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Around the USA January part 3


TCW Malice in Wonderland att: 10,000 136,628 PPV B

Liberty and RDJ went to double count out with BLZ Bulb and Nemesis B+

Tommy Cornell d. Henry Lee for the TCW World Heavyweight Title B+

Painful Procedure d. Hardcore Uproar to retain the TCW tag team titles B

Freddie Huggins d. Chance Fortune to retain the TCW All Action title C-

Demon Spite d. Steve Gumble to retain the TCW Hardcore title C

Demon Anger d. Corp. Doom and Ronnie V. Pain for the TCW International Title B-



USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams! Att: 2000 C

T-Rex d. Jim Force to retain the USPW world title C

Giant Redwood d. Darryl Devine C+

Danny Rushmore and Savage Fury d. Captain USA and the Hillbillies C-

Mick Muscles d. Eric the Bull to retain the USPW National Title C-

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MAW Rip Cord Invitational 2 preview...


Rip Cord presents

MAW the 2nd Annual Rip Cord Invitational

Stanley Hall

February 16, 2007

Valentine’s Day is still in the air, but no love will be shown as each of our eight contestants will be battling for the cup that represents one of the greats of our sport. MAW champion Remmy Skye and American Elemental have won a right to battle the West Coast Mafia in a tag battle. Honest Frank and Mean Machine have decide to find a clear winner in a steel cage. MAW tag titles will be on the line also.



Jorge Washington vs. Masked Cougar

Steven Parker vs. Jack Giedrocy

Ricky Douglas vs. DC Rayne

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Clyde Wilson

Grudge tag battle

Remmy Skye/American Elemental vs. Frankie Perez/Insane Machine

Grudge Cage battle

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine

MAW tag team championship

gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Olympic Powers

Come on out to enjoy a night of wrestling action……..

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MAW Rip cord Invitational 2 results


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Rip Cord Invitational 2

Stanley Hall

Att: 210

February 16, 2007


Antonio d. Danny Cavanaugh and Puma Boy Rating: F


Main Show:

RCI brackets: Rating: C- and D

We have a video on the main screen describing the top bracket of the RCI: Mainstream Hernendez vs. Clyde Wilson and DC Rayne vs. Ricky Douglas.

Then we have a screen showing the bottom half of the bracket: Jorge Washington vs. Masked Cougar and Jack Giedrocy vs. Steven Parker.



Jorge Washington vs. Masked Cougar Rating: D

Washington was the clear favorite here, but Cougar really got the crowd behind him, running and dodging the bigger man. Washington had some near falls, but the smaller man finally took advantage of the tired big man and garnered an upset win at the 10 minute mark to advance


Cage Match to settle it: Rating: D

Honest Frank comes out next, “Tonight Mean Jean, we will settle our little squabble and I will personally whip your little tight butt up and down this cage.”



Mainstream Hernendez vs. Clyde Wilson Rating D

Wilson, the resident party animal of MAW looked to try to match Mainstream’s speed early on. Big mistake, as Hernendez took the youngster on a whirlwind pace. Mainstream wins with his new move, the Surfboard Splash at the 8 minute mark to advance.


goddess and gods Rating B-

Persephone and the gods of Thunder come to the podium next to hype their tag team championship match with Olympic Power tonight.



DC Rayne vs. Ricky Douglas Rating E

These two men are familiar with each other from the tag battles here in MAW. But they really didn’t work well together going back and forth. DC seemed to have the win cinched, but Douglas came with a schoolboy rollup to gain the pin at the 8 minute mark to advance.


You will Pay Frank Rating: C-

Mean Machine comes out with the lovely Karen Killer next. “Frank, frankly speaking, tonight you will pay for coming in here running your mouth and getting a couple of fluke wins over me. Tonight you will learn why no one else comes into our area. This is my yard, my ring, and my people. Tonight the cage will be your doom.”


RC1 1

Jack Giedrocy vs. Steven Parker Rating: C-

Easily the match of the first round, the final bout saw Giedroyc and Parker trading moves to the amazement of the crowd. Parker finally showed his experience to pick up a nice win with a Future Shock at the 9 minute mark to advance.


