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The WSX Show opened with Mike Mondo standing in the ring. He publicly addressed Kevin Federline and told him that he refused to face a Z list celebrity.


Rating: C-



http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/BLawler_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/STaylor2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/AndyDouglas.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Chase_Stevens4.jpg


The curtain jerker for this week saw Too Much defend their titles against The Naturals.


An average match followed, both teams trying to look good in the match.


Too Much proved to be just that as they retained their titles thanks to a Hip hop Drop on Chase Stevens.


Too Much defeated The Naturals in 6:05 when The Grand Master defeated Chase Stevens by pinfall with a Hip Hop Drop. Too Much make defence number 1 of their WSX Tag titles.




A video was shown on the big screen to promote the imminent arrival of Brett and Mike DiBiase.


Rating: F




D'Lo stood in the ring demanding to be used in the ring, Terry Funk walked out and told D'Lo that he was sick of him demanding matches, so tonight he'd be giving him his match, against Kimo!


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/DBrown_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Kimo_ndp.jpg


Kimo charged the ring, and made very very little work of D'Lo. Landing an awkward looking Samoan Drop for the win.


Kimo defeated D'Lo Brown in 3:51 by pinfall with a Samoan Drop.




Tommy Dreamer stood outside of his dressing room, he told Sabu that he heard his little rant last week and is offering a challenge, "Beat me tonight and get a title match next week" He dropped the mic and walked into his dressing room.


Rating: D+




Philippa Beauson was seen entering the WSX Bunker, Diego Digou told security to escort her out of the building as she was not welcome here!


Rating: D+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Kip_James2.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Paul_London13.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ndinsmore_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RConway3_ndp.jpg


Kip Sopp came out to the ring partnered by Paul London, they stood awaiting Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway.


Hard to believe that Dinsmore and Conway have tagged before after their performance, Kip and London showed why they're higher up the card. London took the victory for his team after a London Calling on Rob Conway.


Kip Sopp and Paul London defeated Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway in 6:36 when Paul London defeated Rob Conway by pinfall with a London Calling.


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/gsnitsky_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MJindrak_ndp.jpg


Gene Snisky walked out to Buff Bagwell's music, taunting the fact that Bagwell is still not medically cleared to wrestle, as he took on Mark Jindrak.


Jindrak struggled to get an advantage in the match, that was until Buff Bagwell's music hit again, Bagwell attacked Snisky from behind as Snisky was distracted, Brian Hebner ejected Bagwell from the match.


Jindrak failed to capitalise on the attack and fell to an Egoist Schwein from Snisky.


Gene Snisky defeated Mark Jindrak in 6:39 by pinfall with an Egoist Schwein. During the match we also had Buff Bagwell run in and attack Snisky.




As Snisky celebrated Buff Bagwell came back to the ring and attacked him, leaving him laying on the ground. Buff grabbed a mic and begged Funk for his match, telling him that he's medically fine and should have the match he deserves!


Rating: C-




The cameras cut to find Terry Funk to get a response to Bagwell's demands, instead they found Funk once again arguing with his grandson Chris.


Rating: C


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MBrown2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/GBernard_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/PWilliams2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RTerry_ndp.jpg


Tammy's Boys were out to take on Petey Williams and new WSX star Rob Terry.


Terry's physique was impressive, but it didn't help when it came to fending off the big men, Petey Williams offered little to no help and as Train occupied Terry, Monty Brown landed a devastating Pounce on Petey for his team's win.


Tammy's Boys defeated Petey Williams and Rob Terry in 7:49 when Monty Brown defeated Petey Williams by pinfall with The Pounce.




Candice Michelle and Carmen Electra were seen talking backstage about Candice maybe going on Carmen's MTV2 show.


Rating: C




The Number 1 contender Battle Royal was up next. A mass of wrestlers filled the ring, each trying in vain to get another eliminated.


The ring emptied and we were left with Monty Brown, Paul London, Rob Conway and Solo Snuka. Conway was the first to go, Monty landing a Pounce that forced the smaller man over the top rope. Solo and London teamed to eliminate Monty, only for him to turn it around and eliminate both.


London however hadn't read the script and hung onto the top rope, Monty realised, charged, London pulled the rope down and sent Brown crashing to the floor below!


Paul London won a battle royal in 8:29. The final four competitors also included Monty Brown, Solo Snuka and Rob Conway, with Monty Brown being the final elimination.


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Sabu3.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/TDreamer6_ndp.jpg


The main event rolled around, Sabu vs Tommy Dreamer, is Sabu won he would face Dreamer next week for Dreamer's WSX Heavyweight Title.


The match was very physical, more all out brawling than any look in for a technical move. Sabu had several opportunities to win, but chose not to pin Dreamer, instead inflicting more pain.


Sabu should have capitalised on at least one of those opportunities as Dreamer managed to somehow land a Dreamer DDT out of nowhere and pin Sabu, ending Sabu's hopes of taking the title.


Tommy Dreamer defeated Sabu in 8:36 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT.




Tommy Dreamer rolled out of the ring to grab his title and celebrate, as he began walking past the ring, Sabu grabbed him, the two fought each other until Dreamer landed a Piledriver on the concrete. Dreamer dragged Sabu's limp body into the ring, went under the ring and re-emerged holding something. He grabbed a hold of Sabu and began shaving Sabu's head! Dreamer shaved Sabu's head bald!!!!


Rating: D+


Overall Show Rating: C-

WSX Bunker Attendance: 2,358 (+263 from last week)

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February WSX Round Up


A very quiet month for WSX in terms of new workers, however that was not to say there wasn't anything going on.


In the second of the monthly drug tests (this also being the final one as they will now go quarterly) saw the same people fail again, Snisky for steroids, whilst Dinsmore, Matthews and Sabu all were caught for hard drugs, all 4 men were fiend.. New signing Tammy Lynn Sytch was also singeled out as a hard drugs user, she was read the riot act with it being her first offence.


WSX also opened their very own Dojo, the WSX Dojo, located within the WSX Bunker, cost $515,000 to set up and Paul London was chosen out of a shortlist of 10 to become the Dojo's lead trainer. London is expected to stay on the active roster.


A quiet month only kicked into life in the final week, Simon Inoki revealed as the new owner of the company, Inoki is not the outrigth owner however, he still has to answer to MTV, however he is responsible for setting guidelines and goals for Diego Digou, and the rest of WSX to attain.


Simon Inoki angered Diego Digou this week, blocking the signing of Japanese newcomer Jung Dragon, the youngster is well revered in his homeland and had looked to go freelance in America, however Inoki rejected Digou's please to offer Jung more than $3000 a month and instead lost the hot prospect to EWA in Europe.


As seen on television this past week, both of Ted DiBiase's other sones, Brett and Mike, have been hired by the company and will debut soon, expect WSX to add further tag teams to their ranks, whether that be in house or hired is yet to be seen.


Rob Terry also debuted, partnering Petey Williams against Tammy's Boys, he is said to be a bright prospect and potentially a high profile addition to WSX. Terry did however fail his initial drugs test, and has been fined for the incident.


