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Geezers, boozer and hoolies. A 21CW debut

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Card for This is England:


Joss Thompson vs Leo Price for the 21CW World Title


Pitbull Brown vs Jonathan Faust


DJ Reason vs Baggy Cooper to determine 21CWs soundtrack


Stevie Stoat vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Harry Wilson vs Luke Cool for the 21CW UK title


Business Jones vs Adam Matravers for Business to be taken seriously;)

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Joss Thompson vs Leo Price for the 21CW World Title

Leo's good, but Joss is your top guy- if you're going to have a chance of staying at Cult then he needs to stay on top


Pitbull Brown vs Jonathan Faust

Faust goes over here to build him up as Joss' next contender


DJ Reason vs Baggy Cooper to determine 21CWs soundtrack

Speaking personally I'd rather have RJS win this one, but if it's between rap and madchester then I'll have to side with Cooper


Stevie Stoat vs Rolling Johnny Stones

RJS's all seven kinds of officially recognised awesome


Harry Wilson vs Luke Cool for the 21CW UK title

Harry's a d*ck


Business Jones vs Adam Matravers

I prefer a Kevin who isn't trying to be serious

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It’s absolutely slashing down in London. Again. And Jeff is in a foul old mood to go with it.


Jeff “Deep-fried pizza! What did I tell you aboot money? If you keep running these shows with every damn worker we employ on them, we’re going tae run oot of cash, not make a fortune. The main event with Joss, Pitbull, Leo and Faust was good but did we need them all?”


Me “Actually Jeff we kind of do. We’ve had some decent results so far this month, but the real successes are our top guys. We need to consolidate and move the lower card along very quietly. After This is England we’re going to calm down with the number of storylines on the go and move some heat further down, but now we need to get known around town.”


Jeff “Aye, well. Ye talk a good game, but you know what I need. Results. I want top names being talked aboot in the papers, I want our belts famous, and I want some exciting, fast, shocking wrestling as well. What’s happening at This is England?”


Me “Actually, the fans are hot for Business Jones vs. Adam Matravers. It helps that Phoebe’s been on camera for that match, but it’s about our hottest story apart from Joss, Leo and Kathleen. Apart from that the fans are we’ll behind Pitbull. If only they knew what he was actually like...”


Jeff “Enough. I won’t hear a word against our workers. Except Harry Wilson of course. I keep hearing that he’s been playing up in the dressing room. Either sort it or get that belt on someone else. And when are we going to see the new guys you’ve signed up?”


Me “Next week Jeff. You know what the storyline is that will tie in with current affairs. Let’ hope the fans get it too.”


Jeff “They will. I’m on the mic for it remember? OK, I’m being patient but I’m no kidding. I need cash, I need quality and I need newspaper inches. Sort it.”

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Pitbull Brown and Joss Thompson vs Jonathan Faust and Leo Price - No Contest


Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis


Luke Cool vs Ed Cornell for the no1 contendership to the UK title


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Ivan Ivanoff


DJ Reason vs Phillip 'Baggy' Cooper


2 right, but another two could be argued with silly finishes... lets hope the fans didnt feel similarly disappointed/annoyed...

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Joss Thompson vs Leo Price for the 21CW World Title


Best champ possible aside from Nova himself


Pitbull Brown vs Jonathan Faust


The cult continues


DJ Reason vs Baggy Cooper to determine 21CWs soundtrack


toss up


Stevie Stoat vs Rolling Johnny Stones


toss up


Harry Wilson vs Luke Cool for the 21CW UK title


Both aren't very good but Wilson is a pain in the behind.


Business Jones vs Adam Matravers for Business to be taken seriously


Keep Adam low or he will be gone asap.

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This Is England

Saturday week 3 January 2010

Middlesbrough Town Hall

Att: 2,000


Pre show segments: D, D


Jeff Nova comes to the ring to introduce the show

Jeff “Coming at you LIVE tonight, welcome ladies, gentlemen and all 21st century Wrestling fans to our first ever EXCLUSIVE Saturday night closed circuit EXTRAVAGANZA!


“This is 21CW, I’m Jeff Nova and tonight I can guarantee the best evening of entertainment in Britain. You’ll see Joss Thompson go toe to toe with his former best friend Leo Price. You’ll see Jonathan Faust take on the Rabid Dog himself Pitbull Brown. You’ll see Harry Wilson defend his UK title against Heartthrob Luke Cool. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight you will see DANGER, THRILLS AND STARS!


“Tonight you’ll also see a new addition to 21CW. For the first time we’ll be featuring entrance music and we’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

“But first off tonight you’ll be seeing one of the toughest bastards in Britain. Business Jones will be taking on one of my favourite fighters Adam Matravers.


“There’s only one place to be tonight, and its right here with 21CW!”




Matravers and his girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge come out first.



They both seem excited and slap hands with the crowd.


Adam “Firstly, it’s an honour to be the first match tonight at This is England. I’m going to make sure you get your money tonight by taking that big fat clown Business Jones down a peg or two.”


Phoebe “Business? We’re here tonight to show the fans something. Yes, you’re a big guy, and yes you can certainly fight, but you’ve got to lighten up. We’ve watched you storming around 21CW being an arsehole and it’s not cool. So tonight...”


At that point Business Jones’ music plays and he flies down the entrance ramp screaming.



As he tears to the ring enraged by Adam and Phoebe Business gets ahead of himself and trips. Spectacularly. In fact he ends up at the ring but not how he wanted as he collides nose-first with the turnbuckle. He leaps up bloodied and even angrier and jumps into the ring as Phoebe hurriedly escapes.




Business Jones vs. Adam Matravers

Matravers is a good technician and has a great variety of moves, but Business is an animal. Enraged, Jones launches punches, butts and kicks unrelentingly and it’s enough for the win as his Belly-to-Belly suplex finishes Matravers.

Winner: Business Jones



Not content with winning, Business sticks the boot in to Matravers as he is prone. Phoebe actually steps into the ring to get involved, but Business throws her off and stalks from the ring daring the crowd to laugh.



Harry Wilson is in his dressing room with his UK belt over his shoulder. Harry is a skinny lad with awful hair, so it’s not that impressive.


Harry “There’s been a lot of talk about my title recently, and a couple of guys clearly think they can waltz in here and take it from me. I’ve got news. I’m not as helpless as they think I am. Some of you know my brother Cliff, and you can work out he’s taught me a thing or two. Tonight I’m fighting for family and no two-bit boy-band wannabe like Luke Cool is going to get in the way. Here’s my message for anyone who thinks they can take my belt: Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough.”


At that moment Luke Cool clatters harry in the head and a bell rings. Luke has come with a ref and the bout is on!



Harry Wilson vs. Luke Cool for the 21CW UK title

This is a really equal fight and the two men pile around the backstage area destroying furniture and equipment. Being Middlesbrough, there are vats of chemicals lying around, and at one point Harry is thrown into one of the barrels of acid. You can even hear the sizzling noise.

Fortunately, he’s a tough lad and gives as good as he gets, nailing Cool with a snooker cue. The match finds its way to the ring however, and (with the aid of a leg on the ropes for leverage) Harry pins Cool to retain his belt.

Winner: Harry Wilson



After the match, Harry, still dripping from acid and clearly tired from the brawl, seizes a microphone?


Harry “That’s it Cool? All that effort and you can’t even finish? We Wilson’s are made of sterner stuff. Again to everyone at 21CW: Come and have a go. But don’t come twice.”



Rolling Johnny Stones saunters down to the ring. He’s dressed in a leather jacket and tossing his awesome hair.




RJS “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to remind you what a real star looks like. Steve Stoat is clearly an idiot. What Stoat? You don’t talk? Wow that’s tough. Maybe if you had the breeding I do, you wouldn’t be so ashamed to b heard. I’m afraid Mr Stoat, that cream will rise to the top and the likes of you will tumble. Quietly.”


Stevie comes down (accompanied by Mel Florence). Of course he doesn’t speak, but just points at RJS.





Stevie Stoat vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

This is pretty brutal, and both men look dangerous, but neither can get a clear advantage. Until Mel Florence reaches into the ring and takes hold of Stones’ hair. He could probably shake free, but Johnny’s very protective of his hair and doesn’t want to lose any. It’s the advantage Stoat needs, and a Super Kick to RJS’ chin ends this contest.


Winner: Stevie Stoat



Mel Florence grabs a mic:


Mel “Did everyone get that? Stevie does his talking in the ring. And you know what else? Money talks. If you need us, you know where to find us.”


With that they stalk off leaving Stones in pain.



A big stereo system is set up in the ring and Jeff Nova comes out with Baggy Cooper and DJ Reason.


Jeff “Alright lads, you know what’s at stake. The fans want to see you fight tonight, but they also need someone to get behind. You’ve each got 3 minutes to impress us with tunes."


Baggy steps up and cues up some Black grape. Inspiral Carpets and Northern Uproar.


DJ Reason of course plays some Roots Manuva, Dizzy Rascal and DJ Vadim.


The crowd are cheering but not wildly. The music is just too niche.


Jeff “Nice try boys, but I’m not convinced. The deal stands. Whoever wins tonight will get the job as 21CW DJ. Subject to my approval.”




DJ Reason vs. Baggy Cooper for the 21CW DJ gig

DJ is the bigger man here and uses his power to have his way with Baggy, but Baggy is sneaky and fast and manages to stay alive. The match gets increasingly nasty and both men resort to petty tactics before spilling out of the ring. Again the ref warns both men, but they ignore him and the match is abandoned.



Jeff “I’m angry boys. Angry and disappointed. I wanted an end to this and you’ve messed me about. You know what? I’m going to do it myself. Unless of course, one of you can beat me in the ring. Get ready boys. I don’t play nice.”




Pitbull Brown is backstage on the mic.


Pitbull “At the last show, Joss and I were fighting for our lives, and we were doing ok. Until Jonathan Faust decided he was too weak and scared to do his own dirty work and that freak Nightmare got involved. Well I’m here to prove you can’t keep a fighter down. They call me Pitbull and that’s what I am. I’ll keep coming at you until I breathe my last. So tonight Faust, it’s going to be you and me and I’m going to prove I’m the better man.”




