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ooc: Ok so this is the first diary I have done, suggestions and comments will be more than welcome. thanks


April 2008


Taylor: “ Iron Man” Jimmy Ice has McIntyre reeling, the owner of PWO can not fight back, what we are witnessing here tonight is one of the greatest matches in PWO history.


Ranson: And if Dave loses tonight he is done, not only will he have to retire from wrestling, but he will lose his company as well!


Taylor: Ice is going for it Michael, he has Dave up, could we be about to see The Ironman Slam?


Ranson: He nails it, he nails it, this has to be over!


The crowd count along as the referee counts the three, signalling the end of McIntyre's reign of terror in PWO......and his 16 year career in professional wrestling.


Taylor: Its over, this is the last we will ever see of The Chosen One!


Never say Never.


December 2009


2009 has been a bad year for wrestling here in the UK, as the recession has hit hard people are having less and less disposable income to get out to support their local promotions at the various shows they are running, and its not just the smaller promotions in the UK that are suffering.


21st Century Wrestling, the UK's number one promotion is also having a hard time, with a combination of people having less money to spend on entertainment, and repetitive stale booking ideas 21CW's television show is losing viewers at an alarming rate.


21CW owner, former Wrestler and UK's strongest man, Jeff Nova is looking to take some drastic steps to turn his company around and ensure that they stay top of the pile in both the UK and Europe.


Quite how drastic no one could have ever imagined!



Enter The Chosen One


Just another day in the life of a retired wrestler, that's all today is. Autograph session this morning, Christmas shopping with the family this afternoon, to say I'm bored would be an understatement. Now don't get me wrong, I love the family, my wife Laura and my kids Gemma and John, they mean the world to me, but wrestling was my passion, my drug, and sometimes I just wish for one more hit, one more taste of the business that made me great. That day could soon be upon us.


You see word on the grapevine is that the biggest UK based promotion is looking for a new head booker, and if the rumour mill is to be believed I am top of their list to come in and help turn the company around. Then again this is wrestling, I should know better than anyone else not to listen to the rumour mill.

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London Calling


So it was true, Jeff wanted me to run his company, and bring 21CW to a global audience. Could I do it? Did I still have the creative ideas that once took PWO to the top? All these thoughts were floating about my head as I sat on the train watching the world go by on the trip down from my Edinburgh home to the big smoke. I sighed as I opened up my note book and began scribbling down some ideas.


5 Hours Later


I pulled into Kings Cross station with my head still in a state of confusion it had been 20 months since I left the business, had it passed me by? And did I really want to get back into the world of backstage politics and supreme egos?


Jeff met me at the station and we made the short walk to St. Pancras where we went to a restaurant for lunch and to talk business.


During the meal we made some small talk, talking about our families, mutual friends in the business all the usual sort of bull ****, it wasn't till we got to coffee that we finally got down to business.


Nova: Lets get down to the point Dave, we could sit here chatting bollocks all day, but we both know that's not why I brought you down here.


I nod in agreement and listen to what Jeff has to say.


Nova: Have you been watching any of our shows recently?


McIntyre: I have seen bits and pieces when I am at home, not a lot though.


Nova: That's the problem we have at the moment, the product is stale, people aren't tuning in every week any more like they used to do. We need a new head booker, who can bring in some fresh ideas and fresh faces. We need a booker who can not only make sure we stay number one in the UK, but help us generate a following in Europe and even across the pond.


After seeing what you did during the rise of PWO, taking the company from the ground and making it into one of the biggest federations in history, I know you are the man to do the job with us in 21st Century Wrestling.


I sit sipping on my coffee listening to Jeff's speech, he is right wrestling in the UK has become stale, and maybe it was about time to give something back to the business that made me famous, and what better place than London, it means I wouldn't even have to leave my Edinburgh home, I could still be home on weekends.


Nova: So what do you think Dave, will you come and help us?


McIntyre: Will I be allowed to bring in my own talent?


Nova: Of course, anything that you need to make us bigger we will be able to provide for you.


McIntyre: Then it looks like you have yourself a new head booker.


