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NOTBPW contract help

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Has anyone been able to keep Jeremy Stone after his contract expires? Vic Stone wont let me offer the amount Jeremy wants... Is this an error? Seems kind of odd that Jeremy would be asking such a high amount, and Victoria would block my offer.


Still on Cult Level, Jeremy is asking for 5,500 PPA or 30,000 written.. Even going into the editor and changing her business profile to flashy spending, she still would only let me offer 4,000 / 12,000!

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Doesn't surprise me. Victoria has very different thoughts on where NOTBPW should go, and those plans don't really rely on the overpriced, outdated Jeremy Stone :D


If she's not auto-renewing his contract because of their blood ties then she's not that interested in keeping him. Honestly, 30,000 would be killer for a cult promotion to try and grow.


Perhaps you should try burying him a bit before his contract comes up to reduce his asking price.

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Hrm... now Sean McFly, married to the owner, and listed as loyal wont even negeotiate with me because he doesn't feel i'm in a big enough promotion


Has he actually left? Would be surprised if Vicky doesn't sign him herself...

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Has he actually left? Would be surprised if Vicky doesn't sign him herself...


I'm always nervous about relying on the auto-resign. It seems at least for me that if I try and negotiate with a worker and fail, the owner then will not be able to resign them for me.


However, if I let them go until the last minute, sometimes the owner still doesn't resign.


I think it's one of those things where you can't rely on it, but it's great when it happens. If McFly's too big...there's not much you can do.

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