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TCW: Picking Up The Pieces

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Neither man appeared nervous as they sat before me. Quite telling, really, since myself, I was very nervous when I spoke to Tommy about being hired on just weeks earlier. Maybe they had heard from Lonny Cochran that they had the job.


If that was the case, someone should have told them that it wasn’t going to be quite that simple.


“Truth is,” I told them in my best genius booker voice, “we already have several young teams that we need to build. The only way you guys will get pushed up the card is if you do something to differentiate yourselves.”


“What do you mean,” Eddie Howard asked.


“Well, for example, I’ve seen some tapes of you two. Both of you are very good wrestlers, but sometimes that aint enough. There are plenty of very good wrestlers on the TCW roster. What you’ll need is gimmicks to stand out. Like Mr. Amazing for example.”


Eddie Howard smiled. “You liked that huh?”


“Oh yeah, very unique, I gotta ask, where did the idea for that come from?”


He leaned forward to tell me the story. “I play this uh, video game called Total Entertainment Wrestling. And it has this database filled with fictional wrestlers and promotions. Some of the guys have funny names like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and The Miz. Anyway, one wrestler in the database is named ‘Macho Man Randy Savage’. I just took the gimmick from that and changed the name around to avoid any legal problems.”


All I could think to myself was, ‘Hulk Hogan’ how could anyone with that name get over in the real world?


Still, I did liked Eddie’s gimmick, though it needed a few tweaks.


“How about this, based on what you’ve told me, we call you Mr. Macho! It cuts the ties to Mr. Amazing, a name associated with Indy promotions, and works the whole alliteration deal, makes the name more memorable.”


“Mr. Macho?” He thought it over and began nodding his head. “I like it, works for me.”


And so the meeting was almost happily concluded when D.C. Rayne spoke up.


“What about me, what about D.C. Rayne?”


“Well, I’m open to suggestions. Generally the best gimmicks are an extension of the wrestler’s real personality, just magnified several times over. So I guess I should ask, is there anything you like or care deeply about, enough that it defines you?”


He thought it over. “Well, I love music. Rap mainly, though I’ll listen to some rock music sometimes. That and wrestling.”


“Well, problem with that is that Sammy Bach is already working the musician angle. I know rap is different, but still. How about this, rappers are the modern day poets right? You focus more on that aspect, you can make up your own rhymes and spit em out in promos. Make em dark and violent, because that’s what your character will be like.”


“Sounds good. So I’ll be D.C. Rayne, street poet?”


“Uhh not quite, I was thinking of maybe something more like D.C. Poe, a street savvy black militant, kind of like Chuck D from Public Enemy. Your partner can be a more aggressive version of Flava Flav. We’ll call your team Affirmative Action.”


Both of them immediately shot out of their chairs. “That’s racist!” The shouted in unison.


Right after that Tommy Cornell opened the door. “Everything alright in here?”


Seeing the boss, they both sat down.


“Everything is fine, Mr. Cornell. I was just telling these two about that Affirmative Action gimmick you wanted them to have before you hired them.”


“Affirmative Action,” he asked, before he noticed my smile. “Ohh, that. Yeah, you gentlemen are happy with the gimmick, yes?”


They both said they were.


“Good, then welcome into the TCW family.” Tommy shook their hands and chatted with them for a bit. “Sorry to do this, but I need to speak with my booker alone, could you two excuse us for a moment?”


Of course, they left quickly after that. Tommy asked what in the world was going on, and so I explained it to him. He immediately shot out of his chair and shouted, “That’s racist!”


And after that I think he got it.


I asked him why he wanted to see me.


“I just concluded a deal to expand our PPV operations to several new markets. Only a couple more remain, which I hope to have signed up prior to Malice in Wonderland. I wanted to go over the card with you again, but more importantly, I wanted to see the plans for the t.v. show next week.”


“You mean the all important show before the pay per view? Okay, here are the plans.”


He looked them over thoroughly.


“Seems like its lacking in star power, to be honest.”


I couldn’t tell him that TCW was lacking in star power.


“It will work, just look at that main event. Once people see that they’ll order the pay per view.”


“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Speaking of which, I should go work out now. Gotta get myself ready for that match.”


With that he walked out. After he left I looked back over the plans. He was right, I should have stacked the card more, but I wanted to save the best for Malice in Wonderland. Everything was riding on that main event. I wasn’t worried, after all, who wouldn’t want to see those two wrestle?



Prediction key:



Harry Allen vs. Buddy Garner

Affirmative Action vs. Edd Stone and Charlie Thatcher

Tag team Specialists vs. The Gauge Brothers

The L.A. Connection vs. Texas Buffalo

Clark Alexander vs. Wolf Hawkins

Eddie Peak vs. Bryan Vessey

Tommy Cornell vs. ???

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Live from the Louisiana Auditorium (South East Region)

Week Four, January 2010

Attendance 9,151



TCW Presents Total Wrestling



Angle One: Show ups with announcers breathlessly describing a huge brawl reported in the back, they tell the audience that cameras are there now.


Benny Benson, Koshiro Ino, Troy Tornado, and Rick Law are all fighting. Rocky Golden runs in to break it up when suddenly, Sam Keith jumps out of nowhere to attack the World Champion.


Suddenly Nemesis shows up with Buddy Garner and a horde of security, eventually the fray is broken up and Nemesis tells them all that Cornell asked that he stop the fight personally. He says all six men are being fined and are to be sent home for the night. All of them start arguing again but Nemesis just walks away looking disgusted. Before he leaves camera range we overhear him tell Buddy that its time for another example to be made.


Rating: B-



Match: Returning from commercial the announcers tell the audience that the Commissioner has made a new match, and it is about to take place now.

Harry Allen


Buddy Garner


Harry utilizes his superior speed to work some hit and run spots on Buddy. Eventually Buddy does catch him, takes him down and begins working on Harry’s arm. The Young Gun gets a second chance though by making it to the ropes, but this seems to just make Buddy more determined, as he manages to catch Harry once again, lays him out with a T-Bone suplex, and locks in the Garner Lock for the submission.


Winner: Buddy Garner

Time: 6:53

Rating: C-



Angle Two: We cut backstage to see Freddy and Laura joining Jasmine for an interview.

Freddy immediately begins to taunt Joey by pointing out that he’s still alive and well. Not only that, but he has a huge surprise for Joey tonight.


“When you see who Edd called up you will literally URK!”


At that moment a large masked man runs in behind Freddy and demolished the him with a nasty chairshot. Laura begins to scream as Jasmine runs away.


The mask man does not speak or launch any more attacks. He simple stares at Freddy’s prone body and gives a thumbs down signal before walking off.


Rating: B-



Match: The announcers speculate about the masked man’s identity. Kyle Rhodes wonders aloud if it is the same man who attacked American Buffalo last week. Azaria points out that Cornell’s system of fines don’t seem to be working. Just then Rhodes says that he’s been informed that Freddy Huggins is still unconscious and may have a concussion. Edd Stone will have to find a new partner for the upcoming match.

Affirmative Action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIXb-Qkw88k&feature=related


Edd Stone and Charlie Thatcher

Basic squash match, with D.C. Poe doing most of the selling. After Edd gets the pin he grabs a microphone and tells Nemesis that he wants to talk to him. With no sign of the commissioner, Edd begins to walk to the back with an angry look on his face.


Winner: Edd Stone and Charlie Thatcher

Time: 5:11

Rating: D-



Angle Three: We return from commercial to see a camera crew walking through the hall way following Jasmine Saunders. They catch a glimpse of Edd Stone entering the Commissioner’s office and follow him through the open door.

Nemesis throws his hands up in exasperation.


“Why do I even bother having a door. You guys are lucky that Buddy hurt his trigger finger in his match otherwise-”


Just then Joey Minnesota walks in, screaming at Edd Stone. Edd screams back, saying that Joey had Freddy attacked, and that he’ll pay for that tonight.


Edd then turns to Nemesis. “Mr. Nemesis, sir. I’ve brought a friend with me tonight. He’d like to sign a temporary contract with the company, just long enough so that he can kick Joey Minnesota’s butt and go back to Canada.”


“That is highly irregular Edd, something like that would require Cornell’s permission. Who is this guy anyway?”


Just then Edd’s ‘friend’ walks through the door, its Sean McFly.


“He’s talking about me.”


Nemesis arches his fingers together and seems to ponder the situation. “Hmm, I don’t know, like I said, Cornell has to-”


“Sign him.” Everyone turns to see Tommy Cornell standing in the doorway. “Only he isn’t here to wrestle Joey Minnesota. Ain’t that right Sean?”


Sean agrees with Cornell and Edd begins to protest, reminding him of his grudge against Joey Minnesota. McFly replies that he never promised Edd that he’d wrestle anyone, just that he would come down to TCW. McFly says that he’s there for one man, Tommy Cornell.


As Edd begins to plead with his brother in law, Sean tells him that Edd has no friends in Canada, that he and his buddy have to pay for what happened to Ricky Johnson. Joey then pipes in but Nemesis cuts him off.


“Yes, that issue can be resolved at Malice in Wonderland.”


Joey asks Nemesis to make it a tag match, he smiles and says he should have a partner ready by then, and he then he walks out. At that, Edd really starts freaking out. Edd finally agrees to the match only if Charlie Thatcher can join his team.


Nemesis sends him on his way and now McFly and Cornell are sizing each other up.


“Ya know,” Tommy begins to speak, “ So much insanity going on in the company, hell, society in general. Maybe it would do some good to show the world what a true wrestling match looks like. What do you say McFly, just you and me, the main event.” McFly agrees. Tommy then turns to Nemesis. “Absolutely no funny business. Anyone even approaches that ring they get fired. Pass on the word.”



McFly walks out and Tommy stands there, smiling. Nemesis broaches the subject of fines and says that they aren’t working. Tommy barely hears him. “Double them, I don’t care. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a match to prepare for.”


Nemesis just shakes his head as Tommy leaves.


Rating: B




Match: The announcers are extremely excited as they discuss the main event. They talk over the Tag Team Specialist’s intro music.

Gauge Brothers


Tag Team Specialists


The brothers get in a surprising amount of offense, considering the time allotted. While watching the match on the monitor I notice Tommy also taking a gander.


“Don’t you have a match to prepare for,” I ask half joking.


“That kid, Matt Gauge. Push him.” He begins to walk off.


“Huh, what?”


He turns to make himself clear. “The kid’s got it. He’s going to be the next big thing. Make sure it happens.”


I notice Sam smiling proudly as I turn back to the monitor. I still had much to learn, because I just didn’t see it myself. Oh well.


Winner: Tag Team Specialists

Time: 6:36

Rating: D+




Angle Four: After the match concludes, Sammy Bach and Karen Killer walk down to the ring.


Once again Sammy asks for a rematch. He presents his case as to why he should get another shot.


“Taylor, you and I both know that I had you beat, but this dumb woman I am saddled with had to stick her nose in, and its her fault I lost.”


Karen protests but Sammy yells at her to shut up.


“Taylor, if you got the guts, make the match for Malice in Wonderland. I promise you this worthless broad will not come near the ring. That day she’ll be home cooking and cleaning like she should.”


Karen angrily tries to grab the microphone but Sammy swats her hands away and shoots her a very dark look. Karen backs off, and follows him out of the ring with her head down.


Rating: C



Match: The announcers still discuss the main event, though they also take the time to chastise Sammy Bach for his treatment of Karen.

The L.A. Connection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtJLbiTttac&feature=related


Texas Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT-f6HBny44


American Buffalo takes the lead early with some power moves. Eventually Chance fights back and makes the tag. Aaron goes on clean up until Pete drops him with a wicked clothesline. Texas Buffalo look to be close to winning when Floyd Goldworthy suddenly appears on the ramp, walking with a cane.


Goldworthy approaches the ring, and as American Buffalo shouts at him from the canvas, Aaron rolls him up and gets the pin.


Winner: L.A. Connection

Time: 8:40

Rating: C-



Angle Five: Goldworthy stands outside the ring, taunting American Buffalo on his loss.


“Hope you haven’t forgotten me already, Buffalo. After spending a few days in the hospital, where I learned that thanks to that kick you gave me I’d have to walk around with a cane for the rest of my life, I admit, I fell into a bit of depression.”


Goldworthy goes on to say that he thought his career in wrestling was over, until he remembered his old friend, American Buffalo, was still living high on the hog.


“So, all those business arrangements I made for you during the years I was your faithful manager, well I went ahead and cashed them in. Turned out to be quite a nice chunk of change. More than enough to finance a trip to Japan, with plenty left over to pay for these silly fines Cornell instituted as well. Hell, there was even enough to buy my own armada. Or should I say, Samoan Armada.”


With that, Rhino Umaga and Bali So’oialo charged in to the opposite side of the ring and quickly began beating down American Buffalo. Texas pete tried to save his partner but was flattened with a belly to belly suplex for his trouble.


Once American Buffalo was down, Goldworthy made his way into the ring. “They grow them big in Samoa, don’t they?” And then he wrapped his cane across American Buffalo’s head, busting him open.


“I don’t want to finish this now, old friend. I want to prolong your suffering. See you and your partner at Malice in Wonderland.”


And with that, Goldworthy and his ‘Armada’ walked out.


Rating: D+



Match: As the announcers discuss the the return of Floyd Goldworthy, Clark Alexander’s entrance music begins to play.

Clark Alexander


Wolf Hawkins


I asked both men to try their hardest to build up the crowd and gave them plenty of time to accomplish that goal. I was pleasantly surprised at the result, Hawkins and Alexander have great chemistry in the ring and it shone in what I thought was going to be a throwaway match.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins

Time: 11:52

Rating: B-



Angle Six: After commercial, the show returns with Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins backstage, microphone in hand.


Tommy starts out by saying he wanted a few minutes to address the fans, the wrestlers of TCW, and Sean McFly in particular.


Tommy puts McFly over as a world class competitor and a legend of the sport. Tommy adds that he is also a legend, and that tonight the two of them will show everyone what wrestling is really all about.


Wolf Hawkins interrupts Cornell.


“I don’t know Tommy. I just had a ‘great’ match against Clark Alexander. It doesn’t change anything though. Still no gold around my waist, still guys in the back gunning for me and you. The most important thing is to win, by any means necessary.”


Tommy says that he doesn’t disagree with that.


“But sometimes you’ve gotta look into the mirror and really face what stares back at you. There are moments in life when you get to test yourself, and hopefully, change the image you see reflecting back at you. For me, tonight, this will be one of those moments.”


Tommy then goes on to ask everyone, whether a fan or a wrestler, to put aside any personal feelings they may have about Cornell and to just appreciate the effort he’s about to make.


“Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you like, but tonight McFly and myself, we will show you all what the measure of greatness can be.”


After Tommy walks off, a disappointed Wolf Hawkins shakes his head. He lets slip a barely audible mumble. “Who in the hell cares what the fans or other wrestlers think?”


Rating: B+



Match: The announcers again chatter about the main event, though they do spend some time detailing the feud between the next competitors.

Bryan Vessey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnL10hGcWI


Eddie Peak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUDEOdEcBgE


Pretty even match, with both guys going all out. After getting tossed around for a few minutes, Peak turns the tables when he’s busted open. He rips into Vessey and just does not stop until he misses a running clotheline in the corner and goes sailing over the ropes.


Vessey doesn’t take a breather, he rolls out and starts on the offensive with a series of stiff leg kicks followed by thunderous chops. Peak resorts to poking his opponents eyes and rolls him back in. After that he takes control but loses it again.


As the match goes on it becomes clear that Vessey’s skill and tenacity are frustrating Peak. Finally peak snaps and throws the referee into Vessey. While the ref is unconscious and thus cannot call for the bell, the official result is clear.


Winner: Bryan Vessey

Time: 17:51

Rating: B-



Angle Seven: Azaria admonishes Peak for his cowardly actions.


With both Vessey and the ref down, Peak approaches the referee and begins to pull off the man’s belt. He then takes the belt and begins to whip Vessey with it.


This only energizes Bryan, who quickly begins to trade punches with Peak. Peak kicks Vessey in the groin and then wraps the belt around his fist, he then begins to pummel Vessey with it, busting his forehead open in the process.


Security and members of the backstage crew quickly enter the ring and pull Peak off of Vessey. Peak laughs maniacally as they drag him from the ring.


Rating: B-



Main Event: Kyle Rhodes says that he is certain that now Vessey will ask for a return match at Malice in Wonderland, assuming he is able to compete. Azaria then quickly lists the accomplishments of the next competitors before the match begins.

Tommy Cornell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Sean McFly


Match begins with both men circling each other. McFly goes for a half hearted single leg takedown, but Cornell quickly backs out of it. They continue circling and then meet for a collar and elbow tie up.


McFly pulls Cornell into a headlock, and transitions it into a chicken wing and then into a single hammerlock. The two men struggle to gain advantage but McFly puts a leg behind Cornell and uses his leverage to push Cornell to the canvas. Before touching the mat, Tommy bridges up and then kips up to standing position. The hammerlock is still held.