Olympic Power rising Rating: C-

Zeus Maxmillion and Nevada Nuclear come out next to tell gods of Thunder that tonight is their night. The stars are aligned for the titles to change.


MAW Tag Team championship

gods of Thunder ©w/Persephone vs. Olympic Power Rating: D

Not a stellar gem by any means, but a good match for the four youngsters. Nevada and Titan carried a bit of the load, with Atlas gaining the pin at the 9 minute mark to retain the Tag Team Titles.


Thunderous celebration: Rating: C+

Gods of thunder and especially their lovely manager celebrate obnoxiously in the ring.


Semifinal 1 hype: Rating: E

We see a panel showing the first semifinal will be Mainstream Hernendez vs. Ricky Douglas.


RCI Semi

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Ricky Douglas Rating: C-

Not good for the hype, but a good match from these two MAW stars. Douglas really told a good story with Mainstream, but Hernendez had a little more gas winning with Apparition #14 at the 12 minute mark to advance to the finals.


Semifinal 2 hype: Rating E

We see another screen shot of our second semifinal match Masked Cougar vs. Steven Parker


RCI Semi

Masked Cougar vs. Steven Parker Rating: C-

Another good matchup of speed and skill. Cougar and Parker traded hold for hold and move for move. This was a real exciting matchup with good chemistry. Parker finally pulled out the victory with a Future Shock at the 11 minute mark to advance to the finals.


Classic Cage Match

Honest Frank vs. Mean Machine Rating C-

Frank and Machine don’t like each other and it showed here. This blow off match was brutal on both men as they gave it their all. The fans really loved the action too. The brawl was back and forth, back and forth till Frank finally caught Machine with a punishing suplex into the cage. Frank got the pin at the 16 minute mark. Both men were exhausted at the end, but the fans were pleased.


The Faces are ready to seal the deal. Rating: C-

MAW champion Remmy Skye and his partner tonight come out, “Perez, Insane, I know you both, but tonight you will pay for interfering with me, the Elemental, and the fans. Tonight on this night we honor a legend in our sport, we will have an old fashioned whooping.”


Special Grudge tag match

Remmy Skye and American Elemental vs. West Coast Mafia (Frankie Perez and Insane Machine) Rating: C-

An anticipated match by our standards (it had an E heat). Skye and Perez started off with American Elemental tagging in. The faces had the upper hand to the crowd’s delight. Skye and Elemental were really taking it too them until a shoot meant for Insane hit American by mistake. Then the heels took advantage and cut off the ring. Elemental did the face in distress well and then went for the hot tag. Skye came in and went toward the heels….till he turned and decked Elemental again, this time blatantly. He tagged back in his partner and left him to be beaten and pinned by Perez.


Shock: Rating: E

As the fans sit in shock, the three members of West Coast Mafia destroy American Elemental.


RCI final Hype: Rating: D

As we attend to American Elemental the display shows our RCI finals matchup: Mainstream Hernendez vs. Steven Parker.


RCI Final

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Steven Parker Rating D

This was not the matchup I was hoping for. They put on a show, but it really was not together. Parker was off this match, and Hernendez seemed tired. Hernendez pulled out the victory with the Surfboard at the 18 minute mark to win the RCI trophy.


RCI presentation Rating D

Rip Cord comes out to deliver the trophy to the 2nd annual RCI winner Hernendez. Hernendez goes on to celebrate with the fans.


Overall Show D

The main even really pulled down the overall show. I was happy with most of the show and the turn for Remmy Skye went well for the fans. The Frank/Mean Machine program ended well also....