We shake hands and the deal is done, it looks like I have a few long distance phone calls to make, 21CW will never be the same again.

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21st Century Wrestling




OK, so It's time to take a few moments to get to know my new home:



21st Century Wrestling deabuted in 2001 with a high-flying, action-oriented product. Although a critical success with journalists and tape traders, commercially they were a huge flop and struggled badly.


In September 2006, on the brink of bankruptcy, they were taken over by UK celebrity Jeff Nova. His vision was to take the Sports Entertainment style that had made the SWF a global power and give it a uniquely English twist. He used his fame to get them a TV deal, gave the promotion a virtual makeover, and the result was a complete change in fortunes.


Since then, the promotion has gone from strength to strength, and for the first time ever the UK has a promotion that has the potential to make a genuine impact on world wrestling. In recent months however we have seen a decline in the ratings for it's television show Best of British Wrestling, with stale booking turning the viewers off.


New head booker Dave McIntyre has been appointed and is expected to take over his duties on January 1st 2010, for some in 21CW the change cant come soon enough.



The Roster





Main Eventers


Joss Thompson

Stevie Stoat

Kevin Jones

Jonathan Faust

Jimmy Ice

Dave McIntyre


Upper Mid-card


Leo Price

Edward Cornell

Adam Matravers

Jay B

Pitbull Brown

Buff Martinez





Luke Cool

DJ Reason

Harry Wilson

Rolling Johnny Stone

Philip Cooper

Daniel Black Francis

K'lee Hawkins

Danny Patterson

Harley Neill


Lower Midcard


Igor Ivanoff

Davey Celtic

Ivan Ivanoff

Davey London

UK Dragon




Nate Manchester

Mister King

Steffan Raynor


Enhancement Talent


Louie Peyton




Phoebe Plumridge

Kathleen Lee

Emma Evans




Steve Smith


Colour commentator


Jeff Nova



Tag Teams


Hott Stuff (Martinez & Jay B)

Anglo Scots Connection (London & Celtic)

The Assassins Guild (Raynor & Peyton)

Ivanoff Brothers (Igor & Ivan)






21CW World Title – Joss Thompson



21CW UK Title – Harry Wilson



21CW Tag team title – Hott Stuff


Television show




Best of British Wrestling - Airs on Thursday evenings on the UK Broadcast Digital network.


So thats the organisation, what about me? Well in case you have been living under a rock for the last 16 years here is a little about me and my career:


Bio taken from Wikipedia


Dave McIntyre is the son of Steven McIntyre, the multi millionaire hotel owner. Dave lived in a mansion in the upper-class area of Morningside, Edinburgh and went to the best school money could buy. But he wasn’t happy, something was missing. Dave began to get interested in wrestling from the age of 8, and by his 16th birthday he was seriously considering to make a career out of it, much to his fathers disgust. By the time he was 18 Dave made his way to the states, to follow his dreams. It was here that he hooked up with veteran Dave Seward, who took Dave under his wing and taught him how to work.


Dave burst onto the wrestling scene when he joined Ringside wrestling Federation, the ****y youngster soon hooked up with a man who was to be very important to his career……Shawn Mackay. Dave and Shawn became close friends, travelling everywhere together, partying hard and living the good life. Together they formed a team known as Thrillaz Inc, which, with Tony Clifton and Mike Montana Made up the Elite heel stable known as Weapon of Choice. As a foursome the group ran all over the federation and captured all the gold on offer. Thrillaz Inc would hold the tag titles and never lose them as RWF went out of business before anyone could figure out how to beat them.


Dave took a hiatus from the business after RWF closed down and got mixed up with drink and drugs….in a big way. One night, after a ****tail of Alcohol and drugs Dave ended up in hospital, fighting for his life, a fight that he thankfully won. When he recovered he was a changed man, his focus was on getting back into the ring, and becoming great again.


Dave then received a phone call that would change his life again, it was Shawn Mackay…..EPW wanted Thrillaz Inc. Within a few weeks Dave and Shawn had made the move to EPW and were soon followed be the other 2 Weapon of Choice members, Tony Clifton and Mike Montana, WoC was all set to run wild again……or was it?


