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ROF :- Staving off the Knell

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My first attempt at a diary/dynasty hopefully this will help me get some tips to improve my gameplay. As a british person I had to play with ROF easy to book. (No angles). And englands best hope for a come back in my opinion.


Hope you guys enjoy it.


i will be playing as Hart Jespers a young up and coming wrestler/booker who was bags of talent but just couldnt enter the scene in America.


The son of a friend of a friend of British Samurai, means he gets a chance here and now.


In a last ditch by Samurai to stave off the funeral bell (knell) for his promotion, he hands over the booking for his company to young highly talented man.


Sam:- I hope you know what your doing mate, as I have a small budget and not many wrestlers left. What I do have I leave to you to do what you can with.

Hart :- I'll try not to let you down boss.

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Advance Booking of ROF's Rampage Jan '10


ROF's Rampage (Thurs Wk 1 Jan 2010)


Hart walked into the room full of ROF's "Talent".


Hart :-

As you all now know I am your new booker, there are going to be some big changes coming up. First things first, I don't wanna be your friend, your chum your pal. I'm here to do a job. That involves keeping as many of us as possible in our jobs. I can't do that if I am too friendly with some of you.


Next, I have just posted the preliminary match annoucements for "ROF's Rampage" which will be this Thursday. I will be working on making a Match List for "21C Sux" this will be happening on Thurs Week 3.


Hopefully I will be able to drag us through this rough patch and into a new high.


The locker room is filled with murmuring, Hart turns around and walks out.


On the notice board hangs a list of Matches that have been anounced to the media. (The local post office window)


Don Henderson vs Jonni Lowlife


Billy Robinson vs Nigel Svensson


Walter Morgan vs British Samurai

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Hart Walks into Robert Brown's (British Samurai AKA Boss) office.


Rob :- Look I know that this is your first time booking, so I have set some goals for you to acheive. I want these to help you develop. If you dont acheive these then I dont think I will fire you. I wont need to we will probably be out of business. Just keep these targets in mind alright mate.


Firstly, we've got to increase our popularity in the UK, so we can increase ticket sales and prices.


Secondly we need to increase the skills in our roster I want all our wrestlers to have the Basic wrestling skills, and the Psychology to carry a match, aswell as the resillience to be able to compete in an active schedule.


(Basics/Pyschology/Resilience > D-)[You have to agree we need to have these skills in our roster, the big man is right.Is probably why he is the boss.]


I dont want you to feel like I am taking charge Hart, I just want this company to succeed. We'll talk again soon hopefully.

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Clash of the Titans (I)


Hart for the second time in two days walks into Robs Office.


Hart :-

You asked for me?


Rob :-

Someone said you have big plans for the next few months. Big expensive plans, I do not want us in any sort of debt Hart. None, not a penny.


Hart :-

But surely you must realise that for this company to come out this recession ahead of the game we must invest heavily into the franchise. If we just input the cash we can come out a very popular brand. Well known in many locations across the UK.


Rob :-

I will not jepordise the company on such a risky venture. You will not go a penny into debt! Do you understand!


Hart :-

I understand but I think this is a big mistake. We need to make an impact in bigger places than just the midlands. I promise not to go into debt.


As Hart walks out of the office he uncrosses his fingers. He wont let Rob push him around on this issue. ROF needs to expand in London, for it to get any where. But need the popularity of the Midlands to keep it financially stable in future months. There is no comprimise.


(I am not going to drop "21C Sux", just because the boss doesn't want debt. Sorry cheif but I got your credit card :D.)

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The New Talent


Hart still a little on edge from his latest meeting with Robert (Brit Sam), he sits down at his kitchen table. The business being in such dire straights, that he doesn't have an office. He looks at the list of talent he has made, wrestlers from across the UK and europe who would fit in ROF. And CHEAP!


So far he had circled four or five names.


Two were circled twice, he had already got in contact with them, to have a meeting in the future. The dupont brothers. They could be great and at the moment they are cheap. Ticking two boxes. BUT they have hardly any in ring experience (Psychology), which was one of Rob's main concerns for the roster.