Tommy now puts a leg behind McFly and pushed Sean down. Sean bridges then collapses the bridge to roll backwards, this turns the hammerlock into a single arm lock, which McFly uses to whip Tommy into the ropes.


Cornell rebounds and leapfrogs Sean’s body drop attempt. However, as Tommy runs back off the opposite ropes, McFly catches him and lands a spine buster. Tommy writhes around in pain as McFly approaches a corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He launches himself off and connects with a flying leg drop. He goes for the cover.






Tommy kicks out.


McFly rolls Cornell over and positions him into a surfboard. Sean then rocks backward and Tommy’s face grimaces in pain as he fights to free himself from the submission hold.


Eventually McFly realizes that Cornell will not submit, and thus releases the hold, sending Tommy slamming face first into the mat. McFly quickly rolls forward and grabs Tommy’s leg before applying a step over cross face.


Cornell struggles to slowly pull himself to the ropes. McFly releases the hold, but immediately begins to attack the legs again, this time he places Cornell's left ankle on the bottom rope before launching himself into the air and crashing down on Tommy’s leg.


Cornell howls in pain. McFly repeats the move, and then tries a third attempt but Tommy manages to kick McFly with his good leg as McFly is in the air, sending his opponent sailing over the top rope.


Tommy tries standing on his injured leg as McFly grabs the leg from outside and pulls Cornell down. Tommy kicks McFly in the face with his good leg and hobbles to his feet. He takes only a second to stare down at the groggy Mcfly before he jumps over the top rope and connects with a spectacular cross body block to the floor.


After a few brief moments to recuperate, Tommy sends McFly back in to the ring, where he follows him. McFly attempts to stand but Tommy runs across the ring and steps on McFly’s outstretched leg to knee Sean in the face. Tommy then covers Sean after the Shining Wizard






McFly kicks out. Tommy pulls Sean on to his feet, where he grabs him in a front face lock which he then transitions in to a Butterfly Suplex. He follows that with a Sling Shot reverse atomic drop. He tries pulling McFly up again but McFly grabs the back of Tommy’s head, places Cornell’s chin against his own head, and drops down in a jawbreaker.


Cornell stumbles backwards and Sean charges him, Tommy grabs Sean in a bear hug, crouches down and quickly flips him over in a release belly to belly suplex.


Tommy then goes for the Guilt Trip, but McFly just barely manages to escape out of the ring through the ropes. Tommy attempts to follow him, but as he steps out on to the apron, McFly suddenly drop kicks the injured ankle, and Cornell falls to the floor below.


McFly grabs Tommy and bashes his head in to the guard rail before rolling him back into the ring. Once there he sets Tommy in a crucifix position and rolls backwards, going for the pin.






Tommy rolls himself upright and then hooks McFly’s leg as he pulls it forwards into a pin attempt of his own






McFly rolls out of it but Cornell continues to hold the leg and quickly surges forward, grabbing McFly around the waist from behind. He then lifts him up in the air. Sean’s arms flail around and he ducks forward, attempting a victory roll, but Tommy muscles him back up again and forces him to crash to the canvas face first. He then turns McFly over and goes for the pin.








McFly gets his shoulder up before the three count.


Cornell then puts Sean in a chin lock, which he transitions into a modified sleeper. McFly battles to his feet and elbows Cornell in the gut several times, but Tommy will not break the hold. Sean then uses his last reserve of energy to lunge towards the corner, where he quickly jumps up the ropes and flips behind Tommy. He then places an arm across Tommy’s face and drops backwards in a reverse DDT.


Sean grabs Tommy and hoists him up before landing a viscous shoulder breaker. Still holding Tommy he tries to position him for the Delorean Driver, Tommy breaks free and lands on his feet behind McFly, as McFly turns Tommy grabs him and jumps up and fall backwards, pulling McFly’s face into both of his knees.


Tommy approaches Sean, but is met with a series of chops, before Sean tucks his head under Tommy’s arm and lifts him up in an Olympic slam.


Both men struggle to their feet, Mcfly stands up first, and grabs a weary Cornell in a full nelson. He then demonstrates his strength by pulling Cornell into the air and slamming him down from the standing position. He then climbs the nearest turnbuckle again and launches himself off.


He lands a diving body block on his prone opponent and cradles the leg for the pin.








Tommy manages to kick out just before the three count. A clearly frustrated MCFly argues briefly with the referee before pulling Tommy up. Once standing, Cornell shoves Sean’s arms away and begins throwing punches. Sean returns fire and the two trade punches in the center of the ring.


McFly resorts to kicking Tommy’s injured leg, causing Cornell to double over and turn away. However, Cornell quickly keeps turning and when he spins around he is already in the air, catching McFly with an enziguri kick. McFly falls backwards into the ropes, and begins to slide out over the middle rope.


Sean catches himself before he falls out of the ring. As Cornell walks forward, Sean whips his legs forward, catching Cornell with a mule kick. Sean then slips back into the ring. He then jumps on the bottom ring rope, then turns as he lands on the second rope and flies off of it to nail Cornell with a flying forearm. He then tries holding Tommy’s shoulders down for the pin, but Cornell keeps one off the mat before a count can even begin.


The two men struggle for several moments before Tommy pulls his legs inside and kicks Sean back. While still holding his hands Tommy quickly jumps up and places both feet in McFly’s gut and pulls him backwards.


Cornell monkey flips Sean and rolls over to attempt a pin of his own. McFly uses his own legs however, to brace against Cornell’s legs in mid air. He then quickly kicks Cornell up and criss crosses his own legs, so when Cornell lands, Sean spins his upper torso so it is now aligned with his back facing Cornell. He then locks his legs under Cornell’s shoulders, tucks himself and rolls forward, turning a leg scissor- body lock into a catapult. Tommy sails over Sean and lands on his back.


The crowd gasps, never having seen a move like that before. Sean then does a forward somersault into a leg drop across Cornell’s throat.








Tommy kicks out but McFly signals for the Delorean Driver once again. He picks Tommy up but he wiggles out, Sean elbows Tommy in the face and lifts him up again, but Tommy slides off and spins McFly around. Sean tries another elbow, but Cornell ducks it, grabs the front face lock and in one smooth motion transitions into the Rough Ride. Sean tries to fight it but Tommy lands his finisher. He then goes for the cover.








And the bell rings just before the referee’s hand strikes the mat. Tommy holds up his arms in victory as the crowd give a standing ovation, but the ref quickly pulls Cornell's arms down as the ring announcer informs everyone of the official result.


Winner: None (Time limit Draw)

Time: 30:00

Rating: A


TCW Presents Total Wrestling Final Grade: B-



Key for Malice in Wonderland


Robert oxford vs Matt Gauge

Sammy bach vs Joshua Taylor for the International Title

Samoan Armada vs Texas Buffalo

Jack Avatar vs Buddy Garner

Rick law vs Koshiro Ino

Joey Minnesota and Unnamed partner vs Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher

The New Wave vs The Machines for the World Tag Titles

Benny benson vs Troy Tornado

Eddie Peak vs Bryan Vessey in a Strap Match

Rocky Golden vs Sam Keith for the World Heavyweight Title

Sean McFly vs Tommy Cornell

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Thanks. Without giving away too much, I had McFly planned for something else, but the more I thought of TCW's official backstory, the more I felt Cornell was damaged by losing to Rocky Golden in 2009.


Also, since Malice in Wonderland is one of the Big Two PPVs for TCW, I added an extra 30 minutes in length to the show, which will allow for all the current programs to run on it while providing some time to start some new feuds as well.

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Live from the Nevada State Armory (South West Region)

Sunday, Week Four, January 2010

Attendance: 30,000


TCW: Malice In Wonderland

(Part One)


Angle One: The show opens with a camera shot of the ring. Nemesis is in the ring standing beside a table.


Nemesis begins by speaking about the main event from the last Total Wrestling show. He says that while the match itself was truly great, it would not be right to leave things with no clear winner.


“The fans want to know, all the wrestlers want to know, and more importantly, both Cornell and McFly want to know exactly who the better wrestler really is.”


With that, Sean comes out to the ring, followed a few minutes later by Tommy Cornell. Both men sit at the table and begin to sign an assortment of documents as Nemesis continues to speak.


“In the interest of answering this question, both men have agreed to face each other again, tonight. The match will consist of standard rules, save one. There is no time limit. Sean McFly is also signing a waiver to return at the next Total Wrestling show for a third match if he is unhappy with the result tonight.”


McFly and Cornell finish signing the papers and Tommy sticks his hand out. McFly looks around at the crowd and seems hesitant. Nemesis hands Tommy the microphone.


“Sean, my word, on my honor as someone who has dedicated his life to professional wrestling. There will be no funny business. Just you, me, an impartial referee and a wrestling ring.”


McFly nods and the two shake hands as the crowd gives its approval.


Rating: B



Match: The announcers hype the second match between Cornell and McFly before turning their attention to the next match.

Matt Gauge


Robert Oxford


As per Tommy’s instructions, this marks the beginning of the build for Matt Gauge. While his dad is a friend of mine, and Matt himself is a good guy with a nice attitude, I still have some misgivings, mainly because I don’t think many of the veterans on the roster are going to enjoy helping to put someone that young over.


Case in point, Robert Oxford, who complained about the match result. Placating him was a story in itself.


Winner: Matt Gauge

Time: 5:44

Rating: C



Match: Azaria briefly talked about the series of matches the two competitors have already had.

Sammy Bach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b26BD5KjH0&feature=related


Joshua Taylor

Title: International Championship


As promised, Sammy comes down to the ring without Karen Killer. It is clear from the start that Bach is wrestling with a different intensity in this match. He controls most of it, but after missing a moonsault, Taylor gains advantage and Sammy struggles to mount any offense.


At one point Karen does run down to the ring, and as she distracts the ref, Sammy tries to throw powder in Joshua’s face, but Joshua kicks the powder, blinding Bach as a result.


Before Taylor can pin him, Bach rolls out and stumbles up the ramp. Karen tries to attend to him but he shoves her down. After the count reaches five, Taylor grabs a microphone and tells Bach he can either get back in to the ring now or forfeit any future title shots. Bach just waves Taylor off and walks to the backstage area as the ref’s count reaches ten.


Winner: Joshua Taylor

Time: 11:21

Rating: B-



Match: Rhodes talks about the bad blood between American Buffalo and Floyd Goldworthy, and says that Buffalo asked that this match be made a No DQ match.

Texas Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT-f6HBny44


Samoan Armada


Texas Pete and Rhino started things. Watching pete, I finally realized how to push him, but that would have to wait. Next, both Bali and American Buffalo were in. Buffalo got most of the offense in until Goldworthy tripped him as he ran against the ropes. This ignited a four way brawl that saw Buffalo chase Goldworthy around the ring as Pete was double teamed.


Eventually Genghis Rahn made it to the ring, chair in hand. He flattened Bali with a vicious chair shot and tossed a stack of money at the ref (presumably the fifty grand to pay for the fine, in truth, a stack of Mickey Money from Disney land I had since I was a kid.)


Rahn dropped the chair, kicked Rhino in the gut and DDTed him face first on the chair. Pete made the cover after that.


Winner: Texas Buffalo

Time: 7:23

Rating: C-



Match: Announcers discuss the wild brawl they just witnessed before hyping the next match.

Jack Avatar


Buddy Garner


I had met Buddy many years ago in Japan when he still trained a few folks for MMA. I’ve also wrestled him before, and I knew we could put on a decent match, which I wanted early to start ramping up the crowd.


Typical Buddy match, he tried wearing down a body part for the submission, I tried to pray for miracle. Alas, no miracles for me.




Note to self, The Garner Lock hurts quite a bit, even with minimal pressure applied.


Winner: Buddy Garner

Time: 10:50

Rating: B



Angle Two: The announcers inform us that Eddie Peak is backstage to talk about his upcoming match with Bryan Vessey.


Once again we see Eddie Peak drooling over Jasmine. The interview doesn’t really even get started when Genghis Rahn appears.


“Eddie where were you, I had to help American Buffalo with Goldworthy.”


Eddie explains he has to get ready for Bryan Vessey, doesn’t really seem to want to talk to Rahn right then.


Rahn begins to get angry and points out that Peak is the one that attacked Goldworthy, that Peak made him an enemy.


“You do what you want and expect us to clean up the mess. I’m tired of it.”


Eddie grinned and asked Rahn if he was also tired of this, and then he punched him and rammed his head into a wall. Peak then kicked Genghis several times before informing him that the Hellfire Club was no more.


“Now, there is only the monster left.”


And he walked off.


Rating: C+




Koshiro Ino


Rick Law


I admit I had neglected this feud somewhat. That won’t continue, though. These two just clicked in the ring and outside of it, where they brawled repeatedly as the ref almost counted them both out on several occasions.


The finish came when Ino dodged Rick in a corner, Law sailed through and was hanging half way out of the ring. The ref argued briefly with Ino, allowing Law to reach down where his gear was sitting and grab his nightstick. Once Ino grabbed him, Rick quickly turned and caught Koshiro in the throat with the weapon, He then flicked it outside, the ref having seen none of it.


It was an easy pin after that.


Winner: Rick law

Time: 14:05

Rating: B



Angle Three: Shawn Doakes informs us that Joey Minnesota is backstage with a special guest.


Next we see Joey, and standing beside him, is Ricky Dale Johnson.


Joey congratulates Ricky on making it back and tells him he has the floor, as he’s sure Ricky has a lot to say.


RDJ first thanks all the fans for their cards and letter. He said he had to spend two weeks with his jaw wired shut and still isn’t quite use to talking yet.


“I also want to thank Tommy Cornell for coming to see me in the hospital and making sure that I got the best care possible and that my family was looked after. I know we’ve gone around the horn plenty of times, and we’ve had our disagreements, but I feel comfortable saying that I respect you, and that I appreciate all you did for my family while I was hurt.”


Joey seems to be a little perturbed at those remarks and asks if Ricky is done with the Syndicate. RDJ takes a few moments before answering.


“I’m not promising anything right now, only this. Freddy Huggins, Edd Stone, and anyone associated with you two. Listen to me and listen good. Huggins, you almost ended my career. You put me up in the hospital and caused my family untold emotional pain.”


“And I’ll be honest now, I thought about the way wrestling’s changed. That maybe it’s a young man’s game now and I just aint got it anymore. To be truthful, I was ready to hang it up. But then I’d look over, and see my family crying as they looked at me, all scarred and broken up,”


He points at the camera. “Freddy Huggins, you think you hurt me? You aint hurt me boy. All you did was remind me that I gotta give it everything when I step out there. That includes me stepping on you and then wiping you off the bottom of my boot. Yeah you got your pound of flesh alright, but now the butcher’s bill is due, and you are gonna pay ten times over, I promise you that.”


Rating: B-



Match: The announcers describe Huggins attack on Johnson, a replay of said attack is shown on television.

Joey Minnesota and Ricky Dale Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C86oH5RwyJg


Canadian Animals and Charlie Thatcher


RDJ starts the match against Charlie Thatcher, as neither Edd Stone nor Freddy Huggins seem interested in facing him in the ring.


Charlie spends his time mostly getting beat down. He tries to tag out but his partners won’t tag. Charlie resigns himself to his fate, sighs visibly, and goes back to getting his ass kicked.


Eventually he is swung into the corner where his partners stand, and he tags in Edd Stone, who quickly tries to run away, but Laura Huggins stops him and insults his manhood until he finally gets into the ring.


Edd bumps around for RDJ for a bit then runs over and tags Freddy Huggins, who steels himself and finally enters the ring.


Freddy gets little offense in as RDJ pretty much beats him up. Huggins does get in a kick when Johnson lowered his head for a back body drop, which leads to the rest of Huggins’ team to charge in to the ring.


Joey Minnesota and RDJ battle with the three men. Minnesota eventually gets Stone and Thatcher outside the ring as Johnson hits Freddy with two nasty looking Pile Drivers.


The pin follows as no surprise, but then Minnesota gives Johnson a chair, and Ricky looks intent on using it until Laura puts herself between him and her prone brother. Johnson threatens several times to hit Freddy, but Laura screams, pleading for mercy.


After a few moments, Johnson shrugs and drops the chair, he leaves the ring after that.


A stunned Joey Minnesota follows after him.


Rating: C




The Machines


The New Wave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXpUcRVzV1s

Title: World Tag Team Championship


At times I regretted the necessity of continuing the storylines Joel Bryant had going, mainly because it left little room to focus on feuds like this one. I think most fans of tag team wrestling had wanted to see this the moment the New Wave established themselves in TCW, but Brent Hill’s injury delayed that.


The match had great action in it, despite its slower pace. I had asked them to make the match special, but not burn out the crowd, and I think both teams did well in that regard.


The finish came when John Anderson pulled a pair brass knuckles from his trunks and hit an unsuspecting Scout with them. Guide was detained by Brent Hill as Anderson made the pin.


