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MAW Brawl in the Family The card


Rip Chord presents

the first annual


MAW Brawl in the Family


December 17, 2009


NC Biker's Museum



MAW Fallout and MAW Hot Southern Nights both gave lots of great action, but both also gave us new questions.


Will Windameer realize his self proclaimed birthright of taking the MAW championship? Is Mean Machine really walking away from the ring? Don't forget the first round matches of the Rip Chord Invitational 2010 for bracket A will take place.


MAW champion Frankie Perez was able to vanquish the Big Problem at MAW Fallout in an epic contest. At MAW Hot Southern Nights, Problem broke James Hernandez. Can Perez withstand the awesome Big Problem again?


Bracket A for the RCI 2010 begins- Favorite Sgt. West will be in action in one of the four exciting matches. Who will advance to RCI 2010 in February?


MAW Knockout champion Cherry Bomb is excited, but she is a fighting champion as she battles the lady she beat for the title, Raven Nightfall. Who will come out on top?


Persephone has an obsession with defeating the MAW tag team champions, the Hurricanes. Her Deadly team has taken the champs to the limit. Will this be their time?


Be there at this special time of the year for families as we have our MAW Brawl in the Family.


quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Big Problem w/Windameer


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Nightfall


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone


RCI 2010 first round bracket A

Insane Machine vs. the Outlaw

Jorge Washington vs. Steven Parker

Nevada Nuclear vs. Ricky Douglas

Sgt. West vs. Oscar Golden

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Big Problem w/Windameer


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb (C) vs. Raven Nightfall


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone


RCI 2010 first round bracket A

Insane Machine vs. the Outlaw

Jorge Washington vs. Steven Parker

Nevada Nuclear vs. Ricky Douglas

Sgt. West vs. Oscar Golden

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MAW Brawl in the Family the results part 1


Rip Chord presents


MAW Brawl in the Family


December 17, 2009


N.C. Biker's Museum


Attendence: 1316



Miss Info d. Anni Ki D

Harvey Hayes d. Del Muerto E

Kazuma Narato d. Masked Cougar C+

Tim Westybrook d. Eddie Howard C




"Good evening once again fans. Welcome to the time of year when families get together for fun, food, fellowship, and the of course the tension. MAW is no different. This year we are getting together for the MAW Brawl in Family. Tonight I'm joined by my friend and colleauge, Duke Hazzard."


"I've told you once and I've told you a thousand times, tumbleweed, we're not even the same breed. I let you ride with me to educat' you on wrasslin."


"As I was saying, thank you for joining us tonight. I'm Merve Ernest and tonigh we will be joined by a new member of our team, Rock Downpour. Rock is a knowledgable man from the New York area. He will bring his own brand of insight, to help you the great MAW fans to 'see' the action. Let's give a warm welcome to Rock Downpour."


"Thank you! Thank you! Its great to be in the hotbead of American wrestling. This is the craddle of future stars. I for one look forward to watching the stars grow."


"Just what I need, another greenhorn to show the ropes to. Let's talk about something really great...tonight's action."


"Right you are, Duke. Tonight is a great night for me to join. The Rip Chord Invitational first round gets started with 4 great matches. Not to mention 3 title matches tonight...and Mean Machine saying....."


"Whoa there Nellie, hold yore hors's. You need to learn the ropes here sonny. Yes there's lots of matches tonight. I've heard from the smoke signals that Mean Machine will quit tonight."


"Duke he's already done that. He told us he will walk away."


"That was before Parker and Ricky Douglas were horsewhipped....Now he's going to turn tail and run like a stinkin' coyot'."


"Wait there Duke, I haven't been here long, but I know Mean Machine, and Cattley is no quitter. I believe we will see him using that crafty mind of his."


"Speaking of tonight, let's not forget that MAW champion Frankie Perez will battle the big man, Big Problem tonight. He survived Problem last month, but Windameer seems to have somethig special tonight. Speaking of which here comes Windameer now."


Perez's doom C+

Out comes lord Geoffrey Windameer and Big Problem. The aristocrat is looking dapper as always in his three piece suite and bowler, but the Problem is foaming at the mouth..."Tonight Perez, you serf will give over the treasure to the rightful owner. The one designed by God to carry that belt. The representative of heaven on earth...Windameer and his right hand the Big Problem. Problem what are you going to do to the West Coast peon?"


Problem just stares menacingly to the crowd. "Me crush the dog. Me win title for lord."



RCI 2010 Round 1 Bracket A C+

"There you have it Duke and Rock...Problem is looking as dangerous as ever."


"I know Problem from New York. He always carves a path of destruction there. Now he has Windameer calling his shots...he is more dangerous than ever."


"It's nice to know that Merve isn't the only one with the gift of the obvious. Rock...everone with two eyes can see that. What is the hold Windameer has over the big man? Will his partn'r Link have anything to do? What about War Inc. and West Coast Mafia? Get to the heart of the story son."


"Duke, I am. I'm giving insight of reference."


"Gentlemen...the fans are here for the action in the ring, not us. Remember tonight the RCI 2010 will continue. 8 men step in, only 4 will advance to February's RCI 2010. Tonight favorite Sgt. West will battle Oscar Golden, while his partner Jorge Washinton will battle Steven Parker. WCM member Insane Machine battles the Outlaw and Nevada Nuclear will face Ricky Douglas. Each man wants the automatic MAW title shot that comes with the RCI win."


"My money is on Nevada Nuclear tonight. He is one hombre to watch."


"Speaking of that, Merve. Our first match is up next with Insane Machine battling the Outlaw. This should be a great opening matchup."


RCI 2010 first round matchup

Insane Machine vs. the Outlaw D

This was not as good a I had hoped. Machine had an off night, coupled with Outlaw and he not clicking. The finish came when Cheyenne Silver showed up at ringside. The distraction was enough for Outlaw to roll up Machine for the 1, 2, 3....Outlaw will advance to the RCI 2010 in February.


We are family C


"West Coast Mafia and War Inc have a lot to settle. Silver just cost Insane Machine the match."


"What do you know...another x marks the spot moment. Listen Merve...stop the ramblin'. Let a real cowboy handle the roundup.."


"I hate to interrupt you, Duke, but we have word from the back there is something going on in the Firm dressing room...Let's go back to Monique."


"Hello guys...yes i'm backstage at the Firm dressing room door.." She opens the door to see A* Alliance standing and Mean Machine sitting dejectedly."


"Come on, Jean, we're family."


"I've made my mind of guys...without Karen, I've lost my fire." Ricky Douglas notices Monique and the camera.....

"Get out.." and he slams the door.


"What is going on? Mean Machine is really going to leave."


"I can't believe it. I thought I knew Mean Jean..."


"Goes to show you city slicker...not eveything comes from a book. You've got to live it some. Mean Jean is nothin' without his filley, Karen. He's smart enought to realize it."


"Things are bleak for MAW, but fans we are headed to the ring for our second RCI match. Steven Parker has to come out for this one."


RCI 2010 first round match

Jorge Washington vs. Steven Parker C-

This was alot better match than the first. These two men worked well together. The end came as Parker gave alot, but he was still smarting from the battles with Rising Sun. Washington was too much for the A* Alliance member...Washington advances to the RCI in February.


