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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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I wouldn't worry about the grades for the show. In fact I would not even list them if I were you. The fact of the matter is that your great writing is what matters. Much like PSW were Larry Wood and others would give you horrible ratings, it did not matter. Why because you writing took what was an E+ in game match and turned it into an A+ written match. Just my two cents for what it is worth.


Oh and you have never gotten a 2 rating in any of your matches or segments. Right? Well I have, and yes it is funny but it sucks as well...


Take your time to get recharged Eisen-verse. When the show goes up it goes up. You have your readers here and I doubt a lengthier writing process will lose them. I agree with BHK too as your grades are fun to look at but they're not the be all end all. You're a great writer and it shows.


I second all these preceeding positive comments. We are patient readers and know what you can do with a polished turd which, in my opinion is better than nothing. :D


Thank you for the nod of confidence, guys. I love this project; however, have found a point where a 'refreshing of my mind' was needed. The overall addition of 30 more minutes has really given me more room to flesh out the show... But, on the flip side, it's also given me more to write. All in all, The results should be up sometime by the middle/end of this week.





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Episode #9

Title: "… Prone to Black-Out … "





Acid ©, Rayne Man, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow, Greg Black, and “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… Last Week, on “Rapid Assault” …


[“Rapid Assault” opens with a choppy, grainy-delivered, opening video hyping what transpired during last week’s Main Event. In said video, We again witness the sight of Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow and Greg Black claiming victory over members of “All the King’s Men”: DOA Champion, Acid © and Tyler’s “crazed-hitman” Rayne Man. The presentation itself, perpetuating the DOA brand as ‘loud’ and ‘in your face’, continues to roar through as an emotionally-laced screamo song is heard belting in the background. All in all, in only a matter of a minute, those new to the DOA already have a great idea of what to expect from such a product: Fast-paced, High-Octane, ‘In Your Face’, Brash Entertainment all wrapped within the ‘death-defying’, adrenaline-junkie, wrestling style that best describes Deadly Overloaded Action.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Hello everybod-ay, and WELCOME… to DOA “R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT!” [slight Pause] I’m Davis Detterich, along side my partner in crime John Greed, and we’ve got one HELL of a show planned for you here tonight!

John Greed: If you mean the process by which Mr. Tyler and “All the King’s Men” make fools of everyone against them; then yes. We have a great show ahead of us!

Davis Detterich: Already with the Tyler-slanted rhetoric, John? [sighs] Speaking of “All the King’s Men” though, members: Rayne Man and the DOA Chokeout Champion, Torment, will be in action against the unlikely pairing of Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious and “The Remarkable” Steve Flash! [slight Laughter] Some would call their tandem a ‘wet dream’ for most Indy Wrestling fans! [Laughs again]

John Greed: Who cares about the smarks? Honestly. Just a bunch of talent less, overweight, nimrods who still live in their mother’s basement. Hey… Leave it to the professionals, Buck-o!

Davis Detterich: Our fans have the right to voice their opinions, John! That’s what’s great about this company. We live, breathe, and die, by our fans! The “Dead-Heads” are who keep us all employed, happy, and fed.

John Greed: F*ck ‘em!

Davis Detterich: JOHN! [A light sound of grumbling in the background between the two; a few seconds pass and then Davis speaks again] Also, tonight, in our 2nd Main Event, the Arcadia Network has given us a match for the ages: Greg Black vs. Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow for the NEW #1 Contendership to the DOA Championship! Last week, they were volatile partners; obviously falling apart as Greg Black dropped Matty with a “Black-Out” to steal a pinfall victory. Now, they’ll be stepping in between the “Dungeon” ring ropes to settle the score!

John Greed: Isn’t there anyone else more deserving of a title shot? I mean, why not throw a shot at someone who deserves the lime-light. Not these two buffoons.

Davis Detterich: I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just say that; out of respect to our fans. Why drag this out any longer? [Laughs] You know we don’t get along. That’s that. [brief silence] We’re receiving word that the newly hired DOA Investigative journalist, Sara Silver, has a scoop for all of us! Lets go back to Sara!!




Sara Silver

… Investigative Journalism; wrapped in a Guerrilla Approach …


[The opening scene takes place just out-front of Sound-Stage-D (also known as “The Dungeon” to DOA fans) as the newly employed DOA investigative journalist, Sara Silver, stands in the blazing California sun. With the beaming rays of light bouncing off of her black designer shades, Mrs. Silver stares deep into the camera lens; sporting an arrogant grin that can only resonate from an innately confident, ‘breath-takingly’ beautiful, TV personality.]


[With a look of unadulterated excitement forming upon her slender, porcelain like face, the young DOA journalist appears to be on the verge of a major scoop; excited for what grows closer to her off-camera.]


Sara Silver: With recent events pointing toward the fact that the Arcadia Network is unhappy with Mr. Tyler’s performance as the TOP wrestling-aide here in Deadly Overloaded Action, There are many questions to be answered! I, Sara Silver, will find the answer to these questions! Why? [sara winks; smirking at the same time.] Because that's my job!


[With that, Sara looks past the camera lens; fixating her eyes upon something that appears to be off-camera.]


Sara Silver: Mr. Tyler!! Mr. Tyler!! [Her mannerisms growing with eagerness.] can I get a quick word with you about the Network’s involvement in wrestling affairs here in the DOA?



”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… Entering “The Dungeon” …


[With that, “The Voice of Reason” appears off to the left of the camera lens; slowly shuffling his feet toward the Sound-Stage entrance. With his eyes focused forward upon the glass door before him, Mr. Tyler’s non-verbal’s tell of his true intentions: Entering the building without speaking with Mrs. Silver. All in all, While he continues to resonate absolute defiance in the wake of media attention; Mrs. Silver attempts to force him into speaking on the matter. Applying a guerrilla-like interview style; one that typically annoys any interviewee. Why? Those being interviewed tend to feel more ‘attacked‘ than really being a participant in a two-way conversation. ]


Sara Silver: What are your thoughts as it pertains to Arcadia’s need to interfere upon your rule here in Deadly Overloaded Action? Do you believe that it’s a sign that they don’t ‘Trust you’ in a leadership position?


[Mr. Tyler forcibly opens the glass door before him; not responding to Mrs. Silver in the slightest. Typically, such a cold response would drive most journalists away from their story; however, not Sara. Instead, she continues to verbally ‘assault’ Mr. Tyler; all the while, as he continues to forge his way into the backstage area of “The Dungeon”. Already showing a high level of annoyance for Mrs. Silver’s interviewing style; really to be questioned in the first place.]


Sara Silver: There has to be a level of annoyance raging through your mind, Mr. Tyler. Would you care to respond to the Network’s intervention?


[Mr. Tyler continues to walk down the hallway; not speaking. Continually annoyed over being ‘verbally attacked’ from the second he walks into work. However, to his credit, not simply ‘exploding’ like most men would while forging under pressure.]


Sara Silver: Do you have anything to say to Matthew Keith? Are you, even in the slightest, saddened over his firing from Deadly Overloaded Action? [Candidly, Interjecting her own point.] I mean, You’re pretty much the reason he was fired. If it wasn’t for your meddling in the main event, Mr. Keith would still be employed by Arcadia.


[Mr. Tyler is seen slowly shaking his head in a look that can only be described as: “You’ve gotta’ be kidding me!”. Meanwhile, Sara continues to latch herself at “The Voice of Reason’s” side; walking a few inches behind him the entire way.]


Sara Silver: So, nothing? You have NOTHING to say for yourself?


[Mr. Tyler, now standing inches from the heavy oak door that symbolizes the entrance to his corporate-designated office, slowly turns around; looking at Mrs. Silver in a truly annoyed manor.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: “Rapid Assault” is an Arcadia program, I am simply an aide to the Network. So, If they feel like things aren’t going as they would like then it’s their given-right to voice their opinion. With that being said, The Network has assured me that they have NO PROBLEM with my authority within Deadly Overloaded Action. Their recent interjection was nothing more than a playful want to feel connected to their program. I have no problem with that. [slight Pause] Did it hurt my ‘men’? No. [Pauses again] Is that good enough for you? If you don’t mind, I have a show to help run… And you… You’re taking me away from that show. [in an annoyed manor.] Excuse me.


[Mr. Tyler opens the door to his corporate-designated office; slamming it rather forcibly behind him. Meanwhile, Sara Silver is seen standing awkwardly before the camera lens; a little embarrassed for being ‘told off’ by Mr. Tyler himself. However, with time, that awkwardness begins to fade as Sara simply shrugs off his grumpy response, closing the opening segment in a traditional news-like manor.]


Sara Silver: I guess you heard it here first, Folks. [Without the ability to truly remove herself from the situation at hand, Sara interjects her own viewpoint. Breaking from impartiality.] If you ask me, I think he’s hiding something. His answer felt a little too ‘simple’. [Her arrogant smirks returns] I’ll make sure to get to the bottom of the story next week on “Rapid Assault”! [Takes a short breathe & then signs off.] For Deadly Overloaded Action, I am Sara Silver saying “Keep your eyes glued to your screens because in time… The truth will prevail!”


[The scene comes to a close as Sara is seen smirking into the camera lens; full of confidence built upon ignorance; however, also dedicated to her craft as an investigative journalist in the name of the DOA.]


Grade: C-




Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Singles Match


The opening match of the night was pretty much set-up for, the returning, Cannonball Funk to look strong. That doesn’t mean that Jettstream was lackluster in his delivery; however, from the very opening bell it felt like Funk’s match to lose. In a way, everyone knew the outcome far before it began to take shape as each competitor appears to be on opposite sides of success; Funk is a household name while Jettstream is a glorified ‘jobber to the stars’.


Again, despite this knowledge, Jettstream puts forth one hell of a competition; joyfully accelerated the in-ring action to the point of sheer recklessness. However, in time, such an approach can easily become your biggest downfall.


In the end, after both competitors had done a decent job of ‘playing to the crowd’, Cannonball Funk is seen dropping his opponent with his signature “Funk You” maneuver (Top Rope Leg drop). Shortly after impact, C-Funk scores a visually flavorful pinfall from Eugene Williams as the DOA crowd appears to hold the opening match with a uninspired ‘meh’.


Cannonball Funk defeats Jettstream in 7:27 via a “Funk You” (Top Rope Leg Drop).

Grade: D-


Davis Detterich: The Funk’ster makes his return to the DOA with a resounding victory over the often-reckless, always self-destructive, Jettstream! It’s great to see him back!

John Greed: Is it? Is it really? [sighs] Isn’t the DOA suppose to be about gripping in-ring action? To me, the opening match was nothing more than a re-hashing of something you’d see in one of those Supreme Suck-Fest Shows.

Davis Detterich: Don’t mind him folks. John’s just one of those cranky, fear-mongering, idiots who spend their entire life critiquing others instead of looking inward. [slight Laughter] It’s best to just tune him out.

John Greed: “It’s best to just tune him out…” [Mocking Davis] I now know the ‘personal hell’ that Mr. Tyler has been subjected too; being an intelligent, all-knowing, being and yet being chopped down due to your superiority. It’s a tough life…

Davis Detterich: [Laughs] You? Superior? In what? Going to rehab?

John Greed: [Muttering at first; under his breath] You think you’re so funny. Trust me, the second this show goes off the air… I’m calling the Network myself! [Forced laughter] We’ll see how funny you are when you’re collecting unemployment, Davis!




Eugene Williams and Acid ©

… Prepping ‘The Champ’ to be a Special Guest Referee …


[Eugene Williams is seen slowly shuffling down a set of steel grated steps; holding a DOA referee shirt in his hands as he physically trembles in fear. His expression speaks of a man who is on the verge of facing his most brutal, most feared, phobias in life: The fear of absolute evil.]


[The sound of wayward drops from nearby pipes fill the background as the overall environment screams of a nightmare-like situation; Mr. Williams as the main character in his own potential demise. Meanwhile, the sounds of primal growling is heard resonating within the walls of the exposed brick boiler room. Ultimately, creating a severely uncomfortable vibe for the senior referee.]


[As he takes his final steps upon the steel grated stairway, Mr. Williams is seen stopping dead in his tracks. With a look of absolute fear permeating off of him, Eugene is seen slowly raising the sole referee shirt upward as a gift; meanwhile, deathly afraid of what consequences may come from subjecting himself to this kind of environment.]


Eugene Williams: Uh… here… [Comically Swallows deep]… here… Is your referee outfit… Would you… you like…


[With that, the camera man slowly pans outward to see the DOA Champion, Acid, standing a good 10 feet away from the fear-locked Eugene Williams. Acid’s body, glistening in the camera light, violently shrugs upward and downward as he breathes; meanwhile, a purely primal snarl is heard billowing out from his cracked lips. With one aggressive snap of Acid’s head, now looking at Mr. Williams, the DOA’s senior referee is seen squealing like a little girl; running back up the stairs at a frantic pace while leaving the black & white referee shirt laying on the steel grating below.]


[The scene comes to a close with the sight of Acid slowly spinning his head back around in a rigid kind of manor; furthering the narrative that he may actually be sub-human. A deadly, primal, violently-charged, warrior with little-to-no-respect for human life in general.]


Grade: C-


[The sound of Davis & John laughing at Eugene’s frantic escape is heard.]

