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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Ok, thats understandable.


But in his case (and maybe a few others that I haven't checked out yet) that was a bio that was blank. I don't see where that justifies a gimmick change, a render change and the complete removal of a set tag-team.


More work was done to change Anton Romero than what was needed to complete him.


The worker "Anton Romero" as it stood in the data was nothing but a name, some stats, and a picture. The render named "Anton Romero.jpg" in the pic pack was the same one assigned to Fabricio Vega, although that one was named "Fabricio Vega.jpg." There was no gimmick, there was no moveset, there was no bio, there was nothing to go on. There was a tag team set between him and Pedro Jimenez, but that wasn't any help as Pedro Jimenez was just more blank blank blank.



As I said, now that we have you back you should go back in and remove whatever needs to be removed and change whatever needs to be changed. My point is that the changes that were made were made in an attempt to get a useable mod out half blank data.



Looking through the current graphics pack now. I see a selection of banners that are 160X13 instead of the 500x40 that banners use.


Is anyone else having this issue? I checked through the graphics folder I have and the banners come out OK. I also downloaded the pic pack from the link I've been sending everyone, and they come out 500x40 on that as well? :confused:


Actually, the exceptions are the following banners;







Those are a different size. I never thought to check them when I downloaded them from the Board Effort thread. :o

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The worker "Anton Romero" as it stood in the data was nothing but a name, some stats, and a picture. The render named "Anton Romero.jpg" in the pic pack was the same one assigned to Fabricio Vega, although that one was named "Fabricio Vega.jpg." There was no gimmick, there was no moveset, there was no bio, there was nothing to go on. There was a tag team set between him and Pedro Jimenez, but that wasn't any help as Pedro Jimenez was just more blank blank blank.



As I said, now that we have you back you should go back in and remove whatever needs to be removed and change whatever needs to be changed. My point is that the changes that were made were made in an attempt to get a useable mod out half blank data.





Is anyone else having this issue? I checked through the graphics folder I have and the banners come out OK. I also downloaded the pic pack from the link I've been sending everyone, and they come out 500x40 on that as well? :confused:


Actually, the exceptions are the following banners;



Those are a different size. I never thought to check them when I downloaded them from the Board Effort thread. :o


Anton and Fabricio are two others that I have had to change numerous times cause someone keeps giving him what you are seeing instead of what I keep sending out.


Well, having to reset and redo things (particularly that one render) every time means we have at least one more file per getting mixed up with what is supposed to be the current data and/or graphics. Paul wondering what happened to Vicki Famous a few messages back proves that.


So I'm sorting the graphics........ everyone else? To avoid crossing up anymore graphics, everyone send me what you have and I'll merge them all into one file. It will be time consuming but when this is done and I send it back out, everyone can delete their graphics file for the merged one. That should fix anymore mix-ups there.

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Actually, the exceptions are the following banners;









Those are a different size. I never thought to check them when I downloaded them from the Board Effort thread.



they where never made this size and whoever put my name to the files must have resized them.as i never put my name on anything.


redone Ghannim


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Actually, the exceptions are the following banners;









Those are a different size. I never thought to check them when I downloaded them from the Board Effort thread.



they where never made this size and whoever put my name to the files must have resized them.as i never put my name on anything.


redone Ghannim



i forgot to upload my banner for the AWC.



Well, you are only half right. You didn't name it that way but this.... your post #805 is of an undersized banner. This particular banner though is 300x24.


Still below the 500x40 used.


BTW, this would appear to be an exception that didn't make your list.

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Well, you are only half right. You didn't name it that way but this.... your post #805 is of an undersized banner. This particular banner though is 300x24.


Still below the 500x40 used.


BTW, this would appear to be an exception that didn't make your list.


if you click on the banner then save it it is the correct size.

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if you click on the banner then save it it is the correct size.


Good point also the reason itself for the problem.


All the banners that are the correct size are from when people right-clicked the banner from here. Which is the way we have done it for ........ I don't know....... how long BHK?


And the ones that aren't, not a big stretch to figure out that they didn't know to left-click to go somewhere else away from the thread.......... and then finally right-click from there.

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Good point also the reason itself for the problem.


All the banners that are the correct size are from when people right-clicked the banner from here. Which is the way we have done it for ........ I don't know....... how long BHK?


And the ones that aren't, not a big stretch to figure out that they didn't know to left-click to go somewhere else away from the thread.......... and then finally right-click from there.




After moving my browser so I can work on the desktop for a few minutes....... I'm not clicking on anything you link like that anymore after seeing a webcam page pop up.

