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[hype?] Would people be interested in a local diary where...

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(I once did a pretty big diary, but it was with EWR and hosted on GameFAQs, hence why my idea of a diary differs significantly from what seems to be the norm here.)


-No pictures?

-Less detailed backstory and behind the scenes content than usual, but more detail on actual kayfabe happenings?

-Less emphasis on predictions? I have an idea for one prize a year, and I might even leave matches off the card or change my mind after I post the "preview."

-The initial roster is comprised mostly/entirely of created wrestlers? Stats somewhere between the level of "well of course this promotion's going to tank it's the only realistic outcome of random clueless schmucks trying to wrestle" and "LOCAL TO GLOBAL IN A YEAR BECAUSE WE HAVE MAX STATZZZZ"

-Mod otherwise uses real world data? I'm currently thinking the update of New Power Rising when it comes out.

-I kinda suck at TEW?

-I tried to do this before and it died in about six shows? In my defense, my PC crashed and I lost the game, and I only had one follower anyway. >_>

-A tournament fetish and a healthy dose of other gimmick shows?

-More "what's happening in the rest of the world" info than anybody but me cares about?


If people are interested, I'll be happy to put it here- otherwise I'll throw it up on gamefaqs again.

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(I once did a pretty big diary, but it was with EWR and hosted on GameFAQs, hence why my idea of a diary differs significantly from what seems to be the norm here.)


-No pictures?

-Less detailed backstory and behind the scenes content than usual, but more detail on actual kayfabe happenings?

-Less emphasis on predictions? I have an idea for one prize a year, and I might even leave matches off the card or change my mind after I post the "preview."

-The initial roster is comprised mostly/entirely of created wrestlers? Stats somewhere between the level of "well of course this promotion's going to tank it's the only realistic outcome of random clueless schmucks trying to wrestle" and "LOCAL TO GLOBAL IN A YEAR BECAUSE WE HAVE MAX STATZZZZ"

-Mod otherwise uses real world data? I'm currently thinking the update of New Power Rising when it comes out.

-I kinda suck at TEW?

-I tried to do this before and it died in about six shows? In my defense, my PC crashed and I lost the game, and I only had one follower anyway. >_>

-A tournament fetish and a healthy dose of other gimmick shows?

-More "what's happening in the rest of the world" info than anybody but me cares about?


If people are interested, I'll be happy to put it here- otherwise I'll throw it up on gamefaqs again.


Tom, you know I've followed you since the EWR Board so clearly I'll read anything you write.


Even if it is real world data.


hi5 gurus.

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awwwwww yeah you're still here


The EWR board feels so wonky with so many of the gurus gone :\


To respond back:


Why don't you try giving the Cornellverse a shot? I'm sure you'd get more readers that way, plus it paves the way for sequel diaries if you ever get the urge.


And I never post on Gamefaqs anymore. I haven't made a post in months upon months.

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I'm just a bit overwhelmed by the Cornellverse, especially since I'm still getting the hang of TEW itself. I'm going to try to ease myself into it this time around, but I want to get into a diary relatively quickly, so for now I think Cornellverse will be relegated to side games, and maybe if I do another diary in the future I'll take a crack at it.


Or heck, I could maybe be swayed if a bunch of people show up who'd only read Cornellverse. >_>


Heck, now I'm wondering whether I don't just wanna do WotI or Effganic instead, although I've gotten quite attached to backyard games. <_<

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I really think there's any "right" way to do a diary here. If you look around, you will see plenty of different options. Some are minimalist, while some are wordy. Some use a ton of graphics, while others use none at all.


The one piece of advice I will give, which is a very standard one - don't be discouraged by the initial response if its not quite what you expect. A good strong following takes time to build, so give it time. A lot of writers seem to get discouraged early and leave off after a few shows, which is part of the reason that readers often don't jump in right from the start on every new diary that pops up.


As for what to use, go with what interests you the most. CornellVerse diaries do tend to generate a strong response as a lot of the readers are fairly familiar with it. But quality shines through, regardless of the subject matter.

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