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TCW- Saving the unsaveable

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I was waiting in the head quarters of TCW waiting on a meeting with Mr. Cornell. TCW had been going down heel for a year know with money being lost drastically. It all started when Tommy lost the title to Rocky Golden, this wasn't it though injures played a major part too this cause the Syndicate to end earlier than wanted for the most part.


Lady: Mr. Tyson Tommy will see you know


the secretary said. I walk into a big office that had a lot of picture from TCW history all the way back to HGC.


Cornell: Welcome Mr. Tyson you are here to interview for the booking job?


Me: Yes sir


Cornell: Ok, I've heard about you and I like how you book but I have to warn you we're not in a good situation right now.


Me: I understand that sir and I consider my self a leader, and think...and know I can put this company on top.


Cornell: I like your attitude kid, well I'll give you two shows you show me what you have mate and you'll have the job.


Me: Think you Mr. Cornell, you've always been my role model and-


Cornell: Kid, don't blow it I don't like ass kissers.


Me: Yes Sir

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Well after meeting Mr. Cornell he set up a locker room meeting for me to tell everyone my rules for the locker room. So right now I'm at the hotel that were meeting at the guys will be here any minute I'll admit I'm the most nervous I've been in a while but I think they want mind my rules too much or at least I'm hoping. Oh their here.


Me: Everyone just have a seat. I'm the interim Booker for TCW and I have big plans for you all I'm Mr. Tyson and I understand you all have been through a lot lately with the booker marry go round and fans throwing stuff at you in the lobby's and yes I heard the kids cursing you out in the hall wall but I'll make this company number one.


Edd Stone: What makes you think you'll last longer than the other punks who have ran this company almost bankrupt?


Me: Awww Edd Stone I've heard a lot about you, what makes me different? I'm pretty much just one of the guys I'm not an up tight businessmen that wears suites as matter a fact I never were suits and I have wrestling experience I look at thing from a wrestlers side and not a stock broker some were sitting on his ass. I do however have some rule, No Drugs in the Locker room, No Alcohol, and you most stay for the whole show. However I will also be paying for food back stage for all of you and will provide transportation from the hotel and back.


Bryan Vessey: listen, I've been in wrestling longer than you've been alive boy so if tell me I can't have my drugs I will **** you up son. Ok?


Me: First of all listen here Vessey I don't allow drugs of any kind and if you do test positive for it you will be fired, and I'm not scared of you so before you get a attitude with someone why don't you sit your ass down and keep your mouth shut before things get ugly.


Vessey then charges for me but Rick Law Sam Keith and Texas Pete step in front of him they don't have a problem with my rules and neither does anyone else just that Vessey man. That's alright I have something for him he must have never heard don't cross the booker.

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Ok tomarrow is my first show and heres the card so far.


The Syndicate V. The Freedom Fighters

I've decided this was a good point in the booking so I'm keeping this feud going


Eddie Peak V. Bryan Vessey

I've made this match a hardcore match ha


Aaron Andrews V. Joshua Taylor

A non title match


Troy Tornado V. Rick Law

Number one contenders match for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Quick Pick


Syndicate V. Freedom Fighters

Peak V. Vessey

Andrews V. Taylor

Tornado V. Law

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Good stuff



Syndicate V. Freedom Fighters

Peak V. Vessey

Andrews V. Taylor

Tornado V. Law


Syndicate always wins.

Vessey got abit uppity, but you can't deny his skills.

Double A, easy pick.

As much as i like law, He's popular enough to lay down for Tornado.

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TCW Total Wrestling



JA: Welcome to TCW Total Wrestling I'm Jason A. here with Kyle Rhodes and Kyle tonight we have a hell show tonight ain't that right?


KR: We surely do Jason ol boy and it all starts off in a minute with Bryan Vessey and Eddie Peak in a Hardcore match.


JA: And Jason ever sense Vessey returned to TCW Peak has been on his back with beat down after beat down. Tonight is Vessey's chance a revenge.


Eddie Peak V. Bryan Vessey

The match started slow with a few hardcore spots from Vessey to Peak. The match picked up about ten minutes in were Peak started to shine he was hitting spot after spot with the weapons but Vessey didn't slow down he continued to fight and got the roll up victory on Peak.

Winner: Bryan Vessey

Rating: C-


JA: What a start to the first TCW show of year.


KR: Vessey should of lost that one he got lucky.




Joey Minnesota comes out to a huge pop from the crowd


JM: Well well well well well! The pride of Minnesota is in the house. Well listen I'm here to address one of my opponents. Wolf Hawkins, I just wanted to warn you that tonight I'm gunning for you. You might have thought you got away with attacking me last week but tonight your mine! I'm out.

