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Rip Chord presents


MAW The Clash

September 09



Last month was awash with action as Frankie Perez was able to overcome the impressive Tim Westybrook. This month he will face another major challenge as newcomer Samoan Machine will challenge for the MAW title.


Also James Hernandez is working his way back through the West Coast Mafia for another shot at the MAW title. Last month he was able to take out Insane Machine. With Jennifer Heat in his corner will he be able to take out old time foe, Remmy Skye?


MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall has been taunting Wanda Fish, but Wanda has continued to win. Both are in matches this month as Raven will defend her title against newcomer, Cherry Bomb. And Wanda takes on the spunky Miss Information. Will they both remain unscathed?


The MAW tag titles will be on the line as Persephone's new brutal team of Deadly have lived up to their name over the last month. Will they take the titles from the Hurricanes? Will Jack Giedroyc rue the day he dissed Persephone?


All this and more as the MAW stars are set for MAW The Clash.



Quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Samoan Machine


Special challenge

Remmy Skye vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb


Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. the Outlaw

Wanda vs. Miss Information

Rising Sun vs. ????


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone


Insane Machine vs. Harvey Hayes

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Samoan Machine


Special challenge

Remmy Skye vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb


Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. the Outlaw

Wanda vs. Miss Information

Rising Sun vs. ????


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone


Insane Machine vs. Harvey Hayes

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MAW The Clash IV results


Rip Chord presents


MAW The Clash IV


Welcome to another exciting night at the electric Deleware Auditorium for another evening of wrestling...MAW style. It is a warm Autumn evening for wrestling here on this Friday night in May. Looks like we have a great capacity crowd here again tonight.




10 man battle royal won by lord Geoffrey Windameer. The final four were Tai, the Outlaw, Paul Allen, and Windameer. E


Windameer's Court d. A* Alliance C



Main show


Insane Machine vs. Harvey Hayes D

We start off with a quick match. Hayes was trying to build back momentum, but Insane Machine proved too much for him. The fans were ho hum for this match though.


Persephone, How many times do we have to beat you? C-

Out come the MAW tag team champions, the Hurricanes. "Persephone, how many times do we have to beat you? First we take out the trolls of thunder, then a wildman and conman...now two rejects of David. What next?"


Meet the Future C+

Almost on cue, Persephone comes out with John Greed and Deadly. "Eric and Jack, Last month we beat you up...this month we will take your titles. You are looking at a finely tuned machine...a Deadly machine. We are the future. We will take you out."


MAW tag team championshipHurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone C

Not a bad match up. Tank Bradley and Jack Giedroyc started things off in a good brawling exchange. Gied tagged in Strong, who quickly started wearing down the stronger Tank. Bradley was able to tag in Braun. Alex used his experience to ground Strong. Persephone was quick to use all her tricks to help her team get the upper hand. At the 15 minute mark Alex had Strong up for Braun Damage, when out of the back came Larry Wood and Tim Westybrook. They laid into Deadly. Jay Fair had no choice but to call for the bell and award the DQ victory to Deadly. The Hurricanes retain their title.


Tag brawl C+

Even thought the bell had rung, the battle was not over. All six men went at it. Deadly, the Hurricanes, and Westybrook/Wood. The battled to the back as the fans ate it up.


Rising Sun vs. Oscar Golden/Masked Cougar C+

The fans were still abuzz following the battle that just cleared out, but they rose higher as Fumihiro Ota and Kazuma Narato came out. Oscar and Cougar tried to put up a valiant fight, but the two ninjas were too much. In a quick squash Narato pins Golden.


Firm retribution C+

As Rising Sun soaks in the boos, out come Mean Machine, Steven Parker, and Karen Killer. The Firm lays into the Ninjas. Machine and Parker are really laying the coal to them till a puff of smoke and the Ninjas are gone, but the damage is done as the fans errupt.


Miss Information vs. Wanda Fish C-

This was another good match. Fish and Information work well together. The saucy secretary was hot for this match, but Wanda was on a misson. Wanda took out the secretary in methodical fashion with the Dish of the Day.


Revenge C+

After the match, out of the back came Devil's Daughter. Wanda had defeated the deranged one at MAW Putting on the Ritz. Now the DD was out for revenge. She left Wanda in a heap.


We will make a statement C+

After Wanda is helped to the back, out comes the resident lord of MAW, lord Geoffrey Windameer. He is not alone as he is accomplanied by his legion of men- The Big Problem, The Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver, and Ghidorah. "Well I would think that my men alone make a statement with their presence, but no there are still some unbelievers. We will make a statement loud and clear for all to hear. There is only one royal family here in MAW worthy of any titles- Windameer. Ghidorah, you are unleashed."


Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. the Outlaw C-

The Outlaw is a great young prospect who has shown flashes of brilliance, but tonight he was just overmatched. Ghidorah was the monster he seems, crushing the youngster in just 3 minutes.


Psyking Skye C

MAW champion Frankie Perez is shown backstage with Remmy Skye and Insane Machine. "Tonight is your night Skye. You know no one can defeat the West Coast Mafia. Tonight you will prove the loser Hernandez is not the same he once was. Tonight you will discard that piece of garbage with the hillbilly trash heap."


MAW Knockouts championship

Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb C

Nightfall has been a fighting champion and tonight was no different. She was taking on a highly heralded new comer, Cherry Bomb. Cherry Bomb was too much. She showed why she has her reputation. She took the champion around the ring, one move after another. It looked as if Cherry Bomb had set up for her finisher, when Raven bailed. She headed to he back as Jay Fair made the 10 count. She had had enough. Cherry Bomb wins by countout, but Raven keeps her MAW Knockouts title.


Hernandez and Heat fire up B-

We head back to the backstage area where James Hernandez and Jennifer Heat are making their final preparations for Hernandez's match with Remmy Skye tonight.


Remmy Skye vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C+

This was a definite classic. Hernandez wanting to gain his shot at the MAW title, while Skye wanted to prove the West Coast Mafia was the bad boy on the block. Skye has some early near falls, but James was able to rally thanks to Jennifer and the crowd. The end came as Remmy had Hernandez down. Skye went up for the Skye Diver, but no James rolled out of the way. James locks on the Surfboard....Skye tries to make it to the ropes...he can't....Henandez wins and will challenge for the MAW title next month at MAW Where It All Begins Again 4.


Mafia rules C+

The bell sounds and out of the back comes the rest of the Mafia. Perez and Machine get the better of Hernandez as Heat looks on in horror. Finally the beating ends and Perez begins to call for his opponent to come from the back.


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Samoan Machine C

Perez seemed angry and upset. He took out his ire on the newcommer. Machine was game though. He took Perez to the limit with some power moves. The end came wit Perez locking on the P-Clutch for the win. It's official now, Frankie Perez will battle James Hernandez for the MAW championship at MAW Where It All Begins Again 4



A pretty good show that garnered a C grade. I didn't like using the countout finish on CB/RN but it does help carry the story as negotiations continue.

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MAW the meeting


Well it was time to meet with Uncle Ray and Rip about our venture into the outlaying markets.



"Leroy, come on in. Have a seat with Rip."


"Uncle Ray, Rip...good to see you."




"Rip and I have been...eh discussing the expansion. How is the bottom line looking?"


