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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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1.The last major change that happened with this data is when you had the data for 3 months at a time when you confessed yourself that you were off your face on medication for some of the time and couldn't remember what you had or hadn't done. Even though we had all done MAJOR work in the time you were away we accommodated you and used YOUR data, adding our own stuff in (for my data, 2.the third time of doing so).



3.Since then the people who have had the data are myself, aja, BHK & Kobe.


So, what you are saying is that one of us four messed with your data? Well, for myself, I added a few basic bios to some guys before I got bored of doing it. That's it.


What we are trying to achieve is a cohesive mod that is playable, so that all the time we've all spent on it won't have been a MASSSSSSIVE waste of time. 4.I figured when you got back you were gonna get started on doing the bit you really need to do, your bios, but you started messing with pic packs.


You say you don't need this bs? 5.That's the way you feel about us and the huge amount of work we did to get a beta out of the mess you left us? Thanks man, thanks a bunch :(


6.I have a nurological/nerve condition that means I am in constant pain, will be for the rest of my life. I suffer from random dizziness, random numbness, other stuff too. Most people with my condition cant bring themselves to get out of bed and live on disability, I work a 35 hour a week job because I have too, have a wife to love & 12 year old son to play with, I do charity work and still find time to work on stuff like this. For you to crap all over what we've been doing it pretty damn insulting.


7.Anyway, I've said my bit. I genuinely don't have the time anymore to play TEW and work on belts and work on this mod. One of those has to go and I aint actually PLAYED TEW for about 3 months! My data is all complete (was last time I looked anyway), I can't render any more, and I'll work on titles for this as and when I feel like it (if people want belts for their promotions can always request in my thread). 8.Feel free to do what you like with my data, change it to fit if you need to, delete it if I've angered you, not fussed.


Good luck folks, I'll still be watching, downloading and actually getting to play some TEW for a change :D




1. Good thing I kept a record of what I did so I can compare that to what I'm seeing.


2. 3 times, some of the things I keep having to fix...... your numbers might catch up


3. I have heard of at least one more....


4. I think it was pretty clear when I asked who had the data........ which was after I started sorting this. And I think you were one who was glad that I had something that wasn't in there. Believe it or not, there was quite a bit more then just your guys with the pink skin..


5. I don't need the b.s. alterations that didn't need to be done. Maybe that will help in comprehending what I was saying.


6. Good for you......... Been there, done that, got worse. Back on a neuropathic pain killer that can put me in a coma.


But, I do mean that "good for you" and hope you don't get to where I am.


7. I haven't played TEW since about three months into the mod.


8. Why would I need to do that when I removed mine?




I can understand that you are injured and I am sorry for that, but don't you think that taking it out on people who tried to help further a project when you were away is a poor way of going about things? For your information, I was one of the individuals that was concerned by your absence.


Why do I care? A hell of a lot of the renders in this mod are made by myself so I check in here now and then to see how things are going.


I think I was right with my original diagnosis, you're going through a bad time which has made you angry and subsequently you are being patronising by highlighting every other sentence instead of just pointing things out and addressing the situation like a mature adult which I was led to believe you are.


If you want to get angry with me then by all means go ahead, but I called you on something that I think you know I am right about.


Anyway, I'm not here to turn this into an arguement, best of luck everyone.


Whatever degree you have that allowed you to diagnose me, you should throw it away. So, I'm being patronizing because I stated what was wrong in the data and got excuses in return. And the more I dig into the data, the more I find wrong and the more excuses were extended.


In the beginning that was fine, some of that I could accept. Bio-less people get bios, no problem.


But as I keep digging and start uncovering people who did have bios and were complete and have been altered then we got a problem.


And for your information I am not going through a bad time that has made me angry.


I'm going through something that makes me "frustrated"


Finding were someone has overstepped and altered things that were completed, that makes me angry.

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Whatever degree you have that allowed you to diagnose me, you should throw it away. So, I'm being patronizing because I stated what was wrong in the data and got excuses in return. And the more I dig into the data, the more I find wrong and the more excuses were extended.


In the beginning that was fine, some of that I could accept. Bio-less people get bios, no problem.


