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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Kobe, any way that the owner of SAW gets an heir? :p


One of my guys seems to like SAW and if I stop him from becoming owner of SAW then he'll probably never become owner of the fed he's designed for. :eek:


I'm planning another heir for SAW. :o

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4 person draft? I hope some of the others who created feds and need renders show up.


I agree. I'm sure we'll sort it out though.


Lots of database work to do, however. Don't really know where to begin since it's been so long since I looked at it. I think I'll document where rosters are thin for starters. Then I'll scale the importance/affluence etc. levels to Cverse defaults and do some deep sims to see what promotions are too low/high in talent to sustain themselves. Then I'll do a quick check of the data to see where we have too much of a skill and too little.


Will post the results soon. ^_^


Several workers don't have bios either, which we'll need to work on since that's really the life of a fantasy mod.

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My notes:


Using Ewanite's methodology as a template, I've gotten raw data on the current stat distribution in our mod (See below):


Our active male wrestlers (Missing MMA stats, will post them later):



Our active female wrestlers (Missing MMA stats, will post them later):



CVerse male wrestlers (credit ewanite)



Cverse female wrestlers (credit ewanite)



If anyone wants the excel files with this information (and the information broken down to also include non-wrestlers and retired wrestlers) then send me a PM/let me know. I'm going to use this info to balance the data.


Active company info:


13 US companies

3 Canadian companies

3 Mexican companies

4 UK companies

1 Japanies companies

2 European companies

3 Aussie companies


Company worker info (promotions with significantly too many/few workers in red, and those with moderate surpluses/dearths in orange).


Aotearoa - 16 workers (4 under ideal)

Aussie Wrestling Company - 16 Workers

Big Sky Wrestling - 20 Workers (Ideal)

Bizarre Wrestling Assosciation (2 over ideal)

Breakdown Wrestling - 18 (1 over ideal)

Calipre Deportes Entrentnimento - 22 (Dev)

Chicago Live Action Wrestling - 17 (Ideal)

Elite Wrestling Organization - 32 (Ideal)

Fight Like Irishmen 10 (6 under ideal)

FWC: Florida - 20 (Ideal)

FWC: Hawaii - 26 (Ideal)

Kokka No Wrestling - 33 (Ideal)

La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo - 37 (5 over ideal)

Lone Star Wrestling League - 21 (1 over ideal)

Mexico Pro Wrestling Alliance - 15 (17 under ideal)

National Wrestling Outback - 25 (1 under ideal)

North American Continental Pro Wrestling - 24 (4 over ideal)

Outlaw Wrestling - 47 (13 over ideal)

Pretty United States Athletes - 7 (Dev)

Prince Edward Island Pro Wrestling - 8 (Dev)

Rivera Championship Wrestling - 28 (Ideal)

Scotland Hardcore Havoc - 4 (16 under ideal)

Sexy Athletes Wrestling - 35 (1 over ideal)

Sports Entertainment Xtreme - 34 (6 over ideal)

Svenska Forbundet for Brottning - 3 (13 under ideal)

Tijuana Battle Zone - 15 (Dev)

Top Wrestling Alliance - 34 (Ideal)

UK LUcha - 4 (16 under ideal)

United States All-STars - 28 (1 over ideal)


Additional bio notes:


123 workers out of the 833 in the data are without bios.


Almost no one in La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo, Mexico Pro Wrestling Alliance, Tijuana Battle Zone and Kokka No Wrestling has a bio. Rivera Championship Wrestling has a moderate number of workers with no bios as well. I think they're hellshock's promotions so I don't want to step on his toes, but if it's okay with him then if someone is inspired by any of the characters/names/their stats/a promotion/etc. and wants to write a bio up for someone missing one then that sounds great. If hellshock still intends to do them then never mind. ^_^


Some additional thoughts:


I'm going to work on stat balancing using the information I've provided above. If I drop a stat/raise a stat on a worker too high/low for someones preferences once they get the data back then it's no big deal. Just change it to what you want, make a note that you changed it and I'll scale back some other worker.


BHK, when I balance the data I won't touch your workers popularity stats per your request btw.


Will drop SAW to high cult or very low national. I was going to cut out PUSA but it's so tied into the games wrestling lore at this point that I'm going to leave it as it is.


