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From The Ground Up : Ricky Serrano & World Championship Wrestling

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Ricky Serrano: It was just a one shot kind of thing. We had one chance, and if we blew it, it was over. If it didn't work, it would be the end. I would've lost almost half a million dollars, probably more since I'd invested some of my own finances into it, and I'd nearly put my whole reputation as a business man on the line when the news broke to the public.


Ricky takes a swig of his beer as he's interviewed by WCW roster member Davis Ditterich on WCW After Dark. The rich business man had invested almost 1 Million dollars in WCW, and it could've potentially sent him down a huge notch in the business world and in the financial world.


Ricky Serrano: I remember it like it was yesterday. December 2009. PRIDE Koiso had just been awarded the TotalExtremeWrestling.com's 'Wrestler of the Year 2009' award, and went on a hot streak for the rest of december. That's when it hit me. I wanted, to do this myself, I wanted my own promotion. The SWF, TCW, USPW, among others were not satisfying me, at all. I wasn't impressed by the SWF's booking at any level. Eric Eisen had just been awarded the World Heavyweight Championship, Rocky Golden was the reigning World Heavyweight Champion of TCW. USPW was in a slightly better place for me, as they had Enygma as their champion, but something was still lacking. So, I did what I wanted. I set out to found my own promotion. From, the ground up. I put in half a million dollars, and called Davis up, and told him: 'This is it, our one shot. We can do this, we just have to call in the right guys'. Davis agreed, obviously why he's here now.


Ricky lets out a chuckle before taking another sip of his beer.


Ricky Serrano: As a professional poker player, you have to know when to hold them, and when to fold them. In January, it looked like we might've had to fold them. We had barely any star power. Granted we had some stars, like Greg Henn, who'd competed in the SWF before. Krusher Karloff, who was a former TCW Competitor and if I recall correctly a former Tag champion, and Jack Griffith, one of SCCW's greats. Unfortunately, he was on a downward spiral and hadn't been impressing lately. We took a risk on him. We held WCW SuperBrawl, and it was just bad. I mean, for a small promotion like us, it was decent, but still, Bad in my mind.


Ricky had mentioned his poker playing, where he won his whole fortune from, winning the world championship on two seperate occasions.




WCW SuperBrawl 2010


Oleg Dorosklov def. Shades McGinty & Jon Jetson

Rating - E+


Team Summit (Krusher Karloff & Man Mountain Cahill) def. The Maryland Alliance (Prince & Graham)

Rating - D-


Jack Griffith def. Greg Henn to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rating - D


Show Rating - D

Ricky Serrano: Not quite the best show ever, but to the company's standards, quite good. Still, it didn't live up to my standards. But, we'd taken the plunge into the pool, and at that point, it had become a shark tank...


...To Be Continued...


Credit to Weidt for the Ricky Serrano render.

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Ricky Serrano: February had been much rougher, and that was hard to believe.


Ricky shares a chuckle with Davis as he takes the last swig of his beer.


Ricky Serrano: Davis, you told me at some point that we were in too deep, and I hadn't thought about it until mid-april. At that point we'd lost about 40,000 dollars. About one tenth of our initial fundings. Our next event, the Great American Bash, had brought in roughly 400 Dollars, which was still not enough to garner enough cash to catch up with our losses. The Main event had pitted Jack Griffith against Cowboy Ford Gumble, formerly known as Steve Gumble in TCW. It was a better main event than at SuperBrawl, but still below my standards.




WCW The Great American Bash 2010


The All-American American def. Richie Riggins to win the WCW United States Championship

Rating - D-


Shades McGinty def Nigel Svensson

Rating - E+


Greg Henn def. Roderick Remus

Rating - D-


Team Summit def. Wiley Coyote to win the WCW Tag Team Championships

Rating - D


Jack Griffith © def. Cowboy Ford Gumble to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rating - D+


Show Rating - D

Ricky Serrano: The main storyline going into the Bash was Jesse Christian. He'd recently come off of a hiatus, and in case you don't know who Jesse is, he was one of the top stars of SCCW back in the day. Jesse Christian decided to be booked as the All-American American, a big time patriot, and he insisted that his debut would be at the Great American Bash. I agreed, obviously thinking that the booking fit well into not only the event's name, but with my initial booking ideas for Jesse...




Jesse Christian: Throughout the time I was being booked as the All-American American, I'll admit I enjoyed the character. A loud mouthed, defender of the country. The initial idea of the gimmick was that I'd be defending my honor against the foreign invadors of WCW, which at the time were Nigel Svensson and Oleg Dorosklov, who was soon released afterwards, unfortunately that didn't happen, and it just became a patriotic gimmick who didn't want to be unmasked. To my disbelief, the people that showed up for the Great American Bash really fell in love with the All-American American. I held the US Championship for 8 Months before I lost it. Unfortunately, that's what eventually caused my falling out with WCW. But, back to the topic at hand, I held the belt for 8 months before I lost it. A record that still to this day, Wednesday, the 3rd of February, has still not been beaten, and with the The Great American Bash coming around again, I'd be shocked if the champion can actually retain his belt.


Jesse Christian pauses for a brief moment.


Jesse Christian: I fought for WCW for another 6 months, before eventually leaving for rivals Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. A war between WCW and the latter had been waging on for about eight months, and with the situation I was in, no championship, I was floating between main event status and the midcard, I felt my time with WCW was up. So, naturally, I went for the place where I could get more money. Looking back on it now, It probably wasn't the best idea, now that I'm taking hockey sticks to the face and getting suplexed onto thumbtacks.


Jesse chuckles before resuming his thought.


Jesse Christian: I'll admit that WCW brought me back into wrestling, and they brought me back to the sport that I love, but I needed to do something so my career could have a resurgeance, and PSW was the place for me to go.




