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I have 2004, 2007 & 2010, I play 2007 more than anything. problem is, it is buggy as all get out on win 7. I may soon have to bite the bullet, say good bye to my old friend and move up.


I love 2004 still, because I so love the 'tweener' disposition.


I only have TEW 2005 Freeware. I love the game, but I can never come up with any ideas for story lines.

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I only have TEW 2005 Freeware. I love the game, but I can never come up with any ideas for story lines.


A lot of my ideas come from the old shows I would watch and go see. I loved Mid-South and Jerry Lawler's Memphis wrestling. Also I was able to work with some local groups in Mississippi doing the announcing.

There are some great storylines in the DOTT mods, but I don't know where you could download them now. Maybe Mistaken can help with that. When you can read a couple then you can go into editor and try to create a few of your own.....

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MAW Garden State Grappling results


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Garden State Grappling

Weston Gym

Atten: 300



James Hernandez d. Oscar Golden D

Eastern Fire d. Bloxsome F

Nevada Nuclear d. Samoan Machine D

Sgt. West d. Shirley Stewart C+


Main show


"Good evening everyone, welcome to MAW Garden State Grappling. The Austin McCoy Cup has come and gone and we have many questions. Tonight MAW champion, Frankie Perez joins with his West Coast Mafia partner to battle James Hernandez and his new friend. Sgt. Bubba Lee West still has his automatic title shot in his pocket. And the new MAW tag team champions defend in a rematch with the Hurricanes. I'm joined by Rock Downpour and Duke Hazzard. Gentlemen good evening, what are we to expect?"

"Good evening Merv, It is truly great to be back in New Jersey. First, the man who came to Hernandez's aid is none other than Flash, Steve Flash. Jennifer Heat is got her a team. Now West Coast Mafia will get a taste of their own medicine. Next, the Hurricanes are livid..."

"Hold on der befor yo go'n disparage the true royalty of MAW. Windameer's Court destroyed the Hurricanes at MAW Austin McCoy Cup last month. They'll destroy them again. And who is Steve Flash...yeah he's a known hombre, but he don't know squat about the West Coast Mafia."

"Duke, what are you rambling about? Steve Flash is a veteran of the ring. He and Hernandez will give the West Coast Mafia all they want."

"Fellas, let's go to the ring as we get ready for our first match, We have the lady who was defeated in the MAW Knockout match this past month, Cherry Bomb battling her old nemesis, Raven Nightfall."


Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Nightfall C-

Cherry Bomb was clearly upset. The fans tried to cheer her, but she was focused. Raven put up a good fight, but the upset Bomb pulled out the victory


"Guys, Bomb looks ready to tear somebody apart. She was on a mission tonight."

Looka hir, Bomb lost fair and squar to a fine filley...one we'll be a seein later tonite."

"Duke, you're right that Miss Information won the battle, but Bomb is waiting to go off. I wouldn't want to be in the same ring when it does."

"Guy's speaking of going off, last month at MAW Austin McCoy Cup we saw a going off so to speak. Fumihiro Ota won the match, but the mystery man put a beating on him. He's coming up next, will he be able to compete?"

You know, Merve, Ota is a warrior. The ninja will be able to battle, but will he be looking over his shoulder? Will Karen be able to concentrate? Will the Mystery Man be here tonight?"

"Ambush, that's de only way ole yellow belly could git the drop on Rising Sun. He'd best not show his face tonite."

"Let's go on up to the ring."


Corey Hesketh vs. Fumihiro Ota w/Karen Killer C

A great match. Ota sold the effects of the beating from last month well and Hesketh is a rising star. The Mystery Man did make a brief showing almost costing Ota the match, but the ninja was able to use ninja tactics to pick up the win.


"Well Ota answered the questions. He's able even after a beating he took, he pulls out the victory."

I told ya'll he is a true warrior.

"Duke, I never disagreed with you. Ota is a warrior of reknown."

"Well gentlemen we are ready to get a glimpse of the MAW Knockout's champion. Miss Info wasn't on anyone's radar a couple of months ago, now she is the MAW Knockout champion."