Winner: The Machines (New Champions)

Time: 15:28

Rating: B


End of Part One

(To be continued Soon)

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TCW Malice in Wonderland Part Two




Angle Four: Jasmine stands beside Benny Benson backstage.

Jasmine asks Benny if he has any last thoughts before his match with Troy Tornado.


“Just something I want him to know. Troy, I am prepared to put everything I have into this. I’m not talking about walking away, I’m talking about crawling away if I have to. This is all some kind of big joke to you, but to me, this is as serious as it can get. So, when you step in that ring, I hope you are ready to sacrifice your body, because I am putting it all on the line!”

Rating: C




Benny Benson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRGDqA6g6Zo&feature=related


Troy Tornado

Despite the promo, this was pretty much a standard, evenly fought match


Winner: Troy Tornado

Rating: C+



Match: Strap Match

Eddie Peak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUDEOdEcBgE


Bryan Vessey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnL10hGcWI

Both men begin bleeding fairly early in the match. Bryan’s forehead is busted open while Eddie Peak has multiple lacerations on his back from Vessey whipping him with the strap. The finish comes when Eddie is going for the fourth corner, when Genghis grabs his leg from outside the ring. Eddie turns and Vessey locks him into a choke hold, he then slowly drags the Eddie around to each corner. At the final corner Peak appears unconscious.


Winner: Bryan Vessey

Rating: B-



Angle Five:

Sam Keith approaches the ring. Once there he gets a microphone and begins to run down Rocky Golden. He then transitions that into a promo about himself.


“I realize this may be my last shot. You can ask anyone about Sam Keith, and they’ll tell you all about what I’ve done in this business, about who I am and where I’ve been. What they can’t tell you is about when I held the TCW World Heavyweight title. That changes tonight when that belt becomes my property, and my legacy in this business is complete.”


Rating: B-




Sam Keith


Rocky Golden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ejbv0WEJo

Title: TCW World Heavyweight Championship

I asked both of them to go all out, and they delivered. Rocky focused on Power moves while Sam fought with brawling tactics with some technical wrestling mixed in. After fifteen minutes or so, Sam had Rocky in serious trouble and tried to put him in the Proton Lock, but Rocky powered out of it and finished Sam off with a running power bomb to retain his title.


Winner: Rocky Golden

Rating: B



Angle Six:

Tommy is shown backstage. He puts over Sean McFly and the match they had at the last Total Wrestling show. He points out that he was just seconds from winning, and that now he had all the time he needed, he promised that McFly would lose and that the world would know that Tommy Cornell was the best wrestler alive today.


Rating: B+





Tommy Cornell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Sean McFly

Match began slow, with a collar and elbow tie up that lead to a series of transitions with neither man gaining full control. As the match built, both men began to trade moves against one another. Eventually McFly made a mistake, which Tommy capitalized on and went for the pin.


After a two count, the pace quickened even more and something became apparent to me, Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes were not equipped to call a match of this caliber.


Jason, while able to name nearly all the moves, dragged behind the action sometimes calling something only after two other moves had been used. Kyle Rhodes failed to convey the big time atmosphere properly.


Perhaps both of them were tired out from the previous three hours action, but their flaws kept what should have been an all time classic from reaching its full potential.


This was an issue I planned to rectify very soon.


Winner: Tommy Cornell

Rating: A




TCW Malice In Wonderland Final Rating: B


(This show increased our popularity)

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I was surprised that he didn’t argue about my suggestion. Cornell quickly explained why.


“I’m in negotiations with the Pop! Network to run a show for us. Hopefully it will be live on Saturday nights.”


“So its okay to sign Melanie as a Color Commentator?”


“Sure, sure. Hell, if you can get Mitch Naess as an announcer that will work too.”


I had spoken to Melanie Florence earlier on the phone. She would be waiting to see if I’d fax a contract over to her in England. Nice to know I could have her signed up before the next Total Wrestling show.


“So, we move Kyle Rhodes to backstage announcer and make Jasmine a manager? We have Dharma Gregg slotted to debut soon as well. How do you want to handle that?”


“You’re the booker, you handle it,” he laughed.


I turned to the next item of business.


“I signed Paul and the other one earlier today. I suppose that list of other names you wanted is because of the second show?”


“Right, plan is, between both shows, three and a half hours a week of air time to fill. We need more quality wrestlers to put on those shows. With the new PPV companies on board we have enough revenue now to cover the hiring costs.”


I handed him the paperwork and the VHS tape. The list was names of young wrestlers I thought might fit well in the company. The VHS tape had clips of some of those wrestlers in action.


He looked the list over.


“Steven Parker. That’s a definite. I already know that kids pretty good. Jack Griffith… yeah. A steady hand when he’s sober. Jacob Jett, who’s he?”


“He’s on the tape. Just watch.”


After a few minutes, Tommy turned to me, clearly impressed. “He’s better than most of our cruiserweights.”


I agreed. “Yeah, but he’s unknown in the states. Going to take some work to build him up first.”


“Well, that’s work that can be done on the second show. Let’s see, who’s next. Frankie Perez. I’ve heard of this kid.”


We watched the tape. “Impressive, but he’ll need some kind of character. With Bryan Vessey, Buddy garner and the guy you just signed, we’ll have plenty of black boots, black trunks, self styled shooters on the roster.”


I nodded. “He has a gimmick already. I think it’s a sadistic mime.”


“A sadistic mime? How can he get over without talking? Tweak it and hire him.”


I told him I would, and then I laughed as I caught his reaction to the last name on the list.


“Is this a typo? What is a Hell Monkey?”


“He just wears the monkey mask for his entrance. Just watch the tape, you’ll see.”


It didn’t take Tommy all that long. “Sign him. That kid is ready for the big time.”


Before I left he asked me if the second show would cause any trouble for what I had planned. I shrugged.


“It will mess up the timing some, but I’ll just need to find a foil for Triage as you heal from your injury.”


He went back to watching the tape. “Alright. Its your call, I just hope this works.”

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Live from the Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic Region)

Week One, February, 2010

Attendance 8,071



TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Angle One:The show opens with Nemesis standing in the ring. Once the pyro ends and the crowd dies down, Nemesis begins to speak.


He first thanks Sean McFly for the excellent matches he put on against Tommy Cornell, and that TCW’s owner has personally invited McFly to return any time he likes. Nemesis then says that, in light of those recent matches, he is now naming Tommy Cornell as the number one contender for Rocky Golden’s World Heavyweight Championship.


“The two will meet at War To Settle the Score, which will mark the first return defense since their last epic encount-”


Nemesis is cut off as Bryan Vessey’s music begins to play.




Vessey wastes little time in making his point.


“Its easy for Tommy Cornell to send his little sock puppet out here and declare him the number one contender, based on beating some over rated hack that doesn’t even work for this company. Seems to me if he wants to get the TCW title shot, he ought to beat someone in TCW, namely me.”


Nemesis shakes his head.


“I’m no one’s sock puppet, pal. I was headlining shows way back when you were still chasing girls around in your Daddy’s Ford Pinto. Years before you ever stepped into a ring. The decision was mine and if you-”


Nemesis is again cut off, this time by Tommy Cornell’s music.




Cornell stops at the top of the ramp.


“John… Nemesis, I believe Bryan has a point, and I don’t just mean the one at the top of his head. He thinks I haven’t earned a title shot, well, he’s more than welcome to try to prove you wrong. How about this, Tonight Bryan Vessey and I meet in the ring, the winner to be declared the number one contender.”


As the crowd pops, Vessey seems happy, but Nemesis takes his time, almost as if he is hesitating. Finally he nods.


“Fine. Tonight, live and in living color, two of the greatest wrestling technicians in the world meet to decide who will challenge Rocky Golden for the TCW World Heavyweight title. May the best man win.”


The show cuts to commercial with an interspersed shot of Bryan and Tommy staring each other down across the ramp way.


Rating: 86




Samoan Armada


Texas Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT-f6HBny44

This feud failed to gain any traction mainly because TCW features a strong divide between heels and faces, and with both teams being heels, there was no one for the crowd to cheer.


I decided this match would serve to end the pain. I counted on American Buffalo protesting doing the honors for someone lower on the card, it is why I made this the first match.


While I had plans for Texas Pete, Buffalo was just going to have to get used to losing, or find employment elsewhere.


Also, first timed I noticed it, but Floyd has good chemistry with Bali, and great chemistry with Rhino. Putting them together was a good idea.


Winner: Samoan Armada via Pinfall

Rating: 61



Angle Two:

Kyle Rhodes is backstage with Joshua Taylor.


Josh reiterates that he is done with Sammy Bach when Karen Killer stumbles into the camera frame. She is wearing dark sunglasses that don’t quite hide a large bruise around her eye. She clutches at Josh.


“Please, you have to help me,” she whimpers.


Josh notices the bruises and begins to speak excitedly.


“What happened to you?”


She takes a few moments stuttering and stammering before she informs him of what happened.


“Its… its Sammy. He just snapped a few minutes ago when he found out that the Commissioner denied his request for another match. I.. I tried to calm him down but then he started throwing things and blaming me, and I guess I must have stepped in his way or something.”


Karen breaks down into tears as Josh begins to shout.


“He did this? Where is he?”


Karen keeps her head down. “Please, it was an accident. He just wants another-”


Finally Josh pulls the sunglasses off, revealing a nasty looking bruise around Karen’s left eye.


“Where is he?”


She points. “He said he was going to get his ride and leave. He’s… in the parking lot.”


Josh tells Kyle to look after Karen as he storms off. Kyle immediately tells the camera man to follow Josh, and soon we see the International champion stalk his way through the building cursing Sammy Bach along the way.


Eventually Josh exits a set of double doors, and we see the back parking area. About Forty feet away Sammy Bach leans against a car.


Josh runs at Sammy and soon the two are trading punches. Quickly Joshua takes Sammy down and begins to punch him on the asphalt when suddenly Karen runs into view and begins raking at Josh’s eyes with her long fingernails.


Josh screams, and Sammy kicks the other man away and reaches under his car to pull out an empty beer bottle. Sammy busts it over Josh’s head, and the would be do-gooder’s forehead erupts in a shower of blood.


Sammy and Karen then kick away at Joshua Taylor as Sammy laughs, Karen tells Joshua that Sammy is all the man she needs, and then giggles as she wipes off the make up from her eye.


Before Sammy adds one last kick, he tells his foe, “I guess you’ll be giving me another title shot now, won’t you?” He and Karen then kiss passionately as referees and EMT’s shove them aside to get to Joshua.


Rating: 54




The Gauge Brothers


The Tag Team Specialists

This match had to be worked differently. Not just because of Joel Bryant’s unwillingness to lose, but for the angle that followed afterward. The match included several spots from the Specialists where they either collided with each other or messed their partner up with a poorly thrown punch. By the end they were arguing with each other.


Winner: The Gauge Brothers via pin fall

Rating: 70



Angle Three:

Joel and Robert begin shoving each other in the ring. Robert throws the first punch, but Joel soon knocks Robert down with a shot of his own.


As he stands over Robert, he doesn’t notice Paul Steadyfast slide into the ring behind him. Joel is soon double teamed and beaten down before being tossed outside. Robert then gestures for a microphone.


“As much as I am tired of losing to snot nosed punks, I am even more tired of your broken down ass holding me behind. Joel Bryant, I’d like you to meet my old partner, also the best partner I ever had, Paul Steadyfast.”


Robert then hands the mic to Paul.


“Now Joel, I know your first inclination will be to fire back. I urge you to do the right thing, and that is to take this opportunity to reflect on your great career and maybe just turn and walk away. Don’t look at this as a negative, look at Robert and I as a Reality Check instead. One that was long overdue.”


Joel angrily shouts at them with his own microphone until the two quiet down.


“Robert you can say what you want, but I know you had this all planned out in advanced. Hell, you could of just asked, but you decided to jump me instead. Just know that I am not going to let this slide. I’ll be seeing you two goons real soon.”


Joel Bryant's Face Turn went pretty well.


Rating: 39




Ricky Dale Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C86oH5RwyJg


Genghis Rahn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPkz7bZoq18

And to think, this would have been a main event just two years ago…


Both have had a sharp decline since then. Not much to add except Eddie Peak runs in and flattens Genghis in payback to allow RDJ to pick up the win.


Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson via Pin fall

Rating: 69



Angle Four:

A hype video featuring Koshiro Ino and Rick Law featuring the musical styling of Green Day.


Given the rating, guess I should have went with a real punk rock band.


Rating: 68




Aaron Andrews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtJLbiTttac&feature=related


Troy Tornado

Began as a basic match, but they worked it as veteran getting outgunned by a rookie, as per my request. Troy did fine making Aaron look strong, to the point Troy’s frustration was palpable.


Finish came when Aaron missed a dive into the corner. Troy set both feet on the middle rope for leverage to get the pin.


And thus their program was born.


Winner: Troy Tornado via Pin fall

Rating: 80



Angle Five:We see Rocky Golden backstage about to address the crowd.


He remarks on how he felt when he first one the title, and how hard he’s worked to keep it, pointing out his recent victory over Sam Keith.


He says that he knows that tonight two men will be fighting for a shot at that title, and that while he respects both of them, he’s torn as to who he wants to win.


“Bryan Vessey is a great wrestler and an honorable man who deserves a shot. Tommy Cornell has talked a good game lately, but I don’t trust him or Nemesis. That said, part of me wants to prove my first victory over Tommy wasn’t a fluke. Just know this, regardless of whoever wins tonight, at The War To Settle The Score, you’ll be facing the Rocky Mountain Thunder! And that the gold always goes to he who is Golden!”


Rating: 80




The New Wave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXpUcRVzV1s


The Machines


The announcers put this over as a non title match.


A very nice back and forth affair, the finish came when John Anderson again tried to use the brass knuckles, but Guide kicked them out of his hand instead and soon followed with a Wave of Mutilation along with his partner.


After the pin both teams just stared at each other before walking away. Considering the quality of matches these two teams have together, I wanted this feud to cook a while before it popped off.


So no hijinks tonight.


Winner: New Wave via Pin Fall

Rating: 81




Tommy Cornell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Bryan Vessey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnL10hGcWI

Gave this match plenty of time for a slow build. Both men traded offense masterfully until the crowd was eating out of their hands.


After a series of near falls, Vessey began to take control until Tommy leap frogged him and crashed into the ref.


Bryan was busy trying to get the ref back into the match when a dark haired man ran in the ring and lit Vessey up with a chair shot. He then placed Tommy over Vessey and jumped out of the ring just before the ref was able to roll over and make the three count.


As a stunned Cornell watched on, the announcers shrieked as Bryan Holmes smirked on his way back to the dressing room.


Winner: Tommy Cornell via Pin fall

Rating: 91




Final Rating for TCW Presents Total Wrestling: 80


(This card increased our popularity)



After moving past the demo version I recreated this diary set up in the retail version with a few changes. Gone are letter grades, switched those to numerals now. I ditched the perfect show theory because I am philosophically opposed to that kind of booking. In my opinion, a card should start off with lower carders but build from there. Peaks and valleys are for geography class, not booking a wrestling show.


Finally, although I am generally opposed to such, I plan to ‘God Mod’ this diary. Choosing to play as TCW comes with its own inherent challenges, I don’t plan to add to them by saddling myself with bad workers with goofy gimmicks. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I want to transition out of comedy skits and write this in a more realistic tone. I want to present TCW as a company trying to build its own stars, using the best in ring talent available. And to that end, I hope this show is a step in that direction.


Thank You.))

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Live from the Evanovich Riverside Pavilion (Tri State Region)

Week Two, February, 2010

Attendance 8,808



TCW Presents Total Wrestling




Angle One

The show opens with an angry looking Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota standing in the ring. They both immediately begin to call out Nemesis and the Syndicate.


Nemesis is the first to appear.




RDJ wastes little time ripping into the Commissioner.


“What in the hell was Bryan Holmes doing interfering in Cornell’s match last week? We find it really suspicious the minute a number one contender’s slot comes up for grabs, suddenly people jump out of the woodwork to help Cornell.”


Nemesis spreads his hands in a placating manner. “You’d have to ask Bryan Holmes about that. If I’m not mistaken, he harbors a good deal of ill will towards Bryan Vessey based on stuff that went on in Japan. Maybe if you asked-”


Nemesis is cut off by the Syndicate’s entrance music.




“Will I ever get to finish a sentence around here?”


Tommy and Wolf step into the ring, Tommy speaks first.


“Nemesis has it right. Bryan Holmes showing up had nothing to do with me. I give you my word on that.”


“I don’t know Tommy. Joey here is convinced-”


Joey Minnesota steps in front of Ricky Dale Johnson and gets right in Cornell’s face.


“I don’t buy it Cornell. The whole Number One Contender gimmick is a scam. The only person that will ever get that title shot is you, all to feed your inflated ego. I know Ricky feels like he owes you something from when he was in the hospital, but you don’t fool me, with your little lapdogs here barking around your heels, maybe you’re too busy being the greatest to notice your crew is pissing all over the ring right now.”


