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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Tiki – Ka'hoe Alohilohi, also known as the Hawaiian High Flyer, is perceived by many to be the fastest man in wrestling today. Born in Oahu, Alohilohi was a longtime wrestling fan, watching whatever he could with his younger brother Ele. In high school, Alohilohi was a world class track star, excelling in the hundred meter, two hundred meter, and the hurdle events. It wasn't until he attended the University of Hawaii that he was lured to the world of professional wrestling, as he met Doc Cassidy in a local tiki bar in Honolulu. After a night of drinking and talking, Cassidy agreed to train Alohilohi, while ensuring he graduated college. Now, with a few years of training, and a degree in communications under his belt, Alohilohi has started looking for work, impressing those who come to see him with his dazzling Tiki Torch finishing move.


Age – 24

Sex – Male

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – Tiki Torch [springboard Split Legged Moonsault]

-Protege of Doc Cassidy


(I let BHK figure out the stats and stuff, I just name'm. lol)




lol, I'm doomed!




Eli Cord – Eli “E-Chord” Cord is a brawler who was born and bred in Memphis, Tennessee. A natural street fighter, Cord wrestles for the love of wrestling, as he makes his money during the day as a fairly successful jingle writer. Known mostly for his work in the south, E-Chord bases his style on a fairly simplistic arsenal, to cover the fact that he isn't really strong in the grappling art of wrestling, however his desire to play his guitar Priscilla before each match does help draw a crowd. While he may never be the breakout star of the new generation of wrestlers, Cord does serve a purpose in the ring, and has done a good job of filling his role.


Interesting tidbit, Eli Cord was contacted by PEIPW to help record the theme song for EZ Street, before they debuted.


Age – 26

Sex – Male

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – All Shook Up [Reverse Russian Legsweep (The Stroke)]




Dipu Fravash - “The Dervish of New Delhi” Dipu Fravash is a rookie from India, who has recently started to get noticed around Europe and Japan. More fighter than wrestler, Fravash only started wrestling in November of 2009, and has shown that, although still very green in the ring, has the tools to become something special one day. With his lack of formal training, Fravash has proven to be unpredictable inside the squared circle, which some have commented causes disruptions when it comes to the flow of the match. However, the cold blooded character has also enhanced his appeal with the fans.


Age – 25

Sex – Male

Size – Heavyweight

Finisher – The Hindu Kick [Running Big Boot]




Heath Irving – Heath “The Headliner” Irving is a flashy youngster from Washington, D.C. Irving was born to a rich family, and coming from the bloodline of the Washington Irving's, Heath was want for nothing. He began training at the ripe old age of 13, as it kept him busy after school while his father worked, and his mother rubbed elbows with the Washington elite. By the time he'd turned 18, Irving was good, and decided to pursue what he'd spent years working on. His family turned away in disapproval, but Irving was dead set to achieve his dream. He began working small spot shows on the east coast, his arrogant heel character turning every fan against him. Wanting to distance himself from his family, Irving began wrestling as Rod “the Bod” Crane, but never felt the name fit his persona. When he dubbed himself the Headliner, Irving reverted back to his original name, deciding it better to rely on his own skills to make a name for himself.


Age – 23

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Keynote Crusher [Double arm facebuster (Pedigree)]

-Egotistical, compassionate


(I'm a little embarassed by how badly I referenced in this bio. lol)




Ricochet – Devon White was an all pro basketball player in Newark, New Jersey, who earned the nickname Ricochet while playing on the streets. Although only 5 foot, 8 inches tall, White proved to be a fierce rebounder, seemingly bouncing out of nowhere to snatch the ball out of mid air. While in high school, White was recruited by many various programs to play college ball, but a car accident the night of his senior prom destroyed all of his hopes to go pro. After six months of recovery from his torn shoulder, which limited his shooting arch, White attended Rutgers University, where he graduated with full honors, and a degree in physical therapy. It wasn't until after college that White became intrigued in wrestling, being drawn to the sport by a couple of his friends, who told him that he could do it, if he applied himself.