MAW Knockouts Championship

Miss Info (C ) vs. Ginko Kuroda D

Miss Info is not the best athlete, but she is wiley. Kuroda works hard with great moves, but Info pulls out the victory. This was the worst match of the night, but still ok. After the match two demented looking ladies come out. The first we know, Devil's Daughter, but the second...Rock confirms as Vixxen. The Night Sisters are in town. They take Miss Information apart. The MAW Knockout's champion is down in a heap.


"What is this, get some help out here. Miss Info isn't my favorite champion, but she doesn't deserve this."


"Duke, pull yourself together. This is pure carnage. The Night Sisters are two dangerous ladies. Now Miss Info is in trouble."

"Speaking of dangerous, here come the new MAW tag team champions with their manager."

"Good evening peasants and peons. Though unworthy you are, I'm offering you the chance of a lifetime. You see I have brought to you a new treat. Royalty of the night, the Night Sisters. Vixxen and Devil's Daughter come up to Windameer's side. Soon I will have my second title here in MAW. You will come to respect your betters. Now Hurricanes you were destroyed last month by my men, let's see what you can do, if you dare to come out."


MAW tag team championship

Windameer's Court w/Lord Windameer (C ) vs. Hurricanes C-

This was a wonderful brawl. the fans loved every minute of this battle. Erik and Jack stood up to the big brawlers at first, but the culmination of the beating of last month with Windameer at ringside was too much. The Missing Link was able to pick up the pin on Erik Strong.


"Windameer looks nigh unbeatable.

"He's gone and added two more vicious ladies to his Court. He really wants to control MAW."

"Why her, Lord Windameer?"

"Duke? Well fans get ready for one of our most exciting segments, the meet and greet. Come on down for a chance at pictures and autographs."


"Welcome back fans, we are ready to see the RCI 2010 champion, Sgt. West in action. He's hasn't cashed in is automatic shot, but he seems intent on battling his way through the West Coast Mafia first. Let's go to up to ringside."


Sgt. West vs. Insane Machine C


This was another great match. West has really grown for me and Machine can be counted on to furnish great matches. The end came as West hit the Cannon Fodder on Machine for the victory. On cue out comes the rest of West Coast Mafia- Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye. but here comes James Hernandez and Steve Flash with Jennifer Heat. This was great a three on three stair down. This seemed to be ready to explode till MAW champion Frankie Perez gained his cocky grin. "Let's get this on, Hernandez." Insane Machine took his cue and went to ringside. West also got out of the ring and our main event was on.


The Brothers w/ Jennifer Heat vs. West Coast Mafia (Perez and Skye) C

This was a battle brewing and it didn't disappoint. The Mafia are well oiled, but the Brothers were also on the same page. Back and forth the battle went on till Flash was able to hit the Flash Bang on Remmy Skye. Hernandez intercepted the MAW champion. The Brothers defeated West Coast Mafia.

The six men ringside continued to battle as the show came to an end.


Miss Info's turn went well.


Overall show: C

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Great job Mistaken...5-1, only the main event tripped you up. Thanks for the compliment...I'm getting ready to put up Summer Heatwaves preview show. After Summer HeatWave I will be up to date with the game and able to put the angles up that actually happened. I ran these shows almost 2 years ago, I have forgotten a lot.
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MAW Summer Heatwave preview


Rip Chord presents the MAW Summer Heatwave 10. It promises to be a scorcher this summer. MAW Garden State Grappling has just completed. We saw James Hernandez has gotten help to battle the West Coast Mafia. He and Steve Flash defeated MAW champion Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye. RCI champion, Sgt. West hasn't asked for his automatic title shot yet. What will happen when the heat is turned up?


Lord Windameer isn't satisfied with the MAW tag team titles. Now he has brought Devil's Daughter and Vixxen into his kingdom. They seem to have MAW Knockout champion, Miss Information, in their sights.


Rising Sun kept on the winning track with Ota winning last week. It's Kazuma Narato's turn. He will face Steven Parker. Will the Mystery Man give Narato a taste of what Ota got at MAW Austin McCoy Cup?


