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USPW Backstage Turmoil

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Legend Key

{...} Avatars thoughts



Location: Stanley Hall Arena 2:30 PM





{Man, Im beat. Thats enough training for today. I think I'll relax tonight with my good buddy Jack Daniels.}


Casey Valentine: "Hey, Rip wants to speak to you... like right now!"


??: "Alright, thanks Casey."


{I wonder what that geriatric wants now. I havent even had a chance to shower yet and I have to listen to him bitch at me already. This sucks. I started walking to the office and the door was open. I let myself in. He and Keith Vegas were in the room discussing something, discussing what? I dont care.}


??: "What do you want old man? Start talking, I have plans."


Keith Vegas: "Hey, cant you see we are busy here? How rude. Wait your turn."


{WTF, is this loser really telling me to wait my turn? The nerve of these peons talking to me like this.}


??: "You talentless hack. Maybe you havent noticed, but Im higher up in the pecking order than some lowlife like you. Go back to jobbing."


{Keith Vegas stands up and gets in my face. We stare each other down.}


Rip: "Thats enough you two, knock it off. Keith, you're dismissed. we'll finish our discussion later."


{I smirked, knowing I won. As Keith walked by me I shoved him into the door. He started heading back towards me but Rip pointed to the exit. Keith left.}


Rip: "Ok, so lets get down to business. Sam Strong called today asking to speak with you. He says its pretty important. USPW is holding Made In America at Virginia Fields Park. I want you to drive down there and meet with him. Dont blow it. Sam is a very important man in this industry. Act like a jerk and you'll find yourself blacklisted."


{What a drag, just what I want. A 2 hour drive to Virginia. Although if Sam Strong wants to see me, I guess I should probably go. Besides, maybe I'll get to say "hi" to Alicia.}


??: "Yeah, whatever. I guess I'll be on my way."


Rip: "Good luck. You know this is a really huge opp..{I should find someone to drive down there with. The drive alone would really suck. Hell, maybe I can convince someone else to drive so I can get tanked before the trip. Is this old man still talking? I guess I should probably listen...} and thats how I started my legendary career."


{I stood up to leave, and walked out of the room. I looked around the arena to find some sucker to go with. Hmm, Riley, Duke and Ace. Nah, I aint going with those nobodies. They'll just cramp my style. Theres Lisa.. that might be a "fun" trip but she'd ruin my chances with the hotties at USPW. I'll just take a cab. I open my bottle of Jack and polish it off before calling for a ride. They'll be here in 5 minutes. Off to USPW I go..}

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Location: Virginia Fields Park






Taxi Driver: "Sir, SIR. WAKE UP. We're here."


{Man I must have passed out. What a headache. I shouldnt have drink that bottle so fast. And why the hell is this taxi driver yelling at me? Doesnt he know who I am?"


??: "Shut up. Stop yelling. How much is the cab fare?"


Taxi Driver: "$45 sir"


{I handed the jerk exactly $45. Like Im going to tip some guy yelling at me. What a clown. He didnt look very happy, like I care. I wouldnt be happy driving a cab either. Loser. I got out of the cab and started heading to the arena. When I entered I was greeted by an old "friend."}


Peter Valentine: "What the hell are you doing here? I havent see you in awhile. Hows Casey?"


??: "Sam wanted to speak to me about something, not sure what. Casey is good, I just saw him a few hours ago. Hes getting ready for the Rip Chord Invitational, the geriatric has big plans for him.


Peter Valentine: (laughs loudly) Heh, I see you havent changed one bit. Things just wouldnt be the same if you did. If you see Casey again tell him to give me a ring. I'll let you go see Sam. Bye."


??: "Yeah, whatever. Bye."


{Peter is an ok guy. Not sure why he gets such a bad reputation. Hes just looking out for himself, thats what you got to do in this business. Now where the hell is Sam Strongs office? I walk around aimlessly looking for it when I hear someone approaching me from behind. I hear a familiar voice yell out my name.}


Alicia Strong: "Jay, Jay is that you? OMG, it is. {She runs up and gives me a huge hug. I tried to cop a feel but she pulled back a second to early. Damnit} I havent seen you in forever, how are you?"


Jay Chord: "Im ok. Your old man wanted to see me. Where is his office?"


Alicia Strong: "Follow me, I'll show you.{I followed} So we have a lot of catching up to do. Did I tell you tha..{I trailed behind her about 2 feet. Man what an ass on her. Shes so hot. Im glad I didnt bring Lisa with me, she cant even compare to this piece of tail. What I would..} Jay?? Jay?? Hey you listening? This is his office. What is wrong with you?"


{Damn, she caught me not paying attention. Think Jay, think.}


Jay: "Sorry Alicia. Ive just had a busy day and a long drive down here. Really curious as to what your dad wanted. Lot on my mind you know."


Alicia Strong: "Its ok Jay. I understand. This is a big day for your career. Talking to my dad is a pretty big deal. {She gives me a quick goodbye hug}Good luck."


{ I collected my composure, and ate a breath mint. Ok Jay, here we go. Lets see what Sam wants.}

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The Office of Sam Strong




{As I walked in the door, Im greeted by Sam Strong}


Sam Strong: "Hey brother, have a seat. Long time no see. {I sit} So how are you? Hows Rip?"


Jay: Im kinda tired from the drive up here. Rip is ok, bitter like always."


"Yeah, that sounds like the Rip I know. Well thats enough small talk, brother. I called you in here for a reason. We both know you are an extremely talented worker and youve been around the business long enough to know the ins and outs. How would you feel about working at USPW?


{USPW? This 3rd rate company? I guess its better than listening to my dad call me an alcoholic anytime I pick up a drink.}


"Im listening. Its definitely a promotion from MAW."


"Well brother, theres more. Shane Sneer isnt getting any younger and he just has too much on his plate. Apparently, he just wants to focus on announcing. Thats what he enjoys. So USPW is left without a booker..


{OMG, is he suggesting what I think? I listen on attentively}


And you are the son of Rip Chord whos an amazing booker in his own right. Like I said earlier, youve been around the business before you learned to crawl. Theres no doubt in my mind you would be successful booking USPW, with Shanes help of course. Whadda ya say, brother?


{I cant believe this, the head book of USPW? This is huge. I could have the world title in no time!! I tried as best as I could to hold back my excitement.}


Well Sam, that sounds like a pretty good offer. Would I have control of signings and firings? The roster backstage is pretty old, Id like to add a friend or two to the roster.


