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[i](hey Greg, I was wondering where you disappeared to when I didn't get a prediction post from you...glad to have you back and I hope you enjoy the future posts as I promise things get even crazier...)[/i] [b][u][size=5]CCW WAR GODS[/U][/SIZE] FRIDAY WEEK 4 , JUNE 2011 , VARSITY ARENA , ONTARIO , 1,640 PEOPLE[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/RafaelRuiz.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH #1[/B] - Brett Fraser defeated Rafael Ruiz in 5:03 by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](A surprisingly decent match that I wasn't expecting it to be. This is Ruiz's last match in CCW a his contract is up in a few days. We wish him the best in Mexico with the rest of his career. Fraser was let go by 4C and was unemployed so we gave him a fair offer and he took it. If nothing else, he gives us another body to help push future stars!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #2[/B] - Youth Incorporated defeated The Brothers Martin in 4:32 when TJ Bailey defeated Kelly Martin by pinfall. [n]C-[/b] [i](Due to us using a couple of our premier tag teams in singles action lately, our tag division is really thin and thus I was forced to bring back TJ Bailey and Too Hot for anther run with the company. This match was also better than i thought)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JaredWisdom.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Jared Wisdom defeated Air Weasel in 4:42 by submission. [b]C[/b] [i](Yet another unexpected and entertaining match that had both men give it their all to impress. The crowd was involved and the match was a great opener!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - Out next comes [b]Eric Baine[/b] leading [b]Warren Technique[/b] and [b]Alan Parent[/b] to the ring. Eric starts off by saying that what happened last month is a prime example what happens when you mess with Baine and his crew. Baine explains that it is clear the fans don't want Baine, Technique and Parent in CCW due to the failed [b]4C invasion[/b] and it is clear that all 3 men are [b]Unwanted[/b]. Baine says that he is fine with that because like them or not, [b]The Unwanted[/b] are in CCW for good! Eric turns his attention to [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. He apologizes to the champion for any grief and sleepless nights he may have caused the champion over last month's "incident" but tells him that Cal had to pay the price for [i]"stealing"[/i] the [b]Nationwide Title[/b] from Eric's [i]"brother"[/i]. Baine continues by saying that everyone knows the CCW would not be around today if it wasn't for [b]Joey Poison[/b] and Eric tells Sanders to do the right thing and avoid any further heartbreak by just giving back the title to it's rightful owner, Joey Poison!!!! Baine points a finger at Warren and Alan, telling Cal not to worry about [b]Jesse Gilmore's[/b] safety, because [b]The Rejects[/b] are taking good care of her!!!! All 4 men laugh as the crowd shows their disgust! [b]C-[/b] [i](A new stable has apparently formed and they are right when they say that all 3 men are UNWANTED!!!! Poor Jesse, I can't even begin to imagine what she has had to deal with the last month at the hands of these 3 monsters!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - Out from the crowd comes [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. he is a total mess and the heavy bags under his eyes are a clear indication that he hasn't had much sleep. He dives into the ring and tackles [b]Eric Baine[/b] from behind. Warren and Alan are quick to help their leader and soon all 3 men are stomping and pounding on Cal. Eric drops to his knees and begins to choke out the champion as he tells Cal that [i]"[b]Jesse[/b] sure is a sweet piece of meat, isn't she?"[/i]. Cal is a madman as he struggles against his attackers. The fans suddenly pop as out runs [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] and [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] to a great pop. A smiling Baine and his team bail out of the ring and disappear to the back. Tim tries to help his friend to his feet but Cal violently pushes shim away and gives chase up the ramp as the scene closes. [b]C-[/b] [i](This is a very scary side of Cal Sanders what we have never seen before. Eric Baine has just taken a big step into becoming one of the sickest and meanest "heels" in CCW history...How is all of this going to play out?")[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Martyn Staddon defeated Ed Monton in 4:53 by pinfall with a Double Powerbomb. [b]C-[/b] [i](Martyn is STILL undefeated in singles action in CCW as he continues to show that he is the future of CCW! Ed Monton was the usual lame duck out there....)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes defeated Demon Chance and Teddy Powell in 5:53 when "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes defeated Demon Anger by submission. [b]C-[/b] [i](I let our road agent, JOEY POISON, have the choice of who he thinks should come out on top and his pick surprises me a little. Overall, a decent match but I was expecting better)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt44.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6 (Television Title Match) [/B] - "Phenomenal" Ed Larkins defeated "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed in 5:58 by count out when Greed took his title and just left the ring. [b]C[/b] [i](Acceptable match as the champion starts the mind games with his opponent.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic defeated The Dragon in 6:51 by pinfall with a Hero Attack. [b]C[/b] [i](The Latin Megastar continues his impressive new run in CCW. A great match overall)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8[/B] - Right after the bell rings, [b]Steve Flash[/b] dives into the ring and catches an unsuspecting Heroic with a spear. Flash rains down the punches until officials come in and break ti up. [b]D[/b] [i](usual rating)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9[/B] - Our lone cameraman heads backstage and catches [b]Joey Poison[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] talking in a corner. [b]Warren Technique[/b] and [b]Alan parent[/b] are standing a few feet away obviously keeping a lookout for [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. The cameraman catches Joey asking Eric where he is keeping [b]Jesse[/b]. Eric smiles as he pats his "brother" on the shoulder. He tells Joey not to worry about her and that she is being [i]"well taken care of!"[/i]. He tells Joey that all he has to do is go out there and finish off Cal Sanders in that [b]cage Match[/b] later tonight, reminding Joey that Sanders is a total mess and should not put up much of a fight! When Joey asks once more where Jesse is Eric gets mad. He tells Joey to drop the subject and that, as always, Eric Baine is taking care of things. He reminds Joey that Eric is doing this for Joey and that the 4X champion had better start appreciating it. He finishes by telling Joey once more that Jesse is fine and that he is taking good care of her. He smiles as he walks away, motioning for his 2 "thugs" to follow him. Joey just shakes his head, muttering [i]"that's what I am afraid of!"[/i] under his breath. [b]C[/b] [i](Joey Poison doesn't seem too comfortable with this whole kidnapping idea....even if It is for his own benefit)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #10[/B] - Kurt Grunge defeated Alan Parent in 5:54 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. During the match we also had [b]Warren Technique[/b] run in and attack Grunge and then [b]Cal Sanders[/b] run in an attack both men as Grunge tries to calm his friend down afterwords. [b]C[/b] [i](Could Grunge have found his winning ways?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #11[/B] - Demon Anger defeated The Machine in 4:53 by pinfall following interference from [b]Demon Chance[/b]. [b]C[/b] [i](Vengeance is not forgetting their rematch clause they have in their contracts)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt15.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #12 (Top Contenders Title Match) [/B] - Eric Baine defeated Tim Westybrook in 7:54 by pinfall when [b]Cal Sanders[/b] ran in and tried to attack Eric Baine but instead distracted his friend long enough for Baine to jump on the chance to roll up Tim and win the match. . Eric Baine wins the CCW Top Contenders title. [b]C+[/b] [i](Cal Sanders is out of control and now causing his friends to lose important matches...this situation is getting out of control folks!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #13[/B] - As an angry Tim Westybrook stands in the middle of the ring and watches Sanders chase after Baine through the crowd, [b]Black Eagle[/b] comes to the ring and connects with a nasty super kick as Westybrook turns. Eagle has the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] around his waist. [b]D[/b] [i](umm, you think Eric Baine will have a problem with Eagle wearing his title around everywhere? Was this our first title match WITHOUT a title present? another weird situation)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt17.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #14 (Cage Match - Nationwide Title Match)[/B] - Joey Poison defeated Cal Sanders in 10:46 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison wins the CCW Nationwide title. After the match a tired and emotionally drained Cal Sanders is beaten down inside the cage by [b]The Unwanted[/b]. Baine invites Joey Poison to join in by Joey just glares at Eric Baine and leaves the cage. The show closes with Eric Baine yelling for Joey, asking him what his problem is!!! [b]C+[/b] [i](Another huge card that came out exactly how I planned it. Eric Baine is fast becoming the top "heel" in the company next to Joey Poison and Cal Sanders is slowly losing his mind. Joey poison is now a 5X champion, unbelievable. )[/i] [b][u][size=5]CCW REVENGE PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B][/u] . Next month [b]Joey Poison[/b] will get the chance to finally win the one title that has so far eluded him, the [b]Tag team Titles[/b] when [b]Poison & Baine[/b] meet [b]Fire & Steele[/b] in the main event. . [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] gets a chance to get his revenge on [b]Warren Technique[/b] when they meet one on one. . [b]Phenomenal Excess[/b] and [b]Wild Greed[/b], 2 of the companies premier tag teams, will collide in a match that is sure to give the winner a shot at the Tag team champions in the near future! . What will happen next month when [b]Cal Sanders[/b] reports to work? Has he recovered? Can he focus on regaining the [b]Nationwide Title[/b]? Has he put [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] out of his mind? . Where does [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] stand with the company now? Sanders cost him the one title that means more to him than anything else, the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b]. How does he regroup to once more chase the belt? . Will [b]Black Eagle[/b] be forced to hand over Eric Baine's [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] or will he force CCW management to give him a title match by holding it hostage? Things are getting all messed up in CCW and the chaos will no doubt continue next month!
