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TCW - The Network Liaison

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The Beautiful San Fernando Valley – 8:29 AM


Chapter One : Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...


It's not every day that your boss calls you in on a Saturday and you're actually happy about it. But, in the wonderful world of professional wrestling, even a weekend can be a full workday. Especially when a new crisis or blow-up can happen every other moment during a wrestling war with the best wrestling promoter of the last quarter century.


Of course, don't let Tommy know I said that. In his heart, he knows Eisen is the best businessman in pro wrestling, but he's still a wee bitter over the whole being fired thing. Anyway, at this point in time, I'm sure you're wondering who the hell I am? My name's Jesse Ewiak and my official title is Network Liaison. Ya' see, after graduating with a BS in Political Science from UCLA, I somehow ended up working as quasi-middle management at a TV network. Let's just say it involved a girl, bad future planning, and a campaign that went up in flames. Quick word of advice. Don't sleep with your boss. Especially if she ends up losing a primary and blames you.


So, with my name temporarily blackballed in politics, I called up a friend or two and got an in with GNN. After a rudderless few years dealing with the geniuses known as network executives, I was about to walk out and grab an application at Taco Bell. But, then luck smiled on me in the form of Total Championship Wrestling. See, I'd always been a wrestling fan since I was a kid. Nobody at the office knew about it. Sure, we could show pro wrestling on our network. It got viewers after all. However, if you actually watched the stuff...well, obviously you were an idiotic redneck with no future.


So, what happened? Tommy Cornell's private backers saying goodbye is what happened. After that incident, the network decided that it was in their interests for their to be someone at the TCW offices to make sure they weren't in a contract with a company about to disapeear into Chapter 11 bankruptcy.


It shouldn't shock you that nobody really wanted the job. It was a traveling job and let's just say, going on the road with a wrestling company wasn't exactly a bunch of career minded young professionals more interested in ****tails and crepes than chairs and cages wasn't exactly an opportunity they were biting at. So, despite not having that much experience, I got the job. I was the Official Liaison between TCW Enterprises Limited and GNN Holdings.


At first, Tommy wanted nothing to do with me. I quickly proved that I was an actual wrestling fan and interested in the inner workings of the business. I'm guessing the program from the first HGC show and the tape of Cornell vs. Hill in Philly in '97 I got him to sign also proved my bonafides. As a result, I was slowly let in the inner circle of power among TCW. I was there when the decision not to resign Tyson Baine was made. I was there when the decision to put the belt on Rocky Golden was made. I was there when we came up with the idea to turn Rick Law heel was made. But now, I wasn't exactly sure why Cornell had called a meeting of the entire booking committee.


Chapter Two: Ch-Ch-Ch-anges.


After Tommy's investment group pulled out, TCW went through some downsizing. The main office was moved from an entire floor of a LA high rise to a more efficient office in the San Fernando Valley. That way, most of the office staff could be kept. With a receptionist like Sophie, that was definitely a positive.


“Hey Soph,” I said flashing my best smile at the British import. “The boss in?”

“Hello Mr. Ewiak,” she said pressing a few buttons on the phone and lifting up her mini mic from in front of her face. “Mr. Cornell and the rest of the staff are in the main conference room.”

I scanned my key card and walked in the door, but not throwing her a wave. “You still owe me lunch from our bet.”

“I'll pay up with no problems when you're actually here for more than two days in a row, Jesse,” Sophie replied with a small smile.

“Touche.” With that, I walked down the hallway. Posters for past PPV's along with a picture of every TCW wrestler and staff member lined the walls. I opened up the big doors of the conference room to see Tommy, Sam Keith, Joel Bryant, and Jason Azaria all sat around the circular table with the owner sitting at the head.


“So, what's the big news? Wolfy and Joey both say they're jumping to Eisen or something?”


That actually got a chuckle from the room as I sat down.


“Seriously, where's the fire? The PPV isn't for another couple of weeks, we've got Total Wrestling for the next two weeks all but booked and most of the storylines solid as well. The network hasn't done more than their usual low-level bitching so I know that's not an issue.”


Sam and Joel looked at each other, before looking at Tommy.