Ricky Serrano: Jesse leaving wasn't that big an issue. I mean, he was just a midcard act at that point and ever since he dropped the Patriot gimmick, which was after he lost the belt in October, his career had taken a turn. Not for the better, but not for the worst either. In March, our finances were taking a boost, now that we'd gotten a couple sponsors. Following our recent success at The Great American Bash, still not a success in my opinion but I'll take whatever opinions the public will give. We then held WCW New World Order in March, a better show than The Bash, but still under my standards, I was stuck in this position until april.



WCW New World Order 2010


Team Summit def. Team Europe (Oleg Dorosklov & Nigel Svensson) to retain the WCW Tag Team Championships

Rating - D


Wiley Coyote def. The Maryland Alliance

Rating - E+


Richie Riggins def. Jared Johnson

Rating - E+


Greg Henn def. Shades McGinty

Rating - D-


The All-American American def. Roderick Remus to retain the WCW United States Championship

Rating - D+


Cowboy Ford Gumble def. Jack Griffith © to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rating - C-


Show Rating - D

Ricky Serrano: The Main storyline was still the feud between Cowboy Ford Gumble and Jack Griffith. This time, the main event for WCW Thunder 2010, was supposed to be the final match between the two, but that was until a new guy walked in, one man who would change the face of WCW forever.


...To Be Continued...

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am liking this so far dude :)


No idea which joke gave you 1 star after 2 posts (I'm guessing either you have a Joker to your Batman, or someone doesn't like an alternate history to WCW) but I figured I'd bump it back up as I know a few people that read judged on how many stars and votes a certain diary gets.


Great read though man, I'm interested to follow this :)

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am liking this so far dude :)


No idea which joke gave you 1 star after 2 posts (I'm guessing either you have a Joker to your Batman, or someone doesn't like an alternate history to WCW) but I figured I'd bump it back up as I know a few people that read judged on how many stars and votes a certain diary gets.


Great read though man, I'm interested to follow this :)


Thanks Buddy,


It seems every diary I do I get a one star to start it off, which is getting kind of old. I've pretty much stopped caring but thanks for bumping it up :)


On a side note, the next part of the history will probably be up on Monday. Heading on a ski trip up country and might not have internet. But if I do expect it to be up some time this weekend

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Art Reed: So guess who came to supper ?


Art shares a chuckle with Davis.


Art Reed: But in all seriousness, here was the situation. I'd just been layed off by PGHW. Ricky had just called me over to come work in the US with WCW. So, here I am sitting there thinking: 'Hmm... I'd like to think that I'd get payed a lot by a Multi-Millionaire like Ricky Serrano'


Another chuckle leaves Art's lips.


Art Reed: So, I gave him a call back and told him, sure, let's do it. So, I was told that I'd be having my first match at WCW Thunder 2010. I was to face Ford Gumble for the World Heavyweight Championship, and win the belt, to bring in a new era for WCW. Ricky had seen my matches in Japan, and knew that I was probably the best pure wrestler on the roster, so naturally he wanted me to have the belt. So, the match went through, and TotalExtremeWrestling.com called it the best match of 2010 for WCW. Anyways, I'm not very talkative, so you might just want to roll the match clip.


This time it's a long giggle that leaves Art's lips. Davis laughs too.


WCW Thunder 2010


The Greatest Match of WCW 2010 ?





Art Reed Challenges Cowboy Ford Gumble

for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Gumble and Art stare each other down at the beginning of the match. Ford starts the match right after the bell and hits a massive right hook that drops Art. Gumble tries to follow up with a Knee Drop, but Art rolls out of the way. Art takes advantage of the prone Gumble to choke the living hell out of him with an Anaconda Choke. Ford manages to kick his way out of it, and clutches his neck in pain. Art proceeds to drive the knee into Gumble's arm. Art Reed grabs an Underhook Clutch and applies the Surfboard Stretch. Art tries to pick Gumble up, but he fights away and hits a Rolling Wheel Kick. Gumble goes for a fist drop to a downed Art Reed, but Reed rolls away and avoids it. Art puts some stomps on to the knees of Ford, but eventually finishes it up with an Elbow Drop to the knee. Gumble is obviously weekend in the leg area. Art goes for the Rear Chinlock, but Ford pushes himself away and gets to his feet. Gumble hits a nice arm-drag to buy himself some rest. Ford drops the elbow on a downed Art Reed but gets too confident, as he slaps on a sloppy Arm-Bar, allowing Reed to escape. Art pulls himself up to his feet, with a firm grasp on Gumble's wrist. Art wrenches the wrist before pulling down on it, and sending Gumble down on his face. Art keeps a hold on Gumble's wrist and pulls him back up, before pulling off a slick Arm-Wringer takedown. Art stalks a prone Gumble, and as he gets up, Reed locks on to Gumble's neck and hits a Snap Suplex.


A flurry of punches from a mounted position, sees Art hitting just one or two of them, with Gumble getting up. Gumble throws a looping right hand, and Art ducks under. Art goes for a Thrust Kick, but Gumble misses, Art turns back, and takes a Knife Edge Chop. Art backs off and takes a Running Clothesline hard to the jaw. Gumble hits a powerful knee drop but Art eventually gets up and latches on to a double underhook position, and tosses Gumble across the ring with a Double Underhook Suplex. Art goes for the pin. One... Kick Out just before the two ! Ford kicks to his feet, but is still wobbling on the injured leg. Art tries to latch on to a Side Suplex, but he can't get it. Ford charges after Art, but gets caught in a Gutwrench hold, and Art tosses him across the ring with a Gutwrench suplex. Art screams at the crowd... he rebounds off the ropes... Splash ! Pin attempt. One... Kick Out ! Art goes for a Boston Crab, but Ford whips him right off, and hits a nice jump kick. Ford rotates around, and hits a nice Belly to Back Suplex. He tries to pick Art up off the ground, and Art smashes him in the face with a powerful right hook. Art kicks him in the gut and hits a beautiful DDT. Gumble snaps to his feet, and Art hits a Double Leg Trip. Art starts to get pumped up... He climbs the top rope... Ford gets up... Double Axe Handle ! Pin ! One... Two... Kick Out ! Art bounces off the ropes, but Gumble rushes him with a Leg Lariat. Seated Dropkick from Gumble, but Art Reed kicks him away when he tries to pick him up. Snap DDT from Reed, and Gumble rolls right to his feet. Art bounces off the ropes... Body Splash ! Gumble goes down... Art points at the top rope... Gumble is still motionless on the canvas... Mile High Moonsault ! Pin ! 1... 2... 3 ! Art Reed wins the World Heavyweight Championship !