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[b][u][size=5]CCW REVENGE[/U][/SIZE] FRIDAY WEEK 4 , JULY 2011 , VARSITY ARENA , ONTARIO , 1,900 PEOPLE[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [B]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Martyn Staddon defeated Ed Monton in 3:41 by pinfall with a Double Powerbomb. [b]C-[/b] [i](Ed Monton asked for a rematch and got dominated about as badly as last month's match)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - Odd military music plays and curious fans look to the top of the ramp as out walks [b]Corporal Doom[/b] to a mixed reaction. Doom heads to the ring ring, enters and asks for a mic. He smiles down at [b]Bruce Luger[/b] who doesn't look happy at all that Doom is in the ring. Corporal Doom welcomes the fans to a [i]"new day and age"[/i] and explains that [b]Bruce Luger[/b] has been relieved of his duties by the [b]CCW Board of Directors[/b] for a number of things, including almost losing control of CCW to [b]4C[/b] at [b]Supercard 5[/b] and also for allowing a public [b]kidnapping[/b] to happen. He explains that have that type of national exposure is bad for business and thus, Luger has been relieved of his [b]C.E.O[/b] position and will remain with the company solely as an [b]announcer[/b]. Doom goes on to say that introduce himself as the [b]interim C.E.O[/b] but explains that he will get the job full time once the board sees how great of a job he does with the company! [b]C-[/b] [i](Luger didn't want to have an on-air role anymore and thus I had to come up with this storyline. He will no longer be brought into anymore storylines in the near future. He still is, however, the real C.E.O of the company and I still have to respect the guy....geez!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - Out from the back comes [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. he looks even worse than last month as deep dark eyes stare down Corporal Doom in the ring. He enters and paces as Doom calmly waits for him to act. Finally Cal steps up to Doom and takes his mic. He tells Doom that the first thing he must do as the [i]"boss around here"[/i] is to book at match between Cal and [b]Eric Baine[/b] later tonight. Cal comments that Cal needs to beat some answers out of him. [b]C-[/b] [i](Cal isn't drawing huge fan interest right now and that bothers me considering that he is involved in one of the biggest storylines in the history of CCW!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Jessie.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Suddenly a female voice causes Cal Sanders to turn around. Above the entrance at the top of the ramp is the new [b]CCW-TRON[/b] (Well, Old jumbo-tron but we got it at a god deal so it is new to us!!!). The pretty face of [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] can be seen and the crowd EXPLODES into cheers. It is deafening and hard to hear what Jesse is saying that first. Jesse once more calls Cal's name, then the camera pans back and shows Jesse standing against a wall. She looks unharmed and is wearing new clothes than the ones she was abducted in. Her hands are folded at her waist and her eyes are red from apparent months of straight crying. Jesse starts off by telling Cal that she is sorry for what he must have been going through the last 2 months. She tells him that he has to forget her now and that he has to accept the fact that she was never abducted and that she is happy where she is. She says goodbye to Cal and the video closes. Inside the ring, Cal's face explodes into a series of mixed emotions. He goes from happiness and relief to disbelief to pure hatred. He snaps in the ring and starts screaming her name. [b]Corporal Doom[/b] calmly watches Cal's meltdown in the ring without flinching. He asks Cal if he is done and gets a cold stare from the madman. Cal steps up to Doom and tells the new C.E.O that that tape was fixed and Jesse cannot be happy! He once more demands [b]Eric Baine[/b] but Doom rejects his demands. He informs Cal that [b]Joey Poison[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] have a [b]Tag Team Title match[/b] later tonight but tells Cal that he has been asked by another CCW wrestler to have Cal Sanders has his opponent. Cal asks Doom who would be stupid enough to challenge him and turns as music begins to play ... [b]B[/b] [i](Jesse's video has the fans truly excited in the ring. Did Jesse look "happy" to anyone else who saw that video?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - Out from the back walks [b]Tim Westybrook[/b]. He looks serious and ready for a fight as he enters the ring and goes nose to nose with Cal. Tim yells at Cal for causing him to lose the [b]Top Contender's Title[/b] and says that tonight is all about [b]Revenge[/b]. [b]Corporal Doom[/b] steps in the middle of the 2 men and announces that their match tonight will now be a [b]#1 Contender[/b] match with the winner meeting [b]Eric Baine[/b] in 2 months at [b]Damaged Goods[/b]. [b]C-[/b] [i](I guess Westyrbook is not happy with Cal's involvement in his match last month with Baine, causing him to lose the title. Cal and Westybrook should be a great match, especially with Cal acting so weird lately!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6[/B] - Vengeance defeated Youth Incorporated in 4:45 when Demon Anger defeated TJ Bailey by pinfall with a Demon Slam. [b]C-[/b] [i](Both Anger & TJ Bailey looked off their game and the match suffered. Considered a letdown)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JaredWisdom.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - Out from the back next walks a smiling [b]Jared Wisdom[/b]. he enters the ring and introduces himself as the [i][b]"Savior of the Troubled Ones" Jared Wisdom"[/i][/b]. Jared begins his [b]Words Of Wisdom[/b] segment by congratulating himself on another hard fought victory last month. He is about to continue when a lava Lamp sitting in the corner of the ring catches his attention. Jared walks over to it and picks it up, curiously. He turns it over and a note is attached that reads, "Turn Around, Dude!"[/i]. When he does, [b]Air Weasel[/b] is there to greet him and connects with a viscous spinebuster that knocks Jared silly. Air Weasel drags a dazed Jared to the ropes and picks him up so that he is leaning against them facing the audience. He picks up the mic and holds up the large paddle that has the words [i]"RAD"[/i] written across it. He looks at Jared and explains to both Jared and the crowd that he is holding what the great people in the 70's called a [i]"spanking stick"[/i]. he explains that this was used as an initiation tool by high schools who would use them on graduating public school kids. Weasel laughs as he tells Jared that the 70's was actually a pretty cool time to live through and tells the dazed Jared Wisdom that he will show him just how good it was... With that, Air Weasel drops the mic and takes a big swings of the paddle, connecting that a very loud and painful hit on the backside of Jared Wisdom. That snaps Wisdom out of it and he dives out of the ring as the crowd laughs. He is holding his a$$ as he backs up the ramp, pointing at Air Weasel who is holding the paddle in the air and calling for Jared to come back. [b]D[/b] [i](Oh well...I'm trying here folks!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8[/B] - Steve Flash defeated Brett Fraser in 4:47 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [b]C[/b] [i](Good chemistry really helped make this match better than expected)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9[/B] - [b]"Latin Mesgastar" Mario Heroic[/b] comes to the ring after the match and destroys Flash with a steel chair. [b]D[/b] [i](Typical..next!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #10[/B] - Black Eagle defeated Air Weasel in 3:42 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. During the match we also had [b]Jared Wisdom[/b] run in and attack Air Weasel with the lava lamp left at the ring during their previous segment. [b]C-[/B] [I](Weasel and Eagle really have bad chemistry and made for horrible match. I don't blame Eagle for this one)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #11[/B] - The sound of revving bikes marks the return of [b]Eric Baine[/b] who draws solid heel heat. He locks eyes with [b]Black Eagle[/b] as he drives to the ring and parks his bike. Baine enters the ring and steps up to Eagle who has the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] over his shoulder. Baine looks the masked man up and down before pointing to the TC title and telling Eagle that the belt is his. Eagle just looks up at him without moving a muscle. Baine cracks his neck by moving head from side to side, then steps even closer to Eagle. He tells Eagle to make the wise choice and just hand over the belt and to not make this hard on himself. When Eagle still doesn't move, Baine shrugs and reaches out to grab the belt.Suddenly the whole building goes pitch black for a couple seconds and when they turn back on, Eric Baine is alone in the ring. Baine swears as he looks from left to right and into the crowd but no sign of Black Eagle makes him swear once more. [b]C[/b] [i](A great segment. With so many successful small storylines connected to the big main storyline, everyone in CCW, including myself, are excited about the future of the company!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CarsonWildfyre2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #12[/B] - Phenomenal Excess defeated Wild Greed in 7:10 when "Phenomenal" Ed Larkins defeated "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i](The crowd was into the match the whole way through and with Ed Larkins scoring the clean pin on the TV champion, could that give him a rematch for the gold?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #13[/B] - Alan Parent defeated Teddy Powell in 5:42 by pinfall. During the match we also had [b]Warren Technique[/b] run in and attack Teddy Powell. [b]C-[/b] [i](poor match that is a "set-up" for a tag match next month)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #14[/B] - Our lone camerman heads to backstage and thanks to our new [b]CCW-Tron[/b], everyone in the arena can see the camerman catch another conversation between [b]Joey Poison[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b]. Baine is pretty upset over not being able to get his [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] back from [b]Black Eagle[/b] and tells Joey that he isn't interested in talking right now. As he tries to walk away, Joey stops him and tells the older man that Joey is the champion and Joey calls the shots! Baine stops dead in his tracks and spins around. He glares at his [i]"Younger Brother"[/i], pointing at the [b]Nationwide Title[/b] and reminding Joey that he is only the champion again because [i]"Eric Baine made it happen!"[/i]. He tells Joey never to forget that fact when he is around Eric Baine! Eric lightens up and asks Joey what he wants. Joey Poison tells Eric that he saw the video earlier tonight and asks his fellow biker what the deal is because [b]Jesse[/b] didn't look too happy to the champion. Eric gets even more mad as he pokes a finger into Joey chest this time. He tells the champion that he is getting sick and tired of Joey's "interest" in Eric's business and tells the champion to do himself a favor and forget about it! Eric says that Joey should be concentrating on winning the 1 title that has so far eluded him in his great CCW career, the [b]Tag Team Titles[/b]. baine finally smiles as he puts an arm around his friend and tells Joey that, after tonight, the both of them will be holding all the gold!!!!! [b]C[/b] [i](Everyone keeps forgetting about the TV title....A good segment that had the fans interested...speaking of interested, Joey sure seems interested in [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] isn't he?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #15[/B] - Kurt Grunge defeated Warren Technique in 5:30 by pinfall. During the match we also had [b]Alan Parent[/b] run in and attack Grunge. [b]C[/b] [i](A surprisingly good match overall.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #16[/B] - Tim Westybrook defeated Cal Sanders in 8:03 when Cal Sanders was counted out after being attacked by [b]Eric Baine[/b] on the outside of the ring. Tim does come to Sander's aide in the end and when he tries to help the hurt Cal up, he is drilled with a DDT for his efforts. Cal just stares down at Westybrook, then at the crowd before running in the direction of the retreating Eric Baine. [b]C+[/b] [i](The crowd Loved this match. Westybrook gets a shot at Eric Baine and the TC title in 2 months. Cal gets to lose a friend after that DDT apparently)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt29.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #17 (Tag Team Title Match) [/B] - Eric Baine and Joey Poison defeated Fire and Steele in 10:07 by disqualification when [b]Cal Sanders[/b] ran in and attacked Eric Baine. [b]C+[/b] [i](Back to back dynamite matches as storylines in CCW are at an all time high in "heat" from the crowds. it shows in our attendance as well as we almost had a sold out show for the first time in a long time)[/i] [b][u][size=5]CCW NO TURNING BACK PREVIEW[/b][/u][/size] . With challengers for [b]Joey Poison's[/b] [b]Nationwide Title[/b] few and scarce, interim C.E.O [b]Corporal Doom[/b] will be addressing the situation and rumors indicate that a new [b]#1 Contender[/b] will be named, who will that man be? . [b]Black Eagle[/b] has managed to avoid [b]Eric Baine[/b] and keep the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] in his possession. Next month he gets his wish and a one on one shot for the belt against the biker megastar. Can he pin the rising star or will Eric Baine make an example out of Black Eagle for the rest of the boys in the back? . The [b]Tag Team Titles[/b] are on the line as well as [b]Wild Greed[/b] look to win the belts for a record 3 time. [b]Fire & Steele[/b] have their own ideas on how this match will end! . We finally saw a video of [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b]...will there be another one? . What is the mental state of [b]Cal Sanders[/b]? Is his friendship with [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] still intact after this month's battle? . What will [b]Sanders[/b] do next month as he becomes more and more unstable.... . Now that [b]Tim Westyrbook[/b] has gotten his revenge on Sanders, will he turn his attention to [b]Eric Baine[/b] or finish the annoying feud he has been having with [b]Black Eagle[/b]? next month the craziness keeps going....also next month is HUGE news that fans of the CCW and this diary will no doubt enjoy....Next month's announcement marks a new time and era for CCW!!!!!