Still trying to find the style that best suits him, Ricochet is slowly building himself up as a potential breakout star, using flashy moves adapted from his days of playing basketball.


Age – 26

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Buzzer Beater [spinning Headlock forearm drop (Modified Eye of the Storm)]


I went through, seeing if anymore unclaimed renders caught my eye. If someone has been claimed, lemme know, so I can delete it and not cause mass confusion, please.




[From MJ on page 64 (40 per)]


El Hombre Glorioso – Jorge Espera is a large Mexican wrestler, who has become quite popular as El Hombre Glorioso, the masked superhero Glorious Man. What started out as a kids television show, grew into much more, when Espera was asked to don the mask and cape for NELL. However, as popular as the masked hero gimmick was, Espera himself struggled with the lucha style, as he is slow, and less than agile due to a recurring knee problem. In his three years with the company, Espera, working with El Juez, and El Avispa, made a significant impact in NELL's World Trios division, usually by serving as the teams catapult. In 2007, when El Hombre Glorioso was canceled, NELL cut their losses, firing Espera not long after. Espera still roams the independent scene in Mexico, hoping to one day catch lightning in a bottle for a second time.


Age – 30

Sex – Male

Size – Heavyweight

Finisher – Magnifico Bomba [Gutwrench Powerbomb]

-Only in Mexico; legs at 72%


[Prophet note - For this bio, I placed Espera in the history of NELL for approximately 3 years, but never specified any real achievements. If this isn't cool, just say so, and I'll tweak the federation, or revamp the bio completely.]




Nube Oscuras – Nube Oscuras (Or Dark Cloud) is a young Cuban by the name of Ricardo Oliva, who defected with his parents in the early 1980's. Having spent most of his life in the seedier corners of Miami, Oliva began running with the wrong crowds, and after a stint in juvenile hall, had a chance encounter with Mexican wrestling legend Máscara de la Victoria that turned his life around. Oliva spent the next two years training with the masked legend, learning the intricacies of the lucha libre style. When he turned 18, Máscara de la Victoria took Oliva to Mexico to allow him to showcase what he'd learned. Donning the dark aqua mask, Oliva became Nube Oscuras, and is slowly working his way to recognition in Mexico.


Age – 19

Sex – Male

Size – Lightweight

Finisher – La Tormenta que Viene [springboard dragon caronna]

-Compassionate, known to have had trouble with the law (30%), reformed




Decapitator – Joel Chase is a wrestling enigma. A brutishly large man, Chase has been wrestling for years, and never been given a chance to shine. Although slow and basic in his approach, Decapitator has amazing power, and his understanding of the basics of wrestling are second to none, making him a perfect throwback style of wrestler. Coupled with his in ring knowledge, some have said that Chase has one of the greatest characters in wrestling history, as he wears a simple mask, usually associated with executioners, and portrays himself as the judge and jury over morality. A natural heel, his one man crusade against the decadent and sinful, as he calls them, has made many an indy promoter want to use his talents for a high profile match.


Age – 33

Sex – Male

Size – Large Heavyweight

Finisher – Executioner's Song [Running Leg Drop (A la Hogan)]

-Antisocial, generous


^^^ Are all of these workers being worked on in a separate file by BHK or should I integrate them myself?


Also note, I'm trying to get my TEW working again so I'm saving things and making notes but the last 3-5 days of stuff isn't integrated yet.

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^^^ Are all of these workers being worked on in a separate file by BHK or should I integrate them myself?


Also note, I'm trying to get my TEW working again so I'm saving things and making notes but the last 3-5 days of stuff isn't integrated yet.


I don't believe anyone has added them anywhere, as of yet. Unless BHK snuck them into his file, but if he has, I don't know of it.


