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[WWE 2002] WWE Presents A Look Back...

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[i'm not good with all the flashy stuff. The pictures, the video, etc. So I guess with this dynasty, hopefully your imagination is enough.


The scene opens with two men sitting in chairs in the WWE Studios. One man is the friendly face under the black Bristol hat, Jim "Good Ol' Jr" Ross. The other man is a face not known to many "casual" fans but to the fans that know more than just the product the "E" sends their way, they know him as James Valentine.


JR: Welcome WWE fans to the first of many installments of a special yearly DVD called "A Look Back". This is not your average DVD. This is an all-encompassing DVD collection on every show, every situation that unfolded this year. And I'm joined none other than the man who surprisingly was named "Head of Creative" following Wrestlemania 18, James Valentine.


Valentine: Its great to be on this very special look back at WWE's Year of 2002, JR. Granted, this is a new concept for me, being in front of the camera. I'm no Russo, you know.


JR: That you aren't, that you aren't, James. Now fans, for those who may have come to the WWE as a newcomer late in the year or are coming back to the fold, the WWE started out its latest "year" or "season" as we have become to call them, in a position it had never been before.


The "InVasion" had come and went, with the Alliance being vanquished at Survivor Series. We had the debut of the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair as part owner of the company. There was the rise of "Y2J", Chris Jericho as the first ever Undisputed World Champion, beating both The Rock and Stone Cold in the very same night.


JR took a breath and then continued.


JR: As the calender rolled into 2002, Mr. McMahon was beside himself with the idea of Ric Flair owning part of his company, even while Flair himself became embroiled in a bloody feud with The Undertaker. Unable to come to terms with the fact he no longer controlled his entire company, Vince turned to a cancer. A cancer that would infect the WWE. He brought back the nWo.


Valentine: I bet lots of people thought Vince was nuts when he did that.


JR: That gamble of bringing in the nWo led into one magical moment at Wrestlemania X8 when the nWo's leader, the iconic "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan and The Rock went toe to toe in one of the most memorable bouts ever.


Valentine: It still gives me goosebumps, even now.


JR: So with this all happening, the WWE decided to do something new. They would be splitting the roster in half, into two distinct brands. Ric Flair would be in charge of the RAW brand and Vince the Smackdown brand. A few initial rules were put in place. The Undisputed Champion was a "free agent", free to move from brand to brand. However, he HAD to defend the title at least every pay per view and still under the guidance of either Flair or McMahon, depending on the show. The same thing was in regards to the Womens Title.


Valentine: In my honest opinion, there were a few things that could have been better thought out, but the brand split was one of the greatest ideas ever. And once I was put in charge of creative, we decided to take the ball and run.


JR: Now before we get into the first show, I have one question to ask you James. What was your biggest challenge this year?


Valentine: Honestly? JR, I was heading the biggest company ever in professional wrestling. If the WWE lost steam, if it lost its way, then so would the entire wrestling landscape. The unique situation I had was that...I could have anyone. Well as long as McMahon didn't hate them. So what I felt was my biggest challenge? Well, it was that I needed to set the table for the future and yet take advantage for the fact that I had an aging roster that was still incredibly over. I had to take my shoes off to start counting possible HoF'ers on the rosters. So yes, embracing both my past and my future was the toughest part.


JR: Thanks James. Okay, the first show will be the "Monday Night RAW following the "WWE Draft". As will be the standard for this DVD, the show will be shown and then Mr. Valentine will be giving his input on the show following it. To the tape...

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WWF Monday Night RAW


Quick Picks:


Big Show vs. Booker T


IC Title: Rob Van Dam © vs. X-Pac


Trish/Lita vs. Molly Holly/Jazz


The Hardyz vs. Raven/Steven Richards


European Title: William Regal © vs. Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)


Mr. Perfect vs. Eddie Guerrero


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Kane vs. The Outsiders


Feel free to give your predictions. Hopefully this last longer than my last one!

