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MAW New York Nights the card


Rip Chord presents


MAW New York Nights

May 12, 2010


MAW Americana was a show for the ages. Frankie Perez took the Iron Man Match 3-2 over Kazuma Narato. The Austin McCoy Cup now has 3 teams. One team left to enter.


Scheduled Matches:


Kazuma Narato and Karen Killer look to rebound in a match with Steven Parker.


Tank Bradley has been gone for a while, but returns to face Tim Wesytbrook.


Remmy Skye will continue the West Coast Mafia's battle with War Inc by battling Ghidorah.


Come on out for another big night of Wrestling...MAW style.


quick picks


Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker

Tank Bradley vs. Tim Westybrook

Ghidorah w/Windameer vs. Remmy Skye

John Greed w/Persephone vs. DC Rayne w/Monique

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  • 1 month later...

MAW New York Nights results


sorry for the long layoff. Work calls sometimes....



Rip Chord presents:



MAW New York Nights


May 12, 2010



atten: 300



The Outlaw d. Zeus Maxmillion E

Sgt. West d. DeCipher D

Principia d. Melody Cuthill E

John Greed/Yuki Horigoshi d. Bloxsome F

Big A d. Del Muerto D


Main show

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm Merv Ernest. We are back for another exciting night of rasslin, Mid Atlantic style. I'm joined tonight by Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Evening gentlemen."


"Merv great to be back with you. I'm looking forward to tonight. Firm and Rising Sun. West Coast Mafia and War Inc. What more could you ask for?"


"I could ask for better company. What I'm looking forward to tonight is the young pup, Parker getting his comeupance."


"We'll see about that later."


"Well look what we have here a real woman and her man."


"Let's go to the ring for our first match."


John Greed w/Persephone vs. DC Rayne E

This was a decent match. I was expecting more, but Greed came out looking good gaining the pinfall over Rayne.


New Knockouts champion B-

"Greed looked pretty good there. Let's see if they can build off the momentum."


"Speaking of looking good, we have a new MAW Knockout's Champion. She is one fine filley."


"I agree with Duke, I hate to say. Miss Info looked impressive defeating Cherry Bomb last month at MAW Americana."


"Let's see if she can hold on to it."


"I sure don't mind seeing her."



Perez wins the Iron Man C+

"Speaking of winning. Our MAW champion, Frankie Perez outlasted Kazuma Narato 3-2 to win the Iron Man Match last month. What a battle for the MAW title."


"You're not exagerating there Merv. Those two men battled, a testament to the prestige of the MAW championship."


"I give Perez his due. He won this time, but if I know Karen, Rising Sun aren't done."


A problem with appearance D


"I can't believe I heard that. Duke complimenting someone on talent."


"Let's get ready for our next match. Remmy Skye and Ghidorah will continue the fued between their respective teams. Here comes Remmy Skye with a big grin. Let's see what he has to say."


"Windameer. Get your sorry tail out here. Looks like your big goon has had enough of the West Coast." The crowd is stunned. "What are you going to do?"


Windameer comes out from the back with Cheyenne Silver. "Skye you know Ghidorah was over in Europe and had trouble catching a flight out. But if you want a fight. I have one. Face the young royalty of Cheyenne Silver."



Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Remmy Skye D

The fans were upset at the change. Ghidorah had a conflict with Europe tonight and noshowed. Silver and Skye fought well, but the fans were extremely upset. Skye picks up the DQ win as Silver used Windameer's cane and was caught by Jay Fair.


Vengence C+

"Windameer, always taking the low road. Wait ring the bell get some help. Skye is down and now Windameer and Silver are taking a chair to the fallen West Coast Mafia member."


"Pipe down, Merv. Windameer doesn't take kindly to big mouths talking about his men. Skye shouldn't have spouted off about Ghidorah. Now he is learning a lesson."


"Duke you can't condone this. Here comes Insane Machine, but the damage is already done."


"This battle is far from over. Wait I'm getting word from something going on backstage."


More Strife C

We are shown backstage where the Real Americans, Sgt. West and Jorge Washington are in a shoving match. Finally Jorge storms out of the room.


"I wonder what is happening to these two?"


"You can't tell, Merv. It obvious Jorge is tired of carrying the windbag sargent."