Also the boss, Rip Cord has a big announcement planned for this week. Come on out for a great family evening at MAW Summer Heatwave.


quick picks:

Steven Parker vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer

Masked Cougar vs. Nevada Nuclear

Anni Ki and Melody Cuthill vs. the Night Sisters w/Windameer

the Outlaw vs. Shirley Stewart

Savage Fury w/Monique vs. DND

Sgt. West vs. John Greed w/Persephone

MAW Championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

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Steven Parker vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer

Masked Cougar vs. Nevada Nuclear

Anni Ki and Melody Cuthill vs. the Night Sisters w/Windameer

the Outlaw vs. Shirley Stewart

Savage Fury w/Monique vs. DND

Sgt. West vs. John Greed w/Persephone

MAW Championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat

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Well, James Hernandez came into the office, I was worried about what he was coming to say.

"Hey Leroy, I'm glad you could see me. And thanks for bringing Steve into the company.

"No prob, Jimmie. Now what do you want to see me about?"

"Well, I know you heard about Nova coming and setting up shop out in the Midwest right?

"Yeah, Exodus, right?"

"That's it. I worked their first two shows. Its pretty good place. Here's a tape for you to look at."

I popped the disc into the DVD. Two shows on 1 disc. The first was the innagrual show: ExUSA Couterpunch. It started The tag titles on the line. Flash and Hernandez (being called the Death Squad) battled Jacob Jett and John Greed. Great opening match that had the crowd fired up. Flash hit the Flash Bang to capture the titles." I see why you wanted Flash to come in. Ya'll make a great team. Who's got the book?"


"You mean he just jobbed? Wow." The second match featured Air Attack Weasel and Matt Sparrow defeating Mario Heroic and Harvey Hayes. Pretty good match, I didn't expect so many of my guys to be over there. I knew Duke and Jennifer Heat had roles, but come on. At least they're getting exposure. The final match was for the EX-USA Big Gold Belt. Alex Braun battled Honest Frank. Great title match that saw Braun win and become the first champion. A great opening show. "What role are Jennifer and Duke playing?"

Duke is working as a road agent, while Jennifer is a road agent and on the booking team."

"You don't say....well let's see what's next." The second show EX-USA Firecracker was also pretty good. It opened with a rematch for the tag titles. Death Squad retained with Hernandez picking up the win. "Ya'll are pretty crisp for a new team."

"Told you you'd like it."

The second match was a 6 man tag affair that saw Skye, Sparrow, and Black Eagle defeating Hayes, Mario Heroic, and American Elemental. Perez came up the third match battling Air Attack Weasel. Perez was fantastic. He pulled out a hard fought victory. The final match was a rematch for the Big Gold title. Braun retained, but Frank is looking really good.

"Thanks, Jimmie, this tape is great. Ya'll just be careful out there."

"Ok boss."

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MAW Summer Heatwave 10 results


Rip Chord presents:


MAW Summer Heatwave 10

July 21, 2010

N.C. Biker's Museum

atten: 1360



Steve Flash d. Joaquin Mora C-

Cheyene Silver d. Eddie Bennet D

Principessa d. Chiyeko Kita E

Eastern Fire d. Natural Storm D

Sgt. West d. Zeus Maximillian C


Main Show:

"Good evening everone, Merve Ernest here with Duke Hazzard and Rock Downpour. Welcome to MAW Summer Heatwave. We have an exciting show up for you tonight. MAW champion Frankie Perez and the West Coast Mafia ran into a new situation at MAW Garden State Grappling. Now Steve Flash has moved to help even the odds with James Hernandez. Tonight Perez defends his title against his old enemy, Hernandez with the odds evened. How are you tonight gentleman?"

"Good evening Merve, Duke. I'm glad to be here with you tonight. Yes, the champ has his work cut out for him. Steve Flash and James Hernandez, The Brothers, are a formidable pairing. Also we have the Austin McCoy Cup winners in action tonight."

"Hold up der pawtner. The West Coast is not don fer. They'll be ready tonight. And don't mention thos two savages. We have the greatest tag team champions ever. Windameer's Court is the real deal."

"Duke, you know Windameer's Court isn't on tap to be here tonight."

"Ther not, nossir, but the Night Sisters will be. I hate to see Miss Info get injured, but we know its only a matter of time before Lord Windameer has the MAW Knockout title."

"That's true guys, but lets go up to the ring for our first match."


