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An American Pastime - Midwest Championship Wrestling

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Just an update to my readers. All I've got to do is paste the show into the browser and format it to my liking. However I have a GIS lab that I have to turn in within the next three hours. As soon as I have that done, I'll get going with Center Stage.
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Pre-Show Notes:

Leave it to Jean Cattley to keep me guessing. I recently informed him I thought he deserved to be part of our upper level plans and he thanked me by doing everything he could to lift the locker room morale. This month he organized an X-Box 360 tournament in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Perhaps the highlight of the night was watching Hugh de Aske’s run to the finals against Jean himself. Hugh usually spends the eight or so hours before a show in his pirate garb and slowly begins to speak as a pirate. Everyone has rituals and this one is Hugh’s. It was entertaining to watch a pirate play a game involving guns. He even provided his own commentary that went along the lines of “Arrr, you be a worthy opponent but my gamin' skills will o'ercome you. A pence for an old man o'de sea?” and “Ahoy, you have got t' be kiddin' me. Gar. Ahoy, how can he run through my bullets t' stab me? Aye, me parrot concurs.” Jean ended up defeating Hugh in the finals in a very close one on one death match. As everyone broke away from the gaming system, their spirits seemed to be well placed for the start of the night’s show.


Live from the MCW Arena

Attendance: 1359



Sam Pratt vs. Jean Cattley

The crowd was ready for the action to start as these two veterans of the ring stepped in. The match opened with a generic collar and elbow tie up, but that’s where the standard opener formula disappeared. These two guys went back and forth trading offense for almost the entire match. In the closing minutes, Pratt went up top for a frog splash that got a believable nearfall. He called for the Cannonball Drop, but Cattley avoided it and took control. A few moments later Cattley hit the Mood Swing and Dewey Libertine slapped the mat for the elementary count to three.

Winner: Jean Cattley

Rating: C



Mainstream Hernandez vs. Davis Wayne Newton

In a very short match, Davis Wayne Newton really brought it against Mainstream in the opening minute of the match. A flurry of offense (and under handed tactics) got him a few two counts but eventually Mainstream Hernandez took over. Newton could not avoid Hernandez’s Super Kick and went down for the three count.

Winner: Mainstream Hernandez

Rating: D+



Hugh de Aske vs. Enemigo

The pirate came out of the gate hot against the mysterious new comer. Hugh took early control of the match and was able to send the masked man reeling. After landing a vicious DDT, Hugh went up top looking to go high risk, but the reward wasn’t there. Enemigo moved out of the way of Hugh’s leg drop and began to take control. The young ocean adventurer fought until the very end, kicking out of numerous high impact moves from his opponent. However, a reverse hurrincanrana that spiked him right on his head spelled the end for Hugh de Aske.

Winner: Enemigo

Rating: D+



American Elemental vs. Greg Gauge

In what has to be a lock as surprise of the night, these two young guys went out and put it all on the line. The action started off fast as each man traded a variety of moves before it broke down into a hold for hold catch-as-catch-can technical showdown. The newcomer of American Elemental nearly had the son of Sam Keith beat after a brainbuster, but Greg was able to kickout at two. Just moments later, Gauge locked on his father’s trademark Proton Lock and American Elemental had no choice but to slap the mat. As the competitors were leaving ringside, the crowd stood up and showed their appreciation of them with a “That was awesome!” chant.

Winner: Greg Gauge

Rating: C



Backstage we go to a scene of Hugh de Aske standing in front of the MCW backdrop with a look of intention on his face. He smiles his crooked teeth and begins to speak as he still holds his head from the match not too long ago.

Hugh: Aye, well, that fight did not go as Me had planned. Gar. Arrr, Enemigo got the best o' me tonight, just like a lot o' other people have been. A pence for an old man o'de sea? Ahoy, me was crowned the first King of the Alternati'e, but was ne'er able t' defend tis' honor like a true pirate could. Aye, me parrot concurs.


Hugh points to the stuffed parrot sitting on his right shoulder.

