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February 2013, week 4


As unsatisfied with last week's ACZW as we were, we had to keep something in mind: It was our worse ACZW show yet. And was still the equal of PSW's February show. We had to accept the fact that we were... dare I say it... Awesome?


And yes, Remmy Skye has returned home after SWF decided not to renew his contract. And yes, someone else is coming home as well, and it's not that prima-donna-snob Masked Cougar. C'mon, take a guess...




We open with a long match with me defeating Brad in what winds up being a good match, then have an average bit with Snap Dragon defeating Acid – and pulling a decent match out of him. Moose defeats A-Game in your bathroom break, nobody cares match of the night.


For main events, Tigre and Panda defeat Heroic and Fire Fly in an above-average matchup, and then Giant Brody decimates Matt Sparrow... and the crowd doesn't really react. Well. That... wasn't good.


(Show rating: D+, 141 tickets sold)



CZCW Onslaught #152

We open with a #1 Contenders match between Snap Dragon and Remmy Skye. Yes, that's our opener. Things are going well until nearly twenty minutes into the match, when someone in a hood runs out and slams a ladder into both men, leaving them down and running off. The two recover slowly, and after a few final spots, Snap Dragon gets the pinfall. The resulting match is easily main-event-level – we hope we didn't make a mistake putting it on first.


Our second match continues the Luchas/Rudos rivalry as Mario Heroic pins Tiger Savaje in a good match. Then, in a good-but-not-as-good match, Fire Fly defeats Panda Mask. Then, in a random tag match, Clark and Brad defeat P-n-P through sheet popularity power in an above-average scrum.


A surprise trash of the night as Donnie J defeats Acid; you'd think I could remember they don't work well. Another good match shows up as James Prudence defeats California Love Machine. Another surprise show-stealing match as the tag titles are on the line between Rich & Famous and Team PSW: Teddy Powell and Nelson Callum. The champs retain, but I was definitely not expecting a match this good between these two teams.


I take things down a match by defeating A-Game in a merely average match, and then Jeremiah Moose gets a win over Kashmir Singh. We then move on to the main events. First, Matt Sparrow calls out the man who ruined the first match... and promptly gets smacked from behind by a man who demands the bell be rung. The two fight it out, and it ends with the masked man getting the victory, and then removing his mask to reveal... Plague! Plague has come home!


Your final match is a rare non-title champion-vs-champion match as Los Luchas captain El Mitico faces Los Rudos champion Demon Seed. No ladder, no belts, just one one one... and these two come through in a pinch, pulling off the match of the night even with so many other contenders for that title. El Mitico gets the victory, and Demon Seed is not happy with it...


(Show rating: B-, 3,903 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: The more things change, the more they stay the same. It's Remmy vs Plague, with the winner joining Mitico and Dragon in the main event. And have we lost faith in Giant Brody already?

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March 2013, week 1

Four promotions were involved in a regional battle in the Tri-State area; PSW was fourth. NYCW took third; a branching-out FCW took second. We took first. It's official; we are definitely growing into our new territory. Slowly, but surely. However, as far as money goes... we'd dropped over a hundred thousand in the last two months. We were trying to find a fine line between 'star power' and 'cheap' for the ACZW shows while still growing as fast as possible to reach the point where they broke even – or at least where -we- broke even.


In alumni news, Ultimate Phoenix has become the head champion in SOTBPW; the first Zoner to win a major title in a national promotion. I think. I'll have to check the records.




As part of our continued efforts to cut costs, we go to seven matches instead of five. This... seems wrong. We open with Remmy Skye defeating Paradigm in an okay match, followed by Team PSW defeating Notorious, which is just as average. Ant-Man defeats Frankie-Boy in a horrible match, and then Air Attack Weasel beats CLM to bring things back to average and A-Game defeats Ellito Thomas in what takes the 'Trash of the Night' title.


For main events, Plague defeats Amazing Fire Fly in a good match, and then Giant Brody defends the ACZW Title against Brad Peverell; it's a completely different style of match but just as good as the one before it, and ends with our third ACZW Champion in nine shows.


(Show rating: C-, 127 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #153

We open things up with Remmy Skye vs Plague; winner gets to be in tonight's main event. As expected, these two put on a main-event-quality match; things could go either way, but one Skye Diver at the right time is all it takes to finish things. Bringing things back down to earth, A-Game defeats Acid, and then Clark Alexander defeats Matt Sparrow in a pretty good matchup.


I challenge Demon Seed for the Xtreme Title, and it takes the interference of the rest of Los Rudos to keep me from winning; they also keep all the drama out of the match, making this just so-so. But, it could be worse; Moose and Weasel get the win over Notorious, and it's... well, it's Notorious without a lot of help.


Team PSW gets a win over P-n-P in a decent match, giving them a little more credibility as a team that wasn't just 'thrown together'. Okay, they were just thrown together. I just decided to keep them together after that match. Then we get an even better tag match as the Luchas/Rudos War continues with a lucha tag match, this one seeing Fire Fly gets a pinfall on Tigre. Annnd Brody squashes Ant-Man, which goes better than some of his recent squashes.