“Here's the deal, kid” said Tommy as he looked across at the rest of us. “For the last year, we've been stuck in bloody neutral. Part of it's been injuries, thanks to the Machines and Wolf being out of action. Part of it's been my own natural tendencies after the investors pulled out their cash. But, it's been obvious to me for the past couple of months we need some real change in here. That's why I gave Rocky the belt. That's why I pulled the trigger on Law goin' heel. However, I think something else have to change...”


There was a small pause.


“...and that's why I'd like to ask for your resignation from the position of head booker, Joel.”

“What?” said Jason almost immediately the pen he was absent-mindely chewing on falling out of his mouth.

“Jason, don't worry 'bout it.” said Joel as he turned in his chair to Tommy. “However, I would like an explanation to why you're doing this now instead of six months ago or six months from now. I deserve that at the very least.”

“Indeed ya' do. I'll make it simple. This isn't your fault, Joel. The Syndicate was the best booking idea this companies had. We ran into a bit of a patch of bad luck though. Injuries short circuited it before it could finish any significant part of the run we had planned. Throwing Law in there was a good start to save it, but I think it's time for some new leadership at the top of the food chain.”


Joel simply nodded, but then the phone on the table rang. I hit the speakerphone option and heard Sophie's voice.


“Mister Cornell. Your wife is on the phone. Something about the color of the floor in the new kitchen?”

“Yes, Sophie. I'll take it in my office. Let Jennifer know that and that I'll be there in a moment.”

“Yes, sir.”


He looked at us with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, my boys. Didn't meant to make this look like the end of a bad reality show. But, you all know if I don't take that call, there'll be hell to pay. She already didn't like I left this morning for the office on a Saturday. I'll be back in here ASAP.”


With that, Tommy walked out of the room. After a moment of tenseness as we three looked at each other with a stares, we all broke up.


“Seriously,” said Sam as we collected ourselves. “There's no reason to worry about this. Whoever Tommy's bringing in will be well qualified and I'm sure the network won't have any issues with it.”

“I'm not worried about that,” I replied. “I can BS the network this is a move to stabilize and move forward whoever it is. Short of it being Nemesis.”

“Oh, Jesus.” said Azaria. “Anybody but that bastard. I know Tommy still owes him a favor, but I think this is would be a bit much for a favor. Then again, how do we know it's somebody new? I mean, it's not like you don't have booking experience Sam.”

Sam furrowed his brow for a moment, then shook his head. “Nah. I'm done with booking. I told Tommy that when I signed the contract. It's bad enough when the pups come up to me for advice and treat me like I am this great sage - “

“You are a great sage,” I said. “At least, as far as this silly business goes.”

“Regardless,” replied Sam. “Joel can tell you. Booking is tough anywhere, but on the national stage it's not just who wins and loses, but you're basically Tommy's top lieutenant. You talk to the wrestlers, you meet with the PPV and networks, you get the calls from wives or girlfriends about the road schedule.”

“True, true,” said Joel leaning back in his chair. “Ah, sleep. How I have missed you my sweet.”


We all looked up as Tommy walked back in.


“Again, my apologies boys. When a woman is on the warpath, she doesn't care what you're doing. It's what she needs that's important. Ya' learn to pick your battles. Too many nights in the guest room. Anyway, as I was saying, we need new leadership. So, that's why I'm proud to ask in a very public way...Jesse, will you take the job?”


Chapter Three: A New Opportunity.


It took a second for me to register that he meant me. For a moment, I looked around, expecting to see that guy who used to work for SCCW or Angry Gilmore's wife to walk through the door and accept.



“Yeh, you. Who else is named bloody Jesse in this room?” said Cornell with a grin.

“Umm...I accept. But, I have a few questions.”


“First, how can I be head booker and still working for the network?”

“It's easy. You'll be promoted. It'll be all official. You'll get a shiny new title as Director of Wrestling Operations, a bump in salary, and even a company credit card. I already called 'em up last week and sold them on the idea.”

“Really? I haven't heard anything.”

“Jesse, you've been on the road for the last six months. When was the last time you even talked to anybody in the office?”