On to better things..... C+

"Parker gave it all tonight, but he was just too worn out from battling Karen and Rising Sun."


"Merve, just tell it like it is...that young stallion has become a gelding...Parker can't stay in the ring with the big boys. He turned tail and run like a stinkin' coyote"


"Parker is still in the ring. He truely fought valiantly, Duke. NO Way has he 'turned tail and run'. Wait who is this?"


Out comes a dark lady...everyone knows her as Karen Killer. She is flanked by two men in dark ninja outfits...Ota and Narato. "Well, Parker...looks like it is time for us to move on to better things. Mean Machine is broken...the A* Alliance is faltering, Parker down and Douglas coming to his doom....the Firm has fallen apart..time to move on. Stand notice, MAW...the Rising Sun has Risen...we are coming for you..." The trio diappear in a puff of smoke as Ricky Douglas comes out.



RCI 2010 first round match

Nevada Nuclear vs. Ricky Douglas C-

A battle of two former tag team champions. Douglas is good, but seems distracted. Nevada is hungry. The brash youngster picks up the win with a Mushroom Cloud. Nevada Nuclear moves on the RCI in February.


"What'd i tell ya boys, Firm is no more."


"I hate to agree with Duke, Rock, but he looks to be right."


"I haven't given up hope yet. I'll believe it when I see it for myself."



Hurricanes-Deadly Cage War C+


"Speaking of family brawls, tonight, Persephone's Deadly team is going for her revenge on the Hurricanes tonight. They want the titles. The Hurricanes are no ones to give them up."


"Persephone, one great little lady in my book. I think she has the team to dismantle the MAW tag team champions. Giedroyc will rue the day he spurned her offer."


"Speaking of Deadly, here they come. I agree Duke, Alex and Tank are two experienced tag teamers. They've battled all over the country in some brutal matches. Tonight the cage match will be a piece of cake."


"Man, what a woman. Hey darlin'" to the passing Persephone who smiles his way.


Deadly Cage War C+

"It's so good to see my adoring public tonight. I know all wish you could be me or with me. Don't fight the envy, just make me happy. Enough of that. Jack Giedroyc, you had a chance to make me happy, but you couldn't. Tonight you will pay for that. Like everyone you must pay. It helps to have the money to pay, like me. Deadly will crush you two animals in the cage."


"Strong words, I think she may back them up."


"No one cares what you think Merve. She will back them up. Do you see the men with her."


"Duke is right Merve, Deadly, also know as the New Jersey Devils are a powerful team."


"Let's get back to the ring for our last RCI first round match. Sgt. West vs. Oscar Golden."



RCI first round match

Sgt. West vs. Oscar Golden C

This was the best of the first round matches. West was in top form and Oscar showed some skills. The end came when West hit the Cannon Fodder for the victory. The favorite will move on to the RCI in February.



1/2 of RCI 2010 set B-

"Well we have half of the RCI card set up. Sgt. West will battle Nevada Nuclear and Jorge Washington takes on the suprising Outlaw."


"That looks to be a loaded bracket, but it seems the REal Americans have the upperhand."


"Let met tell ya. Don't count out the Nuclear one. He has power and youth. Jorge and West will dry up and blow away as always. This Outlaw seems to be the real deal...might be my kind of guy."


"Well let's get back to the action....headed out now are the MAW champions, the Hurricanes."


The Hurricanes will blow you away C+

MAW tag team champions come out. Jack Giedroyc takes the mic, "Persephone, you are definitely a persistant buggar....but tonight lassy the Hurricanes will blow away tweetil-dee and twetil-dum. Bring it on...."

As the talk continued the cage was being assembled...time to get it on.


MAW tag team championship (cage match)

the Hurricanes © vs. Deadly w/Persephone C

This was all it was billed to be. There was no rhyme or reason as the brawl started early. Persephone cackled with glee as her men gained the advantage. The cage was unforgiving as Giedroyc and Strong both met it forcably, but the tide turned as Strong was able to avoid a vicious spear from Braun. Braun hit the cage sholder first. Strong went over to help Giedroyc with Bradley. Giedroyc and Strong quickly put Bradley down. Geidroyc went to work on Braun. Strong started to climb....Giedroyc was able to keep Braun at bay...Strong made it to the top...Bradley was just stirring. Persephone was irate....screaming for Greed. Strong made it to the floor...The Hurricanes escape to retain the MAW tag team championship.



Deadly blow C+

"The door is being opened. The Hurricanes have shocked everyone I think as they have been able to retain tonight."


"They've showed me some fortitude. I'm not as familar with these two youngsters, but they really showed me what teamwork can do."


"Bah. They got lucky...climb over a top...why not stay and fight it out in the corral? What's this? Persephone and Greed are barring the way for Giedroyc to get out."


"That's right, no wait they moved. Now they are going to check on the fallen Bradley. Bradley looks to be hurt bad. NOOO! Alex and Greed have begun putting the boots to Bradley. WHY? WHY? We need some help out here!"


"Merve, calm down...Bradley didn't do his part. He let the quarry out of the hole. Persephone doesn't do well with failure."


Cherry Bomb-Raven cage C+

"It looks like Persephone is satisfied. While the EMTs are checking on Bradley, I want to mention something about MAW...the Knockouts division. That is another reason why MAW is the future of wrestling. Tonight you have the only two women to hold the MAW Knockout's title, Cherry Bomb (current champion) and Raven Nightfall (ex-champion) battling it out in this same cage."


"Now that there is a real shoot out. A showdown at the corral. Cherry Bomb is a fighter, but Raven is not one bit happy ab't not having her title."


"Sorry guys, I lost it there. Wrestling is a dangerous sport, but that brutality was too much. Yes the Knockouts are next. Who will emerge victorious?"

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MAW Brawl in the Family the results part 2


MAW Knockouts championship (Cage)

Cherry Bomb © vs. Raven Nightfall C-

Another barn burner from these two ladies. Cherry Bomb is a talent and Raven will be a future star. They gave a good show, but the larger Bomb was too much for Raven as the crowd propelled her to victory by pinfall. Winner and still MAW Knockouts champion, Cherry Bomb.



DD arrives C


"Another reason for me to be here. Those Knockouts know how to battle. They are just as hungry as the men here in MAW."


"You said it Rock. There is our proud champion, Cherry Bomb....WHATTT? What is this beatdown night at the biker's club?"


"Another rehash, stop stiring the beans and spill them, Merve. Here comes Devil's Daughter. Now that is one rough lady, but a good lady."


"What is this? Devil's Daughter is reknown across the US as a demented competitor...what is she doing here?"


"She has been embrolied with Wanda Fish. But now that she has sent Wanda packing she has here eyes on the prize."


"Another statement of the obvious, yall are two peas in a pod. All the Knockouts in MAW want the prize....Devils Daughter has used her head and taken advantage of the weary Cherry Bomb. Now she leaves her brand to set up the call. That MAW Knockouts champion isn't standing so tall now is she?."



Mean Machine Farewell? C+

"While we have some help come out for Cherry Bomb, here comes Mean Machine, seems he wants to talk."


