, seeing as I want him as my number one contender, he's going to get some.


Joey Poison was a little awkward to talk to however. I mean, I've never worked in the business, before, I drop in on my father I've never seen before, and my father gives me what use to be Joey's job. But he wished me the best of luck. Told me he would try to help when he could. And he gave me a few phone numbers I should call about getting some new Talent in here if think its needed. He wouldn't give me names, he just told me to call them.


And that’s about it for today. I might have some tomorrow, I might not. It depends. I have some other plans with Kalley. But being a woman, who knows when she'll change her mind.



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Dear Diary,

It is Sunday, day 7 and marking the first complete week of being in control of 4C. Theres not too much to report since the last time. So I'm thinking that instead of writing daily, I'm just going to take notes and write out my thoughts for a week. So this entry will recap the last few days.


First things first. I used two numbers that Joey gave me to call. To my surprise it was Steve Flash and Shawn Gonzalez. It blew my mind both times that I was actually talking to two of my favorite wrestlers on the independent scene. I wasn’t able to sign them over the phone. But the both agreed they would talk to me in person about perhaps wrestling with our company.


I contacted my father about changing the way we do things around here. I didn't change anything drastically. I just wanted a little more time to give the fans some story lines. I wanted to reward the fans that come to show after show to have something that they can look back on and look forward to. And to give some of our mathces meaning to them instead of just having two guys in the ring. And I told him we are going to tone down the Hardcore and Daredevil just a tad. That way when we want to look into getting a T.V. show, it might be a tad bit easier to get a show when we can show them we are already committed to changing our product.


Oh, And just today, we finally signed the first two matches of Cage rage for this year. The first match is nothing spectacular. But should get the ball rolling in the tag division as I am going to have Thug Life vs Thunder and Lightning. And then one match I hope gets the crowd going in Joey Poison vs Frankie Dee.


Well Diary, until next week. I remain,


The bastard Son


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Dear Dairy,

As promised, this is now going to be a weekly entry assuming I have stuff to write about. Well this week I have a few things I am proud to be able to write about.


First things first. Contracts. Darryl Devine has signed SWF. It’s a written contract so I will not be able to use him on any of my shows. I do wish him the best and I pray he stays away from injuries. Jacob Jett has signed a P.P.A apperance with CGC. This makes me happy on two fronts. One Jacob Jett is going to get more experience, exposure, and hopefully make some new friends he can one day bring back to 4C. Also it means that I still have him on our roster. Happy days.


A big deal with the contracts is that since we are losing Darryl Devine, we managed to go and pick up one Steve Flash. So we lose a mid card to the big boys, and we replace him with a Main Event caliber wrestler who's sure to bring in fans. An aging Main Eventer, but a Main eventer none the less. Can you say score? When I managed to get ink on paper from Mr. Flash, I was so joyous I took out Kalley to her favorite Chinese Resturaunt. And Desert later on that night, well that was something.


Onto other business. My father called once again, he gave me another rule to abide by. No hiring Law breakers. To me its only common sense. But I do know there are some feds that aren't going to give a rats ass about someones history if they are going to be able to make them money.


The last thing to happen this week is the fact the Rage card has finally been finalized. I hired someone to do the banner advertisement for me. It came back and I put a copy of it below. Not all matches are on it as not all are set in stone. Well none of them are, but some of the lesser known guys on our roster are going to wait till the night of the show to see who shall match them up with. As I don’t know who is going to be able to work well together. We shall see what happens.



*i know it might not be many. And I know this is most likely coming off slow right now. But it should pick up as the shows start. But any comments or suggestions on how to play with this promotion is more then welcome.*

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Thank you guys.


And yes thats Excel i was using. I created my own roster spreadsheet with various fed info on it. That way its all on one sheet so im not going from tab to tab to tab in the game.


Working on the show now. Should be up by the end of the night. Till then, laters.

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Ok so this is going to suck some major balls. By court order i have to be under house arrest for 10 days. No big deal. However, I am not allowed to be in the basement. (which is pretty much where I live in teh first place. But I have to be up stairs or on teh second floor. I am going to take my computer upstairs, but since I dont have a wireless card, i wont have internet access upstairs. I will however continue playing my game as I'll have nothing better to do. And I'll post up the results when I can. I get this damn thing taking off on december 9th. So come the tenth. I should have some more to post up for everyone. Till then toodles.
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<p>Well good luck with this. As much as I'm a graphics maker myself, I rather don't prefer fancy graphics on my just yet.</p><p> </p><p>

Once again good luck. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
well I'm back sorta. I managed to play a year in the game. But I didn't back the game up. And well, When I was loading the next day on my game, my nephew hit the switch on teh wall turning everything off. WHen I tried to load it back up its been corrupted. So I lost a whole year. I had the notes and wrote out a few pages, but i dont think its worth posting as it will be incomplete. I tried to re-sim and just replay the whole year, but match ratings and angle ratings were coming out differently. And i started to lose all interest. I am sorry but I am not going to continue on with this diary. I am probably going to take a break a few days from the game and probably try a new fed or diary. Perhaps a 97' dynasty perhaps. NOt sure. But' we'll see. Till next time... toodles.
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