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21CW: A New Hope

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PWA - Episode 41

Filmed at Broxbourne Civic Hall on Monday 1st April 2011

Attendance: 1,000


Preshow Ratings: C & D

<hr>The show starts with Merle O'Curle coming out to the ring:


O'Curle: "Last night Stones managed to beat me in that ring. I know he isn't here tonight but im requesting a rematch next week in front of all you"


Rating: E-

Bookers Note: Better to get this out the way early. Knew it would stink


Match 1:

Barry Griffin & Mr Samurai VS Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin


Barry Griffin & Mr Samurai defeated Ali Bloxsome & Kelly Martin in 6:44 when Barry Griffin defeated Kelly Martin by pinfall.


Winner: Barry Griffin & Mr Samurai

Match Rating: E+

Bookers Note: Considering all four more were technicians, i expected a better match than this. I have taken steps to correct my mistake.

<hr>Ancalagon storms to the ring:


Ancalagon: "You know what. Im the former Hardass Champion, and i havent been given my rematch clause thats in my contract. I have spoken to Adam B and guess what. Its now"


Rating: D


Match 2:

Ancalagon VS Menace

for the Hardass Championship


Menace defeated Ancalagon in 5:48 by submission.


Winner: Menace

Match Rating: E+

Bookers Note: While not the best match it serves to forward a storyline (hopefully)


Match 3:

DJ Reason VS Leo Price VS Ryu Willis VS Stevie Stoat

#1 Contendership for the Hardass Championship


Leo Price defeated DJ Reason, Ryu Willis and Stevie Stoat in 11:49 when Leo Price defeated DJ Reason by pinfall.


Winner: Leo Price

Match Rating: D

Bookers Note: Not such a bad match. I think Willis was stinking it up though. Another to advance a story

<hr>Joey Beauchamp is seen backstage, and its obvious to tell that he is pissed at his loss last night. He prowls around looking to vent and finds it with Arthur T Turtle.


Turtle: "Hey Joey, Whats up"


Beauchamp says nothing. He just grabs Turtle and hits the Breezeblock before stalking off


Rating: D-

Bookers Note: Hang tight. There was a reason.... Honest :)

<hr>Familar music plays and out walks Adam Matravers, without a cast on his arm


Matravers: "Ladies & Gentleman, im back. And i have come out here to apologise. I think i went about things the wrong way. I was trying to educate through force. But i think i have got it right now. Im going to educate through demonstration. Im going to get in the ring with people and show them how its SUPPOSED to be done. And i would like to start that off with a rematch with Rod Todd"


Match 4:

Geena (The Warrior Princess) VS Nina (The Pyscho Ballerina)


Geena The Warrior Princess defeated Nina The Psycho Ballerina in 9:57 by submission.


Winner: Geena

Match Rating: E+

Bookers Note: Eugh. That left a bad taste in my mouth. After the PPV's excellent match i hoped for another. Damn you Stephanie for working elsewhere tonight


Final Show Rating: D- (Hurt Popularity)

Bookers Note: I think that final match hurt the show the most. But i have the matches in the pipeline that should elevate the show somewhat



* * * * * * * * * *





<blockquote>It had been 2 years since that show, and it was the last one that PWA had ever put on. A week after that show, the investors pulled out and the company filed for bankruptacy. The roster scattered to various corners of the globe and slowly PWA was forgotten about.


In June 2013, the planet blacked out for about an hour, and upon regaining conciousness found the world had changed around them, almost as if time had been turned back. Doctors ran tests on some of the effected people and found that some but not all were actually younger than before the blackout.


Stranger still was the old roster for the wrestling promotion Ring Of Fire had all returned together and began running shows, as if their closure in 2010 never happened. Scientists studying the effect believed that the planet had somehow gone back in time having various effects on the population and believed it was 2009 all over again. Weirdly enough, people generally agreed and the calenders were changed (to the new Rylandian Calender)


There were a couple of people, that due to the blackout started to remember the long defunct (future defunct depending on how you look at it) PWA and its owner Adam B. Jeff Nova was one such person. Jeff was the owner of 21CW but could remember a future (past?) where he worked for PWA and 21CW was still owned by Tyler Baker.