"I'm anxious to hear what he has to say."


"I've been waiting on this for awhile. He finally shows his yellow belly."


Mean Machine steps up to the podium, "First, I want to thank everyone. It has been a great ride. I've always done it my way. Whether you hate me or love me, I stood up for myself and my family. But there are times when circumstances makes a man stop and think. Karen was my glue to this sport I love. Her betrayal is one such circumstance. I've thought long and hard. It is time for me to go. This is my farewell. Thank you, but Good Bye!" With that Mean Machine lays down the mic and walks away.


"Can you believe that? He is walking away."


"I can, I always new Jean was a coward. Now he's using Karen as an excuse to be himself."


"Well fans we are headed to our intermission. You will have a chance to interact with our stars. We will resume the action with our Main Event in about 10 minutes."


Fan Interaction/Intermission B

Participants were Ota, Narato, Parker, Outlaw, Frankie Perez, Cheyenne Silver, Persephone, and James Hernandez.


Perez is still standing C+


"Thank you again fans for all you wonderful support. What, Oh Frankie Perez, MAW champion, you have a few words?"


"Yeah! The West Coast has some words. I've fought big men, wild men, half men...even East Coast men? But I'm still standing. Just goes to show you th West Coast Rules. Tonight I face that big tub of lard, Big Problem with the pretender...there is only one king in MAW, ME!! I'm going to show your candy *@$ just how it is done..the WEST COAST WAY!!" Perez then heads to the ring to await his challenger.


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. the Big Problem w/Windameer C

This was a brutal contest from the word go. Problem came out menacing, but Perez was fired up. Perez led the big Problem on a merry chase, trying to wear the big man down, but Problem seemed to have been getting in better conditioning for this match. He finally caught the champion in a massive bear hug. Perez seemed to be losing it, till he was able to hit a head butt....once, twice, three times. Problem let him go. Perez was groggy, but he found a way to connect with a beautiful drop kick to the knee of Problem. the big man was staggering. Perez again..to the other knee...Problem went down. Perez then began to hit quick strikes on the fallen giant. Windameer got up to the apron to be met with a Perez flying elbow. Perez went back to work on Problem, rolling him over and now he is trying for the P-Clutch...can he get it? can he? NO...Problem is too big. Now Perez goes back to work with elbows and quick kicks. Problem is trying to get up...Perez goes to the top...A Skye Diver...he has taken a page from Remmy Skye's book... cover...1, 2, 3....Frankie Perez has vanquished Big Problem. Frankie Perez retains.


"Now that is a champion we can be proud of....I like Windameer, but the West is the Best."


"Duke, you might be kinda biased there. Frankie Perez is a real thing, and using the Skye Diver was a nice touch. His precision moves and conditioning helped him overcome the massive Big Problem."


"Guys, its been another great night working with you. and Rock you've been an excellent addition to our crew...What..." A puff of smoke fills the ring. When it clears Rising Sun is standing in the ring with Karen Killer and MAW champion Frankie Perez.


Rising Sun eclipse B-

Ota and Narato begin a lightning assult on the MAW champion. Weary Perez tries to fight back, but the viciousness and quickness of the attack take the champion down. Karen is directing the attack.


"Karen said they were moving on to better things earlier, but this is truely shocking."


"Ota and Narato are two seasoned warriors under the tutuledge of Karen Killer they are a threat to everyone."


"She is my kind of filley...I'm gonna hav'ta talk to that there littl' lady."



Calvary comes C+

"Here comes the calvary, wait it's James Hernandez....WOW!! Theres that smoke again and just like that Rising Sun are gone...Folks thanks again for joining us. Remember to be there for MAW New Year's Blues in the New York area for more MAW action and answers to why Hernandez saved Perez?"



Overall show C

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Rip Chord presents


MAW New Year's Blues.....



MAW is headed back to the Westin Gym for another exciting night of action. The RCI2010 has already kicked into high gear. The preliminary matches for the B bracket will take place. But the major news in Karen Killer and her Rising Sun have set their sights on the MAW championship title. Ota and Narato attacked MAW champion, Frankie Perez after a grueling battle with Big Problem. Will Karen have her way? Perez will defend the title against the Ninja Ota. Come on out for an exciting night of family entertainment as MAW presents MAW New Year's Blues....



quick pics


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer


RCI 2010 preliminary matches

John Greed w/Persephone vs. Del Muerto

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Rafael


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Larry Wood

Devil's Daughter vs. Melody Cuthill

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  • 2 weeks later...

MAW New Years Blues the results


Rip Chord presents


MAW New Year's Blues


Atten: 150


Tri-State Area



Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer d. Corey Hesketh C

Miss Info d. Kit Haytoma E

James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat d. Joaquin Mora C-

A* Alliance d. Bloxsome E

Samoan Machine d. Paul Allen D



Main Show:


"Happy New Years everyone. Welcome to Wrestling MAW style. The new year starts with some great action and the blues for other stars. I'm Merv Ernest and I'm joined tonight by the Texas Terror, Duke Hazzard and the voice of NYCW, Rock Downpour. Happy New Years gentlemen. How are you tonight."


"Good to be here with you, Merve. I'm excited. Tonight we will see the fallout of MAW Brawl in the Family. Rising Sun attacked MAW champion Frankie Perez. He was saved by the timely arrival of James Hernandez. If you missed that you can catch it on the DVD, coming out this Friday. What will result from that? And tonight we see the preliminary matches of bracket B of the RCI 2010. What more can you ask for?"


"First of all, less of you. You two peas-in-a-pod all smushy face. I can't stand it. My only cosolanse is that December 2009 saw the death of the Firm. Karen Killer made the group, and killed the group. She is one lovely lady."


"Your right Duke...it was a bad night for the Firm, and a statement night for Karen Killer and Rising Sun. Here comes one man involved in the situation...James Hernandez."


I'm ready to clean up MAW.... C+

James Hernandez and Jennifer Heat step up to the podium, "Hello New York...its great to be back here in the big apple. I'm sorry to say MAW hasn't gotten any better. Earlier last year, Windameer and his goons tried to bully their way into the MAW championship. I stood with my enemy then. At MAW Brawl in the Family, Rising Sun and Karen Killer try the same tactics. People ask me why I would help someone like the West Coast Mafia? Well its simple, its the right thing to do. Now we have a New Year, and I promise I will do my best to clean up MAW. I might seem alone now, but I will have help and I will aid anyone who gets into the numbers game. Perez..come on out. I offer you my hand and m help to rid MAW of the likes of Ota and Narato."


The crowd errupts as MAW champion, Frankie Perez comes out. He has the title draped over his sholder. The two rivals stare at each other as James holds out his hand. Perez rares back...and shakes the hand of Hernandez."


"Can you believe that? Can you believe what we just witnessed? Frankie Perez and James Hernandez shaking hands. They have been battling each other since 2006 and now they are going to work together."


"Adversity makes strange bedfellows. I know Ota. He is one dangerous opponent..."


"Merv, Rock...Ota and Narato are dangerous because of Karen. Perez knows his days are numbered, butyou can't trust Hernandez. He tried to take the title from Puerto Rican Power, his friend. And now he is trying to ride the coat tails of Perez. Karen and Rising Sun will pick off these two cowards."