Tommy had a point. At first, I kept up appearances. Continued to go out clubbing and even kept my crappy apartment in LA. But, as I went on more road trips and got more involved with the booking team, I'd simply disappeared from the rat race downtown. Hell, I didn't remember when was the last time I went out with people from the network.


“OK, you've got me there. So, to be blunt, why me? I've been here barely a year. A decent chunk of the boys still call me kid. Hell, I'm not sure Rahn or Peak even knows my name.”

“Nobodies sure if Eddie knows their name. That's the charm of Eddie.”

“Charm?” asked Azaria quietly.

“Somethin' like that. Again, that doesn't matter. You've integrated well with the crew. You're young. You've got good ideas. You're a fan, but you haven't been working in the business since high school. Right now, at this moment in time, you're what TCW needs if we're going to move to the next level.”

“Well, when you butter me up like that...” I said trailing off as the four other men at the table laughed.


Again, the phone rang.



“Mister Cornell. My apologies, but it's your wife again. Something about the foreman being an imbecile.”

“Again, I'll take it in my office.”

“Yes, sir.”


Again, Tommy stood up. “Look, we're pretty much done here. I've got to go over a few things with you after this cal Jesse, so hang around. As you said, the PPV is booked and so is Total Wrestling so you won't officially take over until the New Year. We'll make the announcement at the TV show about the changeover. After all, Ryland and PWH will have the news by Tuesday rolls around anyway. The rest of ya' can hit the road. We'll have a final rundown in the morning on TV day. Thanks for coming in, guys.”


He left the room. Sam immediately got up and grabbed his light coat.


“Don't take this as a sign of me being upset or anything son,” said Sam as he pulled his large arms through the sleeves. “But, both of my kids are in town and I promised them an early workout. We'll talk later about the tips you'll need to survive this carpet ride.”

“No problem, Sam. By the way though, only in your family could a morning 20-mile run be a promise that has to be kept.”

“Hey, we're Gagues. It's what we do.”


At that, Sam left the office. Leaving me, the former booker, and now looking at him again as he stared at the table, the man who though he would be booker. Bryant was finishing his cup of coffee and grabbing his things.


“Joel, I'll see you at the show on Tuesday. I know where things were going big picture, but I still want your ideas about the small bore stuff. Don't worry, I won't keep you too busy.”

“Better not.” said the former booker plainly. “I've got a date with a pillow that's missed me for the past three years.”

“You have fun with that.”


Bryant walked out the door and then I turned looking straight at Jason.


“OK, let's straighten this out now. Obviously, you're pissed at this.”

Azaria looked straight at me for a moment then slammed his clenched fist on the table. “You're damn right I am. This is the third goddamned time I've been passed over for the head job. I accepted it when Tommy took over the book because hell, this is his company. I accepted it when Bryant got the job because he has the mind and the respect from the boys. But, to be passed over for some network prick -”

“Hey! I've been here for over a year and you know I'm not some network suit with no knowledge of pro wrestling. I remember the first Total Wrestling for crying out loud. I'm surprised as you are, Jason. I didn't ask for this. Hell, I never expected this.”

“Kid, I don't blame you for this. I'm just upset that I've been a loyal employee for fifteen years and Tommy still thinks I'm a second-rate Peter Michaels.”

“Oh, come on. You're a valuable employee. I mean, you were in this meeting finding out now instead of on TV after all.”


Jason just looked at me wordlessly, then walked out the office. Then, it was just me in the room along waiting for Tommy.


Chapter IV: A Talk With the Boss


After a few more awkward minutes of me looking at my Blackberry and then the wall, Tommy finally walked back inside the conference room. He looked around the room and then started talking as he sat down, “I figured that the rest of the boys would get the hell out once they could. So, let me guess? Sam didn't really care, Joel was relieved, and Jason was pissed?”


Was this room bugged?


“How did you know that? Seriously, Tommy. That's just weird.”

“Kid, you don't get to become a main eventer in pro wrestling without becoming at least somewhat knowledgeable about the human condition. After a few years, you know people. I knew Sam would be more worried about his kids. I knew Joel was sick and tired of dealing with the job. I also know Jason wants to be booker so bad he can smell it.”

“So, why not him? I mean, he's on the team.”