Winner & New WCW World Heavyweight Champion...


Art Reed: It was an emotional moment for me, and the rest of the card went like this.



WCW Thunder 2010


The All-American American def. Shades McGinty to retain the WCW United States Championship

Rating - D


Richie Riggins def. Amazing Fire Fly

Rating - D-


Coyote Dynamite def. Nigel Svensson

Rating - E+

Team Summit def. The Maryland Alliance to retain the WCW Tag Team Championships

Rating - D


Wiley Steinway def. Jared Johnson

Rating - D-


Jack Griffith def. Greg Henn, Oleg Dorosklov & Roderick Remus

Rating - D+

Art Reed def. Cowboy Ford Gumble © to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rating - C+


Show Rating - C-



Ricky Serrano: Art probably had one of the most successful runs in WCW, out of anybody in the world. In the two years we've been running, Art Reed, along with some other members of the roster, who'll also be making appearances later on the show. I don't want to be responsible for ruining the surprise.


Ricky lets out a laugh before resuming his sentences.


Ricky Serrano: So, with 8 Consecutive title defenses, Art really did change the face of the WCW, forever. According to TotalExtremeWrestling.com, in 4 months, we rose from Local to Small. 6 months later, we were a Regional size. And by the end of 2011, we were a Cult sensation. Not so much a cult 'Sensation' per say, but we were big enough to be considered that big. And the best thing was, we kept getting better. The shows kept rolling on, and rolling on, and we kept performing better every time.




John Maverick: Yeah. I sold out...

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John Maverick: I don't know why I did it, I don't know how I got up the courage to do it, all I know, is that I did it. I was on an exclusive contract with NOTBPW. My contract was to expire in March 2010, and NOTBPW ovvered me a new contract. An exclusive one. I'd called Dan and told him I'd be in his office to talk to him about it. Seven hours later, I was set to have my final match with NOTBPW, at the Ed Henson Memorial Cup...


NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Cup 12


...Maverick's Last Ride...




DeColt & Maverick vs The Stone Siblings


Maverick rushes Stone Jr right from the bell, and smashes him with a couple Knife Edge Chops. Maverick doesn't let up the assault, continuing it with a couple stomps to a downed Dan. Dan tries to move, but Maverick doesn't relent. Stone finally gets the energy to sit up, but Maverick kicks him right between the shoulders. Maverick puts the pressure on some more, applying a Knee-Bar to an already injured Stone. Maverick makes the tag to Steve DeColt, and DeColt continues the assault. DeColt Thrust ! Running Shoulder Block to put Dan back on the ground. DeColt goes for the pin. One... Kick Out ! DeColt waits in the corner as a wobbly Dan Stone Jr. gets to his feet... DeColt takes a run... Punt right to the stomach of Dan Stone Jr ! Irish Whip attempt gets reversed by Dan Stone Jr, and he goes for the clothesline, but DeColt ducks under. DeColt catches the wrist of Stone, and tosses him into the corner. DeColt raises him to the top turnbuckle. Stone is groggy, and DeColt climbs the top turnbuckle. He gets pushed off. DeColt tries to crotch Stone, but he gets kicked away... Double Axe Handle ! Front Facelock attempt from Dan Stone Jr, but Steve DeColt slips away again. Russian Legsweep from DeColt. DeColt tries to go for a Western Spinning Toe Hold, but Stone pushes him away and stands up. Snap Suplex, and Stone rolls right to his feet as DeColt makes the tag to Maverick.


Running Clothesline from Maverick, and he points at the downed Dan Stone Jr. Maverick takes a run, rebounds off the ropes... Maverick Knee Drop ! Maverick goes for the pin. One... Kick Out ! Palm Thrust to the stomach of Dan, and he's really in pain now. Maverick tries to end his misery with a Lariat, but Stone hoists him up on his shoulders... Fireman's Spin. Now it's Maverick who's dizzy, and Stone takes advantage with the Snapmare. Stone Ankle Stomp misses, and Maverick rolls to his feet. Maverick goes for the European Uppercut, but Stone catches the hand, and chops him across the face. Headlock from Stone, transfers to the Front Facelock. Knife Edge Chop from Stone, and he follows it up with a European Uppercut. Front Facelock once more from Dan Stone Jr to hold Maverick in place. Single Leg Trip from Stone, and he stomps on the Ankle. Maverick, sensing the Stone Ankle Stretch coming, tries to pull himself to the corner. But, Stone continues to work on the leg of Maverick, softening it up for the Stone Ankle Stretch. Another Stone Ankle Stomp... and the crowd is ready for the end. He goes for the Stone Ankle Stretch... No ! Maverick slips out at the last second. Maverick rolls away, and Stone rushes him... Backslide ! One... Kick Out ! Maverick tries to make the tag... No ! Stone hits the Stone Back Suplex on him ! Stone makes the tag to Jeremy.