For main events, we have a Tag Title match between Rich & Famous and... The Uneasy Alliance. Which is even more uneasy when Donnie and James start fighting again, letting Jackpot retrieve the titles, in a really good match. Finally, the CZCW Title is on the line between Mitico, Dragon, and a tired Skye; the result is a good-not-great match that isn't the blow-away we were hoping for, but sees Mitico retain.


(Show rating: C+ (????), 4,006 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Insert pithy statement about things making plans change here.

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March 2013, week 2

Interesting note... our plans for last week had to be changed. It turns that our old buddy Plague, a man who I had some of the best ladder matches with... refuses to do ladder matches now. That... is going to change a lot of my plans for the future. Maybe we can convince him to change his mind...


ACZW #10

Your opening match: Amazing Fire Fly over Panda Mask in a nice, decent opener. Followed by an almost-as-good tag match that sees P-n-P defeat Moose & Weasel. Then, a pair of filler matches; Snap Dragon defeats Barrera (and manages not to suck too much), and Remmy Skye defeats Bullet (which, somehow, manages to rival the opener for quality).


For main events, first the ACZW Title match between Brad Peverell and Mario Heroid; Brad has this one easily in hand and these two give us a good match. Then, to close the show, I defeat Clark Alexander in a shorter-than-usual main event that is, proud to say, the match of the night.


(Show rating: C-, 160 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #154

We open with the Xtreme Title match. Demon Seed isn't in this one – he's cashed in his title for a shot at El Mitico, feeling that with a ladder in play, the result of their last match will be reversed. Tonight's title match features Snap Dragon and Jonnie Perez; two years ago this would be a clearly lopsided match. Nowadays, now quite so much. Snap dragon gets the win, but Jonnie makes me proud, turning in his best singles match ever. Following this match with Remmy Skye vs Acid is bound to cause problems... but Acid manages to not stink up the joint as he loses.


The Tag Titles are next, as Team PSW get another shot at Rich & Famous; as seems to be customary for us, the Xtreme and Tag titles change hands on the same night as Powell and Callum get the victory. Am I going to keep Rich & Famous together, or split them again? Honestly, I haven't decided yet. Great match tho. We follow with Matt Sparrow defeating CLM in an okay match, and then Kashmir Singh defeats A-Game in our trash of the night.


Triangle Tag Action as Los Luchas, Los Rudos, and Moose & Weasel. The two rival teams focus mainly on each other, letting Weasel sneak in a win in a really good match. Plague gets a hard-fought victory over Giant Brody in a decent match, and then Paradigm defeats Ant-Man in what is (officially this time) trash of the night.


For main events, we get a tag match: Me and Donnie vs James and Clark. Donnie gets the win – he needs a little help getting some momentum back. Then, Mitico vs Demon Seed for the CZCW Title. It's... not as good as their last meeting, which is a bit of a letdown. Mitico retains, and hey – they can't all be great shows, right?


(Show rating: C+, 4,080 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Why yes, it -was- renegotiation time. Why do you ask?

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March 2013, week 3


Hrm. Slow wee... aw, dammit. Ultimate Phoenix was doing so well... and is now out for a year with a herniated spinal disc, Bummer. PSW wanted Brad back; Yeah, fine, don't care. Misuse him and we'll just opposite your monthly show... so play nice.



ACZW #11

Moose & Weasel get a win over Singh and A-Game in... well, I guess it was okay. Barerra defeats Ant-Man... the less said about that, the better. Tigre Savaje defeats Mario Heroic in a good match, then Bullet beats Panda Mask, and it... well, it's better than Barrera's match. I can see which one is doing better.


For main events, it's Dragon vs Demon in an Xtreme 'rematch' that has Dragon retain the title, and then Brad retains the ACZW Title against Jonnie Perez, who apparently isn't known enough out here to be a contender.


(Show rating: D+, 258 tickets sold)



CZCW Onslaught #155

The Xtreme Title opens the show as usual; Dragon defends against Tigre Savaje. Tigre has learned a hell of a lot in his short time here, as this match is worthy of main eventing a show. Dragon retains, but man... we're going to be getting some good Xtreme matches with him as champ. We follow it up with a good Donnie vs Moose match, with Donnie winning, and then Demon Seed and Panda defeat Fire Fly and Heroic in another good match. Then, a triple-threat between Weasel, Singh, and Machine... aka The Three Leftovers. It's above average, but still the 'worst' match of the night so far.


After intermission, we have Skye and Plague take on Rich & Famous; it's a very good match with the Original Zoners getting the win. We'd team them up full time, but Plague would refuse to do a ladder match for the title, so... what's the point? The Tag Title match isn't quite as good, with Team PSW defeating P-n-P. The trash of the night then comes when Notorious defeats A-Game and Elliot Thomas in a poor showing. We then perk up the crowd a bit with Matt Sparrow defeating Acid in something that could, at best, be called 'better than usual'.