Pitbull: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8dC9M6OCkE




Pitbull Brown vs. Jonathan Faust

Pitbull is as good as his word, and even though Faust is handing out the punishment (he is of course a former 21CW champion) Pitbull refuses to stay down. This is a short, sharp brawl though and is settled by one moment.


Nightmare attacking Pitbull again, allowing Faust to make the pin.




After the match Faust and Nightmare continue the attack on Pitbull until the poor guy can’t get up. Even then the crowd can see him trying to gut up just one more time. There’s a deathly silence as everyone realises what a brutal beating that was. Jonathan Faust spits on Pitbull’s body and he and Nightmare leave him lying there.



After the ring is cleared, Leo Price and Kathleen Lee come down to taunt Joss.



Kathleen “This is it Joss. You’ve been working that goody-goody schtick long enough. Tonight ends one of two ways. Either you snap and we all get to see the old Joss again. The mean Joss. The all-or-nothing Joss. The Joss covered in blood who just doesn’t care.

“Or Leo wins the 21CW title from you and leaves you on the floor crying and begging your old friends for mercy.

“Either way I’m happy. Either way we win.”


Joss makes his way down to the ring to confront the Takeover.




Joss “You know Kathleen, even flies can learn. Even crabs can learn. But you just don’t get it. I’ve moved on. See these people around you? They care now. And I care about them. I’m not bringing anyone into my corner tonight. Not because I’m scared, or think they might get hurt, but so everyone can see. You can come at me with nightsticks and chairs, you can pull my hair, you can do what you want. And you know what? These guys will be behind me, and together we can beat you fair and square. This is my title and this is my place. You two don’t belong.”




Joss Thompson vs. Leo Price for the 21CW World Title


Joss starts dominantly and it looks like he might win easily, but Leo is tough and stays with him. In fact, Leo gets dirty quick with scratching and hair pulling and even Kathleen takes the opportunity to stick her stiletto in.

Joss fights back though, and Leo goes down.


Before he can make the pin, Kathleen throws herself in front of Joss and begs for Leo. Joss is enraged and looks like he’s going to snap. The crowd roar their encouragement though, and Joss gathers his wits before offering Kathleen his hand to get up.


Of course that what they were waiting for and she hits Joss with a low blow. At that point Leo jumps up and immediately locks in a shoulder-wrenching submission hold. Joss writhes in agony but refuses to tap out.

Just then, Jeff Nova sprints down to the ring and calls on the ref to make the DQ.


Winner: Joss Thompson after Leo Price was DQed



Leo and Kathleen back off with Jeff in the ring and Jeff helps Joss to his feet. The guy can barely move one arm, but with the other he hoists the belt to the crowd.



The show ends with Joss and Jeff victorious, but Joss damaged.


Overall show rating: C

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="denzil85" data-cite="denzil85" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26219" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good start to this, nice to see Joss didn't go back to his old ways.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks very much</p><p> </p><p> Its very different booking for this rather than just me!</p><p> </p><p> Hyde Hill 3/6</p><p> Establishment 3/6</p><p> 1PWfan 2/6</p>
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Sorry about the delay. Next edition of Best of British should be up tomorrow.


Pitbull Brown vs Luke Cool


Business Jones vs Davey Celtic


Ed Cornell & Harry Wilson vs Hot Stuff for the 21CW tag titles


Stevie Stoat & Rolling Johnny Stones vs DJ Reason & Baggy Cooper



Wales vs England

France vs Scotland

Italy vs Ireland

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21CW Best of British Wrestling


Wednesday 24th January 2010


Aston University Sports Hall


Attendance: 777





Preshow ratings: D+, C-




Jeff Nova addresses the crowd from the ring:


Jeff ”Today finds a new 21CW. One that has had to grow up fast. Last week at This Is England I was shocked to see the length some of my guys will go to, and I’m worried now.


“21CW will always bring you the best and most exciting fights in the country, but in all my years I don’t think I’ve been around people as vicious, cruel and plain nasty as Jonathan Faust, Nightmare, Business Jones, Steve Stoat and Leo Price. Our champion Joss Thompson has my full support, and I know he can handle things, but my gut tells me we’re going to see some tears before long.


“Tonight could well be a big one as we have action to come featuring Stevie Stoat, Pitbull Brown, and Hot Stuff defending their tag-team titles. First up though is Business Jones taking on Davey Celtic.”



Daveys Celtic and Chelsea (The Anglo-Scots connection) enter the ring in their team’s football shirts. They’re clearly confident and although the local Aston Villa fans give them stick, they gesture right back at the fans whilst swigging from cans of Super-Kestrel.


This however is halted by familiar music playing as Business Jones comes to the ring.



Business is not taking any chances today and makes his way down with no mishaps looking mean and ready for a fight. With his trunks on backwards.




Business Jones vs. Davey Celtic (with Davey Chelsea)


The Anglo-Scots hooligan bravado lasts about 30 seconds into the match as business is his normal violent self. Business smacks him about the ring for a while, and eventually Davey Chelsea summons up the courage to get involved by attacking Business from behind. The big man shrugs this off however and grabs Chelsea before hitting Celtic with his partner! The two of them are down and business finishes the match with a foot on each man’s chest.


Winner: Business Jones




Jeff gets back in the ring with a microphone.


Jeff “Around this time of year, there’s a special place in my heart for the 6 nations. A few countries that all loathe each other and would do anything to win for glory and revenge. In fact, I love it so much we’re going to have our own version right here at 21CW. We’ll be holding a tournament over the next month for the right to be crowned 21CW 6 Nations champion and so 6 men from 6 countries will be competing.”


As he announces them, the 6 men come out from backstage with their national flags.


“Representing England: our very own K’Lee Hawkins.


“Representing Ireland: the Irish Stretching Machine Merle O’Curle.


“Representing Wales: 21CW veteran The Red Dragon.


“Representing Scotland: our bonny fighter Don Henderson.


“Representing France: “Le Technicienne” Pierre DuPont.


“Representing Italy: Il Playboy Giovanni Guaggio.


“Tonight we’ll see the opening matches as 5 minute elimination bouts.”



Red Dragon vs. K’Lee Hawkins


The English crowd are firmly behind Geordie K’Lee, but recognising Red Dragon from previous 21CW runs, no one is too upset to see him back. The Dragon is a surprisingly athletic fighter with some great moves and even though K'Lee brawls as hard as he can he never gets the chance to lock in his 'Geordie Bracer' finisher (a modified crossface chickenwing), and the Dragon wins with an athletic Moonsault.


Winner: The Red Dragon




Pierre DuPont vs. Don Henderson


Jeff himself gives kilted Scot Don a pep-talk before the match and his influence shows as sheer power takes its toll on the much smaller Frenchman. Clearly tired, DuPont scrambles from the ring and tries to hide underneath it. With victory in sight, Don hauls him back out and throws him into the ring when something strange happens. Pierre immediately looks revived and attacks Don with a vengeance. Don is somewhat shocked by the resurgence, and DuPont manages to pin the big Scot using the ropes for leverage.


Winner: Pierre DuPont




Giovanni Guaggio vs. Merle O’Curle


Guaggio (who bears a striking resemblance to the American star Sam Keith) looks very frail next to the bruiser O’Curle, but as the match starts it quickly becomes apparent he has more skills than is obvious. This is a really tight match, and neither man can get the advantage as time expires.


Winner: draw




Pitbull Brown comes to the ring mic in hand.


Pitbull “When Mr Nova came out tonight there was no one in that locker room more behind him than me. At This Is England Faust and Nightmare left me bloodied and on my knees and I’m not the sort of bloke to take that well.


“I’m not angry they gave me a beating. I’m not even angry that they ganged up on me. But I am very, very pissed off that people are treating 21CW as some sort of joke. I’ve won titles here and been around the block and I’ve never seen such a lack of respect from blokes who think they’re big names.


“I’m not going to stand for that so thing start to change now. Anyone who thinks they’re a big, bad bastard can come fight me now and we’ll see who the Big Dog is.”


After a pause, music starts to play:



...and Luke Cool comes out from backstage.


Luke “Sit little puppy. Guys like you can bark all you like, but it’s time to face facts. You’re old and tired and no one cares any more. There’s a new breed round here and you’ve missed out. And tonight I’ll show you how much.”




Pitbull Brown vs. Luke Cool


These two men are evenly sized and have skills, so the match is one of holds, counter-holds and attrition. The difference is Pitbull’s commitment and desire to prove a point, and he manages to hit his Doghouse Piledriver on Cool to seal the win.


Winner: Pitbull brown




As Pitbull celebrates after the match the crowd are getting behind him, but disaster strikes. In the shape of Nightmare and Jonathan Faust. For the second time in 5 days the two heels lay into Pitbull, but this time another man comes to his aid: Joss Thompson. Together, Joss and Pitbull manage to fight clear and escape to the backstage area.




Stevie Stoat and Mel Florence walk down a corridor backstage but stop suddenly as someone steps in front of them. It’s Rolling Johnny Stones, last seen in a match with Stoat at This Is England.


RJS “Whoah guys, take it easy. I’m not here to fight.”


Stoat squares up to Stones anyway


Stoat “!”


RJS “Yeah I know. And that’s why I need your help. Have you seen what Jeff has been up to with DJ Reason and Baggy Cooper? Everyone in 21CW knows I’m the man to sort the tunes out. I live near Jagger you know?”


Stoat “...”


RJS “I would if you’d let me talk. I’ve spoken to Mr Nova and he says I can play some proper music if I can get a win over those two. But I need a partner.”


Mel “You may have the right man Mr Stones. But Stevie doesn’t come cheap.”


RJS “That’s why I brought this with me from Richmond...”


Stones produces a wad of cash


RJS “Will that do?”