Davis Detterich: I would do the exact same thing if given that scenario. I mean… [Laughs heavily again] Did you see Eugene flailing his arms as if he was ready to take flight? That was priceless.

John Greed: I’m almost positive that I saw a trail of urine following him up the stairs. [Also, laughs pretty heavily] Then again, I guess that’s better than having your head ‘torn-off’ by Acid.

Davis Detterich: True… very true.







”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler and Donte Dunn

… The Clash of Polar Opposites …


[We come back from a short inter-promotional commercial break, hyping the DOA’s upcoming Mid-Season PPV event, in which to see the figure of a well-dressed man; his back to the camera lens as he appears to be talking with an unnamed staffer. Their body language couldn’t be more opposite as the staffer seems to cower with anxiety; meanwhile, the well-dressed man in a black suit towers over all; holding his head rather high in a show of absolute confidence.]


[Just then, A ruckus is heard off camera. Not necessarily anything to raise alarm; however, enough of a noise to turn the head of the well-dressed man; a fact that shows this unknown figure to be “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler.]


[With a stern glance, Mr. Tyler appears to be unhappy with what he sees.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Is it time for the photo-op already?


[Mr. Tyler looks as if he’s quite annoyed with the scenario before him; showing his general unhappiness through is cold demeanor. Within a matter of a few seconds, the DOA newcomer, and winner of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”, Donte Dunn is seen strolling into the room. His eyes are wide with excitement, his mouth grand with a smile, as he instantly extends his right hand in a show of respect to Mr. Tyler; a feeling that is not shared by “The Voice of Reason”.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I only shake the hands of those I respect. You, Mr. Dunn, are not one of those men. [Cold stare directed at Dunn.] Lets get this over with so I can get back to REAL business… Not this “pony show” you seem to be caught up in.


[Donte pulls his right hand back; however, still holding a look of amazement upon his face. Even with Mr. Tyler’s disrespectful comments, It seems that the Barbadian youngster is oblivious to the true reality of this situation: “The Voice of Reason” is already sick and tired of Donte. All in all, Dunn responds to Mr. Tyler‘s recent statement; his speech wrapped within a heavy Barbadian accent.]


Donte Dunn: It’s a pleasure, Mr. Tyler. I use to watch you on the neighborhood television back in my country. We all love you! [slight pause] I’m confused though. Get what “over with”?


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Your stupid little photo-op, autograph session, whatever you want to call it. Then we can move on past this little stain that Arcadia has tried to force upon the DOA.


Donte Dunn: Stain?


[Eric leans in closer toward Donte, delivering his line in a truly cold manner.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: That’s you.


[Donte leans back in shock; unaware of the fact that Mr. Tyler isn’t really the “nicest person in the world”.]


Donte Dunn: Mr. Tyler, It has been my dream to be a Pro Wrestler; ever since I was a young child in Barbados. My village, We use to huddle around the only television we had; watching American wrestling events. You were my Idol. A man of class. A man of respect. [A warm smile follows; Mr. Tyler does not copy his gesture.] I want nothing more than to compete; to wrestle between those very ropes… [Points off in another direction; symbolizing where the ringside area would be.] I ask nothing of you but an opportunity…


[Mr. Tyler appears to be overly annoyed by Dunn’s little speech; sighing for a second, while rolling his eyes, as he focuses his rage verbally now.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: An opportunity? [Grows with intensity] An Opportunity? What have you DONE to deserve an opportunity? You, Donte, are the physical personification of what is WRONG with this industry; What is WRONG with this country. You think you can simply walk onto a TV set, smile a little like a bumbling buffoon, and expect that others should give you a chance at stardom? [Laughs to himself] This sport is not about fame. It’s not about the money. Hell, it’s not even about wins and losses; It’s about respect. [Pauses] Respect for yourself, respect for our craft, and respect for those who paved the way before you.


[Donte responds innocently.]


Donte Dunn: I have respect for this craft… for my elders… Really, I do.


[Again, Mr. Tyler appears to be extremely annoyed with Donte’s presence here in the DOA; going even farther with his verbally destructive rant.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: You don’t get it, Donte. You just don’t get it. [Pauses; shakes his head in disbelief.] This industry is not for the weak. It is not for the fame-obsessed… And it certainly is NOT for “reality TV stars”. Do you understand me? Nothing about you says that you’re ready for this opportunity. It’s that plain and simple. [Pauses; lands his ‘final blow’ to send a message.] You’re nothing more than ‘passing fad’; a ‘shiny little toy’ for the American people to feel like they have a say in the direction of the DOA. [Pauses again] You, just like the American people, mean nothing to me.


[Donte looks somewhat dejected by Mr. Tyler’s aggressive rant. His body language becomes a little less chippy; however, not entirely standing with a broken spirit.]


Donte Dunn: Just give me a shot, Mr. Tyler. That’s all I ask. [His body language appears to be resembling a sense of begging] Let me show you that I’m worthy of a roster spot here in Deadly Overloaded Action.


[Mr. Tyler looks Donte square in the eyes; the look upon his face screaming “What the hell do you want from me?”. However, as a few seconds pass, Mr. Tyler finally begins to speak yet again.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Fine. Next week, You’ll find out EXACTLY what it means to be a Pro Wrestler… and when you’ve discovered the truth… [Looks deep into Dunn’s eyes] we’ll see whether or not you REALLY want to be in this industry.


[Donte responds with a heavy smile plastered across his face; pure joy beaming from his body.]


Donte Dunn: Great! Thank you! Thank you! You will not regret this.


[Donte goes in for a hug; however, Mr. Tyler simply stares back at him with an authoritative look that could ‘kill’. Now, seeing Mr. Tyler’s true nature, Donte slowly backs away; still holding that same chippy attitude despite receiving a cold response from his ‘childhood idol’.]


Donte Dunn: Who will be my opponent?


[Mr. Tyler responds while walking away from Mr. Dunn; heading toward his desk. With his back turned, “The Voice of Reason” delivers his final statement on the matter.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: You’ll find that out when everyone else does. Next week on “Rapid Assault”. [slight Pause] Now leave me be. You’ve already wasted too much of my time.


[With that, the stage has been set: Donte Dunn will make his DOA debut NEXT WEEK on “Rapid Assault”. The only question is… Who will he face?]


Grade: D


John Greed: Mr. Tyler said it best; Who does this guy think he is? I mean, All he’s done thus far is win a stupid ‘reality TV show’ and now he thinks he’s worthy enough to compete in the DOA?

Davis Detterich: Well, The winner of “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler” was given the guarantee that he could compete in Deadly Overloaded Action. That was the payoff for winning the show! So, all in all, he’s just cashing in on his victory!

John Greed: That’s ridiculous. Who thought of this crap anyways? A reality TV show that guarantees you a pro wrestling contract? This isn’t some ‘fluff’ entertainment company looking to drive ratings. This is Pro Wrestling! People lose their health, break their bodies, and end up in wheel chairs over this sport. There is NO room for someone to simply walk in, without any real training, and demand a chance to compete within the squared circle.

Davis Detterich: He HAS been training though, John. Did you even pay attention during the show? He’s spent the last week, after winning, being trained by some of the industries best. Give the guy a chance! I mean, If he sucks then maybe he’ll find out first hand that he doesn’t belong here.

John Greed: Give him a chance my a$$. [sighs with annoyance.] This guy is going to make a mockery out of our sport.




Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez w/ Prudence & Grace

Three-Way Singles Match


How do you trap lightning in a bottle? This is the underlying theoretical question that lies within tonight’s three-way affair; pitting three Death-Defying Duo figures in singles competition. When you add in the fact that each competitor’s partner is also positioned at ringside, there’s an uneasy air floating above the ringside area. Possibilities are limitless as it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE for Eugene Williams to maintain order all the way through. A fact that bodes well for those watching “Rapid Assault”; as chaos will almost certainly reign supreme.


Right away, It’s obvious that OTA is, far and away, the most deadly competitor within the bunch. While both Hernandez and Eyezen have their fair share of impressive offense, OTA always finds a way to restore his momentum; ultimately flooring his opponents in varying ways. It must be his calm, yet warrior-like-focused mind, that stands as his ‘greatest weapon’ as the seasoned-vet displays his great understanding of the ‘sport’ through a unique set of reversals. Again, ultimately, bringing OTA back to a position of dominance through out the match.




Also, in OTA’s favor, is the fact that Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow made his presence known halfway through the match; assaulted Citizen X as he stands on the outside. With his partner being brutally attacked from pillar to post, Hernandez suffers from a lack of focus; a truth that bodes quite well for his competitors.


Meanwhile, Dick Eyezen puts forth a pretty tough fight; however, still carrying the comedic approach that has made him famous thus far in the DOA (ie: missing elbow drops and rolling around in pain because of said miss, accidentally knocking out his opponents with moves that ‘shouldn’t work’, and utilizing Eugene Williams as a shield from time to time). While it may be quite entertaining, It’s not very successful from a win/loss perspective.


In the end, Hernandez is forced from the squared circle after Matty Sparrow pulls down a nearby ring rope just as he was set to hit said rope. The awkward descent by M-H proves to be pretty destructive as the “Moral Majority” member struggles to regain consciousness; landing on the back of his head during the fall. Meanwhile, Tom Kornell is cautiously screaming at his partner to “take advantage” of the situation at hand. While supportive in nature, The forceful yelling only excites Mr. Eyezen; a little too much! With an elevated sense of aggression, Eyezen quickly becomes rather reckless… A fact that only helps OTA as he catches his opponent off guard with his signature “Ninja Strike” to the throat.


Eyezen is out cold. Hernandez is struggling, just like his partner, to regain his footing. OTA is in firm control of the action; rolling up the fallen Eyezen for a standard three count from Eugene Williams.


OTA defeats Mainstream Hernandez and Dick Eyezen in 10:20 when OTA executed his signature “Ninja Strike” (Double-Clutch Karate Kick) upon Dick Eyezen.

Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Mark another one down for OTA!! [slight Pause] The “Tokyo Express” have really dominated this division since the DOA’s inception. Is there ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL, that can beat these guys?

John Greed: Just give it time, Davis. They can’t stay on top forever…

Davis Detterich: Normally, I would have to agree with you there; however, these guys really don’t show any signs of slowing down. Plus, when you factor in that “Totally Supreme” has already shown that they can’t ‘compete’ with the “Tokyo Express”, and Matty Sparrow will almost ALWAYS be there to ‘return the favor of being screwed’ to the “Moral Majority”, will there EVER be a tandem strong enough to defeat the champs?

John Greed: I put my money on “The Moral Majority”; to be honest. One of these days, Lets put together a Death-Defying Duo Championship match where both teams are locked in a steel cage. Remove Matty from the scenario and I’m POSITIVE that the “Moral Majority” will be our new champs!

Davis Detterich: I’d love to see that. An epic steel cage match where the winning team walks away with the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships. [A happy sigh is heard] That would certainly go down as one of the most anticipated matches in DOA history. Hands down.

John Greed: You here that Arcadia? Book it!!




”The Tokyo Express” (OTA & NARATO)

… Quick Victorious Celebration …


[“The Tokyo Express” are seen celebrating together briefly as the reigning DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions slowly back peddle their way up the isleway; into the backstage area following a resounding show of support from the DOA “Dead-Heads” in attendance. Meanwhile, “The Moral Majority” has also exited the ringside area; however, not as good of terms as their Buddhist counterparts. Either way, everyone but “Totally Supreme” has left the ringside area shortly after the final bell is rung; signifying another victory in favor of the dominating DOA duo - “The Tokyo Express”.]



”Totally Supreme” (Dick Eyezen & Tom Kornell)

… A breakdown waiting to happen? …


[With all of this in mind, The camera lens swiftly changes focus; giving us the sight of “Totally Supreme” on the verge of a mental breakdown within the squared circle. Tom Kornell bits his tongue, shaking his head in disbelief, as he attempts to hold back a rage-filled rant directed solely upon his partner. Meanwhile, “Tricky” Dick Eyezen is seen still laying on his back. Conscious. Yes. However, enjoying a few seconds of peace as he looks up to the lights with his arms cradling the back of his head; not a sight you would expect to see from a losing competitor.]


[Just then, Tom Kornell aggressively pulls Dick Eyezen to his feet; an awkward scenario as Dick appears to be 100% unaware that such a situation was about to take place. Within a matter of a few seconds, Tom Kornell is seen barking in the face of his “Totally Supreme” partner; in a sense, ‘tearing him a new one’ for losing tonight’s match-up. All in all, It seems that these two haven’t learned anything the week prior as they both attended a ‘trust retreat’ at a nearby Boy Scout camp.]


[Just as it looks like things are about to get out of hand… HE appeared…]


... A-murica! A-murica! ...

... Land of Greatness! And home of the ‘Strong’! ...


[An absolutely obnoxious southern-country song blares over the DOA “Dungeon”; turning a lot of heads as it’s not quite what you typically expect from a DOA event. Needless to say, the song in question dink-and-dunk’s forward in a truly ‘country bumpkin’ kind of fashion; however, still portraying a narrative of ‘Brute Greatness’ for the United States within the wording. Even going as far as to touch upon such American past-times as: Beer Drinkin’, Deer Huntin’, and Possum Trappin’. All in all, A very “unique” theme song if you will.]