With Pit Bull Brown wanting a break from booking duties, Jeff Nova decided to try find the ellusive former owner of PWA. it took him a while, but finally he tracked him down. Adam B had moved to a quiet village and renamed himself Pete Plantenburg who was initially reluctive to rejoin the wrestling world, but who can say no when Jeff Nova waves a wad of cash at you. 21CW had its new booker


If Adam Ryland can retcon then so can i. The backstory sets out to explain the player character, workers age drops, and the year.. Not bad i do feel. Its also a nod to my original diary and the favourite of all that i have done
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From TotalExtremeWrestling.com

<blockquote>21st Century Wrestling debuted in 2001 with a high-flying, action-oriented product. Although a critical success with journalists and tape traders, commercially they were a huge flop and struggled badly.


In September 2006, on the brink of bankruptcy, they were taken over by UK celebrity Jeff Nova. His vision was to take the Sports Entertainment style that had made the SWF a global power and give it a uniquely English twist. He used his fame to get them a TV deal, gave the promotion a virtual makeover, and the result was a complete change in fortunes.


Since then, the promotion has gone from strength to strength, and for the first time ever the UK has a promotion that has the potential to make a genuine impact on world wrestling.





Joss Thompson (3)

December 2009 - Present

Pit Bull Brown (3)

September 2009 - December 2009

Joss Thompson (2)

September 2008 - September 2009

Adam Matravers

March 2008 - September 2008

Jonathon Faust

July 2007 - March 2008

Joss Thompson

October 2006 - July 2007

Pit Bull Brown

May 2006 - October 2006

Red Dragon

January 2006 - May 2006

Pit Bull Brown

July 2005 - January 2006




Harry Wilson

December 2009 - Present

K'Lee Hawkins

July 2009 - December 2009

Leo Price

February 2009 - July 2009

Luke Cool

June 2008 - February 2009

Daniel Black Francis (2)

December 2007 - June 2008

Phillip Cooper

November 2007 - December 2007

Adam Matravers

March 2007 - November 2007

Daniel Black Francis

November 2006 - March 2007




Buff Martinez & Jay B

November 2009 - Present

Rolling Johnny Stones & Luke Cool

June 2009 - November 2009

Adam Matravers & DJ Reason

February 2009 - June 2009

Luke Cool & Phillip Cooper

December 2008 - February 2009

Adam Matravers & Daniel Black Francis

September 2008 - December 2008

Rolling Johnny Stones & Nightmare

June 2008 - September 2008

Joss Thompson & Leo Price

February 2008 - June 2008

Davey London & Davey Celtic (2)

July 2007 - February 2008

Igor Ivanoff & Ivan Ivanoff

October 2006 - July 2007

Genocide Agent & Suicide Agent (2)

May 2006 - October 2006

Davey Celtic & Davey London

January 2006 - May 2006

Genocide Agent & Suicide Agent

September 2005 - January 2006






Currently Retired

Merle O'Curle (2) - August 2006 - October 2006

Rod 'The God' Todd - April 2006 - August 2006

Merle O'Curle

November 2005 - April 2006



Thompson Vs Price

Former tag team partners Joss Thompson and Leo Price now find themselves competing against each other to be 21CW's top dog. With Price currently riding high after coming off his big win at Crisis Point and complaining about a title shot, its only a matter of time before the two clash.


UK Championship

Jonathan Faust & K'Lee Hawkins meet in a #1 Contenders match for Harry Wilsons UK Championship. Will the former champ get a shot at reclaiming the belt or will Faust climb to the top of the heap?

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2010

Edgeware Hall


Attendance: 2,000

IVR Rating: 0.08


The show starts with Jeff Nova in the ring.


Nova: <blockquote>With 2010 being upon us already, we at 21CW are gonna start shaking things up over the next few weeks, clearing the decks of dead weight and bringing in some new talent.