Hugh: Arrr, but all o' that changes now. Gar. Aye, me set out on a 'oyage t' a'enge my recent troubles and regain that gold. Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty! Arrr, when the time is right I will challenge the Alternati'e Champion and win back the booty that is rightfully mine. Ahoy, as for Enemigo, that bastard will see my re'enge. Gar.


With that the young pirate pushes past the camera and out of view, leaving just the MCW logo visible.

Rating: E+




MCW Alternative Title

Antonio Del Veccio vs. Brandon Smith ©

The match started out simple with the former football standout and current Alternative Champion taking control with a side headlock. His size allowed him to apply pressure for a few moments until Antonio slipped free. The young Italian used his speed to keep ahead of the champion and give him a real challenge. The two traded offense until the champion lifted Antonio up and over for his signature Backdrop Driver. He hit it and covered, sure of the three count to come. But it wasn’t there. On the way over, Antonio swung wildly and caught Dewey Libertine in the head, which knocked him out. As Brandon Smith tried to revive the referee, Enemigo ran to ringside and came into the squared circle. Enemigo leapt onto Smith’s shoulders and planted him with a reverse hurrincanrana that rolled the champ right back to his feet. Enemigo left the ring as Dewey came to and Antonio hit an Italian DDT that netted him the victory.

Winner: Antonio Del Veccio

Rating: D+

Duke Hazzard: I don’t believe it. Four different alternative champions in as many months.

Bryce Billings: I think we can blame Enemigo for this title change! Brandon Smith had the match won until that masked crazy man came in!


Duke Hazzard: But the fact still remains that the Alternative Title still has not been successfully defended! It’s kind of like that curse that falls upon every football player that is on the cover of Madden. The next season they either get injured or perform poorly.


Bryce Billings: You have a good point there Duke. We’ve got the Alternative Title curse on our hands! What’s this?! Come on now! Enough is enough!


Back inside the ring Enemigo has begun to lay the boots to the still down Brandon Smith. The masked man continues before lifting the former Alternative Champion to his feet and planting him with a tornado DDT. The masked man stands over his fallen foe until Bryce Billings climbs into the ring. Enemigo slowly exits the ring, staring at Bryce all along.

Rating: E-



Bryce Billings: You can quit staring at me son. I’m the guy that signs your checks so you had better straighten up!


Bryce looks down to Brandon Smith as he begins to come to. Bryce helps him to his feet and holds the ropes for him as the former champ exits the ring, clenching his head. As he passes the ring steps, Brandon Smith unloads a mafia kick on them and sends them tumbling across the floor.


Bryce: Come on folks, give it up for Brandon!


The crowd obliges with a round of applause. Once it ends, Bryce begins to address the crowd.


Bryce: Last month I announced the inaugural Road to Glory tournament that would feature 16 of wrestling’s finest. This month I am happy to be able to announce the first official competitor for July’s tournament. He is a former two-time Mid Atlantic Heavyweight Champion and current NOTBPW star; and will be taking on John Covel right now.



Erik Strong

Rating: D+



Erik Strong vs. John Covel

The NOTBPW star brought it right away as he caught John off guard with a flurry of forearms and right hands. John made a quick comeback with a series of hip tosses and arm drags, ending with a back body drop that sent Strong sliding to the outside. Covel didn’t hesitate, hitting the ropes and launching himself over with a tope. The crowd applauds the show of athleticism and the match continues. Covel takes control for the next several minutes, methodically dismantling Erik Strong. Covel gets numerous two counts before Strong made a small comeback. As the match draws to its end, Covel lands a few of his piledrivers and then takes Strong up to the top looking for his turnbuckle brainbuster. Strong fights Covel off and sends him back to the mat. Erik Strong stands and comes off the top with his Strong Sault, which is enough to keep Covel down for the three count.

Winner: Erik Strong

Rating: C-



As John Covel is walking back up the aisle, Jack Griffith emerges from the back with a microphone in hand. He begins making his way down towards the ring fir his match and meets Covel part way.


Griffith: Nice job Covel. What does that make you? Oh-for here in MCW? Maybe you should have stayed in rehab.


Covel sighs and shakes his head at the fellow competitor before continuing into the back.

