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Diary of Despair Vol. II: Life In The Land Of Supreme

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<p>Captain Atomic vs. <strong>Vengeance</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley</strong> vs. ??? & ???</p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc</strong> vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia</p><p>

Matt Despair vs. <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p>

<strong>Remo</strong> vs. Lobster Warrior</p>

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<p>Captain Atomic vs. <strong>Vengeance</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley</strong> vs. ??? & ???</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc</strong> vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Despair vs. <strong>Rich Money</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo</strong> vs. Lobster Warrior</p>

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SWF Supreme TV - Tuesday Week 3, January 2010



Live from Plum Park; 13,334 in attendance!


Announce Team:


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Instead of our usual pyro laden, announce hype introduction, a black screen fades up to start Supreme TV. It's Jack Bruce, alone backstage, who stares remorsefully in the camera.




Bruce expresses his disbelief that Runaway Train, the man he dethroned for his first SWF World Championship, would cause Bruce to fail to defeat Eric Eisen last Thursday at When Hell Freezes Over. A fantastic promo, with Bruce playing down his normal eccentric personality and really selling his hurt. He ends it by saying it may not have come last Thursday, but he will defeat Eisen, sooner or later.




Now it's pyro time as Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen all hype up the matches on tonight's show as well as discussing the main points from When Hell Freezes Over, and the appearence of Runaway Train.


Plum Park is bathed in orange light as Captain Atomic, grinning maniacally from ear to ear stomps out and down to the ring, the biohazard symbol embelished onto his nuclear yellow trunks as per usual. Despite the foreboding challenge, he looks to be in good spirits. That is until the lights in the arena switch off completely.


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In the murky, dull, pale blue light, smoke begins to flood throughout the arena.


Then, he appears in the ring.




Captain freaks out and backs away as the tongue flickers out of Vengeance's mouth. The bell is rung.



Captain Atomic vs. Vengeance


And it's a massacre. Atomic isn't the smallest man on the roster, not by a long shot, and his insanely ripped physique glistens in the arena lights, but that isn't going to stop Vengeance. Taking off the long black coat, he lunges towards Atomic, catching him completely off guard, and pummels him into the corner, down to his knees with unrelenting, massive strikes. The referee begs Vengeance to stop, and so Vengeance pulls him out of the corner, grabs him by the neck and sends him flying into the opposite turnbuckle upside down. Atomic crashes to the mat as Vengeance's head snaps from side to side, looking out onto the 13,000 in New Jersey tonight. Atomic does his best, even kicking out of head snapping Big Boot, but cannot do the same when Vengeance plants him with the Six Feet Under. As he covers, he looks up into the camera and whispers 'Frehley.'


Winner: Vengeance in 7.09




Vengeance gets back to his feet. No music heralds his arrival, except for the explosion of the fans as Steve Frehley comes bolting down the ramp! 'The Dark Destroyer' slides under the ropes, but doesn't make a dash for Vengeance, who watches patiently. Frehley seems confused but sizes up to the monster from across the ring. Removing his glasses, a sick smirk forms on the face of Vengeance, causing Frehley to charge forward - and the lights go out once more. They come back up no less than three seconds later, but Vengeance is gone, leaving Frehley alone in the ring once more, screaming for Vengeance.




DF: Just how does Vengeance do that? I've never seen anything like it ...there one second, and completely vanishes the next!

PM: I'm sure that Frehley would like to know and finally get his hands on him.



Jack Giedroyc vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


The tag team champ comes out to a great reaction from the New Jersey fans, very familiar with Giedroyc thanks to his DAVE days. Frederique gets a less welcoming response from the hostile Tri State crowd. Nevertheless, these two men are consumate professionals. They start by trading headlocks and trying to knock each other down, although FAG looks a bit too comfortable when Giedroyc reverses with a leg scissors. Giedroyc breaks it and rocks FAG with an overhand right in response before taking him down with a Complete Shot. FAG eventually manages to fight back, showing off his versatile skills in going punch for punch with Giedroyc, and managing to work on the mat and wear him down. Still, it's not enough as the former North American Champion eventually finds a way out and wastes no time Crashing On for the three count.


Winner: Jack Giedroyc in 9.10 via pinfall






Backstage, Joe Sexy sits, relaxing in his locker room and watching the Supreme TV broadcast, closed circuit. Sipping on some sort of alcoholic drink, he wears the permanent smile on his face, satisfied with the amount of attractiveness he posses. He is, however, jolted from his comfort by a knock at the door.