Austin McCoy Cup next month B-

"I think it is more than that. But back to action. Next month will see the first annual MAW Austin McCoy Cup. Rip Chord wants to showcase the great tag teams out there and remember his friend Austin McCoy. Three teams have qualified. Who will be the fourth? Who will win the first Austin McCoy Cup? Now lets get back to the ring for the return of someone."


Tank Bradley vs. Tim Westybrook C

This was an exciting match. Bradley looked to have a bit to prove tonight in his return. Westybrook was trying to finally regain momentum. Bradley had more as he wins with a new submission move (a boston crab variation)


Deadly Strike C

"A well deserved victory for a returning star. What?" Out of the back come Big A (Alex Braun), Persephone, John Greed and Yuki Horigoshi. They attack Bradley, who fights back gamely, but the numbers game finally takes him out. Westybrook tries to help, but he too is quickly subdued.


"I told you MAW. Deadly will always matter. Deadly will always strike. Deadly will always get the last word."


"Strong words and actions from Deadly."

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MAW New York Nights results part 2


Intermission/Fan Interaction C+


"What do you expect, Merv? Persephone is a filley of her word."


"Well fans its that special time of the show, when you can come down to ringside to meet your favorite stars of the future. Come on down for photos and autographs. Take time to visit the Snack Bar. Then come on back for more MAW action."


It was a great chance for our young stars to develop and interact with the fans.



You're alone tonight B-


"Fans, we invite you back to your seats....what?"


"Parker, you're alone tonight." Steven Parker was signing an autograph for a younster at ringside when a dark gothic lady strode out with Kazuma Narato. " Parker, the future? Ha...once i saw greatness with you, but now look at you. Narato has alot of angst to take out and tonight you're alone. Tonight Narato uses you to take that out." All the while Karen and Narato were coming up on Parker and the kid. Getting there Karen bent over and reached over the to kid. "Kid you need a real hero."


The kid scrunched up his face. "NO I WON'T. Mr...Parker will cream you..."

That upset Karen and she shoved the kid. Parker reached for her, but Narato grabs him. Jay Fair runs down....and we have our main event.


Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer vs. Steven Parker C+


A great main event, helped with the altercation with the kid ringside. Parker was steaming, but Narato was out to prove something after losing the Iron Man match. This led to an explosive match for the Tri-State fans. Parker looked to have the match won, till Narato hits the Narato Stunner...1, 2, 3....Narato wins.



Over all not a bad show. Parker developed alot tonight and the fans were into the show. Overall grade: C

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  • 2 years later...

MAW Old School Rules preview


The boss, Rip, has instituted a new tournament, The Austin McCoy Cup. We have 3 of the 4 teams. One team is left- who will win the second match and qualify? MAW New York Nights gave more battles, but who will step forward? Who will be able to go Old School?


MAW champion Frankie Perez has been a fighting champion, and this month is no different. He battles Tank Bradley who broke from his long time partner.


The MAW tag titles are on the line, The Hurricanes have been battling Windameer's Court. This month the titles are up for grabs. Who will walk out the MAW champions?


The Firm hasn't gone away, Steven Parker put up a great battle with Narato. This month Ricky Douglas will battle Ota. Will he even the score? Will the "masked mystery" man appear?


In the MAW Knockouts division, we had an upset as Miss Information won a No. 1 contenders battle. Now she will battle the champion Cherry Bomb. Will Cherry Bomb break a sweat?


All this an more, so come on out and join us for some MAW Old School Rules.


quick pics:

MAW championship

Frankie Perez ( C ) vs. Tank Bradley w/Persephone

MAW Knockouts championship

Cherry Bomb ( C) vs. Miss Info

Ricky Douglas vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer

MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer

Olympic Powers vs. Natural Storm w/Monique

Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer vs. Corey Hesketh

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Thanks...I really love this game, and one day, when my two little ones get out, then maybe i can upgrade to 2013.....that looks like fun...


I have 2004, 2007 & 2010, I play 2007 more than anything. problem is, it is buggy as all get out on win 7. I may soon have to bite the bullet, say good bye to my old friend and move up.


I love 2004 still, because I so love the 'tweener' disposition.

