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How would one simulate what WWE does in real life to get unknowns over?

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Okay, so WWE is always bringing in new people who are pretty much "virtually unknown", yet getting them over in a short amount of time without sacrificing their top stars or jobbing them. Heck, even Shaemus comes to mind as a perfect example. One day no one's ever heard of him, and then before we know it, he's the Champion. How is this done in game? The only thing I've been able to do to get unknowns over is make them colour commentators for several months to get them up to where the jobbers don't get mad for losing to them. If you make them lose, though, they gain 1% max, which would mean it should take years to get an unknown even remotely over, much less as over as WWE seems to get people in a short amount of time. How does one simulate this in the game? Or is it not even possible? Just curious. I have some prospects in my game that have good stats but start off with 0 popularity because they're just getting started in the business, and I wanna snatch them up and make them popular (and developmental territories does nothing to increase a worker's popularity).
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Okay, so WWE is always bringing in new people who are pretty much "virtually unknown", yet getting them over in a short amount of time without sacrificing their top stars or jobbing them. Heck, even Shaemus comes to mind as a perfect example. One day no one's ever heard of him, and then before we know it, he's the Champion. How is this done in game? The only thing I've been able to do to get unknowns over is make them colour commentators for several months to get them up to where the jobbers don't get mad for losing to them. If you make them lose, though, they gain 1% max, which would mean it should take years to get an unknown even remotely over, much less as over as WWE seems to get people in a short amount of time. How does one simulate this in the game? Or is it not even possible? Just curious. I have some prospects in my game that have good stats but start off with 0 popularity because they're just getting started in the business, and I wanna snatch them up and make them popular (and developmental territories does nothing to increase a worker's popularity).


According to Wikipedia, Sheamus had matches where he had dominated the other competitors, was involved in a long 5 vs 5 match, pinned Finlay and John Morrison, won a battle royal, and beat John Cena for the title. So simply, use dominate notes, beat the ones with more popularity, and well, beat someone with high popularity. First of all, who cares if your jobbers don't like losing to your up and coming star? And didn't WWE just "sacrifice one of their top star" by having him defeat John Cena? The dude is nowhere near Main Event popularity, he is sitting in Upper Midcard, not in the main event, and he is not hugely popular.

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Yeah Sheamus's popularity is not above the C's right now in TEW terms, I wouldn't even say C+. Nobody cares about him. You think everyone who lost to him in real life has necessarily been happy with it? His menace stat would be fairly high, combine that with dominate and hell simming his rise on TEW would probably get him more over than real life.


What he WOULD have gained is momentum. Now I'm not personally sure about how big an influence momentum has on popularity gains, but I've been able to get people with low momentum over surprisingly quickly, it'd almost make sense if overness was harder to gain, and required sustained periods of momentum to do so. Of course, then the game would be harder, but you know, it could work both ways, and unless a main eventer had low momentum for a longer time, their overness wouldn't take a huge hits. Because stuff like Sheamus beating Cena, didn't really have as dramatic affect IRL as it would in the game. But then in the game, the next time Cena cut a promo he'd recover, so it balances out.

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Mechanically speaking, it's easy. Folks just tend to overthink everything.


Take Drew McIntyre. He did a few angles with a person who is extremely over where he was anointed a future world champion. Those angles didn't depend on Drew's overness or skills, they hinged on the over person. Thus, you put the rookie in an angle where one of your most over workers is rated on mic or entertainment and the rookie is not rated but onscreen. Voila! The rookie gets a relatively big boost to overness (not to mention a shot at skill increases). Then you follow that up by putting the rookie in matches against jobbers (start with enhancement talents and work your way up) to solidify and/or increase their standing. In other words, you book the rookie strongly.


No muss, no fuss.

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