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RAW: Wrestling's Soap Opera

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It'd been a fair few years since I'd left wrestling behind after having early retirement forced upon me with the freak accident of an accidently exposed turnbuckle which nearly tore my back in half and coming so close to being permanently in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.


I'd fell into another career thankfully as I became an actor who was most prominently known for several roles in various Australian soap operas but throughout those years, I'd still maintained a burning desire to return to the world of wrestling in a role out of the ring.


It took an impromptu meeting with Tristram Day, executive producer of The Australian Sports Network and the brainchild behind Revolution Australian Wrestling which is the wrestling soap opera, to change all that. He said he was looking for a third person to add to the RAW commentary team and with my popularity thanks to my roles on TV and my acting skills, I'd make the ideal candidate for the job.


Call it a moment of weakness but I soon found myself sitting in the front row at The Stars Of RAW 10 show. Tristram came over before the show got underway and said he'll meet him after the show so we can discuss further about possibly signing up with RAW.


What I saw impressed me as you could see what RAW was attempting to do and the effort the workers were putting in to create the best possible entertainment for the crowd in the arena.


Once the show ended, Tristram took me to the back and we went to his office to discuss my possible role and terms to sign on with RAW.


Tristram told me Mark Misery wanted to go back to just being a wrestler which meant there was an opening for a new Head Booker of RAW. I asked him what does that have to do with me and his reply nearly made me fall off my chair.


Tristram said that my knowledge of soap operas and wrestling made it good sense to make me the Head Booker as well as a colour commentator because I was the ideal person to realise the plan he had envisioned for RAW.


This was my big chance to come back to wrestling and soon found myself inking my name on a contract to become the new Head Booker and Colour Commentator for RAW.


Had my heart got in the way of my sanity? What had I just got myself into as I didn't have much clue about actual booking despite my wrestling experiences and I also had a network to keep happy.


It looks like I'll be learning as I go which inevitable means plenty of mistakes along the way but like on a Soap Opera, it'll be a rollercoaster ride all the way.

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I stood in front of the door to the RAW locker room for a good five minutes trying to think of what to say to everyone.


I finally plucked up the courage and opened the door, only to be met by two huge guys that towered over me looking like they wanted to tear my arms off. I took a big gulp and was about to say something when the whole locker room burst into laughter as both men just smiled at me and went back to their seats.


It was just like the old days that I remember and was slightly annoyed I'd been taken in by it.


A tall blonde guy stood up, walked over and extended his hand to me.


"Don't worry Skippy, just a bit of locker room banter. I'm Kerry Wayne."


"Thanks Kerry, I guess I better get used to that."


"Most definitely Skippy, want me to gather the troops for you?"


"That'd be great if you could."


Kerry's voice boomed and everyone had their full attention on me within seconds, making it clear who the boss was in this locker room.


"I thought i'd introduce myself to all of you. I'm Joshua Ramsey and i'm sure you're all thinking what does an actor know about wrestling. I was once a wrestler just like you until an accident saw my career ended early but enough of my sob story. I am looking forward to working with you all and although I will make mistakes along the way, if we all work together then we can take RAW to new levels."


Before I left, I stuck a sheet of new rules up on the wall which included no drugs, no smoking and no alcholol. I'd also sorted out full time caterers on the day of shows.


It was time to get down to work and booking the first show of my tenure as head booker.

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The magnitude of the job had started dawning on me which was the reason behind my restless night of sleep. I'd spent most of the day going through talent scouting reports and drawing up storyline plans and going through them with Tristram.


I showed him the list i'd drawn up of potential talent to sign up for RAW and he nodded his approval. I did feel he was giving me some leeway to shape things how I wanted them to be but knew he'd not settle for me throwing the network's cash around in a scatter gun like approach.


It took several attempts at putting together a show outline before I finally settled on something resembling a half decent two hours of television. There was no going back now and it was time to see if I'd either made the greatest or worst decision of my life.



RAW Attitude!

Friday, Week 1, January 2010


Captain Wrestling II vs. Echo

Gregory Grace vs. The Kipper

Heath & Horton vs. Dark Reign

Molokai Milk and Pookie Possum vs. The RAW Giants

Frogue Element vs. Rahmel Goode

Luke Steele and Montgomery Croft vs. Kerry Wayne and Loxley Robbins

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RAW Attitude!

Friday, Week 1, January 2010


Captain Wrestling II vs. Echo

Gregory Grace vs. The Kipper

Heath & Horton vs. Dark Reign

Molokai Milk and Pookie Possum vs. The RAW Giants

Frogue Element vs. Rahmel Goode

Luke Steele and Montgomery Croft vs. Kerry Wayne and Loxley Robbins

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