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February 07 Around the USA part 1


CZCW No Escape 799 C+

Jimmie P & Fox Mask d. Insane Machine & Plauge C+

Donnie J d. Fumihiro Ota to retain the CZ Title C+

Remmy Skye d. Jeremiah Moose & Snap Dragon to retain the CZ Extreme C

Frankie Perez d. Prince Adam C


Dave Counter Culture 6082 B-

Chris Caulfied & Bryan Holmes d. New Wave B

Shawn Gonzalez d. Hell's Bouncer to retain Dave Unified title. C+

Nemesis-Whistler no contest B-

The Animals d. The New Jersey Devils to retain Dave tag titles C+

Kurt Laramee d. American Buffalo to retain Dave Brass Knuckles title C+

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Around USA February 07 part 2


NYCW Disposable Heroes 710 C-

Whistler d. Travis Century to retain Empire title C+

Mr. America d. Masked Mauler to retain the Tri-State regional C-

Honest Frank d. New York Doll C-

Massive Problem d. Wiley Coyote to retain tag team titles C-



SWF Nothing to Lose 12,965 PPV 388,244 B+

Jack Bruce/Christan Faith d. Eric Eisen/Runaway Train A

Enygma d. Peter Valentine to retain SWF World Heavyweight title B+

Elmo Benson/Lobster Warrior d. Hired Guns to retain SWF World Tag titles B

Kid Toma d. Calamari Kid for Shooting Star title C+

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Feb around the US conclusion


TCW The War to Settle the Score 10,000 PPV 140,103 B+

Liberty/RDJ d. Nemesis/BLZ Bulb B+

Tommy Cornell d. Randall Hopkirk to retain TCW World Hvyw Title A

Harry Allen d. Steve Gumble to retain TCW All Action title C

Robert Oxford d. Charlie Thatcher to retain the TCW Hardcore Title C



USPW Red, White, and Blue 696 C

TRex d. Jim Force to retain the USPW World Title C

Giant Redwood d. Darryl Devine C

Pete the Hillbilly d. Danny Rushmore D

Cheeta Boy d. Patric Cool F

Mic Muscles d. Cpt. USA to retain the USPW National title C-

Eric the Bull/All the Hillbilly d. Savage Fury to retain the USPW tag titles C-

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MAW Wrestling Classic 2 Preview


Rip Cord presents...

MAW Wrestling Classic 2


March 16, 2007


Fallout from RCI 07....MAW champion Remmy Skye turned his back on the fans and American Elemental last month. Mainstream Hernendez captured the 2nd RCI trophy, what will he do? All this and more.



MAW championship: Remmy Skye © vs. American Elemental

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Mikey James

Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Eddie Howard

gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Olympic Powers

Ricky Douglas vs. Flash Savage

Antonio vs. Clyde Wilson


Be there to see the classic action that you've come to expect from MAW....

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MAW Wrestling Classic 2 Results


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Wrestling Classic 2

Stanley Hall

March 16, 2007

Attendence: 214


The rafters were decked in green for tomorrow nights big St. Paddy’s day Celebration, but tonight it was time for the crimson to flow.


Erik Strong d. Larry Wood E

A video of a new large, muscular man and a lovely dark headed lady who are coming to the MAW was shown. B+


Main Show

A new challenge: D

We start the show with the new RCI champion, Mainstream Hernendez coming to the ring. “06 we came oh so close, but this year is our year…07 is the year of the fan here in MAW. And we will start now with the MAW championship. Remmy Skye, you turned your back, and now I want you and your title for the people.”


Refused: C-

“Hold on there, little man.” Out comes the MAW champion, Remmy Skye. “Last I looked it was the West Coast Mafia that calls the shots here in MAW. But hey I’m a fighting man. I tell you what; you can earn your shot. Beginning tonight by trying to beat my man, Mikey James.”


Trap: D

With that out comes Mikey James, Frankie Perez, and the Insane Machine to lay a beat down on the new RCI champ.


Antonio vs. Clyde Wilson E

The young spunky underdog tried to match the clubber tonight to no avail. Wilson went over with a pin at the 6 minute mark.


Golden slam E

We are shown a view of the back with Mean Machine walking down a hallway when a door opens knocking Mean Machine down. We see Oscar Golden coming out the door, looking down and then taking off.


The chase F

Because Mean Machine is in hot pursuit.


Ricky Douglas w/ Karen Killer vs. Flash Savage E

Another quick match between usually tag wrestlers. Douglas was the better man tonight looking like a well oiled machine pulling up a pin at the 7 minute mark.