Rating: B-


JA: Short and simple.


KR: Yea not enough to scar any body if ya ask me.


The Syndicate V. Freedom Fighters

This match was good from the start Wolf and Joey started it and battled each other for about ten minutes. After Cornell was tagged in he beat up on Joey some until he tagged in RDJ. Then RDJ and Cornell battle it out for the rest of the match. Cornell beats RDJ with a Guilt Trip @ 16:59.

Winner: The Syndicate

Rating: B




As we come back on we see Bryan Vessey getting checked out by some doctors when Eddie Peak attacks him with a Barbed Wire Bat



Rating: C


JA: What the hell!? His master?


KR: Now that's something that scares me haha but no one will know until he chooses to tell us if he ever does.




Aaron Andrews V. Joshua Taylor

The crowd wasn't into this match but the action was decent. AA owned Taylor through the match getting a lot of offense in but Taylor also got good offense in but at the end AA won.

Winner: Aaron Andrews

Rating: D+


JA: Double A looked strong in that and I think that puts him in the as the top contender for Taylor's title.


KR: Yes sir Double A is looking like the future of TCW and I think he's a future World Champ.




Tommy Cornell's music brings us back from commercial break.


TC: Shut up all you maggots, I'm not out here to please you. I want RDJ out here right now. Come on Ricky if you have the grape fruits mate.


RDJ's music hits to a huge pop from the crowd.


RDJ: What the hell you want?


TC: Watch your tone with me Nancy, I want you to step in this ring and admit I'm the better wrestler because over the last number of years I can count on one hand the number of times you've beat me.


RDJ: Listen here you son of a bitch, I'm the baddest man in TCW and I can beat you. The times you've beat me have been because of those damn boys of your in the Syndicate but now that we ended-


TC: You didn't end nothing me and Wolf and still around and we beat you fair and square tonight.


RDJ: You beat me fair tonight I'll give you that. But in one on one action I'm the better wrestler and you know it Cornell. You cant deny that I'm the one hold this company together right now.


TC: I am the heart and soul of this company, and if you think you can beat me one on one how about me and you next week?


RDJ: Cornell that's the first good think that has came out of that val movement mouth of yours in a long time your on.

Rating: B




JA: Next up is the main event.


KR: Sure is I'm ready for this one.


JA: Troy Tornado Vs. Rick Law for number one contender for the TCW World Heavyweight title.


Troy Tornado V. Rick Law

Good start with both men really going at it giving crowd a good show from the start. Offense was balanced for most of the match making it were either man could win. This continued for ten minutes with back and fourth action. Then Tornado took the advantage after a low blow that the ref didn't see. He then proceeded to win with a Star Maker.

Winner: Troy Tornado

Rating: C+


Final Rating: C+

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Well show one is done and in the books I'm backstage at the moment when Mr. Cornell comes up to me.


TC: Mr. Tyson hell of a first show, I like you so far.


Me: Thank you sir that means a lot.


TC: I heard about your meeting with the roster sounds like you and Bryan Vessey are good friends.

He says that with a sly smile on his face


(Laughing) Me: Well, what can I say he didn't really like one of the rules I set and he was ready to fight.


TC: I could have given you a heads up on Bryan before you had the meeting that was my mistake. Between me and you Bryan hasn't been the same guy he used to be since he has returned from Japan don't ask me why but I think it has something to do with his brother not being around. So just please don't have no fist fights back here.


Me: Don't worry boss I'm more professional than that I would never lay a hand on a employee unless touched first.


As Tommy walks of and the rest of the locker room started to leave I was clean up over every thing when I here a man say.


???: Good show son.


I turn around and see Sam Keith standing backs in hand with one hand extended for me to shake.


SK: I would like to interduce my self I'm Sam Keith.


Me: Yea I know your a legend. I'm Mr. Tyson but you can call me JJ.


SK: I've heard some good things about you kid. I was once a booker and it isn't an easy job at all but I believe you have what it takes simpley because of your creativity and leadership that can take you a long way in this business.


Me: You don't know how much that means to me. I mean I loved to watch you wrestle and thought you were a great booker.


SK: Thanks kid, Well I got to go I'll see ya soon kid. Hey why don't you join me, Rip Chord, Sam Strong, and Micky Starr out for dinner on Thursday?


Me: Sure, but they all work with different company's.


SK: Ha, Yea but we've been around for so long and and when your around as long as us you get friends and just cuz they don't work with ya don't mean ya can't hang with em

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Ok well I'm on my way to the restaurant to meet up with Sam Keith, Sam Strong, Rip Chord, and Micky Starr. I've been told by Tommy to bring up some decisions if I would like but I'll have to see were everything goes. Sam just called and said that Starr couldn't make it because of personal problems.


