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Geezers, boozer and hoolies. A 21CW debut

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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 March 2010

Silver Dagger Billiard Room, Ireland

Attendance: 1,000





Preshow matches D-, D




Jeff comes to the ring to introduce the show tonight. He’s dressed up in his Scottish gear with kilt, sporran and dirk and bagpipe music plays.


Jeff “Welcome everyone to 21CW - the most exciting sports entertainment in Britain!


“Our main event tonight sees tensions erupt as Joss Thompson and Pitbull Brown will take on Jonathan Faust and his, ahem, disciple Nightmare. Faust has been aggravating both men recently and a lot of blood has been shed, so this could be nasty.


“Ed Cornell will be defending his UK title against his big rival Harry Wilson, the man he took it from at World War 3.


“Talking of titles - Don Henderson. Don - by losing every match in the 21CW 6 Nations, you let me and the whole of Scotland down. You won’t be getting any favours from me for some time…


“First up though is another title match. After they did well last week in tough matches, Hot Stuff will be in action against one of our newer teams… I’ve told them they can pick some songs when they start impressing me, so tonight DJ Reason and Baggy Cooper will get a shot at glory.”




Hot Stuff vs. DJ Reason and Baggy Cooper for the 21CW Tag Titles


All four men get involved here, the highlights being Jay B performing a beautiful lionsault and DJ Reason clearing house after being tagged in. In the end it comes down to the heels being hellish, and Hot Stuff retain as Jay uses the rope for leverage over Baggy.


Winners: Hot Stuff retain Tag Titles




Jeff Nova sweeps down a corridor but has to stop when a man steps in front of him. It’s the Irish brawler Merle O’Curle.


Jeff “What the hell are you doing Merle?”


Merle just glares.


Jeff “What you’re unhappy with me is that it? You got beat by the DuPont brothers when they outsmarted you. Live with it.”


Merle stays glowering.


Jeff “Fine. How about this? You have a match tonight against one of the new kids. Win and you’ll be first in line for another shot at the 6 Nations title. Happy now?”


Merle nods once and gets out of the way.





Merle O’Curle vs. Leigh Burton


Leigh is only 17 and a brand new graduate, but the kids has stones and takes the big, mean Irishman on up front. Unfortunately, aggression can only get you so far and Merle has all the wily moves of a veteran of the business. Leigh never stops fighting, but Merle manages to make the pin after a vicious elbow to the chin (albeit using a handful of Leigh‘s belt for leverage).


Winner: Merle O’Curle




A video shows from earlier in the day. We see a quiet backstreet pub from the outside when suddenly, the door bursts open and a body flies out of it. The camera heads inside and we see some 21CW workers brawling. Stevie Stoat, his spokeswoman Mel Florence and his assistants Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton are all battling large men in dark leather jackets, two of whom are the Ivanoff Brothers Ivan and Igor.


After a few moments police burst in and separate the fighters . Jeff Nova is with them and looks furious as he stands in the middle of shredded furniture and broken pint mugs.


Jeff “What the hell are ye daeing! Ye’re supposed to be behaving yourselves and I get this!


Mel “Mr Nova, we were just enjoying an innocent drink when these damn Eastern Europeans attacked us…”


Jeff “Ye lot innocent? A likely story. Ye want tae fight? There’s a place for it. Stefan! Louie! You two will take on the Ivanoffs tonight on the show.”


Stoat “!”


Jeff “And you Stevie? You’re at the heart of this. I’ve got a special match for you the nacht.”


Stoat “…”




Ivanoffs vs. Assassin’s Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)


The Ivanoffs are much bigger men than the Guild, but the four men basically just carry on their brawl from earlier. A few sneaky knuckle dusters find their way into the ring, and there also seems to be a club and a beer bottle from somewhere as the four men get increasingly vicious with items purloined from under the stage and folds of clothing. Igor Ivanoff tries to strangle Stefan with a barmat, and when a snooker cue appears, the ref cant take any more and rings for a stoppage.


Winners: Draw after double DQ




Stevie Stoat is backstage preparing for his match whilst Mel Florence psyches him up.


Mel “Now Jeff’s going to unveil someone he thinks you cant beat. You’re lightning fast and agile. I bet it’s someone big and lumbering.”


Stoat “…”


Mel “I know you can, but I’m thinking for you. What about Daniel Black Francis? Business Jones?”


Stoat “…”


Mel “I don’t think so Stevie. In fact I’m pretty sure that’s a kind of tree.”


Steve Smith pops his head around the door.


Smith “Hey guys, Jeff says you’re fighting The Red Dragon tonight.”




