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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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(Trying to Battle their way to, or back to the top)



American Optimus (Gaijin Legacy)




Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Hometown: Trenton, New Jersey, USA

Regular Tag Team: Optimum Impact (w/Super Joshuya)

Age: 35/ Height: 178 cm, Weight: 93 kg

Finishers: O-Bomb (Running Power Bomb), Atomic O-Bomb (Superbomb), Ozone Sky Flier (Shooting Star Press), Optimizer (Dragon Sleeper Surfboard)


Press Release: Unlike Elemental III, American Optimus has struggled to handle the pressure of the legacy placed upon him, and that frustration came to the fore in the Best of the Super Juniors tournament, manifesting itself in 'Gaijin Legacy' becoming more desperate to win and resorting to tactics more normally associated with the Black Heart Brethren. Such methods have already brought him at loggerheads with his tag team partner Super Joshuya, and unless they can resolve their difference their Optimum Impact team could be a short lived one.


Onodera's viewpoint: Unfortunately for Ian Herring who wears the American Optimus mask, one of the commands set down to me by Kaneko-san is that we cannot hire or rehire those who have been in trouble with the law, and though I am positive Herring-san is a reformed character it appears Kaneko-san is taking a hardline stance on this. We will make good use of Herring-san whilst he is with us, but it certainly makes things difficult to push him to the very top.




Barei Yasujiro(The Mighty Mouse)




Regular Tag Team: Universal Excellence (w/Haru Kurofuji)

Hometown: Toyama, Chubu

Age: 39/ Height: 178 cm , Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Mighty Mouse Driver (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver), Poison Rana (Reverse Frankensteiner), Mighty Mouse Air Attack (Sky Twister Press) , Yasujiro Suplex (Electric Chair dropped into a Bridging German Suplex)


Press Release: Forming a full time tag team with his former WLW colleague Haru Kurofuji under the name of Universal Excellence, Barei Yasujiro's main pursuit has been the Junior Tag Team Titles and though they have yet to capture the belts their impressively slick team work has marked them out for a team to watch in the future.


The pursuit for Junior Tag Team glory was de-railed towards the end of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, when Universal Excellence were targetted by the former World Tag Team Champions, The Behemoths (who tried to bully Yasujiro and Kurofuji out of BHOTWG) but the former WLW men triumphed over The Behemoths in a match at Inferno of Purity that forced the Super Heavyweight pair to split and for Kanishoki t leave BHOTWG.


Onodera's viewpoint: If Yasujiro had joined BHOTWG five years ago, then one could see him eventually rising to the very top of the division, as the situation is now with established veterans such as the BHB trio of Kiyaru, Scorpion and Cobra, plus young talent that have already reached the summit in Dragon, Elemental III and Masuko it is hard to see Yasujiro establishing himself as a challenger for the Junior Championship.....which is why we have focused him towards Tag Team glory. The team with Kurofuji-san was a natural fit, given that both came over from WLW and it has worked a treat as they have shown excellent chemistry together as a team and have been a superb addition to the Junior Tag ranks.





Chuichi Sanda (Explosive)




Age: 39/ Height: 188 cm, Weight: 112 kg

Hometown: Shizuoka, Chubu

Finishers: Explosion Kick (Running Big Boot), Explosion Kick II (Spin Kick), Exploder (Exploder Suplex)


Press Release: The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour saw Chuichi Sanda end his succesful Raging Bulls tag team with Eiji Hamacho, after a five year run that saw them win the World Tag Team Championship on three occasions. The Raging Bulls however were struggling to return to the top and Sanda firmly placed that blame on his tag team partner, triggering th break up of the team, Sanda was then a step ahead of Hamacho as they feuded after the split. Sanda then tried to become part of Team INSPIRE, as he wanted to be part of a 'stronger' unit than the one he was formely part of in RAGE, however he was never fully accepted and a series of failures failed to win Kikkawa over.


Sanda now finds himself at something of a cross-roads and is the decision to turn his back on long time tag team partner Eiji Hamacho one that in the long run could prove costly.


Onodera's viewpoint: Sanda-san is never going to be World Champion material but he's solid enough as a useful experienced member of the midcard. I did ponder if it was the right decision to break up the Raging Bulls, but they have had a good run as a team and their break up has set in motion a catalyst for a number of angles that will effect Burning Hammer over the next few months... I admit I am going off on a tangent here and talking more about Burning Hammer in general, rather than Sanda-san.




Haru Kurofuji(Tohoku Warrior)




Regular Tag Team: Universal Excellence (w/Barei Yasujiro

Hometown: Sendai, Tohoku

Age: 34/ Height: 175cm , Weight: 88 kg

Finishers: Kurofuji Crab (Elevated Boston Crab), Kamikaze Headbutt (Long Range Diving Headbutt), Tohoku Thunder Suplex (Rolling Release Suplex)


Press Release: Haru Kurofuji formed the Universal Excellence team with fellow WLW alumni Barei Yasujiro on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour and they instantly became contenders for the Junior Tag Team titles, impressing fans with their slick team work. That goal was de-railed towards the end of the tour, as they were targetted in a series of 'bullying' attacks by the larger Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki), but defeat of The Behemoths at Inferno of Purity means that Universal Excellence once again will have their eye on Junior Division Tag Team gold.


Onodera's viewpoint: Kurofuji-san is a solid, though far from spectacular Junior Heavyweight. If anything he benefits even more from being part of a tag team than his partner, however the partnership looks to be a highly promising one, as they have exceptional chemistry as tag team partners and if Yasujiro-san despite now being 40 can stay in good shape, there is no reason why they cannot continue to make their Tag Team become a very fruitful one.




Hyosuke Kokan (Electric Livewire)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Gobo, Kinki

Regular Tag Team: Size of the Fight (w/Kansuke Konda)

Age: 34 /Height: 170cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Electric Shocker Clutch (Sitting Double Chickenwing), Electric Shocker Suplex (Double Chickenwing Suplex), Elemental Suplex (Double Arm German Suplex), Foreshock (Flipping Senton Bomb)


Press Release: Hyosuke Kokan's main focus in BHOTWG continues to be on recapturing the Junior Tag team Championship alongside Kansuke Konda, as Size of the Fight pursue a third reign with the belts that has thus far eluded them for the past three years.


During the Best of the Super Juniors cup Kokan did notch up a close fought win over his tag partner Konda-san but it does not appear this will come between them and their pursuit of Junior Tag Team glory remains as focused as it ever has done.


Onodera's viewpoint: Kokan-san accepts that at this stage in his career, the time has probably flown past for him to receive a push towards the very top of the Junior Division and that he has had, and continues to have a good thing going with the Size of the Fight Tag Team. Exactly why even contemplate breaking up something that is mutually beneficial to two solid but unspectacular talents whose whole is defintiely greater than the sum of it's parts.




Kansuke Konda (Big Fight Player)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Tochigi, Kanto

Regular Tag Team: Size of the Fight (w/Hyosuke Kokan)

Age: 34 /Height: 175cm, Weight: 93 kg

Finishers: Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver), Konda Klutch (Dragon Clutch), Konda Kutter (Jumping Cutter), Konda Splash (Frog Splash), K-Thunder Driver (Spinning Sitout Powerbomb)


Press Release: As part of Size of Fight, alongside Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda has his sights set on reclaiming the Junior Tag Team Titles. A loss to his partner Kokan in the Best of the Super Juniors, did hurt Konda's pride a little but they worked things out and Size of the Fight remain as strongly united as they have ever done. Also known for his willingness to take on opponents much larger than himself, Kansuke Konda also made a brave but unsuccesful attempt to win the King of Fighters belt, as the first challenger to answer the call of Tadiyuki Kikkawa's series of open challenges.


Onodera's viewpoint: Konda-san's main focus continues to be as part of Size of the Fight alongside Kokan-san but his willingness to take on larger opponents means that he does have a nice side line away from the Miso and Rice of the Tag Team with Kokan-san.





Mister Macho(Macho Macho Man)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Hometown: Yamaguchi, Chugoku

Age: 42/ Height: 198 cm , Weight: 136 kg

Finishers: Old Skool Piledriver (Texas Piledriver), Macho Lariat (Running Lariat), Macho Elbow Drop (Flying Elbow Drop)


Press Release: The flamboyant Mister Macho is the once intense competitor formely known as the Raging Bull 'Eiji Hamacho'. Hamacho saw his once succesful tag team with Chuichi Sanda, broken up by his former tag team partner and with help from Sanda's new allies in Team INSPIRE, Hamacho was unable to get revenge on the 'Explosive' one. Pushed to the brink Eiji Hamacho challenged Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Fighters title and though his challenge was brave, it was perhaps too brave as he kicked out of a series of big moves from Kikkawa, that angered the Team INSPIRE leader to the point that Hamacho was knocked out by a deadly Burning Lariat.


Hamacho was seemingly out of action for the rest of the tour, but returned at Inferno of Purity as Mister Macho, pinning Chuichi Sanda in a six man tag and ultimately getting revenge on the his former tag partner, by costing Sanda a chance to fully secure a spot in Team INSPIRE.


However one has to wonder just why Hamacho has gone through such a drastic change in character since his return from injury.


Onodera's viewpoint: OK I will admit I read into something of a groundswell campaign from some our more vocal fans, concerning Hamacho-san's change in character. The Raging Bulls split however was going to happen, despite this development, as I did have plans for Hamacho-san to prove himself more in singles action. Is the Mister Macho gimmick, a long term thing for Hamacho-san? I wouldn't like to say, that is for the fans to find out in due course.




Mitsunari Fuganaga (Mr Serious)




Affiliation: RAGE

Hometown: Nagoya, Chubu

Age: 31 /Height: 188cm, Weight: 107 kg

Finishers: German Suplex Hold (German Suplex into a Bridging Pin), Running Knee Drive (Running Knee strike to a seated or kneeling opponent), Triangle Choke, Who's Laughing Now (Double Underhook Facebuster)


Press Release: 'Mr Serious' Mitsunari Fuganaga has struggled to rise up the card and build upon being the final Openweight Champion before that title's retirement in 2008, and now finds himself part of a directionless and leaderless RAGE stable. Fuganaga will be hoping for a better end to 2010 but he will need to step up his game if he is to make such a thing happen.


Onodera's viewpoint: Fuganaga-san is a solid enough wrestler but not one who looks like he will be troubling the top tier of the BHOTWG roster anytime soon. Of course he didn't help himself when he got into an unsavoury incident with a fan, where he over-stepped the mark enough to be suspended for a whole month. Lets hope Fuganaga-san has learnt a valuable lesson there and he can move on and prove himself to be a valuable member of the BHOTWG roster, as the potential is there he just needs to up his game a little more in order to prove himself worthy of being more than a middle of the pack midcarder.




Nisso Yuasha (The Baby Elephant)




Age: 30/Height: 193cm , Weight: 172 kg

Hometown: Hitachi, Kanto

Finishers: Elephant Stampede (Body Avalanche), Quake Bomb (Elevated Powerbomb), Thunder Drop (Gorilla Press Powerslam).


Press Release: 'The Baby Elephant' Nisso Yuasha had a torrid time on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, as alongside Kanishoki he lost the World Tag Team Championship to Black Magic. The Behemoths then struggled to make their mark and failed to get back into title contention. Angered by this they started to target the Junior Division and in particular Universal Excellence, with that feud coming to a head in a loser of the fall leaves Burning Hammer match at Inferno of Purity, it was however Universal Excellence who triumphed pinning Kanishoki and now Nisso Yuasha finds himself on his own.


How will the split of The Behemoths, affect the 'Baby Elephant' in BHOTWG as 2010 draws to a close?


Onodera's viewpoint: I will admit I am not big on super heavyweight's like Yuasha-san, as they will never have the great work-rate to deliver great matches, but he has actually shown a little bit of improvement over the cause of the tour and for now I am prepared to stick by him and see if he continues to make competent enough progress not to be a liability. I was even less of a fan of Yuasha-san being in a tag team with someone who is less mobile and more prone to 'blowing up' in a middle of the match than him. Perhaps in the long run, a Tag Team is what he may well end up part of, as unless he continues to improve further upon his cardio (which to be fair he has put in a lot of effort to improve upon during the last few years) it seems unlikely he should ever be World Champion material.