Wolf shoves Joey and the two lock up briefly before they can be separated.


Nemesis quickly confers with Cornell before he approaches Joey and Ricky.


“Alright, here’s the deal. Tommy is relinquishing his number one contender’s spot right now. If it means so much to you, Joey Minnesota, you can wrestle Wolf Hawkins for it tonight, in this very ring.”


Joey just nods between bouts of yelling and pointing at the Syndicate as Ricky holds him back.


“And RDJ, Tommy says that if you feel strongly about this, if you have any doubts about his integrity, you are more than welcome to wrestle him tonight as well.”


The crowd pops for that announcement and cheers even louder as Ricky says that he accepts the challenge.


The show fades to commercial with an intense looking Syndicate walking up the ramp.


Rating: 89




Killswitch and Affirmative Action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIXb-Qkw88k&feature=related


Steven Parker, Jacob Jett, and Death Monkey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcVGj-sdXw8


Just a basic match to introduce the new guys to the TV audience. Death Monkey looked good in this match.


Winner: Death Monkey via Pin fall

Rating: 58



Angle Two:

Kyle Rhodes stands next to Danny Fonzarelli. Kyle asks Danny where he’s been.


“I’ve been home, recovering from my last match with Eddie Peak. Twenty Seven stitches and a severe concussion I got for wrestling that player hater. And I got to tell ya Kyle, I seriously didn’t want to come back.”


“But then my girl Veronica called, and then Susie in Shreveport, Brenda in Birmingham, Natalie in New York, Paula in Pittsburgh, Debra in Dallas, Jessica in, well I aint gonna tell you all where she’s at. Them and about thirty other fine ladies all across this country let me know what a down right crime it was for Eddie peak to almost mess up my beautiful face.”


“I told em all, Kyle, I said, ‘Eddie Peak, he’s a mean dude’. And all my sexy little foxes told me it didn’t matter, that their sugar daddy had to man up, and defend all of their kind. That’s right, they wanted me to defend them, and all the other hot mamas out there that needed to see my beautiful face just to make it through their dreary day.”


“So let me tell you something Eddie Peak. You may be a monster, but so is what I got dangling in my pants. And tonight the Doctor of Love is going to put a dent in your head for all the ladies out there. Now aint that just fine as strawberry wine?”


Danny walks off and Kyle can only shake his head. Rhodes appears to almost speak once more when Sammy Bach steps into the camera frame with Karen Killer and a gorgeous blonde following behind him.


Sammy sneers at the camera


“Doctor of love? More like Tub of love if you ask me. Anyway, I’m not here to talk about fat men, I’m here to talk about dumb men. Namely Joshua Taylor, who is no doubt in a hospital somewhere trying to get his brain crammed back in to his skull.”


Sammy and the girls laugh. Sammy notices Kyle staring at the blonde.


“Like what you see there Kyle? This is what you get for being a dark poet. Let me introduce Dharma to you. You may recognize her from several videos on the internet. She contacted me the other day after she saw what Karen and I did to that idiot Joshua Taylor and she told me ACK-”


Before Sammy could finish his sentence, a large man, adorned in all black, including a mask, drops Bach with a chair shot to the back of the head.


As the valets scream, the large man stares at Sammy intently before giving him a thumbs down and walks away.


Rating: 70



Angle Three:

The camera cuts back to the ring, where we see the Machines staring at the large monitor over the walkway.


“Wow, that’s gonna leave a mark,” Brent Hill volunteered.


John Anderson shrugs. “that’s what happens when you put women ahead of Championship gold.”


Brent continues, “speaking of women, last week the New Wave were fortunate enough to get a victory over us. But that was a non title match.”


“That’s right Brent, like we even care about those.”


Brent nods. “So of course the soldier boys want their title shot, and they’ll get it at the War To Settle The Score. But before you twerps start getting your hopes up, know this. We’re not just going to defeat you. We are going to dismantle you… take you apart piece by piece until there is nothing left but two ruined careers. Maybe, if you are lucky, they can piece you back together again in one of those military hospitals.”


John laughs and pulls out a gold plated bed pan. “You can take this with you to remember the day you dared to challenge the Machines, and got what was coming to you!”


Rating: 62




Joel Bryant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TcKiC2yB0s&feature=fvw


Paul Steadyfast

The match was better than I expected, with both men giving a good effort in the ring. I didn’t want any hijinks in this match because enough of that is going on in the rest of the show, and honestly, I didn’t anticipate putting much behind this feud. But if they are going to give me matches of this caliber then I may have to reconsider my plans.


Winner: Joel Bryant via Pin fall

Rating: 70



Angle Four:We cut backstage to see Eddie Peak leering at the camera.


Eddie informs us that his attention is focused on Genghis Rahn, and that he doesn’t care about Danny Fonzarelli. That’s when Nemesis appears.


He tells Eddie that he still hasn’t reached his full potential and that the match is set and that if Eddie ever wants to get his hands on Genghis Rahn, then Eddie has to go to the dark place and bring the monster back with him.


Eddie laughs and asks Nemesis what his boss, Tommy Cornell, thinks about Nemesis attempts to incite him to violence.


Nemesis backs away. “Before he hired me Cornell agreed that I could be in charge of my own projects. One of them is you, and the other is the man standing over there, Buddy Garner.”


Peak looks dismissively towards Garner and turns his attention back to Nemesis. “Oh, so that’s what I am, a project? I’m a project, a monster… all sorts of crazy things.” He jabs his finger into Nemesis’ chest. “One other thing I am, is I’m my own man now. Stop bothering me, or I’ll take your little bodyguard and rip him open and see just how tough his insides are.”


A worried Nemesis watches Eddie Peak walk away.


Rating: 80



Angle Five:

After the commercial break we return to see Kyle Rhodes next to Aaron Andrews.


“Last week Aaron you had a great match against Troy Tornado, but came up a little short.”


“Came up a little short? He cheated. He put his feet on the ropes to get the three count. Its bad enough us young guys can’t catch a break in this company, unless our last name is Minnesota or Hawkins, and one of the old timers wants to play mentor or some crap like that. But now veterans like Tornado have to cheat in addition to all the politics… oh just great. What do you want?”


Troy Tornado waltzes into the interview area. He pulls out a pack of Kraft Single Slice cheese.


“Thought I’d offer a little cheese with all your whine, kiddo.” He offers it to Andrews, but the young man slaps it out of his hand.


“Temper temper,” Troy turns to the camera. “ya know, when I was a young man, hell, I’m still a young man. I didn’t sit around and gripe about how the veterans were all holding me down. I went out, beat them all, and then sang about it in the world’s greatest rock band, Painful Procedure. Our albums are still available in stores everywhere by the way.” Troy paused to run his fingers through his hair.


“Anyway, its like that song, titled Aaron Andrews, you rat faced punk.” Troy begins to sing.


‘Aaron Andrews, you rat faced punk

I tried to wrestle you fairly, but the match stunk

You were so awful, I thought the fans would die,

So I gathered up some saliva and spit-’


Aaron slapped Troy across the mouth. The two men then locked up and exchanged punches as Kyle yelled for security.


Rating: 78




Edd Stone


Flying Jimmy Fox

Title: All Action Championship


I know I had neglected this title over the last few weeks, but the program between the Canadian Animals and the Freedom Fighters pushed Freddy Huggins into an Upper Midcarder and Edd Stone into a solid Mid Card wrestler. Before he climbs any higher, Edd will have to drop the belt. But that wouldn’t be tonight.


Winner: Edd Stone via Pin fall

Rating: 69



Angle Six:

We return backstage to see a flustered Kyle Rhodes and a smarmy Sam Keith.


“Mr. Keith, the fans want to know what your plans are now that you are no longer in the World heavyweight title picture?”


“Huh? That’s news to me Kyle. I slip on a banana peel and have an allergic reaction to Rocky Golden’s hairspray and mascara and suddenly I’m not considered a contender any more? That’s okay though, I’m content to sit back and watch as my friend destroys that knuckle head Bryan Vessey.”


Kyle gestures to a spot off camera. “By friend you mean this man, Bryan Holmes? Mr. Holmes if you don’t mind speaking to the fans, just why did you attack Bryan Vessey last week?”


Bryan ignores Kyle and shakes Sam’s hand. “Is he always like this,” he asks, pointing to Kyle Rhodes.


Sam laughs. “Yeah but you should meet Jason Azaria, he’s ten times worse.”


“Geeze.” Bryan turns and just shakes his head disapprovingly towards Kyle. “Thank you for welcoming me to TCW, Kyle Rhodes. It is a pleasure to be here. As to your silly question, the answer is simple. My friend Sam Keith here invited me to come watch his back for his match at Malice in Wonderland. Unfortunately, some snag in the paperwork with the honchos at TCW headquarters prevented that from happening, so I had to wait until last week to make my debut.”


Kyle seems set to explode. “But what does that have to do with Bryan Vessey?”


“Everything. See, Bryan Vessey screwed me over in Japan, in a company we both happened to be wrestling for. Despite being the better wrestler, he and his dried up vampire of a brother used their stroke to keep me down. They were jealous because I am the better Bryan!”


Kyle looks flabbergasted. “Wait a minute your telling me you attacked Bryan Vessey because… because his name is Bryan, and he‘s more popular?”


“Don’t you ever clean your ears out? I said that I’m the better Bryan, and that Bryan Vessey is just a punk who ACK-”


Bryan Holmes couldn’t continue his statement as a large man dressed in all black, including his mask, nearly wrapped a metal folding chair over the top of his head.


Sam tried to jump to his friend’s aid, but was met with a kick to the gut, and the large mystery man soon picked Sam up and planted him with a viscous power bomb. The figure in black then stared at both men before giving them both the thumbs down signal and walking off.


Kyle Rhodes began to talk quickly. “My apologies ladies and gentlemen. I… I don’t really know what to say here, except that it just now occurred to me that whoever that man is, he’s attacking people who have sneak attacked others. I don’t know if he’s a friend of Joshua Taylor’s or Bryan Vessey’s, but whoever he is, and whatever his real motives are, there appears to be an angel of vengeance in TCW!”


Rating: 72




Eddie Peak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUDEOdEcBgE


Danny Fonzarelli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM30iNH8TqA

I asked these two to work the crowd, and that they certainly did. Danny wasted no time dropping the Doctor of Love shtick and immediately lit into Eddie. Eddie returned the favor, and after ten or so minutes, as Genghis Rahn finally ran in and cost Danny the match, I was happy with my decision to tie all three men into a feud together.


Winner: Eddie Peak via disqualification

Rating: 77




Rick Law


Koshiro Ino

Rather than add any extra angle on the show to build this up, I relied on the announcers to put their feud over. Melanie added that she never had a run in with the law, not even a speeding ticket, when asked how that was possible Melanie said she always made sure to slow down at every intersection and in front of every doughnut shop.


Aside from that, the match was good. I went into overkill on the crowd though, and had these two try to build heat, in addition to the match before it. Rick again cheated to win, using the nightstick to club Koshiro in the gut outside the ring as the referee looked elsewhere.


Winner: Rick Law via Count Out

Rating: 81



Angle Seven:

RDJ stands backstage, alone.


He reminds everyone of his history with Tommy Cornell, and says that his opinion of the man has changed, but that he also had to look at things realistically.


“I gotta side with Joey Minnesota on this. You can’t be trusted Cornell, not fully. This company can’t afford another replay of the last two years, another show of you playing with people’s lives and livelihoods all to build some edifice for yourself. Thought you were over all that. But just in case you aren’t, tonight I’ll apply my own version of course correction.”


Rating: 88




Wolf Hawkins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Joey Minnesota http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjED7J1B-E

An all out match between the two. Evenly fought until Buddy Garner happens to mosey down to the ring. This proves to be a costly distraction for Joey Minnesota, who gets rolled up into a small package for the pin.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins via Pin fall

Rating: 82



Main Event:

Ricky Dale Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C86oH5RwyJg


Tommy Cornell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


While I have become a fan of the slow build up in main event matches, it seems that Ricky Dale Johnson just doesn’t have the stamina for any matches longer than fifteen minutes.


Of course, for the early portion of the match, that provided no difficulty in keeping RDJ from tearing into Tommy, irate over the finish in the prior match. Eventually Cornell fought back and the match progressed evenly until the finish, which included Wolf running down to the ring and blasting Johnson with one of Wolf’s wrestling boots.


The referee saw the attack, however, and awarded the match to RDJ. An upset Tommy Cornell argued with Wolf. But was Tommy mad at the interference, or the failed result? Tune in next time, TCW fans.


Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson via Disqualification

Rating: 77



Final Rating for TCW Presents Total Wrestling: 79


(again we increased our popularity)

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Live from the Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West Region)

Week Three of February, 2010

Attendance 10,000



TCW Presents Total Wrestling



Angle One:

The show opens with the Freedom Fighters standing in the ring, they are joined by the TCW Heavyweight Champion, Rocky Golden.


Joey Minnesota wastes little time in starting a tirade about the events of last week, even Ricky Dale Johnson joins in.


Rocky Golden says that the Number one contender’s match last week was bogus, and he isn’t going to defend the title against Wolf Hawkins.


The Syndicate’s music begins to play and they walk out with Nemesis




Nemesis is the first to reply to the charges.


“I admit, I sent Buddy Garner down to the ring, just to make sure no one interfered in the match. Its not my fault his presence intimidated Joey Minnesota. Since Buddy didn’t interfere, didn’t lay one finger on either competitor, the results of the match stand.”


Joey began to protest but Nemesis ignored him.


“Now, as to the match between Cornell and RDJ, Tommy has informed me he wants to speak about that. Tommy?”


“Look, its simple, I didn’t ask for Wolf to come down to the ring. And I certainly didn’t ask for him to hit you with his boot. I’m as pissed off about that as you are. So here, in front of the world, I’ve told Wolf to apologize to you, man to man.”


Wolf steps up and slowly begins to give a half hearted apology, but RDJ soon shoves him aside and gets in Cornell’s face.


“I don’t want to hear from some snot nosed punk. I know its you calling the shots, and I can see you for what you are now. Forget all the games. That’s over with. How about me and you, in a steel cage, tonight!”


Nemesis steps in between the two men.


“Woah woah woah! Bryan Vessey already has a match schedules to face Sam Keith tonight. That’s set in stone as the main event, and I can’t change it.”


Joey starts to speak. “Can the B.S. Nemesis. Make it a tag match. Me and Ricky against the Syndicate clowns. If not tonight, make it for The War to Settle the Score. Or are you not even going to pretend to be impartial anymore?”


“I just said Wolf will get the title shot at War to Settle The Score-”


Rocky Golden cuts Nemesis off. “And I told you I am not wrestling Wolf, because Buddy Garner-”


Nemesis screams into his microphone. “Shut up! All of you just shut up!”


He pauses a minute to collect himself. “Now, if I can finish a sentence. You two want a cage match? Fine, next week on television, the Freedom Fighters versus the Syndicate in a steel cage! You,” he pointed at Rocky, “ you’re pissed at Buddy garner? Fine, you can wrestle him tonight. Even put your title up. You will still face Wolf Hawkins at the pay per view, assuming you get past Buddy. Now, if you five are done having your little temper tantrums, I have to go to the back and try to figure out how I am going to catch this masked goon that’s running around attacking people. Now, go back to your locker rooms peacefully. From now on, anyone tries something, you will all regret it, even you Cornell.”


As it fades to commercial we still see all six men standing in the ring, arguing.


Rating: 91




Freddy Huggins


Tempest Appleby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQkActP-isE

Basic squash match to keep Freddy in the public eye. I know I haven’t involved him with anything else since the deal with RDJ, but that’s because I feel Freddy is where he needs to be on the roster now, at least, until his skills improve some more.Then business will pick up even more for Freddy.


Winner: Freddy Huggins via Pin fall

Rating: 55



Angle Two:

Kyle Rhodes stands next to Rick Law and asks him about his continuing feud with Koshiro Ino.


“I gotta admit, the guy won’t quit. But its like I said day one, you can fight the law, but the law will always win. Nothing fancy about it. Anytime Koshiro steps up I’ll just take my nightstick and ACK-”


Rick falls like a ton of bricks as the large masked man busts the back of his head open with a chair shot. The masked man then stares down at Rick Law, before giving the thumbs down signal and walking away.


A stunned Kyle Rhodes calls for medical help as the camera cuts back to the ring.


Rating: 74





American Buffalo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT-f6HBny44


Matthew Gauge

Matt continues his push with a clean pin on Buffalo. I think the boys in the locker room had kind of gotten it by now, as not even Buffalo objected to putting the kid over.


Winner: Matthew Gauge via Pin fall

Rating: 64



Angle Three:

Mitch Naess tells the audience that they are cutting to the back to show the EMTs transporting Rick Law from the arena. As the camera crew follows the medical team, one of the Medical technicians notices someone lying face down in the hallway, resting in a pool of his own blood. They immediately tend to the injured man, and as they turn him over someone off camera gasps.


