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The WWE creative team sit round a large table with Vince McMahon at the head, it has been 2 hours since the Royal Rumble and Vince thought it imperative to call a creative meeting, also at the table alongside Vince and his creative team were the road agents, the talent relations team, WWE DIVA Gail Kim (Kimberly Gayle) and WWE Superstar Christian (Jason Reso).

The WWE has never in its history had such a meeting this soon after a Pay Per View and this close to the start of its flagship show RAW, but developments had come to light which would change the shape of the Wrestling Business forever.

They meeting was already minutes old but the atmosphere was tense, and the staff were unsure of what to make of Vince’s pondering face he hadn’t said a word since opening the meeting and asking for the usual minute taker to leave the room, she would not be needed as the nature of this particular meeting was on a need to know basis.

The conversation’s continued, and then when things are at their most turbulent point Vince breaks his silence.



“Jason, are you sure that your sources on this are accurate, I need you to be 100 percent positive on this before we take any type of action or make any kind of plans, this affects the whole company, the strategy the target audience for Christ sake!!”



“I’m positive, I can’t get anything in writing because Travis (Tomko) broke a signed secrets act that they had him sign, he told me in confidence, I broke his trust to give you guys this news, but this is something we need to prepare for, It’s not something I could just keep to myself, but I am certain”



“Damn it, this is serious, but surely they don’t have the star power to make this work?!?! I mean c’mon we took their best talent when we took back Jason and Kimberly”



“I hate to say it sir but they do have some good performers that could help make this work for them, I think that is another point that needs addressing”



“I have to agree with my dad I don’t think the performers they have can pull off what they are attempting”


“Stephanie, Mr McMahon with all due respect I haven’t been well enough to be on the air for the last month or two but as always I have been keeping an eye on their show’s and I have to agree with Kimberly they do have some players in their camp that could help pull in an audience”



“Plus there talking to some of our releases that are free agents, and I know it’s not my place to question business decisions, but I can’t understand why we let them go, they were talented and good draws ”



“Did Travis name any names??”



“Yes lots of them, I’m not sure whether he was trying to rub it in or lure me back, Ken Anderson is one name in particular that I think we should be looking at on their list”



“Maybe we should look at bringing him back and giving him a push?”



“Randy Orton wouldn’t be to happy about that, they didn’t get on to well”



“TO HELL WITH WHAT RANDY THINKS!! The company and its future, OUR FUTURE is more important than Randy’s opinion of one person!!”



“As far as talent from the competition, are we going to start trying to lure some of them away to join us??”



“That’s a certainty but I am just considering how many we will need”



“I don’t think it’s going to be that easy, some of their better performers are finally getting some big pushes, so it may be more difficult than it would have been a year or two ago”



“I think we need to look at this in perspective, so TNA is going to try and start the Monday night wars all over again, so there moving there piece o’crap show to Mondays, the same time as us, so there hiring some of our rejects, they aint got a chance in hell!! Well do to them what we did to WCW”



“Pat not to be disrespectful but things have changed, I moderate the WWE Universe boards, I browse wrestling forums worldwide, and I take the fans e-mails week in week out, were making lots of money doing what we are doing, were selling lots of merchandise, were putting out passable shows, but were losing touch with the demographic of 18 to 30, they’re the ones watching the competition, they’re the ones who complain about what we’re doing and they are the ones we need to impress to stop them flocking to TNA in there millions and causing us to go behind!! We need to take action before they even go public about going to Mondays!”


“we have to face facts that we have lost touch with some of the fans, and we have ignored their calls for a long time, but all off this as true as it is does not hold the solution or show us how we should be reacting!”



“Sir one thing we could look at doing is making our woman’s division a little more legitimate athletically, and i have a short list of free agents and some TNA talent that would be interested in joining us”



“That sounds like something constructive to build on and I think it’s something we should build on, Kimberly I would like you to produce that shortlist and have it on my desk by the end of RAW tomorrow”



“You may not agree but I think you should totally bail out on your announcement plans for Tuesday, and I think that instead of going ahead with this NXT idea we should improve ECW and make it a main show rather than a B show”



“I couldn’t agree more I think we should get some of our more established Upper Card guys and push them into the ECW main event, then possibly get some of our development guys in there as well as any talent we can get from TNA”



“Im not sure,,, that seems like a gamble”



“I think Jason and Jim have a point sir, I think that’s a good way to improve things for the company as a whole”



“Fine, but if we do this we don’t do it by half, we do it properly!! Joey I want ECW on another network and I want it to be on for 2 hours by next week, Im announcing it on Tuesday so we need to ensure its done!”



“That’s a tall order sir, what if it can’t be done??”



“Then we air it on WWE.com until we find a network, now Jason and Kimberley I am going to have to ask you to leave because we are going to have to discuss future pushes and possible staff rotation”


With this Christian and Gail Kim, leave the room and the meeting continues behind closed doors and deep into the night, the RAW show is restructured and the performers are notified, the future of the WWE has been set in a new direction and the world of wrestling will never be the same again.

Some matches are posted onto WWE.com





Quick picks


John Cena VS The Miz

Ted DiBiase VS Jack Swagger VS Mark Henry

Randy Orton VS Evan Bourne

Kofi Kingston VS Cody Rhodes


Shawn Michaels VS Triple H



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John Cena VS The Miz

Ted DiBiase VS Jack Swagger VS Mark Henry

Randy Orton VS Evan Bourne

Kofi Kingston VS Cody Rhodes


Shawn Michaels VS Triple H


Very Nice Presentation, I'll be reading for sure


thanks for the early complimens mate, I'll hopefully get a few more predictions and then the first show will be up

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take it for what its worth, but in real life wrestlers call each other by their known character names. (or the character they know them as) No way that Vince would be calling them Jason and Kimberly and that immediately took me out of the dialogue. I am probably in the minority though.
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take it for what its worth, but in real life wrestlers call each other by their known character names. (or the character they know them as) No way that Vince would be calling them Jason and Kimberly and that immediately took me out of the dialogue. I am probably in the minority though.