Sanetomo Shiraishi (The Lizard)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Regular Tag Team: Snow Lizzard (w/Sessue Kawate)

Hometown: Okayama, Chugoku

Age: 46/Height: 191cm , Weight: 111 kg

Finishers: Bite of the Lizard (Snap DDT), Lizard Clutch (Seated Cobra Clutch), Lizard Suplex (Leg Hook Half Nelson Suplex), Swandive Headbutt


Press Release: Sanetomo Shiraishi is one half of the respected veteran tag team Snow Lizzard. However the ageing duo have struggled to regain their best form in recent years and get back into title contention. They did find regular victories on the pre-show against the lower tier of the BHOTWG roster but continued to struggle throughout the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour on the main show when put up agains the upper echelon of BHOTWG, and it's that upper echelon that Snow Lizzaed need to start winning against again, if they are to see their careers rejuvanated.


Onodera's viewpoint: Shiraishi-san is a reliable enough performer, even with the fact that he has been struggling with a chronic knee problem for over five years, something he cannot truly hide away in his matches despite his best efforts. At 46 years old, this may well be Shiraishi-san's last contract with us and he seems accepting of the fact that he has reached the part of his career where he should be helping to put others, especially the younger talent over, rather than himself over.




Sessue Kawate (Snowman)




Affiliation: Burning Sekigun

Regular Tag Team: Snow Lizzard (w/Sanetomo Shiraishi)

Hometown: Chofu, Kanto

Age: 45/Height: 188cm, Weight: 118 kg

Finishers: Freeze Frame (Forward Russian Legsweep), Icebreaker (Sitout Jawbreaker), Snow Slide (Sliding Forearm Smash on a seated or kneeling opponent)


Press Release: Sessue Kawate is the other half of Snow Lizzard, however he appeared a little less accepting of the team being somewhat past their best than his tag team partner and appeared more driven to try and revitalise their flagging fortunes, culminating in Kawate answering one of Tadiyuki Kikkawa's open challengers for the King of Fighters title. Kawate as was to be expected failed but put in a brave effort and perhaps it will inspire not only himself but Shiraishi that Snow Lizzard still have something left in the tank.


Onodera's viewpoint: Much of what was said about Shiraishi-san, applies to Kawate-san. Both are past their prime, but deserve a degree of respect for their long standing relationship with Burning Hammer and for their achievements inside a BHOTWG ring. However at 45, it seems unlikely that Kawate-san will see his contract renewed unless he can have a real renaissance as an in ring performer.




Super Joshuya(The Nippon Luchador)




Affiliation: Dragon Feet 2K9

Regular Tag Team: Optimum Impact (w/American Optimus)

Hometown: Nagasaki, Kyushu

Age: 41 /Height: 175cm, Weight: 91 kg

Finishers: Due South (Corkscrew Moonsault ), Final Falconry (Avalanche Falcon Arrow), J-Drop (Flip Over DDT),Postcard From Acapulco (Slingshot Hurricanrana)


Press Release: Super Joshuya quietly defected from the Burning Sekigun to Dragon Feet 2K9 mid way through the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, feeling that given his history with former Dragon Feet member Optimus he had more reason to fight for the Dragon Feet cause. With memories of his succesful tag team with the legendary Optimus he formed the promising Optimum Impact team with Optimus chosen successor American Optimus.


However that team looks to be in trouble as Joshuya is unhappy with American Optimus willingness to gain victory at any cost, this particularly came to a head when American Optimus intefered in Joshuya's final match in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup, giving Joshuya his first victory in the tournament but one that felt hollow to Joshuya.


Can Optimum Impact work out their differences and will Super Joshuya convince both the Burning Hammer fans that he still has 'it'.


Onodera's viewpoint: Joshuya-san is still a solid talent, but he is no longer able to compete at the very top like fellow Junior Division mainstay The Awesome Kiyaru. His role quite simply these days is one of a gatekeeper, for any aspiring young super junior they will know that they are on their way to breaking through to the upper tier when they defeat someone of Joshuya-san's stature.




VENOM (Lethal Infection)




Affiliation: RAGE

Regular Tag Team: Little Fury (w/ Yoshii Shiomi)

Hometown: Oita, Kyushu

Age: 29 /Height: 176cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Infectious Spike (Tornado DDT), Lethal Dosage (Spike DDT), Sting In The Tail (Cross Kneelock), V-Stinger (Shining Wizard Enziguiri)


Press Release: VENOM will be hoping better fortunes in the latter half of 2010. His Little Fury Tag Team were unable to get themselves in the hunt for the Junior Tag Titles and the former two time champions currently find themselves behind such newly formed tandems as Universal Excellence and Optimum Impact in the pecking order and though VENOM was consistently competitive in his matches during the Best of the Super Juniors (even battling to a draw with John Pathlow) he did only pick up four points.


Whether it is on his own, or alongside Yoshii Shiomi, VENOM's fortunes need to turn around soon for him to remain a competitive member of the BHOTWG roster.


Onodera's viewpoint: I do actually think that VENOM-san does have what it takes to see his position improve here in Burning Hammer. He's not the flashiest or most spectacular of Juniors but his more grounded style means that he can provide a nice contrast in the division. He's also very consistent and does the basics well, but there may lay the reasons as to why from a few flashes of a push here and there (notably the two Junior Tag title runs with Shiomi), he has remained in the lower reaches of the division, as he is someone great at putting others over and not so much himself.




Yoshii Shiomi (Sublime)




Affiliation: RAGE

Regular Tag Team: Little Fury (w/ VENOM)

Hometown: Gifu, Chubu

Age: 31 /Height: 173cm, Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Jewel Breaker (Springboard Cutter), Shiomi Bomb Drop (High Angle Senton Bomb), Sublime Crossface (Spinning Facebuster, transitioned into a Crossface).


Press Release: As the other half of Little Fury, Yoshii Shiomi struggled to make even more of an impact on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour as his tag partner VENOM, having been unable to earn himself a spot in the Best of the Super Juniors cup at the end of the tour.


Will Shiomi continue to let others' outshine and by-pass him or can he up his game to force his way towards competing with the very best in BHOTWG.


Onodera's Viewpoint: Shiomi-san is something of an under-rated talent amongst the BHOTWG Junior Division and I will admit to much like my predessors, having over looked pushing him in favour of more illustrious names such as Elemental III amongst others. On the other hand the thing about is Shiomi-san is that he is a good talent but not a great one and right now in the BHOTWG Junior Division you need to be great (Black Cobra, Sensational Dragon) or have the potential to be great (Elemental III) to be a leading light, rather than to become lost in the pack.

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Lower Midcard

(The Gatekeepers to relevancy, those pushing for tomorrow)


Masutaro Kataoka (Rising Son)




Hometown: Saitama, Kanto

Age: 43 /Height: 183cm, Weight: 115 kg

Finishers: Sunrise Hold (High Angle Single Leg Crab), Butterfly Backbreaker (Double Arm Suplex into a Backbreaker), Fisherman Suplex, Diving Knee Drop


Press Release: The 43 year old returned to BHOTWG this year, seven year after his initial ten year run ended in 2003. However he has struggled to make much of an impact and has found himself on the losing end for much of his matches. He formed a semi regular alliance with Roku Sotomura throughout the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour but thus far the pair have found little success.


Onodera's viewpoint: I bought Kataoka back to provide a reliable veteran prescence amongst the lower card and I also latched onto the fans feelings that though he would probably never have become a star, Kataoka-san should never have been released in the first place. To be honest he that 'mistake' should have been rectified years ago and there is the feeling he has returned to BHOTWG somewhat past his prime and whilst he hasn't been terrible, he hasn't really shown enough to stay much beyond his current PPA that runs out at the end of the up-coming tour.




Red Panther (The Feline Phenom)




Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Age: 27/Height: 175cm , Weight: 88 kg

Finishers: Pantherana (Kip Up Frankensteiner), Panther-Plex (Pumphandle Double Arm German Suplex), Red Mist (Dropsault followed by a Superkick), Tumbleweed Leg Drop (Corkscrew Somersault Leg Drop)


Press Release: The masked gaijin high flyer has struggled to build upon the initial impact he made during his arrival to BHOTWG in recent years. Can he turn his fortunes around to get himself amongst title contention?


Onodera's viewpoint: Panther-san does have talent and can produce some great moments in matches but he doesn't necessarily have the whole package to put it all together and become a true star in our Junior Division. If he had a little more steak to go with his sizzle then I could get behind him more, but in terms of developmental projects, I for one feel it would be better to get behind more home-grown talents.




Roku Sotomura (The Chinlock Master)




Hometown: Hakodate, Hokkaido

Age: 32 /Height: 188cm, Weight: 112 kg

Finishers: Best Backslide In The World Ever (Backslide Pin), Implant DDT, Twisted Bow and Arrow (Bow and Arrow Hold), Ultimate Chinlock (Bridging Reverse Chinlock)


Press Release: A former member of the INSPIRE roster, Roku Sotomura however was not invited to join Team INSPIRE upon his arrival into BHOTWG during the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, and thus far he has been unable to prove that decision wrong, as he has been on the losing end whether it be on his own or within his loose alliance with Masutaro Kataoka throughout the tour.


Onodera's Viewpoint: Much like his semi regular tag partner Kataoka-san, Sotomura-san was brought into provide a little more depth to the lower tier of the roster. He has actually provided a couple of decent performances in putting over both myself and Kikkawa-san in singles outings on the main-show and whilst he will probably never be a star, it does look like he can do a decent job on the BHOTWG roster, so it is likely we will offer him something beyond the end of his current PPA deal with us.




Stone Yoshikawa(The International Student)




Hometown: Kagoshima, Kyushu

Age: 29 /Height: 183cm, Weight: 91 kg

Finishers: Danger Trip (Avalanche Snapmare), Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Superman Elbow (Long Range Flying Elbow Drop), Stone Hold (Sharpshooter).


Press Release: Stone Yoshikawa a former trainee of the famous House of Stone in Canada arrived in BHOTWG at the start of this year but thus far has made little impact, winning few matches and spending much of his time on the pre-show. Perhaps with the experience of a first tour under his belt, he will come back stronger after the break.


Onodera's Viewpoint: Something of a pet project of mine, as I signed him as a punt to prove that we can turn those overlooked by others into stars. I will admit thus far I haven't really gone out of my way to do that, but I have given Yoshikawa-san, a more secure written deal, instead of the PPA one we had him on originally. Reliably solid, rather than flashy, Yoshikawa-san does have the potential to be more than mere job fodder, he just has to go out there and prove it but I will admit that the opportunities must be created for him to do so.




The Incredible Koyama (Deadly Air)




Hometown: Nara, Kinki

Age: 29/ Height: 185cm, Weight: 86 kg

Finishers: Incredible Death Spike (Belly to Back Piledriver), Koyama Death Grip (Armlock STF), Air Koyama (Shooting Star Press), Top This (Standing Corkscrew Moonsault)


Press Release: Unlike his former WLW alumni Universal Excellence, the Incredible Koyama has struggled to rise from the bottom end of the Junior Division here in BHOTWG. Perhaps Koyama will become motivated by seeing the increasing success of Yasujro and Kurofuji or maybe their success is just adding more pressure, maybe pressure Koyama has been unable to handle.


Onodera's viewpoint: For some reason the BHOTWG fans just haven't really taken to Koyama-san, or feel that he has proven enough to warrant more of a prominent role. The talent is there, but unless the BHOTWG fanbase get behind him, then maybe it would be best to part ways when his contract next comes up for renewal.


O.O.C Rant: I should have upped the respect level for Koyama at the start of the game, as the fact he is still seen as a young lion at 29 in and having won the Show-Stealer belt 3 times, and the Tag Belts 5 tiimes in WLW is frankly ridiculous (swear it must been an error). I know WLW is only a Regional promotion at the start of the game but being a multi time chanpion in that promotion, doesn't really warrant young lion status.....it's just killed Koyama in this game for me, but I can't go back now. Only other thing would be to change it in the editor, but I'd rather not go down that route.




Toshiki Shibanumo (Silent Rage)




Hometown: Narita, Kanto

Affiliation: RAGE

Age: 41 /Height: 188cm, Weight: 118 kg

Finishers: Broken Promises (Sideslam Backbreaker), Hammerplex (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex), Sleeping Camel (Camel Clutch Sleeper)


Press Release: The veteran Toshiki Shibanumo has struggled to rise up the card in recent years and with the RAGE stable currently floundering, he has perhaps found it more difficult than ever before to really make his mark in BHOTWG


Onodera's viewpoint: It may come as a surprise that Shibanumo-san actually has 11 wins compared to 13 losses on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour but most, if not all of those win have little meaning, coming mostly on the pre-show and as part of tag matches. A very mediocre talent, Shibanumo-san is however reliable and if he does not ask for too much when his contract comes up for renewal, then it is likely he will be kept on in the role he has occupied for several years now, that of a low-tier gatekeeper.