"Let's go to the ring for our first match."


Devil's Daughter vs. Melody Cuthill D

This was a pretty good match, but unfortunately the two ladies aren't well known by our Tri-state audience. Cuthill gave a good showing, but DD was just too much.


"That Devil's Daughter really creeps me out."


"You give me the creeps, Merve. Devil's Daughter is one tough lady. She has a strange side, but she can take care of business in the ring."


"She is one different one..."


"Excuse me Rock, I have word we have something in the back. Lets go backstage."


Machine???? C+

On the big screen we are shown backstage. In a small dressing room are Steven Parker and Ricky Douglas. "Steve, what are we going to do about Machine?"


"I don't know yet, Ricky. We need people to let Machine know how much he is missed. We need the fans to open up. We have to have Machine back."


"Maybe that will work...Hey get that camera out of here..."


"Wait Ricky, Hey this is our chance. Everybody, we know the Firm has been your favorite, because we come out everymonth and give you our best. I'm asking you to write in now...let Mean Machine know we need him. You can write to Mean Machine CO/MAW 254 SW Palmetto Way. Charleston, SC....."



"I agree with Parker. People don't let a talent like Mean Jean go to waste. Write today and let him know how much we need him."


"Can it Merve. This is another attempt for the Firm to lasso sum' support. They are a dying breed."


RCI 2010 prelims bracket B C-

"Guys back to tonight. We have the preliminaries for Bracet B tonight. The Rip Chord Invitational 2010 has gotten off to a roaring success. Tonight John Greed will battle Del Muerto and Arthur T. Turtle will face Raphael for a chance to advance to the RCI 2010. Merv, what do you see tonight?"


"Tonight is all about the younger guys climbing up the ladder. Raphel and Arthur should put on a clinic, but I'm looking forward to seeing John Greed and Del Muerto in a contrast of styles."


"Ther ya both go agin..Too much yappin' not enough action. Tonight you will see four men ride toward the gold."


"Well put Duke, Now lets go to the ring for the first prelim match."



RCI 2010 preliminary match Bracket B

John Greed w/Persephone vs. Del Muerto F

This match was not what I hoped it would be. Muerto is a great worker, just not well known. Greed is a future star and Persephone helps alot ringside, but the crowd just wasn't into to this. Greed moves on with the victory.


We will continue C+

After the match, Persephone climbs into the ring with Greed and is joined by Alex Braun. "Hello again my adoring fans. I know you came here to see me. To see my distress. I always end up with one or two losers. Tank Bradley, Larry Wood. Well tonight you will see life must go on. Alex will destroy the lunatic Wood. I know it is hard to believe that someone like me has downs, but use me as an example. Keep moving on to overcome....Deadly will continue."


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Larry Wood C

Wood came out wild as ever. He even chased after Persephone some, which caused his ex partner, Greed to come between them. Braun took advantage of the distraction and went to work on the big man. Braun chopped down Wood, like well timber. Braun wins with Braun Damage.


Tank Attack C+

After the match, Alex, Persephone, and Greed are celebrating when out of the back comes Tank Bradley. Wood who comes too takes down Greed as Tank tears into Alex.


"Tank doesn't seem to think this is through."


"You have to adm't Merv, Alex is impressive. Persephone fired the weak link. She shouldn't have to endure that sufern at the hands of two freaks."


"Say what you want, Duke. Tank Bradley is a young stud who don't run away. I think Persephone has bitten off more than she can chew now."


"Well we are ready for our second prelim match. Two young flyers going at it."


RCI 2010 preliminary match Bracket B

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Raphael F

Another dud. Once again the two young men are just now well known enough in the Tri-State area. Turtle took the victory over the young Raphael to advance in the RCI 2010.



Fan Interaction/Intermission B


"Fans we're going to take a few moments for you to get some refreshments or interact with the athletes. We'll be back in about 10 minutes with more MAW action."


Persephone, John Greed, Kazuma Narato, Frankie Perez, Miss Information, Devil's Daughter, Jennifer Heat, and Corey Hesketh participate in the fan interaction.


Perez runs from nobody..... B-


"Welcome back fans, We are getting ready for our main event...."


"Shut up, Merve....Listen, Ota, you and Karen couldn't come out here during the intermission. Only thing Ninjas can do is sneak attack. I don't run from anyone. I'm ready to take you out, tonight."


"That was our MAW champion, Frankie Perez. Looks like he's ready to get it on."


"Dang strait he is, but does he know what he's getting into? Narato is here, I haven't seen the West Coast Mafia. And can he really count on his enemy to watch his back?"


"Look, Duke, I'm new here, but I know James Hernandez. He will have Perez's back tonight."


"Well lets get to the ring for our main event."


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer B-

This was a barn burner from the word go. Perez was really fired up, and Ota was up to his tricks. Karen did a great job at ringside distracting the champion. Jay Fair had his hands full for this one. Ota was moving quick, but Perez was able to power into comand. The end came when Ota went for a Ninja strike, but Perez was able to lock the P-Clutch....then out comes Narato. Narato broke the hold, before Ota submitted or passed out.....Perez wins by DQ....


"Look another dastardly attack by the Rising Sun...."


"I told you to watch out for those two hombres...They've taken over with no posse in sight..."


"Wait, here comes James Hernandez....Now we have a two on two brawl...pandamonium breaks out...Narato and Hernandez are battling up the ramp as Perez has just been kicked through the podium...."


"There battling to the back....We will have exclusive footage for the DVD due out on January 31st. Till then join us next week at MAW Resolutions, good night everyone."



Brawl segment C+



Overall show C-

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MAW Resolutions 2010 the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW Resolutions


January 20, 2010



2009 ended with a brawl...MAW Brawl in the Family...Now the MAW stars are ready to make their MAW Resolutions. MAW champion, Frankie Perez fought off the Big Problem to hold his title, but was then blindsided by Rising Sun. At MAW New Year's Blues Perez won a DQ victory over the ninja, Fumihiro Ota. No he will face Kazuma Narato. Can he trust his enemy James Hernandez to watch his back? Can Hernandez trust him? Speaking of James Hernandez he will face off with Ota.


The RCI 2010 is in full swing as Bracket B will continue. John Greed and Arthur T. Turtle won earlier this month to advance. Tonight we will get the final 4 competiors to move to the RCI 2010 in February. Ghidorah will face off with Harvey Hayes. Remmy Skye will battle John Greed. Tim Westybrook will face Arthur T. Turtle. And Cheyenne Silver battles the Samoan Machine. Which 4 will complete Bracket B?


The MAW tag team champions survied Deadly. They will be in action again this month against a mystery team.


Come on out for another exciting night of MAW action.


quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer

Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


RCI bracket B

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Samoan Machine

Tim Westybrook vs. Arthur T. Turtle

John Greed w/Persephone vs. Remmy Skye

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Harvey Hayes


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. ????