“He's on the team for two main reasons. One, he's the main announcer. In order to correctly be able to sell the storylines, he needs to know where everything is going. In addition, I don't need him jumping to Eisen if they offer him the carrot. The truth is, Jason has an all right mind for the business, but it's nothing special.”

“Hey, you're the boss. If that's what ya' think, that's what you think. So, let's get down to brass tacks. What are my responsibilities and my limits as the 'Director of Wrestling Operations.'” I said with a finger quotes as I said my title.

“First of all, you're not allowed to finger quote your title outside of my office or your home. The network and to a certain extent the boys have to think you're still working for the network. In order to push through some of the changes we need, the boys have to believe it's coming down from GNN. Otherwise, they'll revolt. The good news is that they mostly like you, so they won't completely turn on you.”

“As long as Peak doesn't try to eat me for dinner or anything like that, I can deal with it.”

“Second, I want an outline for the next year on my desk by time the PPV hits in two weeks. Then, we can refine it and figure out where the hell we're going.”

“Perfectly reasonable. I already have something resembling a plan in my head.”

“Couple of other things. We need to stay recognized as a national federation. We drop to being seen as a Cult fed, you're better learn to like pitching reality shows again. Also, I want to rise on our own merits as a fed, not by signing every free agent out there. So, if they work for somebody seen as Cult sized or higher, forget about it.

“Even if it's a huge name?”

“Even if it's a huge name. Next, Andrew (Wolf) has to be kept at a high momentum. He's the future of this company, he doesn't need his legs cut off, especially after losing time to that injury.”

“That definitely won't be a problem. At all, Tommy.”

“Good. Finally, limits on hiring. We need well-rounded workers coming into the company, not projects. Any new workers must be tough, not injury-prone, and have a decent grasp of psychology. In other words, nobody the SWF will hire in two seconds,” Tommy said with a glimmer in his eye.

“I knew that was coming.”

“Final rule and it relates back to another one. For the first six months or until we're back at a stable bank balance, you're limited to only 4 full-time hirings. Also, for the calendar year of 2010, you're limited to eight new hires. We don't need the roster bloated and people getting lost in the mix. Do you think you can agree to all that,” Tommy asked as he opened up the manilla folder that had been sitting next to him the whole time.

“With pleasure, boss.”

“Welcome aboard then.” He looked down at the contract for a moment. “Wow, nice signing bonus.”


With that, I signed my new GNN employment contract. With a quite generous signing bonus. And a 6 month non-compete clause. This better go well. As I signed my name for the last time, I stood up to shake Tommy's hand. He just smiled at my outstretched hand.


”Kid, we don't shake on a deal like this.” Before I could react, he pulled me in a big hug that made me think I was going to need a spine realignment.

“Um...Tommy....I appreciate this, but, ur, not a wrestler!”


After a moment, he stepped back and chuckled. ”Sorry 'bout that. Sometimes I forget not everybody is a wrestler. Well, it's signed, sealed, and I'll deliver it. I'm heading back to the homestead. Jenny's in a snit over the foreman so I haveta' deal with the fallout. Plus, Tommy Junior's being a three year old. Remember to remind me to invite you over for dinner with the family before the New Year? All right?”


I simply nodded as Tommy threw my signed contract in his briefcase and walked out the door. I heard him give Sophie a hurried goodbye as I sat back, deep in thought. I was now effectively the head of a multi-million dollar business. Sure, Tommy still had veto power but I don't remember him refusing to put over anybody. Hell, the man had lost to Rocky Golden in three out of the last four PPV's. More importantly...how was I going to explain to a group of about 40 employees I was the new sheriff in town? Deep in thought, I barely said goodbye to Sophie as I headed out the door. But, even with ideas and worries swimming in my head, I realized something as I looked at my ten year old Jetta.


It was time for a new car.


NEXT : A Meeting with the Boy's and a Review of the Final PPV of the Bryant Era!

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Chapter V: Meet the New Boss.


The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. After settling things at home and making sure my lease was paid up until it ended six months down the road, I hopped on my last coach flight for a while to New Orleans for the Total Wrestling taping. In N'Awlins, I went to a local tailor and paid out the ass for a custom-fitted suit. Got to fit the part after all. Then, about an hour before show time, I walked in a side door and met with Tommy.