Blondes have less fun F

After the match, Mean Machine comes out. He and Douglas continue the beat down on Savage, all the while calling for Oscar, “This is your fault, golden boy.”


C.H. Threepwood vs. Masked Cougar D

A nice matchup of young stars who gave a good performance. Cougar was the better tonight with a pin at the 8 minute mark.


Thunderous Power tonight C

We see a placard showing tonight’s non-title bout between the gods of Thunder w/Persephone and Olympic Power.


gods of Thunder w/Persephone vs. Olympic Power E

Not the best matchup between these two teams, but Persephone kept it interesting from the outside. Atlas seemed to be well on his way to the victory when Nevada reverses a roll up for the upset win.


Olympic Power celebrate C-


Real Americans are born. C

Sgt. Bubba lee West comes out next and calls out Jorge Washington. “You know we are suppose to be in the heart of patriotic country here Jeorge, but I don’t see it. There are too many sissy hillbilly rapstar wannabes. I say lets the two of us join up to make this country great again.” Jorge shakes the Sgt.’s hand.


Sgt. Bubba Lee West vs. Eddie Howard. E

West was just too elusive for Howard and the added influence of Washington at ringside. Bubba wins with cannon fodder at the 8 minute mark.


Real American beatdown. F

After the match the two “real Americans” begin to beatdown the defenseless Howard.



Taunting the Mainstream D

Remmy Skye and Mikey James come out next, “Tonight Mainstream your rise stops. James will kick you back down to size.”


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Mikey James w/Remmy Skye C-

Mainstream begins his quest tonight to earn a shot at the MAW title. James was stiff competition, but Mainstream rallied with the fans aid and pulled out a win in spite of Skye interfering at the 27 minute mark.


West Coast Pearl Harbor D

Immediately after the match Frankie Perez and Insane Machine rush from the back to lay the boots to Mainstream.


MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. American Elemental C-

Skye was really livid after James’ loss and took it to his former partner. Elemental showed great resilence, but Skye picks up the win at the 21 minute mark.


Overall show: C-

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Around the USA March (CZCW/DAVE)


CZCW Firehouse 675 C+

Jimmie P and Fumihiro Ota d. the Nightmares C+

Donnie J d. Snap Dragon to retain the CZCW Championship C+

Remmy Skye d. Plauge to retain the CZCW Extreme title C+

Jerimiah Moose and Frankie Perez d. the Forces of Nature C

E.M.M. Moe d. Valiant C


Dave March Into Battle 6561 B-

Shawn Gonzolez d. Alex Braun to retain the DAVE Unified title B-

Chris Caulfield d. Hell’s Bouncer C+

Nemesis d.ArtReed B

Bryan Holmes d. JDMorgan B

Kurt Laramee d. Jungle Jack to retain the DAVE Brass Knuckles title C+

Animals d. Adrenaline Rush to retain the Dave tag team titles C+

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Around the USA March (NYCW/SWF)


NYCW Lost in Space 656 C

Whistler d. Honest Frank to retain the NYCW Empire title C

Travis Century d. American Buffalo C+

Massive Problem d. Wiley Coyote to retain the NYCW tag titles C-

Mr. American went to a time limit draw with Masked Mauler to retain the NYCW Tri-State Regional title C-

Steve Flash d. New York Doll C


SWF Awesome Impact 13,433 PPV 382,078 B

Enygma d. Skull de Bones to retain the SWF Hvwt Title B+

Kid Toma d. Calamari Kid to retain the SWF Shooting Star title C+

The Almighty Dollar d. Elmo Benson/Lobster Warrior for the SWF tag team titles B

Squeaky McClean d. Angry Gilmore to retain the SWF North American Title B+

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Around the USA March (TCW, USPW)


TCW Just Another Day 10,000 PPV 142,617 B+

Tommy Cornell d. Nemesis to retain the TCW Hvywt Title A

Liberty d. Randell Hopkirk A

Steve Gumble d. Chance Fortune to retain TCW All Action title C

Hardcore Uproar d. Ronnie V. Pain/Stevie Grayson to retain TCW tag title C+

Charlie Thatcher d. Robert Oxford and Freddie Huggins for the TCW Hardcore titles C