Steven Parker vs. Kazuma Narato w/Karen Killer C+

A great battle as Parker has been able to develop his skills. Narato always has a great match in him. Now the two went back and forth, Narato finally got the upperhand until the Myster Man appeared with a bat in the rafters. Karen and Narato were distracted enough for Parker to pick up the victory.


"Another chink in the armor of Rising Sun. Seems as if the Firm is making a comeback."

"Comeback, smuckback, you both know the Coward up in the rafters will be caught one day without his bat. That'll be his OK corral"

"Duke, you know the Firm have been around awhile. I think Karen has betrayed the wrong group."

"Oh, you yella bellied, Wait, here comes real potential. Just watch what this young buck can do."

"Let's go up to the ring for our second match."


Masked Cougar vs. Nevada Nuclear C-

Another pretty good match of youngsters on the roster. Cougar was in trouble near the beginning, but he made a comeback on Nevada. The Nuclear power had to dig into his bad of tricks to pull out the victory.


"A fine example of the young talent that Mr. Chord develops here in MAW."

"I told ya, that is one yung buck to watch."

"Both of those stars are ones to watch, Duke. I think in a series of matches it could go either way."

"You always go a'spoutin Rock. I think you got Rocks in dat hed of yours. Now hir comes real power, Lord Windameer."

"Let's go up to the ring for our next match."


"Here ye peasants. You should bow before your betters. We have decided to grace you with our presence. With me are two valiant princesses. They want gold of their own. Miss Information, pay close attention to your fate."


Anni Ki and Melody Cuthill vs. the Nightsisters w/Lord Windameer C-


Not really a match, but a squash. The Night Sisters are vicious. The mercy ending came with Vixxen getting the pin.


"What's this? The Night Sisters are not through. They are beating the helpless ladies. Get someone out here!"

""Look! There's the MAW Knockouts champion, Miss Info."

"Windameer, your freaks want me. come and get me!"


"The Night Sisters are chasing after the MAW champion, finally some help can come in. How vicious can they get? Alright we are ready to see some more action."


The Outlaw vs. Shirley Stewart C

Another match highlighting the young talent. Steward is really brash, but the Outlaw is a hoss. Outlaw picks up the victory.

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MAW Summer Heatwave 10 results part 2


"That was one exciting match. Two young men, a taste of MAW action in a nutshell. Hey looks who coming."

"Welcome, mi lord. I must say I'm honord."

"I can't believe we're having to sit here and treat with the help. Duke, you are the one glimmer of hope for this area. But on to why I'm here. There are two savages who stumbled into a tournament victory. Now someone thinks they are the "team" to beat. We're here to see if they can measure up."

"A true lord, willing to give anyone a shot."

"Windameer, good evening, sure you're not afraid of the teamwork of Savage Fury?"

"How dare you insult us? One word and you will be begging me like the peasant you are."

"Hold on Lord Windameer. Let's go up to ringside to watch Savage Fury in action."


Savage Fury w/Monique vs. DND C-

A great match for what it was. Java and Tribal Warrior dominated the two luchadores. Tribal Warrior picks up the pin, much to the chagrin of Windameer at ringside. After the match, Windameer calls out Silver, Missing Link, and Big Problem. Monique had a time getting her guys back without giving battle.


"Savage Fury is really focused with Monique at the helm. Windameer is really upset."

"Merve, you'n Rock best bewar. Lord Windameer doesn't issa idle threats.

"Duke you can't deny the teamwork and ability of Savage Fury. It's not wrong to state the obvious. If Windameer was so sure, he has nothing to worry about."

"Ok fans time for our interaction time with the stars. We'll be back in about 15 minutes."


"Welcome back great fans. Well next is our 2010 RCI champion, Sgt. West. He is one tough guy, when will he cash in his automatic shot for the title?"

"Sgt. West has worked his way through the ranks here in MAW, but he is more than brawn. He is pretty cagy. I think he is bidding his time."

"Biddin' his time? What in tarnation are ya blabberin about? West is jus as yella bellied as Hernandez. West don't wanta tangle with ole Perez."

"Tangle or not West is coming to the ring now, Duke, I don't see him being a coward. He's taking on the cagey John Greed tonight. Let's go up to the ring."