Finally, Gene Snisky failed a random spot test at the final weeks tapings, noone knew of the test, not even Diego Digou, Simon Inoki had arranged the affair, Digou was dissappointed and gave Snisky one last chance to clean up his act, Snisky has since been heard to say that he is looking at ways to cut off the steroids, although he feels he will be out of WSX before he has chance to kick the habit.



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Mar w1


WSX Heavyweight: Tommy Dreamer© vs ???


Rob Terry vs Petey Williams

Buff Bagwell/Mark Jindrak vs Gene Snisky/James Breen

Kevin Fertig vs Shawn Daivari

Tammy's Boys vs Too Much

Kip Sopp vs Nick Dinsmore vs Rob Conway

Paul London vs Joey Matthews

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Rob Terry stood in the locker room arguing with Petey Williams over last weeks result, he had enough of arguing and punched Williams square in the face, he dragged Petey to the ring as our first match got underway!


Rating: F+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/PWilliams2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RTerry_ndp.jpg


Rob Terry never gave Petey a chance to recover from the locker room sucker punch. Terry pinned Petey after a Jumping Spin kick.


Rob Terry defeated Petey Williams in 5:11 by pinfall with a Jumping Spin Kick. - D-




Terry Funk walked out and addressed the crowd, he told everyone that next week we would see Buff Bagwell face Gene Snisky.


Rating: D+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/BBagwell2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MJindrak_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/gsnitsky_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JBreen.jpg


With Buff Bagwell finally cleared to wrestle, Bagwell teamed with Mark Jindrak to take on Gene Snisky and James Breen.


A poor match, no team gelled well at all, James Breen landed a Spinning Face Buster on the returning Buff bagwell for his teams victory.


Gene Snisky and James Breen defeated Buff Bagwell and Mark Jindrak in 6:36 when James Breen defeated Buff Bagwell by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.




Mike Mondo was seen walking backstage, he stopped to talk to someone off camera before being jumped by Kevin Federline! Federline layed the boots in before security dragged him off Mondo and out of the building!


Rating: C-




Simon Inoki made his presence felt in WSX, revealing he is the new owner of the promotion, only having to answer to MTV themselves.


Rating: F-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/KFertig3_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/KDaivari2_ndp.jpg


Kevin Fertig looked to kickstart a winning streak as he took on serial jobber Shawn Daivari.


Daivari stuck to his job as he took a heck of a beating from the bigger Fertig. Fertig took the win after a Crucifixion.


Kevin Fertig defeated Shawn Daivari in 6:45 by pinfall with a Crucifixion.




Chris Funk entered Diego Digou's office, he begged Digou for a chance, Digou told him that he had a title match booked but Sabu didn't come through, so tonight, Chris would make his WSX debut against the WSX Heavyweight Champion Tommy Dreamer!


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MBrown2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/GBernard_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/BLawler_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/STaylor2_ndp.jpg


WSX Tag Champs Too Much faced off against their hardest opponents to date in WSX, the undefeated Tammy's Boys.


The Champs showed why they were the champions, pulling off alot of good tag team wrestling, however, the big men were just too much of a match for them. Monty Brown landing an Alpha Bomb on Grand Master for the teams surprise victory over the champs!


Tammy's Boys defeated Too Much in 6:50 when Monty Brown defeated The Grand Master by pinfall with an Alpha Bomb.




Afa Anoai was seen leaving Second Generation's locker room, as he turned the corner he was attacked by Kimo, no reason known, as Solo emerged Kimo escaped.


Rating: D




D'Lo Brown stood in the ring claiming he had been treated unfairly after his match last week with Kimo and demanded an apollogy, D'Lo was instead once again escorted from the ring by security.


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Kip_James2.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ndinsmore_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RConway3_ndp.jpg


Kip Sopp faced a challenge to keep a hold of his WSX career, facing off against both Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway.


A triple threat match that seemed more like a handicap match with the lords of the Ring teaming most of the time. Kip managed to isolate Dinsmore late in the match and landed a Fame-Asser for the win.


Kip Sopp defeated Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway in 5:37 when Kip Sopp defeated Nick Dinsmore by pinfall with a Fame-Asser.



http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/TDreamer6_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ChrisFunk.jpg


Chris Funk made his way to the ring for his WSX debut, he stood waiting for the WSX Champion Tommy Dreamer.


Dreamer made his way out and made little work of Funk, beating down on the smaller, weaker challenger than he had expected. Funk managed to hold his own for a breif period before Dreamer finished the match off with a Dreamer DDT to retain his title.


Tommy Dreamer defeated Chris Funk in 9:25 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT. Tommy Dreamer makes defence number 1 of his WSX Heavyweight title.




Tommy Dreamer celebrated his win as if he had just beaten a true challenger, Sabu jumped the rail without his headpiece on, and very few people recognised him at first. Sabu attacked Dreamer and left him laying, Sabu pulled out a razor and seemed ready to shave Dreamer's head, before rubbing his own and walking off laughing.


Rating: D+




A video clip is shown of Candice and James Breen on Carmen's Hollywood Surgery


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JMatthews2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Paul_London13.jpg


The main event saw Paul London take on Joey Matthews in an average match.


London never looked in danger of losing, and won a very short main event match with a London Calling.

Paul London defeated Joey Matthews in 6:51 by pinfall with a London Calling.


Overall Show Rating: C-

WSX Bunker Attendance: 5,000 (+2,642 from last week)

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Mar w2

WSX Number 1 Contender: James Breen vs Paul London


Joey Matthews vs Shawn Daivari

Second Generation vs The SAT

Buff Bagwell vs Gene Snisky

Kimo vs Mike Mondo

Tammy's Boys/Rob Terry vs Nick Dinsmore/Petey Williams/Rob Conway

Palumbo vs Tommy Dreamer

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The show opened with a video of Terry Funk and Diego Digou arguing earlier in the day, the subject of the arguement seemed to be Chris Funk, with Terry telling Diego that Chris was nowhere near ready for his WSX debut, and it was irresponsible of him to put Chris against Tommy Dreamer!


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JMatthews2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/KDaivari2_ndp.jpg


Joey Matthews walked out to face Shawn Daivari, no fans seemed interested in seeing either man compete.


Matthews acted too comfortabley in handling Daivari and it proved to be his downfall, Daivari picked up his first WSX victory following a Death Valley Driver.


Shawn Daivari defeated Joey Matthews in 6:35 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver.


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/AAnoaiJr_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JimmySnukaJr.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JoelMaximo.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JoseMaximo.jpg


Second Generation took on The SAT in a match everyone expected them to deliver.


They didn't disappoint as they took the win following a Double Samoan Thunder on Joel.


Second Generation defeated The SAT in 5:35 when Afa Anoai defeated Joel Maximo by pinfall with a Double Samoan Thunder.




Carmen Electra and James Breen were seen flirting backstage, Carmen told Breen she had secured a WSX Heavyweight #1 contender match for him against paul London. Candice Michelle was nowhere to be seen.


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/BBagwell2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/gsnitsky_ndp.jpg


Buff Bagwell walked out with a purpose as he looked to finally get revenge on Gene Snisky.