For main events, Clark Alexander and James Prudence go twenty, with Clark getting a hard-fought victory in a good match, and then a triangle match for the CZCW Title between myself, Mitico, and Brody. It's... a total spot-fest, I admit. We ran out of stuff to do ten minutes in and just make up crazy stuff until the ending, but we wind up giving one of the better matches we've had lately. Mitico retains by climbing up Brody's back to leapfrog me on the ladder and grab the title.


(Show rating: B-, 4,248 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Well, that's the match of Brody's career...

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March 2013, week 4

The week got off to a slow start. Brad joined PSW... we'd keep an eye out for how well he did for them. One good match, and we'd have to schedule some counter-shows...


ACZW #12

We open with Los Luchas vs Los Rudos – all six of them in the ring at once. El Mitico leads his team to victory. It was... well, pretty good for this coast, anyway. The Tag Titles are up next, as Team PSW defeats Notorious in... well, in an okay match. Giant Brody then squashes Ant-Man in a match that prevents Notorious from having trash of the night.


For main events, the Xtreme Title is on the line between Snap Dragon and Remmy Skye; the two turn out a pretty good match, with Dragon retaining. Then, Brad defends the ACZW Title against James Prudence – for the first time in a long time, we don't have a title defense in a ladder match. This time, as part of the 'ACZW style', we have it in a cage match. It's easily the match of ACZW's short history, with Peverell retaining and Prudence looking like a star on two coasts.


(Show rating: C+, 239 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #156

We open with Dragon defending against California Love Machine; it's a good match, not as good as last week's opener, but still good. Dragon retains, as expected. Demon Seed defeats Jackpot Jordan in a decent match, and Jake Idol ups his game by defeating Matt Sparrow. Then, James Prudence and Jeremiah Moose drag things down to simply 'average', with Prudence winning.


Plague gives Acid the best match of the young man's career before forcing him to stare up at the lights; then the tag titles are on the line between Team PSW, Los Luchas (Fire Fly and Heroic) and Los Rudos (Tigre and Panda). It's a good match, with team PSW winning when the two other teams fight among each other. Perez and Weasel put on another average match, with Perez winning, and Brody squashes Singh; it's about as good.


For main events, Donnie and Clark go twenty with Donnie going over; the two lack chemistry, but still manage to turn out a fairly good match. In the main event, it's me, Mitico, and Remmy; it's not as good as last week, but still good, and again, Mitico retains.


(Show rating: B-, 3,904 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: With us not gaining any popularity at home without killer main events, can we figure out a way to get some really boffo ones?

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April 2013, week 1

Once again, we win the regional battle in the tri-state area; no surprise there. Other than that, it's a slow week. Not much of anything going on.


ACZW #13

We open with an expensive triple-threat between Clark Alexander, Giant Brody, and Teddy Powell; this being his hometown area, Powell gets the victory in a pretty good match. Moose & Weasel defeats P-n-P in... well, we'll be nice and call it 'okay'. Things pick up with Dragon defeating Callum to retain the Xtreme Title in a great match, and then Brad defends the ACZW Title against Plague in a steel cage match that... wow, they don't work together well at all... still better than that tag match tho. Brad retains, Plague seems like he's lost a step in his time away...


(Show rating: C-, 269 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #157

We start with the Xtreme Title as Dragon defends against Idol; as usual for Dragon, it's worthy of main eventing. Dragon retains, as Idol is... well, he just seems to lack something sometimes. Perez defeats CLM in an above-average bout, and then we get another great lucha tag match between Fire Fly and Heroic and Demon Seed and Tigre. Then, just average stuff as Matt Sparrow gets a surprise win over Clark Alexander.


Jackpot gets a singles win over Acid in an above-average bit of work, and then I face Plague and... it's merely average. That's... depressing. So much for the glory days, eh? More average stuff as Paradigm defeats Panda Mask. Then, actual below-average stuff as Moose and Weasel defeat Kashmir Singh and Giant Brody. That's a bit depressing.


For main events, Team PWS retains the tag titles over The Uneasy Alliance, who were forced to appear together by contractual obligations. It's a pretty good match, but it feels like it could have been better... the crowd is restless. Then, for a main event, Mitico defends against Skye; it's a fun spotfest to close out the show, and Mitico retains in a typical Zone main event.


(Show rating: B-, 4,077 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Time to shake things up a bit... and show some faith in a long-term employee.

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April 2013, week 2

Weasel busted his index finger on that last show; it wasn't much damage, but still enough to make him flinch every so often. But we had plans for this week that was going to cause a minor shakeup, and should lead to some better shows.


Some fallout between friends has the 'net buzzing as Scout and Guide had a public falling-out; so sad when that happens to tag partners. And former Zoner Randy Bumfhole has just become USPW Champion.


Oh, and another old friend is back. But probably won't be getting much of a push; in his own words, “I'm too freakin' old for the Zone, Fox... what the hell am I gonna do for you?”



