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Is there anyone in the data that has a specific look required?


Been rendering like crazy the past few days and as I'm assigning renders I want to make sure I don't do a render and then find out the worker looks nothing like what is required. :)

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PPV logos submitted for consideration;


AWE Waitangi Grand Prix



LCHW Battered & Bruised



LCHW Rest In Pieces



NELL Martes en La Noches en PPV


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NELL Martes en La Noches en PPV



Approved :D Whichever you prefer as default, both are equally cool ;)


Is there anyone in the data that has a specific look required?


Been rendering like crazy the past few days and as I'm assigning renders I want to make sure I don't do a render and then find out the worker looks nothing like what is required. :)


I think its just hellshock's list of guys here:


that require a specific look. All the rest I've just been going on what the bio says and using a bit of creative licence as to their look.


I'll hold off doing any rendering then until you repost as to who is done now/drop a new pic pack on us ;)

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I think its just hellshock's list of guys here:

http://s982.photobucket.com/albums/ae304/hellshock70/Londons%20List/ that require a specific look.


Intertron is supposed to be Lince Dorado? Man, I was way off :D

Kobe, you might want to replace the render I gave you in the pics folder with this one;



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PPV logos submitted for consideration;


LCHW Battered & Bruised



LCHW Rest In Pieces



These are great! I approve.

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FWC: HIW PPV logos submitted for consideration;


HIW Battle On The Big Island



HIW Island Wars



HIW Night Marchers


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FWC: HIW PPV logos submitted for consideration;


HIW Battle On The Big Island



HIW Island Wars



HIW Night Marchers



These are all great and of course I approve. How could I not approve such great work?

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Have I missed much over the past few months? :o


To be honest this has all but stalled with the exception of the work that aja and MJ are doing. Hellshock has gone M.I.A. and I am afraid something might have actually happened to him in real life.

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Have I missed much over the past few months?


To be honest this has all but stalled with the exception of the work that aja and MJ are doing. Hellshock has gone M.I.A. and I am afraid something might have actually happened to him in real life.


Well, there are going to be around 200 renders left to do when Kobe drops the latest pic pack on us, I've been busy :D But yeah, hellshock logged off 3/4 weeks ago intending to give me & BHK the data the next morning and never logged back in. Bit worried tbh, he was in hospital he week before that too with his back pain :(

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OUTLAW PPV logos submitted for consideration;



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US-A PPV logos submitted for consideration;





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Looks good to me, I really like the Total Chaos gernade.



OUTLAW PPV logos submitted for consideration;



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US-A PPV logos submitted for consideration;






Sorry I forgot to check in and tell you that these all look great to me.

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i cant believe you guys are still working on this....i not been around for a while...not that anyone missed me lol...how is it going here


Not bad, we had a little data hiccup, but things are back on track now. Kobe is dropping a tonne of renders later this week so action on my front is on hold for now it I see what's left to render.


However, at the last count (ie before Kobe's new renders go in) there were just over 200 renders left to do :D

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Not bad, we had a little data hiccup, but things are back on track now. Kobe is dropping a tonne of renders later this week so action on my front is on hold for now it I see what's left to render.


However, at the last count (ie before Kobe's new renders go in) there were just over 200 renders left to do :D


Well, let's burp this baby and bring her home. :D

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I can't find the post now but I saw one earlier about one of the Aguilar brothers not having a render. He actually does have one that was designed off of a previous render claimed for his brother.


Also can't find the post for Intertron. But, in the weird world of wrestling Lince Dorado was competing for the local real life Mid-Atlantic promotion when I decided his look would match-up good for the character. Oddly enough the Mid-Atlantic promotion now has working agreements in place that saw Dragon Gate USA appear at their venue and will see Chikara coming in some time in the next few weeks.


I also saw where I made a statement on a character named Murphy and was wondering where Gunner was. Turns out Gunner is already in the data. :eek:

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Been almost 24 hours and my ol' running dog bhk hasn't shown up yet? :eek:


I am still here, with the Mafia games not really running right now (Due to lack of interest.). I find myself lurking more on here than I usually do.


Like I said in the PM, I am just glad to see you back.



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