I'm going to do some grammar/clean up work on some of the bios when I get some time. Most of it is really good, but there are a few places where sentence flow etc. could be improved (I include much of my own stuff here).


I don't want to step on anyone toes, but maybe SEX could do with a drop to lower cult or high regional? The promotion is ranked 3rd in the game, but the way it's described doesn't really make it sound like a top company (it's listed as a psuedo competitor to PUSA). The additional workers it would yield (that could go to the free agency pool) would also make the game world more rich for someone wanting to start a new promotion.


With the 33 workers I added and the 75 hellshock will add the next time he gets the data, we should have enough workers to fill the big gaps in companies without enough workers.


While I have the data, I'm going to add a small European company, small Aussie company, 1 local Japanese company, 1 small Japanese company and local/small US company to the game (about 85 workers all told)


That should put us at:


14 US companies

3 Canadian companies

3 Mexican companies

4 UK companies

3 Japanies companies

3 European companies

4 Aussie companies


34 companies that are active and with full rosters.


With some ret-conning to tie promotions/workers/the wrestling lore together some more we should be around our target of 1000 active workers at the beginning of the game. By no means does that mean we won't add anymore promotions/workers after that but it's a major milestone.


At that point we can bring Kam in to do logos, I can focus on rendering and everyone can focus on shoring up title lineages, dojos, loose ends etc. for the respective workers and promotions they've added.


We should be able to build a good free agent and future worker pool from the other workers we add in the interim in conjunction with a topic requesting workers.


Ewanite's methodology posted below:


I've been calculating on Excel exactly how the data in the game is distributed. Because on the whole the game's women are significantly more talented than real life women, I have excluded them, and am only counting active male wrestlers who have already debuted.


First, a breakdown:


q1, median and q2 are the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of the data group respectively. If you were to sort the data from highest to lowest and go 25% down the list, you would find q1. The iq range is the interquartile range, and is simply q2-q1. These give you an idea of the central tendency of the data, and have the advantage of not being greatly altered by extreme values.


To calculate these in Excel, use these:

q1 =QUARTILE(A1:A50, 1)

median =QUARTILE(A1:A50, 2)

q3 =QUARTILE(A1:A50, 3)


Where A1:A50 is the all the range of data you are looking from. (When using data from the game, this range may go from A1:A1000 or even more!)


The max and min are the biggest and smallest values in the group of data. These will let you know the extremities of the data.





The mean is simply the average value of the data. While useful, it shouldn't be used on its own as it can be greatly biased by extreme data.





SD (standard deviation) and variance let you know the spread of the data. Generally all data should be encompassed between 2 standard deviations of the mean. For example, if the mean is 50 and the standard deviation is 15, most, if not all, of the data should be between 20 and 80 (15 x 2 = 30, so 30 above and below 50). SD is the square root of the variance



=sqrt(VAR value)


The 'Sum Average' Column is a column I made myself. It is the average of every stat a person can have. I made it as a very rough idea of how 'good' the best workers are, and how 'bad' the worst workers are.


So if you've managed to understand all of this so far, good!


So as to not stretch the screen, I have split the data up a bit.




Our main notes to gether from this are:

1. There are some people who have absolutely zero skill in a certain attribute.

2. Excluding Submission, absolutely nobody has 100 in any skill from this set.

3. Puroresu seems to have a low distribution. This is because the puro stat is biased towards Japanese workers and very few workers from the rest of the world will have much (if any) skill in this stat.

4. Q1 and Q3 tell us where the majority of workers will lie between for these stats




Our main notes to gether from this are:

1. Nobody has any Announcing skill. If you are a wrestler, you are not a play by play man.

2. Most workers have decent athleticism, safety, selling, stamina, basics and toughness, with the majority lying between 50 and 75.

3. Psychology tends to be at around 50 on average. 65 would be considered good.




Our main notes to gether from this are:

1. Very few wrestlers make good business men or bookers (shocker, I know)

2. Reputation is almost always 100.

3. Star Power is quite varied. The middle 50% of workers lie between 40 and 70 and the average is around 60.

4. Most wrestlers will have around 40-50 in menace, unless they look like a girl or a monster.




Our main notes to gether from this are:

1. 40-70 is about average for stiffness (just like in EWR!)