”The good news is that nobody has leaked this as of yet. In other words, Jason be haved,” Tommy said with a chuckle. “I've got everybody in the meeting room. They think it's a regular pre-show meeting where we do a final run through. So, I'll start by telling the boys the work - “

“Wait, the work?”

“Oh right. I didn't go into details. I'm going to stretch the truth when it comes to why you're being hired. The philosophical reasons will be the same, but the details might be a little different than reality. It'll make the medicine go down a little better is all. So whatever I say, roll with it.”

“Hey, your name is still on the paycheck, boss,” I replied as Tommy clapped me (HARD) on the back. I coughed hard then said, “Tommy, it'll help if I can speak.”

“Sorry again, kid. Used to hitting three hundred pound men.”

“No worries. Let's do this.”


We walked into the meeting room, which was nothing more than a big quasi-class room where the sports teams that usually played here would look at game tape would sit. Actually, Tommy walked in and I waited just outside the front door. I couldn't tell who was sitting where, but I could tell everyone was there. Tommy waited for a second to let everyone realize he was standing there and settle/quiet down.


”OK, gentleman and the trio of ladies we've got here. You all know what road we're going on. It's two weeks until the PPV. Tonight's the night to put the heat on Sam & Larry while we keep the simmer on the Sydni versus Total stuff for a week. Big tag's going to go a little under twenty-five. Brent and Guide's going to semi-main for about fifteen. The rest is gravy, boys. But, that's not why we're all gathered around like it's a high school pep rally. So, let's make this quick. As of the New Year, Joel will no longer be the Head Booker.”


That got a buzz and some random questions from the peanut galley. But, Tommy simply held up his hand.


”Here's the deal, men. About a month ago, the network came to me. They said our numbers were flat lining and that we'd been stagnant for the past year. I explained to them why the hell everything got all bollocked up. Being network pukes, they don't quite get why having half of your top tag and the future of the company out for an extended period might muck up the plans. So, they gave me an ultimatum. Allow GNN to have somebody of their own on the supervisory side or we wouldn't be renewed in the Spring.”


Again, more buzzing. There was even a shouted, '**** them' from the back of the audience. Sounded either like Rahn or Anderson. On the other hand, Bryant was getting a big hug from Jasmine so life wasn't all bad for him.


”Wait, wait, wait. I accepted the deal, but I got one over on them. I explained to them that installing a new guy in charge of operations would muck up the works, but hey, they already have somebody who's been here for a year and oh yeah, he actually knows the business a little bit. So, after listening to reason, they acquiesced. So, I'd like to introduce to your new boss, the newly minted Director of Wrestling Operations...JESSE EWIAK!


I walked out to scattered applause from the workers. Some were just staring at me. Joel shot me a thumbs up as he accepted his back being massaged by Jasmine.


“All right, I've talked to most of you in this room before. I consider some of you even my friends. So, hi guys. I'll be blunt. This is kind of awkward. Before it completely turns to chaos, let me set straight a few things. I knew nothing about this before Saturday. Tommy called me into the office and let me and the rest of the booking team know everything. Second, I may be the new boss according to GNN, but at the end of the day, Tommy still runs this deal so unless GNN wants to buy him out and make him an even richer British bastard, this is still his company.”


That actually got some laughs and applause.


“Also, nothing is changing as far as the overall booking. Most of what you've been told is still in place. The PPV will be exactly the same. Hell, even though I'm officially in charge of booking, I'm still going to listen to ideas from anybody, unless of course your ideas include putting Giant Tana over Tommy clean in five minutes on TV next week.”


OK, that got some more laughs.


“We'll be shifting things a bit too. I'll be opening up a little more interview and angle time so we can continue to put heat on the main angles and give some of you guys in the middle some mic time. Nothing major, we aren't turning into Eisen-ville anytime soon. PPV's will still be the land of 30-minute Cornell matches. The rest of the changes will be business stuff only Tommy has to worry about. But, here's the God's honest truth. I want the same thing you guys want. A wrestling promotion at the top of the heap we can all be proud off. One that doesn't treat women as whores, expect it's workers to mainline a needle, and treat wrestling matches as an afterthought. The marquee still says wrestling and our fans expect quality. We'll give them that in spades. If that's what you want, then we'll work great together.”


