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Now this is where we run into something on respect.


Triple H for example. He has a lot of respect from a lot of people in the business and from the fans. But he has a negative from past antics as well as from some people who feel he's sleeping his way to the top in his later years.


George South for a second example. To the fans, he was a Saturday Night jobber to the main roster of WCW guys. To the workers, he was generally the guy the main talent wanted to wrestle the most. (Ric Flair made a public statement on this at one time.)


I would follow more of an industry way of thinking so George South would have a high respect stat because he was well respected by his peers. Whereas some like Bob Holly or Bubba Ray would have a lower stats because (at least from what I have heard) they are not well liked in the locker room.

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I would follow more of an industry way of thinking so George South would have a high respect stat because he was well respected by his peers. Whereas some like Bob Holly or Bubba Ray would have a lower stats because (at least from what I have heard) they are not well liked in the locker room.


I can think of one local worker who has very little respect. ;)


The guy stands about 6'5 but only weighs about 150 lbs. He acts like a Stone Cold wannabe bad ass and expects guys that outweigh him by 100-300 lbs to job to him because of it. :eek: He's not much on believability.


To make matters worse, most of the moves he does causes him to end up injured enough to miss the follow-up show. He broke his ribs after doing a move that shouldn't have even impacted that area. The guy is extremely fragile. LOL :p

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I can think of one local worker who has very little respect. ;)


The guy stands about 6'5 but only weighs about 150 lbs. He acts like a Stone Cold wannabe bad ass and expects guys that outweigh him by 100-300 lbs to job to him because of it. :eek: He's not much on believability.


To make matters worse, most of the moves he does causes him to end up injured enough to miss the follow-up show. He broke his ribs after doing a move that shouldn't have even impacted that area. The guy is extremely fragile. LOL :p


I guess he would have low respect.:D


Just looked up the respect stat in the help file and it says it is for industry only.


Also, I never noticed this but booking skill needs to be set between 70 to 80 to have a netural effected on a promotion. If it is higher than 80 that means it will have a positive effect, lower than 70 has a negative effect. So I guess I have to change my character's booking skills because I believe I put most of them in the 50's.

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I would follow more of an industry way of thinking so George South would have a high respect stat because he was well respected by his peers. Whereas some like Bob Holly or Bubba Ray would have a lower stats because (at least from what I have heard) they are not well liked in the locker room.


I just looked through the help file. On respect it mentions industry, but it also mentions accomplishments.


George South, even though he is highly respected by other workers, never accomplished much in the industry that would be known outside of North Carolina.


He was PWF Champion at one time in Charlotte, NC. He booked for and feuded with the Italian Stallion (another WCW SN jobber) in the fed before buying Stallions part of the company to become sole owner. Outside of NC his biggest accomplishment was when he wrestled against and lost to Ric Flair on WCW Saturday Night.


In TEW terms he was one of the most respected workers by the boys in the back. But to most wrestling fans he hasn't accomplished squat other than being Saturday Night enhancement talent.

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I'm sure I read somewhere that respect gets a little boost by being and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc generation star.


I can imagine it backstage. 2nd gen star walks in for the first time. Worker1 says to worker2, "Dude, that is (legend father))'s son, cant wait to talk to him about his dad. I wonder if he works the same style?" Etc, etc


I'd say maybe add 20% of parent's respect for 2nd gen, 30% of averaged respect of parent & grandparent for 3rd, 40% of averaged parent, grandparent & great grandparent for 4th, etc.


Of course, that is just my opinion :D


Hadn't realised you were a wrestler too Hellshock. I had to retire a couple of years ago after my shoulder dislocated 7 times in 2 years. Went for the surgury eventually, but got diagnosed with some weird syndrome during my recovery which includes random dizziness & dis-orientation. So no getting back in the ring for me now. :( Where do you work?

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I just looked through the help file. On respect it mentions industry, but it also mentions accomplishments.


George South, even though he is highly respected by other workers, never accomplished much in the industry that would be known outside of North Carolina.


He was PWF Champion at one time in Charlotte, NC. He booked for and feuded with the Italian Stallion (another WCW SN jobber) in the fed before buying Stallions part of the company to become sole owner. Outside of NC his biggest accomplishment was when he wrestled against and lost to Ric Flair on WCW Saturday Night.


In TEW terms he was one of the most respected workers by the boys in the back. But to most wrestling fans he hasn't accomplished squat other than being Saturday Night enhancement talent.