Sgt. West w/Jorge Washington vs. John Greed w/Persephone C

West shows why he is one feared ring warrior. Greed is cagey, but West is determined. Washington helped keep Persephone in line. West wins with the Cannon Fodder. As West heads up the ramp he's met by MAW champion Perez heading to the ring. ""Keep your eye on what's next West. It might help ya make up your mind." West just seemed to fume as Perez walked arrogantly off. Insane Machine came by and taunted West faking being scared.


" I respect the champion, but I think that was a mistake. He has a tough match tonight to face."

"Perez knows what he's a doin. He knows West is a coward."

" I don't known Duke. West is usually a loose cannon ready to shoot, but right now he looks zeroed in to a target."

"Perez is out and here comes the challenger, James Hernandez. Let's go on up to ringside."


MAW championship

Frankie Perez (C ) w/West Coast Mafia vs. James Hernandez w/Jennifer Heat and Steve Flash C+

The main event didn't disappoint. Perez and Hernandez have no love lost between them and it showed. Flash did a great job keeping Skye and Insane out of the match. Hernandez took it to the champ and Perez had to pull out all his tricks to keep him at bay. The end came at the 25 minute mark when Hernandez tried to hit the Fan's Finisher, but no Skye's up on the apron. Here comes Flash. Fair goes over to get them off the ring apron. Hernandez has Perez covered. Hernandez goes over to get Fair. Machine is able to get up. He puts down Hernandez. He puts Perez on top. Skye hits Flash and jumps down. Fair turns around..1, 2, 3...Perez retains.

Flash and Skye are battling at ringside, but Insane Machine turns the tables. Now its two on one.


"This is a travesty. Numbers strike again. Perez retains, but time is tickin. We'll see you next month at MAW Mississippi and Battle of the Mid-Atlantic."

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bgbuff" data-cite="bgbuff" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27076" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Mistaken thanks for taking time to predict...you went 3-4 this time bringing you to 8-5 overall. I should have a preview up for Mississippi Murder up later today.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> nice finish, looking forward.</p>
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<p>MAW Mississippi Murder preview</p><p> </p><p>

We've come into the month of August, time to head back down south. MAW Mississippi Murder is coming August 12 from the Sweat Box in Georgia. MAW champion Frankie Perez retained his title with help from his buddies, West Coast Mafia. The Brother's were not happy. </p><p>

Rip Chord has promised another big announcement for MAW. What will it be?</p><p>

MAW tag champs do Lord Windameer proud. They finished off the ex-champions, Hurricanes. Now the Austin McCoy Champions are ready to move in. Will the two titan teams collide?</p><p>

Lord Windameer has brought two more monsters into the MAW. This time they are gunning for the MAW Knockout's title. The Night Sisters made a statement last month. This month Devil's Daughter challenges for the MAW Knockout's title.</p><p>

Persephone hasn't been idle. She has a new team of men to do her bidding. The best daddy's money can buy. Who are they? Can they succeed?</p><p>

Come on down south for rasslin, MAW style at MAW Mississippi Murder.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>quick picks:</strong></p><p>

Steve Flash w/Jennifer Heat vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

Sgt. West vs. Shirely Stewart</p><p>

<strong>MAW Knockouts title</strong></p><p>

Miss Info vs. Devil's Daughter w/Windameer</p><p>

Harvey Hayes vs. Zeus Maxmillion</p><p>

Java w/Monique vs. Missing Link w/Windameer</p><p>

Natural Storm w/Monique vs. Eastern Fire w/Persephone</p>

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<p>quick note, you will be included in this months DOTM up in the 2013 section. sounds like going forward they will change the rules, but hey I did what I could.</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash w/Jennifer Heat vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sgt. West</strong> vs. Shirely Stewart</p><p>

MAW Knockouts title</p><p>

<strong>Miss Info</strong> vs. Devil's Daughter w/Windameer</p><p>

Harvey Hayes vs. <strong>Zeus Maxmillion</strong></p><p>

<strong>Java w/Monique</strong> vs. Missing Link w/Windameer</p><p>

Natural Storm w/Monique vs.<strong> Eastern Fire w/Persephone</strong></p>

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quick note, you will be included in this months DOTM up in the 2013 section. sounds like going forward they will change the rules, but hey I did what I could.