[by the song, You would think whoever was set to walk out must be a 6 foot something, 300 pound, Trailor park-living, America-obsessed, ‘cowboy’. Well, You would be ‘somewhat’ right in that assumption. Everything is right outside of the person’s size.]


[As the theme music continues to go forward, The words “Sammy Strung” are seen flashing upon the HD TV-Panels positioned all around the “Dungeon Gateway”; a clue that provides who could be walking through shortly.]


[There he is… Sammy Strung… All Three-Foot-Six of him.]



Sammy Strung

… The ‘Wee-Legend” debuts …


[With a BBQ stained Sam Strong T-shirt from the 80’s, a home-made USPW trucker hat, and a thick brown cigar in his mouth; Sammy confidently strolls toward the ring with a heavy swagger. His demeanor appears to be rather harsh as the “Wee-Legend” comically struggles to find a way into the ring. First, trying to jump up on the apron and failing. Then, tripping on his way up the steel steps. Finally, trying to decide what rope is best to enter through… Ultimately, jumping over the 2nd rope and getting caught up in the process. Needless to say, “Totally Supreme” stands in shock. Completely removed from their earlier, brewing, altercation.]


[strung’s theme music comes to a much-needed close as he slowly acquires a microphone from a ringside tech. Taking his time to speak, Sammy moves the cigar in his mouth over slightly… Staring upward toward both Eyezen and Kornell; carrying an extremely high level of confidence in the process.]


”The Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung: Look at chah… You’s got a lot to learn. Don’t ya?


[Dick squints his eyes; showing he doesn’t really understand what Sammy just said. Either way, “The Wee-Legend” continues on.]


”The Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung: This lil’ revolution you two are planning. This take over of the DOA. I want in on it! [Nods his head; confident in his stance.] You see, You-Ess-Pee-Dubya can’t stand to compete with the DOA. It’s impossible as you both already know.


[All three men nod their head in approval.]


”The Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung: I mean, these flipity-flopity jag-offs are no larger than the tooth-pick’s I clean my teeth with. [Pauses] However, It seems that the ‘Lame-stream-media’ feels that they are note worthy, When I can tell you for sure that the A-murican People want NOTHING to do with this pile of crap! [The crowd boo’s] You hear that? They’re boo’in the DOA!! [strung pauses; allowing the fans to react some more.] We have to form together… The Three of us… To form the almighty force of destruction. “The Big Three” finally together with one common-enemy… The DOA.


[The crowd begins to chant “DOA” which drives “Totally Supreme” crazy; however, Sammy doesn’t blink an eye.]


”The Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung: These people agree with me. Ya see? [big Grin forms upon his face] With the three of us together, There’s no stoppin’ us. We’ll be like Three howling wolves, screaming to the heavens… Marking our territory in the process. [Nods his head at his own statement] Or… Three A-meee-go’s, acting like the ‘great wall of democracy’… And the DOA standing as the Illegal Immigrants looking to seize our land… [big Grin on his face still; not making any sense.] Uniting together to keep these industry destroyers out!!


[Even “Totally Supreme” seems somewhat confused as to what Strung just talked about.]


”The Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung: So what’cha say boys? How bouts we ‘get the band back together’? At one point, We all worked under the same umbrella. Now it’s time to fight for our right…


[before he can finish, Dick Eyezen speaks out; without a microphone though.]


Dick Eyezen: To party!


[sammy doesn’t look very happy with Dick’s interjection.]


”The Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung: Are you one of those ‘mental handi-spanx’ I’ve heard about boy?


[Dick shakes his head; again confused.]


”The Wee-Man” Sammy Strung: What’cha say? Let’s make this little duo of yours into a quatro?


[Again, wrong. However, it doesn’t really matter. Sammy seems to think he’s right, so, it’s best just to go with it than try to actually ‘educate him’. All in all, with that being said, the members of “Totally Supreme” speak cautiously at first. However, with time, they come to accept Strung’s offer! All three men exchange heart-felt hugs in the middle of the ring, Dick even kissing Tom on the cheek in a show of gratitude, as the newly minted Trio has just developed. Certainly set to create some really ‘interesting’ scenarios going forward.]


Grade: D-


[John and Davis are heard laughing rather hard at first]

John Greed: I can’t believe we can get away with this… [Laughs]

Davis Detterich: “The Big Three” have come to the DOA! [Laughs] This is genius…







El Dragón Dorado

… The Pride of Mexico …


[The enchanting sound of a heavily plucked Spanish Guitar commands your attention as we are given the beautiful sight of a green Mexican countryside. The sky is a soothing powder blue as the wind gently rises through the leaves of a nearby towering tree. All in all, there’s this overall feeling that we are NOWHERE near the reach of America’s commercialistic mantra; a world untouched to selfish greed.]


[As the beautifully rich Spanish guitar continues to deliver a gripping tone, heavy rooted in a low E, the familiar sound of El Dragón Dorado’s voice peers slightly over all noise; a great compliment to the strong, yet passionate, instrumental tone.]]


El Dragón Dorado: In my country, Pro Wrestling is a beautiful craft; A ‘calling’ to entertain.


[Again, we are shown a more extensive view of the unknown Mexican countryside; perpetuating the narrative that Dorado comes from a completely different culture than most DOA superstars.]


El Dragón Dorado: Not everyone can be blessed to compete. Not all have what it takes to surpass the pain, and agony, that comes with the destruction of your body. [Pauses] Only a ‘chosen few’ can rise above the masses; proclaiming themselves as worthy enough to be a true Luchador.


[We are now given the sight of El Dragón Dorado training within a broken down wrestling ring; positioned within a borderline condemned red barn. As a flock of birds expel from an upstairs loft, full of boundless hay, we bare witness to the sight of Dorado mercilessly pushing his body to the limit; speeding around the squared circle like a field general planning a deadly attack. With his body glistening with sweat, and his hair dripping with water, the masked luchador tumbles all over the tattered wrestling ring; portraying himself as a truly dedicated warrior.]


El Dragón Dorado: In my country, A Wrestler must show respect for all other competitors; stand in unity over our joined respect for the ‘sport’ we love. To act heroically is to continue an age-old philosophy of daily life: To live with, give out, and take in, Respect for all. [slight Pause] I creed I hold to my heart like a ‘man of GOD’.


[The video seamlessly transitions from this sight to that of a local wrestling event; positioned within the same barn, however, now set at night time. With close to 20 people standing around the ring, El Dragón Dorado competes with another unknown luchador; pushing their bodies to the extreme all for chance to ‘entertain’. With this image plastered across the screen, We here one final statement from Dorado. Just as he’s seen defeating his opponent within the broken-down, un-orthodox, wrestling ring.]


El Dragón Dorado: I am El Dragón Dorado. It is my honor to compete… for you.


[With that, The video comes to a climactic close with the view of El Dragón Dorado holding his right hand in the air as the victor. Meanwhile, the small crowd of 20 showers him with a collective ‘thank you’ in the form of applause.]


Grade: C-


Davis Detterich: This man was cut from a different mold; a true ambassador of this ‘sport’.

John Greed: Are you kidding me? Sure, he was cut from a different mold as he’s CRAZY!!

Davis Detterich: Crazy?

John Greed: Yea, Nuts. [Laughs slightly] Do you really expect to get anywhere in Pro Wrestling with that kind of mindset? Honor, Pride, Respect? [Laughs] The second that you ‘respect’ your opponent is the second that you’ll fall victim to his wrath. It’s plain and simple.

Davis Detterich: You can’t really believe that, John.

John Greed: I do. It’s the truth. You can’t win in this industry with a ‘nice guy’ attitude. It’s impossible.

Davis Detterich: Excuse John’s peac*cking, Folks. His momma didn’t hug him enough as a child…

John Greed: F*ck you…




El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell w/ Violet

Singles Match


Bitter Hatred. That’s what these two men have for one another.


While some try to define their battle as a perfect representation of the ’grey-area’ that tends to form in Pro Wrestling; the truth is that it’s really quite simple as it boils down to this very fact: El Dragón Dorado is beloved by the fans, labeled as a “Hero” in a way to many Mexican-Americans, and this enrages Teddy Powell. Why? The man of redemption can’t stand the fact that he’s not in the same scenario. Not considered to be a “beloved figure”, so, he’s made it his life’s goal to expose the “Hero’s” of the world for what they really are in his mind… Frauds.


This bitter hatred is certainly evident straight out of the gate as El Dragón Dorado takes to the offensive rather early on; catapulting himself over the top rope and crashing onto an unexpecting Powell with a twisting plancha. The bell hasn’t even been struck yet and Dorado is already on the attack. With Powell struggling to regain his consciousness following a rousing collection of heavy right hands from Dorado, Violet is heard screaming ‘bloody murder’ from afar; eventually jumping into the action and leaping upon Powell’s attacker… Doing her very best to choke-out the “Hispanic Heat seeking missile”. With time, even her attempt at keeping Dorado at bay is unsuccessful as El Dragón Dorado flips Violet into the first row, over the steel protective guardrail, and into the crowd. As you can expect, the “Dead-Heads” go absolutely crazy for the spot!


While it may have given a high level of excitement early on in favor of El Dragón Dorado, Powell ultimately gains control of their altercation by catching his opponent off guard with a spinning-heel kick to the jaw. As you can expect, Powell’s assault stands as even more violent than Dorado’s. Why? Dorado lives by a code of sportsmanship; every “Hero Figure” does. However, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell lives by no such code of ethics. Instead, he uses every moment to inflict as much pain as possible while utilizing maneuvers that can typically be seen as cheating (ie: pokes to the eye, low-blow strikes, and usage of nearby ropes as leverage). All in all, the Narrative speaks heavily toward: Good vs. Evil as each side plays their role pretty well overall.


With time, The atmosphere surrounding the ringside area begins to grow with intensity. Violet is stirred up in a rage, the competitor’s strikes are increasingly becoming more stiff, and even the DOA “Dead-Heads” find themselves in a frenzied state. Overall, it’s pretty easy to see that the situation is about to get out of control.


That it does.


Eugene Williams is “accidentally” knocked unconscious by El Dragón Dorado as Teddy Powell, in a move of extreme desperation, pulls the senior DOA referee in front of him during a leaping Superkick. Dorado’s shoe strikes Williams square across the jaw; dropping the 44 yea-old professional to the ground in a thunderous heap. With that being said, a level of lawlessness takes hold…


The action continues rather cordial at first; however, with time, Violet is seen interfering by throwing a steel chair into the ring. At first, It looks like Powell may have the chance to use the newly acquired weapon, but, over time, that reality doesn’t come to pass. Instead, El Dragón Dorado is able to subdue his opponent with a lightning quick standing-back-flip-kick to the side of Powell’s head.


With the chair no longer in Powell’s hand, El Dragón Dorado picks it up…


The DOA “Dead-Heads” are going crazy; calling for Dorado to use the weapon…


It looks like he may…


But, with time, He never really strikes the fallen Powell as there appears to be a sense of internal warfare going on within his mind; most likely knowledge that such a strike would be unethical. Ultimately against his moral code as a “Hero”.


Just as it looks lik El Dragón Dorado is about to drop the chair, Violet quickly leaps up into the apron… Physically pulling said chair out of his hand.




This forces Dorado to spin around; wanting to see who it was that made such a grand statement of defiance toward him.


With his focus directed at Violet, Teddy Powell is seen quickly ‘coming back to life’ as he jolts off of the canvas… Rolling El Dragón Dorado up from behind with a simple school-boy-roll-up.


Eugene Williams comes back to in the ‘nick of time’ in which to administer a shocking three count in favor of Teddy Powell; a fact that leaves the “Dungeon” in a state of shock. It’s not that Eugene was trying to help Powell, but rather, that everything came together as it did. Perfect timing for the man of Redemption.


Teddy Powell defeats El Dragón Dorado in 9:59 via a flash-pinfall with a School-boy-roll-up.

Grade: C


Davis Detterich: NO, GOD-DAMNIT!!! [silence as the crowd’s unrest is heard in the background] This is how it’s going to end? Like this? [Loud sigh] I tell ya’ folks, Teddy may be 5-2 since joining the DOA; however, he’s not winning due to talent. He’s found a way to cheat his way into victory each and every time. It’s sickening!

John Greed: Sickening or ingenious? [slight Pause; The crowd’s unrest is still heard in the background.] You may not like Teddy Powell. You may think of him as a whiny little weasel. However, at the end of the day, he’s a winner. You can’t take that away from him. Even if I KNOW you want to…

Davis Detterich: But, How long can one go cheating before it starts to stain their victories? I mean, sure… he’s won a bunch of matches over the likes of Dorado and Steve Flash; however, he’s only been able to do so by underhanded tactics! In time, He’ll get what’s coming to him… I can’t WAIT for that day.

John Greed: If I know Teddy as well as I do then you’ve got a LONG wait ahead of you…




Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell, Violet, and El Dragón Dorado

… The Camera Fights Back …


[El Dragón Dorado appears to be heartbroken following the break-up of Teddy Powell’s victorious pinfall attempt. With the sound of Violet screaming ‘bloody murder’ from outside of the ring, psychotically jumping around like a mental patient given freedom for the first time, the Hispanic Hero, El Dragón Dorado, is seen burying his head in shame. It’s almost as if Dorado carries the disgrace of his entire ancestry on his shoulders; dejected by another loss to the maniacal Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell.]