Stoat “£££”




Rolling Johnny Stones & Stevie Stoat vs. DJ Reason & Baggy Cooper


Both teams here are slightly uneasy alliances, and it’s clear no one really trusts their partner. DJ Reason in particular avoids tagging to Baggy but makes a very good account of himself against Rolling Johnny Stones. However, Stones has no qualms about tagging out and once Stevie Stoat gets in the ring he starts to dominate putting Baggy and Reason down. In fact, he hits Baggy Cooper with his Super Kick and it’s a win for the heels.




21CW UK champion Harry Wilson is taping up in his dressing room when Ed Cornell walks in.


Ed “I’m not crazy about teaming with you Wilson, and I know you’re not either, but a Cornell doesn’t back away from the chance to win gold.”


Harry “You’re not the only one with a famous family name Ed. The Wilson’s expect the best too. And that’s why I have the UK belt remember?”


Ed “I don’t want to fight. Tonight we work together. Tonight we take the titles, and we can talk about the UK belt again later. Are you with me?”


Harry “Tonight I’m with you. Tomorrow’s another day.”




Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez and Jay B) vs. Ed Cornell & Harry Wilson for the 21CW tag titles


Cornell and Wilson are clearly a strong partnership, but again there isn’t 100% trust there whilst with Hot Stuff, the two men know each other intimately. All four men get a chance to shine and in particular, Cornell slams Martinez with a Piledriver, but the turning point comes when Jay B and Martinez manage to draw Ed Cornell in for their double-team finishing move the Tan-ado. Buff pins Cornell as he looks to Wilson for help, but harry stays in his corner.


Winner: Hot stuff




Joss Thompson comes to the ring to address the fans. He has his arm strapped up in a sling and looks still bruised from This Is England.


Joss “I wanted to add my opinion that as a fan, I thought that was a great night of Wrestling for 21CW. And even though I can’t fight after Leo and Kathleen attacked me, I’m going to offer Leo another chance at a fair fight. Next month at World War I’m putting my title on the line against Leo Price. And to make sure it’s the two of us, it’ll be inside a steel cage. And then I’ll really give the 21CW fans something they won’t forget.”





Overall show rating: C-

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Matches announced for Feb wk 1 Best of British Wrestling:


Joss Thompson vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Pitbull Brown vs Nightmare


Business Jones vs DJ Reason & Baggy Cooper


21CW 6 Nations


Wales vs Ireland

The Red Dragon vs Merle OCurle


Enlgand vs Scotland

K'Lee Hawkins vs Don Henderson


Italy vs France

Geovanni Guaggio vs Pierre DuPont

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Well this is a nice surprise. Apparently Jeff wants to have a regular end-of-month catch-up session. How pleasant.


Jeff “Alreet ya wee bugger, what de ye take me for? A month in and ye’ve done what? No titles have changed hands, no-ones broken out, we’ve not made any money and a few of the lads are less than happy! St Andrews Sporran!”


Me “I did warn you Jeff. Telling stories is a slow-burn business. We’re establishing names and story arcs and slowly, our guys are getting more over. Look at Stevie Stoat, Jon Faust and Nightmare. They’ve come on leaps and bounds already.”


Jeff “Aye, but Joss didnae did he? And did ye not say he’s our biggest star?”


Me “Hmmm. I’m not quite sure why people are going off him actually. I’m sure we can fix that in February.”


Jeff “Maybe it’s because he’s an American eh? That bonny lad Don Henderson will be wearing gold soon. There’s nowt wrong with an old-fashioned Scot champion.”


Me “let’s see how he does in the 6 nations first shall we? Speaking of which, the crowd are enjoying the storylines we’ve got going. Are you sure you’re in control of the music one?”


Jeff “Aye. D’ye not know who I am laddie? That’ll all be sorted soon, and then the fans can get a chance to pick some tunes for entrances. That’ll perk everyone up.”


Me “Don’t worry Jeff. This is still the start of things, and I fully expect that at World War next month, we’ll hold our best card yet.”


Jeff “Andy Murray and Rhona Martin! Ye’d better be right son...”

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Matches announced for Feb wk 1 Best of British Wrestling:


Joss Thompson vs Rolling Johnny Stones


Pitbull Brown vs Nightmare


Business Jones vs DJ Reason & Baggy Cooper


21CW 6 Nations


Wales vs Ireland

The Red Dragon vs Merle OCurle


Enlgand vs Scotland

K'Lee Hawkins vs Don Henderson


Italy vs France

Geovanni Guaggio vs Pierre DuPont

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21st Century Wrestling

Best of British Wrestling

Week 1 February 2010

The Cobra Den, Manchester

Attendance: 891


Pre-show segments: D-, D


Jeff Nova dressed in a snazzy new suit with his freshly shaved head introduces the show from the ring:


Jeff “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another 21CW show from sunny Manchester. As we’re only 3 weeks away from our next special event 21CW World War, I wanted to run through some details. This year, we’ll be running the 21CW World War event where some of our finest athletes will be competing for the chance to call themselves World Warrior 2010. It will be a 10-man battle royale and some surprise names will be involved. For the first time, you can watch the event live in Europe too on V-corp.


“However, tonight is here, and we’ve got some cracking matches. Pitbull Brown will be in action, as will Business Jones and our champion Joss Thompson will defend his title against a handpicked opponent. We’ll also see the next round of our 6 nations championship.


“This is the most exciting wrestling show in Britain. You will see the most dangerous men in the country fight. And you will not have another night like this. Welcome to 21CW.”




Pitbull Brown limps down to the ring looking clearly damaged after taking a couple of recent beatings from Jonathan Faust and Nightmare. Even though he’s been on the bad side of awful violence, Pitbull has his head up but looks frail.


Pitbull “Years ago when I first came to London I was penniless living on the street. One night I got beaten up by some kids and I was so weak and hungry I couldn’t even fight them off. They took what little I had and left me for dead in the cold. I said to myself that I’d never let something like that happen again, and for years it didn’t.


“Until Faust and Nightmare showed what cowards they are. I’m here to tell everyone that I’m not going to lie down for anyone. 21CW may be going to the dogs but I’ve got news for those two cheap bastards. This dog’s coming for you.


“Faust: if you’re man enough you come out here and face me. One on one tonight and we’ll see who’s the big man. Without that big freak Nightmare you’re nothing...”




Music plays and a large hooded shape comes out from backstage. It’s Nightmare.




The big man climbs into the ring without a word but draws a finger across his throat and gestures for the referee to ring the bell.



Pitbull Brown vs. Nightmare


Pitbull is not ready for a match of this intensity and it shows as he’s a shadow of his normal self. Still, a Pitbull Brown even at 50% is not to be trifled with and Nightmare may be imposing and powerful, but he doesn’t have Pitbull’s craft.


The match proceeds along the lines of Nightmare attempting big slams, and Pitbull using his ability to avoid most of the damage until Nightmare manages to suplex Pitbull from the ring. Immediately, Jonathan Faust appears from where he had been waiting to pounce and sets to Pitbull. The ref rings the bell for the DQ.


Winner: Pitbull Brown by DQ




After the match Nightmare and Faust again start to attack Pitbull, but to the crowd’s amazement and delight, Jeff Nova and Joss Thompson arrive to chase the heels away.




Daveys Celtic and Chelsea are preparing backstage for their match in their appropriate football shirts swigging beer.


Celtic “Davey, I’ve just had word from Mr Nova – tonight we’re to take on the most embarrassing excuse for a team in 21CW – the Ivanoff brothers”


Chelsea “Russian aren’t they Davey? I wonder if they know Roman Abramovich.”


Celtic “I doubt it Davey. These boys aren’t quit in the same circles.”


Chelsea “How about Yuri Zhirkov?”




Anglo-Scots connection vs. The Ivanoffs


Neither team sets the world alight here, but the Anglo-Scots boys are clearly the more adventurous, and it shows. The Ivanoffs are a slick team though and impose their superior power on both Daveys. The match is a close one, but Davey Celtic manages to somehow get in position for his cannonball legdrop which wins the match for them.


Winners: The Anglo-Scots Connection




Jeff Nova gets in the ring again. This time he’s wearing his full kilt and sporran and Scots regalia. As he starts to speak his accent is a little different. Normally on TV he uses a well-spoken soft burr, but tonight you can hear a lot more of the Glasgow rasp in it.


Jeff “Welcome everyone to the second round of our 6 nations tournament. Tonight we’re going to see the next round of matches. Everyone knows I’ll be supporting young Don Henderson the terror of the Highlands but there are 5 other dangerous opponents in it. The first bout will see the Red Dragon take on Irish bruiser Merle O’Curle.”


The Red Dragon enters the ring first and speaks quickly in his Swansea drawl:


Dragon “Hello 21CW fans! It’s good to be back, and I’m promising everyone right now that I’m going to beat this Irish boyo down tonight in a nasty way. No-ones prouder to represent the land of our fathers than me, so all of you back in the valleys should prepare to celebrate a Welsh champion. Under Milk Wood!”




The Red Dragon vs. Merle O’Curle


A contrast of styles here, as glowering Merle wants to keep things close in, whilst the Dragon is a great athlete and a fan of high-impact flashy moves. Both men are working hard, but Merle shows no mercy whilst Dragon plays to the crowd a little. Merle takes the opening, and his Celtic Wreath wins the match.


Winner: Merle O’Curle




Geordie K’Lee Hawkins and Scottish Don Henderson come to the ring in their national colours.


K’Lee “Howay the lads! I’m reet excited aboot this match pet.”


Don says nothing and pokes K’Lee in the eye blatantly as Nova looks on appreciatively.


K’Lee “Jeff man! I cannee see!”


Don “Aye, and ye willnae after I finish with ye either!”


The ref rings the bell for the match to start.




K’Lee Hawkins vs. Don Henderson


Don lays into K’Lee brutally as the Geordie clutches his injured eye. Both men are athletes, but Don is an especially tough young highlander, and shrugs off some big punches from Hawkins. Don drops the Englishman to his knees with a low blow, but as he looks to Jeff Nova for encouragement and the crowd boo, K’Lee takes his opportunity by rolling Don back for a surprise roll-up. The ref is on hand, and 123, we have a surprise winner.