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MAW Old School Rules


Rip Chord presents

MAW Old School Rules

North Carolina's Biker Museum

Att: 1360


Outlaw d. Zeus Maxmillion C-

Eastern Fire d. DND E

Princessa d. Raven Nightfall D

Sgt. West d. Alex Braun C


Main show


Good evening everyone, welcome for another evening of MAW action Old School Rules. I'm joined this evening by my partners- Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard.

Good evening Merv, Glad to be with you here tonight. We have action. Three teams are in the Austin McCoy cup. Who will be the fourth team? Also The Hurricanes will face Windameer's Court as MAW champion Frankie Perez will battle youngster, Tank Bradley.

Do ya evar take a breath? I'm glad to be here too. Tonight we see what those two young Hurracans have for tru Royalty.

Let's head up to the ring as Windameer comes out with his young charge, Cheyenne Silver.


Corey Hesketh vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer E

Hesketh is another youngster who comes out to try his hand in the business. Silver is way too much picking up the victory quickly.


Windameer is not through. "This is but a taste of tonight for you Hurricanes. This is what will happen to you as we win our titles."


Windameer looks nigh unbeatable.

His men have been beaten before, so don't count out the heart of the Hurricanes.

Those two have a lot more to worry about. They may have hart, but no brains. They've gon an' made a who mess of people mad at 'em.

Looks like we are ready for our next match, between two former tag team champions. Who will advance to the Austin McCoy Cup?


Natural Storm w/Monique vs. Olympic Power C-

Nice action here as these two familiar teams try to advance. Monique seemed distracted again tonight. DC and Eddie had the early upper hand, but Nevada used his bag of dirty tricks to gain the upper hand. He and Zeus cut the ring off and began to work on DC. The end came with the Thunderbolt. Olympic Power is the final team in the Austin McCoy Cup.


The Austin McCoy Cup is now set for next month. Four teams will battle round robin for points. The two teams with the most points will meet again for the championship. What do you think guys?

We have a full field. Two former tag champion teams- A* Alliance and Olympic Power, the wiley veterans, Savage Fury, and the newcomers Havey Hayes and the Outlaw.

If I'n had a dolla for evera time you spouted the obvious I'd be able to retire. You know A* Alliance has their plate full and the these upstarts are too green around the collar. Savage Fury are beasts, but no direction. Olympic Power has the tools to win.

Talking about the Firm, Douglas and Parker have renewed vigor as the "mystery man" in the rafters has been taking it to the Rising Sun. Tonight Douglas is set to battle Ota. Parker lost in New York to Narato not too long ago. What do you see?

Firm ain't don nuthin. Mean Jean will havta come down from the rafters sometime or he will fall.

I don't know Duke. Karen looks really shook up. This could be a turning point.

Let's go down to the ring.

Ricky Douglas vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer C+

Douglas hasn't really gotten his due. He is a steady worker and a great trainer. Here he gave as good as he got with a great match with Ota. Ota had the upper hand until a strange screech and above the ring was the Mystery Man. Karen was visibly upset. As Ota came outside so did Douglas. The action was furious as neither man heard Jay Fair call for the bell. Double Count out. After the match the Mystery Man came down with a bat and began to wreak havoc running Ota and Killer to the back.

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MAW Old School Rules results part 2


Guys did you see that? The Mystery Man played a role tonight.

Yes he did, Merv. The Firm isn't dead and tonight we saw proof.

Mean Jean has a day of reckoning coming. Now here comes the business. Lord Windameer.


MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes (C ) vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer C

This was brutal. The Hurricanes were valiant drawing on the crowd, but Problem and Link were on a mission. Under Windameer they began a brutal beatdown. They didn't even seem to care about the titles. The beating ended when the challengers dumped the champions to the outside. Fair began his count as Windmeer began taunting the crowd. Windameer's Court wins, but it is a count out victory- no title change.


Windameer grabs a mic, "Tonight you witnessed what real warriors can do. We tamed the Hurricane. The titles will be ours soon enough, when we are ready for them."


That was brutal.

What'd I tell ya. Lord Windameer is ready to come to his own. He can take them ther titles whenever he wants.

For once I agree with you Duke. After tonight, what can the Hurricanes do? How do you come back from this?

Speaking of looking. Looka what's comin now.

Surprise MAW Knockouts champion Miss Info. She will be defending the title tonight against the ex-champ, Cherry Bomb.


