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FUSION: The Dropzone

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FUSION opens!

Three Coastal Resort graduates that had not made it to the CZCW roster, known as Paradigm, Paradox and Paranoia, have decided to get into the picture in another way. They put their savings together and started up a local wrestling promotion of their own in the South West area. It is called FUSION Championship Wrestling. They’ve contacted some wrestlers who have enough name value to at least get a few people to watch their shows like Brendan Idol (ex-RIPW), Mark Smart (ex-USPW) and Regular Joe (ex-FREEDOM). The rest of their talent pool consists of youngsters trying to break into the business. Expect a poster here and there in your neighborhood. Go check it out if you want to witness these future champions in the making.

Company Details:

Location: South West (USA)

Size: Local (0% Popularity Everywhere)

Prestige: 0

Momentum: 0

Owner: Paradigm

Finances: $ 50,000


Key Features: None

Heavy Features: Traditional and Mainstream

Medium Features: Cult and Modern

Low Features: Comedy, Realism, Hardcore, Pure and Daredevil

Owner Goals:

#1: When the time expires (28 months), FUSION must have at least as much popularity in America as it did when the goal was set. (Critical)

#2: When the time expires (24 months), FUSION must have gained popularity in America (Critical)

#3: Cannot hire any wrestler with less than 35 Industry Reputation. (Average)

#4: Cannot hire wrestlers who have had problems with the law. (Average)

#5: You can’t hire any wrestler over the age of 45. (Average)

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Friday, Week 4, January 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 14 people.



Ant-Man vs. Running Wolf

The big Running Wolf was logically the dominant force in this match, but eventually his lack of experience is what cost him the match as Ant-Man won with a handful of tights. It was a more than acceptable opening match.

Winner: Ant-Man

Rating: 20 (E-)


Average Joe is in the ring cutting an interview hyping the main event title match later tonight when he gets rudely interrupted by Mark Smart who comes down the runway with a baseball bat in his hands. As he’s entered the ring Brendan Idol jumps out of the crowd, enters the ring and dropkicks Smart. He takes the microphone saying that FUSION needs a champion that deserved the title, not a champion that stole it. Joe and Idol walk out and Smart as well as soon as he gets to his feet.

Rating: 9 (F)



Crouching Tiger vs. Extreme Deluxe

Not a good match by any means, but that’s the risk you take when putting two rookies in the ring. Part of the crowd made their hatred for Extreme Deluxe known. Deluxe won an open match after a 460 Degree Splash.

Winner: Extreme Deluxe

Rating: 10 (F)



Raw Power vs. Paratroopers

Again a bit of a drab match. The crowd doesn’t like Little Zachary and Paranoia (which is a bit of problem). Raw Power overpowered their opponents and got the deserved victory after Big Jebediah finished off Paranoia with a Sundown Splash.

Winners: Raw Power

Rating: 11 (F)




Brendan Idol vs. Mark Smart vs. Regular Joe

Idol and Joe teamed up in the beginning after that attack Smart had pulled off earlier today. The one wouldn’t let the other win the title though and thus they eventually started fighting each other as well. All three competitors got close to winning, but there was always someone that prevented them from doing so. The end came when Smart got dropkicked out of the ring. Idol used the Idolizer on Joe and pinned him becoming the first ever FUSION World champ.


Rating: 31 (E+)



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You know you have to give me royalties for starting a 0/0/0/0 promotion without my permission. ;)


Good luck on this one scum buddy.


As much as I would like to agree with you, it's not 0/0/0, he has $50,000 :p


I do like the small promotions, and will read support this one, let me know what I got to beat when I start up my local promotion dynasty ;)

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Friday, Week 4, February 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 10 people.



Little Zachary vs. Running Wolf

This was an ok opening match between two brawlers. Running Wolf had the size advantage and it paid off in the end as he came out victorious. The crowd still doesn’t like Zachary.

Winner: Running Wolf

Rating: 12 (F+)



fANTASHtic vs. Paratroopers

A rather good tag team match involving 4 rookies. The heel team won by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. It’s the second month in a row that Ant-Man is in a good match for our standards. If he keeps delivering he’s definitely moving up the card. The crowd still hates Paranoia, they don’t like spot monkeys I guess.

Winner: fANTASHtic

Rating: 25 (E)


Mark Smart is in the ring.

Mark Smart: “Last month’s match was totally unfair! Them villains teaming up against me is what cost me the world title. I demand a one-on-one rematch! Brendan Idol, come out right now, bring that belt with you and fight me!”


Brendan Idol comes out to his theme music.

Brendan Idol: “Not going to happen, Smart. I am willing to fight you in a tag team match later tonight. I will fight with Regular Joe besides me and you can bring with you whoever you want. If you win that match, you’ll get a shot next month.”

Rating: 9 (F)



Big Jebediah vs. Crouching Tiger

The standard big bully versus high flier match. As is the case most of the time, the big man came out on top. He finished it off with a Sundown Splash.

Winner: Big Jebediah

Rating: 15 (F+)



Bob Casey & Mark Smart vs. Brendan Idol & Regular Joe

Our best match yet in FUSION. Decided to cut Extreme Deluxe and bring in Bob Casey, a more experienced relatively cheap worker. Smart and Casey have pretty good chemistry as a team. Smart looked weaker than Casey in the match and it was Bob Casey who won the match for them by rolling up Regular Joe. Mark Smart gets his title shot next month.

Winner: Bob Casey & Mark Smart

Rating: 35 (E+)




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Saturday, Week 4, March 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 10 people.


Little Zachary vs. Paranoia

A really bad match between the two most hated members on our roster. While this match lasted only 7 minutes, Little Zachary was exhausted by the end. I might consider letting him go. He won this match with a Credit Crunch though.

Winner: Little Zachary

Rating: 8 (F)


Ant-Man is in the ring.

Ant-Man: “I am the next big thing in professional wrestling. I’ll start small and conquer the FUSION World Title as soon as I get the opportunity, but as soon as I’ve accomplished that the big guns will all want me to be part of their company. Twenty years from now no one will talk about Sam Strong, Tommy Cornell or Jack Bruce. They’ll be talking about me, Ant-Man. I am laying a challenge to whoever wants to get beaten by me right now.”


Paradigm comes out and we have a match.

Rating: 28 (E)


Ant-Man vs. Paradigm

Again a more than decent match by Ant-Man. The match was very open. Ant-Man had to use a chair to get the win while Ashton Barnaby distracted the referee.

Winner: Ant-Man

Rating: 20 (E-)


Mark Smart is in the ring hyping his title match tonight saying that he’ll show the world what he’s capable of and stuff like that. You know the drill...

Rating: 20 (E-)


Ashton Barnaby vs. Regular Joe

Joe shows that he can keep his head above the water in a match against a lesser opponent, which is good. After losing the first two matches he needs a few wins to get back into the title picture. He starts this string of victories by putting Barnaby aside.

Winner: Regular Joe

Rating: 21 (E-)



Brendan Idol © vs. Mark Smart

Our main heel and our main face square off man on man for the first time and they kind of delivered. The match went back and forth a lot, but Mark Smart got impatient and used a weapon. He got disqualified for that and thus Idol makes his first defence. He’d have liked to have won in a different way though.

