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Board Effort Towards a Fictional Universe...

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Don't break your neck for a handful of renders......... and i understand pc problems all too well. ;)


Yeah. Had forgotten how much slower this lap top is compared against my desktop. Had to end pretty much every non daz related process to get it to a good speed. :)


As for breaking my neck it isn't so much that. Just going to render non-stop till 9:45 and then cut what I have for the draft. Hopefully I get to 42, but it really depends. I want the renders to be solid even if I am going to re-render/re-light them later so I'm taking my time. ^_^

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Below are 30 renders for the community draft. Going to do 6-12 more tonight, but since I said 10 pm if Rayelek wants to pick from the current renders with his pick he can. If he'd prefer to wait then I should have another 6 done around 11:30 pm CST, and if I'm up to it I'll do another 6 for midnight which would give us the 42. :)


Pick 1: Rayelek

Pick 2: Fullhouse

Pick 3: bhk1978

Pick 4: Kobe1724

Pick 5: Hellshock70


On the clock:















Note: None of the renders labeled W.I.P have agers since I just did them all today and on a different rig (shocked at how much faster rendering is when I'm just doing one render instead of 6-7 for a character though).


The bad news: Since my lap top lacks the space I was unable to save the daz files. This means that when I re-render them with the proper lights (although these are really close to the ones I used on the other renders) the faces might be a little different than what they currently are since I'll basically be trying to replicate them. So if you just love the specific face of one of the renders I'll do the best I can to make it look exactly the same when I re-render it on my other computer, but I might be off by just a little (conversely, if you want me to tweak it a little bit let me know how and I'll take a shot. ^_^)


The good news: I can do any requested alts, requested tweaks and fix the graphical hitches that came from rushing to do so many renders in such a short time (clipping, hair positioning etc.) when I re-render them all on my existing rig over the next 14-21 days with agers. Also can do some more skin texture variation since I only had 10 or so good ones on this computer.


Also, I was only able to render females on this computer because all of my M4 stuff is on my other rig (desktop). If you guys want to do an all male render draft we can do it sometime after the 20th of August when I've had some time to do male renders. ^_^


Also, if you don't want to draft a render still on the board (there is nothing you want) then you can pass in exchange for a future pick in another draft (end of 1st round of a future draft for passing up a 1st round pick, end of 2nd round of a future draft for passing up a 2nd round pick etc). You can also trade renders you've picked up for multiple picks/future picks in other drafts (or this one), or even multiple renders that someone else has drafted.


I'm going to do some more rendering but will check back in on the topic. :)

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Just curious, is there a time limit with your picks before you lose your pick and the next person can place their pick? In other words when your on the clock how long do you have? I think in the NFL draft you dont actually lose your pick but when your time runs out the next team can draft and so on and so on, and but you can make your pick still.
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Just curious, is there a time limit with your picks before you lose your pick and the next person can place their pick? In other words when your on the clock how long do you have? I think in the NFL draft you dont actually lose your pick but when your time runs out the next team can draft and so on and so on, and but you can make your pick still.


Sure, I was thinking 2 hours per pick. ^_^


However, since I said I was posting a few more renders tonight Rayelek may have decided to wait before selecting. Right now there are five of us doing the draft so I want to post seven rounds worth of renders (35). I'll be posting the last few up in a few minutes and from then we can put the two hour rule into effect. ^_^


Fullhouse, since I know you might be sleepy if you want to PM me your top two picks I'll make sure you get one of them.

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Just curious, is there a time limit with your picks before you lose your pick and the next person can place their pick? In other words when your on the clock how long do you have? I think in the NFL draft you dont actually lose your pick but when your time runs out the next team can draft and so on and so on, and but you can make your pick still.