Also, do we have a pool of unused pictures? I downloaded Paul's pic pack (try saying that three times fast. lol) and saw a couple of renders that I thought were free agents had actually blossomed into characters, and I don't want to overlap.

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I don't believe anyone has added them anywhere, as of yet. Unless BHK snuck them into his file, but if he has, I don't know of it.


Also, do we have a pool of unused pictures? I downloaded Paul's pic pack (try saying that three times fast. lol) and saw a couple of renders that I thought were free agents had actually blossomed into characters, and I don't want to overlap.


Try the most recent pack I uploaded. Should have the unused ones up to that point labeled at the top. :)

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Try the most recent pack I uploaded. Should have the unused ones up to that point labeled at the top. :)


Excellent. I'm feeling a vibe, so I should have a few more up tonight.


(As before, if already claimed, just say so. Especially since I think a couple of unnamed had become somebody between the upload, and now, and I haven't gone back to check. Also, all bios are preliminary, so if a name conflicts, or something feels off, it can all be tweaked, changed, or overhauled.)




Saltire – Bryce MacFarlane is a Scottish born technical wrestler, who has recently adopted the name of Saltire, the name of the flag of Scotland. A prideful man from Edinburgh, MacFarlane dreamed of becoming a wrestler for as long as he could remember. He used to remember attending small events at Hollistar Hall in Edinburgh, amazed at the skills displayed, and he spent many years trying to work on his own skills. Choosing his passion over university, MacFarlane got a job helping a local crew, to allow him to train for free. When not in the squared circle, working on his craft, MacFarlane would work as a t-shirt vendor, trying to drum up business to help out the tiny company based in north London. Maturing faster than most expected, it didn't take long before MacFarlane was working the opening match, used to enhance the popularity of others, with no gripes or complaints. When they felt it was time, he was given the Scottish flag mask, and told to go out and work as a strong willed patriot.


Age – 25

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Pride of Scotland [Rolling Fisherman Suplex]

-Compassionate, driven; England only




Dmitri Beletsky - “The Siberian Soldier” Dmitri Beletsky is a brutish Russian, born in Omsk, Siberia. True to his moniker, Beletsky actually trained as a Russian soldier, learning many of the techniques employed by the Spetsnaz for combat. Serving 6 years in the Russian military, Beletsky was heralded for his hand to hand skills, and disarming techniques. When he finished his tour of duty, Beletsky looked for a new outlet, and before he realized what had happened, he was working in the world of wrestling. His size, power, and surprising amount of agility all proved to be assets, as well as his ability to adapt his training to in ring competition. However, some feel that he'll be held back by his void of charisma, and the verbal skills of a tranquilized bear.


He has also shown an amazing ability to ground his opponent from any position, before transitioning to his patented ankle lock submission.


Age – 28

Sex – Male

Size – Heavyweight

Finisher – Ankle Lock

-Antisocial, driven; Europe only




Medusozoa – Tampa native Joaquin Jiminez is a passionate cruiserweight, who has recently broken into the world of wrestling. Known for his colorful attire, Medusozoa, which is a technical term for a jellyfish, has this awe inspiring liquidity when he wrestles. Never seeming to run, it looks more like he flows from spot to spot, a natural grace learned from years of ballet. Still trying to find his niche, the young high flyer has dazzled fans with his movements, yet those same skills have been a hindrance, as Jiminez still shows fear in the ring. If he ever overcomes that hurdle, though, he may find himself in a position to be a star.


Age – 21

Sex – Male

Sexuality – Gay

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – The Sting [springboard middle rope moonsalt]

Selfish; USA & Mexico




Takashi Ishii – Takashi Ishii is a former komusubi of Japan. A trained sumo wrestler, Ishii worked for years to climb the ranks of the sumo world, and after becoming a second tier champion, was swayed to try the professional game, by his friend Hashi Yang. With his friends urging, Ishii switched focus, and started training to become a pro, using his size and intensity as the counterbalance for his slow feet, and inability to perform anything more than the most basic of moves. He does, however, possess amazing hand speed, from years of practice.