Stevie Stoat vs. The Red Dragon


Both men here are agile, athletic high-fliers and the match features very little close-up work. Dragon frustrates Stoat at first, but the silent headliner gains the upper hand and loos to be winning even before a sneaky push from Mel Florence sends Dragon off the turnbuckle onto his head. The Dragon gets up groggily and a Superkick ends it.


Winner: Stevie Stoat




21CW UK Champion Ed Cornell comes out for his announced match with rival Harry Wilson.


Ed “Ladies and gentlemen, you know my family name and you know me. I’m no Charlie Big-Potatoes, I don’t want to act like an arsehole but Harry Wilson is starting to seriously get on my nerves. I beat him fair and square at WW3 but he whinges like a girl and keeps asking for title shots…”


Jeff Nova stands and interrupts Ed.


Jeff “I’ll stop you there Cornell. Harry didn’t ask for this tonight. He isn’t happy with you but he has only asked for a rematch at Head To Head.


“I told him he can have his match. If either of you still has the belt. Because you see, tonight’s match will be a triple threat. You, Harry…


“And Business Jones.”




Ed Cornell vs. Harry Wilson vs. Business Jones for the 21CW UK Title


Business is clearly the bigger man in the ring with the two middleweights and dominates the match handing out big power offence to both the UK contenders.


Ed gamely battles on and is looking good, but Harry is put down by a bib boot from Business. As he lies prone, Business gains the upper hand and manages to get Ed down on his shoulders.


1...2... Broken up! Harry Wilson has grabbed a chair and hit Business in the back of the head.


The referee calls for the bell to ring and Harry is DQed.


Winner: Ed retains by DQ




Joss Thompson and Pitbull come down to the ring for their match with Faust and Nightmare. They talk to the fans and press the flesh on the way, and Joss again pulls out a young man to stand in his corner for the match.


Joss “Ladies and gentlemen and all 21CW fans. Tonight is the fair fight you’ve all been waiting for. Faust and Nightmare have cheated and bullied their way to fame and all behind a foul blasphemy that makes me sick to my stomach. Well tonight we have them both in a match and Pitbull and I are fit, healthy and strong.


“We’ve told the referee that we want a clean finish tonight. We’re going to prove that skill and heart can beat freakish strength any day. You’ve hidden behind Nightmare attacking people in your matches before, but tonight, we can put him down in the ring. Who’s going to help you then Faust?


“Faust. Nightmare. Bring all you got, cos tonight? We’re ready and waiting for you.”




Joss Thompson & Pitbull Brown vs. Jonathan Faust & Nightmare


The match starts off with Pitbull and Nightmare facing off, and Pitbull takes some big hits. However, he is the man with the biggest heart in 21CW and he keeps getting back up again in the face of massive might. Joss and Faust also get ring time, and it’s clear that the faces are hanging on in the onslaught of sheer power and fury that Nightmare brings.


Until something happens to tip the match.


Although Nightmare is in the ring and accounted for, a huge figure in a black hood comes screaming out of the backstage area and climbs into the ring whereupon he absolutely destroys Joss and Pitbull.


The huge man in the hood cleans house and the with both men out on the floor, the referee is forced to stop the match.


Winner: Match abandoned.




The hooded man then turns his attention to Faust and Nightmare… Before kneeling before Faust. Jonathan takes a microphone and addresses the crowd.


Faust “Quiet are you heathens? You thought that I had just the one disciple? More of you people are starting to believe the evidence of your eyes. I AM A GOD! 21CW is a means to an end. Once I take control, I can launch myself to the whole country. In the meantime, please welcome my newest convert. Although we’ll be keeping his identity secret for the time being.


“Understand that there are many more converts amongst you. They look just like you, but at the right time they will show their true colours.


“Joss? Pitbull? You two are specks of dust and I pity you.


“I am Faust.”







Overall show rating: C-

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Matches announced for week 3 March 2010 Best of British:


K'Lee Hawkins defends the 21CW 6 Nations title against Don Henderson



Leo Price vs Ricky Storm



Adam Matravers & Ed Cornell vs. Business Jones & Rolling Johnny Stones



Pitbull Brown vs. Harry Wilson




Stevie Stoat, Stefan Raynor & Louie Payton vs. the Anglo-Scots Guild & ???



Joss Thompson vs. Luke Cool for the 21CW World Title


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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3

March 2010

Aston University Sports Hall

Attendance: 850


Preshow matches: E, E




Jeff Nova introduces the show from his customary place in the ring.


Jeff “Welcome everybody to the last show before Head to Head. I’m sure you’re all dying to hear what will be happening there, but we’ve been keeping things secret deliberately so the wrestlers involved don’t have a chance to get up to any pre-show high-jinks.


“Having said that, I think it’s time to confirm what many have assumed. Joss Thompson will be defending his title against the number one contender Jonathan Faust.