Our scheduled match of Jonathan Faust Vs K'Lee Hawkins will not be taking place tonight and instead will appear next week. But first we have a tag team match up.</blockquote>

Rating: B



Assassin's Guild Vs Ivanoff Brothers


In an extremely poor match, The Ivanoff Brothers defeated The Assassins' Guild in 6:54 when Igor Ivanoff defeated Stefan Raynor by pinfall with a Soviet Missile.


Rating: E



Daniel Black Francis Vs Luke Cool


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Luke Cool defeated Daniel Black Francis in 8:36 by pinfall with a Cool Cutter.


Rating: D


Joss Thompson is shown arriving backstage, much to the surprise of the announcers carrying the 21CW World Championship over his shoulder


Rating: C+



Edward Cornell Vs Mister King


In an extremely short match, Edward Cornell defeated Mister King in 4:16 by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.


Rating: D


A video plays hyping Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Phillip Cooper match up which was happening right afterwards


Rating: D-



Phillip Cooper Vs Rolling Johnny Stones


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Phillip Cooper defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 9:23 by pinfall with The Cooper Fly Splash.


Rating: D


The match is over, and Phillip Cooper is celebrating. Rolling Johnny Stones looks angry, and jumps him from behind, beating him down.


Rating: D-



Adam Matravers Vs Kevin Jones


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Matravers defeated Kevin Jones in 12:40 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault.


Rating: C-


Joss Thompson is backstage.


Thompson: Now there are people out there complaining about how my belt should be theirs and wanting their title shot. I say to them that i will face all challengers in time and defeat you all. Just sit tight, put a finger to your mouth and shut it... you know who you are


Rating: B-



Harry Wilson Vs Nightmare

21st Century United Kingdom Championship


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Harry Wilson defeated Nightmare in 6:03 by pinfall with a Full Metal Jacket. Harry Wilson makes defence number 1 of his 21st Century United Kingdom title.


Rating: E+


The match is over and Leo Price comes to the ring


Price: Thats your idea is it Thompson.. Sit and wait. I warn you not that i wont be doing that. Im going to make your life a living hell till i get my shot.


Rating: D+


Final Rating: D-



21CW.com Copyright 2010


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Wednesday Week 2 January 2010

Edgeware Hall, South UK


Attendance: 1,000

IVR Rating: 0.09


Pre Show Ratings: E+, D- & C-


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Joss Thompson take on Stevie Stoat.


Rating: C



Igor Ivanoff Vs Stefan Raynor


In an extremely poor match, Igor Ivanoff defeated Stefan Raynor in 8:24 by pinfall with a Soviet Missile.


Rating: E-


Straight after the match ends, Jay B & Buff Martinez appear at the entrance with with mikes in their hands.


'You know.. You guys are a disgrace to 21CW's tag division. Let us show you how its done.. Now get out of there and let the big boys play'


Rating: E+



Hot Stuff Vs Anglo-Scots Connection


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Hot Stuff defeated The Anglo-Scots Connection in 5:33 when Buff Martinez defeated Davey London by pinfall with a Heat Seeker.


Rating: D-


Stevie Stoat is backstage with Phillip Cooper;


'People seem to think that my win last week was a fluke, and Johnny Stones seems to think that i should get back into the ring and repeat that again. Well i want to get on to bigger things than Johnny Stones....'


At this point, Rolling Johnny Stones runs in they have a scuffle. Eventually Rolling Johnny Stones lays out Phillip Cooper.


Rating: C-


At the halfway point of the show, it cuts to an advertisment for the broadcaster



Join us in 30 minutes for a new series of Gavlar & Tracey. Only on UK Broadcasting Digital



Jonathan Faust Vs K'Lee Hawkins


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jonathan Faust defeated K'Lee Hawkins in 10:27 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.


Rating: D+



Joss Thompson Vs Stevie Stoat

for the 21CW World Championship


Joss Thompson is making his entrance for the next match...but Leo Price comes out of nowhere and attacks him in the aisle. A brutal attack leaves Thompson hurt, and a crowd of officials come out to carry him backstage for medical attention. In the meantime, Price heads for the ring, apparently inserting himself into the match!


