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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Sorry for the lack of response, I have not been feeling well over the last week so I have not been on here as much as I am normally on here.


Anyway as to your question, Aja had the most up-to-date pack I believe. However, it has been some time since I saw Aja around these parts. Other than that MJ seemed to have a good pack as well and I have one but I am not sure how up-to-date it is. If you want I can put what I have on Sendspace and you can use that.


That'd probably work. I went through and just saved the pictures for the workers I planned on using but having graphics for free agents and company logos would definitely make the game more interesting.

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Do we know when this mod is seeing the light of day?


I really hope it does have an official release eventually. I worry that it might not make it when it is so close right now.


as far as i know Hellshock is finishing off his data, but nothing has been seen of him since his posts above so not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finishing This Mod


Me and BHK1978 have decided that far to much work over 2 or 3 years have gone into this mod.So basically we are going to work on finishing it up.We realise that Hellshock came on this thread and stated that he wasnt happy that his work was all messed up, so we are leaving a copy of the mod with his work untoutched.Rather than delete all his work we are going to fill in his unfinished data, as when we looked at the amount of stuff he done the mod would lose to much.If anyone wants to help out with the mod please either post in the thread or PM myself(paulskln) or BHK1978.







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Cool as guys, wondered why renders were getting done :D Can't say that I can help much cos I'm already overstretching myself, but full support for this from me. If one of you guys PMs me a 'belts required' list I'll chuck some out as and when I can ;)
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Yeah so if Hellshock returns anything that we have done will be deleted and replaced by his work. We are just doing this because I really feel like this should be finished as most of these types of projects tend to fall apart often. Plus I would hate to see all of the great work that everyone did on this go to waste. I believe this is the largest fictional database aside from the Default Database and that is something I consider to be a big deal.


We are also once again looking for future workers, so if anyone wants to do some bio writing feel free to post them or send them to us and they will be added into the database.

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Still up for helping. Most of the stuff I threw into this mod was originally going to be for a full fictional mod I was doing, so I can throw whatever from that (I picked it up again slightly) this way again, hopefully some future promotions and worker bios.


Future Worker Bios definitely coming

-At least 1 3rd generation Dillinger (rough debut date(s) 2017 or later)

-At least 12 Kingdom Lucha Libre graduates to go to UK Lucha (debuting as early as June 2010)

-The children of BDW owner Johnny Zenith (1 son 2013, 1 daughter 2011)

-The core foundation of the Hollywood Takeover Project future promotion (debut early 2012)

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Still up for helping. Most of the stuff I threw into this mod was originally going to be for a full fictional mod I was doing, so I can throw whatever from that (I picked it up again slightly) this way again, hopefully some future promotions and worker bios.


Future Worker Bios definitely coming

-At least 1 3rd generation Dillinger (rough debut date(s) 2017 or later)

-At least 12 Kingdom Lucha Libre graduates to go to UK Lucha (debuting as early as June 2010)

-The children of BDW owner Johnny Zenith (1 son 2013, 1 daughter 2011)

-The core foundation of the Hollywood Takeover Project future promotion (debut early 2012)


sounds good how are you going to go about adding your stuff..do you want to add it to the data or one of us to do it?

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sounds good how are you going to go about adding your stuff..do you want to add it to the data or one of us to do it?


I'll probably make a separate database and just upload that for you guys to import out of, with notes for stuff that isn't importable.

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