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Fools Night



Alison Capone vs. Alexis Lee


Do or Die


Tamera McFly vs. Connie Morris

If Tamera Wins, she gets a shot at the Sin City Championship Next show!

If Connie Wins, Tamera is suspended


The Main Event!



The A Team vs. The Neptune Twins

Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship

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Fools Night

April 1st, 2010

Piper Casino in Las Vegas, NV

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Honey: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Fools Night, coming to you live from the Piper Casino in Las Vegas.


Sara: I tell you what Honey, each show we have, we just keep getting bigger and bigger. Tonight we got two big matches.

Honey: First off is Tamera McFly vs. Connie Morris. Mr. Emigh signed this match as a way to be "fair" to Tamera. If she can beat Connie, she will get a shot at the Sin City Championship come next show.


Sara: BUT, if she loses, she will be suspended.


Honey: And our main event of the evening will be the newly formed "A-Team of Women's Wrestling", Jaime Quine and Nadia Snow, taking on the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, the Neptune Twins.

Sara: That should be a good match right there. Now lets take all you testosterone driven fans to ringside for our first bout of the night.


Honey is still sitting next to Sara Silver, announcing from her headset


Ladies and Gentlemen, our first match of the evening and is scheduled for one fall!



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As Alison walks out, she drags Alexis out by her hair. As she gets to the ring, she tosses Alexis inside. Once both wrestlers are in, Heather calls for the bell.


Before Alexis could get up, Alison begins to stomp her, keeping her down. Eventually Alexis rolls over to the corner where Heather pulls Alison away. With her back turned, Alexis sprints forward and connects with a forearm blow to the back of Alison's head. She sits on Alison's back and pulls her head back. Alison begins screaming as Heather checks her.


Alexis breaks the hold and stands up for a second, catching her breath. As Alison stands up, Alexis locks horns with her and they begin to struggle. Alison is somehow able to get the upper hand and scoop slam Alexis. While she lays there, Alison heads to the top rope for a body splash. At the last second, Alexis rolls away, Alison misses, and she takes full advantage and goes for the pin.



Alexis begins to celebrate but Alison is having none of it. From behind, Alison chop blocks her knee and she begins to beat on her. With Alexis being on the defensive, Alison begins to rip her clothes off, with the boos turning into cheers.




We cut to Tamera's locker room.


You have a moment, dear?


Sure, what's up Jen?


We don't like what's going on with Mr. Emigh. You getting screwed over by Nadia just really pissed us off.


We just wanted to let you know that we got your back, for BSC's sake.


Tamera smiles at both of them


Thanks, it's really good that BSC originals are stepping up to protect what's theirs


All three hug as we cut back to Sara and Honey




Sara: It seems that the Neptune's finally feel threatened, and they should be. They should have joined up with Mr. Emigh when they could!


Honey: What? Was there some sort of membership drive that we all missed?



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Introducing first, the possible Number 1 contender for the Sin City Championship, Tamera McFly!


The crowd cheers as McFly high fives fans down towards and around the ring




Next up, her opponent, Connie Morris!


Sara: No music again? What's up with the media department!?


Honey: From what I gather she doesn't want one. She's here to wrestle and collect a paycheck


The bell sounds and right away, both wrestlers lock up with Connie overpowering Tamera, sending her across the ring. They both lock up again and ending with the same results. Tamera goes to lock up yet again with Connie but this time, ducking under her arms and starts kicking her legs from behind, slowing her down.


Suddenly, Tamera jumps on her back and begins applying a headlock. Connie gets back up on her feet, grabs Tamera by the hair and flips her over, causing her to land on her back. Not wasting any time, Tamera jumps back to her feet and kicks her in the gut, which keel her over a bit. Tamera hits the ropes and comes running towards Connie when suddenly, Connie stands back up, catches Tamera by the throat and slams her down.


Sara: Ouch. That's definitely going to change the pace of this match.


Honey: Connie may be too powerful for Tamera to overcome!


Connie picks Tamera up over her head, and slams her down in a gurella press slam. She sets her foot on Tamera's chest.






Kick out!


Honey: Wow, that was close!

Connie picks Tamera up again. Before she can do anything, Tamera jumps up and head butts Connie and runs towards the top rope.


Sara: Is that Dharma!? I thought she had the night off!



Dharma comes racing through the crowd in street clothes and pushes Tamera off the top rope. As luck would have it, Tamera connects with a fly elbow right to Connie's face, knocking her over and allowing Tamera to score the three count.


Honey: Tamera did it! Tamera did it! She's finally the number 1 contender again for the Sin City Championship!


Sara: That was a fast count. Tamera cheated! There is no way she could have beaten Connie!


Honey: Believe it sister! Dharma's plan horribly backfired on her and now she's got to pay the price of the crap she's been putting Tamera through.


As Tamera celebrates in the ring, Connie gets back up. Both come face to face for a moment, until Connie extends her hand and both shake.


Honey: That's respect right there!




Camera cuts to Mr. Emigh with the Neptune Twins


Mr. Emigh: So I have to ask, do you two really think you can beat The A Team tonight?


Jen: What kind of question is that? Of course we can beat them!


Kathy: Yea, we can take on any new comers. Jaime and Nadia have nothing on us. If they want these titles so bad, they better bring back up because neither Jen or myself are ready to give up THESE titles!


Mr. Emigh: But what if they beat you?


Jen: Oh whatever, you're probably just giving them a shot at our titles because they went down on you or something. Come on Kathy, let's go!


Mr. Emigh rolls his eyes as the camera cuts back to the ring


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Our next match of the night is a bra and panties match. Now introducing Amber Allen!



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And her opponent, hailing from a Coffin in a dark castle off in Transylvania, Vampella!


Amber Allen wastes no time and attacks Vampella as she enters the ring.


Sara: Wow, this girl isn't taking any chances! She's out to make a name for herself in BSC!

Right away, Vampella's top is torn off as Amber throws the cloth out into the crowd, causing Amber to receive a cheap pop. Vampella then tackles Amber, slapping and biting at her, which causes Heather to pull her off and separate the two. Amber feels her lip and feels blood. Vampella begins to lick her lips.


Sara: I guess you could say she's out for blood, right?


Amber lays a forearm shot on Vampella, and throws her to the ropes. As she comes back, Amber back body drops her. She walks over to Vampella and beings pulling at her bottoms, when suddenly Vampella kicks her away and jumps on top of her. Amber kicks as Vampella is able to pull her bottoms off, causing the crowd to go nuts.


Honey: It seems to me that no matter who wins, the crowd is going to love it.

Amber scambles back to her feet, and lays a hard kick to the gut. She then power bombs Vampella, which makes it easy to strip off her remaining clothes.


You're winner, Amber Allen!


Sara: I think she'll fit right in here at Babes of Sin City!




The camera cuts to the back. Dharma is seen putting the boots to Tamera when all of a sudden...




She chases off Dharma. She comes back to help Tamera up.


Thank you!


Just doing my job ma'am!


She jumps off screen as Tamera checks for any bleeding



We cut back to Sara and Honey. Both sit in silence for a moment, looking at the monitor, dumbfounded.


Sara: Honey, what the **** was that?


Honey: I....I just don't know Sara.



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This is our main event of the evening! Entering first, the Challengers, Jaime Quine and Nadia Snow, The A Team!



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And now, the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, The Neptune Twins!


The Neptune Twins hand the titles over to Heather who hold them up for the crowd.


Sara: Let's see if the Twins can hold up against a real threat!


Honey: Alison and Alexis weren't?


Sara: No! Bitter rivals can't team up and actually do anything productive. These girls can! They even put one over on Tamera, which really isn't that hard to do.

Nadia and Jen start this match off as the bell sounds. Right away both lock up and Nadia sends Jen to the corner and begins beating away on her.

Sara: You see that Honey? That proves that The A Team will take the belts home tonight!

Jen defends herself as Heather pulls Nadia off. With her back turned, Jaime runs over to Jen and beings choking her. As Heather turns around, she drops onto the floor and begins arguing with the fans, playing innocent.


Sara: Smart, smart move!


Nadia scoop slams Jen then ascends to the middle rope, where she drops an elbow across Jen's chest. Jaime is clapping in her corner as the crowd boos. Nadia drags Jen over to her corner and tags Jaime in. Both toss Jen to the ropes and catch her for a front face plant. Kathy begins yelling at Jen to crawl to her corner.


Honey: It looks like the Neptune's are in trouble in the early part of this match.


Jaime flips the bird to Kathy, then turns back to Jen and picks her up and delivers a snap suplex. She quickly goes for the cover.





Kathy flies off the top rope and lands her forearm on the back of Jaime's head, causing the crowd to pop. Before she can land anymore blows, Heather comes in and gets her out of the ring. With her back turned, Nadia comes in and lays the stomps to Jen with Jaime, causing the crowd to boo loudly. Nadia slides out of the ring, telling the fans to **** off as Jaime applies the sleeper.


Sara: The match is over, it's gotta be. Jen is beaten down pretty badly. There's just no way the Neptune's can beat a well oiled tag team such as The A Team.


Honey: Why don't you give them a chance?


Sara: Why don't the Neptune's just hand the belts over?

Heather checks Jen.




Kathy begins to scream at Jen to fight it.




Kathy starts freaking out, screaming and kicking the ropes. Just as she raises the arm a 3rd time, she keeps it up and begins to get a burst of energy. She stands up, elbows Jaime and delivers a clothes line, which puts her extremely close to her corner. Jen begins to crawl with her hand extended fully. Just then, Jaime tags Nadia in and she grabs Jen's leg. Jen stands up and Kathy is able to make a blind tag which Nadia didn't see, nor Heather. Kathy gets to the top rope and delivers a flying missile drop kick, which knocks her completely out of the ring. Heather goes over to Kathy and tells her to get out because she didn't see the tag. They argue but Kathy just leaves and begs Jen to get up.


Honey: What a devastating drop kick!


Sara: She should have been disqualified for that!


Kathy is almost leaning over the top rope as Nadia bearly pulls herself back in. Finally, as Jaime and Nadia get to their feet, Jen makes the tag and the crowd explodes!


A clothes line is delivered to Jaime, knocking her out of the ring. As Nadia goes for the double axe handle, Kathy tackles her and releases a volley of punches. Kathy stands up and poses to the crowd, before getting on the top rope. Jaime sees this and gets on the apron to push her off when out of no where, Jen spears Jaime through the ropes and both land on the floor. The crowd begins to chant "Holy ****! Holy ****!"