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MAW Resolutions 2010 the results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Resolutions 2010




Att: 1791


January 20, 2010




Raven Nightfall d. Melody Cuthill C-

Steven Parker d. Zeus C

Ghidorah w/Windameer d. Harvey Hayes C-



Main show


Video from last month B-


"Welcome everyone to MAW Resolutions. I'm Merv Ernest. New Year, but same old bad blood. Frankie Perez fought off the behemoth, Big Problem only to be blindsided by Rising Sun...lets go to the tape to see what went down." Video of the attack by Rising Sun on Frankie Perez and the save by James Hernandez. "I want to welcome the two other members of the broadcast team....Duke Hazzard and Rock Downpour. Welcome Gentlemen."


"Evening Merv. I must say its great to be back in MAW with the greatest fan in the world. The dastardly attack by Rising Sun didn't go unanswered..."


"Shut yur flap. Two of ya'll. Frankie Perez is a fighter, but I think this time he has bitten off more than he can chew. He fought Ota at MAW New Year's Blues. Tonite he battles Kazuma Narato. I don't think he will walk out with the title tonight. He's headed to his Littl' big Horn."


"I see you got up on the same side of he bed this morning, Duke. You can see the epic battle between Ota and Perez on the DVD out next week. But Duke I agree it will be an epic contest. Ota and Narato are accomplished fighters. But other questions abound."


"Yeah, like can he trust Hernandez? James Hernandez and Perez have been battling for three years, why help his enimy now?"


"I think Hernandez is ready to clean up MAW. That's his stated goal."


"Well we'll find out soon enough."



Rip Chord Invitational 2010 Bracket B tonight C+


"Guys back to tonight. We also will be setting Bracket B for the Rip Chord Invitational 2010. Ghidorah will battle Harvey Hayes. Remmy Skye faces John Greed. Tim Westybrook will try to ground Arthur T. Turtle. And Cheyenne Silver takes on the Samoan Machine. How do you think it stacks up tonight?"


"Merv, it looks to be another exciting night. Ghidorah is a big man with Windameer in his corner. I think he will carry the day. Skye and Greed seem to be even keel, but Persephone is in Greed's corner..."


"There you go agin with the flappin, Rock. You should change your name to Flapper. Skye might have an edge, but remember Windameer is on a tear and WAR Inc. is after the WCM. I'm looking forward to seeing what Silver and the Samoan Machine do in the ring. That there should be a barn burner."



"Well lets head to the ring for the first mach of the bracket. Ghidorah vs. Harvy Hayes."


RCI 2010 Bracket B

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Harvey Hayes C-

This was not an easy night on Hayes. The brute was in control from start to finish. Windameer didn't have to do much as Ghidorah picks up the victory to head to RCI 2010 next month.


"That Ghidorah is one brutal man."


"I think he is a beast."


"Don't see Windameer short. He's a shifty one who holds all the cards."



Tank Attack C

"Speaking of shifty. Lets look at what happened last month after the tag team title match. Roll the video" We see a video of Alex Braun turning on Tank Bradley. "What do you think brought that on?"


"Persephone is a spoilt lady. She obviously wants results."


"Spoilt? Naw...just a lady who knows what she wants. One who wants her money's worth. It was obvious that Tank was the weak link. Persephone wants the tag team titles and Jack Giedroyc's head."


"Speaking of the tag team champions, here they come, the Hurricanes."


Hurricanes still champs C+

Jack Giedroyc and Eric Strong come out to a nice ovation. "Hello Mid Atlantic. Its great to be here. And its great to still have these straps. We had a tough go last month, but once again Evil implodes. Persephone, one day you will learn. But tonight we face another team. Not as well known, but still dangerous. Eric, what do you know of Bloxsome?"


"Well they are uncle and nephew. They are wierd, but competent in the ring. We really need the little Hurricanes to help us blow through them tonight."


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes © vs. Bloxsome C

Bloxsome seemed to have some fire early in their shot at the titles, but the champs took control. The end came with a Crashing On by Giedroyc on Willie Bloxsome. The Hurricanes retain their titles.


The Court rules B

"Another successful defense for the Hurricanes. I think they may be turning into one of the greatest tag teams in our area."


"I should hope so, Bloxsome aren't exactly the Warlords. What do you expect?"


"Wait what is this.....Windameer, the Big Problem, and Missing Link are coming out."


And out they came. The Big Problem picked up the large Giedroyc and slammed him hard, while the Missing Link grabbed Eric Strong.


"We need help, get some help out here."


"What destruction...what carnage. Windameer's Court is wreaking havoc with the MAW champions. What does this mean?"


"Its pretty obvious even for a greenhorn like you Rock, Windameer wants some titles. He's 'onery and fired up as a hornet's nest. The Hurricanes just happen to have some titles. So much for the greatest tag team here."


"Finally the carnage clears. Windameer makes a statement. The Hurricanes have overcome big hurdles before. I think they can come back, but how?"


Skye's the limit C

"As things are getting cleaned up out there, lets go to the podium where Remmy Skye has some words.

"Its time again....The Skye's the limit. That's right, the West Coast rolls on. my man, Frankie Perez has the title and I'm going to take the RCI 2010 trophy. You see John Greed, you just have some bad luck, you have to face Remmy Skye tonight. War Inc, don't think i've forgotten about you. The Insane one and myself will take you down when the time is right."


"Remmy Skye looks primed tonight. What are his chances against the wiley Greed?"


"Greed has Persephone, but Skye has confidence."


"He'd better watch his back. War Inc. and Rising Sun are both gunning for West Coast Mafia."


RCI 2010 Bracket B

John Greed w/Persephone vs. Remmy Skye C

This match had excellent chemistry. Greed and Persephone had Skye on the ropes early, but Remmy was able to turn the tables. Skye Diver and the win. Remmy Skye advances to the RCI 2010 next month.


WAR Inc bottom line B


"Greed looked good tonight, but Remmy Skye is on another plane."


"Remmy has really been working hard and focusing. He seems to want something tangible to show for his time here."


"Look, Skye is a great athelete, and he doesn't seem the type to play second fiddle to anyone. He had the MAW title at one time. and now he wants it again....heyyyy..."


"Not again... Cheyenne Silver and Ghidorah...What is this the Windameer wonder hour?"


"Merv, it looks like the war between War Inc and West Coast Mafia isn't over. They are laying the boots to the fallen Skye. Now here comes MAW champion, Frankie Perez and James Hernandez. War Inc. is headed for the high ground."


"But the damage is done, wonder twins. Windameer is definitely not gone. He has in one night shaken his worse enemies and make a challenge for gold."


"One good thing is seeing Hernandez and Perez working together."


"Time will tell, Merv."


"Speaking of making a mark..the new MAW Knockouts champion, Cherry Bomb is here. She wants to have a word with the fans."


Cherry Bomb wants Devil's Daughter C

"First off I want to thank you. You are the ones who helped me overcome Raven at MAW Brawl in the Family. But then another darkness crept into the arena, Devil's Daughter, you could have gotten a shot. I fight anyone, anytime...but you had to slither in like the snake you are. Well now you've made a mistake...now I want you."


"Hold on misssssy." Its Devil's Daughter. "I will getsss yousss when I'm readdyyssss."


"How about next month at MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010?"


A slow smile seeped onto the face of Devil's Daughter, "Okayssss."