On the surface everything seemed fine with WOC, but behind the scenes cracks were showing and one night at a house show it all came to a head, Shawn Mackay and Mike Montana left EPW, never to return, and left Dave McIntyre and Tony Clifton to carry the WoC name. And maybe more importantly left Dave as a singles competitor for the first time.


Dave soon came into his own as a singles star amassing an impressive winning streak, before beating future EPW champion Kalada to take the Deathmatch title. Dave and Tony carried off the WoC name well on their own, both carrying their own title and defending it everywhere and anywhere. Eventually though Dave lost his belt in an epic battle to Redcold, only to regain it a few weeks later, making him the first ever two time Deathmatch champion. His second title reign cam to an end thanks to Bosse.


Dave went down to help out on EPW’s development territory EWF for a brief stint, and wrestled under a mask and the assumed name of Mark Sensation, Capturing Hardcore gold, whilst still competing for EPW.


Dave then also signed on for The New Age Of Wrestling, quickly establishing himself as a main event player with a stable know as the Aces, which consisted of NAW champion Razor, Tv champion Maverick and Dave himself. Trouble was brewing however as Dave and Maverick turned on Razor and allowed Dave to capture his first ever world title. It was a few weeks after that Dave clashed with his old running buddy Shawn Mackay. Dave and Shawn engaged in a bloody war over the belt, ending up in a match at Total Carnage (NAW’S Wrestlemania). In a shock turn of events Destiny Shaw, the NAW owner turned on Shawn and aligned herself with Dave, in a business and personal since. Dave was to hold this title fore over 4 months before he was defeated by Daniel Golding in an epic encounter.


Back to EPW, Tony Clifton had left the company and Dave had found himself a new crew to hang with, which consisted of Danny English, the EPW champ, Kieran O'Shea and Matt Reigns. It was with Matt Reigns that Dave captured the EPW tag team titles in an outstanding Tables, ladders, chairs and cars match at Date with Destiny.


EWF meanwhile had split form EPW and had established itself as a main player in the industry with such big names as Kalada, Micca T, Willie Williams, Jake Steel and they were joined by Dave, this time as himself. It was here that he captured the Trifecta title, and took his title tally to seven.


Since we Last Saw Dave McIntyre he has added a 4 more titles to his Résumé. He captured the OPW Tag team title with Daniel Golding shortly after his OPW deabut, and the pair never lost the title as McIntyre left OPW after a career threading injury.


Over in EPW Dave captured the EPW Primetime title in an epic bout with thunder, and was also successful in defending the title in the rematch against the former EPW champion. He would eventually lose the title to former Tag team partner Matt Reigns. After the match Reigns attacked McIntyre, which brought out the returning Shawn Mackay to his defence. Tony Clifton returned a few weeks later, leading to the return of the most talked about group in history, Weapon of Choice.


EWF saw Dave and his NAW crew (McIntyre, Golding, Beckett & Razor) feuding with Profits gang of thugs murder express. It was during a double steel cage war games match that Dave pinned Profit to not only capture the X Title, but put an end to Murder Express.


In NAW (the fed not the stable) Dave split from his long time running buddy Maverick and turned face during a European tour, the world was in shock. On the one year anniversary of NAW at Claim for supremacy Dave emerged victorious again, capturing his second World Heavyweight title in front of his home townn crowd in Edinburgh, defeating Evsha, Maverick and Schuessler in the process.


After a great return to OPW Dave picked up the groups prized possession, The World Heavyweight title, in the first ever one on one meeting between the Great Jake Steel and The Chosen One.


With 12 titles in his career, you can bet he is still hungry for more gold.


In may 2006, in EPW Dave won title number 13, unlucky for some, but not him, when he cashed in a television title shot and beat Dino Kang in an epic encounter.


Title 14 came in a strange fashion. Dave had just joined TNA, when he was used as a last minute substitute in the 3 stages of fanboard hell match, pitting 3 TNA members and 3 Fanbaord members against each other for the ultimate prize, the TNA/FB undisputed title. Dave beat off legends like Mr. Pink, Lockness and more, to capture the title. The very next week however Dave turned his back on TNA, and jumped to Fanboard.