“Faust is a controversial figure, and we’ve received sack of complaints, but the man unarguably deserves this shot. To warm up, Joss will be fighting tonight against Luke Cool.


“On the subject of titles, Ed Cornell will also be in action with his new UK title belt. He will be defending the championship against the man h took it from. Harry Wilson.


“The rest of the matches will be announced tonight, so stay tuned.


“However first up, we will see 21CW’s newest belt defended. K’Lee Hawkins secured the 6 Nations belt for England and as of now there will be a new rule. The belt can only be challenged for by a fighter representing a rival 6 Nations country. So K’Lee can’t lose it to an Englishman. With that in mind, I’m giving one last chance tonight to a young man I hoped would represent Scotland well but has been a singular disappointment: Don Henderson.”




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K’Lee Hawkins vs. Don Henderson for the 21CW 6 Nations title


Don is desperate to not disappoint Jeff and the Scottish Nation and flies into this match. The two men are fairly evenly sized, but this is clearly a different Don to the one that lost continually recently. In fact, he’s too keen and resorts to eye-gouging. The referee is not impressed and immediately DQs Don.


Winner: K’Lee Hawkins retains the 6 Nations belt after DQ




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Kathleen Lee accompanies the smooth-suited Leo Price to the ring.


Kathleen “Ladies and gentlemen, I have the great honour to present your future champion Leo Price!


The pair are booed soundly.


“People have been saying that after losing to Joss in a steel cage Leo is finished. He’s not a force any more. He’s past it. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact we’ve recently had a development that should make sure that The Takeover can again rule 21CW.


“In the meantime it looks like we need to prove a point. Yes Leo was beaten by Joss (after the American cheated outrageously), and yes he doesn’t have the belt but we’ll be back. And to make sure you all remember us we’ve asked for a match at Head to Head which Jeff Nova has given us. If we can’t have Joss, we’ll take the next best thing, so this Saturday night, Leo will be going one-on-one with Pitbull Brown. And to get in the mood, tonight he’ll be showing you what a competitor he is by soundly beating a young man many have tipped as the new breed. There will be no changing of the guard. There will only be a takeover.”




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Leo Price vs. Ricky Storm


Ricky is a very young man, but doesn’t wilt in the spotlight of his first match. He’s an athletic guy and uses some real flair. Unfortunately for him, there are few wilier veterans than Leo and he uses his experience to systematically take the young man apart. Ricky goes aerial – he jumps straight into an elbow. Ricky just doesn’t have the wiliness to compete and is beaten by a Price Drop.


Winner: Leo Price




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The Anglo-Scots connection come down to the ring merrily swigging from cans and singing raucous football songs. As usual they’re dressed in their Celtic and Chelsea shirts.


Chelsea “Davey, Mr Nova’s sorted us out an away game today. Big matchup with Stoat and his underworld lot.”


Celtic “Aye Davey. Show this local Villa mob what we’re about eh?”


Chelsea “Only fing is, we need a sub for a 3-man match. Luckily I’ve had a word and sorted out a guy. Remember Frank Sinclair? It’s one of those signings.”


Celtic ”Don’t you man more like Gil Heron?”


Their bickering is drowned out by some deep, dark reggae music and Daniel Black Francis comes to join them in the ring.




DBF “Enough boys. You got an issue wid Stoat an al, I do too. I an’ I got bad history with those guys mon. Stoat? You took me down from Zion once. Let’s see if you can play that trick again on Steppin’ Razor. An’ one more ting? You an me goin’ round an’ round at Head to Head.”



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Stevie Stoat & the Assassin’s Guild vs. the Anglo-Scots Connection & Daniel Black Francis


A clear case of the haves and have-nots. Stoat and DBF are the class here but Stoat studiously avoids coming into direct contact with the enraged Rasta. Instead, we basically see the two tag-teams beat seven bells out of each other. It’s true what they say: these skinny guys fight until they’re hamburger. The two Daveys however are solid fighters and gain the upper hand over the Guild.

Until of course Raynor and Peyton distracts the ref, allowing Stevie Stoat to use his brass knuckles on Davey Celtic before hitting his superkick for the win.


Winners: Stevie Stoat and the Assassin’s Guild when Stoat pinned Celtic.






Joss Thompson, 21CW World Champion is in the ring.


Joss “The time has come for scores to be settled, and at Head to Head I have a more difficult task than most. That’s not to say anyone else has it easy. Leo Price is no easy pickings and my friend Pitbull Brown will certainly have a fight on his hands.