I knew my Uncle and I knew he already knew the answer. Rip being here early had sealed the deal. I knew the shows had not been self sustaning, but we have had growth....."Well Uncle Ray, I admit we did lose some money on the extra shows, but not enought to bring us down for the months...We are building a pretty good fan base in those areas....We were down at POTR, but SWF was running a show the same night in Tri-State..."


"Leroy...catch your breath....I know we lost money, but in talking with Rip, I think the two of you can make it work, but you have till October of 10 to make a profit on the extra shows or a growth."


My jaw dropped open, and I looked to Rip in surprize. He had backed up the idea. "Thanks Uncle you won't regret it."


"I'd better not either, kid."



Leaving out, Laura was waiting on me in the car.

"How did it go hun?"


"Not too bad, Rip even likes the idea."


"Well enought work, lets get a bite to eat."

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MAW Duel In Dixie the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Duel in Dixie



It's October...the month of MAW Where It All Begins Again.....join us in the warm South East as MAW brings in the stars on the eve of the big show....


MAW champion Frankie Perez has been battling challengers all around, tonight he faces a fierce ninja who has been crippling stars left and right....Fumihiro Ota. Will Perez be up to the task or is he thinking of the WIABA?


Speaking of big challenges, James Hernandez and trusty Jennifer Heat have to ace Ota's partner Kazuma Narato. Will Hernandez be worried about challenging for the title at WIABA or will he focus on this match?


The MAW tag title scene has been turned into turmoil as the champions, Hurricanes, are facing Persephone's new Deadly team and the makeshift team of Tim Westybrook and Larry Wood. At Duel in Dixie, Eric Strong will battle Alex Braun, Jack Giedroyc will battle Tim Westybrook, and Larry Wood will battle Tank Bradley in singles action. Who will gain the momentum headed to their three way tag team championship?


Come out for an exciting night of action of MAW Duel in Dixie.....


quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota


Kazuma Narato vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Eric Strong

Tim Westybrook vs. Jack Giedroyc

Devil's Daughter vs. Anni Ki

Tank Bradley w/Persephone vs. Larry Wood

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MAW Duel in Dixie The results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Duel in Dixie


October 2009


South East



Attendence 110




War Inc w/Windameer d. DND E

Miss Information d. Angel Takudome and Roz Lauren F

Windameer's Court w/Windameer d. Wild Luck w/Persephone C-



Main Show


Perez is a great man C-

MAW champion Frankie Perez comes out with his partners from WCM, Remmy Skye and Insane Machine. "Here we are the most dominant force in MAW. Of course we are, we are the West Coast Mafia. The East Coast has nothing on us. I am the greatest champion you have ever seen. The only person who has held this title. That man is here in the ring with me now, Remmy Skye. Who can beat us?"



We will cut down the trees C+

Persephone is next out with John Greed, Alex Braun, and Tank Bradley. "Listen up you priviledged people. You are seeing the true beauty of MAW tonight. I grace you with myself and my warriors. Tonight we have two battles. First we have some Wood chips to dispose of. Tank burn him up."


Tank Bradley w/Persephone vs. Larry Wood C

This was a brutal battle from the start. Bradley is a rough man, but Wood was totally insane. He came out of the back on fire. The lit into Bradley showing a wild side that made him feared. Even Persephone fled the wrath of the big man. Wood was so violent that Fair had to call for the bell giving Bradley the DQ win. After that Wood continued the beatdown, dragging Bradley to the back.


I know you know me C

An eiree light shines in the arena as an evil looking lady comes out dressed all in black. "Wanda....Wanda....I know you remember me. Yes you beat me. But now you can't and won't. I know you fear me and what I know. I will bring you down 'dish of the day'." The strange lady then heads to the ring for a match.


Devil's Daughter vs. Anni Ki D

This was not much of a match. DD was wicked and methodical...screaming everytime she landed a move on the hapless Anni..which was often. DD picks up the pinfall. After the bell DD seemed intent on sending a message to Wanda. She screamed Wanda's name as she continued to pound the fallen Anni.


Wanda makes the save C

Wanda comes flying out of the back. She was livid as she came out. Devil's Daughter left in a hurry. What is the history between these two women? What will happen next?



Our Battle is not with you, but we will prevail C

Tim Westybrook comes out next, "Giedroyc, my battle is not with you, but you are mistaken if you think I will not prevail against you....tonight I take you, tonight, like Wood I will prevail."



Jack Giedroyc vs. Tim Westybrook D

This was a great slobberknocker. Both men gave as good as they got. Unfortunately, neither are that known in the southeast. Westybrook is one tough customer and he was able to overcome Giedroyc for the victory. The team of Westybrook and Wood look tough heading into the three way dance for the tag titles at Where It All Begins Again.


Brains over Braun C+

Eric Strong comes out to check on his partner. "Looks like we might be down, but we are not out. Alex you are a man in our sport, but I will tell you, the Hurricanes use brain over braun to win. We will take you and Persephone down another notch."


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Eric Strong C-

Strong uses his quickness to land some strikes on the older Braun, but the wiley verteran used his experience and Persephone to gain control. Braun wins with the Braun Damage to shut out the champs and gain a clean sweep for Deadly.


Raven taunts Cherry C+

MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall, comes out. "Cherry Bomb, you think you can take my title? My title? There is no way a red 'bomb' like you can ever overpower the night and take my title. I was the first and the best MAW Knockouts champion."


Kazuma Narato vs. James Hernandez w/ Jennifer Heat C+

This was a great match. These two men went move for move wowing the crowd. Neither Hernandez or Narato are that well known in the southeast, but they woke up the crowd that was there. The end came as Hernandez was able to hit the Hang 10 and gain the victory.


Perez-Ota tonight C

We see a video hyping the Ninja and MAW champion fighting tonight.



MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota C+

This was another excellent match. The other half of Rising Sun was great. He took the champ up and down the ring. Perez is a rising star and Ota is a very accomplished wrestler. They also know each other very well from CZCW. Perez was able to outlast the Ninja as Ota's Ninja tactics backfired. Perez locks on the P-Clutch.......Ota passes out. Perez retains his title.



Staredown C-

After the match, the challenger for Perez's MAW title comes out, James Hernandez with Jennifer Heat. Both men were victorious, but Hernandez motions putting the belt around his waist. Perez looks furious as the show comes to an end.



overall show: C+

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MAW Where It All Begins Again 4 the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Where It All Begins Again 4



Are you ready? Its the show of the year....what you've been waiting on...Where It All Begins Again. This show has a tradition of wowing and mesmerizing fans from open to close, what does this year hold........


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Ex-MAW champion, James Hernandez has fought his way through the West Coast Mafia to gain a shot against long time nemesis and current MAW champion, Frankie Perez. These two men have been rivals since the innagrual Rip Cord Invitational in 06. They have battled for the title. Will this be the realization of Hernandez's quest to become the two time champion? Or will this be the cement to Perez's claim to dominance?


Rising Sun w/the Master vs. the Firm (Steven Parker and Mean Machine) w/Karen

The mysterious Master has directed their charges to demolish the Firm. Taking out Ricky Douglas and Mean Machine at different times. Mean Machine has made a comeback. Will he get his revenge? Will we find out who the mysterious master is?