The two put on a good match for the fans, showing some good chemistry between each other.


Snisky struggled to overcome the more aggressive Bagwell, and ultimately fell to a Blockbuster by Buff.


Buff Bagwell defeated Gene Snisky in 7:03 by pinfall with a Blockbuster.




Buff Bagwell celebrated his win over Snisky, going into the crowd to celebrate with the fans.


Rating: D+




Mike Mondo told Kevin Federline it wouldn't be as easy as that to get him in the ring.


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Kimo_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Mike_Mondo2.jpg


Mike Mondo stayed in the ring as his opponent made his way to the ring, Kimo looking rather pissed at something.


Kimo made very little work of Mondo, getting the win with a Samoan Face Drop.


Kimo defeated Mike Mondo in 6:47 by pinfall with a Samoan Face Drop.




Simon Inoki appeared on screen again, he lectured Diego Digou about his handling of the company so far, and told him that Philippa Beauson should be re-instated as she was a primary part in the company.


Rating: D+




Afa Anoai (now renamed Afa Jr) introduced Second Generation's new manager, his father, Afa Sr! Afa Sr told Kimo that attacking another Samoan was not the right thing to do, and offered Kimo a place in the now renamed Next Generation Samoa.


Rating: D-




Tommy Dreamer was seen warming up for his match backstage, Sabu jumped Dreamer and put him through a catering table!


Rating: D


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MBrown2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/GBernard_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RTerry_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ndinsmore_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/PWilliams2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RConway3_ndp.jpg


Tammy's Boys teamed up with Rob Terry to take on Nick Dinsmore, Rob Conway and Petey Williams.


An uneventful match that showcased the bigger mens domination. Rob Terry pinning Dinsmore following a Full Nelson Slam for his teams victory.


Monty Brown, Train and Rob Terry defeated Petey Williams, Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore in 6:23 when Rob Terry defeated Nick Dinsmore by pinfall with a Full Nelson Slam.




As D'lo Brown made his way to the ring, Kip Sopp attacked, leaving him inches from the curtain, Sopp told Brown everyone was sick of hearing him run his mouth off each and every week.


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Chuck_Palumbo.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/TDreamer6_ndp.jpg


Palumbo made his WSX debut looking similar to his WWE "F.B.I" days, looking to get the better of the WSX Heavyweight champion Tommy Dreamer.


A solid match between the two, the fans were really behind the newcomer, unfortunately they couldn't prevent Palumbo from falling to a Dreamer DDT.


Tommy Dreamer defeated Palumbo in 7:39 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT.




A video was shown of Mike DiBiase, he told everyone that he was so wealthy, that he could just buy WSX and make it his little play thing.


Rating: E


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JBreen.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Paul_London13.jpg


The Main Event rolled around, James Breen took on the current WSX Heavyweight Number 1 Contender Paul London thanks to Carmen Electra.


A very good match followed, by far match of the night, the two linked well together, showcasign a variety of technical skills and high flying arsenals.


London looked to have the match won after a landing a Drop Sault, Breen kicked out but was positioned right for a London Calling, London went up top, jumped, and Breen moved, Breen grabbed London as he tried to stand and landed a Spinning Face Buster for the win!


In a match that had some good action and average heat, James Breen defeated Paul London in 8:20 by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.


Overall Show Rating: D+

WSX Bunker Attendance: 5,000 (+/-)

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Mar w3


WSX Contract Battle Royal: Bob Howard vs Chad Collyer vs Flash vs Jim Neidhart vs Marcus James vs Peter Gruner vs Road Warrior Animal vs Sylvester Terkay vs Yoshihiro Tajiri


Mark Jindrak/Shawn Daivari vs The SAT

D'Lo Brown vs Kip Sopp

Next Generation Samoa vs The Naturals

Nick Dinsmore vs Palumbo

Kishi/Mike Mondo vs Tammy's Boys

James Breen vs Paul London vs Tommy Dreamer

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Diego Digou was seen arguing with Simon Inoki, harsh words were said, and the arguement ended with Digou telling Inoki he was nothing to WSX!


Rating: D+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MJindrak_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/KDaivari2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JoeMaximo_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JosMaximo_ndp.jpg


Mark Jindrak teamed with Shawn Daivari to take on The SAT.


A short match that saw SAT dominated by Mark Jindrak alone, he however could not do all the work, and with Daivari isolated, Joel Maximo grabbed SAT's first WSX victory with a Spanish Fly.


The SAT defeated Mark Jindrak and Shawn Daivari in 4:53 when Joel Maximo defeated Shawn Daivari by pinfall with a Spanish Fly.




Gene Snisky walked out to the ring furious, he told Buff Bagwell that last week never happened, and he demanded a rematch! Bagwell came out and accepted.


Rating: D+




Philippa Beauson made a rare appearance, she told Kip Sopp to be weary of his future matches as one little slip up would see him gone from WSX!


Rating: D


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/DBrown_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Kip_James2.jpg


D'lo looked to get revenge on Kip Sopp after last weeks backstage attack.


Brown struggled to get any momentum going, Kip took advantage and chalked up a win following a Fame-Asser.


Kip Sopp defeated D'Lo Brown in 7:02 by pinfall with a Fame-Asser.




Carmen Electra was seen asking James Breen for wrestling advice, Breen showed Carmen a few holds just as Candice walked into the room, she saw the positon they were in and stormed out crying!


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/AAnoaiJr2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/SSnuka_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ADouglas2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/CStevens2_ndp.jpg


Next Generation Samoa came out for the first time under their new name to take on the new look Naturals.


The new look did nothing for the stuttering tag team as Afa Jr turned up his performances and dominated the pair. Snuka kept Douglas at bay before Afa eliminated him to the outside.


NGS ended the match thanks to a Double Samoan Thunder on Chase.


Next Generation Samoa defeated The Naturals in 6:23 when Afa Anoai defeated Chase Stevens by pinfall with a Double Samoan Thunder.




Diego Digou re-appeared on screen this time arguing with Terry Funk, Digou argued that Chris Funk had been more than ready for his debut against Tommy Dreamer and should become a regular on The WSX Show.


Rating: B+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ndinsmore_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Chuck_Palumbo.jpg


Nick Dinsmore stood in the ring as he waited on Palumbo, Palumbo walked out looking irritated.


Palumbo dominated Dinsmore from bell to bell, and took the win after a big boot.


Palumbo defeated Nick Dinsmore in 6:43 by pinfall.




Last week saw Mike DiBiase say he'd buy Wsx, this week saw his younger brother Brett tell everyone that he would buy MTV and make a "DiBiase" Channel.


Rating: E




Next Generation Samoa cut a promo on Kishi, they told him to remember his heritage, or suffer the consequences


Rating: D


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/rikishi_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Mike_Mondo2.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MBrown2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/GBernard_ndp.jpg


Tammy's Boys made their way out to take on the makeshift team of Kishi and Mike Mondo.


The bigger men made Mondo look very weak in comparison, quickly eliminating him with a devastating Train Wreck.


