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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Woah, MJStark, all of these have been damned awesome! You have quite a knack for capturing what I wanted off of these. Really gives me a sense of satisfaction to see all of these start coming together. Gonna take me a while to get my data put together, cuz, well, finals are hitting me hard and I'm even now in class checking updates before the prof starts. I'm really looking forward to seeing this whole mod come together, including my additions. Thanks man, and I look forward to seeing more of these.
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Glad you like um :D I chucked you a PM with some randoms in too, like me know if you want to use any of them and I'll chuck the rest in the random renders pool ;)


EDIT: And you'd already replied :o Here are five asian renders for the random pool. A note on that, I'd personally prefer any renders in the pool to go to active workers if possible as they are more important for the beta release than future workers and as its mainly me rendering at the moment I've got my work cut out anyway ;)



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If the owners of the characters don't object I'd like to assign the following


Popular CLAW trios wrestler

Kato Kobaya



Formerly top of the CWA lightweight division, now freelancing around North America & Japan

Senji Matsumoto


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I know the other project (85' mod) is getting started now. Does anyone have an up to date data/pic set I can look at?


It is in its infancy stage right now. In fact I have only written one bio for it on my end. MJ has done some renders and did some groundwork for the U.K., other than that not much has been done with it yet.

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I know the other project (85' mod) is getting started now. Does anyone have an up to date data/pic set I can look at?


There is data for it now, but nothing worth uploading yet. As BHK said, I've mostly sorted out the UK, added a promotion in Europe, one in Japan, one in Canada, updated trends to show a different time in wrestling, updated most of the promotion bios to reflect the lack of history and started updating worked status' & bios..... OK, so that's actually quite a bit :o I'll attach the data as it is now to a post after work ;)

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There is data for it now, but nothing worth uploading yet. As BHK said, I've mostly sorted out the UK, added a promotion in Europe, one in Japan, one in Canada, updated trends to show a different time in wrestling, updated most of the promotion bios to reflect the lack of history and started updating worked status' & bios..... OK, so that's actually quite a bit :o I'll attach the data as it is now to a post after work ;)


Better late than never

BEMod:Retro thread

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Another for NC


This one is actually the unmasked alt, masked render to follow


Wild Hippogriff



And here he is in his full masked glory thanks to jhd1


Wild Hippogriff


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