MAW Knockouts championship (Falls count anywhere)

Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb

The MAW Knockouts champion has held on to her title by underhanded means, but the challenger has been granted a falls count anywhere match. Will Cherry Bomb be able to defeat the only MAW Knockouts champion or will Raven hold on to her title?


MAW Tag Team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook/Larry Wood

The battle between Jack Giedroyc and Persephone has expanded. Persephone has also angered Tim Westybrook and Larry Wood. But Persephone has used her daddy's money to bring in a rough and tumble team of Alex Braun and Tank Bradley. Deadly won their two singles matches at Duel in Dixie. Will Persephone have her revenge? Will the Hurricanes retain? Or will Wood and Westybrook find a way to gain the gold?



Also on the card:

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish

the Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jorge Washington

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. DC Rayne w/Monique

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Samoan Machine



Be there this Friday October 23 as Rip Chord presents MAW Where It All Begins Again 4.


quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Rising Sun w/the master vs. The Firm (Mean Machine/Steven Parker) w/Karen Killer


MAW Knockouts championship (Falls count anywhere)

Raven Nightfall vs. Cherry Bomb


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook/Larry Wood

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish

the Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jorge Washington

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. DC Rayne

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Samoan Machine

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Frankie Perez © vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Rising Sun w/the master vs. The Firm (Mean Machine/Steven Parker) w/Karen Killer


MAW Knockouts championship (Falls count anywhere)

Raven Nightfall vs. Cherry Bomb


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook/Larry Wood

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fisht

the Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jorge Washington

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. DC Rayne

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Samoan Machine

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<p>MAW Where it All Begins Again 4 the results</p><p> </p><p>

Rip Chord presents</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-size:24px;">MAW Where It All Begins Again 4</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The North Carolina Biker's Museum</p><p> </p><p>

October 23, 2009</p><p> </p><p>

Attendance 1360</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


Miss Info d. Roz Lauren E</p><p>

Tank Bradley d. Erik Strong C+</p><p>

Outlaw/Reginald Morris d. DND E</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainshow:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hernandez-Perez battle tonight </strong> C+</p><p>

The fans are welcomed to our big show with a video package of tonight's main event. Frankie Perez, MAW champion, will battle long time foe, James Hernandez. Jennifer Heat will be ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Samoan Machine</strong> C</p><p>

This was a rough and tumble fight to start our show. Both men are big and brutal, but Ghidorah had Windameer in his corner. Ghidorah pulls out the victory with Windameer's help and the Radiator Stomp.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb-Raven...Knockouts title, falls count anywhere </strong> C+</p><p>

We see a video leading up to tonight's MAW Knockouts championship match. A falls count anywhere battle between champion, Raven Nightfall and Cherry Bomb.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bloxsome vs. Oscar Golden/Masked Cougar</strong> D</p><p>

This was a pretty good little match that showcased some of the lower card talent. Because Cougar and Golden haven't been used much the crowd wasn't into it though. The end came when Oscar Golden hit Dreams street on Ali Bloxsome.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>3 way for tag titles tonight</strong> C+</p><p>

We see a video showcasing the three teams battling for the MAW tag team championship, The Hurricanes, Deadly, and Tim Westybrook/Larry Wood.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. DC Rayne w/Monique </strong> D</p><p>

The crowd was getting pretty restless here. Silver put on a pretty good match, but Rayne was off his game. Silver picks up the win over Rayne to move Windameer's group to 2-0 on the night.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hurricanes will retain </strong> C+</p><p>

MAW tag team champions come out. Eric Strong stands by as Jack Giedroyc grabs a mic, "Persephone, you are a persistan little buggar aren't ya...but you n'ver get it. We can't be suduced by a wench like you. Tonight we'll take your too creatins down. And Westybrook and Wood, I understand your anger with Persephone, but no offence, the Hurricanes will retain."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jorge Washington </strong> C</p><p>

This was another big man battle. Washington and his partner, West have been on a losing streak lately. The Problem since coming in has run roughshod over the competition. Tonight was no different. With Windameer directing the brute, there doesn't seem anyone who can stand in his way. The Big Problem destroys Washington and wins by pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>I know you Wanda </strong> C</p><p>

Eirry music begins to play as out comes the dark lady who starts in her scratchy voice, "Wannndaaa, you know me....I know you....I will desssstroy you tonightttttt. Tonight youssss issss minesssss."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish</strong> C</p><p>

This was another matchup of two women with a mysterious past. Wanda was able to carry the day in the first match, but after a brutal attack Wanda wanted a rematch. Wanda was furious and began assalting the devilish lady, but DD seemed to absorb the attacks and taunt Fish. Fish tried for the Dish of the Day, but no, DD was ready and hit the Gravestealer. 1, 2, 3....Devil's Daughter pulls out the upset victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>1 thing on our mind </strong> C+</p><p>

Tim Westybrook and Larry Wood come out to the podium next. Tim grabs a ic as Wood seems to be literally frothing at the mouth, "Tonight, make no mistake...Larry and I are going to take Persephone and her goons down a notch, but there is only one goal...gold...tonight, Deadly, Hurricanes you both will fall as you are in the way of our team."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine</strong> C</p><p>

The fourth member of Windameer's army was set to battle the Insane One of the West Coast Mafia. This was an excellant match up. Insane was bouncing everywhere. Up to the top, but the Missing Link is also unpredictable to say the least. And Windameer would once again play a part in the match. Insane Machine had Link down, climbed up to the top, only to have Windameer climb up to the apron. As Machine was distracted, Link was able to come to, grab Machine and begin the Warrior's Spin.......Machine was out...Missing Link wins to give a clean sweep for Windameer tonight....</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Deadly Rules </strong> C+</p><p>

MAW resident 'daddy's little girl' comes out flanked by John Greed, Alex Braun, and Tank Bradley. "Hello my people, I know you've come out just to see little ole me. Well tonight as you know that British reject and his groupie partner will face the Deadliest team they've ever faced. But Persephone, what about Westybrook and Wood? What about them. Two big lumbering dolts who don't know what's good for them. Tonight Deadly rules....right babies?"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW tag team championship</strong></p><p>

<strong>Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone vs. Tim Westybrook/Larry Wood</strong> C</p><p>

This was a tornado from the begining. Jay Fair wisely let the teams battle instead of throwing it out. Tonight was a night for settlement. Both W/W and the Hurricanes started teaming up on Deadly. But soon Wood turned beserker and attacked Jack Giedroyc. Finally it settled down as Jay got two competitors in the ring, Alex Braun and Erik Strong. They traded a few moves till the expirence of Braun came through, he tagged in Bradley. Bradley was brutal on Strong till Westybrook made a blind tag on Bradley. This started another brutal brawl. Bodies were flying everywhere. Giedroyc was slammed into the ringpost by Braun. Westybrook and Wood were demolishing Tank inside the ring. Persephone tried to distract Westybrook only to be picked up by Wood and slammed. This caused John Greed to try to attack Wood, but no another slam. Westybrook went after Braun outside. Wood was brutalizing Greed. Meanwhile inside the ring, forgotten Erik Strong was able to come to, crawl over and cover Bradley...Fair looked down, 1, 2, 3....the Hurricanes were able to retain.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hurricanes win for now.... </strong> C+</p><p>