But as I keep digging and start uncovering people who did have bios and were complete and have been altered then we got a problem.


And for your information I am not going through a bad time that has made me angry.


I'm going through something that makes me "frustrated"


Finding were someone has overstepped and altered things that were completed, that makes me angry.


People didn't alter things to spite you so all I am saying is cut them some slack before you start getting yourself worked up.


That's my final two cents on the matter.


But back on topic, how many workers remain bio-less?

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if you read one of my posts a few pages back when i rendered some what i thought where renderless in the data. i had workers where there then when i got some new data they where deleted...i did post stating this fact but was ignored...i found it kinda strange...i dont know who did this bit it wasnt me as i am not allowed to have the data to alter anything....all my changes i had to make in a seperate file then be added by someone else...
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penny dreadfuls is already in the data....

i am currently working on a render of a worker named Sally Dominick he is the manager of Aboga Boga but in the new data uploaded today he is missing.

Fa'alele the Typhoon has a render it is named Lady Typhoon.

Paco Gómez has a render named Paco Gomez.

another worker called Viki Famous has been removed i was also working on a render of her...

why where these workers removed??

and where there anymore removed?


Sally Dominick



here is my post asking why workers where deleted but i got no reply

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Okay I am not really sure what is going on with this data right now. I forgot to mention that Kobe very well could have added bios to characters as she did do some fixing of some of my stuff in the past. Which I really did not care about because she was able to cut the fluff out of my bios.


So does this mean that Hellshock has pulled his stuff?


I am going to be honest with you this whole mod has just become one giant cluster you know what. As I have said in private to people who are working on this, I am not really keen on working on this anymore and I think to an extent it is because their are too many cooks in the kitchen.


Which is a shame because I believe I am the only one that has been around for the duration of this mod. I was here when all of the original renderers decided to pull their work because they wanted to work on their own mods (Which I am still waiting on them to come out.). To see this happen once again is a little disheartening. I am not really sure what the point of this post is, maybe it is just me rambling.

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Although I am no longer an active part of this mod for various reasons, partly because of the same reason BHK cited (a camel is a horse desgined by commitee and what have you), the renders I created for it will not be revoked at any point, I wouldn't consider doing something like that.


I do wish this mod all the best though and hope to see it succeed. It is a shame that more fictional mods haven't popped up over the years.

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I am going to be honest with you this whole mod has just become one giant cluster you know what. As I have said in private to people who are working on this, I am not really keen on working on this anymore and I think to an extent it is because their are too many cooks in the kitchen.


I felt like this for a while, I felt one of the biggest flaws was anybody who came into the thread at some point and offered to help, we let them. I'm not sure how many actually did, but it always made me cringe. It was my own personal belief that the amount of workers would keep getting bigger with out enough people to render all of them and only delay the time to a beta release and a beta. Another concerned I had related to the too many cooks theory was the 1st time when the data was being passed around and it was a unclear who had the actual official data and was suppose to be doing actual work on it. However, that worked itself out.


As for Hellshock true he was coming off as a ass in his recent post. However, I think if he had characters that were deleted somehow I can understand his being pissed. Not sure how many or how much was missing, but if only a few then this could be a accident if its several then there must be a reason.


The data that was altered or bios that were created well what did he expect to happen during his hiatus? There were attempts to contact him and he had his health situation, however all indications were that he simply dropped out and was no longer involved, he himself just recently said we needed to contact him on facebook so he could remember to come here.


Decisions had to be made, Hellshock you have made decisions or chimed in on decisions on how to handle other's data when it's creator(s) were out of the loop or hadnt been in contact. You were out of contact for a longer stretch but it seems like you expect your data to be untouchable. But oh well all is resolved now.

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If hellshock has indeed pulled his data from the mod then all the renders I did for him are free to use by anybody in this mod who wants them.


If you have pulled your data hellshock, all I have to say is after the countless hours and days I spent fulfilling your requests, for you to throw a tantrum and effectively negate my work, that is a huge slap in the face. Please don't bother sending me any requests for rendering again because I won't be accepting them.

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If hellshock has indeed pulled his data from the mod then all the renders I did for him are free to use by anybody in this mod who wants them.