Winner: Brendan Idol

Rating: 31 (E+)




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Saturday, Week 4, April 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 12 people.


Paradigm vs. Paranoia

A competitive match between two friends. Not that entertaining match for the crowd, but a good experience for both guys. Paradigm came out on top this time with the Drop The Paradigm.

Winner: Paradigm

Rating: 10 (F)


Crouching Tiger and Running Wolf are doing some kind of war dance in the ring before their match against Raw Power.

Rating: 17 (E-)


Raw Power vs. The Tribe

One of our better newbie matches. The Tribe won the match after they used their double team finishing move on them, the Totem Pole. Wolf carries Zachary in his neck and Tiger hits a top rope dropkick on him.

Winners: The Tribe

Rating: 21 (E-)


Brendan Idol: “Mark Smart, you’re making me look like a weak champion! I don’t defend my titles by winning by disqualification. I want to pin you 1-2-3 on the mat. Therefore, next month I will face you in a no disqualification match for the title.”


Ant-Man comes out.

Ant-Man: “Not so fast Idol! You are booked against me tonight! Next month it is I that will fight Mark Smart in that no disqualification match!”


Brendan Idol: “We’ll see about that later tonight, son.”

Rating: 20 (E-)


Ashton Barnaby vs. Mark Smart

A disappointing match by all means. Mark Smart, who has main-event status failed to deliver. The fact that it was heel vs. Heel might have taken 4 points away from the rating or so, but even then it would be below expectations. He wins the match quite easily with the Smart Attack.

Winner: Mark Smart

Rating: 14 (F+)



Ant-Man vs. Brendan Idol ©

Our worst main event since we started, but still good enough for our level. Brendan Idol won the match by disqualification when Mark Smart came out and attacked him with a baseball bat to the unbelief of Ant-Man.

Winner: Brendan Idol

Rating: 26 (E+)


As Brendan Idol rolls out of the ring with his title we see Mark Smart and Ant-Man get into an argument. We might see a match between these two pretty soon.

Rating: 23 (E)



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“Hell Awaits”

Saturday, Week 4, May 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 10 people.


Paradigm vs. Regular Joe

A good opening match, kind of what I expected. Joe continues to fight his way back to the top by adding a second victory in a row to his record.

Winner: Regular Joe

Rating: 19 (E-)


Raw Power vs. The Tribe

A rematch from last month, a little worse than the previous one. This time the other team bagged the victory, which ensures us we’ll get the rubber match pretty soon. Raw Power won by cheating though.

Winners: Raw Power

Rating: 20 (E-)


Bob Casey is in the ring cutting a promo saying that he’s the one that got Mark Smart a title shot and how he deserves more respect and a title shot if possible of course. He says he’ll prove how good he is by beating Ant-Man.

Rating: 21 (E-)


Ant-Man vs. Bob Casey

Better than Ant-Man’s main event match last month. This sets the bar quite high for our main event up next. Casey probably got more resistance than he expected as the match went back and forth a lot. He had to use a sneaky Roll Up to get Ant-Man pinned.

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 24 (E)



No Disqualification Match

Brendan Idol © vs. Mark Smart

I was afraid this would happen. Both Smart and Idol are having problems getting their momentum up high. The fact that neither of them has good hardcore stats might’ve been a defining factor as well. Smart is definitely out of the title picture for a while after this match. Mark Smart was well equipped for the match as he came out with a bag full of weapons with him, whereas Idol didn’t bring anything. The end came when Idol hits a top rope DDT with Smart’s head landing on a steel chair.

Winner: Brendan Idol

Rating: 20 (E-)



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“Intro To Reality”

Saturday, Week 4, June 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 9 people.


“Soul Man” by the Blues Brothers hits the speakers as Elijah Harris walks into the arena.

Elijah Harris: “Don’t worry, I didn’t come here to wrestle. Those days are behind me now. I’ve come here to FUSION because I think this company has potential! And I want to turn that potential into something. I am here to do colour commentary, give advice on how to book the shows and to help the young guys in the back raise their game. I will bring some change to this company, starting tonight. How can there be a wrestling promotion without a tag team title? Let’s start by having ourselves an eight team tournament for the new FUSION World Tag Team Championship! I’ve convinced some of the best teams here in the independent circuit to come fight for this belt. You’ll see who I’m talking about later on tonight!”

Rating: 38 (D-)


Bob Casey & Mark Smart vs. Paratroopers

Mark Smart starts in the ring and as soon as the bell rings his partner simply walks back to the arena. Apparently Bob Casey has no interest in becoming Tag Team Champion. Mark Smart tries to fight off the Paratroopers, but eventually he gives in and gets pinned. The match was rather good, better than last month’s main event! The Troopers surprisingly advance...

Winners: Paratroopers

Rating: 25 (E)


fANTASHtic vs. The Tribe

Looks like people like our tag team matches more than the regular matches. Again four rookies get a decent match rating. The Tribe won by Disqualification when Barnaby used a low blow on Running Wolf. They’re out.

Winners: The Tribe

Rating: 18 (E-)


“Storm To Pass” by Atreyu hits the speakers as Natural Storm walks out. The get a pop from the crowd.


Eddie Howard: “After winning the tag titles in MAW, twice if I might add, and FCW we think it’s time for a new belt around our waists. Our goal is to conquer every possible tag title on the American wrestling circuit. FUSION is next!”

Rating: 37 (D-)


Natural Storm vs. Raw Power

The second E+ match in FUSION history. That’s why I gave those guys that much money. Natural Storm never really got into trouble this match and showed the people that they’re a well oiled machine. They defeated Big Jeb with the Storm Damage.

Winners: Natural Storm

Rating: 30 (E+)


FUSION World Champion Brendan Idol is in the ring with Regular Joe, his tag team partner for tonight, and possibly many nights to come.


Brendan Idol: “Your champ is here, ready to serve you! We’re supposed to fight some PSW douche bags, but apparently they haven’t showed up. Seems like FUSION is too small for them to care. I don’t like this at all... I want to fight my way to these titles.”


As Idol is continuing his very intriguing speech, 2 bald figures sneak through the crowd, jump over the fences and attack our champion and his partner. The bell rings and we have a match.

Rating: 21 (E-)


Brendan Idol & Regular Joe vs. The Good Ol’ Boys

The best match yet here in FUSION and it will be hard to break that record later on tonight. That pre-match attack gave the Boys just that little advantage they needed to win this difficult match. They did so using Gutwrench Flapjack on our champion and pinning him.

Winners: The Good Ol’ Boys

Rating: 38 (D-)


Paratroopers vs. The Tribe

We’re back to FUSION-level with a rating of 20. Good for our standards. The Tribe proved to be too strong for the Troopers. The combination of a small agile wrestler and a big powerhouse seems to work quite well.

Winners: The Tribe

Rating: 20 (E-)


As D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard are walking towards the ring, The Good Ol’ Boys come out and attack them from behind with chairs before the match even started!

Rating: 23 (E)


Natural Storm vs. The Good Ol’ Boys

Again the Boys use the pre-match attack to their advantage to come out on top. This match has raised the bar way too high for the main event, but what the heck. Natural Storm leaves FUSION without being dishonoured or having to job to our less good original tag teams and have an excuse for not winning the match, so both they and we are happy.