ACZW #15

Snap Dragon retains the Xtreme Title over Fire Fly in a good match; Demon Seed defeats Plague in an above-average fight; and Tigre and Panda defeat Notorious in a barely-average tag match. Team PSW and The Uneasy Alliance have a rematch; this time, the crowd is into both sides and this one could've main evented back west if the crowd would be this hot. Team PWS retains, and I worry this'll outshine the main event: Brad defending the ACZW Title in a cage against Kashmir Singh. Which is merely average. Oy. I gotta find Brad some better cheap opponents.


(Show rating: C-, 251 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #158

Hrm. Haven't had a nine-match show in a while. We open with a ten-man elimination match for the Xtreme Title, as Snap Dragon is 'cashing in' for a shot at Mitico. It's Acid, Weasel, Fire Fly, Bullet, Barrera, CLM, Jonnie, Kashmir, Panda, and Tigre. And... it's... actually pretty good. Fire Fly gets the victory for yet another attempt at getting him over. Then, A-Game gets to job to the newest Zoner... and Primal Rage is back in the Zone! And... they have bad chemistry. Figures. Not a good match at all. We follow it with a long match between Giant Brody and Clark Alexander, with Brody winning in a decent little time-waster. And then I show up with a show-stealing win over Paradigm in a short, sweet match that wakes up the crowd.


With a pumped crowd, the next match has -got- to be a great one: A four-way match for the #1 Contendership. Skye, Moose, Idol, and Sparrow all compete for the rights to face tonight's winner, and it's Skye coming away with the rights to a title shot. The match is, easily, the best of the night – and we could end the show right now and call that our main event. Mario Heroic gets a win over Jackpot Jordan in an okay fight, and then Demon Seed gets a big win over Plague in a good bit.


Our main events begin as the third and final meeting between Team PSW and The Uneasy Alliance takes place; much like the last two, Team PSW retains, but the crowd is as awake as the east coast was, and this match is easily the match of the night so far. Then, it's Mitico vs Dragon, CZCW Title on the line, and these two go twenty-five minutes before Dragon becomes the new face of the Zone and steals the show.


(Show rating: B-, 4,013 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Hey, after how well he was doing as Xtreme Champ, we figured we needed to reward him. Plus, it's not like we'll forget about Mitico – there'll be plenty for him to do in the Luchas/Rudos feud.

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April 2013, week 3

Yeah, Rage is back home. Enough time has passed that the locals don't really remember him that well... and he's old enough that the newer fans think he's just an old fogey. And he doesn't fly. But that's okay; we're planning on mainly using him for ACPW. They like brawlers out there. Plus, we're getting popular enough out there to move to a somewhat larger venue.


We sent out a large number of contracts... okay, large for us. We were considering a somewhat massive turnover in some of the undercarders.



ACZW #16

We open with Fire Fly defeating Callum to retain the Xtreme Title in a decent match; Primal Rage defeats Jackpot Jordan in a sub-par brawl; Panda Mask and Tigre Savaje fall to the duo of Heroic and Mitico in a good tag match; Remmy Skye defeats James Prudence in another good match; and then Brad defends the ACZW Title against Teddy Powell in a Texas Deathmatch – which is yet another good match, to make for a really strong show.


(Show rating: C, 426 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #159

The Xtreme Match opens between Fire Fly and Tigre; it's a good match, not as good as previous Xtreme Matches, but then... Snap Dragon's not involved. Fire Fly retains, and the Rudos/Luchas feud continues. CLM gets a win over A-Game in some average filler, and then Rich & Famous defeats P-n-P and Team PSW retain the Tag Titles over Moose & Weasel in back-to-back good tag matches.


Clark Alexander defeats James Prudence after a long, good match; then a mixed tag pits me and Donnie against Brody and Plague; I get the pinfall, of course, and this is only a bit above average. For the trash of the night, Rage defeats Singh. Matt Sparrow gets a quick win over Acid in a pretty okay match – and when Acid isn't in the trash of the night, well...


For main events, we start with Mitico and Heroic defeating Demon Seed and Panda Mask, and this one's good enough to be a true main event – our masked Mexicans are certainly holding their own here in the Zone. Finally, Snap Dragon defends the CZCW Title against Remmy Skye – and it's a blow-away great match, with Dragon retaining and proving a better main event than we've been getting for a while.


(Show rating: B, 3,891 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Like Dragon wasn't going to put on a good match? So... who's staying, who's going, and who's coming in?