Normally i would say yes but given Kobe's pc troubles and Rayelek going to work earlier and the fact its pushing 1am here I think we'll let it slide for a lil bit longer then normal. At least tonight anyway. LOL

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Sure, I was thinking 2 hours per pick. ^_^


However, since I said I was posting a few more renders tonight Rayelek may have decided to wait before selecting. Right now there are five of us doing the draft so I want to post seven rounds worth of renders (35). I'll be posting the last few up in a few minutes and from then we can put the two hour rule into effect. ^_^


Fullhouse, since I know you might be sleepy if you want to PM me your top two picks I'll make sure you get one of them.


I'm about ready to fall out myself LOL :p

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Round 1 of 7


Pick 1: Rayelek

Pick 2: Fullhouse

Pick 3: bhk1978

Pick 4: Kobe1724

Pick 5: Hellshock70


On the clock:



















Okay, that's 35 renders x 5 people so 7 rounds. ^_^


Rayelek, make your pick whenever. :)


Want to do 225 (female) renders total for the mod to cover current and future workers + a few spare pictures. After the draft I'll take some time to do agers for all of these and then start on either more female workers or else some male workers if we decide to do an all male worker draft.

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My thoughts are that for the 1st round everyone has up to 24 hours to make their pick (that would give Rayelek until 12:07 tomorrow if for whatever reason something came up to keep him offline).


Then we can do 2 hours per pick, although if we all manage to get on at one time at any point we should be able to do the whole thing in 20 minutes. ^_^


Side note: There are 8 renders in there I'm interested in, wonder which ones I'll manage to pick up. ^_^
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Fullhouse you can pm me what your top 2 picks are if you don't want to wait up. If Rayelek picks your number 1 I'll draft your number 2 for you, and if he doesn't I'll draft your number 1 for you. :)


hellshock sent me a list of his top 4 so I thought I'd extend the offer. ^_^

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Lost internet due to storms, just woke up and it's back. I'll be around throughout the course of today and tomorrow unless the storms KO the net again as they're still going strong. On Tuesday I get my wisdom teeth out, so I'll be in and out as I wake up/sleep then and Wednesday.


Not sure how we're formatting picks, so if I'm doing it wrong, just let me know.


Worker: Katie Jane

Render: http://img120.imagevenue.com/loc237/th_37494_x16_122_237lo.jpg


I only have 3 females created so far, so odds are I won't need a lot of picks in this draft.

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Hey Kobe will it be too much of a hassle if I picked a certain render but wanted some changes done to it? Like changing the color of hair, skin, or eyes?


Not too much trouble. With the renders labeled WIP I have to re-render them anyway so no problem. With the renders without the WIP label it's only a few so sure, why not. ^_^


Btw, I rendered that girl you selected with American Girl in mind so I'm kind of glad you drafted her for that worker. :)

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NOOO!!!! lol, that render was going to be my first pick. I told myself what are the odds that the one pick before me would pick the render i wanted first out of 40 plus to choose from? Oh well...



Worker: American Girl

Render: http://img172.imagevenue.com/loc425/th_37487_3_122_425lo.jpg


And I feel your pain btw. :) Didn't really know that render would go over so well though. I'm not a huge fan of it but based on your comments, Rayelek's selection of it and a list hellshock sent me lots of people liked it. ^_^

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Bhk1978 is on the clock


unless I missed something somewhere LOL



Unless something is going a lil nuts is this Fullhouses's pick? Cause this is what I'm seeing when I click the link. And she wasn't on my list.



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And I feel your pain btw. :) Didn't really know that render would go over so well though. I'm not a huge fan of it but based on your comments, Rayelek's selection of it and a list hellshock sent me lots of people liked it. ^_^


That one just had more of an edge to it than the others. I'd mostly attribute it to the eye region (eyes/eyebrows) and how they give a "ready to fight" look which works well for "Hell's Heroine" Katie Jane. I'm undecided on what I want for the other 2 workers I need renders for though. :confused:


EDIT: Or I could start coming up with new workers for other renders I like. [/idea] lol

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