(Unknown Warriors, Those struggling to make their mark)


Gareth Wayne (American Bastard)




Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Age: 37/ Height: 199 cm/ Weight: 135 kg

Finishers: Jackpot Jolt (Charging Fore Arm Smash-sometimes with chain wrapped around arm), Nu Vegas Bomb (Scoop Lift Powerbomb), The Sure Bet (Neckbreaker Slam)


Press Release: The 'American Bastard' Gareth Wayne has been one of the most prominent heels in the WEXVV promotion for the past few years, he now looks to bring his trail of destruction to BHOTWG.


Onodera's Viewpoint: Wayne-san is not a great worker, but he is being brought in for a specific role, that of a gaijin bad ass that the fans will love to hate and whilst he is far from a big name, he will at least come in with some form of notoriety due to his work in WEXVV. In fact coming from such a 'garbage' promotion should make him an even bigger heel amongst our traditional fan base.




Merle O'Curle (The Irish Stretching Machine)




Hometown: Galway, Republic of Ireland

Age: 32/ Height: 180 cm/ Weight: 110 kg

Finishers: Boston Crab, Celtic Wreath ( Seated Chickenwing Crossface), Galway Plunge (Fireman's Carry Gutbuster), St Patrick's Cradle (Rolling Cradle, transitioned into a crucifix pin)


Press Release: The Irish Stretching Machine, Merle O'Curle has been the champion in the ROF promotion in the UK for over a year and has made many opponent tap out ot his feared Celtic Wreath submisson. He now comes to Japan, looking to prove himself against the very best in the world.


Onodera's Viewpoint: O'Curle is a total unknown here in Japan, but he is a skilled wrestler we feel could have an impact in the promotion. I'm not banking on him becoming a star, but the potential is definitely there for him to grow into a solid midcarder.




Mystic Dragon(The Destined One)




Hometown: Naha City, Okinawa

Age: 24/ Height: 75 cm/ Weight: 84 kg

Finishers: Elemental Suplex (Double Arm German Suplex), Mystic Dragon Driver (Cradle Piledriver), Mystic Wave (Corkscrew Senton Splash)


Press Release: As a two time All Japan champion, Mystic Dragon has been the major star of the Hinote Dojo promotion for several years and is now stepping up to the big time of competing on the BHOTWG roster. The 'Destined One' did originally have a cup of sake with BHOTWG a few years back but struggled to make an impact, returning to Hinote Dojo. However this time it appears he should return older, wiser and more ready for the higher pressure and higher stakes of competing in the greatest wrestling company in the world.


Onodera's Viewpoint: Even though we are already stacked with Junior Division talent, the time was right for Muraguchi-san to be given his call up to BHOTWG. Unlike like last time, this really is sink or swim for 'Mystic Dragon' though, as he has spent more than enough time in development.




Tiger Fuyuki




Hometown: Akita, Tohoku

Age: 36/ Height: 183cm, Weight: 109 kg

Finishers: Flying Tiger Arm Bar (Diving Arm Bar Takedown), Jumping Tiger Knee (Jumping Knee Strike), Tiger Fury Suplex (Release Double Arm German Suplex).


Press Release: Tiger Fuyuki has struggled to make any sort if impact in BHOTWG in recent years, and if anything he hit rock bottom during the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour , with all of his matches on the pre-show and not one victory amongst them. If Tiger wishes to have a more prominent role in BHOTWG then first he must prove himself capable of victory against anyone.


Onodera's viewpoint: Like a slightly younger version of Toshiki Shibanumo, Fuyuki-san is a mediocre wrestler, who has maintained a role on the roster because he is at least consistent, however unlike Shibanumo-san he hasn't managed to build up a solid level of respect amongst the BHOTWG fanbase. His contract comes up soon, and the most likely option is that we will offer him a PPA deal, purely as regular 'enhancement talent'.





White Samurai




Hometown: Uchiko, Shikoku

Age: 26 /Height: 178cm, Weight: 85 kg

Finishers: Dragon Suplex, Katana Slice (Springboard Lariat), The Art of War (Diving Double Knees ), Warrior's Test (Bridging Arm Triangle Choke)


Press Release: Like Tiger Fuyuki, White Samurai was unable to earn his way onto the main show on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, something that he was unable to change due to not winning any of his matches. With competition more fierce than ever in BHOTWG ultra competitive Junior Divison, White Samurai will need to seriously up his game, if he wants to be stay a part of it, yet alone be challenging for gold.


Onodera's viewpoint: Motosune Sanda (no relation to Chuichi, or PGHW worker Noriyori) has struggled to make an impact since getitng the call up to the BHOTWG roster a few years back, and in such a hugely competitive Junior Division, that comes as little surprise when 'White Samurai' doesn't really have anything that can seperate him from the back. He's far from a bad talent, but he's not that great either and merely being average isn't good enough to maintain a spot on the roster. The general feeling is that is contract expires, it would be best for his career to move on and try to blossom away from BHOTWG.

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President: Tetsuzan Kaneko




Road Agents:

Optimus, Elemental II, Hito Ichihara





Omura Umeki (Head Ref), Koetsu Shinozaki, Yasuyuki Terakado




Announce Team:

Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro, Katsuhiko Shunsen




O.O.C Note : For proper 'profiles' of the out of ring talent, refer to Page 3 of the diary...not much has changed in what I think of them in the space of one tour, so did not see the point of re-hashing their profiles.







Mike Watson (Contract not renewed during Burn, Don't Freeze Tour)


Fukusabaru Inao (Released)


Kanishoki (Sent down to Hinote Dojo for Development)


Danjuro Komastsu (Announcer, Released)


Hidetada Kozu (Announcer,Sent down to Hinote Dojo)




Mid Tour Roster Additions


Omezo Shiketei (Ice Heart)




Hometown: Kyoto, Kinki

Age: 20 /Height: 191cm, Weight: 111 kg

Finishers: Broken Sword (Crucifix Arm Bar), German Suplex Hold (Bridging German Suplex), OS Combination (Fireman's Carry Double Knee Gutbuster followed by a Running Knee Strike), STF (Step Over Toe Hold Facelock)


Press Release: With a stellar background in amateur wrestling, Omezo Shiketei has impressed with some stellar performances with Hinote Dojo in recent months, and gets an opportunity on the Combustion Tour to showcase his impressive technical wrestling skills on the bigger stage of BHOTWG.


Onodera's Viewpoint: I'm giving Shiketei-san a chance to step up here, because even though I'm not seeing any future mega-stars amongst the Hinote-Dojo roster, the BHOTWG heavyweight scene is due an injection of youth and I want to gradually introduce what we have down at Hinote onto the bigger stage, to see if they will sink or swim so to speak. If I'm honest Shiketei-san hasn't been given the 'push' his talents warrant in Hinote and he has lost most of his matches there, despite being amongst consistently the best performers night in night out. In terms of in-ring, wrestling abilility he is 'ready' but he is the utter antihesis of someone like Toshusai-san and lacks the ability to engage the crowd. All in all he has all the makings of a solid career midcarder but probably not much more than that.




Some Dude In A Mask (The Masked Enigma)




Hometown: Unknown

Age: Unknown /Height: 189 cm, Weight: 114 kg

Finishers: Front Knee Strike (Knee strike to the face), High Angle Arm Bar, Blackout Chokehold (Choke Sleeper), Pin Point Suplex (Trapping Suplex)


Press Release: Just who is the mysterious Some Dude In A Mask, what is his agenda, what is his reason for being in Burning Hammer...one thing we do know is that he is a very dangerous competitor.


Onodera's Viewpoint: Without wanting to give too much away, the man under the mask is a very accomplished in-ring performer and one who has has success elsewhere sans the mask under his own name. The idea to put him under the mask, was for him to work off the ring-rust and for his arrival within BHOTWG to be a low key one. However we felt that the masked man angle actually had a bit of mileage. To be honest I think it's obvious who is under the mask, so I don't think when the reveal comes it'll be all of a big surprise...however the interesting part will be getting to the reveal.





Kevin Christopher Glenn (Dixieland Wonderkid)




Age: 19/ Height: 184cm, Weight: 92 kg


Finishers: Tune Up The Sunshine Band (Superkick), 450 Degree Splash, Louisiana Spiral (Twisting Brainbuster), Deep South Dream (Front Chancery)


Press Release: Hailing from New Orleans Louisiana in the USA. Kevin Christopher Glenn is one of the most exciting young talents of his generation, he looks to make his mark against the best in the world and to do that he has come to Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods.


Onodera's viewpoint: Glenn-san is one of the best natural talents I have seen, and though we weren't actively looking to add anyone to an already sizeable roster... adding a raw talent like Glenn-san was too good to pass up. He's too much of an unknown right now to make a huge impact, but hopefully given time he should make his mark.

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Ryushi Sato (The Package Powerhouse)





Hometown: Tokyo, Kanto

Age: 21/ Height: 180cm, Weight: 110 kg

Finishers: Zen Driller (Backdrop Driver), Sato Hammer (Flying Chop), Belly-Bridge Suplex (Bridging Belly to Belly Suplex)


Press Release: The latest graduate from Hinote Dojo, looking to prove himself in BHOTWG, Ryushi Sato is a short and stocky powerhouse-with a determined spirit....can the combination of physical power and strong heart see him make his mark over the years to come.


Onodera's viewpoint: Sato still has some way to go, before he can truly rise up the card anytime soon but it was felt that he would benefit more from getting the call up to the big leagues..rather than continue with Hinote Dojo. The general feeling right now is that he probably doesn't have quite what it takes to be future World Champion material but does have the potential to carve out a solid career in the vein of a Eiji Hamacho.

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I love your roster recaps TK. And honestly, I want to see Sensational Dragon as the World and Junior Champion - sure it would ruin his ego but he's such a great character with a fantastic mask (kudos to sebsplex) that you could book an entire tour around him holding both belts.
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Tag Team Tournament to be Introduced/

Latest Contenders Circle Standings:


BHOTWG are to introduce a Six Team Round Robin 'Openweight' Tag Team Tournament titled the Ultimate Tag League, scheduled to take place during the second two weeks of September. The winners of the Ultimate Tag League will then get a shot at the World Tag Team Championship at the Quest of Heart PPV set to take place on Fri 1st October 2010.


Contenders Circle Standings (September 2010)


World Championship: Hiroaki Nakaswa


1- Kinnojo Horri

2- Shimedzu

3- Tasuku Iesada

4- Miyamae

5- Tadakuni Toshusai


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon


1- Elemental III (Titled shot for Night of the Burning Hammer PPV)

2- Black Cobra

3- The Awesome Kiyaru

4- Golden Scorpion

5- Marihito Masuko

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O.O.C Note:


Just general diary notes. As you will have noticed the move-set profiles have died, they were nice to do for a while but became frustrating when looking for decent clips for moves on You Tube....some things are easy to find the right clip for, others not so much.


Contenders Circle I have decided to just present in the simple format as above, at the beginning of each month.


Am toying with the idea of doing a prediction contest again, though I did kill that because predictions were going down, but perhaps it was because I didn't really have a proper prize for anyone to win. If only I was talented in the graphics department and could produce some fake merchandise :p


If someone can come up with a good prize suggestion that isn't lame (imaginary tickets to an imaginary event) and is suitable for someone with a lack of graphical based artistic talent such as myself then let me know and I may just re-start the idea of having a predictions contest.

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The simplified Contender's Circle rankings work just fine. Less time to write them up, which isn't a bad thing at all.


Prizes for a predction contest... Hmm.... That's a tough one. I've actually found in the past on my own projects that prizes like "pick a match or promo" don't always entice folks that much - not to say people dislike them, but it seems as though many readers would rather leave such things up to the writer. This might appeal more to me specifically than the next person, but what about something like giving a download or streaming link for one of your favorite puro matches? Sure, its something a person might be able to find on their won, but it fits the project and still has a personal touch.

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Something that seems to be popular in a couple of diaries I have read is that the winner gets to ' ask a question of one of the promotion stars.' That could be interesting, and also a way for you to project some more character outside the shows, ala Marcel's old interviews in his ROF diary.
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The simplified Contender's Circle rankings work just fine. Less time to write them up, which isn't a bad thing at all.