“Luckily, there’s no one in Britain that has more relish for a battle than Pitbull. He’s never going to give up, he’s never to give ground and he’s never going to get beat by the sort of man that Leo Price is. Everyone here knows what a competitor Pitbull is and tonight; he’s going to prove it against a man that until recently held a 21CW title. Harry Wilson may be the brother of the legendary Dark Angel and he may well regain the UK title at head to Head, but tonight, he goes up against someone who WILL NOT LAY DOWN. Ladies and gentlemen: Pitbull Brown!”






Pitbull Brown vs. Harry Wilson


Harry is the aggressor here and seems determined ahead of his rematch with Ed Cornell. Unfortunately, Pitbull is as good as Joss says and soaks up all the punishment dished out. Most men would have given up, but Pitbull takes his time, waits for his opportunity and seizes Harry. Once he’s locked in Pitbull has the upper hand and manages to use his Doghouse Piledriver.


Winner: Pitbull Brown




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Adam Matravers and his girlfriend Phoebe Plumbridge are relaxing backstage in their dressing room when Ed Cornell walks in.




Ed “Guys, I thought you’d want to hear first. I just heard a rumour that you’ve had a match confirmed for Head to Head.”


Phoebe “About time too. Poor Adam has been working away, and Mr Nova ignores him.”


Ed “Yeah, but it’s not great news. Apparently someone specifically asked for you Adam. It’s Business Jones.”


Phoebe and Adam start laughing. They are obviously not intimidated at all.


Phoebe “Bad news? That lummox is the most overrated guy in Britain. He’ clumsy stupid and slow.”


Ed “I guess. But he’s been handing out some beatings. Maybe he is overrated though.”


Just then, Jeff Nova also enters the room.




Jeff “I see you’re all very light-hearted about this. I seem to remember Business beating you at This is England Adam? Tell you what let’s find out. Tonight you two will take on Business Jones and someone else that wants a piece of both of you; Rolling Johnny Stones.”




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Adam Matravers & Edward Cornell vs. Business Jones & Rolling Johnny Stones


Business is in the same mood as always; touchy, sensitive and angry. He’s especially annoyed at Matravers after he and Phoebe have periodically ridiculed him recently.


On the other hand, RJS and Ed have a history too, and Stones definitely wants a shot at the UK title.


This makes for an exciting bout with a lot of changes of momentum and near falls, but the crux occurs when Business actually gets his hands on Matravers. The two men quickly end up outside the ring, where they trade blows regardless of the actual match. They get increasingly personal and the match devolves into a 4-man brawl in the crowd before the ref rings the bell.


Winners: draw after double count out




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Joss Thompson comes out for his match with Luke Cool. He is accompanied by Pitbull brown who seems tired after his earlier win. The two men greet the crowd as usual as well as posing for pictures and shaking hands.


Joss “I want to take this opportunity to draw a line in the sand. I’ve been here all night and I think everyone in the crowd knows that we’ve had one eye open waiting for Faust and his cronies to appear. We all know they’re a bunch of jackasses that will fight unfair given half the chance. That’s why we’ve been particularly visible tonight, as we know Faust and Nightmare cant risk an open battle. Yeah, that other guy turned up last week, but we all know cowards when we see them and Faust is a coward.


“I have personal issues Faust’s blasphemy, but this isn’t about that. This is about having the balls to come take me on up front. You want my title? I’ll fight you, and Saturday I’ll do exactly that, but don’t hide behind anyone else.


“Jonathan Faust. When I meet you one-on-one I WILL defeat you. I WILL retain my belt.”






Joss Thompson vs. Luke Cool


Poor Luke doesn’t stand much of a chance with Joss in this kind of mood as the American is more fired up than any time apart from his brutal match in the cage with Leo at WW3.


Joss is 21CW World champ on merit and he shows why tonight with a dazzling display of versatility and speed. Luke reel from the onslaught, and only a few minutes in is caught cold by Joss’ Clean Cutter.


Winner: Joss Thompson




After the match Joss celebrates with Pitbull and the fans, as they gear themselves up for the real battles at head to Head...


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When Faust and Nightmare finally show their faces. A brawl erupts in the ring between the four men and it looks like being even, but the giant hooded man we saw last week also enters the fray allowing Faust and Nightmare to gain the upper hand.


Joss and Pitbull both end up on the floor taking a kicking, when security run in and manage to escort the two faces to safety as the show ends.





Overall show rating: C-

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Head to Head

Saturday Week 3 March 2010

Kent Race Course

Attendance: 3,213


Pre-show matches: E, D

Pre-show angle: C+




Jeff Nova introduces the show from the centre of the ring.


Jeff “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the night where reputations don’t matter. The night where anyone can make their dreams come true in the ring. The night where we find out who the best man is when Britain’s most exciting wrestlers go HEAD TO HEAD.


“Tonight you’ll all see some amazing athletes and some real hard men face off one on one with it all on the line.