Rating: C


Match Re-Start

Leo Price Vs Stevie Stoat


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Leo Price defeated Stevie Stoat in 14:37 by pinfall with a Price Drop.


Rating: D


Leo Price grabs a mike after his match;


'Oh wait.. Did i just win that.. I warned you that i was not going to sit and wait for my title shot. Im gonna make your life a living hell till i get my shot.. say at Steel Cage perhaps??'


Rating: C-


Final Rating: D+



21CW.com Copyright 2010


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Wednesday Week 3 January 2010

The Cobra Den, North UK


Attendance: 1,000

IVR Rating: 0.09


Pre-Show Ratings: C- & D


Leo Price and Rolling Johnny Stones are backstage, discussing how they both want a piece of Thompson and Cooper. They agree that they will team up to destroy them.


Rating: D+



Pit Bull Brown Vs Jamie Anderson


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Pit Bull Brown defeated Jamie Anderson in 6:43 by pinfall with a Dog House Piledriver.


Rating: D-


Jonathan Faust does an interview in which he challenges Harry Wilson. Wilson comes out and accepts, setting up a singles bout between the two.


Rating: C-



Bryon Vs DJ Reason


In an extremely poor match, Byron defeated DJ Reason in 12:03 by pinfall with an Upper Class.


Rating: D-


Jeff Nova comes to the ring;


'Right then.. Seems we have some little scuffles going on and no one is brave enough to accept a challenge, so IM gonna arrange it for them.


On Saturday, you will see the Anglo-Scot Connection against Hot Stuff AGAINST The Ivanoff Brothers for the 21CW Tag Team Championship.


Also.. Leo Price has shown his worth to me and is the #1 Contender for Joss Thompsons belt. To stop outside interference, they are gonna meet in a STEEL CAGE!!'


Rating: B



Kevin Jones Vs Daniel Black Francis


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Kevin Jones defeated Daniel Black Francis in 9:02 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.


Rating: C-


Leo Price is in the ring, and calls out Phillip Cooper to face him. As soon as Cooper appears he gets jumped by Rolling Johnny Stones, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Phillip Cooper down and out.


Rating: D


Phillip Cooper is in the ring being beaten down by Price and Stones, with the referee having totally lost control. Joss Thompson comes storming down to the ring, and the confused referee just lets it go, allowing the match to continue as a tag team encounter.


Rating: D+



Joss Thompson & Phillip Cooper Vs Leo Price & Rolling Johnny Stones


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Leo Price and Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Joss Thompson and Phillip Cooper in 9:38 when Leo Price defeated Phillip Cooper by pinfall with a Price Drop.


Rating: D+


Final Rating: C-


Announced Match-Ups for 21CW Steel Cage Challenge:

Joss Thompson Vs Leo Price

for the 21CW World Championship

Harry Wilson Vs Jonathan Faust

for the 21CW United Kingdom Championship

Hot Stuff Vs Anglo-Scot Connection Vs The Ivanoff Brothers

for the 21CW Tag Team Championship



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Working on the show now.. Any predictions


Joss Thompson Vs Leo Price

for the 21CW World Championship

Harry Wilson Vs Jonathan Faust

for the 21CW United Kingdom Championship

Hot Stuff Vs Anglo-Scot Connection Vs The Ivanoff Brothers

for the 21CW Tag Team Championship

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Saturday Week 3 January 2010

Parliment Square, South UK


Attendance: 1,000


Pre-Show Ratings: D & D




Before the match, Jeff Nova takes the microphone.


'Welcome to the first PPV event of 2010.. STEEL CAGE CHALLENGE!! Tonight we see all our championships up for grabs as well as some of the UK's best talent duking it out


On to our first match.. for the Tag Titles...!!'


Rating: B


21CW Tag Tam Championship Match






Anglo Scots Vs Hot Stuff Vs Ivanoff Brothers


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Hot Stuff defeated The Anglo-Scots Connection and The Ivanoff Brothers in 7:34; the order of elimination was The Anglo-Scots Connection first, and finally The Ivanoff Brothers.