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[b][u][size=5]QUEBEC INVASION[/U][/SIZE] FRIDAY WEEK 2 , AUGUST 2011 , CONCORDIA HALL , QUEBEC , 300 PEOPLE[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BruceLuger2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [B]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Bruce Luger talks about how great Fire and Steele is from the comfort of his announcers table. [b]F[/b] [i](An experiment that blew up in my face.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt29.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CarsonWildfyre2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2 (Tag Team Title Match)[/B] - Fire and Steele defeated The Brothers Martin and Wild Greed in 9:56; the order of elimination was The Brothers Martin first, and finally Wild Greed. [b]E[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - Cal Sanders defeated "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic in 4:34 by pinfall. [b]C+[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Joey Poison had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with [b]Tim Westybrook[/b]. [b]C-[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - Joey Poison defeated Tim Westybrook in 4:49 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. [b]C+[/b] [b][u]AFTER SHOW NOTES[/U][/B] : ladies and gentlemen, we are now officially a "C-" company in Quebec. With us currently sitting at "49.9%" popularity in Canada (Still a "C") , maybe a network will finally look our way..can't be far off a "C+" rating in Canada now.... [b][u][size=5]CCW NO TURNING BACK[/U][/SIZE] FRIDAY WEEK 4 , AUGUST 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , 2,461 PEOPLE[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KellyMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] [B]SEGMENT #1[/B] - The Brothers Martin defeated Air Weasel and Too Hot in 5:57 when Lance Martin defeated Air Weasel by pinfall. During the match we also had [b]Jared Wisdom[/b] run in and attack Air Weasel, causing him to get pinned. [b]C-[/b] [i](A pleasant surprise considering the talent on display...I chalk that up as a good opener)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - Out next is the Interim C.E.O, [b]Corporal Doom[/b]. He draws mild heel heat as he asks for a mic and is about to speak when familiar music hits and the crowd gives [b]Steve Flash[/b] a mild pop. Flash walks to the ring and approaches an annoyed Corporal Doom. He gets his own mic and starts off by apologizing for interrupting Doom but says that he has something he has to say and needs to get it off his chest. Flash says that he has been in CCW since the beginning and has been a loyal fighter. He adds that he has fought for the fans and against him and has also played the role of commissioner. He finishes by saying that the only thing he has never been granted was a [b]Nationwide Title Shot[/b] and adds that since there is no legit #1 contender for the title, Flash feels he deserves a chance! [b]C-[/b] [i](Flash is just getting older and less popular by the month. I doubt he will be a big player in CCW come this time next year so this is about the only chance Flash is going to get to prove he is a main eventer!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - Doom listens to everything Flash has to say then starts trashing the former commish by telling him he is not a big enough name to come out and interrupt a Corporal Doom segment. Doom tells Flash that, to get that chance to fight for the Nationwide Title, he will have to earn it and by earning it, that means he will have to beat both [b]Demon Anger[/b] and [b]Demon Chance[/b], as well as [b]"The Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic[/b] later tonight in a [b]fatal 4 way[/b]...he laughs as he wishes Flash good luck! [b]C-[/b] [i](Mildly disappointing)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/LordVendemeer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Out next is [b]Lord Windameer[/b] with the monster [b]Martyn Staddon[/b]. Windameer calls Staddon the [b]"British Beast"[/b] and claims that his beast has tore through everyone who has stepped in his path in CCW. He calls his man [i]"undefeatable"[/i] and reminds the fans that he is undefeated in single competition thus far! Lord Windameer then goes on to say that tonight the [b]"British Beast"[/b] will carefully scout the competition and chose his next victim....He warns everyone in the locker room to watch their backs tonight! [b]D[/b] [i](Who will end up as the next potential victim of the British Beast? Our fastest rising star in on a roll and the man he picks could be in for a world of hurt!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - "British Beast" Martyn Staddon defeated TJ Bailey in 4:36 by pinfall with The Beast-bomb. [b]C-[/b] [i](It is safe to say that Bailey is not Beast's chosen victim. His new finisher is even more vicious than his last powerbomb finisher.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JaredWisdom.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6[/B] - Jared Wisdom defeated Ed Monton in 5:34 by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](Ed Monton has been reduced to jobber status, a position he plays well. It is tough trying to create your own stars as you get disappointing ratings contently.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Jessie.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - Suddenly our new [b]CCW-Tron[/b] kicks in and the fans give [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] image a great pop. This time she is sitting in an empty room at an old wooden table. In front of her is a big juicy steak. Her hair is pulled back and her face looks dark. Her eyes read a woman who is lost and has given up. Jesse looks down at the steak, then up at the camera. She once more address's [b]Cal Sanders[/b], telling him again that she is fine and has moved on in her life. She hopes Cal has to and tells Cal not to worry about her because she is eating good and enjoying life. She says goodbye to Cal and the video closes... [b]B-[/b] [i](This storyline is getting creepy and the videos are getting more and more weirder....)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8[/B] - We now have [b]2[/b] cameraman and one of them is already positioned in the backstage area as he gets [b]Cal Sanders[/b] staring at a monitor watching the video. After it closes he picks up the TV and smashes it to the ground, then storms off towards the ring. [b]D[/b] [i](Sanders needs to change his gimmick badly..keep forgetting to do that...bad angle to pick...hate our ratings guy)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9[/B] - Cal Sanders defeated Brett Fraser in 3:49 by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i](Poor Fraser was just a punching bag as Sanders completely dominated the match, killing Fraser.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MichaelBull.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #10[/B] - head referee, [b]Michael Bull[/b] steps in after the match to try and prevent a post match beatdown on Fraser and instead gets assaulted by the madman as Sanders keeps screaming [b]Jesse's[/b] name while officials hit the ring to save their referee. [b]C-[/b] [i](Sanders keeps slipping into madness...from world champion to this..a pathetic and sad thing to watch isn't it?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #11[/B] - The Rejects defeated Teddy Powell and Kurt Grunge in 7:39 when Alan Parent defeated Teddy Powell by pinfall. During the match we also had [b]"British Beast" Martyn Staddon[/b] run in and attack Teddy Powell, causing the loss. [b]C-[/b] [i](Disappointing match but at least we got to see who is the next victim for The British Beast!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #12[/B] - Out next is [b]Tim Westybrook[/b]. He starts off by addressing last month's post altercation between him and former friend, [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. Westyrbook says that he is sad to see such a respected and true warrior like Cal Sanders be reduced to a raving madman. He says he was proud to call Sanders a friend but after last month's DDT on the outside of the ring after Westyrbook came to Sander's aide, Sanders can watch his own back from now on because Westybrook is washing his hands of the former champion. Westybrook turns his attention to [b]Eric Baine[/b]. He tells Baine that he is lower form of scum possible for what he has done to [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] and [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. He warns baine that tonight if he beats [b]Black Eagle[/b] and finally gets possession of the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] that he better enjoy having the title around for a month as the belt is coming back to Westybrook next month at [b]Damaged Goods[/b]. [b]C[/b] [i](Usual rant by Westybrook)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt29.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CarsonWildfyre2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #13 (Tag Team Title Match) [/B] - Fire and Steele drew with Wild Greed in 5:47 following a no contest decision. During the match we also saw [b]Phenomenal Excess[/b] attack both means causing the no contest. [b]C[/b] [i](A surprisingly solid match as Wild Greed prove they can still be a top tag team in the CCW)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt15.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #14 (Top Contenders Title)[/B] - Eric Baine defeated Black Eagle in 6:35 by pinfall. [b]C+[/b] [i](A great contest that has the fans into the match big time.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #15[/B] - After the match, the lights go out for a couple seconds and when they come back on, [b]Black Eagle[/b] is standing at the top of the ramp holding the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] in the air. A pissed off [b]Eric Baine[/b] kicks the bottom rope in frustration as he points for Eagle to give him back his title. Suddenly, [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] makes the crowd pop as he clotheslines Eagle from behind then hits a Suplex at the metal platform. Eagle moans in pain as Westyrbrook scoops up the title, walks to the ring and tosses it at baine. he stares down the Biker as he tells Baine to enjoy holding the title for another month! [b]C-[/b] [i](Not a bad rating for a post attack segment. Eagle once more tries his lighting trick and Westybrook spoils it for him. Should be a good fight next month)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #16[/B] - Out next is [b]Joey poison[/b] as he starts gaining back that great heel heat he once drew. He starts off by explaining to the crowd that there is no real challengers for his title because no man in CCW can compete at his level right now. Poison calls himself the [b]Ultimate God in CCW[/b] and tells all 4 men in the main even tonight that he will crush their dreams of winning the title just like he crushed the dreams of so many others before them! He finishes his rant by taking off his shirt to reveal a [b]referee's shirt[/b] underneath, naming himself the [b]special referee[/b] for tonight! [b]C+[/b] [i](Joey wants an up close view to see who will face him next month)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #17(#1 Contender Match)[/B] - Steve Flash defeated Demon Anger, Demon Chance and "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic in 10:48 when Steve Flash defeated "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic by pinfall with a Flash Bang [b]C[/b] [i](Typical "cookie-cutter" match with everyone selling eachother's moves nicely. It will be Flash VS. Poison for the gold next month is what should be a Huge night of championship battles)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #18[/B] - [b]Steve Flash[/b] gets into an argument with [b]Mario Heroic[/b] after the match over "illegal tactics" allegations and this allows special referee, [b]Joey poison[/b] to line up an deliver a nice blow to the head of Flash with the [b]Nationwide Title[/b]. The show closes with Poison standing over a hurt Flash, yelling at him that he will never beat him! [b]C[/b] [i](A solid attack ending)[/i] [b]AFTER SHOW NOTES[/b] - we did it folks, we are now officially a [b]C+[/b] company in Canada. with this and a [b]C-[/b] in Quebec, I am going to put together the best tapes I can and send them out to networks once negotiations reopen! this feels great, what a long fight that was! [b][u][size=5]CCW DAMAGED GOODS PREVIEW[/B][/U][/SIZE] . Next month is [b]Steve Flash's[/b] biggest match ever in his CCW career, a [b]Nationwide Title[/b] match against [b]Joey Poison[/b]. Could we see an upset? CCW has been known to be the home of the "upsets" as anything can happen in CCW! . Yet another [b]#1 Contender[/b] will be named when [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] , [b]Mario Heroic[/b] , [b]Cal Sanders[/b] and [b]Black Eagle[/b] battle in a fatal 4 way to see who will meet the Flash/Poison fight! . Interim C.E.O, [b]Corporal Doom[/b] has announced that a match will take place next month that has never happened before in CCW...and it all centers around the [b]Television Title[/b]. . [b]Teddy Powell[/b] will also try and be the first man to finally defeat [b]"The British Beast" Martyn Staddon[/b] when they go head to head.