Joe Sexy: It's open!


The door creeks open as the camera turns to reveal the svelte figure of Emma Chase standing in the doorway.




She slinks into the room as Sexy looks on curiously.


Emma Chase: Look, Brandon doesn't know I'm gone yet ...


Joe Sexy: Oh, is that how it is? Well I don't normally do 'quickly', but for you ...I'll make an exception.


Emma Chase: Jesus, Joe. What's wrong with you? Nevermind, I just wanted to say ...the way you stood up against Brandon at When Hell Freezes Over? It impressed me, and that doesn't happen often.


Joe Sexy: I aim to please.


Chase takes a snide look at the camera.


Emma Chase: If we're going to talk, can you get that damn camera out of here?


Joe Sexy: You heard the lady, on your way fellas.


Sexy ushers the camera man out as Chase moves in towards Sexy, who looks down, almost impressed with himself. The camerman finds himself out in the hallway, dejected, only to also find -




Brandon James, listening to every single word.




JE: Oh boy! That doesn't bode well for Sexy or Chase! You know how 'Big Money' gets when he's angry!

DF: Supreme fans, we've got a slight change in the schedule now, as it turns out Eric Eisen has scheduled himself an imprompatu bout against American Machine right now!

PM: Don't you find it suspicious that our World champion can't beat Jack Bruce without help from Runaway Train, but yet doesn't mind facing a rookie like American Machine? Maybe that's just me.



American Machine vs. Eric Eisen


American Machine walks out with the Hawaiin beauty BJ O'Neill energetically lending support. Eric Eisen walks out to his grinding theme, dress shirt on over his wrestling trunks, the SWF World Heavyweight Championship firmly strapped around his waist. Accompanied by indulgent pyro, he struts to the ring. American Machine doesn't back down from The Supremacist, but unfortunately for him Eisen really has come some way in the ring since his injury, and outbrawls the youngster. Decking him with shoulder blocks, clotheslines and a stunning flying knee from the second rope (an inclination to his previous days as a high flier.) American Machine does attempt to fight back, but each time is cut off until Eisen gets him with the Fallaway Face Plant known as The Supremacy. The World champion covers, and it's an easy one, two, three.


Winner: Eric Eisen in 7.03 via pinfall.




Eisen isn't done however, and gives American Machine a face wash as he rolls out of the ring to the arms of BJ. Eisen waits until the patriot gets to the back to begin talking.


Eric Eisen: Alright, everybody in this backwater ass New Jersey arena should be grateful they get to witness a one man wrestling dynasty tonight! So you better shut your mouths, and give me the respect that I've damn well earned and I damn well deserve!


The fans do not comply.


Eric Eisen: Well, no matter. You see, I've realised a lot of the boys at the back ...they think I only have this title because of my name. Because I'm an Eisen. They think that I didn't earn this title, simply because I was smart enough to not have too. Well, all these people can talk, but I didn't come into this title - just because I am the descendant of the greatest man in professional wrestling history, and I am destined to become that very thing. This championship - this says I'm on my way.


The Plum Park crowd are not being endeared to the champion, who's defiant sneer remains.


Eric Eisen: However, being the smart man I am, I know that not the championship alone, but my name makes me a marked man. These pathetic people, like Jack Bruce, want to take me down, take my championship. I can understand that, I did the very same thing to him. Rich Money, there's a man who wants revenge for being practically retarded and letting me play him. I knew he couldn't beat Bruce, but I knew he could wear him down to the point where it would make it easy pickings.


New Jersey are practically building statues of Eisen ...just so they can pull them down.


Eric Eisen: But like I said, I am a smart man, and I come from the smartest of all men. So, I looked back to what my father had accomplished. Now, back in 2004, you may remember a little stape of the SWF known as the Supremacists? My father led that group to infamy. Well ...I think it's time for me to start my own legacy. A group of superstars who are loyal to Supreme, who wouldn't stab me in the back for a shot, but who want to keep the dream alive. We are not the Supremacists ...no, that is a title only I hold. We are the evolution of that ...we are ...THE SUPREMACY!


The fans wonder what's going on, and who Eisen is particularly talking about, but the jeers come in when Squeeky McClean and Enforcer Roberts step onto the stage, both smirking to themselves.




Eric Eisen: YES! These two men have given their all to the Supreme Wrestling Federation since they've been here. Squeeky McClean, a man of dignity, honor ...and the Enforcer. My fathers most trusted and loyal associate, a man who would sooner die then let Jack Bruce or Rich Money tear down this company. However, that's not it: I want to introduce my final Supreme Soldier. The most dominant monster to ever step foot in the SWF ring ...RUNAWAY TRAIN!