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<p>April 2013, week 4</p><p>

The Coastal Zone would like to wish the following people luck in their future endeavors: A-Game, Elliot Thomas, Primal Rage, Kashmir Singh, California Love Machine.</p><p> </p><p>

The Coastal Zone would like to welcome to the Zone: </p><p>

Blackfire, a gothic graduate of TCW's trainign camp; he's very young, but there's a lot we can teach him.</p><p>

El Ladron, The Thief. A large luchador, we haven't decided if he's siding with Los Luchas or Los Rudos. </p><p>

Primus Allen, a former SWF developmental guy. Big, but with a quickness that should help him fit in here.</p><p>

Reggie Bishop, an unspectacular Canadian who, if we can teach him to be flashy, might be worthy of a push in the future.</p><p>

The Midnight Prowler, another youngster, but this one's a bit full of himself; I've heard rumors that both TCW and SWF are watching to see if we can 'fix' him. </p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye has moved up into the main event, taking Brody's spot; Brody has joined the other new uppercarder: Mario Heroic, who's had a big rise in popularity. Fire Fly and Panda Mask have finally gotten into the midcard; Plague has fallen back into it. Notorious have worked their way out of jobberville; </p><p> </p><p>

Frankie-Boy and Ant-Man are around only because too many people complained when they heard I wanted to drop them. Powell, on the other hand, took an instant dislike of El Ladron and started badmouthing him behind his back. I had to explain to him that it's not okay to pick on the new guys.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

ACZW #17</p><p>

Short show tonight. Fire Fly retains the Xtreme Title over Weasel in a really good match; The Tag Titles change hands as Team PSW lose to Los Luchas (Mitico and Heroic) in a really damn good match; Remmy Skye defeats Clark Alexander in a good-but-not-as-good-as-the-others match; and finally Brad retains the ACZW Title in a damn good street fight against Donnie J.</p><p> </p><p>

(Show rating: C, 488 tickets sold.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

CZCW Onslaught #160</p><p>

We open with the Tag Team Titles as Los Luchas face Los Rudos: If Demon Seed was among them, they'd have a chance, but it's Tigre and Panda, and while the match is amazing, the champs retain. (On a side note: Panda Mask? In a B- match? I never thought I'd see the day...) Notorious defeats Frankie-Boy and Ant-Man in a pretty poor match; Demon Seed defeats newcomer El Ladron in another poor match; and then the Xtreme Title is on the line as Fire Fly retains over Jonnie Perez in a somewhat above-average match. </p><p> </p><p>

Jackpot Jordan defeats Reggie Bishop in what's got to be the trash of the night; Acid actually turns in a somewhat passable (but still bad) match against Blackfire; Jeremiah Moose loses to Primus Allen in what turns out to be about average – Primus definitely has potential. Plague defeats The Midnight Prowler in a... well, it wasn't good, but they had no chemistry. </p><p> </p><p>

Finally, our main events. First, a four-way tag match. Team PSW, Skye & Sparrow, Donnie & Idol, and Clark & James. Skye gets the victory, and the whole thing is... fun, but a bit muddled. It just rates as 'good'. In our main event, I take a shot at Dragon's title and come up short, but we deliver... well, the worst match of Dragon's reign so far. It's still good enough to main event, but still... I feel like I'm losing a step somewhere.</p><p> </p><p>

(Show rating: C+, 3,825 tickets sold. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

On the next Welcome: Who gets to face Dragon next? Well, it's not Skye... we gotta wait until people forget the last few times they fought...</p>

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<p>May 2013, week 1</p><p>

So, another slow week, beyond us kicking butt and taking names in the Tri-State area – every month, we rise another notch on the popularity rung there. On the downside, we're down two hundred thousand in the last four months. If we kept this up... well, okay, we wouldn't have to worry about money until the end of the year... but we'd be growing to the point of losing money in there somewhere. We were going to have to try to stretch our money a bit. This week, we were going to try a lot of longer matches on the west coast.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

ACZW #18</p><p>

We open with the ACZW Title Match as Brad takes on Giant Brody and wins, but it's only a somewhat good match; Fire Fly retains the Xtreme Title over Jackpot Jordan and another 'eh' match; things pick up as Los Luchas retain the tag titles against P-n-P in a great match; and finally, Remmy Skye and James Prudence in an amazing east-coast match that sees Skye go over for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

(Show rating: C+, 413 tickets sold.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

CZCW Onslaught #161</p><p>

We open with Fire Fly defending the Xtreme Title. He's got his hands full with Demon Seed, but after a good match he manages to keep the belt. Notorious defeats Jackpot and Jonnie Perez in a poor match, then Donnie J defeats James Prudence in a really good match and Nelson Callum defeats Plague in a fairly good one.</p><p> </p><p>

Remmy Skye defeats Teddy Powell in a good match; I defeat Jake Idol in a match that's just as good; and Primus Allen defeats Air Attack Weasel in a match that's quite good for having the new guy in it. </p><p> </p><p>

For main events, Los Luchas defeat Los Rudos yet again in yet another good matchup, and then Snap Dragon defends the CZCW Title against Clark Alexander; it's a good match, but one feels that Dragon was just coasting on this one, feeling Clark wasn't wroth putting a lot of effort into.</p><p> </p><p>

(Show rating: B-, 3,856 tickets sold.)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

On the next Welcome: Wow, ACZW almost beat out our west-coast show...</p>

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infinity, I know you're likely months in advance already of this post but if money is a problem have you thought of cutting back on the ACZW tour dates, you only need to run one, maybe two shows a month out there and you could save some major cash by not trotting out your workers every week. Alternatively you could do a one week CZCW/next week ACZW so you'd be running four shows a month - two of each brand.