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[b][u][size=5]NEWS UPDATE , NEWS UPDATE[/SIZE][/B][/U] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarlordAgony.jpg[/IMG] - Former [b]SWF[/b] and [b]CCW[/b] star, [b]Warlord Agony[/b] announced his retirment after failing in his quest to return to [b]SWF[/b]'s active roster. he left CCW after [b]Supercard 5[/b] when negotiations fell apart between him and [b]Bruce Luger[/b] on a new contract. - Agony retired with a record of [b]70-51-4[/b], his CCW run ended with [b]21-9-2[/b] record. - He was a 2x [b]CCW Tag champion[/b] with [b]Demon Anger[/b] and also held the [b]SWF Tag titles[/b] with longtime tag partner [b]Warlord Pain[/b]. - He has appeared 3 times on the [b]top 100[/b] chart at [b]#100 in 2006[/b] , [b]#78 in 2007[/b] and [b]#63 in 2008[/b]. - His [b]loyalty[/b] to [b]Bruce Luger[/b] was not enough, however, for us to lure him back to CCW as he recently signed a written deal with [b]Dave[/b] to become the new [b]announcer[/b] for one of their shows.
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[b][u][SIZE=5]CCW DAMAGED GOODS[/U][/SIZE] FRIDAY WEEK 2 , SEPTEMBER 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , 2,858 PEOPLE (a new attendance record)[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [B]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Vengeance defeated Air Weasel and Ed Monton in 3:55 when Demon Chance defeated Ed Monton by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](I don't accept anything under a "C" anymore, not even for an opener so this is a disappointment)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - [b]Corporal Doom[/b] comes out next to mild heat. He enters and is handed a mic. He welcomes everyone to the show and says that tonight is a huge night and that history will be made tonight as the first ever [b]6 Way Elimination Match[/b] will take place for the [b]Television Championship[/b]. Doom also announces that there will be a [b]fatal 4 Way Elimination match[/b] to determine the [b]#1 Contender[/b] to face the champion, [b]Joey Poison[/b] next month at [b]Stipulations[/b]. [b]Steve Flash's[/b] music suddenly hits and out walks a pissed off [b]Steve Flash[/b]. He gets in Doom's face and gets his own mic. he asks the interim C.E.O why he is declaring Joey Poison as being the champion next month when Steve Flash has a title match tonight? Flash asks Doom if he thinks Flash can't [i]"step up his game"[/i] and be a main eventer for the company? Flash tells Doom to watch tonight's match closely because Steve Flash is going to prove a few things to him! Doom gets angry and tells Flash that he is sick and tired of getting interrupted all the time and Is going to make an example out of both Joey Poison and Steve Flash. He suddenly announces that tonight's main event will also be a [b]LOSER LEAVES CCW[/B] match!!!! [b]D[/b] [i](Man I HATE having to use Flash in a speaking angle....he sucks so much at it!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - "British Beast" Martyn Staddon defeated Teddy Powell in 5:48 by pinfall with The Beast-bomb. [b]C-[/b] [i](Another dominating effort by Staddon but he keeps failing to have an acceptable match. I was really hoping this one would at least be in the "C" rang...)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Our 2nd cameraman heads to the backstage area and catches [b]Cal Sanders[/b] talking to someone inside a room. The cameraman opens the door a little more to see Cal hugging and kissing the air, repeating the same words over and over..[i]"I love you Jesse, I love you Jesse"[/i]. The cameraman backs off quietly and closes the door. [b]D[/b] [i](I forgot to change his gimmick and I think I picked the wrong angle to use...this should have came off better but it still does the job it is supposed to)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt44.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CarsonWildfyre2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5 (Television Title Match)[/B] - The Dragon defeated Carson Wildfyre, "Phenomenal" Ed Larkins, "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes, "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed and The Machine in 9:57; the order of elimination was Carson Wildfyre first, then "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes, then The Machine, then "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed, and finally "Phenomenal" Ed Larkins. The Dragon wins the CCW Television title. [b]C[/b] [i](A great match with Ed Larkins once more coming up just short of winning the gold. Greed was not happy walking away from the ring without the title and you can bet he isn't done yet. A minor upset for the Dragon who steps up his game into the singles world once more.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Jessie.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6[/B] - Another video of [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] airs. This time she is crying as she holds a rose in her hands. She tells [b]Cal Sanders[/b] that she doesn't love him anymore and to forget about her before it is too late. Her words are cut short as she breaks out into a crying fit and the video goes black for a second. it comes back on and she has stopped crying as she tells him that this rose is a present from her to him so that he will never forget her> he wishes him well and says goodbye for the last time as she breaks down into another crying fit and the video dies away [b]B-[/b] [i](That video had an "ending" feel to it, didn't;t it?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - Out from the back walks [b]Joey Poison[/b] with someone on his mind. He enters and is handed a mic. He starts off by calling out [b]Eric Baine[/b]. baine comes riding to the ring alone on his bike. He enters and looks curious at his best friend. Joey takes a long time to talk, almost like he picking his words carefully. He starts off by telling Eric that Joey has never been one to do things that please the fans and adds that he couldn't care less what the fans think of him or his actions. With that being said, Joey informs Eric that tonight he is in a match that has a [b]loser leaves CCW[/b] stipulation and if tonight is the last night for Joey Poison in CCW, he is going to get a few things off his chest. He says that he has not liked this whole [b]Jesse Gilmore - Cal Sanders[/b] game that Eric is playing and wants to know where Jesse has been the last few months. Eric gets mad and gets in his friend's face. he tells Joey that he has warned him a number of times to drop the subject. Eric adds that he doesn't want this to get nasty between the 2 of them but warns that [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] and her whereabouts is his business and not Joey's. Eric turns to leave but is stopped by an equally pissed off Joey Poison that makes the fans suddenly cheer. Eric turns and glares at his friend, he rips his arm from Joey's grip and gets in Joey's face. Joey starts to yell that, at the moment, CCW is [i]"his playground"[/i] and that Eric Baine had better know his place when in the same ring with Joey Poison. Joey says that all of this mess just is not right and Joey is demanding that Eric ends it now because it is doing nothing good for anyone. Even though he don't care about [b]Cal Sanders[/b], the guy has become a madman because of it! Eric starts yelling back that all of this was done for [i]"Joey Poison's benefit"[/i] and points to the title when he says that he would not be the [b]Nationwide Championship[/b] right now if it wasn't for Eric Baine. Baine then slaps Joey across the face, telling his [i]"younger Brother"[/i] to stop being so self centered all the time!!! Joey takes the blow as the crowd pops huge at the altercation. Joey spits out blood and then charges Baine, tackling him to the ground as the fans go crazy. Out from the back run [b]Warren Technique[/b] and [b]Alan Parent[/b] as well as officials to try and break it up. Both men are pulled apart with Eric Baine yelling for Joey to [i]"get your head together!"[/i].. [b]D[/b] [i](Awesome segment with a stupid rating...I am going to forget the ratings very soon and just post the results If this keeps up!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8 (#1 Contender Match)[/B] - Kurt Grunge defeated Black Eagle, Cal Sanders and "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic in 11:34; the order of elimination was "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic first, then Black Eagle, and finally Cal Sanders. During the match we also had [b]Eric Baine[/b] run in and distract Sanders by placing a rose on the ring apron, allowing Grunge to roll him up as Sanders mumbled to himself while hugging the rose and calling it [b]Jesse[/b]. [b]C[/b] [i](Kurt Grunge finally gets another shot at the Nationwide Title next month, But who will be the champion?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt15.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9 (Top Contenders Title Match)[/B] - Tim Westybrook defeated Eric Baine in 9:31 by pinfall. During the match we also had [b]Cal Sanders[/b] run in and attack Eric Baine. Tim Westybrook wins the CCW Top Contenders title. [b]C+[/b] [i](A huge match that saw Tim Westybrook become a 2X champion.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SteveFlash2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #10(Nationwide Title Match)[/B] - Joey Poison defeated Steve Flash in 14:50 by pinfall with an Antidote Web [b]C+[/b] [i](With Flash demanding over $2,000 per show PLUS a $1,000 downside just to resign, he made it VERY easy for me to say "good riddens"! He has not done that great in CCW to demand just a contract...Even Joey Poison, who just resigned for 9 months, didn't want that much!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #11[/B] - [B]Kurt Grunge[/b] makes a surprise ringside appearance and slaps on an anklelock as the champions screams in pain while pounding the map to "tap out" as the show closes [b]C[/b] [i](a surprisingly awesome post attack segment that sets up next months battle nicely)[/i] [b][u][size=5]CCW STIPULATIONS PREVIEW[/B][/U][/SIZE] . [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] and [b]Joey Poison[/b] are looking to renew an old rivalry when they meet once more for the [b]Nationwide Title[/b] with only 1 man being the [b]Last Man Standing[/b]! . A [b]Stretcher Match[/b] will decide the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] when [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] looks to end his little fight with [b]Black Eagle[/b]. . [b]The Dragon[/b] is looking to prove that his [b]Television[/b] title win was no fluke when he meets [b]"Phenomenal" Ed Larkins[/b] and [b]"8th Deadly Sin" John Greed[/b] in a [b]Ladder Match[/b]. . [b]Cal Sanders[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] will finally meet head to head to settle their feud and [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] will be the prize for the winner....the stipulation for the match is will be announced at the show! . Also, [b]2[/b] new CCW stars will debut as well....
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[b][u][size=5]NEWS UPDATE , NEWS UPDATE[/size][/b][/u] [B][U]A TRAGIC END[/b][/u] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SessueKawate.jpg[/IMG] . [b]The Showman" Sessue Kawate[/b] was found dead earlier today in his home in Tokyo Japan. Nothing is confirmed but rumors are circulating of an overdose. kawate has had problems with the deadly drug, [b]Cocaine[/b] in the past and there is a strong possibility that the drug came back to finish the job it started. . Kawate entered the wrestling word will a lot of potential and a lot of hype. All of the big promotions in Japan had the young kid on their radar and with his unique blonde hair and "party animal" attitude, he was easily the center of attention everywhere he went. Before a successful career could really take off for Kawate, he found himself heavily into drugs, with the drug of his choice being Cocaine. Soon his wrestling career took a back seat to his drug habit and the bigger promotions turned away from him. Kawate never did get the chance to become the big star he was rumored to be and didn't even get a chance with a top line company until he was 44 years old and 5 years clean from the drug. By that time he was in horrible shape and couldn't pull off the amazing moves he once did in the ring. [b]BHOTWG[/b] stepped in and signed Kawate to a written deal but all Kawate turned into was a jobber for the company. His overall win/loss count that is on record is [b]5-86-0[/b] and it was no secret that Kawate was lonely, troubled and depressed many times backstage at BHOTWG shows. Kawate is survived by his mother and 2 sisters...