The fans are chomping at the bit as Train comes out, fresh off costing Bruce the SWF World Heavyweight Title. Train looks oblivious though, the two time World champion simply nodding and staring towards Eisen.


Eric Eisen: You've all been wondering why Train did what he did at When Hell Freezes Over? It wasn't some elaborate revenge plot from three years ago, no. Train just wanted the same thing I did: to keep the championship on a deserving waist, rather than a joke, wannabe rock star. Train is starting to be looked over, but not by me. Have you seen this man's track record? What he's done to legends like Christian Faith? I can't think of a better man to stand at my side that a man who, next to Khoklov, is unstoppable. Now, this line-up isn't final. Anyone who proves themselves truly worthy of being in The Supremacy ...we will consider. For now, though, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley - your opponents tonight are going to be McClean and Roberts! Get ready to experience The Supremacy first hand.


The fans can't believe the fact Eric Eisen now has other superstars under his control as Squeeky and The Enforcer make their way to ringside. Eisen shakes both their hands as he exits the ring, and goes to the stage to meet the looming Runaway Train.





Enforcer Roberts & Squeeky McClean vs. Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley


With the new members of The Supremacy in the ring, 'Pretty Handsome Awkward' hits the speakers and the fans explode as Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley walk out into Plum Park! Bruce's ribs are still taped up from the Train Wreck he received at WHFO. Eisen and Train remain on the stage as Bruce squares up to them both, with Frehley looking on but not getting directly involved. The tension between Bruce and his two adversary's is off the roof, but Bruce eventually backs off to focus on the task at hand. In the ring, it's quality action, with Frehley using his high impact brawling, McClean and Roberts using clinical technical wrestling, and Bruce looking to make a point, fighting on pure emotion and feeding off the crowd. The Enforcer uses his veteran skills to wear down Bruce and isolate him from Frehley, attacking his injured midsection. He and Squeeky exhibit good teamwork, making us think Eric had this Supremacy stable in mind for a while.


Bruce manages to make the tag, leading to a rage filled Frehley exploding into the ring and knocking Roberts off the apron and driving McClean into the mat with a Frehley's Comet! Instead of pinning, Frehley just paces the ring, his teeth gritted and lets out a battle cry when -


BAM! On the outside, Enforcer Roberts CRACKS Jack Bruce with a steel chair, right in front of the referee! Bruce is laid out on the ringside mats as Frehley looks confused as the bell gets rung as Roberts puts Bruce up against the steel steps, and brings the chair crashing into the former champions face, smashing him between the two surfaces of steel. Frehley bolts out of the ring, chasing off Roberts and Squeeky as he checks over Bruce, who, while aware, is clearly in pain.


Winners: Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley in 14.16 via DQ.




PM: Oh come on! Our "champion" doesn't want these guys for any sort of SWF loyalty programme? He didn't even care about them winning? He just wanted Roberts and McClean to cause Bruce more damage!

JE: My brother isn't that vindictive!

DF: Strange, I seem to remember your Dad telling me he flushed your head in the toilet in third grade.

JE: Yeah but -

PM: Then stole your allowance.

JE: Well -

DF: Then pulled your pants down in front of your girlfriend.

JE: Dad, do you reckon you could keep these stories to yourself in future?!


Backstage once more, and we arrive in the locker room. Sitting alone on a bench, taping up his wrists is the one and only Lone Wolf, Rich Money.




The fans pop as Money is deep in concentration, but he doesn't get to relax for long as Tag Team Champion Valiant enters the room. Signifying he means no harm, he simply flashes that All-American smile as Money stares him in the face.




Valiant: Listen dude, I don't want any trouble. I'm just here to say, it's obvious to everyone in the locker room you're going through a hard time, but ...you're one of us now. You're on the wrong side of Eric Eisen, his new team thing he's got going on. You're on our side! Man, I know you feel the need for revenge, but you can't wage this war by yourself. That's why I just want you to know, if you ever need any help, you can come to me.


Valiant extends his hand to Money, who looks at, then stands up.


Rich Money: I am not one of you, and no matter what you say, I don't need you. I never needed you before, and now, just because of Eisen, you think I do? I don't want your help, Valiant, so don't expect me to come knocking. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a match.


Money shoves his way past Valiant, still clearly not into the idea of being a fan favourite, as Valiant looks on, dissapointed.