Rating: D


Backstage, Brandon Smith stands in front of the MCW backdrop. He holds his head and paces back and forth with an intense look on his face. Finally he stops long enough to stare into the camera and begin speaking.

Brandon Smith: Listen up Enemigo or whatever the hell your name is. I don’t know what I’ve done to you that provoked this grudge you hold against me. Two months in a row now you’ve attacked me from behind. Two months in a row now you’ve left me lying. I am not willing to allow it to happen for a third. Tonight you cost me the Alternative Title and that pissed me off enough. Most importantly though, is that you have cost me a bit of pride. I intend to get it back by beating the living hell out of you. Why don’t you man up and step inside the ring with me? I’ll be waiting for your answer. Watch your back, because you might find out first hand just why they call me “Bulldozer.”

As abruptly as it started, the promo ends as Brandon leaves the frame, still clenching his head.

Rating: E+


Jack Griffith vs. Fumihiro Ota

These two ring veterans put on a wrestling clinic inside the ring tonight as they both came in with game plans. Griffith took control early with a little bit of technical skill. He held control for a few minutes until Ota’s remaining speed began to break through and took control. The two men continued to trade offense and near falls until the match entered its final minutes. The two men both came off the ropes and hit clotheslines, taking each other out. As the two competitors began stirring, the fifteen minute time limit expired and the bell rang.

Winner: Time Limit Draw

Rating: D+




MCW Heavyweight Title

Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker©

Our main event had the crowd into things as the USPW star took control early. Devine used his all-around skills to really take it to the champion early. Parker was reeling from all the strikes and basic maneuvers that Devine was utilizing. Devine went for multiple pinfalls, making Parker use his energy to pick his shoulder up from the mat. Devine continued his assault, landing suplex after suplex until Parker was finally able to slip out of a vertical suplex and catch a breather. Parker began to use some dirty tricks to wear his opponent down, but Devine was able to fight through them and make a run at the win. Devine planted Parker with a superplex, followed up with a super kick that resulted in a believable near fall. Devine began stalking Parker, looking for the Devine Dream Drop but Parker wiggled out of it and rolled his challenger up, placing his feet on the ropes for leverage. Dewey Libertine didn’t see the cheating and counted the three, signaling victory and a successful title defense for Steven Parker.

Winner: Steven Parker

Rating: C-



Bryce Billings enters the ring as Parker stands with his title across the ring. Darryl Devine stands opposite Parker, staring at the belt with intent.


Bryce Billings: That was disgusting Steven. When I opened this company I envisioned a champion that was honorably and trustworthy. A man who fought fair and won by his own merit.

Steven Parker snatches a microphone from ringside, a smirk on his face.


Parker: Well, you got me instead, didn’t you?


The crowd boos at Parker, who throws his hands into the air and leans his head back, soaking it all in.

Bryce: And I’m not happy about it. I’ve got two things to say. First off Darryl, while I wasn’t happy with how the end of that match went, I can’t do anything about it now. What I can do is offer you a spot in the Road to Glory. What do you say?

Devine looks across the ring towards the Heavyweight Champion and makes a belt motion at his waist before leaning over to Bryce’s microphone.


Devine: I’ll be here. And I’ll be winning that tournament so I get another shot at you, Parker.


The crowd cheers wildly as Devine smiles at Parker and leaves the ring. This leaves Bryce and Steven alone and staring each other down.


Bryce: And now for you. Remember when I said you were going to defend that belt both nights of the Road to Glory? I finally have your opponents lined up.


Parker laughs and looks towards his boss.


Parker: And who might they be?


The crowd quiets down in anticipation of the announcement.


Bryce: Well, I like to keep things interesting. So as for your night two opponent, you’ll have to wait until the time of your match. You’ll find out that opponent the same time our fans do, when his entrance music plays.


Parker looks upset, but controls it awaiting Billings’ next announcement.


Bryce: On night one, you will be defending the MCW Heavyweight Title against a former TCW Hardcore and Tag Team Champion in……



Paul Steadyfast


The MCW theme hits the system and Parker is left staring at a smirking Bryce Billings as the MCW logo appears at the bottom of the screen and the scene fades to black.

Rating: D

Overall Rating: D+

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