MAW Knockouts championship

Miss Information (C ) vs. Cherry Bomb C-

The former champion dominated most of the match. She seemed determined to prove Miss Information's win was a fluke. Then out of nowhere Miss Info hits a version of the stunner she has named 911. 1, 2, 3...Miss Info has retained.



Wow. Miss Information has really surprised everyone, not once but twice. This is no fluke.

Miss Information really picked up her game after a short tour of Japan. She has all the stars aligned right now

Darn tootin she does. Not a bad sight either. Ya'll havto edmit shes bettr on tha eyes.

Well lets head to the ring as the MAW champion Frankie Perez defends against Tank Bradley.


MAW championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. Tank Bradley C

Bradley really put up a great battle. Perez was hard pressed to keep the young gun at bay. As it looked that Perez had it all settled, out comes Persephone to ringside. This distracted Bradley, but then Karen and Ota come out with Narato. Perez stayed focused though. He showed why he is the longest reigning champ. Perez gets the victory, but is attacked. Bradley has his hands full with Alex Braun, John Greed and Persephone. but here comes Hernandez. Hernandez hits the ring. He and Perez work together to take down Narato. Perez has Ota. Hernandez goes to the top rope off he comes, no he hits Perez. Ota rolls outside the ring. Hernandez checks on Perez, but Perez comes up swinging. Perez is upset.

We've got to go folks. Thanks for coming out and we will see you for MAW Southern Sizzler then back here for the first annual MAW Austin McCoy Cup.


overall show: C

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good stuff, I tried to use Cheyene Silver in my current game, but he was so bad, he got demoted to manager. :D


He's been gold for me.....He came in and has really shown growth for me...I was disappointed by some others though....

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MAW Southern Sizzler the card


MAW Old School Rules took us back with action, but many battles are yet to be fought, So Rip Chord presents MAW Southern Sizzler. Come on down to the Rainbow Bar and Grill for an evening of action.

Owner Rip Chord has always wanted to give back, well now he is remembering old friends. The Austin McCoy Cup is next month, but we will start with our first round. Four teams will battle round robin. The two teams with the most points will battle in the final.

Tank Bradley was tossed out by Persephone, now he will battle his ex partner Big A Alex Braun. Also in action will be the MAW Knockouts champion. Be there for a Hot Time!


Quick Picks

Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley w/ Persephone

First round of the Austin McCoy Cup

Savage Fury vs. A* Alliance

Harvey Hayes and Outlaw vs. Olympic Power

Sgt. West vs. Remmy Skye

MAW Knockouts championship

Miss Info (c ) vs. Melody Cuthill

Tim Westybrook vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer

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Alex Braun vs. Tank Bradley w/ Persephone

First round of the Austin McCoy Cup

Savage Fury vs. A* Alliance

Harvey Hayes and Outlaw vs. Olympic Power

Sgt. West vs. Remmy Skye

MAW Knockouts championship

Miss Info (c ) vs. Melody Cuthill

Tim Westybrook vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer

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MAW Southern Sizzler results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Southern Sizzler

Rainbow Bar and Grill

Atten: 300



Raven Nightfall d. Principessa E

Eastern Fire d. Natural Storm E

Mystery Man d. Crimson Ghost D

Steve Flash d. Shirley Stewart C+


Main show:

Good evening and welcome once again to wrestling, MAW style. Tonight is the MAW Southern Sizzler. I'm joined tonight by two men who know the sport, Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Evening Gentlemen.

Good evening Merve, Duke. We have an exciting night tonight. Our main event sees two men who have been partners. Now they battle each other over a woman.

Hold on der a minute. Don't be calling that der filley, Persephone a woman. She is a lady. She just got rid of da trash.

You might be right, but I think she made a mistake. She shouldn't have made a new enemy.

Well lets head to the ring for our first match.


Tim Westybrook vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer D

Not what I was expecting for these two youngsters. Both are future stars for us, but the crowd wasn't into it. Westybrook did a great job, but Windameer was the deciding factor. Silver picks up the win.


Whata way to start our nite. Lord Windameer and the fine young chief picking up a win over a street thug.

Hold on Duke, Tim Westybrook is a fine young man who is growing in the ring. He is going somewhere.

Guys, that was action, but remember tonigh, well here comes the boss. Let's let him tell us.


