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The Supreme Challenge (A SWF Dynasty)

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Main Event

Steel Cell Match

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money

SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © vs. Gregory Black


Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals

The Amazing Chapmans vs. Generation NXT vs. Moral Minority


Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Jungle Kings vs. The Pain Alliance


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov


Steve Frehley vs. Angry Gilmore


Robbie Retro vs. Marc Dubois


The Superhero Squad vs. Remo and Vengeance

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Main Event

Steel Cell Match

Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © vs. Gregory Black


Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals

The Amazing Chapmans vs. Generation NXT vs. Moral Minority


Tag Team Tournament Semi-Finals

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Jungle Kings vs. The Pain Alliance


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov


Steve Frehley vs. Angry Gilmore


Robbie Retro vs. Marc Dubois


The Superhero Squad vs. Remo and Vengeance

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And Joy Chord is a big can of Poison


What would be the fun of giving someone a big push if he was the perfect worker? Chord may be an a-hole, but by gawd, he's my a-hole.


The PPV will be up by the end of the night. Get your predictions in while you can if you are interested.

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Thursday Week 2, February 2010



SWF presents Nothing to Lose


{Pre Show}


[Match] Larry Wood defeats Assassin #2 by pinfall at 1:24 (D-)


[Match] The Biggz Boyz defeat The Samoan Wildboyz by pinfall at 8:09 when Brett Biggz pinned Kid Toma. (C+)

{Show Begins}




[Match] Steve Frehley defeats Angry Gilmore by pinfall at 9:57 following botched interference by Emma Chase. (B)


[Angle] Following the match Frehley corners Emma Chase in the ring. Marat Khoklov runs out and saves Emma by forcing Frehley to retreat. Frehley promises to the camera that this is only the beginning. (B+)


[Match] Generation NXT defeats The Amazing Chapmans and Moral Minority by pinfall at 7:37. The order of elimination was The Amazing Chapmans and then Moral Minority. Jay Chord defeated Enforcer Roberts by a flash pinfall to win the match. (C-)




[Angle] Following the match Generation NXT waste no time making a quick getaway. (C-)




[Angle] Marc DuBois backstage promo (C+)


*Marc DuBois with a short promo. The gist of the promo is that Retro will pay for costing him a shot at the SWF North American Championship.


[Match] Marc DuBois defeats Robbie Retro by submission at 3:54 after popping Retro with a pair of brass knuckles. (C-)


[Angle] A video plays showcasing the feud between The Superhero Squad and Remo/Vengeance. (B-)




[Match] The Superhero Squad and Remo/Vengeance wrestled to a draw at 5:14 when the match was thrown out by the official due to all four men brawling in and refusing to leave the ring. ©


[Angle] Gregory Black backstage promo. (B-)


*Gregory Black sounds very confident. He says tonight will be the biggest night of his career.


*Gregory Black talks about what it would mean to hold the same title that has been held by Rich Money, Eric Eisen, Black Hat Baily, and the others before him.


[Angle] A video is shown hyping the North American Championship match between Gregory Black and Brandon James. (B)




[Match] Brandon James defeats Gregory Black by pinfall at 19:13 to retain the SWF North American Championship after Emma Chase distracted Gregory Black and allowed James to hit the Big Money Move. (B)




[Angle] Christian Faith backstage promo. (A)


*Faith puts over Marat Khoklov as a monster.


*Faith says that he is 100% and suffering no ill effects from the attack by Khoklov at “When Hell Freezes Over.”


*Faith says that later tonight Khoklov's reign of terror ends.


