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Battle Of The Billionaires: 1989

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PWTorch Exclusive

by Dave Meltzer


July 3rd 1989,


Must Read News!


I have it on good authority that we are soon to see another new force enter Pro-Wrestling. Australian "Media Baron" Rupert Murdoch is planning to take on Vince McMahon and Ted Turner with a new All-Star Promotion to help strengthen the Fox Network.


This news is huge, as Murdoch arguably has deeper pockets that his competitors AND is known to be ultra competitive.





PWTorch Exclusive

by Dave Meltzer


Sept 25th 1989,


Fox Wrestling Negotiations Completed, Major Shocks Promised.

Several sources have told me that the roster for Fox's forthcoming wrestling promotion is full, except for a few late additions.


Only 4 wrestlers are confirmed to have signed at this time, the rest being announced at a press conference, to be held at MSG this weekend. The four are Barry Windham, Kerry Von Erich, Rick Steamboat and Mark Callous.


It is understood Murdoch has been aggressively pursuing talents from WWF, AWA, NWA and Japan.


One unconfirmed source has said that there is a major NWA steal that even they won't confirm... Murdoch's money has seemingly bought one of their main event players.


Another source has seen major NWJP stars Stan Hansen and Big Van Vader landing in the US this week... could they too be on the list?



FOX News Press Conference from MSG


Sept 29th 1989

(The assorted worlds press are gathered at Madison Square Garden, camera bulbs flash, reporters chat excitedly, the feed cuts to many wrestling fans seen outside the venue. As the noise inside gets louder, the curtain raises and we see the podiums, all set out in a mock-mini ring with chairs... Rupert Murdoch and another young man in in his late 20s enter first.


Murdoch: Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud today to announce the launch of Fox Championship Wrestling. We aim to provide the best in wrestling entertainment, featuring stars from around the world. I have made the resources of my Fox Network available to the man I have chosen to lead this organisation. His name is Rob Taylor, my head of Sports and Entertainment.


(The press seem surprised that such a young unkown is now making his way to speak.)


Rob Taylor: Thank you Mr. Murdoch, for those of you who do not know me, please let me reassure you that I have been involved in professional wrestling for many years... Since my 4th birthday in fact, when my father took me to see the man I am about to introduce... The First member of our Roster and the only true Giant of Wrestling....


(The collective press gasp as the man who just one year ago was WWF World Champion walks to the stage... )


Andre: I am very happy to be here in the FCW... I am here to prove that there is only one true giant in wrestling... and it is me.... anybody who tries to prevent me will be destroyed.... (Cackles)


Rob: Thank you sir, and welcome to FCW...


(Just then a commotion begins to build as security try to stop a figure getting to the stage... we see it is Harly Race... Andre beckons him forward...)


Race: Giants are fairy tales... and they always get chopped down to size... and I have 2 men who are ready, willing AND MORE THAN ABLE... to get the job done... and they are coming for you sooner than you think!


(After security regain the composure of the proceedings, we see Rob Taylor back on the stage...)


Rob Taylor: Now time to unveil some of our other top talents...


(A Video package airs, unveiling members of the roster...)


Kerry Von Erich

Ricky Steamboat

Jimmy Snuka




Jeff Jarrett

Steve Austin

B. Brian Blair

Barry Windham

Big John Studd

Bob Backlund

Davey Boy Smith

Harley Race

Kamala The Ugandan Giant

Ricky Morton

Robert Gibson

Chris Chavis

Eddy Guerrero

Scott Levy

Mark Callous


Dick Murdoch

Paul Orndorff

Brian Adams

Terry Gordy

Steven Regal

Percy Pringle

Kensuke Sasaki


Lisa Moretti

J.J. Dillon

Jerry Stubbs

Les Thatcher


(To Be Continued)

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