Stone picks Maverick back up... Belly to Belly Suplex. Maverick picks himself up off the floor... Jeremy Stone Canadian Kick ! Maverick falls, slumped against the ropes... Stone grabs a hold on Maverick's neck... Vertical Suplex... No ! Maverick falls on top ! One... Kick Out ! Maverick throws a Knife Edge Chop when they're both back on their feet, but Stone ducks under and hits a Bodyslam. Maverick waits as Stone rushes him... still on the ground, Maverick hits a Drop Toe Hold ! He makes the Tag ! Here comes DeColt ! DeColt with a Snap Mare. Fist Drop ! DeColt parades around the ring... he climbs the turnbuckles, as Stone gets up... Double Axe Handle ! Quick flurry of punches from DeColt, and Jeremy Stone is now hurt. Body Slam from DeColt, and he grabs a hold on to the Rear Chinlock. Stone gets up, but DeColt knocks him back to the ground with a Dropkick to the back. Stone sits up, but he takes a kick square in the jaw. Stone kicks to his feet after a moment on the ground, just as DeColt rushes him... Canadian Whirlwind Punch ! DeColt takes a forearm to the chest, before getting tripped to the ground. Arm-Bar from Stone, turned into a Knee Pull, now a Rear Chinlock, they both get up... Bodyslam from DeColt. DeColt gets frustrated now... he leaves the ring and grabs a chair. The referee tries to hold him back... Dan Stone Jr comes around and hits a Rope Backbreaker ! DeColt drops the chair ! Kick to the thigh by Jeremy Stone. Stone is sensing the momentum... Canadian Whirlwind ! The Referee gets rid of the Steel Chair, and DeColt hits a slick Irish Whip, hitting a Flapjack on the returning end. But, Stone gets up quickly and trips DeColt to the ground.


DeColt kicks to his feet and tosses Jeremy to the corner, he takes a run, and gets switched into the corner by Jeremy. Jeremy hits a corner clothesline, and sends DeColt to La-La-Land for a moment. He goes back for a second clothesline, but DeColt kicks him in the jaw. DeColt turns his back on Stone, and starts to taunt him and the crowd. The crowd starts to laugh at DeColt, and when he turns around... Canadian Kick ! Vertical Suplex from Jeremy Stone ! Grapevine from Jeremy Stone, and he's sensing the momentum... but he tags out to Dan Stone Jr. DeColt gets up... and tosses Stone to the corner. Ten punches from DeColt, and Stone is groggy and falls to the ground. DeColt goes for a fist drop but drives his hand right into the canvas. DeColt gets to his feet and grabs his hand, but Stone hits the Stone Back Suplex. DeColt is now having trouble walking on his left knee, so he tries to make the tag, but Stone pulls him to the ground and grabs an American Figure Four Leglock. DeColt rolls away from the Stone Ankle Stretch, and goes for a Bodyslam, but he takes a forearm to the chest. DeColt finally manages to crawl to the corner... but No ! Stone Ankle Stretch ! Stone Ankle Stetch ! Maverick puts his arm as far out to the canvas as possible, but DeColt still can't reach ! It's locked in, the referee checks if he's done... It's still locked in ! There's the bell ! DeColt taps ! DeColt taps !




John Maverick: Those words, those sounds, those images... they... they burnt in my soul. DeColt Tapping, The Stones celebrating, The voices of the crowd. It just made me so angry. What I did after that match was uncontrollable, and just completely not myself...


...After the Match...


Tommy London: Wow, What a match, and now we've got a perfect final. The Can-Am Blondes & The Stone Siblings, what's better then that ?


Tom Townsend: I still think Maverick & DeColt were ripped off. DeColt did make the tag. The referee is just blind.


Tommy London: He did not. We have one of the best referees in the world, and you have the balls to say... wait, wait what's going on here.


Tom Townsend: It looks to me like John Maverick getting some Comeuppance.


Tommy London: What ?


Tom Townsend: Commeupance, it's my word of the day, I'll explain later, right now all I'm focused on is John Maverick grabbing a chair from under the ring. Dan & Jeremy have no clue what's going on right now... OH MY GOD ! Bang ! Chair Shot right to the back of the head of Dan Stone Jr ! Jeremy's trying to save him... DEADLY SILENCE ! Jeremy Stone is out cold ! John Maverick tosses him right onto the chair !


Tommy London: Why would John Maverick do this !?


Tom Townsend: I'm getting word that John Maverick has just been fired, and will not be returning without an apology to Dan Stone Jr and Jeremy Stone, as well as a Fine.

John Maverick: So there you have it. I didn't want to apologise to the Stones for what I did, because I did out of sheer frustration. I'd been losing to them for the past 3 months, and they got what was coming to them.


John sighs, before putting his hands on his head.


John Maverick: I mean, I broke Jeremy's nose in two places, I knocked him out cold with the choke, I thought I gave Dan a concussion, but turns out it was the fall that hurt him the most, but he didn't break anything. Probably had a migraine the next morning though. I'm not happy with what I did, but I did it, and it's done. I left for WCW after my contract expired. My first match was at Souled Out 2010, and it was proving that two good wrestlers is all you need.




WCW Souled Out 2010


Team Summit def. Wiley Coyote to retain the WCW Tag Team Championships

Rating - D


Brady Prince def. Buck Graham & Jared Johnson

Rating - D


Cowboy Ford Gumble def. Richie Riggins, Shades McGinty, Leftie Wilkes, Amazing Fire Fly & Jack Griffith

Rating - D


Roderick Remus def. Nigel Svensson

Rating - D


The All-American American def. Greg Henn to retain the WCW United States Championship

Rating - D+


Art Reed def. John Maverick to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rating - C+


Show Rating - C


John Maverick: And it just kept getting better...

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Ricky Serrano: The rest of 2010 proved to be, well, what I'd mentioned earlier. A new era in WCW. From Fully Loaded to the First Starrcade, we averaged a 'C' rated show every time. But, some news hit us. Art Reed had mentioned the week before Starrcade. The week before, the words burnt in my mind.