Age – 28

Sex – Male

Size – Large Heavyweight

Finisher – Shiroboshi Splash [Running seated senton]

-Generous, compassionate; Only in Japan




Chester Blaze – Chester Blaze is a good looking kid out of Winnipeg, known for setting the hearts of his teenage female fans on fire! Some have criticized him for being all sizzle, as he possesses the look, and has a way of handling the crowd, yet in the ring, he comes off bland, and predictable. It hasn't stopped the youngster for developing an ego, though. Gifted athletically, Blaze could probably be somebody, if he applied himself, but he finds he's too busy signing autographs for teenybopper, and flirting with their soccer moms to care too much about his professional career.


Age – 23

Sex – Male

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – Blaze of Glory [Reverse Side Russian Legsweep (Downward Spiral)]

Extremely Egotistical; Canada only; Soft drug user




Sunspot II – Felix Donato is the son of Brazilian wrestling legend, Joao Donato, who was the original Sunspot. A second generation star, Donato was bred to take over the mantle of Sunspot, as he began training in a makeshift wrestling ring in the backyard of his home in Monterrey. A gifted luchador, Donato mirrors the major spots his father used to do, from the rolling suplexes, to the springboard suicide plancha to the outside of the ring. Although dwarfed in the shadow of the original Sunspot, with time, and patience, Donato may one day become almost as good as his father, if not better.


Age – 20

Sex – Male

Size – Lightweight

Finisher – Solar Flare [Leap of Faith elbow drop]

Only in Mexico

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Excellent. I'm feeling a vibe, so I should have a few more up tonight.


(As before, if already claimed, just say so. Especially since I think a couple of unnamed had become somebody between the upload, and now, and I haven't gone back to check. Also, all bios are preliminary, so if a name conflicts, or something feels off, it can all be tweaked, changed, or overhauled.)




Saltire – Bryce MacFarlane is a Scottish born technical wrestler, who has recently adopted the name of Saltire, the name of the flag of Scotland. A prideful man from Edinburgh, MacFarlane dreamed of becoming a wrestler for as long as he could remember. He used to remember attending small events at Hollistar Hall in Edinburgh, amazed at the skills displayed, and he spent many years trying to work on his own skills. Choosing his passion over university, MacFarlane got a job helping a local crew, to allow him to train for free. When not in the squared circle, working on his craft, MacFarlane would work as a t-shirt vendor, trying to drum up business to help out the tiny company based in north London. Maturing faster than most expected, it didn't take long before MacFarlane was working the opening match, used to enhance the popularity of others, with no gripes or complaints. When they felt it was time, he was given the Scottish flag mask, and told to go out and work as a strong willed patriot.


Age – 25

Sex – Male

Size – Middleweight

Finisher – Pride of Scotland [Rolling Fisherman Suplex]

-Compassionate, driven; England only




Dmitri Beletsky - “The Siberian Soldier” Dmitri Beletsky is a brutish Russian, born in Omsk, Siberia. True to his moniker, Beletsky actually trained as a Russian soldier, learning many of the techniques employed by the Spetsnaz for combat. Serving 6 years in the Russian military, Beletsky was heralded for his hand to hand skills, and disarming techniques. When he finished his tour of duty, Beletsky looked for a new outlet, and before he realized what had happened, he was working in the world of wrestling. His size, power, and surprising amount of agility all proved to be assets, as well as his ability to adapt his training to in ring competition. However, some feel that he'll be held back by his void of charisma, and the verbal skills of a tranquilized bear.


He has also shown an amazing ability to ground his opponent from any position, before transitioning to his patented ankle lock submission.