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Big Show vs. Booker T


IC Title: Rob Van Dam © vs. X-Pac


Trish/Lita vs. Molly Holly/Jazz


The Hardyz vs. Raven/Steven Richards


European Title: William Regal © vs. Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)


Mr. Perfect vs. Eddie Guerrero


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Kane vs. The Outsiders

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Big Show vs. Booker T


IC Title: Rob Van Dam © vs. X-Pac


Trish/Lita vs. Molly Holly/Jazz


The Hardyz vs. Raven/Steven Richards


European Title: William Regal © vs. Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)


Mr. Perfect vs. Eddie Guerrero


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Kane vs. The Outsiders

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Big Show vs. Booker T

IC Title: Rob Van Dam © vs. X-Pac


Trish/Lita vs. Molly Holly/Jazz


The Hardyz vs. Raven/Steven Richards


European Title: William Regal © vs. Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)


Mr. Perfect vs. Eddie Guerrero


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Kane vs. The Outsiders

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WWF RAW from Continental Airlines Arena on TNN!


"Across the Nation" by the Union Underground blares through the Continental Airlines Arena and the cheers of the crowd are heard as WWF RAW comes live, shown in many, many countries. Suddenly the sounds of the RAW theme song are cut out by the all too familiar tune of the New World Order. The degenerate nWo member, X-Pac makes his way down to ringside. "One of a Kind" by Breaking Point plays over the PA system next as out walks the reigning WWF Intercontinental Champion, Rob Van Dam.


JR: Ladies and gentlemen, what a show we have for you tonight, anchored by a great main event involving the nWo's Outsiders...Kevin Nash and Scott Hall taking on two of most tough individuals to ever enter a WWF ring, the "Big Red Machine" Kane and "The Rattlesnake, Steve Austin.


King: But JR, the nWo has a chance to start things off great if X-Pac can take the IC belt away from Van Dam.


JR: King, one has to wonder who will walk out of this match considering both men have quite the educated feet.


King: Educated feet JR? What, did they go to Harvard?


WWF Intercontinental Title Match


Rob Van Dam © vs. X-Pac


This match-up is, like JR said, a clash of similar styles. You two men who are well skilled with their feet. The two men traded offense to start the match, looking for an opportunity to nail each other with an innovative kick. After an initial offensive flurry from both men, Pac took the edge, working RVD to the mat. Eventually, X-Pac threw RVD in the corner and hit his trio of kicks in the corner. A failed Bronco Buster soon followed which led to RVD hitting a face buster and the, with X-Pac incapictated, RVD nailed the Rolling Thunder.


JR: Looks like RVD is going up to high rent district!


King: Wait a minute, its Scott Hall!


Scott Hall, the original "Bad Guy" has came from the back and shoves RVD off the apron. The ref, seeing this, immediately calls for the DQ. RVD gets up to his feet and dodges a oncoming clothesline from Hall and nails him with a standing side kick, and then a wheel kick to X-Pac. RVD turns around and...there is Kevin Nash's big boot connecting with his face.


RVD finds himself getting beat down from the nWo, who seemingly are toying with the IC Champion, much like a pack of wolves tearing at a wounded deer. X-Pac throws RVD into "Big Sexy" who sets up Van Dam into the setup for the Jacknife but that powerbomb never comes to fruitation because a massive explosion rocks the stage and "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven begins to play.


JR: Through hellfire and brimstone, its the Big Red Machine! King, Kane is out here and he is heading straight to the nWo!


Kane enters the ring and goes head to head with the nWo. A throat thrust to X-Pac levels him and he nails Hall with a big boot. Nash makes a calculated attack while Kane is focused on Hall but before Nash can capitalized, RVD nails him a dropkick that sends the big guy over the top rope. RVD and Kane team up and end up sending Hall and X-Pac shortly to the floor.


JR: Thanks to Kane, not only has RVD escaped the nWo with his IC Title intact but with the ability to still walk!