Winners: The Good Ol’ Boys

Rating: 40 (D-)




The Good Ol’ Boys vs. The Tribe

The Boys decided it wasn’t necessary to damage their opponents beforehand this time. Looks like they became too self-assured and that’s what cost them the victory. The Tribe gave a 110% this match and it paid off in the end when they finished it off with the Totem Pole, to the joy of the crowd. They’re just not over enough to get a good match rating. The Good Ol’ Boys go back to where they belong.

Winners: The Tribe

Rating: 28 (E)




- Yay! Our first E+ rating! It cost me quite a bit of money, but I had made a profit the previous months, so I could afford it.

- The problem I now have is that my tag titles were supposed to be midcard titles, but Running Wolf (21 Pop) and Crouching Tiger (21 Pop) are more over than my World Champion, Brendan Idol (20 Pop). My four main eventers are faces as Smart and Casey have been demoted to upper midcarders. Now I have to choose between turning one of my main eventers heel or kill the overness of my tag team champions by making them lose to Casey and such. Ah... gotta love TEW.

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“One Wild Night”

Saturday, Week 4, July 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 15 people.


Bob Casey: “Last month I walked out on Mark Smart because he didn’t give me the credit I deserve, because he’s too weak to be my partner and because I simply don’t like the guy. I could beat those tag team champs any day of the week with a decent partner that by my side. I’m just not interested in being a tag champion.”


The Tribe comes out.

Running Wolf: “Me, Running Wolf, and he, Crouching Tiger challenge you to tag team match. Not for titles, just for honor!”


Bob Casey: “Any day of the week, kiddo, any day of the week...”

Rating: 15 (F+)


Little Zachary vs. Paradigm

Again one of the Paratroopers surprises us by beating a more powerful wrestler than him. He finished with the Drop The Paradigm. The quality of the match was very good as well. Let’s hope the rest of the evening is just as good or better.

Winner: Paradigm

Rating: 18 (E-)


Ahston Barnaby vs. Paranoia

We got our hopes up too soon. This match was wretched and the crowd wasn’t into it. Some people in the crowd still hate Paranoia, I wonder what he has done to them? He wins this match with a Freak Out.

Winner: Paranoia

Rating: 9 (F)


The Soul Man has claimed a microphone and is addressing the fans.

Elijah Harris: “We’re having a bit of a problem determining who our #1 contender is at the moment. Everyone seems to have a different opinion about it. We narrowed them down to three and those three will fight for a title match right now. Those three are ... the former challenger, Mark Smart, the powerful Big Jebediah and Regular Joe. Come out and give us your all!”

Rating: 34 (E+)


#1 Contender Match:

Big Jebediah vs. Mark Smart vs. Regular Joe

This match went better than expected. The match was very open with Mark Smart probably looking the weakest of the three. Big Jeb is always a threat and Joe has a lot of heart. Hart prevailed this time around as he finished Jeb with a Joe And Behold before pinning him. He will face Brendan Idol next month.

Winner: Regular Joe

Rating: 26 (E)


Ant-Man & Bob Casey vs. The Tribe

I don’t like making my tag champs lose a tag match, but it was the only way to get heels into the main event picture without bringing in new expensive guys. Ant-Man and Bob Casey have excellent tag team chemistry. Might pair them up at a (much) later point in time to capitalize on that. The match ended with Casey using brass knuckles when the ref wasn’t watching, which knocked out Running Wolf.

Winners: Ant-Man & Bob Casey

Rating: 32 (E+)




- The main event scene has been balanced a bit as Casey is now a main eventer again. Ant-Man deserved the little popularity injection and is now only slightly inferior to The Tribe on that part who both dropped to 15 (-6).

- I am also quite impressed with the ratings Paradigm is getting. Paranoia on the other hand is a bit disappointing. The one is holding the other back. Don’t really plan on breaking them up soon though. Paradigm will have to carry Paranoia with him up the card so it’s taking a bit longer.

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“Let’s Get Rocked”

Saturday, Week 4, August 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 11 people.


Bob Casey: “ So, last month I decide for once to lower my standards and wrestle against inferior wrestlers and someone thought it was fun to hold a #1 Contender match while I was already booked in another match when it is crystal clear that I am the best wrestler in this company! Soul Man normally I would challenge you to match, but since I don’t want to destroy your legacy, if you even have one, I’ll let go of that. Instead I want Mark Smart in the ring tonight to prove I always have been better than him, I hope he drastically improved his game lately as else it’s gonna be hell of a one sided match. He’s too dumb to realise I’m better than him, so he’ll be happy to fight me. It’s a win-win situation. The crowd gets to see at least one guy with true wrestling skills, Smart gets the revenge he wants, and I once again prove the world how great I really am!”

Rating: 22 (E-)


Ashton Barnaby vs. Running Wolf

Ok opening match, made for giving Barnaby’s momentum to people who are higher up the card. Running Wolf dominates this match and finishes it with the Wolf Tamer.

Winner: Running Wolf

Rating: 15 (F+)


As the bell rings Raw Power rushes to the ring and attacks Running Wolf. Crouching Tiger comes out of the back as well to try to save his partner, but Big Jebediah picks him up and slams him out of the ring. Zachary asks for a microphone.


Little Zachary: “We were the last team to beat The Tribe before their little lucky streak at the tournament. We are worthy of a title shot! We demand it right here, right now!”


Elijah Harris comes from behind his announce table.


Elijah Harris: “You want me to give you guys a title shot? You can’t be serious! You guys got canned by Natural Storm in the first round and you’re demanding a title shot. Kids don’t have any shame these days, do they? The only ones worthy of a shot are the Paratroopers. They made it to the semi finals. Paradigm beat you in a singles match last week! You won’t get a title shot unless the Paratroopers come out here and accept to fight you and risk losing their spot.”


The Paratroopers come out and we have a match.

Rating: 14 (F+)


Tag Team #1 Contendership Match:

Paratroopers vs. Raw Power

A good match given the competitors involved. The match was very open, both teams had a few near falls, but it was Big Jebediah that ended it with the Sundown Splash. Raw Power is now first in line for a Tag Team title shot.

Winners: Raw Power

Rating: 20 (E-)


Bob Casey vs. Mark Smart

A good heel vs. heel match. Casey is indeed one of the better wrestlers on my roster. The most all-round wrestler for sure. He can have a decent match with anyone. Smart looked motivated tonight and wanted to win this one really bad, but came up short as he got rolled up for the win. Casey is getting rather close to a title shot.

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 24 (E)



Brendan Idol © vs. Regular Joe

Idol and Joe shook hands before the match as a sign of respect for one another. The crowd was into this match (thanks to the decent match before this one probably) and the competitors thrived under it. The match lasted 17 minutes, neither competitor gassed out so that was good as well. Joe is one of my most valuable assets. He’s a decent wrestler, a positive influence backstage and he’s young and can improve quite a bit still. The match went back and forth a lot with Joe taking the technical approach and Idol using his usual high flying style. Idol won it with the Idolizer. He helped Joe up after the match and the crowd clapped for them.