That got some applause.


“Now, we got about oh, forty-five minutes before the curtain drops. Anybody who wants to talk to me, come on over.”


There was a awkward moment, as a moment of silence settled all over the room. Then, RDJ's deep voice boomed out over the audience. “Ah hell, give the poor guy a hand folks. Yeah, he's a network puke, but he's our network puke dammit!” Now, that got some laughs and some decent applause from the crowd. It was also the sign to the assembled roster that the meeting was over and to go do their own thing.


After taking a seat behind the desk at the front of the room, I looked over to the cliques and for the first time, really paid attention. For instance, I saw the group of older veterans (Thatcher, Oxford, Bryant) all head to the catering table immediately. The trio of girls immediately got together. I even noticed some giggling and pointing at me by Jasmine and Laura as Karen Killer just rolled her eyes. The remnants of the Syndicate minus Rick Law grouped together. The New Wave and Machines were already planning out spots for their PPV match in two weeks while Edd Stone was talking to a cute girl from the catering company who was trying to set down some more lasagna. Ino and Taylor were talking about a Burning Hammer match they'd just gotten the unclipped DVD of. Eddie Peak was in a corner. In many ways, it was a lot like how any large gathering splits apart. Well, aside from the tattoos, muscles, and people attempting submission holds on concrete. I was just about to zone out when I heard a voice...


”Mr. Ewiak?” said the deep rumbling voice that belonged to the massive Samoan known to the TCW faithful as Giant Tana.

“Hey Tana, no need to be so formal. I'm still Jesse, just with a pay raise and a new title under the frosted glass. By the way, no hard feelings about the joke. It was kind of a cheap shot, but I had to have an example for how open to suggestions I'd be.”

“Don't worry about it, Mr. Ewiak. I realize my role in the company. Heck, I like it. I worked for years for people who only knew how to push me as the silent, bad ass Samoan. The fact that I'm allowed to be a little more goofy is a Godsend.”

“I'm happy ya' feel that way, because I've got an idea for a tag team that I think could go over well with the fans, especially when they're needing a break from the doom 'n' gloom that's most of the TCW cards...”


It took a bit to explain the team to Tana and it took a little prodding. The truth is, I like the guy. But, he's not exactly what one would call a future star. This new team will keep employed and appearing on shows. Otherwise, I'd either have to let him go or totally change his role. Unfortunately, the next person that I saw coming up to me I knew wouldn't be as pleasant.


”Kid, I gotta' make sure you understand a few things from the start, began Bryan Vessey as he walked up to the desk. ”First, I was guaranteed a solid main event run when I signed on the dotted line with Cornell seven months ago. This was supposed to be my last run and I'll be damned if I get shunted off to midcard hell because you've got plans of reshuffling the roster and turning things upside down.

“Settle down, Bryan. I greatly respect your work. I bought a 10 DVD set of your Japanese matches online when I was still in college. So, don't worry about losing your spot to anybody. You're a Vessey for crying out loud.”

“Ya' better damn well remember that. I'm not like Sammy Keith who will lay down for pretty much anybody despite the fact that he has that goddamned creative control and never uses it. I mean, what's the point? I mean, ya wouldn't see me jobbing to Minnes -”

OK, time to cut this short. “Bryan, I get your concerns. Look, ya' have less than a year to go on the contract. You're guaranteed two PPV main events in said contract. You'll get them. OK?”

”OK. For now. But ya' better not cross me kid. I'm a Vessey.”


With that, Bryan stalked off out of the meeting room towards the locker room. At 38, it took a lot of stretching to be limber. Especially if you're going to be in a 20-minute tag team war with Eddie Peak & Sam Keith on the other side of the ring. After that conversation, I needed a break. Thankfully, I got some as Joshua Taylor walked up with his International title over his shoulder.


”Hey, why didn't ya tell me you were being promoted up the corporate ladder?”