That actually stuck out to me, too, and kept me from really losing myself. Also, just as a tip from someone that's written plays and stories, dialogue shouldn't be a series of one-liners. Even though it's realistic to have things jumping around, with short responses, it doesn't translate well to an audience. Try to have people speak in full paragraphs, and eliminate some of the "filler" stuff that you hear around the dinner table.


Anyway, besides that I really like your presentation. I always appreciate good grammar and spelling, so you've got my vote of confidence on that. I try to give every WWE dynasty a try, so I'll be reading.


John Cena VS The Miz

Ted DiBiase VS Jack Swagger VS Mark Henry

Randy Orton VS Evan Bourne

Kofi Kingston VS Cody Rhodes


Shawn Michaels VS Triple H Draw

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February 1st 2010

Live from Atlanta, Georgia


Dark Match

Santino Morella def Primo Colon





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The Pyro’s explode and the arena erupts, the crowd still in fits of shock and joy after recapping edges return and win at the Royal Rumble. The camera pans round and shows a hyped up crowd as Michael Cole opens the show.




“Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to a sold out MONDAY NIGHT RAW!! THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA BEGINS HERE!! We come to you live tonight from Atlanta Georgia hot off the heels of an historic Royal Rumble!!”



“Last night Edge shocked the world by not only returning but also winning the Royal Rumble, earning his right to headline Wrestlemania, and tonight our Guest Host William Shatner hopes to impact Wrestlemania by having tonight as the official qualification night for The Elimination Chamber!”



“And as we all know the Elimination Chamber isn’t just one of the most hellacious and brutal match’s in existence but it’s also the last chance for those superstars who missed out on winning the Rumble to headline Wrestlemania!! Speaking of which the headline of those matches made by our Guest Host and tonight’s main event is worthy of the Wrestlemania Main event spot Shawn Michaels takes on his DX teammate and fellow undisputed tag team champion Triple H”







“I can’t wait Cole, that match should tear the roof off this place, but I have to wonder with so much at stake in that match how will it affect their partnership, in fact not just that how will it affect their friendship!!”




“I would hope that they will be professional enough to know what’s at stake and even though its every man for them self they can still be friends and tag team partners”



“And that’s not all, as if things couldn’t get any bigger tonight BRET HART will make his first public appearance tonight since being kicked in the gut by Mr McMahon”



“That should be one hell of a confrontation”


<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD-jbRXFgI0&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD-jbRXFgI0&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>


The crowd erupts at the sound of edges music, edge has a look of self satisfaction upon his face, but also looked touched and happy that the thousands in attendance were so happy to see him.



“and this capacity crowd couldn’t be more thrilled to see THE RATED R SUPERSTAR!!”



“Hang on a minute Cole, as we all know the winner of the Rumble can challenge any champion he likes”



“Yea what’s your point King?”



“Well as we also know Edge is a SmackDown superstar, is this a signal of intent, is he putting WWE Champions Shamus on notice??”


Edge makes his way into the ring and grabs a mic, as his music stops the crowd chants Edges name as the Rumble winner smiles and looks around.



“well I think it’s fair to say that THE RATED R SUPERSTAR IS BACK!!!!!”


Crowd go’s absolutely insane!!!



“And im just back, im not here to make a slow and steady return, Im not here to wait patiently for my shot, IM BACK AND IM GOING TO HEADLINE THE AT THE BIGGEST EVENT ON THE CALANDER IM GOINT TO MAIN EVENT WRESTLEMANIA!!!


I was sat at home with an injury the doctors said mint end my career, having to watch others stroll around like they owned the place! I HAD TO WATCH AS POSER, A LOUDMOUTH LIKE CHRIS JERICHO MADE LIGHT OF MY SITUATION AS HE PICKS UP A DAMN SLAMMY AWARD!!! I couldn’t take it any longer, so I rehabbed like never before, I worked harder than anyone has ever worked, I GRITTED MY TEETH AND I SMASHED THE PAIN BARRIER!! I SPAT IN THE DOCTORS FACES AND I DID WHAT THEY SAID I COULDNT DO AND I RETURNED MONTHS AHEAD OF SCHEDUALE AND I WON THE ROYAL RUMBLE!! AND NO IDIOTS LIKE JERICHO CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!!”



“He’s right King he has proved that he is the ultimate opportunist once again and he has claimed his place in the limelight”



“Correct but as I said before is he here to put the WWE Champion on notice??”



“now im sure a lot of you are thinking, he must be here to make his intentions clear, he must be making his claim to challenge RAW’s champion, well the truth is I’ve thought a lot about it, on SmackDown we have a champion who has never lost at Wrestlemania, a man I have challenged at the main event on the grandest stage of them all before, and I have to admit, it didn’t go so well, now here on RAW we have a champion who not only hasn’t really had much big match experience, but has never even competed at Wrestlemania, so surely he would be the smart choice, but then I realised something, this is all irrelevant, the elimination chamber is coming up and we may have two new champions, so I’ve decided that the smartest thing to do is sit it out and wait. But that won’t stop me coming here and,,,,, testing the water. You see I may as well,,,”



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Edge is interrupted by the music of the WWE Champion, and the crowd are just as unimpressed as edge himself as they bombard Shamus with boo’s as he approaches the ring mic in hand.