Kathy finally jumps off the top and lands a picture perfect leg drop over Nadia's throat. She goes for the cover and scores a three count.


The crowd goes wild as Kathy holds up both titles. She finally notices the carnage outside and rushes out to help her sister up when suddenly, Dharma charges out of the crowd and throws Kathy face first into the steel ring pole. She rolls Kathy and Jen into the ring where Dharma and Nadia lays the boots to them both. Dharma pulls out a mic from her pocket.



Both keep laying the boots to them. As Nadia brings Jaime back into the ring, All three pose holding all three belts as BSC goes off the air.


Copywrite Babes of Sin City 2010

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Two Days later...




For once, Dennis didn't have anything to do that day. There was no calling any workers about their storyline progression, there was no seeing if any free agents were available, no website issues, no money issues, NOTHING! With the success of these past three shows, Dennis had made enough to just barely pay off all his bills, which was a certain plus. No more would he have to do temporary work on the side so he could keep his power and internet on.

With a quick shower, Dennis was ready for the day. He sat down on the couch and turned his TV on while checking his phone. As he waited for his email to load, he decided to watch TEW 24/7, a wrestling channel which featured past and present matches, all the time. It was a really nice channel to have, so he could watch all woman promotion and just see how they do things. The only bad part about that is BSC wasn't like any other woman promotion out there. It was all about glitz and glam, which Dennis changed quite a bit ever since buying the company.


Finally, his 3G network decided to work and allowed him to open his Gmail account. It was odd to see such a long list of actual emails. There was a few emails from the girls on the roster, one from Honey, a bunch from fans, and one in particular that caught his eye. What really caught his eye was the fact that the email ended in co.jp. He doesn't get many emails from Japan and usually if he does, it's a scam. Again, his phone decided that it was going to take two years before it opened the email.


On the tv, it was just another 'SWF: Relived!' program, something Dennis didn't like very much. It wasn't that he hated the SWF, it's just he didn't care for them. Not even the hot 'Eric Eisen comeback' angle intrigued him. Once the email loads, Dennis looks down and find's an extremely short message. It took him a couple of tries to make out what it said, but finally it became all clear.


I T I S T O P L A N , Y E S ? P O S S I B L E . Y E S .

He couldn't make out the name, but it had to be the contact he was dealing with overseas through his translator up in Northern California. It was quite simple. He'd call his buddy, talk to him, then his buddy would call the contact and speak in Japanese, something Dennis was incapable of doing. He had a hard time learning Spanish!


Dennis put his phone away and shut the TV off.


I'm not watching this SWF crap.


He sat on his couch and started to daydream. The sun was beaming through the windows onto his face, but he seemed to enjoy the warmth. He sat there thinking about the first time he actually went to a BSC show...


To be Continued...

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Coming from the town of Red Bluff, CA, Dennis Emigh was just a tractor operator, making good money and living in a fully paid off house. After leaving Red Bluff directly out of High School to move to the bay area, he came back after two years and began fixing his life. He had no money, no job, and had to move back in with his parents. His pride was hurt and slowly slipped into a deep depression. After a few months, he got lucky and landed a job operating a tractor for an excavation company.


At first he was extremely nervous. His tractor experience was mainly operating a small tractor, not a large one.



His new boss, Jimmy, was a friend of his father's. Before his first work day, the two went out onto some land and allowed Dennis to get a feel for the big monster.




The first day on the job, he impressed even the veteran tractor operator he worked with. Since then, he had been running the tractor 6 days a week and didn't spend a penny on himself, aside of bills.


For the next four years, he didn't do anything but work and every now and then, invite people over to watch a movie. Some would call his a boring and un-fulfilling life style, but Dennis felt truly happy, and nobody could take that away from him.


One day, his three friends had enough of him working all the time. They felt he was becoming stressed out. One day, Nick (one of his friends) decided to take it upon himself to plan a trip. They all had money, so that wasn't a problem. On Dennis' day off, Nick went to his bosses house to talk to him.

Basically, I want to see if he can have the week off. He doesn't do anything anymore and personally, I think he deserves a bit of vacation time.

Now, you know that I'm not the one keeping him on, right? I've offered lots of time off, but he's declined everything.

Yea, but I wanted to clear it with you before me and a few other people tell him he's going with us to Vegas.


Well thank you for that consideration. That's fine. Take him and make him have some fun. Tractor work is ahead of schedule so I don't need him right now.


They both stood up and shook hands


Thank you, really.


The next day, Dennis woke up to see Dylan, Ruben, and Nick standing over him with suits on.

Get dressed, we leave in two hours!


Ruben told him.



We're going to Vegas!


Dylan threw the blankets off of him and pulled a suitcase out from the closet.


Boys boys...I have to work today. I can't up and leave to go to Vegas


Dylan slams down the suitcase to make a loud pop.




What did you guys do?


I talked to your boss for you. He agreed that you need some time off. We're heading to Vegas for a week. Now get your ass out of bed!


Nick said, as all three walked out of the room.


Hurry up! We gotta leave soon!


An hour later, Dennis is all packed and ready to go. One problem: He's dressed in a Giants shirt, blue denim pants, and his boots.


Are you crazy? We're heading to Vegas! Not the Red Bluff Round Up!


Do you even own a leisure suit?


He shakes his head.


Ok, we should leave now. We can stop by the store and get him something. We need to be in Sac in three hours.


A few hours later, all three are standing in the airport, waiting to board.


We have a surprise for you.


Oh yea?


You know how you like wrestling...


To Be Continued...

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Dennis' cell phone snapped him out of his day dream. He looked down at his phone and noticed it was Honey.


Hey, what's up?


Nothing's up, other then we have a few things to discuss.


Discuss? Like what?

Well, in case you forgot, we have a huge show coming up in about two weeks and we don't even have a name or some sort of a card down!


Alright alright, I hear ya. Where are you at?


I'm at home.


I'll call Marilyn and you two meet me here at my house.


Ok Dennis. I'll see you in a bit.


Both hang up but almost right away, Dennis calls Marilyn.


Oh hi darling, *yawn* what's going on?


Nothing, we just need to discuss the show coming up in two weeks. Honey just called and she sounded a bit frantic.


Alright dear, give me about 10 minutes and I'll head out.


Sounds good. I'll see you then.

Dennis hangs up and heads towards his room. If people are coming over, he can't be answering the door in his underwear, can he? Well, the Babes sure would.


Roughly a half hour later, Honey pulls into the driveway and oddly enough, she's wearing her business clothes. I opened the door and she walked right in and set some papers down on the table. Just as I shut the door, Marilyn pulls up out from. Thankfully they both got here at the same time.



Ok, so we're on for Dharma and Tammy, correct?




Yep, sounds about right.


So...what's the outcome, ladies?

Just then, the phone rings again. Dennis looks down and see's that it's his contact up in Northern California. Instead of answering it, he puts the phone on silent.


Who was that, Dennis?


Nobody, why?


Oh, I don't know. You've been talking on that thing a lot lately.


Well, normally I have to to keep it contact with everyone.


Oh is that right? Then who do you keep in contact with, Dennis?? I'm right here! Marilyn's right here! Who the **** are you talking to!?


She kicks the table and the papers fly all over the ground. She began to cry as I sat there dumbfounded.


I thought we had something together, Dennis. I really thought you cared about me!


Honey, I do! Why would you think otherwise!!??


Anytime I come around and you're on that phone, you hang up almost right away! I know the signs, Dennis, I live in ****ing Sin City for Christ sakes!


She jumps up off the couch and heads for the door. Dennis goes after her and slams the door behind him. Instead of following, Marilyn sits there, waiting for them to come back in. As she waits, she lights up a cigarette and turns on the TV. She can hear yelling for a moment, but suddenly goes quiet.


I knew he'd tell her.


Marilyn said to herself quiet, as she watched an old Rip Chord match.




That's....that's really it, Dennis?


Yes, Honey. I've been trying to keep it a secret from everyone. This is big and could make us a lot of money. The moment I start spouting my mouth off about it, I could **** it up, like that. Do you understand?


Still crying, Honey looked down at the ground, but still nodded her head. Dennis pulls her closer and gives her a hug.

Honey, I'm not cheating on you. What I am doing is all for the company, and hopefully, us.


She wraps her arms around him as well.


Now, dry your face up and let's get back inside, we have a show to plan.


As both walk back inside, Marilyn puts her cigarette out and changes the channel.


Oh uh, haha, you're back!


Yea, now let's get back to work.


Dennis fixed the table as Honey sat down.


Ok, we'll figure out the main event later. What are we gonna call this one? I feel like I want to build this one show up as our "Big Show" of the year.


Marilyn pulls a note pad out of her purse.


I had a few of them I've scribbled down over the years. The one I've liked the best and fits what we do is "A Night of Sin".


Honey and Dennis sat there for a moment to let it sink in.


I...I like it.


Yea, so do I. So then it's settled. BSC Presents: A Night of Sin.


There was approval from both ladies.

Well then since this is going to be our big show, we need to get The Las Vegas Sinners back in there to perform. We need to get some sort of celebrity, and I want a new set.


A new set? Why?


It's all apart of the look, Honey. All of our shows have looked the same. On a stage, theater style. Well, instead of the Piper Casino, I want to hold it in a more wrestling oriented location, maybe the Simmons Center? That way, we can set up everything in a traditional sense, with a long walk way, and a pretty good sized set. Not only do I want to push this show as our biggest one, we need to make it look that way.


What about a celebrity? Have any in mind?


Dennis pulls out his netbook from on the side of the couch to check his email.


Yea, good timing on that.


As fast as he opened it, he closed it with a huge grin on his face.


What's that smile for?

He's not a major A-List celeb or anything, but he's pretty high up there. I tell you what.


Dennis still didn't say anything, but neither of them wanted to ask.


Well, we need those tag titles on the line as well. I always believed that if you're going to have a big show, everything must be on the line.


Who should face the Neptune's? It's too early for Jaime and Nadia to take them on.


Why not Hollywood magic?


Not a bad idea. We should put them in some sort of eye candy match though.


Foam party. We haven't had one of those in what, Honey? 8 months?


Something like that *laughs*


Dennis writes it down on a note pad.


We should continue pushing Jaime and Nadia though. I say mud wrestling against Sweet as Candy.


I like it. Marilyn?


That'd work out good.


Ok, so we got three matches going. I do have one last idea though...