Kishi was left to fend for himself, tried but failed, and Tammy's Boys soon started to pick Kishi apart. The match ended with Tammy calling for an "Alpha Wreck" which saw Train lift kishi onto his shoulder and hitting a Train Wreck, and Monty Brown hitting his Pounce at the moment of impact, leaving kishi unconcious, and an easy target for the pinfall.


Tammy's Boys defeated Kishi and Mike Mondo in 5:48 when Monty Brown defeated Kishi by pinfall with an Alpha Wreck.




Mike Mondo struggled to stand after his match, just before he could stand fully, Kevin Federline jumped the guardrail and entered the ring, he geared up and landed a Drive By kick to the side of Mondo's skull before escaping back through the crowd.


Rating: C


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In the first ever WSX Contract battle royal, 10 unemployed wrestlers made their WSX debuts, all vying to get a contract effective immediately.


The match was sloppy and very whatever happened happened, but the fans loved seeing old faces in the ring.


The first to be eliminated was Chad Collyer, going to Terkay, Terkay then double teamed Flash and Marcus James to see them eliminated.


The 4th elimination saw Tajiri team with Peter Gruner (formerly Billy Kidman) to see off Road Warrior Animal, Chris Funk then ran to the ring to try and get himself a WSX contract, he was soon disposed of by Bob Howard.


Animal returned to the ring to eliminate Jim Neidhart. That left us with 4! Peter Gruner was thrown over the top by Terkay and Howard, who then turned on Terkay to eliminate him! Bob Howard turned around to celebrate, forgetting about Tajiri, who kicked him square in the nose and sent the former Hardcore holly flying over the top rope!


Yoshihiro Tajiri won a battle royal in 7:58. The final four competitors also included Bob Howard, Peter Gruner and Sylvester Terkay, with Bob Howard being the final elimination.


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JBreen.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Paul_London13.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/TDreamer6_ndp.jpg


The main event saw a triple threat match between the WSX Heavyweight Champion, his #1 contender and rising WSX star James Breen, and former #1 contender Paul London.


As good a triangle match can be, this surpassed that, the styles complimented each other well, and the workers really played to their strengths.


The match ended with Paul London looking to land a London Calling on Dreamer, Dreamer moved, landed a Dreamer Driver before being clotheslined over the top, as with last week, London tried to stand only to be hooked in a Full Nelson, and spun violently into the mat by Breen executing his Spinning Face Buster for the victory.


James Breen defeated Paul London and Tommy Dreamer in 8:48 when James Breen defeated Paul London by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.




Tommy Dreamer stood and watched as Breen celebrated, as he turned around Sabu attacked him, Paul London soon joined Sabu before Breen fended the attackers off, helping the WSX Champion up to his feet.


Rating: D+


Overall Show Rating: C-

WSX Bunker Attendance: 5,000 (+/-)

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Mar w4


WSX Contract Ladder Match: Chad Collyer vs Jim Neidhart vs Marcus James vs Peter Gruner vs RW Animal vs Sylvester Terkay


Flash vs Kishi

D'Lo Brown/Rob Conway vs Kip Sopp/Mike Mondo

Chris Funk vs Palumbo

Next Generation Samoa vs Mark Jindrak/Shawn Daivari

Bob Howard vs Yoshihiro Tajiri

James Breen/Tommy Dreamer vs Paul London/Sabu

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"I am the owner of WSX! I own you and everyone in it! I am everything to WSX, without me, this company would be circuling the drain, and your career would be right infront of it!" Simon Inoki retaliated from his office behind his personal security staff, Diego Digou was surprisingly nowehre in sight.


Rating: C-


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/mexican2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/rikishi_ndp.jpg


Flash Majik stood in the ring waiting on Kishi.


Kishi made an example of Flash, seemingly trying to send a message to Next Generation Samoa. Kishi took the win against the smaller opponent with a Samoan Face Drop.


Kishi defeated Flash Majik in 4:46 by pinfall with a Samoan Face Drop.




With Kishi celebrating, Afa Sr walked out to the walkway, the two caught sight of each other and stared each other down.


Rating: D


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/DBrown_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/RConway3_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Kip_James2.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Mike_Mondo2.jpg


D'Lo Brown teamed with Rob Conway to take on Kip Sopp and Mike Mondo.


The teams didn't really merge well together despite all having held tag championships at some stage in their respective careers.


Sopp once again pinned D'Lo Brown followinga Fame-Asser.


Kip Sopp and Mike Mondo defeated D'Lo Brown and Rob Conway in 6:41 when Kip Sopp defeated D'Lo Brown by pinfall with a Fame-Asser.




"We will buy the WSX Tag Titles, because everybody, has a price! Bahahaa hahahaaa!" The DiBiase Brothers, fronted by their father Ted DiBiase Sr, warned Too Much that their title reign was close to it's expiry date!


Rating: D-




"At least he gave me a chance!" Chris Funk was seen arguing with Terry Funk about his recent WSX debut "I'll show you I'm ready! Starting tonight with Palumbo!"


Rating: E+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/ChrisFunk.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Chuck_Palumbo.jpg


Chris Funk made his way to the ring looking confident, Palumbo came to the ring looking mad and ready.


Funk put up a small fight, not much of one, but enough to say he tried, Palumbo destroyed the 4th generation star to the point that he could not answer a three count following a punch!


Palumbo defeated Chris Funk in 6:02 by pinfall.




"This is what happens when you drop me from the main event! People that can't cut it get hurt!" Palumbo cut a promo on Diego Digou about his drop from facing Tommy Dreamer.


Rating: C


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/AAnoaiJr2_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/SSnuka_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MJindrak_ndp.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/KDaivari2_ndp.jpg


Next Generation Samoa looked to continue their winning ways under Afa Sr, as they took on Mark Jindrak and Shawn Daivari, who should really have a name by now, teaming this frequently.


NGS took the fight to the make shift tag team and showed just why they are on their winning ways. Solo got the win this week following a Double Samoan Thunder on Daivari.


Next Generation Samoa defeated Mark Jindrak and Shawn Daivari in 6:25 when Solo Snuka defeated Shawn Daivari by pinfall with a Double Samoan Thunder.




"Ok, maybe attacking me from behind does work, next week, me and you, one on one, loser leaves WSX match!" Mike Mondo finally accepted Kevin Federline's challenge.


Rating: C


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Hardcore_Holly3.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Tajiri2.jpg


Bob Howard took on the man that cost him a WSX Contract last week, Yoshihiro Tajiri.


The newest WSX addition out wrestled the veteran Howard, and delivered many devastating kicks to weaken his opponent.


Tajiri used his Buzzsaw Kickto get the debut win.


Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Bob Howard in 6:54 by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Kick.




"I'm sick of this hatred Gene Snisky has of Buff Bagwell, with their rematch booked for next week, WSX will see it's first Cage Match of 2010 as those two take on each other!" Terry Funk walked out and revealed that next week's Bagwell vs Snisky match would now be a cage match!


Rating: D+


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/CCollyer2_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JNeidhart_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/MJames.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/BKidman3_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Animal2.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Sylvester_Terkay.jpg


The second WSX Contract match saw 6 men battle each other in a ladder match.