You have complete control, brother. Well, almost complete. If I see anything I dont like, I'll just decline it. But Im a pretty easy going guy. And I have no doubt anyone you bring in will be talented. Just dont go firing Peter Valentine and we shouldnt have a problem.


Fire Peter Valentine?? No, nothing that crazy. Maybe just fire Bruce the Giant.


{We share a laugh}


Ok, so it sounds like we are on the same page. I actually have already had the contract drafted, brother. It just needs your signature. You'd start right away, but Sneer will book next weeks match. Your first book should be the first Wednesday of 2010.


{I looked over the contract, and read it thoroughly. Everything looked on the up and up, and given the relationship Sam has with my dad, I doubt he'd do anything to screw me over. I dotted the bottom line. Sam flashed a huge smile when I handed over the papers.}


Welcome aboard brother. You should go see Sneer. He has a bunch of papers for you. Just worker bios, current storylines, that kinda stuff. I need to go though, its time for my angle.


Yeah, see ya.


{I left the office and went looking for Shane Sneer..}

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Is USPW actually energetic enough to create turmoil?! USPW Mild Backstage Grumbling would've been a better title... :)


Joking apart, great start and will be interesting to see how Jay fits in.


Peter Valentine, Anger, Giant Redwood, Jay Chord, and a few other surprises. It'll be backstage bliss. :)



Thanks for the comments guys.

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The booking room




{I walked around for about 3-4 minutes before I bumped into Shane Sneer. Shane was sorta like an Uncle to me, it'll be good to see him again.}


Hey Jay. Good to see you. That probably means you accepted the offer? Come this way.


{I followed him into a room that I assume is for the booking staff.}


Yeah, broth.. {I hate Sam} Shane. The offer is just too good to refuse. Shocked you are stepping down.


Its just too much work. Im at a point in my life where I just want to slow down and enjoy it. Sam wasnt too happy, but I had a few recommendations for him..


That explains it. I dont exactly have a reputation as a booker.


Right. Anyway, I have some bios for you.


{He hands me a huge accordion folder.. oh man I have to go through all that? Face palm.}


We also have a few story lines going on. As you may or may not know, Bruce and Chris are fighting it out for number 1 contender. Its a pretty hot storyline but it needs to end before Stars Stripes and Slams. Its been running 4 months now, getting stale ya know.


Tyson Baine is going for Enygmas belt. Its still pretty fresh and fans are totally behind it. Ride it out as long as you can. As for the T-rex and Liberty feud.. kill it fast. Its hurting James' momentum. Its all there in the folder. Sam Strong will have a few goals for you tomorrow, he doesnt want to overload you tonight. So take the rest of the night off to relax and enjoy the show. Sam is about to open. He just left the gorilla position. Hear the crowd?


Yeah thats a huge pop. One day that'll me. Thanks for all the info Shane. Thanks for the recommendation too.


{Well, I guess I should go enjoy the show. Made in America was it?}

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The Hotel Room




{The event ran until 10 pm. It was a pretty good show, but Im exhausted. Rather than risk driving 2 hours back to Maryland, I rented a hotel room. I better get used to life on the road anyway, there will be a lot of hotel rooms in my future. I used the time to look over the files Shane had given me earlier in the day.


There were 5 belts in the company, interesting how there are 2 midcard titles. Something will have to be done about that. Theres no way Andre Jones should hold a title more prestigous than Peter freakin Valentine.}



USPW World Heavyweight Champion






USPW National Champion


Peter Valentine




USPW Televesion Champion


Andre Jones




USPW Women's Champion


Raven Nightfall




USPW Tag Team Champion


Freddie Datsun and Des Davids

The People's Team

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{After checking out the history of the titles and getting an idea on how prestigious they are, I started to mull over the other papers I read. I saw the Sneer Corporation. With Shane becoming the tv colour guy, It was clear that stable was soon to be no more. I'll have to write that off in my first show. With no running stable, I knew that was something I'd have to fix.


The tag team division consisted of 6 teams, 2 of which were just part time.


Champion Force: Nicky Champion and The Force, an occasional team with little experience.

Savage Fury: Java and Tribal Warrior, an incredibly experienced team.

The Hillbilles: Made up of 2 wrestling bums who need to be fired.

The Peoples Team: Freddie Datsun and Des Davids, the tag team champs. Occasional team no more.

The Titans: Tyson Baine and T-Rex, Team is too over for the belts, probably just an occasional squashing of new talent or openers.

The Towers of Power: Rushmore and Muscles, rather solid wrestlers and great tag experience.


Looking at that group.. it looks like they could really use a young exciting tag team..hmmm...}

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{I broke down the rest off the roster by their push, just so I could become familiar with it. Once I wrote something down, it became engraved in the back of my head. I broke them down as blue face, red heel. I made little creative notes after each section.


The Main Event

Bruce The Giant

Enygma- World Champion

James Justice

Nicky Champion

Tyson Baine


I watched some film of each wrestler and came away impressed with Nicky Champion. At just 25 years old, hes 13 years younger than every main eventer not named Enygma who is still 9 years his senior. Its clear the training with Sam Strong is paying off. The other 4 guys are some of the biggest names in the sport and are all good workers. Its a strong main event.


The Upper Midcarders

Chris Caufield

Peter Valentine- National Champion


The Force

Jumbo Jackson


Chris Caufield is the best worker on the show, and a locker room leader. I'll have to keep him happy. Peter Valentine is a deserving champion. And what do I need to say about The Force? That guys a future HOIer. Insane talent. He has a power level of over 9000!


The Rest

Andre Jones-Television Title

Des Davids-Tag Title

Freddie Datsun-Tag Title

Darryl Devine

Giant Redwood



Theres likes a bunch of other guys on the roster full of washed up has beens and never weres. Captain USA is still wrestling? Who cares. The guys like 400 years old. These are people Im going to dominate in my rise to the top. People will know who I am. I am Jay Chord.


The Womens Division

Alicia Strong

Cherry Bomb

Belle Bryden

Raven Robinson-Women's Champ


This division is stacked for only having 4 wrestlers. The amount of in ring talent these 4 have is insane. Talk about some eye candy too. Damn. My stay here could be fun.


The Others

Commissioner Doom-Onscreen Commish

Mickey Starr-2nd road agent

Sam Strong-The Boss man, and road agent


Shane Sneer-Colour

Baby Jamie-Ref

Robbie Sanchez-Ref

Danny Jillefski-Announcer

Sheik Mustafa-manager


Seems theres a lot of excess there. I'll see how it works out.}

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The Chord Residence






{I woke up around 10:00 am the next day. I called for a taxi to return to Maryland. The minute I walked through the door I noticed Sam Strong sitting in my living room, talking to my father.}


Sam Strong: "Oh hey brother, glad you are finally here. I wanted to discuss a few things with you."