Demon Anger d. Troy Tornado to retain TCW International title. B


USPW Liberty and Justice 2000 C-

Darryl Devine and Captain USA d. Java and Al the Hillbilly C-

Jim Force d. T-Rex for the USPW World Title C

Mic Muscles d. Eric the Bull to retain the USPW National title C-

Tribal Warrior d. Tom E Hawk D

Cheetah Boy d. Patric Cool F

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MAW Americana 07 Preview


Rip Cord presents:

MAW Americana 07

Stanley Hall

April 20, 2007


New RCI champ Mainstream Hernendez has come out challenging MAW champ Remmy Skye. Skye tells Hernendez he has to earn the shot going through West Coast Mafia. Last month was Mikey James, this month it is Insane Machine. Will he prevail or will the numbers be the end?



MAW championship

Remmy Skye © vs. Harvey Haynes

Mainstream Hernendez vs. Insane Machine

Nevada Nuclear vs. Atlas w/Persephone

Steven Parker vs. Jon Vedder

Masked Cougar vs. C.H. Threepwood

Antonio/Erik Strong vs. Clyde Wilson/Larry Wood


Come on out and celebrate a true American tradition at MAW Americana

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If you are playing this in '05 game then you can and should abuse the hell out of sex and looks based angles. this was when someone with A looks could get A grades regardless of popularity. Run three or so different looks based angles before each match to pump up the crowd then close out the show with them. Bri-fidelity used to do the shoot t-shirts angle with an A looks rated girl, and then have Rip Chord and his A overness do a Rip Chord is better than you segement. almost guaranteed to get A's for the last two segments.


In hindsight '05 was ridiculously easy to get great grades with.

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Thanks DMack...i do use alot of looks especially with Persephone and the big brutes.....i haven't done the Tshirt angle though....and the fan greet works well here too. Last month game...the fan interaction drew a C- with all 8 gaining in skills.....
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Around the USA April (CZCW/DAVE)


CZCW Spring Break Bash 684 C+

Donnie J d. Plague to retain the CZC title B-

Jimmie P d. Fumihiro Ota C+

Frankie Perez/Valiant d. the Nightmares C

Remmy Skye d. Jeremiah Moose to retain the CZ extreme title C

Forces of Nature d. EMM Moe/Flying Jimmie Fox C


DAVE Rock and Roll 2,000 B

Nemesis d. Shawn Gonzalez for the Dave Unified Title B

Guide d. Chris Caulfield B-

Kurt Laramee d. Tank Bradley to retain the DAVE Brass Knuckles title C

The Animals d. Adrenenaline Rush to retain Dave Tag Titles C+

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MAW Americana 07 Results


Rip Cord presents

MAW Americana 07

Stanley Hall

Att: 207

April 20, 2007



Puerto Rican Power d. Danny Cavanaugh C-

John Greed d. Paul Allen and Tim Westybrook E


Main show:


Antonio/Eric Strong vs. Clyde Wilson/Larry Wood E

A decent opening match that saw the young duo gain the upper hand against the two larger opponents. Strong picks up the pin at the 6 minute mark.


Thunder on Olympus C+

We see Zeus Maxmillion and Nevada Nuclear headed into their dressing room when out of nowhere comes Atlas and Thunder. Persephone looks directs the brutal beat down.



Masked Cougar vs. C.H. Threepwood D

Cougar has been on a roll lately and tonight was not different at he took out the Threepwood at the 10 minute mark.


Blonde Blindside D

In a rare instance Ricky Douglas is alone backstage fixing to take a drink from a beverage when he spews it out spitting, The camera draws back and shows Oscar Golden with a bottle of hot sauce in hand laughing. Douglas finally sees Oscar and takes off after him.


Steven Parker vs. Jon Vedder E

A quick squash match in which Parker hits the Future shock for the win at the 5 minute mark.