Winner: K’Lee Hawkins




Jeff stays in the ring after the match.


Jeff “Unfortunately, we can’t show the 3rd and final match of this round tonight as our Italian and French representatives both had issues when hearing about the bout. Pierre DuPont tried to surrender, and Geovanni Guaggio tried to change sides. Rest assured both have been spoken to sternly and the match will take place next week.”


“Meanwhile, it’s probably come to your attention that we have a situation with theme music. Some blokes have intro tunes, some don’t it’s a mess. I’ve told DJ Reason and Baggy Cooper they’ve got a chance to get involved, and Rolling Johnny Stones wants a bit too. I’m making a match between all 3 of them at World War for the right to pick. Any fan that picks the winner gets to pick a theme tune for someone on the roster too. And to help get them ready, tonight Reason and Baggy are going to have a warm-up match. The two of them... against Business Jones.”




A video segment shows Baggy Cooper and DJ Reason running frantically around London’s music shops trying to secure the best records for themselves. They pose shamelessly in front of the city’s top venues. Brixton Academy, the 100 club, Dingwalls and Club Koko.






Business Jones vs. DJ Reason & Baggy Cooper


DJ and Baggy are starting to get a little more used to each other after their defeat to Stevie Stoat and Rolling Johnny Stones last week and against Jones, they use some nice combinations and double teams.


Unfortunately, ‘The Biz’ is not a normal man, and they can’t quite pin him for 3 (although a couple of 2-counts happen). Business manages to hit a belly-to-belly on Reason and it’s a great victory for the big man.


Winner: Business Jones




Joss Thompson comes to the ring with the injured Pitbull Brown. He looks furious, and his all-American face is twisted in rage.


Joss “I can’t believe what I saw tonight. Jonathan Faust and Nightmare are up there with the other jackasses that are ruining this company. I moved to England and thought I might find some honour, loyalty and pride and what do I see? Fools hating on each other, attacking guys and generally acting stupid.


“A guy like Pitbull comes around once in a generation. He has integrity, guts and he’s a tough SOB. And you know what? I’m proud to stand with him. Any guy that will fight ‘til he cant get up has a friend in Joss Thompson. Faust, Nightmare, Leo? If you got a problem with that, you got two of us to deal with.


“And Jeff, you want me to fight Rolling Johnny Stones tonight? I’ll do it. I’m privileged to wear this belt and I’ll fight for it but know this. I want Leo at World War, and I want my shot at Faust too.”




Joss Thompson vs. Rolling Johnny Stones for the 21CW World title





RJS is well up for this match, and the posh Englishman comes out all guns blazing. Joss is furious tonight and doesn’t back down at all but Stones is FIERCE. In fact Johnny manages to get Joss set up for the Brainbuster and the crowd think an upset is on the cards.


After the crowd rise as one to support their adopted hero, Joss manages to reverse this though and RJS can never quite get back into the match. A few minutes later and a clean cutter solves this one with Joss retaining the belt.


Winner: Joss Thompson




After the match Joss offers RJS his hand and the two shake even though Stones is clearly seething but given the presence of Thompson and Pitbull at ringside, it doesn’t seem the time to kick off.


Joss “Appreciate the match Johnny. But for me this is a warm-up. At World War my offer still stands. Me and Leo Price in a cage. Bring whatever you want Leo, cos for one night, the old Joss will be in the house. And you of all people know what that means. A whole world of hurt. See you there.”




Overall show rating: C

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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Parliament Square

Week 2 February 2010

Attendance: 1,000


Pre-show segments: E+, D, C+


Jeff Nova takes the microphone to introduce the show. The big man is dressed sharply in his suit looking all business.


Jeff “Welcome to Best of Brit9sh Wrestling everybody. And this is The BEST of British. Tonight you’re going to see some big names including Stevie Stoat in one-on-one action and our UK Champion Harry Wilson teaming with his rival Ed Cornell again. Are these two on the same page? Can they put their rivalry aside to win together?


“We’ll also have the postponed match from last week in the 6 Nations tournament where polished Italian Geovanni Guaggio will take on the mysterious Pierre Dupont.


“Before that though, a chance for a title shot is on the line. Davey Celtic of the Anglo-Scots connection is in a one-on-one match. If he wins they will take on Hot Stuff for the tag titles at World War, but he is taking on one of 21CW and Britain’s most dangerous men Business Jones!”




Celtic comes to the ring in his shirt accompanied by Davey Chelsea and they wait nervously before Business Jones comes down to the ring.




As Business jumps into the ring he grabs Davey and immediately hurls him over the top rope. Business beats his chest and celebrates this amazing feat until the ref points out he has attacked the wrong Davey.


Business Jones vs. Davey Celtic


The ring bells and Celtic and Jones square off to each other. Celtic is by far the quicker man and Jones struggles to get hold of him. Also contributing is the fact that the audience are laughing at Business as he is especially clumsy tonight.


Celtic is clearly motivated and puts in an amazing effort, but with Chelsea down outside the ring this is a mismatch and Business gets close enough to hit his belly-to-belly suplex for the win.


Winner: Business Jones




After the match, Business Jones storms straight off without celebrating in a huff as the crowd continue to laugh at him. Meanwhile the Anglo-Scots gather themselves and speak to the crowd and Jeff Nova.


Celtic “Jeff, did we not come out here tonight and work our asses off? Yes I got beaten, but by a monster few people in the country would even get in the ring with.”


Chelsea “He’s right you know guv, that Business geezer is a monster. He’s tougher than John Terry…"


There’s a cheer from the crowd


Celtic “But at least he leaves my wife alone. There’s no other tag-team in 21CW that would do what we do. As a fellow Scot, how about that title match at World War?”


Jeff Nova “You two are real cheeky chaps you know? Normally I don’t reward losers, and you did lose, but it takes brass balls to get in the ring with Business Jones. You two have your title shot against Hot Stuff.”




Pierre DuPont vs. Geovanni Guaggio in the 21CW 6 Nations Championship


Both these men are relatively slight, and this is a technical match filled with smooth holds and reversals. Guaggio seems to be getting the better of things as the slightly more muscular man, but as in his last match DuPont scuttles out of the ring and underneath it.


Guaggio stays in the ring hoping for the countout, but suddenly is blindsided as DuPont comes steaming from the other side of the ring.


How did he get across it so fast?


DuPont now has the momentum and looks refreshed. As Guaggio lies on the floor, Pierre hits his Flying Fist Drop and covers for the win.


Winner: Pierre DuPont




Daniel Black Francis vs. Stefan Raynor


DBF, the big South Londoner looks confident on his home turf and comes to the ring with his trademark smile on his face.


Young Stefan Raynor is trying to look cool, and is accompanied by his partner Louie Payton, but is obviously up against a big ask facing the bigger man tonight.


Things don’t really go any differently than expected, and DBF looks to be taking this match very easily, with lots of nods to the crowd and striking of poses. The crowd even start chanting his name as he cups his hand to his ear and mugs for the cameras.


Seeing their chance, Payton and Raynor both charge at Francis hoping to hit their double flying elbow. Unfortunately, DBF notices at the last moment and ducks allowing the two younger guys to elbow each other. As they lay in pain, DBF picks up the easy pin on Raynor.


Winner: Daniel Black Francis




Another South Londoner, DJ Reason is backstage playing records on his decks. He carries on oblivious until Jeff Nova taps him on the shoulder.


Jeff “Reason what is that sheit? I’ve told you before I’ll no have any hipitty hoppitty on my show.”


DJ “It’s not boss. Like you said I’m broadening my horizons. This is a mix of the Pretenders and The Proclaimers.”


Jeff “That sounds even worse son, but stay with the Scottish music. I hope you’re ready, I’ve lined you up another match to try and seal the gig. You’re on in the ring right now.”


DJ Reason scoots off as Jeff picks up his headphones to listen. The big Scot shudders to himself and hastily removes the can before walking off.




DJ Reason vs. Nate Manchester


Nate is a willing opponent but DJ is a big guy and clearly spends a lot of time in the gym. He surprises everyone with his skill and strength and Manchester can barely stay in the match as he kicks out of a couple of close two-counts.


Suddenly, the speakers come alive and some Shed Seven blares out. It’s clearly Baggy Cooper trying to put DJ off but it has the opposite effect as DJ is invigorated. In fact, he’s so invigorated he hit’s the Edge of Reason and Nate goes down for the count.


Winner: DJ Reason





Luke Cool comes down to the ring. He’s dressed at his most flamboyant in a ridiculously tight pink t-shirt and awful jewellery as he swaggers along.


Luke “Great news Cool-fans! I’ve just had confirmation that I’m going to get another shot at the UK title and Harry Wilson. All I’ve got to do is beat those two losers tonight in a tag-team match. And having seen them together, it shouldn’t be too hard. After all, I am the hottest guy in 21CW, everything is on my side and those two spend all their time arguing about whose big brother or cousin or whatever is the biggest. This should be a walkover for me and my partner tonight - Rolling Johnny Stones!”


RJS swaggers down to join Cool in the ring. His hair tonight is GREAT.




RJS “Wilson? Cornell? You two are like little girls. Bring Tommy Cornell here. Bring Dark Angel here. Do that and I’m impressed, but until then, you two boys are just another pair of kids who got the short end of the genetic stick.”


Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Ed Cornell & Harry Wilson


All four men go hell-for-leather here as there’s no love lost at all. Ed and Harry again look uneasy with each other, but are starting to combine better, and they show no hesitation in tagging in and out.


On the other hand, RJS is a man possessed and manages to knock Cornell down before pinning him for a 2 count, Cornell barely kicking out. Wilson comes in and looks red hot, but Stones also tags and it’s Cool vs. Wilson.


The two men don’t hang around and both men are knocked down, but surprisingly, Cool rolls Wilson up for an easy-looking pin. His leg is clearly hooked under the rope for leverage as Wilson is held but the referee was distracted by RJS and didn’t see it. The bell rings and it’s a win for Luke Cool!


Winner: Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones




As Cool and RJS celebrate Harry and Ed start to argue:


Harry “Cornell! Where the hell were you? I needed you to help me when that bitch cheated!”