Rip Chord: "Well it was nice seeing you Sam. I'll leave you 2 alone. Congrats on the big time boy."


Jay Chord: "Yeah, whatever."


Ok brother, these are a few things Im requesting you do. First, you cant fall into debt. Be careful with my money, I dont want to lose it. If I go bankrupt because of something you do, all my Strongamaniacs will run wild on you! You understand brother? 2nd, and this is just as important, this company better be as popular as it was before you took over. After 2 years, we'll reaccess. Understood?


{I nod my head, man this guy talks a lot. Get to the point.. brother.}


These arent as important as the first 2, but dont let that fool you. I want Nicky Champion and Peter Valentine to keep their momentum. Nicky and Peter are like vitamins brother, they help this company grow strong. Understood?


Yeah, I think so. What your saying is Nicky and Peter have to stay at C+ momentum, right?


C+ momentum? What do you think this is, a video game? You are almost 20 years old brother, its time to stop living in the jayverse and in the real world.


Well, its actually the Cornellverse sir..


Wha.. {he gives me a weird look and shrugs it off. } Anyway.. No japanese juniors. It doesnt work here. If Hell Monkey didnt work, than no one will. {I stopped myself from correcting him.} And I also dont want anyone with a bad reputation coming here, understand? That means no one whos had trouble with the law or causes constant problems backstage, alright? We dont need those types of people here. We need more angels like Peter Valentines backstage. Got it?


Yeah boss.


Ok, brother. One last thing. I want you to pack your bags and join us on tour tomorrow. I want you to follow Shane Sneer around for the next 13 days. By that time it'll be January 1st and you'll be taking over. Your first show is that wednesday, January 3rd. Got it?




Ok brother, now listen up. On Thursday you need to.. {I didnt quite understand how that was possible, ever since I joined the wrestling world in 2008, it seems months got 2 or 3 days shorter. I just chalk it up to too much drinking. Maybe the blackouts are too frequent nowadays.} and thats how you get there, got it?





Yeah, got it.


{Sam said his goodbyes and we seperated ways. I went to my room and immediately began to pack. Life on the road, the journey begins today but the fun starts at the beginning of the new year.}

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On the road with USPW


{The following day, I took a taxi to meet up with USPW after having to call Shane to find out where they were. Why didnt Sam bother telling me this yesterday? I managed to find it ok but I didnt arrive alone. I made my first signing public, although he wouldnt officially join the roster until January 1st.}



Floyd Griffin*

The young American Floyd Griffin is a 6'5 280 pound powerhouse with a great look and freakish athleticism. He was trained exclusively by Steve Flash and it shows. What seperates Floyd from other men his size is his sense of flare and top rope arsenal. He is very well rounded. Floyds finisher, the 360 Leg drop, is received with huge pops from the crowd. Although Floyd is quite raw, its clear to everyone he is one for the future. If he can improve on his performance skills, Floyd should see a lot of gold in his career. One of Jay Chord's life long friends, it wasnt surprising when he was announced as Jays first USPW signing. Floyd wears a signature chain around his neck.

Carbon copy of Primus Allen with C- aerial/flash. Given Jay Chords attidude since avatars arent involved in backstage incidents :)





*thanks to Jtlant for the "Floyd Griffin" alt.

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The day is January 1st, and with the experience I gained from following Shane Sneer around for 2 months is emmense. What an experience it was. With that knowledge I finally put my first card together


To end their feud for good, T-Rex and James Justice will fight it out on this weeks USPW American Wrestling. Who will be victor and go on for a chance at the title at Red, White and Blue!


Young newcomer Jay Chord, the son of the legendary Rip Chord, makes his USPW debut against Captain America.


Theres been some rumblings in The Sneer Corporation lately. Will they be able to put their differences aside when The Towers of Power face The People's Team for the tag team titles.


Andre Jones takes on Darryl Devine for the TV title. The 2 youngsters look to establish themselves in USPWs midcard.


Peter Valentine face Enygma in the main event. Its a non title match, but with a victory Peter could establish himself as a legit contender for the title.



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{When I arrived to the arena, I was told Sam Strong needed to speak with me right away. Since this was my first show, I assumed as much.}


Hey brother, you ready for tonight?


As ready as I can get, Sam.


Well I got some news for you, so we are going to see how you adjust on the fly. I know its your first day on the job, but sometimes things just dont go as planned.


{Great, I wonder what the deal is. I had my card already booked, hopefully its not earth shattering.}


I got a call from the execs at Sports America. Due to them losing a show or two, they asked if I wanted to extend the show to 2 hours. So brother, you got to come up with 30 minutes more of material.


{Well that sucks. I could just extend some of the matches, I'll find a way.}


Yeah thats ok Sam. I'll figure something about. Is that all you wanted?


Yeah brother, I cant wait to see the show tonight. Given its your first time booking, you'll get some leeway as long as you arent putting up complete bombs.


{I left his office and went to talk to all the wrestlers. They were informed a few days ago about their spot on the card. The show would kick off in 10 minutes. I went to the booking room and had myself a seat. Not for long though, as Im in one of the early segments.}

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USPW American Wrestling

Huntsfield Fairground



http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/7080/giantredwood.jpghttp://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7870/jumbojackson.jpg VS http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8472/althehillbilly.jpghttp://img189.imageshack.us/img189/66/petethehillbilly.jpg

Dark Match: Giant Redwood and Jumbo Jackson Vs The Hillbillies


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jumbo Jackson and Giant Redwood defeated The Hillbillys in 5:40 when Jumbo Jackson defeated Al The Hillbilly by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche.


Grade: D

The Crowd started off hot tonight. This match did a lot better than I had expected. Giant Redwood is really over with the fans too, the boos filled the arena. What a heel!



Bruce The Giant Video


Dark Angle: A video of Bruce The Giant appeared on the big screen mentioning he would be in singles action tonight.


Grade: B+



And then the TV cameras turned on. It was time for the show.




http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/4999/aliciastrong.jpg VS http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/9740/cherrybomb.jpg V Shttp://img691.imageshack.us/img691/224/bellebryden.jpg

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb vs Belle Bryden


Jillefski: Welcome to USPW American Wrestling. The first match tonight is three way action between Strong, Bomb and Bryden. We are joined ringside by Raven Robinson, who the winner will face at Stars, Stripes and Slams for the womens title.