Dennis flips a page


Start off the night with a 4 girl bikini contest, maybe A Team vs. Neptune's? After that, we get the rest of the girls not in a match and put them into some sort of sexy battle royal.


That would get the crowd going, but the battle royal has to be for something. Battle Royals are somewhat useless unless it's for something. In this case, a cash prize really wouldn't cut it. Maybe some sort of crown?


We could bring back Queen of the Ring that way.


I like that one. After we're done here I'll go see if we can get a crown made. We could present the winner like they do with Ms. Teen American Universe of the World thing. You know, the sashes, the crying, the "Hi Mom" moment and what have you...


And a singer to sing them one of those stupid songs after they win.


All three of them begin laughing.


I think this show may turn out to be pretty damn awesome, ladies...

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Presents the Biggest night of the Year:


A Night Of Sin

Mud Wrestling!


The A-Team vs. Sweet As Candy


BSC Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship Foam Party!



The Neptune Twins ©vs. Hollywood Magic


10-Babe Sin City Battle Royal for the BSC Queen of the Ring Crown!



Vampella vs. Beth Mercy vs. Roxxy Kitten vs. Nurse Hope Dye vs. Miss American Pie vs. Candy Floss vs. Alison Capone vs. Alexis Lee vs. Connie Morris vs. Amber Allen


Main Event!

The Long Awaited Sin City Championship Rematch



Dharma Gregg ©vs. Tamera McFly


Plus An Appearance by Tom Selleck and Trailer Park Boys star John Paul Tremblay!



The Las Vegas Sinners will also be performing!


Tickets on Sale as the Simmons Convention Center Box Office.

The first 50 customers will be put on the V.I.P. list and will be able to attend the pre-show meet 'n greet.


Bus Schedules are available to the Simmons Center on our website: BSCaction.com

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Tonight I'm going to be writing up "A Night of Sin". I would like to work this show up as my "Wrestlemania." So with that, my matches, promo's, and stuff along those lines are going to be fairly detailed and I will be publishing the show as a two part post, starting with the first half of the show.


I want to thank everyone who has been reading thus far. Please feel free to ask anything you would like or if you have suggestions, I'm all ears.:)

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Part 1



Proudly Presents:




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Now we join our announcing team, Honey and Sara Silver



Honey: Welcome everyone to a huge night!


Sara: That's right Honey. I got goosebumps just thinking about what may go down.


Honey: Tonight is the big one. Tamera McFly, after being screwed over countless times, will finally be able to get her well deserved rematch for the Sin City Championship.


Sara: But the odds are sure stacked against her. Dharma has The A-Team PLUS the owner of the BSC backing her up. With the Neptune twins defending their titles tonight, who knows if they'll play into any of this tonight.


Honey: Also tonight, we have two celebrity guest that will be joining us. Magnum P.I., Tom Selleck and Trailer Park Boys star John Paul Tremblay!


Sara: Those two hunks of man meat are just what the babes need tonight to perform at their best!

Honey: Now let's take you down to the ring for our first contest with Mr. Dennis M. Emigh.


We go to the ring




Thank you Honey. Now with me right now are four very, VERY sexy ladies. First off, we have one half of the tag team champions, Jen Neptune. Next, we have a bit of sugar, Lindsay Sugar! Now a new comer to The Babes of Sin City, Amber Allen. Last but certainly not least...


The crowd begins to boo


The beautiful, hot, naughty, Nadia Snow!




She smiles at him as the crowd continues to boo


Now come on, give her a chance. Jen, you're up first.


Music hits as Jen walks in front of the girls and strips her robe off, driving the guys wild.


Wow! That was something alright! Woo. Now let's hear it for Linday!


With a sucker in her mouth, she starts by teasing the crowd, showing little at a time. Finally, she rips off her robe to reveal a very tight bikini. Mr. Emigh begins pacing around the ring, fanning himself off with his hand in a comedic fashion.


There you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Lindsay Sugar!


She plants a little kiss on Mr. Emigh's cheek before waving to the crowd.


That's points! Now, our new Babe, Amber Allen!


As the music hits, she rips off her robe, walks to the ropes in a sexy fashion and beings almost pole dancing, bending in very....revealing ways. Mr. Emigh loosens his tie has Nadia gives dirty looks towards Amber.


Oh lord, did I die and go to heaven?


The crowd laughs


Nadia, you're up next but you're going to have to really top that.


As the music hits, she waits a moment. She walks very slowly over to the ropes. She strips her robe off in a sexy fashion. She reveals a tight bikini (just like the others). She gives a glance to Mr. Emigh, and begins undoing her top while dancing on the apron. Quickly, Mr. Emigh takes off his jacket. Just as the top falls off, he covers her up and orders her to go in the back. The crowd is going completely nuts with the other three girls actually applauding her.


Well, I think even the contestants agree. Your winner, NADIA SNOW!




Sara: Nadia Snow really wanted to win!


Honey: You can say that again. With her attitude I didn't think she'd get past taking the robe off.


Sara: Well, it just goes to show what she'll do to win!


Honey: You got me on that one. Ladies and Gentlemen, next up, our first match of the evening, our 10 Babe Battle Royal for the crown of Ms. Queen of the Ring! Let's head to the stage for the entrants.


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(OOC: For the full effect, leave video going while announcing the participants)


This is our special Battle Royal. Elimination occurs when you throw your opponent over the top. The last Babe standing will be crowned Queen of the Ring!



The Babes begin walking out



Power Girl

Roxxy Kitten

Nurse Hope Dye

Miss American Pie

Candy Floss

Alison Capone

Alexis Lee

Connie Morris

and lastly...Amber Allen


All ten babes stand in the ring waiting for the bell. Connie Morris leans back in the corner while Alison and Alexis go toe to toe and begin yelling at each other.


Sara: Look at the tension already. These babes can't wait to get it on!


Candy Floss pushes her way over to Connie try and get in the big girls head. Just as Connie pushes Candy away with her massive hand, the match begins and each babe pairs off with another.

Candy begins attacking Connie by laying some chops into her, which has no effect. Connie grabs her by the head and throws her into Power Girl.


Alison and Alexis continue to tangle with a furry of punches each, neither letting up.


Vampella and Roxxy lock up and try to push each other out of the ring when suddenly, Connie walks up and lifts both of them out.


Roxxy and Vampella are eliminated!


As both start to throw fits, they start blaming each other. Roxxy throws a right hand and now the two begin to cat fight. Security tries to break them up but the fans they are fighting in front of keep encouraging the two.


Back in the ring, Candy and Nurse try to gang up on Connie. It starts to work as they have her hung up on the ropes. Alison scoop slams Alexis and begins to help take out Connie. All three of them lift both of her legs as she hangs on for dear life.


Out of nowhere, Power Girl dives off the top rope, trying to grab onto Connie's neck on the way down. Connie swats her away and Power Girl falls to the floor.


Power Girl has been eliminated!


Instead of throwing a fit, she stands there, looking disappointed. She then dives into the crowd. Over the P.A. system...




Sara: She really is an odd girl...

Alexis gets up and sneaks behind Alison. Not paying attention, Alexis grabs Alison by the legs and tosses her out.


Alison has been eliminated!


Instead of leaving, Alison jumps up on the apron, grabs Alexis by the head and drags her over the top rope.

Alexis has been eliminated!


Honey: Oh come on! That was a cheap shot!


Alexis and Alison begin to brawl outside. Alison slams Alexis' head onto the guard rail and tosses her to the ground. She begins to stomp at her, screaming out how it's all her fault. Finally, Alison is escorted out by security, as she flips the bird to everyone.


Sara: She wasn't happy about being eliminated.


Honey: I'm sure it's not the end of it between those two.


Connie holds Candy high above her head and looks around. Amber, Miss American and Nurse all motion Connie to toss her out. Candy begins to yell cuss words as she is tossed out onto Heather.


Candy Floss is eliminated!


As Nurse goes to high five Connie, Connie grabs Nurse by the head and throws her over the top rope.


Nurse Hope is eliminated!


Sara: Damnit, Connie is in it to win it!

Honey: You got that right Sara!


Miss American and Amber stand on the other side of the ring from Connie in a stare down. Miss American charges Connie and begins unleashing shots to the stomach area, which slowly pushes Connie back to the ropes. With Connie on the ropes, Miss American pushes on Connie's face to try and use her weight against her. Connie begins to tip back as Miss American continues to push.


Suddenly, Amber charges and does a flying cross body onto both of them. All three tumble over the top rope. Mr. Emigh and Heather rush over to see if all three were out. Both Connie and Miss American lay on the floor while Amber hangs on with one arm, and one foot touching the door.


Sara: Look at that Honey! If Amber can pull herself back up, she will be crowned Miss Queen of the Ring!


The crowd stands up and begin cheering Amber on. She moves her free arm around for a moment and finally grabs the top rope. Slowly, she pulls herself back up and flips her entire body over the top rope and lands in the ring on her back.

Honey: Amber did it!


Sara: I didn't think she had it in her!


Ladies and Gentlemen, you're NEW Miss Queen of the Ring, Amber Allen!


The crowd gives a standing ovation as Mr. Emigh places the crown on her head.






As she walks out of the ring, we head backstage into Dharma's locker room




You got this, Dharma. Tamera has NOTHING on you!


Jaime says to Dharma as she stretches


Hell, you could do this match with no arms!


Dharma stands up

You know what, you're right Jaime. I shouldn't even be stretching for this. If anything I'll be wasting MORE TIME walking down to the ring then actually wrestling. Would you like to know why, Jaime?

Suddenly, Charlize Angelle walks in. The crowd can be heard off camera reacting



Because I have an original Babe in my corner. Someone who actually got out of this place to make it big. Even bigger then me.

There's a knock at the door. It's Nadia Snow


We're up. Let's go


Jaime walks out as Dharma turns to Charlize. We go back to the announcers




Sara: Wow, I wasn't expecting to see her here tonight!


Honey: This could mean bad news for Tamera tonight.


The camera cuts to a wrestling ring filled with mud near the stage, on an elevated platform.


Ladies and Gentlemen, our next contest of the night is scheduled for one fall, and is a Mud Wrestling match!



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First up. Both hailing from Hollywood, California, Hollywood Magic!


Go get into the mud right away and pose towards the crowd



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Next up, my personal favorite tag team, The A-Team!

Nadia and Jaime stand at the edge of the mud pit, not wanting to get in. The crowd starts to boo them which causes them to turn around and shout back. Just then, both Britney and Spite pull both of them in and the match begins.


