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Wwe 2004

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I did this on another board and I'm doing it here. Now, I'm going to NOT use TEW 2008 for a challenege here(maybe a first in this section). I'm in April, the Smackdwn after Backlash. Everything you need to know is on this link http://corpxgaming.com/board/index.php?/topic/798-wwe-2004/


Yeah, so, to be up to speed on this, follow the link. Next, I'll post the rosters

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WWE Updated Roster Face Heel Tweener


RAW Roster


RAW Champions

World Heavyweight Champion:Booker T

WWE Intercontinental Champion:Randy Orton

WWE Women's Champion:Victoria

WWE Tag Team Champions:Lance Storm & Test



Main Eventers

Kurt Angle

Booker T

Shawn Michaels



Upper-Mid Carders

Randy Orton

Eddie Guerrero

Goldberg(might retire)




Chris Jericho



Ric Flair



Matt Hardy

Lance Storm


Bubba Ray Dudley

D-Von Dudley

Hardcore Holly

Jon Heidenreich

Matt Morgan

Kimo(formerly Rosey)


Paul Burchill

Rob Conway

Slyain Greiner

Rodney Mack


Lower Mid-Carders

Tommy Dreamer

Kenzo Suzki

Danny Basham

Al Snow

Orlando Jordan

Doug Basham

Casanova(Simon Dean, will debut soon)

Chris Kanyon

Garrison Cade




Eric Bischoff(Your resident evil General Manager of RAW)

The Coach(Colur commentor for Heat as well as host of the Coach's Corner)

Johnny Nitro(Eric Bischoff's right hand man)

Jerry Lawler(Color Commentor for RAW)

Jim Ross(Play by Play Commentor for RAW)

Tyson Tomko("Problem Solver" for Christian and Trish Stratus)

William Regal(Manager of Paul Burchill)

Teddy Long(Manager of The Island Boys)





Trish Stratus


Molly Holly


Torrie Wilson

Gail Kim




Tag Teams/Stables

Evolution(Randy Orton, Ric Flair, Batista)

The Dudleys

Lance Storm & Test(Un-Americans)

Al Snow & Tommy Dreamer

La Resistance(Sylvain Greiner & Rob Conway)

The Island Boys(Kimo and Rikishi)




Smackdown Roster



Smackdown Champions

WWE Champion:Chris Benoit

WWE United States Champion:RVD

WWE Crusierweight Champion:Nunzio

WWE Tag Team Champions:The World's Greatest Tag Team


Main Eventers

Triple H


Chris Benoit


Upper Mid-Carders

Big Show


John Cena






Sean O'Haire

Charlie Haas

Shelton Benjamin

Chavo Guerrero

The Hurricane

Rene Dupree

Paul London

Billy Kidman

Rey Mysterio

Billy Gunn

Johnny Parisi



Johnny Stamboili

Chuck Palumbo


Val Venis

Brian Kendrick



Low-Mid Carders




Spike Dudley

Stevie Richards

Mark Magnus

Matt Cappotelli

Mark Jindrak


Ernest Miller

Eugene Dismore(will debut soon)

Marchello Monte Carlo(Carlito, will debut soon)





Stacy Keibler

Dawn Marie





Jim Cornette(Interim GM of Smackdown)

Paul Heyman(General Manager of Smackdown, suspened

Elvira(Manager and maybe love interest of Sean O'Haire)

Father Jamers Mitchell(Manager of Sean O'Haire, Azazrel)



Tag Teams

The World's Greatest Tag Team(Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)

The Shooting Star Express(Paul London & Billy Kidman)

Kyo Dai(Akio, Sakod, Tajiri)

The FBI(Nunzio, Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Stamboili)

The Procheny(Sean O'Haire, Elvira, Father James Mitchell, Azazrel)

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WWE Monday Night RAW LIVE from the Staples Center in Los Angles, California April 19th, 2004


After a huge pyro explodes, the fans cheer for the beginning of Monday Night RAW.


JR:Welcome everyone to Monday Night RAW, 24 hours removed from Backlash. I'm Jim Ross, hereby the King Jerry Lawler and the Coach and guys, what a night it was for Backlash.


King:Backlash was a awesome night, but I'm sure that tonight will top that!


Coach:Indeed it is. RAW is always big when the Coach is in the building. Let's get this show started!



IC Grand Prix:Eddie Guerrero Vs Christian(w/Tyson Tomko) Vs Jeff Hardy Vs Matt Hardy(Version 1)

Pre Match:"My Peeps" hits the PA system as "Captain Charisma" walks out with his Problem Solver Tyson Tomko and receives good heel heat. Christian used Trish Stratus' face in order defeat Chris Jericho and Lita and now wants to regain the IC belt for a fourth time. Jeff Hardy's music then plays as the Charismatic Engyma walks out to an awesome pop. Hardy returned last night, defeating older brother Matt and also looks to regain the IC belt and a win will make him two steps closer. The sounds of typing keys is hear then Matt Hardy walks out to good heel heat. Hardy's sporting his new Mattitude shirt tonight and is the only person in this match to never become IC champ. The fans wait for the arrival of Latino Heat. "Lie, Cheat and Steal" hits the PA system and the fans jump to their feet. Guerrero comes riding a nice black lowrider and plays to the crowd who is already cheering him. Eddie hopes out the lowrider and slaps some the fans' hands before entering the ring.