Number 15 came in Dave’s only venture into MMA, as he took to the octagon in 7CF, Dave took their world title in his first night in the federation, as he beat his old foe profit in a shoot fight lasting more than 40 minutes.


Title 16 was the big one, the one he had chased for all his life, the EPW World title. Dave captured the title from his old friend Jake steel in an emotional match, to become the first man ever to capture the EPW grand slam.


Now in the general managers position in PWO, Dave also leads heel group the establishment. Stepping only in the ring when the need arises these days, Dave has become not only a legend in the ring, but an established booker out of it.


Stepping back into his active game Dave, with the urging of his good friend Jimmy Ice made his way to NBA, taking the organization by storm, capturing the US title on his very first night, and never looking back since. After a brief feud with VIP, which ended in abrupt fashion after McIntyre and Zenith dumped the ****y VIP out of the federation, Dave embarked on a major heated yet respectful rivalry with Ethan Everhart over the title. At NBA resurgence McIntyre and Everhart finally met for the title, with Dave proving on the night that despite all his detractors, he still was The Chosen One.


Back over in PWO Dave dusted off his boots, and was revealed to be Chris Nielsen’s mystery partner in his tag title match against death sentence. The Establishment were victorious on the night, and Dave capped off his career in PWO, by winning his first title in his own organization.


Previous titles held:


1 x EPW World title

1 x EPW Primetime Title

2 x EPW Deathmatch Titles

1 x EPW Tag title (With Matt Reigns)

1 x EPW Television title

1 x EWF X Title

1 x EWF Hardcore title

1 x EWF Trifecta title

2 x NAW World Title

1 x RWF Tag Title (with Shawn Mackay)

1 x OPW Tag Team Title (with Daniel Golding)

1 X OPW World Heavyweight Champion

1 x TNA/FB Undisputed champion

1 x 7CF Superfight champion

1 x NBA United States champion

1 x PWO Tag team champion



So now you know a little more about 21CW and a little more about me. Lesson over for the day, it's almost time for the fun to begin.

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Thursday week 1

Best of British Wrestling

Edgeware Hall

Att: 1929

TV Rating - 0.14


Jeff Nova makes his way down to the ring as the shows opens, the fans respond loudly as the 21CW owner comes down the aisle, slapping their outstretched hands. He steps into the ring and gets ready to address the loyal masses.


Nova: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to 2010! Tonight we are starting the year out with one hell of a bang. Tonight we will make history, tonight I will introduce you to the biggest signing in 21st Century History.......Please welcome to the UK.........IRONMAN.......JIMMY.......ICE!!!!!


Smith: I don't believe it, Ironman is here? How the hell has Jeff pulled this off?


The roof almost comes off Edgeware Hall as former ECWF World Champion Jimmy Ice makes his way down the ramp.


Jimmy Shakes Nova's hand before the boss hand him the mic and steps out of the ring to allow him to speak to his fans.


Ice: Well look who's back in the UK! For those of you who do not know who I am let me refresh your memory. I am Ironman Jimmy Ice, I am a multiple time world champion, I am the longest reigning US champion in PWO history, and I am the man that ended the career of a certain Dave McIntyre.


The fans cheer as a video plays on the big screen of Jimmy Ending Dave's career in the states, before he made his 21CW deabut last week.


Ice: Now it seems Dave has gone back on the rules of our little agreement, and is competing again? Well Davey boy, it looks like I'm just going to have to beat you back into retirement once again! Trust me old friend, you will wish you stay retired by the time I'm done!


The fans cheer Ironman as he leaves the ring, and we are just about ready for the first match of the evening.





Pit Bull Brown Def Jay B

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Pit Bull Brown defeated Jay B in 7:31 by pinfall with a Dog House Piledriver.






Dave McIntyre Def K'Lee Hawkins

In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Dave McIntyre defeated K'Lee Hawkins in 7:40 by pinfall after the Pure Perfection.