2. Active wrestlers aren't good referees.

3. Unless injury prone, a worker will have at least 80 resilience.

4. If you add up every stat a worker has and get an average, it should almost always lie between 40 and 50, with very very few exceptions. This goes to show that generally every good worker has weaknesses, every bad worker has some redeeming qualities, and average people tend to be average across the board!

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Below are notes on stats that need to be balanced. I'll make notes on every stat eventually. Started with camera skills because I book based off of them so it's always the first thing I observe.


I'll do physical traits (stamina/athleticism/power/toughness) next. Not today though, because I want to do some rendering.


Women (Notes):


Sex Appeal:

CornellVerse: q1:62, q2:71, q3:79 (13 SD)

Communityverse: q1:64, q2:78, q3:90 (18 SD)


Quartile 1 is perfect, Quartile 2 a bit too high (Our quartile 2 is the same as CVerse quartile 3) and our q3 is WAY too high. Every female in the 75th percentile plus has an A in sex appeal in our data. You have to approach the 95th percentile to get to that same number in the Cverse).


Star Quality:

CornellVerse: q1:46, q2:60, q3:70 (19 standard deviation)

Communityverse: q1:54, q2:68, q3:78 (17 standard deviation)


A five to seven point drop on all the females in the game here should bring us to a perfect number across quartiles. Our standard deviation is perfect, we're just rating them a little too high across the board.




Cornellverse: 12/22/40 (19 SD)

Communityverse: 10/20/35 (21 SD)


We nailed female menace. No need for any adjustments.




Sex Appeal:

Communityverse: 28/42/57 (21)

CVerse: 30/36/44 (11)


Again our upper quartiles are too high. However, this is mostly because CVerse uses a distribution that caps male sex appeal at B/B+ (82-86ish in deep sims) and we haven't yet decided if we're going to adopt that distribution. If we do then then we really only need to drop the sex appeal of the top 35% of workers in the game. That should take care of the standard deviation error, which I'm guessing is higher than the CVerse's because we're working with a wider scale.


Star Quality


Comminuty:44/60/75 (24 standard deviation)

CVerse: 42/58/72 (20 standard deviation)


Star quality for males in the database is basically perfect. It's within 1-6 skill points, which is the point I wanted to hit for stat balancing purposes. If we just stay par for the course with what we're doing here we should be fine. ^_^



Community: 18/33/57 (28 SD)

CVerse: 30/42/64 (22 SD)


Our SD is within comparative ranges of the CVerse here. Our menace is way too low across the board, so we can afford to be a bit more generous with the stat (See Ewanite's points on menace distribution as a guideline).


So basically (Note for people adding workers to the data now):


* Whatever star quality you're thinking of giving a worker you're adding to the database, make it 6 points or so lower if they're female.

* Try and stay below 77 sex appeal with new female workers being added to the data for now.

* Make your workers a bit more menacing if they're male! :) Try and start with around a 40-50 unless your worker is supposed to look harmless. ^_~

* Male sex appeal as done in the CVerse is effectively 15-18 points lower than for females. So for example if a worker would have a 100 sex appeal if they were the female equivalent, give them an 82.

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Also, would the creators of Outlaw Wrestling, SEX and La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo consider making 5-10 of the workers on their rosters free agents? I don't suppose it matters too much which ones, although spreading them out a bit couldn't hurt. The promotions aren't going to hold onto all of those workers anyway, so adding them to other promotions who are thin/the free agent pool could be very beneficial to the data. ^_^
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My notes:


123 workers out of the 833 in the data are without bios.