Honey: Great way to start the match!


Sara: Yea, if you want to be cheap.


Nadia and Jaime stand up, wiping the mud off their faces with a disgusted look. As they yell, Britney and Spite attack again, pushing them down in the mud again. Jaime tries to claw her way out but Britney grabs her by the foot and drags her back in, causing the crowd to pop.


Honey: I think Hollywood Magic has the advantage in this match.


Sara: How so?


Honey: Use your eyes. Jaime and Nadia are clearly disgusted while Britney and Spite are, well, having way too much fun.


Spite sits on Nadia's back and starts rubbing mud in her hair as if it's shampoo. Nadia continues to scream bloody murder and tries to push Spite off. Eventually, Spite stands up and poses. Seeing this, Nadia gets up and kicks her in the back, which knocks her out of the ring and off the elevated platform.


Sara: That's what happens when you don't pay attention to the match! No wonder they didn't win the titles last show.


Nadia grabs Britney by the hair and pulls her off of Jaime. Both Nadia and Jaime grab her and pick her up for a double team suplex.


Honey: It looks like the A-Team is done playing around and worrying about the mud.


Jaime grabs Britney's arm and puts her in am arm bar.


Honey: It's kind of hard trying to see who is who with all the mud.


Sara: No it's not. The A-Team is the one kicking ass.


Nadia looks down at Spite, who is still trying to push herself back up. Nadia looks back at Jaime and goes for the other arm.


Honey: Oh my god! A double arm bar!


Heather checks on Britney, who is screaming and giving up.


Ladies and Gentlemen, you're winners of the match, The A-Team!


As Jaime and Nadia push mud off themselves, the crowd boos wildly, causing the A-Team to flip everyone off as they leave. Heather goes off the platform to check on Spite.




To Be Continued...

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Part 2


Honey enters the ring


Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my great honor to introduce our guests of the evening. Mr. Tom Selleck and Mr. John Paul Trembley!



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Both high five the fans up the aisle way and around the ring before entering it. As they enter, Honey hands them each a mic and heads back to the announcer table


Well well well, apparently wrestling is still a fun place to be!


The crowd cheers as Tom lowers his mic


Yea Tom, from what I've been hearing, there isn't much fun in it now a days. It's a sad thing, really.


No no, J.P., BSC has proved that anything is possible in the world of wrestling!


You are certainly right about that. How's everybody doin' tonight, huh?


The crowd cheers as he takes a sip of his trademark drink


You know, we've been watching BSC for a while now. Both Tom and I buy the DVD's and watch every now and then, so we're pretty big fans. When we heard that someone else had bought it, we were all with you. We were worried that someone was going to turn it into something ****ing retarded. We were worried that someone was going to take it out of Las Vegas, and turn it into a cookie cutter promotion.


The bad part is is that it's part true. You see, I've known Honey way before she started Babes of Sin City. When I heard she sold it, I had my lawyer fly out and help draw up a contract...



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Hold it, hold it guys.


Mr. Emigh enters the ring


That business is of nobody's concern, certainly not yours, Selleck!


You see, this is exactly why I wanted to help Honey out. I wanted to help her against the likes of you pricks. You're always out the screw someone to make a buck.

Tom pulls a paper out of his pocket and unfolds it.


You see this? This is a copy of the contract you signed.


He holds the paper up


And you see this highlighted area? This was Honey's fail safe for the company.


He shoves the paper into Mr. Emigh's face

I want you to read that now. On there, it states that if Honey can raise the amount of debt she owed within 6 months, she could ultimately gain back power within the company.


Mr. Emigh throws the paper down


Big ****ing deal. The only way she could do that is if she got two jobs outside of this and never spent a penny. This means nothing!


He shoves Tom. J.P. gets in front of him.


You don't want to do this. Let the man finish...


That is true, Dennis, that is true. BUT, you forgot one thing. You forgot that she has friends, family, something it seems that you know nothing about.


Tom pulls a check out of his coat pocket.


You see this? This is the check that you personally made out to us to appear. Quite frankly, all we needed to show up was a nice phone call. But you, Dennis, have screwed yourself over for once.


And why is that?


This amount that you gave us is the exactly amount that Honey is missing. The moment I cash this, Honey will become 50% owner in this company again, which will prove to be in the favor of the fans.


Mr. Emigh looks completely stunned as the crowd goes wild. Tom and J.P. look over at Honey and wave her into the ring.


Come on, Honey. This is your ring also...


Honey can't believe it


Sara: Well boss, get in there!


Sara pushes Honey out of her seat and she begins to walk up the steps into the ring. The crowd begins to chant "Wel-come Back! Wel-come Back!"


No, no you tricked me. I'll take your ass to court!


And tell them what? Huh? That you ****ed up?


J.P. gives Mr. Emigh a shove then takes a drink


Now, Dennis...


Tom puts his arm around Mr. Emigh


You either play nice with Honey and get along, or I show you the bat that I used in my movie 'Mr. Baseball', and J.P. over there will be paying you a visit in the hospital I put you in, understood?

You can't scare me! I own this ****ing company!


Mr. Emigh punches Tom in the stomach which prompts the crowd to go crazy. J.P. grabs Dennis from behind and kicks him in the gut. He turns him around and delivers a massive power bomb which bounces Honey off of her feet. J.P. helps Tom and Honey up as they celebrate.


Sara: Well, I certainly didn't expect a celebrity appearance to turn into a shift in company ownership! Now, next up is the Lethal Ladies Tag Team championship! The great thing about this match is the return of the foam. If you're a long time fan, you'll know what that means. This is the return of the Bikini Foam Party!


Honey stands in the ring as J.P. and Tom head back to their seats


Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match is a Bikini Foam Party for the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Championship!




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Making their way to the ring first, Jen and Kathy, the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, The Neptune Twins!


The twins walk out in tight red and blue bikini's. They dance with the lead singer for a moment before heading to the ring.



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Next up are the lovely Candy girls, Lindsay Sugar and Co Co, Sweet As Candy!


Just as Sweet As Candy gets in the ring, the Neptune's hand their titles over to Heather and they attack the other tag team. Jen pulls Co Co down by her and begins shoving the foam bubbles in her face.


Kathy throws Lindsay into the and delivers a few kicks before she falls down. She then walks over to Jen and help pick up Co Co.

Sara: They're already trying to score some big moves in the early part of this match.

They whip her to the ropes and deliver a double clothes line and knock her down.


Honey: Just a reminder to all fans, no tags are required in a Bikini Foam Party match. It's a tag team free for all!


Just as the Neptune's turn their attention to Lindsay, she jumps off the middle rope and clotheslines both of them.


Sara: Wow! I'm sure that will stop any momentum the Neptune's had.

All four are on the ground. Co Co is the first one to get up. She goes after Kathy by mounting her and unleashing a furry of slaps. She then grabs her hair and pounds her head on the mat. Before Jen can help, Lindsay gets Jen from behind and delivers a back suplex which cause the foam to shoot up in the air.


Sara: So the higher the foam, the more impact a move has?


Honey: That's what it looks like!


Coco and Linday high five each other and trade Neptunes'. Lindsay picks up Kathy and tosses her in the corner. She stands on the middle rope and starts to punch. Instead of counting, the crowd boos which causes Lindsay to do a motion with her hand under her chin.


Coco attempts to apply a Boston crab on Jen, but Jen forces her way out of it.


Sara: That could have been the end of the Neptune's. Luckily she was able to power her way out of that.


Jen see's that Coco is just getting up. She takes advantage by pushing her all the way out of the ring which just leaves Lindsay alone with Kathy. With Lindsay still on the middle rope, Jen jumps up, grabs her by the head from behind, and delivers a painful looking neck breaker.


Sara: Oh my god! That looked horrible!


As Jen covers for the three count, Kathy baseball slides Coco before she could get back into the ring.


You're winners and STILL Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, The Neptune Twins!




The Neptune's hold their titles up high as they pose to the crowd. We now go back to the announcer table as the crew cleans up the ring.


Honey: Well, it's that time.


Sara: It's time to see if Tamera McFly really has what it takes to defeat Dharma and her back up.


Honey: That's right Sara. For months Tamera went through a lot of obstacles to get this rematch shot. Yes, I said Rematch. But finally, here at "A Night of Sin", Tamera gets the chance to redeem herself and win that back championship.


The camera cuts to a very irritated looking Mr. Emigh who is standing in the ring.

Ding, Ding, Ding


Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to the main event of the evening. Tonight, Dharma Gregg, our Sin City Champion, will be putting the strap on the line against Number 1 contender, Tamera McFly.




Let me hear ya!


The crowd begins to cheer.


No No no, I said, LET ME HEAR YOU!!!


The crowd cheers even louder


That's what I wanted to hear. For everyone sitting in the crowd, and everyone watching around the world on BSCaction.com, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's kick this into high gear!


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Introducing First! The Number 1 contender and former Sin City Champion, Tamera McFly!




Sara: Look at that Honey! Tamera has changed her look!


Honey: She's showing everyone that she's the rightful Sin City Champion. New look, new attitude!


Sara: I don't think hair color is gonna help her in this match.


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Now introducing, our Sin City Champion! Accompanied by BSC Original Charlize Angelle, Dharma Gregg!




Sara: Mr. Emigh spared no expense tonight!


Honey: Well, when it's our biggest show of the year, how can you not?


As Tamera stares at Dharma, she doesn't break eye contact as she hands the title over to Heather.


Ok Ladies, please meet me in the center.


Both stand in the center with Heather

This match is for the Sin City Championship. This is a standard one on one match, one pinfall or submission. Championship CAN change on disqualification...


The crowd pops but neither girl flinches


Keep everything clean and give the fans a good show. Shake hands...


Neither Tamera nor Dharma extend their hands, opting to walk back to their respective corners.


Heather calls for the bell and both girls charge each other. They meet in the middle by locking up. Both try furiously to gain ground on the other.


Sara: This match may shape up to be an intense match!


Dharma side steps which causes Tamera to lose her footing and fall down but she gets right back up and shoots on Dharma's legs, taking her down. She mounts her, grabs a hand full of hair and begins slamming her head on the mat. Heather breaks it up and pulls Tamera off. The moment Dharma gets up, Tamera shoves her in the corner and begins punching her sides with jabs and hooks. Again, Heather pulls her away.