Commercial Break



Joss Thompson is in the ring as we come back from commercial break, he is about to speak when Kathleen Lee comes out.


Lee: Joss, Joss, Joss, what the hell have you turned into? You come out here and posed for the idiots? What happened to the man who never used to care what anyone though of him? What happened to the man I used to know? To the man I used to respect? You became the world champion without the help of the fans Joss, and now you let them ride on your coattails? I simply don't get it.


Thompson: Is there a point you have to make Kathleen, or are you just out here to send the people to sleep? This is the same thing you have been saying since me and Leo split, if you have something to say, say it! Otherwise get the hell out of the ring.


Lee: Actually Joss I come to you with an offer, now I know you want revenge for Leo turning on you, for attacking you and leaving your friendship in tatters. Now Leo is prepared to give you a chance for revenge, one on one at Steel cage challenge. Just think how good it would feel if you got the chance to run him head first into the unforgiving, cold, hard steel. There is one little condition...


Thompson: I thought there night be!


Lee: You put the World title on the line.


Thompson: You know what Kathleen, you got yourself a deal!


While his back is turned Thompson doesn't notice Leo Price hit the ring, and gets blind sided. Price beats him up, leaving him laid out. Price stands above the laid out Thompson and holds the world title up in the air as the fans voice their disapproval.





Stevie Stoat Def. Phil Cooper

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Stevie Stoat defeated Philip Cooper in 7:43 by pinfall with a Super Kick.





Commercial Break



Dave McIntyre makes his way out onto the stage, and despite the earlier win in his comeback match he is not in the best of moods. He stands on the ramp and glares out at the fans, who shower him with abuse every time he tries to speak. Eventually he is able to get his words out as he addresses his boss at the announce table.


McIntyre: Hey Jeff, congratulations on pulling off the “signing of the century”, Jimmy Ice in 21CW hey, who would have ever seen that coming?


I just hope you know what you are doing Jeff, you see me and Jimmy, as you well know we don't get on so well, and our battles, they have already put one company out of business, it would be a crying shame if history repeated itself wouldn't it?


Congrats again buddy......this is the beginning of the end for 21st Century......and you only have one person to blame.....yourself!


Dave hurls down the microphone as he heads to the back.


Smith: Dave is clearly not pleased with you Jeff!


Nova: he is just stropping cause I spoilt his big return night with an even bigger announcement.





Adam Matravers Def. Kevin Jones

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Matravers defeated Kevin Jones in 9:35 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault.





Commercial Break



Jonathan Faust Def Edward Cornell

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jonathan Faust defeated Edward Cornell in 10:29 by pinfall after using a low blow behind the referee's back.




Smith: Faust steals one here, what a cheap way to win the match!


Nova: You know, I cant agree with the way he did it, but he did get his hand raised, and you know Jonathan's motto, “by any means necessary.”




Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, Jeff Nova has just confirmed that next week we will see Adam Matravers take on Stevie Stoat. What a main event that promise to be!


Nova: It will be one hell of a match that's for sure as two of 21CW's longest serving wrestlers square off on on one.






Jimmy Ice Def. Buff Martinez

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jimmy Ice defeated Buff Martinez in 12:35 by pinfall after the IronSlam.






Jimmy Ice is celebrating his victory in the ring. Jonathan Faust runs in and attacks, beating Ice down into the mat, much to the anger of the fans.


Smith: What the hell is Faust doing out here, and what is his problem with Jimmy?


Nova: I have no Idea, but I promise you we will have an answer by next week. Good night everyone!


The Show goes off the air with Faust standing over a battered Jimmy Ice!





C+ show should increases popularity

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The 21st Century

Week 1 January 2010


A very warm welcome to the first weekly 21st Century Wrestling newsletter. Here you will find all the news and goings on from behind the scenes in the UK's biggest wrestling promotion, as well as monthly superstar interviews and Columns


We hope you enjoy reading!


Quick results from the latest 21CW television taping.