DF: Money not having any of Valiant's offer for friendship there!

JE: Sooner or later, Money may regret turning down alliances.

PM: Anyway, next up, Rich Money will be in action, taking on the unknown entity that is Matt Despair.

DF: If my sources are anything to go by, this young Manhattan native has been causing an unbelievable stir on the independant scene and has the talent to possibly cause the biggest upset in SWF history tonight!

PM: I'm sure Rich Money will have something to say about that ...




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This is the music that hits as I make my way out of the curtain for my first SWF match. To my surprise, maybe just because we're in the Tri State area, I actually get quite a strong reaction considering I haven't been on national TV before. I swagger out, an arrogant sneer on my face as I make my way to the ring. However, standing in the ring and hearing the ovation when this hits was insane.


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The arena gets bathed in gold, and here comes the Money. Despite his earlier statements, the fans go nuts for him as he strides to ring, ignoring the pleas for fans who want a high five. He slides in the ring, no pandering, no antagonising, Money just focused.



Matt Despair vs. Rich Money


Wow. This went well. While the fans were a little unsure what to make of me at first, they were big into Money. The match starts out with a little feeling out process, where I manage to gain a slight advantage, much to the surprise of Money. After that, he stops underestimating me, and we go hold for hold, seemlessly transitioning from brawling to technical wrestling to high risk. At one point, I nearly score the victory with a Devil Lock DDT, but Money kicks out. I wind up positioning Money on the second rope, but he fights back hard, hooks me up, and drives me to the mat with the Bank Roll (Green Bay Plunge) for the three, but not before the best match of the year thus far. It's what Pat Deacon likes to call 'great chemistry'. I just happened to strike it lucky on my debut.


Winner: Rich Money in 10.19 via pinfall.




I wasn't done, however. Money has his hand raised and leans on the ropes. Although I had played generic smarmy youth throughout the match, it was time for the other side of my gimmick to make itself apparent. Snapping my head around, I'm over like a shot, slamming Money with a brutal release German Suplex! Money struggles back to his feet, just as I charge in with a massive Enzuigiri! Money hits the floor as I drop down, clinching in the Anaconda Vise! Screaming, referee Darren Smith tries to pull me off but I don't let go, raving like a madman before I finally decide to let go, leaving the main eventer in the ring, trying to get his breathing back and wondering what sort of sneak attack that was.






Remo, who's beard now looks a lot more full now, appears, looking slightly more slick than he has in recent weeks, although not by much. The short, platinum blonde hair is still in place, as are a new, more expensive pair of rap star shades. He cuts a promo on his main event with Lobster Warrior, although he claims he doesn't know why a MVP like himself is stuck facing a man Angry Gilmore made his "b*tch" at the pay per view, and not challenging for the SWF World Championship.





Remo vs. Lobster Warrior


Although it couldn't match the previous match, and Remo is still considered somewhat a 'raw' talent, these two did put on a great match. Remo looked dominant as ever, but after a tough loss to Angry Gilmore, Lobby had something to prove. Remo started out with some power moves, but the vastly experienced Warrior would find his way out of precarious situations each and every time, countering The Destroyer three times within 7 minutes. Lobby even manages to get Remo in the Lobster Trap after the third reversal, but Remo is too close to the ropes. Remo slides out of the ring, Lobby goes for a plancha, but Remo dodges and the Undersea Crusader crashes and burns at ringside. Taking a moment to shake off the cobwebs, Remo is now right back in the fight and begins throwing Lobby around at ringside, and then pressing him above his head, throwing him over the top rope and back into the ring, before the heavyweight shows off his athletic prowess by climbing to the top rope and hitting a picture perfect spinning elbow! He covers, but only gets a two. Lobby tries to get back into it, but is always on the back foot, and when Remo spins out of the Shell Fish Shock, it leaves the fan favourite open for a Destroyer, and the three count follows.


Winner: Remo in 17.05






The granduer of the Soviet National Anthem can only mean one thing. The fans show their passion for hating the Russian Goliath as Marat Khoklov emerges, his massive 7 foot plus frame towering as he makes his way to the ring, only a few days after throwing the 'Iron Man' through a concrete wall. Obviously, he cannot speak English, but he just stands in the ring, and screams Faith's name, laughing and mimicking the way he threw the 4 time SWF World Champion. Before long, however -


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- that very 4 time World champion appears at the top of the ramp, heavily limping the with aid of a crutch. Khoklov's eyes burn with the power of the Red army as he stares at the emerging Christian Faith! Faith has a microphone in hand, as he leans to his left side, saving his injured leg.