Good evening fans. You know this business has been real good to me. I've made a lot of friends through the years. Tonight I begin to give back to one of those friends that didn't make it. Austin McCoy was a friend who like me made some bad choices with things. I want to keep others from going through that H*ll. We begin tonight with the first of the round of a round robin of matches. Yall know I'm not good with the details, so I'll let Monique tell you about it. Good ahead honey.

Thanks Rip. Well its simple. Each win gains 3 points. A tie gains you 1 point, while a loss nets 0. Tonight we start off with Olympic Power battling Harvey Hayes and the Outlaw; and Savage Fury battling A* Alliance.


Well lets head to the ring for the first match of the 1st Annual Austin McCoy Cup.


Harvey Hayes and Outlaw vs. Olympic Power E

This was a pretty good little match. Zeus started with Outlaw. The two youngsters wowed the crowd, before letting Hayes and Nevada come in. Zeus and Nevada were able to cut Hayes off and work him over, before an amazing tag allowed the Outlaw to come in and clean house. This is when Outlaw was able to gain the pin over Zeus.


Wow, the young team picks up the first three points for the Cup. That was impressive.

You said it Merve. This young pairing looks impressive with a win over the former champs.

Impressive? That was a fluke. You know they got lucky now, but keep your eyes peeld at MAW Austin McCoy Cup next month. You'll see if they'n keep er up.

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MAW Southern Sizzler results part 2


Whoa! not that der is what I'ma talking about.

Here comes our MAW Knockouts champion, Miss Information. She has surely been a surprise since winning the title from Cherry bomb.

She has. I'm the first to admit, I underestimated her, but lets see what happens tonight.


MAW Knockouts title

Miss Information (C ) vs. Melody Cuthill E

Miss Information has been looking better each match. Melody started strong, but Miss Information was able to pick up the pinfall victory. She has successfully defended her title.


I tell you guys, she's looking better each time we see her. How can you explain her growth.

Part of it is just being in the hotbed of Wrestling. MAW is not the big flashy sport entertainment, but it is just plain old wrestling taught by one of the best in the sport. Part is just natural drive. Say what you want, Miss Information is driven to be the best. Duke? Duke? compose yourself.

Whata mean Rock? I'm just admiring our MAW Knockouts champion along with this capacity crowd.

Let's head back to the ring to see our second Austin McCoy match.


Austin McCoy Cup

A* Alliance vs Savage Fury C-

This was a great match. Steven and Ricky were battling, but you can tell the drama with Karen and Rising Sun has taken its toll. And on cue, Karen shows up at ringside to distract Steven. Savage Fury is a team, brutal, but a team that takes advantage. Java picks up the win to give the Fury three points in the cup.


That was some great action. Both teams gave their all, but once again Karen effects Firm members.

Looka here, Merve. We both know the Firm is old news. I like the style of those brutes, but they are brutes. They need som'un with brains to direct 'em.

I hate to agree with you Duke, but you're right. If Java and Tribal could gain a manager, they could be unstoppable

Well we have two teams tied at the top of the standings with 3 points apiece. What will happen? Who will win the 1st Annual Austin McCoy Cup? Come on out to the North Carolina Biker's Museum to find out. Now lets go on up to see the first of our two main events.


Sgt. West vs. Remmy Skye C-

This was a great matchup. Skye was battling the winner of the RCI in a rematch. Skye was going ariel, but West has been on a roll. West wins with the Cannon Fodder. Will he be up for his shot at the MAW title?


We are witnessing some great in ring action, but now lets go see what will happen with two former partners.


Tank Bradley vs. "Big A" Alex Braun w/Persesphone C

Another great match. Both men know each other very well and they had the crowd into it. Tank took out the anger of betrayal early, but Persephone was able to change the course. Then when Tank seemed to come back out comes Greed to ringside. Too much for Bradley, "Big A" was able to pick up the win.


We head out with Deadly putting the boots to the fallen Bradley.


Overall show C

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MAW 1st Annual Austin McCoy Cup preview


It's June and the boss is giving back, coming up at the North Carolina Biker's Museum for the 1st Annual Austin McCoy Cup. The first couple of matches took place down in Mississippi. Now the four teams are set to crown the first winner. Which team will come forth? Olympic Power, A* Alliance, Harvey Hayes and the Outlaw, or Savage Fury?