Same participants from last week tried again, Chad Collyer, Peter Gruner, Jim Neidhart, Marcus James, Road Warrior Animal and Sylvester Terkay.


A complete mash of styles made the match hard to follow at times, but the fans lapped it up, the first WSX Ladder match of 2010.


Marcus James managed to outlast all other men and climb the ladder to claim the contract, Road Warrior Animal pulling Neidhart off the ladder just as he was about tochallenge James at the top of the ladder!


Marcus James defeated Jim Neidhart, Chad Collyer, Peter Gruner, Road Warrior Animal and Sylvester Terkay in 8:05 when Marcus James retrieved the contract.




The cameras caught James Breen and Candice Michelle in Breen's locker room, they were just out of hearing distance, but their arguement was heated and resulted in Candice slapping Breen and leaving!


Rating: C


http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/JBreen.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/TDreamer6_ndp.jpg vs http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/Paul_London13.jpghttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/Workers/SabuBald_ndp.jpg


After last weeks attack and save, WSX Heavyweight Champion Tommy Dreamer once again teamed up with James Breen, who was accompanied to the ring by Carmen Electra, Paul London and Sabu walked out together.


Sabu and London worked well as a team, and definately pushed Dreamer to the limits. Breen was impressive as always.


Dreamer managed to keep London out of the ring as Breen isolated Sabu. Sabu struggled to his feet, and was caught with a Spinning Face Buster for a Breen/Dreamer win.


James Breen and Tommy Dreamer defeated Paul London and Sabu in 9:33 when James Breen defeated Sabu by pinfall with a Spinning Face Buster.




"You have to stop this!" Sabu jumped the the guardrail and stood behind Dreamer, seemingly ready to attack, Terry Funk came down and argued with Sabu over his recent actions with Dreamer.


Rating: D


Overall Show Rating: D+

WSX Bunker Attendance: 5,000 (+/-)

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March WSX Round Up


WSX recently grew in size in the wrestling world, after putting on good enoguh shoiws to draw better TV ratings and live audiences, MTV were [pleased to learn that the wrestling fans now saw them as a Cult promotion.


Employment news now, as seen this past month Afa Sr joined the company, expect Afa to work behind the scenes as well as his on screen managerial role. Second Generation were believed to be a safe "jobber" tag team, however with Afa's recent hiring, there is talk of promotion them as a strong heel stable, further evidence of this has came with the teams name change to Next Generation Samoa.


Animal Hamaguchi has been brought in as a temporary measure to help assist the transition onto a larger audience by offering alternate behind the scenes advice.


Chuck Palumbo, using only his surname in the ring, was brought in to help offer name value to the upper end of the card, as well as helping develop the lower workers. John Hugger (Stamboli) has also been hired, expect to see them team up, as Palumbo has not looked comfortable as a solo star.


All that were involved in the recent WSX Contract Challenge matches were hired, Chad Collyer was expected to win either of the two, however no reason has been given why he was stopped from winning the "contracts" Expect to see Neidhart and Animal take a younger member of the WSX roster and help teach them in a mentor/protoege role. Peter Gruner is expected to under go a name change, however billy kidman is unavailable, despite WSX's recent attempts to purchase the rights to the name from WWE.


Bob Howard, formerly hardcore olly is the only of the worker signings to have joined on a Short Term 3 month contract, all others have agreed either Exclusive 9-12 month deals, or Pay Per Appearance deals.


Finally, just as we were due to go to press, we were told that Ring of Honor's tag team Champion's The Briscoe Brothers have agreed to join WSX in order to help bolster the tag team division.


The only worker release of the month saw Joey Matthews released after failing a wellness test. Matthews accepted the release, and has been told that should he get himself cleaned up like he has planned to, the door is always open for a return.



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  • 4 months later...


April WSX Round Up


April saw WSX air their first ever PPV, WSX RevolutOne. RevolutOne drew in an audience of 9,816, pulling a 0.46 buyrate, respectable for a smaller promotion.


This month saw the emergence of James Breen, moving from a lower card nobody to defeating Redrum at the PPV to become the new Number 1 contender to the WSX Title.


The PPV definately helped WSX, seeing former ECW star Shelton Benjamin debut, the announcement of a new title being introduced to the promotion, Too Much defeated Flash Funk for the WSX Tag Titles, Tommy Dreamer retained his WSX Heavyweight title against Sabu, and Diego Digou argued with WSX owner Simon Inoki and MTV representative Philippa Beauson.


A Paul London/Billy Kydman fued was planted, London losing to the debuting Kydman, with London's maager Ashley Massaro managing both stars in the hope their former tag team would be renewed.


Onto workers coming and goings.


WSX signed 8 new workers, following his release from ECW, Shelton Benjamin agreed a deal, Devon Brown joined from British promotion 3CW, TNA's Nigel McGuinness joined too whilst former TNA employees Scott Steiner and Sean Waltman agreed short term deals. The others to join were independant mainstays, Roderick Strong, Ricky Reyes, and Rocky Romero.


There were departures too, Shawn Daivari agreed to join TNA, thus ending his jobber role in WSX, whilst D'Lo Brown also agreed a deal with TNA. Following them out of the door was Gene Snisky who had again failed a wellness test.


WSX did miss out on several workers too, negotiations with Kevin Nash fell short of what Nash was expecting, demanding alot more in merchandise sales, whilst both Gregory Helms and Dustin Rhodes both wanted written deals, something WSX could not offer, this saw both men join TNA instead.


Finally, The WSX Show's future was thrown into jeopardy as the show's contract had a month left to run, and there was no indication that MTV2 were interested in keeping the show on, despite it's relative successes.



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A little somethign i thought i'd bring back from one of my old diaries, this wont be a monthly thing, just as and when i can be arsed with them, but every month will have something to accompany it's month in review, i may end up returning to the old style if i ever catch myself up lmao.



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May WSX Round Up


MTV and WSX higher ups had alot of discussions this month regarding WSX's future, the two focus points were that of The WSX Show and any future PPVs.


The decisions were made that The WSX Show would run for another series, and a final decision would be made on it's future next season, whilst PPV's were agreed to take place every 2 months, relieving financial pressures of monthly PPVs that may or may not draw enough to cover all wage, lighting, venue etc bills.


This month saw the emergence of the younger talent, Marcus James debuted his "Backstage Report" segment, a time out from the usual matches and angles to bring us the latest on the backstage going ons, albeit some of the stories may have been fabricated, it seemed to do the job, Marcus soon becoming a segment to watch, venturing rarely into the ring, James always promised controversy. Also highly promoted this month was Flash, now renamed Flash Majik, Flash went from strength to strength, beating RW Animal twice in singles competition then in a tag match.


Tag team wrestling seemed to take a main focus from the wrestlers themselves, alot of make shift teams linking up trying to find the right partner to challenge Too Much for their titles.


The big fueds of the month saw Scott Steiner fued with Syxx-Pac. Pac brought back Kip Sopp to work alongside him in ridding WSX of Steiner, but struggled throughout, Waltman would finally get a win over Steiner on the final May show of the month, furthering the fued into June.