Thanks a lot Mistaken...I really appreciate that. I went up and read. Who would I ask to get moved up to that forum? I really feel honored with the good words and you fighting for me.....:D

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Once again...


Well I was just sitting down at the desk. Mississippi Murder was a couple days away. James came in with Frankie.

"Hey boss, Here's the Counter Punch tape. And we have some bad news."

"Don't tell me...you're leaving."

"Ha, like anyone wants Jimmy boy here."

"Hey watch it Frankie. No boss, not going anywhere now. But Greed is out."

"What??!! What are you talking about?"

"Well he and Nova were tagging again and he got a hernia."

"Yeah, then we dropped the tag titles."

"This is not good. Where is he?"

"He's still in St. Louis, but he'll be coming back this way tomorrow."

"Well he can come back from that, but he and Yuki were scheduled for Mississippi Murder. We have to put up new posters and TV adds. OK thanks guys for the news."


The show was pretty good.

EMM Moe and Jacob Jett defeated Greed and Nova

Black Eagle and Air Attack Weasel won the tag belts from Flash and Hernandez.

Frankie and Remmy beat Matt Sparrow and Mario Heroic

Alex Braun retained the Big Gold belt against Honest Frank again.


Greed wasn't the biggest performer, but he was due a push. Also Skye looked a little sloppy out there. Let me call the TV and get the add changed.

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MAW Mississippi Murder results


Rip Chord presents


MAW Mississippi Murder

The Sweat Box

August 12, 2010

atten: 1000



Nightsisters d. Anni Ki and Principea C-

Tim Westybrooke d. Jorge Washington and Paul Allen D

Big Problem d. Tribal Warrior C-

DC Rayne d. Yuki Horigoshi F


Main Show:

"Good evening everyone. Welcome to MAW Mississippi Murder. Sorry but tonight there has been a change to the card. We were suppose to see Natural Storm battling Eastern Fire, John Greed is not able to attend tonight. He was injured last week. But we still have a big show for you tonight. I'm joined by Duke Hazzard and Rock Downpour. Gentlemen, welcome."

""Good evening Merve. Great to be here in Georgia. This is a storied building for wrestling, but with a full house, MAW is sure to add to the ledgend."

"Evenin'. I fer one, look fowerd to Lord Windameer's domination tonight."

"Well, Duke, that will be our first match; but our owner has a word for us."


Mercury title announced C-

Out comes Rip Chord and Monique. ""Good evening Georgia, great to be in the peach state. Good things always start here, which is why I have something to announce. MAW was started to give young stars a chance to showcase their skills. We have hungry young guns ready to grow. Well starting at MAW The Battle of the Mid-Atlantic we will begin a tournament to crown a MAW Mercury champion. This title is for the young guns in our organization. The tournament finals will be held at MAW Where It All Begins Again in October. Get ready for some action."


"There we have it. A new title up for grab. The MAW Mercury title, for the hungry up an comers. What news this is."

:It sure is Merv. There has been an influx of new talent coming in, now they have something else to gun for."

"Another jewel for the crown of tru royalty, Lord Windameer. Now let's get to his man in the ring."

"Duke before going to the ring, let's give the fans some background on this one."

"Windameer's Court is a brutal team, but Savage Fury won the Austin McCoy Cup and were in a match last week. Windameer.."

"Lord to ya"

Huh? Oh, well he looks like a man scared as these two men with Monique's help look brutal enough to challenge for the MAW titles."

"Ya naild it on da hed, Rock. Two Savages who can't compete with true leadership. Now can we git up ta ringside?"

"Let's go up for our first match."


Java w/Monique vs. Missing Link w/Windameer E

This was not a great match, it was brutal, but they did not click. Java was off his game, and neither are enjoyed by the fans. Link looked to have the upper hand till Java with Monique's help pulled up an upset.


"Duke, you have to admit, this moves Savage Fury up to a shot."

"Luck, dang nabbit, that's all it was..."