Also MAW champion Frankie Perez was working with James Hernandez to battle the gang mentality, but lately Hernandez has been getting shots in on the Champ; is this an accident? The two will battle for the ultimate prize in MAW, who will walk out champ?


The Mystery Man has been a thorn in the side of Karen Killer and Rising Sun. Rip has signed him to battle Ota. Will he come down to battle? Will Karen finally get rid of this irritation?


Lord Windameer is working on getting gold here in MAW. Last month his Court devastated the tag champs. Will they win the gold this month? Will the Hurricanes be able to battle back?


MAW Knockouts champion, Miss Info, has been a surprise champion. She will defend against the lady she beat for the title. Will she hold on, or will Cherry Bomb regain her title?


Come on out for an evening of family friendly action!


Quick Picks:

Mystery Man vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer

MAW Championship

Frankie Perez vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat


Austin McCoy Cup

A* Alliance vs. Olympic Power

Savage Fury vs. Harvey Hayes and the Outlaw

Savage Fury vs. Olympic Power

A* Alliance vs. Harvey Hayes and the Outlaw

Cup Finals (???? vs ??????) winner:

MAW tag team championship

Hurricanes (C ) vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer

MAW Knockouts championship

Miss Info (C ) vs. Cherry Bomb

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1st Annual Austin McCoy Cup results


Rip Chord presents

MAW Austin McCoy Cup

North Carolina Biker's Museum




Eastern Fire d. Natural Storm D

Principessa d. Chieyeko Kita D

Tank Bradley d. Alex Braun C

Steve Flash d. Shirley Stewart C+


Main show

Good evening everyone, welcome once again the MAW. Tonight we have the inaugural Austin McCoy Cup. Four teams battle tonight to hoist the cup. Who is going to come out tonight? MAW champion Frankie Perez is battling someone who was supposed to be an ally, James Hernandez. Will it be settled? I'm joined tonight by Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Guys, how are you? What should we expect tonight?

Evening Merv, Duke, Tonight is sure is sure to be historic. We have three titles on the line and the 1st annual Austin McCoy Cup. Two teams picked up points at MAW Southern Sizzler last week. They definitely come in with an edge. Hernandez came out to work with Perez to "clean up" MAW. It seems as Hernandez was luring Perez into a vulnerable position. This is a war that has crossed MAW history.

Quit yur lappin. Don't go furgetin I'ma here too. This here is gonna be a big night, but the match I'ma wait'n on is the MAW tag match. The Hurricanes were left in a heap by Lord Windameer and his Court last month. Tonight he will finally win gold in MAW.

That is true, Duke; but I wouldn't count the Hurricanes out.

Guys it's time to head to the ring. We will begin with the two teams who lost last week. They are looking to gain points toward the cup. Let's head to the ring.


MAW Austin McCoy Cup

A* Alliance vs. Olympic Powers C-

Both teams wanted to prove something to start the night. Zeus and Nevada started hot, but Steven and Ricky drew from the crowd. The end came when Parker was able to trap Zeus as Nevada and Ricky fought outside the ring. Parker picks up the win. A* Alliance now has 3 points in the cup.


Now that was action. Let's see the other two teams in the Cup.


MAW Austin McCoy Cup

Harvey Hayes & the Outlaw vs. Savage Fury C-

The second match was just as good. The Outlaw was impressive in this match. He went toe to toe with Java to start the match. The two youngsters gave a lot, but the experience of Fury was too much. Tribal Warrior picks up the win. Savage Fury now has 6 points in the Cup.


Lets take a look at the cup standings after 2 rounds.

Savage Fury 6 points

Harvey Hayes & the Outlaw 3 points

A* Alliance 3 points

Olympic Power 0 Points

Guys what do you think?

It's clear that Olympic Power, Duke's choice, is out of the running. The winner between the A* Alliance and the youngsters will be facing Savage Fury in the finals.

Der ya go agin...statin the obvious. Everybody has a bad night. If Fury gets the right manager, they can go a long way.

Guys look who's coming now. MAW Knockout champion, Miss Information, has been on a roll. Will it continue? Will she turn back the fired up Cherry Bomb?