Dharma rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. Charlize walks over and starts talking to her, not noticing Tamera hitting the ropes. Suddenly, Tamera flips over the top rope and landing on the two ladies. Without missing a step, Tamera gets right back up and throws Dharma back in the ring. Tamera hits the top rope, jumps and lands an elbow drop across Dharma's chest. She quickly goes for the cover.







Tamera sits on her knees for a moment to catch her breath and push her hair out of the way. She stands back up and grabs Dharma by the hair to pull her back up. Once up, Tamera delivers a picture perfect drop kick, which sends Dharma through the ropes to the outside. Tamera paces the ring getting the crowd worked up by clapping her hands above her head. As Heather gets to the count of 7, Tamera hits the ropes and suicide dives to the outside, where Charlize pulls Dharma out of the way and Tamera collides with the announcer table.


Honey: Oh my god!


Sara: Is she OK!?


The crowd begins to chant "Holy ****! Holy ****!" As Heather checks on her.


Sara: I hope that's not the end of the match.


Just then, Dharma pushes Heather out of the way and grabs Tamera, rolling her back into the ring. She does the same and covers Tamera.










She mounts Tamera and begins slamming her head into the mat as she screams at the top of her lungs. She lets up and begins strutting around the ring, blowing kisses to a booing crowd. Suddenly, Tamera gets Dharma in a surprise roll up.








Upon this, the crowd yells "Ohhhh", surprised that Dharma was able to kick out. Just as she picks up Dharma again, Jaime is seen sprinting down the aisle way.


Honey: Oh no!


Seeing this out of the corner of her eye, as soon as Jaime stands up, Tamera unleashes a super kick square on her chin. The crowd pops as she turns her attention back to Dharma.

Sara: Look at that!


Nadia Snow is rushing through the crowd but coming up behind Tamera when suddenly, Jen Neptune is seen rushing through the crowd. Both Nadia and Jen hit the ring at the same time, but with Jen spearing Nadia, causing her to roll back outside. The crowd is on their feet at this point as Tamera is looking to finish Dharma off. Suddenly, Charlize gets up on the apron and throws a black cloth over Heather's head.


Honey: Wh-What is she doing!?


Seeing this, Dharma is able to shove Tamera away and deliver a DDT to Heather, taking her out of the match. Seeing this, Tamera runs up behind Dharma and lands a running bulldog. She covers her. She looks around for a count, but Heather is out cold.




The crowd counts. Tamera gets off of Dharma and slams her fist into the mat out of frustration. Just then, Jaime gets into the ring and tackles Tamera, releasing a volley of punches. Kathy is seen running out from the locker room and down the aisle way. She slides into the ring and pulls Jaime off and begins trading punches with her. Just as Tamera is able to stand up, she goes for Dharma once again. This time she is met with a fist full of quarters, which knocks Tamera out cold.


Honey: No...NO! It can't end like this!!!


Charlize takes the cloth off of Heathers head and shakes her back to life.


Honey: No!!!

Heather makes the slow count...











The bell sounds and Dharma jumps up in the air, celebrating. The crowd is in a frenzy right now, booing and throwing garbage into the ring.




Someone hands Dharma a mic.


You see? I TOLD you I was going to hold onto my title. I TOLD you Tamera had no chance. I ****ING TOLD YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


As the Neptune's help Tamera to the back, Jaime, Nadia, Charlize, and Dharma celebrate in the ring, complete with streamers and balloons.


Honey: This is bull****. Things are going to change for the better...


Honey slams down her headset and walks towards the back.




Overall: D


Copywrite Babes of Sin City 2010

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The Hangover

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(New Theme)




Sara: Welcome everyone to the Hangover! I'm Sara Silver joined by the always beautiful Honey!


Honey: Thank you for that, Sara. Are you feeling ok?


Sara: Of course I am! But after 'A Night of Sin', I found out that you're my boss again! The last thing I want to bad mouth is my boss.


Honey: That's true. Fans, I want to apologize about the way everyone has been getting treated and how the shows were run by Dennis Emigh. Now that I own 50% of this company, there will be a lot of changes. One being the actual theme to BSC.


Sara: I noticed that. Nice touch!


Honey: Mr. Emigh had all these great ideas about revamping BSC. The only thing he really managed to do is give everyone a theme song and sign a few major players. I realize what BSC really is at heart: A glorified adult show. Well with all his talk about change, he has been looking at all of the Babes as if they were play things. Tonight, there will be real change!



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Tamera makes her way out to the ring, slapping hands with fans but keeping her head low. As she rolls into the ring, her eyes start to water. The fans being to give her a standing ovation for her valiant effort at "A Night of Sin."


I....I want to thank each and every one of you supporting me on my quest to regain the Sin City Championship.


She pauses for the fans


And I want to say....I'm Sorry.


The fans boo as she lowers the mic, trying to hold back the tears.


I'm sorry that I couldn't beat Dharma in a one on one match and regain that title. I'm sorry that I was beaten by underhanded tactics. But most of all, I'm sorry I let my fans down.


Shouts of encouragement come out of the crowd as Tamera shakes her head.


No, it's over. I have to start at the bottom once again and work my way up. I have to win matches, find a tag partner, and make a run at the Lethal Ladies Tag Team championships first.


She stops for a moment to look around


...And if that's what I have to do, that's what I have to do. I'm not a below the belt hitter like Dharma, I'm much better then that. I am...ABOVE HER!


The crowd begins to cheer

I almost PRAY TO GOD that when my time comes once again to challenge for the title, that she is champion. So I can beat her, and rub the title in her face before tossing her sorry ass out of the ring!


The crowd pops as Tamera pumps her fist in the air


I am going to study what I did wrong in that match and improve on myself. Tonight I am going to takes the first steps and find myself a tag team partner. Girls, if you're listening...


She faces the stage and leans on the top ropes


If you are ready to make a run for the titles, you come talk to me.


She faces the crowd again


And you, Dharma. I'm coming for you! Keep that title nice and clean because when I take it from you, it's going around my waste while my boot sits on top of your head!


The crowd cheers as she leaves. Honey enters the ring.




Ladies and Gentlemen, our first match of the evening is scheduled for one fall!



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Entering first, from Power Planet, located in another galaxy, Power Girl!


Sara: I really do think she's from another planet. It would explain the outfit.



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Next up, she's bad for your teeth, "Angry" Candy Floss!


As Candy enters the ring, Power Girl hids behind her cape sitting on the top rope. Candy complains to Heather Halo about it but ignores her and rings the bell. Candy continues arguing with her back turning to Power Girl. Once her back is turned, PG jumps off the top rope and lands a bulldog to start the match off. She quickly gets up and stands in a super hero like pose.


Sara: If she's not careful, Candy is going to tear her up!

PG picks Candy up and faces her. PG hits the ropes and comes back with a flying cross body. PG goes for the pin.








PG wastes little time and picks Candy back up again. She tosses her into the ropes to catch her in a back body drop.


Sara: Is it me or is Power Girl in control of this match?


Honey: No, it's not just you. She really is!


As PG goes to pick Candy back up, she shoots on her legs and takes her down. She mounts an offensive of punches before standing back up.


Sara: I think we spoke too soon, Honey.


Out of frustration, she lays the boots to PG before letting up and shouting at the crowd when suddenly, PG kicks up and gets in a ready position. As soon as Candy turns around, PG performs a double kick, connecting with Candy's jaw.








Power Girl wins!


Sara: Honey, did you see that!


Honey: Yes I did! Power Girl wins her first match her at BSC!


Suddenly, the lights go out.




The lights come back on and Power Girl is nowhere to be seen.



Camera cuts to backstage. We see Tamera searching around when finally, she comes across Queen of the Ring, Amber Allen, still wearing her crown




Amber, there you are! We need to talk


Sure, what's up?

I watched your match at the last show and I gotta say, you did an amazing job!


Why thank you Tammy!


You have the potential to get places in this business. But you can't get anywhere in this promotion unless you have a partner.

Tamera extends her hand

Me? Really?


Amber, you're the new Queen of the Ring. You're the perfect partner!


Amber thinks about it a moment then shakes her hand. We go back to the announce table.




Sara: Wow, she wasn't kidding about taking her first steps tonight.


Honey: It's not surprising because tonight, the team of Tamera and Amber will tag in their first match together against Hollywood Magic!


Sara: You were really mad about the last show, weren't you?


Honey: You have no idea.


Honey leaves the table to get back into the ring


Ladies and Gentlemen, our second match of the evening is a 3-Way one fall match!



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First out, coming from the 1st Nation Reserve, Alexis Lee!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxk3c_SbWMg&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxk3c_SbWMg&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Right away as Alison hits the ring, both her and Alexis begin brawling on the outside, getting the fans fired up


Sara: Those two aren't wasting ANY time!


Honey gets out of the ring before Jaime can make her entrance. Alexis and Alison begin tossing each other around on the outside. Alison throws Alexis into the guard rail and charges her to attempt a splash. As she flies through the air, she misses and her chest hits the rail, giving an opening to Alexis. She grabs Alison and delivers a snap suplex on the mats. She stands back up and poses towards the fans. Suddenly...




Jaime sprints down the walk way and pushes Alexis from behind, causing her head to smash into the metal pole.


Sara: Oh ouch! Alexis may be out for this match.


Honey: I need to figure out what to do with those two.

Jaime then turns her attention to Alison, who is still trying to push herself up. Jaime picks her up and rolls her into the ring. She rolls in after her. Right away she picks Alison up and throws her into the ropes. She comes back and is met with a kick to the jaw. Jaime then hits the ropes and connects with a leg drop.


Just as Alexis gets into the ring, she stands up and is met with a spinning heel kick. Jaime goes for the cover and scores the win!




We cut to the Neptune's who are getting ready to put their belts on the line against Dharma and Nadia Snow




Ladies and Gentlemen, lets keep it rolling with our next match!



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Introducing first, runner up in the BSC Queen of the Ring Battle Royal, Connie Morris!


Sara: Look at that! They finally give her music!


<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjm4BrNAf6s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjm4BrNAf6s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Hailing from Transylvania, Vampella!


Connie stands unphased as Vampella makes her slow entrance to the ring. As she gets into the ring, Connie charges and lands a knee in Vampella's gut, starting the match.


She picks her back up and picks her up for a suplex, but just holds her above her head.


Honey: Look at the power on that girl!

After a few seconds, she finally completes the suplex. She picks Vampella back up by her hair and lifts her up for a press slam. Again, she holds her up above her head and looks around. Finally, she steps out from under her and lets her land flat on her face, With her foot, she rolls her over and covers her with her foot.