'Ricky. I'm Done. I've just gotten a better offer. It's nothing personal'


Ricky Serrano: It sucked. Literally. We had to find a replacement champion, cause Art was leaving before the next SuperBrawl. Then, I remembered. I have connections.


Ricky laughs to himself.


Ricky Serrano: I called the boys from Pittsburgh that'd I'd known for awhile, and the day before Starrcade, they quit PSW, and they were working for us. Full Time. Johnny Martin, Teddy Powell, JD Morgan & Knuckles. Yes, the very same Knuckles that worked for SWF. We'd also gotten a hold on Kid Toma. Starrcade featured some memorable matches. TotalExtremeWrestling.com rated some of them as some of the best independant matches of 2010. These were the award winners:


Knuckles def. Kid Toma

Tables Match

Rating - C


Teddy Powell def. KC Glenn, JD Morgan & Roderick Remus to win the WCW United States Championship

Rating - C


Johnny Martin def. Art Reed to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Rating - C

Ricky Serrano: That, plus the fact that we'd taken over Exodus 2010 & Men of Steel Combat a month or two prior had been the iceing on the cake. Anyways, that's our show, and tune in soon for WCW's The Great American Bash 2012. And for all your WCW needs, go to WCW.com.


Copyright WCW 2012

...WCW After Dark...

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WCW Monday Night Nitro

Week 1, February 2012


:: The Hype ::

The first Monday Night Nitro of February 2012. Nitro will be at The Junkyard in Minnesota this week, and we've got a great show for the fans. In the Main Event, a Fatal Four Way match to determine the number one contender for Steve Flash's World Heavyweight Championship, featuring Donnie J, Thrill Seeker, Teddy Powell & JD Morgan, the winner, going on to face Steve at the Great American Bash 2012. The Winner of last year's Starrcade 'StarrMaker' Damian Carvill will also be in attendance tonight. Damian won a 6-Man Ladder Match, and now has the ability to face any Champion at any time. Damian is set to make an announcement about the Title Shot, and it should be exciting. A Tag Team Match is also scheduled between Richie Riggins & Rob Reynolds, taking on Leftie Wilkes & Jared Johnson.


:: The Card ::

Donnie J vs Teddy Powell vs Thrill Seeker vs JD Morgan

4R (Richie Riggins & Rob Reynolds) vs All Smiles (Leftie Wilkes & Jared Johnson)

Kamikaze Christian Vars vs George Wolfe

Bradley Blaze vs Cowboy Buck Winchester


All This And More on Monday Night Nitro !

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WCW Monday Night Nitro

Live from The Junkyard

Attendance - 1,000



..:: Announcers ::..

Davis Ditterich | Steve Smith


Davis Ditterich: Ladies and Gentlemen this is Monday Night Nitro ! I'm Davis Ditterich.

Steve Smith: And I'm Steve Smith, and this is sure to be an incredible evening.

Davis Ditterich: You said it partner, the Main event is a Fatal-Four-Way, with four of the most dangerous competitors in all of WCW.

Steve Smith: That's right, so the main event looks like this. 'The Extreme' Thrill Seeker will take on The Technically Excellent JD Morgan, Former World Champion and Former US Champion Teddy Powell & Former Tag Champion Donnie J.

Davis Ditterich: And the winner gets a World Championship title shot against Steve Flash at The Great American Bash.

Steve Smith: I've got goosebumps Dave, let's get it on !




Bradley Blaze vs Cowboy Buck Winchester


Buck Winchester quickly starts the match, and he's rowdy in tossing Bradley into the corner. He begins to ram his shoulder into Bradley multiple times before Blaze falls out of the corner. A couple stomps from Buck lead to Bradley getting up to his feet. Kick to the Gut and Snap DDT ! He goes for the pin. One... Kick Out ! Buck picks him up to his feet, and goes for the Bear Hug, but Bradley fights his way out, and follows up by rocking Buck with a right hand. Another punch from Bradley leads into a Clothesline. Bradley tries to stomp Buck's face, but Buck pushes him off, and waits as Bradley rushes him and hits a nice Samoan Drop. Bradley jumps to his feet, but gets levelled with a Tackle. Buck goes for an elbow drop, but Bradley rolls out of the way at the last second. Bradley takes revenge on Buck, hitting another Clothesline, and beating him down with some powerful right hands. Buck rolls to his feet, and Bradley charges him... Powerbomb ! Buck goes for the pin again. One... Two... Kick Out ! Bradley gets up, he's groggy... and 'Cowboy' Takes advantage, he puts Bradley in a headlock, he rolls... Neckbreaker ! He goes for the pin ! One... Two... Three !


Cowboy Buck Winchester Wins @ 4:29 with a Neckbreaker

Rating - E+




Steve Smith: So Cowboy Buck Winchester picks up the win, in Bradley Blaze's return.

Davis Ditterich: Amazing, Cowboy somehow managed to pick up the win after that barrage of Right Hands earlier. But, 'Cowboy' is one of the up-and-comers here in WCW, and he'll probably win the title some day. So, we'll have to wait and see.

Steve Smith: But something we won't have to wait for anymore, is Kamikaze Christian Vars going at it with George Wolfe !