{Phone Rings}



Hart :- Hart Jespers


Hart :- Glad to hear from you, yeah lets meet up tomorrow, Starbucks sounds fine, I'll buy.


Hart :- See you at one o'clock tomorrow.

Hart plays with the ROF credit card in his hand.




(British Samurai is trying to be a pain in the kaboosh for me this time round, cheap and good wrestlers are hard to find)

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ROF's Rampage Thur Wk 1 Jan 2010


ROF's Rampage Thur Wk 1 Jan 2010

Norman Blue Athletics Centre (31 Attendees)


Eric Future Beats Hart Jespers

(A warm up match that teaches us both some new skills)


Johnnie Lowlife Beats Don Henderson in a close match


(Don is hear to team up with Billie and help my other wrestlers up the card, thats it for him, whereas Jonni is gonna be champ one day if he behaves.)




Billie Robinson makes a defence of his #1 contender title against Nigel Svensen, and shows him whos boss.

(While Nigel teaches Billie a fair bit of wrestling. I know I'm confused too. Well done Nigel. He's gonna go far, my first favourite, just don't tell him that.)



British Samurai amd Walter Morgan fight it out in a 30m in submission match, to see who gets to challenge Merle next. British Samarai just wanted it a bit more. And he wins the match.

(I think he wants to get Merle back for those crap shows he booked.)




Overall D+

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After the above average show (for ROF) showlast night Robert (Brit Sam) seemed quite happy.


I on the other hand thought we could have done better. I wake up this morning to read some good reveiws online. Its amazing how many opinions can be circulated when only 30 people attend an event.


After smartening up I make my way to Starbucks, with the company credit card in the wallet. Lets see what Rob things of my spending here.:p


I walk into the shop order a Latte and take a seat. Place my breifcase on the table sort out the forms. A lovely young lady brings my coffee across.


And then he walks in a little lost, and he sees me.


I stand up and walk over and buy him a coffee, then we sit and get down to business. I push a form across to him.


Hart :-

I think you should find this deal more than reasonable for someone of your experience Mr Vincible. 9 Months PPA £400. You should become a stable midcard wrestler, who will see regular action, against some ROF classics. Who will try and teach you all they can along the way. Think of us as stepping stone in your career.


{I know Robert doesn't want me signing someone with so little in ring experience (Psych), but hopefully I will be able to build him up to a descent experience and keep him a little longer}


Ian Vincible : -

That sounds great Mr Jespers. A chance in a company like this is just what I have been looking for. Thank you for gambling on me, I'll try not to let you down sir.

{Poor kid thinks we're taking a gamble on him, doesn't realise that its the other way round at the moment, with us in this financial position.}

Hart :-

See that you don't Ian. Enjoy your coffee, I will see you at the next meeting. Welcome to the team.


I shake his hand and put away my copy of the contract, I walk out and when he can no longer see me I dance a little with a massive smile on my face.

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My advice...

If you plan on keeping the cruisers around, don't bother trying to stick them anywhere near the main event.

If you have to increase popularity in the UK, you have to run shows in both Midlands and South UK, as you already have popularity there.

Two shows a month is doable, but you'll have to take a month off here or there to avoid going into debt. If you are doing two shows a month, keep them in the first two weeks or you'll start losing attendance.

Most of all, you have to get into your roster. If you don't, ROF gets boring to book quickly. That's why I've bounced around with the round robins and the triple threats and the ladder concept. Find something that you can keep up with.

Oh, and stay away from orange in your write ups.

Have fun!

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Hart finishes typing up his advert to be placed in the post office window. He looks proud at it. And obviously the match between Robert and Merle is something I am looking forward to.


21C Sux! Thur Week 3 Jan 2010.


Hart Jespers vs Martin Heath

(Winner gets to take on the fresh meat Ian Vincible)


Nigel Svenson vs Kelly Martin

(A fight off to wrestle against Billy, Nigel wants another go. EARN IT!)


Winner from Match 1 vs Ian Vincible

(Fresh Meat!)


British Samurai vs Merle O'Curle

(Championship Shot for the owner, perhaps he'll forget I signed on a low psych wrestler)


Hart :-

Time to cross my fingers and hope people don't realise I have no idea what I am doing.