Cherry Bomb has a fire in her eyes. Miss Information has been lucky, but she has also learned. She has improved. This will be interesting to watch. Duke, you don't have anything to say? Duke? Earth to Duke

Don't go getting snazzy on me pawtner. I know beauty. Its a shame Miss Info is so brave

Let's go ringside.


MAW Knockouts championship

Miss Information (C ) vs. Cherry Bomb C

This was a cat and mouse game. Cherry Bomb spent most of the time chasing the nimble Info around the ring. This seemed to be waring the Bomb out, but Bomb caught Info. The crowd was going wild, no a reversal, roll up...1, 2, 3....Miss Info retains.


Wow, Miss Info has outwitted the ex champion. The crowd is in shock.

That gents is a real champ-e-un. What a site.

Duke, you can come back to the waking world. I agree, Miss Info has really shown she is not a fluke.

She has silenced her critics, but now we are ready for the final round of the Cup. Let's go to the ring to see if Olympic Power can salvage their pride, or will Savage Fury complete the sweep.


MAW Austin McCoy Cup

Savage Fury vs. Olympic Power C

Savage Fury was able and ready, but Olympic Power was not about to go down without a fight. They battled with every trick they knew. The end came as the four battled outside the ring. Jay Fair had no choice but to call for the double countout. A draw. Savage Fury has 7 points and Olympic Power has 1 point.


Olympic Power didn't get swept by gaining one point, but it has to be disappointing. Wait the Olympians are not through. They have grabbed chairs.

It looks like the tension has grown.

Do you blame em? This was suppose to be their night.

That doesn't condone this. Wait here comes Natural Storm and Monique. Olympic Power is headed to the back.

Interesting, Java and Warrior seemed taken with Monique. They are following her. She heads to the back with the four men. Let's get ready for the last match of the Cup points round. Who will advance?


MAW Austin McCoy Cup

A* Alliance vs. Harvey & the Outlaw C-

The battle was after the handshake to begin the battle. Hayes and Parker began the battle matching move for move. When Douglas and Outlaw came in the technical clinic was on. Parker and Douglas gained the upper hand and looked well on their way of clinching a spot in the finals, then out comes Ota and Karen. The distraction was too much as Douglas accidently catches Parker with a shot. What, Outlaw and Hayes have stopped. The four contestants stare down the Rising Sun. They head to the back as the match continues. Parker is still woozy, but he and Douglas take their second life and pick up the win. A* Alliance will move on to the Cup Finals with 6 points.


That is true sportsmanship. Outlaw and Hayes might have lost the match, but have made a name for themselves tonight.

That is an inspiration for our time. Two young men who have character.

Character, smeriker...those two will regret giving up their shot at greatness. The two Savage Freaks showed a weakness last match. As much as I don't like dem two, A* Alliance is smart enough to take advantage. Then they went and angered the dark lady, Karen Killer.

That's true, Duke.

Well our Cup finals is set, but let's head to the ring to check out the MAW tag championship match.


MAW Tag Team championship

Hurricanes (C ) vs. Windameer's Court w/Windameer C

The Hurricanes spent most of the match trying to avoid the big men, but Missing Link finally caught Erik Strong. The beating began. It looked as all was lost. The crowd tried to lift their team. Giedroyc got up. He started hitting Link. Link is down. Problem gets into the ring, down he goes with a sweet drop kick. Problem hits Fair on the way down. Here comes Silver and Ghidorah Now it's four on two as Fair is down. WAR inc. head to the back as Windameer helps Fair up. The damage is done. Link pins Giedroyc for the victory. We have new MAW tag champs, Windameer's Court.


That was a travesty. Windameer won his titles, but not fair.

Shut yer trap their Merv. All's fair in luv and war. Respect yer betters.

Duke, you've sunk too low. You can't really condone this can you?

We're ready to head to the ring for the 1st Annual Austin McCoy Cup finals.


MAW Austin McCoy Cup finals

A* Alliance vs. Savage Fury C

The finals was a great match. A rematch from the first round match down in Mississippi. Both teams battled tooth and claw. Then out of the back comes Rising Sun, then Olympic Powers, the mystery man in the rafters. Bedlam has broken out. Harvey Hayes and Outlaw...then here comes Monique. Monique is directing the Savages. Fair is calling for order. Here's the owner, Rip Chord. His voice brings a halt to the carnage. This is not happening. I want you all out of here now. Ota and Karen chase the Mystery man. Hayes and the Outlaw has Olympics on the run. Rip continues, now lets finish this in memory of my friend. The match continues, but now Monique is ringside. the Savages have a renewed focus.