Pitbull Brown defeated Jay B

Dave McIntyre defeated K'lee Hawkins

Stevie Stoat defeated Philip Cooper

Adam Matravers defeated Kevin Jones

Jonathan Faust defeated Edward Cornell

Jimmy Ice defeated Buff Martinez


4 new Superstars!

21CW was pleased this week to announce that they had 4 new arrivals on pay per appearance deals. UK Dragon, Harley Neill, Emma Evans and Danny Patterson will be appearing for the London based outfit for the next year. Look out for the newest 21CW stars appearing on upcoming Best of British shows.


Pay Per View

Finally this week 21CW was delighted to announce its very first pay per view deal in the UK. 21CW has teamed up with UK choice for at least the next 6 months to bring 21CW's biggest shows right into your living room. Jeff Nova was said to be delighted with the developments and has said that this will be the launch pad to help 21CW to reach an even larger audience.



Well that's it for this week, we will be back in 7 days with more news from the 21st Century world.

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Best of British Wrestling

Thursday Week 2 January 2010

The Cobra den (North)

Att: 1,000 (sell out)

TV Rating - 0.16





Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Best of British Wrestling, we are in the sold out Cobra Den in Sheffield and what a night we have in store for you.


Nova: That's right, we have a stacked card, with some great matches, but first up we have a man looking for some answers.



“ I walk alone” rings out round the arena as the fans jump to their feet to see Jimmy Ice come down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd.


Ice: All week long I have been trying to work out what the hell is up with Faust? What was going on his head when he came out and attacked me at the end of last weeks show? Well I want answers and I went them now, Faust get your ass out here!


Faust makes his way down to the ring, much to the fans disgust, he steps into the ring and stands nose to nose with Jimmy, suddenly the locker room seems to empty as 20 members of the security team pile into the ring to get between the two men.


Faust: You want to know my problem Jimmy? You are my problem, you and these idiots out here. 21CW was built on my back, I carried this company for years, making it what it is today. You, you come out here for 1 week and you have these people going nuts for you, you have our owner hanging on every word you say. This is not your world, its mine, and you will do well to remember that!


The security team manage to drag Faust to the back, the former world champion kicking and scream as he goes.


Smith: Well looks likes someone has thrown his toys out the pram!


Nova: Faust is a very insecure strange little man!


Daniel Black Francis defeated Harley Neill

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Daniel Black Francis defeated Harley Neill in 7:55 by pinfall.


Smith: Fantastic win for Francis over the new guy Neill.


Nova: The former UK champion will be one of the breakout stars of 2010, mark my words!


Smith: Stay with us, the World champion is in action next!



Commercial break



Joss Thompson and nightmare are in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Leo Price comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Thompson does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too. Price takes a seat at ringside and grins at the world champion.


Joss Thompson defeated Nightmare in a non title match

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Joss Thompson defeated Nightmare in 8:07 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.


As Thompson is in the ring celebrating Price grabs the world title from the timekeeper and makes off up the ramp with it. Thompson is furious at having his title stolen by his former partner and flies up the ramp after him.


Smith: What the hell just happened?


Nova: Some one stop Price right now, where the hell is he going with the world title?


Smith: I have no earthly Idea Jeff, but up next we have one of the men I know is your personal favourite, Dave McIntyre


Nova: hmm oh yeah that's what we need, more Dave McIntyre on the show! Haven't wee seen enough ass-holes on tonight?


Dave McIntyre defeated DJ Reason

In a bout that had great heat and good action, Dave McIntyre defeated DJ Reason in 10:19 by pinfall.


Nova: I have to admit that was an impressive match!


Smith: Nobody has ever questioned Dave's talents, just the guys attitude.


Dave McIntyre rolls out of the ring and eyeballs Nova, the 21st century wrestling owner gets to his feet and stares a hole through The Chosen One.


McIntyre: Hey Jeffrey, it seems every time I come out here you are running your mouth, I am sick and tired of hearing what an ass-hole I am. What the hell have you ever done in the business anyway, you win one strongman contest and you think you are the dogs boll*cks. I am a living legend, and you will start showing me some respect. If you don't......well, just wait and see what will happen!