“this crowd is less than impressed that Shamus is interrupting Edge.”



“This guy isn’t the most popular of people at the best of times, and as the only Irish born WWE Champion gets into the ring you have to think he’s out here to try and mark his territory”


Shamus smiles at edge and shakes his head before addressing the audience and Edge.



“I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced, I am the WWE Champion, Im the man who’s been dominating this company while you’ve been away, and I am the man you definitely don’t want to be facing at Wrestlemania Im the man who,,,,”



“You’re the guy who spends money on hair gel, manscaping sessions for that little village people beard and then runs out of cash before he gets to the tanning salon, yea I know who you are”


The audience breaks into laughter and cheers as Edge smiles, Shamus is less than impressed.



“Now im gunna let that one go because your brains obviously not connected to your mouth properly tonight, so I suggest you walk out of my ring and let me say what I wanna say while you still got your legs to carry you!!”

Edge stands motionless with a huge smile refusing to budge, as Shamus stares him down.



“You’ve got guts, but obviously not many brain cells”


Without warning Shamus strikes edge with the microphone dropping him to the canvas, he begins to pummel him all Edge can do is put up a guard to his head and try not to get to hurt.

Shamus backs off and waits for Edge to rise, he attempts his trademark Pump Kick but edge ducks and counters with an edgeomatic, Shamus is groggy, Edge makes his way to the corner and begins beckoning for Shamus to get up, the crowd become hysterical as Edge has signalled what is to come, Shamus gets up and turns and his hit by a huge Spear! Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler keep up commentary as Edge raises both hands in the air and gives the horns hand signal.



“Looks like Shamus has now been properly introduced to both Edge and the spear!!”



“And what a way to kick off Monday Night RAW, and the action will continue because coming up next is our first Elimination Chamber Qualifier as John Cena will take on United States Champion The Miz!”


A split screen shot of both Cena and the Miz is shown as they walk through the backstage area.




We return from commercials just as the Miz is making his entrance, he looks on anxiously as Cena enters to a mixed reaction from the crowd.





The match is of average quality, The Miz carries the match more than expected showing a lot of quality showing that he has a bright future in the industry, Cena has to come back from beatings several time’s yet again showcasing his heart and determination. The Miz bends the rules several times, with eye pokes refusing to break counts and using the ropes as leverage when possible. The commentary shows Cole and Lawler’s surprise at such a strong performance from The Miz. Eventually though things change, Miz goes for his signature running corner clothesline but Cena evades this and after Miz hits the turnbuckle and reels backwards Cena hits a running bulldog from behind.

He then hits the five-knuckle-shuffle and locks in the STF making Miz tap out.






“The Miz pulled everything out of the hat but couldn’t put Cena away”



“And we have our first contender for Shamus’s WWE Championship at the Elimination Chamber”


We cut backstage as Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase chat in their locker room about the Elimination Chamber, Ted suddenly stops talking and stares straight through Cody, the camera pans to the side revealing Randy Orton, Cody turns and suddenly looks petrified.



“Look Randy im sorry, I was only trying to help last night, I was just trying to show a little initiative!”


Randy stares angrily at Cody, his teeth gritted and a demonic look in his eyes.



“You will have to be punished for your actions, I don’t know how yet but you will learn from your mistake!!”


He continues his stare down of Cody for a few moments before turning and leaving.




The show comes back on air with a re-cap video.

the re-cap video shows of the confrontation between Bret and Vince, resulting in the kick heard round the world.

We then cut backstage to vince McMahon as he heads towards his office.

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The shot cuts to the arena as the next match’s participants make their entrance.

Just before the match gets underway the show go’s to commercial.







The match is underway as the show returns from commercials.



The match gets a bit of extra quality being a triple threat, Mark Henry demonstrates his superior strength on numerous occasions, at one point even bear hugging both his opponents at once before Swagger reaches the rope. DiBiase and Swagger have to team up several times to put in an affective offence against Henry, removing him from the ring on occasions, when it is left to Swagger and DiBiase to go at it one on one as Henry is incapacitated both performers put on an absolute clinic, showing why they are tipped as future champions, both showcasing there excellent technical and ring work skills.

Henry returns to the ring heavy hitting both men, he throws DiBiase over the top rope to the floor, and despite trying to fight back Swagger is overpowered by Henry, after toying with him Henry picks up Swagger and hits the World’s Strongest Slam and go’s for the cover, 1,2,,, the count is interrupted as DiBiase hits an Orton like punt to Henrys head, he quickly go’s for the cover and gets the three count and rolls out of the ring to celebrate as an angry and disorientated Mark Henry curses and hits the matt with angry fists.





“He stole that one king, as we look at the highlights of that match we can see that Mark Henry clearly had the match won”



“That’s the danger of triple threat matches Michael, even when you think the job is done and your hands gunna get raised, there’s always that threat that the third man is going to take his opportunity and grab victory from defeat”


The cameras go backstage as it seems Shawn Michaels is preparing for his match with Triple H in the main event.

The crowd cheers as Triple H walks into the shot and pats Shawn on the shoulder.



“look Shawn, I just want you to know that even though you super kicked my jaw off last night and eliminated me from the Rumble, I have no hard feelings, its everyman for himself and I get that, I just hope that no matter what tonight win or lose there will be no hard feelings after our match either”



“Hunter we both know that this match is nothing personal and were both gunna give it our all, because we both want that main event spot at Wrestlemania, and just think if I win this match, then win the title at the chamber maybe things will work out and maybe The Undertaker will lose, that way I can give him a shot at my Championship and still face him at Wrestlemania”



“Hey Shawn I get it, we both want this bad, but I think your wanting this for all the wrong reasons, I think your obsession with The Undertaker is getting out of hand, we should go out there and tear the house down for the spirit of competition, not because you want to fight the Dead Man”


Shawn looks confused and taken back at Triple H’s comments



“Whatever man, good luck I’ll see you out there”


Shawn storms off leaving Triple H looking concerned




We return as Evan Bourne is making his way to the ring, he makes it halfway down before being attacked from behind by Randy Orton.