Winner: Brendan Idol (Defence #4)

Rating: 28 (E)




- Now Smart is definitely out of the title picture for a few months and he’ll have a very hard time getting back into it. He is now seen as a gatekeeper so to speak.

- Mark Smart sustained a bruised eye socket, but he’ll be able to work through it. It’ll probably be healed by our next show.

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Saturday, Week 4, September 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 28 people.


Bob Casey is in the ring yet again at the start of the show...


Bob Casey: “Wow, looks like the crowd has doubled. All because they’re suddenly advertising me on the card and because of my great matches in recent months. Apparently beating Mark Smart isn’t enough for Mr. Harris to give me a shot at the title? No problem, I’m patient... Tonight I want to go one on one against Regular Joe! Make it happen, Harris!!”


Elijah Harris: “All right, tonight the main event will be Bob Casey versus Regular Joe, but it does not really matter. Next month you can ensure a title shot as we are having the first ever King Of The Cage Tournament. This is an eight man tournament and the winner gets crowned the 2010 King Of The Cage, plus he gets a title shot at the next show. Not all matches will be held in a cage as that would take away the rarity of those matches, but the semi finals and final will be held in it! You can win by Pinfall, Submission or Escape.”

Rating: 18 (E-)


Ashton Barnaby vs. Paradigm

The Paratroopers will face fANTASHtic in singles matches tonight. Arguably the weak part of fANTASHtic is facing the stronger part of the other team. This opinion gets respected and Paradigm defeats Barnaby with the Drop The Paradigm. The match was devoid of action.

Winner: Paradigm

Rating: 14 (F+)


Ant-Man vs. Paranoia

The new people in the crowd don’t like Paranoia either... what is it about the guy that ticks them off? Ant-Man carries him to a decent match and takes the victory with the Antidote as a finisher.

Winner: Ant-Man

Rating: 20 (E-)


A video is projected on the wall in which Raw Power and The Tribe separately give an interview about their upcoming match added with video footage from some of their previous in-ring work. The crowd didn’t look impressed. It was a good toilet break for them.

Rating: 7 (F)



Raw Power vs. The Tribe ©

A brawling match with Crouching tiger adding a little fast paced action to the match for the fans of that genre. The match rating was what is expected of my tag team title matches. The Tribe makes their first defence of the FUSION tag titles. Raw Power came close to victory a few times, but the Native Americans hanged in there. They finished it with their trademark move, the Totem Pole.

Winners: The Tribe

Rating: 21 (E-)


Bob Casey vs. Regular Joe

This is the second best match in FUSION history that involved people solely employed by FUSION, Casey & Smart vs. Idol & Joe being first and Ant-Man & Casey vs. The Tribe being third. Those matches all have one thing in common: Bob Casey. The action in this match went back and forth a lot and saw Casey steal the victory with a roll-up. Joe is in the losing column yet again while not looking bad.

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 32 (E+)




- We continue to improve our popularity slowly in the South West with this show. I’m excited for the tournament coming up next month. It will feature our 8 most popular wrestlers minus the World Champion. The matches will be determined randomly so it’s possible for Joe to meet Casey in the first round again for example.

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Saturday, Week 4, October 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 26 people.


Ant-Man: “Tonight the prophecy will unfold as the greatest talent in wrestling history will win his very first title! The first of the many titles he will collect the coming 20 years. The Ant-Man era starts right here right now, I will make firewood of my opponent Mark Smart and after that I will squash anyone that crosses my path in that cage!”

Rating: 30 (E+)


First Round:

Ant-Man vs. Mark Smart

A good opening match that featured some fast paced wrestling. Ant-Man kept it short and defeated Smart in less than five minutes using the Antidote. He advances to the next round and will face the winner of the next match.

Winner: Ant-Man

Rating: 22 (E-)


First Round:

Bob Casey vs. Crouching Tiger

Tiger gets carried to his best singles match until now by Casey. Casey dominates this match and finishes it fairly easy. Tiger got in a couple of moves from time to time, but never really got something going. Casey will face Ant-Man in the semi-final.

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 28 (E)


First Round:

Paradigm vs. Regular Joe

The crowd didn’t know who to cheer for this match as both of them are fan favourites. Joe had to carry the match and did a decent job. As expected, Joe walks away as a winner.

Winner: Regular Joe

Rating: 21 (E-)


First Round:

Big Jebediah vs. Running Wolf

I’m surprised by the rating this match got as I’d have expected it to be the worst of our four first round matches. Our crowd liked the short wild brawl between these two big men. Running Wolf advances to the next round winning with the Wolf Tamer.

Winner: Running Wolf

Rating: 24 (E)



Ant-Man vs. Bob Casey

A fun matchup between two competitors who think they’re the best. Ant-Man’s c*ckiness is what cost him the match. He could’ve easily escaped the cage a few times, but instead tried desperately to pin his opponent. Casey played it smarter and tried to escape every time he had the chance. He got out and won the match.

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 28 (E)


Elijah Harris: “I’m here with the first finalist Bob Casey. Bob, what are your first thoughts?”

Casey: “I’m very happy with how that went down. I once again proved that these fans buy tickets to see me.”

Harris: “Who do you want to meet in the final, Joe or Running Wolf?”

Casey: “I don’t really care, I would fight them both at the same time if necessary. I’ve already beaten Joe last month with ease, so I hope Running Wolf comes through so I can rip him apart.”

Harris: “All right, good luck in the final.”

Casey: “C’mon Eli, you know I don’t need luck. I beat people by skill.”

Rating: 25 (E)



Regular Joe vs. Running Wolf

Once again Joe meets another face wrestler. That’s what happens when matches get picked at random. He was a bit outmuscled and got cleanly beaten by the bigger Running Wolf after taking the Wolf Tamer. Running Wolf is a good tournament wrestler as he had reached the final of the tag team tournament as well. He faces the smart Bob Casey in the final.

Winner: Running Wolf

Rating: 27 (E)


Harris: “Well Running Wolf, you surprised some people by winning here, are you happy?”

Wolf: “Yes.”

*a pause*

Harris: “How happy are you exactly?”

Wolf: “Very happy.”

*a pause*

Harris: “Not really a talkative fellow, are you? That’s ok, I’ll let you go backstage so you can prepare yourself for the big match, which will begin in 10 minutes.”

Rating: 32 (E+)



Bob Casey vs. Running Wolf

A huge letdown after all the previous matches. The crowd was hot in this match, but the wrestlers were too fatigued to bring their A-game. It’s a good lesson for next year’s tournament. I’ll have to hold the opening matches on different events then. I’m curious how good the match would’ve been without the fatigue. Bob Casey wins the tournament by escaping the cage. He will face the champion Brendan Idol next month!

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 24 (E)




- The random number generator couldn't have done any better as it was pretty easy for me to pick the winners in the first round. Might change the format of this title/tournament next year. Thinking about a multiple competitor cage match or something alike.

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“Whereabouts Unknown”

Saturday, Week 4, November 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 29 people.


Bob Casey is in the ring.

Bob Casey: “Since tonight is my big night I want to be totally prepared for my match. Who wants to come out here and have a warm-up match with me? This is your chance to defeat the next World Champion guys. It’ll make you an instant contender for the world title if you beat me...”