Power in Action B+

Next we see a video of Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat in action with the caption coming soon.


We want a shot…. E

Nevada Nuclear and Zeus Maxmillion come out next demanding a title shot against the gods of Thunder. Persephone is quick to come out flanked by her big charges, “Only if you can beat Atlas tonight.”


Nevada Nuclear vs. Atlas (shot at at a tag title shot) E

In a decent match that had ok back and forth action, Nuclear gets a roll up for the win at the 8 minute mark.


Howard challenges Americans C-

Eddie Howard comes out angry. “You know ‘Real Americans’ you have a lot of nerve trying to take a man down two on one. How about an even fight? I will find me a partner and take you clowns on.


Mainstream Hernendez vs. Insane Machine C

Still on his quest to gain a shot at the MAW title, Mainstream had to take on another of the West Coast Mafia. Machine is a tough customer and having Skye at ringside is no breeze; yet Mainstream finds a way to gain the pin with the Come from behind at the 20 minute mark.


No let up D

After the match Frankie Perez hits the ring and lays the boots to an exhausted Hernendez, giving a preview of what is to come next month.


MAW title match

Remmy Skye © vs. Harvey Haynes C-

Newcomer Haynes gets a chance of a lifetime tonight against Skye, but the wiley west coast star was too much as he gained the pin at the 12 minute mark.


Overall rating: D


Not the best show, but PRP is one to watch so far and Mainstream seems to be climbing now that he is on time.

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Around the USA April (NYCW/SWF)


NYCW Fighting Spirit 993 C+

Whistler d. Kurt Laramee to retain the Empire Title C+

Grand Master Phunk d. Travis Century C+

American Buffalo/Hell Monkey d. Massive Problem for the NYCW tag titles C

The Sting d. Coyote Dynamite C-

Mean Jean Catterley/Masked Mauler d. Steve Flash/Wiley Steinaway C

Mr. America d. Eddie Chandler to retain the Tri-State Regional title C+



SWF The World is Watching 11, 537 375,738 PPV B

Enygma d. Peter Valentine to retain the SWF Hvywght title B+

Eric Eisen d. Groucho Bing B+

Almighty Dollar d. Angry Gilmore/Kid Toma to retain the tag titles B

Jack Bruce d. Eric Tyler A

Freddie Datsun d. Akima Brave to retain the Shooting Star title C+

Grease Hogg d. Squeeky McClean to win North American title B-

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Around the USA April (TCW/USPW


TCW Where Angels Fear to Tred 15,000 1,601 PPV B

Tommy Cornell d. Giant Tana to retain the TCW World Hvywght B+

Randy Hopkirk d. Ricky Dale Johnson B+

Freddie Huggins D Steve Gumble for the All Action Title C

Hardcore Uproar d. Rick Law/Vinn Tanner to retain the Tag Titles B

Charlie Thatcher d. Demon Spite and Paul Steadyfast to retain the Hardcore title C+


USPW Freedom Fight 2,000 C


Jim Force d. Giant Redwood C

TRex d. Cpt. USA C

Savage Fury d. Eric the Bull/Al the Hillbilly for the tag titles C-

Darryl Devine d. Mic Muscles for the National Title C+

Pete the Hillbilly/Cheetah Boy d. Danny Rushmore/Patric Cool E

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MAW Old School Rules 2007 preview


Rip Cord presents

MAW Old School Rules

May 18, 2007

Stanley Hall

Here in Mid Atlantic, we harken back to the good ole days, When wraslin was real.....when combat was man on man....villians were hated and heros cheered, but we also are ready to continue the tradition, to write the next chapter....We celebrate Old School Rules.......

The card:

MAW Rip Cord Invitational winner Mainstream Hernendez continues his quest to gain a shot at MAW champion, Remmy Skye. Two months ago, he pinned Mikey James, last month he outlasted the Insane Machine. This month he must overcome a nemesis that is familar yet undefeated against him- Frankie Perez......Will Mainstream finally figure out the wildman?

Remmy Skye will also be in action battling the man he betrayed, American Elemental, will Elemental get revenge or will the dastardly West Coast Mafia villian hold on to his title?