Taylor, Freddy Huggins, Shawn Doakes, and I had buddied up as our own little clique in the past few months. We were a group of young guys who went out, but didn't think we were God's gift to woman unlike other men in our same age group. Then again, Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone were both macking on the same cute catering girl.


“Hell Josh, I didn't know myself 'til this past weekend. This is a bit of madness to which I'm simply not used to. I mean, three days ago I was planning on grabbing some vacation days and letting somebody else fill in as Liasion at the beginning of the New Year. Use some money in the bank and take a little vacay to Hawaii or something. Now, I'm in charge of this monster.”

“It's a hell of a thing. So, I assume Freddy and I should get ready to main event PPV's by June?”

“Yup. You're going over Cornell in March and Freddy's beating Keith in five minutes in April.”

“Now that's hilarious. I don't think Sam Keith's body would physically let him be pinned by Freddy. Ever.”

“Hey, ya' never know my friend. I mean, a jacked up Eric Eisen is SWF World Champion. INSPIRE's dead. We're going to get another Austin/Johnson buddy cop movie in the summer. We've got a black President. I'm the head booker of TCW. These are interesting times.”

“Well, when you put in that way...”


“...but hey, seriously. Congrats. Oh, and for crying out loud, trade in that junk heap.”

“Hey, it's barely a decade old! It's fine German engineering!”

“You're a mechanical illiterate who's too cheap to take things to a garage.”


Accepting the verbal KO blow, I shrugged my shoulders as Joshua walked away, hitting Freddy with a high five as he spoke with his sister. But, I knew I made a mistake talking about ****y *******s because well, I had one headed for me. The soon to be former All Action champ walked up next and had his ****-eating grin on as he took a seat next to me. “So, how's life as the boss treatin' ya?”

“All right, I guess. I mean, I'm still just a Liaison until the 1st.”


“And in reality. My bonus doesn't even clear until then,” I replied. “Until then, I'm just the guy the network bitches at and who's allowed in booking meetings because Tommy like me a bit. So Aaron, what do you want?”

“Well, it's the title match at the PPV.”

“You mean the one where you're dropping it to everybody's favorite goofball Stone?”

“Yes, that one. Here's the thing. Does Edd Stone really need the belt? I mean, he's a Stone for crying out loud.”

“Being a Stone doesn't count for that much once the national anthem changes from O Canada. Stone needs the belt to solidify him. Look Aaron, I understand why ya' don't want to drop the belt. But, you've got a bright future. Edd and you can both get over and then with the program you'll be in over the spring and summer, this title loss will be but a brief memory.” I was totally BS-ing him. I don't think Andrews was for sure going to be on PPV by the summer. But, I needed to make sure he didn't pull a Chord when it came to drop the title.

“But, what if I don't wanna' -” Ah, Christ.

“Look, you're going to be in the ring with a Stone. Yes, Edd's a goofball and a skirt-chaser. But, he still went through years of training with Dan and Jeremy Freakin' Stone. You try to pull anything on Sunday and you'll be in traction Aaron.”

“Point taken,” said Double A, the smile gone from his face. “You better not be tellin stories about my push. Now, if you mind me, I've got a nineteen year old catering truck driver to talk to.”


Andrews headed outside of the meeting room to God knows where. Thankfully. I leaned back and sighed. Again, I almost fell asleep when I heard a finger tap me on the head and then a voice. “They tiring you out already?”


I opened my eyes to see Sam Keith standing over me, suited up. In his suit. “Nah. Just the past few days finally hitting me. I mean, I sort of expected most of this. After all, I didn't get dropped into this by GNN. I've been here for a year.”

“Which is almost worse.”


“Look, I understand why Tommy had to spin that BS story. But the truth is, you've had time to build up relationships. Friends. Lovers even? But, here's the thing. You've gotta' cut that out of your decision making process. Sentimentality over logic destroys companies long-term. Hell, look at the competition for an explanation of that. In one, a broken down old man still has a big push for no good reason. In the other, a jacked up son of the owner of the company just won the World title. Yeah, it was a great angle. But, it was in the service of getting Eric Eisen over. Why wasn't Rich Money or hell, Marc DuBois?”