“Nowhere else in Britain can offer you matches like American superstar Joss Thompson fighting the demonic Jonathan Faust for the 21CW World title. No-one else has matches the calibre of The toughest man in Britain Pitbull Brown taking on ex-champ Leo Price.


“On top of that we’re going to see Business Jones, the most unpredictable fighter in the country, “Mile High” Adam Matravers, Crime lord Stevie Stoat, and a Cornell defend his UK title.


“I’ve got the best seat in the house, but I’m proud every one of you is joining me for 21CW Head to Head.”






Business Jones makes his way slowly to the ring. He’s a big man and doesn’t look happy. Over the past months we’ve seen him hand out some nasty beatings, but the only person tom openly mock him for his somewhat accident-prone nature has been Matravers.


Business “Matravers! Listen up buster. You need to recognise I’m the toughest guy around in this country. I’ve been there and seen it, and spat in it’s face. I’ve beaten worse guys than you’ve ever dreamed about. I’ve done worse things you can imagine. All this and you laugh at me? Get in the ring and we’ll see who’s laughing.”


As he finishes he hurls the microphone away into the crowd. Where someone hurls it right back at him clocking him right in the head. Business reels away and falls flat on his ass. Not a great start.




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Phoebe Plumridge and her boyfriend Adam Matravers come down to face Business.


Phoebe “Kevin Jones. Not the most terrifying name in the world is it? Shane Hannigans isn’t so bad either. You have beaten up some people, but we know what you are Kevin: a bully. No more and no less. And tonight, Adam will show you what happens to playground bullies.”






Business Jones vs. Adam Matravers


These two guys have very different reasons for wanting to succeed and its clear in the ring. Business is all offence, but Matravers has the craft to avoid the worst of that. Unfortunately it proves to be a matter of time as Business approaches Phoebe. Matravers cool is blown and the two men lock up. From then it’s a matter of strength and Business hits his bell-to-belly suplex to win the match.



Winner: Business Jones




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A video plays from earlier in the day. We see Stevie Stoat in the Green Man and French Horn with his manager Mel Florence and underlings Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton.


Mel “Black Francis is weak Stevie. You’re clearly the better man and better fighter and you’re going to win the match. And we can make sure of I…”


Stoat “…”






Stevie Stoat vs. Daniel Black Francis


An even match with DBF the bigger man looking powerful but Stevie’s high impact strikes holding him at bay. DBF looks to upset the odds, but Raynor and Peyton distract the ref long enough for Mel to hit DBF with a low blow, setting Stoat up for his super kick.


Winner: Stevie Stoat




After the match all three men attack DBF leaving him down in the ring.




Jeff Nova interviews Ed Cornell about his big match with Harry Wilson.




Jeff “Ed, you’ve got a big name to live up to and that belt must bring it’s own expectations.”


Ed “That’s right Jeff, but I’ve got motivation. Wilson is a bad loser who needs to learn to live with himself. He can make up all these stories about how smart he is and what not, but blah, blah, blah. You want the belt back Harry? You’ve got to prove you can stand on your own feet. I know who your brother is. YAWN. I don’t hide behind my name, I stand up for myself. And tonight I’m going to prove I’m the better man.”






Ed Cornell vs. Harry Wilson for the 21CW UK Title


Harry does ok, but the traffic is mostly one way. Ed is the stronger guy and comes across looking very dangerous as Harry gets increasingly desperate. Not desperate enough though as Ed sets up his Black Lightning Bomb for the win.


Winner: Ed Cornell retains the 21CW UK Title




After the match Ed celebrates with his belt when he’s hit out of nowhere by an attacking Rolling Johnny Stones. Ed is left down in the ring as RJS waves the belt at the crowd.




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Kathleen Lee accompanies Leo Price to the ring ahead of Leo’s match with Pitbull Brown.



Kathleen “We showed everyone last week that Leo is far from being an afterthought. Joss may have sneaked a win in the cage back at World War, but we’re going to take it out on his new best friend. Tonight Pitbull Brown is going to go down.”






Pitbull Brown vs. Leo Price


A hugely entertaining match that goes back and forth as both men come very close to stealing wins. Leo looks tough and wily, and Pitbull shows off his famed never-give-up attitude and toughness.


In the end, it’s the difference as he kicks out of numerous close falls, but gathers enough strength to set up his feared Doghouse Pile driver.


Winner: Pitbull Brown






After the match Pitbull celebrates and addresses the crowd:


Pitbull “Ladies and gentlemen, Joss is preparing for his own match tonight, but I wanted to take the time…”




And that’s as far as he gets as a swift attack from Jonathan Faust’s two henchmen, the demon Nightmare and the enormous, masked and hooded man jump Pitbull. With Joss busy, there’s no-one to defend him and the two huge acolytes leave him destroyed.