A determined Paranoia walks out to “Paradise City” and we have ourselves a match.

Rating: 21 (E-)


Bob Casey vs. Paranoia

Apparently these two have great chemistry working against each other. It was as Bob Casey said it would be, a quick warm-up match in which he didn’t really get into trouble once. The reason it took 6 minutes is because Casey was having fun with Paranoia.

Winner: Bob Casey

Rating: 26 (E)


Ashton Barnaby vs. Big Jebediah

Much, much worse than the previous match. This match killed the crowd. Let’s hope the next match can get them back in full swing. Big Jebediah destroys Barnaby in the ring and adds a victory to his record.

Winner: Big Jebediah

Rating: 12 (F+)


Brendan Idol: “I have let you ramble on the last couple of months about being the one people come to see here in FUSION, Bob Casey. Think what you want, but in the end I’m still the king of the mountain, the man with the belt around his waist. You’re too full of yourself Mister Casey. I am a man whose actions speak louder than words, I will prove that tonight in the ring as the crowd will give me a standing ovation when I pin you to the mat.”

Rating: 22 (E-)


Ant-Man vs. Crouching Tiger vs. Mark Smart

An extremely good match for our standards which raises the bar to quite a high level for our main event. Ant-Man and Mark Smart double teamed on Crouching Tiger in the beginning, but eventually turned on each other as well as they both wanted to win of course. It was the third dog that ran off with the bone as Crouching Tiger pinned Mark Smart after using the Eagle Chop on him. Smart had just finished Ant-Man so he couldn’t interfere.

Winner: Crouching Tiger

Rating: 31 (E+)



Bob Casey vs. Brendan Idol ©

This match definitely delivered. We were very close to having our very first D- match. The crowd was really into this match cheering for Brendan Idol and booing Bob Casey. The match featured a few near falls, with Casey kicking out after taking an Idolizer! In the end Brendan Idol got pinned after being hit by the Case Closed. Bob Casey is the new champion. The crowd can’t wait to see him lose.

Winner: Bob Casey (NEW WORLD CHAMPION)

Rating: 35 (E+)




- Really happy with how this all went down. Too bad the Jeb vs. Barnaby match sucked so much, otherwise we might’ve had our best event yet. It’s a very close second now, only one point less than Intro To Reality.

- It was time for a new champion and Casey was the right man for it. He has good matches with pretty much everyone. Let’s hope we can thrive under his title reign.

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“Road Of The Righteous”

Saturday, Week 4, December 2010

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 31 people.


Bob Casey is in the ring accompanied by two younger guys, they get booed by the crowd.


Bob Casey: “Is that the way you greet your new champions around here? Up in Canada people respect the champion and bow down for him. Manners still need to be taught here... Anyway, I’d like to introduce you to some family of mine. These are my cousins, they’re American just like you. My brother moved south of the border for some reason. I brought them in here to insure that my title doesn’t get stolen from me by some sneaky bastard that decides to attack me from behind or stuff like that. In the meantime I help them get forward in the wrestling business. They’ll be Tag Team Champions in no time. I challenge any team in the back to come defeat my boys right here, right now!”

Rating: 22 (E-)


Casey Brothers vs. Paratroopers

Pretty good debut for the Casey Brothers (Cameron and Michael). Bob Casey was at ringside at all times and interfered when possible of course. It gave the Casey brothers an edge and Cameron Casey finished Paradigm with a Fisherman’s Suplex.

Winners: Casey Brothers

Rating: 19 (E-)


Mark Smart comes down the aisle and gets booed at by the crowd.

Mark Smart: “I don’t like getting booed at you know? What do I have to do to make you love me? I want to be one of the good guys, shake hands with the kids, get kisses from the ladies instead of one of those fat greasy hillbillies spitting on me. Wait, a good guy wouldn’t say that, right? I take that back, let me rephrase... instead of one of those humble elegant gentlemen giving me what I deserve.”


Mark drops to his knees almost crying.


Mark Smart: “Please, stop booing me...”


Big Jebediah comes out.

Big Jeb: “You can’t turn your back on evil! You have fallen for the dark side and I need to punish you! I challenge you to a loser leaves town match right here right now!”

Mark Smart: “I’m not dumb, why would I accept that challenge? I say no to that, big man.”


The crowd boos.


Mark Smart: “Wait, wait, the good guys can’t play it smart, what would they do? Hmmm... I accept!”


The crowd cheers and a smile appears on Mark’s face.

Rating: 16 (F+)


Loser Leaves Town Match

Big Jebediah vs. Mark Smart

Smart should have kept doing what he’s good at, weaselling himself out of difficult situations as he now has to leave FUSION. The funny thing about it is that Big Jebediah won the match by cheating, using a low blow followed by his finisher to get the pinfall victory. The match itself was good and the crowd clapped for Smart as he left the arena.

Winner: Big Jebediah

Rating: 27 (E)


Little Zachary vs. Regular Joe

Joe wins this match relatively easy with the Joe And Behold. The crowd would have liked a more competitive match as the co-main event I think and it might hurt the rating of the whole show. Let’s hope the main event delivers again.

Winner: Regular Joe

Rating: 22 (E-)


Brendan Idol: “Last month I got beaten and I’m willing to admit that. Casey just had his best match ever. He can’t possibly be that good two months in a row. I’m using my rematch clause right now! I will face Bob Casey again and win back my title!”

Rating: 23 (E-)



Bob Casey © vs. Brendan Idol

The main event did deliver, as expected. Brendan Idol proved that Casey indeed was fighting at 110% the last time they met. He was about to win the title, hitting the idolizer, but The Casey brothers pulled their uncle out of the ring as he was about to get pinned and helped him walk to the locker room. The referee had no choice but to count Casey out. He loses the match, but retains his title. A stunned Brendan Idol stands in the middle of the ring scratching his head.

Winner: Brendan Idol (by Count Out)

Rating: 34 (E+)




- I had to renew the contract of Mark Smart, but he asked way too much for what he delivers. He wanted me to pay travel expenses now as well, which would cost me an extra $250 or so every time I use him plus the $350 or so he asks for wrestling. Didn’t expect his last match to be this good though, should’ve made it the co-main event.

- The Casey brothers are Leftie Wilkes and Cameron Jones for those interested.

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Company Details:


Money: $43,169 (-$6,831)

Prestige: 2 (+2)

Momentum: 12 (+12)

Importance South West: 7 (+7)

Backstage Rating: 75.1% (+/- ?)


Owner Goals:

#1: When the time expires (16 months), FUSION must have at least as much popularity in America as it did when the goal was set. (Critical)

#2: When the time expires (16 months), FUSION must have gained popularity in America (Critical)

#3: Cannot hire any wrestler with less than 35 Industry Reputation. (Average)

#4: Cannot hire any wrestler with less than 35 Resilience. (Average) - NEW

#5: Cannot hire any wrestler with less than 35 Athletic Ability. (Average) - NEW



Name [Push/Popularity South West/Momentum]


Brendan Idol [ME/21/29] (?/+3/+29)

Running Wolf ©© [ME/16/38] (?/+12/+38)

Bob Casey © [ME/15/38] (?/-1/+38)

Crouching Tiger ©© [ME/15/35] (?/+11/+35)


Ant-Man [uM/13/35] (?/+8/+35)

Big Jebediah [uM/12/34] (?/+7/+34)

Regular Joe [uM/12/29] (?/+0/+29)

Michael Casey [uM/9/7] (?/+4/+7)

Cameron Casey [uM/7/7] (?/+4/+7)


Little Zachary [M/6/28] (?/+6/+28)

Paradigm [M/6/27] (?/+1/-?)