[As the camera man zooms in on El Dragón Dorado, A shocking sight takes place…]


[The image of Dorado being struck in the back of the head by a TV Camera is shown; an event that’s honestly unexpected to all. With the entire “Dungeon” in shock, we all bare witness to the sight of Powell physically destroying his former opponent with this unfamiliar weapon. Blow by blow, heavy-handed strike by strike, the TV Camera is used as a deadly weapon; violently breaking pieces of the camera off upon each impact.]


[somehow, someway, the Arcadia Network transitions the feed to that very camera being used as a weapon. It’s shaky, static-filled, crazed view would make anyone with motion sensitivity turn and vomit. However, the angle is honestly one of the most unique presentations in Pro Wrestling history; actually showing an assault from the weapon’s point of view.]


[Each impact is as powerful as the last until the camera finally goes ‘dead’. With that, We now transition back to a panned out view of Teddy Powell standing over his lifeless victim; the TV camera in pieces at his side. With the DOA “Dead-Heads” in a continued state of shock, A low buzzing is heard from the crowd. Meanwhile, the shrill screams of Violet are heard resonating through out the “Dungeon” as she takes Teddy’s side within the ring.]


[in the end, The damage has been done. El Dragón Dorado lays motionless on the canvas below as his attacker, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell, stands with the violently psychotic Violet; joyfully snarling over his fallen prey.]


Grade: D+


John Greed: Now THAT was purely EPIC! [Laughs; ecstatic over Teddy’s attack] Did you see that, Davis? You can knock on the man all you want but Teddy Powell gets the job done!

Davis Detterich: This is disgusting. I know this sport is brutal but someone should arrest this man… [slight Pause] That was just heinous.

John Greed: Oh, grow a pair Davis. [Laughs] This is the DOA not those losers in ‘Strong’s Company’. This is ACTUAL competition! The second you step into the “Dungeon” is the very second you put your life on the line! It doesn’t matter if you’re an active competitor, a journalist, an authority figure, an announcer, or even a Network executive to be honest. [Laughs] The DOA is not for the faint at heart.

Davis Detterich: What we just saw has NO ROOM in Wrestling…

John Greed: Get over it.




Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash

… Two men; one goal …


[The power team of Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious and “The Remarkable” Steve Flash are shown walking down an undisclosed hallway; backstage in the “Dungeon”. Neither man speaks. Hell, neither Flash nor Vicious even makes eye contact with the other as they aggressively storm their way toward the ringside area; appearing as if they are walking alone despite having another competitor at their side. All in all, despite an obvious lack of cohesion, it’s never in your best interest to bet against these two men. Why? They have the one trait that many wish to carry and others spend their entire lives breaking their bodies for: Resiliency.]


Grade: D-


John Greed: Do these guys REALLY think they have a chance in winning tonight? I mean, seriously. This is the ‘great-pairing’ of DOA loyalists? Vicious and Flash? A talent less punk and an old, decrepit, a** who should have retired 5 years ago? If that’s the case then I’ll side with “All the King’s Men” any day!

Davis Detterich: You’re selling Flash and Vicious short, John. These two are, arguably, THE top two competitors in Deadly Overloaded Action right now! Hell, if it weren’t for Mr. Tyler, one of these two men COULD be the DOA Champion.

John Greed: If it weren’t for Mr. Tyler? Are you still playing that ‘pity-party’ role for these two? Vicious had a shot and he lost twice and Flash never got anywhere near the main event since he couldn’t even beat Teddy Powell. So, your ‘crack-head’ idea that one of these two men could have beat Acid is absurd.

Davis Detterich: I’m just saying…

John Greed: … Nothing. Just say nothing. Save us all from your stupidity.







Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Normal Tag Match (Not under Death-Defying Duo Division Rules)


The first of two main events this week highlights a continuous struggle between Mr. Tyler and those he deems as ‘disposable’. In this case, We bare witness to a forced tandem that would give most Indy wrestling fans a theoretical ‘wet dream’ as Indy stand-outs Steve Flash & Johnny Vicious pair up for the first time in their careers; focused on a common enemy - “All the King’s Men” members: Rayne Man and DOA Chokeout Champion, Torment. While it’s expected that Tyler’s men are set to carry his ‘personal flag’ in action; It’s somewhat shocking that the “Voice of Reason” does not accompany them to the ringside area. His absence, all in all, shrouds the “Dungeon” with an uncomfortable nature as no one can quite explain the lack of his presence at ringside; especially during such a high-profile bout.


The match itself perpetuates two glaring narratives.


1) Steve Flash and Johnny Vicious, while their own entities, work quite seamlessly as a tag team. Ultimately creating a vibe that their forced partnership appears to be drenched in a shocking, comfortable, nature. While they never really look as if they are “best friends”, both men work rather well together as their combat styles are seen as compliments (ie: Vicious is very brash, violent, and aggressive… While, Flash is more thought-out, analytical, and calculating).


2) Mr. Tyler’s men, in this case Torment and Rayne Man, are a TRUE force to be reckoned with. Their actions flow well with one another as their collective focus is very strong; most likely due to a major ‘prep speech’ given to them by their fearless leader. All in all, they appear to approach combat in a truly cold manner as if they were soldiers; trained by a highly strict, psychologically destructive, general.


As you can expect, the action is laced with emotional outbursts; each side motivated by their own reasoning. However, the environment hovering around the “Dungeon” turns even more hectic as “The Voice of Reason” slowly shuffles through the “Dungeon Gateway”; intently focused on the action before him.




While at ringside, Mr. Tyler generates his best attempt at “Mind Games”; trying to continually destroy the psyche of all against him. While also, Aiding his personally chosen tandem. Needless to say, while his advances may slow down lesser competitors, it doesn’t really work against Flash and Vicious. If anything, it only drives their motivation higher as both are seen using Tyler’s men (Torment and Rayne Man) as tools in which to send “The Voice of Reason” a message; a message of defiance. At one point, Vicious is seen planting Rayne Man with a viciously accelerated tornado DDT; only to then quickly arise to his feet & verbally taunt his nemesis with this single phrase: “Is this the best you can do?”


In the end, even with Mr. Tyler at ringside, the shockingly comfortable paring of Steve Flash and Johnny Vicious proves to be successful.


As Rayne Man slowly staggers backwards, away from the turnbuckle he just made a high impact with, Johnny Vicious quickly slides in… Lifting him off of his feet… And practically snapping his neck upon the canvas below; using his signature “Vicious Cycle” (360 Death Valley Driver) as the main culprit of said destruction.


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash defeat Rayne Man and Torment in 11:53 when Johnny Vicious executed his signature “Vicious Circle” (360 Death Valley Driver) upon Rayne Man.

Grade: C-


Davis Detterich: HELL YEA!!! [Laughs with excitement] Down goes “All the King’s Men”!!

John Greed: [Grumbling at first] This is an outrage!! A travesty! [His voice showing his unhappy nature.] These two don’t even BELONG in the same ring as Torment and Rayne Man. I mean, Torment alone is a DOA Champion! [Grumbles some more] This match should have NEVER happened in the first place!

Davis Detterich: Thank god for Arcadia, It did! [Laughs with excitement again] In the first match EVER booked by the Network itself, We were treated to one of the BIGGEST victories in these two’s short career here in the DOA! What a win… What a moment!!

John Greed: Meh… It’s a fluke. A damn fluke. If you start this match all over again, I promise you that it wouldn’t end with the same outcome. That’s hands down the truth! You may not like it… But it’s the truth!

Davis Detterich: You know what, John? I don’t really care! [Laughs] A win is a win and Tonight… Mr. Tyler’s men weren’t able to “get the job done”. Plain and simple.




Greg Black and Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

… Arrogance in Stereo …


[We transition backstage to see tonight’s Main Event competitors standing within a few feet from each other; confidently locked in a staring contest that eventually sends the “Dungeon” crowd into a slight state of excitement. Neither man seems to budge; however, both are combined in their mutual love for their own body of work. Needless to say, with this much arrogance permeating throughout the atmosphere; It’s only a matter of time before verbal insults are thrown.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: Let me get this straight… [Arrogantly stares down Greg; a smug smirk sitting upon his face.] You couldn’t ‘cut it’ in the “Land of Supreme” so you decided to jump ship to the DOA? [Laughs] You don’t get it, Black. We’re called Deadly Overloaded Action for a reason. [Laughs again] You don’t stand a chance in… my… playground. [slight Pause; still holding an arrogant smirk] This is MY Kingdom of Pleasure. My oasis of orgasmic adventure. You simply don’t belong.


[Greg runs his right hand across the base of his chin, smirking while looking down upon the floor below. Within a matter of a few seconds, He responds with his own wave of arrogance.]


Greg Black: Oh, Don’t you worry, Matty. [smirks] I’m not your worst enemy. [Pauses; Matty expects to hear about “The Moral Majority”] I’m guessing THAT lies in the form of an STD in those effeminate leather shorts you always wear. [Matty laughs him off; Greg continues forward] Do you need some sort of ‘official Porn License’ to wear those things? [smirks; pauses] I mean, Throw in a 70’s mustache and you’re practically the KING of ‘ding-dong, Here’s your pizza’ films.


[A cordial, yet competitively laced, sense of laughter follows as both men appear to be energized for tonight’s Main Event. However, instead of using this time to focus their minds, they look to verbally assault the other through the form of a ‘frat-boy-like’ exchange.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: It’s sad to see that flaming red bandanna of yours go. I mean, That whole “High Concept” crap… That was PURE gold… For Kindergärtners.


[Greg nods his head, laughing, however, seemingly not defiant of reality as he agrees with Matty slightly.]


Greg Black: At least those kindergärtners know who I am! Before the DOA, Who even knew you existed? [Laughs] It must have sucked to work as a nimrod bounding around the ring like a damn bird!


[Greg shows his comedic sign as he does his best pigeon impression; arms and all. This, despite over-the-top, riles the “Dungeon Dead-heads” into a state of laughter; even pushing Matty to run his tongue across his teeth… looking to the side in a “You got me” kind of manor. Almost as if he was embarrassed as well.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: I’ll give you that. [smirks] But what you’re forgetting is… the DOA is MY… personal… Pleasure-zone. [Pauses] I do what I want, when I want to do it, and tonight… I want to gain the #1 contendership to the DOA Championship once again. [smirks; pauses] So sadly, for you… Your singles debut is going to fall flat… [Pauses] Just like your wife… Flat all the way around.


[Greg looks to take that last comment a little harsh. It’s one thing to attack him verbally; however, to go after his wife seems a little low. This verbal jab pushes the “Dungeon” crowd to respond in a “ohh… Did he really say that?” kind of manor. Meanwhile, Greg adds a little annoyance to his arrogant smirk.]


Greg Black: Keep talkin’, Matty. Keep Talkin’. [Pauses] In about… [Looks down at a watch that isn’t there; adds to the message though] 10 minutes you’ll be on your way toward a usual outcome… On the verge of a “Black-Out!”


[Matty responds with an short stint of laughter; defiant to the idea that he will lose tonight. All in all, the stage is set for the Main Event as both competitors appear to be on the verge of an overflow of tension.]


Grade: D+


John Greed: Can both of these guys… just… shutup?

Davis Detterich: Do you hate EVERYONE that doesn’t align themselves with Mr. Tyler?

John Greed: Pretty much. If you’re too stupid to see that the “Voice of Reason” is your best ally in the DOA then you’re too stupid to even be on TV. It’s as simple as that. These two losers are nothing more than sick… sick… nobodies!

Davis Detterich: Sick?

John Greed: Yep, Sick with Stupidity.

Davis Detterich: I’m sure you have enough meds stock-pilled to fix that problem, huh?

John Greed: I swear, on my mother’s life, that I will end you…

Davis Detterich: Good luck with that.







Greg Black vs. Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" Sparrow

Singles Match

The winner is the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship

Special Guest Referee: Acid




Tonight’s final Main Event (booked by the Network) carries a surreal tone as the DOA Champion, Acid, lurks in the corner of the ring; wearing a torn referee t-shirt and snarling like a violent predator in the process. Needless to say, It’s certainly “out of the ordinary” as, in most cases, the referee finds himself in the middle of the action; delivering a ‘hands-on approach’. However, in this case, Acid literally stands in the corner through out the match’s entirety; breathing heavily, snarling like a monster, and occasionally filling the “Dungeon” with a pterodactyl like roar that leaves all questioning his specie. In a sense, A potential horror film entrenched in chaos.


With that said, Knowing that the person presiding over their bout is ‘mentally removed’ from societal norms, both Sparrow and Black push the boundaries of what is deemed as acceptable. Not in a weapon-obsessed, uber-violent, approach but rather in a “Hey, If he isn’t going to break this then why stop?” kind of manner. So, overall, both men ease their way into the knowledge that tonight’s match-up is starting to take the shape of a NO DQ set-up.


The first few minutes of their altercation is spent within the ring ropes; however, before long, the action starts to drift outward. Following a jaw-dropping moonsault from Greg Black upon a staggering Matty Sparrow on the outside of the ring, Both men appear to have gone through a major ‘car-wreck’. Their bodies are ‘broken’ as their minds continue to tell them to ‘get up’. All in all, sadly, their bodies make the ultimate decision of what is possible… Leaving a good 30 seconds where neither man is on a vertical base.