Clicks print!

(Get Predicting, if enought ppl guess might give a special reward to whoever gets highest points at end of game month)

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My advice...

If you plan on keeping the cruisers around, don't bother trying to stick them anywhere near the main event.

If you have to increase popularity in the UK, you have to run shows in both Midlands and South UK, as you already have popularity there.

Two shows a month is doable, but you'll have to take a month off here or there to avoid going into debt. If you are doing two shows a month, keep them in the first two weeks or you'll start losing attendance.

Most of all, you have to get into your roster. If you don't, ROF gets boring to book quickly. That's why I've bounced around with the round robins and the triple threats and the ladder concept. Find something that you can keep up with.

Oh, and stay away from orange in your write ups.

Have fun!


Thank you, yeah realised my mistake with orange, and I carried on for some weird reason. I might start the league system soon once I have signed the duponte brothers.


I love your Diary inspired me to go ahead with this one.


Will rearrange my events aswell, due to the fact that UK dragon is not available on thursdays anymore. Bloody other promo. Will take into account the first two week thing.


I am going to Talent trade alot aswell, trade some of my expensive talent for cheapies and put MOSC out of business then buy them up cheap near end of first year. :D he he he he.


Thanks for the feedback.

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{Ring!, ,Ring!, ,Ring!}


Hart looks down at his mobile phone on the cluttered living room table. Seeing the name on the screen he smiles.


Hart :-

At last! (He picks up and opens the flip phone.) Bonjour, shall we get down to business.


- 5 minutes later -


Two wrestlers for the price of one, now thats what I like. I look at the two contracts I am sending via Fax. With the names on them.


£150 PPA each with £100 Travel expenses. Thats what I call a bargain.

Again they have low in ring experience, but I'll worry about that later.


Welcome dupontes.



I look down at the finance sheet from the last show. How could I have made such a mistake. Selling tickets for £5 when I could have been selling them for £9 and get less audience but more cash. And cash is definitely what we need at the moment. Well I'm changing this right now.

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21C Sux! Sun Wk2 Jan 2010 (South UK)

Merle tells some road stories to entertain back stage. (Well done Merle thats why your the champ!)


Hart Jespers vs Martin Heath




I get to take a win, just this little one. And it went better than I thought it would, however I lose out later on.


Nigel Svenson vs Kelly Martin




And again Nigel teaching the younger wrestlers alot. (Tech, Perf, Rumb) Go Nigel!


Hart Jespers vs Ian Vincible



I have no idea what the heck happened here, but Ian better pick up the game or he wont be here very long. I'm gonna give him benefit of the doubt and put it down to first show nerves.




All the above three matches had no heat, what do I need to give these guys radiators or something, but had lots of solid action.


British Samurai vs Merle O'Curle




Need I say more I dont think so, just proves that Merle is the man for the job. Defence numbero uno But perhaps if I start getting more matches like this my anouncer might have to leave.


Overall D+ (29 Attendance)


Damn that E-

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Nightshadex : Yes Sensei, but I thought with them outta the way I might get less competition and bigger audience. But I bow to your superiour knowledge. And the fact that you make a sensible point.

Also like your new league style in your diary still loving it.


Everyone : Thanks for the messages, they make me happy :D.




Hart sends the emails off to the roster, after spending days looking at my list of talent, I have finally made the heats for the Championship title. And still thinking about changing the #1 contender title to a cruiserweight title. I will decide later. I think I will have to present the idea to Robert.


Email reads


After two successfully above average shows, I am going to bring into affect a League system, with four heats. Two are cruiserweight, the other two are technicians/regular wrestlers. And here they are:-





UK Dragon

Kelly Martin

Jacques DuPont

Nigel Svensson

Jonni Lowlife




Johnny Highspot

Ian Vincible

Jon Michael Sharp

Gob Narfi




Petey Barnes

Eric Future

Martin Heath

Rhys Vali




Don Henderson

Walter Morgan

British Samurai

Lance Martin

Pierre DuPont

Hart Jesper


Good luck to everyone in this new format. I will be bringing in talent from other companies to challenge for titles while the heats are occurring.


Clicks Send!


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