Sneer: It should be an action packed match Danny.


Raven: These ladies are very talented, I'll have to take all 3 of them seriously.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Belle Bryden defeated Alicia Strong and Cherry Bomb in 9:40 when Belle Bryden defeated Cherry Bomb by pinfall with a Dish Of The Day.


Grade: C


Not knowing how to use the women, I figured I'd try them as the opening act. The crowd wasnt really into it, unfortunately.




Backstage, Generation X confronts Alicia Strong after her loss.


Jay: Oh Alicia, way to make a joke out of the Strong name. Losing a match to them? Like you, the 2 of us are the offspring of legends. You wont be seeing us embarrass our kin. Let me show you how its done. My match is next.


Starr: Jay, dont bother with her. Shes just not Hollywood Material.



http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/523/jaychord.jpg Vs http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/4020/captainusa.jpg

Jay Chord vs Captain America


Jillefski: Welcome back to ringside action. Next match is Captain USA vs the young Jay Chord in his debut match


Sneer: As you know Danny, this is the son of the legendary Rip Chord. Expect big things from this kid.


In an extremely short match, Jay Chord defeated Captain USA in 4:37 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver.


Grade: E+



Before this match, Captain America told me he had a problem with the booking decision. What? He has a problem losing to me? How dare he insult Jay Chord. I immediately changed the match to a complete burial of Captain America. I dominated the entire match. At the end I gave him a stiff kick to the gut. It got some cheap heat. It was easily the match of the night. I carried that loser to a 5 star match. Maybe now he'll respect Jay Chord.




Enygma hypes his match with Baine


(Enygma makes his way ringside, and grabs a microphone.)


Enygma: Tyson Baine, this month at Stars Stripes and Slams you are mine. You will feel the Enygma and I will leave with my belt. Just like the match we had in December, I will be victorious.


Grade: B-


http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6673/tysonbaine.jpg http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/9500/petervalentine.jpghttp://img687.imageshack.us/img687/9770/101fe.jpg

Tyson Baine and Peter Valentine taunt Enygma


Before Enygma could leave the ring, Baine and Valentine started walking towards the ring.


Tyson: Enygma, you really think you can beat me at stars stripes and slams? I got news for you Enygma, Im taking your title whether you like it or not. And this man standing next to me is facing you tonight. You'll be lucky to even make it to our match. And remember, if you dont show up... you forfeit the belt and its mine.


Out of nowhere, Floyd Griffin hits the ring and nails Enygma from behind, and powerslams him.


Peter Valentine: Enygma, if you thought that powerslam was painful, wait until our match tonight. You are mine!!


Valentine and Tyson join in and they beat Enygma down mercifully.


Grade: C+



http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/5609/brucethegiant.jpg Vs http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/4931/antman.jpg

Bruce The Giant vs Adam Ant (Ant-man)


Jillefski: Bruce The Giant looks like a determined man, Shane. I wouldnt want to be Adam Ant tonight.


Shane: Definitely not an easy way to make your USPW debut, thats for sure.


In an extremely short match, Bruce The Giant defeated Ant-Man in 4:45 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam.


Grade D+


I now know why Adam Ant was one of my first signings. Even though he got dominated, he made Bruce the Giant look really good. That was a well executed squash match. I hear this guy has some freakish power, I want to see him power slam some of these monsters.




Andre Jones Hits on Seductress


Andre: Hey there, sexy. How about you ditch that Darryl Devine and get with a champion?


Seductress: Get lost, Andre. You just wish you were mighty fine.


Andre: (grabs hers) now you look here, seduc..


Darryl Devine appears and attacks Andre. Seductress watches on as the 2 men fight.. They are soon seperated by backstage security.


Grade: D-

I used this as a chance to turn Devine and Seduction. I'd have to say the turns were a complete success.





http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/8061/nickychampionalt.jpg http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5561/freddiedatsun.jpgVS http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/466/mickmuscles.jpghttp://img33.imageshack.us/img33/3483/dannyrushmore.jpgw/http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1840/shanesneer.jpg

The Peoples Team vs The Towers of Power with Shane Sneer


Danny: Well, Sneer has gone ringside to manage his team. So I'll be doing this alone. The tag teams champs put their belt on the line vs The Towers of Power!


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The People's Team defeated The Towers Of Power in 9:31 when Freddie Datsun defeated Mick Muscles by pinfall with a Patriot Press. The People's Team make defence number 1 of their USPW World Tag Team titles.


Grade: C-


Not much to say about this one. I just used it as card filler and it did better than expected.



Shane Has Had Enough


Sneer: (grabs a mic ringside) This is the 3rd time you've lost to these bums. Im sick of the losing. Ive had enough, I'm ending Sneer Corporation.


Grade: D+

The crowd was pretty loud during this segment. I had successfully written the stable out of the show.




http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/4011/andrejones.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/8068/darryldevine.jpg

Andre Jones Vs Darryl Devine


Danny: Wow, Shane. I wasnt expecting that. Where did that come from?


Sneer: Forget about it Danny. The next match is for the TV title. These 2 had a heated fight earlier, it should be a good one.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Andre Jones defeated Darryl Devine in 8:14 by pinfall with a Blast From The Past. Andre Jones makes defence number 1 of his USPW Television title.


Grade: D-


This match bombed. I was going to start a feud with the two, but I might have to put that on the shelf.



T-Rex and James Justice fight backstage, Strong intervenes


Danny: I hear theres trouble backstage, lets go to the cameras.


T-Rex and Justice are going it at it backstage. Sam Strong walks out of his office to see the spat.


Sam: Thats enough you two. Tonight, in the main event, Its T-Rex vs James Justice to end this feud once and for all.


Grade: B-

This segment was hot. It really got the crowd going. Fans still love Sam Strong, hes ratings gold.




Champion Force and Anger lift weights


Nicky Champion is bench pressing 250 lbs. He does multiple sets and then Anger starts in on him.


Anger: Watch a real men in action boys. (Anger starts to bench press 400 lbs, a very impressive feat)


Force: You call that manly? You callin me a boy? I'll show you what THE FORCE can do.


The Force puts every single weight onto the bar. Its well over 1000 lbs.


Anger: (laughing, and doubting the force) Theres no way you are lifting that.


Then Force does the unthinkable, not only does he bench it once, he continues to do 5 reps.