Prizes for a predction contest... Hmm.... That's a tough one. I've actually found in the past on my own projects that prizes like "pick a match or promo" don't always entice folks that much - not to say people dislike them, but it seems as though many readers would rather leave such things up to the writer. This might appeal more to me specifically than the next person, but what about something like giving a download or streaming link for one of your favorite puro matches? Sure, its something a person might be able to find on their won, but it fits the project and still has a personal touch.


I think you're right about giving other booking to the fans, because readers would feel like they are messing with my vision, besides I like to have total control of what I'm booking anyway. That's not to say though, that I won't re-act to someone saying please give 'such and such' a push. The whole gimmick change for Eiji Hamacho came from people suggesting he should have a Macho-Man gimmick and then the alt pic being posted :D


The Puro match download is a cool idea, but would there would be a degree of hassle envolved......


Something that seems to be popular in a couple of diaries I have read is that the winner gets to ' ask a question of one of the promotion stars.' That could be interesting, and also a way for you to project some more character outside the shows, ala Marcel's old interviews in his ROF diary.


That's a pretty nice idea too, and not one that's been over-used, so I might just try that one. As you said as well as a prediction prize, it is also a way of adding some extra flavour to some of the workers outside of the shows.


Anyway should be getting the preview for the first show of the BHOTWG Combustion Tour, posted up sometime tonight.

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Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods return from their Summer Break, as they kick off their Combustion Tour at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu on Monday 6th September.


The race to find the next challenger for the World Championships, kicks off with two mouthwatering Contenders Circle clashes. Both Kinnojo Horri and Tasuku Iesada challenged for the World Championship on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour and either man will be keen to go a step closer to earning a shot at the biggest prize in Puroresu once again. In the other Contenders Circle clash, the recently crowned World Tag Team Champions The Rebellion...face each other ! Shimedzu and Miyamae have continually denied that their pursuit of singles glory will come between them as a team but who will go a step closer to earning themselves a shot at the World Championship?


Elemental III fresh off his Best of the Super Juniors triumph at Inferno of Purity teams with World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa to take on the man he defeated in that epic contest Black Cobra and one half of the former Tag Team champions Yasuhiko Taira. Will Cobra continue to show the same surpising amount of respect he showed Elemental III, during the Third Generation Icon's post match victory celebration and how will that sit with Taira, or will 'Canadian Darkness' quickly return to usual habits?


Another intriguing Tag Team match see's Masaaki Okazaki team with fellow Team INSPIRE 'reject' Chuichi Sanda to take on the Burning Sekigun duo of Sanda's former tag partner Mister Macho and Takayuki Onodera. Will the former 'Raging Bull' continue to turn the tide on Sanda, following his return at Inferno of Purity, or can Sanda and Okazaki form a strong bond over their respective ousting's from Team INSPIRE?


The Junior Champion Sensational Dragon teams with his Dragon Feet 2K9 stable mates Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya) to take on Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) plus the returning Mystic Dragon, who will be hoping for a longer stay in the 'big leagues' of BHOTWG, compared to his half a tour 'cup of sake' in 2008. The Dragon Feet 2K9 trio will be considered the favourites but can Universal Excellence and Mystic Dragon take advantage of the recent tension between Optimum Impact?


And their will be two championships on the line as the Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) defend against perennial rivals Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) , whilst someone on the BHOTWG roster will answer the latest Open Challenge put forth by Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Figher's Championship.


Rounding out the main show Yasunobu Masuno teams with recent gaijin arrival Gareth Wayne to take on the RAGE duo of Mitsunari Fuganaga and Toshiki Shibanumo. Wayne has made some waves with the controversial WEXVV promotion and is known for the same sort of rule breaking as the Black Heart Brethren, could his teaming with a member of the BHB be more than a just a one off?


Those who can get to the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium early will be treated to bonus action as Marihito Masuko, Red Panther and White Samurai meet in a three way match and Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi) take on The Incredible Koyama and Tiger Fuyuki.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #1 of the Combustion Tour-


Combustion Tour- Show #1

(Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu, Monday 6th September 2010)


~No Pretenders~

Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Tasuku Iesada


~ Bonded by Pursuit~

Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

World Tag Team Champion-



'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

World Tag Team Champion-



Champion's Respect Tag Team Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Best of the Super Juniors 2010- Elemental III


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira


~Dare to Dream~

Open Challenge for the

King of Fighters Championship (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Tadiyuki Kikkawa




~Fight's Strongest Heart~

Junior Tag Team Championship (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethen'

The Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Resurrection Road Tag Team Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho


Burn Brighter Six Man Tag (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


Mystic Dragon &

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Bastard Warning Tag Team Showdown (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne


'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

Little Fury (VENOM & Shiomi) vs The Incredible Koyama & Tiger Fuyuki



Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu

Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira

King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????

Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight

Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho

Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo

Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki


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I think D-mack's idea would work better, to be honest.


You may have mentioned this before, but how long are your tour shows? 2 hours? 2.5?


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

Iesada is teh better worker but Horri is younger and with more upside. Given his age, I'm just not sure how much of a push Iesada is going to get.


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu

Coin flip, to be honest.


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira

Keeping the world champion strong. Though E3 getting pinned wouldn't really harm Nakasawa. Or having Taira pin Nak sets up a challenge down the road. Still, gonna stick with the Burning champion.


King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????

I know that one of those open challenges is going to be someone major who could possibly take down Kikkawa... but I'm going to keep picking him.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight

SOTF should put in a valiant a battle, but I do expect them to fall.


Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho

Instinct says Sanda & Okazaki, but I think you're going places with Mister Macho.


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

Mystic takes the fall.


Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo

Masuno should carry this one.


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

Hard to see past Masuko here.


Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki

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Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

Horri seems the obvious pick, but I like Iesada here to set up his run at Kikkawa.


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu

Interesting match with your tag champions facing off. To me Shimedzu is ahead of Miyamae


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira

Mullet takes the fall


King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????

Will be interesting if Garner is off hiatus, although given he starts with ring rust not sure I'd throw him here first. So most likely some poor shmuck getting squashed by Kikkawa.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight

SoTF don't have any momentum right now. non title they win, but not for title.


Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho

Okazaki is the most over here


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

SD makes the difference ( though I am still waiting for the Mystical Super Dragons team!)


Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo

Wayne rides the mullets hair tails

Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai



Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki

established team

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Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

Pretty much of a coin flip here but with Nakasawa as champ Iesada just makes more sense to me as next challenger.


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu

Shimedzu seemed to had little bigger push on last tour so I go with him.

Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira

Keep champ strong


King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????

Though one of these matches are going to be huge I doubt that it would be this one.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight

SoF haven´t been build up enough for them to take the titles here

Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho

I could see this one going either way but Okazaki is still the top guy here

Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

SD is the most over guy

Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo

Masuno is the difference maker here

Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

Masuko is much more over than the other two guys.


Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki

Named team over random pairing

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Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

Friction between Iesada and Kikkawa currently is more interesting to me than possible friction between Nakasawa and Horri


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu

I think you've always favoured Shimedzu over Miyamae and that's likely to continue


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira

The Best of the Super Juniors showed Elemental and Black Cobra to be pretty equal, but Nakasawa is superior to Taira right now so I'll back his team.


King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????

I don't think the first show of the new tour is when Kikkawa gets his real challenge in these bouts.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight

This would probably be the match on the card I'd look forward to most if I could get to Japan to attend the event live. I prefer BHFS to SOTF.


Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho

Teaming with Okazaki would seem to be a way for Sanda to get one over on his former partner here. I still think Okazaki will end up leading a new faction (maybe RAGE) so he ought to stay strong.


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

Can't see Dragon being on the losing side here. Unless your name is Mystic Dragon, of course.


Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo

Nice start for Wayne to give him a bit of immediate credibility with fans that will see him as a non-BHOTWG type wrestler. Masuno the Mullet should carry this one.


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

Appears to be a no-brainer.


Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki

Little Fury continue to pick up these pre-show non-entity wins before getting nowhere when they hit the main show.

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Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

- Because honestly, I'm tried of Mr. 23 Billion and 2 % challenging Nakasawa.


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu

- I prefer Shimedzu for some reason but let's give Miyamae a shot at single's glory


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira

- Seems a set-up to lose; World Champ, J-Cup winner but... Taira doesn't have the gravitas to be a believable winner here. Although he could behead EIII rather nicely.


King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????

- Not even if it's Mikey Whippingboy Watson will Kikkawa lose this on the first show. I trust TK's building towards something big.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight

- Much as I love SotF I don't think the rebound from a (semi) disappointing J-Cup tournament to grab gold, especially as BHFS were both semi-finalists.


Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho

- It's Mister Macho and the Bookerman. Coming soon to ESPN Japan!


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon

- The Senstational Dragon will not take kindly to a young pup of a reptilian showing up and using HIS name!


Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo

- Time for my ramen run. This is apparently a tag match, I did not notice. I still think Masuno wins it all alone. I'll still be eating ramen.


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

- What is this? Basic colouring? Red + White = (Into the) Pink for a win!


Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki

- I Like VENOM.



And as for a prediction win, I think the interviews are a good idea. My suggestion would be to add someone to the roster - from a list you supplied - or come up with a gimmick change but after Hamacho's gimmick change even if I won I wouldn't know what to ask for. I've already won!

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Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada

- Because honestly, I'm tried of Mr. 23 Billion and 2 % challenging Nakasawa. [/quote]


To be fair to Horri he only had one shot on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour and Iesada had two. Saying that probably in the recent history of BHOTWG, Horri has probably had more title shots...though a few of them would have come during the Yasuhiko Taira title reign prior to Nakasawa's current run with the belt.


Anyway this isn't an outright number one contenders match, whoever wins will have to chalk up another win to secure the next title shot.

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So I was scanning the DOTY thread of which I have been nominated in a few categories (of course a big thanks to those that nominated me- amongst what is such a strong field of work from many talented diary writers), however one I did find a little curious...


Nakasawa & Horri have been nominated for tag team of the year. Now it's not that I'm ungrateful over this nomination, just a little confused...surely proper tag teams like The Rebellion, Black Heart Flying Squadron, Wild Fire, Black Magic, Universal Excellence, Size of the Fight, hell even Snow Lizzard (Ok that may be taking it too far) would have been more worthy of nomination.


Nakasawa & Horri did team up four times on the last tour, but they have never been portayed as a regular team that has the eyes set on winning the Tag Titles, they just team together occasionally because they are part of the same stable.


Next show will probably be up Sunday or Monday. I think I've become content now in the fact that I will most probably post up a show a week, of course I would love the diary to move alot quicker (maybe one day I'll reach the end of 2010 in this diary before the next TEW comes out :p).


But seriously with a combination of work/other interests and the fact that I have a reputation for detailed match write-ups to live up to (I may as well acentuate my strength as a writer, as much as possible), a show a week schedule is what I am able to maintain.

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So I was scanning the DOTY thread of which I have been nominated in a few categories (of course a big thanks to those that nominated me- amongst what is such a strong field of work from many talented diary writers), however one I did find a little curious...


Nakasawa & Horri have been nominated for tag team of the year. Now it's not that I'm ungrateful over this nomination, just a little confused...surely proper tag teams like The Rebellion, Black Heart Flying Squadron, Wild Fire, Black Magic, Universal Excellence, Size of the Fight, hell even Snow Lizzard (Ok that may be taking it too far) would have been more worthy of nomination.


Nakasawa & Horri did team up four times on the last tour, but they have never been portayed as a regular team that has the eyes set on winning the Tag Titles, they just team together occasionally because they are part of the same stable.


Pretty sure that was I who art the guilty party. Nakasawa & Horri simply stood out to me. It just came down to that. More than any other team, in this diary or any other, they stood out to me. I don't know if that's subverting the intent of the DOTY award, but I went with what stood out to me.


I realize they were never a "regular" tandem nor presented as such. I would have guessed they teamed up more than just four times - likely since they did have a few 3v3 and 4v4 matches they were in (unless my memory is completely fudged). It just struck me as important when they did team up. I recall at least a couple of their matches being pretty big and getting some epic match write-ups (again, unless my memory is way off...?). I certainly like The Rebellion (especially now as champions, as that adds an interesting dynamic), Black Magic, and the BHFS... but something about Nak-Horri stood out. Two top stars in Burning Hammer, who are rivals over the Burning World title and yet share a clear respect, working together to protect the honor of BHOTWG. Kikkawa-Ieseda seemed to have more of a leader-subordinate dynamic, whether it was intentional or just my perception of them. Nak-Horri feels more like two equals.