The Match:Christian quickly rolls to the outside alongside Tomko as the remainning three men stare down at each other. The staredown ends with Matt and Jeff engage in right hands. Matt gets the upper hand and whips his brother into the corner. Guerrero just lays on the other turnbuckle, watching comically. Matt lands some turnbuckle thrust before hammering away with rights. Eddie sneaks behind Hardy and gets a School Boy using the tights as an advantage;1..2..., Christian pulls Guerrero's leg at the last moment! Double C tries to land a right, but Eddie blocks and nails a hard right hand to the face. Back in the ring, Jeff Hardy clotheslines his brother to the outside. Tyson Tomko attacks Eddie from behind, using hard clubs to the back of the ribs. Jeff, however, has other plans. Slingshot Somersault on all four men(including Tomko)!. Hardy's on a roll. Can it continue?


After the break, Christian connects on a Neckbreaker onto Guerrero. During the commercial break, Tomko laid out the Hardy Brothers on the outside, allowing Christian to get a one on one matchup with Eddie. Christian lays the boots to Eddie, relentless on his attack;1..2.., Guerrero kicks out. He puts Eddie on the second rope and then stands on his shoulders, using the top rope for support. Jeff tries to enter back in the ring, but Tomko just slams him down. Meanwhile, The Senshi of Mattitude just waits for his opportunity to strike. Christian picks up Eddie and delivers on a Sitout Inverted Suplex Slam;1..2.., Eddie kicks out again. The fans are behind Eddie here as Matt Hardy creeps up on Captain Charisma. Tomko scares Hardy back onto the ramp. Christian signals to his "peeps" the Unprettier. He tries to connect on it, but Latino Heat shoves Christian chest first into the corner. Eddie now goes to the top rope and hits a nice Hurricanrana! Both men are down. Suddenly, Matt Hardy reemerges in the ring, does on top and hits his Diving Legdrop on Christian;1..2..., Double C rolls the shoulder, Hardy pins Guerrero;1..., not even close. Jeff once again goes on the apron, Tyson has his right foot, but Jeff kicks him off with his left foot, giving him enough time to hit a Springboard Moonsault on Tomko! Back in the ring, Guerrero hits a clothesline on Matt, then another one to Matt. He whips to the ropes and hits a dropkick;1..2.., Matt rolls the shoulder. Christian gets back his feet, so does Matt. Christian grabs Eddie and Matt and connects on a Falling Invented and Standard DDT on both men at the same time! Jeff suddenly hits a Whisper in the Wind;1..2.., CC kicks out. Hardy signals the Swanton. He goes to the top rope, but is stopped by Matt. Matt climbs to the top as well. Jeff goes on the second rope while fighting his older brother. A thumb to the eye gives Matt enough time to hit Side Effect from the second rope! Matt crawls to the cover;1..2..., Jeff kicks out. Christian now sees a chance. He clothesline Matt from behind and hits a Seated Elbow Smash he calls the Charismatic Elbow;1..2.., Matt kicks out. Guerrero now grabs Christian and hits one suplex, then another one and finally a third one. No wait, Christian counters that. A struggle happens between these two men until Jeff Hardy hits a Flying Forward Neckbreaker on Eddie. Christian then connects on the Unprettier. Suddenly, the fans start cheering as Chris Jericho runs downs in the ring with a chair and blasts CC with it. Tomko tries to intervene, but he gets a chair shot as well. Jericho is relentless with these chair shots to a point where no one can stop him. Guerrero then heads to the top rope and hits a Frog Splash on Matt Hardy;1..2...3! Eddie's going to the finals!



Post Match:Chris Jericho continues to punish Christian, eventually locking in the Liontamer, not the Walls of Jericho! Christian is screaming in pain, Jericho's screaming in anger. The long haired Canadian soon grabs a microphone, seething.


Y2J:Christian, you son of a bitch! Last night, you broke the last straw. Sacrificing Trish only to keep her was the last time you're ever mistreat her. I'm calling you out. Three weeks from now, on the RAW three hour special Survival of the Fittest, I call you out. One one one. If I win, Trish is mine if I lose, you're have her for the rest of her career. Drink out that because one way or another, Y2J will save Trish!

Winner:Eddie Guerrero


Jericho slams the mic down with force. The fans are cheering the rock star persona of Y2J. Jericho has made down the challenge, will Christian accept?


JR and King hype up Randy Orton's big announcement as the next match is under way.


Torrie Wilson Vs Molly Holly

Pre Match:Torrie is in the ring as Molly Holly walks out to decent heel heat. Holly is looking to redeem herself after her dominate title came to an end with her loss to Victoria.


The Match:Holly attacks the Playboy playmate with fierce strikes. Torrie tries to fight back, but Holly just hits a Gutwrench Suplex. Molly chokes out Wilson, then plays to the crowd. Molly goes to the top and connects on the Molly Go Round. But, Holly's not done yet as she locks in an Indian Deathlock, forcing Wilson to tap out!

Winner:Molly Holly


"Hero" hits the PA system as Kurt Angle, suit and tie, walks out to a mixed reaction. Angle brutally assaulted HBK Shawn Michaels last night after once again losing to him for the second straight PPV. Angle grabs a mic and soaks in the boos and cheers of the fans.


Angle:Many people have came up to me and asked why? Why did I attack Shawn Michaels? Why did I use such brutal actions to destroy HBK? Why, Why Why is all that I've heard. And you know what, I'm tired of hearing Why? You people want to know why? I'll tell you.


Angle has an intense look on his face as he continues.


Angle:All this time I've feuded with Shawn Michaels, you people turned on me! You cheered for him, you worshiped him, while you people thought of me as some wrestler! I'm not some wrestler, I'm KURT ANGLE, the best DAMN WRESTLER TODAY!! I attacked Shawn because of all of you. All you people made me brutalize him, all you people made me BREAK HIS DAMN ANKLE!


The fans now boo Angle.