Sara: That Babe is not to be taken lightly.


Honey: You got that right Sara. I mean, did you see the power she has!?


Sara: Of course I did, I'm sitting right here!


The camera cuts back to Dharma's locker room. Dharma is talking to Charlize as Nadia walks in.


Excuse me. What's up Nadia?


Well, I think you know why I'm here. I did what you asked, now where is it?


Dharma steps forward


Um Nadia, this ISN'T the time, or PLACE to be discussing this


Nadia becomes visibly irritated

Fine. We'll go over this later. By the way, rumor is is that the Neptune's are going to challenge us, even to go as far as to put up their titles. I thought you'd might like to know.


Nadia suddenly leaves while slamming the door behind her. We go back to the ring


Our semi main event of the night is a tag team one fall match!



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First up, is the newly formed tag team, Tamera McFly and Queen of the Ring, Amber Allen!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FgkbM8fnJE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FgkbM8fnJE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Finally, the team of Britney Hollywood and Spite, Hollywood Magic!


Tamera starts off the match with Spite by locking up right away. Both push hard but Tamera finally over powers Spite and pushes her to the corner where Heather breaks them up. As Tamera backs away, Spite gets in a cheap shot and is able to take advantage by taking her down by grabbing onto her hair.


Spite turns Tamera over and rubs her face into the mat.


Honey: Spite is already trying to add insult to injury in the early going.

She picks Tamera up by her hair and tags in Britney. She gets in and both perform a double suplex on Tamera. Amber is yelling at Tamera to get up, hitting the top turnbuckle pad and extending her hand. As Britney taunts Amber and picks Tamera up, Tamera pushes Britney back into the corner. She then lunges towards Amber, making the tag.


Amber shoots into the ring and clotheline's Spite and she gets into the ring. She quickly turns her attention to Britney. As she picks her up, Tamera joins her and they perform a double DDT on her and both go for the cover.


You're winners, Tamera McFly and Amber Allen!




Just as everyone exits the ring...



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>

What happened last night was horrible! We are sickened by the actions taken by Mr. Emigh when it came to the big championship match. Tamera was screwed out of the title for a second time, so now she's got to start at the bottom. Why? Because she was so focused on the match that Dharma's friends took advantage? No, it's bull****!


You're totally right. We knew what was going to happen and we tried our hardest to prevent it. But what it comes down to is that, Tammy honey, we failed you, and we're sorry.


So tonight, right here, right now, we are willing to put the titles up against Dharma and Nadia for what they did last night. We above sneaking out backstage and attacking people. We'll do this in the ring!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCLxJd1d84s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCLxJd1d84s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


All three stop at the entrance way


It's like you two just WANT to give us those titles. You know what, that's fine, because I've always wanted to be a double champion. What do you say Nadia?


She slightly nods


Ok then, lets do it!


The Neptune's toss their titles out of the ring. Just as Dharma hits the ring, both Jen and Kathy gang up on her, taking turns landing punches. Nadia takes her sweet time to get up on the apron. As soon as Jen leaves, the bell sounds and Kathy is still laying it into Dharma.


Kathy then lands a hard clotheline, with Dharma landing right in front of Nadia. She reaches up for a tag but to everyone's surprise, Nadia begins to yawn and look around, not even extending her hand.


Sara: What's she doing!?


Kathy drags a screaming Dharma back to their corner, where Kathy tags Jen in and they perform a double power bomb, which stops Dharma from screaming. For the second time tonight, the match ends in a double pin, as the Neptune's retain their titles in a short match.



As the Neptune's hold their titles over their shoulders, they walk over to a disgusted looking Nadia. Both hold out their hands to her. She thinks about it for a moment before giving them high fives and walking off. The Neptune's end the show posing with their titles.


Copywrite 2010 Babes of Sin City

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Instead of a card preview, I'll just be posting quick picks instead and give that a shot.


Tamera-Amber Connection vs. Sweet as Candy (Lindsay Sugar and Coco De La Soleil)

Power Girl vs. Nurse Hope Daye

Vampella w/ Alison vs. Miss American Pie w/ Alexis Lee

Jaime and Dharma w/ Charlize Angelle vs. The Neptune Twins

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Babes of Sin City signs Lauren Easter to short term deal


Today around 4:10 P.M., Lauren Easter and Dennis Emigh came to an agreement.


"We are quite excited to sign Lauren. We've been trying for months but she's been under contract with NOTBPW." Dennis said in a statement today. "This is all part of the plan to shake up the Babes of Sin City roster."


Lauren Easter could not be reached for comment at this time.

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Jaime Quine wins with K.O. Kick






Soaking Wet

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Sara: Welcome everyone to Soaking Wet! I'm...well, one of your hosts tonight, Sara Silver. Normally I'm joined by Honey Golightly but tonight, her and Mr. Emigh are going head to head in the ring. No no, not wrestling, more like...a professional argument that has to be done in the middle of all the fans.


Before we kick this show off with two adults arguing in the ring, we want to remind everyone that starting in just one week, the Piper Casino will be taking bets for our next show, The Lethal Lottery. For the show, all teams are discarded and random teams will be assembled and participate in a tournament. The last four teams standing at the end will participate in an 8 person battle royal. The winner will get a shot at the Sin City Championship at a later date.


Now, let's take you to the ring.



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Honey makes her way out to the ring with a standing ovation from the crowd. She waves a little bit but she's more about business and she heads to the ring


I want to welcome everybody to The Babes of Sin City!


The crowd cheers again

Now, even before Mr. Emigh took power, I rarely came out to the ring like this to address everyone but tonight, I have a little something else in my mind. I want to confront Mr. Emigh head on, right here, right now. No more screening my calls or pretending you're not home. I know you're here in the back and I want you to get your ASS out here!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJX1Kz-DTns&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJX1Kz-DTns&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Mr. Emigh walks down the aisle way with an irritated look on his face. The crowd boos him but he ignores them. As he gets into the ring, he pulls a mic out of his coat pocket.


Ok, I'm here. What do you want?


You know exactly what I want. I want you to start treating my girls better!


Your girls? Honey, if you haven't noticed, you only own HALF of the company, not all of it. By the way, when did you grow balls to start demanding like this towards me?


The moment my friend came through for me and helped me get my company back!


You mean that washed up actor Tom Selleck and his greasy friend...oh, what was his name? Julian?

Call them what you want, but those are true friends. And with this newly acquired power, I want things in the back to go back to the way they were before you showed up.


Like how? Flashing their tits and pretending to fake wrestle each other? I'm a guy, and I'm all for naked women, but this promotion was a joke!


Honey slaps Mr. Emigh and the crowd pops


Now you listen here you greasy slime ball. We provided excellent entertainment for the guys and gals of Las Vegas. Everyone always had fun here. There was no ****ing people over, there was no favorites for a title, there was just FUN! Eff, Yuu, En! FUN! Now I walk backstage and that once colorful atmosphere are now shades of Grey and white. In one locker room, you have Dharma and her entourage. In another, we have Alexis and Alison either yelling at each other or fighting, and in the other, we have the neglected few of Candy Floss, Roxxy, and Nurse Hope.


Now you listen here you stuck up bitch, I bought this company for one reason: To make some money! Lately, BSC has been doing just that!

Dennis, you don't get it, do you? BSC wasn't about making money, well, in the terms you put it in. It was about fun. The girls never fought backstage, they rarely yelled at each other, everyone got along great! You're...you're making BSC a really hard place to work and I'm sticking up for what I believe in. I mean, before you got here, Tamera was doing great! Everyone loves her, she always put on fair matches, it was great! You come along and the first show she gets screwed out of the title and Dharma starts struting around with the belt. But no more, no more of this. Thing's are going to change now that I'm half in charge. If you don't like it, then you can **** right off.


She slams the mic down and heads towards the back. Still irritated, Mr. Emigh picks up the mic and follows her to the back.




Sara: Wow, what a great way to start off Soaking Wet! Our first match of the evening is a tag team match. Normally I would say lets take you to Honey in the ring but...it looks like we don't have an announcer at the moment.



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Sara stands up with a mic


Entering first, the newly formed team of Amber and Tamera, The Amber-Tamera Connection!



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Next up, Sweet as Candy!


Tamera and Lindsay start the match off as the bell sounds. With quick tags and a fast pace, Amber and Tamera control the match in the early on, not letting Lindsay or Coco get much offense in.


Sweet As Candy were no match for Tamera and Amber as they pick up the win.




Suddenly, Hollywood Magic sprints down to the ring and pushes Amber out.


Sara: Whats this? Hollywood Magic actually attacking someone!?


They turn their attention to Tamera as they both begin to double team and over power her. After they knock her down and almost out, they strip Tammy of her clothes and throw them into the crowd.




Sara: I never would have imagined Hollywood Magic making an attack such as this. Maybe Honey was right earlier, maybe all of this change is changing everyone back stage! In either case, next up we have our returning Sin City Super Soaker Match!


The lights suddenly shut off when...



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Power Girl walks out with only a blue light shining down on her.


Sara: Thankfully, a super hero is here to save us! Hahahahaha!


Power Girl gets into the ring and is perched on the top rope as the lights come back on.



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_XJqlucOZE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_XJqlucOZE&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Next up, wearing all white with a red cross, Nurse Hope!


As Nurse looks up at Power Girl, she bends over to grab a bucket of water and throws it on Power Girl, who is wearing skin tight....tights.


All wet, Power Girl jumps off the top and lands on her feet right in front of Nurse Hope.


Sara: Uh Oh, the water fight got serious!


With some back and forth action, with a whole lot of water being thrown, Power Girl comes away with it by pinfall.


Again, the lights go out...







<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjm4BrNAf6s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjm4BrNAf6s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Our next match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, Vampella!



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Now introducing, Miss American Pie!


As the action starts in the ring, Alison and Alexis give each other stares that would kill a normal human. The crowd becomes distracted by Alison and Alexis as they inch closer to each other while yelling at one another. Just as Miss American Pie goes for her finishing move, Alison tackles Alexis and they start fighting. Heather almost misses the cover by Miss American due to the fighting.



Sara: Hang on, I'm getting word that the Neptune's are making their way out here, right now!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


The Neptune's make their way down to the ring. They both look irritated as they drag their titles. Both enter the ring at the same time and Sara hands them each a mic.


Ok, so Jen and I have been talking it over for the past few days, and we want to make a challenge.