I guess its like people who will pick out the Rock n' Sock Connection, Rated RKO, or The Two Man Power Trip as their favorite WWE tag team... Though none of them were together for very long, they just felt big. That's how Nakasawa-Horri feels to me and why I nominated it.

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Pretty sure that was I who art the guilty party. Nakasawa & Horri simply stood out to me. It just came down to that. More than any other team, in this diary or any other, they stood out to me. I don't know if that's subverting the intent of the DOTY award, but I went with what stood out to me.


I guess its like people who will pick out the Rock n' Sock Connection, Rated RKO, or The Two Man Power Trip as their favorite WWE tag team... Though none of them were together for very long, they just felt big. That's how Nakasawa-Horri feels to me and why I nominated it.


Fair enough and there is nothing stopping you from a choosing them, I was just a bit shocked to see this occasional team nominated in favour of the more permanent duos and to be fair I did not take into account all the six and eight man tags they have been involved in together and did actually short change them on regular two man tags...turns out they actually teamed up six times as a two man team, and not only four.


You are right in the fact that they are more equals compared to Kikkawa-Iesada, where Kikkawa is the definite Number One. Nakasawa is the leader of the Sekigun, but only really by default of him being the World Champion.

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Black Cobra - No More Dirty Tricks?

The actions of Black Cobra following his defeat to Elemental III in the finals of the Best of the Super Juniors Cup, stunned fans across the world...because his show of respect and acceptance of his loss with humiliaty was completely unexpected of a man who has shown nothing but disrespect towards his opponents.


On a recent blog Cobra had this to say.....


' I'm not expecting everyone to trust me on this, as for too long I have acted in ways unworthy of earning respect from fans and my peers. But in defeat at Inferno of Purity, I was shown the light, I was shown that you can win with talent and desire, and that you do not need to resort to short-cuts. It's this focus on taking the easy way out, that has not only cost me dear, but also my stable-mates in the Black Heart Brethren.


As the Combustion Tour starts, I vow to earn my victories the right way and I only hope that Taira-san, Masuno-san, Kiyaru-san and Scorpion-san will do the right thing also. For I believe that we, the Black Heart Brethren do have it in us, so succeed on talent alone'


So far the rest of the Black Heart Brethren, have not commented on what Cobra has had to say, and it will be interesting to see if Yasuhiko Taira will be on the same page as the newly enlightened Cobra when they team together to take on Elemental III and World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa on the first night of BHOTWG's Combustion Tour at the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu.



Show will be up tomorrow, so if anyone still wants to predict, here's the prediction form again:



Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


Contenders Circle: Miyamae vs Shimedzu


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira


King of Fighters Championship: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs ????


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Size Of The Fight


Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho


Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon


Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo


Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai


Little Fury vs Koyama & Fuyuki

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Combustion Tour- Show 1

(Mon 6th September 2010)


Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu

(5000- Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Marihito Masuko vs Red Panther vs White Samurai


A fast paced Junior Division three way with dives to the floor a plenty and a string of breathless near falls towards the end. Red Panther looked to had got the win after landing the Tumbleweed Legdrop on Samurai but Masuko stole in to plant Panther with the Masuko Cradle Shock and that was enough for the Painted Wonder to pick up the expected victory.


Result: Marihito Masuko [w] bt Red Panther [L] + White Samurai in 5:46 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)


Rating: C+



Match B: Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) vs Tiger Fuyuki & The Incredible Koyama


Little Fury's tag team experience ensured that they were always in control of this pre-show workout against the thrown together pair of Tiger Fuyuki and The Incredible Koyama, and it was only a matter of when not if they would and that came in just over five minutes when the RAGE duo put away Tiger Fuyuki with the Engage The Rage (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo.


Result: Yoshii Shiomi [w] & VENOM bt Tiger Fuyuki [L] & The Incredible Koyama in 5:08 via pinfall (Engage The Rage)


Rating: C-



Main Show


The main show begins with a video recapping the end of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour and in particular the Inferno of Purity PPV with Kikkawa and Nakasawa succesfully defending their King of Fighters and World Titles, The Rebellion winning the Tag Team titles and Elemental III's triumph in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup.


Rating: B


As the hype video ends, Tadiyuki Kikkawa can be seen standing in the ring with a microphone, which means he has something to say....




Tadiyuki Kikkawa: There are mutterings going round, that Team INSPIRE are in a crisis....we are not, we may be smaller than we once were but we were stronger than ever, because the deadwood has been dispensed with and I am sure Iesada-san and Pathlow-san will not continue to fail me......


Kikkawa then paces round for a bit, contemplating what he is going to say next...the fans are already getting impatient with his yakking, they want to see some action.


But you see I am not a man of words, I am a man of action and tonight once again I put this belt on the line against the next deluded loser who thinks he actually has a shot of beating me.......


Right on cue 'Wild Charisma' Tadakuni Toshusai come's out on the entrance ramp.....




Kikkawa chuckles to himself and then says: Well, well, well if it isn't the very definition of a deluded loser




Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Look you idiot, no one cares, no one even listens to your inane ranting, least of all me...so just come down here and get the butt-kicking you deserve !!




Toshusai then drops the mic and storms down the entrance


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: You give me a butt-kicking, do me a favour.....


Kikkawa drops his mic and slide under the ring apron and meets Toshusai ring-side and the two begin to brawl.....They take the brawling back into the ring and the bell sounds to officially start the match.


Rating: B


~Dare To Dream~

Match #1: King of Fighters Championship:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tadakuni Toshusai




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg


The match is just a slugfest at the start, as they trade strikes. Kikkawa seems to be the one more in control, but Toshusai is not backing down and is giving as good as he is getting. Eventually Kikkawa manages to get Toshusai off his feet, levelling 'Wild Charisma' with a Kikkawa Lariat......


But Toshusai is immediately back up and gives Kikkawa his customary double-bird, before blocking a chop from Kikkawa and then wailing away with a rapid fire series of fore-arms....that puts Kikkawa on the back foot before Toshusai then runs the ropes and then connects with a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......


Kikkawa stays on his feet but Toshusai is undeterred and before Kikkawa can regain his senses, Toshusai connects with a second SHOCK KICK and this time Kikkawa crumples to the mat.


Referee Omura Umeki starts the ten count.....






Kikkawa is back to his feet and Toshusai goes to connect with another Shock Kick, as Kikkawa pulls himself up against the turbuckle, but the Team INSPIRE leader moves out of the way and Toshusai leg gets caught in the turnbuckle......


Kikkawa thinks quickly and delivers a stiff kick to the leg. Toshusai hobbles away from the turnbuckle and Kikkawa takes 'Wild Charisma' down with a lariat. A determined Toshusai immediately gets back up but is taken off his feet with a chop block from Kikkawa.


The King of Fighters then methodically works over the leg of Toshusai, before placing a Figure Four leglock on 'Wild Charisma'.......


Toshusai is determined however not to give in that easily and with every ounce of energy left in his body, forces the rope break........


But Toshusa is practically running on empty and his immediately taken off his feet with a KIKKAWA LARIAT......


Toshusai once again, shows great fighting spirit by immediately getting back to his feet...angered by Toshusai's relentless determination Kikkawa unleashes a vicious flurry of chops but 'Wild Charisma' just shakes his head and then give the double bird.......before suddenly planting Kikkawa into the mat with the SPINE SHOCKER (Spinebuster).....


But Toshusai immediately collapses to the mat himself, meaning that referee Umeki is now applying a double count and it has become a race to see who can beat the count first.....








Kikkawa is back to his feet.....




Toshusai just about beats the count, but is imediately levelled with a KIKKAWA LARIAT........


This time 'Wild Charisma' is unable to spring back immediately back into life.......








Toshusai is up, and defiantly gives Kikkawa the double bird before unleashing a flurry of fore-arms and chops but the rally is weak and Kikkawa soon cuts it off with a series of chops of his own......The King of Fighters then lifts up the dazed Toshusai with a vertical suplex before bringing 'Wild Charisma' crashing back down with the INCENDIARY TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb).......


Kikkawa orders Umeki to make the count again......










Toshusai had given a brave challenge but he had nothing left to give and in the end Kikkawa proved too strong to be beaten on this night.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt Tadakuni Toshusai in 11:30 via Knockout (Incendiary Tower)


Tadiyuki Kikkawa makes V13 defence of King of Fighters Championship.


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: With less over and less charismatic wrestlers going up against one another, this would have been a flat mundane brawl but with the combination of Toshusai's ability to pull the crowd into his matches (despite his relatively limited move set) and the heat that Kikkawa can generate every time he steps into the ring, they were able to put together a pretty hot opening match of the Combustion Tour.


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Did that fool Toshusai really think he could beat me? Though anyone who dares challenge me, must have something in the fool in them, because they know that I cannot be beaten, there is no one who can beat me....yet I find myself respecting the brave fools like Toshusai-san more than those too afraid to face a real challenge.



~Fight's Strongest Heart~

Match #2: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


These two teams have been the lynchpins of the Junior Tag division, having a long standing rivalry that goes back to when these belts were introduced in 2005. The current holders the Black Heart Flying Squadron have forged ahead, claiming their third reign on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour compared to Size of the Fight's two reigns and the they have looked strong thus far in their current reign with the belts. SOTF will be considered underdogs due to the recent fortunes of both sides, but it's at times like this that they thrive and will be determined to even the score with their old rivals by claiming their third reign with the Junior Tag belts.


Size of the Fight are in no mood for a feeling out process, as they immediatly wipe out the champions with a double suicide dive before they have even entered the ring....Kokan pitches Kiyaru into the ring and goes for a quick cover as the bell rings to immediately start the match.......


Kiyaru kicks out but is immediately planted with an Elemental Suplex........






'Dark Enigma' kicks out again but remains rooted to the mat and Kokan heads up top, as Konda continues to brawl with Scorpion on the outside......


Scorpion sneaks in a low blow on Konda, away from the attention of Koetsu Shinozaki who is trying to keep control as he best he can in what has been a chaotic first few minutes of this match.


Kokan is set to go for the Cannonaball but is held back by Scorpion who has jumped on the apron......Kiyaru is back up and brings Kokan crashing into the ring with a hurracanana, Scorpion then slingshots himself back into the ring and lands the GOLDEN SHOT (Slingshot Legdrop).......








Kokan manages to kick out by the Black Heart Flying Squadron manage to keep him isolated in their corner as Konda can only look on in frustration, that Size of the Fight's early pressure has fizzled out.


The pace of the match slows down for the next few minutes, as the champs, methodically work over Kokan in their corner.....they could at any point really step it up a gear but seem to be taking great delight in slowly wearing Kokan down, whilst at the same time aggravating Konda with taunts. Several times Konda becomes so wound up by the taunts he steps into the ring only to be cut off by referee Shinozaki, only resulting in an unwelcome distraction for Kokan who has to suffer illegal chokes from the champs on top of the a series of double teams.


One such double team a spin-kick assisted, Russian leg-sweep brings a close two count, but the 'Electric Livewire' is determined not to give up hope. The BHFS keep the pressure on however as Scorpion drills Kokan with a Brainbuster and Kiyaru then heads out onto the apron......


ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press)......


But Kokan gets the knees up and Kiyaru writhes around in agony, clutching his back.....


Scorpion prevents Kokan from making the tag however and sets up for another Brainbuster, but this time Kokan is able to block and manages to get force a standing switch to then plant Scorpion with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX into a bridging pin






Scorpion kicks out and with Kiyaru now recovered the champs manage to prevent Kokan from tagging out again and then pitch the Electric Livewire onto the top turbuckle but Kokan explodes into life and drills both of the BHS with a double diving DDT !!


Kokan finally gets the hot tag into Konda who, cleans house as he takes down both Kiyaru and Scorpion with a flurry of clotheslines before stunning Scorpion with a KONDA KUTTER !!


Scorpion manages to stagger out of the ring and Kiyaru then takes Konda with a Leg Lariat. Konda immediately gets back to his feet and Kiyaru goes for his trademark Tilt-a-Whirl Russian Legsweep but Konda manages to block and then gets a leg-hook to drill Kiyaru into the canvas with the KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver)......






Scorpion is still nursing the effects of the Konda Kutter on the outside.....




Kiyaru kicks out just in time, Konda then tags Kokan back in and they set up for the BIG FIGHT ENDER (Powerbomb/Neckbreaker Combo)......