Shortly after this, “The Moral Majority” comes storming out of the back; carrying a focus of evil intent.


With their half-dressed, borderline naked, companions (Prudence and Grace) at their side, Mainstream Hernandez and Citizen X quickly ascend upon the action; attacking Matty Sparrow violently with a 2 on 1 assault. To say the least, This isn’t a really “shocking outcome” as many expected to see Sparrow’s heated rivals make an appearance; however, what came next could be classified as unexpected.


With his opponent being mauled by two other men, Greg Black shockingly interferes; laying out both X and Hernandez with a round of lightning quick combos. Needless to say, “The Moral Majority” appears to be on their heels as the attack by Black stands as a shock. Why? Since day one, It looks as if Greg Black is out ONLY for his own success. So, for him to stand up for Matty Sparrow seems rather… odd.


All in all, “The Moral Majority’s” rage-filled assault upon Sparrow doesn’t last long; as the former SWF-standout is seen laying out BOTH X and Hernandez with his signature “Black-Out” (Standing Suplex into a Stunner). With that, the interfering tandem is left unconscious on the outside of the ring; desperately being tended too by their ‘busty babes’.


With Black’s focus directed at the crowd, celebrating his recent domination of two men at one time, Matty Sparrow is seen quickly sliding in… Rolling his opponent up with a modified sunset flip…


No pinfall attempt from Acid. Instead, he just stands there as he has the entire way through; snarling like a predatory monster. A surreal, possibly venomous, warrior.


While it may seemed like Matty was ‘screwed over’ again… That’s not entirely the case as Greg Black is able to kick out after what WOULD be a 1 count anyways. However, this very moment shows how difficult picking up a victory will be as it seems like Acid is totally ‘checked out’ of his role as this match’s facilitator.


In the end, while both men look rather strong at given points, Greg Black shows his superiority by overcoming the DOA’s resident “Porn Star”; subduing Sparrow on the top rope (seconds before he was to attempt a top rope strike of his own), pulling him off his seated position into a modified suplex… Then…




Sparrow’s body goes limp upon impact.


Would Acid count in favor of ANYONE though?


Shockingly, Acid breaks free from his warrior-like trance in which to violently slam his hand down on the canvas 3 times. Ultimately, giving Greg Black the victory and proclaiming him as the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship. As you can expect, An awkward moment shortly follows as Black and Acid share an aggressive stare down seconds before Black is to raise back to his feet; now sporting an arrogant grin as the ultimate victor. However, meanwhile, Acid is seen on all fours… Staring up at his new challenger with his head ****ed to the side; snarling like a rabid pitbull.


Greg Black defeats Matty Sparrow in 13:40 via a “Black-Out”.

Grade: D



John Greed: Another victim for Acid. That’s really what it comes down to. At the end of the day, Black is too “soft” to beat the DOA Champion.

Davis Detterich: Soft? [Laughs] We’ll just see about that one!! What a dream match!! Acid!! Greg Black!! The DOA Championship on the line! It’s going to be great!

John Greed: It looks like we won’t have to wait for this one… [Laughs]

Davis Detterich: What is Acid doing?… NO!!!!




Greg Black and Acid ©

… Blood Soaked Canvas …


[Greg Black is seen standing before a tight camera angle; extending his arms outward in show of victorious confidence. However, this powerful image only stands for a matter of a few seconds as Greg is shockingly assaulted from behind. At first, with such a tight camera angle centered upon Black, there appears to be much confusion who his attacker is; however, with a simple pan-out, we now witness the sight of Acid standing over his new challenger… Holding the DOA Championship in his hand.]


Davis Detterich: Acid just struck Greg Black from behind with the DOA Championship! What a freakin’ coward!!

John Greed: A coward? A coward? Really? You’re calling ACID… A coward? [Laughs] If anything, He’s protecting his ‘baby’… The DOA Championship!

Davis Detterich: By using it as a weapon?

John Greed: In this industry, You do what you NEED to do to get ahead. It’s as simple as that. It may not be ‘pretty’, or even popular in anyway, but that’s the nature of the game.


[Greg slowly tries to pull himself up using a nearby ring rope; however, is never truly given the chance to do so as Acid slams the gold-plated side of the DOA Championship square into the back of Black’s head once again. The strike, violent in its practice, forces the new #1 contender to crash upon the canvas below in a thunderous heap; barely putting forth any motion as he struggles to stay conscious.]


[From there, Acid is seen leveling a deadly, one-sided, assault upon his new challenger; cutting him open in the process of using the DOA Championship as a tool of aggression. With blood flowing down Black’s face, the DOA Champion continues to sadistically ‘destroy’ him; holding nothing back as Acid’s primal instincts come into play. Blow by blow, strike by strike, the “Dungeon” ring is stained with Greg Black’s blood. A sight that leaves some squeamish; perpetuating a more risky attack ever put forth by the DOA.]


[in the end, Greg Black lays motionless in a pool of his own blood; in the center of the ring. Meanwhile, Acid stands over him with a devilish snarl plastered across his mysterious face. Blood, found both on Acid’s chest and the DOA Championship respectively, is the real lasting image given to DOA “Dead-Heads” as it appears that the new #1 Contender may need to be transported to a nearby hospital.]


Grade: C+


John Greed: Now… THAT… Is a beat down! [Laughs] All hail the DOA Champion! [slight Pause] Mr. Tyler was right in bringing Acid to Deadly Overloaded Action! This man has been on an absolute TEAR since stepping into “The DOA Dungeon”.

Davis Detterich: I can’t argue with his dominance but really? Is this how he wants to be seen as a Champion? A ‘coward’?

John Greed: How is this attack cowardly? Honestly, Davis? Do you know ANYTHING about Pro Wrestling? Anything AT ALL? Greg Black may have won tonight’s main event; however, he suffered a major loss in life! Why? Now he has to step into the ring with Acid! A campaign that I promise you… He will not survive. [Laughs] I hope you don’t second guess your decision to come to the DOA, Greg. [Laughs] If this is where you want to be… Then you’ve gotta’ find a way to ‘keep up’.

Davis Detterich: How can someone keep up when you attack them from behind?

John Greed: Evolution. Grow eyes in the back of your head.

Davis Detterich: You’re an ass!

John Greed: I may be… But, Tonight… Greg Black is the ultimate ‘Jack-ass”. [Laughs] Exposed for being nothing more than a “soft” competitor.

Davis Detterich: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for joining us tonight on “R-R-R-R-RRRRAAAAAPID ASSAULT!!“ Join us next week, as Greg Black seeks revenge for this heinous attack!

John Greed: Revenge? Meh. That’s if he can make it out of the hospital in a week…[Laughs]








Overall Show Grade: D

TV Rating: 0.21(-0.01)

Dungeon Attendance: 1,975


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Quick “Rapid Assault” Results


Cannonball Funk defeats Jettstream via pinfall.

OTA defeats Mainstream Hernandez and Dick Eyezen via pinfall.

Teddy Powell defeats El Dragón Dorado via a flash pinfall.

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash defeat Rayne Man and Torment via pinfall.

Greg Black defeats Matty Sparrow via pinfall. Black new #1 contender to DOA Championship.

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... Moments after "Rapid Assault" ...


Thoughts of Greed:


It was brought to my attention by Jacob [Jett] that Jay [Chord] was unhappy with his 'air time' as of late in the DOA. Even going as far as to proclaim that he was "better than this" backstage during Episode #9; eventually storming out of our allocated Sound Stage in a mini, self-absorbed, protest.


He skipped a mandatory meeting with Steve [Flash] (our resident 'Road Agent') in which to help craft Jay's participation 'in the dark'. Instead, defiantly, Jay created his own 'game-plan' as it pertains to his match-up with fellow youngster, Brendan Idol. As you can guess, with little direction, their match ultimately 'tanked'; no one in the audience seemed to care & fellow DOA superstars laughed hysterically at the sight of the young Chord looking like a fool within the ropes. All in all, as you can expect, this didn't go over well with Jay.


In the middle of a personal 'hissy fit', Jay stormed out of the Sound-Stage far before "Rapid Assault" actually went on the air. At first, I was informed that he was stepping out for a bite to eat; something that I certainly allow as we allow our talent 'free-range' to do what they will, creating an 'open campus' if you will. However, with time, It became quite obvious that Jay wasn't coming back.


So, what to do with the young Chord?


This time around, I felt there was no further action that needed to be taken.




The 'locker room' had already 'put him in his place'; dubbing him the laughing-stock of the night for his poorly botched performance 'in the dark'.


That's punishment enough.

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I got to say that the El Dragón Dorado video package was lame. I don't mean the way you wrote it was lame (because I thought it was great), but if I was watching it in real life I would be rolling my eyes waiting for this dude to get his ass kicked.:D And that is what I love about your diaries, you make it feel like I am watching an actual show.


So I was very happy when Teddy Powell did just that!:D


I loved the interaction between Eric Tyler and Donte Dunn.


And Sammy Strung, what can I say? Yet another great character that you have created!

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I got to say that the El Dragón Dorado video package was lame. I don't mean the way you wrote it was lame (because I thought it was great), but if I was watching it in real life I would be rolling my eyes waiting for this dude to get his ass kicked.:D And that is what I love about your diaries, you make it feel like I am watching an actual show.


So I was very happy when Teddy Powell did just that!:D


I loved the interaction between Eric Tyler and Donte Dunn.


And Sammy Strung, what can I say? Yet another great character that you have created!


To be honest, BHK, I thought Dorado was pretty lame too. haha. I was writing it, and thought the video package came together pretty good, but overall I felt he was a little too "nice guy" for me. haha. Does that make sense? Either way, I guess anyone who isn't a raging psychopath is going to stick out on the DOA roster since we're pretty much overrun by the crazies. ;) In the end, I wanted to flesh out Dorado's character a little and go with the 'respectful luchador' angle; the "I've broken my body for the love of this sport" kind of thing. With time, It'll create a lot of continued tension between He and Teddy Powell as they fall on complete opposite sides of life in general.


With that said, I'm glad that the show reads like a real TV show!! :D Honestly, That's an awesome thing to hear as that's exactly what I'm trying to push for. The detail, the dialogue, all of it is done in a way to help the reader visualize what they're reading! It's awesome to know that it's working for you thus far!


The Dunn/Tyler scenario was fun to write as I could personally 'vent' as a wrestling fan. In a way, in the real world, I'm unhappy with where Wrestling has gone since the 90's. The whole transition from a 'sport' to 'entertainment' has really weakened the brand; in my eyes. So, it was great to mentally side with Eric Tyler in their little altercation. However, at the same time, how can you really hate Donte Dunn? The man just wants a job! He wants to be part of an industry he watched as a boy in a small village around Barbados. I mean, If he isn't an example of the "American Dream" scenario then I don't know who is. ha.


Honestly, I was crazy excited to get this show up for one major reason: The Debut of Sammy Strung. :D With the show not doing as well as I would have liked, I had to find something that kept me interested while I was writing it. So, Sammy became that figure. Now we have Strung, Kornell, and Eyezen all part of a faction looking to destroy the DOA. I can't wait to continue to write for them....

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http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af315/Eisen-verse/Images%20for%20Angles/SammyStrung.jpg <----- This is F'n Awesome!


Great show, Eisenverse. I really liked the debut of Sammy Strung as he's a perfect fit for "Totally Supreme". Are you keeping their name that way or were they re-named the "Big Three" during the show? That's the only thing I was confused about.


The banter between Black and Sparrow touched on my inner Cornellverse-smark. :cool: Great stuff there.


Can't wait to see Black vs. Acid. That should be a great bout both in the terms of a grade as well as what actually happens from a storyline perspective. I'm guessing you're going to hold off until the PPV for that one though as you're only a show or two away.


Bravo, EV. Bravo.

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http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af315/Eisen-verse/Images%20for%20Angles/SammyStrung.jpg <----- This is F'n Awesome!


Great show, Eisenverse. I really liked the debut of Sammy Strung as he's a perfect fit for "Totally Supreme". Are you keeping their name that way or were they re-named the "Big Three" during the show? That's the only thing I was confused about.


The banter between Black and Sparrow touched on my inner Cornellverse-smark. :cool: Great stuff there.


Can't wait to see Black vs. Acid. That should be a great bout both in the terms of a grade as well as what actually happens from a storyline perspective. I'm guessing you're going to hold off until the PPV for that one though as you're only a show or two away.


Bravo, EV. Bravo.


I have to thank the amazing jhd1 for the Brains McGhee "Samm Strung" alt. For awhile now, I've been wanting to introduce a Sam Strong knock-off; however, wrestled with the idea of WHO would take on such a character. In the end, I decided on Brains McGhee as the "Wee-Legend". As you can see, and will continue to see, he's not entirely a rip-off of Strong's character but rather the physical personification of the USPW product: American-Pride, Trailer Trash, country bumpkin. When you fuse that with his limitless ego & his limited understand of... well... pretty much anything (as you can see in his debut); He's become of my new favorites within the bunch.