Paranoia [M/5/26] (?/+0/-?)


Ashton Barnaby [LM/4/29] (?/-1/-?)


Top 5 Matches:

1. The Good Ol’ Boys def. Natural Storm (June 2010) – 40

2. The Good Ol’ Boys def. Idol & Joe (June 2010) – 38

3. Bob Casey def. Brendan Idol (November 2010) – 35

4. Casey & Smart def. Idol & Joe (February 2010) – 35

5. Brendan Idol def. Bob Casey (December 2010) – 34


Top 5 Events:

1. Intro To Reality (June 2010) – 31

2. Whereabouts Unknown (November 2010) – 30

3. Road Of The Righteous (December 2010) – 28

4. One Wild Night (July 2010) – 27

5. Wide Awake (March 2010) - 27



Power 20:

1. Dan Stone Jr. (NOTBPW)

2. Johnny Bloodstone (NOTBPW)

3. Sean McFly (NOTBPW)

4. Steve DeColt (NOTBPW)

5. Jeremy Stone (NOTBPW)

6. Tommy Cornell (TCW)

7. Nobuatsu Tatsuko (PGHW)

8. Eisaku Kunomasu (PGHW)

9. Bryan Vessey (TCW)

10. Tadiyuki Kikkawa (BHOTWG)

11. Pride Koiso (PGHW)

12. Akinori Kwakami (PGHW)

13. Mito Miwa (PGHW)

14. Jack Bruce (SWF)

15. Joey Minnesota (TCW)

16. Shuji Inukai (PGHW)

17. Skull Debones (SWF)

18. Haruki Kudo (GCG)

19. The Natural (NOTBPW)

20. Ricky Dale Johnson (TCW)


Wrestler of the Year: Dan Stone Jr.

Young Wrestler of the Year: Wolf Hawkins

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jeremy Stone

Female Wrestler of the Year: Fuyuko Higa

Promotion of the Year: Surpreme Wrestling Federation

Most Improved Promotion of the Year: Total Championship Wrestling

Match of the Year: Johnny Bloodstone def. Jeremy Stone at NOTBPW Championship Wrestling - 99

Card of the Year: NOTBPW Championship Wrestling (Oct 2010) - 94


Important Events:


- Haruki Kudo and Dread have been inducted into the Hall Of Immortals.

- Nemesis has returned to the wrestling business.

- Steve Frehley is making movies and is the most over wrestler right now in the USA.

- The most important retirements: Mammoth, Black Hat Bailey, Larry Vessey, Dread, Robert Oxford, Junnosuke Fukazawa, Demon Anger, Ryu Kajahara, Ed Monton, Suzue Katayama, Captain USA, Alex Braun, Haruki Kudo, Travis Century, Whistler and Randall Hopkirk.

- People that left the business: Mephisto, Dan Stone, Jackson Andrews, Sadaharu Jimbo, Jean-Pierre Baptiste, Preston Holt, Pat Deacon, Alfredo Menendez, Dick The Devastator and Whipper Spencer Marks.

- EX2010 was a new Japanese promotion that only existed for a couple of months before going out of business.

- SWF and TCW have risen to Global.

- NOTBPW has risen to National.

- BHOTWG has fallen to Cult.

- WLW, RAW and GCG have risen to Cult.

- 5SSW and NYCW have risen to Regional.

- ACPW has risen to Small.

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The Supreme Wrestling Federation has continued to grow over the last year. They profited from a good American economy and made lots of money the last year. Their shows got an average of around 80, which caused them to get more popular in countries outside the USA. They signed a couple of PPV deals in Mexico, Japan and the UK and hired a whole bunch of new talent including James Prudence, Puerto Rican Power, Remmy Skye, Grandmaster Punk, Fox Mask and American Elemental. They have only let go of The Samoan Wildboyz.


Size: Global (International)

Money: $37,368,765(+$12,368,765)

Prestige: 96 (+6)

Momentum: 85 (+2)


SWF World Heavyweight: Rich Money

SWF World Tag Team: Jack Giedroyc & Valiant

SWF North American: Gregory Black


Top 5 Events:

1. SWF Supreme TV (Feb 2010) – 90

2. SWF Supreme TV (Nov 2010) – 90

3. SWF Master Of Puppets (May 2010) – 87

4. SWF Supreme TV (Jun 2010) – 87

5. SWF Supreme TV (Sep 2010) - 85


Top 5 Matches:

1. Vengeance def. Jack Bruce (Dec 2010) – 99

2. Jack Bruce def. Christian Faith (Nov 2010) – 99

3. Jack Bruce def. Vengeance (Sep 2010) – 97

4. Eric Eisen def. Money and Bruce (Feb 2010) – 94

5. Rich Money def. Angry Gilmore (Nov 2010) - 92



The weird thing about the war between SWF and TCW is that both camps have profited from it. They have both become global competitors and are leaving competition far behind them as the Japanese promotions are dropping in popularity. The promotion that comes closest to them is NOTBPW, but they have a very long way. They haven’t released a single worker this year, but signed lots of indy favourites like Frankie Perez, Mikey James, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Acid, Matthew Keith, Hell Monkey and Sean Deeley. They’ve also picked up Akima Brave who didn’t get a contract extension with SWF and Ricky DeColt, who walked out of CGC wanting something new.


Size: Global (National)

Money: $7,974,553 (+$6,974,553)

Prestige: 93 (+21)

Momentum: 78 (+13)


TCW World Heavyweight: Joey Minnesota

TCW World Tag Team: The New Wave (Guide & Scout)

TCW International: Danny Fonzarelli

TCW All Action: Mikey James


Top 5 Events:

1. TCW Saturday Night Showcase (Sep 2010) – 90

2. TCW Presents Total Wrestling (Jul 2010) – 90

3. TCW Saturday Night Showcase (Jun 2010) – 89

4. TCW Saturday Night Showcase (Jun 2010) – 87

5. TCW Saturday Night Showcase (Nov 2010) – 86


Top 5 Matches:

1. Bryan Vessey drew with Tommy Cornell (Sep 2010) – 96

2. Tommy Cornell def. Bryan Vessey (Jun 2010) – 96

3. Tommy Cornell def. Bryan Vessey (Jul 2010) – 96

4. Joey Minnesota def. Wolf Hawkins (Nov 2010) – 95

5. Bryan Vessey def. Tommy Cornell (Nov 2010) – 95



USPW is slowly getting more popular all over the world. They haven’t done much hiring and firing over the past year, but they are doing a good job at progressing at their own pace. They have let go of Captain USA after he retired and signed Hell’s Bouncer as a replacement. Enygma is still the champion and that’s the way it should be.