Christian Faith: Khoklov; I don't know if you can understand me right now. I don't know if you even know what English is, for that matter, but I want you to look at me, look what you've done to me and know this: you think a tiny something like putting me through a wall, sending me to hospital, would take me out? You think by nearly breaking three of my ribs, and popping my knee out of place, you could make me leave this company that I'VE BUILT FOR TWO DECADES?!! Marat, there is no ...way ...in ...HELL! Not even Richard Eisen could drive me out of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, who I've shed countless gallons of blood, a river of damn tears for.


The passion of Faith's promo immediately pops the 13,000 fans. Khoklov simply snarls at Faith.


Christian Faith: Now you haven't been here all too long, Khoklov. So I don't expect you to understand this just yet, but here's something that gets you right up to date: I am the Iron Man and that means ...


Faith slowly cracks a grin and lifts up his arm. He puts his full weight down on his foot, and lifts the crutch above his head to the biggest ovation of the night!


Christian Faith: I get better!


Faith, grabbing tight hold of the crutch, actually rockets down to the ring as Khoklov still struggles to make sense of what's happening! Faith is already in the ring though, and goes straight for Khoklov with classic Faith big overhand rights! Khoklov shoves Faith back a good few feet back to the other side of the ring, but Faith picks up his crutch and BLASTS Khoklov in the head with the steel! Khoklov stumbles!


PM: OH MY GOD! Could Faith become the first man to knock Khoklov down?!


Faith backs up, fires off an even bigger crutch shot, but Khoklov is still standing! Faith winds up for the biggest, standing firm on his feined injured leg, but Khoklov catches the crutch, and smiles an evil smile right in the face of the Supreme Archangel! After a moment of panic, Faith releases one of his hands and punches Khoklov square in the jaw with a big left! Khoklov reels and loosens his grip on the crutch, allowing Faith to back up, and absolutely SLAM Khoklov with full force! Khoklov rocks backwards, and actually tumbles over the top rope, only to land on his feet on the outside! He scowls at the ring, absolutely enraged at the first time since his debut somebody has got a true advantage over him, as Faith offers him to get back in the ring! Peter Michaels signs off by telling everybody while Khoklov wasn't knocked down, he was knocked from the ring and that's closer than anybody has ever come! Goodnight Supreme fans!






Overall Rating:




C.A.N.N Rating: 6.48

UKBS Rating: 0.19

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Yes, I finally decided to count up all of your predictions and show who is leading the pack, with new added incentive to whoever is leading. Here's how I'll set it up. As this is after and including the last show which is post-PPV, after the next Pay Per View whoever is in the lead gets the prize. The prizes may be bi-monthly in game to avoid giving away too many prizes.


After each prize, the tally will be reset giving everybody an even playing field to surge into the lead and claim the bi (or perhaps tri) monthly prize. I can tell you that these results at the moment will be the ones carrying on until after Nothing To Lose, and after Nothing To Lose will be the first reset. However I will be keeping an overall tab as well, and at the half year point, whoever has led the predictions overall may get a super uber special prize!


So, without further delay, here is how you've done so far!




- 22

- 5

- 23

- 16

- 4

- 5

- 3

- 5

- 11

The Shape
- 8

Sons of Kohral
- 10

- 5

BYU 14
- 5


As you can see, Tigerkinney is in the lead with 23 (as of yet, I haven't ventured into unpredictable territory, it seems), only one point ahead of BHK1978. Now, don't be disheartened if you've predicted on less shows than those such as TK and BHK, and are behind them. All you need is for somebody to miss one show and that can be your chance to do the proverbial sneak attack and dump them out the prediction contest ring! Or something like that. So everybody, do your best, you've got three more Supreme TV's and Nothing To Lose until one of you will get their prize (and maybe even a runner up prize, who knows?!) If I've missed anyone, just tell me and I'll correct it.


Also, any feedback on the show above, the PPV, or the diary in general would be hugely appreciated. Thankyou!
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Supreme TV Preview


After a huge Supreme TV last week, January draws to a close this week. With Faith being able to actually knock Marat Khoklov from the ring, an incredible match which saw Rich Money being able to defeat newcomer Matt Despair and Eric Eisen now leading an army known as 'The Supremacy', it's really starting to get heated in the SWF!