Jazz and Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus and Lita


There were four distinct styles in this womens tag match. You had the power of Jazz, the extreme high flying of Lita, the mat based attack of Molly and the spirited vigor demonstarted by Trish. During the match, Trish and Lita had the crowd backing them up.


JR: And there is Lita with a sensational dropkick to Molly Holly. Lita is one popular Diva, King. The fans truly get behind her.


King: And who wouldn't be behind Lita, JR? I mean, I will be behind Lita, without a doubt. That is a girl I can get behind. From various speeds...


JR: Easy there King, lets not finish that line.


The match came to an end, much to Jerry Lawler's dismay, after Trish was laid out by Jazz who nailed her with the Womens Title outside the ring. The ref, focused on the battle in the ring, did not see the belt shot. Lita was distracted by her partner being laid out and fell prey to a Northern's Light Suplex from Molly that left her stunned. The stunned Lita was a easy victim as Molly launched herself off the top rope into a Molly Go Round, for the win!


Backstage, Terri Runnels is standing with the WWF Undisputed Champion, "The Game" Triple H.


Terri: Triple H, here on the 1st RAW after the Brand Extension, you stand as the Undisputed Champion. What does that feel like?


HHH: Terri, more than a year ago, my world fell apart on me when I tore my quad. This belt? This belt is the very physical manifestation of my battle back. This championship means I'm the best in the business. I was the best before I left and I'm back as the one true diamond in this business.


Stone Cold: The best in the business? Maybe at blowing water out your mouth, but that's bout it son.


The camera pans over to see the "Texas Rattlesnake", "Stone Cold" Steve Austin standing, staring at Trips, with Terri between them.


HHH: Funny Austin, very funny. You see, Stone Cold, it doesn't matter what you think because all the proof of me being the best in the business, is right here. Right here in my hand in the form of the Undisputed Title.


Stone Cold: Well tell you what, "Game". Prance around with your lil' belt. Drink some Evian water and play blowhole with yourself. Because this here is what is going to happen. Ol' Stone Cold is going to march down to that ring tonight with the "Big Red Machine", stomp a mudhole into the nWo, walk that sonuvabitch dry, nail a Stunner on Nash, nail a stunner on Hall, nail one on that X-Pac punk, maybe nail Kane with one just for the hell of it. Then I'm gonna drink a Steveweiser, maybe two, maybe three, maybe four----hell I may drink a whole damn 12 pack. And then? Then I look your way, Hunter. I look your way and do the whole damn thing over again.


HHH: Cute Steve, real cute. Well good luck tonight. But don't use all that luck up. Because if you try to play the Game...you'll need all the luck in the world. And well, it still won't be enough.


The two stare at each other before RAW goes to commercial break.


The Hardy Boyz vs. Raven and Steven Richards


RAW comes back from commercial break as Raven and Richards are already in the ring and the Hardys were in the last stages of their entrance.


JR: King, in this match we have the daredevil Hardy Boyz taking on the hardcore duo of Raven and Steven Richards.


King: You know, I thought I would never say this about any "hardcore" wrestler but I like Richards alot more now.


JR: Why?


King: Ever since he has reformed his partnership with Raven, he doesn't talk that much.


The match was a fast paced match that saw the Hardys rely on their innovative offense while Raven and Richards utilized their skills that they honed back in the Land of Extreme. After a opening offensive flurry that saw the Hardys run through the usual moves such as Poetry in Motion and the combination legdrops, the tide was turned when Matt got nailed a Stevie Kick that sent him through the ropes.


That led to him being work over by both Raven and Richards, both men punishing Matt with various painful moves. Eventually, Raven had tagged Richards back in and he attempted another Stevie kick but Matt ducked it, and caught Richards with a Side Effect. The hot tag was delivered and Jeff was in like a house of fire. (Ed. Note: Okay...maybe not the best choice of words for ol' Jeffery) Hardy nailed a succession of dropkicks on both men and then hit a flying, twisting forearm that knocked Raven out of the ring. Richards got up and got nailed with a Twist of Fate from Jeff...who then leapt to the top rope and plunged off with the Swanton Bomb. The result was academic from there as the Hardy Boyz pick up the victory.