He would be at least a 75 in respect, which is what someone needs to have to be considered to be a locker room leader.


I don't think you could put him above a 90 though, which would go to guys like Flair who are respected both backstage and by fans because of their accomplishments.


There isn't a hard and fast rule for these things, though. I'd probably have George South at around an 80-85 respect myself (he's enormously respected and obviously a locker room leader, but he isn't Flair/Andre level either when you put it all together). That said, I could see an argument for putting him at a 90-95 (A) as well.


In real world mods it's really hard to pick stats that everyone agrees with, which is why it's so hard to make one. Fortunately we're doing a fiction based mod so with tough cases like him it just comes down to what we think. ^_^


Who is the local stone cold wannabe btw (I mean in real life)? If he in the data as a doppleganger? :)

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I'm sure I read somewhere that respect gets a little boost by being and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc generation star.


I can imagine it backstage. 2nd gen star walks in for the first time. Worker1 says to worker2, "Dude, that is (legend father))'s son, cant wait to talk to him about his dad. I wonder if he works the same style?" Etc, etc


I'd say maybe add 20% of parent's respect for 2nd gen, 30% of averaged respect of parent & grandparent for 3rd, 40% of averaged parent, grandparent & great grandparent for 4th, etc.


Of course, that is just my opinion :D


Hadn't realised you were a wrestler too Hellshock. I had to retire a couple of years ago after my shoulder dislocated 7 times in 2 years. Went for the surgury eventually, but got diagnosed with some weird syndrome during my recovery which includes random dizziness & dis-orientation. So no getting back in the ring for me now. :( Where do you work?


Wow a lot of wrestlers on this site. :)


I agree with you on wrestlers getting a boost. It depends on who the worker the new guy is descended from probably as far as how big of a boost it would be. I love the idea though. Good one. :)

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Wow a lot of wrestlers on this site. :)


I agree with you on wrestlers getting a boost. It depends on who the worker the new guy is descended from probably as far as how big of a boost it would be. I love the idea though. Good one. :)


Totally, and that system allows for that:


EG. 1stgen has a respect of 80 when 2ndgen debuts, so 2ndgen starts with a 16 in respect (20% of 80).

However 2ndgen is a bit lame and only gets to 25% when 3rdgen debuts.

So 3rd gen starts with 15 in respect ( (80+25)/2 = 52.5. 30% of 52.5 = 15.75. Round down as they are only starting.)

But 3rd gen is awesome and gets to 78% when his son debuts.

4th gen starts with 24 in respect ( (80+25+78)/3 = 61. 40% of 61 is 24.4. Round down)


So if a worker in the family line isnt liked much back stage it will lessen the boost or even (like the example above) hurt it a little depending on each generation's actions, but the fact that you are decended from a family of wrestlers still gives you a little pull in the locker room :D

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Totally, and that system allows for that:


EG. 1stgen has a respect of 80 when 2ndgen debuts, so 2ndgen starts with a 16 in respect (20% of 80).

However 2ndgen is a bit lame and only gets to 25% when 3rdgen debuts.

So 3rd gen starts with 15 in respect ( (80+25)/2 = 52.5. 30% of 52.5 = 15.75. Round down as they are only starting.)

But 3rd gen is awesome and gets to 78% when his son debuts.

4th gen starts with 24 in respect ( (80+25+78)/3 = 61. 40% of 61 is 24.4. Round down)


So if a worker in the family line isnt liked much back stage it will lessen the boost or even (like the example above) hurt it a little depending on each generation's actions, but still the fact that you are decended from a wrestler gives you a little pull in the locker room :D


Yeah, makes sense. I'll definitely be using something like this myself. ^_^

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People picture pack (162 workers with pics, 544 pics including alts and agers total)


To get it to work just delete your old people pictures folder, replace it with this one and then go to:




^^ This will assign all of the pictures. I don't think it does this with contracts, which is something I'll have to go through and do in the near future. Most of the pictures already had their names identical to the default workers, however.



That option isn't on the list of my demo version (I have to wait till November for the full version when my birthday comes around. lol, makes me sound like I'm 12 years old) so I'll have to go through mine manually :(

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Totally, and that system allows for that:


EG. 1stgen has a respect of 80 when 2ndgen debuts, so 2ndgen starts with a 16 in respect (20% of 80).

However 2ndgen is a bit lame and only gets to 25% when 3rdgen debuts.