Angle:I can give a damn if you boo me cause all of you are a bunch of spoiled, weak minded bandwagon fans. You people love to jump on the hot new favor in town once the old favor becomes old. You people are blinded by the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, well guess what, you fans can kiss my ass and this whole city can kiss my ass! Now, Kurt Angle fights for one person and one person only, KURT ANGLE.


The fans chant Angle sucks as Angle is basically seething!


Angle:Since your beloved HBK won't be here for a long time, Kurt Angle is moving on as I'm going to mark my name on RAW as the most feared wrestler on this show! So, I'm going after the top dog on this show. Booker T, I'm coming for your Heavyweight Championship. That belt should belong to me, a world class athlete!


Suddenly, Angle's promo is halted by the music of Booker T! The champ comes out to an awesome pop from the fans in LA. Booker walks down to the ring with his championship belt on his shoulder and his new t-shirt. He grabs a microphone as the fans chant his name.


Booker:How dare you dog? How dare you? Disrespecting these people that made you who you are. Disrespecting Shawn Michaels, an icon in this sport. And you come demanding a title shot from me? Kurt dog, I respect, well, I respected you until last night. All you have done since coming here is whine and complain and expect things to be headed on a silver platter. You-


Angle:Shut it Book. How dare me. How dare you. How dare you impersonate a World Champion! The only reason you're the champ as because of Michaels screwing me over. That belt doesn't belong to you and you know it. You're ducking me, you fear me!


Booker:Fear you? Dog, I wouldn't fear you even if you wore a hockey mask and carried around a macahte. You want to know why I'm champ. Hard work, dedication, never giving up. Not no screwjob, me. I've work hard to get where I'm at now. I've been on the bottom, now I'm on the top. And if you want a piece of me dog, anything, anyplace, anywhere! Now can you dig that, Sucka!


Angle and Booker have an intense staredown as RAW heads to commerical break.



Randy Orton is seen arriving to the arena along with Batista and Ric Flair battered, bruised and wounded. The Legend Killer's announcement is tonight!



The Island Boys(Rkishi and Kimo with Teddy Long) defeated Tommy Dreamer and Al Snow. Squash, nothing else to really say here, just a plain old squash!



Todd Grisham:Ladies and GEntleman, Goldberg! Goldberg, next, you face Kane in a one on one match. Tell my how do you plan on stopping an uncontrollable Kane?



Goldberg:Todd, many people fear Kane. Many people fear this beast. But I have no fear cause I'm a beast myself. I'm a caged animal ready to bust open the gate. And Kane will see why I'm the most intense, most dominate force on RAW! Belive the hype!



JBL defeats Jon Heidenreich with a Clothesline From Hell. JBL dominated this match thanks to shortcuts and other things. However, the young Heidereich looked strong and made one mistake, missing a Big Boot allowing JBL to hit a Clothesline From Hell to get the victory!



Kane fought Goldberg to a no contest. This was a great TV main event, lasting a good 15 minutes. Kane uses his monster like instincts to combat Goldberg's MMA like style. An even match that had the crowd on their feet. The ending came when Kane hit Goldberg with his steel chain. HE then proceeded to choke Goldberg out with his chain, causing Goldberg to bleed from his mouth. Kane's is just unstoppable!




"Line in the Sand" hits the PA system as Randy Orton slowly walks out, getting great heel heat and a good pop at the same time. Randy walks out in his new, "Destiny/Legend Killer" t-shirt and street pants. Orton has a bruise on his left check, but still has that ****y grin on his face. Orton slowly enters the ring and grabs a microphone.


Orton:Get a look of this folks as greatness is standing upon you. After the hell and the agony that I went through last night, I hearby say that Randy Orton,Legend Killer is STILL the Intercontinental Champion!


Orton soaks in the boos and cheers and smils arrogantly.


Orton:Like I said, the legacy of Mick Foley has been put to rest, Mick Foley is gone forever! One more legend bites the dust! But Mick gave me a fight for my life. Look at me, my movie star looks are runied, and look at my back!


Orton take of his shirt and reveals the multiple holes in his back thanks to the thumbtacks.


Orton:Foley surely scarred me for life but folks, never forget Sunday, April 18th because that was the day a Legend was born! Which brings me to my announcement. For many months, Randy Orton have embarressed all these legends on the back of my shirt here. And yes, it's amuses me to kill legends who can't hack it anymore and still wishing for one more shot at glory. But eventually, it's gets pretty boring when you have killed all the legends. Which is why I will never deem myself Randy Orton;Legend Killer!


The fans boo Orton as he continues to speak.


Orton:I've destroy every legacy possible, I've cemented my name in WWE history. And like my shirt says, it's only a matter of time before I fulfill my destiny and become the World Hevyweight Champion! BEacuse that's my destiny, it's set in stone! So, all you spoiled people stare at greatness because there's no one better! There's-


The lights do dark. No one can see anything. Suddenly


http://www.dailymoti...tantron_sportis seen on the titantron. The fans are on their feet, hoping to be one man. one megastar, one Icon. Then, those two words echo throughtout the arena IS COOKING! Suddenly, the music begins to play and the fans get on their feet. By far the biggest pop of the night as everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs. Then, a well build, 6'4, 260 man walks out in a black vest, sunglasses and leather pants! OH MY GOD! IT's THE ROCK! HE's HERE! The fans are shunned and Orton looks surpriesed as well. Rock stare at the fans, who are all cheering so loud, the announcers can't hear each other. Rock stares a hole at the Intercontinental Champion as he slowly walks to the ring. What a moment, what a suprise! Rock gets on the apron and climbs on the turnbuckle. Then, he does his tradmark Right Arm Raising Taunt as the fans just love this guy. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone. The Rock can't even speak due to the awesome pop from the fans! Then, Rock smiles to the crowd, and even blows a kiss to someone in the crowd. He holds the microphone above a mouth, and then...