"There we go fellas....our first official match of MAW RCI 2010...MAW Knockouts title...Cherry Bomb vs. Devil's Daughter. It should be great."


"The Devil's Daugher gives me the creeps."


"I think she gives Cherry Bomb the creeps...and that could make for a short reign as champion."


"Now lets go to the ring for the third Bracket B match of the RCI 2010."


RCI 2010 Bracket B match

Tim Westybrook vs. Arthur T. Turtle C-

This was a pretty good contrast in styles. Turtle tried to keep Westybrook off his feet, but Tim was too much. Westybrook locked Turtle in a figure four for the win. Westybrook moves on to the RCI 2010 next month.


"We have only one more match left to complete the RCI 2010 lineup. It looks to be a great card so far."


Too much going on..... C+

"Hello MAW....you are the greatest fans. You deserve the best. Last week at MAW New Year's Blues...I came out to talk to Frankie Perez. I'm inviting Frankie Perez to come out now." After a brief hesitation, out comes MAW champion Frankie Perez. Frankie doesn't say anything so Hernandez continues, "Frankie, you and I don't see eye to eye, and we've had our differences." Perez looks bored. "But you have to agree there is too much going on...to much gang mentality...The West Coast Mafia tries it, but at least you fight in the ring...lets bury the hatchet till we clean up...the Rising Suns and Windameers of MAW. What do you say?" Hernandez sticks out his hand.

Perez looks long and hard...but then finally takes Hernandez's hand. The fans erupt as the two enemies seem to seal a new partnership.


"Can you believe what we just witnessed? Frankie Perez and James Hernandez agreeing to work together. What else can happen."


"You don't see any pigs flying do you, Merv? Look they shook hands, but lets see what happens when strait shootin is called for."


"I hate to agree with you, Duke, but we will see in the ring how it works."


"Let's go to the ring for the last match of Bracket B."


RCI 2010 Bracket BCheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Samoan Machine C-

These two strongmen were butal. Silver had an advantage as he had Windameer in his corner. Silver locks the Tomahawk chop for the victory. Silver is the last man for the RCI 2010 next month.


"Now the RCI is complete...We have 8 men...Sgt. West, Remmy Skye, Nevada Nuclear, Jorge Washington, the Outlaw, Ghidorah, Cheyenne Silver, and Tim Westybrook. Tune in next month to see who will carry the trophy."


Fan Interaction/Intermission B-

Frankie Perez, Cheyenne Silver, John Greed, Persephone, Fumihiro Ota, Del Muerto, and Devil's Daughter interact with the crowd.


Hernandez, you should stand down..... C+

Coming out of the intermission, Fumihiro Ota and Karen Killer come to the Podium. "James Hernandez, you are not on our radar. You had better stand down or you will be there. You can't stop the sun from rising...you can't stop the dawn of a new day."


NO Way! B-

Out of the back comes Hernandez and Jennifer Heat. "No way..."


"Then we will put you down now."


Fumihiro Ota W/Karen Killer vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C+

This impromtu match wasn't as much as I hoped it would be. Hernandez and Ota have talent but both were off their game tonight. Ota used Ninja Tactics to gain the victory. Hernandez fought bravely, but the Ninja was too much.


Perez will defend against Narato tonight. C+


"Rising Sun is a force to be reckoned with. Hernandez fought hard and could have won the match, but Ota found a way to win."


"Hernandez put his nose in someone else's business and he got it socked. You saw earlier what happened to Skye...now Hernandez...I think we will see the same when Narato climbs into the ring with the champ. Karen is a filley I don't think can be broken."


"Duke they are tough, but I don't think we've seen the last of James Hernandez. He had Ota pinned once, when Karen interfered..."


"Rock, you aren't paid to think."


"Gentlemen...we have our main event. Like you said Duke, MAW champion, Frankie Perez will defend against Kazuma Narato...Can he win again?"


MAW Championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer B

This was a match. Perez and Narato were on top game tonight. Back and forth with Narato using his quicker strikes to keep the champ off balance. Perez took the strikes, but when he did get his hands on the quicker Narato, he put some punishment in, but Karen was also there to get her man out of harm. The fans were on their feet for most of the match. The two men battled for 30 minutes, but neither man could come out on top. Draw......


"Now that was a match."


"That was the shootout I was looking for tonight."


"I hate to see it end, but we will find out what will happen next month at MAW Roulette and MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010..till then have a great night."


Our show ended with two worn out competitors in the ring in shock....



overall show C+

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MAW Roulette the card


getting better. Now down to dull pains, and can sit for longer straight periods.


glad to hear it friend...looking forward to you getting yours going again...




Rip Chord presents


MAW Roulette


South East


February 10, 2010



The New Year has come to MAW. Rising Sun has made allies of two unlikely foes. The Rip Chord Invitational is set. The Tag Champs overcome two monsters to run into two more.


On tap........


MAW champion Frankie Perez and Kazuma Narato fought to a draw at MAW Resolutions. They will meet in a rematch for the title. Will the West Coast Don fall or will the Rising Sun be Eclipsed?


The eight contestants in the Rip Chord Invitational will battle in an 3 man tag match. Who will gain momentum going into the tournament?


Windameer's Court ambushed the MAW tag team champions, Hurricanes at MAW Resolutions. Erik Strong will meet Missing Link in singles competition.


An exciting card to lead into the MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010. Be there for all the action as the MAW stars play MAW Roulette.


Quick picks


MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer


8 man tag match featuring the RCI 2010 participants

Tim Westybrook/the Outlaw/Real Americans vs. Nevada Nuclear/Remmy Skye/War Inc.


Johng Greed w/Persephone vs. Eddie Bennett

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Erik Strong

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MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer


8 man tag match featuring the RCI 2010 participants

Tim Westybrook/the Outlaw/Real Americans vs. Nevada Nuclear/Remmy Skye/War Inc.


Johng Greed w/Persephone vs. Eddie Bennett

Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Erik Strong

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An opportunity for someone.....


The office......We had just finished the booking comitee meeting.


"Alright Rip, thanks again for the insight. Larry you wanted a word with Rip and I?"


"Hey Leroy. It has been great here. You, Rip, and the guys have been great. And I know I'm in the program with Persephone, Westybrook, and the Hurricanes, but...well Richard called me last night. He wants we to take the book at SWF."


"Whattt? I know you've been great in the meetings. And you've booked some indy shows...Man congratulations." I shook his hand and Rip patted him on the back. "I know you can't turn that down."


"Larry the pleasure has been ours..good luck." Rip added.


"I will be here for shows when the travel allows, and I know I can't have a prominent place, but I want to help."


"No problem. Take care Larry." Rip and I watched as Larry walked out. I had some hopes for the wild man, but well things happen.



Occ: I've never seen Larry taken as a booker. I'm no expert at this, but I was shocked. At least he wasn't a major player for me other than as a assistant Road Agent on some shows.

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MAW Roulette the results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Roulette




February 10, 2010


Atte 151





DeCipher d. Arthur T. Turtle F

Miss Information d. Melody Cuthill E

Insane Machine d. Coey Hesketh E




RCI participants in an 8 man tag match C+


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm Merv Ernest. I'm glad to be here with you enjoying some good steak and shrimp on the cusp of MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010. We have an exciting night tonight. I'm joined ringside by the a man who knows almost everyone in wrestling today, Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Gentlemen its good to be here with you."