Interruption: Flash, you're in the wrong house B

"Hold on a minute. The Mafia has something to say." Out comes Remmy Skye. "Steve Flash, you are in the wrong house. Sure you can wrestle, but now you have gone and stuck your nose in our business. You will learn how the West Coast rolls."


Put your money where you mouth is B

As Skye goes on out comes Steve Flash with Jennifer Heat. "What is this? Skye all you do is run your mouth. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is tonight. Meet me right here. What do you say?"

"You're on punk." An intense staredown follows until Skye walks off laughing.


"Guys we just go our main event for tonight. Remmy Skye and Steve Flash, what do you say guys?"

"This should be one great match. Two young men who can go. Flash is new to our area, but he has come in to help James Hernandez with the bully tactics of the West Coast Mafia."

"I agre, dis is what someone who trusts a lowlife like ole Hernandez deserves, but don't count the West Coast short. They always hold a card up their sleeve."

"You're right about that Duke, the West Coast Mafia always stacks the deck in their favor. But lets go ringside to see some of the hungry youngsters Rip was talking about."


Harvey Hayes vs. Zeus Maxmillion D

A nice little match, but now what I expected. Zeus is one tough guy, but Hayes seems to be a man of destiny lately. He pulls out the victory.


"A great match of youngsters."

"Call it what it is, Merv. Zeus was robbed. Hayes is promising, but right now now body cares about him. Now if you were to talk.."

"Now hold on Duke, Harvey Hayes is young, but he has built quiet a following. Harvey Hayes is going somewhere, Duke."

"I'm not saying he wont...just right now he's gotta work his way up."

"Guys, hang on, there is something going on backstage...let's go see."


Parker tot C

Karen Killer is heard screaming as Ota and Narato are beating a helpless Steven Parker. Rising Sun then shouts and disappears in a cloud of smoke.


"What is this? Ota was left in a heap by the Mystery Man."

"This is turn-abot fair play. Mean Machine attacked Ota with a bat. Now Parker

"Duke, you may be right. I wonder if it will ever end. As long as they are battling each other, they can't concentrate on the true prize, gold, the MAW titles."

"Guys, speaking of the gold, our MAW Knockouts champion is headed out."


Miss Info wants Devil's Daughter A

"Hello MAW Georgia. You know we have two weird witches trying to run over MAW. Well I want Devil's Daughter tonight. Come on out witch. Now is the time to face the music." As Miss Info is pacing in the ring out comes Lord Windameer and Devil's Daughter.

"We have a match"


MAW Knockouts championship

Miss Info (C ) vs. Devil's Daughter w/ Lord Windameer C-

A great match. Miss Info is really coming into her own. Devil's Daugher is no slouch, but Miss Info has built up some confidence. Still it looked as if Devil's Daughter had it all won, till Raven Nightfall showed up on the ramp. That was all the distraction Miss Info needed. She was able to hit the Blackberry and gain the pin. Raven laughed as Miss Info celebrated.


"Miss Info is really growing. She pulls off a stunning defense."

"Yeah she had help from Raven Nightfall. One on one she can't win."

"But she won. I'm not afraid to admit she has surprised me. And I think she will keep surprising people."

"Well the 2010 RCI champion is up next facing the brash young Shirley Stewart."


Sgt. West vs. Shirley Stewart C

Stewart is pretty good, but West is on a roll. The Cannon Fodder gives West the pinfall victory. A great match the fans loved.

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MAW Mississippi Murder part 2


"Wow, the Sgt. is really looking great."

"It's only a matter of time for him to claim his shot at the MAW title. I think he is bidding his time. The Sarge is a master tactician."

"Master, plaster...he don't standa iceberg's chance in Arizona against the West Coast Mafia."

"That's the point, Duke. It's always the West Coast Mafia, not the one man who is supposed to be holding the title. Why can't Frankie Perez stand on his own?"

"He can't help it that his friends want to help 'em."

"Well guys we are headed to our intermission. Come enjoy your chance to meet your favorite MAW star."