George Wolfe vs Kamikaze Christian Vars


Wolfe starts the match-up quickly, grasping Vars' shoulders and hitting him with a headbutt. Wolfe, from there on, unleashes a fury of stomps, and eventually goes for an elbow drop. But, he misses, and Kamikaze Christian Vars takes advantage, with a Palm Thrust to the chest. Vars grasps Wolfe's shoulder this time, and hits a Russian Legsweep. Vars waits as Wolfe gets up, and he rushes him with a Rolling Wheel Kick. He goes for a fist drop, but he winds up driving his fist into the canvas. Wolfe takes advantage and starts to choke the life out of Christian. The referee seperates them, and begins to talk to Wolfe and tell him that was illegal, just as he lets him go, Enziguiri from Vars. Vars starts to take it up a notch, and drives his knee into the face of George Wolfe. Vars raises his hand to the delight of the crowd, and Front Flip Legdrop from Vars hits. Vars waits in the corner for Wolfe to stand. Wolfe gets up, and Vars jumps into a High Cross Body, but Wolfe grabs him and hits a Samoan Drop ! Wolfe drags him to his feet, and hits a Fallaway Slam. Vars rolls out of the ring to gain some time. Wolfe follows him, and they run around the ring, and Vars rolls back in. Vars jumps... Roundhouse kick to the face of George Wolfe. He goes for the Crucifix Cradle. One... Kick Out ! Vars rushes to his feet, he jumps off the ropes... Body Press ! One... Kick Out ! Vars waits as Wolfe stands, and he jumps up for a Hurricanrana, but Wolfe catches him and tries for a Powerbomb. Vars kicks out and manages to get onto the turnbuckles and Kick Wolfe to the ground. He raises his arms... Reverse 460 Splash ! He goes for the pin ! One... Two... Three !


Kamikaze Christian Vars Wins @ 4:19 with a Reverse 460 Splash

Rating - D




Steve Smith: Kamikaze Christian Vars, what a wrestler. Always defying the odds !

Davis Ditterich: Yeah, and the Laws of Gravity !




4R (Richie Riggins & Rob Reynolds) vs All Smiles (Jared Johnson & Leftie Wilkes)


Richie Riggins & Leftie Wilkes start in the ring, and Richie goes quickly to the punches, hitting a flurry of them, before Wilkes moved out of the way and hit a Knife Edge Chop. Running Clothesline from Wilkes, and he continues his combination with some stomps. Richie Riggins kicks him away, and kicks to his feet. Richie hoists him in the air, and hits a Bodyslam. He goes for a Legdrop, but Leftie rolls away. Leftie goes for a Splash, and Richie rolls away. Richie makes the tag, and now it's Reynolds turn. Reynolds hits a nice Knee Drop, and picks Leftie up to his feet. But, not for long, as He grabs the ankles of Wilkes and tosses him on his back. Rob drops down and goes for an Arm-Bar. Leftie tries to Roll through, but can't manage. Rob lets go, and Leftie gets to his feet. Rob tosses Leftie to the corner, and hits him with a nice Knife Edge Chop. He lifts Leftie onto the top turnbuckle, and tosses him off, before climbing up himself. Leftie stumbles to his feet and takes a Double Axe Handle to the head. Rob Reynolds taunts him, but Leftie manages to hit a Drop Toe Hold and make the tag to Jared Johnson. Johnson goes for a clothesline but gets tossed over in a Fireman's carry. Jared gets to his feet, and they begin to jockey for position and Johnson hits a Gutwrench Suplex. He eventually climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Reynolds follows him, tossing him off and hitting a flying Cross Body. Rob tags out to Richie, and Richie hoists him in the air for the Body Bag... and it hits ! Pin ! One... Two... Three !


4R Wins @ 8:48 with a Body Bag from Richie Riggins

Rating - D






Damian Carvill


Damian Carvill: As the winner of the Starrcade 'Starrmaker' match last December, I have the right to a title shot at any time I want. Hell, I could call Steve Flash down here right now, and say let's go. But I won't do that, because I'm not stupid. In fact, I am the most intelligent, the most devious man in this promotion. I'm the best there is damn it, and I'm going to prove it. The winner of tonight's main event, will get a shot at Steve Flash in the Main Event of the Great American Bash. I fully intend on being there, and you can damn well believe that I'll be watching that match, just waiting for the time to strike, and get my title shot.


The Crowd Boos loudly.


Damian Carvill: Oh Shut Up ! You damn well know that I'm the best wrestler in this promotion. Anyways. The So-Called, World Champion Steve Flash isn't in attendance tonight. Who could blame him. Even if he jumped the barrier right now, I could defend myself, and put him out cold in a mere amount of seconds.


Music Hits.



Out of nowhere, as Damian Carvill looks at the entrance ramp, Ozzy appears from inside the crowd, and lays him out with a forearm to the back of the head.


Ozzy: Well then wrestle me right now. You vs Me, your 'Starrmaker' contract on the line. RING THE BELL !






Damian Carvill vs Ozzy


Damian quickly starts off the match with a punch to the face of Ozzy. Ozzy doesn't seem to feel it though, but he runs right into a Back Chop, followed by a kick to the legs that puts him on his back. Carvill drags him back to his feet before hitting a Bodyslam, powering him into the canvas. Ozzy gets to his feet, still not feeling a thing, and Damian goes for the Mafia Kick, but Ozzy counters it with a Clothesline. Ozzy begins to work on the legs of Damian Carvill, but he makes the crucial mistake of going for the arm, as Carvill rolls through and hits a Belly-To-Belly Suplex. Damian Carvill drops to One Knee, and stalks Ozzy. Ozzy gets up, and rushes him too fast, and he winds up, hoisted on Damian's shoulders. American Guillotine ! Pin ! One... Two... Three !