"Good evening, Merv. Its great to be back in the Southeast at the Rainbow Bar and Grill. This is definitely some fine eating as Duke can attest, if he will put the ribs down for a moment."


Looking up from his plate, Duke Hazzard just waves and continues eating.


"Well while Duke finishes, Rock, what are your thoughts about the 8 man tag battle tonight?"


"Well eight men are coming in, eight men who are vying for the Rip Chord Invitational next week. Both sides have regular tag partners, but Remmy Skye and War Inc. have no love. How can they co-exist? While Westybrook and the Outlaw are green around the ears. Both men want the RCI and automatic title shot. And what about West? A vetern who has given his all, will he be ready to work tonight or is he focused on next week? It all comes down to which team can work together."


"Long winded as normal. Merv, Rock...It is about who gets the heads up. Windameer is on a roll right now. His team of War Inc will bring their team together to pull out the victory."


"Speaking of Windameer, one of his men is coming now to battle one half of the tag team champions."


Missing Link w/Windameer vs. Erik Strong D

This was a decent match as Stong tried to carry on, but Missing Link is one dangerous man. Then Link had Windameer in his courner. Missing Link was able to pick up the victory with Face of Death. Windameer is estatic.



Tank rolling C+

"Well the Missing Link has made a stong case for a title shot tonight."


"Merv, you state the obvious. Windameer's Court is head and shoulders above the champions. The Hurricanes are just warming the belts for Windameer."


"Duke, you seen the Hurricanes beat back challenges from big brutal teams. I don't think you should sell them short."


"I hate to break this up guys, but I have word from the back...something is going down. Let's go back there now."


The big screen shows Persephone screaming as Tank Bradley is pummeling Alex Braun. John Greed attacks Tank, but Tank just shrugs him off. Tank continues to brutalize Alex till finally he spits on him and walks away.


"Gentlemen, we just witnessed a young beatdown."


"Persephone has bitten off too much this time."


"Boys,yo know Persephone has something for this. Tank had to hit them from the blind side. A strait up gunfight would put Alex ahead. You will see because John Greed has a match next."


"You're right Duke, but will Persephone be there?"


John Greed w/Persephone vs. Eddie Bennett E

Eddie Bennett is a young up and commer who shows lots of promise. Rip is really high on him. But tonight he ran into an angry John Greed and Persephone. Greed finished off Bennett quickly and gained the win.


Alex wants Tank at RCI 2010 C+

"You were right Duke, hey here comes Alex Braun....Persephone has the mic. Lets see what she has to say."


"Good evening my pesants. Its great to be among my adoring public. Unfortunately, you had to witness another jealous servant try to master his better. My man, Alex, wants to show this upstart once and for all at Rip Chord Invitational 2010..who is the man....."


Persephone is interrupted by the crash of glass....out comes MAW owner, Rip Chord. "Persephone, I couldn't agree with you more...in fact." Out of the back comes Tank Bradley. "I had someone already ask for that. I'm making it official. Tank Bradley vs. Alex Braun for MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010. Oh and John Greed is barred from ringside." The fans errupt as Persephone is fumming.


"Did you hear that guys? The owner made it a match....Braun vs. Bradley at Rip Chord Invitational 2010. Not only do we get to see the RCI but now a grudge match."


"I know next week will have some true battles."


"Hogwash....Alex will wipe the floor with Bradley. The experience will drag that 'tank' head around in circles."


"Let's get back to the ring for the 8 man match."


Special RCI 2010 8 man tag match

Nevada Nuclear, Remmy Skye, (Cheyenne Silver, and Ghidorah) w/Windameer vs. Tim Westybrook, the Outlaw, Sgt. West, and Jorge Washinton C-

This was brutal from the start. Poor Jay Fair didn't have a chance to keep order. The heels were at a disadvantage at first because War Inc. concentrated on Remmy Skye...leaving Nevada Nuclear to battle the face team. Sgt. West was a true leader for the face team. He coached a crisp attack on poor Nevada. Silver and Ghidorah finally joined the action, but it was too late. West gained the pinfall on Nevada to end the match.


RCI brawl B-

"That was some action. A taste of the tournament next week, WAIT!!! Outlaw and Westybrook have gotten in West's face. Their shovin each other....Now Washington is coming up...Its a brawl....the Real Americans are battling Westybrook and the Outlaw....War Inc has gone back to work on Skye....the only one not engaged is Nevada Nuclear...he's still down on the mat from the Cannon Fodder. What do you make of this?"


"Here come he officials...trying to restore order. It looks like tempers have flared...It goes to show how much the RCI trophy means. Its eveyman for himself. West took his natural leadership role, but the young guns seem to think he took it too far...


"Slow the draw thar, Poke. When will you two stop talking about what people can see for themselves? Ya durn rite...the Rip Chord Invitational trophee is the prize. Every cowpoke whose worth his saddle has a hankering for it. West tried to ride roughshod over Outlaw and Westybrook. Now they's standin up to him."



Video of Knockouts... C-


"Finally, we have the ring area cleared. Let's take a look at a video of what happened between new MAW Knockouts champion, Cherry Bomb and Devil's Daughter."


A short video is shown of Devil's Daughter attacks Cherry Bomb at MAW Brawl in the Family. Next we see the challenge and acceptance for a match.


"Gentlemen that is another big match for the MAW RCI 2010. Who do you see having the advantage."


"Cherry Bomb fought hard to gain the title. I don't think she will let it go lightly."


"You don't know Devil's Daughter. She's a gritty little lady who gets what she wants."



Fan Interaction/Intermission C+

"She is a scarry one I agree, Duke. Well its time for Intermission. Remember fans to enjoy the great food and join the stars for 10 minutes of interation."


The fans are entertained by Cherry Bomb, Devil's Daughter, Cheyenne Silver, Frankie Perez, Kazuma Narato, the Outlaw, and Nevada Nuclear.



Frankie Perez will defend against C+

"Welcome back fans, we ready to head to the main event. After the draw at MAW Resolutions, the title committee has decided to have a rematch. Frankie Perez vs. Kazuma Narato. Who will come out on top? Will there be a winner. Here they come."



MAW championship

Frankie Perez © vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer C+


Another great matchup. Perez showed he had learned from his mistakes in the first matchup. Narato is no slouch though. Narato hit quick strikes. Perez looked down and out and Karen started to parade and crow. That was the mistake. Frankie seemed to get fired up seeing Karen taunting him. The crowd began to get behind him....from no where the P-clutch.....Narato taps....Perez successfully keeps his title.....



Overall show C

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MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010 the card


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010


February 17, 2010


Mid Atlantic



8 men battling for the coveted Rip Chord Invitational trophy and an automatic shot at the MAW title sometime during the next year. Come out for a night a excitement and good old fashion family entertainment.




Karen Killer has unleashed Rising Sun on current MAW champion, Frankie Perez. Perez usually depends on the West Coast Mafia, but now must depend on his hated rival James Hernandez. Can they unite to fight the Rising Sun?