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they where never made this size and whoever put my name to the files must have resized them.as i never put my name on anything.


I renamed them that when I DL'ed them from the thread to credit you as their creator. I know I did a couple graphics like that with MJStark as well.



Much better! :D


if you click on the banner then save it it is the correct size.


Ah-hah! I don't know about anyone else, but I never click on graphics, rather simply right-click to "Save As."


Like I just did with your Ghannim re-render. :D

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And here is something else to address. This is the way this render's name appears




and we generally end up editing the name as we save it. While Ghannim will be easy since its a one word name. People end doing it differently on characters with 2 word names.


space in the name, no space in the name...... also underscore in the name


for alts we tend to get duplicates of a first alternate because of this:


alt and alt1


I also found that the pic pack I received a few days ago had one of my people listed with 3 masks......... and after looking into my pack someone missed his green mask.


So I am taking it 4 renders at a time as these two packs are merged.

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I figured someone was working on it so I was sorting the graphics.


Aside from Rayelek's recently posted UK Lucha updates, there isn't anything to work on. As I noted to you in PM, MJStark is having license issues, Kobe is MIA, paulskln completed his stuff and no one else has displayed any interest in their part of the data.


There are really only two issues remaining anyway; one is a number of workers who have renders but no entries in the data. These are mainly from Prophet, Fullhouse, and Nuclear Convoy. I can post the list again if you'd like.


Second is your part of the data, which so far (in the data everyone else has) is a HUGE amount of unfinished work. Now that you're back, there is no sense in going foward without you adding it in.

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Aside from Rayelek's recently posted UK Lucha updates

There are really only two issues remaining anyway; one is a number of workers who have renders but no entries in the data. These are mainly from Prophet, Fullhouse, and Nuclear Convoy. I can post the list again if you'd like.


I've got bios for all of these workers actually except The Butterfly. Most of them were going to be workers for WWA. I thought Whitney Lightfoot was already on the S.E.X roster with a bio, but I could be wrong. I have a few on them here at work that I will post now. I will have to look up what their stats later as well as the othe workers that I dont have on this pc.



"Big" Ned Norton

Finisher: The Big Squeeze


Ned Norton's size once a approached globularity, a testament to his sumo wrestling days but has built himself into a weight room-hardened lump of human mass. Ned is a huge but not as sloppy fat as his younger brother and tag team partner Robert. Ned is built more with bulk than with definition. Ned believes that if they just worked harder on their in basic skills and drop a hundred pounds or two then they will eventually be world title holders and main event stars. They both are third generation wrestlers who broke into the business as a tag team some 9 years ago. As tag teams they've enjoyed modest success, but nothing in the shape of titles. Ned's solo career is far more impressive that Robert's mostly due to Ned decision to drop some pounds of fat and replacing it with muscle.



"Blonde Sensation" Whitney Lightfoot

Finisher: Bad Deal Secondary Finisher: Bitch Blaster


Wrestling was a natural choice for Whitney Lightfoot. After all, she already had a very successful family member in the industry her older sister Christian so she had some connections as well as a famous name to go on. Her sister also helped pull some strings and got Whitney her first wrestling break. Whitney naturally plays the girl-next-door type perfectly, however she has had some success lately in some independent dates playing the spoiled brat and daddy's little girl type roles as well. Whitney and Christian occasionally team as Blonde Ambition. They're are many in the industry that actually believe Whitney is the more talented of the two sisters.

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I've got bios for all of these workers actually


That's great! :D


except The Butterfly.


That's .... :mad:


That's the one I was most looking fowards to. :D Given that you've already got a basic outline for him, would you be willing to do a quick bio?


Most of them were going to be workers for WWA. I thought Whitney Lightfoot was already on the S.E.X roster with a bio, but I could be wrong. I have a few on them here at work that I will post now. I will have to look up what their stats later as well as the othe workers that I dont have on this pc.


Outstanding. Even if its just bios-without-stats if you could post them I'll add them in to the data (along with Rayelek's UKL stuff) and send out one last data update before Hellshock starts adding his stuff in.

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In my time away I have acquired a nice little program that allows me to compare lists. So I made a list of the 1400+ in my data and the 1500+ in the data I was sent and my program displayed to me that 38 characters are missing from the current data.


Admittedly a small handful were character names with accents compared to character names without accents and then I noticed an equal handful of major ones that have a distinct position within their company or the industry as a whole that were missing, 3 of which are top level veterans from Kokka No Wrestling that were put in the data over a year ago and at least 2 that predate my joining the project.

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