The other was London and Kydman, the two were still at ends, Ashley couldn't seperate the two in who she wanted to manage, and a date was set, RevoTwotion, the second WSX PPV would see the two face off to settle their fued.


Terry Funk annnounced that the new title to debut in WSX would be the previously bought WSX X Title. The focus of the title would be shifted from the lightweight highflying style of workers to playing second fiddle to the WSX Heavyweight title. Buff Bagwell and Kevin Fertig were first to be put through the qualifyers, beating Rob Conway and Mark Jindrak respectively.


Finally Shelton Benjamin managed to set himself up for a match with Tommy Dreamer for the WSX Heavyweight title on the first show of June after beating several lower carders placed in front of him by Dreamer himself.


May was a busy month for WSX on so many different levels. The company began it's change over to written contracts, with the majority of workers agreeing to new deals, with the contract transfers, house shows were scheduled and officially started by the 3rd week of the month.. Also with the formation of WSX:Major League Wrestling, alot of workers were put on notice that if they didn't perform, they'd be dropped to the minor leagues, or worse, fired.


New workers were signed to help the company cope with the transfer to bigger, more expectant audiences. Rick Steiner was brought in as the only main roster wrestler acuisition. Dewey Larson and Beulah McGillacutty were brought in as non active additions. Rob Feinstein was brought in to help with production in MLW, whilst Richard Blood Jr, Atlas DaBone, Johnny Jeter, Luke Hawx, Taiji Ishimori, Kid Richie and Joe Hennig were signed to flesh out the territory.


Finally, the most important news that hit WSX this month was the news of Simon Inoki's passing. The WSX Owner had shown little signs of illness and was seen in high spirits as he threw himself headfirst into his recent storyline with Diego Digou. No official cause of death had been released, however WSX dedicated their final May show to Inoki, stating that he had done wonders to help the company in the global market, and wished to thank him and his family for the time and effort they had put into getting WSX onto the map.



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Simon Inoki 1970 - 2010


Simon Inoki tragically passed away this past week whilst at his home in Los Angeles. The former NJPW and IGF higher up had most recently been in charge of MTV's renewed attempt at a wrestling organisation, Wrestling Society X. Inoki had bonded well with head booker Diego Digou and MTV representitive's and had been looking at taking the brand on a global tour after recent American success.


Speaking to members of the WSX Roster, it was clear to see Inoki had very few enemies within the locker room, with only a select minority not being happy with him.


One worker, who preferred to remain anonymous said "[simon] Inoki was a businessman, he very rarely listened to anything us lower card guys had to offer, instead listening to the higher ups, taking ideas of no true substance and implementing them into current day storylines and seeing them bomb drastically! That being said, i would never have wished death upon him, and it is a loss to the company after the momentum we had gained."


Diego Digou broke character to comment on his bosses passing "Simon was a truely great guy, we got on like a house on fire, bouncing ideas back and forth between each other, our short lived on air fued was enjoyable, and we both got behind our characters well. The storyline was by no means over, and alot of people were in place for involvement later down the line, it will be interesting to see who comes in and takes over, and see if we can lead off anywhere with what we have. Simon will be sorely missed from our weekly meetings, and I'm sure alot of our wrestlers and staff will miss him, a very friendly and approachable member of our family."


WSX have released a commemorative t-shirt for fans to purchase, with all proceeds going to Inoki's family.




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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/IndustryNews.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>June WSX Round Up</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> June saw WSX air their second ever PPV. RevoTWOtion was a total let down for the company as a whole, 0.36 buyrate, yet a higher attendance at 9,935, but the show overall was not PPV worthy. The main event saw James breen defeat Tommy Dreamer to become the new WSX Heavyweight Champion, it also saw Next Generation Samoa's Kimo and Kishi take the WSX Tag titles from Too Much, whilst Buff Bagwell won the X Title 10 man battle royal. Despite three new champions the fans left the arena with a bad taste in their mouths.</p><p> </p><p> The month saw the "Latinos Worldwide" emerge, The SAT (Joel/Jose Maximo) and The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes/Rocky Romero) teamed up and formed an alliance, upset at the thought of the Samoan's being the only minority being represented. Ironically, despite being the one group they were against, the two factions did not meet at all.</p><p> </p><p> Rick Steiner debuted with WSX after Syxx and kip continued to harass his brother Scott, whilst Ashlee finally left London, revealing she had been with Kydman all along.</p><p> </p><p> The Main Event scene was all over, Shelton and Breen being the two main stays with the then WSX Heavyweight champion Tommy Dreamer randomly occuring, whilst Kip and Steiner themselves pushed to get up into the title frame.</p><p> </p><p> The success stories of the month were Buff Bagwell and Nigel McGuinness. Bagwell had been on a roll since his Snisky fued victory, and had been the fans pick for the X Title, which he duly won. Bagwell, despite his age, has managed to become a big fan favourite and sells alot of merchandise, expect his rise to the limelight to continue. Whilst McGuinness has barely been used, his independant fame and consequent success in TNA, McGuinness is shifting merchandise by the bucket load, and is being willed into alot of fueds, even if WSX management believe him to be a comfortable midcard player.</p><p> </p><p> June saw alot of new worker hires, mainly for the new developmental territory. Blade Hart, Brian Myers, Clinton Nash, Dale Torberg Jr, Dallas Hart, Dan James, David Hatford, Dewey Foley, Etienne LaFitte, Freak Nastty, Goose Mahoney, Mikey Batts, Nick Aldis, Onyx, Plazma, Reid Flair, Ricky DeVoe, Salvatore Rinauro, Sedrick Strong, Taryn Terrell, Tom Richards, and Windham Rotunda were all signed to work the show, along Al Snow acting as the head trainer of the territory, and Warrior signed to add some name to the company. Dewey Larson was sent to MLW to give them a much needed referee.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>The debut WSX:MLW show</strong></span><p> <strong>Batts and Onyx</strong> defeated Richie and Ishimori</p><p> <strong>Sedrick Strong</strong> defeated Atlas DaBone</p><p> <strong>Nash and Hennig</strong> defeated Plazma and Blade for the <strong>WSX:MLW Tag Titles</strong></p><p> <strong>Richie Steamboat</strong> defeated Reid Flair</p><p> <strong>Ricky DeVoe</strong> defeated Windham Rotunda</p><p> <strong>Dewey Foley</strong> defeated Tom Richards</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Keeping with MLW, Sedrick Strong defeated Windham Rotunda for the WSX:MLW TV Title, whilst Richie Steamboat defeated Warrior to become the first ever WSX:MLW Triple Crown champion, Richie would lose the title to Ricky DeVoe just 2 weeks later.</p><p> </p><p> Later during the month more MLW hires were made, new trainers were brought in in the form of Lisa Moretti, Sean O'Haire, Lex Luger and Shoichi Funaki, whilst active wrestler hirings came in such as Brian Luger, Jeffrey Dupree, and WSX Dojo graduates Randy Young, Paul Hill and Jeffrey Thomas.</p><p> </p><p> Ross Hart was named as the "owner" of MLW and immediately stated he appreciated the opportunity and would work well within WSX and MTV's demands for the promotion.</p><p> </p><p> Whilst on the topic of the WSX Dojo Graduates, Jack Wright was hired and put straight to the main roster, while Scott Wells rejected the contracts offered, stating a demand for any merchandise sales to go directly to him.</p><p> </p><p> Mickie James joined WSX this month following her WWE Raw release, James came in under her Alexis Laree monicker and immediately joined up with Too Much to act as their manager. WSX lost out on the signings of Charlie Haas and Carlito, as both joined TNA on written deals, something they were unwilling to sign with WSX.</p><p> </p><p> Sabu once again failed a wellness test, Digou has told him it is his final chance, and all indications point towards Sabu being the next firing due to the wellness policy.</p><p> </p><p> Finally, Simon Inoki's successor was revealed to be MTV Representative Philippa Beauson. Beauson, who's husband, Devon "ChainSaw" Brown has joined the company, agreed to exact a clause in her contract allowing her to buy any project she was a part of should an illness/death occur with the projects original owner. There seems to be little concern from within MTV about the takeover, however those within WSX are believed to be a bit skeptical about the whole takeover, and would have preferred to see the rumoured Shane McMahon take over the reigns.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">...</span></p>
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Following the recent emergence of Nigel McGuinness and his consequent success with the fans, WSX have chosen to seize on this opportunity to release two Nigel McGuinness shirts.