But as they deliver their signature double team, a recovered Golden Scorpion sneaks back in and clips Konda from behind and though Kiyaru still ends up being on the receiving end, it is enough to break up the immediate pin attempt.


Scorpion tries to set up for a Brainbuster on Konda but Kokan comes to the rescue and Size of the Fight take Scorpion over with a double team snap suplex instead. However referee Koetsu Shinozaki is determined to restore order and immediately begins to order Konda back to his corner, the 'Big Fight Player' becomes very frustrated over this and starts to argue but that only serves as a distraction for Kiyaru to spew Black Mist into Kokan's face from the ring apron.


Scorpion then drilled Kokan with a BRAINBUSTER.......








Kokan kicked out but was soon scooped upon Scorpion's shoulders as Kiyaru headed to the top.......


ULTRA EFFECT (Electric Chair assisted Forward Somersault Stunner).......


Scorpion still the legal man,then made the pin






Konda tries to get in to make the save but is cut off by Kiyaru.


Three !!!


The Black Heart Flying Squadron had once again found a way to get the better of their perennial rivals and hold onto the Junior Tag Team Championship.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] & Kansuke Konda in 11:24 via pinfall (Ultra Effect)


Black Heart Flying Squadron make V7 defence of the Burning Junior Tag Team Championship.


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Whilst this won't go down as the greatest of the matches between these two teams it did enscapsculate their long standing rivalry pretty well.....with Size of the Fight showing their never say die attitude and the Black Heart Flying Squadron both wowing and aggravating the crowd in equal measure.


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: Once again we prove that we are the best Junior Heavyweight Tag Team , not just of today but in history.....


Golden Scorpion: But being the best of the Juniors is not merely enough is it?


The Awesome Kiyaru: Indeed it is not.....


Golden Scorpion: There's something called the Ultimate Tag League coming up and we're not just going in to make up the numbers.....


The Awesome Kiyaru: We will be entering the league to prove that we are THE best team in Burning Hammer, no questions asked.


Kansuke Konda: It pains, it really pains me to make excuses but once again the Black Heart's bend the rules in their favour and the stupid referee falls for it, hook, line and sinker....I wouldn't be surprised with Shinozaki-san was in on there tiresome act.....I know it makes me sound like a whiner, I do not mean to sound like this, but I am.....actually we, Kokan-san and I are getting sick of this but even with these unfair odds stacked against us, we will not give up, we will never give up.



Match #3: Yasunobu Masuno & Gareth Wayne vs

Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GarethWayne.jpg?t=1295655891




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo-1.jpg


The RAGE duo simply couldn't contend with the size, power and ruthless viciousness of the former Tag Team champion and his new gaijin friend. It was literally only a matter of when and not if Masuno and Wayne would pick up the win, and they did so in fairly short order when Masuno made Shibanumo tap out to the DAY OF RACKENING (Argentine Backbreaker Rack) after Gareth Wayne took out Mitsunari Fuganaga with his 'Jackpot Jolt' charging for-arm smash.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno [w] & Gareth Wayne bt Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 4:30 via submission (Day of Rackening)


Rating: C


Onodera's Assessment: This was simply an extended squash, to help build Gareth Wayne as a dangerous threat and to highlight the directionless plight and lack of drive amongst the RAGE faction.


Post Match Comments:


Yasunobu Masuno: What those losers just got was a personal introduction to new Black Heart Brethren member, 'AMERICAN....BAA STAAAD !!......Gareth.......Wayne.


Gareth Wayne (in English): Black Heart Brethren and Gareth Wayne...a match made in hell....you have been warned !!


Meanwhile the RAGE duo are confronted by Chuichi Sanda and Masaaki Okazaki.....


Chuichi Sanda: You two really are hopeless aren't you?


Mitsunari Fuganaga: You can talk.......


Chuichi Sanda: Do you see me losing match after match


Mitsunari Fuganaga: In fact I do, because otherwise you and your fellow reject there would be lording it with Team INSPIRE


Masaaki Okazaki: I am no reject, Kikkawa just made the biggest mistake......


Mitsunari Fuganaga: On evidence of tonight's performance he doesn't really need you.....


Masaaki Okazaki: On evidence of your own performance tonight, I'd worry more about your own failings....


Mitsunari Fuganaga: And your point.......


Chuichi Sanda: Ok to be honest, Fuganaga-san we did not come here to argue, or mock you, we have to help you, well not just you.....


Mitsunari Fuganaga: Help? How do you propose to do that.....


Chuichi Sanda: Okazaki-san and I want to help resurrect RAGE, give you some guys some leadership....


Mitsunari Fuganaga: You walked out on us, and now you're coming back here with your tail between your legs, because you failed......


'Silent Rage' Toshiki Shibanumo, who hasn't said a word just nods in agreement.


Chuichi Sanda: I admit, I shouldn't have left you guys in the lurch, my issues were with failure of Hamacho-san's leadership, not with you....you need real leadership and between Okazaki-san and I, we can provide it....


Mitsunari Fuganaga: We still believe in Hamacho-san.....


Chuichi Sanda: Oh take your head out of the sand will you? Hamacho-san has failed you and he has lost the plot, because he couldn't deal with that failure. Yes I failed too, but I am prepared to rectify that failure by helping my RAGE brothers to heights never before seen.


Mitsunari Fuganaga: I'm still not buying it, are you buying what he is selling to us Shibanumo-san


Shibanaumo silent as always gives, just responds with a blank expression.


Chuichi Sanda: No good asking him, anyway we will prove that we have what it takes to lead you when, Okazaki-san and I defeat Hamacho-san and Onodera-san. How about if we win, our match you accept us as your new leaders.


Mitsunari Fuganaga: And what if you lose....


Chuichi Sanda: Simple really we have already failed you and proven ourselves unworthy to lead you.....


Mitsunari Fuganaga: OK you have a deal......


Chuichi Sanda: We will not fail you, RAGE will be reborn.



~ Bonded by Pursuit~

Match #4: Contenders Circle:

Miyamae vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674


The first Contenders Circle match of the night, 'headlines' the first half of the show and it is the intriguing encounter between the recently crowned World Tag Team Champions, The Rebellion. It's a very rare singles meeting between the pair, since their formation as a Tag Team and their 'graduation' from the Junior Division ranks.


Knowing each other so well, both Miyamae and Shimedzu were wary to lock up with one another at the start of the match, so there was some circling before they finally locked together with a collar and elbow tie up....Shimedzu managed to power Miyamae down to the mat, but 'the viper' was quick to manoevre out of an early pin attempt. They then exchanged holds on the may and a couple more pin attempts, resulting in a stale mate and a respectful stand-off.......


They locked up again and this time Miyamae was the one able to take Shimedzu to the mat with a snapmare, before delivering a stiff kick to the shoulder blades of his tag team partner. All that did however was jolt Shimedzu into life, and 'Kamikaze Spirit' sprang up to then unleash a flurry of chops on Miyamae....'the Viper' then fired back himself and with the competitive juices now flowing the match began to step up a few gears.


The continue to exchange kicks and chops until Shimedzu seems to be gaining the upperhand and whips Miyamae across the ring before setting up for a LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot) but 'the Viper' moves out of the way and then takes Shimedzu down with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Shimedzu hobbles back to his feet but is taken down immediatelty with another Dragon Screw, before Miyamae follows in with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN (Shining Wizard)








Miyamae had made the pin too near the ropes and Shimedzu was able to reach out and save himself. Miyamae however remained in control, and slowing the pace of the match down worked over the legs of Shimedzu. That lead to Miyamae attempting to lock on the Snake Charmer (Over the Shoulder Boston Crab) but Shimedzu managed to power his way back up to his feet and then connect with a desperation Enzuigiri as he swung his free leg round.


It was enough to relieve the pressure but Shimedzu was unable to immediately follow up with any offence as he hobbled back to his feet and tried to shake some life back into his right leg. As Miyamae rose back to his feet they exchanged strikes let again, with neither man backing down from the other. Shimedzu then tried to lift Miyamae up for a head and arm suplex but 'the viper' held firm and then tried for one of his own, they swung the momentum back and forth until finally it was Shimedzu who was able to plant Miymae onto the canvas.


Miyamae immediately kicked out of the following pin, but Shimedzu was able to keep the pressure on connecting with a spin kick that sent Miyamae into the corner, before following up with a running boot into the corner......Shimedzu then pitched the dazed Miyamae onto the top-rope and looked to set up for a superplex but Miyamae was able to fight the attempt off, shoving Shimedzu to the mat and then nailing 'Kamikaze Spirit' with a missile drop-kick.


Shimedzu rose back to his feet but was immediately planted back to the mat with an STO from Miyamae. 'The Viper' then headed up top and went for the REBEL STOMP (Diving Double Foot Stomp) but Shimedzu managed to roll out of the way and then catch Miyamae off guard with a quick roll up.


Miyamae managed to kick out and then tried to get Shimedzu in the Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice) but Shimedzu was able to wriggle his way free and as they rose to their feet 'Kamikaze Spirit' regained control nailing Miyamae with a spin-kick and then planting 'the Viper' into the canvas with the REVOLUTION DROP (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster).......








Miyamae kicked out but Shimedzu remained in control and he lifted the groggy body of Miyamae up off the canvas, as he looked to set up for the SKULL DROP but 'the Viper' had the move well scouted, as he dropped to a knee to block the attempt. Frustrated Shimedzu then changed tactic as he unleashed a flurry of chops and then spun Miyamae round to set up for Dragon Suplex, but Miyamae slipped out, forced a standing switch and then planted Shimedzu to the mat with a Dragon Suplex of his own, straight into the bridge for a pin.......






Shimedzu powered his way back out, but Miyamae continued to turn the tide as he connected with a drop-kick that sent 'Kamizake Spirt' staggering into the corner. Miyamae followed in with a leaping fore-arm smash, that sent Shimedzu slumping onto his backside and 'the Viper' saw the opportunity to dish out the face-wash, but Shimedzu knew exactly what was coming and slid underneath the bottom rope, as he then tried to regroup on the outside........


But Miyamae was keen to keep the pressure on and he launched himself over the top-rope to wipe Shimedzu out with a slingshot crossbody. Miyamae then pitched Shimedzu into the ring and went for an immediate cover.....Shimedzu managed to kick out but 'Kamikaze Spirit' then found himself trapped in Miyamae's signature SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) submission.....


However they are fairly near the ropes and Shimedzu digs down to shift himself across to safety. Miyamae keeps the pressure on after the rope break however and takes down Shimedzu with a Hangman's Neckbreaker, before 'the viper' then follows up with a Dragon Suplex.......








Shimedzu kicks out but remains rooted to the mat and Miyamae decides to head up to the top turnbuckle, but of all a sudden 'Kamikaze Spirit' springs into life and stuns Miyamae with a jumping high kick. Shimedzu then joins Miyamae on the top turnbuckle and then brings 'the Viper' crashing back into the ring with a superplex.


That burst of energy had also taken alot out of Shimedzu and referee Omura Umeki starts a double count, as both combatants lay on the mat, trying to find another 'wind' within themselves.


They both beat the count at around the 8 mark, and once again exchange strikes, Shimedzu breaks through with a back heel kick into Miyamae's mid-section before lifting 'the Viper' up and slingshot Miyamae off the top-rope leading into the A-KO ARROW ! (Slingshot Falcon Arrow).....








Miyamae kicks out, and Shimedzu then tries to lift Miyamae up for the SKULL DROP, but 'the Viper' is a dead weight and Shimedzu decides instead to go just for the pin.....








Miyamae gets the shoulder up again, and Shimedzu paces around in frustration before deciding to set Miyamae in place and then head up the top turnbuckle.....Shimedzu then launches himself off with a MOONSAULT !!


But Miymae moves out of the way just in time and Shimedzu ends up eating the canvas !!


Shimedzu is then met with a GLITTERING MAGICIAN from Miyamae, as he gets back to his knees......








Shimedzu kicks out, but Miyamae once again able to lock in the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) and this time 'the viper' has it locked on right in the middle of the ring.


Shimedzu looks like he is fading and referee Omura Umeki goes to check on his condition.......


The first time Shimedzu's arm is lifted up it drops.......


Umeki raises the arm again......


Once again it drops.......


Umeki gives Shimedzu one last chance to prove he still has the fight to carry on......