After the match the fans were excited. Against all odds the Hurricanes survive with thier titles, but the brutality was not over. Westybrook and Wood were still going to town on Deadly as Giedroyc was lying at ringside and Strong was lying against the ropes inside the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cherry Bomb is frothing at the mouth.............. </strong> C+</p><p>

As the medical personel and security are clearing ringside, Cherry Bomb comes out to the Podium...she is literally frothing at the mouth as the tries to speak but only gets out, "IT Will BE Finished TONIGHT!!!"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven is still champ</strong> C+</p><p>

MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall comes out. "Tonight I will remind you....." She wasn't able to finish as Cherry Bomb charged her. Booom.. Spear. Cherry Bomb was focused. As this is a falls count anywhere match Jay Fair quickly ran out and called for the bell.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts championship</strong></p><p>

<strong>(Falls count anywhere)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb </strong> C</p><p>

Cherry Bomb continued her brutal assault. Power Bomb on the outside. Slam into the podium. Fair was hard pressed to keep up as Cherry Bomb destroyed other pieces of the set taking out months of frustration on the champion. Raven finally gained a chance for breath and used her quicker size to put some distance between Bomb and herself. Bomb seemed to tire some as she put alot of energy into her initial attack. Raven took advantage of the slower step to begin her assault. Raven hit the Nightfaller, she had the big Bomb down..1....2....no, Bomb kicks out..she grabs Raven....Cherry Popper...1, 2, 3....we have a new MAW Knockouts champion....Cherry Bomb.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Intermission/Fan Interaction </strong> B</p><p>

As the fans soak in the new MAW champion we have the usuall intermission/Fan interaction. Mean Machine, Karen Killer, Steven Parker, Rising Sun, Frankie Perez, James Hernandez, and Jennifer Heat take part.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Machine and Parker will battle Rising Sun </strong> C</p><p>

As a signal to the fans a video showing the history of Rising Sun and Firm is played finishing in a question of who is the mysterious master?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rising Sun vs. the Firm (Mean Machine and Steven Parker) w/Karen Killer </strong> C+</p><p>

This was a brutal match. The quick pace was added, but it was four men trying to tear each other apart. The fans were cheering Machine and Parker like never before. The Firm had Rising Sun on the ropes early, but the cagy Ota was able to turn the tide. Ota and Narato cut the ring off and begin to tear poor Parker apart. Parker tried to fight valiantly, but it seemed all was lost, then Machine came in, before Fair could get him out, Machine had leveled the field, but the Rising Sun quickly took advantage of Fair getting Machine back out. 1, 2...no Parker kicks out.....About 4 near falls, but Parker kept kicking out. Finally around the 20 minute mark, Parker broke through, he makes the hot tag....Mean Machine comes in and begins to methodically take down the ninjas....He throughs Narato from the ring and has Ota down. He looks at the crowd and turns to get a smile from Karen, but NOOOOOO! Karen slams Machine with a chair.....what is this? what's going on, then Karen puts on the dark mask...she is the Mysterious Master....Ota gets up...Ninja Strike...1, 2, 3....Rising Sun has defeated the Firm....but even more Karen has turned on the Firm, she is the Master......</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Karen is the Master </strong> C+</p><p>

After the match, Mean Machine looks up in shock, but then the Ninjas are back brutalizing him and Parker...the fans let their voice be heard with the boos and cascade of drinks and items being thrown to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hernandez-Heat up for the fight </strong> C+</p><p>

As the ring crew cleans up, James Hernandez and Jennifer Heat make their way to the ringside area...."Tonight we get another chance at the people's title, the MAW title. Perez, I've beaten you many times and I've beaten your cronies over and over. Tonight it stops...tonight I finish you and bring the title back to MAW."</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>You will never beat me </strong> C+</p><p>

As the challenger makes his way to the ring, the MAW champion, Frakie Perez comes down to the podium area, "Herandez, you will never beat me again...tonight i will finish our little game...the WEST COAST Rules!!!!"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MAW championship match</strong></p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez © vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat </strong> C</p><p>

A match two years in the making. Hernandez was finally getting his shot to regain his title. Perez was more than ready as he stepped up to the plate. The battle was on. Neither man was giving an inch as the title was their goal tonight. This battle had the fans on their feet, till about the 18 minute mark.....out of the back comes lord Geoffrey Windameer and his troops. They storm the ring attacking both competitors....Jay Fair has to call the match no contest before being thrown from the ring himself.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Windameer's Court feels forgotten</strong> B</p><p>

Windameer grabs a mic as his men brutalize the champion and challenger, "Looks like someone forgot about us. My men went 4-0 tonight and we haven't had a shot in many months. Who can defeat my army? Who can stand against the Big Problem or Missing Link. Tonight this is a warning ignore us at our peril."</p><p> </p><p>

The show comes to an end with Windameer's Court and War Inc. standing over the two fallen competitors.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall score: C</p><p> </p><p>

While this show was good, it was not what I was hoping for. The Karen turn went fantastic, but the no finish at the end I think hurt the show overall. But hopefully the storylines spun from this will pick that up......</p>

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Thanks again for taking time to predict Dragon...it was not a good night for you or mean machine as you went 2-6....bringing you to a final 28-16...still a great rate overall


Thanks again to all who take time to read...any suggestions or comments are welcome....

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MAW Brooklyn Brawl the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Brooklyn Brawl


November 11, 2009



Fresh off of MAW Where It All Begins Again 4.....MAW returns to the Tri-State area with Brooklyn Brawl.

MAW championhttp://flic.kr/p/9h2o8J and http://flic.kr/p/9gYg6r vs. http://flic.kr/p/9h2oa1 and http://flic.kr/p/9h2oaj

James Hernandez finally got his shot at MAW Frankie Perez. It looked as if he might regain the belt, but lord Geoffrey Windameer had something to say. His troops- Big Problem, Missing Link, Cheyenne Silver and Ghidorah. Rip has signed a big tag match with the two former enemies vs. Windameer's Court. Can they coexist or will Windameer gain the upperhand?


Karen Killer was revealed as the mysterious Master. Why did she turn on the Firm? How will Mean Machine respond?


We have a new MAW Knockouts champion, Cherry Bomb. Ex-champ, Raven Nightfall gets her rematch. Will she regain her title or is the new champ for real?


The West Coast Mafia sticks together. When their leader Frankie Perez was assaulted by Windameer, they promptly decided to challenge War Inc. Tonight they will meet.


The MAW tag team champions survived the three way for the title, but just barely. 1/2 of the champions, Jack Giedroyc will face 1/2 of Deadly, Alex Braun. Which man with get some momentum for their team?



quick picks:


MAW champion Frankie Perez and James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer


Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Tim Westybrook


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Nightfall


War Inc. w/Windameer vs. West Coast Mafia


Sgt. West vs. Samoan Machine


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc



Sgt. West hasn't been seen much in the last few months, tonight he will make a return facing a tough test in the Samoan Machine.

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MAW champion Frankie Perez and James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer


Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Tim Westybrook


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb (C) vs. Raven Nightfall


War Inc. w/Windameer vs. West Coast Mafia


Sgt. West vs. Samoan Machine


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc

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MAW Brooklyn Brawl The results


ooc: The link to my pictures didn't work too well so I will try something different on the next show...any suggestions to making it work would be appreciated.