TheRock:FINALLY.........THE ROCK HAS COME BACK..........TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!


The fans goes crazy, chanting "Welcome Back". Orton just stares there, looking like he seen a ghost.


The Rock:Before The Rock explains why he's here, I want to say that it feels great to be back in the LA!


Although it's a cheap pop, the fans pop like crazy.


Orton:What the hell are you doing here!? Can't you see that this is my time. See Rock, you're just like your good friend Mick Foley, you just want more media, more press, more interviews, more glitz and glamour. But like me tell you this-


Rock sticks his right hand openhanded and puts it in the face of Randy!


Rock:First off, who is the BLUE hell are you? Huh? Do you honestly think that the Rock cares about your promo. Do you think that the Rock cares?






The fans pop huge.


Rock:The Rock knows who you are, you're Randy Orton the self-proclaimed Legend Killer.


Orton:I don't go under that name anymore.


Rock:Yeah, I've seen you disrespect these legends, legends that have made wrestling what it is today and the Rock have seen you spit in their faces! Well the Rock says this, if you're going to spit on me, The Rock is going to take his foot, turn it sideways and stick in all your CANDY ASSES!


Another huge pop.




The fans boo Orton heat as he is seething.


Orton:How dare you disrespect the future of this company. Your time was long past and now it's my turn to breakthrough. My time to get these movies offers and interviews. I'm a third generation superstar, my dad will always be greater than your whole family was! Because, am I supposed to be afraid of you? At lest I'm not a sellout!


Those words stuck a nerve in the Rock as now he's seething.


Orton:Don't give me that look, you gave up wrestling just so you can make more money. You turned of these fans and yet they cheer you like you're a big hero. Face it Rock, you gave up beacuse you knew you couldn't hack it! You were afraid of the new rising stars like me and Batista you were afraid to being outperformed in front of the world. Face it Rock, you're a quitter!


Rock takes of his vest.


Rock:You think the Rock's a quitter? Show the Rock right now! Man up to the Trail Blazing, Eyebrow Rasing, Heart Stopping, Elbow Dropping, Jaboroni Beatin, Pie Eating People's Champ the ROCK!


The fans are on the egde of their seats. Orton looks like he is going to explode when he suddenly gingerly backs off. The champ prepares to leaves.


Rock:Were are you going? Is Batista and Flair need some oil treament? Or maybe Randy Orton is nothing more ...than a BITCH!


Randy looks like he can kill someone.




Orton hits a quick slap across the face of the People's Champ. Orton then does he poses slowly like he did something heroic. Suddenly, the Rock turns around...ROCK BOTTOM! Rock's not done, he bounces off one ropes, then another, PEOPLE's ELBOW!




The music plays as the Rock plays to the crowd as RAW fades to back!




This was the last RAW I did on my old board(corpxgaming.com). Now, to understand what I'm doing, read this link right here http://corpxgaming.com/board/index.php?/topic/798-wwe-2004/


So don't say, "This doesn't make sense". You must go to the link to get caught up. By the way, I tend to get lazy so those quick match results are basically laziness. Oh and Bigpapa82, I totally used that line during that Money/Gilmore segment. It just fit the segment I used it on so, all credit still belongs to you BP82. Next, I'll post the Smackdown preview.

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WWE Smackdown from the Target Center in Minnesota, Minneapolis April 22nd, 2004 Preview


Tonight in the main event, it will be the "Masked Marvel" Rey Mysterio,the U.S champ RVD, the WWE champ Chris Benoit, and "The Doctor of Thuganomics" John Cena Vs Nunzio, Big Show, Johnny Stamboili and Chuck Palumbo. Jim Cornette, however, added Sean O'Haire and Edge to the two teams since.Mysterio has a rematch against Nunzio at Judgment Day, but you know the cunning Nunzio has his guys, Palumbo and Stamboili ready to punish him. Cena attacked Benoit last week after accidentally receiving a chair shot. Cena and Benoit have been at odds so can they even work together tonight? And will Edge and O'Haire clash?


Also, Triple H goes one on one against one of the youn, rising stars in the WWE Brian Kendrick. Kendrick is the protege of Chris Benoit as he has been taken under the wing of the WWE Champion. Triple H wants to be included in that WWE Title match between Chris Benoit and John Cena at Judgement and he wants to send a message to both men. Kendrick is hard to prepare and could use his quickness to defeat The Game tonight. Can Kendrick score a major upset or can the The Game prove why he is the best wrestler today?


Also, Paul London Vs Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin Vs Billy Kidman


So SMACK! you TVs to UPN 8ET/5PT for Smackdown!

Confirmed Matches

John Cena/Edge/Chris Benoit/Rey Mysterio/RVD Vs The FBI/Big Show/Sean O'Haire

Triple H Vs Brian Kendrick

Paul London Vs Charlie Haas

Shelton Benjamin Vs Billy Kidman




Assuming that you are caught up to speed, predict at will.

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  • 3 weeks later...

WWE Smackdown from the Target Center in Minnesota, Minneapolis April 22nd, 2004


Instead of the pyro exploding, the camera takes off to Triple H in his ring gear, in the middle of the ring with a mic. Some fans are cheering, most are booing at the former multi time World champ.


HHH:For those who have an IQ less than 60 don't know who the hell I am, I'm the Game Triple H! The Kings of Kings, the Crown Jewel of WWE. So all you people should be worshiping greatness.


The fans boo the arrogant HHH.


HHH:You people have no respect, no class. When I arrived here, I smelled the sewage, the polluted air of this city and it made me sick. You people live in filth and once frankly, you people don't deserve to watch me.