If you have pulled your data hellshock, all I have to say is after the countless hours and days I spent fulfilling your requests, for you to throw a tantrum and effectively negate my work, that is a huge slap in the face. Please don't bother sending me any requests for rendering again because I won't be accepting them.


I was preparing to upload the fully integrated worker graphics but since I have caused so much of a problem.......... here is my solution. That is if you guys want to accept my solution. All the problems expressed by me are now fixed in this database.




Just goes to show me that you guys only read what you want to read or you wouldn't have missed this.


You can also count Paul's questioning the missing workers in that statement too.


if you read one of my posts a few pages back when i rendered some what i thought where renderless in the data. i had workers where there then when i got some new data they where deleted...i did post stating this fact but was ignored...i found it kinda strange...i dont know who did this bit it wasnt me as i am not allowed to have the data to alter anything....all my changes i had to make in a seperate file then be added by someone else...


If I dissected all of the events like this I would fill up one entire page with one post.


Read someones statement..... don't skim. Read their whole argument, don't jump on a statement in the middle and twist their words.


And whether I stay or go.... don't worry I won't ask any of you for anything.


If any of you knew me as well as you think you do then you would know I always finish what I start no matter how long it takes. Even if that means 2 different "Board Mods" are eventually released.

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I read all of your statements but that was before you responded to MJStark and insinuated that you had removed your stuff.


"8. Why would I need to do that when I removed mine?"


You said you had edited your stuff and offered it up as a solution, I got that. Then you didn't seem to get a direct response about it and posted the above as a response to MJStark and as I and others understood it, you had removed your stuff from the data.


Words weren't twisted on purpose. That is just the way it came across in accordance with the series of events.

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I read all of your statements but that was before you responded to MJStark and insinuated that you had removed your stuff.


"8. Why would I need to do that when I removed mine?"


You said you had edited your stuff and offered it up as a solution, I got that. Then you didn't seem to get a direct response about it and posted the above as a response to MJStark and as I and others understood it, you had removed your stuff from the data.


Words weren't twisted on purpose. That is just the way it came across in accordance with the series of events.


Think on that and pay closer attention. It was removed from the copy that was offered up.


Do you seriously think I'm going to pull all of that out and not have the original as a backup?


And still awaiting the answer on that option.

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Think on that and pay closer attention. It was removed from the copy that was offered up.


Do you seriously think I'm going to pull all of that out and not have the original as a backup?


Probably not, although I didn't think you would fly off the handle like you did either.


How about we just let bygons be bygons.


I don't see why your suggestion would be a problem with the others, but I have never held the official data myself so I can't really give a difinitive answer for you.

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I saw MJ's post in the render thread and I was wondering if people just want to kill this or are there any people still interested in keeping this up.


I almost would like to say just continue this, there may not be renders for the newer characters but I would hate to see so much work go down the tubes. Even if I am the only one doing work on this I would be willing to do so.

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I saw MJ's post in the render thread and I was wondering if people just want to kill this or are there any people still interested in keeping this up.


I almost would like to say just continue this, there may not be renders for the newer characters but I would hate to see so much work go down the tubes. Even if I am the only one doing work on this I would be willing to do so.


im happy to keep this going thats for sure...too much work been done on this to just give up.a decent plan of what needs to be done should be written up by someone i think.

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Finally got the MRI results today.


They said there is a small protrusion but didn't think there was anything to worry about. I just hope that "small protrusion" isn't what was causing pain behind my right eye yesterday.


The main problem right now is that they didn't clarify where the protrusion was. If it's my neck, could be a bone spur or a disc starting to bulge. If it's in my brain, then it will probably have to be monitored to make sure it doesn't increase in size. I'm guessing they will fill me in completely at next Tuesday's appointment.

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Well we would need to figure out what is going on right now with the mod. Hellshock said he did not pull his stuff from the mod which is cool. I guess we have to figure out who has the official data and which one is the actual official data.


I'm working on it albeit slowly considering the previous post.

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Hey everyone. :)


First and foremost, my apologies for not being around more. Just busy...


You guys have made a lot of progress, which I think is awesome. :D I'm SO proud of what everyone has done with this project.