Meet and Greet 1 C+

(West, Persphone, Yuki Horigoshi, Nevada Nuclear, Zeus Maxmillion, Monique, Big Problem)


Meet and Greet 2 C+

(Missing Link, Java, Devil's Daughter, Miss Info, Harvey Hayes, Steven Parker, Insane Machine, Remmy Skye)



Flash, you're going down tonight B-

As the other's head to the back, Remmy keeps a microphone. ""Flash, you've signed your own ticket to a beating. Tonight you will go down in a 'Flash'." Skye heads to the ring.


Remmy Skye vs. Steve Flash C

These two men put on a great show. Skye went to the air, but Flash was ready with his own aerial show. Flash picked up the victory with the Flash Bang. Steve Flash has defeated Remmy Skye.


"The Brothers have drawn first blood. Steve Flash defeated Remmy Skye. But the battle is just heating up. August 18, we will be at the MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic."

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Now the bad news....


A pretty good show down in Georgia. Rip was pleased with the growth of our young guys. What's this, a pink envelope. We get our drug testing results on this day, but I haven't gotten a pink one. I was afraid of who it was. I opened the envelope....NO! Rip would be pissed. I'd better take care of this one............to be continued

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The Meeting


Mistaken you moved to 12-9 with a 4-2 showing. Good to be back on the winning track.


Back into character:

"The day had come. I was waiting in the "office". I heard a knock. "Come on in." In walked the subject of my letter. "Have a seat. I bet your wondering why I called you in?"

"Yeah boss, what's up? Did you catch the latest EX-USA tape?" I tossed the pink envelope over to him. He didn't even open it. "I guess this it. I know I messed up. I'm trying to get clean. It's just hard to travel so much."I let him go on till he stopped.

"You know how Rip feels about it right?"

"Yeah" sighing dejectively.

"Well I have to tell him."

"You haven't told him yet?" Hope coming to his eyes.

"Not yet. Look I have a lot of faith in you. You are one of our best workers, but I have to set an example. I've asked two of your friends to come in. I have a little deal for you, are you interested?"

"Sure... Who?"

I picked up the cell and quickly told the others to come on in.

"Frankie, James...I called you in because I need some accountability. You want to tell them?"

The saw the envelope. ""What's going on dude?"

"Brother we got your back."

"What's the deal? Guys I had some stuff in my system. I just couldn't say no...I let you down."

"Man, we all slip up? What do you want us for boss?"

"Look, yall both know Rip will hit the roof, but Skye is a star in the making and a friend. Rem, I know you really want to stop. You have to. If you need time off, ok, but you've got to quit. Jimmy and Frankie, I want you to be Rem's accountability partners. When you feel the need, go to them. Talk to them or me....so this is just a warning. Next time, you have to go. You know Rip's policy."

"I'm all in. Skye I know you've got this. And now we've got your back."

"Look, dude, we are in your corner."


"Guys, thank you. Leroy, I won't let you down nor will I ever forget this."

"Just see that you don't Now get out of here, while I try to tell Rip."

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MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic preview....


It's August and the Mid-Atlantic is still hot...getting hotter. Rip Chord has announced another title for the area...the MAW Mercury Title. The tournament to award the first belt starts August 18 at the North Carolina Biker's Museum. 8 men start their journey to rise to the top like a meteor: Jack Giedroyc, Cheyenne Silver, Harvey Hayes, the Outlaw, Nevada Nuclear, Eric Strong, Zeus Maxmillion, and Masked Cougar. Who will advance?


MAW champion Frankie Perez is still standing who will rise to challenge him this month?


Savage Fury's Java defeated 1/2 of the MAW tag team champions last month in singles action. This month Big Problem will battle Tribal Warrior. Will Savage make it a sweep over the champs?


Also the Night Sisters are moving through the area wreaking devastation. Can Raven Nightfall stand against Devil's Daughter?


Come on out for MAW Battle of the Mid-Atlantic, August 18.


quick picks:

MAW championship

Frankie Perez (C ) vs. Sgt. West

Tribal Warrior w/Monique vs. Big Problem w/Windameer

A* Alliance vs. Rising Sun w/Karen Killer

Raven Nightfall vs. Devil's Daughter w/Windameer

MAW Mercury title tournament first round

Masked Cougar vs. Nevada Nuclear

Jack Giedroyc vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Harvey Hayes vs. the Outlaw

Erik Strong vs. Cheyenne Silver w/Windameer

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