Winners: Hot Stuff

Rating: D-







Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Phillip Cooper


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Phillip Cooper defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 9:13 by pinfall with The Cooper Fly Splash.


Winner: Phillip Cooper

Rating: D




21CW United Kingdom Championship Match





Harry Wilson Vs Jonathan Faust


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jonathan Faust defeated Harry Wilson in 11:05 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.


Winner: Jonathan Faust

Rating: D




Harry Wilson is in the ring. Out of nowhere, a mohawked man hits the ring and attacks. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Wilson completely destroyed.


Rating: C-








Adam Matravers Vs Merle O'Curle


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Matravers defeated Merle O'Curle in 19:01 by pinfall with a Mile High Moonsault.


Winner: Adam Matravers

Rating: C-




21CW World Championship Match






Joss Thompson Vs Leo Price


Joss Thompson is in the ring for a promo.


'Tonight i plan on giving you guys the biggest main event you have ever seen. You guys are the soul of 21CW and we all it all to you. I dedicate this victory to you'


Rating: C-


Just after the promo, Leo Price hits the ring with a very elaborate entrance.


Rating: C


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Leo Price defeated Joss Thompson in a Cage Modern match in 13:31 by pinfall with a Price Drop. Leo Price wins the 21st Century World title.


Winner and NEW Champion: Leo Price

Rating: C


The match is over, and Joss Thompson is left down. Leo Price is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas.


Rating: C




Post -Show Ratings: D- & D-


Final Rating: C



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Behind The Scenes @ 21CW



With the first month out of the way, i thought i would spill the beans on some of the backstage gossip..


First off. The Owner Goals



  • 21CW cannot fall into debt at any point
  • The financial balance of 21CW must have improved to at least $5,000,000

These should be easy enough to hit with 2 years to reach them.



  • Cannot hire any wrestler who is classed as a Psychopath
  • Cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than C- Psychology
  • Cannot hire any wrestler over 45

This is gonna lead to a shake up of 21CW personel. Out of the 27 active workers at the beginning of the game, only 14 will be able to be resigned without getting heat from Nova. However it does mean that anyone coming in will be fairly good in the ring.




21CW had 1 premade storyline with Joss Thompson and Leo Price, and i chose to carry it through to the 1st PPV and give the belt to Leo and a fresh slate from there.


Giving Jonathan Faust the belt was a decision made to give the belt to someone who can work the stick as well, and give some faces a chance to take it off him.


The Tag storyline is still ongoinging, so im not gonna discuss it yet


Essentially, the new era begins now, as Pit Bulls storys have concluded and i can bring in my own

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the psychology goal is a nasty one. Especially as there arent that many medium talented UK workers.


At least not ones that can come in and flourish inan ent-based promo.


Good luck, Im reading


That goal isn't bothering me all that much as it means im gonna have workers coming in that can work a match. The over 45 bar bugs me more as i had wanted to bring in some older workers as 'legends' or trainers


*edit* Also PPV has now been updated with pictures

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Wednesday Week 4 January 2010

Silver Dagger Billiards, Ireland


Attendance: 1,000

IVR: 0.09


Pre-Show Ratings: D

Post Show: D-




Kathleen Lee comes out and introduces her new client, Merle O'Curle. O'Curle comes out, and they play to the crowd.


Rating: D-




Hot Stuff Vs The Ivanoff Brothers


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Hot Stuff defeated The Ivanoff Brothers in 8:10 when Buff Martinez defeated Igor Ivanoff by pinfall with a Heat Seeker.


Winner: Hot Stuff

Rating: E+




Jonathan Faust says that he is going to introduce his new bodyguard to the world, and brings out Patterson.


Rating: B-




Patterson Vs K'Lee Hawkins


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Patterson defeated K'Lee Hawkins in 9:14 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


Rating: D-




Nightmare is backstage and corners Kathleen Lee, then strokes her hair and grins. Luckily, Lee slips under his arms and runs further backstage.


Rating: C-




Stevie Stoat Vs Edward Cornell


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Stevie Stoat defeated Edward Cornell in 9:22 by pinfall with a Super Kick.