I say that because I get that there is some creative tension going on right now. Concerning the conflict/challenges going on as you guys move into the home stretch though...


BHK/MJ/London/Fullhouse/paulskn/hellshock/aja/rayelek/everyone else


Look at what you've done already. Again, you should be proud of it, because no one else has made a fictional universe project of all original characters of this scope in TEW before.


Just think about it:


sebs GDSverse is one of the best mods I've ever seen on this site, and it's only a third the size of this mod. London's new project is also going to be a real masterpiece (awesome rendering style man) when he's done as well.


...But aside from that there simply aren't any other fictional universes close to this scope. I've started on two different major mods (Kobeverse and Roryverse) that are still unfinished, and we've all seen a dozen other fictional universe projects never get finished (or even get a beta) since this game launched.


This mods great strength is that it has so many creative energies collaborating around it that what kills most mods (the original author burning out) hasn't stopped this.


When more than half the original team left in a dispute years ago, BHK and I kept working on the project and then hellshock came on and breathed new life into it.


When I started to burn out on rendering London, paulskn and MJ came in and delivered some of the best rendering work this project had seen.


Rayelek, Fullhouse, aja - the contributions you've all made to the project in the form of workers, graphics and data expanded the game world and content in ways that were badly needed and wouldn't have been gotten anywhere else.


When I basically left the project due to being too busy, hellshock, MJ, BHK, paulskn and others continued to lead it and it didn't lose a beat.


And there have been so many other people not mentioned that have created original works - original full promotions (S.E.X. is the most interesting women's promotion I've seen in any mod, and it came from one of our team members) and even game regions full of new ideas and life that this mod probably has more novel ideas to it than anything else around.


Diversity of thought, diversity of talent, diversity of ideas... and most importantly a continuous energy and willingness to be inclusive. All of that is what makes this project special.


Please don't lose that. ^_^


hellshock, I'm not sure who messed with your data. If you're referring to stats then it was probably me. I've tried to balance the data throughout (being sensitive to the communities interest in seeing data where stats fall into certain quartiles), since if stats are too high most people won't even give a mod like ours a chance.


If you're referring to bios (haven't edited any in ages) or renders (don't touch them), I'm not sure who altered your data there but I'm sure they had the best interest of the data at heart. :)


That said, I agree with many here that at some point you have to cut contributions off if you want to ever see a finished product (its only possible to do so many renders. ^_^).

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I haven't been around in so long that what I'm saying may not carry a whole lot of weight, but I think that at this point if you guys divide responsibilities up you should be able to polish the project and finish strong. :)


1. Blank Bio Writing

^ A team of a one or more people needs to look at promotions/free agent instances where workers have blank bios and create something that matches the name/gimmick/size of the workers.


2. Bio editing (grammar) and continuity checking (make sure that things in one worker/promotion bio don't contradict another).

^Everyone has different writing styles and makes grammar mistakes. If one person can go through and create some symmetry of language, and also look to preserve continuity that will go a long way towards polishing the data. The two go hand in hand because anyone reading all of the bios from grammar mistakes and to create similar language style will get to learn the universe pretty well. :)


3. Stat balancing

^ A team of a few people needs to balance the data. It isn't balanced right now. To do that everyone needs to:

A. Agree on what balanced data looks like (do you want quartiles of stats similar to the CVerse from a distribution standpoint or something else entirely?).

B. Understand that everyone's workers can't have the exact attributes they want them too (everyone envisions one or more of their characters as the "best" at something).


4. Render Creation (Everyone)

A. Establish what characters need specific renders (unique mask etc.) and then make a list of those characters in the topic that is updated as needed.

B. Of the characters without renders, when a new "community render" is created assign it to an existing worker instead of to community space. Otherwise what happens is someone thinks up a new character for that render and the team moves no closer to creating a database in which all the characters have renders.


5. Render assignment

^ Making sure that all of the workers in the data have contract pictures and worker pictures is important since right now that isn't always the case. That person can also be in charge of making sure that there is one picture pack that is being updated as opposed to various ones floating around.


^^^ If you can delegate those responsibilities/enact those change processes then their won't be conflict about who did what/what is current/who has the authority to enact X changes.