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[b][u][size=5]CCW STIPULATIONS[/u][/size] FRIDAY WEEK 1 , OCTOBER 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , ONTARIO , 2,707 PEOPLE[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [B]SEGMENT #1(2 Out Of 3 Falls)[/B] - "British Beast" Martyn Staddon defeated Air Weasel in 4:38 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall when [b]Lord Windameer[/b] interfered. [b]C-[/b] [i](A constant performer who is just itching to break into better storylines with better opponents)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - Out next is [b]Corporal Doom[/b], the interim C.E.O. He starts off by saying that he knows CCW has become infamous for putting on unique and original matches never seen before. Doom informs the crowd that the feud between [b]Cal Sanders[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] has gotten so bad that no ordinary match will be good enough to hopefully settle this feud. As a result, both Doom and the CCW management backstage have come up yet yet another original and unique match that will no doubt steal the show. Doom announces that tonight will be the first ever [b]Love It Or Leave it Match[/b]! He explains the rules to the crowd. Attached to the ring will be a 30 foot scaffold and dangling on wires in the middle of the scaffold will be a key. That key will unlock a cage that will be sitting on the platform at the top of the ramp. Inside that cage will be [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b]! The winner of the match is the man that is able to climb the 30 foot scaffold, walk across it, get the key, climb down and make it to the cage to unlock it. Other than that, anything else goes!!!! Doom laughs as he says that tonight is yet another night for CCW to make history and promises that the [b]Love It Or Leave It Match[/b] will be one of the most brutal matches they will ever see! [b]C-[/b] [i](That should be a very interesting match tonight. Sanders finally gets the chance to get his girl back!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3 (Hardcore Rules Match)[/B] - Vengeance defeated The Rejects and Youth Incorporated in 6:05; the order of elimination was Youth Incorporated first, and finally The Rejects. [b]D[/b] [i](Horrible match with all 6 men just not caring. This one match could spell the doom for a few people in CCW!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4 (Hardcore Rules Match)[/B] - "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic defeated Teddy Powell in 4:48 by pinfall with a Hero Attack. [b]D[/b] [i](What the hell? 2 in a row? Neither Mario nor any one of the Demons could carry a damn match for me? Do they want to be unemployed that badly?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - Out next comes [b]Eric Baine[/b]. He gets off his bike and enters the ring, asking that [b]Joey Poison[/b] joins him. The fans give Joey a mixed reaction and a cautious Joey enters the ring and glares at his friend. Eric starts off by saying that he is going to do something he thought he would never have to do in his lifetime, he wants to apologize to the champion! Eric explains that he love's Joey like a brother and did all of this in order to give his brother what was most important to him, the [b]Nationwide Title[/b]. He tells Joey that he never thought that Joey would actually take this too personal and for that he is sorry. Eric explains that it was their altercation last month that caused Eric to end this whole thing and agree to let [b]Cal Sanders[/b] try and win back the woman he loves. He turns serious as he tells Joey that tonight [b]Cal Sanders[/b] is going to get hurt, and hurt badly, and then jabs a finger into Joey chest and warns the champion to finally forget about all of this and to start focusing on defending the Nationwide Title because another altercation between the 2 of them like last month and Eric Baine will be forced to act, something Joey does not want to happen! Joey pushes Eric's finger out of the way and steps closer to his friend, which shocks the taller Baine and gets a pop from the crowd. Joey tells Eric that he hasn't become the 5X champion with people's help. he says that every title he has ever won he did it on his own and will has never listened to anyone. Joey tells Eric that Joey is the champion and Joey is the man around here. he warns Eric to know his role and to stop pissing him off because it was Joey who brought him into the CCW and it will be Joey that takes him out of CCW!!!! Eric is red hot with anger as Joey Poison turns and exits the ring [b]C[/b] [i](More tension is building between former friends)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] [b]CS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6(Tables Match)[/B] - The Insane Heat defeated "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes in 4:49 when "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes was put through a table. Insane Heat's entrance consists of the lights dimming and a hole in the ring has a bright red light shining through it. The satanic One then comes through that hole and he climbs into the ring and the hole gets covered up again with the lights turning back on. Kind of a creepy and cool entrance. [b]C[/b] [i](A nice debut for new CCW superstar Insane Heat. His entrance is probably the best in the company right now.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - Our 1st cameraman is in the backstage area and is in the locker room of [b]Kurt Grunge[/b]. We see the former champion taping his wrists for his big fight when there is a knock at the door and a serious Kurt stands to meet a new face. The new man looks serious as ever as he just glares at Grunge. Kurt calls him [b]Onslaught[/b] and asks him what he is doing in CCW? Onslaught doesn't answer the question but instead tells grunge that he [i]"hasn't forgotten and hasn't forgiven"[/i] before turning and walking out of the room. Grunge just watches him go with a very serious look on his face [b]C-[/b] [i](Not sure what that is about but Onslaught has really made a name for himself in [b]DAVE[/b] as a legitimate tough guy before being released earlier this month. I consider him a good pick-up)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt44.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8 (Ladder Match - Television Title)[/B] - The Dragon defeated "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed and "Phenomenal" Ed Larkins in 6:47 when The Dragon retrieved the belt. [b]C[/b] [i](The Dragon proves his win was no fluke with this win..he makes a good champion!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9[/B] - The Dragon is heading up the ramp walking backwards as [b]John Greed[/b] yells for him to give him back his title. [b]"British Beast" Martyn Staddon[/b] suddenly hits a turning Dragon with a vicious spear, then glares at John Greed in the ring who shuts up right away and backs off. Staddon picks up a hurt Dragon and connects with his Beast-Bomb finisher on the metal ramp. Martin picks up the TV title and just looks at it as [b]Lord Windameer[/b] comes out laughing and ordering Staddon to return to the back. The beast drops the belt and does as ordered [b]D[/b] [i](usual post match attack rating. Staddon has picked his next victim it appears..with the apparent desire for some CCW gold)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #10[/B] - [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] comes out next with the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] around his waist. His attention is on his opponent tonight, [b]Black Eagle[/b]. He tells Eagle that he finally got what he has been wanting for a long time, a title shot! Westybrook tells the masked man that he has worked too damn hard to get the title back to just lose it once more and promises to beat down Eagle in their [b]Stretcher Match[/b] tonight. [b]C-[/b] [i](Disappointing)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt15.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #11(Stretcher Match - Top Contenders Title)[/B] - Tim Westybrook defeated Black Eagle in 7:27 when Black Eagle was carried up the ramp and past the line. [b]C[/b] [i](A good match overall)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Jessie.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #12(Love It Or Leave It Match)[/B] - Eric Baine defeated Cal Sanders in 9:35 when Cal Sanders was thrown from the top of the scaffold after [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] produced her own set of keys and unlocked herself from the cage, then distracted a shocked and confused Cal Sanders enough for Eric Baine to toss Sanders off the 30 foot scaffold and through 3 tables that were set up in the middle of the ring. Baine and Jesse hug and kiss and both laugh at a motionless Cal Sanders as the confused and angry crowd turn hostel. [b]C+[/b] [i](A shocking new twist to this feud. Did anyone predict it? Did I get anyone? What did you think of the match ? Has anyone really enjoyed this storyline?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt17.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #13(Last Man Standing Match - Nationwide Title Match)[/B] - Joey Poison defeated Kurt Grunge in 6:49 when Kurt Grunge could not beat a ten count after getting choked out by [b]Onslaught[/b] after the referee was knocked out. Onslaught used an MMA submission hold called the [b]"triangle Choke"[/b] and Grunge passed out due to the move after failing to "tap out". Joey woke up the referee and got the win [b]C+[/b] [i](A great match. These 2 men can really put on good matches when they want to and Kurt finally sold nicely for Poison)[/i] [b][u][size=5]SOUL SURVIVOR PREVIEW[/SIZE][/B][/U] . It's that time of year again, It time for the 2nd annual [b]Soul Survivor Rumble[/b] and the chance for someone to win the [b]#1 Contender[/b] shot at [b]New Beginnings[/b]. This match is totally random and anyone has a chance. Who will walk away with the title shot? . [b]Vengeance[/b] , [b]Phenomenal Excess[/b] and [b]Wild Greed[/b] will battle in a 3 way tag elimination for the right to face [b]Fire &Steele[/b] for the [b]Tag team Titles[/b]. . [b]Onslaught[/b] Will make his in-ring debut when he faces [b]Teddy Powell[/b]. You can bet that [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] will be watching that match closely. . [b]Corporal Doom[/b] has an announcement to make to the CCW fans that has to be the biggest announcement in CCW history and one that will change the future of CCW forever!