“Its Joey Minnesota!”


The two EMTs begin discussing the situation, the camera picking up every word.


“This looks serious, but the other guy…”


“At worst that wanna be cop has a headache. My guess is he’s faking it.”


“Okay, we’ll take this guy instead.”


Both EMTs walk over and shove Rick Law off of the stretcher.


“OW!! Hey Wait, I’m seriously injured here. I could have a concussion. What are you doing? Come back here!”


The medical technicians ignore Rick as they place Joey on the stretcher and rush him out of the building.


An angry Rick Law adjusts the bandages on his head as he stares at the ambulance pulling away.


He turns and mumbles under his breath. “That’s it, I am going to talk to Nemesis!”


Rating: 79





Harry Allen


Fumihiro Ito

An evenly fought match, though I thought a tad slow for the competitors involved. Fumihiro seemed nervous for some reason.


Winner: Harry Allen via Pin fall

Rating: 52




Joel Bryant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TcKiC2yB0s&feature=fvw


Robert Oxford


Joel debuted his ‘Man on a mission’ gimmick, though that mostly entailed the announcers saying Joel was on a mission to beat down Reality Check. It got a 91 rating, so who am I to question its effectiveness?


Again, I was surprised at the quality of this match, and I decided to continue their feud further. I was also happy at the decision to split them up, as it allowed more opportunities for both Bryant and Oxford to help school all the younger wrestlers on the roster.


Winner: Joel Bryant via Pin fall

Rating: 72



Angle Four:

After the commercial, Rick Law stands in the ring, joined by Bryan Holmes and Sammy Bach.


Fawning all over Bach are Karen Killer and Dharma.


The group speaks amongst themselves for a bit before Rick takes the microphone.


“Nemesis, I know you’ll jump whenever Ricky Johnson or Tommy Cornell calls, but unless you want an incident here tonight, you’ll come down here and talk with us, or just sit back and watch as we shut down this tv show.”


About thirty seconds pass before Nemesis walks to the ring.


“What do you guys want? You now how busy I am right now with all the turmoil going on in the back?”


“That’s what we’re here for, “ Bryan Holmes pipes in. “What are you going to do about that goon running around attacking people?”


“Yeah,” Sammy Bach adds, as his valets run their hands across his chest. “Some of the boys in the back are starting to get upset. You need to clamp down and do something about this.”


Nemesis sighs. “Truth is not everyone is angry about it. Some of the fans, even some of the wrestlers are calling this guy the Hero. Like what he’s doing is a good thing. Odds are though he’s the one that attacked Joey Minnesota. At least, I hope that’s the case.”


Rick Law shrugs. “No one cares about Minnesota. The wrestler or the state.” The Minnesota fans boo.


“You are failing to provide a safe work environment for us, the real stars of TCW. Either that issue gets addressed, starting now, or you are going to have a big problem on your hands.”


Nemesis seems to think it over. “Alright, fine. Eddie Peak, get out here. Someone in the back, go find Eddie Peak.”


Sammy, Rick, and Bryan all begin to look at one another nervously as the time passes, suddenly Peak’s entrance music begins to play.




Eddie enters the ring and gets right in the Commissioner’s face. “I told you, don’t bother me again.”


Nemesis steps away from Peak and moves behind Rick Law, putting the other wrestlers between himself and Peak.


“Just chill and listen. All the money thats been collected for fines over the last two months its yours. The Tuesday after the pay per view, World Heavyweight title shot, that’s yours too. All you have to do is bring me the head of this ‘Hero’. You do that before the pay per view and all that money, that title shot, its all yours.”



Eddie peers over Sammy Bach’s head to stare into the eyes of the Commissioner. He laughs. “Peek-a-boo, I see you.”


“Enough games Eddie. What do you say? All that and, if you do this, I’ll leave you alone from now on.”


Eddie mulls it over before finally agreeing. He goes to leave but Nemesis adds one more condition.


“I want a camera crew to follow you… to document that you actually find the guy. And its not just enough to hurt him and put him in the hospital. I want his mask. I want to know who he is, because once I learn that, if he’s an employee of TCW, I’m going to fire him on the spot!”


Eddie shrugs. “Whatever,” and leaves the ring.


Rating: 68




Jack Avatar


Jack Griffith

Jack Griffith has decent enough skills, but with his past problems, he’s not consistent enough to push. But he’s a good enough hand to put with the younger guys to help them develop faster.


While I’ve spent most of my time in the TCW ring counting the lights, I figured what the heck, and indulged myself with a rare victory. Ahh the power of the booker.


Winner: Jack Avatar via Pin fall

Rating: 68




Rocky Golden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ejbv0WEJo


Buddy Garner

Title: TCW World Heavyweight Championship


The show as, all in all, poorly constructed. I wanted to put guys on in matches that haven’t been seen in a while, and that left little time to build this or the next match.


Maybe that was the reason why Buddy’s performance was a little off, or could have been nerves from the title shot. Either way, it was still a great match, but Buddy admitted he could have done even better.


Winner: Rocky Golden via Pin fall

Rating: 79




Angle Five:


Sam starts by talking about the attack last week, and how Bryan Holmes got his bell rung, so Sam was now stepping in for his friend.


Sam adds that the masked man better pray that Eddie Peak catches him, because if Sam or Bryan Holmes does, then the ’Hero’ will become the ’body’.


Sam then talks about Bryan Vessey. About how all his past accomplishments don’t impress him, and how he sees Vessey as just another name, trying to coast along.


“You’re broke down Vessey, with nothing but shoe strings and free meals from fat chicks holding you together. You’re not in the game to win it anymore, just to get your face seen. Me, I still want that world title, and if I have to step over you to get there, that’s what I’ll do. And after I’m done, the real Bryan can throw your sorry remains into the trash heap of wrestling history, right where it belongs.”


Rating: 77




Aaron Andrews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtJLbiTttac&feature=related


Troy Tornado


The battle of the alliterative names!


I know these two are capable of putting on a better match, but I didn’t book it to either man’s strengths and the result was a lesser effort. That was my fault. Aaron seemed to struggle at some points, and I began to question if he had the psychology skills to move to the next level, or, if I did push him as planned, I’d have to put him with someone who had the skills to cover his deficiencies?


Time was running out for me to decide.


Winner: Troy Tornado via Pin fall

Rating: 75



Main Event:

Sam Keith


Bryan Vessey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnL10hGcWI


I expected a better match out of these two, but given Vessey’s anger at the finish, he kind of dogged it a bit in the ring.


Sad to say but Sam has also lost a step in the ring and seemed to get winded after about fifteen minutes. Right now there are only a handful of Main Eventers in TCW that can go 20+ minutes, that’s an issue I plan to address over the next few months.


Anyway, the finish followed a ref bump that saw Bryan Holmes come down and attack Bryan Vessey. Vessey was then double teamed until Benny Benson ran in for the save. The ref recovered, saw the carnage, and disqualified everyone.


Winner: Draw via Double Disqualification

Rating: 77



Final Rating for TCW Presents Total Wrestling: 80


(This show increased our ratings)


Not doing predictions yet, but next week fans will hear about what happened to Joey Minnesota, one valet will talk about her favorite turn ons, and the identity of the Masked Hero will be revealed.


Don’t ya dare miss it!

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Live from The Friedman Building (Mid South Region)

Week Four, February, 2010

Attendance 8,199



TCW Presents Total Wrestling



Angle One:

Show opens with the Syndicate standing in the ring.


Tommy is the first to speak.


“I’d like Joey Minnesota and Ricky Dale Johnson to come out here so we can all speak in public and get this issue straightened out before something bad happens.”


As he waits, Tommy continues. “We’ve all had a week to think this over and let things cool off. Just need the Freedom fighters out here to get this settled once and for all.”


Finally, the Freedom Fighters entrance music is played.




After they’re in the ring, Cornell speaks again. “You’ve both had a week to think about this, and I wanted to get an answer tonight, in front of everyone watching. Its no secret to any of us that Cage matches can be dangerous… someone’s career could very well end tonight, that is, if you two still want to go through with it.”


RDJ steps up. “So, you want to just not have the match? Then what, all of us go our separate ways, let everything that’s happened the past two years not count for anything? What about Joey getting jumped last week?”


“I don't know anything about that, okay. Look, Ricky, I am not the same man now as I was then. I have a son now. My cousin, he’s like a little brother to me, he’s started wrestling over in the UK. Honestly, I am trying to be a better person.”


Joey laughs. “Sounds to me like all you’ve done is realized where your lies have gotten ya, stuck in a cage with us. Why don't you admit who attacked me last week? Or maybe your scared, I know you little buddy over there is shaking in his boots right now when the fight isn't going to be two against one.”


Wolf gets in Joey’s face. “Shut up!”


“Nah, how about you try shutting me up, you-”


Wolf throws a punch and soon its bedlam in the ring. Tommy and Ricky try to separate their respective proteges, but accidentally bump into one another and soon they too are trading punches.


Referees and security come and break up the melee. As they are being escorted out, Tommy tells the Freedom Fighters. “I tried, but you two didn’t want to listen. Now you will both have to face the consequences tonight.”


Rating: 92



Angle Two: Mitch informs the audience that Benny Benson is backstage with an explanation for why he helped Bryan Vessey last week.


Benny begins. “Its simple, I am sick and tired of all these guys going around ganging up on people. Its obvious to me that our so called Commissioner Nemesis doesn’t care, in fact, when an equalizer like that masked man steps in, he puts a bounty on his head and sets his dog Eddie Peak on him.”


“This company is like the wild west, and it needs somebody to step in and say ‘enough’! Well, I guess I am that person, because when I saw Bryan Holmes and Sam Keith double team Bryan Vessey, I said enough, and I did what needed to be done.”


“Now I hear that this has upset those two rotten punks, and Bryan Holmes has asked for a match against me tonight. I don’t care. He thinks I’m intimidated by his reputation, then he’s dumber than he looks. I’ll beat bryan Homes tonight, and then I’ll beat Sam Keith at the Pay Per View, and then all that will be left of those two is just more hot air!”


Rating: 65




Texas Pete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnjqg7G1vz8&feature=related


Biff The Bruiser

Short squash match with Pete debuting his Texas Wildman gimmick, complete with a rope with a cow bell attached, and copious amounts of chewing tobacco. Don’t tell anyone, but I stole the idea from a wrestler named ‘Stan Hansen’ in that Total Entertainment game Eddie Howard told me about.


Winner: Texas Pete via Pin fall

Rating: 45



Angle Three:

We return to the ring to see Rick Law strutting about. He walks around the ring and talks about how this will be the end of the masked ‘Hero’ and how he hasn’t seen Koshiro Ino around since he last beat him to a pulp.


He stops speaking as he notices Jasmine Saunders walking down the ramp. He whistles at her once she enters the ring, and says he may have to give her a ticket for stopping traffic in that outfit.


“Quit with the cheesy pick up lines, you over grown rent- a-cop. If I wanted to hear corny jokes, I’d hang around with Danny Fonzarelli. I am here to issue a challenge to you on behalf of my newest charge, Koshiro Ino. He wants you to agree to face him at War To Settle The Score, in a match that will finally settle the score once and for all, an I Quit match!”


Rick thinks it over and then begins to crowd Jasmine. “Tell ya what, sweet cheeks. I’ll agree, if you add a stipulation. You really want to be a manager how bout you agree, I win, I get twenty four hours with you… to do whatever I tell you to.”


“And why should I agree to that? Whats in it for Koshiro?”


“How about twenty four grand if he wins. That would work out to a thousand dollars an hour for ya, which I would guess is about your going rate-”


Jasmine slaps Rick and quickly exits the ring as he laughs. “I’ll take that as a yes. You should know that when money is involved, the Law never sleeps!”


As she is walking up the ramp, Jasmine shoots back, “and looking at you I can tell, when women are involved, the Law always sleeps alone!”


Rating: 54




Aaron Andrews, Joel Bryant, and Danny Fonzarelli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TcKiC2yB0s&feature=fvw


Sammy Bach and Reality Check

Evenly fought match, finish comes when all six men start brawling and Sammy tries to jump off the top rope on Joel Bryant but Dharma shoves him off and he crashes into Paul Steadyfast, whom Joel then quickly pins.


Winner: Joel Bryant via Pin fall

Rating: 69



Angle Four:

A shocked Sammy Bach looks around for his Valet Dharma, failing to see that she has left with Danny Fonzarelli. Sammy’s shock grows further as the image of Josh taylor appears on the big screen.


“Sucks to have a woman turn on you, doesn’t it Sammy? Dharma is a lady, and not the kind of person that would want to associate themselves with a slime ball like you.”


“You think you hurt me by busting open my head and causing me to bleed? Truth is all you did is made me stronger. Don’t believe me, then at War To Settle The Score you can have your title shot. This will be the last one ever. But I’m making it a First Blood match, that way, no matter how gory it gets, the ref can’t step in as I return the favor to you many times over my friend. So get ready, its like they say, payback is a Karen Killer!”


“Oh yeah, that reminds me. Just in case your girl thinks of getting involved again, Dharma will be in my corner. If Karen Killer tries anything, then what happened to your girl Emma last year will be peanuts compared to what will happen to her. Someone call the FCC and tell them to get the censor ready!”


An irate Sammy can only kick the ropes as Taylor’s image fades from the screen. Behind Sammy, a flustered Karen shyly folds her arms over her chest.


Rating: 58




Chance Fortune



Another Squash match. Chance is someone I’ve been neglecting as of late. That should change once the second TV show gets started.


Winner: Chance Fortune via Pin fall

Rating: 44



Angle Five:

We go backstage where Kyle Rhodes is standing next to Guide and Scout. He asks them about their match against the Machines scheduled for War To Settle The Score.


Scout laughs. “Word is they’ve asked for a Hardcore match with us. Like maybe they’ve forgotten who we are and where we come from.”


Guide takes over. “That’s right, this aint our first rodeo. The truth is, you two clowns don’t know what you’ve walked into. You guys aint got the strength nor the discipline to handle that kind of match. Obviously you think you have some kind of plan, maybe you figure you can get away with swinging a chair or two. Where we’re from, a guy would drop a piano on another guy’s head, and then slap the dead guy’s wife at the funeral. You don’t scare us, you don’t impress us, and at the Pay Per View, you won’t beat us. Simple as that.”


Rating: 62




Clark Alexander


Charlie Thatcher

Evenly fought match, was hoping it would have turned out better though.


Winner: Clark Alexander via Pin fall

Rating: 53



Angle Six:

Mitch informs the crowd that Eddie Peak is stalking the backstage area looking for the ‘Hero’. And that we will be joining him now.


We cut to Eddie, standing in a locker room. He’s kicking chairs and screaming. In his hand is a travel bag. He turns it upside down and we see a number of black masks fall out of it. Behind Eddie a scared looking Steven Parker tries to leave, but Eddie turns and spots him. Within seconds he has his hands around Parker’s throat, lifting him from the floor.


“Who came in here with that bag?”


Steven tries to speak but can’t. Eddie relaxes his grip and the young man falls to the floor. After a few moments he finds his voice.


“I don’t know who it belongs to. Wait! Wait! The bag was already in here. I saw Genghis Rahn take something out of it just a little while ago. He didn’t say much, just that he would find you next.”


Eddie smirks and then turns to the camera. “RAAAAHHHHHNNNNNN,” he shouts!

((OOC, Always wanted to do that :p ))


Eddie goes to leave, but a large figure looms in the doorway. A large figure holding a black mask…


“Eddie, we need to talk.” Rahn backs away as Eddie advances. “Look I know we’ve had our disagreements lately. But someone is trying to set me up. I found the bag in my locker. Seriously Eddie, just- OOF!”


Eddie kicks Genghis in the gut then pummels him with clubbing forearms across his back. Eddie then picks up Genghis by the throat and moves him near a wooden bench situated near a row of lockers. Eddie hoists Rahn up and drives him through the bench, breaking it in half.


Eddie then grabs the largest chunk of the bench and rips it from its metal support and then drives the bench into Rahn’s throat, silencing his screams.


A gurgling sound is heard, but the camera stays focused on Eddie, who turns and remarks, “someone go tell Nemesis that the monster has slayed the hero.” He then giggles as he reaches down and shows the camera his hand, covered in blood.


Nemesis runs in and his face turns white as he looks over the carnage. He whispers, “Good god Eddie, what have you done?”


Eddie continues to giggle as he licks the blood off of his hand. Nemesis tells Buddy Garner to watch Eddie while he goes to get medical help, but Buddy reminds Nemesis that he has a match next. Nemesis looks around and sees Steven Parker. He orders him to make sure Eddie doesn’t do anything else, and then runs from the room.


Before the camera cuts away, we see Eddie cover his face with his bloody hands. He begins to moan, and almost sounds as if he is crying, “Who’s gonna be the hero now,” is all Eddie asks.


Rating: 79




Buddy Garner


Jack Avatar


Yet another case of going with something I knew would be good. It was time to start pushing Buddy harder, but I can’t really involve him in programs that require him to cut promos so I figure I’ll build him up by putting him over guys in solid matches, starting with myself.