So 3rd gen starts with 15 in respect ( (80+25)/2 = 52.5. 30% of 52.5 = 15.75. Round down as they are only starting.)

But 3rd gen is awesome and gets to 78% when his son debuts.

4th gen starts with 24 in respect ( (80+25+78)/3 = 61. 40% of 61 is 24.4. Round down)


So if a worker in the family line isnt liked much back stage it will lessen the boost or even (like the example above) hurt it a little depending on each generation's actions, but the fact that you are decended from a family of wrestlers still gives you a little pull in the locker room :D


I just tried it with my Mexicana family. El Mexicana had 69 respect when he died, El Mexican II had 80. Rudy Santana (El Hijo del Mexicana) currently has 69. So when his son Nuevo Mexicana debuts late 2010 he should have 29 respect to start. That sounds about right for a guy who has wrestling legend blood pumping through his veins. I'd imagine a lot of people would be keen to see how the guy works, some quite keen to work with him just so they can say they worked with one of the Mexicana family.


Another factor for this (at least IMO) is dojo graduates. If you've graduated from one of the best training facilities in the world that is going to give you instant respect of some kind.

Real life EG. I know a wrestler who was a good worker, but never really managed to get his name out there. So he went and trained for 3 months at the Storm Academy in Canada (he lives in the UK). When he came back he added to his CV that he trained for a time at The Storm Academy and all of a sudden he was booked up and down the country.


So maybe if you graduated from a prestigious school you get a small respect boost?

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That option isn't on the list of my demo version (I have to wait till November for the full version when my birthday comes around. lol, makes me sound like I'm 12 years old) so I'll have to go through mine manually :(


I'll just shoot you the copy of the data with the change made tomorrow. ^_^

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I just tried it with my Mexicana family. El Mexicana had 69 respect when he died, El Mexican II had 80. Rudy Santana (El Hijo del Mexicana) currently has 69. So when his son Nuevo Mexicana debuts late 2010 he should have 29 respect to start. That sounds about right for a guy who has wrestling legend blood pumping through his veins. I'd imagine a lot of people would be keen to see how the guy works, some quite keen to work with him just so they can say they worked with one of the Mexicana family.


Another factor for this (at least IMO) is dojo graduates. If you've graduated from one of the best training facilities in the world that is going to give you instant respect of some kind.

Real life EG. I know a wrestler who was a good worker, but never really managed to get his name out there. So he went and trained for 3 months at the Storm Academy in Canada (he lives in the UK). When he came back he added to his CV that he trained for a time at The Storm Academy and all of a sudden he was booked up and down the country.


So maybe if you graduated from a prestigious school you get a small respect boost?


Sure, particularly if you're a top prospect from one of those dojos. ^_^

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Certain events are going to drastically affect this. For example, the Steroid 13will probably have lower reps.

The way to do the steroid 13 would be:


Just curious if anyone added any of their wrestlers to the Steroid Chronicles event/storyline? If not then it's only the Steroid 10. The answers below are only in relation to the 10 i created.


The way to do the steroid 13 would be:

1. Give them an appropriate hit to their reputation (B+ or so is probably sufficient, although it would be lower if they are literally pariahs).


This is one of the things I needed to tweak in the data. At the time I was making the bios I have Respect and Reputation swicthed up and have them hits their respect instead. But after thinking about it drugs use is so widespread and common in pro sports and particular pro wrestling that i doubt if they will lose much respect among others in the industry when caught. So yeah I plan to tweak that.


2. Check the "known" box delegating that they took steroids. Also raise the bar to affect how much they used them in the past (if the number gets really high the worker tends to die early in sims a lot - just something to keep in mind).


This one in tricky, because I think only 5 are known to have used steriods, while the other 5 were only mentioned in the Steroid Chronicles.


3. If they are reformed then check that box. If a worker had a bad history of steroid abuse they will sometimes stop being reformed over time, however.


Of the original 10 half of them are reformed, and only two are heavy (50% or higher) users

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I'm sure I read somewhere that respect gets a little boost by being and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc generation star.


I can imagine it backstage. 2nd gen star walks in for the first time. Worker1 says to worker2, "Dude, that is (legend father))'s son, cant wait to talk to him about his dad. I wonder if he works the same style?" Etc, etc


I'd say maybe add 20% of parent's respect for 2nd gen, 30% of averaged respect of parent & grandparent for 3rd, 40% of averaged parent, grandparent & great grandparent for 4th, etc.