Also on the card:

Eddie Howard vs. Jorge Washington

Atlas vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Masked Cougar vs. Antonio


Come on out for a night of exciting action as we add to the Old School Tradition of MAW with Old School Rules.

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Sunday Wk 2 May 2007


Well it is good to be in the business. You get a chance to review DVD before others....

Thursday I got a chance to watch SWF's Master of Puppets. It was a pretty good show. Enygma d Eric Eisen to retain the SWF Heavyweight title in the match of the night. Almighty Dollar retained over Randy B and Sam Keith. It was good to see the stars giving a good show.


Saturday night I was watching some of our talent from CZCW on their new DVD- Wanted Dead or Alive. Frankie had brought it in. It was good. I see lots of good things coming their way. Ota was doing a great job there and the workers really gave it their all. In the main event Ota and Jimmie P defeated the Forces of Nature. Donnie J went to a double DQ against Cpt USA to retain the CZ championship. The matches of the night went to Remmy Skye retaining against Insane Machine and Jeremiah Moose defeating Frankie Perez. I had to tell the guys they looked good on tape. Too bad Ota wanted way more than we could afford.

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Wk 3...May


Jean Cattley came into the office with a copy of the recent NYCW Reckless Life. "Here you go boss. Just like you wanted. I hope you know what I had to do to get it from D-Mack."

"Thanks Jean, are you on it?"


I settled back to enjoy another good show and scout...sometimes work is fun.

The opening match was not very good with the NY Doll going over Land Mass. The next two were better E. Chandler d. Wiley Stienway while one of my old friends- the Masked Mauler pined Coyote Dynamite. Then the card started picking up...Honest Frank and Steve Flash had the best match of the night with Frank picking up the win.

Jean was up next challenging Mr. America for his Tri-State regional title. Jean put up a good fight and came close. I had better be careful or Jean might be gone before long. He was one of the best trainers we had.

Well I was wrong, Grandmast Phunk and the Natural tore down the house. Phunk picked up the win...and I was very impressed.

It was a hard act to follow but Whistler retaining against Kurt Laramee.

Then the main event had a nice tag match between Travis Century/Big Problem and Team Dynasty. Century pulled the pin for his team to end a good show for the boys up north.

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USPW in May


We were two day away from Old School Rules and Rip comes into the room/office. "Kid come with me today." It wasn't a question, so up i jumped. We took a small plane into Little Rock. He was taking me to see USPW Declaration of Independence.

It was a hot night spring night, but a chance of a lifetime. Rip was giving me a running commentary of the hows and whys.


Rip: See kid, the opening match needs to get the crowd warmed up, but not too much action are they will be worn out for your big matches. Redwood is a real a$$ pushes himself way too much, but he can put some decent matches together with who he has. Take this first match, The Hillbillies are big lugs, but by putting them in the ring with Rushmore and Muscles in a short match, he made them look better than they were. Lots of rest holds, but power action too.


This next match was too much of the same, Java has some potential, but Eric the Bull is too slow. These two try, but the crowd really isn't into it. You can burn out the fans with too much of the same.


The National Title match is a good contrast. Devine can move and make Tribal Warrior look alot better than he is. Warrior looks big, mean, and tough a good challenge for Devine to rally to overcome....that's whats missing nowdays, good storytelling in the ring.


Now you know about Redwood, he booked himself to be the next threat to Force. I give Redwood his props, he's a big man, but he can't tell a story in the ring to save his a$$. Cpt. USA is looking tired. Working out on the west coast and flying in here is taking its toll, but he does know how to work a crowd.


Finally the main event, Jim Force vs. T-Rex 2000999. A good match for what these two bring to the table. Rex and Force are all 'brute' and looks. they can bring fans, but no story. Story is the main thing....Force retains to face Redwood again soon, but no story....Story in the ring, thats what makes our business special. That's what brings them back to see us next month and the next....not soap opera, not flash, story kid.


I thanked Rip for the show and the advice on our way home. Time to put the advice into action.

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