Ed “You know I’m not that sort of guy Harry. A fair fight and I’ll be in there straight away, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Mr Nova, I think it was clear what happened. There’s no way that Cool earned his shot at the UK title.”


Jeff “You’ve got a point there Ed and it wasn’t fair. But it was streetsmart. Cool will fight Harry Wilson for the UK title at World War. But guess what? I want to see you all go at it. I’m making it a triple threat match with Harry Wilson, Luke Cool and Ed Cornell!”




Backstage Stefan Raynor and Louie Payton are winding down after their earlier antics with DJ Reason. The door to their dressing room opens and Mel Florence enters.


Mel “Boys, you may have been beaten tonight but it’s come to my attention that you two might be willing to do a little dirty work on the side. I’m working for a gentleman who needs people like you that maybe aren’t as recognisable as him. Are you interested?”


Raynor “You may have heard right miss. Who would we be working for?”


Another shape steps into the dressing room.


Stevie Stoat “…”






Stevie Stoat vs. Adam Matravers


Matravers is trying to salvage his reputation after some recent defeats, whilst Stoat seems cool, relaxed and intent on winning tonight. The two men are all over the ring and even outside it with some breathtaking moves. Matravers in particular impressing with his range of moves.


In fact, Matravers slowly but surely starts to take control of the match, and we see Stoat looking more flustered than usual. After a brutal spine buster, Stoat is down on the floor in pain and Matravers starts to climb the turnbuckle. At that point, Payton and Raynor make their move and sprint out of the crowd distracting Matravers enough for Stoat to get to his feet and yank Adam down onto his back. It’s a heavy blow but incredibly he manages to get up quickly…


Straight into a Stevie Stoat Superkick.


Winner: Stevie Stoat




Jeff Nova gets into the ring to thanks the crowd for coming, but as he starts, the big screen fires up and we see Joss Thompson…


Joss “21CW fans, I’m here to apologise. I couldn’t be at the show tonight as I’m somewhere very important.”


The camera pans out and we see Joss is in a hospital. On abed lies an unconscious Pitbull Brown.


“See, it turns out that after some of the beatings he’s taken recently, Pitbull has been told to spend a few weeks recovering. That’s right. Those a-holes Faust, Nightmare and Leo Price have taken a great fighter and put him in here.


“You all know me. And you know there’s no way I can take something like this. So I’m challenging you all. Next week on Best of British, I want it to be me vs. you. Two of you. Pick whoever you want I can beat you. I just want a chance to beat some sense into you all after you did this to my friend Pitbull. Be seeing you.”




Overall show rating: C-

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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Silver Dagger Billiards Hall, Dublin

Week 3 February 2010

Attendance: 1,000


Pre-show matches: D-, D

Pre-show promo: C-



Jeff “Welcome to 21CW everyone. We’re only days away from World War 3 on Saturday night and for one can’t wait to see the bombs start to fall in the most exciting wrestling company in Great Britain.


“Tonight we’ll be warming up in fine style with action featuring 21CW UK champ Harry Wilson defending his belt, and Rolling Johnny Stones taking on a challenger, but the big question is Joss Thompson’s challenge from last week.


“He challenged two of Leo Price, Jonathan Faust and Nightmare to meet him in a tag match tonight after they left Pitbull Brown in hospital. Who will accept? Who will Joss’s partner be? Will Joss be fit enough to defend his title against Leo at World War 3?


“We’ll find out tonight, so stay tuned to Best of British Wrestling!”






Rolling Johnny Stones comes to the ring bowling along like he owns the place. His hair is shining and he’s ready for action.


RJS “Good evening the potato-eaters of Ireland. You may applaud my presence here now.


Unsurprisingly, the crowd are not impressed.


RJS “No? Some people don’t know what they’ve got. I didn’t even want to travel over here, but Mr Nova told me he had a special surprise for me. I presume it’s going to be another title shot after Joss cheated me two weeks ago...”


He tails off as his opponent emerges from backstage. It’s the dangerous Rasta Daniel Black Francis.


Jeff “No such luck Johnny. If you can beat Francis you might get a favour, but it’s high time you earned some humility around here. You’ve got 10 minutes to beat Daniel tonight. The winner gets the last spare spot in the World War battle Royale on Saturday.”




Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Daniel Black Francis


DBF is the slightly bigger man but Stones is athletic. RJS is fast, but Francis is a real brawler. The match is evenly balanced, and both men seem fired up for the spot at World War but neither can gain an advantage. Stones even tries to use Francis’ dreads for leverage, but the big man holds on long enough for time to expire.


Winner: draw as time limit expired




Jeff Nova stands up from the announcing desk to address both wrestlers:


Jeff “I’m a little disappointed I must say. I was hoping Francis would teach you a lesson Johnny. But a deal is a deal and you’re both in the World War.


”Next up we have another three matches from our 6 nation’s tournament.


”In particular, I think there’s something a little fishy going on, so young Pierre DuPont; I’ll be watching you very carefully tonight.”




The Red Dragon vs. Pierre DuPont in the 21CW 6 nation’s championship


This is a fast scrap between two guys who use the whole ring. The Dragon is the older man, but he has experience too and the 21CW crowd love him. Dragon wears DuPont down, but DuPont seems to be aware of Jeff Nova’s scrutiny of him and looks a little desperate.


Eventually, DuPont tries his trick of jumping under the stage, but Nova hauls him out by his foot and tosses the small Frenchman back into the ring. It’s a done deal by then, and Red Dragon puts DuPont down with a flurry of kicks before launching his moonsault for the win.


Winner: The Red Dragon




K’Lee Hawkins vs. Merle O’Curle in the 21CW 6 nations championship


The crowd love K’Lee the affable Geordie, and strangely even the Dublin crowd don’t seem to be behind local bruiser Merle O’Curle. It doesn’t help that Merle looks to lock up at all times and seem to want the whole match to take place on the ring floor.


K’Lee is a bit more aware and tries to work some bigger moves into the match but to little avail. Instead Merle manages to look in his Celtic Wreath submission move, and even though K’Lee clearly manages to grab the rope, maintains his pressure. At that point the ref rings for the DQ, but Merle refuses to yield and security have to separate the men as Merle is booed away.


Winner: K’Lee Hawkins by DQ




Giovanni Guaggio vs. Don Henderson in the 21CW 6 Nations championship


Both men are soundly booed here as unproven in 21CW even though both men are performing well technically and actually showing a fair range of skills.

Jeff Nova takes exception and stands to personally give his endorsement to the young brash Scot. This is all the help he needs, and Don manages to lock in his Scottish Deathlock. At which point Guaggio is very quick to surrender.


Winner: Don Henderson




Mel Florence and Stevie Stoat come to the ring ahead of the next match. As usual, Stoat looks mean and glowers whilst Mel does the talking


Mel “It’s always nice to try and see something of the cities we travel to and Dublin is no exception. This is what happened when we visited the city earlier today.”


We cut to a view of a Dublin pub. It’s smoky, dark and dingy and several shady-looking chaps are sipping Guinness and looking mean.


Somewhat incongruously, Stevie Stoat is also sitting in a dark corner nursing a pint in his small wrestling trunks and sunglasses. Accompanying him is his manager Mel Florence. Both have a pint of the black stuff, and a few more empty glasses are lined up in front of them.


The camera cuts to what appears to be a back-alley. Men in leather jackets stand around in a rough ring and Stevie is facing a local bruiser inside. He’s a big guy with dark hair and enormous arms and looks like a tough docker.

Stevie punches the man square on the chin and he crumples to the floor.


Mel “So you see. Different city, same result.”


Stoat “...”


Mel “How do you think Dublin compares to London Stevie?”


Stoat “<”




Stevie Stoat vs. Nate Manchester


Poor Nate. Stoat is in a meaner mood than normal and he’s normally one of the tougher guys in the company. Today he’s relentless as he systematically targets Nate’s weak points.


Stoat isn’t a big guy, but his martial arts background means he can be clinical, and he shows it tonight.


Manchester is pretty powerless to resist and Stoat unleashes a devastating Super Kick that almost takes his head off.


Winner: Stevie Stoat




A video shows featuring the highlights of the feud over the 21CW UK title. Harry Wilson, (the champion) is key as are Luke Cool and Ed Cornell. Particular attention is paid to Cornell and Wilson’s uneasy alliance over the last couple of weeks and Luke and Harry pinning each other. The video ends showing the graphic for the triple threat title match between them at World War 3.




Harry Wilson vs. Jay B for the 21CW UK Title


Harry would normally take the opportunity to gloat and threaten his opponents, but his head seems screwed on tonight and he’s all about the ring-work. Jay B (of tag champs Hot Stuff) is an able opponent and in fact would seem to have the edge.


Both men manage a fair share of offence, but Harry makes it count as he seizes hold of Jay’s belt to force the pin.


Winner: Harry Wilson




The lights all go down suddenly and the arena is in pitched darkness for 10 seconds. When they come back up Jonathan Faust is in the ring.


Faust “People of Dublin bow down. I am Jonathan Faust and I am your superior. There are great people in this world that have been touched by something more than human, and I am the latest. Alexander, Achilles, Jesus, Napoleon, Buddha, Victoria... I am the latest in a long line of people that are BETTER THAN YOU.


“As such, it’s insulting to me that a little speck like Joss Thompson is trying to threaten me. I’m re-educating the people of 21CW one by one, and your precious Pitbull Brown is just another heathen to me.


“I’m not fighting you Joss. I don’t want to touch you, but you have shown yourself to be another unbeliever in need of education so tonight, my disciple will deign to fight you. Tonight my ally Leo Price and the demon Nightmare will face you and whichever fellow failure you have found to fight.”

As he finishes talking the lights again go off. When they come back on Nightmare is in the ring as well as a very spooked-looking Leo Price.




Joss comes to the ring to face the two men. He’s looking furious tonight and there are shades of the old, cruel Joss Thompson.