We only feel that it's fair that WE get a shot at the Sin City Championship!


The crowd pops as Kathy waves her hands around, telling them to get louder.


Now, we know that we're not going to get the shot just like that, but tonight, whether it's from Honey or Mr. Emigh, we want an answer, now!


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Both enter the ring at the same time, but Honey steps forward to talk first.


If it were up to me, I would suggest that we do it tonight!


Honey waits for the crowd to die down a bit


But it's not, now is it Honey? Listen, girls, I am just going to have to deny you both. I'm sorry!


The crowd boos


Why? Because we won't blow you to get what we want!?


Heh, no. It's because you two are already champions! I will not allow any double champions in this company. It defeats the purpose of having separate championships.


So that's why we defended our belts against Dharma?


You brought that on yourself. Plus, Dharma has been working very hard for the past few months and quite frankly, she deserves it!


Both of the Neptune's turn to Honey


What if we forfeit the titles?


What? No, you can't do that!


And why not? Kathy and I can't stand seeing that whore Dharma be champion anymore. Power and money have corrupted her and we need to put an end to all this nonsense!


Girls, I tell you what. Put the titles on the line right now, and I'll have your answer by tomorrow, ok?


He turns towards the entrance way

Dharma! Jaime! You're up!




Both walk down the walk way with no music as Dharma taunts the crowd with her title.




A lot of trash talking to start the match off, which results into a shoving contest. Both teams made a lot of tags in and out along with double team moves. Eventually, a slip up from Charlize cost Dharma and Jaime the match as the Neptune's successfully defend their titles once again!




Overall Rating: D-


Copywrite 2010 Babes of Sin City

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Lethal Lottery, Tonight!


Earlier today at the BSC offices, Honey and Mr. Emigh drew the 16 Babes to compete at tonight's event. Here on BSC, you can enter for a chance to appear as a guest of honor at an upcoming show. Guess which babe will win the big battle royal at the end. Here are the 16 Babes entering tonight:




Lauren Easter, Tamera McFly, Amber Allen, Nadia Snow, Power Girl, Ultra Girl, Connie Morris, Jaime Quine, Alexis Lee, Alison Capone, Britney Hollywood, Dharma Gregg, Jen Neptune, Kathy Neptune, Nurse Hope, Vampella


The entry deadline is 10 minutes before the opening bell. Don't wait, get your winner in now!

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The Lethal Lottery

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Sara: Welcome everyone to a very special night! We are going to be doing things a bit differently, just for the hell of it! Tonight we are forming 8 different teams with random draws. You're not going to be seeing the Neptune Twins together, Tamera and Amber, Jaime and Nadia, no regular tag teams what so ever! Every team tonight are drawn at random and approved by both Honey and Mr. Emigh.


Instead of having theme music for the night, we have set a camera up behind our entrance way to capture reactions to the teams formed tonight. Some may enjoy it, others may hate it.


First up for tonight will be the team of Britney Hollywood and Vampella vs. Amber Allen and Connie.

The camera switches to Amber and Connie


So, it looks like we're teaming tonight.


Connie turns to Amber upon hearing this, but then smiles

It's good that I am paired up with someone who can actually hold their own. We'll make it to the battle royal tonight for sure




They both shake hands as Britney and Vampella are already in the ring. As they start posing, Amber and Connie make their way to the ring.


Amber and Connie vs. Britney Hollywood and Vampella


Heather calls for the bell and the match is under way with Amber and Vampella starting it off.


Lots of back and forth action within the first few minutes of the match. Surprisingly working well as a team, Britney and Vampella make quick tags in and out, almost as if they can read each others minds.


Finally, Amber is able to fight them off and jump across the ring to make a tag to Connie. She gets into the ring, shoves Vampella out and plants a big boot onto Britney, scoring the win and the first two Babes to enter the Battle Royal.


You're winners, Connie Morris and Amber Allen!




The camera cuts to backstage where Power Girl is sizing up another woman going under the name of Ultra Girl


So, you are a Super Hero, as I am. TOGETHER!...we can right the wrong, defend the good, clean this city up from crime.


She stops to pose for a moment


What do you say, Ultra Girl? Will you join me in the fight against evil!?


She extends her hand in an exaggerated way. Ultra Girl is hesitant at first, but then shakes her hand


Glad to have you on board, Ultra Girl. Now, I'm off!




Lauren Easter finally enters the shot


I am so sorry about that. Are you ready for our match?


Ultra Girl nods


Then lets do this...





Ultra Girl and Lauren Easter vs. Kathy Neptune and Nurse Hope


Ultra Girl and Nurse Hope start the match off. In an excellent showing of ring work. Ultra Girl is able to overtake and nearly score the pinfall on Nurse Hope within the first 3 minutes. Luckly Kathy was there to break up the pin.


Ultra Girl tags Lauren as Nurse Hope tags Kathy in. Kathy attempts to deliver a clotheline but misses as Lauren ducks. Kathy turns around and is met with a super kick to the jaw. Ultra Girl comes in to knock Nurse Hope down as Lauren picks up the win.


You're winners and entrants number 3 and 4, Ultra Girl and Lauren Easter!




The camera cuts to the back


I can't imagine what you must be feeling now, dear. I mean, you were the lucky one and got paired with ME, the Sin City Champion! Oh wow, this must be so exciting for you. Oh my god, like this one time, I was standing next to, you guessed it, Jack Nicholson and I was like "Oh my god, it's the joker from batman!" But he didn't say much after that. So are you ready for this...



Alexis walks off as Dharma has a surprised yet annoyed look on her face. We cut back to the ring.






Dharma and Alexis Lee vs. Alison Capone and Jaime Quine


Dharma pushes Alexis out of the way to start the match against Jaime. She looks back at Alexis with a smirk, then charges Alison, knocking her off of the apron down to the floor. Both Jaime and Dharma laugh as Jaime lays down for Dharma, handing her and Alexis the match.


In disgust, Alexis walks off towards the back, shaking her head.






Tammy! I'm so glad we get to team together!


Both greet each other with a hug


You ready to go out there and win?


You know it, babe. Let's do it!



Jen Neptune and Tamera vs. Power Girl and Nadia Snow

Jen and PG start the match off. Within the first few minutes, there isn't much wrestling. PG mainly runs around the ring, hides behind her cape, and leap-frogs over Jen a few times before she tags in Tamera.


Right away. Tamera chases her and manages to tackle her. She pummels the wanna-be super hero and applies a really tight sleeper hold. With Nadia not helping, Power Girl is out cold, with Jen and Tamera picking up the victory.




The camera cuts to Mr. Emigh who is standing at the entrance way


Jen, Tamera, you two did a great job, beating up a super hero, but stay in the ring. We're getting this Battle Royal started right now!



Battle Royal

Winner Gets Shot at Sin City Championship

If Dharma wins, nobody gets the shot


Right away, everyone tries to push Connie out. The only person defending her is Amber, who is quickly pushed away. Ultra Girl grabs her and delivers a death valley driver, something BSC fans haven't seen in a long time. Finally, everyone minus Amber is able to force Connie out.


Connie is eliminated!


Suddenly, everyone except for Dharma pairs off and starts trading blows. Amber vs Ultra, Jen vs. Lauren, Alexis vs Tamera. Ultra Girl is able to get the upper hand on Amber when suddenly, Amber tries to toss her out, but Ultra hangs onto the ropes. Amber thinks she's out and moves her attention to Dharma.


Jen and Lauren are both on the ropes, trying to push each other out. Dharma then rakes the eyes of Amber and pushes both Jen and Lauren out.


Jen Neptune and Lauren Easter are eliminated!


Just then, Tamera gets the upper hand on Alexis and she is able to throw her out.


Alexis is eliminated!


Tamera spots Dharma and quickly tackles her, unleashing a volley of punches which causes the crowd to pop. Amber tries to get in on that but Tamera shoves her away, not realizing who it was. Suddenly, Amber grabs Tamera by the hair, pulls her up and throws her into the ropes. As she comes back, she back body drops Tamera over the top rope, but catches and lands on the apron. She then grabs Amber and performs a suplex over the top rope.


Amber is eliminated!


Tamera quickly gets back into the ring and hammers on Dharma some more, making the crowd go wild. Again, with her guard let down, Ultra Girl runs up and punts Tamera's head, causing her to fall over knocked out. Heather checks on her and declares her out.


Tamera is eliminated!


With Ultra Girl distracted, Dharma runs up behind her and plants a knee into her lower back, pushing her over the top rope. Dharma begins to celebrate without even checking with Heather to make sure she was out. Just then, Ultra rushes Dharma, grabs her by the hair and throws her out.

Ladies and Gentlemen! You're winner of the Battle Royal AND The Lethal Lottery, Ultra Girl!



Overall: D


The crowd applauds as she bows to all four corners of the ring. Upset, Dharma is screaming as she makes her way to the back.




Copywrite 2010 Babes of Sin City

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Mystery at BSCaction.com


Tonight a mysterious link appeared on the BSCaction.com new sites. The web admin claims he has no idea how the link as posted.


Mr. Emigh nor Honey have no idea who would have hacked into the site to post this. Neither could be reached for comment.


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Sara: Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting show of The Babes of Sin City. I'm Sara Silver and tonight, the big question will be answered. Will the owner, Mr. Emigh, let the Neptune's compete for the Sin City Championship? Or does he have other plans up his sleeves? That question and more will be answered here tonight on Glitz and Glamour!


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Both owners, Honey and Mr. Emigh, make their way out together.


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Glitz and Glamour!


The crowd boos


Thank you, thank you. You're all so kind. Anyways, we're getting right down to business tonight. First off, I would like to congratulate Ultra Girl in her very, VERY surprising win at Lethal Lottery!


The crowd cheers as Mr. Emigh puts his hand up for silence


She will not be getting her shot at the title tonight. Upon her request, she asked to wait a few months, which surprised me because that means someone out of all the Babes are actually using their mind!


Honey takes the mic

But now onto more important matters, something Mr. Emigh isn't willing to talk about, and that's the Neptune Twins. A couple of shows ago, they challenged Dharma for the Sin City Championship in order to prove her beating Tamera McFly was a fluke. Well, as much as I'd LOVE to give them a shot, and believe me, I would, but at the end of the day, they just simply can't.


That's right Honey. As long as they are the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, they are ineligible to compete for another title. BSC rules state that the Babes here cannot be double champions. So, Honey and I have talked it over and we have come to a decision. If the Neptune's really want a shot at the title, they will meet us out here at the end of the night and give up the titles. If not, they will not get the shot. It's as simple as that. Now if you'll excuse us, we have other matters to deal with. Thank you.