Just a thought.


I personally think that number 1 and 2 should be done first. That way when it comes time to balance stats the person balancing them has bios that they can use to draw context (alongside the existing stats) to determine what needs to be preserved statistically what can be changed.


Number 3 should be done next. Number 4 and 5 are ongoing. The person working on 5 can in the immediate keep the picture pack up to date, and when they get the data at the end handle picture assignments.

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I haven't been around in so long that what I'm saying may not carry a whole lot of weight, but I think that at this point if you guys divide responsibilities up you should be able to polish the project and finish strong. :)


1. Blank Bio Writing

^ A team of a one or more people needs to look at promotions/free agent instances where workers have blank bios and create something that matches the name/gimmick/size of the workers.


2. Bio editing (grammar) and continuity checking (make sure that things in one worker/promotion bio don't contradict another).

^Everyone has different writing styles and makes grammar mistakes. If one person can go through and create some symmetry of language, and also look to preserve continuity that will go a long way towards polishing the data. The two go hand in hand because anyone reading all of the bios from grammar mistakes and to create similar language style will get to learn the universe pretty well. :)


3. Stat balancing

^ A team of a few people needs to balance the data. It isn't balanced right now. To do that everyone needs to:

A. Agree on what balanced data looks like (do you want quartiles of stats similar to the CVerse from a distribution standpoint or something else entirely?).

B. Understand that everyone's workers can't have the exact attributes they want them too (everyone envisions one or more of their characters as the "best" at something).


4. Render Creation (Everyone)

A. Establish what characters need specific renders (unique mask etc.) and then make a list of those characters in the topic that is updated as needed.

B. Of the characters without renders, when a new "community render" is created assign it to an existing worker instead of to community space. Otherwise what happens is someone thinks up a new character for that render and the team moves no closer to creating a database in which all the characters have renders.


5. Render assignment

^ Making sure that all of the workers in the data have contract pictures and worker pictures is important since right now that isn't always the case. That person can also be in charge of making sure that there is one picture pack that is being updated as opposed to various ones floating around.


^^^ If you can delegate those responsibilities/enact those change processes then their won't be conflict about who did what/what is current/who has the authority to enact X changes.


Just a thought.


I personally think that number 1 and 2 should be done first. That way when it comes time to balance stats the person balancing them has bios that they can use to draw context (alongside the existing stats) to determine what needs to be preserved statistically what can be changed.


Number 3 should be done next. Number 4 and 5 are ongoing. The person working on 5 can in the immediate keep the picture pack up to date, and when they get the data at the end handle picture assignments.


to be honest this thing has kinda died since you left the scene...after all it is your baby and its just gone off the rails with nobody to take the lead of things and keep it all in good order like it was before...shame really.but the data is playabale now if it never gets finished off properly...

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Finally got the MRI results today.


They said there is a small protrusion but didn't think there was anything to worry about. I just hope that "small protrusion" isn't what was causing pain behind my right eye yesterday.


The main problem right now is that they didn't clarify where the protrusion was. If it's my neck, could be a bone spur or a disc starting to bulge. If it's in my brain, then it will probably have to be monitored to make sure it doesn't increase in size. I'm guessing they will fill me in completely at next Tuesday's appointment.


This past Tuesday I received the full diagnosis from the MRI and the protrusion is actually 3.


3 bulging discs in my neck pinching a major nerve and they're thinking this is what is affecting certain uncontrollable movements in my right arm.


Bad thing is this only explains 1/3 of what's going on. For now, besides an insane amount of medication, I have to do physical therapy. If this doesn't work then we progress to the next stage of eliminating causes of the overall problem. Could also mean neck surgery.

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  • 1 month later...
Anyone got a picture pack so I can do a diary for this mod? I don't have any graphics for it.


Sorry for the lack of response, I have not been feeling well over the last week so I have not been on here as much as I am normally on here.


Anyway as to your question, Aja had the most up-to-date pack I believe. However, it has been some time since I saw Aja around these parts. Other than that MJ seemed to have a good pack as well and I have one but I am not sure how up-to-date it is. If you want I can put what I have on Sendspace and you can use that.

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