Size: Cult (-)

Money: $12,184,745 (+$2,184,745)

Prestige: 67 (-2)

Momentum: 69 (-14)


USPW World: Enygma

USPW Television: Tribal Warrior

USPW Womens: Cherry Bomb

USPW World Tag Team: Peter Valentine & T-Rex

USPW National: Peter Valentine


Top 5 Events:

1. USPW Independence Day Slam! (Jul 2010) – 78

2. USPW Thanksgiving Thunder! (Nov 2010) – 76

3. USPW United States Of Pain! (Sep 2010) – 76

4. USPW Made In America! (Dec 2010) – 74

5. USPW American Wrestling (Jun 2010) – 74


Top 5 Matches:

1. Enygma def. Tyson Baine (Jul 2010) – 84

2. Tyson Baine def. Enygma (Jun 2010) – 81

3. Justice & Enygma def. Baine & Bruce (Dec 2010) – 80

4. Tyson Baine def. Enygma (March 2010) – 80

5. Enygma def. Bruce The Giant (Sep 2010) – 80



CZCW has been going quite slowly in the beginning getting ratings around 65, which still is great for them. They suddenly started increasing their ratings by signing Art Reed, since then every show he’s been on scored 75 or higher. It’s only matter of time before he becomes the CZCW champion... or before he gets signed away by the big boys. They have lost quite a few to them already in James Prudence, Fox Mask, Snap Dragon, Mainstream Hernandez, Acid, Mikey James, Frankie Perez, Remmy Skye and Matthew Keith. Art Reed hasn’t been the only good signing they made though as Fumihiro Ota, The Cannonball Kid, Steven Parker and Ash Campbell have strengthened the ranks as well.


Size: Regional (-)

Money: $392,412 (+$292,412)

Prestige: 26 (+1)

Momentum: 75 (+22)


Coastal Zone Championship: Donnie J

Coastal Zone Xtreme: Matt Sparrow

Coastal Zone Tag Team: Insanity Inc. (Insane Machine & American Flash)


Top 5 Events:

1. CZCW Reach For The Sky (Sep 2010) – 76

2. CZCW Christmas Cage Chaos (Dec 2010) – 75

3. CZCW Surf Slam (Jun 2010) – 68

4. CZCW Uprising (March 2010) – 66

5. CZCW Revolution (Jan 2010) – 66


Top 5 Matches:

1. Donnie J def. Machine and Reed (Dec 2010) – 81

2. Donnie J def. Art Reed (Sep 2010) – 79

3. Acid def. James Hernandez (Apr 2010) – 79

4. Donnie J def. Acid (Mar 2010) – 78

5. Fumihiro Ota def. Masked Cougar (Sep 2010) - 73



AAA have been thriving under the positive circumstances here in the USA as well. They’ve practically tripled their money and their shows are getting better. They have lost Gorgon to NOTBPW though and haven’t really found a suitable replacement for her. The fans are really digging Catherine Quine as a champion and it is showing in the show reviews.


Size: Regional (-)

Money: $706,389 (+$456,389)

Prestige: 17 (+2)

Momentum: 71 (+18)


AAA Femme Fatale: Catherine Quine

AAA Tag Team: The A-List (Nadia Snow & Demelza Wade)

AAA Top Contender’s: Demelza Wade


Top 5 Events:

1. AAA Deadlier Than The Male (Dec 2010) - 71

2. AAA Battle Of The Babes (Oct 2010) - 65

3. AAA Babe Blast (Jun 2010) – 65

4. AAA Liberation (Sep 2010) – 63

5. AAA Girl On Girl Action (Mar 2010) – 62


Top 5 Matches:

1. Catherine Quine def. Sara Marie York (Dec 2010) – 78

2. Catherine Quine def. Grace Harper (Nov 2010) – 73

3. Suzanne Brazzle def. Joanne Rodriguez (Jun 2010) – 71

4. Sara Marie & Harper def. Quine & J-Ro (Sep 2010) – 70

5. Brazzle & J-Ro def. Harper & Quine (Mar 2010) – 69



The hardcore playground hasn’t really made such an astonishing progress as the other promotions, but they remain stable and become more popular in their home area. Their shows aren’t really improving, nor getting worse. The fans know what to expect and they get nothing more, but nothing less either. They have lost Matthew Keith and Grandmaster Phunk to the big promotions, but have signed Canadian indy worker Nate Johnson to somewhat fill the gap.


Size: Regional (-)

Money: $296,220(+$196,220)

Prestige: 33 (+1)

Momentum: 52 (-1)


PSW Championship: Johnny Martin

PSW National: Frankie Future

PSW Tag Team: The Amazing Bandits (Teddy Powell & JD Morgan)


Top 5 Events:

1. PSW Rivals Collide (Aug 2010) – 54

2. PSW Gladiators (May 2010) – 53

3. PSW Powerslave (Nov 2010) – 53

4. PSW Sanitarium (Jun 2010) – 51

5. PSW Gorefest (Dec 2010) – 51


Top 5 Matches:

1. Johnny Martin def. Steven Parker (Aug 2010) – 58

2. Alex Braun def. Steven Parker (Jul 2010) – 57

3. Johnny Martin def. Frankie Future (Nov 2010) – 56

4. Johnny Martin def. Frankie Future (May 2010) – 56

5. Johnny Martin def. Steven Parker (Sep 2010) – 55



NYCW is has grown more in a year than they did in their entire existence I think. They have also picked up Art Reed after his PGHW contract expired and were smart enough to make him their champion. He has been putting on the best matches NYCW has seen in a very long while. The retirements of The Whistler and Black Hat Bailey may also have to do something with their success as they’re finally ready for something new. The lost Dazzling Dave Diamond, Roger Cage, Herb Stately, Mikey James (who they signed earlier this year), Sarah Silver and Jack Griffith to SWF (RIPW) and TCW. They’ve also finally given up on trying to make something out of The New York Doll and let him go. To replace all of thos they’ve signed some great wrestlers in Kashmir Singh, Sayeed Ali, Fumihiro Ota, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Kirk Jameson, Steven Parker and Davis Wayne Newton.


Size: Regional (Small)

Money: $371,484 (+$271,484)

Prestige: 26 (+11)

Momentum: 68 (+45)


NYCW Empire: Art Reed

NYCW Tri-State Regional: Lee Wright

NYCW Tag Team: Old School Principals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler)


Top 5 Events:

1. NYCW Deadly Game (Nov 2010) – 70

2. NYCW Roll The Bones (Oct 2010) – 70

3. NYCW Killing Machine (Dec 2010) – 70

4. NYCW Battle Pack (Jun 2010) – 62

5. NYCW Get In The Ring (Sep 2010) – 58


Top 5 Matches:

1. Art Reed def. Steven Parker (Nov 2010) – 75

2. Art Reed def. Fumihiro Ota (Oct 2010) – 74

3. Art Reed def. Rick Sanders (Dec 2010) – 72

4. Flash & Reed def. Wright & Parker (Sep 2010) – 70

5. Steve Flash def. Fumihiro Ota (Dec 2010) - 69



Due to their product it is much harder for BSC to grow, but even they managed to do so while making money. For some reason they did not extend Tamara McFly’s contract though this december, which might hurt them in 2011. If this was the company’s fault or McFly’s fault remains unknown. The Netptune sisters are also out of BSC. They signed two decent wrestlers in Tracy Brendon and Grace Harper though.