Rip Chord presents


MAW Brooklyn Brawl


The Ministry (Tri-State area)

Attendance 89



Rafael/Oscar Golden d. DND F

The Outlaw d. Paul Allen F

Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer d. Surfeador C




"Welcome fans, New York is a great place for wrestling. I'm Merve Ernest. I want to send a shout out to the great folks over at NYCW, especially David Mack. They host shows here pretty regular come out and check out some g great hard hitting action. Joining me tonight is a face most people recognize, Duke Hazzard. How are you tonight Duke?"


"Why howdy Merve. I'm excited as a Pig in a Poke tonight. We saw great action at MAW Where It All Begins Again 4. But my biggest questions is 'Why Karen?' Why did Killer Karen turn on the Firm."


"Yes Duke, that is a great question, but also what about the MAW champion, Frankie Perez and Mainstream Hernandez?"


"Hold your horses there, partn'r. It will be interesting to see how they team together tonight. They will have to work together to take out the fearsome team of Windameer's Court. Now there is an hombre who has things together."


"Well it looks as if we have someone coming out to start our show. Its Persephone and Alex Braun."


Deadly Talk C+

"Hello my adoring public. Tonight you will get a wonderous treat. I know you know this man, Alex Braun, but tonight you will meet some of the lowest trash on the face of the Earth. He is so ungrateful. I tried to elevate him to my level, but he loves wollowing in the filth. Tonight Alex will begin the downfall of Jack Giedroyc." With that Persephone and Alex head to the ring.


Alex Braun w/ Persephone vs. Jack Giedroyc C

This was a great slugfest to open the show. Giedroyc can hold his own in brawling and Braun is a cagey verteran. The two meshed well giving the New York crowd a great story. The end came when Persephone was able to distract Jay Fair. This allowed Alex to use a low blow. Alex quickly capitalized with a Braun Damage and the victory.


"I tell you Merve, that little filly has the makings of someone."


"Duke, you know she had to cheat to ruin a perfectly good contest. Well I see someone else is coming out, It's Sgt. West, making a return. Let's here what he has to say."


West is back C+

"Listen up you recruits. Yes, the Sarge has taken some time off. He's been going back to basics and training. You will see a bit of the old sarge from here on. I had gotten soft, but now I am back. I appreciate the well wishes, but tonight I have to be a warrior."


Sgt. West vs. Samoan Machine C-

This was another hard hitting contest. The Machine is a beast, but West was true to his word on going back to basics. Samoan gave some great offence to start, but West methodically took the big man down. The finish came with a Cannon Fodder to give the returning West a nice victory.


"Duke, it looks as if the Sarge is back to form."


"This was his first match back. Lets see how he continues. I for one don't count chickens before they hatch."


"That's true Duke, but Samoan Machine is one big man. Wait, here comes another big story from MAW Where It All Begins Again 4. West Coast Mafia is upset at Windameer. They want WAR, Inc. tonight. Let's here what Remmy Skye and Insane Machine have to say."


You think we'll roll over, no WE Will ROLL OVER YOU.... C

"Insane, it was a travesty...four freaks and a loser wanabe come in to attack our man, Frankie...They think we'll roll over...H*%% no, we will ROLL OVER YOU...WAR Inc. You will learn what War is...West Coast style."


West Coast Mafia vs. War Inc. w/Windameer D

This wasn't a match, it was a war. It didn't go over as well with the NY crowd as I hoped. Both teams are not as well known up here. They were brutal as Fair really never had control. He had no choice but to count both teams out as they battled outside the ring.



Well they weren't finished. Even after the bell all four men continued to beat on each other. It seemed that neither team gained an advantage. We saw the battle go through the crowd till security came out to break them up. It seemed the crowd enjoyed the brawl more than the match. They were basically the same thing....


"Duke, did you see that?"


"Merve, you think I'm blind as a bat?...how could I miss 4 men trying to tear each other limb for limb? Those four coyotes are going to get at each other again, mark my words partn'r."


"Duke, as you know MAW Where It All Begins Again 4 was a momentous card."


"Merve, you have the gift for the obvious. Remember you can get the DVD next Tuesday at MAW.com. But yes many historic events came about..."


"Right, Duke, but we have crowned a new MAW Knockouts champion. Cherry Bomb was able to dethrone our inargural champion, Raven Nightstalker. Tonight we are going to witness the rematch." C


"Hold on there. Remember the match was falls count anywhere at WIABA 4...tonight it is a regular match. This deals strait to Raven's favor."


MAW Knockouts Championship

Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Nightfall C-

The match started where it left off. Cherry Bomb was a warrior. Raven bided her time. She led Bomb on a merry chase around the ring and to the outside. Raven seemed to have the bigger champion tired out and went for the kill, but too late. as Raven made the cover...time limit expired. A draw, with Cherry Bomb retaining her title.


"Duke, who would have called that. Raven was this close, but Bomb retains. what happens next?"


"I can't believe it. Nightfall is one smart filly, but Bomb is a heifer. I don't think this shootout is over. But I think I'm about to get my main questioned answered. Here comes Karen Killer and her Ninjas."



Why? C

"Well, well, A great mind in the business, but I always get asked why? Why Karen? Like I have to explain myself to peons like you. You see I made Machine who he is. I taught him how to be methodical. But then he decided to go soft. Care about the fans. Mean Jean, I thought you were a man. You make me sick...I thought I would vomit each and every time we came out to the cheers of the fans. Well I had to go and find two men I knew wouldn't turn yellow. Wouldn't turn into pansies. I created the Firm...and at WIABA4 I destroyed the Firm with the help of two of the most dangerous men in the business."


Fumihiro Ota w/Karen vs. Tim Westybrook B-

Ota is hot in Tri-State. Westybrook and he have great chemistry and they put on the match of the month. Wow!!! Ota pulls out the victory with Ninja Tactics, but I think Westybrook may be getting some serious looks from now on.


Intermission/Fan Interaction B-

Some of our younger stars and established stars come out to meet and greet with the fans. It went really well.


"Duke, did Karen answer your question?"


"Merve, I have to agree with the lady. She is the brains behind the Firm. She felt it had been tainted, so she did what you do to a horse that is lame. Shoot it." Now our other question, can the MAW champion and his rival work together tonight against the awesome Windameer's Court? We will see." C+


MAW champion Frankie Perez and James Hernandez vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer C

Perez is a pure brawler, but he is nothing compared to Problem and Missing Link. There seemed to be some miscommunication between the champion and challenger in the begining that cost them. Problem was a force. Perez quickly decided he had to trust Hernandez and the two seemed to get on the same page. The tide seemed to turn as the smaller duo began to outwrestle Problem and Link. The end came when Hernandez went or an Apparition 13 on Link, but accidently hit Perez. Link was quick to capitalize and gain the pinfall victory. Winners- Windameer's Court.


"Merve, thats my answer... Perez can't trust Hernandez....Its going to be a long month for Perez and Hernandez. Windameer has some monsters that will be clammoring for a title shot after this match."


"You're right, Duke. We'll have to wait to see what is going to happen at MAW Fallout in two weeks. Till then, fans thank you and have a great night."



overall show C-




Let me know what you think of the new format for the write ups....