Joss is backstage in his dressing room psyching himself up with Pitbull’s match and beat down on a small TV. He looks distraught as Pitbull takes a kicking.


Joss “That’s just low. Faust, I know you’re an evil bastard, but to go after Pitbull whilst I’m getting ready for our match? I didn’t think I could get less impressed with you but this is a new low.


“I was ready to defend this belt against you already, but now you’ve slipped up. You’ve made me even more determined to not let the good people of 21CW down as I make damn sure you never get your hands on the gold.”






Jonathan Faust comes to the ring and joins Nightmare and the masked man.


Faust “Joss, I’m glad you saw this. This is what happens to people that don’t realise the truth. I AM GOD. I am divine. I am something more than all of you little people. And if you don’t believe, this is what happens. You pay in pain, in blood and in agony.


“And tonight, this is just a taster of what’s going to happen to you right here in this ring.”






Joss Thompson vs. Jonathan Faust for the 21CW World Title


Nightmare and the masked man spend the whole match at ringside, and Faust is understandably confident with his backup. He unleashes a series of huge punches and slams onto Joss and it’s clear that the champ is barely hanging on. Every time Joss gathers any momentum a sly attack from Faust’s two henchmen stops him in his tracks.


After the match looks to be won, Faust slackens off and as he argues with the ref, the attacks from Nightmare and the masked man get more obvious as they leave Joss coughing blood.


Faust and his minions even start goading the crowd by gesturing to them and laughing at their boos, but Joss takes the opportunity to hit Faust with one last effort. It takes all his remaining strength, but somehow he hits his Clean Cutter, dropping Faust to the canvas before wrapping him up for a surprise 3-count.


Winner: Joss Thompson retains the 21CW World Title






Faust is furious after losing a match that he clearly had in the bag and he and his acolytes round on Joss as the champ escapes with his belt.


Faust “You’d better un little man. You managed to hang on by the skin of your teeth tonight, but everyone who saw the match knows that I was the rightful winner. 21CW fans, you can cheer your pathetic champion, but know this: I am Faust. I am coming for that title, and I will take what’s mine. You can none of you stand against us, because I AM A GOD.”






Overall rating C

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Matches announced for Best of British Week 4 March 2010


Jon Faust vs. Pitbull Brown


Jos Thompson vs. ???


Jay B vs. Adam Matravers


Leo Price vs. DJ Reason


Ed Cornell vs. Luke Cool


Business Jones vs. K'Le Hawkins


Don Henderson & Merle O'Curle vs. Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm

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21CW Best of British WrestlingWk 4 March 2010

Celtic Heritage Hall

Attendance: 697


Preshow: C-, D+, B+


http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/a91bda785a9d08b9ef11227a6dc646a32g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/dffad404361ffc55bb96baaaf03e69f92g.jpg


Ahead of Luke Cool’s match with Ed Cornell for the UK title, Harry Wilson surreptitiously speaks with Luke and appears to pass him money.






Ed Cornell vs. Harry Wilson for the 21CW UK Title


Harry attempts to interfere with Ed, but mess it up and takes Luke out allowing Ed to retain easily.




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/a64d62f704f6c5610e17cc98e3b45bef2g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/a91bda785a9d08b9ef11227a6dc646a32g.jpg


Ed Cornell says he hates Harry Wilson for what he’s become and wants to end their feud once and for all. To that purpose, he proposes a loser leaves 21CW title match at Wicked.




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/fd61952f35e21efcd53d1a204a8cf71f2g.jpghttp://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/f7b4c4d54623249a26c9dcfe0727184e2g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/3b89ae42a816883581d3f6c5cdf766622g.jpg


Merle O’Curle and Don Henderson announce they will be teaming up to make sure one of them wins the 6 Nations title from K’Lee Hawkins. They will be known as The Experts.




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/fd61952f35e21efcd53d1a204a8cf71f2g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/f7b4c4d54623249a26c9dcfe0727184e2g.jpgVShttp://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/e8dc47024ee46a00c8c0d88512e312b62g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/e992a2ad341d604f62bc20db1d4f9bca2g.jpg


Merle O’Curle & Don Henderson vs. Ricky Storm and Leigh Burton


The Experts beat the graduates when Merle pins Ricky Storm.





http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/fd61952f35e21efcd53d1a204a8cf71f2g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/f7b4c4d54623249a26c9dcfe0727184e2g.jpg


After the match Jeff agrees that Merle will get a title shot at Wicked, but he is still unconvinced about his countryman Don’s performances.






Business Jones attempts to cut a promo about how dangerous he is, but messes it up and pokes his own eye with a microphone.