Knowing you you've run through the troubles and are in Nov 2013 and doing a tapdance on the grave of PSW or getting foolishly ambitious have opened ACZW - North - Arctic Coastal Zone Wrestling as you try to conquer North America from three sides with a race to the middle... somewhere in North Dakota I suspect... because what else is there to do in North Dakota?

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Knowing you you've run through the troubles and are in Nov 2013 and doing a tapdance on the grave of PSW or getting foolishly ambitious have opened ACZW - North - Arctic Coastal Zone Wrestling as you try to conquer North America from three sides with a race to the middle... somewhere in North Dakota I suspect... because what else is there to do in North Dakota?


As someone who lives a five-minute walk from the border... yeah, there's not much to do in North Dakota. Drink, hunt, roller derby, that's about it.


Anyway, I'm only up to June/July. And don't worry, I've got the money thing handled.




May 2013, week 2

Another slow week. I need something to write about. Oh, I know. Our faithful band, The Pit Snakes, have an album coming out soon. I gave them permission to put their rendition of the CZCW Theme on there... which, okay, is the only rendition of our theme we've ever had.


At some point, TCW took over the #1 spot in the world; SWF is close behind at ##2, and NOTBPW is holding steady at #3. #4 is USPW, which is the largest Cult promotion in the world – bigger than some National promotions. We... are still down at #13, fighting it out with OLLIE and 5SSW



ACZW #19

Amazing Fire Fly retains the Xtreme Title over Jonnie Perez in a good little spotfest. I tell Jonnie not to kill himself for the crowd, but he goes out and tries to do it anyway. Midnight Prowler defeats Ant-Man in a somewhat blah match, and then Rich & Famous defeat Notorious in an average match – so Notorious is improving a bit. Primus Allen defeats Air Attack Weasel in another average match... I admit, I was expecting a bit better, but then neither man is known much out here. Finally, Brad defends the ACZW Title in a steal cage against Tigre Savaje and retains, and the two manage to make it the match of the night... but barely.


(Show rating: C-, 909 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #162

We open the show with Clark Alexander and Teddy Powell putting on a nice, long match that serves as a decent opener. P-n-P takes on the odd teaming of Air Attack Weasel and The Midnight Prowler, and as usual the actual team gets the win. It's an above-average match and shows Prowler may be able to hang with the rest of the roster. Donnie J gets a victory over Plague in another good matchup, and then I defeat Giant Brody in... wow, I knew we weren't getting much of a reaction, but when I get backstage nobody even wants to look me in the eyes... it must've sucked.


Remmy Skye gets a win over Primus Allen that makes the youngster look good – easily a contender for the match of the night so far. But that's an honor that is quickly snatched away, as the Xtreme Title is on the line between Fire Fly and Moose; yes, Moose just turned out a main-event-level match-of-the-night contender. He doesn't win, but it's a great match for him. To calm things down, Notorious get a victory over Acid and Ant-Man... and it's still an above-average match, which I certainly wasn't expecting.


For main events, first, the tag titles are on the line. Mitico and Heroic defend against Demon seed and Tigre; it's another main-event-quality match from a quickly-elevated midcard that shows why the Zone is American for Lucha... or something like that. Finally, Dragon defends the CZCW title against James Prudence; Dragon retains, and the match is not the really awesome match we were anticipating; it was simply 'really good'.


(Show rating: B-, 4,007 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Brody and I seek redemption; which of us gets the better match?

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May 2013, week 3

Another slow week. I'm a bit touchy because I had to have the plumber over to fix a clogged drain in the basement. Maybe that's a sign. A wrestling plumber.


… nah.


ACZW #20

We open with the Tag Titles as Mitico and Heroic defend against P-n-P. It's a really good match, especially for this coast – the crowd has definitely gotten to know who to cheer in the Zone the last few months. We follow it up with Mightnight Prowler defeating Ant-Man, which is... sub-par, Barrera defeating Blackfire (which sucks), and Bullet defeating Reggie Bishop (which also sucks). Note to self: Notorious is a tag act, and tag act only.


For main events, we have an Xtreme Title match, Fire Fly vs Perez, which rocks the house... Fire Fly missed a few cues, but Perez made up for it by selling like a madman as he jobs. Then, Brad defends the ACZW Title against Primus Allen; it's not quite the match I was hoping for, but at least it wasn't a -bad- match. Had it been better, I'd've considered a title switch – it looks like Allen's not quite ready for that yet.


(Show rating: D+, 986 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #163

Our opening Xtreme Title match tonight pits Fire Fly against Primus Allen. Primus sets out to impress us and does; it's a good match. Not good enough for us to consider switching the title, but it's a perfectly inoffensive opener. Jonnie Perez then squashes Frankie-Boy, and it's about average – although when I think about it, three years ago I'd've killed for Jonnie to put on a match this good.