Grade: D+





Peter Valentine vs Enygma


Danny: Its the semi main event Shane. Peter Valentine vs Enygma. This is a battle of two big names.


Shane: Thats correct Danny. Earlier tonight Peter was mocking Enygma after he was attacked from behind. Enygma can't be too happy about that. I'm expecting him to seek some serious revenge.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Enygma defeated Peter Valentine in 7:41 by submission with an Enygma Variation.


Grade: C





This was a great match. Enygma did solid work in the ring and Peter was dependable like always.







Bruce The Giant and Chris Caufield Sign Contract


In the ring for the official contract signing to Stars, Stripes, and Slams, both men put their names on the dotted line.


Bruce: Caufield, not only will I end this feud at Stars, Stripes and Slams, I will also end your career. I am the biggest, strongest athlete in the entire world. I will show you what its like to be on the receiving end of the Giant choke slam.


Chris: Bruce, you may be the biggest athlete in the world, but I've got more heart and desire than anyone in this business. I will show you, and I will show all my young fans what can be accomplished with hard work.


Grade: B-





The Arena was really lively for the main event. Bruce is so over with the fans.







T-Rex vs James Justice


Danny: Here we are Shane, its the main event. James Justice is one of the biggest stars in wrestling taking on one of the biggest monsters in wrestling. Who do you pick to win in this fantastic match up?


Shane: Its a battle of wrestling titans, but Justice's experience will prevail.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, James Justice defeated T-Rex in 7:50 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.


Grade: C-


Final Rating: C I think this show might of hurt our popularity overall.


My first card seemed to be a success, although maybe not so much to the home crowd. Sam Strong was rather impressed. After the match I got into some backstage beef with Captain USA. He's still mad about earlier. What a disrespectful worker. While our next match was still a week away, I'd have some other business to take care of before then, including a few contract negotiations.

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The Home Office


Before I knew it, it was Friday. I knew today would be a busy day before hand, as I had requested to talk to a lot of people. Earlier in the day I fired The Hillbillys. After given their match some thought, Im pretty sure it wasnt them. Giant Redwood could carry anyone to a good match, and proved it with The Hillbillys. I decided to make Giant Redwood and Jumbo Jackson a real team called The Jumbo Giants. Its the latest USPW craze.


Of course with the firing of The Hillbillys, and 2 new heel teams, the aforementioned Jumbo Giants and my Generation X, the tag ranks were pretty lobsided. I decided to pull the plug on The Titans, partly to balance things out and partly because they were needed elsewhere.


Also, after experiencing first hand how terrible the officiating was at USPW, I decided to do something about it. I signed Eugene Williams to a 15 month written contract to be head referee. When I called Baby Jamie and Robbie Sanchez to the office to fire them, Jamie was completely stunned. It was hilarious. He called me stupid and asked what I'd do without a referee.. I then told him I signed Eugene Williams. I swear he was about to cry. It made my day.


Now that all the firings were complete, and I had my ref I was ready to move on to a few wrestlers. Later in the day I was to meet with Keith Vegas and Sara Marie York.



(I hear a knock on the door and tell them to come in.)

Oh hey Keith, good to see you. Why dont you take a seat.

Ok Jay. But to be honest, Im really surprised you called me here after our last interaction. I heard you got the head book, you lucky guy. So what is it you wanted?

Well, I wanted to apologize for that Keith. I realized I overreacted. I'd even like to give you a job here at USPW. I think you are a talented worker.

Wow, really Jay? USPW? Thanks! This is the biggest moment of my life. I wont forget this Jay, thanks!

(We said our goodbyes and he left. I signed him to a PPA deal. I had big plans for Keith Vegas.



(About an hour later, Sara Marie York arrived. The door was open so she let herself in. Wow was she beautiful. I saw her matches on video and was impressed, but tv didnt do her justice.)


Hey, are you Jay Chord? Im looking for him, he wanted to speak to me about something.

(For some reason I didnt get mad that she didnt know me. Odd)

Yes, Yes I am. Have a seat. I was watching your films and was very impressed with your in ring ability. I'd like to make you a vocal point of the USPW Womens Division.

Me? Really? That sounds great! I'd love to work with Alicia Strong! Shes so pretty and so talented!

(Is this girl for real? How can anyone be so perky and uplifting? After talking for about an hour about our respective careers before she had left, I came away very impressed. Ive been around the backstage area of wrestling all my life and never met someone quite as nice as her. She'll be huge for locker room morale.)


Since I was in the office anyway, and the roster was set for now, I decided to book my next card.


Generation X makes their in ring debut against Savage Fury


Raven Robinson teams up with newcomer Sarah Marie York to face the team of Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb


Chris Caufield takes on T-Rex in singles action


Keith Vegas makes his debut against Anger


Tyson Baine looks to make an impression and takes on The People's Team


Also in action

Champion Force

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going to save that format just for big shows.


When I arrived to Centerpiece Bridge, my services were required right away. There was an incident with Anger. I thought it was just a joke, so I gave him a slap on the wrist. It appears the locker room is upset by my decision, nut sure why?


I went and did my rounds, telling everyone what to expect tonight. Everyone was where they should be, and it appeared the show would go off unhitched. Much better than last week. When I walked by Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood pitched an idea to me. Having liked the idea, I decided to ditch the Jumbo Giants tag team before it ever officially started.


Dark Match 1

Captain USA vs Floyd Griffin


I had my friend dominate the disrespectful Captain USA. I made the match as short as possible. Captain USA still complained, even though it was a dark match. What a selfish man not willing to put others over. The two did work exceptionally well together though. Grade: E+


Dark Angle

A video plays hyping the matches of Stars, Stripes and Slam. Grade: B-


That had ended the dark segment of the show.


Opening Match

Raven Robinson and Miss Sara vs Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden

Danny: Welcome everyone, to USPW American Wrestling. Tonights show is going to be a great one. Our first match pits womens champion Raven Robinson and the debuting Miss Sara against Cherry Bomb and the dangerous Belle Bryden


Shane: This match should be a good one Danny. Belle Bryden is on a roll and a win here should give her the upper leg on Raven.


The 4 wrestled it out for about 10 minutes before Belle pinned Miss Sara. There wasnt much heat, but the in ring work was great. Miss Sara really impressed in her debut, despite taken the pin. She sold the Dish of the Day exceptionally well. Grade: C-


Political Powers formed

4 men slowly begin to walk to the ring together. Giant Redwood, Anger and Peter Valentine walk side by side while Commissioner Doom walks in front. They finally hit the ring, and Doom grabs a microphone.