With that said, I'm kicking around some ideas for their faction name. To leave it as "Totally Supreme" leaves out the fact that there is not a Strong knock-off within the bunch. So, the USPW name has to be incorporate somehow. If I can find a way to make it work, I really want the name to be over-the-top and rather stupid in nature. Something like... "The United Total Rasslers of Supremacy". A mouth full? Exactly. haha. These guys aren't smart enough to come up with anything better.


The Black/Sparrow segment was fun to write as well as it really touched on the fact that both Sparrow and Black are listed as babyfaces; however, there is tension within the ranks. How could there not be? Black has NOW hit Sparrow with a "Black-Out" on three different shows. ha. It's hard to be cordial by that point. haha. All in all, It was fun to 'make fun of' the "High Concept"/Bird Man gimmicks as that's what these two are most known for. Also, their fight touches on the fact that Black is far and away a MUCH bigger star on the mainstream scale versus Sparrow. So, in a sense, it allows the reader to strip away what they've done in the past by simply touching upon it... Then moving forward.


Acid vs. Black will be epic. Let me tell you.


And yes, It will take place at the Mid-Season PPV. I still need to come up with a name for that. I'm zeroing on something as we speak though.


Thanks for leaving behind some comments though, Oracle! This one took awhile to write, so, it's nice to hear back from somebody!!





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DOA Viewer Feedback



I may be breaking the 'cool person' facade by simply asking others for their opinion; however, meh... I gave up on being cool a long time ago. ha.


With that being said, How are you enjoying the project thus far? A general viewpoint would be amazing, and well appreciated, to be honest. Also, some more pointed questions would be (Although you wouldn't need to answer all; just ideas):


1) What's your view on the DOA's product?

2) Are there any characters that you think MAKE this diary what it is? Any that you just don't seem to like?

3) Your view on current storylines & how they've been written thus far? (ie: Moral Majority/Sparrow, Vicious/Tyler, Powell/Dorado, Flash/Tyler, etc.)

4) Is there anyone you would want to see in the DOA? (Some may not be possible due to the inability of some to join the DOA due to it's risqué nature).

5) Did you like "Rapid Assault" being 90 minutes versus the original 60 minutes? I mean, do you feel like there was more there for you to 'chew on' or did things just feel a little 'over-done'?

6) Do you, Honestly, read all the way through "Rapid Assault" results? Or is it more of a skim. The truth would be appreciated! I just want to make sure!


All in all, I just want to make sure that there are those out there who are interested in Deadly Overloaded Action. Now, I know that I have consistent people giving feedback; however, when you see people in your thread and then they simply disappear without a word; one begins to question whether or not the diary is really 'striking a chord' with others. Ya know? I mean, I know that it's MUCH harder for a created company diary to really take hold versus a company that's already in the database; however, I guess I'm just looking for some overall feedback. My PSW diary was hardly ever without someone making a comment; even small statements. So, it's a little weird to be back at this place (much like my X-WA diary) where you feel like some may not really be interested in 'what you're selling'.


This isn't being written in a "Woe is me" kind of fashion; it's actually quite the opposite. I guess, what I'm looking for is, some comprehensive feedback as it pertains to the diary as a whole. Does that make sense? In a way, This will help me see what others view of this project going forward.


Call it "Viewer Feedback" if you will; another outreach by the Arcadia Network to hear from those who 'watch' "Rapid Assault". ;)


If you feel so inclined as to respond then great! If not, then I understand. But either way, I guess I'm feeling a little 'meh' following such an up-hill battle as it pertains to finishing the last show.







Also: To those who respond, depending on the sheer amount, I may not personally respond to what you say as it may be a lofty scenario. Think of it as your chance to really convey what the DOA means to you as a reader/viewer.


Also #2: To be honest, I'm struggling to keep major motivation as of late. Why? Life is starting to really pick up & my free time is becoming quite limited. With that being said, I really like the idea of booking my own wrestling promotion (while also being able to write 'shows' around that); however, I just wanted to know what kind of following this project really has. Not saying that if you don't respond then this will close down... Just rather, I'm looking to make sense of this little project of mine.

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Well I think by the fact that this diary has already won a diary of the month means you have a good following. Also according to the view count this is the highest viewed new TEW diary (I am counting one that was started for 10 and not carried over from the 08 section) so once again that means that people are reading your work.


I will admit that I tend not to read the match write-ups and I do skim them. However, I think your match write-ups are awsome. It is just I am more a fan of the interviews, which I do read word for word. That is how I am with every diary that I read on here.


Well I have told you in the past who I like and there really is not one person that I don't like (Matt Sparrow was once in that boat, but I have grown to like him).


I like the product just fine, and I think you do a great job of getting the product over.


90 or 60 minutes does not matter to me. When I was writing 90 minute shows for my NYCW diary, I felt it burned me out. And your diary has much more detail then what I wrote so I can only think of what it has done to you.


Maybe if you sign Dead Bolt aka Acedia the promotion would be better...oh come on you knew I was going to say that.:D


Just looking over PSW, it would appear that a lot of your more vocal readers are not on here as much anymore. I can't even remember the last time I saw guys like Nedew, foolinc, and The Mystery on these boards.

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I like your diary. But there is one thing peeves (not more than that) me.


I think Matt Sparrow's gimmick doesn't work for him. I would normally say it, well.... sucks, but then I remind myself of Val Venis, and how far he got and how long he lasted with his gimmick. I really can't see him being that kind of person, and your "save" seems to agree with me.


It's a very selective gimmick that's related to being a gimmicky or comedic, and relegated to being in the midcard. Most don't well with it, and those that work well with it, seem to get stuck with it.


Matt Sparrow never striked me as one those people that could do it. The guy is a good, but he was never great... and he never had the skills to pull off the gimmick you gave him.


I love your diaries. I do. But there sometimes seems to be a gaps between where you want to be, where you are, and what is achiecable.

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Critical-23's Mark Out DOA Review!!!


Hey, ya'll, Critical-23 welcoming all my future Critters to the first-ever DOA review. Yes, I is the man that got Cannonball Funk back on TV!!! Anyways, with a little national recognition, I have decided to come out and blog about DOA--the promotion that Sam Strong could do without!


Cannonball Funk defeats Jettstream via pinfall.

Yeah, I am responsible for Funkster coming back on the air. As we all know Funk is actually Cannonball Sam Pratt, an under rated high flyer AKA a SWF cast off. Funk continues to impress even amongst the bored fans. I enjoyed the match and can't wait for Funk to get back in the fans' open arms. moving on. . .


OTA defeats Mainstream Hernandez and Dick Eyezen via pinfall.

Surprised by this match as I just KNEW that Hernandez would pull it out here for the Mormon--err, Moral Majority but then again, DOA is the place for these supposed "cast-offs" of the big three to really show what they can do in the ring and OTA is finally hitting his stride as a competitor in this humble blogger's opinion.


Teddy Powell defeats El Dragón Dorado via a flash pinfall.

Waiting for EDD to take off his mask and saunter around the ring as Champagne Lover, but that will have to wait until later. Right now, I am really interested in the Powell/Redeem Thee character. He's creepy, scary, emo--err gothic, whatever you wanna call it. EDD is being the basic technico luchador and paired with Powell this little fued can be the most under rated due to the talents of both men. Next!!


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash defeat Rayne Man and Torment via pinfall.

Here's a good question: Who would you NOT want to meet in a dark alley at night, Bruce the Giant or Johnny Vicious? The answer: Johnny Vicious. Why? Ask his opponent's. Bruce is THE largest athlete in the world and therefore before entering said alley, you would spot him and turn the other way. Vicious looks angry all the time (trust me, I've been backstage trying to get an interview for this project and I don't know if the guy had gas or what, but I took that as a hint and went the other way, hee-hee. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, Jared Johnson is awesome! Next!


Greg Black defeats Matty Sparrow via pinfall. Black new #1 contender to DOA Championship.

Without question, Black is DOA's biggest signing and since his arrival, Black's being his own man after toiling away for so many years up north. No more Elmo "Benny" Benson in a tag team with "high" aspirations. Black's here to kick @$$ and win titles and who can argue with that? And Matty? Well, we Internet bloggers dig the character, however, not the fans who watch the show and think blogging ain't cool (which it totally is!). I still believe that Sparrow is Main Event material and needs to turn up the action just a bit more INSIDE the ring and the DOA championship will be his.


Well, you friggin' wrasslin' nerds, that's it for the first-ever Critical-23's Mark Out DOA Review!!!


(OOC: E-V, I just had to post this after being called a "mysterious blogger" and in NO way want to take attention away from your writing. Just couldn't contain my excitement over this DOA project and had to post it. Probably will be a one-time thingie or at least much, much shorter in the future.)

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I just wanted to say Thank you for your feedback thus far. Also, that "Mark Out" segment was amazing, Critical23! Whenever someone takes it upon themselves to leave some feedback in a creative way, I'm sold. ha. Some great points were brought up and, believe me, I'm reading in which to feel the 'pulse' of what others may think/perceive the DOA as. So, while some things may not change (due to plans of mine)... Other things are taken greatly into consideration.


Any and all feedback is welcome!




<hr color="black">

Results for Episode #9 can be found on the previous page!


Also: "Network Notes" due up later tonight!

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You know I'm reading this. I don't leave predictions because, well I suck at it. Plus, I'm usually pretty busy doing other things. *Shines up the Million Dollar title*


Seriously though, I read through everything you write. I might skim at first, but come back to it when I have more time. Your diary is 1 of about 5 that I follow religously (David Mack, James Casey, Infinity) to name a few.


On a selfish level, I hope you continue with this regardless if people are reading or not. However, we all know that people are reading and are enjoying this.


As for your storylines, I think they are great. I've said this before, but you have that ability to have multiple storylines running, yet they are intertwined very well. You then write them in a fashion that has that notion, sneak up on the readers. (at least it did me.)


I'd catch myself reading and then all of a sudden think, "Damn, those storylines just crossed". Ok, I didn't say that exactly, but you get my point.


Anyway, I'll stop rambling now. I hope you keep this up, even if it means updates are fewer and stretched out more. You write it and we'll read it.



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Critical-23's Mark Out DOA Review!!!


Hey, ya'll, Critical-23 welcoming all my future Critters to the first-ever DOA review. Yes, I is the man that got Cannonball Funk back on TV!!! Anyways, with a little national recognition, I have decided to come out and blog about DOA--the promotion that Sam Strong could do without!


Cannonball Funk defeats Jettstream via pinfall.

Yeah, I am responsible for Funkster coming back on the air. As we all know Funk is actually Cannonball Sam Pratt, an under rated high flyer AKA a SWF cast off. Funk continues to impress even amongst the bored fans. I enjoyed the match and can't wait for Funk to get back in the fans' open arms. moving on. . .


OTA defeats Mainstream Hernandez and Dick Eyezen via pinfall.

Surprised by this match as I just KNEW that Hernandez would pull it out here for the Mormon--err, Moral Majority but then again, DOA is the place for these supposed "cast-offs" of the big three to really show what they can do in the ring and OTA is finally hitting his stride as a competitor in this humble blogger's opinion.


Teddy Powell defeats El Dragón Dorado via a flash pinfall.

Waiting for EDD to take off his mask and saunter around the ring as Champagne Lover, but that will have to wait until later. Right now, I am really interested in the Powell/Redeem Thee character. He's creepy, scary, emo--err gothic, whatever you wanna call it. EDD is being the basic technico luchador and paired with Powell this little fued can be the most under rated due to the talents of both men. Next!!


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash defeat Rayne Man and Torment via pinfall.

Here's a good question: Who would you NOT want to meet in a dark alley at night, Bruce the Giant or Johnny Vicious? The answer: Johnny Vicious. Why? Ask his opponent's. Bruce is THE largest athlete in the world and therefore before entering said alley, you would spot him and turn the other way. Vicious looks angry all the time (trust me, I've been backstage trying to get an interview for this project and I don't know if the guy had gas or what, but I took that as a hint and went the other way, hee-hee. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, Jared Johnson is awesome! Next!


Greg Black defeats Matty Sparrow via pinfall. Black new #1 contender to DOA Championship.

Without question, Black is DOA's biggest signing and since his arrival, Black's being his own man after toiling away for so many years up north. No more Elmo "Benny" Benson in a tag team with "high" aspirations. Black's here to kick @$$ and win titles and who can argue with that? And Matty? Well, we Internet bloggers dig the character, however, not the fans who watch the show and think blogging ain't cool (which it totally is!). I still believe that Sparrow is Main Event material and needs to turn up the action just a bit more INSIDE the ring and the DOA championship will be his.


Well, you friggin' wrasslin' nerds, that's it for the first-ever Critical-23's Mark Out DOA Review!!!


(OOC: E-V, I just had to post this after being called a "mysterious blogger" and in NO way want to take attention away from your writing. Just couldn't contain my excitement over this DOA project and had to post it. Probably will be a one-time thingie or at least much, much shorter in the future.)


You understand that critical did this because he thinks this will make you hire Jared Johnson right?:D


Seriously, good job critical!

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You understand that critical did this because he thinks this will make you hire Jared Johnson right?:D


Seriously, good job critical!


Thanks, BHK! Although it would be awesome for Double J to be in DOA, I won't push for him to be signed because he probably wouldn't fit here although I am sure EV would give some crazy character and just keep dropping those lil funny quips. Once again, thanks for the kudos!