[Match] Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeat Jungle Kings and The Pain Alliance at 7:49. The order of elimination was Jungle Kings and then The Pain Alliance. Valiant pinned Big Smack Scott to win the match. (C-)




[Angle] After the match Jack Giedroyc attacks Valiant, leaving his partner down and out. (C+)


[Angle] A video plays hyping the upcoming Marat Khoklov vs. Christian Faith match. (B+)




[Match] Marat Khoklov defeats Christian Faith by clean pinfall at 21:54. (A)


[Angle] Following the match Brandon James joins Marat Khoklov in an attempted post-match attack on Christian Faith. Before they can begin Steve Frehley comes out from the locker room and runs into the ring. He quickly cleans house in the ring and helps Faith to his feet. The two embrace as allies. (A)




[Angle] Jack Bruce cuts a promo backstage. (A*)


*Jack Bruce says that tonight is not a night he has been looking forward to. He says he considers Rich Money as a friend and thinks that tonight he should be locked in the Steel Cell with Eric Eisen.


*Bruce says that he can't even imagine what tonight will be like with Rich Money. He talks about their Last Man Standing match at Christmas Clash which set a new standard for brutality in the SWF. He says he expects tonight's match to eclipse even that.


*Bruce says he wishes there was another way, but accepts that tonight we will find out who the better man is.


[Angle] A video plays hyping the Steel Cell match between Jack Bruce and Rich Money. (B+)




[Match] Rich Money defeats Jack Bruce by clean pinfall at 35:48 in a Steel Cell Match. (B+)


[Angle] After a brutal match, a beaten and bloody Jack Bruce offers a handshake to Rich Money. Rich Money extends his own hand and the two shake as the show comes to an end. (B+)


{Show Ends}


Final Show Rating: B





*Ernie Turner is Assassin #2. Figured it silly to put him out there in a mask under his real name. I doubt anyone will even notice a jobber name change.


*The Biggz Boyz continue to impress. One tag team match that was dark and three on the main card. Go figure that the best of the bunch was the dark match. Once again I will say it, I really need to get The Biggz Boyz on camera.


*I had a feeling that I did not have enough time for angles on this show(% wise I did, but I was close to 80% matches for this card, I like to be around 65-70% for my shows). I may have had 1(maybe even 2) matches too many for a show with a main event as time consuming and epic as this event had. Lesson learned.


*Fun fact! Prior to Jungle Lord's gimmick change bombing the Jungle Kings were booked to not only win their match tonight, but also to win the finals of the tournament against Generation NXT the next night on Supreme TV. Now Jungle Lord is likely to be demoted to development while he waits off his terrible gimmick. I have no idea what to do with Jungle Prince going forward. Terrible, terrible, terrible break for me.


*Jack Giedroyc's heel turn was a complete success.


*Eh, looks like my show peaked with the Jack Bruce promo. That was three segments too early. Oh well, I'm glad to see Marat Khoklov get match of the night on a night when Rich Money took on Jack Bruce in a Steel Cell Match(really I am! I don't expect a MOTY candidate out of Khoklov night in and night out, but it is very good to know that he is capable of pulling out one if I need him to do it.)


*I got the following note after the show, “There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not match the action in the ring.” I couldn't agree more. Just an odd show with the long main event(45 minutes counting the time to set up the cell) and 7 undercard matches. Oh well, no damage done.

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Friday Week 2, February 2010




SWF held "Nothing to Lose" last night in front of a crowd of 43,927 screaming fans. The PPV event garnered a buy rate of 4.08 up from last months 3.77 buy rate for "When Hell Freezes Over."


The 4.08 buy rate for last nights PPV is the highest for any wrestling event so far in 2010.

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Tuesday Week 3, January 2010



SWF Supreme TV Preview!


This week on the post "Nothing to Lose" episode of Supreme TV!


Jack Giedroyc and Valiant team together to face Generation NXT for the right to become the number one contenders to Simply Fabulous's SWF Tag Team Championship. Is there any possible way that Giedroyc and Valiant can co-exist after Jack turned on Valiant last night?


The SWF board of directors have mandated an immediate re-match between Brandon James and Gregory Black due to commissioner Emma Chase interfering in the match at the PPV. Can Brandon James hold off Gregory Black a third time?




Emma Chase clears up the World Heavyweight Championship title picture.




What do Christian Faith and Steve Frehley have in store for Creative Control tonight?

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