The first of which is produced by English manufacturing giants Umbro, the "Soccer" style shirt sports a "V" sign logo as a "club emblem" with the shirts sponsor is that of McDonalds and Guinness. The second is created by German manaufacturers Saller, again in a sports shirt style, this plays on McGuinness' British nationality, sporting an offset England flag with Union Jack trimming.


Both shirts have started to sell well in their early life, with many sales happening in the European market. This is good news for the company as they look to find break out stars to capitalise on.

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July WSX Round Up


A month that saw Buff Bagwell defend his newly won X Title every week succesfully against several WSX higher ups. Tammy's Boys continued to grow in confidence as a team, and Jack Wright debuted helping his mentor Paul London in his battle with Billy Kydman.


The big fued of the month revolved around the Heavyweight title, James Breen, the new champion, had little to do, Tommy Dreamer and Shelton Benjamin both arguing over who should be the rightful number 1 contender, with neither man facing each other the match was set for the first show in August. While Dreamer and Shelton may not have faced ioff, Dreamer did activate his rematch clause, taking on James Breen in the 3rd week of June, Dreamer looked every bit a worthy contender, but fell to Breen, thanks to a distraction from Shelton himself.


An interesting note was that of Joey Styles' emergence at the announce table, in only his second week he announced to the whole world that WSX would be going to the "WSXtreme", and told us to watch carefully as more details became revealed!


The final TV note of the month, Several superstars saw their WSX careers come to an end as they were dropped, on live television, to MLW following poor in ring performances, The Naturals were dropped in week 1, Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore followed in week 2, Petey Williams in week 3 and finally Rick Steiner following his retirement.


This month saw alot of worker hires for WSX, taking over alot of released WWE talent, Chad Graham, Christian, D-Von Dudley, Honky Tonk Man, Joey Styles, Jon Heidenreich, Ken Kennedy, Rosa Mendes, Scott Hall, Sting, William Regal, and Zack Ryder all joined, however of those only only Joey Styles will remain on the main roster as storylines are already set and there's little room for movement to cater for the new workers. With all the hirings, came only one firing, Scott Hudson releived of his announcing duties following Styles' hiring.


Other workers hired this month were Lance Cade, Mike Knox and Paul Burchill, all of which were sent to MLW to help flesh the territory out. Rick Steiner retired from active competition and was also sent to MLW to act as a trainer for the company.


Devon Hughes defeated Ricky DeVoe for the WSX:MLW Triple Crown Title and Paul Hill defeated Dewey Foley for the WSX:MLW TV Title this month.


Finally, Jim Neidhart took a month away from the ring to tend to some personal issues, storylines had to be re-wrote on the fly as they awaited Neidhart's return, thankfully Flash Majik had been involved in the storyline already, and was an easy replacement.



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August WSX Round Up


Threevolution hit the PPV scene this month, seeing the final "Revolution" series of PPV's finish their run. The event was headlined by James Breen and Shelton Benjamin in a over 20 minute battle for the WSX Heavyweight Championship, the match saw Breen walk away the victor, but both men put on a show worthy of a true champion. The only title change that occured was that of the WSX Tag ttiles, NGS facing off against Too Much, and the newest WSX team, the DiBiases. Brett and Mike, managed by their father took the win, and became the new WSX Tag Team champions!


The show was a total success, bringing in a PPV Buyrate of 3.38, a massive increase and a credit to the success the company had been having in recent weeks.


The big fued of the month saw the 3 main poweers in WSX battling with each other, Philippa Beauson (using her husband as her muscle), Terry Funk, and Diego Digou. The three could not settle on anything, constantly butting heads over who had the most power in the company, corporate decisions, and the final straw came when Beauson sent Chris Funk down to MLW without consulting either man. The fued culminated in a match between the three males in the fued and saw Diego Digou walk away the victor.


Side fueds saw the breakup of Tammy's Boys, all three men were undefeated, each man stated their case to why they were the best in the group and a match was set for R3, Monty Brown came out victorious after pinning Rob Terry.


Finally from R3, Heidenreich debuted, capitalising on Buff's weakened state following his succesful title defence against Tommy Dreamer, Heidenreich attacked Buff, leaving him laying whilst posing with his X Title, setting up a fued for the following month.


This month saw WSX branch out, with a larger audience, more revenue, and a higher demand, Beauson agreed to release money to help the promotion grow. Whilst The Rock, Amie Gooding, Sean Morley, Dusty Rhodes, Rob Van Dam, and Paul Heyman joined the main roster, Beauson had to unfortunately block the signings of Hulk Hogan and Brock Lesnar, citing too big a wage demand, however the one man Digou had been eying up since his TNA contract had expired, Ric Flair, caused Digou to blow up in negotiations, Flair, retired and out of work, was demanding more than double the company's highest earner to simply act as a mouthpiece, after 2 hours of negotiations Flair walked out, warning he'd never talk to WSX again, something which many don't believe as there has been little interest from any other company in the legend.


WSX released several workers this month, in order to cater for the new bigger additions to the roster, The Grand Master, Palumbo, Terkay, RW Animal and Mark Briscoe were released. Palumbo and Terkay were not expected as they had been deep in a fued with Tammy's Boys, Mark Briscoe was not a surprise, however the fact he's gone on his own and his brother Jay has stayed is questionable, and it is believed that Jay is upset with life in WSX now his brother has gone.


Mickie James and Afa Sr both signed new contracts this month, Afa's was a PPA extension whilstmickie's was a transfer from PPA to written.


In TV news, The WSX Show was renewed for another 4 seasons following it's recent success, while being MTV2's highest rated show, the security of having a years contract couldn't be any better for WSX higher ups, along with the renewal of The WSX Show, WSX Future Shock was picked up by MTV2 as well as a "B" Show, the show will run for 3 seasons allowing lesser talent the opportunity to show what they can do, expect very few high rated matches on the show. Australian Option, Sky Perfect and Seleccio Mexico recently agreed deals to show WSX PPV's, this means that now Australia, Japan and Mexico can all watch future WSX PPVs.