Joss “So you two got volunteered eh? I’m not even going to respond to all that pseudo-mumbo crap from Faust. Leo – I beat you before, and this weekend I’m going to make sure you don’t come looking for another go and Nightmare? You might be a big guy, but you’re in for a lesson tonight.


“You know what? I’d crawl over broken glass to fight you two after what you did to Pitbull. And every man woman and child here tonight feels the same way.


“It wasn’t easy to find someone round here that had the guts to face you guys even so. Turns out that most of the guys have issues about getting in the ring with a monster. So I went to someone I knew would be up for the challenge. Someone I knew would never back down from a fight. The only man I trust with people like you around is...


“Pitbull Brown!”

Pitbull comes out from backstage to join Joss. He’s still limping after his beatings, but he looks grim and ready to fight.


Pitbull “Thought a little trip to hospital could keep me down? Think again boys.”




Joss Thompson & Pitbull Brown vs. Nightmare and Leo Price


Joss and Leo start off in the ring and the two men go at each other straight away. They haven’t had the chance since This is England a month ago and their history leads to violent punches and kicks. Leo is the first man to blink as he takes the opportunity of Joss stumbling to tag Nightmare in. The big guy grabs Joss and unloads some punishment but Pitbull is screaming to be tagged in and Joss obliges


Pitbull isn’t at 100% but his rage at Nightmare drives him and the giant is beaten back by Pitbull’s flurry of attacks. It look like Nightmare will lose, but Pitbull tires and tags back out to Joss.


Against the giant Nightmare Joss looks a little hesitant, and nightmare starts to really unleash on the champ. Spinebuster, big boot to the head, devastating DDT and joss is reeling. He’s down on his knees and Nightmare starts to gesture to the crowd that their champ is beaten. At this point you can almost see the red mist come down over Joss’ eyes. The champ climbs to his feet and gone is the craft and technique of the usual Joss. Instead he unloads huge punches that drive Nightmare back and as the big monster reels manages to hit a devastating slam facebuster. This is not what the crowd expect and a shocked silence falls as Joss pins Nightmare for the win.


Winners: Joss Thompson & Pitbull Brown




After the match Joss is still raging, but Pitbull manages to calm him down in the ring and the two men celebrate together.


Joss “I’m sorry everyone. I should have controlled myself. My behaviour wasn’t fit for a champion and I apologise. Apart from to Kathleen Lee and Leo Price. You two wanted to wake the beast in me and you’ve got pretty close. In the cage on Saturday night we’ll see exactly how close when we go one-on-one for my title.”




Overall show rating: (C-)

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Matches announced for World War 3:


Joss Thompson vs. Leo Price in a steel cage for the 21CW World Title


World War Battle Royale

Adam Matravers

Daniel Black Francis

Jonathan Faust


Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones

Stevie Stoat

Special Guests X 3


Harry Wilson vs. Luke Cool vs. Ed Cornell for the 21CW UK title


21CW 6 Nations Free-for-all

K'Lee Hawkins

Merle O'Curle

The Red Dragon

Geovanni Guaggio

Pierre DuPont

Don Henderson


Hot Stuff vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection for the 21CW Tag Titles

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Joss Thompson vs. Leo Price in a steel cage for the 21CW World Title


World War Battle Royale

Adam Matravers

Daniel Black Francis

Jonathan Faust


Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones

Stevie Stoat

Special Guests X 3


Harry Wilson vs. Luke Cool vs. Ed Cornell for the 21CW UK title


21CW 6 Nations Free-for-all

K'Lee Hawkins

Merle O'Curle

The Red Dragon

Geovanni Guaggio

Pierre DuPont

Don Henderson


Hot Stuff vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection for the 21CW Tag Titles

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21CW presents World War 3


Kent Racecourse

Saturday Week 3 Feb 2010

Attendance: 3,697


Preshow segments: D, D+


The lights come up in the arena and it’s clear to see 21CW have gone all out for the set for the show.


The theme appears to be post-apocalypse and inside the large auditorium are several mock-ups of semi-destroyed landmarks including Nelson’s Column, Marble Arch and Big Ben. The walls are scared concrete and the ring looks rusty and raw.


Jeff Nova enters the ring to introduce the show.


Jeff “Welcome to the World War 3 everybody. Tonight some rivalries will end and some will begin, bit most importantly, tonight we will see the biggest single match in the 21CW year as we watch the World War Battle Royale.


“As you know, 10 fighters will enter the ring at 2 minute intervals, and elimination only occurs when a fighter is thrown over the top rope. The winner will receive a very substantial financial incentive, but more importantly, I’m also adding the prize of being the boss for a night.


“Whoever is the last man standing will take my job for one night of his choosing, and will be able to make matches, organise title shots and enjoy wearing the big shoes.


“Also tonight is the year’s most hotly awaited match as our champ Joss takes on his hated rival Leo Price. Recently Joss has had issues with Prices loose ally Jonathan Faust, so the match will be taking place in a steel cage.


“Now, without further ado, I know everyone wants to get to the action. Our first match tonight will see Harry Wilson defend his 21CW UK title against Ed Cornell and Luke Cool.”




Ed Cornell comes down first and seizes a microphone. Tonight he looks even more like his famous cousin Tommy than normal and is fired up angry.


Ed “Harry Wilson get your arse out here! I’ve been patient with you so far, but I’ve had it up to here with all the crap around this title. You’ve got the belt, and I want it. I’m an honourable man, but you’ve been sneaking around avoiding me and trying to get on my good side. I’ve had enough, so you’d better expect Rough Justice tonight!”


At this point, Harry comes out to respond.


Harry “Finally Ed. You know I’ve been stringing you along? Because you’re an idiot and I knew you would fall for all that friendly stuff. I’ve know from the start that you were after my belt and you were pretending all that goody-goody crap. You want the belt? Come get some!”




Harry Wilson vs. Ed Cornell vs. Luke Cool for the 21CW UK title


Three small, athletic guys in the ring is always going to be a recipe for chaos, but this is very much an all-action bout. Luke is a dangerous guy, but Harry is desperate and Ed seems to have lost some of his normal reluctance about overt viciousness.


The first advantage comes when Harry uncorks a huge missile dropkick into the back of Luke. Harry is on him in the blink of an eye, but Ed manages to break things up. In fact he dos such a good job momentum carries him forwards and he manages to get Harry down, but the champ kicks out after a two-count.


The turning point of this is when Harry continuing his great battle manages to hit Ed over the top rope. Cornell is down outside the ring and heavily dazed whereupon Harry hits Luke with a low blow and goes for the cover. 1...2... and somehow Ed has managed to get back in the ring. And not just that, but he has rolled Harry Wilson up in a surprise cradle. The champs legs flail in the air but surprise has doomed him as Cornell picks up the win.


Winner: Ed Cornell wins the 21CW UK Title




After the match harry Wilson is speechless with rage and shock that he has lost his title. In the manner of his newly revealed cruelty, he rounds on Cornell as he celebrates and yanks him off the turnbuckle to slam down on the ring. At this point Luke Cool (never one to miss a beating) takes the opportunity to get involved too, and the two losing men combine to beat Ed down.




Current 21CW tag champs Hot Stuff (Jay B and Buff Martinez) are on screen preparing for their match backstage. Preparing in their case means liberally applying oil and inspecting each other’s deep mahogany tans. They finish up and start walking to ringside, talking to the camera as they go.


Jay "Another night, another team looking to take our belts."


Buff "Ai! Mariachi!"


Jay "Shut up Buff. The Anglo-Scots Connection are just another couple of wannabes. We're not worried at all about a pair of football hoolies that drink too much beer."


Buff "Cerveza?"


Jay "Shut up Buff. Everybody pay careful attention. You're watching Hot Stuff!"




Hot Stuff (Jay B & Buff Martinez) vs. the Anglo-Scots Connection (Davey Celtic & Davey Chelsea) for the 21CW tag titles


The Daveys are a little bit too merry tonight. After their Saturday afternoons they're a bit bashed up already with this not being their first fight of the day. nevertheless they’re a pair of athletic guys and Chelsea goes head-to-head with Jay B as the match starts. In fact, he even looks dangerous here.

Both teams change in and out frequently and its a very fast match but the inevitable happens when Buff Martinez tags Jay in on Celtic and the two men combine for a Heat Seeker on poor Davey.


Winner: Hot Stuff retain the 21CW tag titles.




Jeff Nova again climbs into the ring.


Jeff "For all of you 21CW-aholics, I know you've been following the 6 nations tournament with bated breath. The title's up for grabs still, but tonight I wanted to spice things up with a warm-up match for the World War. All 6 men will enter the ring tonight and they will be eliminated one-by-one before the brand new 6 Nations belt will be awarded to tonight’s winner. That should give everyone something to fight for. And Don Henderson, I'm talking to you! It's time to do Scotland proud!"




6 Nations 6-man Elimination Match (K'Lee Hawkins, The Red Dragon, Pierre DuPont, Geovani Guaggio, Merle O'Curle and Don Henderson)


All 6 men look very wary of each other tonight but soon pile in. Guaggio of course immediately attempts to form an alliance with any of the other wrestlers but all of the roundly ignore him. The real battle takes place around Merle as he is the most physical of the entrants and it helps in the close quarters of a crowded ring.


First casualty comes at the hand of Merle as he manages to apply his Celtic Wreath to the Red Dragon. Meanwhile, K'Lee eliminates Don Henderson with the help of Pierre DuPont. Soon after Guaggio is also forced to submit by Merle and we are left with K'Lee, Merle and DuPont.


K'Lee and DuPont are clearly intimidated by the big Irishman and they both come at him, but Merle is a very strong man and he pins K'Lee after putting DuPont down. 1, 2... and the pin is broken up by DuPont. This time K'Lee and DuPont manage to pile on top of Merle and get him down for 3.


We now have a final pair of France England. A real grudge match. K'Lee as the more established fighter gets on top early and manages to bridge over DuPont. 1, 2... and it's broken up by... DuPont?


Suddenly there appears to be two of the Frenchman in the ring! K'Lee is clearly confused and backs into a corner as the two DuPonts make the most of their opportunity to hit him with a few double moves. Even the ref looks totally confused, but after a particularly double clothesline, manages to regather his wits enough to make the count. 1, 2, 3.