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Really enjoyed the 'big show' Eisen! Here is my response to DOA's fan questionnaire...


1) What's your view on the DOA's product?


The Death-Defying Duo rules are great, and I really like the way John's career history worked its way in through the tag division. I think the Chokeout title has a lot of promise too.


2) Are there any characters that you think MAKE this diary what it is? Any that you just don't seem to like?


The usuals, Eric Tyler, Acid, Black are all great though OTA, for reasons I can't explain, is the one person I continually want to win. Totally Supreme are very clever too, though they are definitely more suited to being an out-of-ring act.


3) Your view on current storylines & how they've been written thus far? (ie: Moral Majority/Sparrow, Vicious/Tyler, Powell/Dorado, Flash/Tyler, etc.)


Flash/Tyler is probably my favourite at the moment - it seems more human nature than soap opera - although Vicious' climb to the top is an interesting premise too.


4) Is there anyone you would want to see in the DOA? (Some may not be possible due to the inability of some to join the DOA due to it's risqué nature).


Other than the Bruce the Giant/Giant Redwood tandem I mentioned before!? :D


5) Did you like "Rapid Assault" being 90 minutes versus the original 60 minutes? I mean, do you feel like there was more there for you to 'chew on' or did things just feel a little 'over-done'?


I have mixed feelings about this (both in good ways though!). As I said, I really enjoyed the last show and I think the storyline time you can get out of it is great. That said, I quite enjoyed having a simple 60 min show with three matches and having everything crammed in - it seemed to fit with the scenario pretty well and set it apart from the more typical cards.


6) Do you, Honestly, read all the way through "Rapid Assault" results? Or is it more of a skim. The truth would be appreciated! I just want to make sure!


Ironically, I always find reading a large amount of text on a computer screen quite hard going. I try and read all of the match results (which is why BP's diary takes me forever to read!) but if it is a lower-card match or the result is really predictable and it is really long I will usually just skim it in order to avoid having to read the rest of the show in another sitting. I think the Cannonball vs. Jettstream match length is about the right for me applied across an entire show but, again, that's just a personal preference.


Hope that helps! :D

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I am one of those guilty of reading and not commenting. I do keep up, and I do try to get predictions in. But with my own project and such, it can be tough at times.


1) What's your view on the DOA's product?


Its not the product that interests me - it never is, regardless of the diary. Its the environment you have created. The promotion as a whole, the influence of the network, the backstage issues... Those are the things that interest me. The in-ring product makes some difference in terms of the matches you present, but that's a small part of the package to me.


2) Are there any characters that you think MAKE this diary what it is? Any that you just don't seem to like?


There are some that I take to more than others. I honestly hesitate to differentiate them that way, however. More than anything else, i like that you try to create unique characterizations for workers, often going so far as to rename and reimage them. So that even a commonly-used worker becomes quite unique to DOA.


3) Your view on current storylines & how they've been written thus far? (ie: Moral Majority/Sparrow, Vicious/Tyler, Powell/Dorado, Flash/Tyler, etc.)


I like. I hesitate to critique to any real extent, because I don't want DOA written the way I might write them, but rather I want your vision, your storylines, and your characters, all written as you see them. But I honestly have little to complain about anyway.


4) Is there anyone you would want to see in the DOA? (Some may not be possible due to the inability of some to join the DOA due to it's risqué nature).


I hesitate to identify anyone specific. Its not about the workers you choose, but how you choose to present them.


5) Did you like "Rapid Assault" being 90 minutes versus the original 60 minutes? I mean, do you feel like there was more there for you to 'chew on' or did things just feel a little 'over-done'?


I have no complaints about the longer show. I do have concerns that adding the extra might be tougher on you, in writing terms, and could lead to burn-out. Never a good thing.


6) Do you, Honestly, read all the way through "Rapid Assault" results? Or is it more of a skim. The truth would be appreciated! I just want to make sure!


I do both. I usually skim through on first reading, and come back later for a more thorough look. No idea why, but I often end up taking this approach.

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1) What's your view on the DOA's product?


I love DOA's product. It reminds me with the crazy characters and over top wrestling of a mixture of late 80s-early 90s wrestling and ECW.



2) Are there any characters that you think MAKE this diary what it is? Any that you just don't seem to like?


I love Eric Tyler. His character would be one that I'd hate if I watched him on television. I don't care too much for Sparrow. It seems he was pushed too fast and too early and possible too much down the viewers' throats.



3) Your view on current storylines & how they've been written thus far? (ie: Moral Majority/Sparrow, Vicious/Tyler, Powell/Dorado, Flash/Tyler, etc.)

I love all of the storylines so far expect for the Sparrow's storyline.. honestly. It only because Matty is in it.



4) Is there anyone you would want to see in the DOA? (Some may not be possible due to the inability of some to join the DOA due to it's risqué nature).

There are a few guys just because I mark for them. Blackjack Robbins and The Big Problem are two guys I always sign just because I make them into a tag team and they are pretty successful when I start from a small to cult federation. Bradford Peverell, who is very underrated in my opinion.



5) Did you like "Rapid Assault" being 90 minutes versus the original 60 minutes? I mean, do you feel like there was more there for you to 'chew on' or did things just feel a little 'over-done'?

I like the new 90 mins. It gives you time to get more pople on the show.


6) Do you, Honestly, read all the way through "Rapid Assault" results? Or is it more of a skim. The truth would be appreciated! I just want to make sure!


It is a mixture for me. The interviews and the 'bigger' matches to me I read the whole thing.

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Again, thank you for your 'viewer feedback' thus far. It's a great tool for thought as I continue to review this project as a whole. In the end, just like a real TV show, your show's life lasts as long as your viewers are there. So, in a sense, it's great to hear from those of you who consider yourselves 'viewers' of "Rapid Assault"!


I thought that the "Network Notes" section would have been up last night; however, life interfered. So, I wasn't able to do so. Now, at this point, it may not be up for a few days. In time though It'll be up!





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Review of Episode #9: "... Prone to Black-Out ..."

- 1st Week of July 2010 -




The Monday Following Episode #9

... Toxic Sparrow, Hollywood Beckons, Entertainers not Entertaining, A 'Strong' Legal Action, and the Fall of Edison? ...


There air is rather tense as everyone is fearing for their jobs. Why? With any change of power within ANY organization often brings a call for exactly that: Change. With the shocking development of Victor Tremont now the HEAD of the Arcadia Network, Many wonder if their days are numbered within the budding network. Even with that raging through the minds of all, There is still a job to be done.


Network Note #1

Subject: Matty Sparrow is Toxic; not in a good way.<hr color="black">

“It has come to our attention that Matt Sparrow is to no longer be used in moments that typically weight more upon the rating system; this falls at the opening, and then closing, of the show. Through our research we have found that Matt’s persona is starting to become rather ‘toxic’. It’s confusing, because at first, it seemed like our demographic was eating him up. However, now, we’ve found that whenever he’s on the screen, our ratings start to dip negatively. Now, in no way are we saying that Matt should be removed from the DOA as his antics are well received within the Network. However, at the end of the day, we can’t allow him to be on-screen during “Rapid Assault’s” peak moments; at least not until the general public looks upon him more favorably.”


Does this shock me? No.


Does it hurt a little? Sure.


Will I listen to their advice? Sadly, Yes.


Matt was one of THE first people that I called when I accepted the position of “Director of Wrestling Operations” within the DOA project. In my eyes, Here was a guy who had always been passed over. A competitor who was practically unknown despite being a pretty serviceable entertainer. Was he as talented as Tommy Cornell? No. Could he fly around the ring like American Elemental? God no. However, even with all of that, he was a strong competitor with a great sense of knowledge as it pertains to developing a ‘good match’. Again, Not to the level of someone like an Enforcer Roberts (someone who I have great respect for); however, for the indy circuit, a pretty strong facilitator of good in-ring action.


So, as the DOA roster began to take shape… Matt was someone I KNEW that I wanted/and or needed.


Now, He has his haters.


In a way, He’s become even more polarizing that Teddy [Powell] has. Why? There’s just something about the guy that just drives people crazy. What is it? I wish I knew. We thought his new gimmick would ‘mask’ the bitter-hatred brought on by so many; however, even that wasn’t able to do the trick. Instead, I feel like the gimmick may have given him an initial burst of energy with the crowd… But, with time, ultimately stood as the very thing that continues to hurt his progress.


So what to do with a problem like Matty Sparrow?


I have a few avenues in mind…


However, that will come on another day.



Network Note #2

Subject: Calling on a 'Hollywood Nature'.<hr color="black">

“John. Do you know where you are?”


[At first, This felt like a trick question. However, as time goes on I come to realize that the Network associate before me is holding a straight face; intently focused on what my answer may be.]


“Uh, Arcadia Headquarters?”


[A slight nod from the Network associate is seen.]


“Well yes, but think more in a ‘grand sense’. [A moment passes; the question is rephrased again] Do you know where you are?”


[My cluttered mind eagerly processes every tidbit of information that lies before me; like an endlessly flowing river of thoughts, emotions, experiences. With time, I’m forced to make a decision as it pertains to WHAT he’s talking about. So, I go with what comes to mind first…]


“The DOA?”


[The Network associate shakes his head slightly; not in an annoyed way but rather to show that I wasn’t on the ‘same page’ as he. A few seconds pass; we make eye contact again as I anticipate something based upon market research or something to that matter. To be honest, I feel like I’m speaking to robots in most cases during these little meetings. Why? These Network Associates may as well be robots seeing how they ONLY use research for their basis of review; leaving emotions, or basic human understanding, to the ‘dogs‘.]


“We are in Hollywood, John. ‘Tinsel Town’, If you will. [slight pause] The air reeks of creativity; and the minds think with a sense of grandeur. [He focuses his eyes deep into mine] We NEED you to embrace this practice of grandeur, John. [slight Pause; still deeply looking into my eyes] What we would like to see is for you, John, to tap-into your inner ‘Film Maker’; rise on past the traditional means of Wrestling Entertainment and deliver something that SCREAMS Hollywood. [slight pause again] With a Network sized budget behind you, and firm confidence from those in upper-management, we believe that you can take this project by the reigns and develop something unique; something… Transcendent. [A big smile forms upon his face.] While we understand the need for crowd interaction, The Network would really like to see you move a lot of your segments ‘on-location’; step away from “The Dungeon” in which to create a more… Grand TV Experience. [slight Pause] Utilize the tools that you’ve been given and run with it. Do you understand? [smirks] With time, The Network believes that THIS will be what sets us apart from the SWF’s, the TCW’s, and the USPW’s. [Final Pause] Continue with the underground vibe for the DOA, as it polls quite well in our research; however, instill a little “Hollywood” nature into the product.”


He was right. So very much so, right.


Outside of our speedy, borderline reckless, in-ring tempo; The overall ‘Hollywood nature’ of things could be our everlasting key of definition. What I mean by that is… While the “Big Three” continue to perpetuate the narrative of what a ‘good’ Wrestling show looks, feels, smells, and acts like. The DOA can stand on ‘new ground’, cultivate an innovative tone, and ultimately develop a product that is rooted rather heavily in the notion of High Quality Presentation.


Gone are the simple wrestling look. The DOA is more interested in bringing forth a ‘move-like’ atmosphere.


Gone are the endless promo’s within the ring. The DOA is more focused on the idea of bringing you on-location segments that feel MORE like an actual TV show versus a basic wrestling event.


Gone are the simplistic, somewhat bland, storylines that center around boring, and sometimes overplayed, scenarios. The DOA is centered on the idea of developing deep, rich, storylines that find a way to intertwine with one another.


In a sense, gone are the days of traditional wrestling programs… As the DOA should, and WILL, stand for the new generation of wrestling entertainment.


I mean, hell, we’re the only company OWNED by a TV Network. Why would we continue to go forward ‘as is’? Maintaining the status quo? With a Network sized budget in our hands, and the ability to work with some of the highest quality TV production in the country, the DOA can work as a ‘change agent’; a great innovator of the wrestling world.



Network Note #3

Subject: The NEED to Entertain.<hr color="black">

“We’ve noticed a very troubling trend thus far as a number of those who respond to our polls describe the entertainment segments of “Rapid Assault” as somewhat boring; ultimately not up to par with the in-ring action brought forth. While this is certainly subjective, We MUST keep our ‘ears to the ground’ as it pertains to what our fans are looking for. The Network would like for you, John, to review who you are giving ‘air-time’ to on a weekly basis. Review their performance, analyze their ability to entertain, and ultimately make changes where you see fit. In the end, We NEED to make sure that the DOA product is in-line with what our fans want. [Pauses slightly] As of right now, it appears that our fans want to see other, more popular, figures focused upon outside of the in-ring action. Get ahead of this one; make the changes that NEED to be made.”


Here in lies one of my biggest problems thus far as the ‘General’ of the “Rapid Assault” brand. How can one truly develop the ‘stars of tomorrow’ if most of our fans believe that they can’t carry an entertainment segment any better than a pale full of mud?


The DOA, by and large, is a wrestling program rooted in second chances, new beginnings, and the breaking of traditions.