Onto MLW now, Shane McMahon was brought in by Diego Digou to help run the promotion, while Chad Collyer was dropped from the main roster to act as a trainer in the territory. In title news, Shoichi Funaki defeated Paul Hill for the WSX:MLW TV Title, and then teamed with Rob Conway to beat Jeter and Hill for the WSX:MLW Tag Titles.


Finally, Sean Waltman failed a wellness test and was subsequently fined. Waltman is showing no signs of cleaning up his habit, and many expect him to be on his way out of WSX.



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Current Holder: James Breen

Won: RevoTWOtion (w4 Jun 2010)

Defences to Date: 3 (vs Tommy Dreamer Jul w2, vs Marcus James, Aug w1, vs Shelton Benjamin THREEvolution)


The most coverted title in WSX, the WSX Heavyweight Champion, the title signifying a wrestlers rise to the top of the company, the abilty to lead that company into a new era.


The title has seen 4 holders, originally held by Vampiro, winning the title in February 2007 after beating current WSX wreslter Syxx Pac. Vampiro lost his title to Ricky Banderas in March 2007. banderas would not lose his title, however after WSX's cancellation, the title was gone, inactive until the return of WSX in 2010.


Cue Tommy Dreamer to step forward and become the new WSX Champion, after surviving January's 6 man and then 5 man "eliminators", Dreamer then defeated Paul London in his February Semi Final, then defeated Kishi 3 years after the original WSX title was first won. Dreamer can barely be called a fighting champion, dodging workers challenges, and then hand picking his first challenger in Chris Funk, Dreamer defended his title only 4 times, against Funk he was victorious, drawing with Sabu at his first attempt, then defeating Sabu at RevolutONE, then losing to Shelton benjamin via DQ, keeping his title, Dreamer knew exactly what was needed to keep his title, even if that meant getting disqualified!


Dreamer's time with the belt was running short after the emergence of james Breen, a man that Dreamer had helped on his way to the top, Breen often teamed with Dreamer, and commonly had his back, Breen may well have already been number 1 contender to the title after he defeated Redrum at RevolutONE, however Funk wanted other workers to have a fair crack at the whip, allowing Shelton Benjamin, Scott Steiner and kip Sopp the chance on the final show of June, Breen again was victorious and took on Dreamer at RevoTWOtion.


The two men battled hard, Dreamer constantly using underhanded tactics, Breen however was able to match those with counters and surprise assaults, Dreamer hesitated before attempting to his his Dreamer Driver, and ultimately fell to a Breen Face Buster after just over 20 minutes of fighting. Breen became the second man to hold the title in the new WSX and the 4th overall.


James Breen has welcomed any challenger, and has already fended off 3 big name contenders, as WSX gear themselves up for their October PPV 2 months away, who challenges Breen for the title, if he even still owns it, will have to be seen.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26549" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/hurricanendp/WSX/IndustryNews.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>September WSX Round Up</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> September saw the rise of WSXtreme. The renegade group, fronted by former ECW main stays Joey Styles and Rob Van Dam finally revealed who they were, starting with the addition of Devon, Honky Tonk Man and Warrior soon joined the group and by the time the month was through, we were told to prepare for my WSXtreme members to show their faces, some of which would be current WSX stars!</p><p> </p><p> This month also saw the emergence of Sting, William Regal, Christian Cage and Mr. Anderson, 4 big names that immediately got to winning starts, barring Cage who had yet to agree to work for either WSX or WSXtreme. The Rock also made a couple of appearances, firstly in the crowd then celebrating wtih NGS after a couple of wins.</p><p> </p><p> The fued of the month saw Diego Digou continue his personal battle with Philippa Beauson and Devon Brown. Philippa chose to leave most of it to her husband, and the two argued back and forth over who the better man was, resulting in Digou challenging Brown for the next PPV.</p><p> </p><p> The X, consisting of Kip Sopp, Syxx-Pac and now Scott Hall, made it known that they were gunning for NGS' WSX Tag titles, managing a draw with the champs on the final week of the month, whilst James Breen become stuck in a fued with Monty Brown following his number 1 contenders win against Train.</p><p> </p><p> WSX brought in no main roster signings this month, but relased 2 workers, Mike Mondo and Sabu the unfortunate two. Sabu gone following yet another wellness test failure, whilst Mondo was released due to a lack of creative direction for him. Tammy Lynn Sytch will be leaving the company following Philippa Beauson's decision not to resign her. The company also saw several wrestlers have offers made to them, WSX Champion James Breen, Ernest Miller, Kip Sopp and WSX Tag Champion Kishi all had offers from TNA, while referee Brian Hebnar recieved an offer from FCW, fortunately for WSX, Breen and Kip chose to renew their WSX deals, along with Monty Brown, Tito Santana, Train and Terry Funk also agreeing new deals.</p><p> </p><p> With the main roster in tact, MLW was reviewed, Andy Douglas, Atlas DaBone, Brian Myers, Chase Stevens, Dale Torborg Jr, Luke Hawx, Salvatore Rinauro, and Windham Rotunda were all released from their devolpmental contracts, whilst Chris Funk and Nick Dinsmore renewed theirs. Also signing development contracts were Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and Matt Morgan following their TNA releases.</p><p> </p><p> Keeping with MLW, Jeter and Hill defeated Conway and Funaki to regain the WSX:MLW Tag Titles whilst Rick Steiner defeated Ken Anderson for the WSX:MLW Triple Crown Title after the title was vacated following Devon's call up to the main roster.</p><p> </p><p> Dory Funk Jr retired from wrestling this month, leaving The Funkin' Conservatory trainerless, WSX were asked to select a trainer, and surprisingly, former WSX wrester Bob Howard was made the Dojo's new trainer.</p><p> </p><p> In other news, WSX cancelled their working agreements with Ring of Honor and Florida Championship Wrestling, it is believed the move was done because WSX had no interest in working with FCW anymore, and due to WSX wanting to sign several ROH talents to exclusive deals.</p><p> </p><p> WSX renewed their PPV contract with MTV whilst Sean Waltman yet again failed a wellness test, this is now his 3rd failure with the company and he has been told to sort him self out, or he is fired!</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">...</span></p>
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It was only a matter of time before fans jumped on the WSXtreme bandwagon, and it was only a matter of time before WSX looked to capitalise on their popularity!


Marketing director Stephen Thomas spoke up on the new WSXtreme range "With wrestlers such as Rob Van Dam in a group, it doesn't take long for their to be a public demand for a product. We chose to capitalise on the success of shirt sales within our fan base and produced 3 different designs, initially for the fans to choose one from, however with demand for each being similar, we opted to release all three"


There was no reasoning given for the paw print mark on the shirts, however it would seem it's a branding WSXtreme will be adopting, along with their unique "X" logo.


As the group grows, expect to see the increase in shirt sales follow suit.

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