Almost no one in La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo, Mexico Pro Wrestling Alliance, Tijuana Battle Zone and Kokka No Wrestling has a bio. Rivera Championship Wrestling has a moderate number of workers with no bios as well. I think they're hellshock's promotions so I don't want to step on his toes, but if it's okay with him then if someone is inspired by any of the characters/names/their stats/a promotion/etc. and wants to write a bio up for someone missing one then that sounds great. If hellshock still intends to do them then never mind. ^_^




On those two if anyone wants to write up the bios then no problem. But for Kokka No Wrestling you might want to get the translation for the names from me or you might make an error in their designation. :p

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Calipre Deportes Entrentnimento - 22 (Dev)

Kokka No Wrestling - 33 (Ideal)

La Gran Liga de Lucha de Mundo - 37 (5 over ideal)

Mexico Pro Wrestling Alliance - 15 (17 under ideal)

National Wrestling Outback - 25 (1 under ideal)

North American Continental Pro Wrestling - 24 (4 over ideal)

Rivera Championship Wrestling - 28 (Ideal)

Svenska Forbundet for Brottning - 3 (13 under ideal)

Tijuana Battle Zone - 15 (Dev)




These two actually are ideal, the change from original owners to current owners is the cause and its the owners that need to be updated. The Mexican fed actually hires more in test runs and NACPW will lose a handful to them.


National Wrestling Outback will see some changes as a large portion of the workers there are primarily placeholders since Australia has very little in the way of workers. Some will remain there under P.P.A. but others will be removed.


Svenska was the newest and furthest from completion but it will become a developmental for RCW.


MPWA needs to be fleshed out with mostly Mexican and/or other spanish speaking workers since most of the ones in there are the ones brought in under the "American Talent Initiative"

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I noticed that the wrestlers of GLLM do not wear masks. Is that because you just are not going to uses masks or is it because you just have not gotten around to putting that into the data?


I thought some had masks?


If not, then I'll have to look at the name translations and add them in.


Cazadore is one off the top of my head that doesn't wear a mask.

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I thought some had masks?


If not, then I'll have to look at the name translations and add them in.


Cazadore is one off the top of my head that doesn't wear a mask.


I just did a quick scan, maybe I just hit the ones that do not wear masks. I was thinking about trying to do some bios for them. However, it is your baby and I really don't know if I could do Mexican bios.

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Some additional thoughts:


I'm going to work on stat balancing using the information I've provided above. If I drop a stat/raise a stat on a worker too high/low for someones preferences once they get the data back then it's no big deal. Just change it to what you want, make a note that you changed it and I'll scale back some other worker.



NACPW is set with talented workers that have never had a lot of exposure. (Very low popularity in the majority of the U.S.) Some of these (older talent) will eventually get picked up by the National Promotions in Mexico and Japan. The ones that end up in other American promotions (younger talent primarily) will take at least two years to become a known factor (popular) in test runs.


GLLM is set as virtually balanced (with a handful of exceptions) across the board. I think the middle 50-70% has around the same skill levels (not as much skill sets) and very similar popularity. So the lower percent is openers and enhancement talent and the upper percent is at least Main Event and maybe a few Upper mid-carders. That spread was also done on purpose.


Kokka No may or may not be too high. If nothing else it probably needs to be spread out more or at least some of the lower levels dropped as upper levels in other areas are raised.

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I just did a quick scan, maybe I just hit the ones that do not wear masks. I was thinking about trying to do some bios for them. However, it is your baby and I really don't know if I could do Mexican bios.


I probably need to translate some of those names too. Or just use Google translate to get the names. :D



Just remember to copy it from the game and use the accents or for example a name translated as 'Big Daddy Cool' (with accents) becomes "Large Fresh Potato' (without accents).

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Okay, sounds good all. I'm going to hold off on doing bios for the Japanese and Mexican workers for now in light of what you said Hellshock. :)


An additional note: Even after editing the giants I'd made (Griffin, Rex and Harris) down to big and super heavyweight we have five giants in the database. Seems like enough for now, so if its okay with everyone else let's try and leave it at five giants in the data for the time being. If someone else wants to add more giants that's fine, but that's just my two cents. The fewer people that have the denotation, the more special it is imo. :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kobe1724" data-cite="Kobe1724" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26188" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>My notes:<p> </p><p> Breakdown Wrestling - 18 (1 over ideal)</p><p> Scotland Hardcore Havoc - 12 (<span style="color:#FF0000;">8 under ideal</span>)</p><p> UK Lucha - 9 (<span style="color:#FF0000;">11 under ideal</span>)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Quantities updated for my promotions for workers I haven't added yet, but have bios/stats/plans for in my notebook.</p><p> </p><p> Also, I have 11 or so workers for the gaijin promotion Enter the Dragon Combat, which will be a Cult level fed in Japan.</p>
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