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not the best of starts there, dragonmack...1-5, but the draws were not really fair on my part....I appreciate you taking the time to predict....let me know what you think of the new write up format with Merve and Duke being more involved.....
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MAW Fallout 4 the Card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Fallout 4


North Carolina Biker's Museum


November 19, 2009





MAW Where It All Begins Again 4 was an action packed show that brought many new questions. MAW Brooklyn Brawl gave some answers, but what will be the fallout?


MAW champion Frankie Perez and James Hernandez lost a tag match to Windameer's Court. The booking commitee has declared that Big Problem is in line for a title shot. Will he cash in? Will Perez hold?


James Hernandez will battle another member of Windameer's army in the fearsome Ghidorah.


Karen and Rising Sun claim to have destroyed the Firm. Mean Machine has requested...yes i said requested a chance to speak...what will he say?


Be there as we see the MAW Fallout.



quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. the Big Problem w/Windameer

Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone

Miss Info vs. Melody Cuthill

Narato w/Karen Killer vs. Rafael

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. the Big Problem w/Windameer

Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish

MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone

Miss Info vs. Melody Cuthill

Narato w/Karen Killer vs. Rafael

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine

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MAW Fallout 4 the Results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Fallout 4

North Carolina Biker's Museum


Attendence 1768




Natural Storm w/Monique d. Bloxsome E

Tim Westybrook d. Clyde Wilson C-

the Outlaw d. Del Muerto E





"Welcome to the you the wonderful fans. I'm Merve Ernest and I'm joined by the ever knowledgable, Duke Hazzard."


"Well, thank you pawtner. Tonight is a great night. Tonight we see this here Aristocrat, Windameer unleash his hordes. Tonight we hear from Mean Machine. Tonight we see Deadly and the Hurricanes meet for the tag titles."


"You gave a great rundown there Duke. Well speaking of Windameer, here he comes now with his entire group- Big Problem, Missing Link, Ghidorah, and Cheyenne Silver."


All out War C+

"Listen up you peons. You serfs are truely blessed by the presence of real nobility. These knights stand before you as the cream of the crop. Last month we declared all out war. Perez, Hernandez , Skye..whoever. You've overlooked the only man who is worthy of being world champion, me and my men. They will vanquish the scum back to their lairs and take what is rightfully ours. Begining now."


Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Insane Machine C

This was a great opening match. Insane moved like lightning, but Missing Link was too much and Windameer proved to be the tipping point. Warriors Toss and victory for Missing Link. Windameer's men really look in form tonight.


"Wow, Duke, did you see that? Missing Link handled Insane Machine with ease. Who can stop this group?"


"Now hold on pawtn'r. I'm sitting here and I"m not blind as a coot. I saw that. I have to agree with ya. lord Geoffrey has assembled a rather fearsome foursome. But here comes a little filly I enjoy..Persephone with two real tag teamers...Deadly."


You won't escape us this time C

"Hello again my darlins. Daddy always told me to be my best...well I am my best right here being sweet little ole me. Tonight, Jack Giedroyc, you and your halfwit partner will not escape us. You won't have Westybrook and Wood to hide behind. Tonight Deadly will take your titles."


Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer vs. Rafael C

After Deadly leaves the podium area out comes the turncoat herself, Karen Killer. She leads her man Kazuma Narato to the ring to face Rafael. Rafael shows lots of promise, but he was way overmatched in this contest. In a short squash, Narato takes the victory convincingly.


"I tell you partn'r, that is one mean bunch of hombres Karen has put together. I've a hunkering to find out how Mean Machine will respond tonight."


"I'm anxious to find out too, Duke. It's not like Mean Jean to ask for anything. This really has given me the creeps. Speaking of creeps, tonight we have one lady that gives me the creeps, Devil's Daughter. She is one weird lady with a past with pure, Wanda Fish. What is that past?"


"Hush Merve. There you go statin' the obvious again. You've never spent the night under the stars have you? But we may never find out. Tonight they will meet in a loser leaves MAW match. I'll tell ya' what we been seeing from these two hellcats will be posted up a little higher. Look for some real blood tonight."


"Speaking of the Knockouts, here comes one nice looking lady, with a rotten core..."


"Of course your speaking of Miss Information, that is one fine little heifer."


Miss Information vs. Melody Cuthill C-

This was one nice little match. Miss Information has really been 'working' hard to move up the ladder. Melody is solid, but Information was too much. She pulls out the minor upset here.


Hurricanes not afraid C+

MAW tag team champions, Eric Strong and Jack Giedroyc were out next. "Hey fans, great to see you again. We're here once again facing Persephone and her legion of goons. Last month was tough, but with your help we made. Now we step in the ring with an accomplished team, but we are not the MAW Tag Team champs for nothing. Tonight with your help we will walk out of here again."


MAW Tag Team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone

Alex Braun and Jack Giedroyc start things off. Braun with the victory earlier at MAW Brooklyn Brawl seemed confident, but Giedroyc had some new tricks. Using his younger body to evade the older star. Jack made a quick tag to Strong. Strong went to the air and kept Braun off balance. Braun was finally able to tag the younger Tank Bradley. Bradley was a hoss, as Duke commented at ringside. Things were looking grim for the champions. Persephone was shrieking at ringside to punish the champions. Here men were only too happy to oblige. Finally Persephone called for them to finish it. Bradley covered Strong...1, 2, no Strong got his foot on the rope. Braun came in hit the Braun Damage....cover 1, 2...not Giedroyc breaks it up. "How are they still going?" comes from ringside. Strong and Giedroyc take punishment, but hold on for a time limit draw. Persephone is thrawrted again.


Beatdown again.... C+

"That little heifer is not happy. Can somebody stuff the squealing?"


"What did you say, Duke? I can't hear you with that loud shrieking. The match is over, why are they still beating down the Hurricanes?"


"Merve, Persephone is not someone to be denied."


Finally the officals come out to pull Deadly back. The Hurricanes are down and needing medical attention.


"Finally some order is restored. Sorry about that folks. Some people will do anything to get their way."


"I tell you Merve, I might let Persephone pay to get her way with me."


"Duke!! This is a family show. Well at least next we will get a chance to talk to a fine upstanding lady. Our new MAW Knockouts Champions, Cherry Bomb."


"Fine, I don't know your judging standards Merve, but she is a tough hombre."


"Here she is now. Cherry Bomb, great to see you...How does it feel to be the MAW Knockouts champion?"


"Hello Merve, Duke. First let me send a shout out to all the fans here in MAW. You rock. It is a dream come. Women have been looking for respect, the world round, well here we have it. Right here in MAW. And this title is the pinicle of Women's wrestling....ugghh" Out from behind the curtain comes the ex-MAW Knockouts champion, Raven Nightfall.


"Raven stand down, get some help out here. You can't do that. Fans Raven Nightfall has come from nowhere and blindsided the champion. Raven is on fire. Security...we need secruity." Security finally comes from the back to pull Raven off, but then Cherry needs retrained.


"Hold on right there." Everyone is surprised to see MAW owner, Rip Chord. "Well ladies we settle things in the ring here. This is MAW, not the group up north or the group out west. We do our fighting in the ring. Next month at MAW Brawl in the Family, I have a Christmas present for you. You will battle each other to settle this and the title in a.....cage."


"There you have it fans. That is what sets MAW apart from other wrestling. Our owner, Rip Chord has just set up a cage match for MAW Brawl in the Family our new Christmas show. Duke, Duke? Where are you?"