Orton stomps on Bourne, thrashing out wildly, dragging him down the ramp, once outside the ring Orton throws him into the steel steps, he takes a step back and stares demonically into thin air, he comes out of his trance and again begins punishing Bourne repeatedly smashing his skill against the steel steps, Bourne’s face is now a crimson mess, he has a large head wound gushing vast amounts of blood.

Orton throws his victims limp and lifeless body into the ring before sliding in himself, he grabs Evans head and pulls him to his feet, but he is only standing because Orton is supporting his weight, Orton hits the RKO and screams at the referee to ring the bell, after a moment or two of arguing Orton again screams at the referee who has no choice but to ring the bell.



Randy Orton puts his foot on Bourne’s chest, Bourne is clearly knocked out



“not like this, this is sick even or that Viper Orton”


The referee hesitantly counts to three and immediately calls for EMT’s and other help, Orton just casually walk away still with an angry and evil look on his face.






“Disgusting actions by Randy Orton, there was no need for that this young man Evan Bourne did nothing to deserve any of that!!”



“it’s hard to watch back Michael but as you can see the whole way through Randys eyes look glazed over as if he is in some kind of rage, and I think it’s pretty obvious that he has taken out all his frustration from last night on Evan Bourne”





As the show return’s Triple H is psyching himself up in his dressing room, after a few moments Shamus enters the dressing room, Triple H stands with an intense look on his face and glares at the WWE champion, Shamus smiles and walks straight up to the potential challenger for his title, the camera zooms in and shows the two superstars nearly nose to nose, Shamus looks down at the belt on his shoulder then back at The multiple time world champion.



“They say you’re the best in the business, well I guess to truly show my true dominance in the WWE you’re the man I have to beat”



“That’s right I am the best in the business today, and before you can even think of trying to strut around here and think your top dog I think you better take this advise, a true legend of this industry once said to be the man, you gotta beat the man, and until you beat me, you’ll never be the man!”


Shamus’s smile fades and he to now has a very intense look on his face they lock eyes and stare each other down for a few seconds before Shamus takes a few steps back and turns his back.



“And if you think that spear hurt tonight, wait until you get inside that chamber with me!!”



“You’ve got to make it to the chamber first”


Shamus’s smile returns and he walks away leaving Triple H looking angry and fired up.

As we pan back into the arena we hear the music of Kofi Kingston and the crowd gives a big pop for the Jamaican superstar.




Cody makes his way to the ring with considerable but not overly intense heat from the crowd.

The match gets under way slowly both men trying to measure the other one trading a few grapple’s, eventually Cody takes the first drastic move with an Orton style slap in Kofi’s face followed by an arrogant smile, Kofi takes a second before retaliating with a few low kicks and elbows sharply whipping the smile from Rhodes face, the match is pretty much in Kofi’s control until he is hit by a sly and conceived low blow out of the ref’s line of sight, Cody begins dominating Kofi with a string of vicious strikes to the head and a few submission holds again focusing on the head and face of Kingston, eventually Cody looks to finish the match.



“And everything is going Cody’s way here, a vicious set of attacks from the young Legacy member has put him in complete control”



“People may not like his methods but Cody has taken it to another level tonight, showing how much he has progressed, he throws Kofi Kingston into the corner I think he may be getting ready to,,”





Cody backs off waving his hands and begging Orton not to attack him, Orton stares at him viciously with gritted teeth and evil intentions on his face








Randy stomps on the defenceless Kingston in the corner, then drags him to his feet and hits a thunderous RKO.





Cody looks on in total confusion as Randy looks at his victim lying motionless on the mat, he admires his handy work then slides out of the ring and walks towards the back, the match bell rings as the referee talks to Justin Roberts.



“The Winner of this match via disqualification KOFI KIIIINNNGGGSTTTTOOONNN!!!!”






Cody’s hands go behind his head and his confusion turns to shock and horror as he realises what has transpired, his punishment had been delivered.



“Well Cody has been punished by Orton but that Viper has taken out one of our brightest superstars in the process”



“let’s just hope that Kingston is 100% again before the elimination chamber”



“Well the show has to go on and up next the main event ITS TRIPLE H VS THE HEARTBREAK KID SHAWN MICHAELS!!”


We see both participants walking separate on their way to the ring.




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We return just as Shawn Michaels music hits and the crowd gives the biggest pop of the night as he makes a less energetic walk to the ring than usual, the effects of not winning the rumble still clearly in his head.

Triple H makes his entrance to an even greater pop than HBK’s with the pure intensity only seen in a Triple H entrance. The two men stare at each other then shake hands out of respect before the bell rings.




Both men start slowly not sure how to approach the match up, obviously not wanting to make the first big hit against their friend, they lock up several times before separating and backing off, eventually both men back to their corner and stare each other down, they stare for several moments before smiling at one another,,,

They both charge and begin striking furiously at each other, eventually Triple H shows his power advantage and Irish whips HBK to the corner with amazing power, Shawn hits the turnbuckle and does his signature flip over the rope sell, but instead of landing in pain he flips to the apron and ascends the top rope and hits a flying clothesline on his opponent and friend taking him down, Shawn hits his trademark kick up but Triple H quickly pushes himself to his feet and dashes to the ropes rebounding himself knee first into HBK, Triple H backs off and smiles as HBK climbs back to his feet, again they both head back to the corner smiling.