“I get that. First of all, nothing has happened between me and Laura. While we were sober. So, don't worry about that. As for Freddy & Joshua. Yes, they're my friends. But, I'm not an idiot. All right, Sam?”

“Well, I hope so son. Tommy has faith in you. This is his baby now and he's letting you carry it in your arms. Don't drop it on the concrete floor.”


On that slightly disturbing note, Sam turned away and walked back over to Tommy and tapping him on the shoulder. He pointed to the clock on the wall and Tommy took note.


“OK people! Fifteen minutes until bell time. Jason and Kyle, get to the Crippler position and grab your booking sheets. If you're in a dark match, head to the staging area. Adam, Bryan, and Eddie, go talk to Sam about the main. RDJ and Joey, meet up with Wolf and me during the dark matches to pre-tape. Everybody else, you know your job. Let's have a hell of a show.”


With that, Tommy headed out the door and so did a whole stream of people. Most of the roster had trickled out to the dressing rooms to stretch, dress, and do other preparations. The few still milling about had no camera or ring time, so they were taking the time to gorge on some lasagna. It sounded like a good idea as I looked down at my iPod and clicked on the app I'd downloaded that led you make your own countdown clock....





PROTON LOCK WEEKLY (protonlockweekly.com) UPDATE FOR December 27th, 2009

by Bryan Alvarezbryan@protonlockweekly.com


-Lineup for tonight's TCW Psycho Circus show which as usual is filled up with gimmick matches to put over the carnival atmosphere.


1.Rocky Golden © vs. Sam Keith in a I Quit Match for the TCW belt. Golden's still being built up and his Golden Era has so far been a succession of Tommy Cornell title matches. After all, Cornell's dropped the fall in three of the last four PPV's clean to make Rocky legit in the eyes of the fans. With Keith taking the role of the Enforcer to take out Golden, it should be a solid match. However, I do wonder how they're going to make anybody buy Keith quitting, even in the Rack.


2.The TCW Army (Minnesota, RDJ, Ino) vs. The Syndicate (Cornell, Hawkins, Law) in an elimination match. Well, with the single matches temporarily played out and the bookers not wanting to end the Law-Ino feud prematurely, this makes perfect sense. Should be another good match, even though I wonder if Minnesota & Ino can hold up their end of it.


3.The New Wave vs. The Machines for the TCW tag belts. As Azaria put it on the last Total Wrestling, “it's Machines and New Wave. That's all the stips this match needs.” Machines have been on a roll since Brent Hill came back in November. Will be interesting to see whether Bryant and/or the new bookers let The Machines continue their roll or what.


4. Aaron Andrews © vs. Edd Stone in a 'Zero Gravity' match for the All Action title. Basically, just so ya' know. Rules for this are simple. Any exchange of holds on the ground has a 5 Count just like if it was a choke and the pinfall must be the result of a top-rope manuever. Andrews isn't exactly Sean McFly, but he's a decent hand. Again, should be entertaining.


5.Joshua Taylor © vs. Benny Benson in a 2/3 falls match for the International title. Weird face/face match as Tornado ruined these guys first attempt at a title match a few weeks ago on Total Wrestling. Tornado might ruin this one too.


6.Bryan Vessey vs. Eddie Peak in a no-DQ match. With three matches all going to double DQ's in the past two matches, this makes sense. Especially after Peak destroyed Vessey after causing the DQ in the big Keith-Vessey match about a month ago.


7.Danny Fonzarelli vs. Troy Tornado in a 'Music Supremacy' match. Here's your bathroom break people. Not because it'll be a bad match. But, because it's goofy as all hell. Basically, whoever loses has to admit the others music is the greatest. So, if Danny wins, Tornado has to admit dance music is better and if Troy wins, Danny has to admit the rock is better.


E-Mail your predictions or your reactions to the show to my e-mail. As usual, you'll see my review night of along with a new audio show going over it, match-by-match. Also, we'll have more news on the new booking team and what it all means for the future of the company.


Yup, you can predict who will win a show that already happened in canon. Obviously, if you look at your copy of TEW, you'll know who wins most of the matches. :) But as a bonus, also predict the match order. :)




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