"Hold your horses there partn'r. I'm here. I didn't want those two hellions to mess up my new hat. Those two should settle this. I don't always agree with Rip, but I do like his style of settlin' problems. Speaking of fighting women, lets get to the ring for the loser leaves MAW match."


Loser leaves MAW

Devil's Daughter vs. Wanda Fish C

This was a brutal contest from the begining. Wanda and Daughter fought tooth and nail. Neither wanted to be taken out of MAW. Unfortunately someone had to lose. Devil's Daughter was able to use some underhanded tricks to roll Wanda up and grab a handfull of tights....1, 2, 3.....Wanda has to leave MAW.


Fan Interaction B-

It was a tough night. Wanda Fish our first Knockout was a great competitor. She was joined by the West Coast Mafia, the Hurricanes, and Windameer with Windameer's Court. Good interaction and growth by the workers.


Why work with him? C+

We are shown backstage as the West Coast Mafia are talking. Skye is asking, "Why work with him? He is our enemy?"


"Look guys, our enemy's enemy is our friend. Hernandez is valuable for now. You and Inane take care of the two war freaks. Hernandez and I wll destroy the Court. Then we will go back to normal. Hey get that camera out of here!!" Perez then promptly shuts the door.


"Duke, I wonder what that is about?"


"Merve, one day the sun will rise. Now lets see what is going to hapen in the ring."


Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C

Windameer and his brute were full of energy and strength, but Hernandez is used to battling bigger men. The resident underdog of MAW kept the big man off balance with his quick strikes and leg strokes. Windameer tried to interfere, but Jennifer Heat was right there. Hernandez to the delight of the crowd took the big man down and hit the Hang 10....1, 2, 3....Hernandez beat the big man. Cheyenne Silver and Missing Link tried to get Herandez, but out comes Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye to even the odds.


"Can you believe that, Duke. West Coast Mafia helping James Hernandez. Adversity makes strange bedfellows."


"Look Merve, Windameer is one mean hombre. He ain't playin'. Seems to me that Perez and the boys are going for 4 of kind and not an inside strait. But enough of that. Here comes Mean Machine."


Mean Machine speaks C+

Mean Machine comes out flanked by Steven Parker and Ricky Douglas. "I'm coming out here with alot on my mind. I've been in this business for a while. I've done alot of despicable things, but I've never stabbed my brothers or sisters in the back. At Where It All Begins Again 4, my family betrayed me. I've been stabbed in the heart. I have one thing to say, I am quitting."


Out comes Karen, Ota, and Narato. "Look at the little yellow bellied pansie. That's what happens when you turn soft. You talk about betrayal. YOU BETRAYED ME! YOU BETRAYED THE FIRM!!"


"Karen, stop it.", Parker came to Mean Machine's defence.


"Don't Steven. I"m done." Machine held Parker back.


"What you a coward too, Steven?" Karen continued. "I thought more of you."


"Right now, Karen...I'll take on either one."


"Ota get'em." Steven turned to Machine, but Mean Machine had left to the back.


"Can you believe Mean Machine is walking away, Duke?"


"Merve, there might be something to what Karen is saying, but Parker is rushing in anyway."


Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker w/Ricky Douglas C+

This was a slaughter. Steven was hot and blinded by rage. Ota used his Ninja tactics and methodical strikes to devastate Parker. He toyed for awhile, but the end wasn't in doubt. Ota wins.


Not finished B

After the match, Narato took out Douglas and Karen got into the ring as Ota held Parker. "Parker, I tried to get you to see the light. You are not a coward like your idol, but you are a fool. Tonight you pay the fool's price." With that Ota began to demolish Parker some more. Parker is left a bloody heap in the ring as Douglas is laid out outside. Rising Sun leaves to a chorus of boos.


My Problem Solver B

lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out with his big man, the Big Problem. "Listen up you peasants. I brought a man, a problem solver to town. He is one of my court and he will win the title that belongs to Windameer."


Perez is here to stay champ B-

As Windameer and Problem head to the ring, out comes MAW champion, Frankie Perez. "Hey Windameer, you stuffed windbag. You talk of your man, your knight. Your the weasle you can't fight his own battles. Well I'm a man who can fight. And will fight. I came to keep my title."


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. The Big Problem w/Windameer C

This was a rip roaring match. Perez was fresh and led the big Behemoth on a merry chase. Problem caught Perez and begin to punish him, but Perez was able to slip away. The end came as Windameer tried to help his man, but when he swung his cane, Perez ducked and he hit Problem. Perez was quick to lock the P-Clutch. Perez retains.



Overall show: C


Pretty good show with some tweaks as Larry Wood became head booker for SWF...first time i've ever seen that And Wanda wanted more money than I could afford right now.

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Dragon you went 4-3 this time throwing out the draw for the tag titles. This brings you to 5-8 overall...Thanks again for taking time to read and predict....lets see how you do with December's Hot Southern Nights and Brawl in the Family.....
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MAW Hot Southern Nights the card


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Hot Southern Nights


Rainbow Grill


December 9, 2009


The Rip Chord Invitational 2010 is comming soon. We are ready to begin prelimiary matches.


Newcomer the Outlaw has been showing lots of promise he will battle the DeCipher in a preliminary match. Also ex tag champ, Zeus Maxmillion will battle Oscar Golden.


Also MAW champion Frankie Perez was able to retain against the massive Big Problem, but he gets no breathing room as he will battle Missing Link. Will Windameer finally get gold?


Long time MAW star, Mean Machine stated he wants to walk away after the betrayal of Karen Killer. Karen unleashed Ota on an upset Parker at MAW Fallout. This month Ricky Douglas steps up to face the Ninja. Will he gain a measure of revenge?


James Hernandez was able to take down a big man in Ghidorah and was saved by the West Coast Mafia. This month he has to battle another big man of Windameer's Court...an angry Big Problem. Will he need help? Will he survive again?


All this and more as MAW heats up the Christmas season.....With MAW Hot Southern Nights.

quick picks

MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Missing Link w/Windameer

The Big Problem w/Windameer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Ricky Douglas

Deadly w/Persephone vs. Natural Storm w/Monique

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Oscar Golden

Sgt. West vs. Del Muerto

the Outlaw vs. DeCipher

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Missing Link w/Windameer

The Big Problem w/Windameer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer HeatFumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Ricky Douglas

Deadly w/Persephone vs. Natural Storm w/Monique

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Oscar Golden

Sgt. West vs. Del Muerto

the Outlaw vs. DeCipher

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MAW Hot Southern Nights the results


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Hot Southern Nights


Rainbow Bar and Grill


December 9, 2009


Att: 108



Miss Info d. Tai F

Nevada Nuclear d. Rafael E

John Greed w/Persephone d. Paul Allen E

Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer d. Oscar Golden C-




"Welcome once again, to the best seafood and steaks in the South. I'm Merve Ernest and joining me is the ever opionioned Duke Hazzard..."


"Well, when you know something you can have opionions, Merve. It is great to be here. Tonight we have MAW action hot and heavy. I had questions going into MAW Fallout...now I have more. Is Mean Machine serious? Can Perez overcome Windameer's Court?"


"It does promise to be a night of answers and action. What...we have some kind of commotion in the back. Lets go back with Monique to see what is going on...."