A triple-threat is next, as Jimmy, Donnie, and Brody square off... erm, triangle off. It's another good match – although on a dollar-for-quality basis, the opener was just more worthwhile. Donnie gets the win as we build him up some momentum. Tigre Savaje then gets a squash over El Ladron, but unlike our earlier squash, this one is eligible for Trash Of The Week. It's bad. Real bad. Then Rich & Famous defeat Notorious in another average bout that probably would have been fairly decent if the crowd wasn't in a bad mood.


The Tag Titles are up next, Mitico and Heroic defending against Demon seed and Panda Mask; the champs retain as per usual, but it's a great match; nearing main-event level. Back to average as Team PSW defeats Moose & Weasel, then Plague gets a win over The Midnight Prowler. Mark your calenders, folks, I'm saying this now: The man's lost it in his old age. Paradigm gets a roll-up win over Acid is a better match than this.


For main events, I defeat Clark Alexander in a merely above-average match, and then Dragon defends against Sparrow and Skye; it's on the level of our typical main event matches lately. I feel I let them down a bit by not putting on a great lead-up match.


(Show rating: C+, 3,783 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: With one week left in the month, will we find a great main event... or just be mediocre?

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May 2013, week 4

It's a slow week... so let's take a look at who the most popular workers in America work for. SWF has Big Cat Brandon, Eric Eisen, Jack Giedroyc, Lobster Warrior, Maraqt Khoklov, and Rich Money. TCW has Koshiro Ino, Ricky Dale Johnson, Tommy Cornell, and Troy Tornado. NOTBPW has Christian Faith; Nemesis is unemployed and no longer ring-active, and Sam Strong is retired completely.



ACZW #21

Our opening match tonight pits Primus Allen against his biggest obstacle to date, Giant Brody. Naturally, they don't click at all, so the impact of having Allen get a victory over the big man is totally lost into a simply average match. Demon Seed and Panda Mask then defeat Notorious, and it's somewhat better. Jackpot Jordan defeats Plague in another decent match, and then Jake Idol defeats Nelson Callum in another decent... wow, we're pretty steady here tonight. For a main event, the ACZW Title is in a cage match between Brad Peverel and Donnie J; this one's a great 'barn-burner'... it's an east-coast term I picked up... that sees Donnie J take over the ACZW Title reins, since we're getting a little.. disillusioned with Brad.


(Show rating: C, 876 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #164

We open with the somewhat random match of Clark Alexander vs Mario Heroic. The early going makes it look like Clark is going to win, but Heroic manages to fight back and, by ten minutes in, it's anyone's game. And that's only halfway through, as Heroic gets a big win in a dang good match. Sparrow defeats Plague in an above-average match, and then the Xtreme Title is up for grabs as Acid tries to take it away from Fire Fly and fails in a nice little spotfest.


Moose and Weasel fall to Tigre Savaje and Panda Mask in a good match; Primus Allen defeats Jake Idol in something that's merely average – this lack of chemistry with the entire freakin' roster is going to hurt Allen in the long run. And then James Prudence defeats Brad Peverel in another average match – one that doesn't have a lack of chemistry to blame.


Teddy Powell defeats Giant Brody, and we've got a long string of 'average' tonight... this may be one of our worse shows in a while. In a six-man match, Notorious and The Midnight Prowler fall to P-n-P and Blackfire... yes, it's average. For main events, will we break our average streak?


Our first main event is myself vs Remmy Skye. We go a good twenty, with Remmy getting the victory, and it's a good match. Not great, but really good. Then, Snap Dragon defends the CZCW Title against former champion and current half of the Tag Champions, El Mitico. This, folks, is the awesome match we've been waiting for. Not super-awesome, but awesome, with Dragon retaining, but Mitico reminding us why he's so damn good.


(Show rating: B-, 4,038 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Dragon vs... Demon Seed? Doesn't seem like a big match... but will that cause Dragon to underestimate his opponent?

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June 2013, week 1

It looks like our efforts to curb costs were working; instead of losing 50-60k for the month, we only lost nine thousand bucks in May. Part of that is due to the fact we're drawing twenty to thirty times what we had been in the Tri-State Area.



ACZW #22

A short card this week, only four matches – but they should be good ones. We start with a non-title tag match as Rich and Famous defeat the reigning tag champs, Mitico and Heroic in a good tag match. Then, for a breather, Nelson Callum defeats Jeremiah Moose – and this one is only average. Then, Fire Fly retains the Xtreme Title over Tigre Savaje in a good match, and then Donnie J makes his first defense of the ACZW Title against Teddy Powell, and they put on a great match to take things home, with Donnie retaining.


(Show rating: C+, 908 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #165

We open with Remmy Skye taking on Plague. We figured this would be a good opener, and Remmy could cover for Plague's recent 'no longer has it'-itis. We... were wrong. Seriously wrong. This wasn't an opener... this was a main event. Skye got the win, but seriously, the match was that good. I'd book this as a title match if Plague was willing to do ladder matches... We follow it up with a match that can't possibly compete, Giant Brody squashing Frankie-Boy, which the crowd craps all over. We recover a bit with a long brawl between Teddy Powell and Brad Peverell, with Teddy getting the victory.