With Second Chances: We are littered with ‘cast-off’s’ from the “Big Three”; a reality that’s often true for most upstart wrestling promotions as you struggle to sustain interest from the casual wrestling fan (while also developing the ‘stars of tomorrow’ at the same time). A lot of our ‘big characters’ (ie: Sparrow, Black, Acid, Eric Tyler, Ota, Narato, Rayne, Handsome Stranger, Sam Pratt, Teddy Powell, Donnie J, etc.) have all been members of the “Big Three” at some point in their careers; some more successful than others during their previous stints there. However, all of them have something in common despite this former truth: They no longer work for those companies. Instead, they were thrown-aside for various reasons; ultimately dubbed as disposable by the ‘suits’ in charge. So, they come to the DOA in which to re-spark the flames of their careers; hoping that THIS time around their small spark turns into a raging inferno. A truth that I am destined to help ignite.


With New Beginnings: The DOA is also littered with a whole slew of performers who have not yet been seen by the ‘mainstream audience’. So, even if they’ve been competing on the Indy scene for years, they are considered to be ‘DOA home-grown products’ to the typical wrestling fan. These competitors (ie: Mainstream Hernandez, Johnny Vicious, El Dragon Dorado, Jay Chord, Jettstream, Matthew Keith, Donte Dunn, etc.) are looking to make something of their careers far before anyone else has been able to ‘brand them’. So, in a sense, they are clean-slates; removed from any preconceived notions that tend to limit those like Rayne Man and Matty Sparrow (as most avid wrestling fans already have their own views on these guys; cemented by their own ability to be a raging smark). Needless to say, This is also my destiny to create them into the ‘stars of tomorrow’.


With Breaking Traditions: Deadly Overloaded Action is all about debunking the ‘Traditional myths’ of Pro Wrestling; that action has to be slow paced, what a typical champion looks like, and how a wrestling event is suppose to be staged. In the end, with our consistent hammering of the DOA brand, We (Arcadia and myself) hope to push the DOA name above all the rest; giving us the ability to be the SOLE-heir to the Revolutionary-tone that was seemingly destroyed once DaVE fell.


We are not DaVE.


We simply are picking the torch up off of the ground, dusting it off, shining it back up, and continuing forward where they had fallen previously.



Network Note #4

Subject: Legal Action against the DOA?<hr color="black">

“Have you received word from the Legal department yet, John?”


[My stomach intertwines into knots; clenching, churning, all with the fear of what is to come next. The Legal Department has something that I should know? Good god, What did I do now? I’ve been clean for some time now & haven’t really removed myself from my office in ages. Needless to say, there must be SOMETHING that connects me with this question or else it would not have been asked. I awkwardly stare back in the direction of the Network Associates; fearful of what may roll off their lips next.]


“Well, uh. No. Should I have?”


[Then it happened; shocking in its delivery: A coy smirk forms upon this Associates face.]


“Well, it seems that Sam Strong’s lawyers have sent the Network a Cease and desist letter; unhappy with your newest development. In their eyes, They believe that the ‘Sammy Strung’ name impedes upon his trademark of the ‘Strong persona’. [slight laughter to himself; almost scoffing at Strong’s attempt to subdue the Network] In all honesty, We don’t really give a crap what he thinks. [Laughs] He’s been bashing the Network, and the DOA, for quite some time now &, to be honest, we at the Network LOVE your rendition of him. It may cost us in the end; however, I say go forward with this one. [Laughs] If anything, The marketing department believes that it will only strengthen the DOA brand with the general public as “Rapid Assault” and Sam Strong will be synonymous for months now. Push forward, John. Push it into overdrive.”


This is an unprecedented moment in the DOA’s short history as, after months of ripping both Eisen and Cornell on a weekly basis, someone from the “Big Three”, this time Sam Strong, has gone far enough to actually acknowledge the development of a ‘knock-off’ persona of himself.


What dose this mean from the DOA?


You heard the ’man’, ”Push it into Overdrive”.


Controversy generates success in Pro Wrestling; this is a proven fact.


With legal action potentially around the corner, This exact scenario will most likely bring three major benefits to Deadly Overloaded Action:


1) The mainstream news media will most likely ’pick up’ the story as a prominent United States Entertainer, Sam Strong, threatens legal action against a major US Network. This is the kind of story that generates ’legs of its own’ as it floods the internet for months; if not years. This can ONLY do good for the DOA as it brings the DOA brand to the masses. Sure, it’s not ideal to be on the other side of a legal suit; however, when you’re an upstart wrestling program you need all the focus you can get.


2) With that in mind, It will also continue the narrative that the DOA is this ’renegade promotion’; not afraid of anyone or any thing. Who else to go after than THE biggest name in Pro Wrestling? That’s much like a new TV station hitting the airwaves in the states and going straight for CBA; it’s bound to generate this sense of ’constructed recklessness’. Ultimately, an amazing PR tool as it helps to develop the overall tone of Deadly Overloaded Action… Defiance to the “Old Guard”.


3) Also, with all of this in mind, Ratings will hopefully rise. With a new crowd of inquisitive eyes fixated on the legally-bound wrestling show, Many will wonder if the DOA will continue to play Russian roulette with the ‘Sammy Strung’ persona.


All in all, This is a win/win situation for the DOA and I plan on pushing the envelope as far as it can physically go. Why? The DOA isn’t about ‘playing nice’. It isn’t about finding it’s place within the already established industry. We are here to debunk old myths, tear down wrestling injustices , and ultimately ‘break the walls down’ that confine any company not named: USPW, SWF, and TCW.



Network Note #5

Subject: Make a Decision on Roy Edison.<hr color="black">

“It’s become rather evident that you’ve struggled to find ‘room’ for Roy Edison on “Rapid Assault”; ultimately, we can’t blame you. He often polls quite stagnantly within our demographic, so, you’re not alone. That being said, We can’t afford to pay him $2,000 to sit on the sideline. Either, Find him something to do or put in the proper paperwork to have him dismissed from the broadcast.”


I almost fell out of my chair.


In the beginning, Roy Edison was praised as the almighty cross-over talent. The man who would help generate some initial buzz as MMA fans tune in to see how his transition was taking hold. With that being said, He proved to be exactly that: A predicator of initial buzz.


At first, He was projected to carry a heavy dose of uninformed combat; still gripping tightly to the MMA-world as he ‘struggles’ to make the distinction of what is deemed as ‘acceptable’ in a Wrestling Ring vs. An octagon. At first, It seemed like a stroke of genius as it played rather heavily on a consistent reality most had already felt. Hell, The Network itself helped to perpetuate this reality by broadcasting a one-night-only documentary focused primarily on Edison’s attempt at a cross-over. However, even with all of this bunched in his corner, It became rather hard to simply find ‘room’ for the crazed fighter.


So, What to do? It really boils down to two scenarios:


1) Keep him. Continue forward with the storyline that’s been put into place for him and ultimately ‘deal’ with the consistent letdown that is his ‘room temperature’ response.


2) Release him. Admit that I ultimately failed and was unable to really cultivate Edison into a bonafide pro wrestling superstar.


Even as we speak, I’m confused as to which outcome to select.







<hr color="black">

What we learned:

* Matty Sparrow, sadly, has to be delegated back to the midcard as he's shown that he can't 'keep up' with the Main Eventers. His Gimmick rating is at a "F+" and, even before that, he's shown to have some problems with keeping his segments up despite working with some other talented individuals. None the less, It's best served for him to fall back to the midcard. Now, I know that some don't like Matty; however, I'm not going to simply give up on the guy despite his failings. In a sense, he's just going to fall back to where he belongs for a bit and maybe he'll get back up there at some point? All in all, He was my original 'pet project' and it seems like that failed; miserably. ha.


* The Main Event only getting a "D" was like taking a shot to the chest. I wasn't expecting it (Even though I should have due to Matty's poor gimmick). In the end, It's just another reason to keep him out of the Main Event as he was only able to pull a "D" with someone as talented as Greg Black. Overall, though, the match needed to take place as it was a way to justify Matty's fall back to the midcard and Black's rise to challenging for the DOA Championship.


* My entertainment segments are still being brought up as a problem during post show analysis by the TEW game itself. I mean, I know an easy fix would be to just use Tyler, Black, and Acid in almost every segment; however, that seems pretty boring to me. This is probably my own downfall though as I'm almost more of a fan of the midcarders than I am of the main eventers sometimes. haha. All in all, I'm going with a 'wait and see approach' as I hope that, as these guys gain popularity, their segment grades will also rise.


* With that said, I'm not seeing much movement in popularity for most of my DOA competitors. Not sure why?


* A decision on Roy Edison will most likely come soon. As of right now, I have a few scenarios running in my mind. I guess we will see what wins out; I guess.


* The 'Legal Action' brought forth By Sam Strong is a continued 'backstage storyline' as you already know. From the beginning, Strong has been pretty much in the corner against the DOA. So, it only seems realistic for him to HATE the fact that they are making fun of him now with 'Sammy Strung'. As you can guess, This will def. get out of hand with time.


Popularity Shifts:


+ Pop. Gains



- Pop. Losses


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Monday Afternoon; 2nd Week of July 2010

... The 'Strong-Arm of the Law' ...



Angry & Entitled


“Do you think this is Funny? Is this some sort of ‘game’ to you? [Pauses] This sophomoric crap HAS… TO… STOP! Do you understand me? Cut this crap out, or, I’ll cripple the Network with the use of my lawyers. Then, We’ll see how ‘edgy’ you really are when you’re back out on the street!”


I don’t know how he found my phone number; however, I don’t really care to be honest. To search out such a scenario would only pull me away from the true reason of his phone call; the very situation for why he seems to hate me so: The continued process of debunking the ‘old guard’ of the US Pro Wrestling industry.


Sam [strong] is considered, by many, to be ‘bullet-proof’. Not in the physical sense; however, with most wrestling communities he’s often considered to be ‘hands off’; owed a high level of respect due to his mainstream appeal. I mean, even to those who don’t necessarily claim to be pro wrestling fans, he’s widely considered to be THE most popular figure in the ‘sport’.


His immense legacy grew even larger when he shockingly purchased USPW back in 2006. At that time, It was pretty much common knowledge that the Jillefski-run promotion was slowly dwindling into a ‘side-act’; a never-ending ‘third-wheel’ on the mainstream scale. So, when someone of Strong’s stature bought out the company, it was greatly received by the masses. Why? It posed a sense of ‘change’. With THE most popular wrestler in the World now at the helm, There was NO WAY that USPW could falter.


From there, The company did exactly as most had envisioned following Strong’s purchase: it grew to heights once thought unimaginable when Jillefski ran the company. Needless to say, The triumphant rise only padded the glorious resume of the ‘Strong One’.


So, now in 2010, Sam Strong has come to a point where he’s literally seen as ‘untouchable’. His in-ring career (despite coming to an end) is just as heralded (from a ‘draw’ standpoint) as ever before, His company (USPW) continues to climb the daunting ascent toward the juggernauts that are: SWF and TCW, and his family-tree grows even ‘stronger’ as Alicia forges forward; becoming, arguably, the #1 female competitor in the states. In a sense, He’s arguably more powerful than the great Richard Eisen by this point.


While Sam truly deserves a high level of respect, The Wrestling Legend has shown the ability to ‘take it too far’…


He demands a level of universal respect from all within the industry; making his voice heard upon, pretty much, every topic circulating around Pro Wrestling. So much so that you can certainly expect to hear from Sam every couple days through the media. In a sense, His success has brought on this ‘holier than thou’ persona that currently has hollowed out the once humble competitor.


Was I expecting to hear from him? Yea.


Did I think it would be as aggressive as it was? Oh god yes. He may have semi-retired but you can never take the aggression out of a Pro Wrestler.


So, here we stand at a cross-roads. Do we respect our ‘elders’ and give Sam the universal ‘ass-kissing’ he believes he deserves; regardless of his own actions? - OR - Do we continue forward with the “Sammy Strung” character, risk a potential hefty lawsuit, and do what we set out to do: Shake this industry clean of it’s status quo mentality?


If you ask the Network…


If you ask the DOA ‘cast-members’…


If you ask the general pro wrestling community that has grown tired of Sam’s oppressive ways…


And if you certainly ask me…


We all say…


“F*ck you, Sam. F*ck you and the chariot you rode in on.”




<hr color="black">NEXT: A WAR IS BREWING...

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I like Matt Sparrow. I hope you didn't get the impression I disliked him.


I like he Rated R version of Matty and regular Matty as well. Sucks it didn't workout for him.


And Strong's suit legally can't be valid as it is only in a satire way that you are portraying Sammy. I mean, ECW were never sued by WCW for the BWO for that same reason. I mean, it's good writing don't get me wrong, but I AM in Criminal Justice (Go Jets~!!!!) so that kinda sticks me in the rib a little bit. KUTGW.

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I think that's the whole point... Sam Strong won't win the legal case if he put it up. First, he would have to get Richard Eisen and Tommy Cornell on board, which I doubt he will be able to do so. In fact, they have a better case (Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell) than Sam Strong does (Sammy Strung). Sam is a common male name, and Strong is a common word. Eisen's and Cornell's name is not common. Even they aren't likely to win such a lawsuit.


I bet that's why the "Arcadia Network" backs Greed on this - it might cost them, but they know they will win.


As for the Rated R Sparrow, like I said, the problem wasn't Sparrow. It was the gimmick.

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