Business Jones vs. K’Lee Hawkins for the 21CW 6 Nations title


Business destroys K’Lee for the win, but the ref reminds him that the title can only be claimed by a different nationality and K’Lee is English. Doh!




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/3c211e8e3d47cf7a4230d3ed2317610b2g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/96608d0ad261977305ca48168af3f5fb2g.jpg



Kathleen lee and Leo Price both talk about how cheated they are and hint about their upcoming secret project. DJ Reason takes over the sound booth and plays comedy sound effects ending in leo challenging him to a match right now.




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/96608d0ad261977305ca48168af3f5fb2g.jpgVS http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/e67ba15e1039b3925197139c637ace5f2g.jpg


Leo Price vs. DJ Reason


This is a close match, but Kathleen seals the win when she interferes on Leo’s behalf.




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/7ac24341021b4200b1881eaa8e81d1752g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/6e96962c9f9d766937937ca0c522dd722g.jpg

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Hot Stuff (Jay B and Buff Hernandez) hype their tag titles and say they are the match of any wrestlers in 21CW. Phoebe Plumridge and Adam Matravers disagree and Adam says he will fight either of them right now.






Adam Matravers vs. Jay B


A fine match full of action is stopped early as Buff Martinez’ attempted interference also draws action from Phoebe causing both men to be DQed.





http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/dae62abeec04d4d2d1f69872d94513f52g.jpg http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/390ea8039a20d96f3e5f50bb73bd5bbc2g.jpg



Joss Thompson is on his own backstage when a vicious assault from Jonathan Faust, Nightmare and the masked man leave him down, clutching his arm and screaming. Pitbull arrives to save, but is too late. Joss grits his teeth and tells Pitbull to get to his match with Faust and get revenge in the ring.




http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/dae62abeec04d4d2d1f69872d94513f52g.jpg VS http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/dbcf6833b5cb9a79e367d7cd69abe5542g.jpg


Jonathan Faust vs. Pitbull Brown


A tight battle is closer than expected as Pitbull won’t stay down, but as Faust gets more desperate he calls in the cavalry and Nightmare interferes for the win.








Faust the masked man and Nightmare celebrate their domination and taunt both Pitbull and Joss. Jeff Nova announces to them that Joss has broken a bone in his arm and will be out for at least two months. Faust and his heavies celebrate gleefully as the crowd boo their bad taste.




Overall show rating: C-

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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday week 1 April 2010

Parliament Square London

Attendance: 1,000



Preshow: D+, D-, C



Jeff introduces the show. He pays special attention to Joss’ injury at the hands of Faust and his cronies.




Kathleen Lee and Leo Price hype themselves and tell the crowd that they’re on their way back to the top with their new plan. They claim Leo will again fight anyone, and two challengers appear to accept. Daniel Black Francis and Rolling Johnny Stones. Leo says he will fight them both in a triple threat.




Leo Price vs. Daniel Black Francis vs. Rolling Johnny Stones


Leo wins the bout when he pins DBF after blatant interference from Kathleen Lee’s high heel.




The Experts (Don Henderson and Merle O’Curle) cut a promo about their respective issues. Merle is bristling for his shot at the 6 Nations title when he takes on K’Lee Hawkins at Wicked. Don Henderson is fed up with being put down by Jeff Nova all the time and wants to prove he is the bigger man. By facing him in the ring.


Jeff responds by saying he is way past his prime these days, and won’t fight Don. However, the two of them just talked themselves into a match right now against K’Lee and another 6 Nations title contender.




The Experts (Don & Merle) vs. K’Lee Hawkins & The Red Dragon


The Red Dragon is a breath of fresh air in this tight, technical match with his aerial attacks, but the Experts use their superior close-tactics to outmatch the smaller men. Merle pins The Dragon for the win.




DJ Reason and baggy Cooper are engaging in another back-stage argument about music with Jeff slating all of their choices as usual. Luke Cool strolls past and adds his criticism to the mix resulting in a brawl between him, DJ and Baggy. Jeff pulls them apart and tells them to settle it in the ring.




DJ Reason vs. Luke Cool


DJ’s strength proves decisive and he pins Luke cleanly in the middle of the ring.




Davey Celtic and Chelsea make jokes about football with the local London club fans and take the opportunity to criticise Hot Stuff who they see as cold, aloof and removed from the real world.




Anglo-Scots Connection vs. The DuPont Twins


The French twins can’t put up much resistance apart from some half-hearted cheating and the Daveys take the big win before challenging Hot Stuff to another title match at Wicked.




Hot Stuff come to the ring and respond that they don’t like to stoop the the Anglo-Scots level with the hoi-polloi as they prefer the company of cooler and better-looking people. Not to mention the fact that they are competing with a better class of athletes these days. Hence their current problems with Adam Matravers who beat Jay last week.