The match after this slows down but both men put on a show stealing performance, taking the crowd on a roller coaster of emotion and chain wrestling. Neither man holds the upper hand for very long in the match up, the crowd can’t get enough.

Eventually Triple H manages to gain control after hitting a strong spine buster out of no ware, he begins signalling the end and sets up for the pedigree, this is when things go wrong as WWE Champion Shamus storms the ring, confusion hits as he hits the pump kick on the Game, he begins stomping angrily on him and shouting abuse, as he turns he is taken off guard by a perfectly executed Super Kick from Shawn Michaels, as he flops to the matt HBK helps up Triple H who becomes incensed and begins dissecting Shamus, he drags him to his feet and hits the Pedigree.

The bell rings and Justin Roberts announces Triple H the winner by disqualification, for the second time tonight and elimination chamber qualification match is decided by outside interruption and the crowd do not sound happy about Shamus’s actions.

Shawn stares into space obviously distraught with the outcome, Triple H approaches and try’s to comfort him but Shawn shrugs this off and walks to the back.






“An absolute classic unnecessarily ruined by Shamus trying to prove a point, how could this night be tarnished anymore!!”



“You have to feel sorry for Shawn Michaels, this has to be the worst 48 hours of his career, his goal, his obsession with facing the Undertaker just keeps fading further and further away, first by losing the Rumble and secondly by not qualifying for the elimination chamber, you just have to feel for the guy!”



“Well as far as feeling for someone, you have to feel for Bret Hart, he came back to the WWE looking for closure, but instead was kicked in the gut by Mr McMahon, well coming up next, the second confrontation of the Hitman and the Chairman!”




We return as Bret’s music hits, the crowd losing their minds in deliria, he approaches the ring, still looking frail due to his ill health of recent times, but this means nothing to the crowd they are just happy to see there cult hero, he climbs in the ring and wastes no time in cutting a promo.


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Rating B+

A nice show and hopefully the pundits will have enjoyed it, can’t make any

Drastic changes in 24 hours so a pretty standard WWE show.



Quick Picks

John Cena VS The Miz

Ted DiBiase VS Jack Swagger VS Mark Henry

Randy Orton VS Evan Bourne

Kofi Kingston VS Cody Rhodes


Shawn Michaels VS Triple H

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well i finally got the first show up, I posted it a few days ago but it didnt appear straight away, would be good to hear what people thaught, I know there was a lot of videos straight from RAW but that wont be a consistant thing, I just didnt want to change to much from the origional show at this point as it was perfect build up for my direction of things o dont worry it wont be a carbon copy of what hapens in the real world every show.



SeanMcFly 5/5

Tweek It 5/5

Greg McNeish 3/5

Jonny_CKY 2/5



the person who predicts the most correct results after the full week of shows will get a special prize and make a big decision for the future of the Company.

The Winner after the elimination chamber preview gets a special prize and gets to make a huge decision for Wrestlemania and the winner after mania gets an evan bigger decision prize for the draft, so keep thee predictions coming guys.

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A very solid yet predictable RAW hit our screens last night getting a 4.2 on the USA Network and a 0.6 on Sky Sports in the UK.

After the results we have to wonder how long it will be before another dose of Cena Mania is forced down our throats by Vinnie Mac and Co.

The Miz shon out as the star performer of the night if only he had got one over on Cena maybe the predictability would have been broken.

Kudos to Ted DiBiase for showing why he could be a Champion of the future by basicly making Mark Henry and Jack Swagger looking like amatures.


It has come to our attention that WWE will be promoting some of there development talent to the full roster, the highlight of the list being The American Dragon Bryan Danielson, will he get an imideate squash and be jobbing to the likes of Santino Morella, Kung Fu-Naki and Daliph "The Talentless Kahli" Singh OR will we be seeing this in the near future??


We know wich outcome were routing for!!


In TNA news it seems that AJ Styles is unhappy about the inevitable arival of Ken "MR KENNEDYYYY ,,,, KENNEDY!!" Anderson, it seems that Anderson is in negotiations and will undoubtably want an instant push. AJ is said to not liek this and believes he will be knocked down the pecking order.

AJ is reportadly allready unhappy at having to drop the strap to Sting next month and also at having to dress like a mini ric flair complete with robes, it is said that he thinks that the Legends input is turning into a sideshow.

Is this AJ becoming a male DIVA or is TNA really losing the hold on reality.



Its reported that The Undertaker is set to make his TNA debut after Wrestlemania.



WWE.com today anounced the signing of 2 new Divas, whilst there id's are being kept secret it is believed that they are Stacey Kiebler and Becky Baylees, this however is pure speculation.


ROH.com today anounced the signing of The Ultimate Warrior, we believe he will play the part of a gimmicky no talent guy (shouldnt be to hard) and will job to everything that moves.


TNA today anounced the signings of Matt "A-TRAIN" Bloom, Rebecca Knox, Chris Hero, Jetta and Kevin Fertig.


PROWNR.net takes no responsibility for any inacuracy on this site as all new's is reported with its source, unless there is a source it is strictly rumour.






Carlito Transfered to ECW

He will get the chance to prove his worth tonight in a triple threat match for the ECW Championship.


Also We will be introducing new superstar Danial Bryan in a uniqe concept THE SUDEN DEATH 6 MAN WAR

The first two men to score a pinfall or submission will team up and challange for the unified tag team titles next week on syfy.