All Out War C+

A part of the kitchen area is a warzone....The West Coast Mafia and James Hernandez are battling Windmeer's goons. Cheyenne Silver is smashing Hernandez through a table while Jennifer Heat looks on. Frankie Perez is toe to toe with the Big Problem. Ghidorah has Remmy Skye upside down on the punch bowl. Insane Machine and Missing Link are trading blows. "It is utter chaos back here Merve and Duke." Monique pipes in. Finally security is able to make it in and seperate the battling groups. All 8 men are angry and covered with filth.


"Man Duke, that is one angry mob. We have to find a solution for this before the Grill and MAW is destroyed in the aftermath."


"Merve, that is what we call a 'mass of humanity' moving with one goal...destruction. I say let them battle each other in the ring...MAW style."


"Well tonight we have the preliminary matches for the Rip Chord Invitational 2010 tonight. We will have a promising newcomer, the Outlaw taking on DeCipher. While Zeus Maxmillion will battle Oscar Golden. Let's send it to the ring for our first match."


RCI 2010 preliminary match

DeCipher vs. the Outlaw F

the Outlaw gave a pretty good accounting of himself, but the fans really didn't know either man. DeCipher is talented, but Outlaw hit a nasty lariat to pick up the victory to move on in the RCI.


"Duke that Outlaw is one to watch."


"I could almost grow to like that cowpoke. He has that true American spirit."


"Speaking of American spirit, Duke, here comes one of the Real Americans, Sgt. West..."


West is back C

"That's right you maggots...the Sarge has been out for awhile, but I'm back. I'm here to show the true American Values. I will whip these guys into shape...weather it be West Coast Mafia, Windameer, or Rising Sun. The Sargeand the Real Americans are back. Atten hut!!"


Del Muerto vs. Sgt. West C-

The other half of DND came to the ring towering over West. But the Drill sargent took control early. He showed why he is a favorite to take the RCI 2010 crown. West wins with a Cannon Fodder.


Firm talk C+

We go backstage once again as we see Ricky Douglas and Steven Parker talking to Mean Machine. "Machine, I know how you feel...Karen betrayed us all, you can't really mean you will quit?" Dougals nods his head in the background.

Mean Machine just sits dejectedly and says nothing.


"Duke, I don't know. I've never seen Mean Machine this way. I think he really means it."


"Well Merve, you can't blame him. He lost his woman, by not being a man. Now he wants to cut out and hide. typical of the cowardly men of the city. You need a man with some real bull testitude."


"Whatever...Duke, now lets get to the ring back to the ring for the other preliminary match. Ex-tag champ Zeus Maxmillion vs. Oscar Golden."


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Oscar Golden D

This was a pretty decent match as Oscar and Zeus match up pretty well. Oscar was able to pull out the victory to move on with the Blonde Dreams.


"Wow, Oscar really pulled that out of the air."


"Oscar has tried to rise here in MAW. Maybe he will finally reach for the stars."


"Speaking for reaching for the stars, here comes a team that is trying to take it all....Persephone and Deadly."


"Now that is my little filly"


Deadly will rule C+

Persephone comes out to the podium flanked by Alex Braun and Tank Bradley. "Hello my public. Its your favorite little girl. Daddy told me to comeout hear and talk. Hurricanes you got lucky twice....you time will come...tonight we will calm the storm. Then we will Smash the Hurricanes..."

Alex grabs the mic, "Natural Storm....Sorry about your D*MN LUCK!"


"Strong words there, Duke"


"Like I say, that is my little filly."



Deadly w/Persephone vs. Natural Storm w/Monique C

This was a pretty decent match here. the ex champs Natural Storm put up a good fight early, but the power of Deadly was too much. Alex hit he Braun Damage on Eddie Howard for the win.


Deadly beatdown C+

"Deadly look primed for the tag battle, but wait they're not through. Persephone is directing them to pick up Eddie, DC tries to come into the ring, but no, he is cut off by Tank. Alex puts Eddie up on his shoulders and...no...NO! Pile driver...Eddie is not moving. We need some help down here."


"Yep, my kinda filly"


"Well while we get some help for Eddie...Next is a match I know you are interested in. Ricky Douglas is upset over the beatdown of Parker at MAW Fallout. He wants Ota in the ring."


"Merve, my question is will Mean Machine make an appearance?"


"Looks like we're ready. Let's head to the ring."


Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Ricky Douglas C

Fair immediately sent Narato and Parker to the back. He wanted at least the sembleance of a clean match. Douglas is a true worker, but Ota is steps above him. Ota came on strong. He and Karen were able to use ninja tactics to keep the upper hand. Ota wins with a Ninja Strike.


Rising Sun finishes Douglas C+

"Ota looked pretty dominant in that match up, but wait...what is this tonight, post match beatdown sale? Here comes Narato from the back. They have Douglas up, Ninja Choke.....Narato brings a chair into the ring....the drape Douglas' leg through the chair...NOOO! Off the top rope comes Ota...Douglas is in pain....Get Help...Get Help... Here comes Parker...Now the Rising Sun disappears in a puff of smoke...Cowards..."


"Now Merve, They got done what they wanted. They caught Douglas in the Corral and branded him.....I think the've got the whole beef diner lined up. But I agree Douglas is hurt bad. But why didn't Mean Machine come out?"


"Well it looks like intermission time while we get Douglas some real help."


Fan Interaction/Intermission B-

A great chance for the fans to interact with our stars in character. Tonight, Persephone, Ota, Narato, Parker, Frankie Perez, Cheyenne Silver, Willie Bloxsome, and Corey Hesketh take part.


"Fans I'm glad you enjoyed that. I know I sure did. It's always great to spend time speaking to you."


"Merve, I don't know why you want to rub hands with outriders. But enough of that prattle, partner. It's time to round up the posse, the big hosse is comin' in."


Punny surfer will DIE!!! C

lord Geoffrey Windameer comes out with his hulking Big Problem. Problem is carring a surfboard. "You know, every month it seems I have to get someone's attention. I am the only royalty her in MAW. And these men with me are the only valiant knights of the realm. Tonight we will destoy the pathetic waste of life...the PUNNY Surfer will DIE!!!" With that Problem demolishes the surfboard into tiny pieces.


The Big Problem w/Windameer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C

This was a great match, but not what I was expecting. Hernandez was great as the face in peril, but Problem as a monster is him at his best. After losing to Perez at MAW Fallout, Problem has something to prove....and he did with the victory.


Link is refocused C

Windameer comes back to the podium as his other man, Missing Link comes out. "One promise kept. Now you will watch a Link that is refocused. This Link will gain what is Missing from me...the MAW title, West Coast bah...Missing Link kill HIM!!"


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. the Missing Link w/Windameer C

Another great match for the Southeast. Link went to work giving Perez his best shot. Link looked really good out there and Perez grew alot during this match. The end came with Link looking to take the victory till Perez finds someway to slip over Link and lock on the P-Clutch.....Link taps.....


"What a display of fortitude. Like him or not, you have to admit, Frankie Perez is a fighting champion."


"He's a fighter alright, but he may have roped a steer too big...look who's coming back out.....Big Problem...."


"Along with the rest of Windameer's family...and here comes West Coast Mafia...what will come of this? Will it be decided...Join us in 1 week at MAW Brawl in the Family"

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