Now the reason for my victory last week becomes more clear. It’s a bigger boost for beating someone with a recent victory than someone with continuous losses. At least that’s what I tell myself anyway.


Winner: Buddy Garner via Submission

Rating: 74



Angle Seven:

Basic Promo for the main event. RDJ and Joey promise pain for the Syndicate. But Joey goes a step further.


“What will happen in that cage tonight, it will rewrite the history of TCW and shock the world. People are tired of seeing Tommy Cornell walk around like he owns the place.”


Joey pauses to stare at the camera.


“Well, technically I guess he does own the place. But tonight all the games will end. All the Syndicate’s secrets will be revealed. Tonight you are going to see people get grinded into that cage until only the truth remains on the outside. Its gonna be beautiful!”


Rating: 86




Bryan Holmes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXQtl0ypU44


Benny Benson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRGDqA6g6Zo&feature=related

Benny is really starting to tick me off. He dogged it in this match, and I am certain its because he didn’t like the finish.


If that’s the case, let me publicize it then. There was no interference and no hijinks. Bryan Holmes went over clean.


Winner: Bryan Holmes via Pin fall

Rating: 66



Main Event: Steel Cage

The Syndicate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


Freedom Fighters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjED7J1B-E

Match started evenly, though every time Ricky was in trouble, he’d come back, like a house on fire.


Wolf was pummeled in earnest, and was the first to get busted open. Joey tore the cover off of a top turnbuckle and rammed Tommy’s head into it ten times (the crowd counted along) this caused Tommy to bleed as he appeared unconscious in a corner.


Eventually Joey made it out of the cage door, and signaled for his partner to do the same. RDJ flattened Wolf with a spine buster and began to climb out the door.


Which is when Joey slammed the door shut, knocking Ricky’s head with the metal post in the door.


RDJ flew back, his face covered in blood. Soon Wolf was on him and tore into him before going to the corner and dragging, and then pushing, the unconscious Cornell out of the cage.


The break gave Ricky enough energy to fight back, and he once again crawled towards the door, his hand outstretched, pleading with Joey, but again Joey swung the cage door, this time nearly taking Ricky's head off.


The announcers were shocked, mentioning that RDJ had just gotten facial surgery a month and a half ago from the attack by Freddy Huggins. Wolf walked over the top of the prone RDJ as he exited through the door and celebrated with a smiling Joey Minnesota. The two men raised each other’s hands as Cornell struggled to stand.


Joey Minnesota’s turn was a complete success.


Winner: The Syndicate via Cage escape

Rating: 85



Final Rating for TCW Presents Total Wrestling: 72


(This show hurt our popularity overall)



Prediction key for War To Settle The Score:



Joey Minnesota vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Clark Alexander and Joel Bryant vs. Reality Check

Joshua Taylor vs. Sammy Bach First Blood Match for the International Title

The Machines vs. the New Wave Hardcore Match for the World Tag Titles

Rick Law vs. Koshiro Ino I Quit Match

Aaron Andrews vs. Troy Tornado

Sam Keith vs. Benny Benson

Bryan Holmes vs. Bryan Vessey

Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins for the World Heavyweight Title

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<p><strong>You’re in the Big Leagues now…</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

I was at my computer watching a match from the USPW television show from last month. Chris Caulfield had just accidentally hit the ref in a tag match and Bruce the Giant was about to crown him with a steel chair when the phone rang.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“Hello is this Jack Avatar? My name is Danny Weltzer, from the Wrestling Watcher Newsletter.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“Yeah, I know who you are. Sorry, but I don’t talk to dirt sheet writers.” I went to hang up the phone but I could hear Weltzer pleading for me to wait on the other end of the line.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“This is mainly just to get your reaction on a piece we are about to run. I worked in conjunction with the TotalExtremeWrestling.com website reviewing buy rate data, along with Television ratings and merchandise sales, and I’ve come to the conclusion that, thanks in part to your hard work, TCW is on the verge of becoming an International level promotion.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

I bolted up in my chair. “What?”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“The numbers don’t lie Mr. Avatar. Assuming that the next pay per view is a solid show and does the buys we anticipate, TCW will be one step closer to closing the gap with the SWF.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“One step, I thought-”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“Oh, you haven’t heard? Eisen brought the SWF to Global level after their last Pay per View. They recently concluded a hiring spree to shore up their roster. I was wondering first off what you thought about TCW’s recent growth and, if you didn’t mind, ask who Cornell planned to hire to help fill TCW’s roster?”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

“Uh, well, uh, I thank you for sharing this information with me. All credit for that goes to our in ring talent for working as hard as they can, and to Tommy Cornell, for being the best wrestler in the world today. As for our plans, I’ll just say no comment. Thanks again, and good night.”</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

I could still hear him as I set the phone on the cradle.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

International, huh? I turned off the USPW video just as Tyson Baine ran in to attack Enygma. I had work to do.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

What I didn’t know then was just how big a mess our ‘success’ would lead to.</strong></p>

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Live Alabama Field Row (South East Region)

Week Four, February, 2010

Attendance 28,787

Buy Rate: 2.21



TCW: The War To Settle The Score.


Part One


(OOC, I had told myself that I would try harder to make the bigger shows interesting. I have taken my time with this one, I hope you all enjoy.)



Before The Show:

I walked around a ticket booth with a camera crew a few hours before the show started. They wanted to get some tape from the fans showing excitement for the card they were about to witness. Among the standard fan responses expressing undying love for fellow Southerner Ricky Dale Johnson, there were plenty of female fans that stared into the camera and asked Wolf Hawkins, Freddy Huggins or Edd Stone to marry them.


What is it with young girls and bad boys anyway?


As we walked along I noticed a boy, at most seven years old, clutching his dad’s hand. He was wearing a New Orleans Saints ball cap that didn’t quite cover his hairless scalp. I walked over to the pair and spoke briefly with the father. After confirming my suspicions, I waved the camera crew over and spoke with the boy. He was shy at first, but eventually opened up when I asked who his favorite wrestler was.


“Rocky Golden, because he never gives up, and because whether he wins or loses, he’s always golden.”


Seven years old and already cutting a promo. I asked him if he wanted to meet Rocky Golden, and he gave a awkward nod.


He and his father followed me inside the building on through to the backstage area where I had them wait in catering. I found Joel Bryant and told him what I needed and who I needed it for and he smiled and said he’d take care of it. I then went and found Tommy and got two of the half dozen or so front row tickets he always keeps reserved until the last day for VIPs and such.


As I returned to the young boy and his father, Joel arrived with a arm full of assorted TCW merchandise. Beside him was Melanie Florence, Benny Benson, Chance Fortune and Rocky Golden.


The kid’s eyes lit up when he saw his hero in person. Benny asked to shake his hand, and complained that the boy’s grip was just too much for him. Melanie gave the boy a kiss on the cheek, and all of them signed autographs for him and his father. Before Rocky left the boy made him promise that he would beat Wolf Hawkins.


Rocky told him, “You have my solemn word,” before busting out in a smile. They had to leave after that to prepare for the show, and the little boy seemed sad at first, but he cheered up and thanked me for letting him meet Rocky.


“Your welcome, and thank you for being a fan,” I told him as I walked with them to their seats. Once there I made my goodbyes and encouraged the boy to ask for me by name if they ever came to a show again. I gave him my real name, though I swore him and his father to secrecy.


As I was walking back I had trouble telling how much time was left before the opening bell. Damn watch of mine was blurry for some reason.


Opening Montage:

At the start of every Pay per View, we play a special video to get the live crowd pumped up. This is what followed.


Over the music from “Illumination” by Rollins Band




We include clips of in ring action by various notable TCW stars, as well as some high spots and such. Inter-spliced in all of that are also audio clips of some of the wrestlers talking about the company, the sport in general, or their careers.


Of course it begins with Tommy.


Tommy Cornell: Every night I go out there and give it my all for the fans. You paid your hard earned money to see the best, and that is what I want to give you.


Ricky Dale Johnson: Its all for the fans, you understand? Without them I wouldn’t be nothing.


Troy Tornado: Why do I do this? One answer… the money.


Sam Keith: And he told me, “Sam, we don’t need you any more.” So I got up, told him I would be calling TCW, and never looked back.


Eddie Peak: And I thought ‘that’s it, the dream is done. No one else in North America will take me.’ And that’s when I got the call.


Nemesis: What did they think I was going to do, just crawl into a hole and die?


Archie Judge: They’re all good kids. Except Troy Tornado, he’s a *bleep*


Rick Law: Injuries, sure I’ve had my share. That’s all part of the game.


Brent Hill: For a few minutes there, I couldn’t move my legs.


John Anderson: When I found out how bad it was, I prayed for him that night, and a lot of nights after that.


Bryan Vessey: It had gotten to the point that, if things didn’t change, someone was going to die in that wrestling ring.


Wolf Hawkins: Its not a bad attitude if you have the skills to back it up.


Troy Tornado: I don’t care if they love me, I don’t care if they respect me. I just care if they pay me.


Charlie Thatcher: I like wrestling Giant Tana. Its like a before and after commercial for Slim Fast. (Pause) Don’t tell him I said that, okay?


Laura Huggins: Where else can I get paid to scream at my brother all day?


Genghis Rahn: But it really wasn’t funny until I saw the blood.


Rocky Golden: That’s when I knew that I had arrived, when they put that belt around my waist.


Ricky Dale Johnson: All those miles, all that pain, everything… it was all worth it.


Tommy Cornell: Well if you are a part of the TCW family, whether you’re a wrestler, a referee, a fan, it doesn’t matter. If you love TCW then you don’t need anyone to explain it, not even me. Because you already know it. You get what we’re all about.



And then the show began.




Mitch- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to TCW’s War To Settle The Score. We are broadcasting to you live from the legendary Alabama Field Row building. My name is Mitch Naess and these are my broadcast partners, the lovely Melanie Florence, and Shawn ‘Black Dagger’ Doakes.


Shawn- Mitch, I told you that nicknames stays between us.


Mitch- Sorry Shawn, I got carried away by the moment. If you listen behind me over Twenty Five Thousand fans are roaring in anticipation of tonight’s action.


Melanie- That’s true Mitch, I was walking around the building earlier today and noticed just how fired up these fans were. A lot of them wanted to know what would happen with the Syndicate, Joey Minnesota, and Ricky Dale Johnson.


Mitch- While the drama of a Southern boy done wrong is certainly captivating, let us not forget that we also have a highly anticipated TCW World Heavyweight Title bout set for tonight. The Champion, Rocky Golden has beaten Wolf Hawkins in the past, but Hawkins has stepped up his game as of late. And when you are talking about two wrestlers of that caliber, the outcome is always up for grabs.


Shawn- But there’s still even more! Two of, arguably, the greatest in ring technicians on the planet are set to collide in this very ring tonight. I’m talking about the ‘Battle of the Bryans’ Bryan Vessey versus Bryan Holmes. While the Vessey name has more renown, no one who has seen Bryan Holmes in action can doubt that the man has an impressive skill set


Mitch- All that and so much more.

He pauses and holds his headset closer to his ears.

Ladies and gentlemen I am being informed that a camera crew has been dispatched to Commissioner Nemesis’ office. Apparently the Commissioner, Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, and Joey Minnesota are all there, and a fight may have broken out already. We’ll switch you to there… yes, okay. We are switching you there now!



Angle One:The shot opens in the middle of an intense argument between Ricky Dale Johnson and Tommy Cornell. In the room behind them a table sits over turned, while strewn across the floor are stacks of papers. In one corner of the room, Buddy Garner tries his best to restrain RDJ, while in the opposite Corner, a red faced Nemesis keeps a hand up to prevent Tommy Cornell from moving forward. Behind Tommy, smiling like a Cheshire Cat, is one Joey Minnesota.


“So it was all a lie, huh Joey? All that talk about how you were fed up with Cornell and Hawkins. That story you told me about getting jumped in the hallway. All of it was just crap, so you could join in with them?”


“Nah Ricky, I was serious about all that, at first anyway. But after you got hurt and came back all soft, singing songs about peace, love and harmony, and how you had a new respect for this man. That’s what opened my eyes. He played you for a sucker. And when I saw that, my respect for him grew.”


Tommy turns and shoots Joey a look of pure disgust before turning back to RDJ. “I don’t know what this kid has been smoking, but its obviously not legal in Alabama. I never set up any plan. I never wanted you to get stabbed in the back. I didn’t know anything about that stuff.”


“Really?” Ricky seems to calm down, and then suddenly lunges forward again, caught just in time by Buddy Garner. “If it wasn’t the evil mastermind himself, then who was it? Joey? The kid needs permission just to think for himself. Wolf Hawkins? Give me a break. I am holding you responsible for this Cornell. But before I beat your ass, I got a score to settle with that punk behind you! Twelve stitches you owe me, and I plan to collect tonight!”


Joey smirks. “Oh I am so scared. You get all bent out of shape because I embarrassed you a little bit? Maybe its because you realized you’ve been eclipsed now, old man. Joey Minnesota is now a player in TCW, while you, you’re not even a has been. You’re a never was.”


Ricky Dale Johnson explodes in a lurid torrent of profanity. While much of it is censored, Mitch Naess points out to the audience that Joey’s last remarks seem eerily similar to those uttered some time ago by Freddy Huggins the night Huggins caused Ricky to snap.


Ricky finally seems to calm down, though not by much. “Joey, you’ve been in my home, met my family, ate at my table. Played with my kids. What you did goes beyond this business. I don’t care how you try to justify it. Its past talking about. I want a match set, tonight, right now. Nothing else on the show takes place. Just me and the backstabber. You got that Nemesis?”


Nemesis shakes his head. “Uh, well see, a match now, given your emotional state, ahh, that wouldn’t be wise and -”


Tommy cuts him off. “You want your match Ricky, you got it. Right now. You both have three minutes to grab your gear and be ready to walk to that ring. Get going, and Nemesis, you walk with Ricky to his dressing room to make sure nothing happens along the way.”


As the room begins to clear out, Cornell grabs Minnesota forcefully by the arm. “Just what in the hell is your story anyway?”


Joey shrugs. “Thought I had a match to get ready for. I don’t have time to talk with you. You got questions, go try asking Wolf, he’ll give you the answers. Though I’d venture to say you might not like to hear them.”


With that Joey pulls his arm free and hurriedly walks from the room. Cornell watches him leave, a look of disbelief stuck on his face.


Rating: 83



Joey Minnesota http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjED7J1B-E


Ricky Dale Johnson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C86oH5RwyJg


Mitch- I can’t believe what just transpired. To say that Ricky Dale Johnson was hurt by Joey Minnesota’s betrayal is an understatement. I knew he would be upset, but to demand a match to take place immediately, that is something you rarely see a veteran of RDJ’s stature ever do.


Shawn- Ricky was clearly bothered by not only Joey’s actions, but his words as well. He’s running purely on emotion now, and while that may result in some kind of short term revenge, it will also increase the risk of Joey Minnesota gaining some kind of unfair advantage. And here’s Joey making his way to the ring now.


Melanie- And there is Ricky, wasting little time as he rushes to the ring. Oh my!


Mitch- Joey puts the boots to RDJ as soon as Ricky slides into the ring. Ricky battles back with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Shawn- RDJ’s offensive attack is always straight forward, but I’ve never seen this level of intensity from him before.


Melanie- This is unreal. Joey is already bleeding and the bell hasn’t officially sounded yet.


Mitch- And there, the bell rings. Joey tries to escape, but Ricky is choking him with the top rope. Ricky flings him off and immediately jumps on him to continue, well, this is basically an assault at this point.


Melanie- Listen to this crowd, its deafening, although I think I hear the little old lady seated behind me screaming for Ricky to tear out Joey’s spleen!


Mitch- Joey rakes the eyes and catches a breather. Ricky again runs in, but is met with a low blow! The referee was out of position to see it I think.


Shawn- Maybe not Mitch. A contest with this much animosity, this much hatred involved, the ref may be giving them some leeway.


Mitch- Still there must be some semblance of order. A tremendous clothesline from Minnesota nearly takes off RDJ’s head. And now Joey is being pelted with debris as he blows kisses towards the fans in attendance


Melanie- Eyes black and blue, face covered in blood, and still he smiles. Its almost enough to make one believe that Joey wanted this.


Mitch- Who knows what is going through a mind like that. The man not only betrayed a friend, but he turned his back on his mentor. Someone like that- and he ducked, they collide and both men spill to floor! An absolutely brutal landing by Ricky Dale Johnson.


Shawn- Someone may need to check on him, he might have just broken his neck.


Mitch- Surely a sign of the lengths to which RDJ will go to hurt Joey Minnesota


Melanie- Neither man looks remotely concerned about returning to the ring, meanwhile the referee keeps on counting.


Mitch- They are both over the guard rail now and brawling in the crowd. Security is having difficulty keeping the fans off of Joey. If this is any indication, Joey Minnesota may be the most hated man in wrestling, and perhaps, the most hated man in the South since General Sherman marched on Atlanta.