I take on Jeremiah Moose next, and we only do about average... I'm starting to wonder how much of that is due to me. Matt Sparrow is up next, getting a win over Acid, and the crowd responds to that a lot better... maybe they're just sick of me? Could that be it? Have I been craming myself down their throats for too long? Tigre Savaje and Panda Mask defeat Notorious, and even that's better than my match... now I'm depressed.


A six-man clustermatch is up next, and just seems to fall apart; team Prudence (James, Weasel, and Prowler) lose to Team Alexander (Clark, Perez, and Callum), and it's... well, I can stop complaining that my match wasn't that good, because this gets treated like the bathroom break. The Xtreme Title is next, Fire Fly defending against Paradigm; there's no chemistry there, but they still turn out an above-average match. Then, to cool us off before the main events, Primus Allen wins a handicap match against Ant-Man and Blackfire... which, yeah, doesn't go that well.


For main events, first, the Tag Titles are on the line in a rematch from ACZW; This time, Rich & Famous prove their first win wasn't a fluke as they claim the CZCW Tag Titles in a very good match. Then, the Zone Title is on the line as Snap Dragon defends against Demon Seed; it's merely above-average, a strange blip on Dragon's otherwise-perfect record as he retains.


(Show rating: C, 4,164 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Ouch. This was the first time ACZW was better than our west-coast efforts, wasn't it? Curse Remmy and Plague for stealing the show...

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June 2013, week 2

Times are starting to get a little worrying. The economy is slowing down... and it's coupled with a slow lack of interest in wrestling. This is the climate we're trying to expand in? I can only hope that things pick up about the time we finish our big push...


CZCW would like to welcome the newest member of the Zone, Boriken Love Machine, Jr. Hey... why not?



ACZW #23

We open with Primus Allen getting a win over former Xtreme Champion Tigre Savaje Jr in a decent matchup. Som elower-card action as Prowler gets a win over Reggie Bishop (sub-par) and Panda Mask defeats El Ladron (sucks). For main events, Mario Heroic and El Mitico face off to determine who gets a title shot this weekend; it's a long match, it's a good match, and Heroic comes out ahead. Then, Donnie J defends the ACZW Title against Remmy Skye; it's one hell of a match, possibly the best one we've put on on in ACZW. Donnie retains, but dayum... I may need to exploit, erm, rerun this one again...


(Show rating: C+, 777 tickets sold.)



CZCW Onslaught #166

The Xtreme Title is on the line... but for the first time in a long time, there's no ladder in the ring. Plague has insisted that the Xtreme Title be defended the way it used to be: In regular matches. If the ladder had been involved, I'd've put this as the sub-main event, but without a ladder, I have no faith. I mean, the little luchador who, despite my best efforts, can't seem to get over, and the former great flier who refuses to do a ladder match because he's lost his touch? What can they possibly do?


Put on the best match we've seen in quite a while, that's what. This should've ended the show... someone must've told Plague I had no faith in him anymore. Dude just proved me wrong.


After that, we debut Boriken Love Machine in a winning effort over Paradigm – the crowd doesn't know him, and they're burned out from the opener, so they don't really care. The Tag Titles are next, with Rich & Famous making their first defense of the new reign, retaining over Moose & Weasel in a good match. Then, Primus Allen faces Demon Seed and is winning easily when Tigre Savaje and Panda Mask come out to run interference for their fearless leader, letting him get the win. The crowd, of course, hates this.


El Mitico and Giant Brody are up next, because I had nothing else for either of them tonight. It must be the night for people I have no faith in to get fired up, because Brody is in fine form tonight, and this is a great match for the two of them. Mitico gets the win, and I have the feeling I should have had Brody go over, with a performance like this. Nelson Callum gets a win over Matt Sparrow, and it's okay; then Tigre and Panda face Notorious, only for Primus Allen to cost them their match as revenge – this time, the crowd seems to buy it. Then, for a bathroom break, Jonnie Perez spends a few minutes beating the crap out of Acid in an okay match.


For main events, first, a six-way #1 Contendership Ladder Match. Me, Remmy, Clark, Brad, Jimmy, and Teddy. It's a bit of a clustermatch, but it's good enough for the purposes and sets up Teddy for a title match next week. Who will he be facing? The main event has Dragon defending against Mario Heroic; I had high hopes for this match, which sank a bit after the opener... but these two put on one hell of a match and manage to outshine the opener. Dragon retains, but Heroic won't be staying in the midcard long with matches like that.


(Show rating: B-, 3,786 tickets sold.)



On the next Welcome: Dragon vs Powell? Okay. How about Plague vs James Prudence, Remmy Skye vs Mario Heroic, and Fox Mask vs El Mitico? Sound like a good show?

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