In main event action this week, Christian Faith, who feigned injury last week to take the Russian Giant by surprise, will take on North American Champion Brandon James. 'Big Money' last week eavesdropped on Emma Chase maybe getting a little too close with rival Joe Sexy for his liking, but he has been unstoppable recently. 'The Iron Man' on the other half is legendary, but will he be weakened by the weeks of assault at the hands of Khoklov?


In the North American title chase, four men will get the opportunity to face Brandon James at Nothing To Lose on Supreme TV if they come out on top of a fatal four way with the win. Frederique Antonio Garcia has been very outspoken in recent weeks, even going toe to toe with Steve Frehley, and despite his words are louder than actions philosophy, he has proved himself an elite competitor. On the same vein is Gregory Black, the high energy youngster almost taking down Remo on Pay Per View. Also in the match is American Machine, who was seen as a victim of circumstance versus Eric Eisen last week, and Paul Huntingdon, who despite his less than great win/loss record, is really starting to make waves with his performances. Could this be the match either one of these two young Supreme Superstars need to rise up the ranks?


In Tag Team action, two men who have aligned with The Supremacy, Enforcer Roberts and Squeeky McClean, take on one of the most seasoned teams, even at their small age, The Amazing Bumfholes. Randy and Zimmy may have come up short at the Pay Per View, but there's no discounting their growing following or charisma. However, will they be overwhelmed by the veteran wiles and the new killer instinct installed in them by their new boss, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion?


Lobster Warrior will be in action on Supreme TV as well as we welcome another new superstar into the Land of Supreme. Davis Wayne Newton is a Canadian prodigy, trained by Rip Chord and industry insiders have said he's set to become as big, if not bigger than his mentor. However, Lobster Warrior is a numerous time champion, not just in the SWF but everywhere he has gone. Could the man they call 'The Triple Threat' cause a huge upset, or will Lobby prove to Angry Gilmore he can wrestle just as good as a 'serious' competitor.


Angry Gilmore will be in action as well, trying to disprove Lobster Warrior and other jokes as he takes on Robbie Retro. Retro may be, by Gilmore's definition, a 'joke', but the big youngster has caused his fair share of upsets and if Gilmore takes his eye of the ball, it could take only three seconds for Robbie to burn the disco down.


In a match that always means excitement, we have some of the greatest talents and possible stars of tomorrow going all out in a six man tag match! The Samoan Wildboyz will team with the man they call John Greed to take on the Tag Team Champions Giedroyc & Valiant, who are teaming with Jungle Lord. With the Wildboyz wanting to take another shot at those tag team belts, they're hungry to take down the champions and secure themselves a title bout, with the help of John Greed who could call on the power of Satan or Voodoo or whatever he's into. The champs and Lord, however, their reputations often speak for themselves.


For all these great matches and more Supreme action, make sure you tune into C.A.N.N Tuesday night prime time, for SWF Supreme TV!


Supreme TV Card:


Lobster Warrior vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Giedroyc & Valiant & Jungle Lord vs. The Samoan Wildboyz & John Greed


North American Title Shot - Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. American Machine vs. Gregory Black vs. Paul Huntingdon


Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro


The Supremacy (Roberts & McClean) vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Brandon James vs. Christian Faith

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Lobster Warrior vs. Davis Wayne Newton


Extended squash, the new kid Newton will get in some token offence but an upset is not on the cards here.


Giedroyc & Valiant & Jungle Lord vs. The Samoan Wildboyz & John Greed


Keep the Tag champs looking strong

North American Title Shot - Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. American Machine vs. Gregory Black vs. Paul Huntingdon


Hard one to call as none of these have been pulling up trees lately, I will say that Black will look the most impressive throughout the match but somehow FAG will sneak by with the win and the title shot.


Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro


Straightforward win for Gilmore, Retro isn't climbing out of the midcard anytime soon.


The Supremacy (Roberts & McClean) vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


The Supremacy need to look a threat at the beginning, losing to Main eventers like Bruce and Frehley via DQ is acceptable, losing to a team of lower midcarders (no matter how talented and underpushed they are) is not.


Brandon James vs. Christian Faith


I see this ending in some kind of schmozz no contest due to outside interference from Khoklov.

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Lobster Warrior vs. Davis Wayne Newton - How the hell did you sign DWN?! Please don't push him though. I hate his face.


Giedroyc & Valiant & Jungle Lord vs. The Samoan Wildboyz & John Greed


North American Title Shot - Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. American Machine vs. Gregory Black vs. Paul Huntingdon


Angry Gilmore vs. Robbie Retro


The Supremacy (Roberts & McClean) vs. The Amazing Bumfholes


Brandon James vs. Christian Faith

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