A shower of jeers then is heard from the fans.


HHH:But you know what makes me sicker. May 9, 2004, the PPV Judgment Day. Why, because the main event will be Chris Benoit defending his title against that thug John Cena!


The fans pop after those words.


HHH:Cheer all you want, but the fact of the matter is that Triple H is the one would should be facing Benoit, not Cena. I've done everything is this business, I've main evented Wrestlemania, I've been successful at everything that I do. I'm the GTGT;the Greatest Thing Going Today. And for some reason, Jim Cornette overlooks that. Cornette, I'm only going to see this once and once only, I demand that you put me in the WWE title match because if you don't, I swear to God that you're regret it! After I'm done defeating Benoit's lackey, you will grant my command Cornette. And that is the end of that!



Triple H VS Brian Kendrick

Pre Match:Triple H awaits the protege of Chris Benoit when Kendrick's music hits. Kendrick walks out to a decent pop from the fans as he slaps some of the fans' hands. Kendrick is one of the young stars ready to mark their name on Smackdown and a win over HHH will certainly do that.

The Match:Triple and Kendrick circle the ring before a tieup. Triple H easily moves Kendrick to the corner before the ref gets between them. HHH mockley pats the head of Kendrick, which sparks Kendrick to unleash some forearm shots. Kendrick whips HHH to the ropes, no, HHH counter whips. Kendrick bounces back, ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a dropkick on HHH. Kendrick then hits another one, this time, Triple H goes to the outside. Kendrick plays to the crowd as he waits for the Game to reach his feet. Kendrick runs to the ropes, bounces back, and hits a No Handed Somersault on HHH on the outside! Kendrick has control over this match, can he continue?


After the break, Triple H hammers Kendrick with right hands to the face. A replay shows Kendrick being whipped into the padded guardrail. The Game slowly picks up Kendrick and slams him down with a Vertical Suplex;1..2.., Kendrick rolls the shoulder. The Game lays the boots to the chest of Brian before taunting the fans. Placing Kendrick's throat on the second rope, Triple H puts his left knee to the neck of neck of Kendrick;1..2..., Brian kicks out again. Triple H picks up Kendrick and whips him into the corner. He charges in, but only meets Kendrick's feet. Kendrick jumps to the second rope and connects on a Crossbody;1..2.., The Game kicks out. Both men reach their feet. Brian hits a Springboard Leg Lariat;1..2.., Triple H rolls the shoulder. As it seems that Kendrick is gainning momentum, Triple H pulls Kendrick face first into the second turnbuckle. The Game awaits and then hits his High Knee Strike;1..2.., Brian kicks out again. HHH signals the end already. Now, he tries the Pedigree, but Kendrick counters into a Calf Kick to the back of HHH's neck!. Kendrick lands a dropkick, then a Spinning Wheel Kick. Brian goes to the top rope and hits a Missile Dropkick;1..2.., HHH rolls the shoulder. HHH rakes the eyes of the younger man and goes behind him. Looking for what seems like a German Suplex, however, HHH is unsuccessful and Kendrick counters into a Pele Kick! Kendrick hits a Springboard Senton and then a Springboard Moonsault;1..2..., at the last second HHH kicks out. Kendrick picks up HHH, looking for Sliced Bread #2. HHH pushes him to the corner, which Kendrick runs up the three turnbuckle and does a Bryan Danielson like backflip evasion, ending with a Superkick to HHH's jaw! Kendrick goes on the apron. He jumps off the top rope and tries his Springboard Diving Head butt, but HHH rolls out of the way. Stunned, HHH uses this to his advantage by connecting on a Double A Spinebuster. The fans boo as HHH prepares to hit the Pedigree. The Pedigree connects;1..2...3! HHH wins!

Winner: Triple H


Cole: What a win for Triple H and thus making his claim to a WWE title match.


Tazz:Yeah Cole, Triple H is hell-bent on becoming the number one contender for Benoit's title.


Cole:Well, speaking of hell-bent, Rhyno has been hell-bent on facing tougher competition and boy did he get it as the Undertaker has accepted his challenge. So at Judgment Day, it will be Rhyno against the Undertaker and what should be an interesting battle.


A hype video airs for Undertaker Vs Rhyno at Judgment Day.


Paul London Vs Charlie Haas

Pre Match: Paul London walks out to a good pop. Ever since joining forces with Billy Kidman as the Shooting Star Express, they have become a fan favorite from the fans and they are arguably the most exciting tag team today. Charlie Haas soon walks out with the tag team belt on his waist and gets decent heel heat. The WGTT have had these titles since January and have dominated the tag division. This should be good;Technical Excellence Vs Speed and Quickness.