Both owners leave the ring as we cut back to Sara, sitting at the announcers desk.


Sara: Well, you heard it. Either tonight we'll be announcing vacant tag titles or Dharma vs. Ultra Girl for the Sin City championship.




I need somebody to talk to...



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Introducing first, making her way from the Planet Power, Power Girl!



Out next, hailing from Parts Unknown, Ultra Girl!


As Ultra Girl stands in the ring, she doesn't break eye contact with Power Girl, appearing extremely focused. PG stands in a heroic pose, pointing her finger at Ultra Girl, saying she isn't a real super hero.


The bell rings and UG spears PG almost out of her blue boots. She quickly gets her into a head lock but PG fights her way out of it. They both get to their feet and quickly lock horns.


Throughout the match Ultra Girl stays on the offensive, tiring Power Girl down. Eventually, Ultra Girl wins with a front flip leg drop.




Sara: Ultra Girl isn't kidding around. She's out to prepare for her Sin City Championship match!

As both Girls leave the ring, Sara enters it.


Our second match of the evening is scheduled for one fall!



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Entering first, she is one half of the Lethal Ladies tag team champions, Kathy Neptune!



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Now introducing, Nadia Snow!

Kathy hands her title over to Heather just as Nadia enters the ring. The bell sounds and Nadia is already charging Kathy.


During the first half of the match, Nadia attempts to keep Kathy in the corner and wear her down. Kathy doesn't give in too easily and keeps pushing Nadia on her back.


Towards the end of the match, Kathy is on the offensive slowly wearing Nadia down. Out of no where, Nadia connects with a super kick and downs Kathy, scoring the pinfall.



Nadia quickly rolls out of the ring and looks under. She pulls out two buckets of water. Just as Kathy pushes herself up, Nadia drenches her with water, causing her to cover up as Nadia laughs.




Sara enters the ring again


We're gonna keep this show rolling with our next contest scheduled for one fall!




Our first, BSC's newest Babe and quickly raising, Lauren Easter!




Introducing next, Jaime Quine!


Jaime circles the ring before she gets in. She finally does and Heather calls for the bell.


During the match, neither Lauren or Jaime clicked and the bout looked extremely awkward. As Jaime went for the K.O. kick, Lauren countered and delivered a devastating clothesline to win the match.


The camera cuts to the back

Yo Britney, can we have a words with yous?


Asked Alison as herself and Vampella enter the locker room.


*sighs* Suuuure, what's up girls?


Listen darling, me and you...we had a great outing at Lethal Lottery. Although we did not make it into the battle royale, we could be an unstoppable team if we put forth practice.


What wes trying to say is join up with us and we could DOMINATE the BSC. What do you say?


Britney thinks about it for a second.


Ummm, OK! Sounds fun!


The camera cuts back to the ring, with Sara standing in the middle

Ladies and Gentlemen, our next match tonight is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall.



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Our first team made up of Britney Hollywood and Vampella. Accompanied by Alison Capone, The Mob!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJJ01xkjYsw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJJ01xkjYsw&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Introducing next, a team that is on the raise towards the Lethal Ladies Tag Titles, The Tamera/Amber Connection!

Tamera and Britney start this match off. Lots of good back and forth action. The match ends when Alison jumps in the ring and starts to beat Amber down, causing Heather to call for the bell.




The camera cuts to the Neptune's locker room


So...do you want to go through with this?


Yea, we need to. We can't have Dharma be the champion any longer. What she did at A Night of Sin is wrong and unforgivable.


Ok sis, there is one more thing I wanted to ask you. Tonight in my match against Dharma, please don't come out unless Jaime or somebody else runs in. I want to show Dharma that her days are numbered as champion. Ok?


Kathy thinks for a second, looking away, then looking back.


Alright, you go out there and do your thing. I'll be rooting you on!


They hug and Jen makes her way out as we cut back to Sara in the ring


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our main event of Glitz and Glamour. It is a one fall, non-title match.



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCLxJd1d84s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCLxJd1d84s&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Making her way out first, she is the 3 time Sin City Champion, Dharma!



<object width="175" height="25"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHzsyBag438&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="175" height="25"></embed></object>


Our last Babe, she is one half of the Lethal Ladies Tag Team Champions, Jen Neptune!


Dharma wastes little time and meets Jen in the aisle. They begin trading blows back and forth. Jen finally pushes Dharma away and hands the title over to Heather. They begin to brawl by pushing each other into the guard rails and even making their way back up to the entry way. Dharma gets the upper hand by slamming Jen's head into the metal. She falls on her back trying to collect herself. Dharma lays the boots to her as Heather tries to get the girls back into the ring. Jen is able to trip up Dharma where she mounts her and unleashes a fury of punches. Heather tries to pull Jen off of her but the twin pushes her away and continues her assault.


Heather finally gives up and walks back to the ring holding Jen's championship. Finally Jen gets up and pulls Dharma up by her hair and begins ramming her head into the metal set.

I have just been informed by Mr. Emigh that if both wrestlers do not enter the ring by 10 seconds, this match will end as a draw and Jen will lose her shot at the title.


Heather begins to count as Jen and Dharma continue to fight. Finally taking the hint when Heather hits 5, Jen pushes Dharma away and attempts to run back to the ring. Just as she gets to it, Dharma catches up and connects with a push which knocks down Jen. At 7, Dharma starts to put the boots to Jen but she counters by tripping her up. At 9, Jen is able to slide into the ring and the match finally begins.


Dharma pulls her way into the ring but is met with Jen stomping her before she can even get up. Grabbing her by her hair she pulls her up to a standing position, then throws her into the corner where she begins to stomp a mud hole in the champion. Just then, Jaime sprints out but is met with a kick to the gut, which knocks her down. A moment later, Kathy sprints from out of the back and starts beating up Jaime. The two roll out to the floor and the match continues.


Just as Jen turns her attention back to Dharma, she plants the all dreadful DDT on Jen, and amazingly enough, scores the 3 count!


You're winner, The Sin City Champion, Dharma!


As Dharma gets out of the ring to hold up her title...



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Kathy gets back into the ring to check on Jen, who is sitting on her knees almost in tears.


Good, both of the Neptune's are already here.


Mr. Emigh enters the ring and fixes his jacket.

Jen, I give you a chance to prove yourself and you **** it up. That doesn't look good to me but, hey, it's you're choice.


Heather brings in the titles then exits the ring.


So, ladies, have you given it some thought?


Both of the Neptune's stand up, both holding a title. They give each other a hug and Kathy gets a mic.


Uh..ummm....you know Mr. Emigh, we did give a lot of thought about it...aannndd....


Kathy is very choked up about this. Just before she gives an answer...



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Honey enters the ring and pulls a mic out


Kathy, I want to ask you two one more time, are you two SURE, I mean 200% positive, that a shot at the Sin City title is what you want. Are you SURE you want to do this?


Jen and Kathy look at each other, then both take the titles off their shoulders. Mr. Emigh looks extremely pleased by this as they begin to hand over the titles.


I don't think so!


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To be continued...

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*Lights flash as the music builds... a trio of three climbs concrete stairs behind the crowd, soon grabbing attention of all eyes turning as they reach the top and scan the people in attendance before centering on the ring. It is an impressive moment as the music is the engine for the moment.*


*Kiko and Otsune, The Rainbow Girls, stand on either side of Yuu Onuki. They are dressed for battle it is obvious by their faces, and Yuu the only speaker of English in 5SSW carries a microphone and a clipboard with her. They are Japanese. It looks cool, the 5SSW Tag Titles draped over The Rainbow Girl's shoulders. It feels cool and the crowd is on their hook before she even says the words.*


"Chotto Matte, Kudasai!"


*Yuu says in her native tongue, holding up a hand as the music fades away.*


"It is a moment, yes!? Enima-san? Yes?"


*She looks at Mr. Emigh across the wide space that separated them. A cold, lizard smile like that of her mentor took to her lips.*


"A moment you will do the forgetting of I am thinking. While you stand in the ring that is of action and fighting... You the Babes of Sin City... you fight in bubbles? You fight with the nothing of clothes? You stand there and do the crying of the thinking and wanting and crying again..."


*The impressive trio made their way towards the ring through the crowd. Hands reaching to touch them, they neither flinched nor reciprocated... attention fully on the interrupted drama in the ring. The Rainbow Girls helped Yuu over the railing, and she began to speak in her peculiar English again.*


"I can see why the word that is 'wrestling' is not in your name of company... yes? Yes, I am thinking so too."


*Again, without the hesitation they invaded the ring and joined the center stage and light. The Rainbow Girls on either side of her as she was now centered on Mr. Emigh and Honey.*


"Enima-san and Horny-san, we are not her for the thinking... or the wanting, yes? No, I do not do the thinking of either. We are Five Star Supreme Wrestling, the last Women's Wrestling promotion in Japan and it is we..."


*Yuu Onuki looked at her tag team each before continuing.*


"It is we who are here to do you."


*Yuu bowed her head slightly and lowered her microphone.*

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Mr. Emigh and Honey stood in amazement here to see their competition standing right in front of them. Their competition that is night to the day of BSC. With the crowd roaring, Mr. Emigh struggled to find the right words. Finally, he lifted the mic.


Well, it is certainly...unexpected to see you're pretty little faces here. I gotta admit though, you women have some balls showing up here in the middle of a BSC show, so I'll give you credit for that. But after all the broken engrish and the fact that you interrupted what was supposed to be a historical moment for us really pisses me off.


Yuu and the Rainbow Girls didn't flinch at this notion, merely stood there with the same cold smile. Mr. Emigh took a few steps and stood almost toe to toe with Yuu.


What the hell do you want anyways!?

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"If this were our home of land... We would put you out of the business... there would be no doubt or the wanting in that. We simply would... it is quite the simpleness of what we do. It is also quite the fact."


*Yuu looked at all assembled, taking a quick peek at her clipboard for the lines Kagawa-san had wrote for her.*


"But you are the away and far... so it is instead we will try to teach you the proper way of things and doing, and give these fans of the Joshi Puroresu a taste for the first time of the realness. So why not those titles which the hands are about to over to you?"


*Yuu took one step back behind the Rainbow Girls who sized up The Neptune Twins with no smiles or words... only eyes that burned white holes.*


"I think they will take them now, yes? Do not you?"

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