Shawn- NINE… TEN! There’s the bell. I assume both men have been counted out. The match may be over but they are still fighting


Melanie- Several referees and security staff seem to be having some trouble separating the two. They finally got them apart. You can tell this is far from over.


Mitch: As Joey slouches back to the dressing room, like some rough beast heading towards Bethlehem, Ricky is getting a standing ovation from the crowd. And here is the official word.


Winner: Draw via Double Count Out

Rating: 82




Clark Alexander and Joel Bryant


Reality Check


Shawn- Joey Minnesota was lucky to survive that.


Mitch- True, yet one wonders how much longer Joey’s luck can keep up. But it should be noted that Joey and RDJ aren’t the only men in TCW with serious disagreements between them.


Melanie- That’s right Mitch, Joel Bryant was, at one time, partners with Robert Oxford, but Robert thought Joel was a liability, so he found himself another partner in Paul Steadyfast.


Mitch- Robert Oxford is widely considered to be the quintessential tag team wrestler. He’s held multiple tag team titles with multiple partners-


Melanie- Oh, Robert’s had multiple partners, huh?


Mitch- Not now Melanie. Robert and Paul where partners once before, years ago, and that is who Robert has now to help him in his feud against Joel.


Shawn- On the other side of the coin Joel has apparently formed an alliance with Clark Alexander, though I am not sure if that is anything more than a temporary arrangement.


Mitch- And there is the bell. It will be Joel squaring off against Paul to start the bout.


Shawn- It seems whatever Paul attempts, Joel has an answer for it.


Mitch- Yes so far Joel has reversed everything Paul Steadyfast has thrown at him. And there is the tag, Robert Oxford coming in now.


Melanie- Notice how Joel, despite being betrayed by Robert, and no doubt being angry at Robert, he keeps his cool. Unlike Ricky Dale Johnson and Joey Minnesota.


Shawn- Probably because Joel and Robert’s team was a business arrangement, whereas Ricky was a mentor to Joey.


Mitch- And Clark is tagged in. Back body drop followed by a running clothesline. He’s going for the full nelson, but there is Paul Steadyfast, and now Joel jumps in! Joel and Paul are now outside of the ring while Clark manhandles Robert. He’s running the ropes, and Paul tripped him! Spinning DDT. And there’s the three count.


Shawn- Reality Check snuck one by there, but that’s just the nature of the game.


Winner: Robert Oxford via Pin fall

Rating: 63



Angle Two:

Mitch- While Clark collects his thoughts, lets roll a special video previewing one the matches tonight. Just sit back and Enjoy.


:Voiceover Bryan Holmes: Ask him, if he’s honest he’ll admit that he knows I am the better Bryan!


:Voiceover Bryan Vessey: All I know is the guy has been dropped on his head wayyy too often.


:Roll clips of both of them wrestling in PGHW:


:Voiceover Bryan Holmes: I’m tired of people talking about him. After War To Settle The Score, the only Bryan that will matter in Professional Wrestling is Bryan Holmes.


:Voiceover Bryan Vessey: He’s welcome to try, but at the end of the day, I’m the better wrestler, and he knows it.


Rating: 68



Match: First Blood

Joshua Taylor


Sammy Bach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b26BD5KjH0&feature=related

Title: TCW International Championship


Melanie- Bad Blood, First Blood, the theme tonight involves a lot of blood!


Shawn- These two men have been feuding over this title for several months, and now things have progressed to this point, after that viscous attack Sammy perpetrated on Joshua Taylor in a parking lot several weeks ago. All that for just another shot at the title.


Mitch- Joshua has said this will be Sammy Bach’s last title shot, and he seems confident he can win yet again now that he has Dharma in his corner. And there is the bell. Both men trade punches.


Shawn- IF this is just going to be a brawl, then Joshua Taylor has the clear advantage.


Mitch- I’d have to agree with you. Wait, Sammy rakes the eyes, jumps up to the top turnbuckle with cat like agility. He connects with a missile dropkick. Sammy made good use of his speed there. Now Sammy is now biting and punching Joshua, trying to bust him open.


Melanie- Karen Killer is trying to circle around the outside of the ring now… she has something in her hand. But Dharma has her by the hair, oh what a slap! Both ladies are in the ring now, it’s a full blown cat fight! I see England, I see France! I can see-


Mitch- I can see Joshua Taylor battle back as the valets roll from the ring. Sammy is in serious trouble following that running bulldog! Now its Taylor’s turn to go up top, but he misses the knee drop! If that had connected no doubt this match would be over.


Shawn- The valets are still going at it! The referee is now having to lean outside the ring to get them to stop. Karen Killer looks like she’s about to lose her dress, and wait, what was that?


Mitch- Karen Killer just rolled whatever was in her hand into the ring behind the referee. Sammy Bach has it. Josh tries to take it from him, but Sammy catches him with a low blow. What is that… it’s a packet of fake blood! He’s applying it to Joshua’s face!


Melanie- The referee finally has the girls separated and fortunately for Karen Killer she didn’t have a repeat of the infamous Emma Chase incident, but he sees Sammy punching away at Joshua, he sees Joshua covered in blood!


Mitch- There’s the bell! This can’t be happening!


Shawn- This is just unbelievable!


Mitch- Well, I’m waiting for the official word, which is delayed because of Joshua Taylor’s rightful protests, but based on how Sammy and Karen are celebrating I believe, yes, and now its official. There is your winner.


Winner: Sammy Bach via Blood Stoppage

Rating: 57

(New International Champion)



Match: Hardcore style

The New Wave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXpUcRVzV1s


The Machines

Title: TCW World Tag Team Championship


Melanie- Guide and Scout come down to the ring first, looks like they are carrying some weapons with them.


Shawn- Given their history in the wrestling business, you’d have to imagine that they are quite familiar with using baseball bats and various kitchen appliances as weapons. For example, I believe Guide is carrying a toaster.


Mitch- One has to wonder at just what the Machines were thinking challenging the New Wave to a match like this. And here comes Brent Hill and John Anderson now. Wait, what in the world are the wearing? Its hard to tell. That’s a football helmet John Anderson has on, along with shoulder pads and he’s carrying a.. a.. marching band trombone?!?


Melanie- And look at Brent Hill, at least I think that’s Brent. Hard to say who is behind that hockey mask really. He’s pulling a garden bag behind him. It appears to be quite heavy.


Shawn- Obviously this match can not end by disqualification or count out. The only way to win is by pin fall, submission, or the referee stopping the match because someone cannot continue.


Mitch- And here we go. Scout breaks the toaster over John’s head, but it appears the helmet took much of the impact. Brent Hill just hit Guide with what appears to be a Cabbage Patch doll.


Melanie- Trust me boys, those things hurt!


Shawn- Brent is now trying to jam a small transistor radio down Guide’s throat. Meanwhile John Anderson is now getting pummeled with a chair.


Mitch- Brent gives John a hand. They lift up Scout and throw him through a table outside the ring. I cannot repeat what the crowd is chanting right now, but Scout may be seriously hurt! Now the Machines are double teaming Guide. Wait he’s fighting them off with a baseball bat.


Melanie- Brent Hill is busted open. The blood trickling down that white hockey mask makes for an eerie sight.


Mitch- Scout is back in and GOOD LORD! John Anderson was nearly impaled on that crutch!


Shawn- Yes this is getting really dangerous now. The ref might have to step in. What is that Brent’s pulling from the bag?


Mitch- I can’t tell, its gigantic, and black and it seems to be-


Melanie- Ohh I know what it is. I’ll have to go talk to those two after the show. Hehe.


Mitch- That’s disgusting, yet also mildly arousing! John Anderson has that gold plated bed pan they taunted the New Wave with a while back. He’s using it as a weapon on Guide’s face!


Shawn- Guide falls back, he’s become entangled in the ropes. Now both Machines are mercilessly beating Scout with all those weapons!


Melanie- Scout is down and there’s the cover. it’s a three count!


Mitch- I can’t believe the Machines pulled this off, though I think much of their success came from the near armor like helmets and padding they wore to the ring. And here is the official word.


Winner: Machines via Pin fall

Rating: 69



Angle Three:

Mitch- Ladies and Gentlemen I’ve just been informed that Tommy Cornell is making his way to the ring right now to address the crowd and everyone watching about the situation between himself, Joey Minnesota, and Ricky Dale Johnson.


Melanie- That’s tremendous, I am dying to hear his side of the story.


Tommy Cornell’s music begins to play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qTXRkAKr8


“Everything you are about to hear is the truth. With everything that’s gone down in the past couple of years, lately I’ve come to view who I am and what I was doing a little differently. Things that I had once hoped would happen, for my career and for my company, they didn’t work out, and I became bitter about that. But then, when Ricky got hurt, and I had the chance to wrestle Sean McFly, it reminded me why I got in this business in the first place.”


“Its easy to forget, what with all the drama and theatrics, but this is a sport, and at the highest levels, it transcends even that, and this becomes a metaphor for life. It may sound corny, but I didn’t realize how lost I was until I learned that, first hand.”


“I say all this because I want you to know where this is coming from. I really didn’t care about being made the number one contender. That’s was all Nemesis’ idea. I never asked Wolf to interfere in my match with Ricky. I don’t know who attacked Joey Minnesota, though I think it obvious now that deal was a set up on Joey’s part. I think Minnesota wants everyone to point their fingers at me but the truth-”


RDJ’s music begins to play.




Ricky speaks. “There’s one problem with what your saying, Cornell. Minnesota is talking like he’s in the Syndicate. And if you didn’t bring him in, then who did?” RDJ pauses and stares down the ramp way at Tommy. “I think you need to go find Wolf Hawkins and have a long talk with him. And if you see Joey around, let me know, because I’m still looking for him. Until I see something like that with my own eyes, I won‘t believe you.”


Ricky Dale Johnson turns and walks away. “Fine,” Tommy continues,” If Wolf’s involved in this mess then the world will know about it this very night!”



Rating: 80



Match: I Quit rules

Koshiro Ino


Rick Law


Melanie- This match can only end in someone saying ‘I quit’.


Shawn- Given the competitors involved, I have a hard time picturing that happening.


Mitch- True, and as Koshiro Ino comes down to the ring with his manager Jasmine Saunders, I’d like to point out that this man may have the advantage here. Being from Japan, he is steeped in the tradition of Toukon, the Japanese fighting spirit that emphasizes, above all else, never giving up.


Shawn- That’s something I hadn’t considered. Rick law may think because he’s pinned Koshiro before he has the edge here, but he may not realize that to someone like Koshiro Ino, wins and losses mean little compared to quitting in a fight.


Mitch- And there is the bell this match is now underway. Koshiro Ino seems to be looking for some way to take Law down, while Rick is keeping just enough space to land punches on Ino.


Shawn- Ino has a single leg, but the lanky Rick law makes it to the ropes. He pokes Ino in the eye during the break!


Melanie- Koshiro looks hurt after that chop to the throat.


Mitch- Two back breakers, followed by a third! Rick Law really hasn’t demonstrated much in the way of submission skills before, but I am certain he must know how to disable someone from his years on the police force.


Shawn- Looks like Rick is targeting Ino’s back with that Boston Crab.


Mitch- Ino’s fighting for the ropes, but Law pulls him Back! Ino now pressing himself upwards… the strain on his back must be incredible. Koshiro tucks in and rolls, causing Rick Law to lose his balance!


Melanie- Both men are fighting now. Another eye poke by Law! Ino blindly grabs the arm and falls.. it’s the Kobra Krossface! Rick Law is hurt!


Mitch- Rick reaches the ropes though. Referee forces Ino to break the hold, Rick catches him with a punch to the temple! He swings him into the ropes, a devastating Spine buster on Koshiro!


Shawn- Again Rick targets his back. Now he has him.. He completes the Long Arm of The Law. Now he has Koshiro in a modified Camel Clutch!


Melanie- This could be over soon, Ino looks like he’s seconds away from losing consciousness!


Mitch- The pain must be unbearable. Wait, Ino has an arm free, now the other arm. He’s standing up with Rick Law on his back. All that punishment, how can he do this? Ino drops backwards and slides over. Could it be.. Yes! The Kobra Krossface once again, this time in the middle of the ring!


Melanie- Law is struggling, but I don’t think… that’s it. The referee has signaled for the bell!


Shawn- Well, Mitch’s earlier point about Toukon stands true. Through sheer will power Koshiro Ino was able to withstand a level of punishment Rick Law could not.


Winner: Koshiro Ino via Submission

Rating: 75



Angle Four:

Mitch- We are going backstage now where Kyle Rhodes is joined by Wolf Hawkins, who wants to talk about his World Heavyweight Championship match against Rocky Golden.


Kyle Rhodes thanks Mitch for the introduction and asks Wolf about the situation with Joey Minnesota.


“Man, you think I want to talk about that now? I am completely focused on that pumped up cream puff, Rocky Golden. Tonight marks the beginning of the Hawkins’ reign in TCW. You want to know about Joey Minnesota, go ask him.”


“I’d like to hear you talk about Joey and Ricky.” Tommy Cornell walks into the interview area.


“Oh, uh, hey Tommy. I got an interview here, ya know?”


“It can wait.” Cornell walks up beside Wolf. “Earlier I was in the ring, trying to explain myself and Ricky Johnson came out and said some things, some things that got me thinking. Odd stuff, like how you wanted to be named the number one contender so badly, and about how you weren’t worried when Joey challenged you. About how you didn’t want to apologize for interfering in my match against Ricky Dale Johnson. About how hard you begged me to let Joey Minnesota join the Syndicate after that cage match… now I think about all that stuff and I wonder if maybe you weren’t directing events all along?”


Wolf gives a nervous laugh. “Cmon Tommy, your letting your paranoia get to you again. You’re like a big brother to me, man. Besides, you know me, am I really some kind of evil mastermind?” Wolf chuckles as he seems to peer behind Cornell. “Besides, the Syndicate, that’s your thing, your baby. If Joey Minnesota really wanted to join, you’d think he would have come to you first right?”


Wolf removes his sunglasses and looks Tommy in eyes. “Its not like the Syndicate is dead or anything, killed when you went all soft. And its not like if Joey really wanted to make a name for himself, he would turn his back on the man that showed him everything to join up with you… nah its more like, he would join up with me!”


Joey then runs in and attacks Cornell from behind as Wolf punches Tommy. Once Cornell falls down, both younger men begin kicking him.


“Pick him up!” Cornell is hoisted up, his arms restrained, Hawkins grabs him by the hair. “I didn’t betray you, you betrayed me! I was supposed to be the next in line for what? Championship gold! Money! Power! Not some limp wristed talk about the purity of the sport and rules and all that crap!”


The two men knock Cornell down again, and Hawkins begins to viscously grind Tommy’s face into the concrete floor.


Wolf’s hair is now askew, and his eyes hold just a tint of madness. He undoes his necktie and begins to choke Cornell with it.


“You betrayed me, you pompous moron! Well I’m not following you anymore, just like Joey isn’t following that idiot Ricky Johnson anymore!”


Wolf and Joey stand over a prone Tommy Cornell. They continue to kick him.


“The past couple of months I isolated you! No one trusts you, no one believes you, no one is going to help you, and now, no one will follow you either!”


Security pull the men off of Cornell, but Wolf continues to rant. “Everything you have, Its all going to be mine! The title, the company, everything!”


Rating: 80



To be continued in part Two


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TCW: The War To Settle The Score

Part Two




Troy Tornado


Aaron Andrews http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtJLbiTttac&feature=related


Shawn- I know that we need to focus on this next match, but I am still in shock at what I just witnessed.


Mitch- For those of you who have just joined us, my broadcast partner is referring to an incident that occurred a few moments ago. Here is a video replay now of Wolf Hawkins and Joey Minnesota attacking Tommy Cornell backstage-


Melanie- Truly unbelievable.


Mitch- And yet, as I watch this, everything that has taken place over the last few weeks involving The Syndicate and The Freedom Fighters, it all makes sense now. Minnesota and Hawkins have both been working in conjunction to set up their respective mentors.


Shawn- You say that Mitch, but still, given Cornell’s history, there will be many who will think this is just part of a plot by him to once again expand the Syndicate.


Melanie- That will be a question Cornell will have to answer over the coming weeks…


Mitch- I apologize to the fans, in discussing the Syndicate situation we’ve given short shrift to these two men here, who have their own issues to settle.


Shawn- There is the bell, and Andrews wastes little time in catching Troy with a series of drop kicks.


Melanie- Tornado just waves it off with his characteristic sneer. He’s a guy who has never lacked in self confidence.


Mitch- And yet it seems as though he is a bit hesitant to lock up with Double A. Could it be that he thinks Andrews might be able to beat him?


Shawn- Andrews lands a forearm shot followed by a European uppercut. He grabs the headlock but Tornado pushes him into the ropes. They collide and Tornado goes down yet again!