The Match:Haas attacks London at the sound of the bell. Haas hits some European Uppercuts to soften the high flyer. He whip him to the ropes, London runs back and hits a Running Flying Forearm. An arm drag by Haas slows down the pace. London uses quickness and speed to break free and locks in a side headlock. Haas quickly whips London to the corner. London runs back at Haas to hit a Headscissors Takedown. London then snaps off a Tornado DDT;1..2.., Haas rolls the shoulder. Paul goes onto the apron and hits Springboard Dropkick that sends Haas to the outside. London quickly follows him. He grabs Charlie's head and slams it face first into the guardrail. London throws Haas back in the ring. London stands on the apron, waiting for Haas. He leaps off....and meets a dropkick from Haas! Charlie goes relentless is punishing London with stomps to the small of Paul's back. He picks up London before hitting a Snap Suplex;1..2.., Paul rolls the shoulder. Haas then throws London in the corner and lands some European Uppercuts and then proceeds to choke him. Next, a series of hard stomps the the mid-section;1..2, London's left leg goes on the bottom rope. Haas taunts the fans as he violently grabs London and connects on a T-Bone Suplex;1..2.., Paul kicks out again. Haas locks in a Seated Bearhug on the young cruiserweight. The fans are behind London as they try to motivate him to break free. London gets to a vertical base, but Haas hammers the back of Paul. Then, he goes for his Bridging German Suplex when London flips out of it! London charges at his opponent and snaps off a Forearm Smash, then another one. He tries to whip Haas to the corner, but he counters. Haas charges at Paul, but his elusiveness allows him to avoid the attempted hit. Now on the apron, London connects on a Springboard Dropkick, then a sensational Standing Shooting Star Press;1..2..., Charlie kicks out at two! Paul picks up Haas and goes for a Jumping Heel Kick, but Haas ducks and connects on an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Haas picks up London and once again tries a Bridging German Suplex. London blocks and arm drags Haas. Then, London connects with the Waffle Face Chickenwing Facebuster. Now and out, London ascends the top rope. Everyone knows what's next! Suddenly, Shelton Benjamin runs down from the entrance way and shoves London off, thus ending the match.


After the Match:The WGTT assault London. Haas gets behind London and the WGTT connect on their German Suplex/Superkick combination. The fans pop as Kidman runs down to the ring and fights both Haas and Benjamin off. Kidman clotheslines Haas to the outside when Benjamin sneaks up on Kidman. A ref runs down to the ring, signaling the staff member to ring the bell. Smackdown goes to break!

Winner by DQ:Paul London


Billy Kidman(with Paul London) Vs Shelton Benjamin(with Charlie Haas)

The Match:After the break, Benjamin is hammering Kidman in the corner. Benjamin whips Kidman, he comes back and Benjamin hits a nice Powerslam;1..2.., Kidman rolls the shoulder. Benjamin is in a mount position and nails some rights and lefts. He slowly reaches Kidman to his feet, but Kidman begins his offense with serval right hands and then, a clothesline. Kidman hits a Back Body Drop on Benjamin. Kidman goes for a DDT or something, but Benjamin rams him back first into the corner. Benjamin hits some Turnbuckle Thrust before backing off. Then, he charges at full speed and connects on a Stinger Splash, then a kick to the back of Kidman's head;1..2.., Kidman kicks out. Benjamin goes to the apron, waiting for Kidman. He reaches his feet and Benjamin hits a nice Springboard Flipping Neckbreaker! Shelton taunts the fans as well as Paul London. The end is near according to Shelton as he is ready for something. The veteran slowly gets to a vertical base and is in the perfect position for Shelton. Benjamin springs to action, attempting a Superkick. Luckily for Kidman, he sidesteps and hits his trademark dropkick to the back of Benjamin. Billy picks up Benjamin and connects on a BK Bomb;1..2.., Shelton barely kicks out. Kidman is in disbelief but gains his composure. He slowly picks up Benjamin, but Benjamin hits a Dragon Whip;1..2.., kickout at two. One half of the Tag Team champions ascends the top rope, waiting for Kidman. He flies off and misses a Diving Clothesline. Kidman hits another BK Bomb, but gets distracted when Haas attacks London on the outside. Kidman soon goes toward the ropes and nails Charlie with a Springboard Shooting Star Press onto Haas! The fans pop for that spot as Kidman seems a little banged up after that. He rolls himself in the ring, unaware that Benjamin is ready. He turns around..Superkick connected! He picks up a lifeless Kidman and hits his Money Maker Double Underhook Powerbomb;1..2..3! Benjamin steals one here!

Winner:Shelton Benjamin


"Basic Thuganomics" hits the PA system and the fans jump out of their seats for the arrival of the number one contender John Cena. Instead of coming out through the entrance way, Cena makes his way to the ring from the crowd. Of course, Cena has a Randy Moss throwback on with the Minnesota Vikings hat. He enters the ring with a microphone. He has that bad ass look on his face and the fans love every minute of it.


Cena:It's the man with the S on his chest, but the target of his back, John Cena's in the house, where my soldiers at!


The fans cheer some more.


It two weeks away, til John Cena gets the WWE title, I'll get more attention that the winners of American Idol. But first, I need to get something off my chest!


The fans cheer the rebel from West Newbury.


Cena:The Game thinks he's special, saying he should get the title shot. If you ever interfere in my match, I'll clean your clocks. This is Smackdown dog, and this is my show, you not just suck you blow. So keep your distance Game or it'll be Armageddon all over, mess with me, it'll be Game Over!


Cena chants echo throughout the arena.


Cena:I didn't forget you too Benoit. You thought you were slick hitting me with a chair. I'll rip your face off and slay the Wolverine's despair. Tonight were partners, but screw that too. John Cena doesn't want you at Judgment Day, he wants you tonight too! We've in the home of the Wolves and it's time I make my mark, you're a Wolverine, but I got the bark. So come knuckle up Benoit, I'll leave in a final fantasy like Cloud Strife, John's Cena's untouchable, WORLD LIFE!!


Cena awaits Chris Benoit, pacing back and forth. Suddenly, "Whatever" hits the PA system as the champ walks out to a good pop. Benoit's in ring gear and just drops his WWE title and walks down to the ring with a purpose. He enters the ring and gets in Cena's face. A staredown emerges and before any punches are thrown, Edge, Rey Mysterio and the U.S champ RVD restrain them. As this happens, the lights go dim. The five wrestlers in the ring are wondering what is happening. Soon, a spotlight spots the Procheny up top on the rafters. O'Haire, Azazel, Elvira and Father James Mitchell are all up there, but I wonder why Viscera isn't there?


Elvira: Boys, we're over here.