Dave drops the microphone and makes his way to the back to a chorus of boos.


Stevie Stoat defeated Adam Matravers

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Stevie Stoat defeated Adam Matravers in 10:09 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Smith: Stoat steals one, Matravers had him beaten and Stevie had to resort to cheating to win.



Commercial break



Jonathan Faust defeated Pit Bull Brown

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jonathan Faust defeated Pit Bull Brown in 10:01 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.


Smith: It looks like his obsession with Jimmy hasn't stopped Faust from winning.


Nova: If Jonathan remains focused he can go straight back to the top, I worry that this thing with Jimmy will draw his eyes away from what he really should be focusing on, going for the world title.


Jimmy Ice defeated Kevin Jones

In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Jimmy Ice defeated Kevin Jones in 13:29 by pinfall.


After the match Jimmy calls for the microphone, he catches his breath and soaks in the fans cheers for a few moments.


Ice: Hey Jonny Boy, I have a little proposition for you. Seeing as you are everywhere I turn, how about we have ourselves a little match. At Steel cage challenge it will be you against me, one on one, then we can really see who the better man is hey Jonny?


Smith: Ice vs Faust is just 2 weeks away on our first ever pay per view.


Nova: See you next week everyone

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Best of British Wrestling

Aston University sports hall (Midlands)

Att: 924

TV Rating – 0.17


As the pyro lights up the sports hall Jimmy Ice makes his way down to the ring.


Ice: Come out, come out where ever you are! Hey John boy, I want an answer to my challenge and I want it now.


With that the lights go out and Jonathan Faust comes out onto the stage.


Faust: You want it, you got it. I hope you know what you have done Jimmy.....may god have mercy on your soul!


Smith: Jimmy Ice vs Jonathan Faust that's huge Jeff


Nova: I cant wait for steel cage challenge, these men could tear each other apart.


Harry Wilson Defeated Nightmare – Non title

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Harry Wilson defeated Nightmare in 5:52 by pinfall with a Full Metal Jacket.


Smith: A great win for the UK title holder.


Nova: He will find a tougher task at Steel cage challenge though, he will defend his UK title against Stevie Stoat and Adam Matravers in a triple threat match.


Smith: You heard it here first folks, the UK title will be on the line at our very first pay per view, this will be can not miss.


Daniel Black Francis defeated Luke Cool

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Daniel Black Francis defeated Luke Cool in 7:57 by pinfall.



Commercial Break



Jonathan Faust defeated DJ Reason

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jonathan Faust defeated DJ Reason in 6:07 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.


Jeff Nova steps away from the announce desk for a few moments to address the fans, and Dave McIntyre.


Nova: Last week Mr. McIntyre decided to threaten me, he told me that I best start treating him with respect. Well hows this for respect for you Dave, tonight I am putting you up against the best in 21CW, the world heavyweight champion Joss Thompson. Lets see if you are really as good as you make out!


Pit Bull Brown defeated Buff Martinez

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Pit Bull Brown defeated Buff Martinez in 7:59 by pinfall with a Dog House Piledriver.


Edward Cornell defeated Kevin Jones

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Edward Cornell defeated Kevin Jones in 8:11 by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.



Commercial Break



Jimmy Ice defeated Jay B

In a bout that had great heat and good action, Jimmy Ice defeated Jay B in 9:52 by pinfall.


Joss Thompson defeated Dave McIntyre

In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Joss Thompson defeated Dave McIntyre in 13:08 when Dave McIntyre was disqualified when Leo Price ran in and attacked Joss Thompson.


Price continues the assault on the world champion after the match as Dave just smiles and leans back on the ropes watching the proceedings unfold.


Nova: This man is a complete disgrace, why is he just standing by and watching this happen. Price just cost him the match with his assault on Joss!


Dave takes exception to Jeff's words and steps out of the ring, he stands screaming at Jeff.




Dave smashes Nova in the face before hoisting him into the air and bringing him through the announce table with a massive powerbomb.


The show ends with McIntyre standing above the destroyed Nova, and Price standing over Thompson, holding Thompson's stolen world title high above his head.

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