Persephone has turned Alex Braun against Tank Bradley. Now the two former partners will try to settle their differences.


MAW Knockouts champion, Cherry Bomb hasn't held the title for long, but already she faces a dark opponent in Devil's Daughter. Can she rise to the occasion?


Come on out to see the stars of tommorrow today.........



quick pics


Rising Sun w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez and James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb © vs. Devil's Daughter


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Tank Bradley


Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jack Giedroyc




Match A: Sgt. West vs. Nevada Nuclear

Match B: Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Tim Westybrook

Match C: Jorge Washinton vs. the Outlaw

Match D: Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Remmy Skye



Winner Match A vs. Winner Match C

Winner Match B vs. Winner Match D



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Rising Sun w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez and James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb © vs. Devil's Daughter


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Tank Bradley


Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jack Giedroyc




Match A: Sgt. West vs. Nevada Nuclear

Match B: Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Tim Westybrook

Match C: Jorge Washinton vs. the Outlaw

Match D: Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Remmy Skye



Sgt. West vs. Tim Westybrook

Jorge Washington vs. Remmy Skye



Tim Westybrook vs Remmy Skye


I tried to do one of these for TEW 2005 but due to lack of response just decided its best not to considering i got virtually no responses you keep up the good work.

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I tried to do one of these for TEW 2005 but due to lack of response just decided its best not to considering i got virtually no responses you keep up the good work.



Honestly you're not really likely to get a lot of responses down in these forums as most people tend to concentrate on the current games, like TEW 10 and WMMA 3. And even in those, most diaries don't really get a lot of responses. What you should really look at is number of views, as that indicates people are stopping by and looking at the diary.


I have been fortunate to have gotten a lot of response and views on my latest diary, but that is mostly because I have managed to build up a reputation after over 4 years. My initial works got almost no response from anyone.


But ultimately, you should be doing a diary for yourself, not for the response. While responses and activity help motivate you, you should be wanting to tell a story, or experience the game more fully in the first place because response or not, doing a diary is a lot of work. If it isn't fun for you, then why do it? ;)

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Rising Sun w/Karen Killer vs. Frankie Perez and James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb © vs. Devil's Daughter


Alex Braun w/Persephone vs. Tank Bradley


Big Problem w/Windameer vs. Jack Giedroyc




Match A: Sgt. West vs. Nevada Nuclear

Match B: Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Tim Westybrook

Match C: Jorge Washinton vs. the Outlaw

Match D: Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Remmy Skye



Winner Match A vs. Winner Match C Sgt West

Winner Match B vs. Winner Match D Tim Westybrook


Finals Tim Westybrook

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MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010 the results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Rip Chord Invitational 2010




February 17, 2010


Attendence: 1299




Miss Info d. Melody Cuthill C-

Insane Machine d. Eddie Bennett C-

Anni Ki/Kit Haytoma d. Tai/Roz Lauren D

Ali Bloxsome won a ten man battl royal E



Main Show

"Good evening once again Mid Atlantic. It's great to be back among the greatest fans of rasslin. I'm Merve Ernest and I'm joined by Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Welcome gentlemen."


"Evening Merv, great to be back here with you."


"Ev'en pawtners. I'm here to see history."


Hernandez/Perez vs. Rising Sun B


"Guys we have tons of action tonight, but the big match I would say is the tag match tonight. We have former enemies joining forces to battle a threat. What are your thoughts?"


"Merv, Hernandez is showing his true metal by putting aside his fued with Hernandez and battling Killer Karen's new team..."


"Ah, stuff it in yur saddle bag, Rock...We all know that Hernandez is after the title too. He'll shoot Perez in da back at first lite."


"We don't know that, Duke...Don't forget that Rising Sun put Mean Machine out. They are a force to be reckoned with."


"I never sid they weren't. I look for Rising Sun to gain the upperhand and Perez to be the biggest loser in this here high noon showdown.


RCI 2010 tonight C+


"But that isn't the only battle tonight. Tonight we see the 5th annual Rip Chord Invitational. Eight men battling for the coveted trophy and the automatic title shot. I think this will be Sgt. West's year. He has been a favorite the last couple of years, but this year seems to be his. Who do you think has the best shot tonight?"


"Well Merv, tonight is anybody's. The Sargent has a tought first round, if he gets by Nevada Nuclear, he may do it. But my money is on Remmy Skye. He has the experience and the easiest route. Cheyenne Silver is a talent, but untried. And Skye has defeated the two possible second round opponents."


"Hold yur horsus there pawtner. Don't count Windameer out. He has two men left in the tournament. Silver and Ghidorah have a wonderful chance of advancing to the finals. Numbers add up."


"That's not one man..."


"Gentlemen, lets get to the ring for our first match, West vs. Nevada Nuclear."



RCI 2010 quarterfinal 1

Nevada Nuclear vs.Sgt. West C

This was a great way to open the show. Nuclear had some fuel in the tank, but West was a man on a mission. He seemed to have the fans with him too. West wins with the Howitzer at the 9 minute mark. Sgt. West advances to the next round.


"Well one down, two to go for West. Now I see Persephone making her way out to the podium with Alex Braun and John Greed. Let's hear what she has to say."



Taunting Tank C

Daddy's little girl grabs the mic as Alex and Greed look dangerous in the background, "Tank Bradley, you let me down, you couldn't get the job done. Now Alex will demolish you. Yes you are a brute, but darlin', you're looking at suave skill. Alex is going to kill ya."


"Lets go to the ring for the next RCI match."


RCI 2010 quarter final 2

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Tim Westybrook C

Another great first round match. These two big men matched up well. Westybrook is a beast and Ghidorah is a mass waiting to explode. Windameer at ringside seemed to give the edge to Ghidorah, but Then Remmy Skye and Insane Machine came down to ringside. Skye rammed Windameer into the guardrail. This caused Ghidorah to leave the ring to chase the West Coast Mafia. Countout...Westybrook wins and advances to the next round.



Skye's Revenge C+

"Did you see that? The West Coast Mafia has their revenge. Wait..."


"Yeah West Coast Mafia seem to be delving to their old ways."


"Let's go follow the action to the back..." The camera shows Ghidorah running after Skye when Insane Machine pops out with a chair. The two West Coast stars a begining to lay it to the big behemoth. The leave Ghidorah down and out as they walk off. "Gentelmen did you see that?"


"Merv, they are just getting back. War Inc has been taunting and attacking WCM, now the Mafia is getting payback."


"Mafia...those yellow bellies are jus turnin to their roots. Those cow'rds put their filty street thug hands on Lord Windameer. They'll pay fer it."


"Lets go back to the ring for the third RCI match.


RCI 2010 quarter final 3

the Outlaw vs. Jorge Washington C-

This was not up to the first two matches, but was still a good match. Washington and Outlaw match up well. Washington gave a good showing, but the young Outlaw as not to be denied. Outlaw picks up the win at the 8 minute mark. Outlaw advances to face Sgt. West in the semifinals.


"That young Outlaw has come a long way. He took the match to Washington."


"Yes, Outlaw has really blossomed this year."


"Outlaww...How can he carry a name like that and pander to the crowd. Outlaws carry their own brand."

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