Doom: In this ring, stands 3 wrestling legends who demand respect from their peers. They demand respect from the fans. With me by their site, the Political Powers will hold all the USPW gold. To prove how great we are, Anger will win his match tonight in less than 5 minutes.


The 3 wrestlers stand around looking menacing. The crowd is raining boos. What a success, the fans are totally buying them as evil bad guys. Grade: D


2nd Match

Generation X vs Savage Fury


Danny: Here comes the young c0cky team of Generation X. They take on the experienced team of Savage Fury.


Sneer: This Jay kid is on a roll, having picked up a decisive win over Captain American last week. Dont be surprised if they pull an upset here.


Savage Fury did a good job putting us over. Hollywood nailed a few spots and we ended the match with a Generation Gap 8 minutes into it. The crowd wasnt really into it, although they werent completely dead. I had to hurry backstage as I had another skit coming up. Grade: D


Jay Chord Confronts Alicia Backstage


Jay: Way to continue to disgrace the Strong name, Alicia. You didnt even manage to have a match tonight in your dad's fed? You know what you need? You need the Jay motivation. How about you join Generation X?


Alicia: Jay, I would never join you and that jerk. All you two do is go around talking about how great you are.


Thats because we are great, Alicia. And you should be do. We have the bloodlines. Yet you fail to take advantage of it. The offer stands. Grade: D+


Match 3

Anger vs Keith Vegas


Before this match, I approached Anger off camera and in private. Knowing he was one of the most vicious men in wrestling, I offered him a deal.


Anger, if something bad were to happen to Keith Vegas this match, you might be $10,000 richer. (I gave him a little wink and nudge)


That shouldnt be a problem boss. I'd hate for an accident to happen as well, but they happen. He gave me a wink back, we had a deal.)


Danny: Anger has made it a point to squash Vegas tonight. He is being timed and has to finish Vegas off in 5 minutes or less.


Sneer: Anger is just way too big for Keith to have a fighting chance, Danny. This match isnt exactly a challenge.


Anger kicked Vegas to the gut and powerslammed him. When Vegas was on the mat, Anger gave him a stiff elbow drop. Anger picks Vegas up and whips in the rope, grabs him and gives him a viscious spine buster. Vegas looks hurt. Anger than covers for the 1-2-3. The 2 actually worked really well together, they had pretty good chemistry. Grade: E


Match 4

Andre Jones vs Adam Ant

Danny: Well its a rarity, but we are getting two matches back to back. Andre Jones takes on Adam Ant in a non title match.


Sneer: Not sure what Adam Ant expects to accomplish here, hes always the lighter guy in the ring. You have to admire his heart but he has no chance Danny.


I used this match trying to make Andre look formidable. Adam Ant again did a great job selling and the squash match was a success. Grade: D


Justice Demands A Title Shot


Justice storms into Sam Strongs office.


James Justice: Strong, after ending my feud with T-Rex once and for all, I feel I deserve a shot at gold. I want my chance, and Im demanding you give it.


Strong: James, I already promised the winner of Caufield and Giant the next title shot, whether it be against Baine or Enygma. Its even in the contract. I cant help you out. You are going to have to wait until thats all settled.


Im not just going to sit idly by waiting for my shot Strong. Im not getting any younger. If you arent going to give me the shot, I'll force my way into it.


I dont know what you have in mind justice, but if you can get Giant or Caufield to agree to it, then I'll give you the shot at Red, White and Blue! Grade: B


Match 5

Champion Force vs The Towers Of Power


Danny: Here we are back ringside, The Towers of Power are in the ring. (The Champion Force music hits to a gigantic pop) And here comes Champion Force! The Force looks completely pumped Sneer. Who is that with them? Is that.. is that Micky Starr?


Sneer: The crowd is definitely behind this tag team Danny. And with Micky Starr coming out with them, the crowd is louder than usual. But I wouldnt sell The Towers of Power short. They've been around a long time and have incredible experience together.


This match had nice back and forth action and a live crowd. The Force got a lot of offense in to the delight of the fans. Micky Starr did a good job ringside lifting the crowd. The match ended with a full force. Grade: C-


Freddie Datsun down and out


Danny: I just got word someone is laid out backstage, lets take it to the cameras. (Freddy Datsun is on the ground in pain. No one saw the attacker.) It looks like Freddie Datsun wont be able to make it to his match, which is next! Grade: D+


Match 6

Tyson Baine vs The People's Team


Danny: This match was supposed to be between Tyson Baine and The Peoples Team, but it doesnt look like Freddie will be making it to the ring.


Shane: No it doesnt Danny, and Des Davids is just no match for Tyson. This is going to be ugly.


Tyson Baine dominated this match and got in almost all the offense. He called out Enygma after he landed multiple Hades Bombs. Grade: C+


Enygma and Bruce Video

A video plays on screen announcing Enygma and Bruce will be in action next week. Grade: C+


Main Event

Chris Caufield vs T-Rex


Danny: And now its time for the main event. T-Rex looks to recompose himself after a loss to Justice last week, but Caufield looks to gain momentum heading into his match with Bruce The Giant.


Sneer: This should be a good match Danny. T-Rex is really looking to establish himself as a main event and a win over Chris would do that.


This match had good action and a hot crowd. T-Rex took control over, hitting a lot of power moves. As the match wore on, Chris began to take over after he tired down T-Rex. 11 minutes into the match, Chris hit the Danger Drop for the 3 count. Grade: C


Overall Grade C: The show was a success.


I thought I did a better job this week. I also noticed the quality of matches go up thanks to Eugene. My dad always said the easiest ways to improve matches were also the most overlooked. He had respect for good referees, a trait that wore off on me.

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The following day at a house show, I had some business to take care of.


First on the list, fire Keith Vegas. I called him into my office and had him sit down.


Look here, Keith. I wasnt impressed with your match at all yesterday and the fact you were upset that you were booked to lose to Anger is too much. Hes Anger!!! You are.. you're you.


Whatever Jay. I had no problem losing to him or even getting squashed. I dont see why you needed to bury me in the process. What was the point in that? It doesnt make Anger look any better?


Are you really arguing with me over this? Look, if you arent willing to do the job then guess what? You're fired. Get lost.


WHAT? You are firing me after 6 days? Just 1 match? Why did you even sign me to begin with? Did you.. Did you sign me just so you could do this? My big shot was a joke? Damn you Jay, I hate you. I'll make you pay for this.