Size: Small (-)

Money: $167,855 (+$67,855)

Prestige: 6 (+1)

Momentum: 36 (+25)


BSC Queen Of The Ring: Grace Harper

BSC Girl Power Tag Team: Hollywood Magic (Sprite & Britney Hollywood)


Top 5 Events:

1. BSC Ain’t That A Shame (May 2010) - 48

2. BSC Total Extreme Wrestling (Jul 2010) - 48

3. BSC Muscle Bomb (Dec 2010) - 48

4. BSC Final Altercation (Sep 2010) - 47

5. BSC Hallowed Point (Nov 2010) – 46


Top 5 Matches:

1. Tamara McFly def. Grace Harper (Jul 2010) – 54

2. Tamara McFly def. Grace Harper (May 2010) – 53

3. Grace Harper def. Tamara McFly (Dec 2010) – 52

4. Grace Harper def. Tamara McFly (Dec 2010) – 52

5. Grace Harper def. Tamara McFly (Dec 2010) – 51



You probably guessed it, FCW is growing as well. Overall it’s been a great year for wrestling in America. FCW is about to rise to Regional early 2011. They’ve lost Mainstream Hernandez to SWF and one of their best managers Carl Batch to TCW. They haven’t signed any replacements.


Size: Small (-)

Money: $232,154 (+$132,154)

Prestige: 21 (+1)

Momentum: 59 (+12)


FCW Puerto Rican: Puerto Rican Power

FCW People’s Championship: Titan

FCW Tag Team: The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo & Rudy Velasquez)


Top 5 Events:

1. FCW – FREEDOM’s Gate (Oct 2010) – 63

2. FCW – The FREEDOM Movement (Jul 2010) – 62

3. FCW – FREEDOM To Choose (Nov 2010) – 60

4. FCW – FREEDOM Fighters (Jan 2010) – 59

5. FCW – FREEDOM’s Fury (Jun 2010) – 58


Top 5 Matches:

1. Shawn Gonzalez def. Handsome Stranger (Jun 2010) – 78

2. Shawn Gonzalez def. Handsome Stranger (Sep 2010) – 74

3. Shawn Gonzalez def. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. (Oct 2010) – 69

4. Puerto Rican Power def. Handsome Stranger (Oct 2010) – 65

5. Puerto Rican Power def. Leper Messiah (Jul 2010) - 65



MAW has continued to sharpen rough diamonds for the bigger promotions. A lot of their prospects have departed the company this year and joined a bigger promotion. Manager Duke Hazzard, Citizen X, manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume and Brett Starr have all joined SWF or RIPW. Jay Fair and Bulldozer Brandon Smith have been able to nail a TCW contract. They have also given up on some talent that just hadn’t got it in them: Randy Maxx and Ricky Douglas. They managed to sign a few new talented free wrestlers to make better as well: Ekuma The Hawaiian Strong Man and KC Glenn. They’ve also signed a more experienced wrestler that has been to the top to learn these youngsters the ropes in Kid Toma.


Size: Small (-)

Money: $213,204 (+$113,204)

Prestige: 23 (+1)

Momentum: 52 (+5)


Mid Atlantic Championship: Jay Chord

Rip Chord Invitational Challenge: Mean Jean Cattley

Mid Atlantic Tag Team: Syd Collier & Findlay O’Farraday


Top 5 Events:

1. MAW Wrestling Classic (Feb 2010) – 55

2. MAW Fan Festival (Jun 2010) – 53

3. MAW The Night Of The Champions (Dec 2010) – 53

4. MAW Where It All Begins Again (Oct 2010) – 51

5. MAW The Clash (Sep 2010) – 50


Top 5 Matches:

1. American Patriot def. Mean Jean Cattley (Feb 2010) – 58

2. Mean Jean & C. Vessey def. Valentine & Citizen X (Apr 2010) – 58

3. Jay Chord def. Citizen X (Jun 2010) – 56

4. Jay Chord def. Kid Toma (Dec 2010) – 56

5. Mean Jean Cattley def. Citizen X (Mar 2010) - 54

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Saturday, Week 4, January 2011

LIVE from The Simmons Center (South West) in front of 26 people.


Brendan Idol: “What I had already suspected proved to be real last month. I had a feeling Bob Casey would weasel himself out of our match! He is a weak champion! As soon as it’s a little hot under his feet he bails out. I demand a rematch!”


Bob Casey comes out on the ramp with his two cousins standing as bodyguards before him.

Bob Casey: “What you call weak is what I call smart. It’s just a different point of view. I will do whatever it takes to keep this belt around my waist. Also, the only one that decides whether you get another title shot is me. Normally I would say no, but if you do me a favour I’m willing to give you a chance to get another title shot. Tonight there will be a three versus three elimination match. It will be me, Michael and Cameron versus you and The Tribe. If your team wins you get another title shot. If my team wins Michael and Cameron get a shot at the tag titles. Go find those featherheads and make it happen!”

Rating: 22 (E-)


Little Zachary vs. Paranoia

The two most genuinely hated men in FUSION fight each other for the second time. Paranoia scores the upset here with a Freak Out. He needs a change in character desperately though.

Winner: Paranoia

Rating: 12 (F+)


Ashton Barnaby vs. Paradigm

Second upset of the night as Ashton Barnaby scores his first singles victory tonight! He defeats Paradigm with the Paralyser. The match was devoid of heat though. I’ll have to think about what to do with the troopers. They aren’t really get anywhere at the moment.

Winner: Ashton Barnaby

Rating: 18 (E-)


Ant-Man: “The Ant-Man is booked in a match against Regular Joe tonight! Ant-Man will show the world once again just how great he is and that he should be the one walking around with the FUSION World Title belt around his waist. Regular Joe, I will cure your inability with the antidote tonight!”

Rating: 28 (E)


Ant-Man vs. Regular Joe

Wow, just wow! Or first D- match ever and it’s not even the main event. Too bad. They didn’t even have chemistry or so, so it must be due to their skills. Ant-Man won this match using underhanded tactics and is about to break into the title picture.

Winner: Ant-Man

Rating: 36 (D-)


3 vs. 3 Elimination Match:

Bob, Cameron & Michael Casey vs. Brendan Idol & The Tribe

As I had expected after viewing the previous match, this match completely blew. The Casey Family won the match after quickly triple-teaming on Brendan Idol and eliminating him. From there on they used their number advantage on The Tribe and picked them apart slowly. The Casey Brothers got eliminated though and in the end it was Running Wolf versus Bob Casey. Wolf had used too much of his powers already eliminating the brothers and thus fell victim to the Case Closed.

Winners: Bob, Cameron & Michael Casey

Rating: 28 (E)




- One of our best matches ever, but one of our worst shows. We still increase in popularity though.

- Michael Casey (Leftie Wilkes) landed badly on his head and has sustained a major concussion. He is out for over a year! There go my plans of making him tag team champion.

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