Winner: Pierre DuPont and his carbon copy wins control of the 6 Nations trophy.




Jeff Nova immediately jumps into the ring looking furious. In his rage, his natural Scottish accent is on show again.


Jeff "You goddam garlic-eating beret-wearing French bastard! Och, I knew there was something funny going on here!"


Pierre "Mais oui Monsieur Nova. Yes, my twin brother Jacques here has helped me a tiny amount, but is that not displaying the spirit of revolution? A win is a win non?"


Jeff "Over my dead body froggy! I'm hereby disqualifying you from the match tonight, and as much as I hate to say it, K'Lee Hawkins can carry the belt for now with two rounds of the tournament to go.


Corrected winner: K'Lee Hawkins wins control of the 6 nations trophy.




Jeff stays in the ring, and after he's calmed down slightly proceeds to gesture to the elaborate destroyed-London set.


Jeff "The reason for the them tonight is because I'm expecting fireworks. Tonight for the 3rd annual World War Battle Royale, 21CW's biggest names have signed up and I've arranged a few special guests. Tonight's entrants will be:


Adam Matravers!


Daniel Black Francis!


Rolling Johnny Stones!


Jonathan Faust!




Pitbull Brown!


Stevie Stoat!


From Ultimate European Wrestling, English all-star, Joey "The Breeze" Beauchamp!


From Ring of Fire, Petey "X-Factor" Barnes!


From Men of Steel Combat, Harley "The Juicer" Neill!


"As you know, a new entrant will enter the ring every two minutes and try to avoid being thrown over the top rope. The winner will receive a huge paycheque and be the boss for one night only. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the World War"




World War Battle Royale


The first man in the ring is Nightmare, and subsequent entrants find it very hard to dislodge the big demon. Early casualties are Daniel Black Francis, Petey Barnes and Adam Matravers but Pitbull Brown finally gets the monster out with help from Beauchamp and Neill.


Stevie Stoat enters and manages to have a big impact eliminating Rolling Johnny Stones and Harley Neill and we're left with Beauchamp, Stoat and Pitbull in the ring before the bell rings for the last time and Jon Faust comes out.


Faust quickly tosses Beauchamp over with what looks like ease, whilst Pitbull manages to hoist the slight Stoat over whilst he was distracted by the Faust show.


Pitbull faces Brown and both men look like they could kill each other. Of course Pitbull is more tired, but it doesn’t appear to slow him as he goes tooth and nail for the man that put him in hospital two weeks ago. Pitbull clearly has the drive to win this and even though Faust is strong, quick and mean, Pitbull starts to gain the upper hand. When flaunting all rules, Nightmare re-enters the ring behind Brown and hits a huge kick to the back of his head. Pitbull clearly didn’t see it coming and with insulting ease, Faust and Nightmare toss him from the ring like a sack of spuds.


Winner: Jonathan Faust wins the World War 3 Battle Royale and will be boss for a night




Faust and Nightmare stay in the ring and perform a bizarre occult ceremony involving the huge demon grovelling before Faust as Jonathan flicks pinches of powder to the four corners of the ring. The crowd boo steadily, but are also clearly cowed by the pair.




After they leave and Pitbull is carried away by paramedics, Joss Thompson approaches the ring as the cage is lowered for the final match.


Joss "In case anybody hadn't seen the kind of man Faust is that should show you. Pitbull is a fine man with a great heart, and he just got thrown out the ring unconscious to a 10 foot drop onto this concrete ground. And you know what? It's my fault. I've taken my eye off Faust and my friend to concentrate on my own vendetta with Leo Price. Well, I know Pitbull, and I know what he'd want me to do. Tonight Faust, you're in the clear. Tonight I'm going into that cage with Leo, and I'm the only one coming out again.


"Leo, we used to be friends. We used to be brothers, but I learnt something you didn’t. I learned that none of it means anything without these fans. You and Kathleen can run around together kidding yourselves, but it doesn’t mean anything. The belt is on my waist and what's more, I can look myself in the eye in the mirror. And you can't even sleep at night. That’s enough talking. Lets sort this in the cage."





Joss Thompson vs. Leo Fortune in a steel cage for the 21CW World Title


Both men are understandably fired up and furious with each other and quickly the match devolves from any sort of technical contest into a dirty brawl. Joss in particular is showing a large swathe of his old, mean, brawling self and Leo is no slouch himself as he slams Joss' face at one point repeatedly into the metal bars causing the blood to flow.


Not to be outdone with hate and the desire for revenge Joss manages to stick one of Leo's arms through a gap before shoulder charging him. Everyone in the arena is surprised his arm doesn’t snap immediately.


As wild and bloody as this is, it cant last long and our champ manages to get the upper hand after Leo's arm becomes almost useless. We find Leo on his knees over a rope, and Joss preparing to kick the challenger full face first into the bars when Joss pauses.


He looks at Leo, and looks round the arena at the fans that have supported him so much, and cant do it. Joss literally has had the fight sucked out of him and turns to the ref. He is clearly going to forfeit the match.


When the worst thing possible happens.


Leo sees his chance and immediately attacks Joss from behind with a facebuster. The challenger goes absolutely wild as Joss goes down, but remarkably Joss manages to get up again and rejoin the fight.


From there there is only going to be one winner, and Joss in a rage is a terrible thing. Leo increasingly desperately defends but Joss takes a moment's opportunity to hit his Clean Cutter and its 123.


Winner: Joss defends his 21CW World Title




The cage is raised from the set and Joss celebrates with the belt and the crowd as he seems to shake hands with everyone in attendance. Pitbull Brown comes out to celebrate with him and the show ends with both men celebrating in the crowd.



Overall show rating: C

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GAH! I just wrote the whole show up before I lost the file, so I haven’t got the heart to do anything except put this up in abbreviated format… Sorry





Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 February 2010

The Cobra Den

Attendance: 1,000




Preshow matches: D, D+




Fireworks launch and Jeff coems out to ontroduce the show.


He runs through the results of World War 3 detailing Joss’ defeat of Leo, Faust winning the Beattle Royale and Hot Stuff retaining their tag belts.”




Hots Stuff slag off the Anglo-Scots connection with cheap football gags including one about making like the Champions legaue and knocking Celtic out early.




Jay B vs. Davey Celtic


Jay beats Davey with interference from Buff




Jeff details the standings of the 6 nations tournament. With two rounds left, K’Lee is one match clear of Pierre DuPont and Merle O’Curle. Jeff vows not to interfere with any shenanigans that go on.




The Red Dragon vs. Don Henderson


The Dragon beat Don




Pierre DuPont vs. Merle O’Curle


Merle dominated, but Pierre snuck a win with a much less covert Jacques helping him out. The DuPonts debut their new finisher the ‘Claque Enorme’. Merle is eliminated from the competition.




K’Lee Hawkins vs. Geo Guaggio


K’Lee is all over Guaggio and takes the win.




Joss Thompson and Pitbull Brown celebrate with the fans and cut a promo on how happy they are to have dealt with Leo whilkst Faust’s antics and attacks are next on the list of things to sort out.




Kathleen Lee and Leo Price protest that they arent down and out, and Leo is still a danger. They believe Joss is still beatable and arenbt going anywhere.




Leo Price vs.. Adam Matravers


Leo even in his damged state puts up a great effort to beat the fast, exciting and dangerous Matravers.




Faust cuts a supernatural promo claiming he is head and shoulders above everyone and will make everyone worship him with his boss-for-a-day prize from WW3. Jeff angrily puts him in a match with Daniel Black Francis for trying to act like the boss already. DBF comes out to foght but is attacked by Nightmare on his way to the ring.




Jonathan Faust vs. Daniel Black Francis


Faust is all over the weakend DBF, but the easygoing Rasta refuses to give in and it’s a tight match until Nightmare gets involved and Faust wins handily.




Faust cuts a victorious promo about Joss in particular and claims that he will be going all out to dominate 21CW and take the World title.




Overall show rating: D+

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I’m in Mr Jeff Nova’s office at the end of the month. It’s an enormous room with a beautiful polished mahogany desk. It would be impressive if it wasn’t for the St Andrews cross flag one one wall and the stale, sickly smell of Irn Bru and Bruichladdich.


Jeff “What did I tell ye last month? Pull your damn finger oot of yer arse! What do ah pay ye for anyhow?”


Me “Actually Jeff, I’m quite pleased. WW3 was our best show so far, and the fans certainly seem to agree. When was the last time we ran a show in front of 3 and a half thousand spectators?”


Jeff “Raith Rovers and fish suppers! If I wanted TVRs ah’d just concentrate on the Beeb would ah not? I need to be producing spondolees!”


Me “Ah yes. Well, I know we haven’t really made money, but it’s early days. We’ve got the European PPV deal now, and things are starting to improve…”


Jeff “ Ah don’t want improvement. Ah need cash ye hear?”


Me “OK Jeff. I’ll sort it. Meanwhile I think we’re getting somewhere. The top boys (Joss, Faust, Pitbull and Business especially) are really getting over and our undercard is actually getting big enough to really produce a variety of matches. Everything’s going ok boss. And at Head to Head in March, I fully expect us to really improve again.”


Jeff “It’s all talk with ye damn English isn’t it? Backstabbing, shellacking Sassenachs. Next month I’m looking for cash. Don’t let me doon.”


Phew. The big guy is never easy is he?








Next meeting:


I pop down to the company’s gym where Matravers runs the National School of Wrestling. Adam had asked me to pop in.


Adam “Glad you could come boss. I’ve got some really exciting news!”


Me “I’ve never seen you not excited Adam. What is it this time?”


Adam “I’ve got a present for you. Phoebe’s been complaining about all the long nights…”


Me “Phoebe Plumridge is sexually frustrated? That is good news. What’s her address?”