He stormed out of the office, totally pissed off. Game edited: Keith Vegas hatred of Jay Chord


About an hour later, I had Captain USA come to my office since he requested a meeting with me.


USA: Hey Jay, I dont know what your problem is with me, but making me do the job 2 weeks in a row is excessive. I dont mind putting younger guys over, but why are you making me look bad?


You dont mind putting people over? You refused to put me over. Thats why I changed it to a burial!! How dare you insult me? You're too good to lose to Jay Chord? You're like 400 years old. You should do what your told, you are lucky to have a job!


You know what Jay, I retire in a few months anyway. This argument isnt worth it, Im leaving.


You're walking out on me? I dont think so. Get out and dont come back. You're done. Game Edit: Jay Chord hatred of Captain USA


He left quietly. He knew he wasnt man enough. I dont know how someone with 0 respect lasted that long. I called it a day and went to my hotel room.


When I arrived to my office the next day an irate Sam Strong was waiting for me. Damn, is he this mad about Captain USA? I knew he was pissed because he never called me anything other than brother.


Jay!! What do you think? Is this all fun and games to you? Are you not taking this job seriously? Do you think this is Jay's $&^$@! playground?


What boss? Are you this mad about Captain USA?


He slams a newspaper in front of me.




Damn.. I bet it was that @#!^& Keith Vegas. Today is going to be a long day. This is probably going to suck worse than when Rip lays into me about my drinking. Time to think quick Jay. Lets talk our way out of this.


This is just lies boss. Nothing but lies. Vegas is just mad I fired him for not doing the job. He refused to lose to Anger. Anger was upset so he was just a little stiffer than usual. Its just Angers way of getting respect.


You worked with him in MAW Jay, you shouldve known if he had an ego or not. Im not sure Im buying your story but you are lucky there was little proof. The company still took a hit, Im not happy. Narrative: Prestige drops from 65 to 60. Im not exactly happy about Captain USA. The locker room isnt very happy either. USA has been wrestling before you were born and is highly respected by his peers. And this is how you treat him during his retirement run? He had maybe 2 months left and you just use him as a pawn to make yourself look good? You are losing control of the locker room Jay.


But Boss.. Captain USA was star..


Jay, Shut Up! Do you really think Im going to take your word over Captain USA? You need to smarten up or you're going to be fired. You have until the end of the month to improve the locker room area. And next week, you are losing your match, got it? The workers backstage are beginning to wonder if your capable of doing the job.. so do it. Champion Force vs Generation X. And I want you to put them over Jay. That means the two of you are going to get dominated. You got it, boy?


Yes boss. (Damn, when hes pissed he doesnt play around. I hope this blows over fast. Ive got some ideas to improve locker room morale. I set up a meeting for monday and made it manditory. I cant believe these small jokes have come to this...)

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Rallying The Troops

Monday had finally arrived. I was to hold a meeting to improve backstage morale. I had talked Sam Strong into hiring a catering service before hand. I showed up at the arena a few hours before the house show ended. I used the time to fire Sheik Mustafa. He wasnt very useful and his attitude sucked. Under the mandate to improve morale, firing him seemed like a no brainer. Actual Game: Sheik hatred of Chord. I had also told Carl Batch to meet me there. With a new vacancy, I offered him a written contract for the year. He accepted. I have big plans to emphasis the backstage area, and Batch makes a perfect interviewer.


After that, I used some time to reflect on my two weeks at the company. I had almost established myself as a midcarder in just 2 matches. The fans have really started to respond to me. Losing next week is going to slow that down a little.


I looked at the changes in personal. Out: The Hillbillys, Captain USA In: Floyd Griffin, Adam Ant-man, and Hollywood Bret Starr. I had successfully replaced 3 guys who were going to retire with talented youth. I had successfully replaced Sheik with Carl Batch, and improved the refereeing. The roster was right where I wanted it. I decided to go with what I had for the foreseeable future. It was finally time to start the meeting.


As you all know, I called you here to discuss the current morale backstage. Its just not acceptable. Me and Sam Strong have discussed what we can do to improve it. The first one isnt going to be popular, but to go along with the old rules of no smoking and no drugs... (I paused for a second, I really hated this rule) alcohol is no longer allowed. You are also going to be required to be here 3 hours before the show. (There was a lot of rumbling) But there is some good news. We will now be offering a masseuse and a chiropractor. USPW will also now pay and organize all your traveling and accomedations. (Sam didnt seem to thrilled about the idea, but the company has been making good money during house shows to more than cover the expenses. The workers however, were loving it. There was a lot of happy chatter in the room.)


And now its time for the big one, one Sam isnt even aware of. I have arranged for Stars Stripes and Slams to be the company's first ever PPV. (This was met with huge applause. It was a huge step for USPW and a great way to make money. Sam was thrilled. I imagine he wont be so thrilled when he sees the $2 million set. This was USPW history, it needed to be special. I ended the meeting on that note.)


I stayed a little while longer, booking 5 matches for the the card this Wednesday.


Cherry Bomb vs Alicia Strong

Generation X vs Champion Force

Bruce The Giant vs Chris Caufield vs James Justice

Giant Redwood vs Darryl Devine

Enygma Vs Jumbo Jackson in a non title match

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Cherry Bomb vs Alicia Strong


Generation X vs Champion Force


you allready spoiled that^^


Bruce The Giant vs Chris Caufield vs James Justice


that guy is awsome, and he is good for the locker room morale, why not keep him happy


Giant Redwood vs Darryl Devine


daryl is an awsome worker and he is young, would be a good push


Enygma Vs Jumbo Jackson in a non title match


keeping the champ strong.


nice story telling, i just like how you potray jay chord in this, its a lot fun to read.

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USPW American Wrestling

Tonight at the McGaw Arena


When I arrived, Chris Caufield had a group of people around him. Wondering what it was about, I went over there. He was doing some pretty funny Bruce The Giant impressions, funny enough for even Bruce to laugh. The locker room seemed to be much happier. Without Sheik around, things were looking up.


The crowd seemed pretty lively for the first dark match.


Dark Match

Adam Ant and Freddie Datsun vs Andre Jones and Floyd Griffin


The match was ok and did its job. I wanted Adam Ant and Griffin to keep improving, and putting them in there with Freddie Datsun will only help. The match ended with a Patriot Press, with Datsun pinning Griffin. Grade: D


Dark Angle

Micky Starr does his best job to lift the crowd before the TV opener. He did random things like throw a few tshirts and mention the home sports team. Grade: C


And it was now time to start the show.