Backstage, Austin found himself in the office of RAW head honcho, the "Nature Boy", Ric Flair.


Flair: Stone Cold, Stone Cold, you are a franchise player on RAW. Trust me when I say that. If you weren't, I wouldn't have battled so hard to get you to sign a contract to RAW. You are a vital part of RAW.


Austin nodded as he pulled a can of Steveweiser out of his jean shorts pocket and cracked it open. He took a gulp of beer and motioned for Flair to continue.


Flair: As I was saying, you are a vital part of RAW. But you need to realize that there are rules that need to be played. I didn't sign you to RAW to let it be your virtual playground, to let you run roughshod. So Steve, I expect to you to tow the line and follow the rules.


Stone Cold: Nice speech Ric. Tell you what, I'm going to take your instructions under consideration. I'm going to think it over. Ponder it while I drink this here beer. Okay, I've thought about it Flair and this is what I'm gonna do. I'm going to go drink some more beer. And I am going to give Stunners to whomever I decide needs a Stunner. And then drink more beer. And then give out more Stunners. And drink more beer. You get the picture, Ric?


Austin stands up and stares at Flair.


Stone Cold: You may not be a mealy-mouthed McMahon, but that will only help you so much. I do what I want. And if you don't understand that...just give ol' Stone Cold a holler and I'll be glad to give you a demonstration.


And with that, Austin walks out of Flair's office.


European Title Match

William Regal vs. Diamond Dallas Page


This match shows just how much has changed since last summer. Regal was at one point, WWF Commissioner. A role he eventually had vacated after defecting to the Alliance. And Page was the man who fired the first real big shot at the WWF during the InVasion when he unmasked himself as the man who was stalking Sara Calloway, the wife of the Undertaker.


These two are no strangers to each other from their time in WCW and they showed it, making a match with no pre-exisiting heat, something that the crowd could get into. Outside of a few high energy attempts at Page, Regal controlled most of the match. However, near the end, Regal tried to go for the Cutter but Page reversed out of it and...BAM! Diamond Cutter! And shockingly, DDP makes the pinfall to become the new WWF European Champion.


JR: What a shocking moment, King. DDP has claimed the European Title.


King: That's a travesty JR! I mean...Page isn't even European!


Backstage, in front of a RAW backdrop with the letters "nWo" spray painted over it, are the original Outsiders. "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash. "The Original Bad Guy" Scott Hall. The Founding Fathers of the New World Order. Dressed in their ring attire and nWo shirts, they posture for the camera before speaking.


Hall: Hey Yo...it's me...the Bad Guy! Yo Big Kev, tonight we go take on that loser Stone Cold and the Big Red Retard. What those two don't understand is that when you are nWo, you are nWo 4 Life man. And that means we don't just go and sing it, we bring it, chico. Stone Cold, tonight you feel the "Edge" from the "Original Bad Guy". Whatcha got to say Big Kev?


Nash: 'Ey Scott, looks like we have found ourselves that dump called Jersey.


Boos heard from the crowd.


Nash: This place, without a doubt, is a waste of time and not nWo country. Tonight, while my boy Scott makes a mockery out of "The Rattlesnake", I'm going to take the Big Red Retard...


Hall waves his arms in the "big dumb giant mode"


Nash: ...and lift him up in the Jacknife and drop him down.


Hall: Down where?


Nash: You know where.


Hall chucks his toothpick at the camera and RAW goes to commercial break.


WWF Intercontinental Title


Eddie Guerrero © vs. Mr. Perfect


Mr. Perfect, now this is a story. Perfect of course had a run in WCW where he enjoyed moderate success. However, no one expected the return of the "Perfect One" at the Royal Rumble. And so Perfect, riding a wave of renewed interest is back in the WWF. But that continued success has a roadblock in front of it. A roadblock named Eddie Guerrerro.


JR: King, it is great to see Mr. Perfect back in the ring these days.