WWE is happy to anounce the signing of two new DIVAS, these well known and extremley talented ladies itching to make there debuts we think it best to keep there identities a secret untill they reveal themselves.

These two bombshells are known both nationaly and iternationaly.


New Superstar Danial Bryan has a huge hype surounding him, he has an extensive amature background and is an internet and tape trader cult icon.

Will he prove himself in the big league's??







Zack Ryder w/Rosa Mendes VS The Hurricaine



(need to pick 2 winners)

Yoshi Tatsu VS Vance Archer VS Danial Bryan VS Vladamire Koslov VS Goldust VS Paul Burchill




Christian VS Shelton Benjamin VS Carlito

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Zack Ryder w/Rosa Mendes VS The Hurricaine



(need to pick 2 winners)

Yoshi Tatsu VS Vance Archer VS Danial Bryan VS Vladamire Koslov VS Goldust VS Paul Burchill




Christian VS Shelton Benjamin VS Carlito


KUTGW Mate really liked the first show

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February 2nd 2010

Live from Seattle, Washington


Dark Match

Brett DiBiase w/Hannah & Holly Blossom def Tyler Reks w/Bella Twin






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The Pyro’s explode and the fans cheer for the opening of ECW, with the news of ECW getting some new talent and the expectation of what promises to be very competitive main event the fans are quite pumped up for an ECW event, the dark match also helped get the crowd going with a very exiting performance.







“Correct Josh, not only do we have some hot new talent debuting tonight in a unique six man war matchup ware the two winners will team up next week to take on the Undisputed Tag Team Champion’s, but also our latest acquisition Carlito will challenge for the ECW Championship along with Shelton Benjamin in our main event”



“It looks as though Captain Charisma has his work cut out for him tonight!! We also have word that the Chairman of WWE Mr McMahon is in the building tonight and he has a major announcement with regards to the future of ECW”



<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBN4uMLbavc&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBN4uMLbavc&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>


A standing ovation for the ECW champion as he approaches the ring working the crowd on his away, the ECW title hanging over his shoulders and mic in hand Christian slides into the ring and smiles at his ovation before bringing up the mic to shed some light on why he is out here.



“Well peeps it’s been an eventful few days, first off my old tag team partner Edge shocks the world and wins the Royal Rumble, Kudos buddy its good to see you back, secondly he appears on RAW and stated that he has earned the right to face either the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion, and I have to admit, I was a little teeny bit offended, this prestigious title you see over my left shoulder seems to have been knocked down the pecking order, unjustly I mint add! And it’s about time that this Championship and this brand take things to the next level and we start tonight by firstly watching me win the best main event in ECW history, now with regarding the big announcement tonight I,,,”

Out of the crowd comes Ezekiel Jackson who proceeds to batter and punish the champ and hitting him with a move not usually in his arsenal a chokeslam powerbomb combination.

He then picks up the ECW Championship.


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William Regal steps from behind the curtain with a mic and delivers a promo from the top of the ramp.



“Now im sure im not in the minority here but that bloody broken down and beaten tart laying in the middle of the ring doesn’t look like a Champion whose taking things to the next level, he doesn’t look much like a Champion at all he looks like a man cowering in a main event with two other men who aren’t even fit to be in the presence of the Juggernaut standing tall in the middle of the ring, THE TRUE CHAMPION OF THIS BRAND, so Christian, after tonight there will be no more hiding, YOU WILLFACE MR JACKSON AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CHAMPIONSHIP!!”



“William Regal and Ezekiel Jackson making their feelings about being excluded from the main event tonight known!!”



“But who can argue with the dominance shown here, and what a way to start tonight’s show”





We return just as Zack Ryder and Rosa Mendes make their way to the ring, they receive a fairly moderate reaction front he crowd. Rosa struts over and gets a mic for her man before entering the squared circle.



“I’m not one to complain but who booked this crap tonight!! Me against a man who wears his underwear over his wrestling gear and a superhero mask that hides his identity about as well as a window and has no super powers WOOO WOO WOOOOO!! And let’s not forget that in the main event we have 3 losers in my spot now that definitely is not fair I should be there and ill prove it by being kryptonite tonight!! WOO WOOO WOO!!”


The crowd boo’s loudly as Ryder smirks, his smirk his short lived as the hurricanes music hits and the crowed cheer loudly, He energetically storms the ring and gives his super hero pose staring at Ryder.




The match hits a rocky start as Zack Ryder messes up a dropkick and The Hurricane go’s down anyway despite the obvious lack of contact, a highlight for internet blooper videos for generations to come.

But after the initial mistake the match picks up Zack ups his game and begins to dominate, after nailing his opponent with a tornado DDT it looks like things are all wrapped up before Hurricane does a Shawn Michaels style kick up much to the shock and dismay of Ryder, He points towards him and rushes in hitting Ryder with left and rights before hitting an enzuigiri we all know what’s coming as he darts in to hit the Shining Wizard, Ryder ducks and hits a move that we haven’t seen before (it seems to be a night of new finishing manoeuvres) its a hybrid reverse DDT/Codebreaker to the back of the head.

Ryder picks up the win.



Ryder again takes the mic halting his music to address the audience in the arena and watching at home.



“The first victim of the Ryder Rage, the move that make me ECW champion before Wrestlemania WOO, WOO WOOOOO!!”





We return as Byron Saxton stand in the ring.



“It gives me great pleasure to introduce ECW’s newest superstar, CARLITO!!!”



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw3YsZ-XxOw&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw3YsZ-XxOw&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Carlito heads to the ring with a large cheering section; he looks pleased with himself that the ECW fans are glad to see him.

He climbs into the ring and takes the second microphone.