The five soon look up and spot them. Elvira has the microphone to FJM.


Mitchell: Sorry to interrupt such an exciting moment, but all this is in vain. You're experience pain tonight delivered by Sean O'Haire, not the Big Show, not the FBI, Sean O'Haire.


O’Haire: You fans are actually excited over this crap? This is exactly why this world is corrupted. You people are like parasites, you suck your air to the new flavor in town, then you just leave. You people are the reason why we're what we are. You rejected us, you rejected our ways of live, so screw you!


The fans boo O"Haire.


O'Haire:Father James was right, tonight, you five men will share my pain. You will feel my anger. Oh and as for you Edge, your Judgment Day is coming. You should have join as, you should have sided with us. So you're going to learn a lesson. That being that fighting for fans, loved ones will only lead to straight to the ground. You don't need friends, you don't need this people, but I'll teach you the hard way in two weeks. Remember Edge, even if you beat me tonight, a living hell awaits you in two weeks!


Cena:Na na na, hold up there. You come every week, peaching about our flaws. John Cena fights for these fans, and I lay down the law! This is Thugnamoics O'Haire, the living hell awaits you, I'll throw you away like a lost issue. And that's the truth, John Cena's bringing the ruck, if you want some come get some, cause I just don't give a--


The fans chant Cena's name! Smackdown goes to break.



Nidia is standing by for an interview.


Nidia:Ladies and gentleman, Chavo Guerrero and Chavo Guerreo Sr. Now, tonight, Chavo teams up with the undefeated Matt Cappotelli against Val Venis and a man your son has had trouble with, the Hurricane. But it seems that you have been disappointed in your son's recent losing streak.


Chavo Sr:It's as simple as this, Chavo, you must win. If you want to live up to the Guerrero name, you must WIN! Do you know what our last name means anymore? It means Warrior. Warrior fights to the end, warriors WIN! And this losing streak is not go enough. Now, tonight, you're going to WIN this match or else! Do I make myself clear?


Chavo Jr nods his head.


Chavo Sr.:Good, now let's go!


The Hurricane and Val Venis Vs Chavo Guerrero(with Chavo Sr.) and Matt Cappotelli(w/Stacy Keibler)

Pre Match:Val Venis walks out first to a decent pop. Venis lost two weeks ago to Matt Cappotelli and then lost his valvet Stacy Keibler as Cappotelli took her as well. The Hurricane soons comes out to a good pop. Smackdown's resident superhero has made a splash since coming to Smackdown is also in the hunt for the Cruiserweight Championship. Matt Cappoteli and Chavo walk out to decent heel heat. Cappotelli is with a reclaunt Stacy Keibler and Chavo is with his dad.


The Match:Chavo attacks the Hurrican to ebgin the match. Chavo land some European Uppercits that sends the superhero down. Vicious stomps follow as Chavo is relentless of this attack. Tag is made to Cappotelli. The coky youngster lands some shots to the body the Hurricane before hitting a Russian Legsweep;1..2.., Hurricane kicks out. Cappotelli taunts Venis, making Venis try to come in the ring illegally. A fake tag by Chavo and the duo connect on a Double Suplex;1..2.., kickout at two. The green superhero fights back and runs to the ropes. He comes back and Chavo hits a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker;1..2.., he kicks out again. Chavo signals for his Brainbuster Suplex. As he attemtps to lift his opponent up, Cappotelli makes the blind tag. An arguement between the two son ocurs, giving the Hurricane enough time to hit a Reverse/Invented DDT on both men at the same time. All three men are down, the fans want Venis in. Tag in made. Venis clotheslines Cappotelli, hits a devasting Powerslam on Chavo. Cappotelli rakes the eyes of Venis and then connects his Gut Check over the shoulder gutbuster;1..2.., Val kicks out. Cappotelii goes for his Star Struck Suplex Lift into a Cutter. No, counter by Venis. Venis tags in Hurricane. Like a bird and a plane, the Hurricane hits a Diving Neckbreaker. Chavo blinds tags a fallen Cappotelli and stuns Hurricane. Brainbuster Suplex connected;1..2.., another kickout. Chavo signals for the Gory Bomb and it looks like he might do it. Cappotelli leaves Chavo alone as he takes Keibler with him. Back to the action, Hurricane counters and hits the Eye of the Hurricane and then the Shining Wizard;1..2...3! Hurricane wins and Chavo Sr. once again gives his son a verbal assualt!

Winners:Chavo Guerrero and the Hurricane


Suddenly, Rhyno's music hits the PA system and Rhyno storms down to the ring. The Man Beast gets good heel hea as he enters the ring with a mic.


Rhyno:UNDERTAKER! Why wait until Judgment Day, let's go now! I'm not afraid of your hocus pocus nonsense, FACE ME LIKE A MAN!! Stop hiding in those shaodws, cause I know that the urn controls you. You're not as scary as people think you are. I'm inflict pain on my own WILL! So come on!


As the Man Beast waits, he paces back and forth like a madman. Then, the lights go off. The gongs begin to play. Rhyno looks to the entrance way, excepting Taker to come out from their. He's unaware that Taker's right behind him! Rhyno turns around and Taker lands the first punch. Rights and lefts is the Undertaker, hammering the Man Beast. However, rhyno fights back woth rights, lefts and even has Taker reiling. Rhyno then hist the GORE! Rhyno taunts Taker until Taker sits up! Rhyno starts pounding on him again until Taker lands a nice haymaker that stuns Rhyno. Taker boots himto the outside. Normally, people who fight Taker back off after trying to take down, but Rhyno attempts to get back in the ring. Multiple guards try to stop this Man Beast, but Rhyno attacks them. Undertaker soon hits a Top-Rope Suicide Dive plancha! Everyone including the guards are down, but then, the lights go off again! As the lights come back on, Taker is gone! Rhyno is pissed and sceams words that I can't repeat!