Buff Martinez vs. Adam Matravers


A close match and Jay attempts to interfere for Buff, but Adam finds a way to win and sneaks a pin.




Business Jones argues with the crowd over their lack of respect for him (managing to have an unfortunate moment with a Satsuma at the same time). The crowd keep laughing so Business vows to prove how mean he is in a match against two 21CW veterans.




Business Jones vs. Edward Cornell vs. Stevie Stoat


A tough, open brawl looks like it could go any way. Business looks powerful, Stoat is clinically dangerous, and Ed is a real fighter. Business ends up with the win when he pins Cornell, but as he celebrates is entranced by a raven-haired beauty in the crowd. He wanders after her transfixed and the girl has to flee.




Jonathan Faust, Nightmare and the masked man come to the ring to talk about Joss and the injury they inflicted on him. Faust says that Joss has until the end of the month to fight him in a rematch, or by contract, the title will revert to the number one contender. Of course Joss has a nasty injury, so it might be hard for him, but that isn’t Faust’s problem...




Overall show rating: C

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21CW Best of British Wrestling

Wednesday week 2 April 2010

Silver dagger Billiard Room, Dublin

Attendance: 1,000


Preshow: D, D


Jeff Nova introduces the show. He mentions all the matches announced so far for Wicked:


Merle O’Curle vs. K’Lee Hawkins for the 21CW 6 Nations Title


Ed Cornell vs. Harry Wilson in a Loser Leaves 21CW/UK Title match


Jeff also confirms that Joss will have to face Faust through his injury, or forfeit his 21CW World Title.




Jay B and Buff Hernandez talk to the crowd about how great they are and how not great it i that a pair of low-lives like Davey Chelsea and London want their title. They propose a match at Wicked, but to show the Anglo-Scots connection you should be careful what you wish for, it will be a TLC match.




Hot Stuff vs. DJ Reason and Baggy Cooper


DJ has been on a slight roll lately and looks dangerous, but Jay seals the win by pinning baggy Cooper with one foot n the ropes for leverage.




Rolling Johnny Stones complains that harry Wilson is getting another title shot when he is clearly the number one contender for that belt. RJS thinks Cornell is scared of him and trying to escape a match. Jeff Nova says if Stones can beat Harry tonight he will take his place in the match at Wicked, although it will still be a loser-leaves-21CW.




Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Harry Wilson


RJS looks especially dangerous here, but rather than lose his title shot, Harry leaves the ring and the ref is forced to rule the match a no-contest. Jeff rules that Harry will still face Ed at Wicked, but the winner will have to defend against RJS next.




Stevie Stoat, Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton record a promo from their customary position in a local pub. They ridicule Adam Matravers and Stoat claims he is easily the better of him one-on-one. Adam responds and claims he is the better man and will prove it in the ring. They agree on a tag match between Raynor & Peyton vs. Matravers and a random member of the 21CW roster. If Adam wins, Stoat will fight him at Wicked.




Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton vs. Adam Matravers & Leigh Burton


Raynor and Peyton pick on poor young Leigh Burton and do a good job, but after the hot tag, Matravers gets in the ring and clears up, pinning Peyton for the win. Matravers gets his match against Stoat at Wicked.




Kathleen Lee and Leo Price drop more hints about a secret plan of theirs. Leo says he will b fighting Ed Cornell tonight in a non-title match, but has taken precautions which he believes will help win.




Leo Price vs. Ed Cornell


A very even match, but Ed comes out stronger. Until he is attacked by Nightmare and Faust’s other masked minion. Whereupon Leo picks up the win over the battered Cornell.




After the match Nightmare, Leo and the masked man beat down Ed Cornell in the ring and Faust himself joins them pausing to shake hands with Leo and Kathleen.




Pitbull interrupts the beatdown with a chair in hand and his surprise attack scatters the heels. Pitbull helps Ed up before delivering a tirade about the state of 21CW and the lack of honour of Faust and his cronies. He finishes by actually giving some credit to Business Jones (his opponent tonight) as he at least fights rather than sneaks around attacking people. Pitbull ends by pointing out things would be different if Joss were around and fit.


Jeff Nova adds his weight by telling Faust that if anyone interferes with Pitbull tonight, the title match/reversion to Faust will be null and void.




Pitbull Brown vs. Business Jones


A fascinating, close, brutal brawl with neither man giving an inch. Faust comes to ringside, but instead of interfering, jut watches. Pitbull is actually fuelled by this and redoubles his efforts managing to inflict Business Jones’ first clean loss this year with a Doghouse Piledriver.




Overall rating C-

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