“Well look at this picture, me, Carlito, stood in an ECW ring, ready to make an impact, unfortunately I can’t wait until later tonight!!”


Byron looks confused, he turns and looks at Josh Matthews with a puzzled look on his face as to what Carlito could have meant by this, then BANG Saxton suffers the back stabber from Carlito, the cheers that were once shaking the rafters have turned to boo’s which echo through the arena as Carlito scowls at Saxton as he writhes around in pain.



“You really think I was going to be interviewed by a bum like that!! On a piece of crap brand like this, in a second class ring!! The only thing worth a damn on this show in the Championship and tonight I take that, maybe then I’ll get the respect I deserve in this company, and I mint even get transferred back to a worthwhile brand with the ECW Title, and then guess what this show has nothing just like it deserves!!”


Carlito throws down his mic and walks off to jeers and boo’s and even on member of the audience spitting at him, luckily it missed Carlito and his huge hair.




We return to the show and Paul Burchill, Goldust, Yoshi Tatsu and Vance archer stand in the ring each giving one another a large distance.

Final Countdown by Europe hits and ECW’s new rookie superstar Daniel Bryan approaches the ring with a lot of energy, jumping and dashing to the ring, the audience gives him a mixed reaction nobody in the crowd under 14 really re-acts at all, some adults give polite cheers, but certain sections mostly males aged 17-32 go absolutely nuts for this young competitor.

The final music hits and the Moscow Madman Vladimir Koslov approaches walks down the ramp with a lot of intensity.




Josh Matthews is joined at ringside by Matt Striker filling in for the fallen Byron Saxton, the two work well as a team whilst calling the match.

The match is Chaos at first each man striking wildly at anything that moves, as expected the bigger more powerful competitors Koslov, Goldust and Burchill start to gain the early advantages, but as Goldust go’s for an uppercut on new boy Daniel Bryan he dodges and a thunderous kick to mid section followed by a string of impressive technical manoeuvres, the crowd are impressed by this and even the 10 year olds begin cheering for Bryan he locks in a very painful looking modified figure four leglock, just as it looks like Goldust will tap Archer breaks them up with a kick to Bryans back.

The match go’s on the star performers being Burchill, Koslov and Bryan, Archer and Tatsu don’t seem to have really turned up yet effort wise and Goldust looked physically exhausted after 6 minutes.




ECW comes back on air just as Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust are thrown over the ropes by Koslov, then the shock of the match as Daniel Bryan hits a flying elbow to the back of Koslov’s head, whilst down he locks in a very flashy and painful looking submission hold Striker informs the audience at home this is called the Cattle Mutilation and explains how this move helped make Daniel Bryan an internet sensation.

Whilst this is happening Burchill hits the C4 flip suplex on Vance Archer, the referee counts to three Burchill wins spot one a few seconds later a huge upset as Koslov taps out!! The crowd go’s nut’s and Burchill gives Daniel an impressed look, He grins back at Burchill with an intensity in his eyes and a dominant stance, they both nod at each other, shake hands but leave separately.







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Vince comes out to a huge chorus of boos the audience still remembers his tormenting of Bret Hart last night.

He struts to the ring with his usual power walk and swaggers into the ring.

Every time Vince bring the mic to his mouth the Boos get louder causing Vince to delay a few times.



“SHUT UP!!!”


The trademark evil boss surfaces and the fans boo louder, except the kids who actualy shut up.



“THATS BETTER!! Now it has come to my attention that things have been slipping around here, this show has become a side attraction, a freak show and I think it’s time for a change!! This pathetic little brand needs to start pulling its weight; Christian made a point earlier about taking things to the next level! Well Christian first things first to take things to the next level you need a competent champion and Im afraid that you don’t fit that bill, in fact none of the stars in the main event tonight do, NO ONE ON THIS STUPID BRAND DESERVES TO BE A CHAMPION!! Now there are a few ways to fix these problems, first things first I have handpicked the next ECW Champion, Whoever wears the belt after elimination chamber will face my handpicked Champion at Wrestlemania!! Now to the big announcement, this brand to properly improve needs some more time to try and shine, to try and shake the rust off, so starting next week ECW will be shown on the FX Channel, and this will become a 2 hour show, now to mark the new ECW were going to have a main event that will filter the stars from the no hopers, everyone on the roster will compete in an elimination Championship Match”



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Christian makes his way to the ring to a large ovation and much to the annoyance of Vince McMahon. Christian still looks in pain from the attack earlier.



“And what the hell do you want”



“Well my match is scheduled to start in a minute and my peeps can’t wait to see me put my opponents to the mat for the three, but also I came out here to make sure Im hearing you correctly, you honestly think that you have the right to trash talk this brand, to try and put a ringer in the title picture, well honestly I think as usual your full of crap!”


Vince is definitely annoyed by Christian’s comments.



“You want to shoot your mouth off, well guess what, you’ve just earned your spot in next weeks elimination match! You will be the first competitor in that match, AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU LOSE YOUR DAMN TITLE!! That’s if you even make it through tonight That’s pretty much a lucky break for you because you don’t want any part of my chosen Champion at Wrestlemania!”



“That suits me just fine Vince because,,”


From behind Ezekiel Jackson slides into the ring and hits the Chokeslam Bomb that Matt Striker informs us is called the collision course! Ezekiel then leaves the ring and walks to the back looking pleased with himself.

Vince shows his approval with a sick demented smile.



“Well Christian, good luck”


Vince walks to the back halfway up the ramp we here Shelton Benjamin’s music hit he comes to the ring, he gets into the ring and stalks Christian, as he gets to his feet Benjamin hits the pay dirt immediately flooring Christian again.