King: It sure is JR, but one has to look at this match as past vs. future. Mr. Perfect is a fixture in our glorious past but men like Eddie Guerrerro are the future of our company.


And it was a good match that the fans saw, one which the momentum was a bit offset because the fans weren't sure who to cheer for since both men were "heels". But we saw a well wrestled match from both men that culminated in Eddie countering a Perfect-Plex and nailing a brainbuster. That allowed Eddie to climb the top rope and nail the Frogsplash for the victory over the veteran Perfect.


JR: What a great match folks. And up next we have the main event of Monday Night RAW. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin teams up with the "Big Red Machine" Kane to take on the New World Order, the team of the Outsiders.


King: And JR, that main event is next, right after these words from our sponsors!


As RAW comes back from commercial break, "Time to Play the Game" by Motorhead begins to play over the PA system and out comes the WWF Undisputed Champion, the "Game" Triple H! HHH, in jeans and his leather/denim jacket over a "Game" t-shirt makes his way to ringside and pauses at the base of the ramp and does his trademark pose before heading over to the announce table.


JR: WWF fans, I'm proud to introduce the special commentator for this match, the WWF Undisputed Champion...Triple H!


King: It's great to see you again "Game"!


HHH: Just because I was married to one, doesn't mean you have to kiss my ass like the McMahons, King.


King: Gotcha.


JR: Triple H, what are your thoughts on this match?


HHH: I see four men in that ring who, while allies with each other, would not stop at a chance to hold the richest prize in this game, my Undisputed Title. And well, tonight, I get a front row seat at scouting four possible future challengers.


"Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Kane vs. The Outsiders (Kevin Nash & Scott Hall)


This match was a real slobber knocker. All four men took turns tagging in and out, beating the crap out of each other. Eventually, the Outsiders cornered Austin in the corner. They quickly tagged in and out, keeping the fresh man in the ring like the veteran team they were. Eventually, Austin's fighting spirit brought him back into the match and he fought back with a Lou Thez press followed with piston-like right hands. He got the hot tag to Kane who tore through the Outsiders.


As Kane went to town on Nash, Booker T came from the crowd and attacked a recovering Stone Cold on the outside. Booker grabbed Austin and hit a Book-End on him! As Booker taunted Austin on the outside....




Out from the back walks the Biggest Athlete in the World, the Big Show. Booker met Big Show head on and got a few punches in and Show fired back with a crushing headbutt.


JR: Things are breaking down at ringside while Kane battles with the nWo in the ring and there is X-Pac attacking Kane! Isn't this crazy "Game"? HHH?


King: There goes the champ, JR!


HHH gets into the ring and immediately X-Pac moves away from Kane and heads towards the champ. HHH sidesteps and launches him over the top rope. Nash turns to his former buddy and goes to rock him with a right hand and Trips kicks him in the gut and nails the Pedigree. At the same time, Kane nails a mighty Chokeslam on Hall. HHH waits for Kane to turn around but instead is grabbed by the Big Show who has entered the ring.


JR: The Big Show has the champ in his grip!


King: Looks like "The Game" is going for a ride! No, Kane with a throat thrust!


The two giants grab each other, teasing a chokeslam but Kane is attacked from behind by HHH and Big Show by Austin.


JR: STUNNER! STUNNER! BY GAWD! STONE COLD! Stone Cold just nailed Big Show with the Stunner!


King: And Triple H just nailed Kane with the Pedigree! And look who remains in the ring!


With the nWo, Booker T, Big Show and Kane all laid out, two men remain standing.


Triple H.


Stone Cold.


And their eyes lock. The crowd is ripping itself into a frenzy as HHH motions that he is the World Champion. And Austin replies by giving Hunter the middle finger. The two superstars are moments away from going toe to toe...


JR: The tension is unbelievable, King! Stone Cold..."The Game"! And here we go! Here we go!


And just as Austin and HHH advance to each other, fists clenched, the WWF logo flashes at the bottom of the screen...and we fade to black



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