Mitch- More stalling from Tornado as he complains to the referee that Andrews pulled his hair. I saw no such thing from my vantage point.


Melanie- Tornado is just being like a typical man, always lying about something.


Shawn- I don’t know Melanie, maybe you just haven’t met the right man yet.


Mitch- Get a room you two. They lock up, err, Andrews and Tornado I mean, not Shawn and Melanie, and a knee to the gut by Tornado, followed by a snap suplex. Now Troy is on the offense.


Shawn- Troy is pouring it on now, with punches and chops. He whips Andrews into the corner, and connects with a big running clothesline.


Mitch- Troy stomps away at Andrews. Now he picks him up and places him on the top turnbuckle… Andrews fights it but Troy rakes his eyes and he gets him up… Superplex! He goes for the cover, almost gets the three count.


Melanie- Troy is now arguing with the referee. Wasting valuable time there as now Andrews is fighting back. Troy goes for a kick, Andrews catches the leg, spins him around, DDT!


Mitch- Andrews gets two and a half on the count. He quickly goes and climbs to the top rope, and he just misses the flying elbow drop!


Shawn- Both men now struggling to stand. Troy catches Andrews in the stomach with a kick. Now has him up for an atomic drop, but Andrews flips over Tornado, he’s now behind him and running him into the ropes. it’s a roll up attempt!


Mitch- Andrews has him, but Troy grabs the trunks and now Andrews is on the canvas, The referee counts, Troy still holding the trunks, it’s a pin fall!


Melanie- Looks like Troy wins again by cheating. And Aaron was so close that time.


Shawn- Troy Tornado’s greater experience once again trumps Andrews’ superior skills.


Winner: Troy Tornado via Pin fall

Rating: 73




Benny Benson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRGDqA6g6Zo&feature=related


Sam Keith


Shawn- Sam Keith takes credit for bringing Bryan Holmes to TCW. When Holmes struggled against Bryan Vessey, Sam stuck his nose in the match, which brought out an angry Benny Benson.


Melanie- Benson said he was sick and tired of watching people flaunt the rules and just do whatever they wanted.


Mitch- One wonders if Genghis Rahn’s brief time as a masked Vigilante inspired Benson? Though, if that is true, Benson should take that as a warning, considering what Eddie Peak did to Rahn on the last Total Wrestling Show.


Shawn- Unfortunately we were instructed by the Commissioner that we could not inform the fans about Rahn’s medical status, it seems he is no longer employed by TCW.


Mitch- Just one of the many questionable decisions our Commissioner has rendered as of late. That said, we now turn our attention to this match up as these two men prepare to face one another.


Melanie- Sam Keith starts out quickly by pointing his finger in Benson’s face. Ouch, and he just slapped him. Benson returns the favor with a punch that floors Sam Keith, and now the two are trading punches!


Shawn- Sam rolls out of the ring, but, wow, Benny flies over the top rope and crashes down on him. He rolls Sam back in.


Mitch- Sam catches Benny as he enters the ring. He has Benson’s right arm now, and he may be trying to soften it up. As Sam torques the arm one way, Benson grabs the top rope with his free arms and flips himself in that direction, freeing his arm. He follows that with a gut wrench suplex.


Shawn- Two count. Benson, firmly in control, hit’s the spinning neck breaker. Sam again rolls out.


Mitch- Benny tries to jump on him from inside the ring once more, but Sam moves away and Benny lands flat on the floor. Sam appears to be laughing as he puts the boots to Benson. Note where he has him positioned, yes he’s going for the Proton Lock!


Melanie- Benson’s fighting it, and he’s made it to the ropes. But Sam doesn’t relent.


Shawn- He just hit that Neutron Plex out of nowhere, and now he’s signaling for another one. I think he’s trying to send a message.


Mitch- Well, as the referee signals for the bell I believe the message has been delivered. Stay out of Sam Keith’s business.


Winner: Sam Keith via Pin fall

Rating: 79



Angle Five:

Mitch- We are set to go backstage now where Rocky Golden is prepared to give his thoughts on the man he’ll be facing later tonight, Wolf Hawkins.


The camera cuts to the backstage interview area where Rocky Golden stands alone.


“Ya know I happened to see what went down earlier today and my first thought was, live by the sword, die by the sword. Its no secret that Tommy Cornell has made a career out of messing with people, so if it finally happened to him, then part of me is cool with it.”


“But then I think back to a couple of years ago, when the Syndicate first began and thinking about what an absolute boot licker Wolf Hawkins had become. I knew then and there he couldn’t do anything without Cornell’s say so.”


“Guess what I’m trying to say is, its doesn’t really change anything. Whether the Syndicate is no more or not, I still got to put this belt on the line and that means I can’t let that stuff distract me. Wolf Hawkins is talking like he’s already won and is running the show. But I’m the champion here, I call the shots.”


“See Wolf, you’re up in rarefied air now, at the top of the mountain with Rocky Golden. Your just visiting, but I live here, I call this place my home. And so, when the match starts getting rough, and you start gasping and wheezing, you got to look over at me not even breaking a sweat and you’ll know, sure as I am standing here, that no one, not Cornell, not Joey Minnesota… no one can save you then! And when that darkness creeps in, and as you begin to slip, the Wolf will howl as it tumbles down and falls below, just another victim that couldn’t climb the mountain!”


Rating: 79




Bryan Vessey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZnL10hGcWI


Bryan Holmes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXQtl0ypU44


Melanie- If these two men weren’t so serious, one would almost think this feud was some kind of joke.


Shawn- Well, Bryan Vessey is angry because he is tired of Bryan Holmes constant attacks. Bryan Holmes is serious because he’s slightly touched in the head. I mean, who cares if someone else has the same first name as you?


Mitch- Regardless of the reasons, these two men are about the face off, and considering how talented both of them are, that is a good thing for TCW fans.


Melanie- Exactly, and here we go. Vessey is mugging Holmes!


Mitch- A sit down power bomb and we aren’t even ten seconds into the match. Holmes kicks out at two. Vessey goes for a single leg Boston Crab but steps over and transitions into an STF.


Shawn- Bryan Holmes uses a hand to help pull his free leg into position and, I can’t believe it, he’s posting out of the STF. I have never seen an escape like that!


Mitch- Vessey going for leg kicks, Holmes catches one, nasty looking Dragon screw leg whip! He may have injured Vessey’s knee. Holmes smells blood. Standing figure four… he bridges to torque the knee even further. Vessey is now writhing in pain.


Melanie- Looks like vessey is wrapping his arms around Bryan Holmes’ throat… that can’t be legal.


Mitch- No, it isn’t and the referee is trying to break the choke hold now. Vessey gets a warning but he accomplished his goal of getting Holmes to break the leglock. Holmes grabs Vessey’s leg again. Enziguri by Vessey. That impact echoed throughout the building.


Shawn- Vessey attempts a brain buster suplex, but his leg gave out, Holmes has him covered- two count.


Mitch- Vessey fighting to survive, he pulls Holmes into the corner… OH MY GOD, that chop could be felt in the tenth row!


Shawn- A nasty red splotch has opened up on Bryan Holmes chest as countless capillaries have been ruptured after a series of awe inspiring chops. Holmes now trying to avoid Vessey.


Mitch- Holmes has been hurt but I think he might be overplaying it a bit as, yes, Holmes shoots in and gets a double leg take down, Holmes tries to go around Vessey for a north/south position but Vessey turns and rolls Holmes off of him. Fantastic display of amateur wrestling prowess by both men. And Holmes seems to sense that he needs to take another approach, as he switches to punching and kicking.


Shawn- Standing sunset flip by Vessey, gets a one count before Holmes sits up and grabs the legs-


Mitch- Two count by Holmes before Vessey shoves him off. Holmes rolls forward though, two count-


Shawn- Vessey turns, he has Holmes back on the canvas… two and a half


Mitch- Holmes kicks out, the both stand, small package now.. Two count


Shawn- Kick out, both men up again, Holmes misses the hay maker, Vessey grabs hold… it’s a rolling german suplex. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five suplexes in total!


Mitch- Now Holmes is positioned for the Vessey Driver… he struggles and escapes! Cyclone Shock kick, this could be it. One two Three!


Melanie- No! Vessey just did get his shoulder up!


Shawn- Holmes is irate. He could be right, that was very close.


Mitch- Vessey slow to get up. Holmes signals for the Final Impact, No, Vessey Turns, Vessey Driver.. He connects. One two three!


Melanie- Bryan Vessey wins with his finisher!


Mitch- This was a tremendous match, almost a shame it had to end.


Winner: Bryan Vessey via Pin fall

Rating: 85



Main Event:

Wolf Hawkins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X0Zhw_tbPo


Rocky Golden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1ejbv0WEJo

Title: TCW World Heavyweight Championship


Melanie- And here we are, time for the Main Event!


Shawn- Wolf Hawkins looks supremely confident, which doesn’t bode well for Rocky.


Mitch- And Wolf sticks his hand out to Rocky to shake. Rocky steps away as Wolf laughs. The young man certainly seems more brash. Beating up your mentor will do that I suppose.


Melanie- Assuming it all just wasn’t an act. You never can tell with Cornell.


Mitch- Yes something else Rocky must worry about. They tie up, and Rocky shoves Wolf halfway across the ring!


Shawn- If Wolf wants to make this a test of strength, he may as well just leave now.


Mitch- They tie up again, and again Wolf gets flung like a rag doll. He slides from the ring and is now arguing with a fan. The young man in the front row with the Saints ball cap is certainly giving Wolf an earful. Wolf is starting to yell and- Rocky has grabbed him and knocks Wolf down with a flush shot to the jaw.


Melanie- Wolf trying to crawl away, a bit too late for that don’t you think?


Mitch- Rocky has Wolf, puts him back in the ring. Now he whips him into the ropes.. Clothesline! Now a hip toss.. Wolf lands on the other side of the ring.


Shawn- I think Rocky may be trying to intimidate Wolf with his superior strength.


Mitch- Or perhaps Wolf is playing possum with Rocky? Only time will tell. The two men circle each other. They tie up. Knee to the gut from Wolf. He backs Rocky into the ropes and another knee, followed by yet another. Now he’s punching Rocky.


Melanie- Irish whip, which by the way, means something much different in the UK, Wolf misses the elbow.


Mitch- Rocky leap frogs Wolf, both men running the ropes, Cross body block by Wolf, but Rocky catches him.. Uh oh, he hoists Wolf up on his shoulder and hit’s a running powerslam! Two count.


Shawn- Rocky pulls Wolf up.. Wolf hits a Stunner out of no where! He quickly climbs the ropes. That knee drop connected. He goes for the cover, two and a half!


Melanie- And just that quickly the tide has turned.


Mitch- Indeed. Wolf now trying to wear the stronger man down. Crucifix stretch. But Rocky is too strong, he pulls his arms back in. Wolf jumps up and lands a nasty short dropkick to the back of Rocky’s head. Now Wolf is slapping Rocky, taunting him.


Shawn- Rocky roars straight up… forearm to the jaw lands, and Wolf stumbles backwards. Running clothesline nearly decapitates him!


Mitch- Rocky pulls Wolf up and he has him set.. He has him in The Rack! Wolf struggles free and drops Rocky with a reverse DDT. Both men slow to stand, Wolf signals for the Full Moon Rising, but Rocky grabs him in a bear hug, he lifts him over his shoulder and again, he has Wolf in The Rack!


Shawn- Ref is out of position, Rocky turns around.. Oh no, Wolf just kicked the referee in the face!


Mitch- That looked intentional to me, but Rocky can’t win with no referee. He drops Wolf and attends to the ref. What is this.. Joey Minnesota running down to the ring. He has something in his hand… He tries to hit Rocky, but Rocky ducks. Joey tosses what looks like a roll of quarters to Wolf. Rocky clotheslines Joey from the ring. Here comes Ricky Dale Johnson.


Melanie- RDJ goes straight for Joey Minnesota. Meanwhile Wolf has a weapon and Rocky doesn’t realize it.


Mitch- Wolf playing like he’s hurt, Rocky leans over him, and gets blasted. Quarters are flying everywhere.! Rocky took that shot right on the chin. He’s out. Wolf makes the cover.


Shawn- But the referee is still down. Wolf goes to revive him and- wait a minute!


Mitch- Tommy Cornell, covered in bandages, enters the ring. What’s he going to do? He looks down at Rocky…


Melanie- I knew it! It was all a scam he’s going to attack.. Oh no, he’s just grabbed Wolf!


Mitch- Cornell hits Wolf with the aptly named Guilt trip! He puts Rocky over Wolf’s unconscious body. The ref is now coming to. Cornell jumps through the ropes and lands on Joey Minnesota as a shocked Ricky Johnson looks on. The ref is counting. One.. Two.. Three!


Shawn- Its over. Rocky Golden has retained his title and all doubts about the split between Hawkins and Cornell have been removed!


Melanie- Joey Minnesota is trying to escape through the crowd, though Ricky Johnson is right behind him. Cornell is in the ring, but Wolf has wisely rolled out. They are both just staring at each other. That is a lot of bad blood there.


Mitch- And Rocky gets his hand raised, though it may be short lived. He has to face Eddie Peak in two short days. My name is Mitch Naess, and on behalf of my colleagues Melanie Florence and Shawn Doakes, we’d like to thank you for watching The War To Settle The Score. We hope you enjoyed the show. Godspeed and Good luck!


Rating: 78


Final Rating for the War To Settle The Score: 79


(This show increased our popularity)


((TCW is now an International Sized Promotion))

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“Look at these bills Jack!”


I heard Tommy’s voice from the other side of a mountain of paperwork sitting on his desk.


“Wow, all that from hitting International?”


“All our operational costs doubled. And were locked into not one but two crummy TV deals for the next few months. I am entirely reliant on PPV revenue now. And our main market, the U.S. I’m just getting ten percent of the gross. Unless we catch a break, at this rate, the company will be bankrupt in six months!”


My legs gave out. Fortunately I was already sitting down.


“And that’s only half of it. If we are International, we are sorely lacking in International level stars. We need to sign some talent from either Canada or the SWF, but hell, I can’t afford it right now!”


I just sat there, mute. All this business stuff was way above my pay grade. In fact, I was shocked Tommy would even tell me about it. The situation must be dire indeed if he wanted my input on financial matters.


“Look on the brightside. The economy is improving. With the SWF going Global, and TCW moving up in size, the wrestling industry as a whole in the U.S. is booming. We are seeing more people at shows now. More merchandise is selling. Plus we still haven’t even really started on the storyline between you and Wolf. Not to mention that other program. In a couple of weeks you’ll have another red hot baby face in the company. Speaking of which, is she ready?”


“Yeah.” Tommy sighed and walked around his desk. “She’s a little nervous about the whole thing. But I know, as soon as I saw the program you had written, it will be gold.”


“So, that settles it then,” I got up to make a hasty exit, “it will all be-”


“I want you to plan a second PPV in March. I am in talks with another PPV company. Gonna get our finances right. But first, I need a second show to make some money.”


I sat back down to think. “I dunno. That’s a tall order. Really for something like that we would almost need…” I snapped my fingers. “Do you know anyone in PGHW?”




“We’re gonna need a boost, like with Sean mcFly, except I doubt Dan Stone Sr. would agree to let him come back, so we are gonna need a couple of names from someone else that will work with you. I figure PGHW because-”


“Because Buddy Garner and Bryan Holmes are still big names in Japan. A talent trade, thats what your thinking?”


“Basically, yeah. Outside talent to augment the roster to build heat for this other PPV you want, while not hurting the buys for ‘Just Another Day’. Umm I know money is tight right now and all, but hitting international, two tv shows every week, a second PPV this month, we have to hire another road agent and another referee.”


Tommy shook his head. “I can’t, at least, I can’t without cutting two other people from the company.”


“Well, I hate to put you in that situation, but it’s a necessity. We gotta have them.”


“Alright, but its gotta be people from the wrestling crew. Everything else is already cut to the bone. Bring me a list of people you believe we no longer need. Be it wrestlers, managers, announcers, whatever. I don’t want to cut people you have plans for or think may be useful.”


I gulped. I hadn’t anticipated that it would be me that basically has to fire someone. True, I did fire Arnold Westberry, but he had asked for it. This was different.


“Okay,” I told him, “I’ll get working on that list right away.”










Alright, here is the list. I’d like reader participation in deciding who gets the ax. Please Bold the names of the two people you would like to see fired from TCW. In case of a tie I reserve the right to choose which two myself.


Two people will be losing their jobs here, so if you want to argue as to why you think they deserve to be sent out in the cold, with their computerized families left to starve…feel free to list your reasons.


The survey will conclude at the end of TCW Ultimatum (That’s the second March PPV, to be held Friday, Week Two).


Your participation is appreciated.






The Firing Line:


Tempest Appleby

Kyle Rhodes

Jasmine Saunders

Jason Azaria

Karen Killer

K Squared

Harry Allen

Giant Tana

American Buffalo

Charlie Thatcher

Genghis Rahn

Benny Benson

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