Carlito’s music hit’s and he darts to the ring and just like Benjamin he waits for Christian to rise before hitting the backstabber!

Both men begin to stomp on Christian while he is down, a referee runs to the ring and pushes both men away from the floored ECW Champ, both men are in opposite corners, but Christian is unable to stand but the ref has no choice but to ring the bell for the start of the match.




Carlito darts towards Christian and go’s for the cover he gets a two count before Shelton stomps on Carlito, Shelton go’s for the cover and also gets a two count before Carlito pulls him off by the leg and go’s for another cover he gets a one count, before Shelton pulls him off by the hair and gets a one count before Carlito pulls him to his feet, both men trash talk each other pointing at Christian and getting in each other’s faces. Then stop silent and stare before starting to beat on each other each man trying to take the other out as quick as possible, the Southpaw Carlito takes the upper hand and whips Shelton to the ropes, but it back fires as he ducks Carlito’s clothesline attempt, and rebounds then hits a flying forearm, the two men continue to put on a great competition each showing why there in tonight’s main event with and demonstrating a wrestling clinic, while they fight it out Christian gets enough energy to roll out of the ring and catch his breath and try to recover.

In the ring Carlito throws Shelton over the top rope and hits a huge suicide dive, both men roll around on the floor for a few moments, before Carlito gets up and tosses Benjamin into the ring, as Carlito gets back in everyone is taken by surprise as Christian heads into the ring and begins beating Carlito with all his energy and anger, he puts Carlito down and begins stomping on him mercilessly, Shelton rises and begins brawling with the champion, the match now turns into a real triple threat match, with ups and downs all three men putting on a master class, eventually Carlito and Benjamin begin double teaming the weakened champ again, Carlito stands behind Christian ready for a backstabber, in front of Christian Benjamin goes for a HBK style super kick, Christian ducks and the kick connects with Carlito putting him straight to the floor, Benjamin doesn’t seem to concerned and turns around and walks straight into the Killswitch.

1,2,3 Christian against all the odd’s picks up the win!





A battered and bruised Christian celebrates, obviously exhausted as ECW go’s off the air.



Rating B

A solid show which gets the best crowd reactions on ECW in a long time, the crowd loved the triple threat main event, and Daniel Bryan impressed a lot of people, some of the younger viewers didn’t really connect with the show.




Would be great to hear what people thaught of my first ECW show

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kutgw mate a very interesting read, i can see this blossoming, one suggestion I have is with the story telling it seems a bit rushed in places and would really like to see how good this can get if you could slow down and take your time especially with the dialouge. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>I thaught the RAW show was solid, I would have prefered you to write stuff up rather than using vids straight from raw though, but I understand why you have done that. the match write ups on both shows are very good and give a very good description of the match without it becoming to boring.</p><p>

The comentary can be a bit short and sweet wich makes it a bit of a chore to read, but when the promo's are being cut and there a few paragraphes long there good solid promo's, the graphics are inspired <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> (you can thank me for them some other time lol) and the layout of the shows are good, you have the makings of a strong diary and I hope you kutgw because the hard thing to do is keep a good diary going consistantly.</p><p> </p><p>

I cant speak for everyone but they are my opinions <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

hope that helps and what you were after when you asked for feedback on the shows</p>

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<p>Read through this all and i think its really good and really well used with videos and the way you decided the challengers for the Unified Tag Titles and the way you have kept ECW </p><p>

This is an awesome dynasty <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Thanks for your feedback on the shows, and thanks for the compliments and critisism, I will do my best to take what you have said on board and make things better and try and make sure this dynastie is as sucsessfull as possible, and yea I cant thank you enough for the pics you have been producing for me.



Thanks for the compliments and hope you enjoy the rest of what I have in store :)




Quick Picks for superstars should be up before the end of the day :)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#000000;">WWE.com</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v735/jagblade/wrestling/13307796.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Tomorrow night on superstars promises to be a night to remember.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="font-size:10px;">Vladamir Koslov looks for revenge over the WWE's newest star Daniel Bryan.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;">

Daniel made the Moscow Mauler tap out much to the shock of the WWE universe last night on ECW.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;">

Was it a fluke or will Koslov get put in a world of pain again??</span></p><p> </p><p>


<span style="font-size:10px;">An international flavour hits SUPERSTARS this Thursday as Intercontinental Champion and Scotsman Drew Macintyre teams up with the First Irish Born WWE Champion Shamus.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;">

They will go head to head with the USA's shamen of sexy John Morrison and Italys own Santino Marella!</span></p><p> </p><p>


<span style="font-size:10px;">A huge main event as the World Heavyweight Champion will go one on one with the United States Champion.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;">

The Miz faces his toughest ever challange as he try's to pick up the three count against the deadman.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;">

(non-title match)</span></p><p> </p><p>

--------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

QUICK PICKS</p><p> </p><p>



<strong>MAIN EVENT</strong></p><p>



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I like the graphics in this dynasty. I would definitely spell check them before you save them though. In the Superstars graphics Kozlov, Sheamus, and McIntyre are all spelled wrong. Those oversights are what turns me off in dynasties some times. Just work on little things like that and keep doing what you do and you have a solid start.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SHaynes23" data-cite="SHaynes23" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26773" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I like the graphics in this dynasty. I would definitely spell check them before you save them though. In the Superstars graphics Kozlov, Sheamus, and McIntyre are all spelled wrong. Those oversights are what turns me off in dynasties some times. Just work on little things like that and keep doing what you do and you have a solid start.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I feel dumb for not noticing that after working as a copy editor for four years. I guess that says something about the pretty pictures though cause they sure distracted me from wordswordswords. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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