Damian Carvill Wins @ 5:02 with an American Guillotine

Rating - D+







JD Morgan vs Donnie J vs Teddy Powell vs Thrill Seeker

Winner gets a World Championship Title Shot at The Great American Bash


JD Morgan gets the ball rolling on this one, hitting a quick Double Leg Takedown on Teddy Powell, and mauling him with rights and lefts. Thrill Seeker and Donnie J join in on the action by beating down on Teddy Powell as well. JD Morgan eventually rolls out and pulls Donnie J and Thrill Seeker out of the Mayhem and rolls them in different directions, as JD continues to pound away at Teddy Powell. Thrill Seeker is first to return to his feet, and punts a downed Donnie J right in the mouth, before going for the pin. One... Interrupted by JD Morgan. JD Morgan ties Thrill Seeker up in a rear naked choke, and pulls him towards the center of the ring, as Donnie J and Teddy Powell try to recover from the earlier assault. Thrill Seeker manages to elbow his way out of the choke and starts to ground and pound Morgan. Donnie J finally manages to pull himself to his feet with the aid of the ropes, and Teddy Powell shimmies to his feet using the corner, and sprints across the ring and levels Thrill Seeker with a Drive-By Kick. Donnie J grabs hold of the top rope and begins to stomp on JD Morgan until he rolls out of the ring. Teddy Powell and Donnie J engage in a war of rights and lefts, until Teddy manages to dodge one of them and hit Donnie in the ribs with a powerful kick. Donnie bends over in pain, and takes a ruthless kick right to the forehead, and goes down hard. Teddy Powell goes for the pin, but it's unsuccessful, not even getting a one-count, as JD Morgan somehow ran back into the ring and stopped the pin. Thrill Seeker, meanwhile, rolls out of the ring and regains some energy by resting on the security barricade. He regains some energy, and limbs to the top turnbuckle from the outside. Teddy Powell, JD Morgan & Donnie J are all in a group, as Thrill Seeker drops down with a Diving Body Press. Donnie J manages to roll out of the pack and regain some stamina by the ring posts, as Teddy Powell, JD Morgan & Thrill Seeker try to regain their feet. Thrill Seeker is back to his feet first, and he rushes a downed Donnie J in the corner. Donnie J moves out of the way, and tosses Thrill Seeker to the ground with a Body Slam. He drags Morgan & Powell to their feet, and hits a brutal clothesline taking them both out of the ring. Donnie J climbs the turnbuckles... Death On Miami Beach ! Donnie J hits the Senton Bomb, and he goes for the pin ! One... Two... Three ! Donnie J gets the title shot at the Great American Bash


Donnie J Wins @ 9:57 with a Death On Miami Beach

Rating - C




..:: Show Rating - C- ::..

Show Stealer - Donnie J

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WCW Monday Night Nitro

Week 2, February 2012


:: The Hype ::

This week's edition of Monday Night Nitro is sure to be explosive, as in the main event, Donnie J, the number one contender will face off with Steve Flash in a Non-Title bout. Can Donnie J pick up some momentum on the way to the Great American Bash, or will Steve Flash shoot him down. In the Co-Main Event, Johnny Martin & Teddy Powell will face off against each other. Which of the PSW alumni will pick up the victory, Tune in to Nitro this Monday. But, before that, an explosive United States Championship match between Matt Hocking, the Champion, taking on the always exciting Amazing Fire Fly, a former Tag Team Champion.


:: The Card ::

Donnie J vs Steve Flash ©


Teddy Powell vs Johnny Martin

Matt Hocking © vs Amazing Fire Fly

WCW United States Championship

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WCW Monday Night Nitro

Live from Perry Hall

Attendance - 2,000



..:: Announcers ::..

Davis Ditterich | Steve Smith


Davis Ditterich: Hello Again everybody, and welcome to Monday Night Nitro from Perry Hall.

Steve Smith: We've got another Stellar line-up for you tonight, culminating in a main event that is worthy of a Pay-Per-View.

Davis Ditterich: Number One Contender Donnie J will take on Steve Flash in a non-title match, set to hype up their match at The Great American Bash.

Steve Smith: Boy am I excited, so let's get it going.




Amazing Fire Fly vs Matt Hocking ©

WCW United States Championship



Hocking starts off the match strong, hitting a powerful punch, but Firefly ties him up in a Front Facelock. Firefly throws a powerful slap to the face, and Hocking ducks under and hits a single knee Backbreaker. Hocking hits a nice Legdrop, before missing an Elbow Drop and giving Firefly the upper hand. Firefly sweeps Hocking's legs out from under him with a hard kick to the back of the knees. Firefly goes for a Legdrop, but misses and gets wrapped up in a Rear Chinlock. Hocking drags Firefly to his feet, and hits a slick Russian Legsweep. Hocking whips Firefly into the ropes, and hits a nice Drop Toe Hold, and he goes for the pin. One... Kick Out ! Firefly kicks to his feet, and Hocking jumps into a Monkey Flip, tossing Firefly to the mat. Firefly sits up, and takes a drop kick to the mouth. Hocking picks him up, and goes for a DDT, but Firefly blocks it, by punching him in the ribs. Hocking backs out, and goes for a Thrust Kick, but misses, and Firefly hits a Single Leg Trip. Firefly rushes Hocking, and Hocking hits a Drop Toe Hold, and he goes on a Rampage of Elbow Drops & Legdrops. Firefly manages to roll out of the onslaught, but he runs into the Hock Shock. Hocking goes for the pin. One... Two... Three ! Hocking defends his United States Championship.


Matt Hocking wins @ 5:03 with a Hock Shock

Rating - D+




Steve Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time to introduce you to the newest member of the WCW Roster, Nicky Hawk. He's in the ring right now.



Nicky Hawk


Nicky Hawk: What's Up, What's Up, What's Up Everybody ! How is everybody doin' tonight ! I, am so glad to be here guys, it's Radical here at WCW !


The Crowd cheers for Nicky.


Nicky Hawk: So, like, I'm obviously new to the place, but I'm not new to the business, I'd like to think I'm one of the best around, but, you know, you never know, you dig ? I mean, I've wrestled around the states before, and I've worked on the independant scene, and I've wrestled some of the best independant wrestlers around, I'm just the man to beat. Like, dude, last week, I flew over here, and some dude at the airport said I had his luggage, so I was like, Dude, I don't have your luggage, and I speared him.