'Kamikaze Spirit' did have another burst of energy left in him, as he powererd his way back up to his feet and battled out of the submission hold, before suddenly drilling Miyamae into the canvas with the SKULL DROP (Spike Brainbuster).....


But Shimedzu was too worn down to follow up with the immediate cover and lay on the canvas catching his breath back....when Shimedzu began to regain his senses he found Miyamae still lying prone on the mat and he scrambled across to make the cover......








Miyamae kicked out, but had Shimedzu immediately made the cover after the Skull Drop there was little doubt that the match would have been over.......


Shimedzu then lifted Miyamae up in preparation for another Skull Drop but 'the Viper' was able to block and then immediately countered with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO).......








'Kamikaze Spirit' just about kicked out but remained in the match, barely, but remained in the match he did....Miyamae then decided to whip Shimedzu into the corner before following in with a combination of kicks and then placing 'Kamikaze Spirit' in the tree of woe position.......Miyamae then dished out a face-wash...before climbing up to the top turnbuckle, but before 'the Viper' could deliver the Rebel Stomp....Shimedzu hauled himself up out of the tree of woe position and the pair then battle it out with strikes on the top-rope....with a series of side elbow shots, Shimedzu then appeared to be setting up for the Total Anarchy but Miyamae was able to block that and then send 'Kamikaze Spirit' crashing to the mat with a Front Suplex before nailing Shimedzu with the REBEL STOMP (Diving Double Foot Stomp).......








Shimedzu kicked out again, Miyamae then lifted Shimedzu back up in and attempt to deliver another MIYAMAE SPOILER but Shimedzu was able to block and he then tried for another SKULL DROP but this time Miyamae blocked......


They then exchange strikes, with neither man backing down as thirty minute time limit began to approach......


Shimedzu then got a break through with a kick into the mid-section, followed by a simple DDT that he immediately rolled through into the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke)......


Miyamae looked to be in great trouble, as Shimedzu relentlessly applied the hold right in the middle of the ring.....


But 'the Viper' was determined not to tap out.........


And then the bell rang.....


The time limit had expired and the match had ended a thirty minute time limit draw......Shimedzu let go of the hold, but was clearly frustrated that he was unable to force the submission victory, right at the death......


Miyamae then stagger back up to his feet, and Shimedzu goes over.......


They bow to one another, showing that despite the heated nature of the match, there respect for one another will not be broken.


Result: Miyamae drew with Shimedzu (Time Limit Expiry)


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: I was hoping that their experience as tag partners would translate into them being good opponents for another, and thankfully this proved to be the case. There are no immediate plans to break The Rebellion up any time soon, especially as they now have the Tag Belts but it's nice to know that a more extended series of matches and/or even a full blown feud between the pair would have a good chance of being a success.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Yes I am disappointed I did not win the match, but I will not make excuses over the time limit saving Miyamae-san.....he is as worthy an adversary, as he is a partner...our pursuit of singles glory means that we will cross swords but it is better to beat the best to reach the top, than to overcome the weak.


Miyamae: As much as I have the up-most respect for Shimedzu-san, the bell did not save me......my fighting spirit saved me, and I am sure Shimedzu-san can only agree. Shimedzu-san himself, has not said this to anyone,but many have said he is the stronger-link....I think I proved tonight that I am as strong, as Shimedzu-san and that I can challenge for the World Championship.



Match #5: Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki vs

Takayuki Onodera & Mister Macho


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716


Following a backstage meeting between Sanda and his former RAGE stable mates Fuganaga and Shibanumo, there is extra incentive for the INSPIRE rejects to win the match, as they have been promised that they can take over the leadership of RAGE should they defeat Onodera and Mister Macho. Macho in particular however would love nothing better than to send the former tag partner that turned his back on him, to another frustrating defeat.


Onodera and Okazaki kicked things off for their teams, exchanging chain and mat wrestling holds until this ended up as a stale mate. Onodera tagged in Mister Macho who clearly wanted to piece of Chuichi Sanda but the 'Explosive One' refused to tag in, much to the frustration of his own tag partner Okazaki. Mister Macho as the fresher man then dominated Okazaki with a flurry of clothelines, before planting the former INSPIRE man with a scoop slam for a two count.


Mister Macho then decided to climb up to the top-rope, but Sanda moved across and nailed him with an EXPLOSION KICK (Running Big Boot) from the apron. Okazaki then climbed the turnbuckle and brought the dazed Macho crashing back into the ring with a top-rope Exploder Suplex!


Okazaki and especially Sanda feeling they were in full control however, decided to taunt Macho and mock him with weak offence, rather than dispatch with the former RAGE leader in quick order. That lapse of focus, allowed for Macho to get back into the match, despite the wearing punishment he had been receiving and the Macho Man was able to fight his way out of an Exploder attempt from Sanda to then plant his former tag partner with a vertical suplex.


That was enough to buy Macho enough time to get the tag to Onodera. Onodera then rocked Sanda with a flurry of fore-arms before planting the aspiring RAGE leader with the O2 SUPLEX (Bridging German Suplex).....


Okazaki broke up the pin and that drew Macho back into the ring,as the match began to break down to a brawl that soon spilt out to the floor......Macho and Sanda went right after each other and they continued to fight up the entrance ramp, whilst Okazaki and Onodera brought things back inside the ring......


Onodera looked to had won control and set up for the CALL THE DOCTOR, only for Okazaki to sneak in a low blow. 'No Mercy' then took Onodera down to the mat with a double leg take-down and applied the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf).......Okazaki had it locked on right in he middle of the ring, and Macho knew that he had to break free of being occupied with Sanda at ringside to save his tag partner but he was unable to do that and probably feeling that he had more of an obligation to remain strong for his regular tag partner in Toshusai, rather than to help put one over Sanda to help Macho, Onodera tapped out.


What the result means of course, is that RAGE are now under new leadership, and Chuichi Sanda will be keen to prove that he should have been the leader all along.


Result: Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Mister Macho & Takayuki Onodera [L] in 11:05 via submission (Century Crab Lift)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: This did the job it needed to, and that was to provide a solid midcard match, without ever looking like it would steal the show. It remains to be seen if Sanda returning tio RAGE and taking over as leader, and bringing in fellow INSPIRE cast off Okazaki as his number two, can make RAGE a stable that can truly compete with the others but their take-over does at the very least revive a stable that was on it's last legs at the end of the previous tour.


Post Match Comments:


Chuichi Sanda: Hamacho-san, RAGE were a failure under your leadership, with Okazaki-san beside me, I will take Fuganaga-san, VENOM-san, Shiomi-san and yes even Shibanumo-san to heights you could never dream of taking them.


Masaaki Okazaki: We will make RAGE a strong force, no longer will RAGE be seen as a collection of whipping boys. The rest of the roster should serve notice, especially you Team INSPIRE or should I really say Kikkawa-san, because you have now made a dangerous enemy and for yourself and your dictatorship will come back to hurt you.


Mister Macho: Strong enjoy the party whilst you can brother, I was the one who carried the Mega Powers to glory, you aint no match for the Macho-Man...OOOH YEAHHHH !!!



Match #6: Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs

Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon








Six Man Junior Tag action was up next, and despite the fact that the Junior champion was competing on the side of the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio, the recent communication problems beween Optimus and Joshuya, meant that the crowd felt that Universal Excellence and Mystic Dragon were at least in with a chance of causing the upset.


Universal Excellence and Mystic Dragon did look to be more on the same page throughout the match, as American Optimus and Super Joshuya in particular couldn't get on the same page for the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio and this particularly came to a head when Super Joshuya broke up a pin attempt from Optimus on Haru Kurofuji after a Brainbuster, that followed a low blow.


Sensational Dragon made sure his team wasn't going to lose though after Kurofuji almost stole the win with a quick roll-up on American Optimus. Universal Excellence and Mystic remained in control however and took out Super Joshuya with the UNIVERSAL STUDIO'S (Bridging German Suplex followed by a standing Shooting Star Press) but once again Dragon was on hand to make the save.


Dragon then took down Barei Yasujiro with a Dragon Slice, whilst American Optimus sent Haru Kurofuji out of the ring with a standing drop-kick. Dragon then looked to seal the win, but Mystic Dragon made the save and then stunned the Junior Champion with the MYSTIC DRAGON DRIVER (Cradle Piledriver) but he was not the legal man and had to tag into the match. With Sensational Dragon remaining rooted to the canvas, Mystic Dragon headed up top and launched himself off with the MYSTIC WAVE (Corkscrew Senton Splash) but the Junior Champion moved out of the way just in time and then planted the Hinote Dojo graduate with a DRAGON SUPLEX and this time Optimum Impact were able to remain on the same page as they kept Haru Kurofuji at bay from being able to make the save and ensure that the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio emerged with the win.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w], American Optimus & Super Joshuya bt Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji & Mystic Dragon [L] in 8:53 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assesment: This match did what it needed to do, continue to highlight the problems between Optimum Impact, keep the Junior Champion looking strong, continue to showcase the strong teamwork of Universal Excellence and showcase Mystic Dragon in a losing effort. Mystic does look to be ready to compete in the big leagues this time round, so there is every chance he can rise higher than his current job-boy status by the end of the tour.


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: I don't know what the hell is wrong with Optimus-san and Joshuya-san but they better sort it out soon, because if it wasn't for me being so Sensational we were in danger of losing that match. And why the hell is this young lion, daring to call himself Dragon...there is only one Dragon in Burning Hammer and that is me...Sensational Dragon.



Match #7: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Elemental III vs

Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg


Would Black Cobra actually put the words of his recent blog into action, and actually fight fair and would Taira be on the same page?


Black Cobra & Elemental III start things off, as are instantly treated to the in-ring magic these two can produce out of each other once again. They go hold for hold, counter for counter with some slick chain wrestling, that ends in a stale mate and a respectful nod between the Junior Division rivals, it's something that immediately aggravates Yasuhiko Taira, who gets in a cheap shot from the apron on Elemental III, before tagging himself in and letting Cobra know he is isn't too happy about the change in attitude.


Taira basically bullies Elemental III for a bit, as Black Cobra looks on unimpressed. A vertical suplex gets a two count for Taira who taunts Nakasawa to then come into the ring, this distracts referee Shinozaki and normally at this stage Cobra would come in and dish out a few cheap shots but Cobra in fact does nothing and when Taira turns back round from taunting Nakasawa he is on the receiving end of a drop-kick from Elemental III, the 'Third Generation Icon' then drops Taira with a Tornado DDT before getting the tag into Nakasawa.


Nakasawa then planted Taira with a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker).......


That looked to be enough for the win but Black Cobra came into make the save. Nakasawa remained in control however and had Cobra set up for the Compression Powerbomb, only for a recovered Taira to club Nakasawa from behind. The Black Heart Brethren duo, then got on the same page for the first time in the match and pulled out a Lariat/Basement drop-kick combination to take down the World Champion.


Elemental III dived in to make the save, but was hurled to the floor by Taira, as Black Cobra then placed Nakasawa in the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter). Referee Shinozaki did however remind Cobra he was not the legal man, and without the usual fuss expected of a Black Heart Brethren member he duly obliged and let go of the submission hold.


However Nakasawa was now hobbled and Taira was able to take control, whipping the World Champion into the corner and then following in with THE FLATTENER (Running Clothesline into the corner)......








Nakasawa kicked out, much to the frustration of Taira....who then stepped outside to pick up a steel chair, but Black Cobra hopped down off the apron to pull out of Taira's hands....and whilst the were arguing Elemental III re-entered the ring to then soar over the top-rope and wipe out the Black Heart Brethren pair with his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop.


A recovered Nakasawa then went out to the floor and pitched Taira back into the ring before planting the former Tag champion with a side-slam before Elemental III headed up top to then come crashing down upon 'The Bulldozer' with the INFERNO SPLASH (Corskcrew 450 Splash)......


Elemental III was not the legal man, however and Nakasawa had to drop down to make the pin......








Black Cobra had climbed up the opposite turnbuckle and landed the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt) to make the save......


Black Cobra then sent Elemental III out of the ring with a drop-kick and then looked to legally tag into the match, Taira however had another idea and rolled out of the ring, and once again he looked to bring a steel chair into play and again Cobra was having none of it and pulled the chair out of Taira's hands.... Taira then shoved Cobra away and then re-entered the ring steel chair in hand......


Only for Hiroaki Nakasawa to drill Taira with a fore-arm smash, causing 'the Bulldozer' to drop the steel chair out of his hands.....the dazed Taira was then rocked with a SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turning Short Range Lariat)......