Age – 28

Sex – Male

Size – Heavyweight

Finisher – Ankle Lock

-Antisocial, driven; Europe only




Medusozoa – Tampa native Joaquin Jiminez is a passionate cruiserweight, who has recently broken into the world of wrestling. Known for his colorful attire, Medusozoa, which is a technical term for a jellyfish, has this awe inspiring liquidity when he wrestles. Never seeming to run, it looks more like he flows from spot to spot, a natural grace learned from years of ballet. Still trying to find his niche, the young high flyer has dazzled fans with his movements, yet those same skills have been a hindrance, as Jiminez still shows fear in the ring. If he ever overcomes that hurdle, though, he may find himself in a position to be a star.


Age – 21

Sex – Male

Sexuality – Gay

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – The Sting [springboard middle rope moonsalt]

Selfish; USA & Mexico




Takashi Ishii – Takashi Ishii is a former komusubi of Japan. A trained sumo wrestler, Ishii worked for years to climb the ranks of the sumo world, and after becoming a second tier champion, was swayed to try the professional game, by his friend Hashi Yang. With his friends urging, Ishii switched focus, and started training to become a pro, using his size and intensity as the counterbalance for his slow feet, and inability to perform anything more than the most basic of moves. He does, however, possess amazing hand speed, from years of practice.


Age – 28

Sex – Male

Size – Large Heavyweight

Finisher – Shiroboshi Splash [Running seated senton]

-Generous, compassionate; Only in Japan




Chester Blaze – Chester Blaze is a good looking kid out of Winnipeg, known for setting the hearts of his teenage female fans on fire! Some have criticized him for being all sizzle, as he possesses the look, and has a way of handling the crowd, yet in the ring, he comes off bland, and predictable. It hasn't stopped the youngster for developing an ego, though. Gifted athletically, Blaze could probably be somebody, if he applied himself, but he finds he's too busy signing autographs for teenybopper, and flirting with their soccer moms to care too much about his professional career.


Age – 23

Sex – Male

Size – Light Heavyweight

Finisher – Blaze of Glory [Reverse Side Russian Legsweep (Downward Spiral)]

Extremely Egotistical; Canada only; Soft drug user




Sunspot II – Felix Donato is the son of Brazilian wrestling legend, Joao Donato, who was the original Sunspot. A second generation star, Donato was bred to take over the mantle of Sunspot, as he began training in a makeshift wrestling ring in the backyard of his home in Monterrey. A gifted luchador, Donato mirrors the major spots his father used to do, from the rolling suplexes, to the springboard suicide plancha to the outside of the ring. Although dwarfed in the shadow of the original Sunspot, with time, and patience, Donato may one day become almost as good as his father, if not better.


Age – 20

Sex – Male

Size – Lightweight

Finisher – Solar Flare [Leap of Faith elbow drop]

Only in Mexico


Sorry to burst your bubble, but the two renders that I created are already being used.


Sunspot II is El Demonio Jr


Dmitri Beletsky = Siberian Bear alt


If you are wanting renders for those two profiles, I would be more than happy to create them.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but the two renders that I created are already being used.


Sunspot II is El Demonio Jr


Dmitri Beletsky = Siberian Bear alt


If you are wanting renders for those two profiles, I would be more than happy to create them.


Works for me. I had an inkling that Beletsky was already used, but I couldn't shake the burly Kozlov profile, so I rolled with it. And Sunspot was a last minute addition. lol

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Another for Fullhouse........Please never ask for 10 alts again. I nearly cried on five ocassions. :p


Derek Hightower



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Another for Fullhouse........Please never ask for 10 alts again. I nearly cried on five ocassions. :p


Derek Hightower




wow a lot of work there matey..nice job

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As I said, this one was awesome, and so were the 2 you PM'd me.


That means I have approval to show these too :D


UKLL Highlight Reel Title



UKLL Parejas Title


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That means I have approval to show these too :D


UKLL Highlight Reel Title



UKLL Parejas Title



soon be seeing the mjstark belt thread great stuff...you really need to make a lot lot more of these.

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