Nicky laughs loudly and the crowd laughs with him.


Nicky Hawk: So, I'm glad I got to meet you guys here tonight, It was just totally groovy, and I almost forgot, Ricky Serrano gave me a message to read out. It says that 'Mercy Michaels needs to get his...' Can I really say 'Ass' on TV ? Oh, I guess I can. 'Mercy Michaels needs to get his ass down here so He can fight me'


The crowd roars as Mercy Michaels makes his way down.


Rating - B-






Nicky Hawk vs Mercy Michaels


Nicky Hawk and Mercy Michaels meet in the center of the ring, and immediately start to brawl. Mercy throws a looping right hand, but leaves himself open, as Nicky ducks under and unloads a vicious combination of Rights and Lefts, before knocking Mercy to the ground with a brutal Uppercut. Hawk stalks him to the ground, and mounts him, and continues with a brutal ground and pound attack. Hawk gets up, and starts to stomp on him before raising his hands in success and brushing them through his hair. Nicky raises one fist in the air, and waits as Mercy gets on all fours. Mercy eventually gets on all fours, and takes a brutal right hand right to the jaw. Hawk raises Mercy to his feet, and whips him into the ropes. He rebounds, and Hawk leapfrogs over. Michaels bounces back, and Hawk jumps up, and hits the Hawkeye Hammer. Hawk goes for the pin. One... Two... Three ! Hawk wins his debut.


Nicky Hawk wins @ 4:29 with a Hawkeye Hammer

Rating - C-




Steve Smith: Wow, what a great performance by Nicky Hawk !

Davis Ditterich: Great ? Don't you mean Dominant !? He destroyed Mercy Michaels !

Steve Smith: Be that as it may, Mercy did hold his... Who am I kidding he got decimated...




Teddy Powell vs Johnny Martin


Teddy Powell quickly wraps Martin up in a Side Headlock and takes him to the ground, but Martin gets the time to roll to his feet, just in time for a Rolling Wheel Kick from Powell. Powell applies a Rear Chinlock. Teddy Powell goes to the top rope, but Johnny Martin drags him off, and takes a Clothesline for his troubles. Martin kicks to his feet, and goes for a Running Knee to the stomach of Teddy Powell. Martin stomps on the head of Teddy Powell and goes for the Western Spinning Toe Hold, before getting over confident and going for a Legdrop, which misses. Teddy Powell hits a nice Spinning Arm Drag, and Johnny Martin finds himself on the ground once more. Martin manages to reverse a Small Package, and winds up back on his feet, hitting a powerful Bodyslam to a rising Teddy Powell. Johnny Martin resumes his stomp flurry to the head of Teddy Powell. Johnny Martin applies a Rear Chinlock, and Teddy manages to stand tall on his feet and get out of it. But, he gets too confident, and walks right into a DDT. Johnny stalks his opponent as he gets up. Teddy finally gets up, and walks right into the Twist on the Rocks. Martin goes for the pin. One... Two... Three ! Martin takes the win.


Johnny Martin wins @ 8:30 with a Twist on the Rocks

Rating - C






Donnie J vs Steve Flash ©

Non-Title Match


Donnie J & Steve Flash shake hands in the middle of the ring, and they go to war right off the bat. Donnie J slides through Steve Flash's legs, and jumps on his back, going for a Sleeper Hold. Flash avoids it by dropping backwards and slamming him. Donnie let go almost instantly, and Steve mounted him and started to let the punches rain down. Steve backed off, and let Donnie get up, before both men locked shoulders. Steve goes for the hammerlock, but Donnie J reverses it into a wrist lock. Donnie J goes for the Arm Drag, but gets hoisted up on Steve's shoulders instead into a Fireman's Carry hold. Steve tosses him over, but Donnie lands on his feet, and latches onto Flash's head, and hits a DDT. Flash tries to get up, but Donnie starts to fire down some powerful forearms to the head. Donnie tries to get to the top rope, but Steve gets up and meets him at the top turnbuckle. Both men start to fire forearms at each other, but just at that moment...




Damian Carvill makes his way down to the ring and stares at Steve Flash and Donnie J, who just stare blankly at him. Damian Carvill rushes into the ring and takes the referee out of the ring with a clothesline over the top rope. He then grabs onto Steve & Donnie on the top turnbuckle and drags them down into the ring, before he goes to grab a chair from under the ring, and smashes Donnie J & Steve Flash with it. He then leaves the ring, just in time for the referee to re-enter. The referee begins to count the competitors for a double ten count. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten. The match is over, and it's a draw.


Donnie J & Steve Flash draw @ 9:23 after a Double Ten Count

Rating - C+



..:: Show Rating - C ::..

Show Stealer - Nicky Hawk

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WCW Monday Night Nitro

Week 3, February 2012


:: The Hype ::

Tonight, fireworks will go off at Pennsylvania Park as WCW Monday Night Nitro will take the place by storm. In the Main Event, Nicky Hawk, coming off an impressive domination of always tough Mercy Michaels last week, will challenge Donnie J for his Number One contender spot, and a shot at Steve Flash at the Great American Bash. Donnie J fought Steve Flash at last week's Nitro, but drew with the champ, after an impromptu appearence from Damian Carvill, the Starrcade Rumble winner. Damian is set to appear at the show tonight to explain his actions, but most insiders have said that he has not been allowed on the premises for tonights show, preventing him from interfering with the Number One contenders match. As we look for new Tag Contenders, Thrill Seeker's blog has stated that he wants another shot at the Ace Express at the Great American Bash. Will Team Extreme get the shot, or will their hopes get shot down ? All this and more on Monday Night Nitro !


:: The Card ::

Donnie J vs Nicky Hawk

Rob Reynolds vs Rolling Johnny Stones

Kid Toma vs ???

Roderick Remus vs Sky King

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