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[b][u][size=5]CCW SOUL SURVIVOR[/U][/SIZE] FRIDAY WEEK 4 , NOVEMBER 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , ONTARIO , 2,756 PEOPLE[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JaredWisdom.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [B]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Jared Wisdom defeated Air Weasel in 5:25 when Air Weasel was put through a table. [b]C[/b] [i](A big match for both men with Wisdom looking great out there. Wasn't expecting this rating and I am happy)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - "British Beast" Martyn Staddon defeated The Machine in 6:09 by pinfall with a Beast-bomb. [b]C-[/b] [i](The British Beast looks to be sending a message to Machine's tag partner and TV champion, Dragon)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - After the match, [b]The Dragon[/b] hits the ring and blinds the British Beast with red mist that he spits out of his mouth. He then dropkicks the beast out of the ring and [b]Lord Windameer[/b] finds himself alone in the ring with the Tag champions. The usual beatdown follows. [b]D[/b] [i](And the usual rating follows that [b]on a side note[/b] : there is very bad blood between Martyn Staddon and The Dragon after last month's show when Staddon botched the powerbomb spot he did with Dragon on the steel ramp. Dragon landed hard on his neck and was temporarily paralyzed. Staddon was fined heavily by the company and he seemed apologetic after the show but Dragon doesn't seem to be buying it. It has taken a lot of convincing to get Dragon to agree to still work the upcoming storyline with Staddon.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CorporalDoom.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Out next comes [b]Corporal Doom[/b] to mild heat. He enters and tells the crowd that he has a huge announcement to make. Doom announces that CCW has finally worked out a deal with the [b]Q-TV network[/b] and starting next Friday we will be bringing you [b]CCW Xposed[/b] , a weekly TV show starting at [b]12:00 AM[/b] every [b]friday night[/b]. Doom says that once more history is made and that the fans can expect a huge show booked for the first taping with [b]Joey Poison[/b] defending his [b]Nationwide Championship[/b] against [b]Tim Westybrook[/b], the current [b]Top Contenders champion[/b]...he invites everyone to check their local listing and catch [b]Xposed TV[/b] because CCW will be bringing nothing but the best wrestling to your TV sets... The next announcement Doom makes it that management has decided to change the name of the company to [B]CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSIC WRESTLING[/b] as they look towards future growth into the USA and beyond... [b]C-[/b] [i](A new era has dawned for CCW and I thank each and every fan of this diary who has supported it...I can't wait to get the TV shows going and then look at bringing in PPV!!!! The name change had to happen to help us grow into other market's besides Canada)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - Onslaught defeated Teddy Powell in 5:49 by submission with The Triangle Choke. [b]C-[/b] [i](Both men have excellent chemistry and this is as good of a match as they can put on? I blame this solely on Teddy Powell who has done NOTHING to impress me since coming in....he is nothing but a glorified jobber in my eyes until his contract is up.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6[/B] - Out from the back runs [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] to a good pop. he dives in and catches an unsuspecting [b]Onslaught[/b] with a belly to belly suplex. Before he can recover, Grunge then slaps on an ankle lock and Onslaught is soon taping out as he screams in pain. Referees finally enter and break up the fight [b]C-[/b] [i](Just to continue this new MMA centered feud)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - Cal Sanders defeated Alan Parent in 5:30 by pinfall. Sanders came to the ring talking to himself and holding that rose that Eric Baine gave him a couple months ago that was from Jesse Gilmore. [b]C-[/b] [i](Another pathetic match that i want to blame on Parent but Sanders has not been impressive lately)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8[/B] - After the match, Sanders went to grab the rose when a hole in the ring opened and the lights dim. A red spotlight somehow shines up through the hole and as Sanders crawls closer, [b]The Insane Heat[/b] comes through the hole and grabs a hold of Sanders, dragging the former champion through the hole. A second later the lights turn on and the red spotlight is gone. Cal Sanders slowly crawls out from under the ring, his face a crimson mask of blood. Officials run to the ring to help him. They check under the ring for the new CCW star, Insane Heat but find knowbody there. [b]C-[/b] [i](This insane heat character is pretty weird to say the least..what was that all about?)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CarsonWildfyre2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9 (#1 Contender Match)[/B] - Phenomenal Excess defeated Vengeance and Wild Greed in 9:45; the order of elimination was Vengeance first, and finally Wild Greed. [b]C[/b] [i](Vengeance are no longer big time threats in the Tag division as Demon Chance and Demon Anger are pretty much on their last legs with the company as well. Phenomenal Excess should get a shot at the tag belts next month)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #10[/B] - One of our 2 cameramen are backstage in the the locker room of [b]Joey Poison[/b]. He stands up and looks ready for a fight when [b]Eric Baine[/b] enters the picture. Eric tells him to relax and holds up a 12 pack of beer, telling Joey that he didn't come here to fight and didn't come here to get an apology, he came here to share a beer with his [i]"brother"[/i]. Joey takes a minute to judge Eric's motives, then relaxes and sits back down. He asks Baine if he is ready for the [b]Survival Rumble[/b]? Baine sits down next to Joey and laughs, telling the champion that he pulled himself from the rumble as a way to show Joey that he wants things to be cool with the both of the. Eric claims that he was the last man to get eliminated last year and that this year he could easily win it but has no interest fighting Joey for the [b]Nationwide Title[/b]. Joey pats Eric on the back and stretches, saying how nice it is to have the night off for a change. He then looks around and asks Eric where [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] is? Eric laughs as he hands his best friend a bee. He tells him that [i]"Jesse served her purpose so I got rid of her!"[/i]. Joey shakes his head as he takes a drink. he congratulates Eric, telling him that he had the whole company fooled into thinking Jesse was really kidnapped when all along, she was a part of the plan. Eric tells Joey to forget about all that and to worry about the future...he suggests they have a [i]"front row seat to the rumble"[/i] and leads Joey Poison out of the locker room with the beer in hand. [b]C[/b] [i](Looks like Poison and Baine are back on the same track. [b]on a side note[/b] : Jesse was released of her contract after the storyline ended due to her costing us way too much to keep her around. I really didn't have much else for her to do anyways)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #11(SURVIVOR RUMBLE MATCH - #1 CONTENDER SHOT)[/B] - The Insane Heat won a battle royal in 27:45. The final four competitors also included [b]Tim Westybrook[/b], [b]The Machine[/b] and [b]Cal Sanders[/b], with Tim Westybrook being the final elimination. [b]Joey Poison[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] watched the whole thing whole sitting in lawn chairs on the platform at the top of the ramp. After the match, Joey stood up and held the title in the air whole [b]The Insane Heat[/b] pointed to him and ran a thumb across his throat. A good staredown followed. [b]C[/b] [i](A new superstar looks to have emerged with Insane Heat and this unique gimmick of his. In 2 months it will be Heat VS. Poison..should be a good one! Just to let everyone know, I once more let our road agent, Joey Poison, pick the winner so I Can get surprised as well and I was happy with the result as I want to try and get Insane heat into a top player in this company)[/i] [b]also in the rumble was[/b] : John Greed , Martyn Staddon , Mario Heroic , Ed Larkins , Jorge Wilkes , Alan parent, Black Eagle , Carson Wildfyre , Demon Chance , Demon Anger , Jared Wisdom , Kurt Grunge , Onslaught , Teddy Powell and The Dragon[/b] [b][u][SIZE=5]UP NEXT : CCW XPOSED DEBUTE.....[/size][/b][/u]
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[b][u][size=5]CCW XPOSED[/u][/size] LIVE ON Q-TV FRIDAY WEEK 1 , DECEMBER 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , 2,699 PEOPLE Announcers : Bruce Luger & Corporal Doom[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/RusellVibert.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] [B]DARK MATCH #1[/B] - "The Viper" Russell Vibert defeated Brett Fraser in 4:56 by submission with The Viper Bite. [b]C-[/b] [i](Russell Vibert entered the wrestling world in 2007 but has struggled to find work since. He has killer technical skills and I am looking to bring him through the ranking as a dangerous, no nonsense technical fighter that is all business. Decent match overall)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/StephanRoberts.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #2[/B] - Out next comes a well dressed man in a suit and tie and glasses. He enters the ring and introduces himself as [b]Stephan Roberts[/b], claiming that he is one of the most financially successful businessmen in Canada. He announces that he is coming to CCW to expand his growing empire and is looking for some good talent to take under his wing. With his money and intelligence and their talent, the sky is the limit! He thanks everyone and leaves the ring. [b]C-[/b] [i](Another Canadian talent that came into the world of professional wrestling late, this time around 2009. His in-ring skills pretty much suck but he has amazing entrainment skills that I am looking to use to my advantage. Used this as a test to see how the crowd reacts)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CarsonWildfyre2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #3[/B] - Wild Greed defeated Ed Monton and Teddy Powell in 5:14 when "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed defeated Ed Monton by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](Pathetic match that suffered because of the poor performances of Powell and Ed Monton.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Eric Baine defeated TJ Bailey in 6:34 by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i]( a decent opener that I am live with. Bailey sold nicely in there and we kept Baine strong to keep his heat going)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - A video airs that shows highlights of [b]Cal Sanders[/b]. Just in case new fans are tuning in for the first time [b]C-[/b] [i](After a string of poor ratings, Mr. Sanders could find himself back in the mid-card status very soon)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - The Insane Heat defeated Air Weasel in 6:49 by pinfall. [b]C+[/b] [i](A Huge match that had the fans involved throughout. A big surprise by me and one that may had to have brought Air Weasel up the ladder of success here in CCW. Insane Heat as a great "satanic" gimmick that the fans are loving.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Out next comes [b]Onslaught[/b] to decent heat. He enters and yells for the fans to shut up! Onslaught singles out [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] informing the fans that his problem with the former champion dates way back to 2004. He continues by saying that, back then, he was just starting his career on the MMA scene and [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] was the heavyweight [b]UFB[/b] champion at the time and took him under his wing to train in his camp. Onslaught claimed he used to respect Grunge and modeled his fighting style after him. Onslaught fastwards the next few years and talks about his [i]"big chance"[/i], Grunge and Onslaught for the [b]UFB[/b] championship. Onslaught had worked so hard for so long to finally get the chance to beat his mentor and become the Heavyweight champion, but at the last minute Grunge pulled out of the match and announced suddenly that he is retiring from the sport. Onslaught spits out hateful words as he describes how Onslaught lost his chance to fight for the title after the organization stripped Grunge of the title. Onslaught became [i]"lost in the shuffle"[/i] and was never granted a heavyweight title shot again! Onslaught yells, telling Grunge that he will get his match and he will take down his mentor. He finishes by promising to end Kurt Grunge's dream of being a professional wrestler just like Grunge ended his dream of becoming a champion!!!! [b]C[/b] [i](Really emotional segment with Onslaught really pouring on the hate. Backstory to this new feud is pretty interesting If I do say so myself!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - Kurt Grunge defeated Warren Technique in 7:44 by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i](A solid match If nothing else...Warren is stuck in limbo since his partner, Alan Parent is leaving the company after this month)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt29.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6( Tag Team Title Match)[/B] - Fire and Steele defeated Vengeance in 7:57 when The Dragon defeated Demon Anger by pinfall with a Dragon's Breath [b]C-[/b] [i](Vengeance is finished in CCW after a series of poor matches...both Anger and Chance are done...I still believe that Fire & Steele have what it takes to be stars!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - Out next comes [b]Joey Poison[/b] with the [b]Nationwide Title[/b] over his shoulder. He is smiling as he draws decent heat and enters the ring. He starts off by mocking the crowd, asking them how it feels like to be able to come to a wrestling event and finally see a champion they can be proud of? He says that CCW has grown from a small time company to the next big thing in professional wrestling and everyone in CCW, as well as the fans, can thank the pure talent that Joey Poison possesses. Joey brags, telling everyone that this debut show would not be happening if it wasn't for Joey Poison and that's a fact!!!!! He finishes his rant by saying that tonight he will close out the first ever CCW XPOSED show by once more successfully defending the [b]Nationwide Title[/b]. [b]C[/b] [i](I think everyone agrees that Joey Poison deserves a lot of thanks for what he has done!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt17.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8 (Nationwide Title Match)[/B] - Tim Westybrook defeated Joey Poison in 11:54 by pinfall. Tim Westybrook wins the CCW Nationwide title. The show closes with the crowd popping HUGE as Westybrook celebrates in the audience. [b]B-[/b] [i](ok, here is the story ... this was a HUGE mistake. This was a HUGE shock to me as well as Poison was not supposed to lose the title...I somehow made an error when booking the match. I am still shocked this happened and I have NO idea how I am going to balance this to keep my current storylines going...You got to admit, this was a huge upset and a great way to end our debut show.....)[/i]
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[b][u][size=5]CCW ROUND-UP[/b][/u][/size] [b][u]XPOSED RATING[/B][/U] . Our debute show was watched by only [b]108 people[/b] and suffered due to the late timeslot as well as us running up against [b]Celebrity Shark Attack[/b] on [b]The Pop network[/b]. The winner of the night was clearly the [b]World Basketball League[/b] which continues to grow into the biggest sport in the world. Last night the [b]Mexican Bandits[/b] defeated the [b]Atlanta Clash[/b] [b]108-99[/b]! [b][u]NEXT XPOSED PREVIEW[/B][/U] . [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] won the biggest match of his career beating the legend [b]Joey Poison[/b] for the [b]Nationwide Title[/b]. Now he must defend the [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] against [b]Black Eagle[/b] and you can bet that [b]Joey Poison[/b] will be watching closily. . [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] battles [b]"Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic[/b] . and [b]Joey Poison[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] will be in tag team action for the 1st time in a long time. [b][u]EXTREME CLOSURE CARD[/B][/U] [I]subject to change anytime[/i] . no matches announced as of yet, stay tuned
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[QUOTE=damaged1]ok, here is the story ... this was a HUGE mistake. This was a HUGE shock to me as well as Poison was not supposed to lose the title...I somehow made an error when booking the match. I am still shocked this happened and I have NO idea how I am going to balance this to keep my current storylines going...You got to admit, this was a huge upset and a great way to end our debut show[/QUOTE] Ouch - know the feeling, but at least Poison was fighting a legitimate threat. I bet there's umpteen times that you've forgotten to make matches a title match (at least that's what I'm good at), and I bet you wish these was one of these times! Interesting to see where you go from here - I'd be happy to see Black Eagle win next show. Then we could go to a three way Westybrook / Poison / Heat feud (four way with Baine?) - but that may go against all your planned storylines!