Java picks up the win over Douglas. Our first Austin McCoy Cup winners- Savage Fury.


We have the trophy presentation.


That was pandemonium, but our owner showed who was boss. I think this team will do the name proud.

And look what they got, some direction from Monique.

Interstin, wonder what Natural Storm thinks?

We know the Mystery Man is here. Will there be a battle tonight?

that yellow bellied chickn won't fight. He's a quitter

I think we'll get more than that.

Let's go up to the ring.


Special Challenge

Mystery Man vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer C+

Ota and Karen were in the ring waiting, shouting insults to the quitter. Then it goes dark, when the lights come up there is the mystery man with a bat. Ota and Karen bails. Fair takes the bat and calls for the bell. Ota warily gets into the ring, when out of his dark trench coat the mysterious one takes out a billy club..Wham...Ota is out. The crowd is in shock. The Mystery man begins to chase Karen as Fair calls for the bell. Ota wins by DQ, but now Karen runs in stark terror.


That's what you get from a yellow bellied coward, chasin women.

I don't condone that, but you have to admit its great to see the tables turned.

Let's just say this is far from over. Now we are ready for our main event. MAW Frankie Perez battling long time nemesis- James Hernandez.


MAW championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat C+


This was a great match. These two men have battled throughout the MAW history. Tonight they put on a great show. Perez had the upper hand early, but Hernandez seemed to be a man on fire. As he started getting closer, out comes the West Coast Mafia. Jay Fair sends them to the back, but the distraction is enough. Perez sets the P-Clutch for the win. After the match West Coast Mafia comes back out, but wait here comes someone we haven't seen.

I know who that is, that is.....


The mic is cut as the show comes to a close with an intense staredown.


The mystery match and Main event pulled us to a C+ overall.....

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MAW Garden State Grappling preview


The 1st annual MAW Austin McCoy Cup has been awarded to Savage Fury. Now we head north for some MAW Garden State Grappling.


Frankie Perez was able to retain his title, but now James Hernandez has brought a friend in to help. Frankie and his West Coast Mafia partner Remmy Skye will battle the two.


Lord Windameer has finally won gold. His team of Big Problem and Missing Link have won the MAW tag team titles. The Hurricanes get their rematch. Will they be able to regain them?


MAW Knockouts champion, Miss Info was able to retain against ex-champ, Cherry Bomb. Both ladies will be in action in separate matches.


So come on out and see some MAW action, Garden State style.


quick picks:

Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat and mystery partner

Insane Machine vs. Sgt. West

MAW tag team championship

Windameer's Court w/Windameer (C ) vs. Hurricanes

MAW Knockout championship

Miss Info (C ) vs. Ginko Kuroda

Fumhiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Corey Hesketh

Raven Nightfall vs. Cherry Bomb

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a meeting


"Hey Kid." I was coming into Rip's office. "Glad you could stop by. I'm really happy with how the AMC came off. It was a real tribute to my friend." I thought it had went great. Several teams grew, we made money, and a few more angles were advanced. But I knew that was not the reason Rip wanted to talk to me. "But," Here it comes. "I've got another idea for our undercard talent. The RCI is a great way to showcase stars, but it is only in 1 cycle a year. I want you to come up with a way to showcase it more."

"Well actually Rip, I have been thinking about adding a new title. We could add this to the next few months."

"Kid, hold on a moment. We have to be careful here. Too many titles could lead to burn out. We have to lead up to it."

"You already have it planned out I see." In walked Jean Catterly.

"Hey guys. I see Rip has dropped his little bomb on ya."

"Well lets see what you have." A little bit later, "Oh, I like it."

"Told ya, the kid would pick it up."

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nice stuff, sorry on vay-cay in the woods with no computer access.


Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat and mystery partner

Insane Machine vs. Sgt. West

MAW tag team championship

Windameer's Court w/Windameer (C ) vs. Hurricanes

MAW Knockout championship

Miss Info (C ) vs. Ginko Kuroda

Fumhiro Ota w/Karen Killer vs. Corey Hesketh

Raven Nightfall vs. Cherry Bomb

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