Rating: D+




Joey Beauchamp comes up to Phoebe Plumridge and asks her out on a date, but she rejects the proposal.


Rating: D



21CW World Championship Re-Match:


Leo Price Vs Joss Thompson


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Leo Price defeated Joss Thompson in 11:21 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: D+


Final Rating: D+



21CW.com Copyright 2010


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Behind The Scenes @ 21CW



Annoyingly the spreadsheet with my storyline information got corrupted and had to remake it today, but i got to make some additions to it this time that should help improve the shows.




You can see just by looking that i have shows set to be booked right up to March's PPV with 2 'events' planned for Aprils. On the next tab i have a match rating section that shows the grades each 1v1 match got with a final tab for Owner Goals.


My favourite improvement is my 'Show Analysis' section on the top right hand section of the screenshot. Using my excel-fu, you can enter your match ratio and show length and you have the minimum and maximum lengths for your matches and angles. For instance, my 60 minute show can only have 16.5 minutes of angles, however SWF's Supreme Challenge would need between 54-90 minutes although i have left a little leeway should you need to spill over.


Now thats pretty much complete, i should hopefully be able to get a show put up tonight


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Wednesday Week 1 February 2010

Parliment Square, South UK


Attendance: 1,000

IVR: 0.09


Pre-Show Ratings: E+ & D




Opening Match



Greg Gauge Vs Christopher Lister


In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Christopher Lister defeated Greg Gauge in 10:12 by pinfall with an A-Lister.


Winner: Christopher Lister

Rating: F


Opening Segment




Jeff Nova heads ringside with a mike.


Nova: <blockquote> I've been watching our championships recently, making sure that they are still held in the highest esteem. Our World Championship carried on the shoulders of Leo Price. Jonathan Faust holding the UK Championship and....well, im not sure what the HELL is going on with the Tag Championship. Its why i have decided that at World War, the Tag Championship will be defended for the last time before being retired.</blockquote>

Rating: B


Pre-Commercial Match-Up



Patterson Vs Davey London


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Patterson defeated Davey London in 6:33 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


Winner: Patterson

Rating: E+






UK Broadcasting Digital. Yeah, This is what we are spending your licence fee on




Post Commerical Segment




As the show comes back from break, the cameras are backstage with Nightmare walking into Phoebe Plumridges dressing room.


Plumridge: <blockquote>Hey... Get out. Your not supposed to be in here... Oh god... Nightmare.</blockquote>Nightmare stands there saying nothing and just closes the doors on the cameras


Rating: C-


Post Commercial Match Up



Jonathan Faust Vs Daniel Black Francis


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jonathan Faust defeated Daniel Black Francis in 13:51 by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.


Winner: Jonathan Faust

Rating: D+


Main Event Segment




The next match is the #1 contendership for Leo Prices World Championship and the champ is ringside in order to do some colour commentary


Rating: C


Main Event: #1 Contendership Match-Up

21CW World Championship




In a match that had some good action and average heat, Pit Bull Brown defeated Stevie Stoat in 12:16 by pinfall with a Dog House Piledriver.


Winner: Pit Bull Brown

Rating: D



Smith: Thats it.. We're outta time. Thanks for watching everybody. See you next week!


Final Rating: D



21CW.com Copyright 2010



Coming Soon:

Saturday Week 3 February



Currently Scheduled:


Pit Bull Brown Vs Leo Price ©

for the 21CW World Championship


Pit Bull Brown won a #1 Contendership match to face Leo Price at World War. Can he succeed where Joss Thompson couldn't and reclaim the belt for his 4th reign.


21CW Tag Championship Retirement Match


Jeff Nova announced the retirement of the 21CW Tag Championship live on TV with the last match being at World War. Will Hot Stuff walk away as the last ever belt holders.




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Liking Nightmare as a sex-case.


Maybe he could drive a minicab to ringside?


Solid show

Glad your enjoying the show. I've settled for a clean clear format for shows which im hoping people enjoy.


The Nightmare storyline has barely begun... :eek:

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