Adam “Steady on boss. That’s my girl you’re talking about. I’ve been busy here at the gym making sure our first batch of guys are ready to graduate. I’ve got some fellas itching to get involved with the company proper”


Me “Let me guess, a tiny bloke, a huge fatty, a chap with a mysterious headscarf and a tough, inner-city London boy?”


Adam “Well yeah, how’d you know? But you forgot one, my boy Leigh Burton has really got a chance you know? What do you think? Can we use them?”


Me “Hmmm. I’m not sure about the little guy, and Jeff will have an issue with a big guy who can’t wrestle, but I’m sure we can sort something out. Tell you what, let them know they’re working for beer money and I’ll have them all. Now, what did you say Phoebe’s number was?”







Pitbull pokes his head into my office.


Pitbull “Ah there you are. Just thought I’d let you know that as it’s the end of the month, everyone’s going down to the Green Man on St Martin’s Lane.”


Me “Thanks Pitbull, I’ll be down in a bit.


Pitbull “I don’t think so. You’re not invited. Just wanted to tell you that. Remember, this is my office, and the sooner you’re gone, the sooner I’m back in my chair. Have a good night on your own.”


It’s tough at the top.

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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1 March 2010

The Cobra Den

Attendance: 893




Preshow promo: E+

Preshow matches: E+,E



Jeff Nova introduces the show from the ring.


Jeff “Welcome to another month ladies and gentlemen and all 21CW fans everywhere. March in 21CW means only one thing: Head to Head!


“Our event this month will feature wrestling in it’s purest form. Man to man, one on one. No gimmicks, no teams. Just two men finding out who is the best. It’s a time for scores to be settled, and a lot of Britain’s biggest stars have already asked for matches, but I’ll be deciding who’s in over the next weeks.


“Tonight however, we’re going to be showing you more of the same. Excitement, danger and the most athletic men in Britain. Welcome to 21CW!”




Joss Thompson climbs into the ring waving to the fans and smiling heartily.


Joss “Everybody, I’ll be fighting tonight, and don’t worry, I’ve got a response for that cretin Faust, but right now, I’d like you to put your hands together for the toughest SOB in wreslting. The man that won’t stay down. I’m proud to call him my friend - Pitbull Brown!


"Tonight Pitbull and I are fighting two dangerous men. The current 21CW tag champions. Neither match is easy, so we don‘t need any outside interference. 21CW Nation, show Faust what you think. Keep this show clean!”


Pitbull has his business-face on tonight and doesn’t talk to the crowd. Instead he’s just focused on one thing: his opponent the Barcelona Bull, Buff Martinez.




Pitbull Brown vs. Buff Martinez


Joss and Jay B accompany their allies to the ring and so the match is kept fair and even. Buff makes the early running, and looks strong, but Pitbull’s never-say-die attitude helps him escape from holds and predicaments that other men would submit too and he manages to wear down Buff into making mistakes. Whereupon he reveals his devastating finisher, the Doghouse Piledriver.


Winner: Pitbull Brown




Jeff again steps into the ring to run down tonight’s last series of matches in the 21CW 6 Nations championship.


Jeff “It’s been a roller coaster rode in the first year of the 6 Nations, but I think everyone would agree the top performers will be facing off tonight. Pierre DuPont may have cheated all the way through, but no-one saw him coming with his twin brother Jacques and I was fooled as much as anyone.


“On the other hand, K’Lee Hawkins has done great to make it this far with the belt in his possession. The two will wrestle tonight for the championship.


“In the other matches, The Red Dragon has been unlucky and will take on young Ge Guaggio from Italy whereas I’m hugely disappointed with Scotland’s Don Henderson. I’m expecting a strong effort tonight against the Irish Stretching Machine Merle O’Curle.




Geo Guaggio comes to the ring in his leather jacket carrying a Lambretta bag and an espresseo mug.


Guaggio “Englanda eh? This country - itta stinks! It’sa cold, the food is no gooda and the women are puti. 21CW is not ready for me, and tonighta, I will teacha il drago rosso a lesson. Forza Italia!”




Geo Guaggio vs. The Red Dragon

Both men are lightweight athletic types and neither gets pinned down earlier. However, the Dragon has far more experience and the fans cheer him as a 21CW veteran. Moonsault from the top buckle.


Winner: The Red Dragon




Don Henderson comes out first in his kilt, sporran and paraphernalia.


Don “Disappointed are you Mr Nova? I don’t see you out here fighting for bonny Scotland? Ye’ve had me up against cheats, thugs and acrobats and all of this is this pigsty of a country. And with no backup form a supposed proud Scot. I’ll take this Irish potato-eater apart tonight, and then you watch. I’ll be coming for the prizes in 21CW.”




Don Henderson vs. Merle O’Curle


Despite his protestations, Don spends most of this match eating mat as he struggles to put hands onto the master technician merle. Technically this is a good match, but the 21CW don’t really care. Neither man is charismatic enough to hold them so when merle locks in his feared Celtic Wreath, it’s a relief for everyone.


Winner: Merle O’Curle




K’Lee comes out first to cheers from the partisan crowd as he shows off the 6 Nations belt. The Geordie is looking confident and has a Jonny Wilkinson jersey wrapped around his shoulders whilst he carries a St Georges cross flag.


K’Lee “Aiiiight! It’ll be a party in the toon tonight after we take it to these Frenchy cheats. Mr Nova asked me if I could visualise DuPont beating me, but I said ‘Jeff man! I cannee see it!’”




K’Lee Hawkins vs. Pierre Dupont to decide the 21CW 6 Nations


Jacques DuPont accompanies Pierre blatantly to the ring, but K’Lee seems not to care as he locks up straight away. Sure enough Jacques piles into the ring too, and it’s effectively a handicap match, but the crowd get behind Hawkins, and with a superhuman effort, the Geordie manages to lock in his crossface chickenwing hold onto Pierre even whilst Jacques locks an ankle lock onto K’Lee. In a bizarre finish, the Frenchman surrenders first and K’Lee staggers out of the ring with his belt.


Winner: K’Lee Hawkins wins the inaugural 21CW 6 Nations Championship




Backstage DJ Reason is preparing for a match. He has his huge headphones on and is psyching himself up hard. The camera pans out and next to him is Baggy Cooper. He also has headphones on but the two are clearly moving to the beat of different drums. As they finish with tape and baggy gets his huge Manchester-1993 hat on the two men get their cans off and look at each other.


DJ “Ready Baggy?”


Baggy “Ready DJ. How about we get this together finally? We haven’t had a good record so far in these matches Mr Nova has lined up and I’m about done with losing. Let’s step on DJ”


DJ “What you talking about man? Let’s just get in the ring and kick their asses. Stupid Northern Monkey.”


Baggy “Shirtlifting Southern Fairy.”




We see Jeff on the big screen from earlier in the day. He’s sitting in a pub but we can’t see who he’s talking too.


Jeff “Alright, I need someone to make sure these boys don’t pick any wins up. I’m no having that ****e music they play dirtying up my company. Can I count on ye? Good.”




Baggy Cooper & DJ Reason vs. Jeff’s mystery partnership


As the two musical misfits come down to the ring everyone in the audience is anxiously awaiting the mystery opponents. The door opens, and out steps…


Business Jones and Stevie Stoat!


Baggy and Dj weren’t expecting something like this, and Baggy in particular looks worried, but DJ is a tough inner-city boy and will take anyone on. Even so Business Jones is a force of nature, and with Stoat backing him up this match is a short one and when Stefan Rayone and Louie Peyton attack to aid Stoat it‘s game over.


Winner: Business Jones and Stevie Stoat




Joss Thompson returns to the ring with his friend Pitbull Brown.


Joss “Last week I was as shocked as anyone by Jonathan Faust’s outburst. Where I come from we’re god fearing people and we don’t take spirituality so lightly. I know you Brits don’t feel the same way, and I won’t push the point, but Faust? You’re a very troubled young man.


“You say you’re coming for my belt? Didn’t Leo Price say the same thing? To me you’re a deluded guy with a drink problem. You want to make a name? Meet me in the ring? Come fight fair and Pitbull and me can oblige you. But no. You keep that oversized hammer Nightmare around and tell each other how scary and great you are.


“I’ve got no time for that. Mr Nova is in charge and if he says I fight I fight. Until then, you’re noise on the wind. Tonight I’ve got a match with Jay B and I’ve been there before. He’s a tough guy and he will be again. But he has respect and honour. Faust? You ain’t got nothing.”


Joss Thompson vs. Jay B for the 21CW Title


Joss and Jay have tussled before, and they look very smooth in the ring. With Buff too tired and damaged after his defeat earlier tonight to Pitbull, this is a fair fight and Joss is the stronger man.


Until Faust and Nightmare make their way to ringside. They don’t actually get involved, but everyone can see Joss is watching them and not concentrating 100% which gives Jay an opening. As he pins Joss though, the crowd go wild in their appreciation for the champ and he finds the concentration necessary to kick out. With the momentum on his side, Joss hits his Clean Cutter and just about holds on to his belt.


Winner: Joss Thompson retains the 21CW World Title




After the match Joss celebrates with the crowd and shows off his belt before taking a microphone…


Joss “Faust? Did you not hear what I said? You’re not wanted here. By me or the fans, so take your ridiculous complex and leave 21CW. We’re happy as we are.”


As he talks the lights go out and when they come back up, Faust and Nighmare are right in Joss’ face. Faust hits Joss once and the lights flick off again as 21CW goes off air…






Overall show rating C

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Joss Thompson vs. Leo Price in a steel cage for the 21CW World Title


World War Battle Royale

Adam Matravers

Daniel Black Francis

Jonathan Faust


Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones

Stevie Stoat

Special Guests X 3


Harry Wilson vs. Luke Cool vs. Ed Cornell for the 21CW UK title


21CW 6 Nations Free-for-all

K'Lee Hawkins

Merle O'Curle

The Red Dragon

Geovanni Guaggio

Pierre DuPont

Don Henderson


Hot Stuff vs. The Anglo-Scots Connection for the 21CW Tag Titles


Sorry, forgot to reposnd to this earlier.


Ed took the UK belt over Luke Cool, but apart from that all good. Dang Im predictable!

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