Jackson vs Enygma Video

A video played hyping their match up tonight. Grade: C


The Opener

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb


Danny: Welcome everyone, to a sold out McGaw Arena. In tonights opener, we'll see the lovely Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb.


Shane: The Womens division is all the rave in USPW these days Danny. They've really solidified themselves as the companies opener.


The match had action, and the crowd was ok. But this match just didnt seem that good. The biggest pop of the match was for Alicias angel driver, which she hit for the pinfall at 7:14. Grade: D+


Bruce The Giant and Caufield arguing


Bruce: Caufield, in just 4 days, I'll be ending your career. Soon after, I will be wearing gold. There is no one in this industry who can stop the angry Giant.


Chris: You talk a lot of game Bruce, but come Stars, Stripes and Slams, I'll prove its just talk when I pin you, 1..2..3.


James Justice appears on screen


Justice: You know, you two are just lucky. Lucky you arent facing me. I should be next in line for the title, because the 2 of you couldnt beat me!


Tension rises and an all out brawl seems like its going to happen until Strong hits the scene.


Strong: You three have a problem? Settle it in the ring, tonight! Justice vs Giant vs Chris.


The crowd pops. They really got behind this segment. Grade: B


2nd Match

Gen X vs Champion Force


Danny: And here comes the controversial Jay Chord who was in the papers last week. Gen X takes on Champion Force. The winners will go on to face The Peoples Team at SSS.


Shane: Yeah Danny, Jays head seems to be all over the place. Im not sure if his head will be in this match.


The match was almost over before it started. In just under 2 minutes, the match ended with a Full Force as Jim pinned Hollywood. I didnt even manage to make it in the match before it was over. There it was. We did the job. Grade: C-


Alicia laughs at Gen X


Alicia: So Jay, I thought you were going to teach me how to win. Who won their match earlier and who just lost? Disgracing the Chords name.


Jay: You think your funny Alicia? The fact is I didnt disgrace the Chords name. The only thing Im guilty of is picking an incompetent partner. Hollywood looks visably upset but doesnt say anything. Lets go, Bret. We dont need to listen to her. Bret follows. Grade: D


Match 3

Peter Valentine w/doom vs Des Davids for the National Title


Danny: Here comes one of the nastiest men in wrestling defending his title against youngster Des Davids.


Shane: Des is one half of the tag champs. Dont count him out.


The match was a complete dud. Des Davids didnt do a very good job getting squashed. It looks like Adam Ant could have a big role in USPW as cannon fodder. Grade: E+


Belle and Raven Argue Backstage


Belle: You'd better spend a lot of time with the belt the next 4 days Raven. You wont have it much longer. I'll show you why I make the big money in this company. Its because I can carry this division by myself.


Raven: Belle, this belt isnt going anywhere. I worked hard to get the top spot and I'll be damned if I'm going to lose it to the likes of you.


The 2 get in each others faces, but are seperated by Miss Sara. Grade: C-


Match 4

Giant Redwood/w Doom vs Darryl Devine


Danny: Mighty Fine takes on Giant Redwood next!


Shane: I dont see how Mighty Fine stands a chance. Giant is too big.


2 complete duds in a row. The match saw outside interference by Doom, but he accidently hit Redwood instead of Devine. Not a good week for Political Powers. I was told after the match by Sam Strong, that Redwood should never go 7 minutes in a match. Grade D-


Giant lays out Strong


A hostile Giant storms into Strongs office and completely destroys Strong and trashes the place.


Giant: Strong!! You want to put me in a match vs two faces? Are you trying to piss me off? Mission accomplished Strong. I'll show the world what an angry Giant can do.


This was the largest crowd reaction I've heard in USPW since I joined. The amount of noise was insane and the angle was huge. Grade: A


Match 5

Savage Fury vs The Towers of Power


Danny: The Towers of Power are on a bit of a losing streak Shane. They'll look to end it here.


Shane: It'll be a difficult task Danny. The Savage fury are just that, savages.


There wasnt much to say about this match. The Towers of Power seem pretty consistent, so they'll be used as filler a lot. Grade: D+


Political Powers Demand Match


Redwood, Anger and Doom appear in Strongs office


Doom: Sam, we were made fools of earlier today, I want to prove that was just an error. I want Anger and Redwood vs The Peoples Team for the titles at SSS.


Sam: The two of them have never even tagged together and you are demanding a title shot? You want a Political Powers match at SSS? You got one. Peter Valentine vs James Justice. Get out. Grade: C


Semi Main Event

Enygma vs Jumbo Jackson


Danny: 4 days until Enygma defends his belt against Tyson Baine at SSS, here he is against one of the hottest guys in USPW, Jumbo Jackson.


Danny: It gives Tyson a huge advantage to have this week off Danny.


The match had some good action and the crowd was really into it. Enygma was made to look especially strong. In the 12 minute fight, Jumbo may have gotten in 3 minutes of offense. It ended with an Enygma Variation. Sadly, Enygma seemed a bit off his game tonight. Grade: C+


After the match, Tyson Baine and T-Rex came down to the ring and laid a beatdown on Enygma. Jumbo Jackson joined in on the fun. The tv goes to commercial while Enygma is shown down and out. Grade B


The Main Event

Chris Caufield vs Bruce The Giant vs James Justice


Danny: What an amazing match this is going to be Sneer. We have 3 of the biggest names in Wrestling going at in the squared circle.


Shane: It should be a great one Danny. Ive been looking forward to this. The Giant looks angry, but Justice and Caufield wont go down without a fight.


The fight started out with Caufield and Justice working together against Bruce The Giant. When they finally got him off his feet, Justice turned his attention to Caufield and threw him out of the ring. Focusing back on the Giant, working his legs. Justice went for the cover, but the count was broken up by Caufield. The 2 continue to go at it, when out of no where, Caufield hits the danger drop. Just as he goes for the cover, Bruce appears and gives him the Giant Chokeslam. He picks up the 1,2,3.


I had originally intended for James Justice to win, but Bruce was using his creative control to block the fight, even if it was Chris taking the pin. Even with that, it ended up being the best match I booked to date. Grade: B


Overall Grade: C+




With the PPV almost upon us, this card was used to promote it. I must say it was a huge success. The 5 matches announced already were


Raven Robinson vs Belle Bryden for The Womens Title

Peter Valentine Vs James Justice

Bruce The Giant vs Chris Caufield in a #1 contenders match

Enygma vs Baine for the World Title

The Peoples Team vs Champion Force for The Tag Belts

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