Of course, that is just my opinion :D


Hadn't realised you were a wrestler too Hellshock. I had to retire a couple of years ago after my shoulder dislocated 7 times in 2 years. Went for the surgury eventually, but got diagnosed with some weird syndrome during my recovery which includes random dizziness & dis-orientation. So no getting back in the ring for me now. :( Where do you work?


Oddly enough I've dislocated my working arm 22 times, torn rotator cuff now, medically its considered dislocated even though its not out of socket. The doctor says the muscles is holding it in the socket.


Some of the dislocations were prior to wrestling (first diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff at 21).

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Just curious if anyone added any of their wrestlers to the Steroid Chronicles event/storyline? If not then it's only the Steroid 10. The answers below are only in relation to the 10 i created.




This is one of the things I needed to tweak in the data. At the time I was making the bios I have Respect and Reputation swicthed up and have them hits their respect instead. But after thinking about it drugs use is so widespread and common in pro sports and particular pro wrestling that i doubt if they will lose much respect among others in the industry when caught. So yeah I plan to tweak that.




This one in tricky, because I think only 5 are known to have used steriods, while the other 5 were only mentioned in the Steroid Chronicles.




Of the original 10 half of them are reformed, and only two are heavy (50% or higher) users


That explains why it sounded wrong when I said it out loud. :D



He would be at least a 75 in respect, which is what someone needs to have to be considered to be a locker room leader.


I don't think you could put him above a 90 though, which would go to guys like Flair who are respected both backstage and by fans because of their accomplishments.


There isn't a hard and fast rule for these things, though. I'd probably have George South at around an 80-85 respect myself (he's enormously respected and obviously a locker room leader, but he isn't Flair/Andre level either when you put it all together). That said, I could see an argument for putting him at a 90-95 (A) as well.


In real world mods it's really hard to pick stats that everyone agrees with, which is why it's so hard to make one. Fortunately we're doing a fiction based mod so with tough cases like him it just comes down to what we think. ^_^


Who is the local stone cold wannabe btw (I mean in real life)? If he in the data as a doppleganger? :)


The Menace (RL)


Ya Hatari (BE mod) (google translate says the name means "class" in Swahili with the Y & H capitalized and "hot" when its not. LOL)

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Oddly enough I've dislocated my working arm 22 times, torn rotator cuff now, medically its considered dislocated even though its not out of socket. The doctor says the muscles is holding it in the socket.


Some of the dislocations were prior to wrestling (first diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff at 21).


Sucks majorly doesnt it! Mine got to the point where I couldnt take a bump without being in a ton of pain. That was the point I stopped lol


Oh BTW Hellshock, I have a dreds prop now if you want me to re-do that render for you?


5 random asian wrestlers for you guys to fight over:




Even though they all started as a blank M4 model the third & fifth look like they could be related, fifth the older brother of the thrid I'd say lol

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Sucks majorly doesnt it! Mine got to the point where I couldnt take a bump without being in a ton of pain. That was the point I stopped lol


Oh BTW Hellshock, I have a dreds prop now if you want me to re-do that render for you?


5 random asian wrestlers for you guys to fight over:




Even though they all started as a blank M4 model the third & fifth look like they could be related, fifth the older brother of the thrid I'd say lol


Are you doing a lot of post work? They look very grainy

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Sucks majorly doesnt it! Mine got to the point where I couldnt take a bump without being in a ton of pain. That was the point I stopped lol


Oh BTW Hellshock, I have a dreds prop now if you want me to re-do that render for you?


5 random asian wrestlers for you guys to fight over:




Even though they all started as a blank M4 model the third & fifth look like they could be related, fifth the older brother of the thrid I'd say lol


Due to being allergic to penicillin, aspirin and all forms of inseds (aleve, ibuprofin and all derivatives) I was forced to endure high levels pain at a real young age.


It helped while wrestling but now that I'm older its actually a problem cause I tend to not notice something till its moresevere than normal.


(Example) I peeled the skin from mid-forearm to the bend in my elbow but never noticed because of my thin jacket. Out of sight, out of mind. I felt it when it happened but didn't notice it again till I took my jacket off. I'm not a free bleeder so it bled less than the average person and I didn't really feel it again till after the numbing medication wore off.


On topic. I want to claim these three.


http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/2883/randomasianmale001.jpg Shasin No Yume

http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7074/randomasianmale002.jpg Hu Flung Poo (not in the data yet)

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/3700/randomasianmale005.jpg Eiyuu Kokka No

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