Me: Hey nice to meet you all I'm JJ.


I shake the hands of all the legends and we sit at a table. We all order our food I never knew how much Mr. Keith could eat but damn it eats like he's American Buffalo.


SS: So kid Sam here has been hyping you to the moon if your as talented as he's saying I might have to snatch ya up.


Me: Well you can't do that I'm a TCW man. But really I've only booked one show and I thought it was decent.


RC: Hell, if was as hard on my self as you are I'd be out of a job. I've seen the show and for it to be your first it was great.


Me: Thanks, but I just think I can do so much better than that and I hope that the next show will be better.


RC: Listen son, I've been around thirty plus years and I have never had a show I thought was bad. But that's just my attitude, you need to develop that kind of attitude to make it and don't let non of those damn internet geeks put you down they have no idea what the heel their talking about they make me wish that my roster never taught me to turn on a computer but I did find Findlay O'Farraday.


SK: That story still cracks me up. You ever here the Findlay O'Farraday story kid?


Me: Yes sir, I love it as well. Mr. Chord I understand what your saying and I appreciate it all thank you.


We stop talking long enough to eat and then I cut to business.


Me: Mr. Chord and Mr. Strong I know we are here to have a good time and I have had a tremendous time. But I would like to propose a working agreement between TCW MAW and USPW? This will help all of as in the long run, with TCW your stars can get exposure and we can help hype your shows and you could do the same for us and as for MAW, Rip your all about building up new stars so our guys against your guys could have a awesome rub off on them. You know we could even be in a umbrella like the old days. What do y'all say.


SS: Kid, I really like that idea I agree. I can't speak for Rip but I loved the 70's wrestling with the umbrella promotions and I excited about this.


RC: I agree with Sam on this one son, I worked in a umbrella promotion once and loved now lets start this off with a show on Saturday. And kid we'll let you be the booker you came up with the Idea.


Me: Can we just go by TCW Promotions?


SS: Sure sounds good.

RC: Sure bud, now lets get out of here.

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TCW Promotions Present: Night of Mayhem 1

Well I have made the card for are new three hour annual Show. I've tried to fix it up and I have to say I think the fans will enjoy this Power House show this is the beginning of something huge and who knows maybe I can get some more promotions to join later.


Benny Benson V. Koshiro Ino


Eddie Peak V. ???

Eddie Peak will hold a open Hardcore Challenge


Bryan Vessey and C-V-2 V. James Justice and The Canadian Animals


RDJ and ??? V. Tommy Cornell and ???


Brent Hill V. Guide


Jay Chord V. Danny Fonzarelli


Troy Tornado V. Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Guest KingOfKings

Benny Benson V. Koshiro Ino


Eddie Peak V. ???

Eddie Peak will hold a open Hardcore Challenge


Bryan Vessey and C-V-2 V. James Justice and The Canadian Animals


RDJ and ??? V. Tommy Cornell and ???


Brent Hill V. Guide


Jay Chord V. Danny Fonzarelli


Troy Tornado V. Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Benny Benson V. Koshiro Ino


Eddie Peak V. ???

Eddie Peak will hold a open Hardcore Challenge


Bryan Vessey and C-V-2 V. James Justice and The Canadian Animals


RDJ and ??? V. Tommy Cornell and ???


Brent Hill V. Guide


Jay Chord V. Danny Fonzarelli


Troy Tornado V. Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Benny Benson V. Koshiro Ino


Tempted to pick Ino, but at the start of TCW Benny has a storyline with Troy Tornado so I feel he should pick up the win to make him seem like a threat to troy.


Eddie Peak V. ???

Eddie Peak will hold a open Hardcore Challenge


Hard to pick against ??? but its Eddie Peak, he just lost, possible squash to show his dominance and boost that overness...


Bryan Vessey and C-V-2 V. James Justice and The Canadian Animals


I see the logic in giving Vessey the win, build him up for a future loss to Peak, but I like the Canadian Animals enough to see their side win this. And Vessey due to his roids issue is hard to get behind with a solid push.


RDJ and ??? V. Tommy Cornell and ???


I assume its not their regular tag partners, but Cornell for the win, early heel win sets up the story better.


Brent Hill V. Guide


Could easily be Brent's to win, puts the Machines at the forefront of the tag title picture if he does. But I'm going against logic for a Guide win.


Jay Chord V. Danny Fonzarelli


Jay Chord is a talent, but I'd keep Fonz strong here, I think he can be the link between stardom and the midcard. Plus Jay does not work for you...


Troy Tornado V. Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship


First defence...Rocky wins this.

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