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Thanks Greg, I does feel good, thanks for asking!...I was getting SOOO sick and tired of having to renew gimmicks and contracts every 9 shows (because almost everyone wants a 9 month contract)...now I got lots of time to build guys up and i can FINALLY use the great storyline and angle editors that are in the game...It was pointless to use the storylines before but now I can and I am already working on creating new ones from scratch for future shows.... eayragt, thanks for posting, I always like when fans of this diary post their ideas or predictions of where they think things will go from here...a 3 or 4 way with the ones you mentioned does sound like it would be interesting...hopefully you stick around to see what happens!!! as you can tell, I am "borrowing" your idea of posting the actual card, then a "follow-up"..LOL....and NO, this is not a ploy for me to FINALLY pass you in posts..(ok, well, MAYbe a little..LOL) thanks for reading and posting guys....hope you all like the next show!
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[b][u][size=5]CCW XPOSED[/u][/size] LIVE ON Q-TV FRIDAY WEEK 2 , DECEMBER 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , 2,839 PEOPLE Announcers : Bruce Luger & Corporal Doom[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JerryMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #1[/B] - Golden Greatness defeated Vengeance in 4:47 when Jerry Martin defeated Demon Anger by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](Oscar Golden is back with the compay and with a new tag partner. Too bad they also have zero chemistry as a tag team, let's hope they get used to eachother quickly)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/RusellVibert.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JaredWisdom.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #2[/B] - Warren Technique defeated "The Viper" Russell Vibert, Jared Wisdom and Nomad in 7:51; the order of elimination was Nomad first, then "The Viper" Russell Vibert, and finally Jared Wisdom. [b]D[/b] [i](Way too long of a match for 2 new guys and 2 others who have seen their pushes dropped. Nomad is a young kid who is playing, well, a nomad gimmick. No hometown, no background, a loner who really isn't heel or face...Decent stats, hopefully I can use him down the road effectively)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/LordVendemeer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #1[/B] - Out comes [b]Lord Windameer[/b] and [b]"The British Beast" Martyn Staddon[/b]. Windameer once more claims that his monster is [i]"undefeatable"[/i] and adds that it is only a matter of time before Staddon has CCW gold around his waist. Windameer singles out [b]The Dragon[/b], telling the masked man that he is carrying Martyn's future title and that Martyn will be relieving him of the title very soon! Until then, The beast needs some new victims to show the world just how dangerous he is and offers any 2 men in the back to come out and face Martyn in a handicap match! [b]E[/b] [i](A weak segment that I blame on Windameer not being overly over with the crowd much.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MartynStaddon.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TeddyPowell.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - "British Beast" Martyn Staddon defeated Ed Monton and Teddy Powell in 5:33 when "British Beast" Martyn Staddon defeated Teddy Powell by pinfall with a Double Powerbomb. [b]D[/b] [i](Both Powell and Ed Monton were given their release papers before the show..they can take their crappy work elsewhere!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - "70's Superfan" Air Weasel defeated Alan Parent in 6:39 by pinfall with The Party Crasher. [b]C-[/b] [i](This show is slowly falling apart. Parent is also a man heading out the door at the end of the month to make room for more talented guys)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - Out from the back next comes [b]Eric Baine[/b] and [b]Joey Poison[/b] on bikes. They roar to the ring and enter as the crowd gives them both mild heat. Joey starts off by calling [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] the luckiest man in the world right now. He asks him if he really feels like a champion carrying around a belt that he shouldn't be carrying? Poison claims that he make a slight mistake last week and Westybrook, like a pro that he is, capitalized on it and for that Joey applauds him. Joey calls Westybrook not to get too comfortable being the [b]Nationwide Champion[/b] because at [b]Extreme Closure[/b], Joey Poison will become the champion for a 6th time!!!! [b]Eric Baine[/b] takes the mic next and says that it truly is a shame that he has no opponents scheduled for [b]Extreme Closure[/b] so he is making an open challenge to anyone brave enough to take him on. Baine then turns his attention to [b]Tim Westyrbook[/b] as well as asks him if he is a fighting champion because Baine is also making an open challenge to him next week but he couldn't care less if it is for one of his titles or not...all he wants is for it to be a [b]Tables Match[/b]!!!!! [b]C[/b] [i](This works on the level I expected)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5[/B] - Eric Baine and Joey Poison defeated Youth Incorporated in 7:39 when Joey Poison defeated TJ Bailey by pinfall with an Antidote Web. [b]C[/b] [i](Finally a solid match I can be proud of)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6[/B] - Out next comes [b]Onslaught[/b] to decent heel heat. Onslaught mocks [b]Kurt Grunge[/b], informing the fans that he only spoke the truth last week and that Grunge confirmed that when he failed to come out and clear his name. This brings out [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] on cue to a decent pop. Kurt walks to the ring and enters and both former MMA stars try and stare eachother down. Grunge asks Onslaught If he is done crying yet or If Kurt should give him some more time? Grunge explains that Onslaught was never given another title shot because, well, he just plain sucked in the octagon!!!! Kurt says that he has put his MMA lifestyle behind him but will have no problem kicking Onslaught's a$$ in a wrestling match, right here and right now! Onslaught backs off and tells his former mentor that their time will come but right now he has a Little [b]tag team challenge[/b] for Grunge that will take place at [b]Extreme Closure[/b]. When Grunge accepts, Onslaught smiles and tells Kurt to meet his opponent for that match. With that [b]Mario Heroic[/b] jumps Kurt from behind as a referee runs to the ring and calls for a bell. [b]C[/b] [i](A good segment that continues this little feud.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic defeated Kurt Grunge in 6:33 by pinfall following interference from [b]Onslaught[/b]. After the match, a laughing Onslaught slaps a hurt Grunge and says he looks forward to Extreme Closure! [b]C+[/b] [i](Amazing match that proves that Kurt Grunge has climbed his way back up the ladder in CCW. Mario also opened some eyes and proved that he isn't done yet. Both men have great chemistry and it showed)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8[/B] - A video airs next showing the CCW accomplishments of new [b]Nationwide Champion[/b] , [b]Tim Westybrook[/b]. The crowd loved it and it is clear that Westybrook has just taken over the top "face" spot on the roster! [b]C+[/b] [i](These video spots are just to give new viewers a chance to see what these CCW stars have done)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/BlackEagle2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9 (Top Contenders Title Match)[/B] - Tim Westybrook defeated Black Eagle in 8:57 by pinfall. During the match we also had [b]Joey Poison[/b] run in and attack Tim Westybrook [b]C[/b] [i](A disappointment as I was hoping for a better outing from the 2. This didn't even come close to the Heroic/Grunge match, which took home MOTN honors.)[/i]
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[b][u][size=5]CCW ROUND-UP[/b][/u][/size] [b][U]XPOSED RATING[/b][/u] . We lost [b]8[/b] viewers and dropped to an even [b]100[/b] viewers for our second show. At least the network is happy with us and has stated that they are looking forward to the future of the show! . [b]World Basketball league[/b] once more was the most dominant show of the night as they displayed [b]Las Vegas High Rollers[/b] killing the defending champions [b]Toronto Rage[/b] [b]122-88[/b]. . [b]Clebrity Shark Attack[/b], which airs at the same time as us took away most of our viewers. last night's airing was of former chaild star and now hopeless drunk, [b]Derrek Smits[/b] get voted off the raft and had to try and swim to shore in the shark infested waters....He came up a little short in his try! [b][u]NEXT XPOSED CARD[/b][/u] . [b]Eric Baine[/b] made the challenge and it has been accepted. a [b]non-title[/b] match between [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] and [b]Eric Baine[/b] in a [b]Tables Match[/b]!!! . [b]Onslaught[/b] and [b]Mario Heroic[/b] team up for the first time to prepare for their [b]Extreme Closurep[/b] match, their opponents are the unlucky [b]Youth Inc.[/b]. . [b]The Dragon[/b] will defend his [b]Television Title[/b] against [b]"Total Excess" Jorge Wilkes[/b] as Wilkes tries and makes a name for himself in singles competition. . Also at the show will be [b]The Insane Heat[/b] , [b]Cal Sanders[/b] and [b]Joey Poison[/b]. [b][u]EXTREME CLOSURE CARD[/b][/u] . [b][i]NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH[/b][/i] - [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] VS. [b]Joey Poison[/b] . [b][i]OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH[/b][/i] - [b]Eric Baine[/b] VS. [b]??????[/b] . [b][i]TAG TEAM WARFARE[/b][/i] - [b]Onslaught[/b] & [b]"Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic[/b] VS. [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] & [b]??????[/b]
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[b][u][size=5]CCW XPOSED[/u][/size] LIVE ON Q-TV FRIDAY WEEK 3 , DECEMBER 2011 , WATERLOO UNIVERSITY ARENA , 2,839 PEOPLE Announcers : Bruce Luger & Corporal Doom[/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JerryMartin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OscarGolden.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DemonAnger.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Chance.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #1[/B] - Golden Greatness defeated Vengeance in 4:12 when Jerry Martin defeated Demon Anger by pinfall. [b]D[/b] [i](The demons last match with the company. They were not happy to be jobbing to a young team but oh well!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/RusellVibert.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #2[/B] - "The Viper" Russell Vibert defeated Nomad in 3:37 by submission with The Viper Bite. [b]D[/b] [i](Not as good as their debut match earlier in the month)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JaredWisdom.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/RandyMaxx.jpg[/IMG] [b]DARK MATCH #3[/B] - Jared Wisdom defeated Randy Maxx in 5:46 by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](These 2 know eachother so well because they have fought eachother so much. Jared is frustrated that he is back in the dark matches but so If a lot of people since we got our 1 hour TV show!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #1[/B] - [b]Joey Poison[/b] kicks off the show by storming to the ring. He starts off by mocking [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] calling him a [i]"paper champion"[/i] and bragging that Joey Poison always answered every challenge that was given to him. Joey doesn't want to wait another week to get his title back, he wants to get it done tonight and suspects that [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] doesn't have the guts to come out and accept! This brings out [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] to a good pop. He drops both belts on the platform at the top of the ramp and charges the ring. The crowd pops huge as both men go toe to toe and Westybrook looks to be getting the upperhand when [b]Eric Baine[/b] makes an appearance at ringside. Westybrook is soon overcome by the double teaming and officials hit the ring to try and stop the beating Westybrook gets at the hands of both men. Both men are forced to the back as they cut to a commercial. [b]C[/b] [i](A decent opener, nothing more)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #2[/B] - "Phenomenal" Ed Larkins defeated The Machine in 5:47 by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i](A tag team match for the Tag team Titles has just been booked for Extreme Closure. This is just some typical build-up for it!