Three !!


It certainly looks like Black Cobra's new 'fair fight' philosophy is not being shared by the rest of the Black Heart Brethren, resulting in major communication problems.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & Elemental III bt Yasuhiko Taira [L] & Black Cobra in 14:45 via pinfall (Sudden Impact Lariat)


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: This one moved away from the usual formula, and the new dynamic within the BHB with Cobra trying to fight fairly, despite Taira trying to resort to default BHB tactics....certainly freshened up things up


Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: Cobra-san I was suspicious of your actions at the end of Inferno of Purity, and I am still weary now, because does a Leopard truly change his spots? However tonight you fought honorably.....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: The sentiments of Elemental-san ring true, can Cobra-san truly be trusted, has he truly himself turned over a more honorable leaf, this remains to be seen but what is not in doubt is that the Burning Sekigun are stronger than ever.


Meanwhile the Black Heart Brethren pair's Press interview descends into an argument between the pair......


Yasuhiko Taira: What the hell is wrong with you Cobra-san, the Black Heart Brethren win, we win at all costs.....


Black Cobra: I did not lose the match, you did !


Yasuhiko Taira: But you denied me several times.....


Black Cobra: I denied you doing something stupid and besides you only have yourself to blame....


Yasuhiko Taira: I have myself to blame ?!!!


Black Cobra: Well fact is, if you didn't shove me ringside at the end of the match, I could have made the save......


Yasuhiko Taira: But you were not on the same page.....


Black Cobra: I would be if we bothered to use team-work and not resort to lazy cheating, we are more talented, we are better than that......


Yasuhiko Taira: You are becoming foolish Cobra-san.


Black Cobra: I am not the fool here.



~No Pretenders~

Match #8: Contenders Circle:

Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg


Both Horri and Iesada had title shots on the last tour and both will be keen to pick up a victory here, to go a step closer to claiming the first shot a Nakasawa's World Championship on the Combustion Tour.


Iesada somewhat foolishly decides to lock up with Horri in a collar and elbow tie up, at the start of the match and to no one's surprise gets over-powered. Iesada then attemtps to battle back with some fore-arms and chops but Horri soaks them up and unleashes a flurry of his own that instantly puts Iesada on the back foot. But before Horri can really make the pressure count, Iesada rolls out of the ring for a powder.


Horri wasn't go to take the bait and waited patiently for Iesada to climb back into the ring, when Iesada did get back in, he was on the receiving end of more dominance from Horri and once again before Horri could move in for 'the kill' Iesada slipped out and headed back outside the ring, much to the frustration of Horri.


This time Horri did go out in pursuit of Iesada, desperate to keep the pressure on but the INSPIRE man was able to evade capture and as they got back into the ring Iesada clipped Horri from behind with a chop block, Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer staggered back up to his feet but was immediately scythed back down to the mat with another chop block, before Iesada put the boots to the Burning Sekigun man.


Horri kicked out of a speculative pin attempt from Iesada, but the INSPIRE man remained in control as he worked he began to work over the arm of Horri......throughout the methodical disection Horri would begin to power his way up to his feet but each time Iesada would cut off the flurry with a stiff kick or a knee strike that was enough to stop Horri in his tracks.


Iesada then went to lock on the IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker) but Horri was able to use the reach of his legs to force a rope break before the INSPIRE man could truly synch in his signature submission hold. Iesada then attempted to remain in control with an arm-wringer, but with his free arm Horri connected with a Lariat, that at the very least was able to turn the tables and relieve the pressure.


Horri then tried to shake the life back into the arm that Iesada had been working over, but Iesada was back up and wasn't about to give 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' any respite, but Horri had now catched a second wind and kept Iesada at bay with a series of fore-arm smashes that began to put Iesada on the back foot.......Horri then whipped Iesada across the ring and then connected with a Lariat, but instinct made him go for it with the right arm that Iesada had been working over and he clutched his arm in agony unable to follow up with an immediate cover.


Iesada remained rooted to the mat however and Horri went to lift the 'Dangerous One' up for a vertical suplex, but he began to favour the right arm again and Iesada was able to slip out and then drive Horri down into the canvas with a Legsweep DDT !






Horri kicked out, but once again Iesada was looking to synch in the IESADA SPECIAL but all of a sudden Horri dug down into his reserves of fighting spirit, as he powered his way back up to his feet, lifting Iesada up into a modified version of the HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster)....the impact was enough to force Iesada to release the Cross Arm Breaker submission he had begun to apply to the Burning Sekigun man.


Horri however was too worn down to follow up with a cover and collapsed to the mat, causing referee Terakado to apply a double ten count.....


Horri was up first and was able to seize control with a flurry of fore-arms as Iesada staggered back up to his feet. Horri then feeling the momentum swing back his way, whipped Iesada into the ropes and then using the momentum planted the INSPIRE man with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)......








Iesada managed to kick out, but Horri was determined to finish the job and set Iesada up for a DESTINY BOMB but the 'Dangerous One' countered with the IESADA SPECIAL III (Victory Roll transitioend into a Cross Arm Breaker).....


This time Iesada had his painful arm submission synched in right in the middle of the ring and the agony was etched across Horri's face. 'Mr One Million Per Cent' Burning Hammer was determined not to give up and tap the match away but soon enough the pain started to take effect and Horri began to fade.....


Referee Terakado went to check on Horri, raising the Burning Sekigun man's arm up.....


The first time it dropped down.....


Terakado raised the arm again.....


Again it dropped down.......


Terakado gave Horri one last chance to prove he still had some fight left in him......


This time he did, from somewhere Horri had managed to dig down to find a reserve of energy and he began to rise back to his feet, forcing Iesada up with him, before connecting with a BURNING LARIAT (Explosive Short Arm Lariat). Iesada was knocked out cold but Horri immediately collapsed to the mat himself, seemingly out of the reserves that managed to see him make one last flurry to survive the Iesada Special.


Terakado once again applied the double count, as it became a race to see who could make their way back to their feet first.....


Despite just being on the receiving end of the devastating Burning Lariat, it was Iesada who regained his senses first and seeing Horri struggling back up to his knees raced across the ring to connect with a Running Knee Strike.....


But Horri was able to stop Iesada in his tracks with a Lariat from a kneeling position........ Iesada stayed on his feet but then staggered into a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster) as Horri got back to a vertical base......








Iesada managed to kick out, but Horri had the momentum back on his side and after pumelling Iesada with a flurry of fore-arms....'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' once again set up for the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb)......this time Horri was able to drive Iesada down to the canvas, before the INSPIRE man could find a counter.......






Three !!


Kinnojo Horri had emerged victorious and is a step closer to once again challenging for the Burning World Championship.


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Tasuku Iesada [L] in 23:18 via pinfall (Destiny Bomb)


Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: Horri-san and Iesada-san have a real clash of styles that they having to work against each time they step into the ring with one another, but both are now smart enough to make it work, and here engaged the crowd with a real old school affair of the strong babyface over-coming the ruthless heel.


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: Having that World Championship back around my waist is still a goal I need to achieve...it's not just case of want, it's a case of need....because the true greats in this sport have won this belt more than once. My good friend Nakasawa-san has done just that but I need to do that to be talked about in the same breath as him and the likes of Hooded Kudo and it pains me to say it Kikkawa-san. Tonight I went a step closer to once again challenging for the belt, whoever the Burning Hammer Office put in front of me next in order to secure the next title shot against Nakasawa-san....I will not fail.


Tasuku Iesada: I am sure Kikkawa-san will once again rue my failure, but unlike him I am competing against the very best here in Burning Hammer...... Yeah, I'll just leave it at that.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: A very solid opening to the Combustion Tour, highlighted by two strong contenders circle matches, one in the main event and one serving up a real treat in the middle of the show.

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Predictions Contest


Alot simpler than the directionless one I had on the last tour, that I ended up pulling the plug on. Quite simply each predicition contest will run for 8 shows. The winning predictor after those 8 shows will then get to 'spend a day' with the BHOTWG roster member of their choice and conduct an interview with them. Maybe you'll want to massage Sensational Dragon's already considerable ego or attempt to have a coherant conversation with Tadakuni Toshusai?



Combustion Tour #1 (Show 1- Show 8)


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Nothing much between the 5 that have predicted so far, the Horri vs Iesada main event and the Sanda/Okazaki vs Onodera/Hamacho tag split votes and the Miyamae vs Shimedzu draw caught everyone out...everything else was pretty straightforward.

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BHOTWG continue their Combustion Tour, as they head to the Matsue Sports Park in Chugoku.


In the main event Black Magic will get the chance to regain the World Tag Team Championship they lost at Quest of Heart. Can the much despised mulleted duo return to the top of the Tag Team mountain, or will The Rebellion make a succesful first defence in their third teign as champions?


There is also contenders circle action in both the heavyweight and Junior Divisions. In the heavyweight division Tasuku Iesada will be looking to rebound from his defeat to Kinnojo Horri in Monday's event, but Tadakuni Toshusai will be determined to prove he can compete for a World Title shot, after surviving a spot challenge from Masaaki Okazaki on the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour. In the Junior Division Marihito Masuko will be looking to get back into title contention, at the expense of Junior Tag Champion and BOSJ Cup semi finalist Golden Scorpion, who will be determined to prove that his surprise run in that tournament was not just a good run of form.


Meanwhile Golden Scorpion's regular Tag Team partner The Awesome Kiyaru teams with BOSJ Cup Finalist Black Cobra, against the BOSJ Cup winner Elemental III and Takayuki Onodera. In the semi main event of Monday's show in Chubu, Cobra's new 'fair fight' philosophy severely clashed wiht that of his tag partner in that match, Yasuhiko Taira...will the same problems arise with Kiyaru?


King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa teams with John Pathlow to take on former INSPIRE member Masaaki Okazaki, as he looks to begin life as part of the new look RAGE when he tags with Mitsunari Fuganaga, can Okazaki instantly stick one to his former leader?


Four of the Junior Tag Division's best teams (Little Fury, Optimum Impact, Size of the Fight and Universal Excellence) will be looking to position themselves for a shot at the Black Heart Flying Squadron's titles, when they face off in a 4-way Tornado Tag match...who can emerge from the pack and stake their claim for Junior Tag Team glory?


Rounding out the show the duo of Masutaro Kataoka and Roku Sotomura have the uneviable task of taking on Burning World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri, there will be a 4 corner survival featuring Junior Champion Sensational Dragon, The Incredible Koyama, Mister Macho and Gareth Wayne, whilst Nisso Yuasha will look to rebound from the loss of his tag partner when he takes on Red Panther.


Bonus pre-show action see's RAGE's new leader Chuichi Sanda team with Toshiki Shibanumo to take on veterans Snow Lizzard, whilst Stone Yoshikawa goes one on one with debutant Merle O'Curle


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #2 of the Combustion Tour-

Combustion Tour- Show #2

(Matsue Sports Park, Chugoku, Wednesday 8th September 2010)


~Could It Be Magic~

World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


~Pink Turns To Gold~

Junior Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion- Golden Scorpion


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko


~Time to Raise~

Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuni Toshusai


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Tasuku Iesada


Go Forth and Prosper Tag Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

2010 Best of the Super Juniors- Elemental III &

Takayuki Onodera


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Champion- The Awesome Kiyaru &

Black Cobra


Without You, I Stronger Tag Team Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa &

John Pathlow


'Representing RAGE'

Masaaki Okazaki & Mitsunari Fuganaga


4-Way Junior Tag 'Tornado for the Top' (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Tag Team Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigiun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri


Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


4 Corner Survival (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Magic'

Gareth Wayne


'Representing Burning Sekigiun'

Mister Macho


'Representing Dragon Feet2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon


The Incredible Koyama


Singles Challenge (10 Min Time Limit):

Nisso Yuasha


Red Panther


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Stone Yoshikawa vs Merle O'Curle

Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanumo



Predictions Form:


World Tag Team Championship: The Rebellion vs Black Magic

Junior Contenders Circle: Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko

Contenders Circle: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Tasuku Iesada

Elemental III & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & The Awesome Kiyaru

Tadiyuki Kikkawa & John Pathlow vs Masaaki Okazaki & Mitsunari Fuganaga

4-Way 'Tornado' Tag: Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura

4CS: Gareth Wayne vs Mister Macho vs Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama

Nisso Yuasha vs Red Panther

Snow Lizzard vs Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanumo

Merle O'Curle vs Stone Yoshikawa



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