FBI/Big Show/Sean O'Haire Vs John Cena/Rey Mysterio/RVD/Edge/Chris Benoit

Pre Match:The FBI walks out to good heel heat. Nunzio's the current Cruiserweight champ and he faces Rey Mysterio in a Wrestlemania Rematch at Judgment Day. The Big Show then comes out to good heel heat. Show wants his US title back as he lost it to newly-drafted RVD on the WWE Draft. Soon, the lights go dim, instantly drawing boos as Sean O'Haire walks out alone to great heel heat. O'Haire's the wild card off this team as he has his own adgenda! "Basic Thugnamocis" hits the PA system and the fans once again jump out of their seats for John Cena! Cena once again comes through the corwd, this time, making him way down from the nosebleeds! As he walks through the crowd, Smackdown goes to break.


The Match:O'Haire and RVD start off the main event match. The tie up which O'Haire getting an advantage. Van Dam quickly reverses and has a side headlock. O'Haire breaks fights and kicks Van Dam in the mid-section. From their, O'Haire begins his offense with clubs to the back and shots to the head. O'Haire doesn't bother to tag his teammates as he continues to pound away. The tables turn in favor of RVD as he hits his Springboard Superkick;1..2.., kickout. The Masked Marvel Rey Mysterio is tagged in and he hits an awesome Dragonrana;1..2., O'Haire oushes Rey off. Stamboili and Palumbo attack Rey illegally as all ten men get in the ring and brawl! All seven men except for Cena, Nunzio and Mysterio soon are on the outside. Mysterio then hits an Awesome Springboard Springboard Somersault on off seven men. Cena hammers on the Cruiserweight champ and soon, has him in the F-U position. He F-U on the eight men! Cena plays to the crowd as he is the last man standing. Smackdown takes a final break!


After the break, Big Show lands a nasty Forehand Chop on Edge. The replay shows O'Haire flapjacking Edge face first into the top steel step. Show tags in O'Haire and O'Haire unleashes multiple kicks to the temple of Edge. Then, the sinister cult leader rams Edge's right shoulder into the steel post;1..2.., Edge kicks out. Nunzio is tagged in as he goes to the top rope and hits a Diving Double Knee too the body of Edge;1..2.., Edge kicks out. Nunzio quickly tags in Stamboili as the fans rally behind Edge. Stamboili picks up Edge and connects on an impressive Military Press Powerslam;1..2.., Edge rolls the shoulder. A head vice is applied and the Mysterious Enigma Edge tries to fight back. He reaches a vertical and starts fighting back. Stamboili quickly ends his offense with a Lariat that turns Edge inside out. O'Haire is tagged back in the match. Sean signals for his Killswitch Reverse thrown Death Valley driver. Edge counters and hits his Half Nelson Bulldog. He quickly tags in Benoit and O'Haire tags in Palumbo. Benoit fires stiff Knife Edge chops to Palumbo and then takes him down with a German Suplex. Stamboili reiceves one and Nunzio gets an Overhead Belly to Belly. The Big Show enters the ring and headbutts Benoit from behind. Van Dam comes in the ring and gets some offense. Show just throws RVD over the ropes and follows him. Benoit has succesfully landed two more Germans on Palumbo. Benoit does his throat slash taunt before asceding the top rope. Diving Headbutt! But, Cena's takes himself in. Benoit is irate but Cena then goes for the Five-Knuckle Shuffle. He gives Benoit the middle finger before connecting the 5KS. Cena has Palumbo is sights. Benoit makes the blind tag. Cena is irate. Cross face is locked in on Palumbo. The tag out in made.


After the match:Cena gets in Benoit's grill about what just happen. Benoit and Cena then engage in right and left hands, brawling all over the ring. Edge, RVD amd Mysterio try to restrain them, but to no use. Triple H walks out to the entrance way and laughs. Cena and Benoit are on a collison course!

Winners:RVD/Chris Benoit/Edge/John Cena/Rey Mysterio

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WWE Velocity Results April 24th, 2004

Kyo Dai(Tajiri and Akio) defeated Maven and Stevie Richards


The Hurricane defeated Jamie Noble, Spike Dudley and Azazel


Val Venis defeated Matt Cappotelli, ending Matt's undefeated streak.



WWE Sunday Night Heat Results April 25th, 2005

Gail Kim defeated Lita


Garrison Cade defeated Casanova


JBL defeated Jeff Hardy thanks to a distraction by Matt Hardy(Verison 1)

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WWE Monday Night RAW LIVE from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado April 26th, 2004 Preview


Last week, The Rock made a shocking return and made his presence known to Randy Orton. Tonight, Orton goes one on one with The Charisamatic Enigma Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinetal Title. Orton's ego and pride was shaken last week, but he better snap out of that or Jeff Hardy will regain the IC belt. Can Orton once again defend his title?


Speaking of the Intercontinental gold, the final round of the Grand Prix mini tournament. The winner will face Eddie Guerrero in the finals. Tonight, JBL and Jon Heidenreich will duke it out. Last week, JBL defeated the youngster, but will we see a different story tonight?


Plus, Eric Bischoff has a big announcement concerning the next contender for Booker T's World Heavyweight Championship at RAW's next PPV Bad Blood. And, more on the three hour Survival of the Fittest show on RAW in two weeks. Don't miss a jam packed RAW!

Confirmed Matches

JBL Vs Jon Heidenreich

Intercontinental Championship:Randy Orton© Vs Jeff Hardy



Bischoff's huge announcment!

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