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JohnGreed2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #3[/B] - Cal Sanders defeated "8th Deadly Sin" John Greed in 7:23 by pinfall. [b]C[/b] [i](A nice steady stream of matches.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/CalSanders2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #4[/B] - [b]Cal Sanders[/b] is sitting in the middle of the ring hugging the very dead red rose resembling [b]Jesse Gilmore[/b] after the match and talking to himself. The lights suddenly go dim and a hole in the ring off to the left opens. Red light shines through it and soon out crawls [b]The Insane Heat[/b] with a dark evil glare. Sanders just watches him as he stands up in the ring and towers over the madman. Insane heat points down at Sanders and then runs a thumb across his throat, Sanders rolls backwards and out of the ring, slowly backing up the ramp as The Insane Heat stands over the hole, the red light surrounding him and making him look as mean as ever! [b]C-[/b] [i](Should be a decent fight at Extreme Closure. The madman VS. the Satanic one!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/OriginalBelt44.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #5 (Television Title Match)[/B] - The Dragon defeated "Total Excess"Jorge Wilkes in 7:33 by pinfall with a Dragon's Breath. [b]C[/b] [i](A solid match to add to the others.)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TylerBailey.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #6[/B] - "Latin Megastar" Mario Heroic and Onslaught defeated Youth Incorporated in 6:50 when Onslaught defeated Too Hot by pinfall. [b]C-[/b] [i](a big disappointment. I really should have had this one as the opener or near the front of the card. My mistake)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Onslaught.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/MarioHeroic2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/KurtGrunge.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/AirWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #7[/B] - [b]Kurt Grunge[/b] saves a tag beatdown of Youth Inc. but when Mario and Onslaught overpower Grunge and start beating him down, [b]"70's Superfan" Air Weasel[/b] runs in and makes the surprise save [b]D[/b] [i](Looks like we have our tag partners for next week's big event!)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/JoeyPoison2.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #8[/B] - A video air of CCW legend, [b]Joey Poison[/b], highlighting his 5 title wins and really showing the new fans just how good he has been for us! [b]C[/b] [i](This works like the rest)[/i] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [b]VS.[/b] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c169/damaged_1/Bane.jpg[/IMG] [b]SEGMENT #9[/B] - Tim Westybrook defeated Eric Baine in 8:49 by disqualification when [b]Joey Poison[/b] ran in and attacked [b]Tim Westybrook[/b]. The show closes with Westybrook getting beaten good and Joey Poison holding the Nationwide Title in the air as he stands over his prone body. [b]C+[/b] [i](And we close the show on a good note...)[/i]
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[b][u][SIZE=5]CCW ROUND-UP[/B][/U][/SIZE] [u][b]XPOSED RATING[/b][/u] . Once more only [b]100[/b] people stayed home instead of going to the bars to get drunk and watched our show. Our popularity in the [b]Quebec[/b] are is rising nicely due to the show so I am not complaining. Our popularity in [b]Ontario[/b] seems stuck at [b]51.5%[/b] though. I need to bring in more popular talent to boost it but at least it isn't dropping! . Once more [b]World Basketball League[/b] won the night with the game of the night being [b]Texas Bullhorn[/b] barely beating the last place [b]Vancouver Talent[/b], [b]101-100[/b]. . [b]Celebrity Shark Attack[/b] is nearing it's end with only 3 celebrities left on the raft. [b]Plaything Magazine[/b] playmate, [b]Jennifer Westin[/b] has been the center of attention throughout this season with her open flirting of former baseball star and cocaine addict, [b]Roger Braggs[/b]. This show is stupid but keeps killing us everytime...I just can't wait until the dumb Sharks eat them all up and people can tune into us instead! [b][u]CCW XPOSED PREVIEW[/B][/U] . Next week is the [b]Double hitter[/b] with Xposed airing as the [b]pre-show[/b] to [b]Extreme Closure[/b] which will follow right after. . [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] has agreed to put his [b]Top Contenders Title[/b] on the line against [b]Joey Poison[/b] in a way to prove he is a fighting champion. Can Joey Poison become a [b]3 time[/b] TC champion or will Tim build up great momentum heading into the big Nationwide Title fight? . [b]Phenomenal Excess[/b] will have a [b]non-title[/b] tag match against [b]Fire & Steele[/b] to see who gains the momentum heading into their Tag team Title fight! . [b]Onslaught[/b] will meet [b]"70's Superfan" Air Weasel[/b] in singles competition. . and both [b]Eric Baine[/b] and [b]The Insane Heat[/b] will be in action. [b][u]EXTREME CLOSURE CARD[/B][/U] [i][b]NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH[/b][/i] - [b]Tim Westybrook[/b] VS. [b]Joey Poison[/b] [b][i]OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH[/b][/i] - [B]Eric Baine[/B] VS. [b]???????[/b] [b][i]TAG TEAM WARFARE[/B][/I] - [b]Onslaught & Mario Heroic[/b] VS. [b]Kurt Grunge & Air Weasel[/b] [b][i]TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH[/b][/i] - [b]Fire & Steele[/b] VS. [b]Phenomenal Excess[/b] [b][i]MADMAN vs. SATANIC ONE[/B][/I] - [B]Cal Sanders[/b] VS. [b]The Insane Heat[/b] THE CARD IS NOW FINAL, GET YOUR PREDICTIONS IN....WHO WILL WIN? DO YOU KNOW? [i](I will no longer be asking for predictions for JUST Supercard matches as now I can build up every big event. Feel free to make a prediction after the entire card for each month is posted. If you don't want to,. that is cool too, but if you do, it would be AWESOME and totally appreciated...)[/i]
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[U]Predictions:[/U] NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH - Tim Westybrook VS. [B]Joey Poison[/B] OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH - Eric Baine VS. [B]???????[/B] TAG TEAM WARFARE - Onslaught & Mario Heroic VS. [B]Kurt Grunge & Air Weasel[/B] TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - [B]Fire & Steele [/B] VS. Phenomenal Excess MADMAN vs. SATANIC ONE - [B]Cal Sanders[/B] VS. The Insane Heat
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Predictions: NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH - [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] VS. Joey Poison OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH - Eric Baine VS. [B]???????[/B] TAG TEAM WARFARE - [B]Onslaught & Mario Heroic[/B] VS. Kurt Grunge & Air Weasel TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - [B]Fire & Steele[/B] VS. Phenomenal Excess MADMAN vs. SATANIC ONE - Cal Sanders VS. [B]The Insane Heat[/B] I'll have to thank trypio for giving me an easy prediction template!
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Predictions: NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH - Tim Westybrook VS. [B]Joey Poison[/B] OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH - Eric Baine VS. [B]???????[/B] TAG TEAM WARFARE - [B]Onslaught & Mario Heroic[/B] VS. Kurt Grunge & Air Weasel TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - Fire & Steele VS. [B]Phenomenal Excess[/B] MADMAN vs. SATANIC ONE - Cal Sanders VS. [B]The Insane Heat[/B]
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Not a knock on anyone else, but Damaged has kept this diary going on for long enough for it to have real meaning to those who have followed it from the beginning or just read it all, and I feel I have to put my thoughts on the matches, just as my way of repaying him. Predictions: NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH - [B]Tim Westybrook [/B] VS. Joey Poison It may have been a mistake that caused Westybrook to be the Champion, but if you ask me it is one of those mistakes that could really pay off. There was no big face, and with Eric Baine, Joey Poison and Black Eagle seemingly growing as heels, and Cal Sanders dropping slightly as a face, the company needs a big time face, and Westybrook could be it, we all saw how good the Westybrook vs Poison match was on the first TV show. And I'm presuming Westybrook has better mic skils, and with Gilmore gone, I think giving Westy the win could give CCW the big face it needs. This can be done with Poison winning, but I'd prefer to see Westybrook cemented as a big time playa. OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH - [B]Eric Baine[/B] VS. ??????? Unless it's someone big, I can't see a mystery opponent beating Baine. Only person inside the company that could be the mystery opponent that beats him in my eyes is Black Eagle seeing as he doesn't have a match. TAG TEAM WARFARE - Onslaught & Mario Heroic VS. [B]Kurt Grunge & Air Weasel[/B] Grunge is bigger than Onslaught at the moment, Air Weasel seems to be riding a wave at the moment and Mario seems to be going downhill. TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - [B]Fire & Steele[/B] VS. Phenomenal Excess For the first time I don't mind if Fire and Steele lose, because I like P.E. But I'll go with Fire and Steele and say P.E. win it later on. MADMAN vs. SATANIC ONE - Cal Sanders VS. [B]The Insane Heat[/B] I'm sorry, all though I think Cal Sanders is a good worker, was never behind his title run, and always saw him being put under the likes of Baine eventually. I just think Insane Heat could use the big name to put him over big time.
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[QUOTE]Not a knock on anyone else, but Damaged has kept this diary going on for long enough for it to have real meaning to those who have followed it from the beginning or just read it all, and I feel I have to put my thoughts on the matches, just as my way of repaying him.[/QUOTE] Johnny, thanks for the kind words...I do the diary pretty much daily because I am really having a blast doing it. The game got a whole lot more interesting now that I have a TV show now too. I am just glad I got a good group of readers who are enjoying this as much as I am...because most of them are MUCH better at this game than me so reading my little diary is an honor..Eayragt has a killer diary going that is a lot of fun , Greg McNeish had a good diary going before he found it hard to keep it going frequently and it is missed by me for sure! Unholyicon has a great 4C but he has been absent and missed , and of course you have proved how good you are with your own CCW updates, which rock! there are also others who have made the odd post here or there during this run and I thank them..overall, this diary is only getting started..I got big plans for the future of CCW! hope you all enjoy the update!
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NATIONWIDE TITLE MATCH - Tim Westybrook VS. [B]Joey Poison[/B] Although JonnyV1 makes a good case for Westybrook, the fact of the matter remains that it was a mistake to take the title from Joey Poison (who is quickly becoming CCWs Triple H). Especially with what Damaged has said about needing to bring in bigger talent to improve in Ontario (and the dreadful TV ratings), I think he's likely to bring in someone from CGC or NOTBPW to be the new top face. Which brings me to............. OPEN CHALLENGE MATCH - Eric Baine VS. [B]???????[/B] I can see THIS being that new top face I was talking about. What better way to give them momentum, and establish a feud with Poison (which no one currently has). I've always liked Baine, though. TAG TEAM WARFARE - Onslaught & Mario Heroic VS. [B]Kurt Grunge & Air Weasel[/B] It's no secret that I'm a Kurt Grunge fan. Besides, giving Onslaught the victory here would kill the heat of their eventual 1-on-1 match. TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - Fire & Steele VS. [b]Phenomenal Excess[/b] I'm really torn on this one, as I really like both teams. I'm going with P.E. because I see The Dragon holding onto the TV title for a little while longer, and it wouldn't make sense to keep both titles on him. Besides, P.E. has deserved a good run with the straps ever since they first arrived. MADMAN vs. SATANIC ONE - Cal Sanders VS. [B]The Insane Heat[/B] First off, I never liked Cal Sanders. Secondly, The Insane Heat won the Soul Survivor rumble. All signs point to Heat. Great stuff as always, Damaged. Cheers, mate!
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